Sunday, March 11, 2012

Realistic Fiction Blog 1

Instructions: Read the following Realistic Fiction Prompt. Then write a second paragraph of what will happen next. There are no wrong answers, but you are being graded on the detail and variety of sentences used. A paragraph is 5 - 7 sentences long. Looking for mature writing skills at this point.

Lately, the bell only reminded me that my stomach was empty and there was no food at home. Begrudgingly, I grabbed my backpack from my locker; slung it over my shoulder and pushed my way through the crowd of students that seemed to endlessly wander in a multitude of different directions at once. It was clear of course, where the money had gone. But don't know if I want to bring that up with mom. There was of course a way for the money to be returned, but I couldn't let mom know that. She thought I was innocent, or maybe she really knew - but these things have a way of working themselves out.

About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from . . .


  1. Halle Chiarelli MW2 3-12-11

    Hopefully, there was a letter from my brother, saying he was coming home from the Army. He has been in the war for four years now. This year was his year to return. He told my mother that when he was done with his four year term in the war, he would come back and get a job and live with us. He was only 22 but he was the kind of man to help out his own family before he wanted another one. He thought that it would be right to come home and help mother pay the bills because he knew that she would have to find a new job soon. We had just moved to this magnificent neighborhood and just met a load of friendly people, and he says he would hate to see this taken away from us. Sure he had a girlfriend, and yeah maybe they wanted to move in together but he knew that he was going to have to help mother and I get back on track first. My brother was always the kind of person to help other before himself, that was until he joined to Army anyway. Before he was in the Army he was stubborn and independent. He was always disrespectful to mother. When he joined the Army he then noticed that he needed to change his act. He gained more respect for more and more people. THe biggest thing that had changed about him, was that he seemed to have taken the burden off of his shoulders of my fathers death. He felt that because he was in the passenger seat, it was hist fault that father died and not him. My father was a good man, and my brother is now taking the roll and acting as the man of the house, when he visits anyway.

  2. Bryce Heatwole, MW2, 3-12-12
    Hopefully, there was a letter from my dad. He left me and my mom when i was three. Said he was going on a business trip. I haven't talked to him for over 5 years. I have been waiting for a letter. Mom thinks he will be back sometime soon. I can vaguely remember my dad. He was tall black hair glasses loved to play catch. I did many things with my dad when I was little. I looked up to him more than you could ever imagine. My mom has told me even more about how nice of a man he was. They met in the air force. They had a good relationship, so they decided that they would move in with each over and get married. My mom and dad started to fight. It was scaring me because I had seen a news cast on t.v about a husband that had shot his wife when they were fighting. I certainly didn't want that to happen to my mom. I was only 5 years old at the time. They were done fighting but weren't talking, suddenly my dad had a "business trip" to germany. I dont know what gave me this feeling but it seemed to me he didn't have a business trip. I can't even remember if he had a job. Since than nobody really talks about him. I would still love to see him and or talk to him again.

  3. Payton Rentsch, 3-12-12 mw2

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from Mrs. Howe my math teacher. She was sending my mother my report card, because the last report card I gave her I changed all the D's to B's and she was not impressed with my foraging skills lets just say. When I opened the mail box there was nothing not even a single letter from Mrs. Howe. Oh great not what am I suppose to do now? I walked into the ouse it was silent, silent doesn't mean good. Peter come in here, Yes mom, What did i do this time. Well first of all what did you do bribe your teachers ou have impressive grade on this report card. Wait what our kidding me right? No, you have almost all B's and a few C's. I have never been more proud of you in my life good job honey. The next day I walked into school. People were whispering, I didn't know what for until I looked at my Locker. A note read "Good job honey I am so proud of you love mommy. with a smily face on it.

  4. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 3-12-12

    2. Hopefully there was a letter from my cousin. I haven't seen him for a long time. I wonder how he was doing. Or maybe there was a letter from my aunt. I walked up to it, got the letter and walked straight to my house without looking at it. When I got into the house I looked at the letter. It was from my Uncle that lives in New York City, NY.
    I handed it to my mom and she read it to me. I was surprised because the letter said he wants us to go visit him and my cousin. I was surprised, he never invited us to his house for awhile. I started to pack my bags. We were leaving in three days. I found myself bragging to my friends. I asked my mom and she said that I could bring 1 friend with me. I chose my friend Kirsten and we had a lot of fun in New York.

  5. 1. Malorie Moen MW2 3-12-12

    2.Hopefully, there was a letter from Taylor Swift. I wrote a letter to her about a month ago. My letter had good ideas of new songs to be written. I thought it would be spectacular if she wrote back to me, saying that she would write some of those songs. Just imagine how awesome it would be to hear your favorite singer singing a song that you wrote.

    I raced down the steps of the bus, and sprinted to the mailbox. As I opened it with excitement, I found nothing but magazines. It was not what I was hoping for, but that was fine with me. She will write back to me, but until then, I will just be waiting.

  6. .1 Nick Norman MW2 3/12/12
    Hopefully, there was a letter from Stanford University. Boy do I want to go the that college. I love it that college and I think i'm smart enough to go there. I got up out of my seat and started walking down the aisle. Staring at the mailbox not looking where I was going I bumped into a younger kid getting off. I squeezed by him and went down the stairs. I opened the mailbox to find one envelope. There was nothing on the cover so I was suspicious. I opened it up and there was one piece of lined paper. That's it.
    I flipped it open and there it was. In large handwriting said " Come inside" I dropped the note and sprinted as fast and I could up to the house. My dog came out barking and started chasing me around. I ignored everything I heard and I didn't do anything. I got in the house and my mom had the note, the real note. She said " This is the real note." I ripped it open with passion, very excited for this. My mom stopped me and said " If you don't get in it's alright." I thought about how lucky I was to get this opportunity. I looked at it and it said for real " You have been accepted to Stanford University."

  7. 1. Abby Schoonover 3/12/12 MW2

    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from my Dad. I always looked forward to coming home and finding a letter in the mail from my dad. He has been stationed in Afghanistan for almost six months. I missed him so much. He had missed so many things while he was away. He told me he would write to me whenever he had the time to. I usually received a letter a week if I was lucky. When I write him back I always tend to cram so much news into one letter, my letters end up being five pages long. I always ask when he is coming home but I always get the same response... When the war brings me home son.

  8. 1.Kira D'Agostino MW2 3/12/12
    2. Hopefully there was a letter from Derek. He was the one who got the money after all. I still can't remember how this all happened. I am a straight A student, I turn in all my work on time, I do well on tests and I help my parents with everything. Then I risk all of that trust just to deal with a bully. I should have asked for help or at least told someone. I stole from my parents. The only way to get it back was if I was to be beaten.
    "I stole from my parents." I could never imagine that i would have to say that someday. I opened the letter, it was Derek and it was telling me he had gotten the cash. I felt two faced, I was glad that he was not going to hurt me, but I felt miserable for stealing. When I started to fold up the envelop I noticed that there was also writing on the back. The letter became loose in my hand. Derek wanted more money and this tie it was over a thousand dollars. Derek was not going to make me steal again I am a good student! My emotions were out of control. What should I do? Should I tell? What if he hurts me again.
    Still standing in the road I was going through all my possible ways out. This was hard I might get yelled at if I tell mom. I made a sudden decision, quickly I turned around and darted for the door, I could see mom was in the kitchen. My hand quickly grabbed the door handle and I whipped it open. I ran into the kitchen and into the kitchen doorway. "Mom I need to tell you something."

  9. Zack Fuller Mw2 3-12-12

    Hopefully, there was a letter from Elvis. Elvis said " that he would like for me personally to go to Memphis, Tennessee and rock out with him. I was hoping that we were going to sing hound dog one of my favorite songs at the time. I ran into the house screaming "Mom Mom". Mom Siad " what"? I said Elvis sent me a message". She wipt the letter out of my hand almost taring it in to two pieces. I shouted " Mom your going to rip it." as soon as she yanked out of my hand. She looked at it for a minute. She Said " looks Like were going to Memphis."

  10. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 3-12-12 MW2
    Hopefully, there was a letter from my uncle. He won a raffle and got $10,000. He decided that he was going to take his girlfriend on a cruise! Since we were really close, he sent me letters every week with a little gift, like a candy bar or something.
    I got up from my seat, which was at the far back of the bus and made my way through the kids. It seemed like I had to crawl over them because they all had their legs in the very narrow isle. I looked back through the window. I could only see the top of the mailbox and the flag. Walking down the steps, I thought about what he wrote to me. "Maybe he will tell me about the pool and how nice it is." I giggled a litte bit. When it is the middle of winter in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a pool and sun sounds very nice!
    I stepped onto the snow covered pavement. I turned to looked at the bus and I jumped back what seemed like five feet! Our mailbox changed big time! Instead of the normal off white stand, there was a large, grey and brown head that was peering out of the ground and next to it a long arm sticking out of the ground. The creatures hand was huge! Its talons held the mailbox with a ferm grip. I ran into the house. My heart was pumping, I was freaking out! THERE WAS A MONSTER IN OUR FRONT YARD! I ran onto my porch and into the door. I wobbled backwards a bit then grabbed the handle and opened the door. I didn't even look around or anything, I just slammed the door shut!
    "MOM!!!!" I screamed. Thumps from upstairs like a person running. My mom came around the corner.
    "What is it, what happened?!" My mom had her hands on my face, looking at me concerned. I was crying.
    "There's a monster out side holding the mailbox!" I yelled, sobbing.
    My mom giggled and I finally got it. It was all a joke.

