Sunday, February 12, 2012

Statistics 5: Renewable Energy

1. Name Date Hour
2. What is Conventional Hydropower?
3. Lesson Learned
4. Two paragraphs. In the first paragraph share the numbers and what they mean. In the second paragraph, describe at least three different audiences that would be interested in this information and why.


  1. Sam Love 2/22/12 mw2

    2. Hydropower- To use the force of moving water to turn a turbine and create electricity.

    3. The numbers in the graph mean a lot towards our country and how we preserve. The hydropower is 57% which is more then all of the other ones combined! One of the reasons water energy has a bigger percent is the US has many lakes and has oceans on the East and Western border. The US also has the Great Lakes.

    The graph would be useful to many people, such as conservationist, government officials, and even teachers. A conservationist would use this to show other that we don't need to use fossil fuels and pollute the earth, water is a renewable source and more then half the world is covered by water. A government official could use this to bring the attention to congress and other government branches to show them that there are safer ways to give people energy. A teacher could use this to show students how energy can change in the future and how we don't need to depend on fossil fuels and other sources of energy that can Damage our Earth.

  2. Chiera Palamar February 22 MW2

    Conventional Hydropower is derived from the force or energy of falling water, such as a dam.

    Majority of renewable energy is Conventional Hydropower.

    In this chart its showing that we use Conventional Hydropower more then any other renewable energy source. Wind would be the second highest, but all together nothing beats 57% witch is Conventional Hydropower. Why would we use so much water as a energy source.If we found a way to make wind a main renewable energy source we wont have to worry about water in the future. The lowest renewable energy is solar. In between would be wood and other biomass and under that is municipal solid waste with the percent of 5%.

    An audience that would be interested in this chart would be Scientists, people who run Conventional Hydropower plants and last but not least, People! Think about it of course Scientists know this stuff along with Conventional Hydropower plant workers, but do we? Is the average human aware that water is something that will be scarce in the future? I think everyone should realize, there is other ways to make energy, why use something you need to stay alive? Its also interesting and might make others wonder but how come its not Wind that is 57%?

  3. 1. Halle Chiarelli 2-22-12 MW2
    2. Conventional Hydropower is the the energy and power created by water. Water builds up in a dam and goes through a turbine. The turbine catches all of the energy and keeps what was in the water. The station does not keep any of the water in the process.
    3. Most energy is reusable in some way.
    4. The numbers in this graph are showing what types of energy are reusable and what percent at which they could be reusable at. Conventional Hydropower is the most reusable source of energy with 57%. Solar energy is the least reusable source coming in at only 1%. Other things such as wind, wood and other biomass, municipal solid waste,and geothermal energy fall in between Solar and conventional hydropower energy. Those sources range from 24% down to a whole 4%.

    Three different audiences that would be interested in this would be children from 1st to 8th grade. Those children could take this graph to an advantage to learn where different places of power and energy come from. Also scientists so they know what kind of energy they could be working with. Many people who want to learn about science and mainly energy would be interested. They could learn the percents of how much a source of energy is reusable and they could also learn what kinds of different energies there are. Once they learned about those, they could go into further study and find out even more.

  4. 1. Megan Gunderson MW2 2-22-12
    2. The definition of Conventional Hydropower is relating to or denoting the generation of electricity using flowing water (typically from a reservoir held behind a dam or other barrier) to drive a turbine that powers a generator.
    Source: Desktop Dictionary
    3.The USA has many ways renew energy.
    4. One of the best renewable energy generation is convention hydropower. That means using water to create energy.Conventional hydropower take up 57%.Second is Wind. Fourty-five percent of the US renewable energy generation is from wind. Wood and other biomass comes in third.It take up 9% of chart.Last but not least solar energy, solid waste and geothermal energy take up the least amount of the chart.Which means they don't create a lot of US renewable energy.

    Car companies might be interested in this chart because they might want to make a car that uses renewable energy. They would maybe want to create a different car that runs on waste and not solar power like all the other cars. Another group that might want to use this pie chart is scientists. They would use the chart to see how the smallest renewable energy sources could be used more.They might want to make n invention that use geothermal energy. Also governors would look at this chart. It would show them what they could put in there town to make the city more energy efficient and eco friendly. They might want to put wind turbine in their town to help the environment.

  5. 1. Nick Norman 2/22/12 MW2 Repost
    2. Conventional Hydropower is energy given off by water. "Conventional hydroelectric plants provided 74,800 megawatts of generating capacity. Pumped storage projects provided an additional 8,400 megawatts of capacity."
    3. Water is very strong.
    4. The graph shows that water is as weak as you think. 57% of renewable energy is water! That's just over half. The next closest thing at 24% is wind. That is a 33% difference. Water is very strong and can be cleaned and renewed more than you think. Just water alone, is still more powerful than all the other renewable energy generations combined!
    People who would be interested in this are people who could be looking to save money on renewable energy. They want to find different ways to renew there water and there solar energy. If they didn't have this graph they wouldn't know how strong the energy was. People who work on energy for a living would really need this graph. It could help them do better on there job and make sure there doing the right thing with the renewable energy.

  6. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 2/22/12

    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines."

    3. We need to use more renewable energy.

    4. This graph shows the which amounts of renewable energy go to which type of generation. In the graph more then 50% is used toward conventional hydro power. This means we need to take some more time in creating other renewable resources because that is overpowering the rest of them. We need to even out the graph so that each way has about 16% each. This will make it so that the energy is balanced so that each energy source is reliable.
    There are a lot of different audiences that would be interested in this information. First adults would be interested, they would because the country has been running off of fossil fuels for to long and there waiting to see what will be the next best way to keep the world revolving. Another audience would be teens or very young adults. It interests them because they want to make a difference and really start to move our economy so they want to find out how or give them ideas to make a better energy source overall. Last people that are older such as grandparents would like to hear this information. They might not see when things take off for the best or for the worst, but with there wisdom hopefully they are able to guide the people who come up with renewable resources in the right direction for the future. Those people might have the most interest in this graph and what it displays.

  7. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 2-22-12 MW2

    2. "Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water" -

    3. Water is a powerful thing.

    4. This show the different kinds of renewable energy we use. There are 6 different ways on this graph: wind, solar, wood and other biomass, municipal solid waste, geothermal, and conventional hydropower. Conventional hydropower takes up over half of this chart. This means that a lot of our energy comes from water. The next biggest is wind. The percentages show how much is used. By what the chart says, solar energy (1%) is not used much, while wind (24%) is used a bit more.

    Environmentalists, scientists, and people should be interested. I put people because we consume the most energy. We watch T.V., play video games, charge electronics and a lot more. People don't realize how much energy they are truly using, and they should know. They also need to know that renewable energy is out there, and that it should be used, not wasted!

  8. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    2 Conventional Hydropower is electric power produced by hydroelectric generators. Conventional Hydropower is energy from water.
    3. Renew the reusable
    4. The numbers in the graph resemble the best to be renewable . More then half of the energy is produced by Conventional Hydropower. Conventional Hydropower is electric power produced by hydroelectric generators. The least amount is solar power with only one percent. Solar power is getting the energy from the sun. Wind is another big renewable resource. About 24% is Wind.Conventional Hydropower is produced by water. Over all Conventional Hydropower is the best to renew.

    Some audiences that would be interested in this topic would be scientist that study this topic, parents might be interested, and the teachers. Scientist would be interested because this has something to do with energy. Energy is a substance that allows people to watch tv, charge your phone, and even people walking. Humans get energy from the sun. Parents might find this interesting because they might not know a lot about this topic. They might not know how the energy is renewable. Teachers would be interested because they might know some facts about renewable energy but not all of it.

  9. 1. Matt Pankow 2-22-12 MW2

    2.Conventional hydro power makes up %57 of renewable energy. it is the major source of renewable energy of generations. Conventional hydropower is a source that makes electricity by flowing water. The flowing water creates electricity.

    3. Natural resources are more than what you think.

    4. Renewable energy sources mostly are coming from our natural soundings. Some of the sources include wind, solar power, and even water. Studies show that %24 of our renewable energy comes from the wind. The way we capture the electricity from the wind is the windmills. The sun is what powers the solar panels for the electric power. Solar panels are usually found on tall buildings or on top of buildings. There placed there to be able to catch the most amount of sunlight possible. Even though most buildings are now outfitted with solar panels, the studies only show 1% out of %100 of renewable sources is solar.

    There could be a lot more audiences interested in this topic because of the saving money with this kind of power. Alos with those people being interested could make for a better earth and more eviormentaly friendly.
    One of those partys could be CEO's of companies. The companies have big buildings to run and need lots of energy to run the. Having a natural resource that we would never run out with to power there buildings would save money. Another would be regular home owners. With solar power running there homes or pretty much any type of natural power would be great. The money would that was saved would add up in the end. The last party i think would be interested would be the government. They would be interested to see how much of our natural resources are being used to make electricity. They could go on either side of the debat, con or pro. I think it would be a hard decision.

