Sunday, February 12, 2012

Statistic 4 Blog: Defending America

1. Name Date Hour
2. Lesson Learned
3. Two Paragraphs. In the first explain the numbers and what they mean. In the second paragraph, develop a purpose for using this graph - with supporting detail.


  1. 1. Nick Norman 2-13-12 MW2
    2. Bad Things Happen
    3. This graph explains the terrorist attacks in the United States. As you can tell there were a lot in 1982 compared to 1994 and 1995. In 1982 there were 52 incidents! That's about 1 per week and if you think about it that's a lot. It's a terrible thing to be going through. The people who were alive for all of this are probably know what it's like and how bad it was between 1980-1986 Then in 1994-2005.
    The purpose of the graph is to show what happens to the United States. In a debate the people who would like this would be people who are fighting for more/better security. Now this could mean that the security stopped them before getting in the U.S, going on a plane, etc. People who are trying to influence others to be more cautious around other people because they might do something and you need to be aware.

  2. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, 2-13-12, MW2
    2. The Lesson Learned is, The United States is a major target for terrorist attacks.
    3. This graph shows the 318 terrorist incidents in the United States alone. The attacks on the graph were shown from 1980-2005. The most attacks were in the year 1982. They soon died down until the tragic day of 9-11 when so many people were lost. The attacks were more common in the 1980's than in the 2000's. The people that were most effected by these attacks were the ones who lost family, or friends. The graph shows how easy it is for the United States to be targeted for these kind of attacks. This particular graphs purpose is to show how many attacks the United States has had to deal with in the 1980-2005. Since there was 318 attacks in this amount of time the United States has become more aware of the threats of terrorists. Terrorists will always be trying new ways of taking down the U.S. but because of all there attempts we now know how to stop most of them from happening.

  3. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 2-13-12 MW2

    2. Don't guess.

    3. This graph show terrorist attacks from 1980 to 2005. When you hear the time range, you would think that 2001 would be up to the top because of 9-11! That's not the case. The highest amount of terrorist attacks was in 1982 with 51 attacks. 2001 only had 14 including 9-11! Isn't that interesting?

    The purpose of this graph is to show the amount of terrorist attacks there are. You could use this for a debate saying that the terrorism must stop. With these kind of numbers, we have got to do something! 9-11 was scary to everyone in the United States one way or another. If that was about 10 years ago, imagine what they can do now!

  4. 1. Halle Chiarelli MW2 2-13-12
    2. For some, peace seems impossible.
    3. In this graph, the numbers are showing the number of terrorist attacks from the 80's-2005. The graph shows from the range of numbers that in the early eighties, there were lots of terrorist attacks. In 1982, they had the highest amount from a shocking 51 attacks. After 1982 the bars were still high, but then when time came to the 90's the terrorist attacks stayed under 20. The attacks stayed that way until 2005. Another thing this graph shows is that there was not one year from the 80's - 2005 that there was not one terrorist attack. Some terrorist believe that they have a good reason to attack another country, but when in reality it seems that they just do not want to settle for peace.

    A purpose for this graph would be to show all of the Americans who have been attacked the real numbers of what is happening. Some may over exaggerate and say that the united states has been attacked over 500 times, but really it has only been 318 attacks from the start of the 80's to 2005. THis graph would make America feel like they have been attacked a lot, but what the real question is, how many times has America attacked another country? How would another country look at ours and say, they have attacked us so why do they make us look so bad attacking them? All of the attacks could not randomly be out of anger, America could have done something to instigate the attack themselves.

  5. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 2/13/12

    2. There has been a lot terrorist attacks in America than before 9/11.

    3. This graph shows the numbers of all different terrorist attacks in America in each year. As you look at the graph in 1982 had the most terrorist attacks. Through out the years though, when getting closer to 911, there are not much attacks than how many attacks were before in the 80's. Theses numbers on this graph have all different ranges of attacks, but now since America's security is getting stronger and stronger. Since the security looks like it got stronger, there haven't been much attacks than back then.
    In a debate, this graph could be used for a security debate. This debate could be about if the security has got stronger. This graph could help the on the pro side. It could help on the pro side because it shows that the attacks from terrorist were high back in the 80's but then the attacks have gotten lower and lower but then went up a little when 911 happened. After 911 the graph then shows that the attacks were lower on numbers so it is meaning the security has gotten better.

  6. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 2/13/12

    2. Terrorist attacks have decreased over the years.

    3. From 1980-1986 there had been the biggest amount of terrorist attacks in the United States. I think the amount of attacks has decreased over time because of technology. Now a days we have high tech security systems. These systems make it very hard for terrorists to attack the United States. The United States of America is truly becoming a technology based country. Without this technology I think the number of terrorist attacks would be much higher.
    I would definitely use this graph in a debate. It clearly shows that the amount of terrorist attacks has decreased over the years. There are probably many reasons why but I think a big reason is because of the technology we have today. I personally think there would be a lot more attacks if we didn't have the technology we have today. Our high tech security systems at the airport have probably prevented over 100 deaths.
    I think as we learn more about technology there will be an even smaller percent of terrorist attacks.

  7. 1. Malorie Moen 2/13/12 MW2

    2. There were more terrorist attacks in the 1980s.

    3. In 1980 there were 29 terrorist attacks. The number of terrorist incidents increased in 1981 and 1982. In 1981 there were 42 incidents. In 1982 there were 51 incidents. That was the highest number of terrorist attacks from 1980-2005. In 1994 and 1995 there were only 1 incident for each year. Later, in 2004 and 2005, there were only 5 incidents per year.

    The purpose of this graph is to show that the number of terrorist incidents has decreased from 1980-2005. There weren't as many terrorist attacks in 2004-2005. The graph makes it look like we are safer from terrorists, but we really aren't. It also shows that the number of incidents can increase, so we actually aren't that safe. Hopefully the graph will continue to decrease, but anything could happen and we just have to be ready for it.

  8. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 2-13-12
    2. LL: With time comes healing
    The graph shows how in 1981 there were 42 terrorist attacks. In 1982 there were 51 attacks. After that the amount is decreasing then increasing and decreasing again. After 1083, the highest amount of terrorist attacks is 31 in 1983. The early 1980’s had many incidents. as we reach into the 2000’s there is not very many. From 2000-2005 there is 46 incidents, 190 from 1980-1989, and 53 from 1990-1999. The numbers of attacks are decreasing over the years.
    A good purpose for this chart would be to use it for the airport scanning. Or it could be used on weather or not we should allow foreign people into America. Anyone could be a terrorist and although the numbers are decreasing of attacks we can’t let our guard down. Another one can happen at any moment. You can never be too safe on who you let in the country. Along with the airport scanning thing, people can be against it all they want, but it just protects them. We don’t want people entering into our country trying to blow us up. They should take this graph and stick it right to the side of an airport body scanner. People should be aware that there are reasons for the full body scans, even if they don’t like the reasons. Now i’m not saying that all foreign people that enter American are planning to blow up a plane, i’m just stating that the number of terrorist attacks could increase at any time.

  9. 1. Eddie Roberts, 2/13/12,mw2
    2. There is some very bad people in the world.
    3. This graph shows all of the terrorism incidents that have happened within 1980-2005. The highest amount of terrorist attacks in 1 year is 42. In 1981 there were 42 terrorist attacks. In 1994 and 1995 there were the lowest amount of terrorist attacks with 1 incident each year. After 25 years there were about 318 terrorist incidents. The reason we have this graph is to inform United States citizens about how dangerous terrorist attacks can be. Al;so how many incidents there actually is that we don't even know about. If we studied all of these statistics then we might be able to predict when some terrorist attacks will happen. If we can do that we can prepare ourselves for it. Or do something about it so we could possibly stop the attack. In 1981 there were way to many attacks with 42 incidents and that is not acceptable. We need to stop this now.

  10. 1. Matt Strong 2/13/12 MW2

    2. Times are different now.

    3. These numbers mean many people planned terrorist attacks in the early to mid 80s. But as time went by, the terrorists started to realize that we Americans are smarter than they think. The terrorists thought they could just get in a plane and take it over. But now, because of these terrorist attacks, our security level is much higher. For about two months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, every plane had a fighter jet on both sides of it to protect it from any possible terrorists.
    A purpose for this graph is to show people just how much people believe in terrorism.A good example is the terrorists that took over the planes on 9/11. They believed in terrorism so much they were willing to drive a plane into a building and kill themselves to kill other people. I don't understand why some people want to kill other people. They just want to stand out and do something amazing, when in reality, the people they are targeting don't think it's amazing.

