Friday, February 17, 2012

Advisory Response 2 17 12

1. What do you think "diversity" means?


  1. 1. I think diversity means diverse. Also I think it means a different racial background.

  2. 1. diversity- Being different. Everybody is unique in their own way, which shows how you are different.

  3. 1. Diversity means to judge people and think differently of others based on their race, gender, or anything about them. It means to be separated and diverse.

  4. 1. I think diversity means being different, not the same as everyone else. Your your self and there is nothing wrong with that, you were ment to be different.

  5. 1. i think it means treating others with respect

  6. 1. Diversity is separation, to divide people, to which not everyone is equal. Diversity comes in many shapes and forms, it can be something as simple as sitting with only boys at the lunchroom, to having only blacks or only whites in a hotel.

  7. 1.I think diversity means people with different colors. I also think it means people that are a different color are treated poorly.

  8. 1. To me Diversity means that you do a lot of things at once.

  9. I think "Diversity" means being more than one thing. Or trying to do more than one thing.

  10. 1. I think diversity is a bunch of people that are all different. We have a very diverse world.

  11. I Think diversity means a variety of objects and how there is a variety different people.

  12. 1. diversity means every ones different. Not the same as every one.