  11. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 3/12/12 MW2

    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from the crime department agency that I have been talking to. I've hired a private detective to make sure that no evidence from the crime scene was found. He told me it was to risky to talk over the phone as there might be people listening in. As I approached the mail box I was determined to see the truth behind this "so called" evidence the C.I.A had pined on me. "It was only one wrong deed,"I whispered. Trying to convince myself of the obsolete. Then Opening the mailbox there was one letter inside. It was a white letter with a red bird looking seal on it. When holding it, it felt rough as if it was slammed into something very quickly. As I broke the seal and looked inside the note read, "It's to late!" That's when I peered down my street and two police cars were heading right toward me with no intention of mercy. I knew I should have returned the money.

  12. Sam Love MW2 3/12/12

    Hopefully, there was a letter from dad, and there was! Dad left when I was only 11. It's been two years since then, but he still sends letters for me. I read the letter, it said "Dear Jack, I hope you have been doing better in school then the last time. The weathers been nice down here today it was 87 degrees. Hope to hear from you soon, love, Dad."

    I unlocked the door to the house, and walked in. Grabbed a piece of paper and pen and sat down. I wrote back to my dad. "Dear Dad, yesterday I went to go to work at Mom's party store. It was a normal day, until I opened the cash register all the money was missing! I didn't want to panic, because I didn't know if mom took it out or if my friend John did last night. It seemed kind of odd. So I went and watched the security footage like the cops do. I found out that my best friend John took it, and he didn't put it in the safe, unless the safe was in his pocket! I haven't told mom yet because I didn't want him to get fired. Him being my best friend I figure I'll ask him to give it back. Sincerely, Jack.

  13. Mckenzie Barth 3-12-12 MW2
    Hopefully there was a letter from NASA. Lately everything i’ve done has been to try to get into a space program there. Going into space is my life long dream, but that will have to wait for now food is calling me. No money at school left me starving. I needed to get into the NASA camp so I spent the $20 my Mom gave me to buy a new telescope. I had been saving up and the $20 really helped. The bus pulled away and left me standing in the dust it had blown up into the April air. The ground was damp and my back pack was full. Nerves filled me as I yanked open the mailbox. Fishing out all kinds of envelopes I quickly flipped through them. Bills, magazines, Aeropostale sale, more bills and NASA. That was it maybe they were sending a letter to say I didn’t make it in, or maybe they were writing a letter to congratulate me. My fingers ran across the envelope tracing each letter printed on the outside. Up the driveway I began to trudge, if crying in the middle of my yard over my failure would not be fun. Boone, my dog quickly ran up and started licking me as the door closed. I’m not in the mood to pet you, I thought wondering if my dog can receive mind messages. He went back to lay down.
    My backpack made a crashing noise as it was thrown across the room onto the couch, taking down moms lamp with it and causing Boone to start barking like mad. One day when i’m an astronaut discovering new things on the moon, i’ll make sure to buy mom a new lamp, and a muzzle for Boone.
    Should food come first? I asked my rumbling stomach. It didn’t reply so I decided the letter was more important. Plopping down on the couch I tore open the letter very carefully. “Dear Mckenzie we would like to congratulate you” the letter read at the top. Boone stopped barking and began to rollover on his back.Then the letter continued by saying “Your essay was outstanding, however our camp is full at this time.” My heart sank.

  14. Mikal LaButte 3/12/12 MW2
    Hopefully, there was a letter from my Uncle who lives in Marco Island Florida. When I grabbed the letter out of the mailbox it felt like 10 lbs. When I had the letter in my hand I ran into the house and ripped it open and inside I found a ten page letter! Then I sat down on the couch and started to read it and I started to cry, when I was two pages into it I heard my mom get home so I quickly ran up stairs put the letter under my pillow and wiped the tears form my face. When my mom heard me run down the stairs and she heard me breathing really hard and she asked if everything was "kosher" and I said "yeah". So after dinner and my homework I went back upstairs and went under my pillow to get the letter and it wasn't their. So I started to cry.

  15. Matt Strong 3/12/12 MW2

    Hopefully, there was a letter from Crappy TVs Industries telling me my incredible TV was ready. It was a two inch, 240p TV, and it only had 1 and a half channels on it. By 1 and a half, I mean that with one of the channels, you can only see half of the show, because the other half of the camera is always covered by a piece of paper. It was the best TV I'd ever had. The first TV I had was a 100 inch, 1080p HD high resolution. The second one I had was a 300 inch, 12800p Super HD high resolution. Both of those TVs had 1,000,000 channels in each category, and there was 10 categories. Aren't those really horrible TVs to have? This new one I'm getting is the best ever. I'm looking forward to one and a half channels.

  16. Riley Hafner MW2 2/12/12

    Second Paragraph-

    Hopefully, there was a letter from Higgins on where he put the money. I had done a few jobs for him trying to earn every dime back but I wasn't sure he was going to hold up his end of the deal. He knew the situation I was in so he must have done me good just this once. I was really counting on him. He just needed to leave me that letter and then I could go get the money and return it in the safe at school. Nobody would ever notice I was there! I had really messed up the first time. I shouldn't have even tried to take the money in the first place. It all seems so stupid now. I had thought maybe mom could finally start getting the bills payed and maybe life would be good again but I just dug us a deeper hole. Now it all depends on Higgins.
    As I walked up to the mailbox my nervousness broke the scale. I reached for the handle and pulled it open. With one quick swipe, I grabbed all the mail and ran into the house. Once I was inside i flipped through all the magazines and white envelopes until I finally saw it. On the front its said:

    Mr. James W. Foster
    29845 Haven Drive
    Pottersville, NH
    No return address, but I knew it was from him. Who else could it be? I ripped it open and unfolded the paper. As soon as I looked down at the two sentences scrawled along the page, my face fell. WIth utter disbelief I read the words Higgins had written and felt like I wanted to hit someone. My anger went to an all time high and my eyes scanned the words "You won't be getting you money, kid. Thanks for packing all those guns up for me," over and over and over.

  17. Chiera Palamar mw2
    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from the officer who investigated the scene, telling me im innocent. "Return to court on tuesday the 2nd of April." My hands started to tremble and I dropped to the ground. Just when you think someone has your back and everything will be alright it all collapses under you as if it never happen and suddenly your falling without a warning and- "James are you alright son?" I looked back to see my grandfather standing over me with a goofy smirk on his face, out of no where he burst into laughter pointing at me. "APRIL FOOLS!" Of course, the night ended wonderfully, great meal with my mother, father and grandfather, I paused and asked so im not in trouble for stealing money from Mrs. Palmer? Their faces went from happy smirks to angry grins. "Heh April Fools?"

  18. Jacob Robinson MW2 3/12/12

    Hopefully, there was a letter from that one guy off the online store I bought those tickets from. Those tickets I spent on with mom's money, the $120 that I was supposed to spend on spring clothes. I really wanted to go to that concert though with my other two friends. I had it all planned out, mom and dad would be going to the party and not getting back until midnight and while I am home alone I can just get picked up by Jack and we can go to the concert with the 3 tickets I bought. I just couldn't let mom find out though. She would be so mad if she found out that I spent all that money on concert tickets. All I need to do is get some money buy some cheap clothes and pretend I spent her money on that.

  19. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from Dad. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks and i have been expecting a letter from him. Ever sense him and mom split we haven't heard much from him. I kinda miss him but at the same time i don't. I was only 5 years old when they went there separate ways so i don't remember much about him, but mom some nights will tell me stories about him and it kinda makes me sad not being abel to meet him. I opened the old rusty mailbox to find a letter but it wasn't from dad.

    Once i grabbed the letter i looked at the name and it was mine written in really fancy font. I decide to open it without even looking at who sent it to me. once i looked in the envelope there was not a envelope but there was a RATTLE SANKE. I quickly dropped the envelope and screamed. I ran half way down the street before i realized my backpack was still down there. I decided to go back and get it. I walked up slowly and looked in the envelope to realize it was a rubber snake. It must have been a prank from the boys down the road that were always pulling pranks on me. I picked the envelope to realize under the fake snake there was a hundred dollar bill.

  20. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from Dad. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks and i have been expecting a letter from him. Ever sense him and mom split we haven't heard much from him. I kinda miss him but at the same time i don't. I was only 5 years old when they went there separate ways so i don't remember much about him, but mom some nights will tell me stories about him and it kinda makes me sad not being abel to meet him. I opened the old rusty mailbox to find a letter but it wasn't from dad.

