Monday, February 6, 2012

Statistics 3 Blog: Driving Age

1. Name Date Hour

2. Lesson Learned.

3. Develop three paragraphs. In the first paragraph explain what the information provides; what do the numbers mean?
In the second paragraph, what kind of audience(s) would be interested in this information and why?
In the third paragraph, share a short story (anecdote) that supports these statistics.


  1. 1. Kyle Gonos 2-8-12 MW4

    2. LL: With practice, comes experience.

    3. In this rate chart, it shows that young people are in the most accidents. From the ages 16-20, there is 198 accidents shown in this chart. Now not all of these accidents are the teens faults and not all of them are other peoples faults. Although one good thing is the older you get, the less accidents. This is because you develop experience on the road. At age 16 there is 60 accidents and at age 75 there is only 10 accidents. But this is because older people don't drive as much as teenagers.
    This chart would draw teenage audiences and parent audiences. The teenagers would be interested because they want to drive. Maybe they think that they will lower the driving age. Parents would be interested because this involves the safety of their children. If they see how many accidents teenagers are involved in, they will want the driving age lowered. The parents will say safety first.
    As a teenager my mom is telling me about some stories of her high school days. She will always say that when she first started driving she was involved in a lot of accidents. One of her stories is that she was backing out of her driveway and she backed into a pole. She laughs now but her parents were very mad, even though it took them a while to figure it out. Her car was one tough car because my grandparents still have it today.

  2. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. The older you are the wiser you are. Because there is less accidents when the child is older then when they are younger.
    3. The graph clearly shows that teens just getting their drivers license have a higher rate of crashing their car than an older person. There are a lot of things that cause a distraction. If they're texting their eyes are not on the road and they could hit another person in the lane next to them. Maybe they are drunk and they swerve off the road and hit more cars. Why would teenagers have more accidents than older people? It's obvious, they are young and they get out of hand. Just because the teenagers in the survey did doesn't mean most teenagers do. I know a lot of very responsible teens and they are great drivers. The environment that the teen has grown up in affects their choices and when their choices are affected their driving skills may change also. This is not always the case but most of the time it is.
    To me an adult audience would be most interested in this topic. They are worried about their kids and what they are doing. Would you be upset in your cat got hit by a car? Think of how your parents would feel if you were the cat. They worry about you because they love you and care about you. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times and you have to be cautious. There are a lot of dangers that this world faces and cars are a big portion of it. I always am seeing things about teens getting into car crashes. I know that there are a lot of distractions but you have to learn to focus and really make sure you know what your doing.
    Jenny was waiting or her friend to get back. She was exited because she now had her drivers license and she lobed being able to just leave when things were rough at home. “Hey got the chips.”
    “thanks” she smiled and took them from her friend. They were going to a party that her mom of course did not approve of. Her friend got in the car and Jenny made the engine roar to life. She turned onto the freeway and they were on their way. Jenny had become more and more resistant lately. She didn't care about her grades, she swore and she constantly sneak out of the house to go to party's. She didn't care, no one knew why because she was such a good person that no one knew what she was truly doing. Jenny cranked her Aerosmith C.D in her car while they sped down the freeway. She was starting to loose her focus which she did way to often. Her friend in the seat next to her not telling her that she was speeding and swerving. The air was filled with horns and she didn't hear because her music was so loud. Her car slowly went into another lane in which a semi was located. The trucker slammed on his breaks, but he was too close. The front of the semi slammed into the small van and threw it to another lane. Another car then rear ended the van and sent it into the lane beside it which cut off a truck making it fly off the side of the rode taking then van with it. The girls were being pushed and pulled and they rolled over ten times landing on their wheels. The truck not being as lucky landed on its top. Jenny breathed hard and looked to her friend which was wiping her forehead with all the blood. She looked down her hands were badly cut up. She looked around to see the man crawling out of his truck clutching his arm. “What have I done?”

  3. Nella Galliher 2-8-12 MW4

    Drivers get better with age.

    This chart shows information about crashes from young and old drivers. The number of crashes that relates to the age of the driver.
    Parents, insurance companies and car manufactures would be interested in this chart. This information gives parents knowledge about young drivers. Insurance companies use information for rating and insuring people. Manufacturing can usae information to increase safety concerns.

    Insurance rates are higher for the younger adults because of the increased risk of car crashes. Older adults insurance rates are lower because of lower risk of car crashes.

  4. Stephen Moore 2/9/12 TT2

    LL: most 16 year olds get in accidents when driving.

    The chart explains that the younger you are the more like get in an accident. The older you are your not as likely to get in accidents because you know more about driving. Most people want to drive when there 16 years old. I think the students in drivers ed would want to know this information. Maybe there parents would want to know about it to. Every one should be interested in how people drive so they can keep track. My older sister when she was 17 she was driving really fast but now that shes older she doesn't drive so fast any more. She doesn't drive so fast any more because she knows its the law.

  5. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 2-9-12

    2. Practice makes perfect

    3. The information in the graph shows annual automobile crashes by age. The numbers clearly show that younger people tend to get in more automobile accidents. They could just have been carless or maybe they were hit by a drunk driver. Automobile crashes aren’t always just one persons fault. The ages 16-25 category have a ton of crashes. 16 year olds get in the most automobile accidents. As your age grows the graph is showing that you get in a significantly less accidents. This could be because older drivers are more experienced and they may not drive as much. Age 16 has 60 crashes, and for age 75 there are only 10 accidents.
    An audience that may be interested in this chart would be an adult audience. You start driving at 16 (usually) so they might want to be aware of the risks of their teenager driving. Adults would probably find the graph very interesting, because teenagers are always like “ I got this” then try to face the world with absolutely no clue what they are doing. Adults would also be able to use some of there “back in my day” type stuff. To many people this graph would just make them want to try and make the driving age older than 16.

    A short story:When my Mom was 20 or so, her and my Dad were dating and she was just leaving his house. My grandparents still live at the same house today and the driveway is still just as bad. It’s a down hill slope with bushes lining the side and some boulders at the end. Well it was becoming late and my Mom had to get home so she backed down the driveway and felt like she had hit something. She continued to drive anyway and had a very bumpy drive home. Well you would have a bad drive too if you only had three tires. One of the boulders had actually taken off her back left tire. Her father (My Papa) had to drive her to work in Plymouth the next day, and she had to be at work at 5am.
    My Mom has many stories of car accidents she has had from 16-25. Like skipping school to go to a boyfriends house then hitting a car (on accident), leaving and having a police report written which included her parents finding out and the cops coming. She also many times have swerved off roads and taken out some more stuff at the end of my Grandparents driveway.

  6. 1. Payton Rentsch, 2-9-12 MW2

    2.The older you get the wiser you are.

    3. This chart shows how many crashes there are from young drivers to older drivers. The graph tells us that younger people are more likely to be in a crash then older. I believe the reason that most young people get in crashes are because speeding, on there phone, texting and talking to people in the car. I think that if young people did not have electronics in the car it would help and get the amount af crashes down. Young people need to start being more aware of distractions and they need to start thinking about other people on the road. There are so many things that can distract people lets not make cell phones one of them.
    I think High School students would be the kind of audience that would be interested in it. They would be interested because there age is the ones that get in the most crashes. Another reason is to get them aware of the fact that they are the ones that have the most crashes. High Schoolers she be aware I think this would be better if the amount of crashes lowered. Also i think high Schoolers would be interested is so thy can try to lower the amount of crashes. The kind of audience that would be interested are High Schoolers.
    When my brother was about 17 he got into his first car crash he wasn't paying attention he was talking to his friends. He hit a tree if he didn't ware a seat belt well I don't know if he wold be here this day. Young people just brush crashes off like there nothing well they are something, they can take your life away in a flash. When you drive you need to be cautious and remember no texting while driving.

  7. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 2-9-12

    2. The younger you are, the more likely you are to get into an accident.

    3. These numbers in this chart mean that when you are a younger driver you get into more accidents and the older you are the less accidents you will get in. This is all because of experience on the road, when you are younger you don't have as much experience so you are more likely to et into and accident and the older you are you are more wise and cautious about driving. Look at the numbers, at age 16 there are 60 accidents and at age 75 there is 10 accidents, pretty big difference! As you age you become more wise and less reckless, especially when you are driving and that is all because of experience. People who have just got their license are ready to get on the road but honestly they aren't because they don't have as much experience as older people but if you want experience on the road you have to drive on the road for many years so you should start out young.
    This information would interest adults because most likely they are parents that will have children that will learn how to drive. The adults would also be interested in this information because they have to drive on roads with teenagers and lets just say teenagers aren't the best drivers! The adults want to be safe on the road and it will help them now how to be more cautious about driving with young adults on the road. Another point is that some adults are not the best drivers either but this chart would help them think about being more safe on the road. It also will help because there are parents with teenagers and it will help them teach their kids how to drive and become better and safer drivers.
    One day there was a girl named Kelly who had her drivers license, she was only seventeen years old. She was so excited and couldn't wait to get on the road, to feel the wind on her hair. When she finally had the chance to get on the road she ran as fast as she could to the car. When she was driving on a highway, she was happy and listening to music and having a good time but then she started to text on her phone. She only got one word onto that phone before she had ran off the side the road and flipped her car. The word said "TOMORROW" but sadly Kelly didn't get to have a tomorrow. Now this should make anyone who reads this think about texting and driving because this was a true story and Kelly was a good friend of my family and sadly we may never get to see her shining face ever again.

  8. 1. Cody Musulin 2-9-12

    2. As you get older, you get safer

    3. On this graph, it is talking about getting in car crashes. As you can see, the older you get the lower ar crashes you get in. When you are 16 60 people per 100 licensed drivers. But if you keep going higher up in age, it gets lower, and lower. At 55 it gets down to around 10 per 100. That is pretty good.
    I think people who teach new drivers would be interested, they would want to get their students to drive more safe. Also the police might want to see this, because if they don't know already, they need to be watching out for the younger drivers, rather than the older drivers. If they are keeping their eye on the elders the whole time, then they aren't going to catch the younger people that don't have the hang of it yet. One other group of people that might want to watch out is the people in general. If they are infront of a teenager and you are driving the speed limit. They are probably going to try and pass you, which might cause trouble. They might think they can get past you in time before a car comes, well sometimes they don't.
    When my brother takes me places, he usually has it down, he can drive, and look for music on his ipod, but before that, he wasn't the greatest driver. When he just got his license, he drove me and my mom to go see a movie, it wasn't the safest ride in a car I had. Since he just got his license, he hadn't got the hang of it yet, and once my mom started making comments about his driving. My brother got a little more angry and drove a little worse than he was before.

  9. 1 Paige Leatherman 2/10/12 TT2

    2. Be aware when you drive.

    3. This chart provides that at any age you can get into a crash. But the most crashes are seen at other younger ages. !6 year olds have the most crashes, probably because they are excited that they have their license and they just want to show off a little bit and end up crashing. At an older age there are less crashes because, by then you are use to driving and are more aware of your surroundings. Although at different ages there are different amounts of crashes you can still get in a crash at anytime.
    People who have got into a crash, strict and worry parents or driving teachers would probably be the ones that are interested in this chart. People who got into a crash would be interested because they may want to see if other people their age did the same thing. Strict and worried parents would want to see this because they can see how many kids at their own kids age get into accidents. And then the parents can be more on the children cases telling them to be careful and be aware of things. Driving teachers would probably really want to see this because they are the ones who give people their license. If they see something that may worry them and could affect other people on the road they could give someone their license when they aren't ready for it.
    My sister has got into about 3 or 4 crashes since she has had her license, and she is almost 21 now. Not every crash was her fault though. There's the thing, the other people she got into a crash with were older. The chart shows that more younger people get into a crashes then older people. What this chart doesn't show is whose fault it was. Therefore, everyone that was included in the chart may approve of being on it because the crash wasn't their fault.

  10. 1. William McNamee 2/10/12 TT2

    2. rules are made to protect us.

    3. This graph basically means that teen drivers are at the most risk for a crash. That is illustrated by 60 out of 100 of them get in a crash. This graph tells us that as people mature they are at less risk of getting in a crash. This graph also means that when people have more experience when they are doing something a lot. When I think about this graph I think that this data is outstanding because of how high the rate of crashes for 16 year olds is.
    This graph would be most marketable to an insurance company, a car maker, and even parents. This graph is most marketable to these people because of one main reason, safety parents would like to know this so they can observe their little drivers habits and try to help them correct the bad ones. The Insurance companies may need to know this to raise their rates for teens. Finally the car makers should know this to make safer cars that can be more focused on teen safety.
    One day when I got home from school my sister was there watching t.v. but this was strange because I always get home first. I asked her "What are you doing here?" and she replied "They let us out early because there was a crash involving a student that was a Junior and a parent bringing there kid to school. They got in a crash because the student driver was pulling in while the mom was pulling out. I said "Wow that is so terrible" and she said back "yes but not uncommon teens are at a higher risk to get in an accident.

  11. 1. Caleb Hudson 2-10-12 TT2
    2. When your young Your not invincible
    3. When you are the age of 16 you have a really high chance of getting into a car accident. When you are from age 16 to 20 You have about three times the chance to get into a car accident. When you get older like from 35 to 75 You have a Much Much lower chance of getting into a car accident. The bad thing about this chart though is it does not tell you how many people they surveyed.
    I think that just about all the ages over 16 would be interested in the chart. This is because it includes everyone from age 16 to age 75. This would show that the longer you stay driving the less accidents you get into. I think this is because you have more experience. Also parents would want to know about the chart. That would make them more cautious about their kids driving.
    Every car accident has a beginning. Normally it starts with a young driver. Kyle who was the age of 16 had just gotten his new corvette for his birthday. He was really excited to go and drive around to all his favorite places to go. He decided he wanted to go to his school to show his friends. On the way there, there was a really sharp turn. He did not realize this until he was in the middle of the road swerving. His new corvette rolled and he climbed out. He was unharmed but his new car was not.

