Sunday, February 26, 2012

Debate Blog 2: Persuasion

Persuasion: Watch the following Super Bowl Commercials (Only these two)

1. Name Date Hour

2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
a. VW:
Go to:
b. Chevy: Go to:

3. Write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, describe the VW commercial in detail. Then in the second, describe the Chevy commercial in detail.

4. Write one paragraph using comparison and contrast methods, and then choosing which was the most entertaining (not persuasive) and why?


  1. 1. Matt Strong 2/29/12 MW2

    2. Think out of the box.

    3. The Volkswagen commercial was about a dog who wanted to chase a Volkswagen. He weighed too much to get through the doggy door. So he decided to get exercise to lose some weight. Then eventually he ended up getting through the door and being able to chase the car.
    The Chevy commercial was about the possible apocalypse that will happen this year. The Earth was destroyed and obliterated. Then a guy in a Chevy Silverado turned his lights on and drove out of rubble to go meet his friends. They all met and said one of them didn't make it because he drove a Ford. Then he gets offered a Twinkie and everything is fine.

    4. Both commercials were good, but I think the Chevy commercial is better because it shows what the world could look like in 500 billion years when it ends. The Volkswagen commercial wasn't too good because they didn't show the car a lot. They only showed what the car looks like for about 5 seconds. All of that other time in the commercial was spent on the dog and the bar in Star Wars. In the Chevy commercial, more than half of the commercial showed the actual car. That's what I liked because I got a good look at the car.

  2. Halle Chiarelli MW2 2-29-12

    2. Chevy LL- Nothing is ever better than the other, they are just different in their own ways.
    VW LL- Hard work leads to better things.

    The VW advertised a dog that wanted to chase theVW down the street. Although the dog was too fat to get out of the doggy door. The dog then ran up and down the stairs to get in shape. Not only did he do that, but he also gave up scrap food that wouldn't do him any good. He also did other things like swimming and running to help him get into shape. The dog then lost a lot of weight and was able to fit out the doggy door and then he could chase the car.

    The Chevy commercial had advertised how tough a Chevy truck can be through mass destruction. There were four buddies who all drove out of a mess and met to a center spot. One of the friends didn't make it. The other friend asked why and he said that it was because he drove a Ford. The friend that didn't make it drove a Ford and made Chevy trucks look better.

    3. The Chevy commercial proves how good of a car it is and how well it does with major things and still have good up keep. The VW commercial didn't show if it was a good and protective car. The Chevy commercial showed more for how tough and durable it is, and the VW commercial showed more of how nice of a car it was. The Chevy commercial was more entertaining. It was more entertaining to me because the whole commercial was mainly about the car. The VW commercial focused more on the dog then it did on the car. The VW commercial didn't seem to be on topic. The Chevy commercial was better overall.

  3. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 2/29/12

    VW: If your not healthy, then your missing out life.
    Chevy: If you don't own a chevy, then you will not survive the ending of the world.

    3. The VW commercial showed how there knew car drove by and there was a dog who want to ride in it or something. The dog tried running through the little dog door but didn't fit through. Since he couldn't fit through, he started to work out and exercise. He started pulling weights on a blanket around and started to run a lot. One day the car drove by the house again and the dog started barking. Then the dog ran right through the doggy door and sprinted after the car. Then the it was shown on a commercial on a tv in some Star Wars bar and guys started fighting about what they liked the most.
    In the Chevy pickup commercial showed that the after life thing of the end of the world that is supposed to happen in 2012. After it was showing around what happened then it showed a guy and his dog in one of Chevy's Silverado trucks. He turned her truck on and drove out of a whole bunch of broken concrete and rocks. He drove around looking at what had happen. Had showed a giant robot head and the Big Boy mahican like thing that is on top of the BIg boy buildings. It was on the ground with the burger on fire and then it showed him driving past a space ship crashed into the ground. After awhile of driving around his friends all found each other and they were all in their Chevy pickups and then they got out. The main guy asked where their friend Dave was and another guy said he didn't make it because he had a Ford and not a Chevy. Then a guy offered a Twinkie to the main guy in the commercial.

    4. The most entertaining commercial was the Chevy commercial because it was a new commercial and was more interesting. The VW commercial was the same as other commercials and it gets old after awhile showing a dog wanting to get something so it starts to work out and exercise. The Star Wars parts in all these commercials get old also, so most people would probably like the Chevy commercial was a better one since it showed like how the world will be ending. The scenes in the commercial showed a lot of detail and unique things you do not see in commercials.

  4. 1. Eddie Roberts, 2-29-12, mw2
    2. Dogs have feelings too.
    2. Twinkies last forever.
    3. In the VW commercial a VW passes by and this dog tries to go chase it but it is too fat. The dog starts to exercise more by swimming, yoga, dragging weights, and not eating food that his owners drop on the ground. By the time the next VW drives by the dog runs out of te cat door and chases the car. The it says VW is back and better than ever!
    In the chevy commercial the world evnds from this apocalypse and out of the gravel a chevy truck pulls out and starts driving around. Everything is destroyed and he meets up with his friends somewhere. He gets out and says where's Dave and one of his friends said dave didn't drive the longest lasting, most dependable truck. He drove a ford. Then they eat twinkies because they are said to last forever.
    4. The dog in the VW commercial was very funny. The twinkie part in the chevy commercial was pretty funny also. The chevy commercials was a little more boring than the VW commercial. The chevy commercial had a good background and story behind it but so did the VW and it was more interesting. The VW commercial was more entertaining and a lot funnier.

  5. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 2-29-12 MW2

    2. 1. Dogs know how to exercise.

    2. Chevy can save us from the end of the world.

    3. In the VW commercial, there was a dog who was trying to catch up to a car but couldn't fit through it's dog door. He finally realizes that he is too fat and decides to start to exercise. First he walks up and down the stairs in his home. Then he runs on a treadmill. Then he stats pulling weights back and forth. Does some yoga, doesn't eat food dropped on the floor, and then goes swimming. The commercial ends with someone saying that the dog was better than the Vadar kid. So the Vadar kid starts choking that guy, and he apologizes to the Vadar kid.
    In the second commercial, the end of the world came. Then you see headlights and a car comes out of the rubble. As the person is driving, it looks like there are no other survivors, but then he comes to a stop with a group of other people who drove almost the same exact car. They ask where's Dave. They answer by saying that he didn't drive a chevy, but a Ford and that he didn't make it. The commercial ends with one of the guys asking if they wanted a Twinkie.

    4. The VW commercial was more entertaining because the dog was exercised. Dogs don't really exercise, but thats the entertaining part of it. And at first he couldn't even fit out of his door. He tried so hard but couldn't. That's why he started exercising. And by the end he finally could fit out of his door. And then there was the Vadar kid and some of the people from Star Wars watching the commercial and the Vadar kid started choking the guy who said that the dog was better than the Vadar kid.

  6. 1. Evan Bauer 2/29/12 MW2 revision

    2. LL: Even in the end of the world Chevy is there
    LL: The Dog is back and better then before

    3. Write two paragraphs. In the first commercial it show how there is a unfit dog wanting to chase after a VW. but he can't because of how fat he is. The dog is sad and goes to work out to get better and more fit. He does all these excursuses to help him get skinner, so he can fit through the doggy door. He gets fit and runs out the door with confidence in casing the VW. The message was that the new VW was fitter then ever before like the dog was.
    In the second the chevy commercial show that the end of the world happened in 2012. Out of the rubble from the fallen buildings a chevy truck rolles out and starts to drive through the world. The guy in the truck comes out and starts to talk with these 3 other guys that drove there chevy there. They said that larry wasn't there because he drove a ford and not a chevy. The message was that the Chevy car is the most dependable truck on the road.

    4. The VW commercial was pretty good. It was better then Chevys because they picked a good song and they didn't target an other competitors like the Chevy commercial did. Chevy at the end insulted Ford they could have cut that out and the commercial still would have been fine. The VW and Chevy commercial had a plot that every one could connect to like VW was the unfit dog, and Chevy was the end of the world but The commercial that was the best was The VW. Dogs are wonderful and the short story or message of that was that the VW builders have been lazy but there back and built a car that is better then ever.

  7. 1. Payton Rentsch, 2-29-12

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commercial. Go to the following links
    a. VW: never say never if you have a goal go for it, like the dog he needed to lose a few pounds and he didn't give up.
    b. Chevy: The end of the world is coming.
    3.The VW commercial was weird, First the dog sees a car and tries to run after it but he is a few pounds over weight. So the dog starts playing with the ball running up and down the stairs. Then he runs on the treadmill. After he was laying on the ground and the little kid was dropping food for him he didn't eat it. Then a VW drives by and he runs out the doggie door and he catches up to the VW and it speeds away. At the end they have a man talking bad about Dark Vader and Dark vader comes and Uses something and the guy can't breath for 3 seconds then he apologizes to Dark Vader. At the end the part with Dark vader in the commercial was confusing.
    The Chevy commercial was about long lasting trucks. THe apocalypse happend and the truck was under a bunch of garbage. The truck drives out from under the garbage. He drives around with his dog in the backseat. Then he is with his friends that are driving Chevys. His friend has Twinkies. The guy thats driving the truck asks where his other friend is and they say "He drove a Ford".

    4. The VW was most entertaining, it was funny new and just better than Chevy. Chevy was just out to diss ford, it was boring they had nothing funny about it. Both commercials had dogs and cars. VW had the dog acting like a dog Chevy just had the dog sitting there. Chevy was to real and it was depressing to watch even though they made it. VW was happy the dog ran after the car it was cute just like dogs do. Also when they dog did yoga that was cute and entertaining.

  8. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 2-29-12 MW2

    2. a. Determination.
    b. The world is going to end!!!!

    3.The VW commercial involved a brown and white dog that was over weight. The dog saw a red VW Bug and wanted to run after it. Sadly enough he could not fit through the doggy door! After that he realized that he had to get in shape. He started to do various exercises like rolling a tennis ball down stairs and retrieving it, and dragging weights on a rug. He got skinnier enough to the point that when the car came again, he could fit through the doggy door and chase the car! The characters of Starwars were watching the commercial. Three people were having an argument over which commercial was better, the Darth Vader one or this one. Darth Vader came in and used the force on the guy that said that the dog one was better.
    In the Chevy commercial, the 2012 apocalypse happened. The country is torn apart. Building have crumbled down, houses were gone. All of a sudden, a Chevy pick-up truck appears out of the rebel and drives through the town. Robots were destroyed, Alien spacecrafts crash landed on the roads, volcanos looked like they were about to erupt. Then he makes it to his destination where his friends are there, but one is missing. Dave. Dave drove a Ford and didn't make it. Then they all eat a Twinkie!!!

    4. The Volkswagon commercial was more entertaining. Unlike the Chevy commercial, the Volkswagon was more funny and more cute, but didn't show much information about the car itself. The Chevy commercial had a story that everyone knows about, the Mayan prediction of the end of the world. It told about how the car, in this case a Silverado, is dependable, and will last. There was a little mudslinging with Ford and how it would last. Both commercials were great, but Chevy gets my vote.

  9. 1. Zack fuller mw2 2-29-12

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commercial. Go to the following links
    a. VW:  If you put your mind to it you can do it.
    b. Chevy:  Better be safe than sorry

    3. The Volkswagen commercial was focusing on a dog that wanted to chase cars really bad. The dog could not fit through his doggie door and could not chase the cars. So he puts him self on diet and excise. He walks on the tread mill then pulls weight around to get his excise. He also wont eat any food his owner puts on ground for him. This shows that he really wants to chase cars and he will stick to his goal. Then the dog is relaxing and a car drives by and he runs through his door and chases the cars. But this is a commercial inside a commercial and it was a tv in side a star wars bar.
    The Chevy commercial and it is about a guy who has a chevy pick up and a Apocalypse happened. They were saved by there Chevy pickup and drove through the town to meet some friends. That also survived on way there were meteoroids and UFOs. They made it and they guy wonder where dave was and someone said “ he did not make it because he owned a ford.” Then the guy gets offered a a Twinkle to make him fell better. Then frogs start to rain from the sky.

    4. The commercials shared some things and also had big differences one did not have a apocalypse and a city destroyed by meteoroids and ufos. But they both had dogs in them so dogs probably help says because they are cool and people like them. They also were both The commercial I like is the VW because the dog is trying to get outside and it is more up beat music. Then I am not a fan of 2012 myths and they freak me out. The VW had a dog trying more and more over a couple season they showed winter spring and summer so the dog was in it for the long run witch I like to stick to goals and reach them.

  10. 1. Sam Love 2/29/11 mw2

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commercial.

    a. VW LL: Do something good for yourself.

    b. Chevy LL: Chevy's make past the end of the world.

    3. The Volkswagen commercial there was a golden retriever, the dog went to chase the Volkswagen but got stuck in the dog door since it was over weight. The dog then started to exercise, by rolling a ball down the stairs then goes to get it then brings it back and did it over and over. The dog also exercised on a exercise ball while watching for of those workout programs on TV. The dog then lost wait and was able to go outside and play around in the pool. Then when the car drove by again it was able to go through the dog door and chase it. Then it went to a Star wars type of scene where they were in a cafe and watching the commercial. One of the men said the dog was funnier then the Vader kid. Darth Vader then started chocking the man with the force and then walked out.