  11. 1. Katelyn McCarthy

    2. 1982 got the most attacks.

    3. The numbers mean the year that it happened. The numbers also mean how many there were. Can you imagine how many attacks there were in 2009/2010? It only shows us what happened from 1980-2005. The attacks from those years were pretty big though. Like 9/11, that was thought to be the worst attack that happened so far.

    The purpose for this graph is to show and teach kids about what happened on those dates. They should know because it's part of Americas history now. And since they are Americans, they should know. But they can know when they are at the appropriate age to learn about it. Like 9 or 10. But it's the parents' choice when to tell them about what happened.

  12. Matt Pankow 2-13-12 MW2

    Terrorist incidents are terrible things.

    1982, 51 terrorist attacks on the U.S.A. Those numbers show that we weren't to causes that year. I believe if we were more careful about what we protected most of those attacks wouldn't of happened. Home land security upped there game after the attacks. What i don't understand is why didn't they prepare for them. If they would of prepared for the attacks we wouldn't be having 318 terrorist attacks from years 1980 to 2005. We could of saved more life's. Preparing for the unexpected is a little thing that could save life's.

    This graph could mostly be used in a debate. The debate topic could be do we need to up homeland security or is it fine where there at. If i was to be in this debate i would want to be pro because if there is more homeland security it will make for a safer place. The graph would show that there are attacks every year. We need to shorten the amount of attacks on the U.S. With more security it would help us eliminate the loss of life's. It may cost a price but if it safes lives its worth it. If the con is smart he would agree.

  13. 1. Evan Bauer 2/13/12 MW2
    2. LL: America is capable of defending its self
    3. Terrorist have always been a problem in the USA. The good people of the united States of America can defined there own ground show in the cart above. In the 1980s the terrorists were ponding America there were about 218 terrorist incidents in the United States. It got better in time though. In the 1990s it was much better then it was in the 1980s.
    This graph could be used to show accomplishment of the United States. It shows that the terrorist incidents have decreased over the years. If you wanted though it could be used to show how much the United States is hated. It could be used to do this by showing that much of other countries dont have this much terrorist incidents but we do. We also have seen that the terrorist incidents have become more violent over the years as more weapons are created for war.

  14. 1. Henry Haidler, 2/13/12
    2. There are bad people in the world
    3. In this graph it shows the amount of terrorist incidents in America is quite high and it is all over the board but there has been at least 1 every year. To me thats kind of scary because every year someone doesn't like our country and tries to do something to stop us from doing what we do and want us to be dead. In 1982 we had the most terrorist incidents in the history of our country but then it started to decrease but then shot up again. This is a weird graph because it shows that one year we have a huge amount of activity then the next it is totally different. Towards the 2000's we didn't have as much as the 80's to the 90's. In 1994 and 1995 we had the least amount of terrorist incidents but then it started to rise again.

    I think the purpose of this graph is to show other people that other countries and places don't like what we do and be aware that they don't. We may think that what we are doing is right but other people can have a whole different perspective. I think our past also leaves scars because what we have done in the past affects our future and we can't change anything about it. It is like blog anecdote 7 temper control because the boy left holes in the fence and our country before hasn't been friends with everyone there has been fights and it can affect us now. This graph I would say is important because I think everyone should know that we aren't the best of friends or the best of allies with other places and we do have to be careful with what we are doing, all the time.

  15. 1 Zack Fuller mw2 2-13-12

    2. when stuff gets to quite expect something big to happen.

    3. The terrorist against the untied states are looking to harm a lot people in a big event. In the 80s we had most terrorist incidents of all time on United States soil. In 1982 was worst 51 one incidents happen and killed a lot of good americans for no reason. In mid 90s things kind of got really with only incident happening for two years straight and everyone thought we were probably really safe. Then we slowly gained more and more incidents and there was 9-11-2001 when 3000 people lost their lives.
    The purpose of this graph could be to show how terrorist attacks decreased. The terrorist incidents probably because people became more aware of there surroundings and told cops about strange people. Like 9-11 terrorist could be working on something big that will harm a lot of people. This graph show how the attacks go down and then a huge event when a lot get killed could happen.

  16. Riley Hafner MW2 2/13/11

    LL- Between 1980 and 2005 the number of terrorist incidents went down but it was up and down like a roller-coaster.

    In the early 1980s the numbers of terrorist incidents were at a high with 1982 being the highest amount of 52. The numbers began to decrease and by '94 there was only one incident. From 1994 the number increased slightly but then dropped again and in 2005 there were only 5. As you can see, the graph shows a roller-coaster ride with the numbers but in all there was a definite decrease in the amount of terrorist incidents between 1980 and 2005. This graph also gives you the total number of terrorist incidents and it comes out to 318 when all the years numbers are added up.
    One purpose for this graph could be for military usage. It may help the the soldiers to come up with better ways to stop terrorists. They could also look at what they did to bring down the attacks from 1980. Was it going in and finding the terrorists? Was it new advanced technology? They could take this graph and say, "Ok we did this, this, this, and this but only these two really made a difference so we are going to keep using these and see if it keeps the numbers down." They could also look at the graph and think about what kind of things were happening and going on that caused the incidents and think about how to keep those things out and away from here so that the attacks dont happen again. This graph, in a debate, could be on the pro side showing that the the military is doing something to keep the incidents down but it could be on the con side showing that it isn't totally stopped and that if the military was actually trying then we wouldn't have any problems with terrorists.

  17. LeAnn Howe MW2 2-13-12

    2. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    3. In 1981 and 1982 the terrorist incidents were at it's peak. There was 51 attacks in 1982. In 1981 there was 42. The attacks went up by nine in one year. On the positive side of this chart, there was only one attack in 1994 and 1995. Something happened in the other years that didn't happen those two years. Two wrongs do not make a right! If we get attacked, we shouldn't fight back with weapons. Peace will keep Earth rotating in a circle.
    If you were debating about the gun laws, this would be a great graph to use. In the 1980 it was probably easier to own a weapon. After realizing that people were causing harm, there became more rules and a new process for owning weapons. If anyone could walk up to a weapon shop and get gun, there would be more violence in the world. Killing someone is never the answer. We need to make peace with the countries around us. They are always going to be there.

  18. Mikal LaButte 2/13/12 MW2

    1. L.L. The sun always comes out after the storm.

    2. When we take a look at all of these numbers it is a shocker that this many people would put them selves in a position as a terrorsist and harm other people. When you take a closer look you see that most of the terrorists attacks were in the 80's and then when we get to the 90's we see that the number of attacks dropped dramatically and their were not that many attacks any more but their was a really big attack on 9/11/01 and that killed nearly 3,000 people. When we really look at all of these numbers you see that other countries and or people do not like the United States of America that much.

    The purpose of using this graph is to show how many people are willing to hurt themselves or others because somebody said they need too. If I was to use this topic in a debate I would start off by saying that Terrorist are bad! All they do is hurt things and other people and most importantly themselves. I do not know anybody who would like to be a terrorist and go walking around in public with a bomb strapped to their back and then walk into a big group of people and then hit the detonator and blow up themselves and all of the people around them. Terrorists are just bad over all.

  19. 1. Sammy Sutton, 2-13-12, MW2
    2. Bad things can happen when unexpected.
    3. The white numbers shows what year the terrorist attacks were, the black and red numbers show the number or terrorist attacks that took place in each year. The graph shows that the most terrorist attacks that happened in one year was in the year 1982 with 51 attacks, and the least amount of terrorism was in the year 1994, and 1995. All together there were 318 terrorist attacks.
    The purpose of this graph was to show people the amount of terrorist attacks there where, why is this important your might wonder? It's important because it shows people that there isn't any pattern of terrorist attacks happening, so it's not something you could prepare for, it could happen at any moment. Now that our technology is getting stronger, with these numbers we could find a way to stop the terrorism and live life without any fear.

  20. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 2/13/12 MW2

    2. No security is enough.

    3. These numbers show that there is 318 terrorist attacks just up until 2005. It proves that we need to improve our lookout for terrorist. Not by looking for them in airports and stuff, but by hunting them down before they get to there target. One thing to point out is that even though 9/11 was the biggest incident, back in the early 80's there was near 5 times more attacks. This goes to prove that the only way to save people is to stop it not lower it, because it just takes one attack to cost more then all of the rest combined.
    You could use this graph in a debate over if we are protected the nation as much as we should. If you look at the graph there is some ups and downs over the years but the fact is that we must be doing a better job because the rate of terrorist attacks is declining at a consistent rate now. In the future the way our technology is growing, a time will come were there is no possibility for another attach which our nation has been looking for. The Bottom line is that even if we only let one terrorist attack a year that still not good enough. 9/11 proved that there is a flaw in the system and we need to find a fix it. The graph would help prove we need to improve security.