  10. 1. Eddie Roberts, 2/22/12, mw2
    2. Conventional hydropower is referring to hydroelectric dams. It is a way to produce energy from the flow of water. there are dams that use the flow of water to covert it into energy.
    3. Water is very useful
    4. Conventional hydropower is the number one renewable energy resource with 57% of the U.S. Wind energy is the next highest with 24%. Those windmills are starting to get very popular. The lowest renewable resource percentage is 1% which is solar energy. Then geothermal, Municipal solid waste and wood and other biomass are all very close with 4,5, and 9 percent. Some people that would be interested in this information would be scientists. Scientists would be interested in this because they probably want to know how their creations are doing in the world. If conventional hydropower is used more than the could think of more ways we could produce energy with the flow of water. Some other people that would be interested in this would be the people of the united states. They might want to know how they are being powered. Or what is going on with the world. Finally the last people that would be interested in this information would be the government. So they can see what is popular and if they need to put a power source some where the can refer to this to see what is used more often or even less often.

  11. Riley Hafner MW2 2/22/12

    Conventional Hydropower is a form of renewable energy. It is widely used and is the production of energy through flowing water. Usually the energy is collected in a dam where the water pushes a turbine and drives into the generator. The power that is in the generator then goes through the powerhouse and into the power lines or wherever the power is needed.

    The graph here shows the different ways the US is gaining renewable energy. The way that is being used the most is conventional hydropower which is the production of energy through falling or flowing water. Using dams to collect the energy of the flowing water has the highest usage at 57%. Wind is also being used to collect renewable energy at 25%. Only 4% of the US uses geothermal energy and 1% uses solar energy. From looking at the graph and then thinking about what you know about conventional hydropower you can see that it is used to collect energy because the water flow is continuous. The water does not stop so the power just keeps flowing so it seems wise to use conventional hydropower the most.
    This could interest people who think about where their money goes, eco-friendly people, and people who are against all the new green technology. People who think about their money might find that the conventional hydropower is something that a lot of people like and that it isn't that expensive. They might think "hey lots of people are using this and they aren't paying that much money so this might be better then using wood." For people that are really eco-friendly, they might realize that they could be doing something even better for the environment. They might think that using solar power is really great but then realize that the conventional hydropower is a more convenient and effective way of getting energy and power. On the subject of people who aren't all gung-ho about the new eco-technology, they might think "ok well people are really liking this stuff and it does seem to help the earth instead of using batteries and fossil fuels" and they might just realize that it really is a good thing to use conventional hydropower.

  12. 1. Joshua Helm/2-22-12/MW2

    2. It is energy that is made from water.

    3. There is always a clean solution.

    4. These numbers show that Hydropower generates 57% more than any other "green" energy source. Wind of course is 24% because of windmills everywhere. Wood and other Biomass is 9% which is weird I never knew that wood can generate energy.

    This information would be interesting to environmentalists because they could inspire people to go "green". This would be interesting to some "green" power companies so they could find out how to power other homes. This would be Wonderful to the "hippies" who love nature and it would make them very happy to know nature powers things too.

  13. 1. Zack Fuller 2-22-12 Mw2
    2. Conventional Hydropower is electricity made by water stored in a dam. Witch flows down and spins a huge turbine that powers generators.
    3. Make a little change today make a huge one in the future.
    4. Renewable energy is good to start with leading the way through is conventional hydropower with more than half at 57%. The lowest witch is solar power witch is kind of sad because it is always sunny like 300 days of year, and all you have to do is slap a solar panel in your back yard or on your roof. The wind is 24 percent and could be more but a wind turbine is a lot of money. Our trash is also being recycled for energy at 5 %. We are also making energy with the earths temperature called geothermal energy at 4%. We also burn wood to make electricity.
    Audience is that would want to hear this is how to cut down on fossil fuels. One guys owns a electric car and charges it up by a solar panel. The car being charged is not using any fossil fuels. People looking to donate money to renewable energy would want to know who to help out. They could send money to the solar or wind power to get the planet greener. One group could be the government to help give funds to go green to major companies and make laws about fossil fuels.

  14. Bryce Heatwole, MW2 2-22-12
    2.Conventional Hydropower is power made by water. Water runs through the ground and gets to a wheel like and gets pushed to a power box. The special power box turns it into power that people can use to run their homes or businesses.
    3. There are better ways to make energy.
    4. This graph shows you that 57% of power is conventional Hydropower and is the leading renewable energy source. The solar power at 1% is trailing behind. You can tell this is not very renewable. I think people should use more conventional hydropower because it is in front of other kinds of power by a land slide. 57%-1% is a huge difference if you couldn't tell.
    This would interest the people who work for the power companies. This is what they do and they should learn more about it. Also it would interest a home owner or tax payer. They need to know what is the most renewable so they can save money. Third the president should be interested because it is his country and he should run it how he feels is the best kind of power.

  15. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 2/22/12

    2. Conventional Hydropower is energy created from water. This refers to the usage of dams or impoundments that store water into reservoirs and the water flows through turbines and it generates electricity.

    3. Conventional Hydropower is the most used energy in the United States.

    4. In the graph above it is showing the percentages of the different way the U.S. uses renewable energy. In the graph it is showing that Conventional Hydropower is the most used type of energy in the U.S. It's percentage of usage compared to other types of energy is 57%. On the other end though, solar power has 1% of usage in the United States which is very little.
    This graph would be for an audience of people who have an interest of energy and power. Like scientist who study energy would be interested in this graph because it would explain to them the different percentages of energy used in the U.S. This could help them out of what kind of energy they are using everyday with different things they do. This graph can also interest to science teachers. This could interest them because some sciences teacher teach students about energy and power and this graph would be a good example for what type of energies are used.

  16. 1.Mckenzie Barth MW2 2-22-12
    2.Conventional Hydropower is using water to create energy. Water is stored in a dam then passed through a turbine and a generator. It is then released back into the river.
    3.You don’t know if it works or not until you try it.

    4. This graph shows the types of “US renewable Energy Generation.” Conventional Hydropower is the number one renewable energy source with 57%. That is over half. Wind energy is also pretty popular with 24%. Wood and other biomass have 9% which is higher than municipal sold wastes with 5%. Geothermal is only 4% of the US’s renewable energy. Is Solar power really the new thing? People think it’s such a good idea, but are they to scared to try it? They must be with the numbers this graph is showing. Solar power is only 1% of the US’s renewable energy.
    This graph would appeal to many audiences. One audience would be scientists. Of course they would find this interesting, but not just any scientist. One that deals with finding new fuels, the scientists experimenting with corn fuel and using solar power. they could use this information to help show them what os the most used renewable energy. Another audience that this graph may appeal to is farmers. They want to keep their farms running smooth and efficient, so they might want to know about some of this renewable energy. Maybe they are thinking of trying a new renewable energy source. Conventional hydropower is well used. And sounds not that hard. Just ordinary people would find this information cool. a lot of people don’t care so much about our environment. I mean they’re only on the Earth for so long anyway, but don’t you want the years you have to be the best? Renewable energy sources are good for our environment. If the ordinary person saw this they might go “Hey I have been wanting to try solar power on my house” or “Energy with water, that’s brilliant!”

  17. 1. Kira D'Agostino MW2 2-22-12
    2. Conventional Hydro power in my definition is energy in which is being created through water. The force of the constant flowing water makes fast moving particles which make energy. The water supply can also be used over and over making it an efficient resource.
    3. Get creative. I picked this LL because I am referring to scientist who thought oh different ways to create energy. By smart thinking they were able to create energy using water.
    4. In this pie chart you can see scientists have found many ways to create energy. You must ask yourself which is more efficient? Just by looking at the chart you can tell Hydro power blows all the other categories out of the water! Wind is also a very good source but it is very reliable. What if it's not windy? What if the wind is too strong? Wind is a good source but it's not as good as water? Why is water so good? It's always there, water doesn't have weather days it's constantly flowing at a high rate making it a good supply. Have you ever been hit by a wave? You can feel it's power, that much force can create energy. It also can be used over and over again. It never runs out or has a calm day. It is a reliable source and a good one at that!
    Three different audiences that would want to know is the scientists. They are trying to find ways to create more earth friendly materials everyday. They could possible create a new system to make the world have energy all through water! The customer, they might want to know how much their bill will be by what system is being used to give them their energy. Would you want to know? The third audience would be the government. Who supplies all of the money to create these systems of energy. They might want to see where their money is going and if they cause is working. They don't have the money to give people form research that's not working. They also have to see how much it takes to run this machine of renewable energy. If you were putting your money towards a cause that was creating a new product what would you do if they weren't being successful. You would want to now fund them anymore. Who can know what will happen in the future. If every electrical building is run by conventional Hydro power and nothing else? We can't predict the future we can only push are way towards it hoping for a better outcome. Just think we would not if this if scientists never said "what if."

  18. Mikal LaButte 2/22/12 MW2

    2. "Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water."

    3. Their is always a way to get power.

    4. When you take a look a this graph you see that over half of it is when you get power form the water. Then when you take another look and you see that the next biggest group is 24% and that is from wind and no matter where you are or go there will always be wind. Then you see that their is a small 1% of Solar and there should be more solar energy because their is always sun. Then all of the other ones are useful too.

    The first audience would be regular people because then might want to know what would be cheaper to use for electricity. The second one might be the President of the United States of America, because he might need to know if he should build more of one of the electrical plants. The third might be people who work at the plants because they might need to know if their job is helping or hurting the people and the Earth.

