Sunday, February 26, 2012

Debate Blog 1: Romney vs. Santorum Political Ads

1. Name Date Hour

2. Watch the following political advertisements
a. Romney:
b. Santorum:

3. Each is approximately one minute long. Choose which one is the most persuasive. In the first paragraph, list at least three elements that were important to the ad and why. Then in the second, explain why the advertisement you chose proved the most persuasive.

NOTE: You may watch the two advertisements more than once. Use ear buds or headphones.
NOTE: Post on blog and Turn It In.


  1. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    2. watched
    3. The one that is most persuasive is Mitt Romney's commercial.
    The first element that was important was when he said "The American people are over taxed and the government is overfed." This is important because he said that American citizens are paying to much on taxes. Also he is saying the government has more then enough money. The second is when he said " I believe that laws should be written by the people not juge's." This is important because some of the laws are unfair that the jude's make and if the people make the laws they would be more equally right. The third is when he said "Were spending to much money here, Were using to much oil here and the schools are failing to much of our kids." This is true we are spending to much money on gas and taxes and we are using to much oil that some of it is wasted.
    The advertisement is most persuasive because it seemed to me that it had more detail. It showed he was confident and he had good body posture and stance. His voice was loud and clear. He had a great speech. This is a good advertisement.

  2. Riley Hafner MW2 2/27/12

    I thought Mitt Romney's video was more persuasive because in my head he had a way of making you think that he has lots of power and knows how to handle himself and handle the way things in our country have been going. Three things that really were important in this ad was that it didn't blow by super fast and you could understand all of Romney's points unlike Santorum's video which said everything really fast and was over. Also, in Romney's video there wasn't a ton going on so you could watch everything and not get your mind all jumbled up with what was going on on the screen. The last thing that was important to this video was the Romney actually spoke and said what he was about and how we need to fix our country. In Santorum's video it just showed him with his family and a women was saying a bunch of things and it really didn't go together and it was hard to focus on it all.
    Romney's campaign video was more persuasive then Santorum's because he showed that he was ready to take over and lead our country into a better time. He, himself, spoke about all the things he would like to change and how he would like to do it. It showed what he was about and it sort of filled you with a confidence and a respect for him in a way. Santorum on the other had didn't say a word in that campaign video so how do you really know if those are his real feelings and thoughts. It also showed Obama in his video and it said that Santorum would make a better president. These men won't make it through the election if all they have planned is to bash on each other and so I believe Romney showed a lot more respect for the election and a lot more respect for Obama in this part of his campaign. In all, Romney was much more persuasive in his campaign advertisement.

  3. 1. Halle Chiarelli 2/27/11 MW2

    3. The most persuasive video was Mitt Romney's. In the video, you heard Romney say that he was going to let people take over control instead of unelected people. He was going to bring back the money. He was going to make America's economy better again. Romney's video was more persuasive because there was proof of him showing that he was going to make America better than Obama. Where in Santorum's video, there was no proof, just pictures.

    Mitt Romney's video was very persuasive because he had full proof. There was proof that he said he is going to change things and turn them around. The way he said he was going to do things, he sounded dedicated. He sounded like he wanted to help people in America, he wants to become president so he can show us and prove to us that he can do all of those things.

  4. 1. Matt Pankow 2-27-12 MW2


    3. Mit Romneys ad was more persuasive. It was more persuasive because it was him saying it straight to the camera and didn't have a talk voice say it for him. Also he made sure that everyone that was in the commercial was happy and clapping to show that he has confidence. He got straight to the point of what he wanted to do to make the U.S.A a better place, and he showed the people enjoying it and maybe that would convince other people to like his ideas. Mit Romney also had other people in his video talk about him and it showed that other important people liked his ideas. Having video in commercials seems to be more entertaining than having just a slide show of pics. Overall his commercial was better in all ways.

    My ad that i picked proved to be persuasive because of his confidence he had. Every pic and video showed in the ad showed him with his head up and that showed great confidence. If you make people believe that your confident they will greatly respect you. With that respect will come votes. When he speaks it seems to just take you in to listen and once you do listen to him you realize that his ideas that he has are good. Having all your ideas in one commercial would be better than your past and not what you want to do in the future. Romney did a good job at putting what he did in the past and what he wants to do in the future. Having confidence is key.

  5. 1. Malorie Moen 2/27/12 MW2
    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Mitt Romney's ad is more persuasive. He explained all of the problems we are having right now. He also explained how they could be solved. The ad described all of the good things that he has done to help America. The three elements that were important in the ad are: discuss the issue, ways to solve the issue, and positivity.
    The advertisement for Romney was more persuasive than Santorum's mostly because it showed more positive things about Romney. It also talked about how he could help make our country a better place if he was president. The most persuasive thing about the advertisement was, that other people were sharing all of the successful things he has done. He also talks about what he believes in, and the ways to solve the issues in our country. The ad shows the positive things he has done before, such as, rescuing the Olympics. Santorum's advertisement didn't explain as much about what he would do as president.

  6. 1.Megan Gunderson MW2 2-27-12

    Romney's video is the best out of the two.He looks like a strong guy who will fix America.He is for the people and believes the people should be more involved with the US laws.Mitt addresses that America is spending to much money and he going to fix that.he wants to secure the USA's economy.
    The reason that his video is so powerful is because he doesn't try to look like the good guy he is the man who will take action.He wants to help mend the USA.He also believes that the Americans are over taxed, and most people would like that because it means that they don't have to give as much money to the government. He also wants to help the USA not use so much oil.Which make Romney sounds like he aspires to find alternative ways that are eco friendly. Romney isn't promising with words he promising action, and thats what the US needs.We need a guy who seeks to repair and restore the us economy.

  7. 1. Zack Fuller 2-27-12 mw2

    2. Watched

    3. Mitt Romney's ad was more persuasive. First element the music in the back ground was more serious and made me want to pay attention . The second element reason the also mentioned the people of America and are the source of power. The third element is he is telling every one that he is going to fix issues and we need to fix them quickly. Also they wanted the people of America to make laws.
    I picked this ad because it was serious ad to help America. Romney used his wife to promote him so he was not saying to vote for me. He had supporters also saying that. They also list all his goals that he did like rescuer the olympics. He was also changing peoples mind who to vote for when he was governor he made a democratic state a republican state. He is also talking a lot about the american people witch is every voter in america. He is showing a lot of emotions that he wants to win to become president of the Untied States.

  8. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 2/27/12

    2. In Romney's ad listening to him making a speech made the ad all the much better. All of the facts about him were necessary. He told us what he wanted and how he was going to accomplish it. In Santorum's ad all of the facts and information they gave about him was necessary. It is important to know who we are voting for. Santorum introduced us to himself unlike Romney who talked about what he wanted for the people. Both ads are good but one was more persuasive.
    Mitt Romney's advertising campaign was more persuasive. Romney introduced himself but went right in to talking about what he wants for the people of the United States. Both people's intensions are good but Romney stood out more than Santorum. I liked how it had clips of Romney actually making a speech and telling us what he wants the future to be like. Overall Romney had better ad because of the way it was put together and how he adressed every issue he wanted to fix.

  9. 1.Payton Rentsch, MW2, 2-27-12

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Romney
    There are three elements that are important, the first is that he helps the people where he goes he solves problems. That is important because it shows us that he cares, that he isn't just in the election for money, and or so people know his name. The second is that he believes were over taxed. This is important because it makes people feel he wants to help us, so that we don't have to pay so much and so that we can get out of the crisis with jobs and money. The last one is that our las should be written by the people not unelected judges. This is important because its not fair for us to have to follow the laws that aren't even written by us their written by the unelected judges.
    Romney's advertisement proved most persuasive because he caught my attention and it was just having one person talk about him it was many people. Also he had many persuasive arguments. Like when the video said about what he has done for us. Also when Ann Romney was talking about how he has helped many families with things that they thought couldn't be changed. Mitt also believes it is time for action and action is what we need in our country. In conclusion Mitt Romney's video is more persuasive because he tells you what you want to hear.
    NOTE: You may watch the two advertisements more than once. Use ear buds or headphones.
    NOTE: Post on blog and Turn It In.