    The Chevy commercial was based on the world ending. There was a newspaper saying "2012 Mayan Apocalypse" The Chevy pickup then drove out of a mound of rubble from parts of a bridge that broke off, there was one person in it and a dog in the back seat. The truck was then driving through the town that was destroyed and their were giant alien robot parts and even an UFO. He then saw other people who were standing next to their Chevy's. He asked where some was at and one of the men said that he didn't drive to longest lasting truck, he drove a ford and didn't make it. Then one of the other men had a box of Twinkies and gave them one. Then frogs started raining from the sky.

    4. The Chevy commercial had been using ideas that have been spread around the last few years about the World coming to an end. The Volkswagen commercial had shown a dog that was overweight and the dog exercising then loosing the weight and doing all of the things he used to do. Then it chased the car which in the beginning it was unable to do. The Volkswagen was the most entertaining, because it showed the dog doing things to loose wait and go back to the things he loved to do. It was to be entertaining and funny instead of just going on and on about their car.

  11. 1. Nick Norman MW2 2.29.12 (repost)

    2.Lessoned Learns
    VW- Dogs can exercise
    Chevy- Theres no car that can't handle anything.

    3. The Volkswagen commercial was very entertaining and it made me laugh. You may have thought that it was about making dogs exercise if you didn't look at the title. It showed that the car was a nice fast one and that the dog couldn't catch up to it. There was nothing wrong with the car so that would make it more persuasive.

    The Chevy commercial was good. They show that if the world collapsed and brick fell on a chevy, nothing would break. The Chevy was strong enough to survive the fall and it was able to get out. They were going more towards stronger and bigger cars where the Volkswagen went for smaller cars but faster.

    4. In my opinion the VW was more entertaining for a couple reasons. One, it has comedy in it and it's not as serious as the other one. Chevy only had one funny part in it which was at the end. Another reason the VW is more entertaining is because when I saw the dog, it made me think on what it was going to do. But at the end people seemed to focus on the dog which made it more entertaining.

  12. Riley Hafner MW2 2/29/12
    a) Work hard and you can accomplish anything
    b) The end of the world might not be true
    In the VW commercial a dog is at home and sees a car passing by and he really wants to chase it. The only problem is he can't fit through the doggy door because he is to fat. He goes and looks at himself in the mirror and realizes that he needs to make a change so he starts exercising and he doesn't eat the scraps from the table any more. After a long time of working hard and getting fit the dog sees the car again and can finally fit through the doggy door so he runs out of the house and chases the car which is a VW. The car really changed to dogs life by giving him something to work for. But then it shows in a bar all the people from Star Wars and they were acting lik they had just watched that commercial and one of the guys says something and Darth Vader chokes him with his mind powers.
    In the Chevy commercial the rubble from a broken down, torn apart city was all over the place. The 2012 apocalypse had happened. All of a sudden these lights apear under some stone and brick and out pushed a Chevy truck. Inside are a man and his dog. As the guy drives he is staring at all the destruction and then he meets up with two other guys and he gets out. All the other guys are driving Chevy trucks as well. One of them asks "Where is Dave?" and the reply was "Dave didn't make it. He didn't drive a Chevy." Then they pass him a Twinky (because they are said to last forever) and then frogs rain from the sky (like it did in the bible). In the end it proves that Chevy is long lasting.
    The VW was more entertaining because it was funny watching the dog work out and get fit. He was dragging the weights and bouncing on the exercise ball. He ran in the yard and finally he could fit through the doggy door so that he could chase the car. The reason the Chevy commercial was not entertaining was because it was really serious and at the end it started raining frogs like it does in the Bible and its almost like they are making fun of the Lords work. The only good part about that commercial was when they have a box of Twinkies because everyone says that Twinkies last forever. Other then that there was nothing good about that commercial.

  13. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 2/29/12

    2. Dogs like to chase Volkswagons.
    Dogs like to ride in Chevy Silverados.

    3. In the Volkswagen commercial, a dog is trying to get back in shape. It saw a Volkswagon drive by and when it tried to go out the dog door to chase it, it couldn't make it through because it was to fat. The dog startsto work out and becomes skinny again. It sees the Volkswagon drive by again and when it goes to chase it this time he makes it through the dog door. In the end it compares the Volkswagon to the dog by saying that it is back and better than ever.
    The Chevy Silverado was shown driving out of a broken down, burning city. There is a man and a dog in the car and they were driving to meet their friends that also had Chevys and made it out of the disaster. They said one of their friends didn't make it because he drove a ford. Then one of the guys handed another guy a twinky and frogs started falling from the sky. The people who made this commercial were trying to get a point across to the viewers that the Chevy Silverado is a dependable car and is very durable.

    4. The Volkswagon was saying that it is back and better than ever, so the people who created that commercial were really focusing on the quality of the car and how its become better than its ever been. The Chevy commercial was focusing on getting a point across to the viewers by saying it how its a dependable car and that it is very durable. The Volkswagon was more entertaining because it had a better story to it. The dog and the car were a good comparison. The Chevy commercial was boring and didn't have a good story to it.

  14. 1.Mckenzie Barth MW2 2-29-12

    3.Summertime was in the air. A dog looks out the window while resting on the couch to see a car go quickly past the house. He jumps up to go and chase it, but he faced a problem. Bolt (the dog) was a bit too chubby to fit through the doggy door, so he could not chase cars. Bolt goes to a mirror and is viewing himself then begins doing some workouts. Up and down the stairs, pulling weights around went Bolt. After some exercise videos and self control from falling food Bolt even went for a swim. In the end he shows some great agility and is able to chase the car. Sitting in a restaurant are some Star Wars characters and Darth Vader choked a man with the force for a few seconds. The StarWars characters were watching the VW commercial. VW is a small fast car.

    It was dark and dreary with debris everywhere. The day had come that everyone had dreaded. It was the end of the world. Rubble was blowing everywhere and the city seemed like a ghost town. Lights flash out of some debris and you see a truck. A Chevy truck. The truck drives through the debris looking at all of the fire and wrecked buildings. All kinds of stuff is lying on the streets. The man reaches a point where he stops and gets out of the car. He had found some of his friends. On the side stands a man eating a box of Twinkie’s. “Dave” is a apparently missing. An older man with a plaid shirt said “Dave drove a Ford.” Sad music began playing and everyones heads slowly dropped.
    “Twinkie? offers the man with the box of Twinkie’s. The truck driver from earlier in the video takes a Twinkie and the music becomes more happy. Frogs rain down from the sky and bounce off of the dusty Chevy truck. Chevy can last through 2012.

    4. In the VW commercial reminded me of most Americans. Lots of people are trying to get fit just like the dog in that commercial, however in the Chevy commercial they were eating Twinkie’s. Which is the exact opposite. The Chevy commercial reminded me of American’s too because thats what people like to eat. Comparing the cars I would say that Chevy

  15. Chiera Palamar MW2 February 29th

    2a. If an apocalypse really looks like that id be scared for my life to live threw it.

    2b. Dogs can work out.

    In the VW commercial this dog wants to chase after the VW. When the dog gets up to run for the back door, he realizes that hes over weight and cant fit threw the hole. Then he looks at him self threw the mirror for 3 seconds. Then he starts working out doing things such as, chasing a ball down the stairs, running on the treadmill, pulling weights on a towel cloth across the wood floor, aerobics, not eating food off the floor last but not least running back and forth in the back yard. When the dog taks a look at him self in the mirror after doing a months worth of working out he barks as if he is all that. He then hears the car (VW). He runs down the stairs and out the back door and chases the VW.

    In the Chevy commercial they are showing this view of the world destroyed, buildings, homes, rodes, all torn apart. Then they angle the camera more into the city, you see this newspaper that says "2012 Mayan apocalypse will the world end today." Then all you hear is "vroom" and you see these bright lights apear threw the rubble. The Chevy Silverado pushed threw the gravel and stone. Smiling and listening to music with the dog in the back seat he heads to a meeting spot. When he gets to the meeting spot you see the past 4 generations of chevy trucks. The man asks his group of friends "wheres dave?" the older man replied "dave bought a ford." The man with a Twinkie box asked if anyone wants a Twinkie.

    The Chevy commercial was the most entertaining. Because im always joking about how if a apocalypse ever happens im going to be pushing threw the rubble and etc with my chevy truck. The fact that they based it kinda on a realistic bases made it entertaining. Plus in the movie Zombieland, Tallahassee is crazy about Twinkie's thats what his main mission threw the movie was, he just wanted a Twinkie! The commercial for the Chevy didn't "carry on" like the VW commercial, as well, it made it more interesting to see what the point of it was.

  16. 1. Malorie Moen 2/29/12 MW2
    2. a. VW: Anything is possible no matter who you are.
    b. Chevy: It's better to be safe, then sorry.
    3. In the Volkswagen commercial, it shows a an overweight dog that is doing everything he can to lose weight. He wanted to lose weight so that he would be able to chase after cars. He ran back and forth outside, didn't eat the food that fell on the floor, swam in the pool, and he could finally fit through the doggy door. At the end he chased the Volkswagen, just like he always wanted to. Then, the dog made it on a commercial for Volkswagen cars and the commercial was shown on a TV in a star wars bar.
    In the Chevy commercial, it shows a guy driving around in a Chevy Silverado 2012, and as he's driving around he sees that the world has ended. He drives to a certain area where he was supposed to meet his friends. Unfortunately, one of his friends didn't make it to the meeting. All of his friends had a Chevy truck, except for Dave, the one who didn't make it because he had a Ford truck. At the end, one of his friend's offers him a Twinkie, because Twinkies are supposed to last for a really long time. In this commercial it showed that Chevy trucks last a long time, and are safer.
    4. The Volkswagen commercial had more of a story to it. The Chevy commercial seemed to advertise the truck more than tell a story. The Volkswagen commercial was more entertaining, because it showed the whole story of the dog. Also, it taught a good lesson, that anything is possible, no matter who you are. The Chevy commercial made more sense for a car commercial, but it wasn't as interesting.

  17. 1. Matt Pankow 2-29-12


    3.The VW commercial started off by having a dog being lazy on the couch. While the dog was laying on the couch the VW beetle drove by and the dog was thinking about chasing it so he got up and went to his doggy door. Once he got to the dog door the car was already gone and he decide to come back inside. Once he got back inside it took us to a scene where the dog is in a room with a mirror and is looking at himself thinking that if he wasn't a lil chubby like he is he may be able to run with the beetle. After he was done staring at him self they started to play some fast paced music and he dog would drop his toy down the steps and would chase to get it then bring it back up and drop it again for training. He next was running on the tread mill to get faster. After he was done jogging he pulled a mat with weight's on it with him mouth. Then he tries to do some yoga exercises with the ball. After he was done doing yoga he was laying by a little kids high chair and the kid was dropping food all over the floor and the dog had to stay strong to not eat it. After that he was outside running a sprint kinda thing in the snow then it showed him doing the same thing in the summer time. After he was done running he went for a little swim. After a while of training he was looking at himself in the mirror again and looked more confident. When he heard the car go by again he was ready and was running with it and it showed him being more fit and more confident.
    "anything is possible"
    In the chevy commercial it started off by having it look like the world has ended and there was nothing left. Then under all this rubble you hear a truck start and see headlights and a truck begins to drive out. It was a terrible chevy truck. after a while of driving around all the fallen rebel he catches up to most of his friends and they have all there chevy trucks with them and its showing they survived to. Once the man and his dog pulled up he got out and walked up to his friends and asked "wheres dave" then one of the guys said "dave drove a ford". He said " oh " then one of the guys had a cardboard box with twinkles and he gave the guy a Twinkie.
    "Its possible to survive the ending of the world"

    4. In the VW commercial there was a dog. In the chevy commercial there was a dog. VW's commercial had a automobile. Chevys commercial had a automobile. There was people in the chevy commercial. There were no people present in the VW commercial. the Vw commercial was more entertains because of it not bashing any other car brands and it being funny. The chevy commercial was boring and sort of gave u a sad feeling. Over all Ford is the better car brand and VW made a better commercial.

  18. Mikal LaButte 2/29/12 MW2

    (chevy) The longest lasting truck (VW) The bug is better then the old ones.

    3. The Volks Wagon commercial was a good commercial for people who like VW's. The commercial had the dog in it to get people interested on watching the commercial. If it didn't have have the dog and the music i bet that the people wouldn't watch it. This commercial is strange at the end but over all this is a good commercial.

    3B. The Chevy commercial is a good comercial for men/women who are looking to buy a truck. It says that the best truck is Chevy not Ford, Toyota ETC. They probably made this commercial to get more sales and if you own a chevy and the world ends you will live because you own the worlds longest lasting truck.

    4. Both of the commercials were good. In both of the commercial they were trying to get more business. Apparently the world will end in 2012 and if you own a Chevy you will live through the end of the world. The VW likes to get chased by dogs and the dog was to overweight and couldn't get out of the door so he started to work out and then towards the end of the commercial you see that the dog finely gets to chase the car. The Chevy comercial was better overall.

