Sunday, October 30, 2011

Quote 11 - Tyrants

Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

1. Name / Date / Hour

2. Define the word "tyrants" minimum two definitions - provide source for your definitions

3. What did Thomas Jefferson mean by "obedience to God"? (2 - 3 sentences)

4. Rewrite Thomas Jefferson's statement in modern terms. (1 sentence)

5. Write a short story about rebellion to a tyrant. (two paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each paragraph)


  1. 1. Halle Chiarelli MW2 10/31/11

    2. - A cruel ruler
    - A ruler using power in an unreasonable way
    (Dictionary on laptop)

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant obedience to God because God doesn't want any tyrants, so if people protest and rebel against them then that will make God happy. God thinks things shouldn't be done in that way.

    4. "Protesting against tyrants is like listening to God."

    5.Dear Tyrant,
    I really do not find it fair in how you are using your power towards the people. If you want to be a Tyrant then maybe you should use your power with purpose instead of desire. As a person living under your rules, I would like to tell you that life is not easy in the way you expect it to be. Maybe you could change your rules and use your power differently in a way that is suitable for living. Many people have began to protest against you, I don't know if you have noticed but maybe that could give you a hint in how to change.

    Sincerely, Halle Chiarelli

  2. 1. Abby Schoonover 10/31/11 MW2

    2. A sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
    A tyrant was originally one who illegally seized and controlled a governmental power in polis.

    3. Thomas Jefferson means being loyal to God. When you are obedient you are well behaved/loyal.

    4. "Being against a person who takes power illegally is being loyal to God."

    5. Tony it's wrong to steal someones power! I don't think you should try to steal Prince Georges power. Tony looked at Kent like he was crazy. Tony had been one of Kent's good friends for a long time. Tony always talked about becoming Prince someday. When George became Prince Tony knew there was no hope left in him becoming Prince. Tony knew the only way to become Prince was by stealing Georges power from him. Tony told Kent about this plan thinking he would agree with him, but when Kent heard Tony say that he was going to steal Georges power, Kent was against it. Tony tried to convince Kent to help him steal Georges power but Kent wouldn't even listen.
    When Tony finally illegally seized power from George he used it in all of the wrong ways. Tony used the power to pamper himself and make his own life easier. He put slaves to use in all the wrong ways. He raised the taxes in the town so he would have more money. Kent finally confronted Tony about the problem. Kent said to Tony, if you are going to have the power you have you should use it wisely and put it to good use. You should put an end to slavery and lower taxes. I thought you were going to use your power for good Tony.

  3. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 11-1-11

    2. A tyrant is known as a ruler who takes power or control against the law. They usually take it by force from the ruler.

    3. When Thomas Jefferson said that "rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God", he meant that by standing up to what is wrong and against God's will, we stop the wrong and can turn back to a better way. I think that he meant if a tyrant tries to force you to do something wrong or are unjust, that by taking them from power also helps the victims to the law they made. So, therefore, by stopping those laws that hurt others, that can be considered as doing the will of the Lord.

    4. Rebelling from bad rulers can be the right thing to do.

    5. Once Upon a Time, there was a ruler who was known as a tyrant, since he stole power from a government that was usually peaceful. that was, before the ruler became king. The ruler made everyone pay unreasonable taxes that, Instead of helping his people, gave the king that he wanted. He made people pay very high prices for things like water or medicine, so barely anyone was able to buy some. The people were now broke, sick and hungry,they were starting to rebel. The king did not do anything.
    One day, the people started to boycott the kings goods and buy Imported goods. The king started going broke because of this, so he started to be even meaner to the people. So then a normal everyday person decided to start a rebellion. He gathered as many people as he could and they stopped following the king's laws. The atmosphere was havoc and anger and war filled the air. Then the war stopped. The king decided to surrender. this story may be fictional, but war breaks out often today.

  4. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    3rd hour
    2. Tyrants are rulers that work by themselves. They also are not elected because they get their power from their mothers and fathers.
    3. Following another person expect from him is a sin. He is your only god and you will only follow him. And if you don't you are not obeying god.
    4. Rejecting your king is a sign of love for god.
    5. A tyrant is a person with no feeling. You should not be governing these people they are not your followers. They are just as powerful and scary as you are. God created everyone equally and if you don't agree raids will start. Your Raid will be defeated and stomped upon. You will not rule forever but god will.

  5. LeAnn Howe MW2 11-2-11

    2. 1. A tyrant is a person who governs oppressively, unjustly, and arbitrarily; despot. 2. An absolute ruler who governs without restrictions. 3. A ruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner. Source-

    3.Thomas Jefferson means that you need to respect god. You also need to listen to what he tells you and follow him. Jefferson wants you to worship God.

    4. Don't get involved with people that are mean.

    5. There is a town called Pinckney. The ruler of this town is Billy Joe. Billy Joe is a terrible ruler. If you do anything wrong he will beat you. Even if you look at him without permission he will punish you.
    The people of this town were furious. They have been dealing with Billy Joe for 10 years.They want him gone.
    On the last Sunday of each month, the towns people get together and have a metting. They have been writing a letter to him about how they feel. The town hopes this will make him change his ways or even step down from his position.

  6. 1. Matt Strong MW2 11/2/11

    A cruel and oppressive ruler.
    A tyrant flycatcher.
    source: dictionary

    3. Loyalty to God. Be loyal to him and never break your connection with him. He is your savior.

    4. Breaking trust with a ruler is loyalty to God.

    5. My tyrant is being extremely cruel to me. I can't take any more of this. It needs to stop and it will. My family and friends are going to attempt to throw our tyrant out of power. We won't stop trying until it happens.
    When we throw our tyrant out of power, we will elect a new and more reasonable tyrant that won't make us live a horrible life. We will have a tyrant that won't say, "you can't do that", or, "don't talk to me again". Our new tyrant will be amazing. He will let us do what we want without saying we can't. We will be free even though we have a tyrant.

  7. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Zack Fuller MW2 11-2-11

    2. A mean ruler, A person who use power use unfairly Dictionary on mac

    3. Thomas Jefferson said that it is good rebel against unfair king and queens. So unfair will not be liked.

    4 Rebelling to bad rullers is praised by God.

    5. It is wrong steel power and than dont care for that country. But people do it just to be King or queen. Like that running a country is easy. But people hate you. tim lets go steel power from the king and rule this country no I said. ok I will so tomorrow He went off to get power and he got power.
    Then everyone started to hate him like i said before. Then the country started to uprise against him and finally they kicked him out . he is Lonny and did a mention he is 6 feet under dead.

  8. 1. Joshua Helm/11-2-11/MW2

    2. Tyrant: cruel and oppressive ruler. One who rules without law. (dictionary)

    3. Staying loyal to god, Because He created Us. Worshipping Someone else is against 10 commandments. And to Stand against evil tyrants like King George III .