    Once i grabbed the letter i looked at the name and it was mine written in really fancy font. I decide to open it without even looking at who sent it to me. once i looked in the envelope there was not a envelope but there was a RATTLE SANKE. I quickly dropped the envelope and screamed. I ran half way down the street before i realized my backpack was still down there. I decided to go back and get it. I walked up slowly and looked in the envelope to realize it was a rubber snake. It must have been a prank from the boys down the road that were always pulling pranks on me. I picked the envelope to realize under the fake snake there was a hundred dollar bill. Matt Pankow 3-12-12

  21. Tyler Pruneau 3/12/12 mw4

    Hopefully,There was a letter from my dad.
    I had wrote my father about a month ago to see how he is doing out there in Chicago,he was out there because of a business trip but now he has been there for 2 months and 6 days.
    He promised that me and him would go fishing when he got home but by now i have make my own list up because of all the absent times he has missed without me and him together like we should be.
    The letter that my Dad wrote stated that he will be back next week and he really missed us,he is bringing me and my sister something back from Chicago.
    He also reminded me that i promised him that i would clean the garage and if that wasnt done then i would have to take it away from my weekend with him but i don't want to do that.

  22. Jacob Yannott mw4
    Lately, the bell only reminded me that my stomach was empty and there was no food at home. Begrudgingly, I grabbed my backpack from my locker; slung it over my shoulder and pushed my way through the crowd of students that seemed to endlessly wander in a multitude of different directions at once. It was clear of course, where the money had gone. But don't know if I want to bring that up with mom. There was of course a way for the money to be returned, but I couldn't let mom know that. She thought I was innocent, or maybe she really knew - but these things have a way of working themselves out.

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from . . . My grandparents, whom I have never seen in 10 years! Last time i spend with my grandparents, i was baking cookies with the my grandma. while my grandpa fished with my brother. This is what the letter said . . .
    " Dear Jonny,
    I haven't seen sense u were little boy,but i herd your a big now and you grow out of diapers! and I'm happy for you! ha ha well i miss you to a lot! come and see you old grandma at the old people shelter, i get lonely

  23. 1. Cade Marttinen 3-12-12 MW4

    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from someone saying they had found money in an envelope with my name on it. I was nervous getting off the bus and wondered if I should even go inside. I decided to get the mail and would go inside anyway. There were three cards. Two were bills and...another was addressed to me! I quickly opened it up and found the $300 that I had made during my bake sale. There was a note saying, "Dear Cade, My son came home with this money in an envelope. I asked to see it and it had your name on it. I apologize for what my son did and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Sincerely Bill's Mom." I quickly ran inside and showed Mom. She was glad I had the money, but was a little irritated that I was able to lose the money.

  24. Austin Wicker 3-12-12 M-W4th

    Hopefully, there was a letter from Mom. When I saw and edge of the envelope stick out from the mailbox I nearly ran and clamped my hands of the mailbox. I grabbed the letter as fast as I could and read the front. It said "From: Mom To: Austin." I ripped open the letter as fast as I could. When I read it I practically screamed it out loud! The letter from my mom said "Dear Austin, I am writing you a letter because I wanted to let you know that I am coming back to Pinckney because I am done at a conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I can't wait to see you and I'll be home in a few days! Sincerely Mom. I couldn't stop staring at the letter, my hands were shaking with joy! I screamed at the top of my lungs "Shes coming home!" Then I thought all I have to do is wait now.

  25. Nicholas Marlatt - 03/12/12 - MW4

    The letter from...
    My friend. Me and my friend John was supposed to ride the bus home together to my house. But he wasn't on the bus, and no where to be seen at school. I was hoping that there was a letter explaining where he was and why he wasn't at school today. I quickly opened the mailbox and looked inside. I saw a ton of junk mail from JCPenny and other stores that no body cares about. Hoping that one letter in the back with my address on it was from him. I grabbed it and ran down the street to my house.

    I swung the door open and threw my backpack on the floor. Ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. I glared at the letter. Not really knowing why I cared so much for it. I guess cause I was only 5. I ripped the letter open with an aggressive manner seeing a paper inside. I unfolded the paper see righting that looked as if a monster wrote it. It said,

    "Dear Nick,

    I'm sorry that I wasn't there today and I wont be for a week or two.
    We went on vacation to Kentucky and I forgot about going home with you today.
    When i get back maybe i can come over.


    I did get a new toy car from the gift shop at the airport. It's so awesome. I wish you could see it."

    I am glad that he is having time on vacation. i better go talk to my mom about him coming over next week!

  26. 1. Kyle Gonos 3-12-12 MW4
    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my uncle. He has been in Venezuela since the summer building houses for less fortunate people. Although he does not live in Michigan, I would still like to have him visit and know he is okay. Everyday I lay in bed thinking, hoping, wondering if he is still alive. My Uncle is a good person and he is a preist so I put in an extra prayer for him to keep him safe. Without my Uncle I would be lost and wouldn't know what to do.
    As soon as the bus stopped I jumped up and ran off the bus. Right when I opened the mailbox, there sat a letter with my name on it. I was so excited I forgot to get the rest of the mail, but I'll get that later. I opened the envelope and there was a letter inside. As I started reading it I discovered it was from my Uncle. The letter read that he was okay and was coming home soon. I was so thrilled to know he was okay, but he still had that last plain ride back. I got worried again then the door opened, and it was my uncle.

  27. Seth Wilson MW4 March, 12th, 2012

    Lately, the bell only reminded me that my stomach was empty and there was no food at home. Begrudgingly, I grabbed my backpack from my locker; slung it over my shoulder and pushed my way through the crowd of students that seemed to endlessly wander in a multitude of different directions at once. It was clear of course, where the money had gone. But don't know if I want to bring that up with mom. There was of course a way for the money to be returned, but I couldn't let mom know that. She thought I was innocent, or maybe she really knew - but these things have a way of working themselves out.

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from . . . The President of the United States of America. I know what your thinking, why would a kid have a letter from the president? Well the answer to that was that I was really the vice president who had gone undercover into a high school to see how much our nations students were really learning. The money that was gone was a pay check that i had misplaced of my mothers and well this under cover mission was the only way i could think of to pay it back to her. The only way it could be returned is if i had tracked down who ever had found the check and well that just wasn't really an option so i simply manned up and took on a harder job in order to make up the money and pay her back.

  28. Ian Grady 2-12-2012 MW4
    Hopefully it was a letter from my dad in Australia I haven't seen him in over 3 1/2 years and he came to visit December 10th through January 10th. Even though he has only been gone for about 2 months but I still miss him. He sent along a 50 dollar bill in australian money just for me. He wrote me a note saying "It can be converted." My dad is a pretty awesome guy.

  29. 1.Aaron Durham,3-12-12,MW4

    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from, The president sitting in my mailbox. congratulating me on having all straight A's through the year, the reason why this was so exciting is because the president chose to send a letter to me and not someone else, it said Dear, Aaron Durham. I am congratulating you on your hard efforts you put into you education I have granted you a signed letter from the white house and a free trip to Washington D.C, now this is were I got excited because it was legitimately signed at the bottom of the paper and I knew it wasn't fake cause you could smell the black ink from one mile away.

  30. David Lesnau 3-12-12 MW4

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from Nikoli. Nikoli is my friend from Russia I dont know much about him. Were kinda pen pals we wright each other all the time hes not vary good at writing. I can barley read it because its so sloppy. I know hes in Jail maybe I shodden of told him ware I live. He can come and hurt me so I have to move some ware that he doesn't know. I should wright him to tell him not to come over.

  31. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from . . .

    Christina Mogg 3-12-12 mw4

    The President of the U.S. saying that he know I took the money.He wanted my to pay my mom back every penny and I didn't he would put me in jail. So for the next two weeks I worked for 5 hour because I did not want to go to jail.

  32. Alex Smith, MW4, 3/12/12

    Hopefully there was a letter from my friend Andoni. I had stupidly sent him $150 that I had "found" so he could get the The Monster Ball tickets he had wanted. "I don't have the money now, but if you're interested in letting me borrow some, I'll pay you back.". I could almost hear him saying it. I was supposed to have gotten this money last week, so I could hopefully, replace it without my mother knowing any wiser.

    While I was getting off the bus I tripped on an untied shoelace, planting face first into the mud. "You alright, boy?" The bus driver shouted after me, trying to make himself be heard over the roar of the engine.

    I gave him a thumbs up, "I'm just peachy. Thank you for asking.." I said my face still buried in the mud. I got up, tried to brush myself off, and headed over to the mail box. I opened the box and grabbed the mail. Bills, bills, junk, more junk, ooh another bill, and.. there it is. A letter. The return address was scribbled in Spanish, so it must be Andoni.

    I got inside and changed into my pajamas. I sat down at the table and ripped open the letter. "There you go Alex, now you can quit hounding me about returning your money. (P.S. I was too lazy to trade these pesos in for dollars. Sorry)" I looked at the letter quizzically. I stuck my hand into the bottom of the envelope, dreading what I knew I'd find. I pulled out 1,900 pesos. My mother. Is going. To hate me.

  33. Nella Galliher MW4 3/12/12

    .......the food bank telling us that we get free food for a year. We’re so poor that we can’t even buy bread!!! I hope the money I used to buy a ticket for a chance to win the free food was a good idea. If we won the free food we wouldn’t be starving.

  34. Michael Atwood 3-12-12 MW4

    Instructions: Read the following Realistic Fiction Prompt. Then write a second paragraph of what will happen next. There are no wrong answers, but you are being graded on the detail and variety of sentences used. A paragraph is 5 - 7 sentences long. Looking for mature writing skills at this point.