  12. 1. Heather Linn, 2/10/12, TT2

    2. You mature with age.

    3. The graph shown above shows that as you get older, your crash rates get lower. It says at age 16 your annual crash rate would be around 55-60. It also states that if you start driving at age 18, you start at the age 16 level still. The chart doesn't really state if the crashes are per day/week/month etc, but it still gives you how many crashes they annually get in.
    The kind of audiences that would be interested to see this chart would be drivers training schools, concerned parents, and car companies. Drivers training would be interested in this chart to show their students that they need to be careful when their driving because kids their age get into a lot of car accidents. Concerned parents would be interested in this so they can tell their kids if they get into that many accidents or more that they would take away their keys, or something like that. They could also just warn them that the roads aren't always safe. Car companies would probably be interested in this so that they can sell one of their 'safer' cars to the parents for their kids so that if they do get into that many accidents then they wouldn't get hurt as much. They could also use it for the older people to sell them less safe cars because they can trust that they won't get into that many accidents.
    It was finally the day I have been waiting for thru all my teen years. Today I get my first car. My mom was taking me to the car dealership to buy me one and I could barely wait. When we got there, there was a man in a suit waiting at the front door. He had a clipboard and looked like the typical stereotype car dealer. He greeted us with a friendly hello and quickly got to business. He was walking around talking to us about all the cars until one caught my eye. It was a red ford f-250 and it was calling my name. I walked over to it and the price was a little high, but I figured since my dad had one that I had drove before with my permit that my mom would let me get it. She started talking to the car dealer and before I knew it, the car was mine. I was so happy that I jumped in the drivers seat and started following my mom home. I wasn't paying to much attention to driving and I was going over the speed limit. I looked at the radio to change the station and baam! Another car was pulling out of a road and hit right into the side of my brand new car. I saw my mom slam on her brakes and jump out of her car to come see if I was okay. I had some scratches, but nothing as bad as what had happend to my truck. I was devastated because we had to take the truck back, pay for the damages, and I ended up getting a used mini van. I learned my lesson to pay more attention to the road, because If I don't something bad could happen.

  13. 1. Caeley Hendee, 2-9-12, TT2

    2. The older you are, the wiser.

    1.) This graph shows that teens can be reckless drivers. Not each teen is crazy at driving, but the graph is showing that more than 60% of teens drive and most likely get in a crash. Texting, driving, are the big distractions. Texting is the biggest cause deaths of teens. About About 54% of teenage motor vehicle crash deaths occur on Friday, Saturday or Sunday with Saturday being the deadliest day of the week for teens. 75% of teens admit that they text and drive at the same time. Its says 35,000 teens have died in car crashes in the past five years. That’s 6,000 per year, 18 per day. On the website says that 90% of teens admit to doing things while driving. ( Talking on the phone, texting,ating, playing, loud music, interacting with friends while the friends are in the car.) I found on the graph that this chart was in 2001. If teens are texting while driving it 4 times more to crash.
    2.) An audience would definitely be parents, and guardians. But it's not just the parents or guardians of teens, it could be police to. The police would be people that would come and be interested in. Parents would be worried that their child would be on the road, and definitely want to know how and where their teens are driving. For police it would be different, because their job is to keep everyone safe on the road. But if teens are driving with alcohol in the car, that could lead to a bigger problem. Parents, guardians, and police officers, would definitely want to know this information. All though police may already know about this. Even if adults come and see this information to, to see that they should be more caution on the road.
    3.) It was sometime last year, my dad told me a story about how 2 kids (that were my dad's friend's kids) that were always together. There was a 10 year old boy, and a 16 year old girl (she just turned 16, so recently got her license.) Everyday the girl would drop off her brother at school and then she would go. The boy would always sit in the front and never wear a seat belt. The girl would drive but never wear a seat belt either. But one day, he sat in the back seat, with his seat belt buckled. She was driving them both to school, but she didn't have her seat belt on. Going over a hill another car coming towards them was spinning out of control. The car hit them, and she went flying out of the car, while the boy was stuck. The 16 year old girl, died. But for some reason the boy got in the back seat, and had his seat belt buckled, for just that one day.

    Teen Driving . New York: Do Something. Inc, . - For number 3 first paragraph.

  14. 1. Brooke Boyd 2-10-12 tt2

    2. Drivers get better along the road.

    3. The numbers mean crash rates and what age they are when they crash they say the highest crash rate is 16 years old and the crash number is 60. I think this is very true because when you start off driving your only 16,17and your not a perfect driver even though you think you are. You get all your connivence built up and sometimes feel like you can do anything. Then the chart says that as you get older the crash rates go down like 20,15, and 10 thats true when you get older you get more intelligent and safe on the road. The older you get the wiser you get.
    The audience that would be interested in it would be everyone, everyone thats on the road from any age range 16 to 70. I think they would be interested in it because then they would see how many people crash when there driving in there age and it shows the older you get the better you drive. Also I think Insurance companies would want to see the chart, cause it shows how much people need insurance and when your younger a lot more people need it.
    There was a girl who had been babysitting this boy the boy was 5 years old the parents were both at work and the babysitter was there from 12 to 5. The girl had plans to go out but her mom made her do the babysitting job to get money. She wasn't very happy about it, The girls friend called her and asks if she was still coming to her house to go somewhere the girl said that she was babysitting but maybe they could try and find a way to make it work the girl made a decision to bring the boy with them. The girls were both 16 and they were just starting to drive. When they got in the car they forgot the baby seat. When they were driving a animal ran out in the road and the car flipped once or twice the baby boy flew out and died. The two girls lived, every since this day. The girls have the guilt of getting into a accident and killing the little boy that they were babysitting.

  15. 1.Kyle Shehan, 2-10-12, TT2
    2.You gain experience with age
    3. This information tells you about the driving age. As you can see from the chart the younger you are the more inexperienced you are. This chart is stating that with age the gain driving knowledge so you know to stay attentive and make sure your eyes are on the road at all times. In the end the numbers are stating that be careful when you drive at any age.

    Parents would want to know about this because they want to know what there kids are going to be doing on the road. Kids would want to know that because they should know that they need to be more careful. Police should know this because they know that the kids are young so they should cut them a little slack. People in general should know this because they should know weather or not to look out especially for teen drivers.

    As they lowered the casket into the ground I weeped. It was not just I who cried but my my whole family did because in the casket was my brother. He was driving home with his girlfriend in the passenger seat. He was paying more attention to her then he was the road, so he did not see the big rig coming around the corner. As the small used mustang hit the semi it killed him on impact. His girlfriend survived the crash but she is still in the hospital after 3 weeks. My mother sobbed “He was only 17” After the accident I did some research 66 of every 100 licensed 16 year olds get into automobile crashes. Thankfully that number drops after the age of 25, don't get killed like my brother be a safe driver and keep your eyes on the road.

  16. 1. Eric Wolfe 2/10/12 TT2

    2. Practice makes perfect.

    3. For people who are at the age of 16, they are the ones who get into the most accidents. For people at the age of 17, they get lower but they are still pretty high. For people at the age of 25, it decreases greatly over time because of the experience that you gain for. As you get older, the less and less accidents you will get in.
    I think that people who would need a talking to when they get their listens are the people who recently turned 16. They would be able to drive by themselves and have more responsibility. They would be able to pick up their friends and go somewhere like the movies or something else. People at the age of 16 need to know the up's and down's to driving as well.
    Now since im a teenager, my parents are always telling me things that have happened to them while driving a car. One time while my dad was going to he movies, it was icy out on the road, he had turned a bit to past and had hit a pole. Luckily he was ok, just a few bruises, but it could have been a lot worse. Thats why when I am 16 I will be very alert of whats on the road and how I drive on the road.

  17. 1. Michael Hamilton

    2. don't dive bad.

    3. It means that number are going down because when you get older your policy goose down.also 75% car accidence are teens dive drinking and diving.
    It will be Interred because some people will get car and see how much it cost and if they are teens they will get in acidness more than the older people and most of the time teen will die bye car acidness. some people get arrested because more people drank and dive and some people will do the same like teens.
    My mom is a cop and she seid that she is going to the mall a seen a accidents and the car was crumble and a teen die and the mother and father and 4 kids live the car crash and most of them and still alive.

  18. 1. Darren Murray 2/10/12 TT2

    2. The younger you are the higher your accident rate for you, that's why they put insurance really high for teens because there more likely to get in a car wreck than any other set of age group here.

    3. The information provided is showing that the age of car wrecks is the younger people in which the insurance is higher than ever for the car driver. The maturity level is lower than a adult. The graph is comparing the two maturity level drivers in which who gets in more car wrecks.
    To compare the rates of a teenage driver to an adult to a senior citizen. These groups are the most wide range of drivers. People can use this kind of information for test and just for common knowledge. Adult drivers and senior citizens are the lowest rate of car wrecks.
    Teen Day one, the driving test- Wake up, drink coffee, jump in cold shower, woken up. Dressed shoes on and tied, looking fresh. As the Jr. drove to the Allstate insurance to test drive for his license his palms were all sweaty. He got into the car fastened his seat belt, put in forward and looked back to see if anyone was behind him he pressed the gas petal went through the front of the building.
    Adult Day one, Normal driving routine- Wake up, drink coffee, jump in cold shower, woken up. Dressed shoes on and tied, looking fresh. As the major in astronomy drove to his college to learn about astronomy, his palms were dry. He got into out of the car. No scratches.

  19. 1. Blake Lapum, 2/10/12, TT2

    2. The older you are, the wiser you get.

    3. The numbers provided are saying that teens have the highest crash number. This is saying that teenage drivers are irresponsible. Many teen drivers text and drive and listen to loud music, all of this is causing a distraction. When you get older, you get wiser and you know not to do these things because they are a safety hazard to yourself and others. As the age on the chart increases, the less crashes there are, proving that older, more experienced drivers are safer.
    A lot of audiences would be interested in this information. I think just some of them would be the driving instructors who are teaching these kids to drive, so that they can see what kind of drivers they should be and how they really should act on the road, not how their friends and siblings act on the road. Another group of people who would be interested in this information is the insurance people. They would probably want to know this because they can set the price for insurance higher or lower depending on the driver and their driving skill and maturity.
    I have a 17 year old brother. When he was 16, he was so excited to get his license. He wanted to be able to be free, and be a teenager. My brother got his license and we had already bought him a car so he was free. About a month after he got his license, he was driving to school when it was still dusk and foggy. He went to take a right out of our sub, and out of nowhere came a small black car. He hadn't seen it because it had no headlights on. He went to gun it into a small ditch about 20 feet away and as he was in the other lane she swerved over and t-boned him. His car had been totaled and pushed into the ditch. The small black car was also totaled. Luckily, the car just missed the drivers door, and hit just behind it, ruining the rear left door. My brother had so much on his mind, I didn't know if he wanted to cry, or punch the guy. In the end, he ended up getting his car fixed for less than we thought, and now is a careful and wide-eyed driver.

  20. 1.) Lexi Gross Feb. 10th 2012 T-T-2
    2.) I learned the teens and early 20's get in accidents more than any other ages.
    3.) In the graph it shows us the Crash Rate chart. What it is telling us is how many accidents happen at what age. What they don't give us is how often this happens. It could be per year, per week, we don't know. 60 out of 100 16 year-olds got in car accidents. 45 17 year-olds got in accidents, about 37 18 year-olds, 32 19 year-olds, and about 26 20 year-olds. Then it drops about 11 accidents when it gets to 25 year-olds. After that it drops about 1 accident per age. When it gets to 75, the annual crash rate is about 10.
    I would say that quite a bit of people would want to see this information. Parents might want to see this to make the right decision of getting their child his/her license. Maybe a car company would want to see this, to invent different tools for a car so the parents know what their children are doing with their car. A drivers training might want to know this also. They would want to show the people they are teaching about driving what happens most of the time. I would certainly want to know whats going on around me. Especially if I could be hurt or injured by it.
    It was friday and my brother had just turned 16. He got a truck for his birthday. My mom didn't make dinner so we went to get a pizza. On the way there my brother said he needed to stop by the school. I thought to myself “why would Aric want to go to school? He never goes to school, not even if he needs something.” But I just sat there and began singing the song on the radio. He went to the biggest parking lot, but someone was already there, so he went to the next one. No one was in that parking lot. He said to me “hang on!” And we began to spin. My brother was a wreak less driver! It was very fun and I liked it a lot. But what he did was dangerous and I agree the teenagers are crazy!