    4. Rebel Against all who disobey God.

    5. Once Upon a time, In a Land far away an Evil King Ruled with an Iron Fist, Then heroes came from his subjects and started war to stop that psycho king. God blessed the heroes for standing against the King and they overthrew the king. So the Kingdom was saved. They won their freedom from Great Britain after the King surrendered and America was born. The End.

  9. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Sammy Sutton, 11-2-11, MW2

    2. 1-a cruel and oppressive dictator
    2-any person who exercises power in a cruel way
    Source- Online dictionary.
    3. Thomas Jefferson meant going against the tyrants will get Gods respect, there for; he's obeying gods requests, and doing what will make God respect him.

    4. "If we go against the illegal person, we'll get Gods respect"

    5. It's not fair, why are they doing this? Do the Tyrants think they over rule everyone? We need to stand up for what we believe in, and fight for whats right. We don't need people coming, and making the wrong decisions for us. I'm not putting up with this anymore, it's time. If we do this, God will respect each and everyone of us.
    If we just ignore this situation, we will end up being told what to do, and who knows what else. We might not have any food left over, they might take away the children, so i say lets put a end to all of this, and get what we deserve!

  10. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 11/2/11 MW2

    2. Tyrant means a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.Another is any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically. I got this from

    3. He means loyal and trustworthy to God. That you respect and pay your dues to God. And to listen to him And obey.

    4. To go against the ways of wrong doing is a necessity of life.

    5. The littlest things we do are resulting in the most despicable consequences.Your not fit to be a king when you rule as a tyrant. You abuse power over the people in a lower class, and then you just plan disrespect them. You have very harsh penalties and the people get no fair trials. We can't do anything but let the lives of the innocent sometimes dieing before your eyes and you don't care to stop it. This is your last chance to break you rules and lead us with the freedom of a fair and well balanced country. If you still don't break then all the colonies of people will be seeing you soon.

    From colonist, Vincent Pecoraro

  11. Nick Norman 11/2/11 MW2

    2. A cruel and oppressive ruler

    3. Thomas Jefferson meat that he always followed his rules and he stuck up for him. Never disobeyed him.

    4.When you protest against tyrants is doing the right thing.

    5. Why are they trying to take our power? We need to fight to keep it. "Give them an opportunity to step up" says Robert." "No, they shouldn't even come over here and try to do this!" says Patrick.
    " How about we get an army and try to stop this!" Patrick screamed. So, later that day they put up flyers about the army trying to get people to join. The next day they had a couple thousand people.

  12. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 11-2-11

    2. *A cruel ruler
    * a person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way

    3. By obedience to God Thomas Jefferson means to be loyal to God. He meant that people were just following God's order and doing what was right.

    4. Upstanding to bad leaders is just being loyal to God.

    5. It was late September 2000. The leaves were beginning to unattach themselves from the trees. A ruler who everyone thought would be fine was starting to turn against his people. The small town respected, and in fact was very fond of their leader until he did something bad. Tax prices were raised and the anger was heard.
    Most of the town people began taking on a different idea of their so called "leader". For how should he be the leader if he's not ruling fairly? The tax prices rose day by day and eventually people had enough. It slowly became late November and people decided to take a stand. A secretive town meeting was held in the funeral home down the street from the very place where unfair taxes are placed. It was a bigger than intended meeting as around 100 came. A plan was devised. Today at the town meeting, Susy was to jump up on stage and start crying about her cat who had been hit by a stamp carrying truck. Then the other pieces would fall into place.
    The plan was all set, at the noon meeting Susy began crying. All of the others jumped up on stage and began getting all the people pumped up about taking over the Mayor. Everyone raised there cell phones in the air and attacked the Mayor. He had surrendered and the people had won!

  13. 1. Payton Rentsch 11-2-11 mw2
    2. - A cruel ruler
    - A ruler using power in an unreasonable way
    (Dictionary on laptop)
    3. When Thomas Jefferson said that "rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God", he meant that by standing up to what is wrong and against God's will, we stop the wrong and can turn back to a better way. I think that he meant if a tyrant tries to force you to do something wrong or are unjust, that by taking them from power also helps the victims to the law they made. So, therefore, by stopping those laws that hurt others, that can be considered as doing the will of the Lord.
    4. Rebelling from bad rulers can be the right thing to do
    5.Dear Tyrant,
    I really do not find it fair that you are using your power towards the people. If you want to be a Tyrant then maybe you should use your power with purpose instead of desire. As a woman living under your rules, I would like to tell you that life is not easy in the way you want/expect it to be. Maybe you could re-think your rules and use your power differently in ways that is suitable for living. Many people have began to protest against you, I don't know if you have noticed but maybe that could give you a hint in how to change.

  14. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski / 11-2-11 / MW@

    2. Tyranny is when A person steals power. (I didn't use a dictionary)

    3. When Thomas Jefferson said "obedience to God", he meant that they should stand up to Britain, but while listening to your religion. God probably didn't like what was going on and didn't like tyranny. So if they thought that he didn't like it, they obeyed him.

    4. Fighting a person who steals power is doing the right thing.

    5. Once there was an amazing ruler named John, who was loved by everyone. He made the land he owned fair and nice. He made his country perfect. Well... almost perfect. The only problem was his nephew, Kyle, who hated how everyone loved him and he envied him.
    One day, Kyle caught the King by surprise! He took him to the dungeon and locked him away! He became the tyrant. He changed all the laws, and rules. He took the power and took the king's country to ruin.
    Then, A group of brave townspeople secretly met up and came with a plan to tear "King" Kyle off the throne. They decided to gather more people, break into the castle and take Kyle down. Then they would find the King and save him.
    After gathering over 300 townspeople, the group went to the King's castle. they broke through the door and fought with the guards. A few people slipped away to get the Kyle. Kyle wasn't ready to give up without a fight. After 20 minutes of fighting, James, a towns person, pushed him out of the window and he was defeated.
    The town was put back together and the country lived happily.
    (Sorry if I used your name, I chose random names)

  15. "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Chiera// NOV 2// MW2

    2.{A} A cruel and oppressive ruler.
    {B} A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way.

    (source)..{Google Definition Search}

    3. Thomas Jefferson means being loyal. When you are obedient you are fulfilling someones wish's so therefore you would be loyal to god.

    4. Standing up for whats right against whats wrong is obedience to God.

  16. 1. Bryce Heatwole, 11-2-11, MW2
    2. tyrants- 1.a cruel and oppressive ruler. i found it in the dictionary on my computer. 2. A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way. i found that on
    3. Thomas Jefferson meant that we all need to be obedient to god. Also that you need to be loyal. Last you need to be honest to god.
    4.going against your president is to be loyal to god.
    5. There once was a grumpy old guy named Henry Haidler. The city hated him very very much. So one glorious morning the towns people decided to start a rebellion against him. Henry didn't like it he ordered them to stop. The towns people wouldn't.
    Then they attacked. They said they would kill him. So they came through with it. They were sucsessful. Then the people were very happy.