  19. 1.Kira D'Agostino 2/29/12 MW2
    2.VW: Working hard gives you great results.
    Chevy: Choose wisely.
    3. The VW commercial was a good example of what most of us feel like. We are over weight so that sometimes we can't get to where are happiness awaits us. The dog proved a good point, if you work hard than you will push past the wall that was not allowing you to pass. It's hard work, it's not easy losing weight, never has been never will be. Do certain things that will let you achieve your goal whether it's going on a diet or working out more. It mat be hard and you may feel like you can't do it but you can and with the right inspiration you will succeed. And that one thing that you have been waiting for is now within your reach.
    The Chevy commercial shows that an Apocalypse has come and destroyed the city in which they are making the scene. You see a truck pull out from all of the rumble and slowly drive through the mess of the old city they called home. When the man finally reaches his buddies and asks "Where's Dave?" The other man explained they he was driving a Ford. It's got great effects and it looks cool but they shouldn't have said what they did about Ford. When another car company is put in the commercial for a totally different company they are usually going to compare it to their product. Why would they put another company in their video? They might want to show people to not by the Ford trucks but then again who will believe them? This is if the world ended and it surely hasn't. What if they were giving out false information and the Ford is actually the better choice? Just make sure that you always have your facts accurately correct.
    4. In my opinion I liked the Volkswagen commercial better the the Chevy truck commercial. The truck showed the world ending and all but it also bad dogged Ford. The dog commercial showed a heart warming story and and cute one at that. The dog commercial showed a life lesson the Chevy did not. The dog showed that always stay to your goals and you will achieve them. They Chevy did not. The Volkswagen commercial was more entertaining because you were able to watch him throughout his hard struggles. The Chevy commercial would have been my choice if they hadn't of talked bad about Ford. That just doesn't seem like the right thing to do. I wouldn't be surprised if one of Ford's upcoming commercials said bad reviews about the Chevy. All in all the dog was adorable had a good life story and was the best in my eyes.

  20. LeAnn Howe MW2 2-29-12

    2 a. Achieving starts with believing.
    b. Be prepared for anything.

    3. In the VW commercial it starts off with a chunky dog laying on a couch. The dog sees a VW drive away through a window. He tries to go after the car but he does not fit through the doggy door. This makes the animal upset. As he looks into the mirror, you can see that the dog disappointed with what is looking back at him in the mirror. This makes the dog motivated to change. At first, the dog starts going up and down stair with a ball. After going up and down the stairs, running on a treadmill comes next. The dog exercises more until he is happy with himself and is in great shape. When the VW goes by the dog is able to go through the doggy door and chase after the car.
    The Chevy commercial starts will showing a town. This town has been brutally attacked a mayan apocalypse. It's burt and smoking. There is barely anything left. Appearing out of the rubble is two headlights to a Chevy truck. The song "Looks Like We Made It" comes on and you see the car owner smiling at his dog in the backseat. They drive until they meet up with other truck owners. Apparently Dave didn't the longest lasting most dependable truck so he didn't make it. Another guy that was there asked if anyone wanted a Twinkie and then frogs started to fall from the sky.

    4. In both of the car commercials there was a dog. In the VW commercial the dog wasn't happy until he lost some weight. The Chevy dog was happy the whole time. The VW commercial was more focused on the transformation of the dog. The Chevy one was more focused on the car. The most entertaining was the Chevy commercials. This is because the detail of the town was amazing and it kept me wondering what was going to happen.

  21. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 2/29/12 MW2

    2. A. When not healthy you could be missing out on life.
    B. That even if it's not the end of the world shouldn't you be prepared for it.

    3. The VW commercial in my opinion was very creative, showing that everyone can get fit. It did nothing for me in the Darth Vader scene at the end but it didn't take to much away from the commercial as a whole. It showed that just like the dog did, it took a lot of hard work to make this car better. And at the end they were both redefined and looked better then ever. Overall it was enjoyable and fantastically creativity.

    In the Chevy commercial it was good but also I was not happy with it. Toward the end it mentioned Ford as an unreliable car. It made me very disappointed in that because that every car company in the United States is struggling so why make it harder on them. The commercial would have been successful without that statement. It was neat how there message was like the car was so protective that it could withstand the world ending, and the Twinkies at the end was a cool idea like the littlest things can make you happy when all is gone or lost.

    4. Both commercials had one thing in common and that is that they drew my in. I really wanted to see what was coming up next. They both had a very different mood though, the VW was very motivating to work out but the Chevy was depressing in some ways. But the good thing is that they both ended in a happy manor. The most entertaining commercial was the Chevy. It was cool that they incorporated the theory of the end of the world in there so it made me want to see more.

  22. 1.Megan Gunderson Mw2 2-29-12
    2.A The Volkswagen will help you get out and be active
    B The Chevy silverado is the car that will keep you friends and family safe
    The cute dog shows up and he trying to chase the Volkswagen beetle.He tries to get in shape so he can get in shape with the car.Bolt, the dog makes his own workout plan to get in shape.This include going up and down stair, swimming, pulling around weights, doggie yoga and, running on a treadmill. Then the commercial shows monsters at a bar.Then this shark looking monster gets into a fight with Darth vator about who's commercial was better.The commercial kind of shows you that the car is a family car.It is sleek and fast to get you where you need to be.

    The screen appears.You see mass destruction. Buildings crushed.Houses flattened.Then out pops the chevy silverado from beth rubble and dust. He drives down road looking out his window.It shows you things out of the extraordinary. Alien ships, a robots head ,big boy on fire, and active volcanos.Then he stop in a clearing wit a bunch of other chevy trucks. He gets out and asks his friend "wheres dave".His friend replies " Dave didn't drive the most dependable long lasting car on the road.he drove a ford."They then look down in sadness.then a man offers him a Twinkie. The commercial then ends and your still think about the man going Twinkie!

    The Volkswagen had the family touch to it.It was a car that could get you need to be.It reminded me of soccer moms always trying to get their children to the Volkswagen the commercial is trying to say we will help you get where you family needs to be.Where the chevy silverado has a different approach.The chevy is trying to say we care about your family.The chevy is the best car to pick because it is safe to drive.The chevy will last the longest unlike the want the chevy because the truck is durable and shield you from dander.In this case the chevy silverado is the best choice. Wouldn't you want a car that is safe and durable rather than a car that is fast and will get you out of the house, just like all the other cars?

  23. 1. Henry Haidler, 2/29/12, MW2

    2. Watched

    3. In the VW commercial a dog wanted to chase the new VW but it was too overweight to do it. So the dog worked out until it was able to get through the door. The dog ran on the treadmill, Dropped its ball down the steps then ran down got it and ran back up, pulled weights, denied good food, ran more and swam. After the dog did that it felt achieved and looked hot! The camera zoomed out and then revealed it was a comercial in the bar from star wars and a group of buddies were arguing over who was funnier vader or the dog. When one of the guys said the dog was better vader started to use the force and choke him from across the bar and after he stopped the man said sorry.

    In the Chevy commercial there was a world apocalypse and it seems that nobody had made it through the mayhem. Then all of a sudden lights turn on from the rubble and out rolls a new chevy silverado, the longest lasting most dependable truck on the road with a man and his trusty dog. He travels around the city and around a large hill to see the destruction that he had just survived. He then meets up with other men that drove the new silverado and asks "Where's Dave?" The other man replies "Dave didn't drive the longest lasting most dependable truck on the road... Dave drove a ford." The mood darkens as he mourns over the loss of a friend but a generous man asks if he wants a twinkie and of course he replys "Yeah!"

    4. In the VW commercial it uses very energizing and fun music while the dog is training. In the Silverado commercial it uses very sad music in the beginning that sets the mood for the ending of the world but then gets better since there are survivors. I think that the VW commercial was more entertaining because it had very up beat music and had more action. In the chevrolet commercial if it had more of the action before the survivors were revealed I think it would have been more entertaining.

    Lesson Learned:
    VW:Dogs love to chase volkswagens
    Chevy: Better be safe than sorry

  24. 1. Joshua Helm/2-29-12/MW2

    2a. Exercise can do anyone a big help.

    b. Even durability can survive an apocalypse.

    3. In the VW commercial the dog sees the car drive by and he wants to chase it, but he realizes he is a chubby dog. So he begins to work out. He runs on a treadmill, pulls weights around, and Chases a ball down stairs. He gets thin again and sees the car again he chases it matching it's speed and he is still chasing the car as commercial cuts to black.

    In the Chevy Silverado commercial it's doomsday, out of the rubble headlights shine and a chevy silverado emerges. The man and his dog drive to a meeting point where more chevy silverados are met and they all emerge their friend is dead because he bought a Ford instead of a Chevy Silverado. One of the other survivors offers the man with the dog a twinkie.

    4. The Volkswagon and Chevy are Both powerful vehicles, The Chevy has durability that can survive the apocalypse. The Volkswagon has a "big" dog work to catch it in a entertaining montage of the dog excersing. The Chevrolet has a more entertaining commercial in my opinion.

  25. 1. Seth Wilson, Feb-29-12, MW4

    2. VW: Always work hard towards your dreams. Chevy so reliable it can survive the end of the world.

    3.The first one starts wit ha dog thats fat, he tries to chase a VW but can't fit through the dog door. Then he trains himself into being fit and finally chases the car. At the end there are a bunch of Star Wars characters that talk about the commercial.
    The Chevy commercial starts in what looks like a town after a nuclear war or something and it shows a newspapers that states that the world is ending, then a truck starts up. A man and his dog are in it and the go through the city. They then find theres friends and they say one of there friends are missing because he didn't drive a Chevy and he had a Ford. A friend then says '' Want a Twinkie?''.

    4.The two commercials were very good, but the Chevy one was better in my opinion. It was better to me because, it was very well played out and funny. The best part of it was the Twinkies at the end, because everybody knows that Twinkies are supposed to survive the end of the world. Where the best part of the VW commercial was simply the dog being fat and for the most part that wasn't very funny or really thought out much. It also didn't have any joke like the Twinkie one in the Chevy commercial did.

  26. 1. Ian Grady 2-29-2012 MW4

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commercial.
    a. Work results in success.
    b. Durable keeps you alive.

    3. In the VW commercial, there was a dog who was extremely overweight and he wanted to run with his master's car. so he decided to work out and not eat food dropped on the floor and he sees the car drive by again and he runs along side it. Then it fades into the Mos Eisley Cantina and someone from star wars says the dog is more entertaining than the Darth Vader kid commercial last year.

    In the Chevrolet commercial, there was a scene of the end of the world in 2012 and there was a Chevy Silverado that emerged from the rubble and the guy drove to a meeting point with all his friends in Chevys and he asks where his one friend Dave is and his friends say he didn't make it because he bought a Ford. Then his friend offers him a Twinkie.

    4. The chevy was more persuasive because it showed how durable their truck is. However, in the VW commercial it was more centered on the dog than what the car could do. Overall, the Chevrolet commercial was more entertaining than the VW commercial.

  27. 1. Aaron Durham, 2-29-12, MW4

    2. Achieve Greatness With One Thing Close To You, Do Before It Is Too Late.

    3. The VW commercial meant to say that the dog was getting sick of watching the car drive by and him not being able to get a good look at it so he tries to get through his pet door and he doesn't fit, so he looks at him self in the mirror and notices he has a weight problem. so the commercial shows him starting to workout more using the treadmill swimming and cutting back his diet and eventually in the summer he saw the car drive by so he hops out of the pet door runs through the trees and gets right next to the car, and its faster than he is.

    The Chevy commercial was meant to say that there trucks could survive anything by showing the world in its apocalyptic form and a group of friends all bought Chevys so they could survive the apocalypse and when they all. Re-united they ask were there friend dave is and one, friend speaks out and say's dave didn't make it, he drove a ford meaning. that fords can't go through things chevy trucks can go through.

    4. They both had great points but if someone had to choose which one was more persuasive im positive they would pick the Chevy commercial simply because it actually tells you that Chevy's are proven to last long and endure anything but it made the point clear fords cant, the VW commercial didn't explain much about their car.

  28. 1. Kyle Gonos 2-29-12 MW4

    a. VW LL: When your fit you can do more.
    b. Chevy LL: Always be prepared.

    3. In the VW commercial there is a dog and his owner. The owner is driving a VW and the dog sees him drive by so he tries to go run with him. But theres one little problem, the dog doesn't fit through doggie hole. So after he realizes he can't make it through he takes a look at himself in the mirror and doesn't like what he sees. In that case he started to workout and get fit. When the dog gets fit enough to fit through the doggie hole he is anxious for his owner to drive by again. When that moment came the dog zoomed through the doggie hole and ran with his owner.
    The Chevy commercial was taking a shot at Ford. At first you see everything destroyed and no one. Then a Chevy Silverado drives through the rubble. The driver has a dog in the back of his truck and the start to drive. It seemed as if they were searching for someone or something. Then you see 3 other trucks and guys and the driver stops there. He gets out and asks "Where is Dave?". The one guy says "He didn't make it, he drove a Ford." They all look sad for a moment then they all start to eat Twinkies.

    4. These to Super Bowl commercials were both a like and different. One way they were a like is that they were both advertising cars. Another way they are the same is they are both Super Bowl commercials. Also they both involved a dog. One way they are different is that the VW commercial involved a dog getting fit and the Chevy commercial just involved a dog and his owner. Another way is that the Chevy commercial also advertised Twinkies when the VW commercial did not. All in all they were both entertaining but in my opinion the Chevy commercial was just slightly more entertaining.

  29. 1. Alex Smith, MW4, 2/29/12

    2. Volkswagen: If you set your mind do something, you can do anything.
    Chevy: Better safe than sorry.

    3. In the first ad, for Volkswagen, a larger dog tried to go through it's dog door trying to chase a car. The dog has a sentient realization that it needs to lose weight. The dog runs down the stairs, plays fetch with itself, drags weights, and when summer comes swims. At the end, the dog barks at its self in the mirror and runs outside to chase a car.