    Lately, the bell only reminded me that my stomach was empty and there was no food at home. Begrudgingly, I grabbed my backpack from my locker; slung it over my shoulder and pushed my way through the crowd of students that seemed to endlessly wander in a multitude of different directions at once. It was clear of course, where the money had gone. But don't know if I want to bring that up with mom. There was of course a way for the money to be returned, but I couldn't let mom know that. She thought I was innocent, or maybe she really knew - but these things have a way of working themselves out.

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my rich uncle in Maryland. I had told him in the mail about how I lost the bet at the horse races a couple of weeks ago. I had to steal from the secret stash of money under a loose plank of wood we had. We needed more money and it was the quickest way to get it before the landlord evicted us. I found out that she got up enough money to keep us staying there afterwards, but It was too late. $500 went right down the drain. I had to make it look like we had been robbed so she could believe that the money was gone. It was a mean cover up, and how I regretted it afterwards. Gradually, I would put some of the stuff back, but it took time, because she would get suspicious.
    The money she had on hand was just enough to keep us alive. I desperately scanned through the mail, fingers crossed, and there it was. I jumped for joy and ripped it open. I skipped the formal greeting and went straight to the body.
    "I am very ashamed at what you've done, even if it did have good intentions." At that point, I noticed a check for $800. I jumped in excitement, and continued to read the letter. "Nevertheless, you and your mother are in a difficult position, so I'll lend you some money to keep things running for a little while. However, you must come and live with me. I have a job for you at one of my companies. It has good pay, and it will help you pay of the debt you now owe me. No job, no money. That is the deal." It seemed like a good idea to me. I was graduating in a few days, and I could work until the debt was paid, and even after that. It looked as if I was going to get a good start to life after all. I walked up to the house to tell mother the news.

  35. 1. Justin Wilson Mar 12 mw4

    2. Lately, the bell only reminded me that my stomach was empty and there was no food at home. Begrudgingly, I grabbed my backpack from my locker; slung it over my shoulder and pushed my way through the crowd of students that seemed to endlessly wander in a multitude of different directions at once. It was clear of course, where the money had gone. But don't know if I want to bring that up with mom. There was of course a way for the money to be returned, but I couldn't let mom know that. She thought I was innocent, or maybe she really knew - but these things have a way of working themselves out.

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from / my pen pail that lives in china we have ben talking for a few weeks and he has been funneling money to me. I will slowly give money to my mom so she will fill up the fridge and the cupboards so I wont be so down when I am hungry at home.

  36. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from the school saying that there was no school for the next month due to water damage. Some person had clogged the sinks and left the water on and it flooded the entire hall I raced out of the house to the mailbox. I whispered to myself "Please be no school, please be no school! I opened the mailbox grabbed the mail and I noticed it was a bit heavy. I looked down and I noticed it was a video game for my brother, and no letter from the school. "Well that was a wast of my energy." I put the game into the bushes and walked into my house. When I walked into the door my brother asked "Did my game come?" I tried not to laugh "No i did not see it." He walked away with a sad face. A few minutes later my mom walked through the door with the game in her hands. She had a confused face wondering why the game was in the bushes. She called me down stairs and asked me why the game was in the bushes and I said "thats where the mail goes not and days." Of course she believed me, she was a blonde.

  37. 1. Heather Linn, 3/13/12, TT2

    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my dad. My dad has had to work out of state for about 3 years. He left when I was 11. The only time that I could talk to him was at 6:00 every night. I didn't talk to him that often, because at 6:00 I was still working after school to try to help my family out to get more money. I slowly grabbed the letter, my heart shaking with anticipation. I could feel my hand trembling as I turned the letter around. There it was, My fathers name written in his distinct writing. I can tell he took his time because he did the little swirl's on the y's, that he usually did when I was little. I tightly grabbed the letter, fearing that the wind would blow it away or some disaster like that, and walked inside. I didn't know what to think, so I sat down in the living room, stared at the blank wall that used to be full of family pictures and thought about if what I thought was in the letter, how much our life would change. I looked down at the letter, such a simple thing, but to me, it meant the world. When I opened it I could feel the tears start to fill up in my eyes. The three simple words written directly in the middle of the paper, are the best words that he could of said. "Im coming home."

  38. Paige Leatherman 3/13/12 TT2

    Hopefully there was a letter from my brother telling how things are going with his new house. My brother had moved out about 9 months ago with his girlfriend. They moved to Arizona. It'd be nice to get a letter from him, so thats why I am hoping that I got a letter from him. Not being able to wait any longer I got the mail and sprinted into the house. I quickly looked through the mail, and there it was. My brother finally sent us a letter. I asked mom if I could open and she said I could so I went right for it. As I was opening the letter, a picture fell out. It was of him and his girlfriend in front of their house. The house seemed really nice. Now, i'm getting to the letter. The letter wrote things like that, everything is going to according to plan, the house is very nice, had great weather, got a new puppy, about his new job. The biggest thing that was in there though was him saying that he is coming to visit soon. After I read that I was excited and nothing was going to get my mood down.

  39. stephen Moore, 3/13/12, TT2

    A letter from a monster mailer a strange late mailer from a unknown place
    a creature or a human. 30mins later it came and i saw it but could
    not describe it. I always wanted to know were the mail was coming from a real mail truck or a creature. I looked at the mail box and the red flag was down.

  40. 1. William McNamee 3/13/12 TT2

    2.About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my friend Kyle. We were planing to invent a automated mail sorter and he was sending me the money to gather the materials. I know what your thinking just some everyday kids trying to invent something that maybe other people had been trying to invent too, but we had something they didn't a real drive for this project. The only reason I was really onboard with this is because my family was poor and we need the money for food.

    When i finally looked inside the letter I shouted "WOW!!". I had found more money then I really needed so I spent it on food for me and my family. When I wrote a letter back I told Kyle that this money was just enough even though it was really more.

    A few years had passed and we had finally finished our machine. We sold it to a company that would mass-produce our product. A few weeks later when we got our money we divided it up evenly, but I gave Kyle some of my money and said "I am so sorry please take this." Kyle said back" for what and no this is evenly split." so I said in return "No it never was when you sent me the money for the materials it was more then enough and I took the extra to buy food for me and my family." Kyle said with a soft voice, "It's ok you did what anybody would've done so keep your money you earned it!".

  41. 1) Darren Murray 3/13/12 TT2

    2) My grandparents with a big check inside. The check should say to my lovely grandson who we miss so much and we wish we can fly him to see us in California.
    My grandparents are the type with a lot of money. Lawyer and a banker, that's bank roll right there. Hopefully it says $700.00 on it. If there's money I can go buy some food maybe even order some pizza.
    As I walk down the street to the pizza place after finding out there was only $200 in the envelope I was happy I could eat a little before mom gets home. TZZzzzz.... The sound of grease splattering all around in the store made my stomach clenched. Ordering my pizza and about to pay for it all this sudden I realize, the check isn't cash, so now he's sweating.
    Running down the road to the bank, opens the door about to cash the check, then, "Sir you don't have an account." NO! "Honey why are you yelling?" "Mom!" Yes my mom was there and she cashed the check from my grandparents for my birthday and soon after that we went to the pizza store again and sat out on the beach and watched the fish jump in the air as my stomach was filled with satisfaction.
    But then when he thought it was all good, the bus rolled up to the stop sign and I had to get off. It was all a dream(:

  42. Jake Belford 3-13-12 tt2

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from . . . My long lost Dad that I haven't seen since I was 9 years old. My mother kicked him out because she caught him with another lady that he said was his "business partner". I never really liked my dad though because he would never do anything with me and would always be out with his friends. I wanted that letter to be my dad because I know that my mom was struggling with her bills and every once in a while we would get a check, And let me tell you that check helped my mom out a lot. My moms budget was off brand mac and cheese almost every night.

  43. Brandon Wiese TT2 3-13-12
    The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my father. He had left once he knew my mom was pregnant with me. I didn't know why someone would do that. Why would someone pay child support when all they need to do is see their kid. Is a kid really that much of a hassle ? My mom always says that it was a good thing he left. I was really hungry when I entered the door. Thats when I saw him. He was leaving the front door heading towards his car. I stopped and looked at him with a stern face thinking in my head why he left.
    Then he stopped and said " it wasn't because of you it was me son I want you to know that".
    "But why ? Nothing could have been worse then not having a father to do things with" I told him.
    "its not as easy as you think to live with the guilt of not being able to see your own son grow up without you" he muttered with a tear going down his face. He continued to his car and got in. The car made a squeal and drove away. I wanted to know what he meant.