  17. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Riley Hafner 11/2/11 MW-2

    2. A tyrant is a person who becomes a ruler not by law but by taking the thrown with force.

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant that we are under one ruler and that is God. The people who stood up to the king are loyal to God. There was to be no other ruler or god and those who did believe in someone other then the Lord himself was considered a sinner.

    4. Those who believe there is only one god or ruler is a loyal follower of the Lord.

    5. Long ago there was a king who ruled over many. One night while he was sleeping a man came into his room and killed him. The next day the man called a town meeting to tell everyone that he was taking over as their ruler. Many people who knew this man understood that he was very wicked and would do bad things with his new form of power. After a long time of talk and debate the towns people decided to rebel against his forces. Many men died but finally the king surrendered and gave his power to an elected ruler. The land was at peace once more.

  18. 1. Eddie Roberts, 11-2-11, mw2

    2. A cruel and oppressive ruler; dictionary on laptop. An absolute ruler who governs without restrictions. Source:

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant to be loyal to God. He doesn't want any tyrants.

    4. You are loyal to god if you are against cruel rulers.
    5. "Eddie is wrong to take all of the power and use it against us. That is so cruel, I said" "We should start a rebellion and stop him, Joey said." " Ya, I'm tired of bringing him food all day." So we gathered everyone in our town and started a rebellion and stopped his rain.

  19. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Megan Gunderson/11-2-11/MW2

    1.A cruel and oppressive ruler .
    2.A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way.
    3.A ruler who seized power without legal right.
    Source: My dictionary in my dashboard
    3.Thomas Jefferson meant by standing up for what we believe is wrong, is following god.If we don't like how a tyrant is acting or the rules hes making, if we stop and stand up for what we believe in we are being loyal to god and obedient.

    4. Standing up for what you believe in is being loyal to god.

    5. Write a short story about rebellion to a tyrant. (two paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each paragraph)
    Once upon at time there was a evil man named Mr. Brown. He laughed at people who were poor and in misery. Then one day he decided he wanted to take over his little town of Rose and Ernest. He made a group of followers who were to scared to stand up to him.He took over the little town of Rose and Ernest and became one of the worst tyrants Africa had ever seen.
    Then one day Mr. brown was taking a walk in the park when he saw a little boy who had a brand new lollipop. He walked over to the little boy and plucked the lollipop out of his hand. The little boy looked up and said "Mr. Brown your a mean, old, grouchy, man. Who is a bad ruler and doesn't help any one but himself.Now give me back my lollipop you old man!" Mr brown was in aw he didn't know what to say.Then out of no where came some one else who said"you know what this little boy is right." Then more people came and circled around the tyrant Mr. Brown. Then all of a sudden the whole town was rebelling against Mr. brown.Later that day Mr. Brown stepped down from power, and it was all because a little boy stood up for what he believed in.

  20. 1. Evan Bauer / 11/2/11 / 2nd

    2. tyrants is are unjust rulers. They are rulers or kings that use power badly or wrong

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant when he said "obedience to God"? that the person who is a tyrant is disobeying God. Being a tyrant is being bad in God's eyes.

    4. Using the power of ruling to your own will is disobeying God.

    5. Off in the distant town of medal brook lad my king. Medal Brook was a nice country but when Prince Henry took over the thrown it was a Hugh challenge for us to get us to him, we did for a little bit. But then he got greedy and kept all the food transports for his army so the citizens rebelled. We dressed up as Indians and raided his thrown room we assassinated him and people acted like the Indians did it. We did it!!! With no one even knowing.

  21. 1. Alex Lovings November 2, 2011 4MW

    2. A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way.

    3. Thomas Jefferson was saying is that if you are Rebellion to the Tyrants then you were obedient to god. If you weren't a Tyrant then you were not obedient to god.

    4. Being against tyrants is like listening to God.

    5. There was a ruler who was known as a tyrant, since he stole power from a government that was usually peaceful. that was, before the ruler became king.He made people pay very high prices for things like water or medicine, so barely anyone was able to buy some. The people were now broke, sick and hungry,they were starting to rebel. The king did not do anything.

  22. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Camryn Ozuch 11/2/11
    2. * A cruel and harsh ruler with strict laws to follow.
    * Someone who thinks they have more power than they really do and just wants more and wants to do more than they can by over powering the poeple.
    3. He means that you are obeying your real king. The one that we need to obey to and who is above all things. We need to rebell against the tyrant so we can be true to God.

    4. We need to say no to the harsh leaders in the world so we can stay true to God.

    5. Once upon a time, there was a very harsh ruler named Kind John. He made everybody do what he said and if they didn't do it exactly how he wanted it he would punish them severly. But when he commanded the wrong person to clean up the droppings from his dog, it was sure war was near. His servant George said "No! I am not the one who is made to clean up after your dog! He is your responsibility and you can take care of him all by yourself!". The king took his sword and aimed right for George. The gaurds of the kingdom came in, and instead of protecting the King, they started to charge at him. The entire town(except for the King's family), were all against him and eventually was beheaded by a group of farmers. The kingdom got new rules, laws, and punishment and had a great life. Until the next ruler came along.....

  23. 1. Nicholas Marlatt/11-2-11\MW4

    2. A cruel and oppressive Ruler,

    2.A tyrant flycatcher

    3. What did Thomas Jefferson mean by "Obedience is god"? What I think that he meant was that if you stand up for what is wrong that is against god. And that if you are being told to do something of wrong or injustice that you should stand up for yourself and do what is right for good will come and you wouldn't be going against god. You will be helping the victims of Tyranny.

    4. "Standing up for what is right, will later come out in gods trust"

    5. Once there was a ruler who abused his powers and has done wrong to the people and disobeyed god. The people didn't agree with what that person was doing. He was making up laws that had done bad and ruined the reputation of this here city. The king had made the people pay much more in taxes and had taxed almost everything that the citizens had rights to. So one day the people started to boycott the king from taxing and later made the king very poor which he didn't like and decided to hold off on the non important taxes to the people. Later the king decided to put some taxes on other stuff like owning farm animals or paper. Once again the people boycotted these taxes. The king was being a tyrant from abusing his power to get rich off of taxes and making the people poor. That kind of king is called a tyrant and is going against god. Those kind of people do not deserve and special good or power.

  24. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Justin Wilson Nov 2 mw4
    2."tyrants" - A cruel ruler
    - A ruler using power in an unreasonable way

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant obedience to God because God doesn't want any tyrants, so if people protest and rebel against them then that will make God happy. God thinks things shouldn't be done in that way.

    4. "Protesting against tyrants is like listening to God."

