Thursday, October 6, 2011

Quote 5 - Influence

"The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

1. Name, Date, & Hour

2. Define the word "vigilant" as it is used in this quote from Patrick Henry. (complete sentences)

3. Connect this to your life, where you had to be vigilant in order for something good to happen. (Write 5 - 7 sentences in paragraph format - this means indenting as well)

4. Discuss the Iraq or Afghanistan war - why are we there? Use the word vigilant in your response. Bold the word vigilant in your response. (3 - 5 sentences)


  1. 1. kyle shehan, 10/6/11, tt2

    2.Vigilant means to keep a watch out for danger,"it is the vigilant" means he is keeping a watch out for anything that could be a threat

    3.One time i was vigilant and something good happened. Back 3-4 years ago my little brother thought it was a good idea to though a shoe at my head. if i was not paying antetion/being vigilant that shoe would have hit me in the face most likely breaking my nose.

    4. To be honest i don't relay know why we are in Iraq. is int it because we where hunting Osama Binladen? If it is why are we still there? On the topic how did Osama evade us this hole time, he must have been really vigilant.

    "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Name, Date, & Hour

    2. Define the word "vigilant" as it is used in this quote from Patrick Henry. (complete sentences)

    3. Connect this to your life, where you had to be vigilant in order for something good to happen. (Write 5 - 7 sentences in paragraph format - this means indenting as well)

    4. Discuss the Iraq or Afghanistan war - why are we there? Use the word vigilant in your response. Bold the word vigilant in your response. (3 - 5 sentences)

  2. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-6-11

    2. Vigilant is to keep watch for a reason or purpose, as in this quote it is Implying those who were vigilant for liberty.

    3. In my lifetime, I had to wait vigilantly for many things in my life. One example was when I waited for my younger sister to return for 5th grade camp. I was excited for her, but missed her and wanted her home. So waiting was how this was handled. My sister came home safely. So I guess that could be considered vigilant.

    4. Our troops vigilantly stand in Iraq and Afghanistan today because of war that has gone on for what feels like centuries. From what I hear, things have been going on there. One of these problems are terrorist attacks, but that's what I think

  3. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 10/10/11

    2.Vigilant means to be on the watch, or to be
    looking out for dangerous signs and things.

    3. I have to be vigilant in hockey all the time. If I get caught not being aware of whats going on, someone may rock me. One time in particular, I had the puck and was skating down the boards, and I saw someone coming at me at a high speed. He was about my size, so I braced for the hit and knocked him down. I ended up getting a break away and scoring the game winning goal.

    4. We went to Afghanistan and Iraq after 911. After the terrorist attacks, we wanted to kill all the terrorists in the world. We have been fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq for years. We still are this very day. We recently gained control of some key areas.

  4. 1.Jake Landsberger 10/10/11 TT2

    2. Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties

    3. When I was young I lived in Youngstown. It was a bad city and everyone was always watching. There were robberies, and theft, and even murder (luckily none near where I lived). I was always vigilant especially waiting for my dad to come home. I always waited for his white F-150 to pull into the driveway so that I could go see him after his long day of work. I was always a very observational child. I watched for my dog to run up to me when I got home from school, but mostly I watched to make sure nothing bad was happening.

    4. I honestly do not understand why we are in Afghanistan. We are trying to be VIGILANT and watch for dangers to towns. They aren't in our country and I think that we should have our troops here instead of overseas dealing with other peoples problems.

  5. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 10-9-11, T/T2
    2. The person who is unofficial, but tries to stop crime..(?)
    3. One time when I was vigilant, was when I had to stop my brother and his friend from fighting. They were arguing about the video game that they were playing, and my brother was being rude and started yelling at his friend. Then my brother and his friend went outside and they kept going along with arguing and then i saw my brother grab his friend and i yelled at him and he stopped.
    4. We are in Irag to fight because, in 2001 everyone knows how there was a terrorist attack on the world trade center in New York. After that there was a plane crash in Pennsylvania, people thought that this was the beginning of many more terrorist attacks by Ben Laden. So the soldiers got sent off to war to kill Oshama Ben Laden. In 2011 Oshama Ben Laden was killed. So now our troops are just fighting to keep our country safe, and let people live peacefully.

  6. 1. Marissa Moore 10/10/11 TT2

    2. To be vigilant is to be careful and watching out for any danger or bad things to come.

    3. A time in my life where I had to be vigilant was whenever I babysit (which is a lot). I have to watch out and make sure the little kid's are safe and don't get hurt. Especially when I'm watching actual babies, so they don't choke or put something in their mouth that they shouldn't. I have to pay attention, be careful, and be on the look out.

    4. Our country is in war right now, and they really have to be VIGILANT over there. They are over there trying to stop terrorists from attacking and attempting to destroy our country. They have to be vigilant because the terrorists are out to kill them, and they have to be very careful so they don't get harmed. They also have to be patient because they may be waiting to get new information and have to sit silently, because if they make a sound they could get killed. Our soldiers are very VIGILANT.

  7. 1. William McNamee 10/10/11 TT2

    2. The ones who wait and are patient for the right time.

    3.Little Freddy I am going to tell you about the time I was so vigilant I won a soccer game. Freddy I was about your age when I was playing soccer. It was the last game in the season and we were down by 1. I was waiting for the right time to strike so I guess you could sat I was vigilant. The ball came to me and I was ready but I wasn't moving because I was waiting. I was waiting for the defensive player to come closer so I could juke him out. Then at the right moment I went. The move worked perfectly and then I kicked the ball and Goal. We were all tied up and that little Freddy is the time I was vigilant.

    4.The reason I think we are in Iraq is because we are trying to be VIGILANT in preventing future acts of terror. If we show them they won't get away with it then they might be to scared to do it. The main reason that I think that we are in Iraq is because we are trying to protect American citizens.

  8. 1. Cody Musulin 10/10/11 TT2

    2. Vigilant is to keep watch for a reason or purpose, as in this quote it is implying those were vigilant for liberty.

    3. In my lifetime, I could relate to that from when I go hunting. I have to stay vigilant and keep watch for deer, and if I don't keep watch I won't be able to get a deer. We either go hunting in the morning or in the late afternoon, so I will be tired both times I go hunting, I would need to concentrate and keep watch.

    4. We are in Iraq and Afghanistan because we they are a threat to our nation and we need to defend our country. The soldiers there are very brave, and caring to protect our country. They need to stay VIGILANT when they are out of their base camp, and when they are in enemy territory.

  9. 1.Caleb Hudson 10-10-11 tt2

    2.Vigilant is to look for a reason and or purpose, In this quote it is saying that those who were vigilant is vigilant for liberty.

    3.I think i have been vigilant a few times in my life. I don't think i really have to look for possible danger or difficulty. I have a kitten now because of me being vigilant. I saw that a stray kitten born in the wild most likely was being chased by a raccoon. I decided to go help out the kitten by coming outside and scaring the raccoon away. Me and my family took the kitten to the doctor and had to have part of his tail taken off. And i think i was vigilant for looking for danger outside my house to others.