  44. 1. Blake Lapum, 3/13/12

    2.About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my brother, Brent. He had enlisted in the army at the age of 18, and got deployed to Afghanistan. I had no idea what had been happening over there. Brent went MIA over 2 years ago, and no one has heard from him sense, but they have a good feeling he's alive because he's been leaving them clues on where to find them, maybe just as simple as turning over a small stone, or something that is out of place. As I opened up the mail box, I noticed a letter, in a small, crumpled up envelope. All there was was an adress where it'd be sent to, no return adress or anything. It could have been anybody at this point.
    I tore the letter open fast as I could, but carefully not to rip what is inside. All that was inside was a piece of brown paper bag. On it, it read: "Dear Blake, I have been overseas for quite a while now. I've missed a lot in your life and I am sorry about that. No one has heard from me in over 2 years because I was captured and tortured. They have done some gruesome things to me I can't even say over a letter. Lets just I'm not going to look the same when I come home - If I come home. I have had some contact with American troops, they had good intel about where I was and came to rescue me. But the rescue attempt failed. One American solider managed to get away, and I gave him this letter to give to you. As of right now, I am still MIA and am not even supposed to be talking to you, but Know this. I am alive. You cannot tell anyone about this what so ever because if they find out about this, they will send more troops to save me and they will be heavily outgunned. I know you don't understand this, but this is what must be done. Signed, Brent."
    I ran inside the house, all teary eyed, ran to my room, and I cried.

  45. Sam Dovin. 3-13-12. TT2.
    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my dad. My dad has been in the army for a while now. I miss him so much! He said when he comes out he will take me to get a new game for xbox and out to eat! This letter will say when he is coming back.
    I go to check the mailbox and it is sadly not there, I hope it comes tomorrow because then it will be sunday after tomorrow and there is no mail on sunday.
    I wake up in the morning at 10am and go check! I see this huge envelope with all these letters he wanted to send to me but couldn't. It took all day to read them but it was okay I had nothing better to do anyways. When I was reading I have never noticed how much my dad cared about me, he put it in words I couldn't even repeat. He comes home on monday at 12 in the afternoon it says. Ugh! I will be at school but I guess I will have something to look forward to and my dad will have time to relax when hes home. I love my dad.

  46. 1. Caleb Hudson 3-13-12 TT2
    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from My great grandpa. I walked up to my mailbox and opened it. Inside there was a box about the size of my head! I took it and ran inside to open it. I took out a pair of scissors and started to vigorously cut it open. Inside all I could see where a bunch of packing peanuts. I thrust my hand into the box to see if there was anything in the box, I felt nothing. I took the box over to the living room and dumped it out. When the packing peanuts stopped falling out I turned it right side up and looked inside. On the very bottom was a piece of paper with cursive on it. I picked it up and It read "to my dear ancestor, Inside this paper you will find a secret passage that you can only read."I opened up the Piece of paper. Unfolded it was much larger than a normal piece of lined paper. It read "On this sheet of paper you will solve many problems of your life, you just have to figure out how to use it..."

  47. 1. Cody Musulin 3-13-12

    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from my mother's work, my mother is short on money, she has been running 2 jobs since the divorce. It is only my mother and I in the house, and we need the money now more than ever. I need to finish this year of school until I could apply for a job to help the family out. I can only eat at school some days, and if I do get dinner it is some cheap dinner. I don't mind them that much anymore, we have been alone for a year now, and we are getting close to living on the street, we have no one to go to if we lose the house, no one to live with, our grandmother died a few months ago, and that was the last of our family. My mother always says, "if we run out of money, you're going to live with your dad." I never listen to her, he ran out on my mother and I. There is nothing he can do to take that away.

    There is only one more quarter left of school, I always say once I get a job it will be okay, "always think on the good side," mother says, I do think on the bright side, most of the time, the other times I think if we do go on the street, what will happen. Will we die? or survive? Will someone help us? Or will they walk past and stare, but we can't think of that, we can't think of what we will do, until it happens.

  48. 1. Brooke Boyd 3-13-12 tt2

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from from my dad who I haven't seen since I was 5 years old now I'm 15 its been ten years. My mom said that I have a father but i'm not allowed to see him or even talk to him. I didn't care what she said so I wanted to try and figure out a way to get ahold of him I was going threw my moms cabinets in her room where i found tons of letters from him that she never gave to me. I was disappointed my mom never gave them to me. I grabbed them and brought them to my room I sat there in bed reading 17 letters that I never got to read, a lot of them said he was sorry for leaving and that he missed me. One of them said he had left my mom because he found someone new, I started to cry. Not knowing what to say back I sat in my bed all night thinking about what to say. I wrote it and sent it hoping that my dad would appreciate what I said and my feelings that I had about him leaving me and my mom. I opened the mailbox and saw the letter my heart stopped for a second I grabbed it and ran into the house to read it.

  49. Marissa Moore 3/13/12 TT2

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from the SSTA. The SSTA was the Student Spy Training Academy. This academy trains young students, such as myself, to become spies. Being a spy runs in my family. It goes all the way back to the 1600's! I've been waiting to receive an acceptance letter for weeks, which caused my stomach to almost flip. This is where my money went. I paid a man on the street all of my mom's money to tell the SSTA to accept me. I know I was stupid. I muttered to myself, "Why hasn't it come yet!" as I hunched over and slowly trudged up the doorsteps of our little home. All I want is to get accepted, so I can get out of this place. I can't even eat in my own home.
    The next few weeks were all the same, no letter. I was finally accepting that I wasn't going to be accepted, and that I was breaking the family tradition. So at the end of the school day, I just flung my back pack over my shoulder and slowly walked to the bus. This was like every other day. As the bus slowly screeched to a stop, I noticed that the flag on the mailbox was down. We have mail, but it's probably only my parents bills. I thought it would be a nice gesture just to get it for them, since they were bummed about the SSTA too. I slowly and carefully opened the door, and there was one thing. I looked at the name assigned on it, and it was addressed to "Mr. Billy Sanders". That was me. I slowly slid my finger through the back of the envelope, just enough to open the letter. It was from the SSTA. When I opened the letter, my jaw dropped.

  50. 1. Michael Yedinak TT2 3/13/12

    2. Hopefully their was a letter from Max. Max was my early childhood friend, ever since I was a baby my parents were friends with his parents. All the fun we used to have like going to parks and playing with toys. Things started to change, I noticed he was getting sick a lot when we were around 6 or 7. Then out of no where my mom told me to talk to Max on the phone and say goodbye. That moment changed my life because he told me he had diabetes plus my pal had to move to Washington for his dad to get a job. I can still remember it today how we felt (my family). The depression and unbelievable feeling inside was outraging. Not once have we talked again and diabetes was something for me to remember, respect, and embrace.

  51. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 3.13.12, T/T2!

    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from my mom's unemployment office; so that she could finally go grocery shopping. I got a big grin on my face, and ran to the mailbox; as my hand slowly pulled down the opening to the mailbox, I took at deep breath as I thought to myself, “Don't get your hopes up.” I closed my eyes and reached my hand into the mailbox, as I felt an envelope, I grabbed it, whipped it out and looked at it. My eyes got real big, I screamed, I shouted, I chanted! My feet stumbled under me as I sprinted into the house, nearly tripping over my dog. I screamed up the stairs, “MOM! MOM! MOM!” “WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT!!!!” She slowly walked over to the top and looked at me like I was insane, but she was so excited that it took me by surprise. We got into the car, pulling out of the driveway, nearly running the garbage can over. We both took deep breaths and arrived at the restaurant, we rushed in, ate as quickly as possibly and felt like we were actually gonna explode from eating to much!

  52. 1. Michael Haase 3-13-12 TT2

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my father telling me that I could go live with him if i returned the money. I didn't know how he knew but i couldn't let my mother find out! So I went back inside the house and told my mother there was only bills. I quickly dropped all the other mail and ran upstairs with the letter. When i got to my room I sat down to think about the situation because i did not know what to do. I heard my mom coming up the stairs so I hid the letter in my pillow. She opened my door and saw me siting there and she asked if I got the letter. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She sat down next to me and asked where the letter was. so I pulled out the letter and I noticed something different then before. . . It was My mothers hand writing!

  53. stephen Moore, 3/13/12, TT2

    A letter from a monster mailer a strange late mailer from a unknown place
    a creature or a human. 30mins later it came and i saw it but could
    not describe it. I always wanted to know were the mail was coming from a real mail truck or a creature. I looked at the mail box and the red flag down. I was getting letters from strange places i look at this mail box picture and it reminds me of people that want to freak other people out.

  54. Eric Wolfe 3/13/12 TT2

    Hopefully, there was a letter from my father in it. My father had been in the military for as long as i can remember. He's been in Afghanistan for about 6 months now and he said that he would be coming home soon in his last letter. Sadly, there was no letter. So as im walking into the house I spot a package on the fornt steps. I pick it up and look at it and surprisingly, it was addressed to me. I was really surprised especially since I never get packages. I took it inside and opened it up, inside was a small jewelry, like the one's that hold rings and such. It had a note written on it to, It said " Do not open until 8:00". I dont know why it told me to wait but I did.
    As my mom got home around 7:30, I showed her the box and said that it was sort of strange. As 8:00 rolled around I had picked up the box and opened it. Inside it was a medal of valor, and it was addressed to my father. Just as I opened the box, I heard something from the front door. At first I thought it was a robber so I picked up my baseball bat and went towards the door. When I got there I got a very big surprise. My father.