    5.Dear Tyrant,
    I really do not find it fair in how you are using your power towards the people. If you want to be a Tyrant then maybe you should use your power with purpose instead of desire. As a person living under your rules, I would like to tell you that life is not easy in the way you expect it to be. Maybe you could change your rules and use your power differently in a way that is suitable for living. Many people have began to protest against you, I don't know if you have noticed but maybe that could give you a hint in how to change.

  25. 1. Kyle Gonos MW4 11-2-11

    2. A sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly. Any person in a position of authority who exercises oppressively or despotically.

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant that a lot of people obey God. Also that obeying God is like sports to an athlete etc.

    4. Crime to a criminal is technology to people today.

    5. A long time ago, there was a King. The King liked to take advantage of his power by favoring people and taxing people. The Kings people were sick and tired of the King taking advantage of his power and treating them like dirt. So the people started to protest and tried to get him to lose his throne. The King could not take the protesting anymore and his name was gaining a bad reputation. He decided to step down from his throne and the people had knocked down the tyrant.

  26. "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Ian Grady 11-2-2011 MW4

    2. A Tyrant is someone who seizes power illegally like, killing a king and taking his place.

    3. Thomas Jefferson Meant not being loyal to the person who took your country. Meaning if you obey the person who probably killed your leader, you are being disloyal to God.

    4. Resisting a Tyrant is doing what god and your country wants you to do. In other words fight for your country and rights.

    5. In the quiet little country of Russia, there was a small government of people whom the country liked and respected very much. One day as the bells in the church tower sang, there lay a great storm ahead. Not a rain storm or a snow storm or a sand storm but an army storming into their peaceful town. They ran right into the Government building and snatched the king and executed him taking his throne. He had no aspect of the niceness the other king had shared. Russia has been captured.

  27. Seth Wilson, Nov 2, 4th hour

    Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Seth Wilson, Nov 2, 4th hour

    2.its a person who rules over his nation with power against the people instead of with the people. They are bad people who appoint themselves leaders instead of there nation appointing them as the leader.

    3. I think he meant its like listening to god. God believes in freedom he is saying and by fighting against the tyrant you are fighting for freedom. God created all equal and a tyrant believes he is more important and powerful than the other people.

    4. God wants you to fight against the unfair leaders.

    5. Saddam Hussein was a military tyrant and his people all rebelled against him. He did have some followers but most people wanted a new leader. Because of this the United States got involved and got him out of power. He had a army but his people still rebelled against him and his rules. He was a tyrant that people rebelled against.

  28. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre 11/2/2011 5th

    2. tyrants is a cool or oppressive ruler or a person exercising power or control in a crude, unsealable, or arbitrary way. i got this information on Google definition

    3. standing up for whats right is like obeying god.

    4. crime to a felon is like church to a religious person.

    5. there was this guy that did something bad very bad. he was a tyrant he was taking advantage of many people. he wold take there money and use it for him self. in fact he was king of Brittan. he anted every thing for himself so he was hated by many people hated him so he was protested agents a lot so he was finally overpowered. and he was hung. the end

  29. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Kalani Gondick / 11-2-11 / 4th M-W

    2. Tyrants means a cruel and oppressive. i got it from my Dashboard

    3.Thomas jefferson ment that people were being mean to god and didn't like him. They probably didn't want to see him or talk to him

    4. Positive and Has some bad rules.

    5. People do stuff to make other people mad and they do different things to hurt people. Some people dont like to do stuff to make other people mad but they do it any ways.

  30. 1. Brandon Cooke / mw4

    2."tyrant" means someone who takes control or rules.

    3.when Thomas Jefferson said that rebellion to tyrants to god. he meant that by standing up to what is wrong an against gods will.

    4. protesting to tyrant is like speaking with god

    5. There was this ruler his name was tyrant, since he stole power from the government that was usually quite. that was before the ruler became king. the ruler made bad choices an mad everyone pay unreasonable taxes. I would like to say that life isn't easy in anyway that you would think or like it to be.

  31. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. David Lesnau 11/2/11 MW4

    2. a cruel and oppressive ruler
    3. that every one is good in gods eyes.
    4. their should not be a mean ruler but in the eyes of some people hes nice.

    5. Write a short story about rebellion to a tyrant. (two paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each paragraph)

  32. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Michael Atwood 11-2-11 MW4

    2. A cruel and oppressive ruler, often exercising cruel and unreasonable control- New Oxford American Dictionary.
    An absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution- Merriam-Webster dictionary.

    3. By saying "obedience to god", he means that Tyrants are sinful and wrong, and through their forceful and unreasonable way, they are against god. Therefore, Thomas Jefferson reasoned that we should go against tyrants in order to be in god's favor. Also, it's best for the people if there are no people in charge that are against the people's will. In other words, opposing those who oppose god will make you his friend. As the saying goes, "He who is enemy with my enemy is my ally."

    4. striking back to bad rulers will make you ok with the people.

    5. Many years ago, Vietnam decided to split into two state of governments; the south would be a democracy, while the north would be communist. They worked out a treaty and everyone wanting democracy moved south, and everyone who wanted communism moved north. The problem with this was, the communists wanted all the land. So they decided to attack the south to try and get their land. The americans got word of this, and helped protect the democratic people from the communists. Eventually, we worked out another treaty and made a certain war free zone. This is a non-fiction story, but tyranny still tries to outbreak in Vietnam.

  33. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Daisy York 11-2-11 m/w4

    2. 1.A cruel and oppressive ruler.
    2.A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way. the free dictionary.

    3. He means that it is what god would want.That he didn't intend for someone to rule you.He wants us to only think of him as are ruler.

    4.Don,t let anyone take control or rule over you.

    5. Dear tyrant,
    I think that you should know that you are not my ruler.You think that you can use your powers to take advantage of us.Well I am not going to let you rule my life and call the shots for me. If you want to have your powers as ruler I suggest you use them correctly.
    When you don't start using them in a good way which i predict that you wont. people are going to start getting very upset and boycott you as we should of from the will be very sorry.It will take you out of power.I promis eyou that.

  34. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Aaron Durham, 11-2-11, 4th

    2. It mean's that someone is very powerful or very mean to others or you could say they are a dictator.

    3. He was trying to explain how he feels about god and how we should act in life and to not sin that's what obedience to god means


    5. The rebellion would be something that goes against it why would we go against god wish's its just asking for more punishment.

  35. 1. Austin Wicker Nov. 2, 2011 M-W4th

    2. An absolute ruler that is unrestrained by law or constitution.
    * A ruler who exercises power oppressively or brutally.
    ( merriam -

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant " Obedience to God" that he is obeying God. Thomas Jefferson meant that by doing this he is being loyal to God. He is following God and he is doing what God wants him to do.