  19. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 2/22/12

    2. Conventional Hydropower is energy efficient power formed from water.

    3. We are learning how to reuse our resources to make more energy efficient power. Water that is being stored in dams flows through turbins to create electricity.

    4. This graph is showing that we renew Conventional Hydropower the most out of any other renewable energy source. Hydropower is water. So this graph is saying that we reuse water most often. Wind is the second most renewed energy source. I always thought solar power was the most renewed but it turnes out to be the least. This graph shows that we only use solar power 1% which is very surprising to me. Biomass and Municipal Solid are only used about 7% of the time. Geothermal energy is like solar power, it is not renewed very often.
    Large corporations like Siemens and GMC would probably like to take a look at this graph. They are always looking for ways to make their products more energy efficient. By renewing energy they would save money and time. Im sure they company would be surprised by this graph. All of these large corporations seem to be using solar power to make their products more energy efficient. What these companies should be using is Hydropower to make their products more environmentally friendly. I think this graph would be very helpful for large companies.

  20. 1. Evan Bauer 2/22/12 MW2
    2. Conventional Hydropower is something that uses one way water flow to generate energy. It is designed in a certain way that makes it both efficient and different. It has what looks like a wheel, with platforms sticking out of it, and water flows through those platforms and turns the wheel, the wheel then creates energy.
    3. LL: Renewable energy is everywhere
    4. these numbers are use full, they tell use what portion of are renewable energy is from different resources or machines. Wind makes up 24% of the chart and solar makes 1% of the char while municipal Solid waste makes up 5%. The other things that make up a percentage in the pie chart is Other biomasses, what makes 9% of the chart up and then Geothermal, makes up 4%, but we are missing a big part of the chart and that part is Conventional Hydropower, which makes up 57% of are chart.
    I think I know some audiences that would be interested in these numbers. One could be the President, it would show him that we should put more study into Conventional Hydropower because its proven most useful then anything else in renewing energy. A second audience could be the people of the world because they need to know that we always dont have to use energy from the plants, we can make are own energy sources. A third audiences could be electric plants to show them that energy can be created in different and less expensive ways.

  21. 1. Malorie Moen 2-22-12 MW2
    2. Conventional Hydropower is electricity created by water. “Conventional hydropower generates electricity by trapping river water behind a dam or impoundment, then releasing it through a turbine. Hydropower is a renewable, or alternative, source of energy precisely because it uses natural water cycles, such as the flow of rivers, to produce electricity”-

    3. There's always more than one way to do something, like creating energy.
    4. On the pie chart, it shows that 24% of the energy we use, is from wind. It also shows that 1% of the energy we use is from the sun, solar energy. Wood generates 9% of the energy we use. Municipal solid waste makes up 5% of the energy used. 4% of the energy generated, is from geothermal energy. The highest percentage of generated energy, is conventional hydropower, 57%.
    Many different audiences would be interested in this chart. A utility company might be interested since they are involved with energy. Also energy providers would be interested, because they help take care of power outages. They also keep track of the amount of energy used. People who like to be, “green,” would like this chart, because it is showing how people can be efficient with the energy they use.

  22. 1. Payton Rentsch, 2-22-12, MW2

    2. Conventional Hydropower is energy made by water the stream of water pushing on a weel sends the energy to the generator.

    3. Conventional Hydropower is over half of the US renewable energy

    4. The numbers in the graph are the US renewable energy. The numbers show that over half of the renewable energy is from Conventional Hydropower. In fact 57% of the energy is Conventional Hydropower. The 42% is four different kinds of energy. The US can put these in Lakes like our Great Lakes. That is why there is such a big percentage of Conventional Hydropower. One audience that would be interested in this is people that are eco friendly. They would like it because It is eco friendly and it runs on water so its good for the earth. Another group of people that would be interested would be people that study plants that are around water. This would be helpful to them to find out if there are less plants growing around the area they put them.The last is Students. Students could find out what they are and what they are used for.

  23. LeAnn Howe MW2 2-22-12

    2. Conventional Hydropower is energy that is made from water."The water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines." -

    3. What we do today will have an effect on the world tomorrow.

    4. Over half of the renewable energy that US generates is from conventional hydropower. Almost a forth of the energy comes from wind. This is because the wind is free and it's everywhere. Only one percent of the US uses solar power to create energy.
    A group that would be interested in this chart would be someone who is trying to build a factory. Instead burning coal and making pollution, they might want to be eco friendly and use renewable energy generations. Another audience that may be interested would be an environment group. They could use this chart to persuade companies to use better resources for the Earth. But will these resources always be available? A third audience would be kids my age. This is very fascinating that hydropower is 57% of what the US uses. It's up to us to make a change in the world. Using wind power instead of burning a substance and creating pollution will effect our future. What we do today will have an effect on the world tomorrow.

  24. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 2-22-12 MW2

    2. Conventional Hydropower is the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.

    3. Conventional Hydropower is a lot better than others.

    4. The numbers mean the percentage of their use. Conventional Hydropower is used a lot more because the percentage is 57%. Wood and Others is only 9%, but it is still used by people. Solar energy is barely used but people still is used by some people. Solar energy is only used a couple times, it is only 1%.

    The audiences would love to see this because they would now what the percentage is for Conventional Hydropower and Wood and other Biomass. One audience would be the electric company. They would probably want to see the chart and talk about it. Another audience would be kids. They should know how to conserve energy for future use. One more audience would be adults and teachers. Because they might want to know how to conserve more energy. It's never too late to conserve a lot of energy.

  25. Jonathan Haddon 2/22/12 3rd hour

    Conventional hydro power is power derived from the force or energy of falling water, witch might be harnessed for useful prepossess.

    The numbers are the percents of how renewable the energy is and they show that the energy is renewable and to what extent. The three different audiences that would be interested are the people that are trying to create different and cleaner ways to use and recycle energy, people who want to save money, or people who need more jobs.

  26. 1.Seth Wilson Feb-22-12
    2. ''In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines.''
    3. renewable energy is much better than fossil fuels and other things like that.
    4.Hydropower is about 57% of the renewable energy we use, it could be better than that but it could also be much worse. I think the reason more people don't use it is because of the cost of it and the economy is bad, although it does save you a lot of money in the long run. I think if there was a way to make it cheaper but at the same time just as efficient more people could and would have it. Also if there were commercials or news articles about how much good it does for the environment and your money more people would use it.
    Adults that are looking for good ways to cut down on how much they spend would be very interested in this because it is a long term investment and they could make a lot of money off of it. Also environmentalists and anyone that deeply cares about the Earth would be very interested in this sort of thing. Last but not least owners of large corporations would be very interested in investing in this sort of energy, because in the long run it would make there business do even better.

  27. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 2/22/12 - MW4

    2. Hydroelectric energy is the gravitational energy of falling water.
    “Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.”

    3. It's time to act

    In this chart you will see the amount of renewable energy that we use on this earth. There are many renewable resources and this chart shows most of them.
    The most renewable energy that we use is hydroelectric. Hydroelectric energy is energy that we get from the gravitational force of falling water, It takes up 57% of this earths renewable energy. Another big one is wind energy. Wind energy takes up 24% of the renewable energy along with "Wood and other renewable biomass" with 9%.
    But solar energy is the smallest amount of renewable energy that we get. There are so many solar panels out there gathering energy for us. But it takes a long time and we don't have nearly enough to sustain live yet.
    If someone was going to change there energy to another form of it such as renewable energy and would like to know which is the most affective and what would be the best for them to get. This chart would really help with that. This chart will show them the amount of energy that each one is and what there options are in the state of energy.

  28. 1. Aaron Durham, 2.22.12, MW4

    2. Hydropower- Force or energy from falling water such as dams or watermills

    3. Everything We Waste We Could Be Using All Over Again.

    4. All of the numbers mean something to our world it shows us what kind of power we could have and were it comes from one of the top types or renewable energy would be conventional hydropower it tops the whole chart by 57%, this is the main type of power source in america it also tops geothermal, wood, solid waste, wind, and solar power that comes from the sun. the reason why people are interested.

    In this information is because the planet is dyeing and that is not heresy its true we waste so much energy that, one we have high energy bills two we become so immune to having energy if we don't have it everyone act's like they cant live but people seem to forgotten back before energy or electronics were invented

    They lived with-out it everyday and this is why i think this chart is important, and they have to be worried about the planet. This shows that we have something to worry about and it also shows we can get our energy just from our very own nature. wind only takes up 24%, as does geo thermal at a whopping 4% also Solid waste at 5%, wood at 9%, not many people use solar and thats at only 1% so by the look's of it the chart makes hydropower the best way to go and i agree strongly.

    Websters Dictionary.

  29. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4th
    2."In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines"
    3.Energy can be reused.
    4. The numbers mean a lot towards our Country The Hydropower is 57% Which is more then the other ones.Wind is 24% Sometimes it is very windy outside the percent should be higher because most of the time it is very windy out. The reason why water is a bigger percent is because we have the Great lakes and that is a lot of water in there.
    The graph is useful for science teacher that are trying to show there kids the percent of the energy and the water. Also children could use this blog to see the difference in the percent.