  21. 1. Michael Yedinak 2/10/12 TT2

    2. Practice makes perfect. Along with maturity will help you in life.

    3. This information shows that most car accidents are from people in the ranges from 16-20. One of the things this graph doesn't show is if all these crashes are per day, per week, per month, etc. I wish it showed this so we could get a better understanding of what the stats are. Sixteen through twenty year olds have approximately 200 out of the 270 I counted. That is 74%! Luckily as the years go on... the deaths steadily decrease in this chart. It goes to show practice makes perfect.
    Parents, teachers, counselors, the government, and especially driving teachers would be very interested in seeing this graph. For example I bet if you showed my parents this, they would make sure I knew how to drive before I hit the road at age 16! That'll help us understand how we need to pay close attention to the road when first getting on the road. With the teachers and counselors at school, they could help us too make sure not to get to wild or bring to many people or get distracted driving. Next with the government, they would probably be dying to make a law or to say something about this graph. Finally for the driving teachers, they WILL KNOW they need to teach better or do what it takes to get teens to understand how to drive. These wonderful people would like to know to make sure we are safe and ready to open up that new chapter in their lives.
    My grandma as experienced with driving she is has a lot of stories to tell about anything. The most things she shares with me is about all the times something went wrong driving when she was young. One time in the 1930's when she just got her first car there was a guy. This guy was the roughest, toughest, meanest guy where she lived. Grandma saw him on the road on the side of her giving her that look of seeing who's car is faster. "Of course I will race you Rustle if you can stand loosing to a girl!" Rustle showed no mercy and shook his head and 1...2...3... they were off just like in the movies. "BAAM!" "Uh oh," my grandma said. SHE HAD RAMMED INTO A TREE NOT LOOKING WHERE SHE WAS GOING! She didn't know what to do but go to her mom's house and hope for the best. In the end her car got fixed and everything was ok. From then on she was more careful on the road when she was young. Ever since then she has been a great driver.

  22. Brandon Wiese 2/10/12 TT2

    2. Everything has a limit of age

    3. In this chart it shows the crash rate by age. As you can see that most of the crashes are in between 16-25. The rest have less crashes. Starting at sixteen there is around 60 crashes. At seventeen there is around 45 crashes. Now eighteen and nineteen vary from 35 to 30 crashes. Last in between 20 and 25 it goes goes to about 25 to 15 crashes.
    Everybody doesn't like car crashes. The people that would be the most interested would be parents. They want to see how much risk there is for there kids. Car dealers could be interested too. They might see this as a opportunity to sell more cars. The car dealers are all about the money and the parents are all about their kids.
    Vroom! Vroom! it was the sound of my dads 1964 mustang with a v8 engine. I was 15 and he said once I turned 16 he would let me drive it. I was very eager to drive it. Just the way it purred down the road. 3 months had passed and I was getting my listens the next day. I thought maybe I'd sneak out and take the other car out for a stroll without my parents knowing. Little did I know that I was in for some big trouble. I was approaching a stop sign and I thought I didn't need to because i saw no one coming. CRASH! I didn't know what happen it wean't by so fast My dad saw me after the accident. He told me I'd never drive his mustang ever.

  23. 1. Michael Haase 2-10-12 TT2

    2. Practice makes better

    3. In this blog it tells us about the age of drivers and it tells the number of crashes that age group has. If your 16 years of age you are most likely to get in crash because they don't have much experience with driving. on the chart it drops a ton from the age of 16 to 25. After 25 it just stayed kin of the same al the way through 75 it dropped a little but not much. As your age increases your driving skills increase too. So your more likely not to get in a crash.
    Anyone over the age of sixteen would be interested in this information. This information can tell people that most people around sixteen need to practice their driving skills before they actually start driving on the road. If they don't practice they might hurt themselves or someone else. it would be terrible if you hurt someone or caused an accident.

    My step-brother just got his license about three months ago and my brother rode with him and his dad. They just went down the rode about a couple miles. Then a car came past them and he swerved and almost hit a couple mail boxes. My brother said that he was scared because they almost crashed and he said that he is never riding with him again.

  24. 1. Elle Kennedy 2-9-12 TT2

    2. The older you are, the more wise you are.

    3. The graph shows the amount of car accidents per 100 licensed drivers from ages 16-75. For age 16 there were 60 accidents. At age 25 there were only 15 accidents. At age 75 there were only 10 accidents. Teens get into accidents more because they tend to drive more than older people do and they aren't as experienced as people who have been driving for a longer time. Even from age 16-17 there is a drop in the number of accidents because they have been driving for 1 year longer than 16 year olds so they have more experience driving and they know what do if a car suddenly pulls out in front of them. It may seem like teens are irresponsible drivers and yes, some of them probably are but the main reason they get into accidents is because it's only their first few years driving.
    An ideal audience for this information would be adults or beginner drivers. Parents and grandparents are often worried about their child starting to drive. Imagine if you got in an accident in your first few years of driving. Your parents would feel very sad because they love and care about you. If your parent or guardian knew about this information they could talk to their kids who are starting to drive and tell them that they need to be very careful and aware their surroundings while they are driving. This information would be good for beginning drivers so that they realize how many people really get into crashes and how many of them are their age. If they were aware of the information they would probably try a little bit harder to be a safe driver and make sure that you can react fast in any situation without freaking out.
    Emma was very excited about finally having her license. Now she could go anywhere she wanted with whoever she wanted. Emma was waiting in her friend Allie's driveway so they could go to the mall for the day. Allie finally came flying out the front door and ran to the car. "Took you long enough". Emma said as Allie got into the car.
    They pulled out of Allie's driveway and sped away quickly. They turned onto the freeway and were on their way. Emma turned on music and Allie turned it louder and louder, until they couldn't hear anything else. Emma was yelling at her to turn the music down but Allie couldn't hear her over the music. Within seconds they were spinning around and being hit as if they were the ball in a pinball machine. They had been rear-ended by a semi truck whose brakes had broke. They could of got out of the way of the semi truck but they couldn't hear its horn over the blasting music. They finally stopped spinning and rolling and ended up flipped over in a ditch. Emma had a gash in her head from the windshield shattering. She looked over at Allie and her arm was clearly broken and bent.
    Emma asked herself what had happened, and sat there, wondering if Allie could ever trust her, again.

  25. 1. Nick Norman MW2 2-8-12 REPOST
    2. Theres always a time and place for fun
    3. The graph shows that most 16 year olds crash more that people around 65-75 years old. The difference is about 75%. I think this because of being not so experienced at it and responsibility. People who are around 45 years old don't really crash because of there actions. From 45 years old to 65 years old the graph would increase. I think because older people don't really drive as much as the people in there younger years. The most crashes happen between 16-25 and the least is from 45-75 years old. There are many reason for this.
    I think a lot of adult would be interested in this time because of the fact that they are worried about there kids, and about themselves. If there are kids who aren't responsible when they are driving, they will take away another persons life who shouldn't be because they aren't responsible. Not just adults but anybody who drives. They need to be aware of everyone who is driving on the road. It's very important.
    The day had come. It was time to take her drivers test. Ali my daughter just turned 16 and she was ready to take the test. "I'm so excited for this dad!" she screamed. The father was very nervous. She wasn't the most responsible person, but she was very good when it came to driving.
    As we got in the car we drove to the area without say anything. I think this is where she was getting nervous to. As she was getting out of the car the father said " Good luck Ali!" She smiled and walked into the building.
    She came out with a very devastating look on her face.
    Father said " what happened? You didn't get it?"
    She said "yes, but I almost got hit."
    "Well, there were a lot of teenagers in one small car and you could hear the music, most of them had phones out." Then she paused and said " I'm never going to do that, because of that I don't really want to drive a lot."
    " It's okay" said father as they drove all the way home.

  26. 1. Halle Chiarelli MW2 -10-12

    2.Be safe not stupid.

    3. In this chart this graph is explaining the amount of drivers who crash and what ages they are at when the crash. The chart shows that about 60 accidents are caused by drivers who are in the age of 16. The crash rates then drops to 45 crashes by people who are in the age of 17. The chart shows that there are many young drivers on the roads. The chart also shows that most of the crashes are by young drivers around the ages of 16-25. As the ages get older, the crash rate is a lot less. The crash rate is less because as people get older, they drive more and more and they gain more experience and are more cautious than others.

    Audiences that would most likely be interested in this topic would be parents with children that are new drivers. Also maybe any driver would be interested in this graph. Any driver should be interested in this graph so they know who that are driving with. Also to know who to look out for on the roads. Any body who drives should have the privilege to see this graph and know about it. Not only just to see it but for their own safety. Children who are about to receive their license should have this graph shown to them because then they can know that they should be very aware of when driving.

    A crash that I know of due to driving accidents is my cousin's friend. His friend's name was Ben. Ben was with his other friend named Joel. Ben and Joel were driving home one night and Ben was driving. The boys did not have their seat belts on. Ben slid off the road into a ditch and the car started rolling. Due to Ben not wearing his seatbelt, he was launched out of the car through the windshield. Joel was a bit bigger than Ben as to where he could stay in his seat and maintain himself. Ben was later found by someone who was taking a walk and he was reported to as dead. Joel on the other hand got some serious injuries. He was in a neck brace and he had many cuts and bruises. Not all car accidents result in death but many of them could. If you own a car, then use the car right. Manufacturers made seat belts so that you could stay safe and it would prevent you from getting launched through a windshield. Car accidents are scary things and can end up being tragedies, stick to what is right and make good choices not only when driving but all of your life.

  27. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 2/10/12

    2. The younger you are the more mistakes you make.

    3. In the graph it is showing that the younger people have more automobile crashes. 16 year old drivers have 60 crashes per 100 driver licenses given. Then there is only 10 crashes per 100 licenses that have been given to driver that are now the age of 75 or higher. The younger people around there teenage and young adult years have more crashes because they drive more as then the older people. Starting from age 16, that age has more crashes because they are just starting to drive and are getting used to the real life with a car. The older the teenagers and young adult get the less crashes there are that are taking in place because they are getting more used to driving and being safer than when they were in there teenage years.
    With this topic I think the audiences that would have the most interest are Parents, Teachers, Government, and Driving Teachers would be the most interested in seeing the graph. For an example if I showed this graph to someones parents that care about there child's future (There are some parents out that don't really care for their kids and just let them do what ever), then they would be more involved with knowing that there child knows how to drive before they start driving at the age of 16. If you showed this to a driving teacher then they would know if they have to teach their students better than what they have done in the past so the students have a safer and happier life. Showing this to the government would interest them because if they see lots of crashes have happened when teenagers are younger, then they could make a law and change the age limit for driving.
    My mom would tell me stories about her brother getting in crashes all the time. My Uncle Greg wasn't really that careful with his cars. He had a brand new GT Mustangs, but he didn't take care of them much and right when he got his licenses he would would go race people in the streets and would go really fast on the highway and got a lot of tickets. One time though he was going really fast and a car was turning into the next lane which was his lane and they both crashed into each other and my Uncle's car got totaled because he wasn't being a good driver. After his car was totaled he got the same car in a month since the crash. After another two months he crashed that one again and it wasn't totaled but had a lot of damage on it.

  28. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 2-10-12 MW2

    2. The older you are, the more experience you have.

    3. This graph proves that the younger you are, the more likely you are to get in a crash. At the age of 16, about 60 people got in a crash... 60! But, at the age of 75 only about 10 got in an accident. That show that the older you are, the less likely you are to get in an accident! That's amazing!

    Audiences that want to change the driving age and want to prove a point to there kid to be careful should use this graph. The driving age problem is when a person starts to drive, it is like they are 16. No experience, no idea. Changing the age will only change the accident rates by moving them up a little. This would scare me if my dad showed me this and pounded it into my head that I have to be careful!

    Once there was a boy that wanted to go on a rode trip with his friends. He just got his drivers license and was ready to get on the road. His father told him to be careful and that the younger you are driving, the more careful you've got to be. The boy replied okay and got in the car. Him and his friend were off to where ever the car would take them! A couple days into the trip, the boy was driving. His friends were asleep in the back. He was getting tired. The boy started to dose off when a huge pain hit his arm. It was like everything was in slow motion. He was upside down one minute and the next he was right side up in a ditch. It turned out a car hit the side of the boys car. The car rolled over and stopped in the ditch. His father was right.

  29. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 2/10/12

    2. Your knowledge and judgment grows as you get older.

    3. These numbers are telling us that the older you are, the less likely you are to get into an accident. This is because as people get older they become more cautious about driving. They have also had more experience on the road than younger drivers have had. The chart shows that younger drivers often get into more crashes than older drivers. This is because they haven't had enough experience driving yet but with time they will mature. When you look at the chart you can see a big difference of car crashes from age 16 to age 75. This is because of knowledge and experience of the road.
    I think this information would interest anyone that can drive, I mean I am interested by it and I dont even drive yet. I think people should be able to look at these kinds of charts and be able to see how many accidents are caused and what age groups they are caused by. I think if younger drivers saw this, they would be a little bit more cautious on the road when driving. Many teenagers text in the car while driving, even though it is against the law. I think that is one of the number one reason there are so many teen car crashes. It is because they aren't aware of the things around them.
    Last year my feind Christay and I were in her car and she went to turn a corner while texting and a deer jumped in front of the car. She was 17 at the time and was very unaware of her surroundings. She was having a conversation with a friend and obviously thought that was more important than looking at the road in front of her. She went to make a sharp turn and I looked up and saw a deer jump in front of the car. Christay hit her breaks and slid off the road. The airbags went off and I jumped out of the car. I ran to Chridtay's door to make sure she was ok. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. I saw my life flash before my eyes and I almost lost my best friend. I think is she would have seen this chart she would have been more aware of her surroundings and could have avoided the accident.

  30. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 2-10-12

    2. The more mature you get the wiser you get

    3. The numbers mean that 16 and 17 year olds get into accidents a lot more than 75 year olds. 16 and 17 year olds don't seem to pay attention when they drive. But as they get older and after all the accidents they've had, they start to pay attention more. The more you practice, the more you get perfect at not getting in an accident. Here are some tips for people who don't pay attention when driving: Pay attention, don't talk on your phone while driving, and no Texting while driving.