  10. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 2/27/12 MW2

    3.Romney had the message that was most persuasive. He listed at least three very important facts about what he wanted to do going forward. First he established the experiences hes had being a governor of Massachusetts. He explains the type of situations he has been in that make him ready to lead a nation. Then he states what he believes in an what action he wants to take.
    It proved most persuasive because of a major reason. In the ad, it first of all isn't cutting down other people in the election, he is more focused on the facts then making the other guy look bad. The ad goes into detail of what he means to do in office to guide this struggling nation back to its feet. Also in santorums ad he does not explain the action he wants to take to help our nation he just says he is going to make it better which is not enough information. Those are the reasons that Romney has the most persuasive ad.

  11. 1. Jacob Robinson

    3. Between these two candidates people would probably pick Mitt Romney's ad because it went in more deep of what he wants to happen and what he wants to change in the United States. One important thing he had said in the ad was that people are being taxed to much and to high and it has to stop. Which is true though, people are being taxed to high and the U.S. citizens do not like how we are being taxed. Another thing he states that is important and that he wants to change is how our government is spending to much money. All of our taxes being payed to the government is being spent. The government spends to much of it. A third thing he thinks is the American citizens should be written the laws and not unelected judges.
    Most people would have chosen Mitt Romney's ad because his ad went into more detail and how he wants to change how the people are being taxed and how the government is spending to much money. Also he mentions how we are using to much oil and failing to much of our kids in school. On the other hand on Rick Santorum's ad, it showed what he has done with his life and what his strong points were, but he wasn't even talking at all it. Another guy was talking for him while the video was just showing short clips of him. It didn't show much detail of what he will do for our country, so most people would have chosen Mitt Romney's ad.

  12. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 2-27-12 MW2

    3. Mitt Romney's commercial was a bit more persuasive. Santorum's commercial seemed to be a bit distracting. It showed him with his family, which is nice, but didn't make sense to me. Both commercials told the public what they plan to do, which is very important! There was also some background music that wasn't to distracting in Romney's.

    Romney's commercial had interviews and a person narrating what he has
    done before he ran for president. Unlike Santorum's commercial, Romney actually said himself what he wanted to change. Santorum had a narraraor that said everything except for "I am Rick Santorum and I aprove this message." Romney's plans are good for America! He know that our government and schools need help, and he is willing to do it!

  13. LeAnn Howe MW2 2-27-12

    3. Rommney's political advertisement is more persuasive. An important element was that he talked about what was wrong and what needed to be fixed. The first element is taxes. Taxes are a big topic to talk about. Rommney thinks that we are paying to much for them and he wants to change that. Schools failing students is the second element. When that topic was mentioned, I had to stop and think. Some teachers give up on students that don't try and they end up failing. Rommney seems to be interested and wants to change that. Lastly a women at the beginning of the ad said, "Every place Mitt has gone, he has solved problems that people said were nearly impossible." That is a very strong statement for someone to make. It makes Mitt seem like a good man.
    Rommney was talking a lot in his video. This made it way more persuasive. In Santorum's ad there wasn't any talking from him. You could tell that Mitt is very passionate about becoming president. Also he states his opinion clearly. Since Santorum wasn't talking, there was no way to hear his passion! The points stated in Rommney's ad are more important to me than the points in Santorum's ad. Mitt Rommney is more compatible to become president.

  14. 1. Sam Love 2/27/12 mw2

    2. Watch the following political advertisements

    3.The most persuasive add to me was the one from Mitt Romney. It wasn't bashing someone, he knows what is going on and wants to fix the issues with other country's and knows that we are spending to much money.

    Mitt Romney's add stood out because, he wasn't trying to make someone look bad, he was talking about how he can make it better. With bashing someone you like negative always thinking of the bad on someone and not worried on how to fix the issues. He was also talking from the people's perspective on that we are in a hard time with shortage of money, taxes are too high. He wants to bring jobs back to America, because Asia is overpowering other country's in jobs that they can do themselves but companies moved over seas. If more jobs came back to America then there wouldn't be as much people loosing their house's, not having a job, and the United States could come out of debt.

  15. 1. Sammy Sutton, 2-27-12


    3. 3 main elements in Romney's debate video were that he was saying things that many people can agree too, also complimenting the people ("I believe in the people") really got my attention and had me wanting to hear more what he has to say. Romney's video was also long than Santorum's, and more information. There for, Romney is more likely to earn more voters.
    Romney's was more persuasive, In the video it shows clips of Romney actually debating, unlike the other video where it just shows random clips of Santorum. Also, everyone knows the United States has a money issue, when Romney says "I believe the american people are over-taxed"; everyone can agree to that, right there Romney has earned many voters. Saying things that people can relate to/agree to can help you gain a lot of voters, Romney has people believing he can make a change, a change that everyone is happy with.

  16. Mckenzie Barth MW2 2-27-12
    Romney’s ad was the most persuasive. Some really important parts of Romney’s ad was when he was giving his speech in the middle area. About the schools and such. He had a lot of detail to backup what he was saying. The fact that Romney was actually talking in the video was nice. He’s telling YOU the Americans what he’s all about. At the beginning the people speaking about him was cool too. That showed how he wasn’t either just some camera hog or someone that’s not willing to speak for us. Another thing that really went well in the ad was the transition slides. “Strong, new leadership.” That’s what one slide said.
    Now I don’t know about you, but I feel pretty motivated by his speech. He was talking about how the governments overfed, which is true. Without knowing much about this Romney guy, after seeing this video it definitely made me want to cheer him on in elections. A lot was learned from this video. This shows how Mitt Romney is very good motivational speaker. He wants to bring America up, and he was getting that crowd excited and clapping. All Americans want America’s schools to be better and all kinds of stuff, and in this video Romney talked about it all. Whoever put this video together did a very nice job.

  17. Evan Bauer 2/27/12 MW2 revision

    Romney's has my vote on the best ad. He can help the U.S. He thinks that were spending to much money. He talks about that we need to stop using so much oil. He said that the people of America are over taxed. These are important parts in the ad because they go toward what America needs to accomplish. "The government are over fed." "This is a time for action."
    I chose this ad because it persuaded me the most. It showed Romney talking about what we need to change in America and what needs to be done. He was demanding that we change in a positive way. In the other ad there was a man that was just walking around with people that looked like his family. If there was a group of people running for president we would choose the more agressive candidate because we have gotten to the point that we have to change, we can't just want to change, we have to. Thats what Romney thinks we should do to.

  18. 1.Kira D'Agostino
    2. Website
    3. Romney would be most persuasive and his campaign really showed what he was going to change. The first element was that he talked about how he was going to change the nation and how he was going to be the best choice in the election. The second element is that he seems like he knows what he's doing an what he wants to do with this nation. The third element is that he seems very confident in his campaign and what he is really like. Mr. Santorum also seems very confident and shows that he would also be a good leader. Rick shows us his family and what he's done and who he is. That's great, but he didn't really tell you what he has to offer. With a strong background you may think he's a great leader but what if when he get's elected into office he's not. Those are the certain things that you need in your ad. What are you going to do? Why should we pick you? How will you improve this nation?
    The reason why I chose Romney was he looked like he really wants to help. Not once did he stutter or show nervousness. You have to be confident in order to look confident and to be a strong figure in the eyes of other people. I can't say which one I would vote for because I wouldn't vote for either. They look like great role models but I am a Democratic. If I could vote I would vote for Obama again but I am under the age. When Romney said his speech he was saying that were spending to much money. Was he talking about Obama care? Why would that be a money waster? I helps the people with no health care who need it or if it has become to expensive. What if you were the one who needed the health care but it was becoming to expensive. Not everyone is rich, not everyone can get by, you have to think of all of the classes. Romney is alright and so is Santorum I'm not saying that they wouldn't make great president's, but I would prefer Obama. There is always going to be controversy and not meeting eye to eye but sometimes you have to look at who benefits all and not just one.