    4.The troops we have sent out to Iraq and Afghanistan are VIGILANT Because they are looking for difficulty's or dangers that could harm us. Because without them we would not be able to live in peace in our country. I am glad that they protect us from dangers and difficulty's that could harm us. Thank you Troops

  10. Brandon Wiese 10/10/11 TT2

    2. The word vigilant means someone that is a out going or someone that watches out for danger or difficulties.

    3. Vigilant comes into my life a lot. I have to be vigilant in football. Cause if I'm not vigilant in football my running back could get tackled so I have to look for people to block. I also need to be vigilant while school and watch out for things I'm not going to expect. For instance like a test. I have to make sure i know the things that will be on the test so i get a good grade.

    4. In the Afghanistan war the soldiers have to be VIGILANT. If their not vigilant they could lose their lives. Its good to be vigilant.

  11. 1.Sam dovin 10-10-11 TT2

    2. Vigilant means to be careful and watch out of anything that could happen

    3. When i went to a football game with my friend my mom said i had to be vigilant like carful, because i didn't want her to stay there. She said if i wasn't careful anything bad could happen and by making bad decisions.

    4. I know we are in war because like always we want to keep our freedom, Which is very good. I can't imagine going out there and fighting, really hard to imagine. I hope everyone is very VIGILANT as in safe and couscous. I really do appreciate the people fighting for are freedom and for us.

  12. Paige Leatherman 10/10/11 TT2

    2. Vigilant means to alertly watchful especially to avoid danger. So This definition goes with the phrase.

    3. I had to be vigilant when I was up town in Howell. Because I had to watch to make sure no one came up to my friends and I. Since I was careful to not talk to strangers and make sure we were safe, we had a good time. I'm glad that my friends and I were being vigilant or else we might have been hurt.

    4. The Afghanistan troops had to be VIGILANT and make sure they were safe during a war. They had to watch to see if they were going to get fired at or not. They were and still are VIGILANT. And by being VIGILANT they are protecting us.

  13. 1. Michael Yedinak, 10/10/11, TT2

    2. Vigilant- Is to keep careful for possible danger or difficulties to come.

    3. A time in my life where I had to be vigilant was when I helped my grandma up from a fall. She broke her nose and blood was everywhere. I was scared but made sure she was safe so I called my dad. While waiting I got her a dish cloth and wiped her face and cleaned the bed up. It was the scariest moment in my life, but I know I did a good job.

    4. We are in Iraq to help this country. Even though Osama Bin Laden is dead we still have to be VIGILANT for dangers to come. The soldiers fight for this country to keep us safe. I know this because of watching the news. The soldiers are brave and I thank them for doing this.

  14. 1. Jensen Borkowski 10/10/11 TT2

    2. Vigilant means to be careful and watch out for possible danger or difficulty.

    3. I was vigilant when the volleyball team went on a haunted hayride last year. We were all being pulled in the wagon and people wearing masks were jumping out at us from the bushes. We were scared because we didn't see them coming and suddenly they would come and scare us.
    One time, I saw a guy running from the bushes towards us. I was the only one who saw him so I knew he was coming. When he ran over, he didn't scare me because I was prepared for it. However, the rest of the volleyball team was prepared.

    4. Today, we have thousands of troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq. They are being very brave and fighting for our country. Fighting for our country requires them to be very vigilant.

  15. 1. Jade Cogar 10/10/11 TT2

    2. It means to carefully observant or attentive; on the look out for possible danger.

    3. Once in my life when I had to be vigilant was when I had to look out for the police. When I was 5 my mom called the police because someone kept knocking on are widows and we heard a gun fire after that, so we got scared. So my mom told me to go get her phone so we can call the police. It took them only 5 minuets to get to my house and I had to look out for them so when they got here we would be safe.

    4. They were there to vigilantly to stand for our country and to be there for us. They are there today to protect our country and fight for are right and to keep us safe.

  16. 1. Brooke Boyd 10-10-11 tt2

    2. Vigilant means to stay strong and to not give up and to keep careful watch for possible danger.

    3. A couple years ago my cousin and I were playing hide-an-go-seek and we jumped over a fence to a dirt road. Coming down the dirt road was a red car with tinted windows the car stopped and rolled down his window and asked if we wanted a piece of candy. My cousin and I ran away if we had not ran away and vigilant we could have been taken away.

    4. I'm not to sure why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Maybe its because we were trying to find Osama bin laden. If so the troops had to go and be careful and really vigilant trying to find him. Making sure they had no terrorist attack and no one had gotten hurt.

  17. 1. Elle Kennedy TT2 10-10-11

    2. Vigilant means to be aware of danger and to watch out for danger.

    3. When I snowboard I have to be vigilant because if I am not I could get lost by not reading the signs that tell me where not to go. Also if I am not watching where I am going I could run in to someone which would not be good.

    4. Our American troops that are in Iraq and Afghanistan have to be very vigilant or they could be severely hurt or even die. They are in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for our country but many of them are dying.

  18. 1. Jake Belford 10/10/11 tt2

    2. Vigilant means that you are watching carefully for danger or difficulties.

    3. A time I had to be vigilant was when I was in an airport and had to make sure nobody would take the bags we just got off the plane, and also had to get some more bags from the plane. I had to make sure that nobody was going to take our bags because my parents both went to the restroom. I also had to look for the bags so I could get out of the airport faster.

    4. I think we are in Afghanistan because a future president of ours did not like there leader so he tried to help the people of Afghanistan. I also think he wanted to make a profit off this war from his fuel company. This is what I think about this war.

  19. 1. Maddie Haas 10/10/11 TT2

    2. The word vigilant means to keeping careful watch for possible danger and difficulties.

    3. Once I had to be super vigilant because my mom said to watch my 1 1/2 year old cousin. They told me to be very vigilant because he likes putting lots of things in his mouth. If I took one eye off oh him, then he might have something dangerous in his mouth or playing with something harmful. And when I was watching him he would run around and play and prance around. We barely had a break. Then we would stop and take a breather and lay on the couch but the next second we would be off again. He would not stop moving! But my parents and my Aunt told me to be super vigilant when babysitting.

    4. We are in Iraq because we are trying to get revenge on the people who caused the twin towers attack. We want to show them that they can't do that and get away with it. We are protecting our country from evil people like this. And the group Al Quieda is currently in Afghanistan and Iraq so we are fighting them so we can be safe in this country.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. 1.Gursherveen Kaur 10/10/11 TT2

    2.The word viglant means to keep watch or to stay away from someone or from something.

    3.In my life,i was thought how to tie my shoelaces which was a good thing for me as i grew up into an teenage.On my birthday while i was playing soccer a girl took her shoe and hit it to my face and my nose was bleeding.