    4. Fighting against rulers who abuse their power is obeying God.

    5. Long ago there was a king that was abusing his power. The king would always hang innocent men each week for pleasure. A few years after the king was granted power to the throne, men and women were fed up with the kings abusing of power. The men and women of the city started to boycott everything the king endorsed. They boycotted clothing, and food.
    But then the king was very mad about this when he found out. Then the king hung many men. The King was starting to get out of hand and cities citizens were not happy. So the men and women of the city went up to the castle where the king lives. Then they destroyed the castle from beneath the king and killed the king. The citizens of the city were furious with the kings rule and the king was killed for it.

  36. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 11/2/2011
    2. -- A sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
    -- Any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.
    3. I think he meant that if you rebel you will get praise from God.
    4. Fighting against mean people is doing what God asks.

  37. 1. Malorie Moen 11/02/11 MW2

    2. A tyrant is a cruel and oppressive ruler. A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way. (

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant that if you are against tyrants, you are doing what God wants you to do. Tyrants are cruel, and that's why God wants you to be against tyrants.

    4. Being against tyrants, is doing what God wants you to do.

    5. In 1768, a baby boy, named William was born. Once he was more grown up, he always said he wanted to be a ruler. This child was destructive, rude, and he didn't care about anyone. People prayed that he wouldn't become a ruler, but one day he did. He became an awfully, cruel tyrant. He stole power from the government.

    "King William, I think that you should stop stealing power from the government!" Peter said.

    "No, I like stealing power!" William said.

    "Well you will regret it, trust me." Peter said. William chuckled, then imitated what Peter said.

    "You will regret it! Ha, no you will regret saying that, Peter." William said to himself. Peter walked away. Three weeks later, Peter comes up to King William with a large army.

    "King William, if you would have listened, I said you will regret taking power that isn't yours. Now look, I've brought some people to prove you wrong." Peter said.

    "Seize him!" William told his guards. It broke out into a violent battle. There weren't enough guards, and the tyrant could no longer steal the government's power. Peter and his army were very happy, and so was everyone!

  38. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Henry Haidler / 11/2/11 / MW2

    2. A Tyrant is a person who uses his/her power to do wrong things or uses it to their advantage, an absolute ruler.

    3. When Thomas Jefferson said "obedience to god" he meant that you are following what god has told you to do. When you obey god it means you follow what you think is right and then pursue it for the good of all people.

    4. Rebelling from bad things or bad rulers is the right thing to do.

    5. There once was a tyrant named Bryce he was always using his powers and would never listen to the people of the country that he ruled. But one day a noble man named Matt stood up against the evil tyrant and he gathered his men to charge into his castle and overrun it. The noble men had a glorious victory and many other people that apposed the king cheered and sang to victory music.

  39. 1. Mikal LaButte 11/2/11 MW2

    2. A cruel and oppressive ruler. A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way. Dashboard Dictionary

    3. "obedience to God" means that you are loyal to you ruler and if he says jump you say how high. With that being said it means that you are very loyal and you will do any thing that they say.

    4. War and oppressive ruler is being loyal to god.

    5. Once their was a man who was walking in a forest and he stopped to take a rest and something hit him up side the head and it was a genie lamp so he rubbed it and the genie came out and said i will give you three wishes and the first wish was to have power when ever i want it so then BOOM he had all the power he could ever wish for. Then he was walking through this sweet little old town and he took all of the government out of that little old town and then the town went crazy and started a rebellion and they went from town to town starting fights and loosing men and then the man realized what he was doing and he unwished his wish and put every thing back to normal.

  40. 1. Darren Murray

    2. A tyrant is known as a ruler who takes power or control against the law. They usually take it by force from the ruler.

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant that, ob-bay god and you'll get something back.

    4. "Doing wrong when you think is right is listening to god."

    5. Tyrants take power use it on things and people they shouldn't. They force and they don't ob-bay, that's the power is there, its to use it on us to ob-bay. There beliefs is to use it but there using it on the wrong thing.

  41. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 11-3-11, 2nd Hour
    2. A cruel and obsessive person. A mean person.
    3. I think that he meant that the tyrants was being like a bad training to god. Like he meant that since people were being cruel and obsessive, it was being a harsh training for God.
    4. Rebels that are cruel and obsessive are harsh to God.

  42. 1. Kyle Shehan 11-3-11 tt2

    2.The word tyrant means, a cruel and oppressive leader, a person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable way.

    3.Thomas Jefferson meant obedience by not stopping him. If you are OK with a tyrant then how are you doing what God wishes

    4. If you listen to a bad leader then you aren't obeying Gods wishes

    5. Once upon a time there was a evil leader that seized control without the peoples consent. The people where mad but they did do anything until, one day a great leader steeped up and claimed the position of leader of the rebellion. On that fateful day the leader and the tyrant locked swords in battle. Once are twice the tyrant and the leader exchanged blows but in the end the tyrants army beat, he tried one last time to beat the might leader but he slipped and fell into the moat where he was never seen again.

  43. 1. Brooke Boyd 11-3-11 tt2

    2.Tyrants- a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
    .any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.

    3. Thomas Jefferson is saying if your obedience to god. Then you should be obedience to what you do and how you treat other. And to not be rebellion.

    4. Not listening to the rebellion is being good to god.

    5. Once Upon a Time, there was a ruler that had everything that he ever wanted. One day he came home and everyone wasn't be loyal and obedience. The tyrants came over and stole from the king the king got mad and made everyone go against him. So everyone did every since that day the kind mad a law that you could never speak or know or act like them then you would be obedience to god.

  44. 1.)Lexi Gross, 11/3/11, T-T-2

    2.) Source: computer dictionary
    -A cruel and oppressive ruler
    -a person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way.

    3.) Thomas Jefferson meant to obey God. He wanted you to do what God says and to behave as a responsible person. God created us all and we need to do as he asks because nothing could be as difficult as creating a human being.

    4.) "Disliking a bully is what God wants you to do" Lexi Gross 2011

    5.)Rebellion to a tyrant, where do I begin? A tyrant is a bully, nobody likes a bully. Stay away from the mean people in this world, nothing good comes out of them. God wouldn't want you to be friends with a bully, because than you may become a bully. I am not a bully I don't want to be a bully, and if I were a bully I would hate myself!

  45. 1.Caleb hudson 11-3-11 tt2
    2.Any person in a position of authority who exercises their power and pretends they are like a direct servant of god. or a person that has absolute power.
    3.I think he means that its not obedient to god to try to be a tyrant. and that people who believe in god should rebel against tyrants
    4.I think that he is saying that no one should have a lot of power and be unstoppable. and that if it does happen you should rebel against the tyrant.
    5. I think an example of a war with rebels and the tyrant would be the one that the patriots fought against the british king. And that the rebels did not like the british king being able to tax them and not getting anything to help them in return. and they rebels did not like it so they fought back. they were able to separate themselves from the british and become a free country.

  46. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Paige Leatherman 11/3/11

    2. Tyrant is someone who takes control, they usually take control by force.

    3. Thomas Jefferson means is that you should be loyal to god. And do what you are suppose to do. Also God doesn't think that things should be done by force.