  30. 1. Cade Marttinen 2/22/12 MW4

    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines."

    3. Using different sources of energy helps a lot.

    4. According to the pie chart, conventional hydro-power is most used for power. 57% of power is from water. Wind is in second place with 24%. Only 1% of energy comes from solar power.(The Sun) Water is apparently the biggest source of power on earth.
    Everyday people would like to see this. It would make them think that getting energy from a different source is a good idea. Scientists study these type of things and like to know what type of power is the most used so they can improve on i and make it better and/or cheaper. Companies like to get their own power from water or the sun so they don't have to pay as much money to keep their company running. If they knew what source of energy was the best, they would try to find a way to use it. Companies also try to get as many ways of getting power as they can.

  31. 1. Kyle Gonos 2-22-12 MW4 (Re-Post)
    2. What is Hydropower? "Conventional Hydropower is water that is used as energy. Hydropower is easier because it is a renewable energy source. water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines".
    3. LL: There are many ways to power things you use everyday
    4. Over half of the United States renewable energy is Conventional Hydropower. In fact it is 57 % of our renewable energy. The next most amount of renewable energy in the US is Wind. Wind makes up 24 % of our renewable energy. So adding the 24 % of wind and 57 % of Conventional Hydropower that is 81 % of the United States Renewable Energy right there only using 2 different kinds. The least amount of renewable energy usage is solar which is only 1 %. I thought there would be more since people are talking about solar panels on top of peoples houses.
    Many different audiences could be linked to this topic. One example of these audiences is people who are trying to find ways to keep Earth clean. This could be a way for them to keep Earth clean. Another audience is people who want to save money. This audience would be interested because they would pay less because the energy is renewable. The last audience that would be involved in this topic is car companies such as GM, Ford, Dodge, etc. Since the amount of oil and gas is going down, we need a solution to fueling cars and this could be it.

  32. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 2/22/12
    2. "Conventional hydropower refers to the use of dams or impoundments to store water in a reservoir; water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine to gener- ate electricity."
    "Hydropower plants harness water's energy and use simple mechanics to convert that energy into electricity. Hydropower plants are actually based on a rather simple concept -- water flowing through a dam turns a turbine, which turns a generator."
    3. Use your resources.
    4. 57% of our green energy usage is man-made. People are making the energy we need in case there isn't enough wind, or thermal energy. Only 1% of the energy we use is solar, that isn't even enough for one person! But, 24% of natural energy is wind. There is a never ending supply of wind in the world. The graph shows how much humans need to work just get enough energy. Over half of it is made by people and not just by nature. We are using 5% of our own wast to produce energy. Even though it gets transferred into a useable kind. All together, 43% of the energy we use is natural, and the other 57% is man-made. Sometimes we just need to make more because the natural recourses aren't enough.
    Some people that would be interested in this information are power plant designers/workers, the people of towns that may start using conventional hydropower, and people who doubt conventional hydropower. First, the designers/workers. This is because they will see that what they are doing is making a difference and is really helping. They will understand that they are doing there job right and are doing well. The man-made and natural stuff they are using to be more "green" is helping the world and making a difference. Next, the people who may start using conventional hydropower. This is because if they saw this, they would be more sure of the decision being made. They will see that it is better use of the environment and it helps people get jobs as well. Lastly, the doubters. This is because this may change their perspective. Even though man-made conventional hydropower may be dangerous, it helps the environment and possibly the economy. There is more natural sources coming and the energy is greener than ever. The economy because it helps jobs open up. There is a bigger opportunity for people to get jobs and the plants can show them the natural and man-made energy sources. It could even fascinate them and lead them to find out more about the information given.

  33. 1.Daisy York 2-22-12 m/w4
    2. "The production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water"
    3. As time goes by even energy gets high tech.
    4. This chart represents that over half the people questioned says that they use conventional hydropower supposed to using more traditional ways. Such as wood and other biomass which only 9% says they still use this kind of energy.Considering wood urning is one of the oldest ways to heat and get energy its not that big of a surprise. Although some people may be surprised that only one percent says they use solar power which is said to be the smartest way to be environment friendly and also the job done.Something that is no surprise is that wind energy is the second highest use in this char. Not surprising because its environmentally friendly and theres rarely ever a shortage of wind. The numbers should mea something to the audiences of electrical companies,"green users" and energy engineers. Electrical companies can use this to their advantage to see the popular choice among their customers. They would know what kind of energy to promote the most. Also if they could see everyone likes conventional hydropower They could raise their prices for making it. Green users which are people dedicated to the environment can use this to see what people are doing for the environment. They could also use this for their own presentation to persuade people to go "green". Lastly electrical engineers can look at this and see whats working and what is not they look at their problems and fix it.

  34. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 2-22-12

    2. Conventional Hydropower- "Hydropower is electricity generated using the energy of moving water. Rain or melted snow, usually originating in hills and mountains, create streams and rivers that eventually run to the ocean. The energy of that moving water can be substantial, as anyone who has been whitewater rafting knows."

    3. There are many ways of using energy in the U.S.

    4. In the first paragraph it explains what the renewable energy is in the U.S. The chart shows how wood and other biomass is only 9 percent which means we don't use a lot of wood and other biomass in the U.S. The largest percentage of energy in the U.S is Conventional Hydropower energy, it is 57 percent of our power in the U.S. That means we use a lot of it. For solar we don't use a lot of it, its only 1 percent of an energy source in the U.S.
    Three audiences that would be interested in this information are the people who make the energy sources work, the people who use this energy and the people who invented the energy source. The people who help make the energy source work would be interested because they want to know if what they are doing to help make these energy sources work are actually doing something for people and their energy in their house. The people who use this energy would be interested because they want to know that where they are getting their energy is actually working and not a fake. The people who invented the energy source would be interested because they would like to know that what they thought would help the world is actually helping the world and not really working for example, the wood and other biomass is only 1 percent so really the inventor didn't help much.

  35. 1. Ian Grady 2-22-2012
    2. "The production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water."
    3. There is always an Eco-Friendly way to create power.
    4. This chart shows the amount of renewable energy the US makes for itself. 57% of that energy comes from Conventional Hydropower which is "The production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water." The only other energy producer that even comes close to that would be wind generated power at 24% but that is about it.
    Three different audiences who would be interested in this would be environmentalists who were say writing a paper on natural sources of energy, or students making a debate about the topic. Or even people who just want to make a change from dirty factories to more environmentally friendly generators. All in all, this would be a good trend to start in our communities for a better future.

  36. 1. Bri Rumple MW4 2.22.12

    2. Conventional Hydropower is "the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water." -

    3. Conventional Hydropower is the best source of renewable energy.

    4. The chart shows the percentages of all of the sources of renewable energy. it clearly shows that Solar energy is the worst source of renewable energy because it is only 1% renewable. Then there is wind, which is 24% renewable, which is better than wood, at 9%, and Geothermal energy at only 4% renewable. Conventional Energy is the obviously the best source of conventional energy out there because it is 57% renewable.
    People who may be interested in this information may be environmentalists if they wanted to improve the usage of our worlds source of energy, they wouldn't want to use Solar energy because it's hardly even renewable. They would want to use conventional hydropower energy because it is the most renewable source of energy we have, so far.

  37. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 2/22/12, MW4
    2. "Conventional Hydropower is electricity generated by hydropower, hydropower is power from the force of energy of falling water."
    3. Conventional hydropower saves energy.
    4. 5% of hydropower is used for global demand. This percent is not very high so not a lot of people have began to use hydropower. It can be dangerous because it floods and destroys habitats. But it is also good because it doesn't cause as much pollution. About 48% of the population uses coal. This is one of the main resources we use for power, but it is bad for the environment so it would be a lot better if we used hydropower.
    An audience that may be interested in the use of hydropower would be building owners because it would be a lot cheaper to use hydropower for electricity and to power the buildings. Schools could want to use this too because it would be cheaper and is more friendly to the environment. Also Adults might want it for their homes to save money, and help the environment. Mainly people that would want to use hydropower would be people that would like to save money on powering things like their houses, or buildings.

  38. 1. Alex Smith, 2-22-12, MW4

    2. "Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. The power extracted from the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head. The amount of potential energy in water is proportional to the head. A large pipe (the "penstock") delivers water to the turbine." - Thank you Wikipedia

    3. Make use of your most abundant resource

    4. The graph is a pie graph, which is entitled "US Renewable Energy Generation". There are six segments to this: Wind, Solar, Wood and other Biomass, Municipal Solid Waste, Geothermal, and Conventional Hydropower. These are all different types of renewable energy resources. Out of all the different resources; wind is 24%, solar is 1%, wood and other biomass is 9%, municipal solid waste is 5%, Geothermal is 4%, and conventional hydropower makes up the majority at 45%. Now when we add these together we get an even 100%.

    The first audience I could think of is an audience of a debate. The topic being if we should use hydropower. The pro argument could use this saying that if we get rid of hydropower that it would put a massive dent in how much power we produce, seeing as how hydropower is the majority.

    This could also be used as a visual aid in a presentation, which is requesting that we use more solar power. Seeing as how hydropower worked well, we should try to put up more solar panels.