    In the Chevy one, based off of 2012 doomsday prophecies, the ad starts out with the camera panning over a destroyed city. A newspaper, with the headline "2012 Mayan Apocalypse will the world end today?", is stuck on a traffic lights. From the rubble two headlights light up and a Chevy Silverado emerges from it, with a dog and man intact. They drive around until they come to a meeting spot with a couple other people.

    4. Both of the commercials were pretty ridiculous, in my opinion. The VW ad was pretty more light hearted than the Chevy one, and to be honest I would suspect that some people must've been a bit offended from the Chevy ad. Neither of these commercials persuaded me to buy their companies product. The Volkswagen ad was more entertaining though. You can never go wrong with using adorable dogs in your commercial.

  30. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 2-29-12

    a. VW: Exercise can help you achieve goals of any kind.

    b. Chevy: The more durable car you have the better and longer it will last.

    3. In the VW commercial it showed a dog lying on the couch like a couch potato and then the dog sees a VW drive by. Then the dog tries to go through the car door but can't fit, so he goes and looks at a mirror and notices that he is fat. After that it shows the dog pulling weights around the house and not eating food that falls on the floor and the dog keeps working out. Then the dog looks back at the mirror and sees that he is not fat anymore. Then the dog sees the VW and goes running after it in slow motion.

    In the Chevy commercial it started out with a the end of the world and what it looks like and everything is destroyed. Then through rubble and fallen buildings you see two bright lights and then the Chevy truck comes out of the rubble. Then you see a guy all dirty and a dog in the back seat and then the truck is driving through all the rubble of what was the world and now nothing. Then he finds his buddies and they're all driving older versions of the Chevy trucks. Then the one guy says "Wheres Dave?" Then another man answers "Dave didn't make it, he drove a Ford." After that one of the other guys asks if the one guy from the beginning wants a twinkie. Then frogs start to fall from the sky.

    4. The VW commercial was more entertaining to me because the dog was very pretty and the other dog in the Chevy commercial had a dog but you barely got to look at it because they only shot one scene with the dog. Plus the Chevy commercial was kind of depressing because the world was ending. Another thing is that the VW commercial was more relatable. The Chevy commercial, you could not have related to that because no one has ever gone through that before. The Vw commercial really drew in people because it related to the viewers because practically everyone has or had a dog before.

  31. 1. Brandon Cooke 2-29-12 Hour

    2. the voltes wagon can get you more active,the chevy is durable an safe.
    a. VW: Go to:
    b. Chevy: Go to:

    3. The VW commercial is a fat dog that sees this car an wants to go outside an chase it. But he's to fat so he starts to's to lose weight because when he tried to run out of the doggy door to see the car he couldn't. The dog was to big an couldn't fit throw the little door. So he started pulling around weights an swimming an all kinda of things. Then he lose all the weight looked in the mirror an then ran threw the dog door an could fit an started running with the car.

    In the chevy Silverado commercial it was apocalypse . Then you think everything is dead. Until the chevy truck flicks on his head lights an starts to pull out of the disaster. There was like three guys then they all got out an one asked wears dave? One of them said dave didn't drive the longing most lasting dependable truck on the earth. Then it starts to rain frogs an one asked the other want a Twinkie because they can never go bad.

    4. the chevy commercial showed how strong an durable the truck is. The VW didn't really show any of that it just say that there back an its better then ever. I didn't really care for that one the chevy one showed more affect on stuff. but thats just my perspective.

  32. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 2/29/12 - MW4

    VW Lesson Learned:You can do anything that you set your mind too.
    Chevy Lesson Learned:"Drive the most dependable car on the road.""And have a Twinkie"

    VW: In the VW commercial you see a dog that see's his owner drive away in a VW. He trys to get out of the doggy door in the kitchen it looks like but he can't fit. THe dog then goes upstairs and looks in the mirror and you cans see that the dog is very chuby. Then workout music started playing and you see the dog going up and down the stairs with ball, dragging weights on a blanket around the house. And when the summer comes the dog is swimming so fast. Then it switches to the next seen. THe dog is sitting on the couch and see's the VW or his owning driving. The dog hurtles out of the doggy door and is chasing the VW down the street.

    Chevy: In the start of this commercial you see a city just covered with ruble. The camera pans over to a newspaper laying on the side of a wall from the wind. A little under a stop light. It says that the world is going to end and how it's talking about 2012. And then under a huge pile of ruble you see lights come on, and a Chevy pickup truck plows out from underneath the ruble and then happy music comes on and the guy in the truck has his dog in the backseat and then they pull up to a bunch of his buddies that drive all different generations of chevy's. And the guy from the truck said "Where's Dave?" Then another guy said "Dave, didn't drive the most dependable and lasting truck on the road. Dave drove a Ford" And then all of them get sad faces and then one guy that was eating a Twinkie and asked if he wanted one and then frogs started falling form the sky. The End!

    4. In both of the commercials they both have happy music and well, they both have cars. Many differences though. First off one is a Chevy and one is a Ford. In the VW commercial it is a bright sunny day and it looks very nice. In the Chevy commercial it is the end of the world UFO's laying everywhere. Ruble covering everything. In the VW commercial they is only a dog. Not really any people. Both of the commercials do have a dog in them though. The Chevy commercial has alot of people compared to the other commercial that had non.

  33. 1. Kalani Gondick 2/29/12 MW4th

    2.Watched both
    A. think about different things don't stay inside the box

    3. In the VW commercial the dog sees the car go by and wants to go out side and chase it, But he is just to chubby. So he begins to work out so he can go chase that car. He pulls the weights around, Ran the treadmill, and Chases a ball down the stairs. He gets thin and sees the car come by again so he chases and matching the cars speed.

    In the Chevy Silverado commercial, The man and his dog drive to the place where everyone else is. More chevy silverado are met and they all emerge and their friend is dead because he bought a Ford instead of a Chevy Silverado. One of the other survivors offters the man with the dog a twinkie.

    4. The Volkswagon and Chevy are both the same vehicles, The Chevy has more power then the Volkswagon. The volkswagon has a "big" dog work to catch in it a entraining montage of the dog exersing. The Chertolet has a more fun commercial in my opinion.

  34. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 2/29/12

    a. VW: Go to: You can always achieve your dreams.
    b. Chevy: Go to: You always have to be prepared.

    3. The VW commercial was adorable! The dog just started out sitting on a gray cloth couch on a sunny day, when he hears a car driving away. He perks up and looks out the window excited to chase to moving vehicle. But, when the dog tries to escape out of the doggie door, it all goes down hill. He can't seem to fit though! He examines himself through a mirror in a bedroom disappointed at what he sees. He lets out a small whimper and starts get up and active! First by dropping his tennis ball down the stairs, fetching it, bringing it back up the stairs and repeating the action. Then he simply runs on a treadmill to get in his cardio. He even drags around a few weights on a blanket back and forth in the hallway, then he adds a little yoga into his routine. He is so motivated to do good that even when a young child drops food off of his highchair, the athletic dog doesn't even think about eating it! He finishes up by running a few laps up and down the side of a pool, then it turns from winter to spring. He barks at himself proudly in the mirror same as before and goes out to chase the car pulling away. He can FINALLY fit through the doggie door!
    The chevy was less fun but still had a good plot. As the camera moves around the Earth, it shows rubble everywhere. Everything is a mess, from fires, to destructed buildings. Puffs of smoke are everywhere. They zoom in on a news paper that says "2012 Mayan Apocalypse, Will world end today?". It shows a bridge tore into two. With all kinds of rubble. Then headlights pop out of the debris. A gray chevy pulls out with a man kind of dirty faced and uncleaned. He is smiling with a dog in the back of his car sitting up proudly. He continues to drove around looking around seeing everything that happened. The dog barks and he sees a group of men up ahead. He asks where his friend Dave is, as a man to the right is munching on a box of Twinkie's. Another man goes on to explain that Dave bought a Ford and not a Chevy, so he didn't make it through the mess. The main person nods and takes a bit of a Twinkie. It starts raining frogs as the commercial ends.

    4. The one that was most entertaining was the VW commercial. The two commercials were very different in plot lines, but the dog just seemed draw me into the film more. Comparing the two, the music to the VW commercial was very upbeat and exciting. The Chevy commercial was a little slower, but still had a good message. They both showed great things about their car and showed what they are able of doing. The VW also was a little more subtle. The Chevy was weird, it just randomly started raining frogs. When the world ends, it probably won't rain frogs, but you never know.

  35. 1. Tyler Pruneau 2/29/12 mw4

    2.VW commercial - Sometimes loosing weight is a big deal.
    chevy commercial - Learned that you can never be too safe.

    3. The vw commercial was about a dog who wants to chase a car but he is too fat to get out the doggy door so he started working out and then he got to go out side and run side by side with the car.
    The cheverlot commercial is about Doomsday and everything is all messed up and everyone is dead besides the people with cheverlot trucks.

    4. chevy and vw are really good dealerships and very good vehicles.
    The chevy truck is durable and it can do mostly anything you want a truck to do but it would be mostly used for maybe moving to a new house or work,taking big loads. but the vw is a durable car and my opinion for this vehicle is that it would be for soccer moms and going place to place.

  36. 1. David Lesnau 2-29-12 MW4

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commercial. Go to the following links
    a. VW: Work out and you get thiner
    b. Chevy: Chevys are vary durable

    3. In the VW commercial the dog can not fit in the doggy door. So he worked out with weights. Also did not eat the food dropped on the floor. He ran in the yard and swam in the pool. then it pans out and star wars people are watching the super bowl. A guy said he likes the dog beter than vador boy. Then Darth Vador chokes him with the force.

    In the Chevy commercial it was the end of the world. a chevy truck rawrs up and drives out of daubery. He drives to a spot with his friends.a guy says wares dave he seid dave didn't drive a chevy he drove a ford.

    4. VW has a family touch to it. Wile the Chevy has extrem durability. The Chevy has a better and more entertaining commercial in my opinion

  37. 1. Cade Marttinen 2/29/12 MW4

    2a. Exercise is a need to be healthy.

    2b. Strength can survive anything.

    3. VW: The dog wants to chase the car but he realizes he is to fat. The dog then exercises, ignores food, and drags weights across the floor. Finally he becomes skinny and healthy. When he sees the car again, he chases after it and matches its speed.

    Chevy: The world ended. There is destruction everywhere. A Chevy Silverado all of a sudden emerges from the rubble. He drives around and comes to a meeting place with other Chevy drivers. "Where's Dave?" he asks. "He didn't make it. Dave drove a Ford." Then one guy offers a twinkie to the first guy. Then frogs start falling from the sky.

    4. The Chevy commercial has more action and talking. The VW commercial is just a dog exercising. It is also saying that a dog is faster than the car. The Chevy commercial is more entertaining. It has suspense with the apocalypse. The VW commercial has no suspense.

  38. 1. Bri Rumple MW4 2.29.12

    3.The VW commercial was about a dog that watches a VW car drive by and tries to chase it but he can't fit through the door. He starts exercising to lose weight to he can fit through the door, he ran, swam, and did other exercises until he is finally skinny enough to fit though the door. By the end of the video the dog the dog is able to fit through the door and can chase the VW car.
    The Chevy Silverado comercial was about a man and his dog that are driving a Chevy Silverado through apocalypse. The man driving meets up with some of his friends in the city, who are all driving Chevy Silverado's too. The mans friends tell him that their other friends didn't make it because he drove a Ford car instead of a Chevy Silverado like the rest of them did.

    4. Both commercials prove that each of the cars a good cars. The chevy Silverado can survive apocalypse, and the VW has a dog that can chase after it. In my opinion, the VW comercial was more entertaining.

    1. 1. Jacob Yannott mw4

      2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
      a. VW: Go to:
      b. Chevy: Go to:

      3. vw is about the car that worth there money, and chevy say there cars can last forever.

      4. the chevy one bc it has a twinky

  39. Ryan Radzioch 2-29-12 mw4

    A lesson for the VW commercial is that if you want something you have to work for it. Also for the chevy commercial a lesson learned is you can pu through the toughest things in life even if it is the end of the world.

    Well the VW commercial is about a dog. A dog that is fat. So the dog goes on a exercise spree so he can chase the new VW. he swims, runs on a treadmill, he even doesn't eat the human food that falls on the floor from the table. Then the dog eventually loses his weight and is able to chase the new VW and keep up with it. The chevy commercial is about the world ending and how only the people that drive chevy's made it through the apocalypse. This guy offers the other guys twinkies because they last forever and the guy who drives a ford does not make it. Also at the end it starts raining frogs.

  40. 1. Michael Atwood/ 2-29-12/ MW4

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
    a. VW: Go to:
    b. Chevy: Go to:

    3. In the VW commercial, there was a fat dog who wanted to go chase cars, but couldn't fit through the doggie door. He started to chase a ball up and down the stairs. Then he started dragging weights, using the treadmill, and using a yoga ball. After doing all this exercise,he runs out the doggie door. It turns out that he wanted to chase the VW, probably because it was a cool looking car. It the shows this commercial playing in a bar from “Star Wars”. Someone said that it was funnier than the Darth Vader kid, and Vader choked that guy. When he was released, the man said “sorry”, and everyone wen't back to what they were doing.
    In the Chevy commercial, they 2012 Mayan apocalypse happened. There was ruin everywhere, crushed building, spaceships, and crushed cars and bikes everywhere. Everything was crumbling, broken, and ruined. Then in a pile of rubble, a chevy truck comes out, almost in perfect shape, with a man and his dog inside. He drives through all this wreckage and finds four of his friends, also having chevy trucks and in good shape. They all greet him, but he looks around and says “Where's Dave?”. One of his friends in a red plaid jacket says “Dave didn't drive the longest lasting, most dependable truck on the road... He drove a ford.”. They all look really said, but then one of the friends offers the guy a twinky, which he accepts, and frogs start falling from the sky.