    Driving teacher s would especially love to see this graph. Because they could tell their students what to do and what not to do when driving. They could show them this graph. Parents would also love to see the graph because they could be in the car to make sure it doesn't happen and that their child is driving carefully. Make sure that the child is safe is the first thing you should do when they start drivers ed.

    Seeing cars get into a crash makes me think, What if that ever happened to me? I've heard that my parents got into a car crash when they were young, but it never really happened to me. My older sisters' friend got into a car accident before. She was going to fast and I think she slid and hit a tree. She had to wear a neck brace for a long time. It surprised me when I heard what happened. I don't know if anyone was in the car with her. Ever since then, she learned to be a little more careful.

  31. 1. Matt Strong 2/10/12 MW2

    2. The more experience you have, the better.

    3. The information provides the a lot of things. Out of 100 people for every age, a certain amount of people will get in a car accident. If you had 100 16 year old people, on average, 60 of them would eventually get in a car accident. This means that young drivers pay more attention to the other things going on than the road. One of the most common reasons teens get in car crashes is because of texting and talking on the phone while driving. Teens aren't paying attention to the road as much as they should. But with people who are in their mid 30s, they get in a lot less car crashes. that's because they know the road is more important than their phone. And then there's the elderly people. People in their early to mid 70s get in less car crashes because a lot of them aren't on the road anymore.
    Parents would be interested in this. It shows what could happen when their kid drives for the first time. The parent isn't in the car with them, and the graph shows they have a good chance of getting into an accident. Then the accident happens and there's nothing they can do about it.
    A perfect example of this is the movie The Blind Side. Michael was driving on the road for the first time with his little brother. He wasn't paying attention to the road because they were singing along to a song. Then a truck backed out in front of them and he didn't notice it. He ran into the truck. If he hadn't put his arm in front of the airbag, his little brother would've died. This shows that teens don't pay as much attention to the road as they should.

  32. 1.Megan Gunderson MW2 2-10-11
    2. Lesson Learned.
    Better safe than sorry
    3. This chart shows how teenagers ate irresponsible. The chart show that the younger you are the more car crashes you will be in.An example is if you are 16 you are very likely to get in a car crash.600 teenager the age of 16 get into a car crash.Where adults the age of 75 are less likely to be in a car crash.adults the age of 75 only have a few 100 crash around the world.
    Parents of teenager would most likely be interested in this chart.They would probably show it to there child as a reminder to be safe when driving.They also might use it to show that they are not responsible enough for a car because hundreds of teenagers get into accidents.Adults might be interested because they drive a lot. They might want to no how many crazy teen driver there are.
    I was looking out my window car window enjoying the view of the country side when all of a sudden bam. I was hit from behind.I pulled over to the side of the road.The car that had hit me followed.I got out and went around to the back of the car.The girl behind me got out of her car and walked up to me. She said"I didn't see you I was texting."I was in aw my car was all banged up and this girl didn't even say she was sorry.Who did she thick she was.A god that didn't get punishments or had consequences!"I was mad she was going to have to pay for a new bumper.That girl was so irresponsible.We exchanged numbers and I then drove off in anger.

  33. 1. Evan Bauer 2-8-12 MW2

    2. LL: Drive carful when you get your first car

    3. This information provides good information. It tells people that you are most likely going to have an accident between the age 16 and 25. That means you must be carful when you get to the age of driving. The graph shows that when you get old you are less likely to get in an accident like when you are between ages 35 and 75 the numbers of accidents go down to about 15 and the survey is out of hundreds of people. I think this is because teen's drive more then older people normally would. Also it could be because the older people have been driving more then teens and have more experience.
    This information could be very useful to people who just started driving. I think that these numbers would show teens that they need to be aware of what is around them. It shows them that accidents do happen and there is a good chance you could be in one. The graph makes them more alert or aware of what can happen and maybe they will take extra steps to try and prevent accidents.
    Here I was a perfect student. Got A on every report card sense 7th grade. I was the caption of the high school football team. I hade my life made. I loved my life and all of its worth, I just got my car a few days ago and was really excited. I wanted to celebrate with some friends of mine so we decided to go to California and ski the slopes of the gorges mountains. We finely got to California after a long trip, we were stile driving up the mountain to the resort. My friend Sam was in the passenger seat and two more of my buddys in the back. I was the driver of are ford truck. My friend same shouted "OCH" every one was looking at him including me then Sam just Said " I got stung by a stupid bee." I went to look back at the road and right as my eyes hit the road the truck slamed into the side of a ford mustang. No one was hurt but my parents had to pay a lot of money to fix both car's all because I took my eyes off the road for a few second, but I guest a few seconds is all it takes for something bad to happen.

  34. 1. Sam Love mw2 2/10/12

    2. "Practice makes perfect."

    3. The graph shows how many accidents annuanly per 100 licensed driver's happen. The graph can show a strong point. The numbers show the age, (16-75) and how many accidents. The number of accidents tends to be higher at about 16-25 for a few reasons. For one, the older the person is the fewer crashes they're in because they tend to not drive as much and have been driving for many years, they have experience. Kids between sixteen and twenty-five have a higher rash rate, because they're driving a lot more and are excited to go place sby themselves. Now they don't have to have a parent or someone drive them place, they can take friends with them also. The crash rate for another reason is higher because there is more younger drivers and they drive more often and are less careful, and dont have the experience.

    This chart would match with an audience of newer drivers, parents and even driving instructors. This would fit with younger drivers, because it shows how dangerous the real world is behind the wheel. Parents/adults could use this to talk to younger drivers and show them how that it does happen. It might not ever happen to you but there is that chance. It only takes one mistake. Driving instructord would most likely use this, because they're working with younger drivers and he/she can show them how dangerous it really is and it's not a joke. Driving is a serious matter, your parent's make it look easy but it's really not.

    I lost a grandfather to a car accident. My Dad was only 18 years old when it happened. Grandpa Love was driving down the express way with, my Grandma and my cousin Stephanie who was two at the time. They were cut by a younger driver causing him to slam his breaks. The impact of him hitting the steering wheel gave him a heart attack. The car rolled into the ditch, no one noticed untill Stephanie some how got out of the car and walked up to the side of the road and some one stopped when they saw her. Then they saw the car, my Grandma broke he back and still has back issues but my Grandpa died on the scene. It's hard ot imagine how my Grandma raised seven kids by herself and how my Dad went on with no father.

  35. 1. Malorie Moen 2/10/12 MW2

    2. The more experience you have driving, the safer you will be.

    3. The chart shows, that there were 60 car accidents per 100 licensed drivers at the age of 16. The majority of accidents, was from drivers that were sixteen years old. The lowest rates of car accidents was at, 10 car accidents per 100 people at the age of 75. There weren't as many accidents, since the drivers were older and had more experience. The chart mainly shows that, the more experience you have driving, the safer you will be.

    This chart could help many people. It would be really helpful to students in driver's training. They would know to be more careful while driving, and they would practice more, so that they can get more experience. The chart could also be useful to the Police too. Then they could watch for young drivers and make sure that they are driving safely. They could also prevent accidents from happening.

    After my brother turned 16 and finished all of his driver's ed. classes, he was finally ready to get his license. I remember being in the car, when he would just practice driving around in my subdivision, before he got his license. That was the worst car ride! I thought to myself, "Wow, he can barely drive, and he's getting his license?" It was so bad, that I could probably even drive better than that. Since he started a new job working at Chrysler, he has more experience with driving now. I actually feel safe in the car with him, because in just one year he has gotten so much more experienced. The more practice you have, the better you get.

  36. 1. Mikal LaButte 2/10/12 MW2

    2. With age comes responsibility.

    3. All of these numbers are a shocker, new drivers that are 16 have 60 accidents! Drivers that are 17 have 45 accidents. When your age goes up the number of accidents go down so this means the older you get and the better you get at driving there are the less accidents there will be. So this means that the new drivers are just a little bit shaky when they just start out driving. What this means is that when they just start driving they are just getting used to the feel of driving at 10-70 mph.

    The audience for this story would be new driver and parents of the new drivers. The reason why I say this is because the parents want their son/daughter to be safe on the road when they are driving and they dont want them to get hurt while they are driving or for that matter other people. This can be a big concern for parents when they send their son/ daughter on the road for the first time alone.

    A example for this topic would be last week when my brother was heading back up to college with some of his buddies the roads were a little slick then all of the sudden a car swerves in front of him and my brother didn't want to slam on the brakes because he didn't know if the roads were fine or icy. So then he eased into the brakes and he notised that he would ram the car in fornt of him so he had to slam on the brakes and he ended up swerving onto the shoulder of the road and sliding sideways through two poles and then right after he got control of his car another car swerved right in front of him so he gad to swerve again then he ended up hitting his bumper on the other cars tire and cracked his tail light.

  37. 1. Henry Haidler, 2/10/12, MW2

    2. The older you get the more wise you become.

    3. In this graph it shows that the older that people get the less crashes they get into. Im sure that its because they are older they become more safe and wiser while driving. The graph also shows that the age group 16-20 has many crashes. I think that they get into more crashes because they are less aware of things around them and with their friends so there is a lot of distractions. Also the ages 16-20 is still very young and your usually doing a lot more things than older people are. The ages after 25 don't have many crashes because they are becoming older and have more driving experience than the younger people do and are more aware of the rules and safety they have to have to not get in trouble or crashes.
    I think the kind of audiences that would be interested in this information is the parents of the younger new drivers. I think that the parents would like to know this information so then they can talk to their kids about safety and know that when they get older they will be more wise with their decisions. This graph could also scare many of the parents with new drivers because they realize that when you are young you make stupid and not very smart decisions that could cost them a lot. I think that insurance companies would also like this information because then they know who to target and how to persuade them in buying their products or service.
    My grandma doesn't like driving at all anymore because she isn't as confident as she used to be. As people get older they become a lot more scared that they may make a mistake. One day during the christmas time of year we were going to go get a christmas tree at this place that is far away. On our way there some of the other drivers weren't being very considerate of the road and were driving irresponsibly. A few times cars would come too close to the car and thats when my grandma would become a bit frightened because if she did something or if the other car did something wrong then there would be bad consequences. That whole entire day people weren't being very nice and were lazy with their driving skills but one thing that scared us to death was when we turned left off the main road onto a side road. There was a car that was going way to fast behind us and when we slowed down and turned it was coming right at us. My grandma not really knowing what to do drove slower but instead of the car going around the right side he went on the left side and barely missed us skimming the front of the car with a loud screeching noise and not stopping. The car drove off still fast as could be while we were still trying to calm down about the whole situation that had just occurred moments ago. My grandma since then has not wanted to drive as much and doesn't want to risk getting in a wreck because when that happened it was way to close for comfort.

  38. 1. Jensen Borkowski 2/10/12 TT2

    2. Practice makes perfect.

    3. This graph is showing the number of annual automobile crashes by age. The youngest drivers, at age sixteen, have the highest amount of crashes. The oldest age shown is seventy-five. The graph shows that the oldest age has the least amount of car crashes each year. The graph is also showing that for every one hundred sixteen year olds, sixty of them get in a car crash each year. That means that over fifty percent of new, licensed drivers get in car accidents every year.
    Parents would be interested in this information. This graph may help them encourage their teen to become a more safe driver. I think that Drivers Education teachers would be curious about this information too. The information may persuade them to be more careful when students are testing. It might also make them think twice about giving a new driver their license.

    It was a bright summer Saturday when Sara Hugh woke up. She was so excited! Her family was driving down to their cabin on the lake. They were spending the weekend wake boarding, water skiing, boating, tubing and swimming. Because she had been so excited since the beginning of the week, Sara was already packed. All she had to do was get up, get dressed and leave with her family.
    An hour later, the rest of Sara's family was packed and ready to go. They jumped into the car and they headed for their cabin. Sara and her little sister, Cassie, were listening to their iPods, their mom was reading a magazine and their dad was driving. All of the sudden, they heard loud music. So loud that Sara and Cassie could hear it even with their headphones in their ears. They pulled out their headphones and searched for the car with the loud music through their windows. They had barely turned their heads when the car slammed into the side of their car, throwing them into the other lane. They spiraled out of control along with the other car and and vehicles swerved to avoid hitting them. They spun off the road and the car finally came to a stop.
    “Is everyone okay?” Sara's dad asked.
    “Yeah, we're fine.” They all said, still stunned from the accident. Sara looked around, sitting up in her seat. Her sister had a cut across her cheek and Sara had a few on her arms. She was instantly thankful that her family was okay.
    Later, when the ambulance had checked them all out, declared they would be ok and said that nothing serious had happened, they talked to the police. The police said that a sixteen year old boy had crashed into us. He was a new driver and had just gotten his license a couple months ago. The boy apologized to Sara and her family and the police suspended his license.
    Thankfully, no one was severely hurt. However, if that boy would have been more careful, the crash could have been prevented, no one would have been harmed, and the Hugh family could have enjoyed their weekend on the lake.