  21. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    2. America is a target for the terrorist.

    3. The numbers represent the number of terrorist attacks in America. Most of the attacks were in the 1970's and 1980's. The lowest attacks was in 1994 and 1995. There was a total of 318 terrorist attacks in America. The numbers are showing how many people came to america and had killed an American citizen.

    Most attacks are with bombs. Some people strap a bomb to themselves. They are killing them selfs just to kill some of us. They are using this graph to show how the terrorist attacks are going down. The attacks were so high in the 70's and 80's. This graph would be good in a debate. It shows how many terrorists attacks we had. It also shows how much the attacks decreased over the years. Using this technology makes it more easy to see the percent of increase and decrease.

  22. Sam Love 2/13/12 mw2

    2. Your in danger everywhere you go.

    3. In this graph it shows, how many times we've been attacked by terrorist in our own country. It shows how many attacks there are from, 1980-2005. The number attacks steadily increases from 1980,1981,1982 then it started to go down and the numbe rof attacks lowered. The attacks ranged from 1-51 in a year being 1982 the worse of them all. In the beginning of 2000's the attacks were low untill the devastating attack of 9/11.

    The graph's purpose is to show people, that we do get attacked in our own country. It tells that there bad people all over, who want to kill people. This graph could be used in a debate over the topic, "War in Iraq". The con could use this because during the times were in war with country's in the Middle East, we have had more attacks on our homeland. The pro could use this by saying, that were in war with them because they attack us and this needs to end. He/she could use this on the pro or con side.

  23. 1. Payton Rentsch, 2-13-12, MW2
    2.We are aware of Terrorist now because the number has lowered of attacks.
    3. The numbers tell us how many attacks there were. They show when we had the most attacks. In 80's through 86 we had many attacks or incidents. In 1982 There were 51 Incidents that is the most that has happend in one year. These incidents have lowered either because the U.S. is harder to attack or Terrorists are planing a big attack or their scared. There scared because we caught and kill Osama Bid Laden.
    I would use this in a debate. The purpose to use this graph is to show that the amount of attacks decreased. There have been a huge amount less I believe its because we have learned so much more about technology and how it works. Also Terrorist might be scared because we kill Osama. Osama was the leader of most Terrorists attacks. Osama is gone so I believe that we still should be careful but we can losen up a little.The number has decreased and so has the amount of terrorists.

  24. 1. Kira D'Agostino 2/13/12 MW2
    2. Only time will tell. When I use this as a lesson learned I think that time is a key factor. There have been many attacks but with time they slowly go down because we learn new ways of handling those situations.
    3. What do the numbers mean? You can tell by looking at the graph that the attack rate is slowly decreasing. There is a few spikes but nothing major as it was in 1980 to 1983. In 2001 there was 911 which was very hard to deal with for America. Why would the attacks slowly increase? What has changed to make it happen this way? One word, Security. Have you ever notice at the airport how they make you take off your shoes and everything in your pocket's. They are looking for things that could make you the bad guy. It may seem ridiculous but our country wouldn't be as save in airpots as it is today. There was a shoe bomber that had an actual bomb in his shoe. If he wasn't caught then the airport in Detroit would have had some serious problems. There for they created a scanner that scans through all of your belongings. This is a good helpful tool to catch bad men in the act today.
    The purpose for this graph would be used in the government. They can look at the amount of bomb threats in the past years to get an estimation of what has been happening. If they look the these graph's they can tell whether to keep on high alert or to lay low. This is a very helpful chart to see and have in could tell us future estimations or I could not. It also has a message that people can see. Every year there has been not as many bomb threats. Does this tell us something? Yes, it does. It tells us that our government has been improving. They are letting less and less disasters happen, which is a good thing. Airports have been changed and created to be more efficient. Buildings have more security. We are learning from our mistakes, and making a safe environment for the people of our nation. Are there going to be more attacks? Maybe, one can not predict the future but one can only hope for a better one.

  25. Chiera Palamar MW2 Feb 13

    Majority of terrorist incidents happened around 1982

    The numbers in this chart are showing a rate of terrorist incidents in a year, for say 1982. Well in 1982 it tells us that there were the highest amount of terrorist incidents on our homeland soil. In 1994 the terrorist incidents dropped down to only one. Compared to 1982 and 2001 is nothing. All tho today in the U.S we consider 9/11 one of the worst terrorist incidents, but if so then how come its not even half of what 1982 was? "August 11: A bomb explodes on Pan Am Flight 830, en route from Tokyo to Honolulu, killing one teenager and injuring 15 passengers." This incident took place in 1982 and didn't nearly kill 3 thousand people like 9/11.

    How would I use this in a debate? Well, say if you where debating someone that thinks terrorist incidents in the u.s are not a big deal because "not many" happen. This graph would prove other-wise, could you name over all 345 terrorist incidents that have happen on our home- land? Im sure you cant, therefore this chart is. Since 4th grade I've had many discussions/debates with my grandmother about joining the military, and this chart gives me one more reason to join, and maybe try to win a future "debate/discussion" with my grandmother.

  26. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 2/13/12
    2. Everything happens for a reason.
    3. The numbers are showing the pits and the peaks of terrorist incidents over the years. For example, in 1982 there was about 52 terrorist incidents throughout the year. But, in 1994 and 1995 there were only about 2 terrorist incidents throughout both of the years. The terrorist incidents seem to go up and down like a roller coaster. The average for all of the incidents throughout the years is about 20.
    The topics of this graph bring up multiple points. One is con on having allies. Right now we have allies. Like france. But what happens when we (USA) gets something that they (France) really wants? They are going to fight us for it. They might harm us just to get what they want. Friends turn on friends sometimes out of the blue. It doesn't matter how close you are or what you have been through, they can change their mind about everything. We can't risk having more terrorist attacks just to be friends with fellow countries. We are an independent country and are happy like that!

  27. 1. Seth Wilson Feb-13-2012
    2. We seem to learn from our past mistakes.
    3. The graph shows that in the 1980's there was a high spike in terrorism. It shows that because in 1980 there were thirty incidents and in 1982 there were more than 50. That is a pretty big jump in numbers over just 2 years or so. Especially taking into fact that even after 9/11 there were very few terrorist attacks. This graph could be used to show how much better America is at dealign with terrorism now then in was just a mere twenty years ago. The graph could also be used to show that maybe the war in western countries is no longer needed, because we have cut down on how much problems they cause. Although some could argue that the main reason this is, is because we are fighting over there. That means this graph could be used as a pro war graph or a con war graph depending on who is looking at it or using it.

  28. 1. Aaron Durham, 2-13-12, MW4

    2. "Listen,Learn, And Respect Your Country"

    3. All of the numbers represent the number of terrorist incidents on the untied states between 1980 and 2005. This graph is very important because there is some valuable information in this graph that show there are other attacks. Americans don't ever recognize but the main point in this chart is to eliminate the success of terrorist's. So we can stop them before they act against us they do not like how we live most of their hate of americans is made out of jealousy. We can stop them before they are put into a different mindset and they begin to start attacking america both physically and mentally. This chart shows how much we Americans care about our country and how much they try to actually stop terrorism but the thing is. This chart is a serious motivator to Americans it speaks out and tells them to act now when they see something they don't like act against it.

  29. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 2-13-12

    2. More people hated the U.S in the past than in the present.

    3. The chart shows how there were more terrorist attacks in the U.S in the 80's and 90's but now there are not very many terrorist attacks. There were 54 terrorist attacks in 1982 and that was the most terrorist attacks that ever happened in a year in the U.S. From the year 2000 to 2005 there were mot very many terrorist attacks and in the time range of 1980 to 1990 had many terrorist attacks. There were 47 terrorist attacks in the U.S in 1981 and that was the second largest amount of terrorist attacks in the U.S. In 1980 was the start of the terrorist attacks and one of the largest, there were 29 terrorist attacks in that year.
    A purpose for this graph could be to show airports that there are less terrorist attacks. The airports are very cautious about these things ever since 9/11. Now there are less attacks and this graph could be to show that there are less terrorist attacks and to hold back on all there security. The graph could prove that since more terrorist leaders are dead then there are less terrorists to be leaded and those type of people will die out. This could help stop so many precautions in the airport.