    4. The Chevy commercial poked at different beliefs and fears and made their car look good in such a circumstance. The VW commercial showed how determined a dog was for the car. It also poked at Star Wars and their previous commercial involving a little kid dressed as Darth Vader. I thought that the VW commercial was more entertaining, because some of the things in the Chevy commercial were just insulting and a bit careless. The VW one was clever, because it showed what some people would do for their car.

  41. 1. Sammy Sutton, 2-28-12, MW2

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
    a. Your more focused on things when there entertaining.
    b. Boring things to grab peoples attention.

    3. In the VW commercial, the music grabs your attention, and has you on the edge of your seat wanting more. Also, having a dog as the one of the main characters is something people see happen to often. The video basically showed a golden retriever dog trying to fit through a doggy door to chase after the VW, but the dog was to big, so the video shows the dog "working out", until it loses enough wait to fit through the door and finally chase after the VW.

    The Chevy commercial I found random, which is confusing to watch a video that you have no idea what the main idea is, it starts of showing a Chevy truck being the only truck to make "alive" after the world ends, then all the people with a Chevy truck meet up, because they were the only ones alive, then a guy insults another car company, and one guy has twinkies, then it suddenly starts raining frogs? The video was all over the place, when it should of stuck to one topic through the whole video.

    4. The music in the VW commercial was more catchy than the music in the Chevy commercial, it was more upbeat, and the music in the Chevy commercial was more laid back and boring, which immediately lost my interest in the video. Also, the VW has an animal as a main character and the video was cute, and funny to watch.

  42. 1. Cody Musulin

    2. Being fit is more fun then being lazy. Driving a better truck will get you farther.

    3. In the first commercial, there is a dog sitting on a couch with a window behind it. When a Volkswagen drives by, he turns around a looks at it, then runs over to get out of the house. When he tries to run through the doggie door, he gets stuck and can't go all the way through because he is overweight. After that he looks at himself in the mirror and see's that he's overweight. He then gets his toy ball and drops it down the stairs, then he walks down the stairs and grab the ball and walks back up the stairs, then repeats it. He also runs on the tred mill, drags weights on a blanket around the house, also he does a workout on an exercise ball. Once he see's the volkswagen again, he runs to the door and goes through the doggie door, then chases the car, jumps through a tree and keeps chasing it.

    In the second video, it shows the world all crumpled down and broken, every building is destroyed, then it shows a pile of a building, then truck lights go on and a chevy truck comes out of the rubble, he then drives around and looks at all of the things that are destroyed, he then shows up at a spot with his friends, all with chevy trucks. The man comes out of his truck and asks, "Where's dave?" and his friend said, "Dave didn't drive the most long lasting truck on the road, he drove a ford" then another one of his friends has a box of twinkies in his hands and asks "twinkie?" and the man says "yeah" and grabs a twinkie and un raps it then it zooms out and frogs start falling from the sky.

    4. Both videos are good, they both have a funny part in it, and they also tell facts about the car they are advertising. The thing about the volkswagen that was funny was that they mentioned the video that they made last year. That made the video funnier, but for the chevy commercial, it was funny, but in that funniness, they tell facts about it, like it's the longest lasting truck on the road. That is what made me like the chevy commercial.

  43. 1. William McNamee 3/1/12 TT2

    2.a. VW: - You can do anything with effort.
    b. Chevy: - The future is sometimes predictable.
    3. In the VW commercial they put a spin on the myth that dogs love to chase cars. While they put a spin on it they make a great story about an over weight dog who can't do the thing that he would want nothing else to do. But the dog is to fat to fit through the door. So he decides to set a goal to be able to run out and chase the car. After a lot of hard work and effort he finally reaches his goal.

    In the commercial they play on yet another classic myth that the world will end in 2012. When the world finally ends they show five guys in their cars. These guys were able to survive because of their car's durability and strength. This commercial is a way of suggesting that their product is superior because it is the only thing that stood throughout the end of the world.

    4. These two commercials were made very well but VW commercial was more entertainig. Their commercial was funny but kind of sad and it defiantly kept my attention. The Chevy commercial kept my attention because of what their story was playing off of. In the end the VW commercial had something the Chevy commercial didn't, a real story line. It also had more to relate to. Which is why the VW commercial was better than Chevy's.

  44. 1. Eric Wolfe 3/1/12 TT2

    2. VW: Work hard.
    Chevy: Be ready.

    3. In the Vw commercial it was about a dog trying to get in shape to chase a VW. The dog starts using a exorcise video and starts not eating left overs from the table. Eventually he can fit through the front door and starts chasing the VW. It then starts describing the VW.
    In the Chevy commercial the "2012" Apocalypse has happened and a truck is buried under some wreckage. The truck comes to life and starts heading towards an opening in the wreckage around him. He then finds a couple of his friends and notice's that someone is missing. He then asks "Where's Dave?" Then one of his friends had said "Dave didn't drive the longest lasting, most dependable truck on the road... He drove a ford.". They all had got really sad after that and then one of the man's friends offered a twinky to him. He then accepted and frogs started raining from above.

    4. The Chevy commercial was more entertaining because it was based on the apocalypse and the other commercial was based on a dog chasing a car. The VW commercial Wasn't as good because it really only showed a dog trying to get in shape while the Chevy commercial showed how good it was. In the Chevy commercial the part when the man is offered a twinky and frogs started raining. The VW commercial only showed a dog trying to chase a car.

  45. 1. Paige Leatherman 3/1/12 TT2

    2. a. If you work hard you can accomplish things.
    b. Some things can survive a bad incident.

    3. The first commercial was about a volkswagen. A dog wanted to chase it but he couldn’t fit in the doggy door. He worked hard and exercised to get to the weight he wanted to so he could fit in the door. Then, he could chase the volkswagen after he got to that weight.
    The second commercial was about Chevy’s. There was an apocalypse and everything got destroyed. A guy and his dog then drive there Chevy from out of under things and drove and met up with some friends that made it through the apocalypse. They made it because they also drove Chevy’s. Their other friends that drove fords did not make it.

    4. The chevy and volkswagen commercials were similar because they were both showing how could of cars they are. They were also different because the Chevy showed more of its ability to not get damaged so easy, and the volkswagen showed that its fast. The volkswagen was more interesting to me because it made the dog want to get in shape and accomplish something.

  46. 1. Heather Linn, 3/1/12, TT2

    2. a. You can work at what you need, to accomplish something.
    b. Even things that aren't that important now, can help you later on in life.

    3. In the VW commercial there was an overweight dog that watched a VW go by the window everyday and he was upset because he couldn't go chase it due to him being overweight. So it shows the dog working on trying to get the weight off so he could chase the VW. By the end of the commercial he gets to chase the VW. Then, when you thought it was the end it really wasn't, which made it a little confusing. There were these really unattractive 'people' that looked like they were from star wars at a bar, who were watching the dog commercial. I couldn't really hear what they said because I didn't have headphones. The ending wasn't really needed.
    In the chevy commercial the 2012 apocalypse happend. There was crushed buildings and ash everywhere. There was a space ship and a bunch of ruined stuff. Then you see car headlights turn on and a chevy starts driving out of the rubble. Theres a man and a dog inside, he started driving around the rubble looking for some sign of life. He ends up finding four of his friends, and asks where his friend dave is. One of his friends answers that he didn't drive the most dependable car on the road, and that he drove a ford. They all get silent and then another one of his friends asks if he wants a twinky. He accepts it and then frogs start raining from the sky.

    4. The VW commercial was a cute and funny way of showing how irresistible their car is. It was a good way to draw their audience in. The chevy commercial was more of a careless way to show how their car would withstand the end of the world. Some people could take this to their offense because if it was shown before new years, it could strike some of their fears or thoughts about 2012. They shouldn't of used the 2012 apocalypse as a way to show their car off because it didn't really put off a good message. The VW commercial was more entertaining for me because it made me smile because It was funny how fat the dog was.

  47. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 3/1/12

    2. a. By using something metaphoric, you can prove a point about something real.
    b. Bt saying something, you can put something in someone's mind that isn't true.

    3. The Volts Wagon commercial used a dog to say what they did to their new and improved Volts Wagon. At first, the dog was very much overweight and when he went to get through the doggie door, he wouldn't fit. He then started training and making himself thinner. At first, it was just rolling a tennis ball down the stairs and then bringing it back to the top. Then the dog started doing things on the exercise ball, lifting weights, eating right, running, and then swimming. All of these exercises, made him thinner and faster. Volts Wagon is saying that they slimmed down their new car, and made it faster. At the very end of the commercia, they are in the star wars galaxy and one of the men at the bar is threatening and saying that even Lord Vadar can't do that, and then Vadar hears him and chokes him to prove a point.
    In the Chevrolet commercial, they are showing their new Silverado. This commercial is taking place in "2012", or the end of the world. Through all the chaos, the truck survives. All the other cars in the world have been destroyed wether it was a building falling, or an alien attack. As the Silverado approached the other Chevy's that had survived, and were his friends, he asked where Dave was. The others answered, "Dave didn't drive the the worlds fastest and most dependable truck.... Dave drove a ford." This saying, that the Silverado is the best truck you can get.

    4. Both of these commercials were very interesting on how they thought of their car/truck. In the VW commercia, they used a dog to illustrate how much thinner and faster the car had gotten. In the Chevy commercial, they used "2012", or the end of the world, to say that all the other cars and trucks would not have made it through this, but because it was the newest, fasted, and most dependable Chevy, that it would. The one that entertained me the most was the Chevy commercial because at the end about the Ford, was funny that they dissed Ford when they have the most selling truck in all America for over 20 years.

  48. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 3-1-12, T/T2
    2.a. VW: Working hard to get what you want, pays off in the end.
    b. Chevy: The stronger and more brave you are, the better things turn out.
    3. The VW commercial, was a dog who was a little over weight, first he saw the VW car (red) drive by and he started running up and down the stairs chasing after his tennis ball. Then the next part you see the dog dragging things across the floor, with things on it. After that, the dog soon is running on a treadmill, because once again like I said, he is an over weight dog, trying to get slimmer. Sooner or later, you see the dog swimming in a pool and he is swimming from one end of the pool, to the other end of the pool. Lastly, you see the dog laying on the couch, and he sees the car go by again and he starts running through the yards, jumping over tree stumps, trying to catch up with the car.
    In the Chevy commercial, you see a town that is destroyed, then on a fallen down street lamp pole, you see a sign that says, “2012 apocalypse.” Next a the song called, “Looks Like We Made It,” starts playing and you see the new Chevy truck and there is a guy driving it and there is a dog in the back seat sitting there with it's tongue out and then the guy and the dog in the truck are driving over a bunch of stone and rubbish, then the truck pulls up to two other Chevy tucks and all of the guys(3 of them), are standing out there and one was holding a box of Twinkies, and the man ask's a question then the commercial is done.
    4. In the VW and the Chevy commercial, there is a dog and the dogs do look similar. But in the VW commercial, it looks like it's more self planned and in the Chevy commercial, it reminded me of the movie, “Zombie Land” because in the movie there is a zombie apocalypse, and two of the guys are trying to find a truck full of Twinkies. So, to be honest the VW commercial was more persuasive, because the dog was interesting and it was grabbing my attention in the Chevy commercial, it just made me think of dieing, in 2012 and we are in 2012 so that's not something that is fun to think about.

  49. 1. Caleb Hudson TT2 3-1-12 Revision
    2.a. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it
    b. The 2012 apocalypse is coming soon
    3.The Volkswagen commercial was about a dog who wanted to chase a Volkswagen car. But he was too fat to fit through the door. So he decided to start working out. By the end of the commercial he was skinny enough to fit through the door and ran after the volkswagen and then the commercial ended. Then it zoomed out to the bar in star wars. The one guy was talking about how he did not like the commercial. So darthvader choked him until he said otherwise.
    The chevy commercial is about the chevy truck and about how durable it is. It was apparently 2012 and an apocalypse had occurred So as the guy was driving his car to meet his friends with chevy cars he say a giant meteor, A spaceship, A head of like a deception, a volcano erupting, and at the very end his friend gave him a twinki and then it started raining frogs. Then it zoomed up to the car and put Chevy runs deep in front of the cars bumper.
    4.The Volkswagen car had a commercial about a dog doing exercise. To me it was not really that funny.The chevy commercial was funny because I have heard about the supposed 2012 apocalypse and never believed it.Another reason it was funny was at the end they where talking and the one guy when he got there asked where he was. They said that he didn't make it because he did not have a chevy truck.

  50. 1. Michael Yedinak 3/1/12 TT2

    2. LL1: The future is both unpredictable and predictable.
    LL2: Do what you believe in (VW)

    3. In the VW commercial there was this overweight dog, who seemed sad about how he looked. That gave him inspiration to lose weight so he could look good. He ran on the treadmill, ran up and down the stairs, didn't eat food he was given from his owner, and he swam. In the end he became skinny and was as happy as ever. It just goes to show do what you want and you can make it happen.
    For the Chevy commercial the point of this was to show how dependable and safe the cars are compared to Ford with a twist. It was based on the world ending like some say it will happen in 2012. The commercial showed a guy in a dirty chevy with his dog in the car . They were looking at the damage with the buildings destroyed and everything. He arrived and saw some friends with Chevys that also survived. A guy said "Dave didn't make it because he was driving a Ford."