    4. The Afganistan war ,we the United States nation was included in the particular war.this is because we wanted independence so we had to fight for our rights.There were many terorists attack.That's what i think of the war.

  22. 1. Joshua Helm 10-10-11

    2. Vigilant means to be careful at all times.

    3. I had to be vigilant once. I have been all my life. I'm always careful. I was most vigilant during a water war. It was pretty cool.

    4. We are over in the Middle East because of 911, terrorism, and just evil. We are going to win that war on terror. Osama is Dead so life is easier for now. Well Life can't get worse. God bless our troops.

  23. Halle Chiarelli 10/10/11

    2. Vigilant means to be very watchful and to be alert.

    3. One time after one of my birthday parties, me aunt said that she had needed a babysitter for her kids. My sister Madison usually watches them, only this time she couldn't. My aunt asked my mom if she would want me to do it and so my mom asked me and I said yes. I had to be very watchful of my cousins the next day because they live basically in the middle of nowhere and I had to make sure that they didn't get into trouble. I also had to be vigilant because then my aunt would trust me to watch her kids and maybe she would let me do it again.

    4. We are in the Afghanistan War right now because there is something that we are fighting for. We have to be VIGILANT so that our troops don't get hurt and we can win a war for our rights.

  24. 1. Mikayla Rowlette MW2 10-10-11

    2. the word vigilant means to be very attentive, and pay close attention.

    3. I have to be very vigilant when I'm in dance class so that I don't get kicked in the face by the person next to me. I wasn't paying attention and I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time, she kicked me square in the nose.

    4. We are in Iraq and Afghanistan so that we can get rid of the terrorists. The troops that are there have to be Vigilant so that they are not injuring them or someone else when they fire. The troops need to know where they are in a moments notice, if they aren't vigilant they can be seriously injured.

  25. 1.Matt pankow, 10-10-1, MW2

    2. Vigilant means to be on watch for something important to happen. means to watch for anything, to be vigilant is to wonder what to look for.

    3. one time in my life when i was vigilant was when i was waiting for coras mom to pick me hunter and Dacia from school. we were all very vigilant waiting for her. we sat outside looking one way than the other. finally we thought we spotted her but it was someone else with the same car so we stayed vigilant. then we found her car and it was her this time.

    4. i believe we are in Iraq to get are revenge back on Pakistan and Taliban. We are trying to get back at them for what they tried to do attacks on the trade center. i guess we were not VIGILANTE enough to be able to protect us and that cost us. I wish we could of done something to not make us go to war. at least now all the soldiers in Iraq are VIGILANTE enough to protect them self and others.

  26. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Sam Love 10/10/11 mw2

    2. To watch or stay away form someone or something

    3. In my life, there was this kid in preschool
    that seem to be odd to me.I always watched what he was doing when he tried to go behind you. One day I was about to go down the slide and he pushed me. When that happened i was about six years old and I didn't care for heights. After this incident I did not want to go to school at all.

    4. We are there because the people of their country are being killed for no reason and coming over to the United States for freedom. The United States have taken action because we believe everyone should have rights. Instead their government is practically the military and is ran by fear and terrorism. The U.S has been VIGILANT of these countries because of terrorist attacks.

  27. 1.Abby Schoonover 10/10/11 MW2

    2.Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties

    3.I have had to be vigilant in many situations before. One of which was when I had to babysit my neighbors. It had been raining all day. When I went over to their house around seven o'clock it started to storm harder. Their parents left and it was just me and the kids. About an hour later the power went off. I had to keep an eye out for any possible danger such as trees falling onto the house and difficulties with the power outage.

    4.Our soldiers are in Iraq and Afghanistan for one reason, to protect us. They need to be VIGILANT and keep an eye out for danger. The soldiers are very brave. In their case being VIGILANT is very important.

  28. 1. Evan Bauer, MW2, 10/10/11

    2. vigilant in the quote is meaning the people who are always watching for trouble or the people who are always thinking on there toes.

    3. My dad always told me to be vigilant but I never knew what he meant. Then one day I was walking down my stairs and missed a step and went falling down the stairs. When I stopped falling on the bottom step my dad said I wasn't vigilant enough. I knew now that he meant pay attention to what is around you and what you are doing at the time.

    4. The Afghan war is a terrible thing. We are there because of the terrorist acts on the USA. The tropes there have to be VIGILANT when there because any thing could happen in a war.

  29. 1. Zack Fuller 10-10-11 mw2

    2. vigilant means to keep an eye open for the Brave.

    3. I had to be VIGILANT for a new puppy. Because it took like 1 year to find the dog. We called the animal shelter and trying to find a baby bulldog. We almost had when then it got sold to the lady in front of us and there were only boys left and my mom wanted a girl dog. Then found one named nutmeg what was sweet and hyper to play
    with. that's how I had vigilant for a puppy.

    4. We are in Iraq because of terrorists they came on our soil and attack inanest people in planes and buildings. So soldiers over there and ordinary People have to be VIGILANT.

  30. Nick Norman
    The word VIGILANT means to keep away from somebody or something.
    A couple years ago when i was 8 my neighbors (5&6) Thought it was a good idea to play with the fire and make it start burning again. I went over and I told them to stop playing with the fire and they did. I was being VIGILANT
    I'm not sure exactly why were in Iraq but I have an idea.I think we are there because were fighting for our country. And what I mean by that is they are trying to come over and destroy us. We also wanted Independence. We were fighting for our right. There were also terrorists attacks on the United States. A lot of people choose to go to Iraq. We need to thank them all for risking there lives for our country.

  31. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Sammy Sutton, 10-10-11

    2.To be strong, and not afraid. To be aggressive, and not to hold back. To do something that may hurt you to have something good happen.

    3. For cheer I had an upcoming festival. I practices went until it was night time, even though we couldn't see what we were doing, we still practiced. There were girls crying, because it was too much to happen. But in order to get gold for out competition we had to practice as much as we could, no matter how much we didn't want to. And all the practicing did pay off, we got gold!!

    4. Our soldiers were very vigilant towards this war. We gave it the best we could, too fight for our own freedom, even if saving other peoples lives brings me to heaven, I'll do it.

  32. LeAnn Howe
    MW2 10-10-11

    2. Vigilant means to be careful or to watch out for bad things to happen.

    I was vigilant when I was on my boat over the summer. My family was at the sand bar. There were water balloons flying left and right. I had to be vigilant. I did not want to get all wet. Eventually, I turned my back for a few seconds and got hit. I was soaked. But it was hot outside so it cooled me down. you never know what can happen when you aren't looking.

    4. We are in a war in Afghanistan because they haven't been to nice to us in the past. We are just trying to be VIGILANT. We want to keep our country safe and look out for any dangerous activity. No one wants any repeats of 9/11. I think that killing people is never the answer.