  39. Riley Hafner MW2 2/10/12
    LL- The younger the age, the higher the number of crashes
    This graph shows the number of car crashes depending on age. As you can see, the numbers show that the drivers with a younger age had the highest accident rate. Almost 60 crashes per 100 licensed drivers was within teen 16 years of age. With that being said, the numbers also show that the older you are the less chance of an accident. Only a little over 10 crashes per 100 licensed drivers happened with people 45 years of age. In my opinion, the reasoning behind these numbers is because older people have more knowledge and experience in driving than younger drivers. Like my dad says, "When you first start driving, you might be good for your age but your still not a good driver. You still dont have all the tricks down yet so you really aren't a good driver." Teens who just get their licenses don't know half the things people in the 50s, 60, and 70s know about driving and so it makes sense to have numbers that imply that accidents happen more often with teens than older, experienced people.
    I think that both teens and adults would be interested in this information because teens can learn from it. They can see that driving isn't a game and that bad things can happen. It shows them that they are at more of a risk for an accident and that they need to practice and be safe while driving. It also shows adults that their kids need to be taught not just by the people at drivers e.d but by them as well. I believe that when your parents or grandparents show you something or help you with things it sinks in better because it comes from someone you really look up to and care about so when an adult like that helps you with driving you would take it more serious than when a teacher is helping you. Both of these audiences can be influenced by this graph because it effects both of them in different ways.
    One cold winter night, as me and my mom sat at home, the phone rang. That day had been great but when she answered it her emotion, expression, and over all feeling changed as her face lit up with shock. Her jaw dropped as my brother told her the news of what happened. Him, being a teenager, finally had gotten his license and got a car from his dad. Without a word my mom got her coat, helped me with mine, and she shoved me out the door, through the snow, and into the car. I could tell she didn't know whether to cry or scream and it made me really worried. We drove for a while up and down back roads until we finally reached it. Police, a tow truck, and some other cars sat around my brothers car which had spun out, flown off the road, and crashed into the woods and landed between some trees. I almost began to cry as my brother climbed into our Blazer because I could have lost him that day. In the end his windows were blown out and his rear view mirrors were ripped off. He also received a ticket that he took to court and fought. This just shows that teens should be careful while driving no matter what the weather.

  40. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 2/10/12 MW2

    2. Experience is everything.

    3. The numbers in this statistic show us what the flaws in driving ages are. You can see very clearly that when your a new driver you have a 50% chance of getting in an accident. That is very high and insecure numbers. Rather then when you hit around 25 years of age, is when you start to drive more safe and consistently. This shows that it possibly might be a good idea to get your licence at the age of 18 so you are older and less pron to crashes.
    An adience of 16 to 18 year olds would be interested in this the most of anyone because it involves them. I'm sure everyone would be involved because known one wants to see any more crashes on the roads these days, but still the young adults the most. They would want to see if waiting those 2 etra years to get your freedom to go were you want is worth it or not. Overall I think that they would not like the results because even though waiting 2 more years might be a good idea, your already in collage and you need a car then so if you cant drive it will be a hassle to get to collage.
    It was the day that all sixteen year old look for. The time when you can get behind the wheel and go were you please without your annoying parents trailing behind. It was a brisk summer morning when the early sixteen year old edged out his license from his wallet trying not to scratch it. His face lit up like a flashlight in the dark as he peered at his picture on the piece of plastic. Then he whispered to himself "Places to go, things to do." He then ran outside and hoped into an old Chevy pickup truck that his Father had given him on his birthday the week before. He was finally able to drive on his own. When he started the car the exhaust filled his lungs will the need for speed. He pulled out and got on the highway, he felt invincible. He peered through the window to see the car next to him and noticed that it was a kid around the same age as him in the car. They were both heading around 80 mph down the road. The kid looked back with a grin. He jolted his head back as if he was being cocky and started speeding up, I was hooked and started to increase speed as well almost as if we were racing for speed. But when we both started to slow down we looked at each other laughing and right at that moment he turned back facing the road but it was to late. He hit the wall of stone along the edge of the road. His car immediately flew up and started to do barrel rolls down the side of the road. The noise was very load and it almost seemed as though time stopped as the car came to a rest at the bottom of a ditch. I stopped my car and ran out but I wouldn't dare to look because the car was so mashed to pieces you couldn't even tell it was a car. The police arrived and later that day, he was confirmed dead. They said that he had just gotten his license a couple days before like him. For the rest of his life after the crash he never pushed the limits again because he new very well that he could've been the kid in the other car.

  41. 1. Joshua Helm/2-10-12/MW2

    2. If you drive and you're not prepared, You will be sorry.

    3. This Chart shows that Young drivers crash most. It also gives us a message that says, "Don't drive young and not worry." You can get hurt and crashes are random it is a worrisome world.

    This would be most interesting to parents warning their kids about being immature while driving young. This would be interesting to newer drivers too. This is some worthwhile information.

    This is a little story about driving I heard. This guy in a town near my hometown driving a motorcycle got hit by a truck leaving a home depot. He was hurt badly and the truck driver was on his phone when he hit him. He was 17, he hit this guy my mom knew. He could have DIED! Just because he THOUGHT he had it under control.

  42. 1. Lexi Cox, 2/10/12, TT4

    2. Everything takes practice.

    3. In this chart it provides information on the amount of car crashes per age. It shows that the younger the drivers are the more accident that have happened, at mid age it is at its all time low. What that means is that right when your between the ages of 35 and 55 you are usually have the best experiences. You and older then that start to loose their ability to make good decisions.
    This chart provides information for all age drivers. It can be shown to teenagers to aware them that sometimes they are not the most experienced and to older people to tell them that they might need to start limiting how much they drive.

    Tommy was 16 and just passed his roads test, it was his 16th birthday and he could not wait to get out on the open rode with his friends and drive without supervision. Tommy and his two friends were one the highway and Tommy was not paying too much attention to the car ahead of him.
    "Look out!" Screamed Tommy's friend Mike.
    Next thing they knew all of the three boys were flipping inside of the car. The car was barrel rolling down the side ditch of the highway. The car slowly came to a stop and the boys had realized that because of Tommy not paying attention Tommy's car and the car ahead of him crashed together. It was an elderly man driving. Luckily no one was hurt in this accident but it showed both drivers a very important thing; The elderly man realized that he was getting too old to drive at high speeds and it showed Tommy that he needs to be much more cautious when driving.

  43. 1. Danielle Stowell 2/1012 TT4

    2. The older you get they wiser and smarter you are.

    3. This is a chart of automobile crashes. In between ages 16-25 are the ages that the accidents most occur. As the ages get higher and older to about 35-75 there are less accidents like about 10 accidents. Teens think they can get away with what they do on the road but it doesn't work that way. Ages like above 25 don't get in as many accidents as teenagers do because they are getting more practice and getting more experiences.
    The kind of audience would be interested in this would be Parents and teens and maybe a little bit of insurance companies. Parents would be interested because they want their kid to be safe when they get behind the wheel. Parents will want to teach all their kids the rights and wrongs to do on the road when they get their license for the first time. Teens would be interested because they want to have their own car and be able to drive in it, and go places with out their parents. Insurance companies would be interested because when the teen would get in a car accident the insurance company would have to pay to fix your car and the other persons car that you hit. But, the crashes are not always the teens faults, some adults are terrible drivers.
    One day my mom was driving home from work and she was still young and was new at driving and the light turned yellow and my mom was going one way and the other car was coming the opposite direction. My mom thought that the car coming in the opposite direction was going to stop so my mom went and turned right in front of the car and the other car hit my moms door on the other side and the car gave her a flat tire. I'm glad she didn't get injured!

  44. 1. Sam Hall TT4 2-10-2012

    2. With age comes experience

    3. The graph clearly shows that the younger the driver, the more crashes occur. Around sixteen the number of crashes is about 58 per licensed driver, while around 60 and 70 years of age, the number of crashes is only about 10 per licensed driver.

    Parents, insurance providers, car manufacturers and the drivers would want to have access to this information. Parents might want to use this as a reference as to when they should let their children attend driver's ed. Insurance providers will want to know how much to charge. Car manufacturers might want to add certain features to make the car safer for younger ages, and licensed drivers would want to know which age groups to avoid on the road.

    It was around 9:00 in the evening on a beautiful summer day. The sun had just barely set, leaving that majestic blue streaked across the sky. Cooper walked down the steps of his parents house, lingering for a moment as a firefly drifted by on the cool evening breeze. Cooper was sixteen years old, he had finished driver's ed only two weeks ago and had just gotten the keys to his mom's old car. Slamming the door, Cooper quickly inserted the key into the ignition, closing his eyes as the engine roared to life. He wiggled himself into position in front of the steering wheel, took his iPod out of pocket and popped in his earphones. Without looking behind him Cooper backed out of the driveway and into the street. Cruising down the highway Cooper dropped the soda he was sipping, reaching down to the floor of the car, with one hand still on the steering wheel Cooper suddenly swerved to the left, a moment later a sixteen-wheel semi slammed into the side of his car, sending Cooper flying over the divider line and into the oncoming lane, immediately two cars plowed into the car, ripping of the doors and flipping it onto his back. Later that night Cooper's parents received a call, Cooper was gone, one of the thousand's of young drivers killed in car crashes each year.

  45. 1. Kirsten Brydon 2-10-12 4th hour

    2. Wisdom comes with age

    3. On the graph shown above, it shows the age of people that got in car crashes. The younger the driver, the more likely they are to get into a car crash. This could be because the younger drivers are still getting used to driving on the open road and some of them might want to go faster because they think it's fun. They usually range around the ages of 16 to about 20-25. The older drivers are used to driving and know the rules better so they are less likely to hit someone on the road. They usually range from about 25 and above. Overall, the statistics show that "Wisdom comes with age".
    Insurance companies and similar groups would want to know this information. They use it to know who to charge more or give more insurance too. Another candidate for using this info would be a debater who believes that we should not be driving until we are 18 or older. They could use this information to convince others that we would be putting our children in danger by letting them drive at a young age. In both debates and companies, this info is useful to somebody.
    A young driver and an older driver were driving on to a gathering in the park. The younger just got his licensee a few days ago, while the older has been driving a very long time. The younger then decided to try to drive faster thinking he would get there faster then everyone else. The older knowing the consequences of passing speed limits, kept his speed. The older made it to the park before the younger since in his rush, he failed to notice that the police were nearby, so he had to stop and receive a ticket from the officer.

  46. 1. Julianna Welling 2/10/12
    2. With more experience you crash your car less
    3. These numbers show that drivers from 16 to 25 get in a lot more crashes then 35 to 75. The numbers of crashes from 16 to 25 is almost a straight line down then it gradually decreases down in number of crashes. The numbers mean that drivers that are younger get in more crashes. Crashes slow down when people get older because the drivers have more experience and possible less of them on the rode.
    The people who would be most interested in this information is car insurance people. They would want to know that so for younger drivers the insurance is way more because they get into way more crashes so they get more money. The insurance people are dividing it into boy and girls, boys get into more crashes then girls so they boys is going to be more then the girls. The insurance people would do that because it is all about making money.
    Chris just got her license she was so happy. Her mom let her drive home and she did a great job. When Chris and her mom got home Chris saw this brand new black car," Oh my god, I can't believe you got me a car," said Chris, "Well your well come do you like it." her mom said, "Ya". Chris and her mom got into the house and Chris's dad was there she gave him a huge and said "thank you guys so much I did not expect this." Both of them said "Your welcome" Chris then said, "Can I take my new car to the party a Tims house tonight", "Yes" said her parents. Chris went up stairs and got ready for the party. At 8:00p.m she left. She got to the party and had a great time. When she was leaving it was snowing really bad so she was driving slow, but then she wanted to get home faster so she sped up. She hit a bump and the car was going to fast to control so the car started spinning out of control then she saw a light coming fast in a half second later all the lights went out.

  47. 1. Devin Bryant 2/10/12 ††4

    2.the younger you are the more chance you have of an accident

    3. in this graph it shows that the younger you are the more chance you have to get in an accident and the numbers mean that for every hundred drivers that number is that many accidents per age 16 is 60X100 witch is 6000 accidents every year you get older it decreases from about ten at first then it goes to 5 less each so many years. what kind of audiences would be interested in this is the insurance people so they can figure out how much they can make you pay if ur 60 there gona make you pay a lot less than if your 16. Here is my short story i was going up north on a warm summer day i was so happy i was going to go see my grandpa witch i only see once a year he lives 4 hours away but his house is amazing he lives on like 20 acres of forest but he made trails all though it and made them really nice and he also lives on a lake but anyways so we were driving down a back road speed limits 55 i look from the back seat and i saw my uncle that had been watching my brother the hole trip trying to get him hours to drive and he was looking at the woods half asleep i looked up agin to my brother i see the speed thing is up to 100 then i see it going down 90 80 75 my uncle looks back behind my car he says blaine are you getting pulled over blaine nervously says yes i thought they were joking but i see blaine pull over to the side of the road and i see the car i was she came up to the window gave him this big boring lecture about hows that dangerous and then she goes to right him a ticket i start laughing and say im going to be the favorite kid for a while.

  48. 1. Seth Wilson feb 10 MW4

    2. practice makes perfect

    3. The first paragraph shows that you have to practice driving to be good at it. Also that the younger you are the more bad decisions you make not only in driving but in life in general. Also that there are a lot of teens that get injured in car accidents.
    Audiences that would be interested would be such people as law enforcement. Teen agers would also be very interested in it. As long with adults such as parents and stuff.
    There once was a boy and his dad had him throw a baseball at a fence every day before going to school. When it came time to get his license he got it and he father just said '' remember when you first started throwing the baseball at the fence how much you missed?'' The son said ''yes'' and the father said the same concept applies to driving, you may make mistakes at a young age.

  49. 1. Alex Smith, 2/8/12

    2. Even though it’s a bad lesson learned, mine would be ‘practice makes perfect’. It’s the only one I can think of.

    This chart shows ‘Annual Automobile Crashes by Age’. At the end of the title of the chart is an asterisk (*). The asterisk relates to a little additional note saying, “*If you start driving at age 18, the crash frequency is like those of 16-year-old drivers on this chart”

    The vertical axis is ‘crashes per 100 licensed drivers’. It starts at five, and increases by five until it reaches 60. The horizontal axis is ‘driver age’. The horizontal axis starts at 16, but then skips to 25. Each interval increases by 10 until it reaches 75.