  39. 1. Brandon Cooke 2-22-12
    2. Conventional Hydropower is the the energy and power created by water. such as water mills or dams.
    3. there is better ways to make energy
    4. In this chart is showing all our power sources. conventional hydropower 57%. conventional hydropower is water an we are reusing Conventional Hydropower the most out of any other renewable energy source. Hydropower is water. So this graph is showing that we reuse water most. Wind is the second most renewed energy source. i didn't think wind was i though water or solar power would be..

    I say we should talk to kids about this stuff. Ages around 1st grade to 11th grade an see what they say about all this. It would be better because then when they grow up they will know how to save money an energy. Another one would be teacher an adults because if you wanna save money on your gas,bills or anything then this will help. this chart would be great for all they big companies that are out there!!


  40. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre MW4

    2. "Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. The power extracted from the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head. The amount of potential energy in water is proportional to the head. A large pipe (the "penstock") delivers water to the turbine." -Wikipedia

    3.Renewable energy resources are better for the environment.

    4. What these numbers mean that water energy produces a much grater amount than wind. Water creates more than half the natural energy resources. Wind is a little under a quarter producer of natural resources.
    This information wold be useful for eco friendly goops because they wold want to know what they can do to make the environment better. People that are agents natural energy because it shows the kinds of energy that is naturally created. Scientists wold find this information useful so they can track the percentages of natural energy produced.

  41. 1. Michael Atwood / 2-22-12 / MW4

    2. “Hydropower plants harness water's energy and use simple mechanics to convert that energy into electricity. Hydropower plants are actually based on a rather simple concept -- water flowing through a dam turns a turbine, which turns a generator.” “”
    3. Renewable energy is the answer to our energy problems.
    4. In the graph, 1% of the renewable energy is solar, which means the least amount of renewable energy we get is from solar panels in sunny places. 4% of our renewable energy comes from Geothermal plants, where plants take heat from Earth's Core and makes it turn turbines. 5% of our renewable energy comes from solid waste, which is when the methane from the trash is captured and used for energy. 9% of our renewable energy is from wood, which is burned to create steam to move the turbines. 24% of our renewable energy comes from the wind, which turn turbines, creating mechanical energy. The remaining 57% of our renewable energy comes from hydropower, which spins turbines to create mechanical energy.
    People who are worried about our future energy problems would like to know these statistics. They would want to know what we can increase doing to get energy. People who are also afraid of polluting our environment would like to know this. They would also like to fix our energy problem, because it can pollute the atmosphere. Anybody who cared about the growth of technology would also care. They need energy to solve their problems.

  42. 1. Heather Linn, 2/23/12, TT2

    2. Conventional hydropower is when water is stored in a dam and is passed through a turbine and generator. It then is released back into the river downstream. The power station does not consume any water. It only consumes the energy made from the water turning the turbines.

    3. You can get power, with using natural resources.

    4. In graph you see above, it shows the US renewable energy generators, and how much they are used. The most commonly used at 57% is conventional hydropower. Which is basically getting energy by using water. The second, is wind, at 24%. An example of a wind renewable energy generator would be a windmill. There are a lot of renewable energy generators but coming in at least, is solar, with 1%.
    Some audiences that would be interested in this graph would be foundations that try to save the earth, by cleaning up and not using that much energy. Another audience that would be interested in this, is someone who wants to promote conventional hydropower stations, because they can show this and say that they are used a lot, and dont harm anything, so why not use them all the time? Lastly, a audience that would be interested in this would be someone who wants to show that we can still get energy, without using things that harm the earth, because there are so many options we could use, that might be difficult to start at first, but in the end its worth it.

  43. 1.Hudcal16 TT2 2-23-12
    2.Power that is generated with water. Like water generated by hydroelectric generators.
    3. Renewable energy is useful and is not wasteful
    4. Conventual hydropower is 57% of all the renewable energy generation. This could mean that instead of giant masses of solar power plates we could build more hydroelectric generators. Wind witch is the runner up to hydropower is at 24%. I am wondering why solar power is only generating 1% of the worlds renewable energy.
    Some audiences could be interested in this because they might live near a wind farm. And they could ask if its only doing 24% of the renewable energy generation then do we still really need it. They could also be interested in it because they have solar panels on their roof. They would wonder why it is so inefficient. They could also affect an audience that lives near conventional hydropower generators. And they could talk about the good and bad things of living near one of them. Even though it looks like solar power on the graphs space on the pie graph is bigger than the geothermal. Why is that?

  44. 1. William McNamee 2/23/12 TT2

    2. "Falling water in streams and rivers has been harnessed to produce electric energy for more than 100 years. Hydroelectric projects provide the most efficient means of producing electric energy"

    3. Different methods have different popularity.

    4. This is a graph about how and how much the U.S. gets it's renewable energy from. The conventional hydropower from lakes and rivers is at the top with 57%. This means that more than half of the renewable energy that we use is because of hydropower. coming in a not so close second would be wind at 24%. This means that nearly a quarter of our renewable energy is from the wide open plains where the turbines can be found. In a distant third is wood and other biomasses. These are things that can be burned and made into energy. The next highest is municipal waste or as i like to call it poop power. This is only at 5%. The next is at 4% and it is geothermal energy. The last and certainly the least is solar power. I was not expecting that.

    If this chart was to be used in a debate, I could see it at three main points. What type of renewable energy should the Unites States invest in? This would fit because the graph clearly shows what has been working. Another would be "Should wood really be used to make energy?" This could be out in a debate't because it it demostrates that we aren very dependent on it so why use it. Finally this could be used as a graph in the debate on " Is hydropower effective or not?".

  45. 1. Paige Leatherman 2/23/12 TT2

    2. “Hydroelectric and coal-fired power plants produce electricity in a similar way. In both cases a power source is used to turn a propeller-like piece called a turbine, which then turns a metal shaft in anelectric generator, which is the motor that produces electricity. A coal-fired power plant uses steam to turn the turbine blades; whereas a hydroelectric plant uses falling water to turn the turbine. The results are the same.”

    3. Majority of our countries renewable energy is from conventional hydroelectric energy.

    4. The numbers shown in the graph show that our best renewable energy is conventional hydroelectric energy, thats coming in at a 57%. Although theres 5 other energies shown in the graph, conventional hydroelectric is first. Coming in second with 24% is wind. Geothermal, municipal solid waste, wood and other biomass, and solar energy generations all all below 10%, that means that we don't use much of them.
    People who are into energy saving and reusing would be interested in this chart because they can see which one they can use to reuse energy. Schools might also be interested in the chart so they can see if they can help out anyway at their school. Adults will probably be into this too, because kids don't really pay attention to these things. Adults are the ones that would stand up and actually go forward with doing any of these energy resources.

  46. 1. Cody Musulin 2-23-12
    2. A energy source that comes from water.
    3. The uncommonly known is the best.
    4. The numbers on the graph show that wind and hydropower is the best way to make energy. It also shows that Solar power is the worst way to get energy. The hydropower is way better than the other ways to make energy. It us 57% while the second highest is 24%. If hydropower gives us that much energy, then we need to make more of other energy making things like solar panels, to even it out. If we keep making hydropower things, then we will lose all of our space to go on lakes and the ocean.

    If this chart had to be shown to three audiences, One of the audiences would be to the other energy companies. If we showed this to the people that make solar panels, if they see that hydropower is so over powered, and solar panels are at the bottom, the people that make solar panels would start to make more and more, and make more and more energy. The other two audiences Th chart would be shown to would be the other energy making companies, when they saw the chart, they wouldn't be happy about how over powered that the hydropower is, and they would try to get their energy rate up.

  47. 1. Jade Cogar 2-23-12 TT2

    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines."

    3. That you can have more Conventional Hydropower then wind.

    4. The numbers on the pie chart are their because it helps you understand what they are talking about. The lowest one in the pie chart is solar power and it is at 1%. Now the biggest one is conventional hydropower and it is at 57%. The numbers on the graph are saying that you may think that wind is bigger than conventional hydropower but if you look at the numbers on the graph yo will understand why.
    One of them would be adults to see which of the powers would be good for them and for there family. They would look at the chart and to see which power would be bigger in the economy. Another group that would be good would be the people that study the weather. They would be good to study it because they could tell us weather or not the power that is bigger good for us or not. The last one would be people that are working with a big company. They would be good for that because they would know if they need to see if they can do things out side and it wouldn't be to nasty to go do his/her things.

  48. 1. Caeley Hendee, 2-23-12, TT2
    2. “What is Conventional Hydropower? Conventional Hydropower is when water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. This is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only used the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines. A characteristic of hydroelectric power stations is their ability to react very quickly to changes in consumer demand.”
    3. You don't know about this stuff, until you actually take the time to read about it.
    4. This graph shows numbers and percents about what things actually make renewable energy. More than half (57%) of renewable energy is made up by conventional hydropower. But only 1% of solar?! You would think that the numbers would be higher. That the sun gives off the most energy! Knowing that municipal solid was part of renewable energy, I learned that it was only 5%!!
    People that are interested in working with energy or that are involved in the Renewable Energy Generation. With working with those kinds of things of course they would like to know! Second, around the community that enjoy reading and are interested about our energy and care. Maybe kids that are reading about energy in their science class, and would like to know more about what they are reading about.