  33. 1. Payton Rentsch, 10-10-11 mw2

    2. The word VIGLANT means to keep watch or to stay away from someone or from something that will danger you.

    3. When i was 5, my brother was teaching me how to ride my bike without training wheels. My brother would push me down a hill. The hill was in my back yard, at first i thought it was fun but then every time it would wipe out. After the hundredth time i finally gave up. I had buses everywhere and i went crying into the house with grass stains on my pants.

    4. The Afghanistan war ,the United States was included in the war.This is because we wanted independence, so we fight for our rights.There were many terrorists attacks.

  34. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Name, Date, & Hour

    Megan Gunderson 10-10-11 MW2

    2. Define the word "vigilant" as it is used in this quote from Patrick Henry. (complete sentences)

    The word vigilant means to keep watch and be careful in this quote.

    3. Connect this to your life, where you had to be vigilant in order for something good to happen. (Write 5 - 7 sentences in paragraph format - this means indenting as well)

    I had to be vigilant when mowing my lawn. I have the job to use are john deer to mow the lawn.Are back yard is backed up to a forest.Sometimes we have snakes in are back yard. When I'm mowing the lawn I have to watch out for snakes. I also have to be careful and not run over them if I do see the snakes.

    4. Discuss the Iraq or Afghanistan war - why are we there? Use the word vigilant in your response. Bold the word vigilant in your response. (3 - 5 sentences)

    Our army is In Irag because our army is protecting us from their terrorists and bad people.Our army has to be very VIGILANT there because there are bad people in Iraq.There are a lots of people who try to kill our soliders in

  35. Timmy Uppleger 10-10-11 MW2
    2. The word vigilant means to stay away from strangers and stay out of danger. Stay away from possible threats.
    3.when i was about 4 I was playing infront of the tv when my older brother was watching tv i got in the way of the tv. So he asked me to move so i moved and carryed on playing. As i was playing i ended up infront of the tv. So my brother got made and asked again. So imoved. Andi ended up infront of the tv again and he through a flash light tord me and i mooved.
    4. We are in Iraq because we are trying to get revenge on there attacks to us. We are protecting our country and being vigilant. We are showing them that if they plan another attack we can go to war with them.

  36. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775
    1.Mckenzie Barth 10-10-11 MW2

    2.The word vigilant as used in the quote means to keep careful and watch for danger.

    3. This connects to life when I was over at my friend's pool a few years ago. I think my little brother was probably 3. Our dads were just talking on the side of the pool while my friend and I were swimming in the 8 feet part of her pool. I popped my head up to my look for my little brother but I did not see him anywhere. I got kind of worried and went back underwater.Then Through the clear water I saw his lobster swim trunks. Terrified I swam quickly over to him and lifted him out of the water. He was completely under water, sinking. I got him up out of the water and sat him up on the ledge of the pool, he seemed very heavy and he was crying. Luckily I was aware of what was happening.

    4. We are in the Afghanistan war because we maybe just want to get revenge from the terrorist attacks. People are being very brave and fighting for loved ones and even complete strangers. In Afghanistan the troops need to be very VIGILANT so they can see the danger coming toward them.

  37. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-10-11 MW2

    2. The word "vigilant" as it is used in this quote from Patrick Henry means the people who keep careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

    3. Once I went to Ludington with my grandparents and sister. We went to a arcade that had lazer tag. we thought it would be cool to play. We made a bet that whoever lost had to serve breakfast in bed the next day. We play so there was one grandparent and one grandchild in each team. At the end of the game, my sister and grandma won. I called a rematch, but this time the bet was that the loser had to walk around the place with an L on their forehead. I was very vigilant, we won that match.

    4. We were in Afghanistan because people said that there were terrorist that were involved in some of the terrorist attacks in America. I bet our soldiers there are very VIGILANT with what they do. I also hope that this war will end and our soldiers can come home.

  38. 1. Chiera Palamar OCT 10th MW2

    2. To keep careful watch for danger or difficulties.

    3. In the past year i went to a "show" (concert) and i stage dived. I had to make sure that people saw me coming so i wouldn't land on my face.I took the chance of doing it and when i jumped i made it. Then i surfed for about 15 second.

    4. Today we have many Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are fighting for our country. Our country in 2001 had a terrorist attack witch caused the United States 3 months later to send troops into Iraq. To search for the leader of Al-Qaeda. Then to Afghanistan. Fighting for our country requires the Military Troops to be very vigilant.

  39. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Jacob Robinson MW3 10/10/11

    2. The word vigilant means to keep watch or stay away from danger.

    3. In my life, I had to be vigilant when my mom told me to watch my brother and make sure he wasn't putting legos in his mouth. I had to watch him the whole time because i could take my eye off him and he could put little lego pieces in his mouth and maybe choke.

    4. The United States are in the Afghanistan war because we are fighting to get revenge on what happen on September 11th, 2001 when terrorist high jacked over 4 planes and crashed 2 of them into the Twin Towers which killed many people and one crashed into the Pentagon and one crashed into a farm land in Pennsylvania. Ever since that day our troops have been fighting and been careful and VIGILANT to find Osama Bin Laden the person who planed the attacks in 911.

  40. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 10/10/11 MW2

    2.Aware of danger or possible threat.

    3.One time I had to be vigilant was when I was up north.One off our friends 4 year old kid was wondering in the woods and I went over there to make sure he was okay. I had to Be vigilant to make sure he wasn't running off and getting himself hurt. He stumbled a couple of times but I was there so nothing serious.That turned out good because if I wasn't there he might have hurt himself and ruined the night for everyone.

    4. The reason were in Iraq and Afghanistan is for a couple of reasons.First Since they fave been attacking and doing so much havoc like 9/11 we have to be Vigilant. So we are over there to insure the safety of our country. Another reason that is my opinion is I think they are also the to collect fuel or fossil fuels. It is a main area for fuel and with the demand of fuel it is a possibility.Those are my opinion of why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  41. 1. Malorie Moen 10/10/11 MW2
    2. Vigilant means to look out or watch out for something dangerous.
    3. I have to be vigilant everyday in volleyball. I have to be careful and not get hurt, or else I wouldn't be able to play. Some people hurt their shoulders and can't play, but if they were vigilant, then it might have not happened. Every one should watch out for danger, in any situation. In volleyball, I am able to play still because, I was vigilant and I never got hurt.
    4. The reason I think we are in Iraq, is because they are trying to protect us. They have to be very vigilant, so that they don't get injured or so they don't die. We are proving to other countries that they can't take what's ours anymore!

  42. Zack fuller 10-10-11 mw2

    This is a addition to number 4
    4. we need to be VIGILANT and keep a eye out for strange behavior by people. we also need to keep a eye out for danger here or any in the world. Being VIGILANT will keep us safe.