  19. Mikal LaButte 2/27/12 MW2

    3. They were both good but Mitt Romney was better this is true because in Santorum's he really didn't say much about the United States and Romney he did say a lot about the United States and that we were spending to much money and I agree with him. Then he goes on to say that we are using to much oil and I agree with that too. Besides spending to much money and using to much oil he also said that we are over taxed and the government is over fed. We are over taxed and the tax should be brought down so family's can have extra money to do family things together and to send their kids off to collage. (If they have kids) I picked Mitt Romney because he said things that were true about the United States of America and he is willing to change those things. Over all Romney did better and he would be a good President for the United States of America.

  20. 1. Matt Strong 2/27/12 MW2

    3. I believe the most persuasive ad is Mitt Romney's. One of the three elements that were important to the ad were that not only was Romney speaking. His wife Ann Romney also spoke about the things Mitt Romney has done. The second was he told everyone what he would do once he became president. He promised to make life for Americans easier by doing things such as lowering prices of needs. Som of these needs are food, water, shelter, and things of that nature. If he does become president, many Americans will be pleased. They won't have to deal with the struggles they've been going through in this economy. The third element is he has gone many places to tell people what he will do. This weekend on Saturday I was visiting my aunt and uncle in Troy. My uncle told me that at about 8 to 9 am, Mitt Romney was giving a speech about a mile from their home.
    This advertisement was the most persuasive because Mitt has been running for president since the 2008 election. He has been running since Bush's 2 terms ended. This was his first ad and is was from 2007. That shows he has been working hard since he was first in the running for president. He has changed the lives of many people and he has done a good job at it.

  21. Chiera Palamar MW2 FEB 27

    The three most important things said in Romneys Advertisement is "We are spending to much money here, Were using to much oil here, Our schools are failing to many of our kids." That sends a very powerful message to me, because hes right and not only that he directly states "Its not time for more talk, its time to take action." Therefore my decision might be wrong, he might not turn out to be a very good president, no idea, but it did catch my attention a 100 times more then Santorum's video.

    This proved to be most persuasive to me because the way Romney spoke. He sounded mind set on the people, bringing back money changing the oil problems and schooling. Many people might say "Oh well thats what obama said," but did he say it like that? Did he say it with that kind of tone? Santorum's video was "Lame" Theres a difference between hearing the tone in someones voice and listening to something that sounds like a movie trailer. Romney seems to be the most persuasive!

  22. Jonathan Haddon 2/27/12 3rd hr


    Romney's was more persuasive, it looked more professional, it didn't look fake, and it wasn't cheesy, these are important because if you see a cheesy commercial you don't want what ever it's advertising and if it looks fake you don't want to watch it but if it looks professional you would want to watch it it is persuasive and I think that they are professional themselves. I chose Romney's because he looked professional and it looked like he took time to make his commercial while in Santorum's commercial looked totally fake, and made me want to change the video.

  23. 1. Nick Norman 2.27.12 MW2 (Repost)

    3.. I thought that Romney's video was persuasive because he actually spoke to the people instead of having somebody speak for him. He wants to make America stop spending money and us stop wasting oil. You saw him talk so it really him me think that it's coming for his heart and what he wants to do. In Santorum's video the only thing they showed were pictures of him and another person talking.
    Santorum's video mainly talked about his family and not what he was going to do. On the other hand Mitt's video you could see that he was trying to change things when he said " this isn't a place for talking, this is a place for action." He sounds really serious and focused into what he was doing and he really wanted to make a change.

  24. 1. Kyle Gonos 2-27-12 MW4
    3. Both candidates had good ads but Mitt Romney has the better one. The first element that is important is that he speaks what he thinks should happen. This is good because he is coming up with his ideas and is not afraid to speak up. The second element that is important is that his wife spoke in his ad. His wife speaking shows that she has confidence in her husband. The third element that is important is that he shows his accomplishments. Showing his accomplishments is telling people that he is a successful man.
    Mitt Romney's ad was better because he is telling what he thinks. Rick Santorum just shows him with people and he doesn't talk about what he is going to do to turn America around. Another reason Mitt Romney's ad is better is because he talks about being a business man. Since America is in so much debt, maybe a successful business man like himself can turn this crisis around. Also he talks about what he believes and thinks. Such as that were spending to much money and that this countries laws should be decided by the people, hence a democracy. The last reason his ad is better is because it is organized and he just gets straight to the point. Unlike Rick Santorum's ad Mitt's is organized about talking about what he will do as president.

  25. 1. Daisy York 2-27-12 m/w4

    2. Watched
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Mitt Romney's was more persuasive. This ad gave examples of his already successful plans. His wife spoke which let you into his home life and made you fell like you knew him better then you actually do.Also it gave a short clip of him speaking. While he was speaking he covered a wide variety of problems, that by saying he will fix appealed to thousands of people. Santorum's was too selling like he was trying to get you to buy a car. There was no personality in it from him. Also he did not speak to us.
    This advertisement was the most persuasive because it has so many elements that appeal to people. He talked about the schools he talked about competition from foreign countries. Also about our budget, with this he let people know he was for them and that he was listening. This add was reaching out to people it was made so it felt like he was talking directly to you and your situation. when that is done it captures people and holds them.

    NOTE: You may watch the two advertisements more than once. Use ear buds or headphones.
    NOTE: Post on blog and Turn It In.

  26. 1. Aaron Durham, 2-27-12, MW4

    3. Romney's video is more persuasive because he talks about problems that are going on in America right now and how we should and can fix those problems three elements in the ad, he says too many school's are failing our kid's, we are spending to much money, we are using too much oil. Right there in that statement, it would draw my attention in because oil is one of our most prized and reliable sources, to fuel our transportation in America these day's. the reason people would pick him was because he is in touch with situation that are going on now and he all-ready has a plan to fix them. And the other guy didn't touch much on America and what its problems are he just told us what his personal life was like and what he went through to lead up to running for president that's why citizens would think he isn't a good leader because he doesn't touch base on Americas growing problems and developing a plan before the problems get worse.

  27. 1. Seth Wilson, Feb-27-2012.Mw4

    3. Santorums was the more persuasive video because he seemed more real were his competitor seemed very fake to me. He also described america in good ways where Romney only pointed out the bad, about how kids were failing and such. Santorums video also showed him with a little kid, which shows that he cares about the people no matter how small or big. Which is very important in someone who may one day be the president.
    The advertisement chosen by me proved most persuasive because he was real. He talked like he was speaking to someone instead of acting like he was speaking to children. He also seemed to point out the good and not the bad, he looked at things from a ''the glass is half full'' prospective instead of being negative about everything he possibly could be. In my opinion its good to look at things from a good point of view rather than always being negative about everything.

  28. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 2-27-12

    3. Mitt Romney's commercial is more persuasive. The first element is that Romney gave examples of what he was going to do as president. The second element is that it shows Romney is making an effort to do things for the country even if he is not president. The third element is that Romney shows how he is not going to stop fighting to help this country and that lets viewers see that he is a type of president that is a fighter.

    Mitt Romney's seemed like the most persuasive because it made me think about this country and where it is going. The commercial showed that Romney cares about this country but it's just a commercial so it might be true or not. The commercial showed that he is the most fit for president out of everybody else in the presidential candidate. The commercial really draws you in because it shows Romney actually talking to people and telling them that he is will try to fix this country if he becomes president. The Romney was more persuasive because it showed Romney talking and the Santorum commercial was just telling you what he would do as president but it didn't show him really talking to the people.

  29. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 2/27/12

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Mitt Romney's video was the most persuasive for many reasons. One element is the fact that he had a clip of a speech hear in the ad. There was definite voice and personal opinions in the way he talked. Romney talked about America spending too much money, which is very true. He had a great point and was very well spoken. It gave me a snapshot of what he was like as a public speaker as well. The second element is that he had his wife involved in the ad. She talked about the goods points of him and the differences he made in just the short time she was shown. Involving her was a bold move because it shows that he cares about family also. It was evident that she was very confident in him and he was also confident in himself which is a good persuading component to look for in leaders. The third element is the words he had at the end. "Strong. New. Leader" and also "Mitt Romney. President.". These were drawing you in even more than the actual ad to show he was sure of himself and that everybody knew what he was about. Everything was well played and it made him get my vote if I could!
    Romney's ad was more persuasive for many reasons. One being that he had a great voice. The way he talked show confidence and let me know that he knew what he was doing. He could really focus on certain things and transition in and out of each topic that was discussed. He talked with knowledge and strength. I could tell that the people were really excited what he was talking about in the background due to all of the applause and cheers. Another reason is the way he had pictures of magazines he was on. It showed that he was working hard and really wanted to be voted for. Santorum's video had none of that and was very bland. Romney's though, was very exciting and happy. It gave you a good vibe about him possibly being president and made you want to vote for him for everything he has done; and what his opponent hasn't.