  30. . Tyler Pruneau 2/13/12 mw4
    2. Terrorist's are nothing to joke about.
    3.Terrorist have always been a problem in the USA. The good people of the united States of America can defined there own ground show in the cart above. In the 1980s the terrorists were ponding America there were about 218 terrorist incidents in the United States. It got better in time though. In the 1990s it was much better then it was in the 1980s. we know this situation can be bigger. we just have to start looking toward a better future.This graph's purpose to show the problems with terrorist and old news.

  31. 1. Seth Packard, 2/13/12, MW4

    2. The government is solving problems

    3. The graph shows that terrorism has decreased greatly. In the 1980's we experienced over 20 terrorist incidents every year. The number has decreased exponentially ever sense then. In the 2000's we are much under 20 incidents per year. In the 1900's we had under ten incidents every year with the exception of one.
    This graph could be helpful to many people. In specific it could benefit someone who wants the government to be able to hack into phone calls. Some people believe that the act would be invasion of privacy, but other people think that it should happen and is a safe and fair thing to do. The people that want it to happen would show this and point out how we need to b aware of what is happening. When we stop focusing on the problem, we could suffer another incident and not be prepared for it.

  32. 1. Alex Smith, 2/13/12

    2. This one is pretty different then the others. My lesson learned is that we need a stronger national defense.

    3. The graph is entitled "Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005". The vertical axis is the total number of terrorist incidents. It increases at intervals of ten until it reaches 60. The horizontal axis shows the years, '80-'05, and below the year has a number which is the total attacks of that year.

    The graph increases tremendously in the early '80s but by '83 it starts ti decline. It fluctuates a bit until '93, where there is a sudden small spike in incidents. Until '99 the incidents remain fairly low, but remain fairly high until '01. After '01 the incidents slowly start to decrease.

    We need a stronger national defense. This graph shows that, overall, the amount of terrorist incidents has decreased since the 80's, however that isn't good enough! We need a stricter, and stronger national defense to end the few terrorist incidents that we still have. However, it is a success that we have been able to decrease the amount of incidents as much as we have. But still, it isn't enough.

  33. 1. Cade Marttinen 2/13/12 MW4

    2. We aren't completely safe.

    3. This graph tells you how many terrorist attacks there were on America. 1980 was the year where the terrorist incidents started. There were 29 in 1980.1982 is the year where the most amount of terrorist incidents occurred(52). As time went on, the number of terrorist incidents per year went down. In '94 and '95, There was only 1 incident. After that, the incidents wavered up and down like in 2001, there were 14. Some years, they changed a lot from the last year.
    The purpose of this graph is to let people know how vulnerable they are. If we couldn't stop these incidents, then other countries might think that they could get away with them too. Our country needs to figure out a way to stop these incidents. Then we could stop them in the future. It is all in America's hands.

  34. 1. Bri Rumple MW4 2.13.12

    2. The U.S. has gotten better security over the years.

    3. Back in the day, starting in the 80's, The United States of America was having a lot of terrorist incidents happening. As many as 50 incidents in '82. Over time there has been less and less terrorist incidents happening in the U.S. The least incidents was in 1994 & 1995 when there was only 1 incident within both of the years. All the way down to only about five incidents in 2005.
    Part of that could mean that America has become a stronger country and has gotten much better and stronger security. The purpose of this graph is to let people realize how strong of a country the U.S. is. It's also to show people the massive decrease of terrorist incidents that have happened to the U.S. over a period of time. The graph can show people that the most terrorist incidents happened in 1982, where there was nearly 50 incidents, and the least happened in '94 and '95 where there was as little as one within both years.

  35. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre 2,13,2012

    2. I learned that terrorism has slowed down a lot but there are small hick ups throughout time.

    3. The numbers in this graph show the years and the amount terrorist incidents happened. the numbers have been dropping a lot and they seem as if there are less then 5 a year now. there is always a possibility that they can go up but for now there is very few in between.
    I can yous this information in a debate because it has a lot of detail and it shows the amount of incidents that happened each year. Evan tho the amounts of terrorism increased there are still some going on and we need to fix that.

  36. 1. Daisy York 2-13-12 m/w4
    2. As time goes on the more high tech security gets.
    3. These numbers mean that during the early eighties to the mid nineties the most terrorist incidents were noticed. When you think about it during those few years security was probably at the lowest in terms of technology that we have today. There security was all man power,but today its mostly all technology. Thats why when the nineties came around the incident reports went down. Also that is when technology started publicly growing.
    The perfect debate topic for this chart would be full body scans. The reason being is the scans are a perfect example of twenty-first century security. the fat is that when things went tech things got safer. The full body scans are most likely not going to be just in the air ports. They have already been placed on busy streets in new york designed to look for hand guns. This chart would be a perfect pro body scan topic.

  37. 1. Brandon Cooke 2-13-12 mw4
    2. Terrorist keep attacking america.
    3. in the chart it is showing the terrorist incidents in the united states. 1980 throw 2005. there has been 318 attacks that have occurred. I know of a big one that happened in 2001 it was 9-11 thousands of people died an they took out the twin towers.

    what do numbers mean? you can tell that the attack rate has been decreasing. It is showing us that there is people all over that want to kill. I believe that the terrorist rate has gone down because of our technology they's days. If we didn't have all this high tech security systems an all that they rate would go right back up. there are people still trying to kill us be were are reacting before they can.

  38. 1. Ian Grady 1-13-2012
    2. There were more terrorist Incidents in the past than the present.
    3. The numbers in the graph above show the amount of terrorist Incidents in the U.S. from 1980 to 2005. It shows there were more incidents around the 80's than around present day. IN 1982 there were 51 reported terrorist incidents and in 2001 there were about 14 including 9-11. A possible reason for this would be because as time went on, we kept on destroying more and more of the terrorist groups and there have been less of them there to do the bombing. it shows how 2001 was the year with the highest terrorist incidents since 1986
    A good Purpose for this graph would be to reassure people that we are taking care of Al-Qaida because there are less incidents and less people involved in it. Also it shows our Government is getting better because we are letting less of these happen. All in all, people like my brother in Iraq who is coming home wednesday and getting here on friday, are the real people who impacted this graph and should be thanked greatly for it.

  39. 1.Kyle Shehan, 2-14-12,TT2
    2.We have become stronger
    3.Above we see a graph that shows us the number of terrorist incidents from 1980 to 2005. The highest number of terrorist incidents where in 1985. In 1985 there was a total of 51 recorded incidents. But if we look at the incidents in 1995 they are at a all time low. with only one terrorist attack all year thats pretty good considering all that has happend.

    A good use of this graph is to show the world how far we have come. Not just as a country but how far we have come as a society. And to show terrorists like Al-Qaida that we mean buisnes and we will not take terrorism with out a fight. You can use this in a debat to show that we are becoming more powerful. And the general public would like to know about this so they can feel safer then they did on 9/11. 9/11 was truly a dark time but as we look at this chart there was only 14 incidents in 2001. In the long run this shows us what we have done and what we will do as a country, as a society and as America!

  40. 1. Heather Linn, 2/14/12, TT2

    2. We learn from our mistakes.

    3. In the graph you see above, you can see the number of terrorist incidents from 1980 to 2005. You can see that the highest number of incidents was in 1985, which had 51 incidents. It also shows that in 2001 there was a total of 14 attacks, including the horrible incident of 9/11. You can that the lowest amounts of attacks were in 1994 and 1995 which was a total of one attack, each.
    A good purpose for the graph above is that shows that in the earlier years, like 1983 the terrorist incidents were higher, and a lot more damaging. The graph also shows that with time, we have improved on protecting the U.S from terrorist attacks. Even though we still have incidents, they are not as bad and have been kept away better. It shows that we are still not completely safe and that there could be an attack, even if its a small one, at any time. Another good purpose for this graph would be for a meeting about how we have improved, but still need more work. It could be used to show how in the past we were attacked unexpectedly, and it caused a lot of destruction. It could be used to tell that over the years the attacks damages have gone down, but we are still getting them.