  43. 1. Mikal LaButte 10/10/11

    2. The word VIGILANT means that you are staying safe and watching for danger.

    3. When I am at my dads office I am VIGILANT because their there are a lot of machinery moving and the people that work there are not used to little kids running around. So when I am their I am constantly looking around making sure that their is not a truck coming or a piece of equipment coming. I am also VIGILANT when I am at my farm because their is equipment their too and I don't want to get hit by that either.

    4. Our troops are in Iraq because we need to fight to keep our country safe from bad things happing to it. Also we are their to keep the Iraqis from sending a missile to come hit our country.

  44. 1. Matt Strong 10/10/11 MW2

    2. Vigilant in this quote means that the people who avoid danger in battle, need to be strong.

    3. When I'm at home I have to be vigilant to my brother. Whenever he sees me, he tries to hurt me in some weird way. He finds what he can, and attempts to hit me with it. So whenever I see him, I have to avoid him at all costs. I'll either go in my room and lock the door, or I'll go in my attic and read my Sports Illustrated magazines in the closet. If I can't do that, I'll just run from him until he gets tired and lays on the couch watching Spongebob.

    4. We are in the Afghanistan war because of 9/11. In October of 2001, we sent U.S. troops to Afghanistan to fight for freedom. But more importantly, we went there to find Asama Bin Laden and execute him. It wasn't until May of 2011 ten years later that two Navy Seals shot him in the head twice and killed him. We are still in war with the Taliban today, but we have no reason for it. Our U.S. troops are being VIGILANT because they are avoiding danger to board planes and come back home.

  45. Riley Hafner 10/10/11 MW-2

    To be vigilant means to watch for danger or to watch for difficulties.

    This connects to my life because when me and my dad go hunting we have to be vigilant. We need to watch and listen and pay attention so that we are ready to shoot a deer or what ever we are hunting at the time. Its always a good thing when you get a shot at something. Being vigilant helps both me and my dad out in the woods and once we make the shot and the animal goes down we know it all payed off and we are so happy and relieved.

    I think we are in Iraq because we are trying to take down the group called Al Quieda. Their former leader Osama Bin Laden was killed this year with the help of our VIGILANT troops. They took measures to insure their safety as they went in for the attack. They have been trying to find him and many of his group after the attacks on the twin towers. We are in Iraq fighting for what we think is right and we are also their protecting our nation from bad people like Al Quieda.

  46. Additional comment

    Mikal LaButte

    4. The reason we have troops in Iraq is because In 2001 their was a terrorist attack on the twin towers and we have troops in Iraq so we can find their leader and make sure that their is no more attacks on the best country in the world the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

  47. 1. Eddie Roberts, 10/10/11, mw2

    2. Vigilance is this quote means to be attentive. Or the people who focus and are aware.

    3. One time I had to be vigilant was when I had to take notes for my test in science. If I didn't pay attention I wouldn't get the notes. Which means I would probably fail the test. The good thing is that I did pay attention and be vigilant and I got an A on the test. That was a time I had to be vigilant.

    4. I think we are in Iraq because we are trying to get revenge on the people who caused the twin towers attack. While we are they we have to be very vigilant for looking out for enemies. We need to show them that they can't do things like that and get away with it. They need to be careful and get back as soon as possible so nobody else gets hurt.

  48. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Henry Haidler, 10/10/11, MW2

    2. The word Vigilant as it is used in the quote means the ones that are physically fit and are always aware of their surroundings.

    3. In my life I have had to be vigilant many times because I used to be a goalie in hockey and i would have to be aware of where I was at and where I had to be in a few seconds. When I was a goalie there would be a lot of times where I had seen someone go around the net and pass it to a person in the front but I had expected them to do that and was aware of where he was so I could set up before he got the puck on his stick and would save it. When I was defense you had to be aware of where everyone was too because one false move and they would have a break away and score, the way i would stay aware of where everybody was i would look around all the time to make sure nobody was trying to cherry pick. I remember when I first started and i was really bad i couldn't catch up to people because i hadn't seen them sneaking around for a pass so when i got better it was a lot easier to see what was happening and how to cope with the situation. If you are vigilant you can do a lot better at many different things and can succeed.

    4. I think that we are in the war because we want to protect our citizens and they innocent people that live there too. One way we can make sure we can have protection is to go through hard training and working with some of the things that you are going to use while you are over there. If you are smart and aware of your surroundings by being VIGILANT if you are vigilant you will be able to see things that some people cant see and can be better at what you are doing.

  49. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. Vigilant means to keep a watchful eye on something or someone.
    3. You have to be very VIGILANT when your playing softball. I play first base and I always have to be watchful. I have to know how to react. Like if a ball is hit at me I have to field it correctly and i have to be VIGILANT. You have to be that way with a lot of sports.
    4. I think they are in those different places because their fighting for their freedom. I know because my cousins are in Irag right now. All of the soldiers have to be very VIGILANT in order to not get shot or badly hurt. The united states is over there to fight for our liberty. It would not be the same as it is today if we didn't have troops were they are.

  50. Halle Chiarelli 10/10/11 MW2

    Additional Comment

    4. We are in Iraq because we are trying to kill or stop the group Al Quieda. We are attacking them because they attacked us on 9/11. We have to be very VIGILANT when we are fighting because we need our troops to be very safe. We do not want them to attack us again.

  51. 1. Josh Mick 10/10 TT4

    2. Vigilant means someone who is very aware of their surroundings. People who don't dose off.

    3. I've been vigilant when i was very aware that my uncle had died. I was so vigilant that i was about to cry. This is the only moment i remember me being the most vigilant.

    4. Iraq and Afghanistan were places we totally dis pied and didn't like at all. When we are vigilant when we watch over the U.S for terrorists we will always be vigilant.

  52. 1. Molly Aills 10/10/11 TT4

    2. Being vigilant is to watch for possible dangers or difficulties.

    3. One time I was vigilant was when I was hunting with my dad. We had to be careful to aim our guns in a safe direction. We also had to talk quietly and simply be quiet so that we wouldn't scare away the game. If we weren't careful to do these things, it would scare the game away and we wouldn't get anything. If we aimed our gun in an unsafe direction, we would be endangering ourselves. When we are vigilant of these things, we can maybe get some game if we are lucky and very quiet.

    4. We are in Afghanistan and Iraq to keep the people there under control, like the Taliban. We must prevent anything bad from happening like the twin towers falling because of Bin Laden. There are more people who followed or are like Bin Laden in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are fighting those people. They must be VIGILANT of seemingly dangerous or people so that they can stay alive and continue helping their country. They will not be allowed to get away with anything like 9/11 again, and our soldiers are there to make sure of that.

  53. 1. Sam Hall TT4 10/10/2011

    2. Vigilant means to be aware of your surroundings, and to see things around you that other people might not see.

    3. In forensic science we do little warm-ups at the beginning of each class period. Sometimes the warm-up will be a spot the difference picture, and you have to be vigilant to pick up the differences in the time given.