  30. Kalani Gondick 2/27/12 MW4
    2. watched both
    3. The most persuasive is Mitt Romney's. One of the three elements that were important in the ad was that it wasn't just Mitt Romney talking. His wife Ann Romney was talking about the different things Romney did. The second thing he told people was the things he would do once he became president. He promised to make peoples life better for american and easier by doing thing such as lowering prices of different needs people need. Some of the needs are food, clothes, a house, and things that they need but really don't need. If he became president people would be happy. People wouldn't have to deal with all the struggles that they have been going through with this world. The third element is he has gone around the world telling people what he would do.
    This advertisement was the most persuasive because Mitt has been running for president since the 2008 election. He has been running since bush ended with president. This ad is from 2007. That shows he has been working to be a president for a long time. He is changing people lifes and is good at it.

  31. 1. Ian Grady 2-27-2012 MW4

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney: DONE
    b.: Santorum DONE

    3. In the Rick Santorum ad, the strong points were explaining how he would ''Make America an economic superpower.'' His second strong point in the ad was how he put quotes into it saying what other people thought about him. His final strong point was how he stated he values being conservative and not spending all the US has.
    In the Mitt Romney ad, his first strong point was putting speeches in there about him, and from him. the second main strong point was that it explained all the things he did to help the US in his past. The final point was that he listed off the things that he was going to change about the US including oil usage, school rules, laws etc.

    The Mitt Romney ad was more persuasive because it was twice as long as the Rick Santorum ad and he had more space to put things in. Another reason it was more persuasive is because of the speeches he put into the video. He explained all the things he would do in person and not having a broadcasted say it. The last reason that this video is more persuasive is because Mitt Romney used to be a vice president so he knows how to run the country more than Santorum does just by experience. All in all, the Mitt Romney ad is more persuasive than the Rick Santorum ad.

  32. 1. Michael Atwood / 2-27-12 / MW4

    2. Watched

    3. It was a tough decision, but Romney's ad was the more persuasive one. The first element that made my decision easier is that he told how he helped the republican party become more popular by changing an entire state to republican. This fact helps the electability of the republicans this november in the presidential election, if he becomes the republican candidate. The second element that helped my decision is how he told more of his views than Santorum did in their commercials. I like both of their views but it was easier to see Romney's views than Santorum's. The third element that helped my decision was that it showed one of his speeches. This shows me that this is not staged, but really what he did.

    Romney's advertisement was more persuasive because it showed him in one of his speeches, and when in a speech, it's more clear that they are telling the truth or lying through body language. I think his body language would tell someone that he's not lying. The commercial shows his beliefs and what he wants to do, and it especially helps when it talks about important problems, which it did. How he talked, he really wanted to change things, which is what we need in this country right now. Good proof that this is persuasive is that my family is voting for Santorum, and Romney still made a more persuasive commercial in my eyes.

  33. Alex Smith, MW4, 2/27/12

    Being affiliated with the Democratic party it's hard to choose between these two, but Mitt Romney had the most convincing ad. For a moment, I thought that Santorum's ad was supposed to be a parody. The over the top narrator was hilarious, and it made Romney's look pretty good in comparison. To be honest, Romney's was only as good as Santorum's was bad.

    Mitt's ad had a more serious tone, as opposed to Santorum's happy-go-lucky music playing in the background. In Romney's ad he listed out his goals as president, which was the main theme of his ad. On the other hand Santorum tried to portray himself as more of a family man, and when it comes to running this nation it doesn't matter if you're a family man. The president needs to be someone who can run the country, not a daddy.

    All in all what made me lean for Romney was how amazingly bad Santorum's ad was. Santorum told me that he's a hipster, having a political mindset of the Tea Party movement before it was cool or popular. At least Romney told me what his goals were. Still, being underage, voting is a no-go but, neither of these men would get my vote.

  34. 1. Cade Marttinen 2/27/12 MW4

    2. Watched the advertisements

    3. Mitt Romney's ad is more persuasive. One element that makes it more persuasive is the length. The longer you have of trying to convince someone of something, the better it will stick in their mind. If you keep telling someone the same thing over and over, they will remember it. The second element is the fact that he himself speaks and not a narrator. When you hear an actual person speaking, you know how he speaks and what he is like just from his voice. The third element is that it explains what he has done and what he wants done. The combination of both of those contributes greatly to the persuasiveness of the ad.

  35. 1. Jake Yanott, mw4
    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. The most persuasive debate commercial is the Romney, because Mitt Romney actually took his time to put his own words into is part of the debate,while Santorum wasted his money for somebody else to do it for him. If we give our hard earned money, how do we know he not just going have somebody else do his job? Also Romney was a longer, and that will show us he cares about if more if he wanted to spend more time per swaying us to vote for him.
    Mitt Romney has been fighting for president since 2008. All Mitt wants to do is change the face of America. Mitt Romney say he will not ever feed us with his lies.

  36. Ryan Radzioch 4th hour mw 2-27-12

    Mitt Romney's was more persuasive because he was talking about how he would change the world and that the taxes were too high and school is too hard for some kids. And he was saying how he could make life better. Also Santorum is just fake. If you watch his video hes not even talking until he says he approves the message and that is it. Mitt Romney narrated and talked through the whole video and Santorum just made some women talk. Romany's is by far way more persuasive than Santorum.

    Mitt Romney is also just a better candidate than Santorum also Santorum just wants people to puke when when people hear him or look at him. Romney is just better for me and probably others like him better as well. Romney should be President!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre MW4

    2. Watched.

    3. Which is most persuasive? Well the first one started off saying "Who can beat Obama? Rick can!" Then it went off talking about him, then shows clips of him being a father and a husband. Why do we care about that when we are trying to elect a President. He Did not tell his strategies or goals. The second was better because it tells what Mitt wants to do and dosen't predict him winning, he was straight to the point right off the bat. Rick started his off basically saying "I can beat obama." So you get the impression that he is full of himself then you carry on and see that all the clips are basically about him and the voice is telling you his achievements.

    Mitt's video was more Informative, and there was a lot more talking about what he believes should happen and what he wants to do to improve that. Watching the video you can see how confident and willing he is to make a change, its inspiring.

  38. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 2/27/12 - MW4

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    The most persuasive of the 2 articles is the first one with Mitt Romney. He is just overall more persuasive in his ad. In his ad he is the one who is talking and not some narrator the whole entire time. In the other one it had a narrator talking the whole time accept for at the end where he approves this message. But when a narrator talks i don't think that the candidate really mean what he says if he doesn't say it himself.
    There are several reasons why I think that the first ad was the most persuasive. One is that Mitt Romney is talking himself and it's not a narrator the entire add. When the candidate is talking himself it makes me feel like he is telling the truth and not a lie. THe way that it is put together as well makes me think that he is professional and more fit to be president.

  39. 1. Bri Rumple MW4 2.27.12

    3. Mitt Romney's was more persuasive than Santorum's. The first element that is important in this add is how Romney explains what he believes in and explains what he will change if he becomes president, like, how the American people are being over taxed, and how we are spending too much money. The second element that is important is how he was talking about how people need to take action right now and do something about how we are using to much oil, and how we're spending too much money, instead of just stating the problems going on right now, he states how we need to take action instead of just dwelling on it. The last element that is important is how Ann Romney, stated that Mitt has solved past problems that other people thought were impossible. this shows that he would actually solve problems instead of whining about them. Romney's ad was much more persuasive because he states what he believes, what he will do, and what he wants to see happen. He says how he thinks the government should stop spending so much money on unnecessary things, And how us Americans are being over taxed and how that needs to stop.