    The graph starts at ~60 crashes per licenses, but has a steep decline until age 25. At age 25, the number is still decreasing but at a much slower rate. This tells me that as a driver spends more time on the road, they become more experienced and don’t have as many accidents.

    I can see this being used in al least two ways. The first way is that if this chart is shown to a group of teenagers who’re getting their license it could be used as a ‘scare tactic’, if you will. In the hopes of getting these kids to have safer driving habits. Because if they have safer driving habits, they’ll be less likely to get in an accident.

    The second is that this chart could be used to support an argument that the driving age should be pushed back. However, because of the asterisk, it wouldn't be too effective if you just simply PUSH back the driving age. So, more specifically, I can see this graph as being used to push back the driving age IN ORDER to increase the amount of time in which they spend training. So, they’re more prepared.

  50. 1. Aaron Durham, 2-8-12, MW4

    2. "Do First Talk Last"

    3. This chat explains the crash rate between ages 16 and up this chart is very use full because it shows how older drivers with more experience know what they are doing on the road other than younger people who don't pay much attention to their surroundings. older people have shown that they kind of stop driving more and spend more time maybe at home but, younger people spend more time driving which means most young teen drivers are careless and crash their car's the most. in that case this chart proves and shows that people under the age of 25 have the most accidents.

    The teen driver audience would probably be pay the most attention to this because I think the awareness can create maybe a boundary line for all of the teen driver's in America so when they think about something that is illegal they follow through with the procedures and continue to make their driving experience a safe and calm one. instead of blasting their loud music of doing their make up or talking on the phone etc. this can and would impact the number of accidents in America and I'm very sure it would put a dent into accidents in the U.S.

    When I was younger I grew up in the type of family who really strongly believe in expressing themselves and soon they would realize this would hurt them both mentally and physically. it all started when I was ten years old and me and my dad were driving down my old hometown road, my dad loves his music and when he played it....It was loud, very loud! as we drove down the street my dad was focusing on changing to radio to the next song little did he notice a black SUV was pulling out in-front of us and usually. My dad is pretty good at noticing weird things on the road but turns out he didn't notice a stop sign on the side of the street and we impacted with the SUV which put me and my dad into permanent shock, just as these statistics say even adults can have different driving ways.

  51. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 2/10/12

    2. Older is wiser.

    3. The numbers show multiple things on the graph. They show that ages 25 through 75 get into less accidents than younger drivers at the age of 16-24. Every year that the people grow older, the amount of car accidents goes down by about 10. That means that after driving for just one year alone, 10 less car crashes will happen in that specific age group. But, when you get to about the age of 25, the number of accidents only goes down by like one or two because they have more experience and know what they are doing.

    The audiences that would like to know this are definitely drivers in the early age. That is because seeing this could make them more aware of what is going on and try to be safe. Also, parents with young new drivers. This is because they can warn there children to be safe and cautious on the road. The parents may even make them wait to get their license until they feel that their child is more mature and able. If the drivers don't take these statistics into consideration, then they won't care what they do on the road and will drive without a care. And that, is when accidents happen.
    One day last year in January, Caroline and Jessica went out to go shopping. It was still a little slippery out, and they had had a snow day. Caroline's dad told them to be careful, and she said she would be. But, Caroline wasn't the one driving. When Jessica and Caroline pulled up to a four way stop, Jessica didn't stop soon enough. They slid in the middle of the road and got hit by a car head on. Both girls ended up okay, but the 16 year old boy in the car did not. He ended up passing away when the cars came in contact. If both cars would have been more careful, none of this would have happened. Caroline and Jessica are now both very cautious when driving anytime anywhere. They just want everybody to see what happened to them and the boy before they make the same mistake.

  52. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 2/10/12, MW4
    2. All ages can get into an accident

    3. The numbers mean how many people usually get into a car accident in a year, and how old they are. The younger people have more crashes on the chart. compared to the 60 year olds they have been listed as 16 crashes per year, but the 16 year olds have 75 crashes per year.
    An audience that would be interested in this information would be car companies. That way they could determine how to make there cars better, and not as dangerous in car accidents. Also that could make car companies try to talk people out of buying another companies car's because of the rate of people dying with their cars in accidents.
    People are not as careful as they should be while they are driving! My mom decided to take me shopping and on the way there we almost got hit by a car! There is an intersection in the highway, we had to take it to get across to the mall. As we were turning the corner a car almost hit us! It wasn't my moms fault it was the other person because they weren't paying attention! I'm happy we didn't get hit!

  53. 1. Ian Grady 1-10-2012

    2. Older drivers have better records

    3. This graph provides the numbers of car crashes by age of the drivers. It shows that the younger the driver, the more likely there is to be a crash. It's like that way because the younger drivers are more new to it and are less experienced at reacting to something before a crash.
    The drivers that would be most interested in this information would be people who are about to start drivers ed because they need to know that their age group is the one that crashes the most so, they need to always be focused and always leave their phones off and things like that. Also, they need to understand to watch out for other people making a crash happen and not just themselves.
    I was watching an Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and it was about a family who had a 16 year old daughter who was texting and driving and flipped the truck she was in and she died. The family kept the truck in the exact same condition and decided to turn the wrong into a right. so they traveled around the country explaining why texting and driving was so bad and they would use her, and the truck as an example to not text and drive and to remember everyone who made the wrong decision. All in all, this is the most moving story I remember.

  54. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 2/8/12 - MW4

    2. Practice Makes Perfect

    In the chart above you can see the crash rate of people who drive of all ages. You can see the rate in which people crash from they start to drive at the age of 16 to they turn into there late 70's. As you can see by the chart, people who are just starting off on there driving experience, seem to have a more likely chance of crashing as those of an older adult.
    If you were just starting off on driving at the age of 16 or the age of 18 whichever you choose. I think that they should look at this chart to be aware that there are risks of being in crashes. And that since you are new to driving that you should be very careful, because since your new to it and there could be mistakes.
    If you are in your late 50's and above I wouldn't worry because you have a lot of experience in driving and should have a lower risk of being in a severe car crash. But i would still advise you to be aware that there are constantly new drivers out there that don't know as much about driving and anything could happen.


    There was once a boy who always dreamed of driving. He finally grew old enough where he could start practicing for his drivers license. When he was waiting for the person to come out and give him his test. He saw a poster hanging on the wall. It showed "Estimated crash's per age" He studied it for a minute. and saw that 16 year olds have a very high chance of being in a car crash. He was kind of scared by this fact. But he knew that if he tried hard that he wouldn't be on that chart.

  55. 1. Daisy York 2-10-12

    2. The older you are the more experience you have.

    3. This chart concludes that the biggest age group to have accidents are 16-25 with the average rate of 60 accidents per one hundred people.The lowest age group for accidents was only ten accidents per one hundred people. This means that overall the biggest minority group is teens and inexperienced drivers.
    The type of audience that would be interested in this is insurance companies,because they want to know if they should have a certain coverage age. Also parents should see this chart the reason being is because some parents don't care if their kids start driving at fifteen by themselves. Or when kids turn sixteen they let them out driving everywhere and anywhere. After seeing this I believe that they would think over their child's driving abilities
    As lucy Jones came driving out of the parking lot for the first time in her life she could taste the freedom of what her sixteenth birthday had given her. Today was lucy's Sweet Sixteenth and she had just gotten her brand new license,she couldn't wait to be able to go everywhere she wanted and be able to pick up her friends,everyone would be jealous of her and she knew it. She pulled out onto the main road,every thing was a new experience for her, She was so happy she wasn''t paying close enough attention to the road when out of nowhere a car came flying around the corner crashing into her car sending her car flipping at least six times. Sadly she was not wearing a seat belt and was knocked into coma. It turned out that she was the one who was supposed to stop,but she did not know that she was suppose to. She was so preoccupied that she didn't see the sign that read "No Turn On Red" . Her mother was devastated, she had wished that she would have better prepared her daughter for what it was really like for on the road. She later went on t start a national campaign to raise the driving age. She called it "Raise the Age Save a LIFE."

  56. 1. Michael Atwood/ 2-8-12/ MW4

    2. Safe driving often comes with age.

    3. This information supplies an idea of how safe certain age groups drive. It shows us the difference between the number of crashes in young drivers (16-20 years of age) and older, more experienced drivers (25-75 years of age). Younger drivers tend to have more crashes than older drivers, ranging from 60 to 35 crashes a year, depending on how older you are in that group (older kids have less crashes). Older drivers tend to have less crashes than younger drivers, ranging from 15-10 crashes a year (again, the older the person in this age group, the less crashes). This may relate to how many 75-year-olds don't drive.
    All drivers would be interested in this. I think younger drivers and young people who are thinking of driving would really want to know this, though. If younger drivers knew this, they might be less daring on the road, and take more cautions, since they are the cause of most crashes. Young people thinking about driving might think before they start so soon. They may want to start later in life, because older people crash less.
    One day, a father was driving out to buy some bread with his son in the passenger seat. He had just got his drivers license and was very proud and felt bigger because of it. The father had known how he felt, for he had once gotten his license and was the exact same way. But after years of experience, he had become much more safe in his driving. He was talking to his son when a semi-truck drove out into his lane. He hit the breaks, and stopped 10 feet before it. He sighed with relief.
    A week later, the father and son drove out to buy some bread again, only this time he let the son drive. They were driving down the road, when a bus came right out of a side road. The son, not realizing it was there, hit it hard. The airbags inflated, and soon they were lost in the white. They both survived the crash, but the car was totaled. He decided not to drive for a few weeks. In the third paragraph, share a short story (anecdote) that supports these statistics.

  57. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4th
    2.Better be safe then sorry
    3.This graph shows that the younger you are the more chance you are to get into a car accident. People that are 16 have the more chance of getting into a car accident more then people that are 70. People that are 70 don't have a high risk of being in a car accident because they have been driving for a long time and then know how to drive. But people that are 16 just started to drive and don't really know how to drive that well so they are in a high risk of getting into a car accident. There is so many people that get into car accidents now these days and it is very scary. The older you get the less you are going to get into a car accident. No one really wants to go through all that insurance and have to fill out alot of paper work. Here is my short story i was going to traverse city and it was icy out. We were stopping at the red light and someone decides to try and cut in front of us when we were about to stop at a red light. The person hits my moms door and the back side of the car then takes off and never came back. We had to get rid of the car but now we have a new one.

  58. 1. Cade Marttinen 2/10/12 MW4

    2. You need experience to drive safely.

    3. This graph is telling you how many crashes occur between every 100 licensed people. In the ages between 16 and 25, people tend to crash more. They want to experience the fun of driving so they are a little more careless. Adults ages 35 to 75 don't change very much. They know how to handle a vehicle and have already experienced crashing and don't want to do it again. As you get older, you gain experience and handle things with more care.
    Insurance companies would like to know this type of information. They could use it to know who the best people are to give insurance to and what prices. Every day people would like to see this graph. It gives them an insight into how many people crash their car. They would then know when to let their teenagers drive and to make sure they have insurance.This graph is informational.
    Finally, he thought. I can drive a car. Fred hopped into his Acura and took off down the road. Fred went driving and was having the time of his life. He wasn't paying much attention and the next thing he knew, he was laying in a ditch all dazed with ambulances around him. Care fullness is very important when driving a car.

  59. 1. Bri Rumple MW4 2.10.12

    2. The more older you are the more mature you are.

    3. In the chart it is showing the amount of car accidents by age. The chart shows that when someone first starts driving, at the age or 16 that is when the most car accidents happen. In the chart it shows that as the age of a person goes up, the amount of car accidents go down. 16 to 25 year olds get in the most car accidents than at any other age. This means that when you are in your late teens/early twenties you are usually not that mature of careful when it comes to driving.
    A lot of parents would probably be interested in seeing this information so that they can decide when they think their child is mature enough to drive safely for the safety of themselves and other people. Everyone thinks that when you're 16 your able to drive, but just because the state of Michigan says sixteen is the age you should be able to drive at does not mean that everyone is ready to drive. You have to be sure that you know all the dangers of driving and what could happen if your not careful.
    When I was younger, someone that I know was involved in a horrible car accident. She was in her early thirties at the time. She was at a stoplight and when the light turned green, she started to drive, but so did another person at the other side of the intersection. The car smashed into her car and she was plunged out of the windshield. Later, the police found out that it was a teenager who was driving drunk. Because of someone else's mistake, she is now paralyzed for life and cannot move anything but her eyes. This is an example of why it is very important to be a safe driver, because you could end up getting you, or someone else hurt or even killed.

  60. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4th
    2.Better be safe then sorry
    3.This graph shows that the younger you are the more chance you are to get into a car accident. People that are 16 have the more chance of getting into a car accident more then people that are 70. People that are 70 don't have a high risk of being in a car accident because they have been driving for a long time and then know how to drive. But people that are 16 just started to drive and don't really know how to drive that well so they are in a high risk of getting into a car accident.The people that would interested in this information is the people that just started to drive because they need to know what ages get into car accidents and how don't. They need to be focused on leaving there phones alone while driving. They also need to focus on people making a crash happens and not to join in. There is so many people that get into car accidents now these days and it is very scary. The older you get the less you are going to get into a car accident. No one really wants to go through all that insurance and have to fill out alot of paper work. Here is my short story i was going to traverse city and it was icy out. We were stopping at the red light and someone decides to try and cut in front of us when we were about to stop at a red light. The person hits my moms door and the back side of the car then takes off and never came back. We had to get rid of the car but now we have a new one.