    4. The VW commercial and the Chevy were similar in some ways. For example they both had a dog, but the VW was based on a heavy dog. It seemed that the Chevy commercial was more serious, creepy, and sad until the end when the guy asked him if he wanted a Twinkie. With the VW, the point was that you can do anything you want to happen. That dog made it happen in a funny way with him lifting weights and such. Dog commercials are just hilarious and overall I would say it is more entertaining with my love of dogs.

  51. Gursherveen Kaur, 3/1/12, TT2

    a) If you keep trying to accomplish something you will not regret it although you are successful or not.
    b) It is not the end of the day until you believe so if that is true.

    In my opinion, the VW commercial tell us about the particular dog that sees a car and he wants to fell free and chase it but he is too fat to fit the dog door so he goes and looks at himself in the mirror and realizes that he needs to make a effort on changing his lifestyle so he starts exercising and he doesn't eat the scraps from the table any more that the owner's baby tries to feed him. So finally the day has come for him to feel free again, so he runs out from the dog door and starts to chase the car.The car impacted the dogs life by using it as a piece of the commercial. After this incident, it shows in a bar all the people from Star Wars and they were acting like they had just watched that commercial and one of the guys says something and Darth Vader chokes him with his mind powers.In my opinion it look a little dramatic when Darth Vader tries to choke the guy.

    In the Chevy commercial the rubble from a broken down, torn apart city was all over the place. The 2012 apocalypse had happened."So will the world end this today ?"
    All of a sudden these lights apear under some stone and brick and out pushed a Chevy truck.Inside the the truck there was a guy with his dog striped up. He drives up to the horribel scenes and meets up with two other guys and he gets out. All the other guys are driving Chevy trucks as well. One of them asks "Where is Dave?" and the reply was "Dave didn't make it. He drove a ford." Then they pass him a Twinky and then frogs rain from the sky. In the end it proves that Chevy is a better long lasting vehicle.

    In my opinion, the VW was more entertaining because it was funny watching the dog work out and get fit. He was dragging the weights and bouncing on the exercise ball. He ran in the yard and finally he could fit through the dog door so that he could chase the car. The reason the Chevy commercial was not entertaining was because it was really serious and at the end it started raining frogs that was a little odd for me because it seems weird for this action to occur in this world.

  52. 1. Sam Dovin, 3-1-12. TT2.

    a. For the dog one, you can do anything you set your mind to.
    b. The world ending can't beat this car.

    3.a.In the VW commercial was a golden retriever (dog) and in his life period he had some goods and bad's and after he tried to loss weight he set his mind to it and did it. He seemed that it was hard and he had to practice a lot to get better at becoming healthier but he did it and was almost as good as the car(:

    b.In the Chevy I was not a huge fan of that one because it is talking about the world ending and they don't know that it will. It was a good way to prove their point but if that happened to the world no car would make a difference standing up to that. Not saying it is bad just that all the surroundings with buildings crashing, people dead and everything falling apart might just worry people.

    4.The dog one because it was a better way to prove their point and the chevy one copied someone. Both of them were fine. American cars are better just this commercial wasn’t.

  53. Persuasion: Watch the following Super Bowl Commercials (Only these two)

    1. Michael Hamilton

    2.loss wate. dont grudge people

    3. The dog was funny by geting stuck in the door. Then it jumped to star wars. Also I like Darth Vader come in vetoed and choses the one dud and then let him go because he was mad. Then they say sorry.
    The second Vito was funny because the people are stuck under the rocks then they go to the middle of the thing what happen. Then one guy had twenkiy and asked him if they wanted one.
    4. They different because more one has a dog in it. Also there is an attack by meny thing. Then the dog loss wate by the him self and then he ran out side. But the other one was about the attack by thing like alen robots and they pull out of the ground. the they say Davie did not dive the longest car by chevy.

  54. 1. Jadie Cogar 3-1-12 TT2
    2. A. In the VW commercial there was a big dog that who wanted to get the car but he couldn't fit out the doggy door. So what he did is he went up stairs and looked in the glass door and looked at his self and to see how big he was. Then he got up and grab his ball and dropped it down his stairs and then went and got it and then ran back up the stairs and dropped it again. Then he went and got on a tread mill and started to run on that. Then he started to work on a yoga ball while watching a work out video using the yoga ball. Then he went out side and ran on the back yard and when it became summer he would run an then jump into the pool and go swimming. Then he was laying on the floor next to the baby which was throwing food on the ground and he didn't eat it. Then the next day he heard the car and he went right through the doggy door and he fit and then he was casing the car because he got fit.
    The Chevy commercial was all about the world came to a end and his dog an him was in a chevy truck and he an his dog was int he truck when it happend. To me what it is trying to say is that when the world is coming to a end you should have a truck that is strong and that can got through what ever you want it to. But when he pulled up to where all of his buddies where he asked were is Dave and the older man said that he didn't make it he drove a ford, and what they are saying is that ford is not a truck that you can trust only a chevy truck is the one truck for the job. He was trying to say the the chevy truck is about it is the safest truck that they have built in the whole world.

  55. 1. Elle Kennedy TT2

    2. VW- Hard work pays off.
    Chevy- Chevy's last forever.

    3. In the VW commercial there was an overweight dog who wanted to go chase the new VW car. He tried to go out the doggie door but couldn't fit. The dog then realized that he needed to lose weight. He started playing fetch with himself on the stairs, dragging weights, using the treadmill and running back and forth in the yard. He looks in a mirror and sees that he isn't overweight anymore. A VW car drives by, he fits out of the doggies door and runs after the car.
    In the chevy commercial it shows a town after the Mayan Apocalypse. Then you see a big pile of destroyed things. Two lights in the pile turn on and a chevy car drives out of the pile. Inside the car there is a man and a dog. He drives through all of the destroyed cars and buildings and sees his friends. He gets out of the car and asks them where Dave is. The man in the red plaid shirt says "Dave didn't drive the long lasting, most dependable truck on the road, he drove a ford." Then one friend offers him a twinkie, he takes it and then frogs start falling out of the sky.

    4. The chevy commercial showed that their cars can last through anything. The VW commercial showed that even a dog is determined to do something, in this case lose weight, just to get to their car. The VW commercial was more entertaining because it had some funny parts like when he was playing fetch with himself on the stairs. The Chevy commercial wasn't very entertaining because it really just showed a car driving through a destroyed city, him finding his friends and then frogs falling out of the sky.

  56. 1. Darren Murray 3/1/12 TT2

    2. VW 1) This is showing to build up strength and confidence to catch up to this very slick car made by VW. The dog is training and its a good commercial for encouragement. Chevy 2) There saying this car will last you a devastation on the Earth because this car has so good endurance. There showing this will last you a life time, or at least a nuclear bomb. The product there showing off trying to make it look slicker than the slickest as it lasted through a meteor or how ever the Earth ended on 2012. Very influenced commercial for this car Industry.

    3. The VW was, great in this kind of way because its very encourage-able. People who are in bad situations like, being over weight or have a lot on there shoulders, will work it off and catch up
    in what they just worked for. This mean, you work hard, hard work pays off. The dog in this
    commercial was a great example for this because he's lazy and does not want to do much, Then
    it shows him working off his large body so now he slim and fit and can catch the car.

    The Chevy commercial is a very great commercial to be showing, not because the car but the
    influences that go with the commercial. The fact of living through a world wide disaster The truck is
    like a twinky as shown, they both survived and so did the dog and the driver. Showing to be
    indestructible as they want you to buy it from the car dealer, they set this up to look very unique in its
    own way of not breaking down and not working for this kind of situation.

    4. They were both compared in a simple way, showing uniqueness of each car and just the message there trying to give to you if you buy it. The message for the VW commercial which I
    explained in the paragraph above, is not the same message as the Chevy commercial because
    there explaining two different things for two different cars. I think the VW was the most
    entertaining cause its just a funny thing how the dog couldn't catch up to the car or fit through
    the doggy door, and seeing him pull weights down the hall way and swimming in the summer.
    The Chevy was commercial was entertaining to but the message they were trying to put out wasn't as strong as the VW commercial.

  57. Brandon Wiese 3/1/12 TT2

    2.Commercials are unpredictable. Commercials can start with one idea and end with the exact opposite idea.

    3. In the VW commercial it starts out with a dog lying on the couch, when all of a sudden a volkswagen comes by and it tries to go chase it, but can't because its to fat. The dog then looks at its self in the mirror to see that he doesn't look good. Then he throws a ball down the stairs to get in shape. After that he is pulling weights down the hall on a rug and doing aerobics on a ball. Then throughout the winter it starts to run back in forth in the back yard until summer. He leaps into the pool with excitement and emerges from the water and shakes it off, but he heres the Volkswagen again so he chases after it and can keep up. Then it Flashes to a bar from Star Wars and two men are arguing about how the Darth Vader boy was cooler and the other man says no and starts to get choked by Darth himself and the man says sorry.
    In the Chevy commercial it starts out with a scene of a town and that is just massacred with destruction. Then it shows a down town street cluttered with trash and mangled pieces of metal then zooms to a paper that says "2012 Mayan Apocalypse". It then shows underneath an overpass with lots of rubble. Two light appear out of the rubble and the camera zooms in to see that there is a chevy truck underneath the rubble. It roles out of the rubble to see that there is a man and his dog inside. He looks at the dog and a song starts singing "looks like we made it" referring that they survived. It then shows them driving show what happened to the world and he pulls up to three other men with older versions of the chevy. The man asks "were's Dave" one of the other men says Dave didn't drive the worlds long lasting truck and that he drove a Ford. The man then looks sad and notices the other guy has Twinkies. The man then offers him one and he says thanks.

    4. These two commercials both start out with a problem of some sort, but they also have different incidences. In both they have a dog and a car. The car commercial that was more persuasive was the Chevy because its more about the car then something else. In the VW it deals with a dog thats fat. It has nothing to do with the car except for the beginning and end. Were in the chevy it has the car throughout the whole commercial.

  58. 1.)Lexi Gross/ 3-1-12/ T-T-2
    2.) Chevy: Only certain things can survive the end of the world.
    VW: If you want it go get it!
    3.) The Volts Wagon commercial had a point to make. It was if you want something, don't be afraid to go and get it. The dog see's a car and being a dog, it wants to chase the car. Well he can't fit through the doggy door and he gets sad. So he starts dropping his tennis ball down the steps and then the goes and gets it. He runs on the treadmill, does yoga with a ball, swims, and runs. To get something you want, it isn't easy. You have to work for it, but you will be happy in the end. He then see's the car again and runs out to chase it. This time he fits through the door and chases the car. If you want it, then go and get it!

    You see the end of the world. This means that all buildings are broken down and debris is everywhere. It looks like space had torn the world apart. Then out of no where a truck pulls forward with blocks of cement on it, dirt, and other debris. A man and his dog are in the truck and they look happy. They drive around the city a little bit checking everything out, when they meet some friends. There are about other guys who all had the same Chevy truck. The man looks at the other guys and says “Where's Dave”. The other men answer “He didn't make it, he drove a Ford”. They all look sad and then one of the guys says “want a Twinki” and they smile and they just move on. The point of this commercial was to say the word is going to end, so do what you can do to stay safe.
    4.) The Volts wagon commercial was about the dog loosing weight to chase the VW car. The Chevy commercial was about how good of a truck it is, since it can survive the end of the world. The Chevy had humor and focused on the car so it was more entertaining. While the Volts wagon commercial wasn't better, because it was mostly about a fat dog trying to lose weight.

  59. 1. Caeley Hendee, 3-1-12, TT2

    A.) You can accomplish anything, if you put your hear into it.
    B.) Could the world be that one day? (Hope not!)

    3. The VW commercial was showing that if you stick to what you want to do, you can accomplish that. It may not be right away, but you have to give it time. The dog was fat, and couldn't get out of the doggy door. The dog started exercising to loose weight so when the car did come by, he could run out the doggy door. Succeeding isn't always about winning, its about making yourself happy on what you accomplished. The dog didn't win, but he lost weight and it made him healthy and happy. The dog put a lot of effort into what he wanted to succeeded.
    The Chevy commercial talked about that the world ended, but the guy that was in the Chevy truck and he made it out of the world that apparently ended. If the world ended he wouldn't be alive but since he was in the Chevy truck he is still alive. Seeing that, that could be the world could end. The man made it out of the world ending, and everybody that didn't drive Chevy didn't stay alive. When you watch the clip and look at all the details into the commercial it shows that you have to really be careful about life!
    4. The VW had a lot of more action, and was definitely more interesting. The Chevy was sort of funny at the end, but you have to have a commercial that really pops. The VW definitely showed that! Chevy was based on the world ending, and it really didn't make sense. If the world ends nobody would still be alive, and I don't think the commercial people about that. VW didn't show much of the car, but it was entertaining. Chevy didn't show that.

  60. 1. Lexi Cox, 3/1/12, TT4

    VW commercial-
    Its never too late to change.

    Chevy commercial-
    You have to find the things that will stay with you through everything.