    4. Rebelling against what is bad is being loyal to God.

    5. One day someone started to protest against a tyrant. Because of the way he was acting, like he was using his power to force people to do things. So therefore people were realizing that the guy protesting was doing the right thing. Because now they see how the tyrant was using his power for bad. The protest went on for weeks before the tyrant finally realized that what he was doing was bad, so he surrendered.

  47. 1. William McNamee 11/3/11 TT2
    2. A cruel and oppressive ruler- Dictionary on the computer
    A person exercising power in a cruel or oppressive way- Dictionary on the computer
    3. Thomas Jefferson meant that we have a duty to god to stick up for ourselves. He also could've meant that we need to protect our freedom against tyrants.

    4. It is our civil duty to stick up for ourselves and our freedom for tyrants trying to control us.

    5. Little Freddy I am going to tell you about the time I was your age and stuck up to a tyrant on the playground. He was a bully and his name was Neil. He said that no one could ride down the slide but him. I was the first to try to resist him and I succeeded. He never was a bully to any of the other kids again. Freddy the lesson here is that you need to fight for your freedom or you don't deserve it.

  48. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Eric Wolfe 11/3/11

    2. A tyrant is usually someone who takes power from someone else.
    Someone who took over a government illegally

    3. We should be faithful to god. God does a lot for us and we should return the favor.

    4. taking down a tyrant, is doing god a favor.

    5. Long ago, two brothers ruled a mighty kingdom after their father had died. The oldest, being made king, had started becoming corrupt. The younger one, wanted to change what his brother was starting. He fled the kingdom in search of a rebellion that could rise up against his brother. When he found that rebellion he stormed the castle gates. When the two brothers met a fight to the death was in place. As the younger one triumphed, The kingdom was now his.

  49. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Heather Linn, 11/3/11, TT2

    2. Tyrants are people who takes power against the law. Usually they get rid of the previous ruler, and no one really wants the tyrant to be their leader.

    3. He means that if you rebel against a tyrant, who is someone who is taking power from the rightful person, that you are showing your obedience to god. It also means that if you follow what was supposed to happen, then your doing whats right.

    4. Rebelling against someone who takes something from a person illegally, is obeying the word of god.

    5. One day, a guy named Frank, didn't like the rules and guidelines their leader was making, So he was making a plan to steal his power. He planned to kill the leader and say that the leader gave him his power. He told his best friend Harold about his plan and Harold was very shocked. "You can't steal something from someone thats rightfully theirs, Frank!" Harold exclaimed. "What do you mean, Harold?" Frank asked. "It is against gods word to do that." Harold said. "I still don't get it." Frank said. "Well, if you were going to take our leaders power, it would be like stealing. It isn't the right thing to do." Harold told him. "My problem is that I don't like our leaders decisions." Frank started, "So I was going to take his power." Frank finished. "Frank you can't do that though, It is against the law." Harold said. "Okay Harold, Thanks for telling me." Frank said. "Anytime." Harold said.

  50. 1. Caeley Hendee, 11-3-11

    2. A tyrant means a cruel and oppressive ruler. Also it means a person exercising power or control in a cruel. Or he was asking God a question or talking to him.

    4. "Being against Tyrants is like talking to God."

    5. This is a story about a tyrant that wanted to become a ruler of his city. His wish became true, but he started having all the power of the city. After being a ruler or king for the 2 years, he was the meanest person alive. He did terrible things, and there were a lot of people moving out of the town and moved some where else. He was mad, and started shooting people with arrows. Everyone left, Even his body guards!! Then he got so mad that he smashed his head against the wall. Then he asked God why, God didn't give him an answer. Finally one day, he got answer he was riding on a horse and fell off!!! God wanted him to die because then there wasn't a mean person in this world.

  51. 1. Cody Musulin 11/3/11 TT2

    2. Def 1. A cruel and oppressive ruler.
    Def 2. A tyrant flycatcher.

    3. That Standing up to what is wrong and against God's will, that we will stop the wrong. That if a Tyrant forces you to do something that you know is wrong, don't do it. Tell someone that persons name and turn him in.

    4. Sometimes doing the wrong thing is doing the right thing too.

    5. Back in the days there was a man named Carl. He was an average villager in the city and walked around and did his job. On voting day one man seemed really nice and happy about everything. So everyone voted for him, within the week he started making these ridiculous rules and cruel rules that everybody hated. So one day Carl stood up to him and said "no, I will not good by these rules anymore." He told everybody to not go by the rules and so they didn't. After a week the New ruler stopped and stood down.

    The next ruler was very nice and everybody liked him. They lived a happy life, good rules, and no more meaningless rules. All of the villagers were happy for many years after. Until next election day...

    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Name / Date / Hour

    2. Define the word "tyrants" minimum two definitions - provide source for your definitions

    3. What did Thomas Jefferson mean by "obedience to God"? (2 - 3 sentences)

    4. Rewrite Thomas Jefferson's statement in modern terms. (1 sentence)

    5. Write a short story about rebellion to a tyrant. (two paragraphs, 5-7 sentences

  52. 1. Michael Yedinak 11/3/11 TT2

    2. A cruel leader who is illegally one, and is unreasonable.

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant tyrants have no right to be rulers. People should do whatever it takes to get them out of power. God wants them to stop doing illegal things.

    4. People who do this today still have no rights to do illegal ruling.

    5. Tyrants are very frustrating kinds of people. Holding someone against their will and it is ILLEGAL. Then one day it went all out of hand, he was beating people, killing people, even forcing money out of people. That made people who work for him really frustrated. They had a plan to capture the tyrant and make him be their slaves kinda.
    So one day my friend John Hafferon, who used to be a bodyguard, that is a really strong guy, captured him when he was sleeping and put him in our single house he gave all 40 of us. We put him in our room, put a cloth around his mouth, and waited for him to wake up. Around 10am he woke up. He jumped when he saw us and we could here him scream. Then we told made him make all the beds, and listen to all of us for the whole day. That was all we wanted and after that he let us go home and realized how wrong he was.

  53. 1. Jake Landsberger 11/3/11 TT2

    2. Tyrant is a king or one single ruler.

    3. God wanted himself to be the only one we follow. Not tyrants as well.

    4. Standing up to unfair government is being faithful to our beliefs.

    5. "You shan't live" exclaimed King Flakking. Or as many knew him the Tyrant King. He made us work in day in and day out without food or drink and many died. That was all about to change. My friend Lokkar and I (Icensius) were going to command the army of rebellion. The king could have his last day as ruler, because tomorrow he would be overruled.

    The next day Lokkar and I had prepared. We had weapons, armor, and over 3000 fighting men. We marched up the field of Demiar to the castle as Knights saw us they began firing their cannons and muskets. There were men with swords charging at us as I yelled "OVERTHROW THEM ALL!"