    4. I think we are in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to ensure the safety of the civilians there and the security of the entire world. If it weren't for the VIGILANCE of many people military or otherwise people like Osama BinLaden would still be living in hiding, directing more nasty attacks on innocent lives.

  54. 1. Devin Bryant 10/10/11 ††4

    2. The quote what i believe it means is that people who watch out for each other

    3. Being vigilant in my life is when i am on the football field. Helping my team mates like last Saturday. Our linemen block the defense so our runner can get through. But on defense watching out for each other is the same way but a lot funner because we can hit any one with the ball and tackle them. So they don't have to make a hard open field tackle.
    4. We are in Iraq Afghanistan because it keeps our country safe from terrorist in the country's.
    We are also there because to protect there country's from terrorist.

  55. 1. Sam Mynarcik 10-10-11 4tt

    2. Vigilance in the quote means be attentive. Or focus and are aware.
    3. One day in English last year I had to take notes about vocab words. Well I forgot to take the notes on that day, but the next day I failed the test. She said there will be retakes. So I studied as hard has I could. Next day I past it no problem with it at all.

    4. The only reason the troops are still their is because when George Bush was president he wanted to kill Saddam Hussian. He was VIGILANT enough to kill him, but the troops are still over their trying to fight still. I'm not the best at remembering, but I think we went over there to kill Bin Ladden we already killed them so why can't they leave.

  56. 1. Josephine Parke 10/10/11 TT4

    2. I think that in this quote means being attentive about what is going on and paying attention.

    3. I have to be vigilant when i am watching my new born baby brother Nathan because i know that babies love to eat everything and get into stuff and end up getting hurt. I also have to be vigilant when I am watching my dog because he is a 8 month old hound and he loves to run and chase small animals so when i take him outside i have to be careful and make sure that there are no small animals around or any people on bikes or walking by.

    4. I think we are in Iraq because we are trying to get revenge on the people who caused the twin towers attack in 2001. While we are they we have to be very aware/vigilant and looking out for enemies. We need to show them that they can't do things like that and get away with it. They need to be careful and get back as soon as possible so nobody else gets hurt from another attack.

  57. 1. Steven Nichols, TT4, Oct. 10/11

    2. Vigilant - To see have a close eye on something

    3. I had to Be vigilant on my sister so she didnt get hert. She didnt get hert but I still had to be vigilant so she didnt. My moms very vigilant. you know the old tall that moms have eyes in the back of the head well i thinks it true.

    4. we are in Iraq to get the people that killed millons of people. We should get back at them so we started a war. That wars is about to be World War 3. I hope that the war ends soon because war is not good and we should end it once and for all

  58. 1. Heidi Siemon 10-10-11 TT4

    2. Keeping a careful lookout for whats happening.

    3. When me and my friends walk around uptown Pinckney, we have to stay vigilant. Its good to know whats around us, so we stay safe and have fun. We don't want to be bothered by any weird people. So its better to have precaution of whats going on around us.

    4. We are fighting in a war for our countries freedom, and safety. For us to do that, we need to be VIGILANT. Being vigilant helps to win the war for our freedom and safety.

  59. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Paul anguish 10/8/11 tt4

    2. vigilant means to be strong, to be steady fast, not to be swayed.

    3. I was vigilant when my cat ran away for several hours. I stood there shaking cat treats for which felt like forever.He did eventually come back after I stood there for 30 minutes. after that we manged to keep that door closed for about 2 years 'till our other cat escaped. we have been vigilant sense then.

    4. We are there because ever sense 9/11. 9/11 is what started our war against terrorism. We have fought at other places than Iraq or Afghanistan they are just where most of the fighting has been. as our senator said "we will be ever VIGILANT in our war against terrorism."

  60. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1.Julianna Welling 10/10/11 TT4

    2.The meaning of vigilant is the people how are always looking for things. They are always on guard. Look at a bunch of little things.

    3. Once I had to be vigilant. I was in math class when my teacher said to and a few other people that she wanted us to help count the student elections. We went down to the c-3 room and started. We had to be vigilant so that the votes did not get messed up. If we just counted them sloppy then they might not be right, and some people might be unhappy with the votes. And they would be untruthful.
    4. I think we might be they because terrorism. I don't know that much about they war but you have to be VIGILANT. I say that because you have to know a lot of things. Soldiers have to remember what they are doing where they have to go. You have to look out for every one with you not just you self too. They have to try not to hurt innocent people, and get out fast.

  61. 1. Olivia Sdao oct.10 TT4

    2.Vigilant means you is very easy to see.

    3. My mom had had to be vigilant at when I was swimming because I was still little and really didn't know how to swim yet. Also why my mom had to be vigilant is that i could of drowned or hit head on something in the water. That is the time that my mom had to be vigilant.

    4.The reason why we are still in Iraq is that if we leave we they may come over her attack us and then we would be vigilant to them. Also why were there we would not be able to have any freedom because they would all over her and would tack over. This is why I think the troops are still over there.

  62. 1. Milan Mihajlovski Oct.10 TT4

    2. The word vigilance is the ability to maintain attention and alertness over a long period of time.

    3. I have to be vigilant at football so i know what to do and how to do it right and if i am not someone could blind sight me from the side so i have to be alert at all time. And all so in school because i have to give attention in class so i can know how to do my home work that i get.

    4. the reason we are still in the Iraq or Afghanistan war is because we are trying to stop the attacks that are coming to America from the country of Iraq or Afghanistan, all of the solders have to be VIGILANCE at all time just in case something happens.

  63. Heidi Siemon Additional Comment.

    4. In the war, vigilance also helps the troops safety. If they wanted to sneak up on the enemy, and they weren't vigilant, they would get caught.

  64. 1. Lexi Cox Oct. 10, 201l

    2. The word vigilant in this quote means to be aware and focused on what they are doing.

    3. I have had to be vigilant before in my life when I had to help my grandma with a purse party she was having, she had to tell me what to do and where everything went and I had to make sure that I did everything good and correctly. I had to make sure I was aware of what other people were doing so I would know what we were doing.

    4. The Iraq and Afghanistan war is going on because terrorists have made several attempts at attacking America. But when the biggest one known as The 9/11 terrorist attack happened our president knew that we were at high risk of it happening again and we knew that we would not except more innocent lives be taken. so we sent our troops over to Iraq to fight. Our soldiers know that they have to put there all into this fight, they are VIGILANT, brave and dedicated to what they are doing.

  65. 1. Danielle Stowell Oct 10, 2011

    2.I think Vigilant means to always be watching out for danger

    3. I have to be VIGILANT when I'm with my friends and we are walking around the neighborhood. That's what my parents always tell me. I would never forgive myself in something like that happened to me and my parents would be devastated. I don't want weirdos or freaks coming up to me and taking me away. I would me so sad if something like that happened to me and my friend. Then i would never be able to see them again.