  55. 1. Maddie Haas 3/13/12 2TT
    There was a letter from the college I applied to. I have been hoping and praying that Princeton will let me in. I just wanted to get in, and then maybe get a little scholarship because my family is so poor. It will be years until I have enough money to go to Princeton, unless I get a scholarship... I ran inside and screamed all over the house for my younger sister. Her name is Andrianna and she is really supportive for me, she actually wants me to go to college, even though she knows that means she will have less food for her. We live alone, the two of us, because mother and father died in a plane crash when she was 5. She and I, her being just 12 and me 18, have been living alone and just scraping by.
    She rips down the stairs like a cheetah because she knows just what it is. I look at her and she looks at me, and we just sit in silence. I know this decides what happens to us, either we both move to Princeton or we both sit here in this bad town and slowly starve to death because of lack of money. All we have left is my college savings just letting me go for a few years with scholarship, and that won't keep us going much longer. I just need to land a job there and we can start a new life. I realize it's been about ten minutes before she and I say anything. Startling me, she says "The suspense is killing me. Just open the letter so we can plan everything out."
    I don't really know if I want to open the letter. If it denies me, than everything I have worked and dreamed for, will all be for nothing. But I know I have to for her, so I start ripping the letter. Swip! And suddenly everything goes black and the only thing I hear is the scream of Andrianna.

  56. 1.Caeley Hendee, 3-13-12, TT2
    2. Hopefully there was a letter from Michigan University saying that I succeed what they were looking for, and that I was accepted. As I ran to the mall box I opened the box that had been a little wet from the storm earlier. I pulled down the door of the mailbox, when I see 2 magazines, and a bunch of letters that are usually just bills. I run to the door in the garage and try to open the door, but I didn't open it with the handle so basically knocked into the door and fell. I didn't care that there was a cut on my arm, being so excited to see that I was finally accepted to Michigan. I get to the house, and throw all the other mail on the counter. I screamed to my mom "MOM the acceptance letter arrived today!!!" Dropping the vacuum she came running over to me, tripping over the pot of flowers. I looked through all the bills and magazines and found the letter at the bottom of the pile. "The Family of the Jensen's." I knew that this was the the moment and I was finally going getting accepted into college, that I always dreamed of. I ripped open the letter at the top, and down to the bottom. I unfolded the neat letter that was creased in the middle. I opened and started at the top.
    "Dear Jensen's,
    We are sorry to inform you that Steve Jensen has been killed while shooting at one of the enemies on the opposite side. We are sorry that we have inform you this way, as he died a great person and serving our Country to keep have everybody keep their freedom. He will be arriving approximately 3 days.
    Army Generals.
    My mom was screaming in my ear while reading the letter, I dropped the letter and stared at my mom. She looked at me, for about 2 minutes knowing that something was completely wrong. "You didn't get in did you?." I picked up the letter and handed it to my mom. I broke down crying and ran to my room. It was about 4pm and finally got the strength to get up. I turned my head and looked at the picture of my dad and I, when he was returning home.

  57. Larry Sizemore 3/13/12 4th hour

    My dad because he calls me all the time saying that he is gonna send me a letter.The only reason he cant call me that much because he went to jail.Then he has been saying that he is always going to send me a letter then e never does so i hope that he sends me a letter.Then i get home and i open the mail box and see some letter then there is like 6 letter so i start going through them and i don't see then there is one more letter.Then he reaches back into the mail and pulls it out and it is from his dad.Then the letter says i have really good news for u Bobby I am getting out in two weeks then it says I Love You Bobby Love Dad.

  58. 1. Josh Mick 3/13 TT4
    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my neighbor and it said
    "Hey neighbor,
    I live across the street from you :D.
    I looked at the letter feeling stupid when I catch myself yelling "PHIL!!!! Why did you sent me a letter when I'm right across the street?" He replied "Well Josh, I got very lonely so I sent you a letter." I looked at it and hope it never happened again. But I still feared as if my crazy neighbor Phil had been stealing my stuff. I walk into my house when I see him in my kitchen making him some food. I say "What are you doing in my house and what are you making?" He replied " I'm making waffles." "Oh great there goes half my food. He left later on then I knew he would be back to steal my stuff...

  59. Danielle Stowell 3/13/12 TT4

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my cousin that is out of the country. She is in Argentina and maybe Venezuela in South America... Like wow! She is in Argentina and Venezuela because she is going to school to be a teacher. I'm not sure what kind maybe a Elementary or a spanish teacher because she is in South America. I don't get to talk to her much anymore cause she's always away at school somewhere. The only time I get to she her is when her family is having a party or a graduation if I'm lucky.
    When the bus dropped me off at my driveway, I saw that my mailbox flag was down, so I flashed through the door and asked my mom excitedly "Hey mom can I go get the mail cause I wanted to see if my cousin Nicole wrote me because she said she would really soon"! I said Happily! Mom said..." sure go right ahead". When I opened the mailbox there it was a letter in a baby pink envelope and it said my name on it in huge letters. I ripped the envelope so I could get to the letter. I was so excited to read the letter because I haven't seen her in forever. The letter had said that she would be home sometime really soon, like about the summer time. I shouted" Yes" with all my might. The summer isn't far away from now, I can't wait to see her!

  60. Steven Nichols 3-13-12 TT4

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from mom that left us with our dad. I Sent here a letter asking if I can live with her. As I open the mail box the hinges screech and the envelope fell right into a big puddle. I pick it up and the the white turned black. I slowly opened it and was from my mom but I couldn't read it. all the worlds look like on big one. I Began to cry and I ran inside and jumped in my bed. Thinking to my self that I don't Know if she said yes or no. I began to cry even more.

  61. Molly Aills TT4 3/13/12
    Hopefully, there was a letter from my best friend. Winter was the only one who knew how I felt. My parents dictated everything in my life, from music to clothing. They wanted to know everything. Who I was friends with, what kind of music I listened to, anything. Winter was one of the people who they only knew one side of. She was sweet and kind to them, but she really had a rebellious side and a sarcastic sense of humor. My parents listened to phone calls and somehow always found out the password to my email, no matter how many times I changed it, so letters were really the only private way to communicate. The 'rents thought that writing was an acceptable form of communication, and so they didn't intrude on them. I still hid all the letters anyway.
    When I opened the mailbox, sitting there is the red envelope that houses the letters that keep me sane. There, written in Winter's loopy handwriting, is my address. Eagerly I put the letter under my arm and walk into the house. Saying a quick and satisfactory greeting to both of my parents and being careful not to track mud onto the carpet, like the perfect prisoner I go up the stairs and into my room. I close the solid oak door and breathe a sigh of relief, emptying the tension that had entered my stomach as soon as I'd entered into my house. Locking the door behind me, I search for the box of letters in the secret compartment in my closet, along with the iPod that I have to hide so that songs won't miraculously disappear and be replaced with something like Chopin. Popping in an earbud, I sit down comfortably on my bed and open the red envelope.
    I know I tell you this every time, but... SPIDER WEBS!

    That line always makes me shiver and check the corners of my room for any lurking spiders. Winter knows I hate spiders and uses that against me.

    Haha, got you there :) I'm so sorry about your parents keeping you like a prisoner. Have they got you wearing stripes yet? You really need to come over to my house sometime. I'll be sure to call, ASAP. Who cares what your parents think? You're not something they can control, you're unique and you're not changing for anybody. Hang in there, buddy. <3

    Winter always ended her letters with Love. This one was shorter than usual but chock-full of her as usual. She had a certain way of writing that made me feel loved. I could almost picture her at her desk, pulling out a piece of paper and pen while swatting away her brother as he hovered over her shoulder. These were the letters that kept me alive, kept me myself and sane. As my mom called me down for one of those talks, most likely about conserving money, etc, I carefully put the letter into the box, turned off my iPod, hid the box again, put on a neutral face, and then opened the door and walked down the stairs to face what was supposed to be me and my life.

  62. 1. Sam Hall TT4 March 13th, 2012

    2. Hopefully there was a letter from Dad. Telling us how he's doing, how much he misses us, maybe even just telling us where we can find him. I pulled down the rusted door and reached inside. I flipped through the various papers and envelopes, bills and late birthday cards were all I could find. I walked slowly up the cracked sidewalk, turned onto the front walk. I stared for a while at the broken down building before me. Suddenly something caught my eye. A bright yellow piece of paper, fluttering in a crack in the cement. I reached down. A Lucky Four lottery ticket, the numbers 5451 printed neatly on the front in black ink. I threw my backpack onto the front porch, and then took off running down the street. I skidded to a stop in front of the old laundromat, took a second to lean against the wall and catch my breath, then I walked inside. Three or four washers were humming quietly on the far wall as I walked over to the bench and sat down. The television was mounted on the wall in front of me. I sat there, in the little laundromat for five hours, watching the six o' clock news come and go, staring longingly at some cooking show, and then finally, craning my neck to get a good look at the local lottery drawing. The woman on the screen pressed a button and a little white ball sped through a clear tube and came to rest on a little shelf. Five. Another ball. Four. Another. Five. I breathed in with excitement. One last ball, spinning slowly through the tube, my eyes widened, it popped out of the tube and landed on the shelf. Two. My heart sank,5452. I went back home, crawled in bed without dinner, and stared at the starry sky outside my window, nothing had changed.