  41. 1. Elle Kennedy 2-14-12 TT2

    2. Security improves as time goes on.

    3. In the 80's there were a lot more terrorist attacks than in the 90's to 2005. Why is this? It's because as more and more attacks occurred, we realized that we needed to do something about it. In 1980-86 there were the most incidents that happened because we did not have very good security at airports and on planes because there was no need to. One of the biggest impacts on security was after 9-11. A lot of people died in the plane crashes but the crashes and deaths could have been prevented if there was more security and rules at the airport. If more rules and security were enforced at the airport back then, the incident would not have happened. In the graph it shows that as time went on, the attacks decreased but there were some years that had a few more than others did like in 2001. If the incidents decreased over time then the security at airports must have increased to prevent the incidents.
    A purpose for this graph would be all of America. America would be interested in learning about how many terrorist attacks have happened. The main incident America knows about is 9-11 in 2001. People would probably think since 9-11 happened in 2001, then 2001 would have the most incidents when really, it was in the 80's when the most incidents happened but rarely do you hear anything about this time. In 1983 the U.S headquarters in Beirut was destroyed, it killed 241 people and injured 80 more. I have never really heard about this incident until now and many other Americans probably haven't either. If Americans saw the graph they would know when a lot of terrorist incidents happened and know a little bit more about what else has happened in our terrorist history besides 9-11. We need to know about our history and know why we have certain things and this graph, can help show people why.

  42. 1. Marissa Moore 2/14/12

    2. There were more incidents with terrorists than I ever knew

    3. In this graph, it shows you that there were more terrorist attacks back in the 80's and 90's, but we don't really even acknowledge them. It shows that in 1982, there were more than 50 terrorist incidents! In the year 2001, there were about 11 incidents. We only think of 2001 when it comes to terrorist attacks, but really, they started 30 decades before! Between the years 1980 and 1990, the number of incidents more than doubled the numbers in 1991 to 2005!
    A lot of people could use this graph to show that there were signs of 9/11 occurring. You could see that about 20 years before, signs started showing that terrorists were planning on hurting the United States of America. You could show that we think of 9/11 whenever we hear terrorists, but terrorists go way back! Obviously we never could have predicted the horrible events of 9/11, but looking back at it we see how there were signs of trouble. This graph really gives us an understanding of America's past with terrorists from all over the world.

  43. 1. Brooke Boyd 2-14-12 tt2
    2. Horrible things happen to the United States.
    3. In the graph the numbers mean a lot it shows all the terrorist Incidents we have had. In 1982 we had 51 thats a lot of terrorist Incidents made in one year thinking of all the horrible things people had to go threw in that year. In 1981 they had 42 the two years had to have been the worst out of the years that have been on the chart. 1980 to 1986 were the worst terrorist Incidents we have had yet.
    A purpose for using the chart is to see the terrorist incidents from the 80's to now the numbers have gone down but the numbers still aren't gone. The United States has to do something more to protect us from the incidents without them we would be able to feel safer. You never really know when a terrorist incident could happen and we do not want them to happen at all.

  44. 1. Cody Musulin 2-14-12 TT2

    2. We learn from our mistakes.

    3. In this chart it shows the terrorist incidents from 1980-2005. There were 318 terrorist incidents from 1980-2005. Most of the incidents were in the 1980's, but from there they started going down. The terrorist incidents go down and up at the beginning of the chart, but then at the end it goes down. It shows that there were more incidents in the 80's than in 2000 an up. Way more in the past the present. 2001 was the most terrorist incident since 1986, because we started learning new tactics to stop them.

    A good purpose for this graph would be to show people that the military is working on lowering the numbers. And that they are going down as we speak. It would also be a good thing to show the military themselves, to show that they are doing what they should. If the people aren't feeling too safe about the terrorist incidents, they could show them that graph, and they would feel safer, knowing that the incidents are going down.

  45. 1. Blake Lapum, 2//14/12, TT2

    2. There have been many incidents, but only the recent ones are remembered.

    3. The numbers provided show the terrorist incidents from 1980-2005. The numbers are all over the place. In 1980, the terrorist were just starting out. In that year, there were just over 30 terrorist incidents. This number would grow within the next several years, and by time it was 1984, there were over 50 incidents. Over the years, it goes up and down, one year there are quite a bit, and the next not so much. If you look at the graph carefully, you will see that when the number of incidents increase, they are in 3's, and when the incidents go down, they go down in 3 bars in a row.
    Using this graph could be very critical, There seems to be a pattern. By using this pattern, we could tell several things, like how many incidents are to happen, and then if we know that, we can get a general idea of when it could happen. If we know this, we can stop more terrorist incidents and put them in their place. With this graph, we could tell the near future. Overall, this graph is very useful and could be used for a variety of things whether it's just to learn something new, or to calculate how many incidents may happen or they could happen.

  46. 1.Caleb Hudson 2-14-12 TT2
    2.There are no accidents.
    3.The information on the graph shows that in 1982 There was a spike in terrorist activities. And if you compare that to 2005 it looks to be about 45 more terrorist incidents. in 1982 than in 2005. And in 1985 there was about the same number of incidents that year as in 2005. This could mean that either we have much much better defense systems or just not as many terrorists. Im also wondering why there were so many incidents in 1983. but so few in 1985. This could be because the army had done something to the country that the terrorists lived in. and that in 1893 when they let everything loose. and then in around 1985 they had calmed down again.
    If I had to use this in a debate about if we needed better security at public places. This could be used to say that there are still terrorist attacks. But there are not as many to today. What I would do would be to add the years from 2005 to 2011. so that way its more recent. and it would probably help out the con side. This is because it would be saying that not as many accidents are happening and we wont need that much more security to stop them all. if I were in a debate about airport security I would show this to say that we have almost enough airport security and that we do not need any big improvements.

  47. 1. Paige Leatherman 2/14/12 TT2
    2. Be Aware.
    3. This chart shows the terrorist incidents that has happened from 1980-2005. Most of the terrorist incident in the past then there has been recently. Which, shows that we have been protecting and have been being aware of our country more. Possible reasons fro these incidents could be that because we keep invading others and destroying others countries. Recently though things have been good and there hasn't been any incidents. In 1982 there was the most incidents, there was about 50 or more incidents. All together though there was 200-300 incidents!
    A purpose for this chart could be to show people that we have been more aware of things and that we have things under control. The chart could make people feel more secure about their country knowing that we haven't had an incident in awhile. Not everyone could feel secure because anything could happen at anytime, but at least they know that our country has up the security and everything that has to do with being aware of things going on.

  48. 1. William McNamee 2/14/12 TT2

    2. No matter what there are always incidents that stop us from moving forward.

    3. In this graph is the information that could help us defend oursleves. This graph does that by telling us how many incidents were created by terrorists that weren't prevented. In 1982 the number of incidents reached 51. Then the next couple years it slowly declined. Then in 86' the number picked up but steepily dropped right back down. Later, along in 93' there was a small spike in incidents. The most recent spike was in 01' when the towers fell. Ever since then we have bettered our security at improved our incident rate.

    This graph shows the number of terrorist incidents in the United States from the years 1980-2005. Most people often think that 2001 would be the worst year for terrorists, but that is not the case. When I look at this graph I see that once terrorists get going they keep going and that is represented by the years 1980-1982. In this graph I also see that our country has upgraded it's security to prevent these incidents.

  49. 1. Madison Haas 2TT 2/14/12
    2. Live and let die.
    3. Everyone expects the terrorist attack in 2001 to be the most terrible thing to ever come our way. To have that be the worst thing and that everything else was just minor, compared to that. But if you look at our history, that is sadly not the case. In 1982, we had the most amount of terrorist attacks from '80-'05. There was 51 attacks that year. When we think bad terrorist attacks we automatically think of 9/11 but there was only 14 in that whole year. 51 attacks is terrible. But that doesn't mean every other year was peachy. In '81, there was 42 attacks. We don't have a great history with terrorists but it is getting better.

    If you were to be in a debate to state whether or not we should be concerned about more terrorist attacks to come. Some people would say that we haven't had a terrible attack since 9/11 so we shouldn't worry about them. But if you refer to the chart, there have been 51 attacks in just one year for us and you expect us to calm down and not worry about them. If it happened then, it can happen now. The numbers did go down, but that doesn't mean the numbers can't go right back up. But from the other side people could argue that the numbers are going down and if that graph had kept going the numbers would have still gone down. People can't just worry about things for the rest of their lives. if they do that, then they will have too much to worry about and go haywire. All I'm saying is that people have enough to worry about and to let the government handle that. And that was a debate going both ways of how to use that graph.

  50. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 2.14.12, TT2
    2. The only way to learn, is to make mistakes.
    3. In the chart, it shows the terrorist incidents between 1980 until 2005. So, in the chart, it shows that in 1980, there was 29 attacks, and then in 2005 there was 5 incidents. Also in the chart, if you look at it, it shows the differences and the biggest amount of incidents was in 1982, there was 51 incidents. That is a numerous increase, because in 1981 there was 42 incidents, and then in 1983, there was 31 incidents. Those number kept going up and up until 2001, when 9-11-1 hit. In the year of 2001 there was 14 incidents, and one of those incidents was the biggest terrorist incident in the United States.
    A purpose for using the graph, is to show how much terrorist, basically hate our Nation. It is unbelievable, on how much terrorists try to take down our Nation...but look at the graph, and see how many incident we have had, and how much terrorist have put our nation through, and then our nation is the one still standing. I also do believe that this graph could be used, to show to our Military, to show them how much they have done since 1908. Also it can be used to show how much things are changing, there has been 329 incidents, in 25 years. Now there is not nearly any incidents.