    3. In the VW commercial it shows a dog that sees a VW car go by, the dog then tries to fit outside of the doggie door to go look at it but it realizes that he is too overweight to fit out the doggie door. Then the dog starts working out and running to get into shape, the dog exercises to become more fit. As time goes by and the dog starts to exercise more the VW car then goes by gain, the dog now runs out of the doggie door and runs fast next to the VW. After it shows the car logo and information it then zooms out to be a tv in some kind of bar. In the bar there is a bunch of make believe type characters that are talking about the commercial. One of the characters then makes a comment that the VW commercial that was out last year with Darth Vader was better then this dog commercial. After the character says this, Darth Vader then appears in the bar and chokes him with his mind. The character then tells him that the Darth Vader commercial was better and the commercial was over.
    In the Chevy commercial it shows the words as dead. There is no movement and everything is destroyed and/or on fire. Then in the midst of all destroyed pieces comes a Chevy truck, it comes out with a man driving and his dog. Then then drive through town seeing everything destroyed and find four more men who were driving Chevy's. They then all get out of their cars, talk and eat Twinkies. Afterwards it starts to rain frogs. Then the Chevy commercial was over.

    4. In the VW commercial it shows the VW car only for a short time on the other hand in the Chevy commercial the Chevy truck was in the commercial almost 100% of the time. In the VW commercial it was more of a story about a dog and unlike the Chevy commercial it wasn't advertising the car the whole time. The VW commercial was less persuasive because the Chevy commercial made you want to buy the car so if the world does end, you will survive if your driving a Chevy. In the VW commercial it just gave a story of a dog, did not make you want to buy it for an specific reason. The VW commercial was the commercial that was the most entertaining, it was the most entertaining because it had a story, it was something that some people can relate to. The VW commercial had up beat music and had an animal as the main character, it was something that a lot of people would like.

  61. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 3/1/12

    VW: Build your own strength and confidence.
    Chevy: Twinkies and chevy's are the only things that are spared at the end of the world.

    3. In the Volkswagen commercial there is a dog lying on a couch with his head lying down and all of a sudden he hears a Volkswagen drive by his house so he jumps up barks and runs to the door to go an chase it but he is too big to fit through the doggy door so he looks at himself in the mirror and when he looks at himself in the mirror he cries because he thinks he is too fat. so he starts to run up and down the stairs with a ball and then he goes swimming in the pool and he starts to try and loose weight and at the end of the commercial the dog looses enough weight and he looks in the mirror and when he looks in the mirror he hears the volkswagen go by again and he barks and runs to chase it and he fit through the doggy door.In the Chevy commercial it starts off as a town/city that is all broken and completely destroyed and then all of a sudden you see a pile of rocks start to move and then a chevy truck comes out and it is all dirty from the world ending. so the guy that owns the cars starts to drive somewhere and all of a sudden you hear a bark and then you see the dog in teh backseat of his truck and then to goes into a birds eye view and then back onto a close up and then all of a sudden they stop and it shows what is going on around them and you see a couple of other men standing in a circle and they all owned chevy trucks so they made it to the end of the world and then it shows a guy with a package of twinkies and he is eating them and then one guy says " Where's Dave?" and then the guys around him kind of look down and then one guy says " dave didn't drive the longest lasting most dependable truck on the planet" and then the guy looks around and says "dave drove a ford..."
    4. To me the chevy truck commercial was more persuasive because it showed the actual truck throughout the whole commercial and in the VW commercial it just showed the dog most of the time and you didn't really even get to see the VW.

  62. Larry Sizemore 3/1/12 4th
    Lesson learned for the Volkswagen it does not have as much power as the Chevy truck also try not do anything stupid like have a power contest against the Chevy truck.

    The Chevy truck commercial is about when a hurricane came through and every car was damaged.Then the Chevy truck was not damaged at all it only had a little bit of dirt on it then one guy said were is the other dude and he said that he did not make it because he was ridding a ford.Then at the end the dude said do u wanna Twinkies and he said he i will have a Twinkies.

    In the Volkswagen commercial is about a dog trying to get out the door but he was to fat.Then her was working out.Also the dog was able to fit through the door at the end of the commercial that is what happens.

    They are both good cars and they both are kinda fast that is my comparison.Also the Chevy truck is better because it has more horse power.Also the Chevy truck as a lot more power than the Volkswagen

  63. 1. Josh Mick 3/1/12 TT4

    2 VW: You can lose weight even if your a dog.
    Chevy: This car proves this isn't the end of the world.

    3. In the VW commercial it shows a VW leaving his house behind and his slightly overweight dog. When the dog wants to go out the door it won't let him through. When he realizes he will keep dropping the ball down the stairs and bring it back up continuously. Then drags piles of things on a blanket,watching fitness videos, choosing not to eat a whole lot, and jumping a few times in the pool. The dog looks in the mirror a few days later and sees what improvements he made. Now he can run out the door and chase his owner in his new VW. Then it flashes to the cantina bar from the original Star Wars while their saying the Darth Vader commercial wasn't as good as the dog one. So Darth Vader comes by and chokes one guy to put some sense into him. He later says "Sorry."

    The Chevy commercial begins with a town the looks like the apocalypse has already started. When you see a car starting up inside a pile of rocks. As he's driving he sees a Big Boy statue in an alley and broken cars sitting on the street. He sees a UFO in the lake maybe aliens took over Earth. He gets out of his car to see his group of friends. He asks "Where's Dave?" One of them replies "Dave didn't drive one of the most longest lasting truck on the road." One of the other guys offers him a twinky. He takes one when it starts to rain frogs as it gives us a message that the world is changing.

    4. The one that was the most persuasive to me was the Chevy commercial because it told me its not the end of the world if you buy this car. It shows more of the car than the VW commercial. In the VW commercial, it focuses more on the dog than the car. The only thing that was different was on what was happening. They both have a dog and a really great car to drive.

  64. 1. Danielle Stowell 3/1/12 TT4

    a. Hard work will pay off.
    b. Always be ready for something unexpected.

    3. When the commercial first comes on the dog sees a car that he likes or wants. The Dog goes to the doggie door and realizes that he can't fit through the door because he's to fat. The dog then goes to look at himself in the mirror and see that he doesn't look good. The dog drops his tennis ball down the stairs and carries it back up and doing that over and over. As you can also see that the dog goes downstairs to run on a treadmill. In the mean time he puts weights on a rug and pulls it. After that, the dog goes on a yoga ball and does yoga. All of a sudden you see his owner dropping food on the floor and the dog isn't eating it. Next you see the dog running back and forth in his yard and jumping in the pool. So then the dog goes back to the mirror and sees how good he looks after working so hard and he jumps on the couch and sees the car he wants or likes do he goes to run after it and can now fit through the doggie door.
    The second commercial started out sad because right in the beginning a 2012 Mayan apocalypse had happend and everything was burning and falling down.There is nothing left. Then you see two headlights that appear out of what was left. The Chevy truck moves and gets out of the rubble and the guy looks really happy that him and his dog are both alive. The owner and dog were looking around to see what happened to the rest of the place. The Guy as you can see meets up with his friends that also made it through and asks where his other friend was. The guy in the red plaided shirt says that he didn't make it because he didn't drive the toughest truck. The guy in the blue shirt with the twinkies offered one to the guy with the dog and all of a sudden you see frogs it looks like falling out of the sky.

    4. Both of the commercials had dogs and showed a little bit of strength. Both commercials involved cars. The VW commercial was more entertaining that the Chevy one because it was funny how the dog was going on the treadmill and playing fetch with himself on the stairs. The Chevy one was not entertaining because it just showed a car driving through and burnt and destroyed city and him finding his friends, and their other friend that didn't make it because he didn't the toughest car, and also some frogs falling out of the sky

  65. 1. Name:Reanna Marsden Date:3/1/12 Hourtt4th

    2.develop a lesson learned about the comments
    a.Don't be laze.
    b.Drive the strongest truck.

    3.I think that it would be cool to have the V.W because it is so small and you can go really fast in it.I don't think that it is a gas saver
    I would also like to have a truck because it can hall a lot of things at one time.Ex.If you were moving you could get a trailer and put things in the trailer and in the bake of the truck.
    4.They both can go really fast and can both cary thing.What is different about them is that one is small and one is big.One author thing is that the truck has a bade in the bake of it the V.W dose not it has a regular trunk

  66. 1. Sam Hall TT4 March 1st, 2012

    2. a) LL: People like dogs

    b) LL: Putting down competitors can help persuade people

    3. The VW commercial opens on a chubby dog lying on a couch, a shiny red Volkswagen zips by outside and the dog leaps for the door. The dog tries to fit through the doggy door, but he's too large to squeeze through. The commercial then transfers to a montage of the dog working off his weight (rolling a ball up and down the stairs, using an exercise ball, etc.) and finally the dog fits through his door and runs outside to chase the VW. The camera zooms out into the cantina from Star Wars, where three aliens are arguing over whether the dog is better than the Vader Kid from last year's commercial. The alien in the middle suddenly begins to choke, and the camera turns to show the Vader Kid reaching out his hand. The scene then fades to a white screen displaying the Volkswagen symbol and their motto "Das Auto"

    The Chevy commercial opens on a newspaper being blown against a stop light the headline is printed "2012 apocalypse? Will the world end today?" The camera then displays the crumbled ruins of a city overpass, suddenly two lights shine through the rubble and a Chevy pickup pushes through the concrete. A man and his dog are shown on the inside of the truck as they begin to drive across the country, passing giant robots, erupting volcanoes, and smoldering craters until finally they reach three other trucks, parked next to a city hall. Three men are standing outside their trucks, one of them carrying a box of Twinkies. The man from the beginning of the commercial steps out of his truck, pauses and then asks "Where's Dave?" One of the other men bows his head and says sadly, "Dave didn't drive the safest most dependable truck on the road... Dave drove a ford." All of the men bow their heads, and the one carrying Twinkies offers one to the first man as frogs begin to fall from the sky. The camera then shows the grill of the truck with the Chevy icon in the middle.

    4. The first commercial (Volkswagen) was less about the actual vehicle than the Chevy commercial. Both commercials contained a dog, a car, and some sort of conflict or problem. I found the Volkswagen commercial more entertaining because it's longer and the dog is just so darn cute.

  67. 1. Brendan Schmitter TT4 3-1-12

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
    a. VW: if you try you can fit through a doggy door
    b. Chevy: You drive ford and the end of the world comes your not going to live.

    3. The "vw" drove by and the dog wanted to go and get it and he couldn't because his butt couldn't fit there the doggy door. so he looked in the mirror and though he/she look fat so then a song comes on and he starts working out and then got fit and then he started to get the car and make him better like the car. The Chevy commercial is say that the has ended.The guy and his dog survived from the attack .they start driving around and they get to a city and they he meets friends.he ask were Dave was and they said he was died because he didn't drive a Chevy he drove a ford.

    4. the chevy was more loom and gloom and it was ok now the dog he was good(actor:bolt) he plays with the ball and then starts working out and the surpiseing ending the dog one won my vote for this.

  68. 1. Devin Bryant 3-1-12 ††4

    2.VW commercial- big dogs like little cars -chevy commercial- the world will end when it rains frogs.

    3.The vw commercial is about how this car is fast but friendly so a dog would want to chase it to try and keep up with it and to fill time and keep the audience interested they would have a dog get in shape then chase the car when it came and i liked this one better because i like dogs more than frogs
    in the second paragraph it talkes about how the chevy truck is stronger than any other truck on the road and if there was an apocalypse they would be the only ones left and i thought it was funny by bringing twin keys into just like zombie land witch i also like that movie.

    4. I think the vw was more entertaining because i love dogs and they had a dog doing a bunch of tricks and stuff and it just seems to grab the audience and pull them in more by bringing a mans best friends into it really helps them with that to get more people to watch there commercial.

  69. Jonathan Haddon 2/29/12 3rd hr



    In the Chevy commercial the world is chaos but a Chevy drives out from the rubble of a bridge and makes a drive to the rest of the survivors gets out and goes to the other two survivors and asks wheres Dave one of them says dave dave didn't drive the most dependable longest lasting truck on the road dave drove a ford than they all look solem than one guy sais want a twinky and the camera pans out. In the VW commercial, a VW passes buy while the dog is Laing on the couch and the dog gets up and runs to the doggy door but he cant fit out because of his girth than he goes up stares looks in the mirror and whimpers than it goes into about a twenty five second music montage to where the dog is skinny, than it goes into a bar from the movie star wars and an alien sais are you kidding the dog is funnier than the vader cake and than he starts getting force choked and when it stops he sais sorry vary quietly than the camera moves the away and vader walks out of the bar.

    The VW commercial was clever, well thought through kind of funny (accept the star wars part) while the Chevy commercial was poking at the different beliefs of 2012 which may have offended some people and they were also picking at ford and it probably violated a trademark law or two.I like the VW commercial was more entertaining, because it was kind of funny and it inferred that every one wants a VW even dogs and that was kind of clever.

  70. 1. Stephen Moore, 3/1/12, TT2

    2. try to make it funny not stupid.
    Its not about car Chevy its about the story.

    3. There is a big dog that that might have a problem chasing a cretin kind
    of car. The dog tried to get in shape. Then this random commercial of star wars at a bar
    from episode 4 comes up and i do not know why that’s my question about the commercial why would people put star wars in a car commercial?

    The Chevy commercial was about what will happen in years to come and what will happen then.
    The commercial is saying that the Chevy is a strong truck. In the Chevy commercial people are saying
    that no car is stronger then the Chevy People are saying that the Chevy will last to the end of the world.