    Many were lost from the muskets and cannons and swords but we dethroned the tyrant Flakking and I became the head of a new government, a democratic government.

  54. 1. Jensen Borkowski 11/3/11 TT2

    -a cruel oppressive ruler.
    -a person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable way.

    3. I think Thomas Jefferson meant that we should be rebelling against the tyrants. He meant that God wouldn't want tyranny to exist and it's the right thing to rebel against them.
    4. Fighting against cruel people is the right thing to do.
    5. Dear Tyrant,
    I don't think the way your treating people is right. You should be using your power to help us and make us a stronger society. Instead you're only using your power for yourself. You just want to give yourself more power.
    Your expectations are very hard for us citizens to meet. I think it would be a lot easier on us as citizens and you as our leader if you would give us rules that we are capable of committing to. Giving us less strict rules will make it easier for us to do the things you ask.
    I really hope you consider this.
    Jensen Borkowski

  55. 1. Sam Dovin- TT2- 11-3-11

    2. A cruel or mean ruler who is unfair. Most of the time they have a lot of power and they use it in the wrong way.

    3. Mean treating him right or believing. Standing up against anything for him like being loyal for say.

    4. You don't have to listen to the rulers just because they are the rulers. Sometimes its good to say they are bad.

    5. They were probably very mean to all tyrants. Which is not good in my opinion. It is really no fair to thos who have power over some inisant person who maybe made a mistake.

  56. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 11/3/11

    2. A tyrant is a ruler who takes control or power against the law, they usually take it by force from the ruler.

    3. When Thomas Jefferson said that "rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God", he meant that by standing up to what is wrong and against God's will, we stop the wrong and can turn back to a better way. I think that he meant if a tyrant tries to force you to do something wrong or are unjust, that by taking them from power also helps the people/victims that are being hurt by the laws they made. So therefore, by stopping those laws that hurt others, that can be considered as doing the will of the Lord.

    4. rebelling against tyrants is the right thing to do.

    5. Once,there was a young prince named William, he was a tyrant and since he stole power from a government that was usually peaceful, that was, before the ruler became king, The ruler made everyone pay unreasonable taxes that, Instead of helping his people, gave the king that he wanted. He made people pay very high prices for things like water or medicine, so barely anyone was able to buy some. The people were now broke, sick and hungry,they were starting to rebel. The king did not do anything.
    One day, the people started to boycott the kings goods and buy Imported goods. The king started going broke because of this, so he started to be even meaner to the people. So then a normal everyday person decided to start a rebellion. He gathered as many people as he could and they stopped following the king's laws. The atmosphere was havoc and anger and war filled the air. Then the war stopped. The king had decided to surrender.

  57. 1. Josh Mick 11/3 TT4

    2. Tyrants are people who have a lot of power over others. Can rule a city.

    3. He was saying obey you're God and He will tell you that power isn't everything. Even to have a false god.

    4. If you give up don't forget God loves you.

    5. Once there was a tyrant just like you. Except more of a moron. So he was in a gigantic battle with over 1,000 soldiers shooting at them. So he did nothing then later was shot. So what I'm trying to say is rebel and run for you're life. IT WILL SAVE YOU!!!!

  58. 1. Molly Aills 11-3-11

    2. A cruel and oppressive leader (Dictionary app on computer); An absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution (Merriam Webster online)

    3. Thomas Jefferson was saying that rebelling against unfair rulers is what God would want. He was saying that God doesn't like it when people are unfair to other people. Jefferson is saying that rebelling against the tyrant is the right thing to do under God.

    4. Fighting back against unfair rulers is what God would want.

    5. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in a faraway land. The people of this kingdom were very unhappy because their king was a greedy and selfish man. He made the townspeople work very hard to supply the things he and his friends wanted. He also made prices of things that they needed very high so that he would have a lot of money. He was very cruel to them, and sometimes punished them for no reason at all.
    Some of the townspeople were very angry that the king had been allowed to have this much power. They began trying to rally people against the king when His Majesty did something totally unfair, killing someone for the simple reason that they took one piece of the harvest that was supposed to go to the castle. The people started an uproar, and surrounded the castle, threatening that they would tear down the castle, one brick at a time, if he didn't give up his power. The greedy king became very afraid, and was forced to give up his power. The townspeople were content after that, under a fair and kind ruler. The end. :)

  59. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Devin bryant/11-3-11 ††4

    2. Tyrants are people loyal to the king learned in ss

    3. What he meant is that being loyal to the king is the same as being abused by god

    4. Being a democrat is the same as being loyal to god

    5. There once was a boy named TJ he had no problems with any one until the day that his father left for the war he was crushed so to get back at him he did the thing he new would hurt his father the most he joins the army and died 3 weeks later.

  60. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Paul anguish/ 11/3/11 / tt4

    2. a cruel and oppressive ruler.
    a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
    the dictionary on our computer.

    3. he means that it is the will of god. a true king is "appointed" by god. a tyrant is some one that is a dictator.

    4. ending a tyranny is what god wants.

    5. In 1100, a rightful government was taken over by a someone that the people thought would treat them fairly. when he seized power he built a bodyguard loyal only to him. Then he started to raise the taxes little by little so that the pesents would not notice. when he had enough money he hired 2000 more mercenary's to back his increasing power.

    as he gained power it started to corrupt him. very soon he was doing the same things that the government before him was doing. soon the pessents got angry and threw his in to a pit of spikes
    the end.

  61. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1. Mckaylin TT4 11-3-11

    2. tyrants means a cruel and oppressive ruler or a person exercising power to be cruel

    3. he probably meant that god is your king and he is letting the people make you king so when it come the time for you to go to heaven he will treat you like you treated your people

    4. taking advantage of you power will hurt you on judgement day. or if you have no religion then it will just hurt you in the end.

  62. Quote 11: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" Thomas Jefferson 1786

    1.Julianna Welling 11/2/11 TT4

    2. 1 a cruel and oppressive ruler 2 a tyrant flycatcher. dictionary on laptop

    3.Jefferson means that if you are obedient to a tyrant you are really being obedient to the devil. He is saying that god does not want tyrants.

    4.If you don't listen to a tyrant you are doing what is right.

    5.There was a town called jard and it was ruled by a tyrant. The tyrants name was Jon and he had control over the whole town. The people could not do anything to rebel because he took away every thing from them. He only gave them a certain amount of food each day. The people of the town were hopeless.
    A boy and girl named Jim and Ann had and idea. They got people into the work force for Jon and they smuggled tools and weapons food medical supplies and other items. One day when they had enough supplies and attacked. Jon was not ready a lot of people who work for him turned on him. In the end the towns people won and then they had a good government and the town lived happily.