  63. 1. Sam Mynarcik tt4 3/13/12
    2.About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my Uncle Mike who is a rodeo clown. The letter was to me from him and he said that he is going to retire. He wanted me to takeover the business. So later that night I asked my mom if I could, so she looked at the letter in a stern voice and said no. I always dreamed of working at a carnival, but no I got to do everything my mom wants me to do. Thats it I'm going to do it so he snuck out his window and took his bike all the way to his uncle's house in Dayton, Ohio. His mom was frantic for him to come back. She searched all around the neighborhood, until she got a call from her brother Mike saying that,"He is safe and he really wants this job. She broke down on the inside, but she excepted the fact that he is growing up and she knew he was going to be safe with her brother. When he came back he packed everything up and went to live with his uncle. The mother got a letter from him and said," Hi mom I'm doing fine I saved enough cash to live on my own. The business is doing great so I hope you have a great day.

  64. Brendan Schmitter 3/13/12

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from Dad. PS: my dad murdered my little brother why me and my mom weren't home we were in Michigan. I was scared and didn't know what to do so i hide it in my backpack and ran in side. 'Honey were you going' yelled mom. 'Upstairs call me down for dinner' I said. I ran to my room and read the letter.
    'son i have to ask you a favor you must kill your mother so we can be together and i can see you again if you are reading this i have escaped from jail and are heading your way as you read this. PS: do what say or y'all die to.
    I bolted down the stairs ran to mom with the letter and see was laying on the floor dead! i ran to here and here neck was cut and I tried to run out side and all the doors where block so i couldn't get out i heard clapping and i turned around and my dad was standing there starring at me 'David you must want to be like your brother Toby dead in his house by your dad'. I ran up stairs.'leave me alone you murder' 'its okay David it will be fast and easy just let me finish you off to come on don't run' I ran to my room and closed the door and locked it. 'David come out come out where ever you are. He started banging on the door and broke through the door and cut him shelf he was bleeding horribly he was yelling like he was hurt and he came over to me and i was up in the corner of my bed and he went to stab me i closed my eyes and my moms voice was in the back off my head i opened my eyes and my mom and dad were right next to in my bed asking i was okay. vhf it was all a dream or was it!

  65. additional comment

    Paul Anguish TT4 3/13/12

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from Kliseon. He was my contact in this country. I was investigating a series of thefts and my house was just hit last week. His job was to gather all the information he could from the streets. My job was to use the information to catch the thief. We had suspicion that is was a student at the college. This was my 5th week on this case and we had gotten nowhere. As I approached the mailbox, I heard glass shattering.

  66. Heidi Siemon TT4 3-13-12

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my older brother John. He was in trouble, and he asked me to help him. He owed people some money, some bad people. I don't know what for, or for exactly who, but I knew he was in loads of trouble. Our parents don't know about this, thats what he wanted. I don't know why he wont tell our parents, well at least our mom. Our dad is a little more hard on us. I sent John the money I was saving to eventually get a car. I had to help my brother. I have always looked up to him. It may seem stupid to give him that money, but I knew he would pay me back.
    I opened the mail box, and pulled up the pile of mail. I walked inside and sat down at the kitchen table. My dad was at work and my mom went to the gym with her friends, so I'm home alone like I usually am on wednesdays. I started sorting through all the mail. Most of it was junk mail, well junk to me, and the rest were catalogs or bills. John's letter and my money wasn't there. I payed him that money about three months ago! It should have been back now! Now my moms really going to suspect something.

  67. 1. Julianna Welling 3/13/12 TT4
    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from the court telling me about my trail. I was in a gang before and there was rumor that I had killed someone in a other gang. So that other gang came to my house and stole all of are belongings, and money. For some odd reason my mom keep all of are money in a old mattress down in the cellar, the guys got in and took the little amount of money we had.
    I have been trying to get out of the gang for a year know. I started seeing my school counselor and it helped me with my life so much. I know that i have to win my court case because i was in a meeting with my counselor at the time the boy died. I just hope it goes the best and it is my letter.
    I got of the bus and it was the nicest day this year it was about 75 degrees outside and a nice breeze. As I walked up to the mail box I got out every thing and look through all the junk adds and magazines. When I got to the back I did not see anything for me. I started walking in my house when a kid who got of the same stop as me said, "Hey, you drop something." He was pointing down at something at my feet I pick it up and of course it was my court day letter it was on Sunday, and it is Friday. I went in and look at my mom and said, "Hi mom I got the mail and my court day is Sunday and 11:00 in the morning." She looked back at me with a sad face and barley said "Okay." I went into my room and fell asleep right away. I wonder how I did because I did not feel tired at all. I guess I was because I sleep into 2:00 in the afternoon the next day. All of Saturday I got ready for my court day. When Sunday came I was more nervous then I ever have been. We got into the car and it was a hour drive to the court. When we got there I got up and walked into the court room.

  68. 1. Danny Higgins/3-13-12/TT4
    2. Hopefully, it was a letter from my cousin Blake, who made a promise to me 2 years ago, before he disappeared in a supposed kidnapping, that when he needed a lot of help at the moment, I would be the first one he would contact. He also said that he would trust me enough to reveal where he was hiding. At first, I had no clue what he meant. But after the news reached my mom and I, I realized that he knew what was going to happen to him. I don't mean like a psychic, but he had a feeling that it could happen. I crossed my fingers, hoped with all my might, and opened the mailbox. Inside there was a small box, about the size of half a shoebox. with a shaky hand, I opened the box, and inside was a small letter, folded in half, a map, and...Blake's favorite metal that he was wearing the day he disappeared! It really was from him! I opened the letter the letter and read: "Dear Austin, the time has come for you to help me, as I had promised to you 2 years ago. I know I said I would also say were I was, but now its too risky. But, I can do something that is still helpful. realizing this possibility before I left, I scattered clues around town that, in order, will give away my location. I hope you have what it takes. Love, your cousin, Blake." I picked up the metal from the box, put it in my pocket, and began to open the map. But before I could figure out the map's location...The bus pulled up in front of my house. I heard the hiss of the door as it swung open, allowing me to exit. I can't believe it, I thought as I jumped down, it was all a dream. I should have known. All of a sudden, I heard the ring of metal falling on the ground. I looked down, and saw, on the ground, Blake's metal.

  69. 1. Jensen Borkowski 3/13/12 TT2

    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from my dad. I have really missed him now more than ever with him being in the Military. His absence was really hurting my mom. Not to mention my baby sister, who didn't understand why her favorite person in the world was gone for these long periods of time. My dad had promised us last time he had come home that the next time he sees us, he will be here to stay. That was nine months ago. He sends letters as often as he can and a letter, by now, was probably due from him. Of course my sister and I were looking forward to just seeing him. My mom felt the same way but she also needed the help. One more working adult in the family meant more money and food for all of us.
    I held my breath as I slowly opened the mailbox. I pulled out a hand full of envelopes. A few magazines, bills, a postcard from my grandma in Florida, more bills. I flipped to the last envelope in the pile. It was addressed to my mother from the Military base. I ran into the house so my mother could open it.
    “Mom! Mom! Open this letter! It's from the Military!” She smiled as she took the envelope, happy that it could possibly be from my father. She carefully opened the letter and I read over her shoulder. Once I had, I regretted it. The letter read “It is with deepest sympathy that I inform you that your husband is missing in action.”

  70. Kirsten Brydon 3-13-12

    My sister, she's been away at college for about a year now and as much as I hate to admit it, I miss her terribly. I reached my hand in the box in hopes to find it. After gathering the pile of mail, I rushed inside and scattered it on the table. Among a pile of bills and ads and stuff I really didn't care for, I found one lone postcard with the image of a turtle addressed to me. My excitement building I started reading. The letter said,

    Dear Colton,

    I decided to send a postcard showing what I've been up too, in case you didn't know. I went to the aquarium around the campus, which would explain the turtle cover. School is going fine around here I also wanted to tell you that with break coming up, I will be home soon.

    Until then,

    I nearly jumped for joy, then I remembered, I also needed to pay Mom back. Here's how that issue started. My Mom lent me $50 to buy some new clothes, the condition was, I had to give her the change. But on the way back from the store, I noticed that I was missing my wallet. When I rushed back into the store, I soon found that my wallet was taken by someone rather familiar walking out of the store. Since Mom never mentioned that I never gave back the change, I tried to ignore the fact, but recently, I've started to feel guilty about that. Especially the fact that she has this look in her eye that tells me she knows and is just not telling me that, hoping I would take responsibility. But how do I when I don't have $22.34 in my wallet? I soon realized that I would have to confess soon, but I really didn't want to. So I decided to do some more chores around the house, in hopes mom notices. Then thursday night, it happened. At the dinner table my mom asked "so, how was your shopping trip, I seem to notice that you forgot your change." I fell apart and explained how I lost the wallet and the money. She then reached into her wallet and pulled out, my wallet. "But, how?" I said in disbelief. She then explained that she found the manager of the store with my wallet as she ran to the store for her shopping trip, she then grabbed took my wallet with her in order to teach me a lesson. Feeling sheepish, I grabbed my wallet and tried to change the subject. "Did you know Tracy is coming home soon?