    4. These are some of the things they have in common, Both commercials has a dog.
    Both the cars were red. They were both saying that the cars are strong. The things that are different are the Chevy was built to be strong, the Volkswagen is kinda faster now.
    I think the interesting was the sherry commercial because the back ground was cool.

  71. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/3/12 TT2

    2. Lessons Learned:
    a. VW: You can do anything you put your mind to.
    b. Chevy: Preparation is very important.

    3. In the VW commercial, an overweight dog is trying to chase the car down the street. He goes to escape through the doggy door but he can't. Because the dog is so persistent and determined to chase the car, he works hard to get in shape. He runs up and down the stairs, he goes swimming and turns down food scraps that he normally would have eaten. After all of his hard work, the dog is finally in shape. He can now fit through the doggy door and chase after the VW.
    In the Chevy commercial, the apocalypse of 2012 has happened. There looks to be no life left on the planet. There is nothing but fallen buildings, smoke and fires. Then, you see the Chevy Silverado pull away from the rubbish. The car, the man, and the man's dog all survived because of the Chevy Silverado. They soon meet up with a small group of other men that survived all because of their Chevy. The man asks his other friends what happened to Dave. Dave didn't survive because he was driving a Ford and the Ford couldn't survive the end of the world.

    4. The Volkswagen commercial was much more entertaining. It had better music than the Chevy commercial and that made me more interested. The story of the VW commercial put a smile on my face and I enjoyed it. It also appealed to more viewers. Little kids are going to love seeing a dog swim and run around but they may not know what the apocalypse of 2012 truly is. The VW commercial also set a better mood. It was happy, colorful, cheerful and had a happy ending while the Chevy commercial was dull and depressing throughout.

  72. 1. Jordan Danko 3/1/12 TT2

    2.VW LL: If you work hard for what you want it pays off in the end
    chevy LL: Don't be selfish, share your Twinkies

    3. The VW company really thought outside of the box for their commercial. In the beginning there is a VW driving by and the dog tries to run outside and chase after it, but he can't fit through the doggy door. When the dog looks in the mirror he saw himself over weight, and unhealthy. The dog started working out running up and down the stairs, pulling weights down the hall, swimming in the pool. He also stopped eating all the food that was dropped on the floor.
    The chevy commercial shows the world coming to a end. Everything is destroyed
    and on fire. The chevy was buried underneath a whole bunch of stuff. The man starts up the chevy and goes to meat his friends, the chevy has no problem driving through all of the destroyed things. Once he arrives he figures out his other friend didn't survive because he had a ford. In the end his friend offers him a Twinkie.

    4. These two commercials are very different, yet similar. Both commercials are advertising cars.
    In both of the commercials you can see that they really thought outside of the box while they were creating them. The chevy commercial is shorter and gets to the point fast. In the VW commercial it takes a while to figure out what it's advertising. The VW commercial was more entertaining, because it was funny. This commercial was longer and had more too it, it also seemed as if it was made to entertain, which the chevy commercial seems as if it was made just to advertise. They grab your attention, unlike chevy. This advertisement was made to attract people of all ages attention, the chevy advertisement was not made to attract children's attention.

  73. 1.Bryce Heatwole MW2 3-1-12

    2.Work to get good
    3. The VW commercial was showing how a dog was too overweight to fit in the door. He started working out and then saw he could fit through the doggy door. Now he could finally chase the VW, because before he couldn't get out of the doggy door. His hard work finally paid off.e
    The Chevy commercial was showing a big torn down city and a guy driving in his "reliable" truck. He shows up and there are a bunch of his buddies. He asks where Dave is and I am assuming its another friend. Then an older gentleman explains. He says at the end of his explanation, Dave has a Ford so it isn't as reliable.

    4. The VW commercial was funnier and not offensive. The Chevy commercial was offensive to Ford. In my mind the commercial was also lying. I believe Ford trucks are very reliable. I like the VW commercial better. The dog made it funnier and not so broken down and sad. I also think the Chevy commercial was boring.

  74. 1. Jake Belford 3/1/12 tt2

    2. VW: Their car is worth the money.
    Chevy: Their car will outlast any other car.

    3. In the VW commercial it shows a dog that is to fat to run after the VW car. In result the dog starts to work out on the stares, pulling weights, and not eating all the leftovers on the floor. After a while the dog gets skinny and can fit out the doggy door and chase the VW car going by.
    The Chevy truck commercial shows highways crumbling and building about to fall over. Then a newspaper is shown that says " 2012 MAYAN APOCALYPSE world will end today!" which means most of everyone is probably gone. After, out of a pile of concrete crumblings, comes a Chevy truck and drives to an intersection and meets three other men with Chevy trucks. One man asks "wheres Dave?" and another man said "Dave didn't drive the most long lasting and dependable truck, Dave drove a ford," and they where all sad.

    4. The most entertaining commercial to me was the Chevy commercial. The VW commercial was a bit boring because all it showed was the dog trying to get skinny and I didn't think that was very interesting. Over all I thought that the Chevy was more interesting to see.

  75. 1. Michael Haase 3-1-12 TT2

    VW - If you really want to achieve something you have to work hard to get it
    Chevy - Strength can go through a lot more
    3. In the VW commercial it starts with a dog siting on the couch and he hears and sees a VW driving by so he run for the door but can't fit through the dog hole. So he decides to exercise and not eat unhealthy food until he is skinny. Once he gets fit he sees the car again so he runs after it and keeps up with the VW. Then it shows some weird alien people talking and he says that the dog is funnier than Darth Vader. Then he chocks the alien with the force.
    The Chevy Commercial takes place when the world came to an end. Then a Chevy comes out of lots of scraps from buildings with a man and his dog. They drive to the were his friends are and gets out of his car and says. “Wheres dave” and the older dude says “Dave drove a Ford Not Chevy so he didn't make it”. Then another guy asks if he wants a Twinkie and he says sure.

    4. I think that the VW was more entertaining because there is a dog that sees s/he self in the mirror and so s/he starts exercising. The dog tries lots of different things like swimming and walking up and down the stairs. S/he even tries to do some stuff with an aerobics ball. It was definitely more entertaining than the apocalypse commercial because it showed a funny dog running everywhere and trying to get skinny when on the other commercial just show a few guys talking about that dave didn't make it.

  76. 1. Kirsten Brydon 3-1-12

    2a. VW: "Never Give up" (expect the unexpected)
    b. Chevy: "Better Safe Then Sorry"

    3. In the VW commercial, a slightly overweight dog lies on the floor, to notice a car racing by. He runs over to his "doggy door" to find he doesn't fit. The dog goes over to the mirror to find that he is a little overweight and whimpers. The sad music is soon replaced with a peppy tune as the dog starts working out in a variety of activities, until he soon is very fit. The car returns and the dog chases it, this time making it through the door and into action, running, leaping and nearly going as fast as the car!!!! Just as you think the ad is over, the scene shifts into a "Star Wars" style cantina. A few men there are arguing over whether the dog commercial or the "Vader kid" from last year was funnier. One guy, decides "the dog is funnier then the Vader Kid" and soon starts to choke. You soon notice that "Darth Vader is the one behind this and soon stops. The man then says "sorry". Then "Darth Vader leaves with a flare of his cape.
    The Chevy commercial is a little more serious. You see the rubble of a present day city and then notice a newspaper saying "2012 Mayan Apocalypse the world end today?" Then, in the rubble, a car with a man and his dog drive out to find a group of about 3-4 men outside. The man comes out of his car and says "Where's Dave?" Another man replies "Dave didn't drive the most long-lasting durable car of the road, Dave drove a ford." After one sad moment, Another guy asks "Twinkie?" and gets the reply "Sure." Then frogs started to rain from the sky. The commercial then ends.

    4. The VW commercial was my personal favorite since first of all, I happen to be a fan of both Dogs and Star Wars and I loved how when you thought it was over, it wasn't. I found it more entertaining then the Chevy since the VW was one of those commercials that just make you smile. The Chevy was ok, it just didn't really strike my interest as much since it didn't really have much more except for the "Twinkies" part. If you think about it, parts of it were a little sad. The VW incorporated last years commercial into it as well, which I thought was cool. Overall, I think the VW was more entertaining.

  77. ABSENT
    1. Marissa Moore 3-6-12 TT2

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
    a. VW:  Striving towards your goals make you feel more accomplished in the end.
    b. Chevy:  What's safe will be better in the end.
    3. The video for VW was absolutely adorable. It showed a very fat, overweight golden retriever. This golden retriever doesn't like how he looks, and you can see it when he is looking in the mirror. Sad music is playing, so it sets the vibe that he is very upset. He can't fit through his doggy door, and gets stuck. In a way, you can compare it to how some people feel when they are driving in their raggedy old cars. But, the golden retriever figured out that he can change himself. He starts working towards a goal, and pushes himself towards it. Finally, he reaches the goal where he can run through his doggy door, he can swim, play, run, jump, and just be happy. They are saying that YOU can be like that by buying a VW car.
    In the Chevy video, they used what people know about. The “End of the World” on December 21st, 2012. They are saying that only people who were in a Chevy at the time of the end of the world survived, since Chevy supposedly makes the strongest and most durable cars. A man and his dog are driving through the destructed world, flames and ashes everywhere. He comes up to a place where 3 other men are, with their Chevy cars. One man is eating twinkies. They are talking about how it was because of their Chevy's that they survived, and then they all enjoy twinkies while it starts raining frogs.

    4 I thought the VW video was much more entertaining. It was fun, creative, and very cute. I really liked the fat dogs, because I think fat dogs are the cutest. It made me smile while watching it, and the music was fun and made you laugh. On the other hand, the Chevy commercial was boring for me. I thought the graphics were cool, but it wasn't my type of thing. I like dogs, not cars and mass destruction. The only thing I found creative in the Chevy commercial was the raining frogs and the twinkies, but it was too random to be funny.

  78. 1. Steven Nichols 3-1-12

    2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical.
    a. It you put your mine to it you cqan do anything.
    b. only sertian things will servive the end of the world.

    3. In the VW video the dog couldn't fit in the doggy door so the dog worked very hard to get though the doggy door. A baby was droping food and the dog ignored the food and just layed there. The dog started running and doing laps around the pool then jumped in and did the doggy pattle.
    In the chevy video the sang starts play and theres a piyel of rubal and the truck started up and the song sayed "looks lke we made it" and the truck drives pace a robots

  79. 1. Jake Belford 3/1/12 tt2
    2. VW: Their car is worth the money.
    Chevy: Their car will outlast any other car.

    3. In the VW commercial it shows a dog that is to fat to run after the VW car. In result the dog starts to work out on the stares, pulling weights, and not eating all the leftovers on the floor. After a while the dog gets skinny and can fit out the doggy door and chase the VW car going by.
    The Chevy truck commercial shows highways crumbling and building about to fall over. Then a newspaper is shown that says " 2012 MAYAN APOCALYPSE world will end today!" which means most of everyone is probably gone. After, out of a pile of concrete crumblings, comes a Chevy truck and drives to an intersection and meets three other men with Chevy trucks. One man asks "wheres Dave?" and another man said "Dave didn't drive the most long lasting and dependable truck, Dave drove a ford," and they where all sad.

    4. The most entertaining commercial to me was the Chevy commercial. The VW commercial was a bit boring because all it showed was the dog trying to get skinny and I didn't think that was very interesting. Over all I thought that the Chevy was more interesting to see.

  80. 1. Kirsten Brydon 3-1-12

    2a. VW: "Never Give up" (expect the unexpected)
    b. Chevy: "Better Safe Then Sorry"

    3. In the VW commercial, a slightly overweight dog lies on the floor, to notice a car racing by. He runs over to his "doggy door" to find he doesn't fit. The dog goes over to the mirror to find that he is a little overweight and whimpers. The sad music is soon replaced with a peppy tune as the dog starts working out in a variety of activities, until he soon is very fit. The car returns and the dog chases it, this time making it through the door and into action, running, leaping and nearly going as fast as the car!!!! Just as you think the ad is over, the scene shifts into a "Star Wars" style cantina. A few men there are arguing over whether the dog commercial or the "Vader kid" from last year was funnier. One guy, decides "the dog is funnier then the Vader Kid" and soon starts to choke. You soon notice that "Darth Vader is the one behind this and soon stops. The man then says "sorry". Then "Darth Vader leaves with a flare of his cape.
    The Chevy commercial is a little more serious. You see the rubble of a present day city and then notice a newspaper saying "2012 Mayan Apocalypse the world end today?" Then, in the rubble, a car with a man and his dog drive out to find a group of about 3-4 men outside. The man comes out of his car and says "Where's Dave?" Another man replies "Dave didn't drive the most long-lasting durable car of the road, Dave drove a ford." After one sad moment, Another guy asks "Twinkie?" and gets the reply "Sure." Then frogs started to rain from the sky. The commercial then ends.

    4. The VW commercial was my personal favorite since first of all, I happen to be a fan of both Dogs and Star Wars and I loved how when you thought it was over, it wasn't. I found it more entertaining then the Chevy since the VW was one of those commercials that just make you smile. The Chevy was ok, it just didn't really strike my interest as much since it didn't really have much more except for the "Twinkies" part. If you think about it, parts of it were a little sad. The VW incorporated last years commercial into it as well, which I thought was cool. Overall, I think the VW was more entertaining.