  61. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 2/10/12, TT2

    2. Age limit of driving safely without any incidents occurring.

    3. In my perspective, the crash rate chart shows that the most amount of drivers aged 16 years old had the most car crashes occurring at that moment this is because children that are new to vehicles are more likely to be careless then adults are most likely to get hurt in car incidents this phenomenon is because, the older you get the wiser you will be. In my opinion, the reasoning behind these numbers is because older people have more knowledge and experience in driving than younger drivers.These wonderful people would like to know to make sure we are safe and ready to open up that new chapter in their lives but if they screw up their chance, what now ??? , what don't the government give some advice or take some actions but no !!!!! , they don't care cause we are the ones that will be responsible for actions....not someone else.....

    In my perspective, the kind of audience that will be influenced by these type of news are driving institutes, young parents, teachers, students, the government, and maybe the people all around the world would want to explore about different countries and the car crash rates occurring.This habit is like reading a book, but when you read a book you will read it silently but now why don't you just share it aloud with your fellow friend and adults that you may not know in a long lost world.Like my mom says, "When you first start driving, you might be good for your age but your still not a good driver.Both of these audiences can be influenced by this graph because it effects both of them in different ways and each and every person has different thoughts and reactions.

    One tropical bloom night , after my great grandparents passed away, that particular night my uncle wanted to send my mom's clothes to his house from my great grandparents house because the next day my mom will be taking the flight to saudi arabia.My mom asked him to send the clothes to his house which is located 3 minutes from my great grandparents house that is 92 years old.After that, he drove his motor bike
    to his house, suddenly, there were two young teenagers that were trying to bang my uncle ....... then he gave way to the teens and they just crushed him with their bikes in front of the grave yard.The horrifying part was the graveyard .After that he called the house phone and picked it up and he was mumbling ....I could not understand so I gave the phone to my mom and she said that he was in an accident.So one of the guys were caught and sent to jail by my aunt that is a cop.I think that the part where my aunt arrested the guy was cool.But one the other hand , my uncle was injured badly at his right leg. His leg was fractured and his flesh ripped off like when a lion feeds on it's prey.I called the ambulance as fast as I could and they rushed to the incident after 5 minutes passed. I was there watching the guy who did this to my uncle and I came closer to the guy and I told him that "If I ever see you near my uncle, again you will suffer the consequences" supposedly the guy was drunk and I slapped him in the face and said that "If your mom knew what happened, she would be very disappointed" and the guy said that he did not have a mom and I went like "How old are you ?" and he said that he is 18 years old.This just shows that teens should be careful while driving no matter what the situation is.

  62. LeAnn Howe MW2 2-10-12

    2. It takes time to mature.

    3. This chart shows the automobile accidents that happen with a certain age. Ages 16-25 are when the most accidents happen. Over half of the 16 year olds get into a crash. They are unexperienced and need more time before they get their license. From the age of 55-75 the crashes per 100 licensed drivers doesn't change very much. It stays around 10 drivers. Basically, teenagers have many distractions when they are driving. If they are texting, their eyes won't be focused on the road causing them to have trouble driving.
    An audience that would be interested in graph would be parents. If their child was about to turn 16, they might want to wait a few more years before they let the child get his/hers license. Parents definitely don't want their child to get hurt.
    Another audience that may be interested in this chart would be the people who decided the driving age. Knowing that more accidents happen to teenagers may make them want to change the driving age. People are like bananas. You don't want to eat one that's not ripe and not mature. Ages 16-18 are the bananas that are yellow but still have a lot of green in them. Around the age of 43 is when the banana is completely yellow and ripe. Slowly, the fruit will become brown and less will drive making the accident rate lower.
    An anecdote that supports this chart is "The Axe Man." This is from a previous blog we did. The older man was way more experienced than the younger man. This caused the old axe man to beat the younger one in a competition. When you are young you think you have this spark inside that makes you seem invisible and nothing can hurt you. This causes teens to drive recklessly and get hurt. It takes time to mature and learn that it's better to be safe than sorry.

  63. 1. Jordan Danko TT2 2/10/12

    2. LL: Most people become less reckless the older they get

    3. This chart shows how many crashes happen at certain ages. For 16 year olds there has been 59 crashes. 45 17 year olds have crashed, 37 18 year olds, 32 19 year olds. There has been 26 20 year olds, 15 25 year olds, 14 35 year olds, 12 45 year olds. 10 55 year olds have crashed, 11 65 year olds. There have been 11 crashes due to 75 year olds.
    People such as insurance company’s, would be interested in this information. They would be able to use this chart to prove it's important for everyone to have insurance on their car, no matter there age. This chart would make it easy for them to explain why it costs more for teenagers insurance rather than adults.
    When my mom and her friend went to go midnight skiing one of them forgot there pass. They had to go back home to get it. On their way back they hit a ice patch on a corner. They spun out of control and slid off the side of the road into a ditch. They thought that they were going to die and said their goodbyes to each-other. When the car finally landed they realized they were okay. It was pitch black outside and they couldn't see anything. They had to walk 3 miles in their ski boots to back mt. Brighton. That experience let them learn a life lesson.

  64. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 2/10/12

    2. More experience comes more responsibility

    3. The numbers mean that we have a lot of young people that are reckless drivers. The older people have more experience so they can drive while not getting into accidents. After the age 20 it starts to lower and which is good so they can learn how to be safe drivers. At the age 16 there is many accidents that happen and I believe that we can teach people how to drive at 15 and 16. After 16 it lowers than after 17 it lowers so that is good.
    The people that are probably interested about this information are parents or guardians. What if your child is a reckless driver he could get injured or worse death? So I believe that parents watch out for there kid driving because they could get there license suspended or they get arrested. If I get into an accident I would suspended my license by my self I wouldn't drive until a couple months. So parents I believe would take the most precaution in this.
    Once there was this family named the Stark family and their son named Billy turned 16 and started to drive. One night Billy had friends over and he wanted to show his friends how good he can drive well that night there was a snowstorm so his friends were excited, but his mom told him no driving. So he did not obey and broke his moms rules, so they are on the road. Billy wasn't paying attention to the road so he hit an ice patch spun out of control into the woods. Every body was injured, but Billy was unconscious and not breathing and all of his friends were freaking out and called 911. The ambulance was there, but he died during the hospital ride. While his parents were out and they got the phone call that he had died during a car accident.

  65. Absent
    1Zack Fuller Mw2 2-13-12

    2. practice makes perfect

    3. the chart is explaining that the less experience behind the wheel the more accidents. The age that was the highest was at 16 and they were new to the wheel. The age that there were the least amount of accidents was the 50s . it went up a little after the 50s because there eyes could get bad. If started driving when you were 32 you were counted as a 16 year old driver. The age could be lifted but it would make older people worse at driving because they don’t get the experience.
    An audience that could be interested is department of transportation and police officers. The department of transportation could use this and see that they don't need to higher the driving age and just teach the kids better in driving class because they need practice to become better. If there are a lot of teens crashing in a cretin area the
    department of transportation can lower the speed limit. The Cops could enforce the law of going 55 in a 55. The cops pull them over and give them ticket and it's a 50 fine for anyone under 18.
    In sumer 1998 there 2 sixteen year olds. One of them was speeding to go some place and one always followed the rules witch mean the speed limit. They were both going school on a foggy winter morning in Winston Vermont. The speed demon was flying down a dirt road in a pick up truck and the rule following teen was right behind him. A car came no where hit the pickup and it was bad. The rule kid ran over to help both passengers out. The ones who crashed were best friends and they play basketball together. The rule following kid pick them up and rushed them to the nearest hospital a 3 miles away they got there safely because he followed the speed limit. The guy asked person who took him hospital how do you travel so safe he said “ I follow the speed limit and I race go karts witch gives me driving experience.”

  66. 1. Josh Mick 2/10/12 TT4

    2. Be sure you know the road before you get yourself in a accident.

    3. The graph shows that teens at the age of 16 often get themselves in accidents more than senior citizens. 70 year olds have 10% chances they will get in a accident. So teens need to learn the ways of the road before they get their license. Studies have shown almost 64% of teens get in an accident more than 1 time every month.

    The type of audiences that would be interested in this would be teens who are curious to see how much accidents teens get into. So they can talk to their parents about how and what they need to do in a situation involving the road.

    One day, a grandma was driving her SUV. When all of a sudden this idiot came out of nowhere and hit her front rear.

  67. 1.Heidi Siemon 2-10-12
    2. Old are wise, young are reckless.
    3. This graph shows that the most car crashes occur in younger people, or teenagers. The numbers tell you that you become a more wise and experienced driver when you get older. When teenagers start driving, they don't have as much knowledge as to how to drive. As they drive more often they will start to learn more, and get better at it.
    A lot of different people would be interested in seeing this information. Some of the people could be parents, kids, or just the teenagers themselves. The people who would really like to see it are the insurance companies. The insurance company can raise the prices if you are a reckless driver. The teenager will have a higher chance of wrecking their car than somebody thats older. If they would get in an accident, it would cost a lot more than it would with insurance.When they look at this information, they can tell if they need to raise it for the teenagers, and how much they should raise it.
    My brother had just gotten his license. He was so excited to drive around with his friends. So one day he told me that he was going to go to pick up some friends and drive around in his new cool car. He left to go pick up his best friend Jim. When he got to Jim's house, he was waiting out on his front porch. It was dark outside and he thought he saw some other people sitting with him. There was more people, and he wasn't planning on that. My brother drove them all anyway. They were on their way to the movie theatre, and everybody in the car was yelling and being obnoxious. It was hard for him to focus, and he lost control of the wheel. There was a mini van on the other side of the road, and my brother was headed right toward it. He grabbed hold of the wheel and turned it fast. The car ended up hitting a tree on the side of the road. Jim and my brother were fine, but with scrapes, cuts and bruises. One of Jim's friends ended up not making it. His license was taken away, and he will not be able to drive for awhile.

  68. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 2-14-12

    2. You can only get better, with experience.

    3. In the graph, it shows that it's mostly teens causing the accidents with cars. I think that, it makes it pretty clear that the newest drivers are the most careless drivers. Most teens that I see driving are driving like they have 2 minutes to get somewhere and if they don't make it there, than they are going to die. That's pretty crazy. I do think that older and more experienced people, are part of the crashes to, because they either drive like 2 miles per hour or like 200 miles per hour; it's pretty crazy. But if you look at the graph, it shows that 60 crashes per 100 licensed drivers, is created by 16 year olds. 16 is the age where you get your license, and I think that, that would be very exciting. Also the graph shows, that there in the 75 year old's range, only 10 our of100 crashes is caused by them. That is a big difference.
    I think that, most new drivers, or people who don't pay attention to the car's around them are the audience that would be most interested. I say that new drivers, might be more interested than others, because maybe then if they see how much that the teen's are causing the crashes, maybe than they won't be such a careless diver. But I do think that people who don't really pay that much attention to the car's around them, would be interested a lot to; only because maybe if they see how those people are driving and crashing into other car's or crashing into other things, maybe than they'll be influenced to talk to other people about careless driving, and creating car crashes.
    There was a four way stop, and an in-experienced driver, pulled forward speeding by and my dad tried to slam on his breaks, but the truck went sliding across the ice, and then the other car, with the in-experienced driver crashed into us. We spun in circles, and slowly came to a stop.

  69. Stephen Moore 2/9/12 TT2

    LL: most 16 year olds get in accidents when driving.

    The chart explains that the younger you are the more like get in an accident. The older you are your not as likely to get in accidents because you know more about driving.people made a driving school for a reason to teach you how to drive safely and I think this is a good law.There is 198 accidents in the chart.

    Most people want to drive when there 16 years old. I think the students in drivers ed would want to know this information. Maybe there parents would want to know about it to. Every one should be interested in how people drive so they can keep track.The way you drive affects your life and maybe others to.

    My older sister when she was 17 she was driving really fast but now that shes older she doesn't drive so fast any more. She doesn't drive so fast any more because she knows its the law.

  70. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 2-14-12

    2. You can only get better, with experience.

    3. In the graph, it shows that it's mostly teens causing the accidents with cars. I think that, it makes it pretty clear that the newest drivers are the most careless drivers. Most teens that I see driving are driving like they have 2 minutes to get somewhere and if they don't make it there, than they are going to die. That's pretty crazy. I do think that older and more experienced people, are part of the crashes to, because they either drive like 2 miles per hour or like 200 miles per hour; it's pretty crazy. But if you look at the graph, it shows that 60 crashes per 100 licensed drivers, is created by 16 year olds. 16 is the age where you get your license, and I think that, that would be very exciting. Also the graph shows, that there in the 75 year old's range, only 10 our of100 crashes is caused by them. That is a big difference.
    I think that, most new drivers, or people who don't pay attention to the car's around them are the audience that would be most interested. I say that new drivers, might be more interested than others, because maybe then if they see how much that the teen's are causing the crashes, maybe than they won't be such a careless diver. But I do think that people who don't really pay that much attention to the car's around them, would be interested a lot to; only because maybe if they see how those people are driving and crashing into other car's or crashing into other things, maybe than they'll be influenced to talk to other people about careless driving, and creating car crashes.
    There was a four way stop, and an in-experienced driver, pulled forward speeding by and my dad tried to slam on his breaks, but the truck went sliding across the ice, and then the other car, with the in-experienced driver crashed into us. We spun in circles, and slowly came to a stop.