  40. 1.Tyler Pruneau 2/27/12 mw4


    3.Mitt Romney's video had caught my attention right away when he started talking about the family's and the health care. Romney thinks that we America is over taxed.Also they wanted the people of America to make laws.
    I picked this ad because it was serious about America. Romney used his wife to promote him so he was not saying to vote for me. He had supporters also saying that. They also list all his goals that he did like rescuer the olympics. He was also changing people. I think Romney should be president.

  41. 1.Tyler Pruneau 2/27/12 mw4

    2. Watched.

    3. Romney's video is more persuasive because when the video started i noticed the music and also the way Romney spoke more influencing.The first element was that he talked about how he was going to change the U.S. Romney also talke about how we are spending too much money and wasting oil he told everyone what he would do once he became president. Romney is a positive person and thats what most Americans do not have these days.My honest opinion is Romney would be a good president for the United States.

  42. Bryce Heatwole MW2 2-27-12
    3.The most persuasive ad was Romney's. They listed some of the good things he has accomplished. This will show people what he did with his life and some similar things he will do. Another persuasive thing was his plans on changing America. By showing this it gives people the sense that he does care about this country and wants to change it. Third was the interaction with people. How this plays out in my mind is telling you that he also cares about what the people of this country do and think.

    To me reasons why it was persuasive was that he got up and laid out what he plans on doing if he is elected. I personally do not want him to win but I do think he would do ok running this country. This commercial has shown me that he actually has some good things to do. It wasn't enough to persuade me all the way but I definitely have gained some feeling that it wouldn't be the end of the world if he was elected. That is my stance on these videos.

  43. 1. Heather Linn, 2/28/12, TT2

    3. Romneys video was more persuasive. This is because he was talking about what he would do as president, and he wasn't showing pointless things like Santorum. Santorum, was showing clips of him and his family, and it looked like an ad for a new movie. It had quotes from people, and it just wasn't a good political ad. Romney showed clips of him talking to the people, and the people liking what he was saying. I thought that was good because it made it seem more believable.

    What made Romneys video more persuasive is that he was talking about how he was going to lower the taxes, and how the people should have a say in what the governments doing/spending and not unelected judges. That was a good part to show because a lot of americans feel that way. He also was in a debate room with the american flag behind him, which is a better place to be advertising then walking around in the woods looking like your having the time of your life and acting like you do that everyday, because we all know that the person running doesn't. Romneys was also more informative about what he was doing, while santorums was just trying to draw you in to a pretty setting.

  44. 1.Caleb Hudson TT2 2-28-12
    2. santorum:
    1. Because it showed his kids in it. This was persuasive because i'm a kid at the moment. and this could persuade parents with children.2.Not long and boring. Being a child and all I don't like long commercials. this went right to the point and was not boring3. It was telling of things in the past I like history and this had a reference to the tea party witch I though was funny when I read about it.
    This commercial was more persuasive because it was to the point. not as long, and it did not show a bunch of people clapping for him as much as the other one. This says to me that he is not there for the glory but for the people to help them out. It also showed that he was responsible enough to have a family witch in the other commercial it did not show his family. It also showed how he was confident that he would win. and that he was trying hard.

  45. 1. Eric Wolfe 2/28/12 TT2

    2. I watched it.

    3. The video that was most persuasive is Romney's. His video told all about his goals and what he thought was good for this country. Santorum's video just told how he was a great father and husband. Santorum's video didn't even tell the goals that he had if would be president.

    Romney's video is better because he wants to do something about the state of the United States economy. He wants to put the U.S. back to what it once was. He thinks that the government is spending to much money and that that money should be use for something else than what it is being used or now. If i could, I would vote for Romney.

  46. 1.Paige Leatherman 2/28/12 TT2

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    Mitt Romney’s ad was more persuasive because it gave some of examples of him talking in his speech he gave. Also the ad gave examples of his speeches and with that people were clapping for him which means they like what he says. He seemed confident in what he was saying with how he could solve some of the problems we have right now.
    With Romney’s ad it kept positive. In the other ad it seemed like they were over confident saying, “who has the best chance of beating Obama?” Romney’s didn’t turn down anyone else. It gave examples of him fixing harsh problems. He also pretty much says he will take action as soon as possible to turn the negatives around.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. 1. Cody Musulin 2-28-12 TT2

    3. Mitt Romney's video is way more persuasive. It is more persuasive, because it actually shows Mitt talking in a speech, and it doesn't just talk about how He's better than Obama in the whole video like Rick's did. In Mitt's it talked about him doing things in the world when people we needed help. In Rick's video it talks about Rick and shows him with his family, which has nothing to do with being President. Also In Rick's video, it starts by saying that Rick can beat Obama, which means he is full of himself, which wouldn't be the best President, but in Mitt's video it starts by saying, "every pace Mitt has gone, he has solved problems, that people said were nearly impossible." That shows that he has done things in the world that matters. That is was a President needs.

    In Mitt's video he gave information, they talked about all of the things he has done in the world to make a difference. They talked about the things that he ha done to help the people in the world. They also showed a speech at the end that Mitt gave, it was a good speech, and it showed that he can be the President.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. 1. Jadie Cogar 2-28-12 TT2
    2. Done.
    3. Romney's was very persuasive because he kept saying how he could help us. He said that he wants to make the prices go down so we can a ford it. He wants us to be happy and not worry about how much will this cost in a week? Do I need to save this much for next week in gas because it is going to raise one dollor? He wants us to think about what we are going to do the next day with are family, not thinking of how much will bread or gas be.
    He talked about how much the prices are going up and he wants them to be lowed. He just wants us to be happy with what we got and not trying to see how much gas will be in two weeks or maybe even one week. He doesn't want us to be so worried about how much everything is going to be in two weeks and how much we need to save.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. 1. William McNamee 2/28/12 TT2

    3. Mitt Romney's commercial is more persuasive than Rick Santorums's ad. This is mainly because of three main points, the first of these points is the information in the ad. In Romney's ad he tells you more of what he would like to do with our country as opposed to Santorum's which leads me to believe he doesn't really care, because of the lack of information. Another reason that Romney's is better is because of the actual length. If you have a longer commercial you can get more of your point across unlike Santorum's where he is short and simple. Last but not least, Romney's doesn't give a prediction at the beginning, at the beginning of Santorum's ad it says " Rick is the best candidate to beat Obama.
    Romney's advertisement is more persuasive because he made it more entertaining and with more information. The reason Santorum's isn't as good is because it never talked about what he wants to do. This implies that he doesn't care or hasn't thought about. Why would you vote for someone who doesn't have a plan.

  53. Brandon Wiese 2/28/12 TT2

    2. watched video
    3. I think that the Mitt Romney video is way more persuasive then the other video. It was also longer then Rick's add. Mitt also said three things that persuaded me to like it. They were that we were spending to much money, that we were using to much oil, and that to many kids were failing school. We are using to much oil because we are going to need in the future more then we need it know. Kids can't be failing school because then we will have a lot of kids that don't have jobs and we don't want that.
    At the beginning of the add I liked it when it started out with the lady saying that he did things that people thought couldn't be done. Then when he was talking he sounded very confident in what he was saying and sounded like he was taking charge. Rick's add was to small and fast to really understand. All his video is about is a man talking about him and him hugging kids and with his family. I didn't think it was persuasive at all.

  54. 1. Elle Kennedy

    Romney's ad was the most persuasive. He looked and sounded very strong and made you believe that he was the best person to elect for president. In Santorum's ad it started off by saying that he can beat Obama, it didn't say why or how he was going to do this though. After that it went on by showing him with his family with a voice talking about his plans briefly. In the end it says that he is the best chance to take back America. It never said anything big or very important that he will do or how he would do it which doesn't really persuade you into voting for him. Showing him with his family is good because it tells you that he must be close with his family but it doesn't make you want him to be your president because you don't know what he will do.
    In Romney's ad it was saying what he believes in and what jobs and things he has done before now. He said that America is spending too much money and we are being over taxed. Since he is saying this it tells people that since he is saying it, then he must want to change it. From that it makes me believe that he cares about our country and cares about the future of our country. Romney's ad is more informative and there was a lot more things being said about him and what he will do than in Santorum's.