    4. I think that we are fighting in Iraq because of what Osamba Bin Ladin did to the twin towers. I hope that they now know that they just can't come over in the U.S. and attack. They U.S. people are just innocent people that mean no harm to us. I hope the soldiers are OK and are being very VIGILANT around themselves 24/7.

  66. 1. Steven Nichols, TT4, Oct. 10/11

    2. Vigilant - To see have a close eye on something

    3. I had to Be vigilant on my sister so she didnt get injured. She didnt get injured but I still had to be vigilant so she didnt. My moms very vigilant. you know the old tall that moms have eyes in the back of the head well i thinks it true.

    4. we are in Iraq to get the people that killed millons of people. We should get back at them so we started a war. That wars is about to be World War 3. I hope that the war ends soon because war is not good and we should end it once and for all. We have the power to pull the troops form Iraq but Obama wont because (he loves war. thats what my parent say.)

  67. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Brendan Schmitter 10/10/11 tt4

    2. vigilant means to concentrate or to focus on some thing like when i was working with my dad and i was using a torch and i didn't concentrate i did it wrong and we toke another hour to get it right.

    3. when me and my mom where in the car and we go in to a store. I felt like dying because i had to push 2 carts full of food and toys (big pay check for my dad). and my mom got to the counter and about to pay but what wheres the money of course she forgot it.... had to go home and she could not find it so i had to help look and it was on the counter (we say she is as blind as a bat but after all it was fun.

    4. to tell you the truth i don't know why were i think it is because the twin towers and osama benladen. how he destroyed it but i could be wrong and the CIA and FBI and the us Army used VIGILANT to find osama benladen. osama belanden used VIGILANTS to hide from all these years from them

  68. Nicholas Marlatt 10/10/11 MW4

    "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Nicholas Marlatt 10/10/11 MW4

    2. To be careful, brave, Top stan up for what you believe in.

    3. I had to be vigilant once when i was studying for a science test right before it. I only had a few minutes and i had to do it fast.

    4. I think that we are in the war because we want to be free and not have anyone telling us what to do. And that we should stand up for what we believe in and be vigilant. We want to fight for what we believe in and stand up for ourselves.

  69. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Alex Smith, 10-10-11, MW4

    2. I would define the word "vigilant" as keen, or being aware of one's surroundings.

    3. I have never really had to be vigilant for something "good", per se. Although, my uncle is a quadriplegic and my family and I always have to to keep an eye on him. Since he is a quadriplegic (meaning he is paralyzed from the neck down) he cannot breathe because he can't control his diaphragm. He has to be on a vent. If this vent were to malfunction, or the battery was to run dry then he could die in a matter of minutes.

    4. We went into war as sort of a revenge mission because of what al-Qaeda did on September 11th. It has been called "The War on Terror", meaning that we are going to war with terrorist organizations. Part of the war was hunting down Osama bin Laden, we had to be very *vigilant* to find him. In my opinion, though, I am against this war. I am a extremely Liberal person, and I see this war as just soldiers fighting for an unforeseeable goal.

  70. 1. Ian Grady 10-10-11 5th

    2. Vigilant means to be consistent and staying with your word.

    3. I am vigilant in my life when it comes to my brother I am the one who keeps him in line and also not using my PS3 when I'm not there.

    4. My theory is to why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting is because we as Americans have been pushed around one to many times before by Britain. Americans don't want to tolerate being pushed around. We want to show that you may throw one punch but we will surely throw the last.

  71. 1. Aaron Durham,10-10-11,4th

    2. Vigilant, mean's to be on the look out for someone or something

    3. I remember when my older Sister ran away from home we had to look all over for her but she got scared because it began to be dark outside after 5 hour's with the police my father and me we finally found her and brought her home.

    4. The American Solders in Iraq are always on the lookout for everything, terrorist threat's, possible lead's to solving something they always are on the lookout for something suspicious they also can not be too relaxed what i'm trying to say is their job is most definitely not easy.

  72. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Camryn Ozuch 5th Hour, 10/10/11

    2. The word vigilant in this quote, means those you keep watch. To whoever can concentrate and continue staying on there A-game.

    3. In my life, I need to stay Vigilant in soccer. I have to know where my team mates are on the field and where my oppenets are. I need to make sure I stay focused on the game so I can do my best for the 90 minutes I am on the field. Every time I play, I stay vigilant. I watch every motion on the field and know exactly where I am and what my surroundings are. I need to see the dangerous plays that could help us win the game, or make us loose.

    4. The wars in the middle east are just awful. The men and women fighting over there have to be VIGILANT all the time. If they aren't, who knows what would happen to them. Staying VIGILANT is key to possibly winning this war. The VIGILANT men and women over there are very brave and strong. Keep it up America!

  73. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre 10-10-11 M-W4th

    2. To keep careful and keep watch

    3. I had to keep watch of the food cooking and a fire started and i was able to put it out but if i was not watching it the house wold have burnt down.

    4. We are there to protect the U.S. because there terrorist that attacked the U.S. we are helping them because there are bad people there that don't like Americans. we are protecting the U.S. and solving the situation

  74. 1. Daisy York 10/10/11 m/w4 is the people who don't give up and and constantly with the subject

    3. I have to be vigilant on my math because if i want to do well in math i have to think about it daily to get to the point that is the correct level and it takes vigilance to do these things.

    4. We are there because we aren't only protecting America from terrorist but we are protecting the people who live in the country's that have the terrorist the troops have to be vigilant to do the right thing and save peoples lives and cant give up. they go threw so much to protect people and they have so much pride for who they are their vary vigilant.

  75. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-10-11

    2. The word vigilant in this quote means that the people who are focused and concentrating on the war.

    3. In my life I have had to be vigilant a lot. One example from my life when was when I had a test in Science. In order to stay vigilant on the test you have to be well focused. Also you have to be concentrating on the test as well. That is an example in my life from when I was vigilant.

    4. The United States is in Iraq and Afghanistan because the terrorists from there attacked our country. Also we are there to find the terrorists who hit the twin towers. Because we are there looking for terrorists, the U.S. troops need to be VIGILANT. Lastly we are there to keep the people under control.

  76. 1. Seth Packard 10/10/11 MW4

    "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    2. vigilant is to be aware or cautious.

    3. Whenever my older brother drives he has to be vigilant. he needs to be ready for on coming cars, red lights or sudden stops in order to stay away from crashes. I ride with him whenever he drives, and i notice how hard hes paying attention. he usually gets me to set up music or anything he needs so he can stay vigilant. that is a situation in my life that involves vigilance.

    4. People are in Iraq to stay VIGILANT for terrorism activity, or attacks. We have people down there to protect American civilians and civilians in Iraq. That is why we have people posted in Iraq.

  77. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 10/10/11, 5th hour

    2. Vigilant means to keep your word, and to not go back on what you have told someone you would do. Or when you always do something again and again.