  71. LeAnn Howe MW2 3-13-12

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my sister. Ever since she moved to Delaware with her boyfriend, I only talk to her once a month. Silvia only knew her boyfriend for five short months before they moved in together. This upset my parents very much. Now, they don't talk to each other anymore. As I opened up the mailbox, I noticed there wasn't the usual light pink envelope with my name on it. Instead there was a normal white envelope addressed to my family. Carefully tearing the envelope open, I looked inside. What I saw made my jaw drop. It was a wedding invitation for my sister and Ed.

  72. 1. JordanDanko TT2 3/13/12

    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from my brother. He is in the military so I rarely hear from him anymore. Ever since he has been in the military my family has been suffering from depression. We all mishom greatly he is the entertainer in our family. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my lucky marble. I held it in my hands staring at it for a few minutes then decided to put it back and open the mail box. As I reached in to grab the mail hoping there was a letter from my brother a mouse jumped out, leaving a trail of poop.
    I grabbed the single lonely envelope in excitement trying to avoid touching the trail the mouse had left behind. The mail box had smelled like cold soup that wasent all the way cooked. I ran into the house and my parents saw me holding the envelope, they all sat down and stared at me in excitement. I began to open the letter and it didn't take more than a second before I tears were streaming down my face. My mother was already drowning in tears, on the other hand my dad was sitting there with a puzzled look on his face as if he didn't know if he should be nervous or happy. The letter read "Dear Mrs. Danko and Mr. Danko we would like to inform you that your son..." The letter did not continue. All that came after were tiny little bite marks, which became the bottom of the letter.

  73. Gursherveen Kaur Dhaliwal, 3/13/12, TT2

    Hopefully, there was a letter from Max describing the location of the money. "I sacrificed my time just for all of this !!!". Many jobs just for him for every but,"This made me take the risks to be young and wild and free again and again". He knew the situation I was in so he must have done me good just this once. I was really counting on him. He just needed to leave me that letter and then I could go get the money and return it in the safe at school. Now it all depends on Max. As I walked up to the mailbox my nervousness broke the scale. With one quick swipe, I grabbed all the mail and ran into the house, like a chicken. Once I was inside I started flipped through imagining all the sweet and bitter times that I have and could have had.

    Nothing at all till this point, but I knew it was from him."Him ???" "Who is him ???" Who else could it be ? I ripped the paper as hard as I could. As soon as I looked down at the two sentences scrawled along the page, my face fell. As I read the words Max had written , it felt like I wanted to slap someone in the face. My anger went to an all time high and my eyes scanned the words like a major laser beam. "You will regret for what you have given and the bad deeds that you have done !!!". "The past won't paste the future" as grand father used to say.

  74. Lexi Cox, 3/20/12, TT4

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from from my neighbor. The neighbor just to the left of my house, I was always suspicious about him, living all alone but seemingly to be up something every night. I wrote to him, since my mother was out of town I would be free to get the mail everyday, hiding the ones that I wouldn't want her to find. I wrote my neighbor last night, telling him that I know what he has done. I know he black mailed my mother! He forced her to give up all of the money we have just so he can have a few extra bucks! Its not like he even needs the money, he just took advantage of the situation. My mother ran over his dog 2 months ago and ever since then my mother has been a frantic mess. She was pulling into his driveway to drop of his order of cookie dough from the school fundraiser that I had, she was almost out of his driveway when she ran over his dog. Ever since then he has held the situation against her. Since she has a criminal record I would be taken from her if one more accident had happen and she wasn't willing to take the chance with this. Every pay check my mother has received in the past two months have been given to him. But now, my mother is out of town and I am home alone living next to the man that is blackmailing my mother and they both have no clue what I am about to do.

  75. Megan Gunderson MW2
    I think I was absent?

    Lately, the bell only reminded me that my stomach was empty and there was no food at home. Begrudgingly, I grabbed my backpack from my locker; slung it over my shoulder and pushed my way through the crowd of students that seemed to endlessly wander in a multitude of different directions at once. It was clear of course, where the money had gone. But don't know if I want to bring that up with mom. There was of course a way for the money to be returned, but I couldn't let mom know that. She thought I was innocent, or maybe she really knew - but these things have a way of working themselves out.

    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from My father!I opened up the mail box and there it was that letter I had been dreaming about receiving.I had been waiting for this letter for weeks.My father has been stationed in Uganda Africa.His mission is to help the Ugandan army capture Kony. My father writes about Kony all the time.This man is terrible my father tells me.I resent Kony because he abuses children, he has taken my father away from me, and my money. My father was drafted into the army.He had no choice.It was very inconvenient for my mother.She cant find a job, but we have hope.I slowly open the envelope and take the letter out.My heart skips a beat and I feel the first tear roll down my eye.My father the one who was my rock my sword my shield was dead.

  76. 1.Michael Hamilton

    My mom came and asked me were did the money go and I sied that I didn't take the but she dose not believe me at all so I was in big truble and also I had to pay her back but that was not end of it and so I have to work at a lunch room and say sorry to every one in lunch room and my mom was sanding next to me as i sied it. There is no way out of this and my mom would not like this that I took the agin but that the secret.

  77. 1. Milan Mihajlovski TT4 3-13-12

    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from the United States army saying that I can join. As I walked down the stairs of the bus, so excited and couldn't wait I slamming my mailbox open and saw that nothing was in there. Quickly walking to my front door thinking they didn't send me a letter back I pushed my door open and yelled "MOM!" She was sitting on the couch and jumped like a kangaroo and fell on the ground I chuckled She was so mad at me she shouted back "WHAT?!" replying "Did you get the mail today?" "yes its on the kitchen counter." As I walked into the kitchen there was the biggest grin on my face, I walked up to the counter and started to look through the mail. It was there the letter from the army I yelled to my mom "MOM the army sent me back a letter!" she ran into the kitchen almost hit the wall she said "open it and read it!" So I proceed It said "Dear Jim Norms,
    We have looked at your letter and we are going to except you into the military. The one thing that we suggest you do first before coming to the U.S. army is that you go to collage. If you go to collage you will be accepted in the army as a higher rank.

    Thank you,
    From Gen. Gat Cader

  78. 1.Kalani Gondick
    2 About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my aunt telling me that i need to come visit her soon because she is moving far away. Once the bus stopped in front of my drive way i ran inside and said MOM!? DID YOU LOOK AT THE MAIL TODAY? yes its on my bed OK I NEED THE MAIL. what do you need the mail for? I need the mail because i got a letter from aunt sally. I haven't heard from her in so long. Ok go look and see if it is there. As i walked into my moms bed room there was a big smile on my face. I was so excited to hear from her. Once i got to her bed i looked to see if there was a letter from her AND THERE WAS! Sitting on my moms bed. It read Dear Cathy,
    I want you to come visit me before i move. I will be moving far away and you wont be able to see me before i move, So please come see me.
    I felt as if i was shocked by lighting, I haven't talk to her in so long and i wanted to come visit her really soon.

  79. 1. Eddie Roberts, mw2
    2. About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my brother, I hadn't seen him since he went off to the military one year ago. Every once and awhile he sends me letters to let me know about his new experiences and how he is doing. I wonder if he has food, because I'm always starving around here. But I open the mailbox and there was a few strange colored letters in there. I found a bright pink one that was nothing but advertisements and a light blue one that had my moms name on it. I slowly opened the letter and pulled out the piece of paper. "Bryce anderson!! Yes my brother sent me a letter!" I read it once i got inside and I told me all about his new adventures and how hard it was because he wasn't a very good runner. A tear flowwed down my face and then my mom walked in and said "What's wrong hun?" "Bryce isn't coming home for Christmas."

  80. 1. Jadie Cogar 4-3-12 TT2
    About 30 minutes later my bus pulled up at the mailbox. The flag was down, so the mail was there. Hopefully, there was a letter from my Dad. I haven't seen my dad for a while now and I am a daddy's girl and it is hard not seeing my dad every night or morning. My dad went away on a trip with his friend to Florida. I couldn't get a hold of my dad in a day or to so I wrote him a letter that said, "Dear Daddy, I miss talking to you and it is hard not seeing you everyday because you are not here. Why did you have to go now, why couldn't you go later on so I know that you are here when I get home. I want you to come home daddy. I miss talking to everyday even when you wake me up in the morning. I miss you daddy. PLEASE COME HOME FPR ME SO I CAN SEE YOU AND WE CAN SPEND TIME TOGETHER. I want you to come home and not leave my side and I will never leave your side."

  81. 1.Elle Kennedy TT2
    2. Hopefully, there was a letter from my sister. I didn't see or talk to her much because she moved away to the other side of the country after she graduated from high school. About once a month she sends me something in the mail like candy or just a letter saying what she has been up to. As I got off the bus I though about what it might be this time. There wasn't a holiday this month so probably not something too big, but it was my birthday last week so there could be a present. Either way, I was anxious to see what it was. I opened the mailbox to find a small package, about the size of a tissue box. I reached inside to grab the box and ran inside to open it. I ripped open the box to find another box inside. I laughed and realized I should have been expecting this from her. I then opened the next box and inside was a note that read "Happy Birthday, miss you!". In the box I found 10 dollars, a candy bar and another note that said she was coming home to see me! I heard myself let out a quiet scream and could not get out of my head that she was finally coming home after eight months.