  55. 1. Jake Belford 2/28/12 tt2
    3. Mitt Romney has the most persuasive video. This advertisement tells me that he would be the best because you can here him talking about what he is going to do. One thing that was important to this video was that you know what he is going to do once they are president. Another is a good introduction will help the listening be more interested from the start. Third, the last thing that is important to the ad was the length of the video, the longer it is shows the more importance to the person who it is about.
    The advertisement I choose is Mitt Romney's because he talked about he wanted to do for are country and not just his achievements everywhere. This ad was most important because Mitt was the person talking and not a random person that isn't running for president. I chose Romney because he shows he cares more about our country.

  56. 1. Caeley Hendee, 2-28-12, TT2

    2. Watched

    3. Which is more persuasive? Since the day that commercials started coming on with each president I have always been on Mitt Romney's side. Three elements that were important: He thinks that the United States is spending to much money and to much oil. Spending to much money for the Untied State, and I agree. Things that the Untied States doesn't need, and Obama doesn't care. The U.S is definitely spending a lot of time on our oil. Even though its supply and demand and we have to raise the price of gas why? I mean I guess I won't understand it right now, but it doesn't make sense. Kids don't learn enough from our school systems that is why schools are failing schools. Santorum doesn't say anything about that.
    Romney is from Michigan so he understands where Michigan stands. Romney wants to change our school systems, and our economy. It was more persuasive he said that he would change the Untied States, and in Santorum he doesn't say anything about how he wanted to change the U.S. He did serve in the Armed Service's which is great, and persuasive, but that doesn't mean he will do anything for the U.S. He didn't even talk! Romney talks, and says things that the people want to hear. (His is longer) I don't understand that Santorum didn't speak because you don't what he really has to say, which proves that he doesn't have anything to say.

  57. 1. Sam Dovin. 2-28-12. TT2.

    2. Watch the following political advertisements

    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Santorum was most persuasive to me because one he says right to the point that he can beat obama, the music in the back ground and also he shows his family experience but that dosen't mean anything.

    I think that santorum was way more Persuasive because in the begging it said who can beat obama rick can! and i think that that pulled me in. Even though the ad's were both one minute it didn't seem as long as Romney's was. His was also straight to the point saying he wants to be president and can beat obama! But that is just to me really.

    NOTE: You may watch the two advertisements more than once. Use ear buds or headphones.
    NOTE: Post on blog and Turn It In.

  58. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 2-28-12, T/T2

    2. Watched it.

    3. After watching the two videos, I think that Romney's video is more persuasive. One element that that was really important, was that the girl in the beginning of the video said, "Romney, has solved many problems, that most people said were impossible." Another important thing I saw and heard in the video was, how it said that he turned around a democratic state, which means he could turn around the United States to. Last, but not least, the video showed how he believes the government is over taxed and that we are spending way to much money.
    Romney's ad was most persuasive, because it said things that he believes in and he didn't try to persuade the audience with his family like in the opponents video did. It also showed how he thinks that the United States government, is spending to much money and that the people of America are being taxed to much, and that the school aren't getting enough money. He would persuade me to vote for him if I could vote.

  59. 1. Caeley Hendee, 2-28-12, TT2

    2. Watched

    3. Which is more persuasive? Since the day that commercials started coming on with each president been on Mitt Romney's side. Three elements that were important: He thinks that the United States is spending to much money and to much oil. Spending to much money for the Untied State, and I agree. Things that the Untied States doesn't need, and Obama doesn't care. The U.S is definitely spending a lot of time on our oil. Even though its supply and demand and we have to raise the price of gas, Kids don't learn enough from our school systems that is why schools are failing schools. Santorum doesn't say anything about that.
    Romney is from Michigan so he understands where Michigan stands. Romney wants to change our school systems, and our economy. It was more persuasive he said that he would change the Untied States, and in Santorum he doesn't say anything about how he wanted to change the U.S. He did serve in the Armed Service's which is great, and persuasive, but that doesn't mean he will do anything for the U.S. He didn't even talk! Romney talks, and says things that the people want to hear. (His is longer) Understanding that Santorum didn't speak because you don't what he really has to say, which proves that he doesn't have anything to say.

  60. Brandon Wiese 2/28/12 TT2

    2. watched video
    3. Mitt Romney's video is way more persuasive then the other video. It was also longer then Rick's add. Mitt also said three things that persuaded me to like it. They were that we were spending to much money, that we were using to much oil, and that to many kids were failing school. We are using to much oil because we are going to need in the future more then we need it know. Kids can't be failing school because then we will have a lot of kids that don't have jobs and we don't want that.
    At the beginning of the add it surprised me when it started out with the lady saying that he did things that people thought couldn't be done. Then when he was talking he sounded very confident in what he was saying and sounded like he was taking charge. Rick's add was to small and fast to really understand. All his video is about is a man talking about him and him hugging kids and with his family. I didn't think it was persuasive at all.

  61. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 2/28/12, TT2

    3. In my opinion, Mitt Romney's video was more persuasive because in my opinion, this man had a path that he needed to lead, he had a way of making you think that he has lots of power and knows how to handle himself and handle the way things in our country have been going.He had many believes about his speech and he knows about what he is talking about.The three things that really were important in this ad was that the speed of Mitt Romney's video was in a good pace meanwhile, Santorum's was too fast and quite hard to understand. Also, in Romney's video there wasn't overweight because he had a good pace and the viewers/audience that was present liked his presentation. The last thing that was important to this video was the Romney actually spoke and said what he was about and how we need to adjust some needs and wants he and there. In Santorum's video it just saying that he had not achieve a good point of reference to the audience/viewer.
    In my opinion, Romney's campaign video was more persuasive then Santorum's because he showed that he was ready for what ever that he had to face as a brave man and to lead our country into a better future. He, himself, spoke about all the things he would like to change and how he would like to do it,he also had self confidence and his believes. It showed what he was about and it sort of filled you with a confidence and a respect for him in a way. Santorum on the other had didn't say a word in that campaign video so how do you really know if those are his real feelings and thoughts. It also showed Obama in his video and it said that Santorum would make a better president. If you as an audience had seen that the difference between his respect and obedience what would you think that if someone talking about you in a bad perspective ?.Wouldn't you feel bad ?.In my opinion, Romney showed a lot more respect and obedience for the election and a lot more respect for Obama in this part of his campaign. In all, Romney was much more persuasive in his campaign advertisement.

  62. 1. Maddie Haas 2TT 2/28/12

    2. I watched them.

    3. Santorum's had a few things wrong with it. He did not talk at all. The only time he talked was when he said "I am Rick Santorum and I approve this message". He only had the guy that he probably paid to talk for him talking so he didn't actually have any opinion. On the other hand, Romney had 3 people talk about him in his, Ann Romney, the narrator, and Mitt Romney himself. They both did a good job but Romney was more persuasive than Santorum's.
    Mitt Romney was the more persuasive one because he talked in his. He said things that made people want to vote for him. The content was very good and he talked in his instead of letting his narrator do it for him. Santorum just let the narrator talk about how good he was. But his was short and sweet and to the point, only 30 seconds long while Romney's was 1 minute long. Romney's did pack a punch in there and included more information about what he wanted to do to change America from how it is now. He also included a little part when he was talking to the press. That must have been a little nerve racking considering it was in front of all of America. Santorum was persuasive, but I think that Romney was a more. Santorum didn't have enough information in his.