  49. Brandon Wiese 2/23/12 TT2

    2."The program’s conventional hydropower activities focus on increasing generating capacity and effi- ciency at existing hydroelectric facilities, adding hydroelectric generating capacity to non-powered dams, and reducing environmental effects" which means its power created by water.
    3.Energy is an important part of our existence.
    4. In this graph it displays the different types of producing clean energy unlike burning fossil fuels. The producer with the most energy is conventional hydropower with 57%. In second comes wind power which has 24%. In third it is wood and other biomasses with 9%. In forth we have municipal solid waste which has 5%. Then in fifth theres there is geothermal with 4%. Last there is solar energy with 1%.
    Some types of groups that could like this would be the people that want to see our future in a good direction. Another group could be young developing scientists because they want to know how much energy is being made by renewable resources. Then there could be that group that doesn't really care about what is going on except for the fact that they are there.

  50. 1. Blake Lapum, 2/23/12, TT2

    2. "Conventional Hydropower is the power through water. The water is build up in a dam, there is a limited intake of water. The water then flows through a little tunnel, spinning a turbine connected to a generator, the electricity then flows up the generator, to a power plant, and gets distributed where ever it is needed. The water that spun the turbine just goes back into the river or water supply."

    3. There are many different ways to form electricity.

    4. There are a lot of different ways to form electricity. There are just 6 or the main ones on this graph. The biggest of them all is conventional hydropower with 57%. This is probably the biggest because this procedure is relatively simple. Other ones such as wind(24%) and solid waste(5%) are up there to. These other ways or generating electricity may not be as popular because people don't know about them, or just don't have the time. Solar energy is one of the easiest ways to get energy. Why people aren't doing it more, I don't know. A lot of people know about it, but they just don't do it, which is proved by the 1% that use it. Even energy off solid materials (Human waste) has more people doing it!
    Everyone should know this information. Many Americana and even people in other countries are having hard times right now, and will do anything to save a buck. Citizens should know this because they need to save money, there are so many different ways of making energy besides the typical way. I also think that state officials should know this because they want their state to be wealthy, and if they know this information, they can see ways of making energy that they've never thought of before. If they know this information, they can pass it on to everyone else, wether it's other state officials, or even the president. Everyone should know this, there are many other ways to create energy than the typical way that most americans only know.

  51. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 2/23/12, TT2
    2.”Conventional Hydropower is a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines.They have many advantages such as the water is a renewable source of energy and the process of electricity generation has no emissions.They also have disadvantages such as the SA is a dry country with few rivers suitable for hydroelectric plants and the construction of dams in rivers always has an impact on the environment.”

    3. What we waste is what we need in the future.

    4. Conventional hydropower is the number one renewable energy resource with 57% of the U.S. Wind energy is the next highest with the percentage of the above 24%. The lowest renewable resource percentage is 1% which is solar energy. In my opinion, the pie chart show that it has low or poor quality this is because the solar looks more that the other sources.Then geothermal, Municipal solid waste and wood and other biomass are all very close to 4,5, and 9 percent. Some people that would be interested in this information would be scientists. Scientists would be interested in this because they probably want to know how their creations are doing in the world. If conventional hydropower is used more than the could think of more ways we could produce energy with the flow of water.

    Some other people that would be interested in this would be the people of the united states and also people that is from other foreign countries. They might want to know how they are being powered. Or what is going on with the world. Finally the last people that would be interested in this information would be the government. So they can see what is popular and if they need to put a power source some where the can refer to this to see what is used more often or even less often.”Now windmills are in higher demand, For years we've heard about how a shortage of silicon kept solar panel prices higher than they would otherwise be. Just as we're expecting supply to improve in that field, we learn that wind turbines are getting more expensive. Do we know why this is occurring?.This has a good and bad side. The bad one is obvious, but it's worth explaining the good. Part of the cost increase comes from higher commodity prices, and that's bad both for wind turbine makers and for wind turbine buyers (it's only good to mining companies), but part of it also has to do with extremely high demand.

  52. 1. Michael Hamilton 2-23-12 tt2

    2. "Hydropower is the renewable energy source that produces the most electricity in the United States. It accounted for 6% of total U.S. electricity generation and 60% of generation from renewables in 2010".

    3. don't wast water.

    4. Did you know that the water today are water is used by 5% wast to kept us running are water. 24% is used by wind and it will run or house.1% is used by solar power and that said because that better for the earth.there are 57% is used by hydropower and that ok for the earth. also there is 9% used by us byword and why don't we us that instead.

  53. 1. Brooke Boyd 2-23-12 tt2
    2."Conventional Hydropower is a renewable, efficient, and reliable source of energy that does not directly emit greenhouse gases or other air pollutants, and that can be scheduled to produce power as needed, depending on water availability." I got it from Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

    3. There are a lot of ways to make energy but they don't use them all a lot.
    4. In the chart the numbers show that Conventional Hydropower is used way more for energy than anything else. The percent for Conventional Hydropower is 57% that way more than any of the other energy sources for Solar its only 1% i think that is very strange because I thought a lot more people used solar energy. For wind and geothermal they only have a small percent wind is 24% which is the only higher one from Conventional Hydropower but its still a small number. Geothermal is 4% and that is the smallest energy on the chart.
    People who would be in this interested in this chart would be everybody who uses energy should know what they use must. another group of people would be Environmentalists, scientists this is a energy chart that kind of people like to look at and see whats going on. I think some companies would like to use this graph because i feel like a lot of companies try to make a lot more things energy efficient. This chart would like to be seen by a lot of people that like to see whats going on with energy.

  54. 1. Elle Kennedy 2-23-12 TT2

    2. “Conventional Hydropower is using water to create energy. The water is stored in a dam then passed through a turbine and generator, then it is released back into the river. During this no water is kept in the power station.”

    3. Most of the renewable energy in the US is Conventional Hydropower.

    4. The graph shows the percents of how much renewable energy generation is from wind, solar, wood and other biomass, municipal solid waste, geothermal and conventional hydropower. Solar energy is used the least as it makes up only 1% of the US renewable energy. Wood and other biomass makes up 9%, municipal solid waste makes up 5%, geothermal makes up 4% wind is 24% and conventional hydropower makes up the most with 57%. I would have guessed that wind and solar energy made up the most because I see a lot of solar panels and wind mills.
    Three audiences that would want to know about this information would be energy companies so they know what is used the most so if they don't already use it, maybe they would start using it. Another audience would be inventors because they would see how many things could be used for energy and then they might come up with another way to generate energy. A third audience for this information would be scientists because if they were in to energy they might want to study which way of renewable energy generation works the best so that we can get the most energy in the most simple way that also does not harm our environment.

  55. 1. Darren Murray 2/23/12 TT2

    2. “When it rains in hills and mountains, the water becomes streams and rivers that run down to the ocean. The moving or falling water can be used to do work. Energy, you'll remember is the ability to do work. So moving water, which has kinetic energy, can be used to make electricity.” “”

    3. The lesson learned is that this chart is not very affective on my knowledge of knowing renewable energy from burning our fossil fuels. The difference between burning fossil fuels and renewing energy, is that we burn and use way more fossil fuels than renewable energy and try to help out our world and our economy. Those statistics have been the same for at least 10 years. This graph hasn't changed its just now being recognized and that is why this chart is not very affective. If it would be affective to me, it would have to change the numbers a little bit so I can see if were improving in our renewing system.

    4. This pie chart is showing numbers. Numbers that mean renewing energy and the statistics on how much we renew of that substance. The biggest chunk, the blue part, hydro-power, is the most common out of all the renewable substances. These numbers mean the larger the piece, the more we use it.
    1)Politicians because they are big fans of fossil fuels and controlling gas prices and such. They will be furious if they couldn't sell there gases and oils, because that's how they make there money.
    2)Biologists because they want our economy to be very well clean and not polluted and nasty and rotten. There fighting to keep our health highest.
    3)The common person. They do not want to live in a unhealthy world with burning of coal and gas, etc... This is affecting the people all around the world slowly but surly.
    Hope this changes everybody's mind about why to use more renewable energy and not burn fossil fuels.

  56. 1. Jensen Borkowski 2/23/12 TT2
    2. “Conventional hydropower is energy produced by water that is used in dams. The water is stored in a dam and passed though a turbine and generator.”
    3. There are many ways to renew energy.
    4. This graph is showing what amounts we reuse of our renewable energy. Conventional hydropower is used most commonly, taking up fifty-seven percent of the graph. Wind is used the second most. Almost one quarter of the graph represents wind. Solar energy is renewed the least. Only one percent of the graph is represented by solar energy.
    Many people would be interested in this information. People who own large businesses with many locations over the country might be interested in the graph. This might persuade them to conserve more energy. People like scientists would also like to know about this information. They are constantly trying to come up with new ways to conserve energy. If they were aware of this information, they might try and come up with more ways to conserve solar energy rather than conventional hydropower. Conservationists would also like to know this information. It can help show them what they are doing well on conserving and what they may need to work harder to conserve.