  51. 1. Michael Yedinak 2/14/12 TT2

    2. America is recovering!

    3. The 1980's were full of terrorist incidents with 221 of them. As the years went on.... less and less with 97 from 1990-2005. Overall that is 318 incidents and 69% of that happening in the 1980's. Not even being born in 1981, it still makes me think what happened that year? Forty-two attacks is just way over the top then 2001 which everyone thought was worst. It just goes to show America is still getting incidents, but we are staying together (united) as one to stop what terrorists do to this country.
    2001 was one of the most deadliest years in terrorist incidents many say with the thousands dying at 911, but there has been worse years. That 1981 year just like I said in the first paragraph we shall all look at and be proud of what we have accomplished. Now I know 911 was deadly with 14 times we had an incident, the thing is though what we have done to stop the incidents is something to be proud of. I personally was not born in the 80's, but seeing the numbers make me happy I wasn't. America has come together as one these last decades!

  52. 1.) Lexi Gross/ February 14th 2012/ T-T-2
    2.) I learned that most of the incidents happened in the 1980's
    3.) On the x-axis the numbers represent the year, and on the y-axis the numbers represent how many incidents happened. The graph goes from 1980-2005. The years that incidents occurred most happened on the left side which happens to be in the 1980's. Toward the middle incident begin to happen less and less, then they go back up, but not nearly as high as the other years were. The higher the bar on the graph, the more incidents that happened that year. What the graph is showing us, is that the most incidents happened long before now.
    I would use this graph for various reasons. #1 I would choose this, because it is a representative graph. This graph starts at 0 and goes all the way up til the highest incident. #2 reason why I would choose this graph is because it gives us a wide range of data. It shows a large range of dates, from 1980 til 2005, And it shows us how many incidents happened. Another thing that is good about the graph, is it gives you the total number of incidents that happened.

  53. 1. Jensen Borkowski 2/14/12 TT2
    2. Always be prepared.
    3. This graph is showing the number of terrorist incidents in the United States. In the eighty's, the amount of incidents were very high. In nineteen eighty-two, there were just over fifty incidents. In the ninety's, the incidents started to slow and occur less often. Nineteen ninety-four and ninety-five had barely any. Then, in the two thousands, the number started to increase again.
    This graph can be used in a debate. If you are talking about protecting America, this graph can be very helpful and provide a lot of information. The graph represents the pro side of an argument about protecting America. The pro side would be saying that we need to have more protection for our country. They could use the nineteen eighty's as an example. If we had stronger protection in the eighty's, the amount of incidents may have decreased.

  54. 1. Jade Cogar TT2 2-14-12

    2. Terrorist keep attacking america.

    3. The numbers in the graph represent the numbers of attacks that we can get a year. The number's on the graph tell you that almost every year we get less and less every year. The number's are always on the graph to show you all the things that happen each year and by the time you get older the less terrorist attacks their is. The numbers on the chart can help you under stand the number of attacks their is like in 1998 the was not that many attacks in that year and then in 2004 the numbers went up by a lot in 6 years.

    If you used this graph in a debate you can let the people understand what you are talking about. You can go on, on on about this and still you will have the people hooked because you used a graph that they can understand. The graph would also be good for when you are standing up in front of your boss and trying to explain to him/her about how much the numbers have gone up and how of the numbers went down.

  55. Brandon Wiese 2/14/12 TT2

    2. You can't prevent everything that happens you just have to go with it.

    3. In this chart it displays the the number of terrorist incidents. There has been 318 incidents from 1980 to 2005. Thats only 25 years which means that there was about 12 incidents each year. Most of the incidents are at the very beginning when our country was first introduced. In 1882 there was 51 incidents in one year. Thats a lot just for one year but the lowest is in in 94 and 95 with only 1 incident.
    This graph could be used for many different reasons. You could use it as a good reason because as the years increase the number of incidence decrease. This could also be used for a bad reason too. You could say that there has been 318 incidences. Do we want this to keep happening or are we going to put a stop to it.

  56. 1. Darren Murray 2/14/12 TT2

    2. Lesson Learned is that the years go by, the decrease of terrorist incidents goes down in America. The amount of destruction in America is going down. Why was it so bad before?

    3. The numbers for this chart are saying the years go by and the amount of terrorist incidents go down, which is a very great thing. The Incidents don't necessarily have to involve the USA because if our troops are in a 3rd world country and there are terrorist incidents we get involved. These numbers are showing and telling a story on there own about how America and its troops and citizens are getting safer and safer as the years go by.
    Of showing how the USA can involve terrorist incidents and other incidents for fighting back and forth which is worse. You really can't say terrorist incidents are getting worse because actually there getting better. Terrorist incidents are very bad and the people who are near the striker are vulnerable in a lot of ways.

  57. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 2/14/12, TT2
    2. The country need's someone or something to backup from terrorist incidents.
    3.What I have learned from this chart was that the amount of incidents that is occurring
    around here is effecting the environmental issues and also the economy and such. Between 1980 and 2005 the number of terrorist incidents went down but it was up and down like market issues rising up and down in such a small amount of time.
    In the early 1980s the numbers of terrorist incidents were at a high with 1982 being the highest amount of 52.The particular numbers began to decrease and by '94 there was only one incident. As you can see, the graph shows a market issues in these type of situation,with the numbers but in all there was a definite decrease in the amount of terrorist incidents between 1980 and 2005.
    This will give the military a better chance to explore the numbers like thinking out of the box.... They could also look at what they did to bring down the attacks from 1980. Was it going in and finding the terrorists? Was it new advanced technology? They could take this graph and say, Why ? "Why don't you just change everything and stay close to the way they are but some people are very stubbourn" .They could also look at the graph and think about what kind of things were happening and going on that caused the incident. This particular graph can be a very good example for a debate in the future. In the pro side,the military is doing something to keep the incidents down but it could be on the con side showing that it isn't totally stopped and that if the military was actually trying then we wouldn't have any problems with terrorists such as their horrible, attacks and such. Next time you should ask someone something before you brag with an empty brain.

  58. 1. Stephen Moore, 2/14/12, TT2
    2. Lesson Learned things change quickly.
    3. The numbers in the graph mean how many terrorist in 1980-2005.
    In september 2001 two airliners hit the twin towers killing more than 4,000 people this a day to always remember the great people and the great tall towers. The numbers have gone down since 1980.

    The purpose of using this graph is to remember and keep track of what has happened over the years. You could use the graph to prevent terrorist incidents from happening.

  59. 1. Caeley Hendee, 2-14-12, TT2
    2. Always expect the unexpected.
    3. This graph may show the true or the false. I'm not sure on which if it is true or false. Through the 80's many terrorist incidents more than you think. Most people just did this blog to get a grade, and some people don't even care. You really have to understand the meaning of this blog. I would like to know how many people died with all of the terrorist incidents put together. I'm sure that its not just in the 1980's that these incidents started to happen. The incidents would go up through 1980-1983, and went down, then went up and down and stayed down for awhile.Then it went up but not much, but that doesn't matter. Even its just about 5 or 6 incidents, people still die for no reason.

    This graph could be used around the whole nation. If your in any building at anytime, your not gonna think about if your gonna die from a terrorist incidents. But just like my lesson learned always expect unexpected. Any body should keep their eyes open and look for anything that could happen. Don't spend your time on just waiting for an incident to happen because you shouldn't spend your life doing that. Always be careful for your surroundings. Everybody should be aware of things around them. My opinion is that we should have our government spend more time on watching for these incidents. The government could spend extra money for our safety, which I hope that the government would approve of.