  63. 1. Sam Mynarcik 11-3-11 tt4

    2. A tyrant is a person who elected himself to go as governor

    3. He ment it was a denial from god which is wrong. They technically didn't want the tyrant, but they still wanted god.
    4. Rebelling from bad rulers means you can do the right thing in the world.
    5. One day there was this guy named Garry Duke and he wanted all of his life to be a governor. He wanted to boss people around because he was the short guy and he hated being like that. Garry was one of those guys that was bullied and pushed around a lot. Now he has change he is no more mr. nice guy anymore! The day had came for election and it was a slim chance of Garry to win.
    Garry just beat the guy in one vote he was jumping around in joy. He was the happiest guy in the world. In the next couple of years he turned into the meanest guy ever. No one liked him at all. Garry turned down a tyrant.

  64. 1. Sam Hall 11-3-2011 TT4

    2.Tyrant (as defined by the Oxford American Dictionary)~ A cruel and oppressive ruler.

    Tyrant (as defined by Wikipedia)~ Someone who seizes and controls political power illegally.

    3. "Obedience to God" means doing what god would want you to do. Or to do what is right.

    4. Fighting evil is what is right.
    -Sam Hall (November 2011)

    5. King Samamuel VIIX took over his fathers throne in the summer of 645 A.D. His father had died only a year before of a particularly nasty bout of influenza. Samamuel was not a kind ruler. Taxes were high both in cost and in number, and his army ruled the land with an iron fist.

    In the fall of 692 A.D. a group of rowdy farmers gathered in the capital's courtyard, they had brought pitchforks and flambeaux. Suddenly a party of royal soldiers burst in on their gathering and the fighting started immediately. Several of the farmers were injured but they outnumbered the soldiers and managed to fight them off. The group then moved towards the castle. They were soon joined by another group, this one toting sabers and a large battering ram. Word ha it that the king was deep in sleep when the castle gates were breached. Many of the royal soldiers who had also been outraged by the king's cruel treatment joined the farmers. The next day the king was banned from the kingdom. A democracy was soon established and the people of the land enjoyed many years of happiness and peace.


  65. 1. Danielle Stowell 11/3/11 TT4

    2. A "tyrant" is and person that takes control of things and rules the place.

    3. What Thomas Jefferson meant by saying "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" is Stand up for what is wrong. 2 wrongs don't make a right. So you would turn it around and do it in a better way. Like a tyrant will try to force you and do something that's not good and you will get blamed for it. A tyrant will force you to do anything they want because there lazy. You probably don't have a say in what there asking you because they are now the ruler and like in the U.S.A. we do what the government wants us to do and what Obama wants us to do, we might not like it but oh well.

    4. "If you ignore the tyrants as much as you can you will make God proud.

    5. Once upon a time, there was a bad evil ruler who thought he could be a better ruler. So his name was Adam. He made all the little kids have jobs and work full time like their parents. And had everybody pay really high taxes even if they were poor. The food was really scarce around where he was cause he raised the prices at every store near him. They didn't have enough medicine at the time so a lot of adults and kids died from lack of food and water and shelter.
    One boring looking day, the people around where Adam was the citizens started boycott what ever the king brought in for food and goods which wasn't much. The war was pretty hectic around cause everybody wanted food and water.

  66. 1. Lexi Cox, Nov. 11, tt4

    2. A cruel and oppressive ruler. -Dictionary

    3. When Thomas Jefferson said "obedience to God" he meant doing what God would want them to do, what they believed was religiously correct.

    4. To rebel against cruel leaders is doing the right thing and what God wants you to do.

    5. There once was a boy who was forced to work for a very cruel man. He forced this boy to work and care for his farm. The work he was told to do was harsh work, it mad the boy tired and every day he cried and cried. But soon the boy could not take it any longer. Soon the boy planned an escape, he woke very early one morning and ran. He ran and ran and never stopped. He rebelled against that cruel man and stood up for what he believed was right which was to be treated fairly.

  67. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 11-3-11 TT4

    2. A tyrant is know as a ruler like a king that takes power or takes control of the law. most of the time the tyrant takes it with force from the other ruler.

    3. What Thomas Jefferson was trying to say was that we should listen to what god says. follow the rules of what god listed in the bible and don't disobey his rules.

    4. Turning on the bad rulers or rejecting them is the right thing to do.

  68. 1. Maddie Haas 11/3/11

    2. A very mean and cruel ruler- my mind
    A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way- the dictionary on the dashboard

    3. He meant like you must obey God because he is God. You need to obey him and no matter what you obey him greatly. When he said the quote "rebellion to tyrant is obedience to God, he meant that you need to obey God and so you need to rebel against a tyrant. You must obey God and obeying god is to rebellion to tyrants.

    4. It is very important that people rebel against tyrants.

    Once upon a time, there was a little town called Flabbergast. This town was ruled by a president. He was very fair and always listened to the people. But soon a very hideous person named Flacar came in and declared Flabbergast his own. The people were very scared of Flacar and no one did anything to stop him from becoming tyrant. So everyone was ruled by Flacar.
    But then one noble brave person, named Hamar, decided to do something about it. He told the people of Flabbergast that if they ate food or drank water, then they should rebel. So the town thought well I do those things so maybe I should rebel. So Hamar got a bunch of people in a group ready to rebel. When Flacar asked why there was a big group of people in front of his house, they came into the house and told him what they wanted and what would happen if he didn't listen. They said they would start a war against him if he didn't listen to them. So Flacar decided to listen and the people of Flabbergast told him that they never wanted him to be in their town or be close to it in the next 1,000 years. But it was a good idea to rebel to the tyrant because it got them to a good spot and the town of Flabbergast had a great 1,000 years.

  69. 1. Jordan Danko 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Tyrant means a mean ruler, also someone who is mean and has control or power. google dictionary

    3. Thomas Jefferson meant obey god. You should do what your religious requires.

    4. "Ignoring tyrants, is obeying God."

    5. Once upon a time there was an evil tyrant. He treated his people very poorly. He didn't care how much money you had he cared about how much he had. One day he decided to raise taxes so he could have what he wanted. Many people ended up loosing their homes and land because they no longer could afford it. They also no longer could afford to by needs such as food, because he kept raising the prices. In the end many people were dying because of the decisions he made. So one late afternoon a father of one of the young girls that died because of him killed the tyrant. In the end every one was happy except for the cruel tyrant who didn't care about any one else but himself.

  70. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre 11/2/2011 5th

    2. tyrants is a cool or oppressive ruler or a person exercising power or control in a crude, unsealable, or arbitrary way. i got this information on Google definition

    3. standing up for whats right is like obeying god.

    4. crime to a felon is like church to a religious person.

    5. there was this guy that did something bad very bad. he was a tyrant he was taking advantage of many people. he wold take there money and use it for him self. in fact he was king of Brittan. he anted every thing for himself so he was hated by many people hated him so he was protested agents a lot so he was finally overpowered. and he was hung. the end