  71. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    2. Practice makes perfect.

    3. This graph shows the number of crashes that happen. The younger people have a higher chance of getting in a car crash. The younger people get in more crashes because they dont have as much driving experience as the older people. Most crashes could be in the winter when it is snowing and they could have lost control and slid off the road into a tree. Practice makes perfect.
    An audience that would be interested in this information would be the driving instructors. Driving instructors are the ones that teach everyone how to drive. Some instructors may not teach the students as much as they need and that might cause them to get in accidents. They would be interested to see how they can improve there teaching.
    There once was a boy that was not so thrilled about driving. He didn't like to drive because he was lazy. One day he had to drive himself to school because his parents were sick of driving him to school. It was 6:30 on his way to school, HE just woke up and was tired. He fell asleep at the wheel and ended up in a ditch. The boy was always careful behind the wheel after that has happend.

  72. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-2-12. TT2.

    2. Everyone has there bad times, but you gotta keep your head up.

    3. In this graph it says main points. 35% of teens die in a motor vehicle. 12% suicide. 16% homicide and 37% any other ways. I think that people should do more things about teens death or preventing it. Everyone can to anything to make anyone feel better, like hey you look pretty today helps a lot towards anyone. I think if you see anyone that might be thinking of suicidal thoughts then they need help and should get advice from someone like a therapist.

    I think that its sad how many kids are having this issue now...and we should do something about it when we see them hurt, What mother and father wants to lose their daughter or sons to any of these ways. To prevent them we could have them take a little more responsibility for driving or longer school education about it and how seat belts help with keeping you safe. And with suicide if you see your kid down go talk to them about something if they don't wanna and you know somethings wrong get them help. Homicide is just stupid. Its always for stupid reasons and no one should hurt anyone else no matter what happend. So we could make others feel as they should about wanting to kill someone and all other is hard to prevent because everyone dies in this life time and you never know when your going to but we can do many things to help not make it happen so soon at a teenage age.

  73. Bryce Heatwole, MW2, 2-15-12
    2.The older the wiser.
    3.At age 16 there are 60 accidents and at age 75 there are only 10 accidents, but this is because older people don't drive as much as teenagers. Older people do not drive as much to sporting events or bars or anything. Also at a certain point they get their license taken away. At that point they would not be able to drive at all so no accidents for that specific person.
    This chart would draw teenage audiences and parent audiences. The teenagers would be interested because they want to drive. Maybe they think that they will lower the driving age. Parents would be interested because this involves the safety of their children. If government officials see how many accidents teenagers are involved in, they will want the driving age raised. The parents will say safety first.

  74. 1. Marissa Moore 2/2/12 TT2

    2. The younger the age, the more crashes

    3. In this graph, it shows leading deaths for teens. It doesn't mention every death, because they can't get every single way. I bet there's thousands. It shows that motor vehicles are the main death for teens, and that suicide is the smallest. What it doesn't show is how much is in the "All Other" category. For all we know, 36% of the "All Other" could be choking on mashed potatoes and then 1% be tripping down the stairs. It doesn't give you all of the information you need, because it is misleading and biased.
    If you would look over at this graph, you can see right here that Motor Vehicles are the leading cause of deaths for teens. 35%! How much of that percentage could have been saved if these kids had worn a seat belt? A lot. I believe that enforcing seat belt laws will save lives, MANY lives. I mean, you want to live as long as you can. Wearing a seat belt WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE. This law isn't really a burden, because it's saving your life, and it's something most people do anyways.
    “Give me my phone, you little brat!” Elise muttered as her younger brother Max grabbed it out of her pocket. Elise and Max were on there way home from school, Elise in the drivers seat and Max in the passenger.
    “Max! Now!” Elise was really getting frustrated, she didn't like others handling her phone. Her brother just stuck his tongue out, and did a little taunting giggle.
    “Ooh, Bradley. What does your boyfriend have to say?” Max squealed in a teasing voice. That little comment is what triggered Elise to unbuckle her seatbelt. Max was confused at first, but knew what was happening. Elise took both hand off of the steering wheel and lunged her petite arms at her brother, and missed the phone.
    “MAX! NOW!” She was really getting mad. He didn't tease her, but pretended to scroll through her messages. She threw herself at him one more time, but this time she grabbed her phone. But while she lunged at him, her elbow caught the steering wheel, and sent the car into another and into a ditch. The cars rolled, but luckily no one was killed. This here proves that the younger the teens are, the more distracted they can get. It's easier for them to get in crashes, and reality doesn't hit them until after it's already happened.

  75. Name:Reanna Marsden Date:2/11/12 Hour:4th.

    Drive with a seat belt.

    In the pie chart all other is the hight % of them at 37% teen age death .Then motor vehicles is the next one at 35% teen age death.After motor vehicles then comes homicide at16% teen age death.Final but not less comes suicide which has 12%teen death in the U.S.A.

    A lot of teen age death is because they don't' think to put on there seat belts when they first get in to the car .So when they hit a anther car and they fly out the windshield they mite just learn there lesson.You think that you are cool with out a seat belt well your not you are putting danger to your salf.

  76. 1. Tyler Pruneau 2/17/12 mw4

    2. Always where a seat belt when you in any car.

    3. numbers mean that 16 and 17 year olds get into accidents a lot more than 75 year olds. 16 and 17 year olds don't seem to pay attention when they drive. But as they get older and after all the accidents they've had, they start to pay attention more.
    from age 16 to age 75. This is because of knowledge and experience of the road.
    I think this information would interest anyone that can drive, I mean I am interested by it and I dont even drive yet. I think people should be able to look at these kinds of charts and be able to see how many accidents are caused and what age groups they are caused by.

  77. 1. Tyler Pruneau 2/17/12 mw4

    2.As you get older you get more wiser.

    3. The chart show that the younger you are the more car crashes you will be in.An example is if you are 16 you are very likely to get in a car crash.600 teenager the age of 16 get into a car crash.Most people 16 or over would like to read about this information to take in consideration. Changing the age would just push the rate up If they are keeping their eye on the elders the whole time, then they aren't going to catch the younger people that don't have the hang of it yet. One other group of people that might want to watch out is the people in general.

    One day i was sitting on my porch with my friend joey then out of no where we heard a Boom Smash but we didnt see anything,Later that day on the news was a car crash with Teenagers. None died but theres always a chance.

  78. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 2/10/12

    2. The older the wiser

    3. This graph shows the annual car crashes that happen by age. The youngest drivers shown on the graph at age 16 have the most car crashes. And the oldest people on the graph at the age of 75 have the least amount of car crashes each year and i think that this is because the older you are the more you know about the road and the more you have learned about driving a car. and also I believe that the older you get the better you get at driving because the elder people have more practice, and practice makes perfect.
    I believe that audiences of all ages would be interested to hear and see this information because it involves information about people from age 16 to age 75. and i also think that it would make some of the younger drivers think about it a little more and consider that maybe they need to be a little more careful about what they are doing when they are driving and maybe then there will be less accidents with so many younger people.

    One example for this topic would be, last summer my mom went out to go and have a good time out on zukey lake. she went with her boyfriend his name is jim she also went with a couple of other people that she did not know too well and they ended up having a good time. it was a saturday and none of them had drank in a while so they all drank and jim ended up getting drunk and so did my mom. when they were done out on the lake my mom and jim did not want to come back to the house yet so they decided to go and drive around on the backroads for a little while. they were driving in Jim's truck it was a ford bronco, it had two doors and an open top with a roll cage. at first my mom was driving and she was being pretty aware of her surroundings, of course more than she normally would, but the they got to a road and jim decided he wanted to drive, and my mom said fine, its your truck and she got out and went to the other side. about 20 minutes after driving around on that road carefully cause my mom was not letting him go too fast, he decided to slam on the gas peddle and they went flying forward. my mom kept telling him to stop but he was not listening and finally they hit a bump in the road and the truck started sliding sideways. all of a sudden they went off of the road and they flipped the truck it flipped three times before it finally stopped and thanks to the roll cage they were fine other than a couple bruises and scratches but if it weren't for that roll cage then they would have been completely crushed by the truck.

  79. 1. Maddie Haas 2TT 2/23/12
    2. Sometimes they make you wait for a reason.
    3. These numbers state that 16 year olds make the most crashes, by far, than any other driving age. The 16 year olds are at approximately 6:10 ratio of crashes. That means that every 10 16 year olds driving, 6 of them crash. But the 17 year olds are only at 45:100 ratio which means that out of every one hundred 17 year olds driving, 45 of them crash. It is a lot better but still isn't fantastic. There is a significant change from 16 to 25 because it goes from 6:10 to 15:100. It probably because at 25 people really mature. Once you get to 55-75 year olds, then they are basically the same at 1:10 ratio.
    Teenagers who are soon going to be driving you probably be interested in this because they will soon be driving and maybe they should wait another year. Also some parents would be interested and might tell their kids that they are too young and that 6:10 ratio of kids crashing isn't good enough. Some people that are in the government might be interested in this because they might want to increase the driving age.
    “Mom, everybody starts driving at 16, it's like an unwritten cool rule. If you don't get your license when you turn 16, your not cool.”
    “Well I would rather have you be “uncool” than be unsafe.”
    So I know it's not right, but I want to get my license now. I am going to take
    that test. “Mom, I'm going out to go get some groceries. I'll be back soon.”
    “Take your father so you can legally drive” My mother said in a nagging tone.
    I went upstairs to go see my dad and tell him that we were going to get my drivers license and he said “OK whatever your mother says”.
    We were on our way to the test when I hit a sheet of black ice. I tried to control the wheel but we just kept sliding. I screamed and my dad held on to the wheel but it was no use, we just kept sliding. We were just a few feet from hitting a tree when finally the brakes worked and the steering started to work and my dad dodged it right at the last second. I looked up at my dad and said “That was the scariest thing I have ever experienced.”
    My dad drove us home and I told my mom what happened. “Do you now understand why I don't want you driving?”
    Even though I didn't say it, I did understand. I am not driving until I am 18 and I don't care how “uncool” it is.

  80. 1. Brandon Cooke mw4

    2. Drive responsibly an don't be dumb.

    3. In the chart it shows how many auto mobiles are getting into crashed, the most are ages around 16 or 17 years of age. then the years like 50 to 75 there really low like maybe five. they's young teenage kids need to start thinking better an caring about them self s but others to because when you get into a crash you injury your self but other usually to!! i know if i was driving a car an was being ignorant an killed someone... I wouldn't no what to do. Thats what all they's kids need to think about.

    i think every age should have a chance or an opportunity to see this chart. it'll make them think more an mostly make them wanna drive safer. They should have the consequences to. Lets say if you do this, what will happen, i know if I saw this I would think an say oh I better start watching how i drive!

    One night my brother friend mike was coming home from work. He was driving pretty fast around this corner. Well when he came around it going like 65 when it was 45. There were deer passing he missed all them but one. He nailed it an it tour his front end up! He sled into a ditch, People stopped to see if he was alright an he was but he was injured pretty bad. He got whiplash an was in a lot of pain.. Thats why people should watch how they drive an be responsible how they drive.

  81. 1. Tyler Pruneau 3/12/12 mw4

    2. I learned that you should always were a seatbelt when your in any type of vehicle.

    3.75% car accidence are teens dive drinking and diving.
    If your 16 years of age you are most likely to get in crash because they don't have much experience with driving and most of the time some teens like to drink and drive or smoke and drive but i do not think that the teenagers are thinking before they act now days.

    I believe that parents and elders would looks for this kind of information because they have more experience and they would take action.And finally see how the teenagers act when they leave the house.

    When my brother first got his license he was really exited so he went out and got 5 of his friends in one mini van and they thought they where cool untill they got pulled over and my brother got his licenses taken away for 6 months.

  82. 1. Tyler Pruneau 3/18/12 mw4

    2. Think more when you drive.

    3.This graph is showing the number of annual automobile crashes by age.This information provides teenagers with the safety and information from an experience.This also shows how many things can go wrong when your young and you don't have a care.The chart shows that there are many young drivers on the roads. People that would be interested in this would be teenagers and young adult's and even parents,I believe these people would be interested in this because parents can sit there child down and talk to him about this,young adult's would like this because they can learn how to avoid these kind of things in the later run,teenagers would be interested in this because just like the young adult's they can use this in the later run but they would want to learn more so they dont have to worry about this kind of stuff.

  83. 1. Justin Wilson mw4
    2. more expereenced drivers are less likely to crash a car
    3. On this graph, it is talking about getting in car crashes. As you can see, the older you get the lower ar crashes you get in. When you are 16 60 people per 100 licensed drivers. But if you keep going higher up in age, it gets lower, and lower. At 55 it gets down to around 10 per 100. That is pretty good. 
I think people who teach new drivers would be interested, they would want to get their students to drive more safe. Also the police might want to see this, because if they don't know already, they need to be watching out for the younger drivers, rather than the older drivers. If they are keeping their eye on the elders the whole time, then they aren't going to catch the younger people that don't have the hang of it yet. One other group of people that might want to watch out is the people in general. If they are infront of a teenager and you are driving the speed limit. They are probably going to try and pass you, which might cause trouble. They might think they can get past you in time before a car comes, well sometimes they don't.
When my brother takes me places, he usually has it down, he can drive, and look for music on his ipod, but before that, he wasn't the greatest driver. When he just got his license, he drove me and my mom to go see a movie, it wasn't the safest ride in a car I had. Since he just got his license, he hadn't got the hang of it yet, and once my mom started making comments about his driving. My brother got a little more angry and drove a little worse than he was before.