  63. 1. Michael Yedinak 2/28/12 TT2

    2. Done

    3. For me, Mitt Romney's ad was tremendously more persuasive. First of all the music in the background was perfect for what he was talking about because it was serious. With Santorum's essay, the music seemed happy and kind of childish. Second Mitt Romney used eye contact, hand motions, and other good body language when he was talking. Rick did use good body language, but we didn't here him speak personally. Personally we should hear a person speak in an persuasive ad because we might become less interested about it not coming directly from that person. Last but not least Romney seemed to know more about this country and what it needed. He told us how we need to stop spending so much money and much more. All Santorum said was what he did or what was good about him like the tea parties he did. Overall it seemed like Santorum just showed off what he did in his life and it is all fun and games. Romney knew how America needed to survive.
    Romney's ad was to be more persuasive because he had passion in this only one minute video on youtube. Santorum might have had passion about this too but he should have talked, that was really important to this ad. Before today, my vote (if I could sadly) was Santorum. What Michael Yedinak forgot to do was look at these ads and look more deep into that person that are everywhere in America. I heard all my stuff on the news and from my parents. Romney had all kinds of goals, promises, and changes in this ad which Rick Santorum lacked a bit. Romney for president! (P.S. I talked about what you asked in both paragraphs. So for the first what you told me to write I also covered it a bit more in the second, and the same for the second and the first)

  64. 1. Jensen Borkowski 2/28/12 TT2

    2. I watched the advertisements.

    3. Mitt Romney's advertisement was the most persuasive. He pointed out key things he would help the United States with once he became president. One of the things he pointed out was that America was spending too much money. He also said that the American people are over-taxed which implies that he is planning on stopping that if he becomes president. Another thing he mentioned was the laws in America. He believes they should be created by the people, not by unelected judges.
    Mitt Romney's ad is the most persuasive because it shows all of the achievements he has completed and the things he plans on helping America with. Rick Santorum's ad talks about his achievements but he doesn't talk about his ideas very much. It doesn't include what he is willing to change in order to improve America. Mitt Romney included a video of him speaking which helped make his ad more persuasive. Santorum's ad showed him with his family for most of the ad.

  65. 1.) Lexi Gross/ 2-28-12/ T-T-2
    2.) Watched
    3.) Mitt Romney's video was the most persuasive. He was the person speaking so that helped me think that he would do better. It makes me feel like he is not lying, because he is actually saying it. When someone is lying they often have other people say things for them, but not Romney. The second element that made me want to pick Mitt, is he said what he was going to do, and he listed things that he was going to try to do for our country. Last but not least he spoke with a strong ground. His voice had enthusiasm and he spoke with his heart, or so it sounded.
    This was a lot more persuasive, because of the key elements. He was the person speaking, not some other person like in Rick's commercial. Mitt also listed what he was going to do for our country. Knowing what the person is planning for our country before I vote for him is a good feeling. Anyone who speaks from the heart has me on their side. When you speak from the heart and you have a strong voice, you sound like you really mean what your going to say.
    Romney is the best, he knows how to advertise. Maybe he will do those things that he says, and maybe he wont, but by the way he said it he meant it.

  66. 1. Darren Murray 2/28/12 TT2

    3. Well neither are appealing to me as much as Obama but out of both my opinion would be Rick


    1) He says he is going to lower the rate at which the government is controlling everything these


    2) He is trying to raise the rate at how much we get back from taxes. 3) He is honest about one

    thing he said, "Im not perfect".

    Well because it is nice for people to get enough feeling that we like the way he is doing work and he

    is telling us what the future out come might be and that is very persuasive to the people of America

    even though it might not come true. This advertisement is a good one because it shows all his flaws

    and it shows he is supporting a family and hes living the good life. He is a good man from what it

    sounds like coming from him. All we can do is wait to see who will win this election. This is going

    be a great election because they seem like there going to do the same thing if there elected.

    This man is well ready for the office but I have one regret that he will get the office because he

    is running up against a very powerful man and he is willing to loose it all for office. Romney is the

    candidate that is vs. Rick Santorum. He's the powerful man I was telling you about. His outcomes for

    his office experience are the same as Rick's outcomes. So I don't know why they just don't know they

    just work together.

  67. 1.Lexi Cox, 2/28/12, TT4

    3. Rick Santorum's ad was defiantly the most persuasive ad because he was clear and it gave the information in a very professional and understanding way. Also the pictures and videos that were included in Rick Santorum's ad were much better then Mitt Romney's. Rick Santorum's videos showed clearly that what he was saying was true because it gave proof. In Rick Santorum's ad it gave quote on quote writings and examples of what he was saying, it made people read it and understand it even more then just hearing it. Rick Santorum's ad gave a clear understanding of what he was trying to do for our country.
    The advertisement I chose was the most persuasive ad because Rick Santorum stated what he wanted to accomplish in a very clear way. Rick Santorum showed pictures and videos of him and his family in a laid back setting, it showed that he wants to help more families out rather then hurt them. Giving videos of things other than him debating took it to a more presonal level, it showed that he wants to do good for his own and other families other then just trying to win to become president. Overall Rick Santorum's ad was very persuasive and it sold himself in a very positive way.

  68. 1. Molly Aills 2/28/12 TT4
    2. Youtube Videos
    3. Mitt Romney's was the most persuasive. The first element that was important was Mitt Romney speaking. The speech that Romney gave provided inspiration and influence. The second was the first little speaking part that was in the deep voice that gets everyone's attention and listed Romney's accomplishments. The third most important part of the ad was the catchphrase “Strong. New. Leadership.” It's a phrase that catches and holds your attention, and it sticks in your head as a positive influence for Romney's favor.

    This ad is the most persuasive because it sways opinion to Mitt Romney. It shows his achievements and a speech that shows his direction and inspiration that would be fulfilled if he's elected President. The things that he's saying are with gusto, seemingly affirming that he believes strongly in the points he's making. Showing supporters clapping at a rally also make people believe that Romney is the “cool” and correct choice to make. The catchphrase also helps to keep a good opinion lodged in America's mind.

  69. 1. Danielle Stowell 2/28/12 TT4
    3. Mitt Romney's video was the most persuasive for a lot of reasons. The first element is, It's good that Romney speaks what is on his mind and what he's thinking. This is a good thing that he talks what's on his mind because he's saying what he wants to change around the country. Then in the second element is he shows and talks about all of is accomplishments and what will and made him a very successful person. The third element is Romney's wife spoke a little bit in the ad which shows everybody how much his wife supports him.
    Mitt Romney's ad was way better because he put out a lot of more information out there and he shows what he wants to change like the prices he said that they were way to high, he wants to lower them. Another thing was how he was speaking in front of all those people. Which told me and everybody else he definitely knew what he was talking about. The way he talked in the speech showed he had lost of confidence. When you talk in front of crowds you should always have confidence in yourself. The way he used his hands when he was speaking was a good thing because thats how you show your expression and how you feel about things. Santorum's ad wasn't very persuasive, there wasn't any talking form him. Santorum just talked about what he was gonna do as President. Mitt Romney told us how he was going to change the country and how he was going to help it.

  70. 1. Josh Mick 2/28 TT4

    3. Three elements for Mitt Romney's ad were that it was a little more persuasive than Rick Santorum's ad. Romney could face problems we couldn't face before. He tells more of what he wish's he could do with the country while Santorum doesn't seem to care a lot. The comparison is easy to figure out simply because Romney is having a believable ending and Santorum doesn't seem as believable.
    Romney has a more interesting ad because of how he explains things and it provides more information than Santorum's. All Santorum did was sit back and say what he wanted to do and not what we want to do.

  71. 1. Kirsten Brydon 2-28-12

    3. The music chosen in a commercial can be critical since it sets the mood for what message is trying to be conveyed. For a commercial, the timing on what is said or done also influences how someone will see it. Body language also can determine whether a ad is influential or not. "Actions speak louder than words." Honestly, every part of a video has to have meaning if it is to help someone win an election.
    After watching both ads multiple times, Romney seems more persuasive overall. The music fit the theme well, he chose good timing on when he started talking and his body language did show signs of being sincere. Santorum did pretty well, at first glance it seemed to be nearly as persuasive as well. The thing that made me choose Romney's ad over Santorum's is that Santorum had mostly pictures, and coming out of the commercial I realized that I did not know much more about him then coming in. If you look closer into both commercials, Romney seems to have Santorum beat on the persuasive level.