    3. I am vigilant when my sister uses my clothes, She always takes my clothes without asking me! It gets really annoying because I would like to use my stuff too! So I always yell at her, and make sure she does not take my stuff. She doesn't that much anymore, so ill usually let her use it because she would ask nicely.

    4. I'm not really sure why we are in Iraq, I think it is because of the twin towers, and we are trying to fight to protect other people. Not just the United States. I say we are trying to help other people to, because a lot of army's are going to other places around the world to try to help out and make things better. So I think they are trying to help everyone. Not just America, and we are making the world a better place.

  78. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Michael Atwood, 10-10-11, MW4

    2. I means to be quick, able to dodge things, and ready for traitors and doesn't trust easily.

    3. One time I was at the zoo.

    4. We are in Iraq and Afghanistan because the terrorists are going to take the countries and we need the oil. Vigilance is the key to success because we can protect the citizens and tear their organization down at the same time if we carry out orders swiftly.

  79. 1. Austin Wicker 10-10-11 M-W4th

    2. Vigilant means to stay focused on the task at hand.

    3. I had to be vigilant when I run a Cross Country race. I have to be vigilant to make sure that no one is coming up behind me. Also I have to be vigilant if the other team is top three than I have to stay vigilant to make sure that I am catching up to them. I also should stay vigilant to see if I can catch up to the person in front of me. Also I have to stay vigilant of my time, while I am still running.

    4. The War is going on in Afghanistan and Iraq because of the many terrorist attacks that happened in the United states. There are many men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan to keep the country safe and free of terrorists attacks. The men and women in the military have to stay VIGILANT to make sure the country is safe from terrorists.

  80. 1. Alex Lovings October 10,2011 4MW

    2.Vigilant means you have to be aware of your surroundings and always be aware of whats going on. Always being able to make sure that nothing happens to you at all times.

    3. When you are in the car you have to be vigilant to what the other cars are doing on the road. Because you don't wanna be in a car accident. You have to keep your eyes on the road at all times and Be vigilant.

    4. We are in Iraq fighting a war. We have to be vigilant to are enemies to make sure there not trying anything. Being vigilant is very very important.

  81. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Justin Wilson Oct 10 mw4

    2. "vigilant" Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

    3. I had to be vigilant around my brother when he gets made.

    4. Our troops vigilantly stand in Iraq and Afghanistan today because of war that has gone on for what feels like centuries. From what I hear, things have been going on there. One of these problems are terrorist attacks, but that's what I think.

  82. Seth Wilson, Oct, 10 2011 4th hour

    "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Seth Wilson, Oct, 10 2011 4th hour

    2. It means to watch or study carefully in the way it is used in this sentence.

    3. When your in school you must focus. So when ever have a test I or homework I have to be focused on the subject of the work. vigilant means to focus on something to the point to where minor details come out easy.

    4. We are there because the terrorists are doing horrible things to the U.S and other friendly countries. We are trying to be vigilant over what they are doing in there country, that way they don't do anything else bad.

  83. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775
    1. Nella Galliher 10/10/11 MW4
    2. The watchers.
    3. I have been vigilant when my brother had to go in the hospital. I was waiting for him and my mom to come home.
    4. I think we are there in Iraq because 9/11

  84. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 10-10-11

    2. The word Vigilant means to keep watch for someone or something.

    3. In my life, I was taught how to ride my bike. It was a good thing because one time I went over to my friends house and my big sister had the car and my mom wasn't home. My dad didn't have his car. So I had to ride my bike over there. She doesn't live far from me so I didn't mind.

    4. The Iraq war, we here in the U.S. are just trying to fight for our freedom. We are very VIGILANT. And we are fighting for our rights and our country.

  85. 1. Jacob Yannott October 10th 4th house

    2.vigilant is as person with good ability.

    3. one time i helped my grandparents mow the lawn at there house. it was very tiring, and exhausting. it took us about 3 hours to make everything perfect, i don't remember why we did it. but it took a really long time to do, and i was very tired after the 1st couple minutes. that's was one time i used my vigilance.

    4.A leaked intelligence summary on the War in Afghanistan from Dec 2010 states that 'there is limited chance of success in Afghanistan' unless Pakistan can do something to contain the insurgents maintaining bases on the Pakistan side of the border.

  86. 1. Jordan Danko 10-11-11 TT2

    2.Vigilant means to watch out for a reason or purpose, In this quote it means people who were very vigilant for liberty.

    3. When my older brother drives he has to be vigilant. He always has to watch for other cars to make sure he dosen't hit them. It is important to be Vigilant while your driving a car so you can keep yourself and others safe.

    4.In Iraq and Afganistan war the men are very vigilant. They always watch out for the other men.

  87. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Cheyanne havermahl, 10/17/11, MW4

    2. the word Vigilant means to be brave.

    3. A time that I had to be vigilant was when I went to the Terrified Forrest with my friends. My friends and I were so scared! We didn't think we would do actually go through the Terrified Forest! But one of them decided we had to go, so they went first. But it was still scary! That's a time when i had to be very brave, and vigilant.

    4. I am not really sure why we are in the war with Iraq and Afganistan. I think it is because of the twin towers and we are fighting against the terrorist that helped with the attack. And also i think we are trying to help out the citizens there by protecting them from the terrorist.

  88. Jonathan Haddon Nov 3 2011

    Vigilant means to see, to observe, and to be aware

    A time wen I had to be vigilant was when I was plying paintball down at hell survivors I was the last man standing and outnumbered six to one(Literally) and I did not have very much cover with an tango on each side and the rest on the other side of the stack of logs I was using as cover when my hopper(what holds the paint balls) and with that hit I was out. (TRUE STORY!!!!).

    I know the war in iraq is a combination of anti terrorism and religion and I also know that the soldiers have to be vigilant to stay alive.

  89. 1. Joseph Swaney 11/5/11
    2. To watch out for danger.
    3. Well I guess I always have to be vigilant. I have to watch out for robbers and mugs, etc. If someone that I don't recognize it outside, I have to call my parents to make sure we aren't expecting someone. I guess the reward, or "good thing" is not getting hurt or robbed. That's one way how I can connect it to my life.
    4. We are over there because people of their country are being hurt, and killed for no good reason. They are coming over to the United States for freedom. The US has taken action because we believe they deserve their rights and safety. The United States has been vigilant of those countries because of terrorist attacks.

  90. "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, 1775

    1. Kalani Gondick M-W4th Late.

    2.Watch for Danger and danger were people get hurt.

    3. I am very Vigilant because of i have to watch out for people that hurt other people and people that want to brake into peoples houses. People that like to do that are people that shouldn't do that.

    4. The people that are in the war are there to keep US safe! They are very vigilant and keep us safe. If it wasn't for them we wouldnt be safe right now. They are trying to keep us safe so other wars don't come and try to hurt us.