  60. 1. Danielle Stowell 2/14/12 TT4

    2. Things will happen that you are not aware of.

    3. This chart shows all the terrorist incidents in the U.S. In the low 1980's there was the most terrorist incidents. In 1980, there was about 29 attacks. In 1981 there was 42 attacks. . In 1982 there was 51 attacks and in 1983 there was 31 attacks. As you can see there was way more terrorist attacks in the low 1980's. Then the attacks went down a little bit to single numbers. Then in 1997 the attacks started to rise again with bugger numbers to double digits. In 2002, the attacks went down a lot.
    This chart brings up a lot of points. You can see from 1980 to 2002 the terrorist attacks really went down. We the U.S. have stuff that other countries might want. Of course they will fight us and maybe harm us for it. Like in 2001 terrorist came to the U.S and crashed into the twin towers because they didn't like how our country was lived. This graph also shows how badly the terrorist hate or nation, like look how much they've put us though in the 1980's and in 2001, the terrorist took innocent peoples life's away. When Osama Bin Ladin died in May there have been way less attacks and no terrorist are coming over and bothering us. We like how our country is lived and they can't change it! We like being independent and being happy!

  61. 1. Josh Mick 2/14/12 TT4
    2. Terrorists need to learn when to stop.
    3. The graph shown tells us the most terrorists attacked in 1982. The numbers increase and decrease because of some of their attacks going wrong. Some people have died as well it would be interesting to see how many people died during these attacks. In 1995, there seems to be the most least attacks in the country. Starting in 2001, they started to increase a little by how many attacks there were. The beginning starting in 1980 was off to a bad start.

    The purpose of this graph is to show how many terrorist attacks we've encountering throughout the past couple of years. We should be more aware of this happening by watching the news for a while to see what is going on in the world. If not, then I'm sorry to say you might be dead one day.

  62. 1. Sam Hall TT4 February 14, 2012

    2. Lesson Learned: There will always be crime.

    3. Around 1982 there is a large spike where over 50 terrorist incidents occurred. The next spike was around 1986 when about 26 terrorist incidents happened, between 1987 and 2005 the number of attacks stayed fairly low (between 14 and 0, but there wasn't a single year with zero incidents.

    This graph could be used to support the argument that security in America isn't as strong as it should be, it shows that terrorists still manage to attack Americans even after such huge incidents such as the Oklahoma City Bombing and the September 11th attacks. Someone could show this graph as a visual aid and talk about what the numbers represent. However, this graph is not up to date, so it wouldn't help very much in a debate situation.

  63. 1. Charlotte Nowaczyk 2-14-12 TT4
    2. The U.S has gotten better gear to keep us safer, and more prepared.
    3. This graph is displaying the results of terrorist attacks. There has been over 318 attacks from 1980-2005. There are about 13 attacks each year. In 2001 two plains hit the twin towers, it was a devastating time people lost loved ones daughters lost fathers wife's lost husbands, people lost friends and family. Everyone will always remember the people that tried to help and the firefighters and police authority's who risked there lives to save others, over 3,000 people died that day. The terrorist attacks have gone down since, 1980, that's a good thing!
    The reason for using the graph is to be able to support your details to show that your not just guessing, that you actually have a clue bout what your talking about.

  64. 1. Lexi Cox, 2/14/12, TT4

    2. There is a lot that you don't know.

    3. In this graph it shows a lot of information, a lot of information that you probably don't know. It shows all of the terrorist attacks that we have had in out country between 1980-2005. The number of attacks between these 25 years were constantly changing from year to year. In 1982 America faced 50 attacks, the most attacks then they had experienced from then on. Compared to the next year America only had about 30 attacks. A couple years later in 1994 America had are lowest amount of attacks, we had only about 2 to 3. Each year the graph shows a different number, some years there is more attacks then the last, or some years there is a lot less. Each of these attacks were serious and they show you that the attack 911 was not the only attack America has had. More lives were lost other then just the twin towers attack.
    This graph can open peoples eyes a lot. It shows people that our America, the land that we all call home has suffered so much more then we are aware of. Loved ones died here from terrorist attacks that we should know about. Every year the numbers are going up and down, some years there is more than others but each one of these attacks has affected our country and each of these attacks has built us to be the strong American land that we all live on. If it wasn't for all of those experiences that we had gone through, who knows where we would all be now.

  65. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 2/14/12
    2. Be prepared
    3. The numbers mean on this chart is America is getting attack from terrorist or some people inside America. In 1984 Americans came and blew up a Oklahoma City building which killed over a 100 people and in 1982 we had 51 terrorist attacks that is a lot so America should be more prepared in these types of situations. Americans should benefit now because we have technology and better supplies now to protect us because 2004 and 2005 we had less than 10 terrorist attacks. Then a decade before 2004 and 2005 it was less than 5 there was only one. That is the best of the best that we had in this chart the numbers were great in that year.
    The purpose of this graph is from the 80's, 90's and 2000's we had most of the time improvement over the attacks. In 1982 there was over 50 and now 1983 there was 31 and as you see it improved big time since 1982. In the modern days there has been less and less like 5 or 6 a year. Somehow in the future there is going to be some coming around the world. Some years were great and some other years were horrible.

  66. 1. Devin Bryant 2/14/12 ††4
    2. terrorist are not always Islamic.
    3. what the numbers are is they are number of terrorist attack through the years. And the numbers mean like 1982 there were over 50 terrorist attacks but in 94 and 95 there was like 2 each so these number depend on things going on in the world like in 82 it wasn't islamic people who did all those or most of those attacks it was a group in michigan i know when i think of terrorist i think of an arab bombing or shooting someone but really terrorist can anyone with hate for other people but a purpose for using this graph is to know if you are safe and to average them out to 13 a year that is not to many but still a lot.

  67. 1. Julianna Welling 2/14/12
    2. There was a lot more terrorists before 911
    3. In 1980-2005 it show the amount of terrorist attacks. In 1982 there was a total of 58 attacks that was the most attacks in this chart. The least amount on the chart was in 94 and 95 with only 1 that hole year. The year of 911 the was 14 attacks it was a little spike in the chart in the spot it was in. The chart is in about the 30-50 spot in the first 4 years then it drops down dramatically in stays down for 2 years. It spikes back yup in 86 to 25 then goes back down it says between15-1 after that.
    The purpose of this graph is to show that terrorist are becoming more controlled. It would be to show kids that there was more to terrorist then jus 911. A purpose for this graph would be to show americans that there home it safe. Maybe to see that there has not been a lot of activity for a long time so they are planning a huge attack. This graph shows how terrorist strength have changed to show that they are weaker. Is mad to show the government how much we have to think about terrorist attacks.

  68. 1.Mckaylin 2-14-12

    2.Be prepared for the best and worst

    3. The year 1981 was the most active in tarriest attacks there were about 50 in that year it decreased in the next few years but not by much in 83 there were over 30 attacks after time people most likely took more precautions and you see a decrease as you get into the 90's and it does not seem to hit that 50 attack rate again know a days it really hard for terrorist to attack because of all a technology and undercover agents that would stop something before it happened.
    This graph could be used to show how the rate has changed in the time we have become more careful and technologically advanced (making it harder for people to sneak stuff in planes or important buildings like the white house) it could also show how America has made more friends (country's) then enemy and by having more people on are side if they hear about an attack they would help us or stop them before they could attack.

  69. 1. Kirsten Brydon 2-14-12
    2. Life is a risk
    3. The numbers state that the USA was attacked frequently around 1980 to 1990. Terrorists were the culprits according to the graph shown above. From 1980-2005, There was a total of 318 attacks. The numbers also show that sometimes we had less incidents then others. In our most recent year shown on the graph (2005), we had about 5 incidents with terrorists. This means that even more lives were lost through every single one of them. Though the number dwindled down due to our advancing security as it went through the 2000's era , One attack still leaves many in peril and many injured or worse. The numbers show only a part of the impact.
    The graph also shows how much America has truly been through. Not many people would have thought that we were attacked that many times in such a close time era to our own. A phrase I heard "Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it", I believe that to a extent. If we know what could or will happen, we will be better prepared for whatever it may be. Every attack causes the death of many and the depression of all. We need to know this information to prevent what we can.

  70. 1.Sam Dovin. 2-14-12. TT2.

    2. Some people never give up.

    3. In the graph there is number indicating when there were terrorist attacks. It shows that the graph goes from the 1980's to 2008. In 82 there was the most incidents at 50 terrorist attacks in the united states! Imagine how many people die from just one incident, then look at how many people would have died at 50! There was a higher distance from 2001 from the year 1986.

    Using this graph I would put it as talking about what we can do to prevent these attacks from killing anymore harmless people in the united states. Only if we could have a debate and show them how we feel and talk about how we can settle our differences between each other it would be a lot better then fighting back and forth this way. Plus see how we can actually help and make a change just not by talking about it.