  72. Larry Sizemore 2/28/12 tt4

    This add is most persuasive Romney will win and these are three reasons that he said that will help a lot of people. He said that he is gonna help kids pass because there is to manny kids failing school.Also he said that we need to stop using to much oil because we are running low on oil.Also he said that we are spending way to much money and he said that that needs to stop.

    The reason that I picked him because he will help a lot of people out.Like he will try to make the teachers more sticked about them doing there homework so they do not fail any more grades because he does not want any more students to fail any more.Then he will make our economy a lot better for every one and he is going to make sure that they don't use a much fuel because he wants to save money for every one so they don't go broke.Then every spot that he goes to he helps people out to what ever is wrong with them that they say that was nearly impossible.also he rescued the Olympics and if he can do that he can rescue a lot more stuff then that.Then he turned around a democratic state that make every body more happy.

  73. 1.Milan Mihajlovski 2-28-12 TT

    3. The one that was the most persuasive to me was Mitt Romney's video. In this video he spoke to the people and it sounded like Mitt knew what he was talking about. The statement about america or people in america are over taxed and the government is over fed and spending to much money and it has to stop, He is right about this because most of the people In america is bankrupt or don't have a lot of money. The laws being written by the people is an idea that isn’t so good because you have the laws the are made now are good law and If the people in america wright them it will change america by a century, and what I mean is that america wont be the same as it was it will change a whole lot. The last one that is important to me the most is about the schools failing are to many of are children! This is true, it takes a kid and a teacher to work together to not fail the child but if they are smart but don't show its not right to hold them back if they know how to do the work all they have to do is just show that they can do the work. This was the most persuasive to me because he is wright about all of the things he said in his speech. He looks like the wright guy to run the united states of america. He knows what he is talking about that were spending to much money, schools are failing to many kids. And that we are also using to much oil and gas. His voice caught me when he said that we were spending to much money and it needs to stop, this is where I started to listen and here what he had to say.

  74. 1. Olivia Sdao 2-28-12 TT4

    3. The only person that persusdived me was Romany. The three main points of this ad talked about how he was going to have more jobs for people. Also he said that how kids wear loosing their education bacause of not enough money to pay the teachers. Another thing he talked about was that he was going to try to help gas issus and was going to lower them down. The reason why I choice this ad insted of the other own is that he acttualy talked about how he was going to change things and our economy instead of someone else talking for him. That is why I thought that Romany's ad was the best.

  75. 1. Jadie Cogar 2-28-12 TT2
    2. Done.
    3. Romney's was very persuasive because he kept saying how he could help us. He said that he wants to make the prices go down so we can a ford it. He wants us to be happy and not worry about how much will this cost in a week? Do I need to save this much for next week in gas because it is going to raise one dollor? He wants us to think about what we are going to do the next day with are family, not thinking of how much will bread or gas be.
    He talked about how much the prices are going up and he wants them to be lowed. He just wants us to be happy with what we got and not trying to see how much gas will be in two weeks or maybe even one week. He doesn't want us to be so worried about how much everything is going to be in two weeks and how much we need to save.

  76. 1. Nella Galliher 2/29/2012 MW4
    2. Santorum's is the most persuasive to me. Three elements that were important to
    the ad were: 1. The voice of the narrator was more energetic sounding.
    2. The music was upbeat.
    3. The pictures of the family looked happier.
    The Santorum advertisement proved the most persuasive. His economic proposal
    sounded like it was a better plan and would make more jobs.

  77. 1 Stephen Moore, 2/29/12, TT2
    3. In the ad Mitt Romney said that we are spending to much
    money and we need to stop this! Mitt Romney is saying
    that we are spending to much money and this will mess up
    the economy to a lot of people this is important. Mitt Romney
    has solved things that are almost impossible to many people
    so this means he is smart. He was vary clear in what he was
    saying we could follow what he was saying to an audiences.

    I thought the most persuasive ad was Mitt Romney because
    he was serious in what hes saying and people could follow
    what he was saying. We could tell by his eyes and the way
    he looked at the people.

  78. 1. Justin Wilson Mar 1 mw4

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Mitt Romney's ad was more persuasive. Three things that were important are: 1.saved the Olympics 2. believes the americans are over taxed 3. believes we are spending to much money.
    Mitt Romney mentioned things that I agree with. He has the better chance to win over Obama. He has not always been a politician he has also been a businessman. I believe he really cares about this country.

  79. 1. David Lesnau 3-2-12 MW4

    2. Watch the following political advertisements

    3. Mitt said were spending to much money and we need to stop this! also hes saying that if we spend to much money it will mess up the economy.

    I think the most persuasive was mitt Romney because how he seid we need to stop spending so much money.

  80. 1. Jordan Danko TT2 2/28/12

    3. Romney's first ad was more persuasive than Santorum's. He mentioned the fact that we are paying to much money for taxes. Taxes are important, yet hard on many people. Romney also mentioned that he believes we are spending too much money and that has to stop. Hundreds and thousands of people also believe we are spending too much money, Romney could put that to a stop. Another very important point Romney mentioned was that our schools are failing to many kids. This is extremely important because in order for children to become mature responsible adults they have to succeed in school.
    The advertisement was very persuasive. Romney stated many important points very clearly such as how we are spending to much money, to many kids are failing school, we are using way too much gas, we pay too much money for our taxes, etc. This ad is from 2007, they thought those things were bad back then yet they have only gotten worse. They are going to continue to become worse if we don't do anything about it. This ad was very persuasive to not only me but to many people because of his personal opinions he shared. Romney's body language showed that he was not hiding anything.

  81. REDO

    1. Marissa Moore 3-5-12 TT2

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. I believe Mitt Romney's campaign is the most persuasive. He has multiple people talking about how much they like Mitt Romney and how they believe he is the best fit to run our country. He states what kind of jobs he's done in the past, and how it's prepared him for the future of running the country. It shows that he really is serious about becoming our president and that he really wants to help the future of America.
    Mitt Romney's really persuades the voters that he knows what he is doing. Even if he is clueless, it still looks like he is a genius. He shows how clever he thinks and what he's done in the past, which really pushes voters to lean towards him. He is looking out for the country, not just for himself

  82. 1.Brooke Boyd 2-28-12 tt2

    2.Watched them. A. Rommey B. Santurom

    3.I think that Rick Santurom was more persuasive I thought that he was more about people and cared more in the video he had his family with him which made him look more open and nice. He also worked in the Army that says that he loves the country and cares about it a lot to fight for us in it. Rick Santorum is a everyday person. In the advertisement that I chose proved that he was a lot more about the people and he is a everyday normal guy.

  83. 1. Blake Lapum, 3/12/11, TT2

    3. Rick Santurom was who persuaded me more. He seemed more caring and he supports the army. In this video, Rick Santurom's was put together better, getting the attention of the people. He was more energetic than Romney was. Santorum's visual aid was much more effective on me. He gave information that was powerful, in a respectful, and professional way but had energy while doing it. Overall, to me, Rick Santurom was more pursuasive.

  84. 1. Michael Haase 2-28-12 TT2

    2. Watch the following political advertisements
    a. Romney:
    b. Santorum:

    3. Mitt Romney's ad was more persuasive in many was in many. For one he explained more in his ad because he told us the problems of the US and how he can change them. Romney mostly talked about how we are spending too much money and it totally true. The first element is that he was actually talking and he didn't just have someone else talking for him. Mitt had very good details and good point. The second element was more clear with everything he said.
    He sounded ready to take over and make the country better.

  85. Larry Sizemore

    He usually gave me a ride,but one day I was being mean to he said and I'm not being mean to him at all.Then I'm like mom can you take me to school and she said “I can't sweetie I'm not felling good and I don't have any gas in my car I'm sorry”.Then I'm like do u think that you can take my brothers car so I can go to school because I don't wanna miss any school because I half a big test today.Then tomorrow we are gonna have a free day and I wont be able to do a free day because I will half to take the test.Then my brother said that he will take me to school and I said ok then he got in the car and he tricked me and said “haha” I was lying i'm not taking you to school.Then he went to the store and then he came back and I told mom to tell my brother to take me and and he said no I half to go to school.then he came back and said I just noticed little bro it was all just a dream so he took me to school and I made it just in time.