  57. 1. Michael Yedinak 2/23/12 TT2
    2. "Conventional Hydropower is water stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. The power station doesn't consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water."
    3. Use energy wisely.
    4. When I first saw this graph I knew that we this was going to set a good example of what is good about energy. First of all conventional hydropower has 57% of its energy being reusable. One thing that kind of surprised me was wind being 24% reusable. I have heard before that is was good a second/third/fourth time around, but 24% is outstanding! Solar, wood, solid waste, and geothermal energy is if you add them all up equal 19% of the reusable energy in the U.S. Even if the specific energy only equals just 1% of it being reusable, (like solar energy) it is still important to be wise with energy to save money and the stuff we use every day.
    Many U.S people and even people around the world would be interested in seeing this to save energy. The people I think who would like to look at the U.S Renewable Energy graph are maybe lighting/energy companies. Those people could get the word around about turning off lights when not using them and all the stuff that could save energy to be reused like wood. Pluming people should enhance this graph and tell the world to watch overusing water and try to be careful. Finally people who want to save money could learn these things by seeing the graph. Then their energy bill would go down and everyone would be happy.

  58. 1.) Lexi Gross/ 2-23-12/ T-T-2
    2.) “Conventional Hydropower is creating energy by water force. You can create conventional hydropower by a dam. The force of the water creates the energy.”
    3.) I learned that most of our renewable energy is mostly Conventional Hyrdropower
    4.) Conventional Hydropower is America's number one energy source. You can tell in the graph, because it is 57%, and it is the biggest pice of the pie. Over half of America gets their energy from conventional hydropower. To be honest it is sad to see that solar energy is a small 1%. Solar energy is not cheap to buy the materials, so that is probably why people don't use it. The second highest energy source is only 24% and that is wind. Wind is a good way to get energy, because it's free, except for the machine. Wood and other biomass, municipal solid waste, and geothermal is the last 18%.
    I can think of 3 different people that would want to see this easily. Someone who is trying to sell solar panels, because if I was selling something I would want to know how many people use it. Maybe a scientist that is studying conservation. They would want to know, because they want to learn the different things about how we use energy. Power plants would definitely want to know. They want to know what is the best way to get energy.

  59. 1. Michael Haase TT2 2-23-12
    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines."
    3. Renewable Energy is very useful.
    4. Conventional Hydropower produces the most energy with about 54% of the US Renewable Energy Generation. Wind Is the next highest with 24%.Wood and other Biomass is about 9%. Municipal Solid Waste has 5 percent of Renewable Energy. Geothermal Is 4 percent of Energy. Solar is has the least of Renewable Energy with 1%. The Audience that would be interested with this information would be people who are trying to make more Renewable Energy. Another audience that might be interested in trying to increase the amount of Renewable Energy.

  60. 1. Lexi Cox, 2/23/12, TT4

    2. "Conventional hydropower projects make up the majority of the water power generated in the U.S. today and have been doing so reliably for decades."

    3. Renewable energy can benefit us.

    4. How we are living right now we have a few different sources in the United States that is renewable energy. 57% of our renewable energy comes from conventional hydropowers. That is the water category like dams. Another big source is wind that makes up 24% of our renewable energy. Wind can spin turbines that we can then us as energy. Geothermal makes us 4% of the renewable energy and solar only makes up 1%.
    This information that is provided in this chart gives out information that many people would be interested in. One main group of people that would be interested in this would be people that did not know this information before. These people would be interested because they would be able to see how our renewable energy sources are limited and that the things they do can make a difference on how much energy we have. Another audience that would be interested could be people that try and keep our world clean and try to save energy. These people would be interested to see how if more people did what they are doing our generation could take a turn. Also everyday people who don't really know about these statistics could be very interested. These could start to see that the little things they do can make a big difference and how important it is that we are aware of our renewable energy sources.

  61. 1. Danielle Stowell 2/23/12 TT4
    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream."
    3. Use your energy wisely.
    4. It looks like Conventional Hydropower produces the most amount of energy with 54%. Wind looks like the next biggest with 24%. The next four go into 1 digit numbers. Geothermal is about 4% and Municipal is about 5 so those to are real close together. Wood and other biomass have 9% and last Solar has 1%.
    A lot of people would be interested in this kind of chart. People who own big buildings around the country would be interested in this graph. Probably like Eco friendly people because they go around everywhere trying to make this would a better place and would want to try to save energy. Like all the Eco friendly people recycle all the time. I've seen some people walking along the beaches and picking up other peoples trash. Those kinda of people don't like to waste energy. Scientist would be very interested because they are always trying to come up with new ways to reserve energy. Everybody should be interested in this stuff, I bet they want to make it a better place around here. If people saw how much energy is used they would try to make the percents lower than what they already are.

  62. 1. Kirsten Brydon 2-23-12
    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines." this info is from
    3. Our quest for energy is relentless
    4. What I can get from the numbers is that conventional hydropower makes up more then half our energy supply at 57% with a second of wind power at 24%. We also use wood and other biomass as fuel, this makes up 9%. Municipal Solid Waste makes up 5%, Geothermal has 4% and solar power only makes up 1% of the US's Renewable Energy. Conventional Hydropower uses water as energy, which I understand since water is renewable, it can also be found in many forms. No wonder it takes nearly half of the graph.
    Who would want to know this? To start, this graph could prove useful to a power plant or a company that works with different kinds of energy because they would want to know the best ways to get the best results and what kinds of fuel they could use. Another example of who may want to know of this graph could be an environmentalist, since they would want to know what kinds of energy could harm wildlife in the area and energy that is safe for the ecosystem. A debater could also use this graph to prove their points in an argument on energy, or maybe even other topics. What kind of energy do you use?

  63. 1. Molly Aills 2/23/12 TT4

    2. “The U.S. Department of Energy's Water Power Program conventional hydropower activities focus on increasing generating capacity and efficiency at existing hydroelectric facilities, adding hydroelectric generating capacity to non-powered dams, and reducing environmental effects.” excerpt from

    3. Most energy can be renewed.

    4. Shown here in the graph is the renewable energy that the U.S. is producing. The largest amount of renewable energy is in the form of Conventional Hydropower, at 57%, using the United States's large supply of water to generate energy. The next highest renewable energy source being generated is of wind at 24%. Especially in places with high winds and little water, like on the Plains, this would be helpful. The other categories, including Solar generation at 1%, Wood and other Biomass at 9%, Municipal Solid Waste at 5%, and Geothermal at 4%, are the minority of the generating. But, as they say, every little bit counts!
    Three audiences who would be interested in this information would include scientists, our generation, and car companies. Scientists would be interested in this information because they could show other audiences how much energy is being generated already in order to promote further generation of renewable energy. Our generation would be interested in this information and other information, such as the effects of gasoline on the environment, which would encourage them to use things like environment-friendly cars. Car companies would be interested in this information because they could produce things like environmentally-friendly cars. Then, the people who want to help the environment would purchase these cars. In the end, all of these audiences would result in a big circle of helping to increase renewable energy generation.

  64. 1. Josh Mick 2/23/12 TT4
    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines."
    3. There is more ways to use energy.
    4. Approximately 57% of conventional hydropower is the most frequently renewed energy we use everyday. Farms have windmills to produce power and use 24% of it to power their homes.

    Audiences interested in this information would be people who have the need to see how much energy they use. They might find a way to increase more renewable energy. The government could be interested to help sub duct some of the conventional hydropower to not use as much as we already use. Some scientists could come up with a logical way of increasing or decreasing to conventional hydropower.

  65. 1. Sam Hall TT4 February 23, 2012

    2. "Hydropower plants harness water's energy and use simple mechanics to convert that energy into electricity. Hydropower plants are actually based on a rather simple concept -- water flowing through a dam turns a turbine, which turns a generator."

    3. Fossil fuels aren't our only hope.

    4. Geothermal, municipal solid waste, solar, and wood and other biomass all generate very small amounts of renewable energy, ranging between 1 and 9 percent of the total generation and all together, only producing about 9% of the total renewable energy generated. Wind, which accounts for 24% (more than all of the forms of energy listed above, put together) of the energy produced, but hydro-power trumps them all. Hydro-power produces 57% of renewable energy, which is more than half.

    Energy companies, energy consumers, and environmentalists would all want to have access to this information. Energy companies could use this graph to compare renewable energy to fossil fuels, and maybe start to use more environmentally friendly ways to produce their energy. Energy consumers could decide if they wanted to switch to renewable energy based on this information. And environmentalists could show this to audiences around the world that don't believe renewable energy is worth while.

  66. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 2/23/12

    2. "Conventional hydro power is when you trap water in a dam and it is sent to a turbine and it releases energy and then it is set back into the water source it came from."
    3. use your energy sparingly

    4. conventional hydropower produces about 54% of the energy we use, wind is next with 24%, wood and other biomass has about 9% Municipal Solid Waste has 5% , geothermal has about 4% of renewable energy and solar is the least used renewable energy source with 1% these numbers in this graph show how much energy is coming from one source at a certain time. it shows that conventional hydro power is used the most to create energy, and solar energy is used the least to create also shows that almost a quarter of the energy we use comes from the wind, The Audience that would have the most interest in this graph i think would be people who are trying to use more renewable energy. also people who are trying to make new renewable energy and another audience that would be interested would be.