  71. 1. Michael Atwood/ 2-13-12/ MW4

    2. Expect the unexpected.

    3. This chart tells us that 318 terrorist incidents have occurred in the US in the 25 years between 1980 and 2005. The number of terrorist incidents decreases a lot over the years, except for a few spikes in the stats. In the 80's, the number's go down slowly, occasionally spiking up as incidents occur. The highest number of incidents in a single year in the 80's was at 51 accidents in '83 and the lowest number of incidents was in '89 with 4 accidents. In the 90's, the number of incidents is at it's lowest, spiking sometimes over the years. The highest number of incidents was in '93 with 12 incidents, and the lowest number of incidents was in 94-95' with 1 accident. At the turn of the century, incidents increased, but gradually lowered again. The highest number of terrorist incidents was in 2001 at 14, when 9/11 occurred and the lowest number of terrorist accidents was in 04-05 with 5 accidents.
    This graph was to show how many terrorist incidents have happened over the years. It tells us how much technology plays into safety in the technology age. Back in the 80's, we didn't have the security we have now in buildings and airports, and back then we had many more incidents, so technology is important to security in this age. Although, as technology gets bigger, it gets easier to organize crime. In the 90's, there was less crime, but as technology evolved, it rose again. Overall, it shows us new technology, laws, and crime can affect our security.

  72. 1. Kyle Gonos 2-15-12 MW4 (Absent on Monday February 13)
    2. LL: No matter how much good is in the world, there will always be bad.
    3. Since the United States is so big, there is a lot of people who are jealous or just simply don't like us. This graph is showing that a lot of people don't like us but the number of terrorist acts have gone down since 1980. The most terrorist incidents was in 1982 when there was a little over 50 incidents. The least amount of incidents was in 1994 and 1995 when there was only 1 incident in each year. Once year I was shocked about was 2001. I was shocked because that was a very bad terrorist attack known as 9/11 and many others that day. Surprisingly there was just under 20 incidents that year. Together there are 318 incidents in a span of 25 years, 1980 through 2005.
    The purpose of this graph is that even though the number of terrorist attacks have gone down over the years, there is still terrorist attacks. For example there has not been one year where there has been no terrorist attacks. The number of incidents have gone down and this is because our economy has been bad. Because of this we have had to reach out to other countries for help, thus making more friends. Although a terrorist free year would be great, this probably will not happen. There is a saying "You can't have love without hate".

  73. 1. Michael Haase 2-14-12 TT2
    2. "its better to be safe than sorry"
    3. The numbers show the amount of incidents that with terrorists. their was about 318 terrorist incidents from 1980 to 2005. The most incidents were in 1982 with 51 incidents that is a lot of incidents. The least amount happened in 1994, and 1995 with 1 incident.
    The purpose for using this graph would to show people how many terrorist Incidents the United States had from the years 1980 through 2005. People might want to look at this graph if they want to know about our history with terrorists. Another reason they might want to see this graph so that we can see how easy that it is to harm the United States.

  74. 1. Jordan Danko TT2 2/15/12

    2. LL: Te number of terrorist incidents has decreased from 80-2005.

    3. There are numbers shown on the left side of the bar graph. These numbers represent the amount of times a terrorist incident has occurred. The numbers at the very bottom of the graph in red tell the exact amount of terrorist incidents that have happened in a particular year. The numbers above those ones are the years. The years are there to show what year a certain amount of terrorist incidents happened.
    The purpose of this graph is to be able to have proof of how the united states is improving. People can use this graph to show that the united states has been becoming safer and better over the years. The number of terrorist incidents has decreased a lot sine the 80's. You could use this graph to help support a debate. For example the debate could be about the united states improving. This graph shows that you need to be careful around other people, because you never know whats going to happen.

  75. Megan Gunderson Mw2 2-16-11

    Better safe than sorry

    The graph shows all of the terriost attacks that we have had between1980-2005.The graph shows that terriost attacks are un consistent each year.It can go to one terriost attack to 50 years later.The most attack in a year was in 1982 with 51.In 1984 and 1985 America had only one terriost attack.As you can see the united State has a wide range of attacks.

    This graph would be useful to all American who care about whats going on in the US.Many American like the truth about whats happenig.They dont want to hear the lies or the rumars they want the straight up facts about how safe America is.The graph give straight fact.It shows the peo[ple the truth.America can be safe on year and the next not so much.Americican citizen like to keep posted on what happening to America since
    9-11.This graph could also be useful to security guards at airports.If the year before then has a high rate of terriost attack they might want to amp up the security. Security at airports has never been the same since 9-11. America has changed sine 9-11 and all of the terriost attacks.We have and are always working on our security in the country that we fought for, and the country we will keep safe.We will fight for safety just like we fought for our freedm.

  76. Kalani Gondick M-W 4th
    2.There is always different things that happen.
    3.This graph tells us all the attacks that have happened awhile ago and today.
    4This graph tells us about all the attacks. As you can tell there were a lot in 1982 compared to 1994 and 1995. Why do people even want to attack or do other things to hurt people? In 1982 there was 52 Attacks. The years that only had one attack is 1994-1995. People shouldn't attack. I think we should just not have any attacks and we should just live our happy lifes.

  77. 1. Joshua Helm/2-13-12/MW2

    2. Terror never sleeps.

    3. The numbers show that Terrorism has been happening quite frequently in the span of 25 years, 318 attacks have happened. The public must have been in a state of shock with all the attacks. The Middle East has some obsession with attacking us.

    This graph would help if we wanted to bomb the middle east with nukes. This would show we need tighter security altogether in the country. We are to unsafe even with tight security.

  78. 1. Christina Mogg 2-13-12 mw4

    2.There is a lot of terrorist incidents we don't know about.

    3.The numbers are showing that there can be a terrorist incident at any time. A purpose for using this graph would be to let us now the pasted damage.

  79. 1. David Lesnau 2-13-12 MW4

    2. looks can be deceiving

    3. In the 1980s were the highest amount of terrorest incidents. In 1994 and 95 were the least. some times the news dosent put the terrorest incidents. In the 80's, the number's go down slowly, occasionally going up as incidents occur.

    ware we should be more save by geting more safety in airports and borders so it wont happen that often. we cant make it never happen it impossible because any one can do some thing bad.

  80. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 2/13/12

    2. There have been more incidents before 1986.

    3. The numbers on the chart tell how many terrorist incidents had happened

    between 1980 and 2005. A purpose would be to show that terrorist incidents are

    still happening but not as many as in the 1980's.

  81. 1. Justin Wilson Feb 12 mw4

    2. Things get bad be for they get good.

    3. The numbers show that there could be a terrorist attacks at any given moment.

  82. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 3/3/12, MW4
    2. There's more terrorist attacks since 1986.
    3. The numbers show you how much terrorist attacks have increased. Before the 1980's there wasn't as much terrorist attacks. But then the terrorist attacks went up. Then slowly went back down. Occasionally they would go back up again though.
    The purpose of using this graph could be for air ports. To show how to make safety for everyone better. Or if there wasn't as much terrorist attacks they wouldn't need to change a lot about their security. Air ports have to have good security because of 9/11. Ever since then it has needed more security for the safety of people. Also since the numbers are going down it could show how America has a lot better safety and is doing good with their military's.

  83. 1. Eric Wolfe 3/4/12 TT2
    2. Bad things happen.
    3. The numbers on the chart are representing how many terrorist attacks happened between 1980 and 2005. In 1982, 52 terrorist attacks were commited. The people who lived through it must be horribly scarred. The damage taken is horrific through out those years.
    A reason for this graph is to remind ourselves of the past and what has happened. These attacks have scarred the U.S. and left it scared. The U.S. security has changed so much because of 9/11. We might need more security, but not to over do it.

  84. 1. Jacob Yannott
    2. bag things happen
    3. The number in the graph show how many terrorist attacks happen between 1980 and 2005. There were 52 terrorist were commuted in suicides. like in 9/11. Four terrorist crashed a plane in the twin towers, and almost the pentagon.

    A reason we use this graph is to remind us about the 9/11. As well as the rest terrorist attacks.the U.S security has changed sense then. They have been cracking down on air force laws. As well as restrictions.

  85. 1.Justn Wilson Feb 13 mw4
    2. Terrorist keep attacking america.
    3. In the chart it is showing the terrorist incidents in the united states. 1980 throw 2005. There has been 318 attacks that have occurred. I know of a big one that happened in 2001 it was 9-11 thousands of people died an they took out the twin towers.

    What do numbers mean? You can tell that the attack rate has been decreasing. It is showing us that there is people all over that want to kill. I believe that the terrorist rate has gone down because of our technology they's days. If we didn't have all this high tech security systems an all that they rate would go right back up. There are people still trying to kill us be were are reacting before they can.
