Friday, February 17, 2012

Advisory Response 2 17 12 b

1. Did you learn anything new about one another?

2. How much can you tell about people just by looking at them?

3. Which similarities and differences can you see and which ones can't you see?

4. Some of the groups that stood up were large and some were small - which did you like being in? Why?


  1. 1. To be separated by race or color.

  2. 1. I think diversity is treating every race of people or culture like your race. It is when there are a lot of different kinds of people in the same area.

  3. #1
    Diversity means seperation, to divide people up.
    Where everyone is not equal, people stand out more than others

  4. I think it means different

  5. 1. Yes I did!!!! =) some people are happy.
    2.Their physical features
    3.The very personal stuff.
    4.I like being a lone wolf.

  6. 1. Yes I learned that not everybody is the same.

    2. You can tell some things by looking at people, but you really don't know anything until you really get to know them.

    3. You can't see some diversity such as how someone is really feeling or how they really feel about something or someone.

    4. I liked being in the smaller groups because I don't like being like people. I am my own person and don't want to be the exact same person as some random kid next to me.

  7. 1. Yes, Paige was born in Michigan.(:
    2. What there interest are.
    3. Maybe if there hurting inside.
    4. You can see what they do, and what they don't do.
    5. I like being in the small group, it made me feel unique.

  8. 1. Yes, I learned a lot about another people.
    2. You can't tell much about people by their appearance.
    3. You can see the similarities in people's appearances but you can't see their personality.
    4. I like being in the small groups because it makes me different than everyone else.

  9. 1.yes like someone didnt have a dog 2. you can tell maybe whaT THERE FAVEROIT COLOR IS 3. you cant see the real person 4. i liked being in the smaller group beacuse it made me diffrent

  10. 1) I learned that Shelby likes Kid Rock.
    2) You can tell their emotion, and you can at least guess their race or background.
    3) You can see the physical similarities and differences, but you can't see the exact background on someone and where they come from.
    4) I liked being in the small groups because it shows that I am not just like everyone else. I'm okay with standing out from the crowd.

  11. 1. yes some people have played on a sport team.

    2. not much just if there sad or happy.

    3. you can see skin color and you cant see if you like baseball.

    4. big groups because i like being with more people.

  12. 1.Yes 2.a little bit 3.lots of them the bigger group because then i know how much similarity with other people

  13. 1) Yes I did everyone in my advisory was born in Michigan.
    2)You can tell a little about there outside appearance but you cant tell what kind of person they are.
    3) You can see skin color and race you can't see there religion and accent.
    $) I liked being in the large group because I felt like I was similar to everyone else.

  14. 1. Yes, Shae was born in Michigan.

    2. I can tell if someone is a mean or nice person

    3. I can see how they are feeling and I can't see what their interests are.

    4. I liked being in either big or small group because being in a small group is kind of meaning that you are different in a good way like unique. And being in a big group means that you are like others and you have things in common.

  15. 1.yes, from the activities we did I guess
    2.A lot where they live in high class middle class and low class
    3.can't see: how a person really feels. can see: eye color
    4. I liked being in the smaller groups because it showed me that everyone was very diverse from each other.

  16. 1. Yes, I learned that people have different interests from me.

    2. Kind of a lot, what kind of clothes they where could tell us if they are rich or poor.

    3. We can see how they are acting and that might tell us how there life is. We can't see how they actually think about things.

    4. I would like to be in the big group because I like to be with a lot of people I know and not with less people.

  17. 1. Yes i learned that a lot of people have brown eyes.
    2. You can tell a lot about people by how they look.
    3. Some similarities that you can see are how people look and how they dress. You cannot tell how people act and how they are on the inside.
    4. I would rather be in the small group because I like being different from the crowd.

  18. 1.Yes I did learn something new about other people.
    2.You can tell what color hair they have or eye color.
    3.You can see what color hair they have, and what you can't see is how they feel.
    4.I like being in a larger group because I felt like I was not the only one.