  67. 1. Devin Bryant 2/23/12

    2.(In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines)

    3. that conventual hydropower are over half of the power we get

    4. the numbers mean that we get power from a wide range of sources including wind, water, ext but there is one kind that is more that tripple of some other sorts that we use conventual hydropower it has 57% of our chart and wind has 24% those are the top two then other biomass takes third with 9% we use conventual hydropower so much is because we always have none stop running water we have them at dams river and lakes most likely and we get so much more from it then solar is because we dont always have the sun we only have the sun from 6 am to 9 pm in the summer and from 7 am to 6 pm in the winter that is why i believe that it is so much higher. three different audiences that would be interested in this is entrepreneurs because they might want to start there own company of energy and the best choice conventual hydropower and another would be every day people because they might want to know were all there energy comes from. another group that would be interested in these is unemployed people to try and find a job that will do good and they will be able to work for for a long time.

  68. 1. Heidi Siemon 2-23-12 TT4

    2. “In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines.”

    3. Reusing is valuable and helpful.

    4. 57% of reusable energy is conventional hydropower. It is used more than all the other energy sources combined. This may be because there is a bunch of water like in lakes or streams. It is probably easier to just use water because there is a good supply of it. The water wont run out, it just keeps coming.
    One audience that would be interested in this would be people that would build or design buildings. They need to plan out what kind of energy they would use. Another audience that would be interested would be a teacher. A teacher could use this to teach their classes. It would be perfect for when they learn about energy sources. The last audience is children and teenagers. Some kids or teens might want to know about this. It could have to do with a career they are interested in for later. They just may really like science.

  69. 1. Name:ReannaMarsden Date:2/23/12 Hour:tt4
    2. It is used to do a lot of thing's
    3.Naver go swimming in a river.
    4.Convention Hydro power is the most used power at 54% the anther high one is wind it 24%. The less is Geothermal at 4%. You can see that Convention hydro power is used more then any other power in the us.
    The three thing i notes is that most of the power that we use is convention hydro power not a lot of ower power we use comes from geothermal power. we do use wind but not a lot.

  70. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 2-23-12

    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines."

    3. convectional hydropower is the most renewable energy source.

    4. There are 5 ways to renew energy in the U.S. but the main one is Conventional Hydropower with 57%. And this deals with water like dams. The second one is wind with 24% and this is use full for spinning turbines to generate power from the wind to the turbines. Wood and other biomass have a 9%, when this wood is burned is in a combustion mode and it makes steam that help generate energy. Municipal solid waste at a 5% and burning this is like a fossil fuel and is a easy way to make energy from the every day waste or "garbage" we produce. And then there is Geothermal at a 4% this is "energy from the Earth. Geo refers to the solid part of the Earth and thermal refers to heat energy." Last but but not least we have solar at a 1% and solar is an energy used by the power of the sun and its rays, and when it hits the solar panel it absorbs the energy coming from the rays of the sun.

  71. 1. Brendan Schmitter 2/23/12
    2. It is water than is not usually used like in the ocean they have a water plant outside in the ocean.
    3. Not all the resources that we were given we don't use.
    4. 24% of the power is wind, 1% was used as wind power,wood and other biomass is 9 %. geothermal power 4 %, and solid waster was 5 % ,and finally 57% is hydro power.Scientist would interested in it because they can see what i do or others and get ideas. kids would interested and the would find it interesting and it is good to teach them come thing so they can also learn about the world and they should learn about this world.

  72. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 2-23-12, TT2
    2. Conventional Hydropower is basically all of the parts of a river
    3. Anything can make up energy.
    4. If you look at the chart, it shows that 57% of the US energy is Conventional Hydropower, I think that the US energy is mostly made up of Conventional Hydropower, because here on earth mostly made up of water. Also, if you look at the chart it shows that 24% of the US energy is made up of wind, and then the remaining percents, is made up off solar(1%), wood and other biomass(9%), municipal solid waster(5%), and geothermal(4%). Also I believe that the US energy is wood and other biomass, because there is a lot of woodland in the US.
    One audience that I think that would like to hear this information, would be people who don't really know that much about the United States energy, and where it comes from. Only because possibly they will want to hear this information, so that they have more knowledge about it. Another audience that would like this information, would be environmental people (people who love the environment), because maybe they love to learn about this information, and want to do everything in their power, to keep those things that are used for energy up and running. In addition, I think that maybe governmental people (people who run the government), would like to hear this information, because if they realize how important these things are, than they will make laws to keep them going.
    (the website I got my information from)

  73. 1. Justin Wilson Feb 22 mw4
    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines." site
    3. I learned that we don't have to burn fossil fuels to get energy we can get it from nature without polluting nature.
    4. We get 57% of our renewable energy from conventional hydropower. 27% comes from wind those are the only two sources of energy that have really developed.
    Three types of people that would be interested in this information is power companies and coal mine oner because they might go out of bisnis.

  74. 1. Nella Galliher 2/22/12 MW4
    2. Conventional Hydropower is “the use of dams or impoundments to store water in a reservoir; water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine to generate electricity.”
    3. Conventional hydropower is the most used renewable energy in the U.S.
    4. Conventional Hydropower represents 57% of U.S. Renewable energy resources. Other resources equal 43% of U.S. Renewable energy resources. People who want a cleaner environment, People who make the turbines, The government to make the world a greener place.

    1. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre

      2. "Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. The power extracted from the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head. The amount of potential energy in water is proportional to the head. A large pipe (the "penstock") delivers water to the turbine." -Wikipedia

      3.Renewable energy resources are better for the environment.

      4. What these numbers mean that water energy produces a much grater amount than wind. Water creates more than half the natural energy resources. Wind is a little under a quarter producer of natural resources.
      This information wold be useful to the government for references and Scientists for records.

  75. 1. Stephen Moore, 2/23/12, TT2
    2. What is Conventional Hydro power water that makes energy.
    3. Lesson Learned Energy can be good or bad.
    4.On the graph 1% is solar energy from the sun. Wind is 24% because it turns wind mills which gives lots of energy. 5% is geothermal energy is solid waste which comes from trash and the ground. 57% is conventional Hydro power is people that want to save money and 9% is solid wast to.

    An audience that would be interested would be engineers.
    And car dealer ships. Because they need to now about energy. mechanics would want to know about energy.

  76. 1. Jake Yannott, mw4
    2. Hydroelectric power is water produced by the water flow in a river.
    3. Renewable energy can give us a better future
    4. The number in the pictures are showing use the usage of other energy sources. Like nuclear energy. also wind energy. it also shows us the result, that may cause air pollution. that is what the graph shows us.

    Other people interested in this graph would be co workers. Because they use white a bit on energy and air pollutions.Also think tax payer will have a far game to too. If there paying there tax's to live in a sustainable environment. They be be getting there money worth.

  77. 1. Maddie Haas 3/1/12 2TT
    2. In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines. -
    3. What you think might not always be the truth.
    4. The thing that you would think that we could get all our energy from only has 1% of all renewable energy. But then again, wind is 24% of renewable energy and that is a lot more than I thought it would be. But what shocks me the most is that more than half of the renewable energy chart is conventional hydropower, which I have never even heard of. It is at a whopping 56% and most people would have no clue as to what that is. But whatever it is, we should start using that energy more often.
    The people of the world who think that we are all going to die because we are not taking good enough care of our world, where we live, also known as the "tree huggers" would be very interested in this. They could show people of the world that we have to fight back for this world and show everyone that we can make this world last a long time. Another group of people who might be interested in this might be some debaters. Some debaters are on a team and they have to be ready for anything and if they get the topic Renewable energy, good or bad, than this could possibly help them. We would want people to use this so they can be successful doing whatever they are doing and we want to help. A third group of people who might be interested in this would be the young kids, like me, who are growing up and want to be a person that finds ways to use energy efficiently when they grow up. They might have a dream and they want to get better and learn more about energy so they can be good at their job when they grow up. As you can see, this chart can help many people.

  78. 1. Justin Wilson Feb 22 mw4
    2. "In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines." site
    3. I learned that we don't have to burn fossil fuels to get energy we can get it from nature without polluting nature.
    4. We get 57% of our renewable energy from conventional hydropower. 27% comes from wind those are the only two sources of energy that have really developed.
    Three types of people that would be interested in this information is power companies and coal mine oner because they might go out of bisnis. 1

  79. 1. David Lesnau 3-2-12 MW4

    2.In a hydroelectric scheme, water is stored in a dam and passed through a turbine and generator set before being released back into the river downstream. It is important to note that the power station does not consume any water in this process, it only uses the energy contained in running water to turn its turbines.

    3. Hydropower is a dam type of thing.

    4. The thing that you would think that we could get all our energy from only has 1% of all renewable energy. But theres only 24% wind of renewable energy and that is a lot more than I thought it would be. But what shocks me is the most that more than half of the renewable energy chart is conventional hydropower. It is at a whopping 56% and most people would have no clue as to what that is.

  80. 1. Justin Wilson Mar 12 mw4
    2. we get mostof our power from water.
    3. we get most of our power from Hydropower.
    4. We get 57% of our renewable energy from conventional hydropower. 27% comes from wind those are the only two sources of energy that have really developed.
    Three types of people that would be interested in this information is power companies and coal mine oner because they might go out of business.
