Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quote 8 - Hunted

"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

1. Name, Date, Hour

2. Take the phrase "nature of truth" and connect it to your own life. Write a paragraph, describing this connection and how it impacts your life. (5 - 7 sentences)

3. Is "liberty" the same thing as "freedom" - why? (3 - 5 sentences)

4. List five freedoms that you think you have -


  1. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-12-11

    2. To me, Nature of truth would mean that as scared as they were, they yearned for truth and liberty. In my own life, I found that I wanted to hear the truth instead of lies. If the two are confused, you won't know which is which. I think it would be cool to know some knowledge, the only thing is, I don't think that it would be a good Idea if we knew everything because then there would be nothing left to know. I don't know how well I can connect to the phrase besides that.

    3. I think that Liberty is similar to Freedom. Liberty could be considered freedom, but with loyalty to your country, like freedom of speech and things like that. Freedom is to be able to do whatever you want without any control. That is what I think of the two.

    4. Five freedoms I think I have are Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, to own property, to vote, to live in america and to petition.

  2. 1. Alex Lovings October 13, 2011 4MW

    2. You always have to tell the truth, no matter what. If you don't tell the truth you could be in trouble for lieing, and lieing isn't a good thing. The truth is a good thing. Truth isn't always a bad thing sometimes the truth is the best thing.

    3. I personally don't think that Liberty and Freedom are the same thing. I think they are to individual things. Freedom is to be free and Liberty is immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority.

    4. Some of the five Freedoms we have are 1.choose what to wear 2.freedom of speech 3. buy things 4. to vote 5. freedom of religion

  3. 1.Olivia Sdao oct.14 TT4

    2. How nature of truth is involved with with my life is that u should also tell the truth in live. I have herd this saying many times from adults and older people. That is how it was involved in my live.

    3.No and yes the reason why I said both is that it can mean the statue of liberty or it can mean freedom.
    4.freedom of speech, freedom of money, freedom to vote

  4. additional comment

    3. What I think nature of truth means to me is to always to tell the truth. The reason why we have to tell the truth to people is that they might think that what we told was true and they could spreed it on to another person. which would make it a rumor. When I was younger I lied and I got it trouble for lieing.

  5. 1. Halle Chiarelli 10/16/11 MW2

    2. Nature of truth to me means that you should always tell the truth. If you tell the truth then your question or whatever you want may be considered. Say you want to go to the movies, tell your mom or whomever that your going to the movies and not a friends house or something because then they know where you are and what your doing. If you say your going to "Amber's" house but your really going to the movies, your mom might say no because she doesn't like Amber. The people who want freedom are telling the truth and saying they want it because then freedom may be given to them.

    3. Yes, I believe that liberty and freedom are words that are similar. I say this because liberty means to be free within a society and freedom means that you are free to do and say what you want.

    4. 1- Speak what I want (appropriate)
    2- Wear what I want
    3- Hang out with who I want
    4- Participate in what I want
    5- Religion I want

  6. 1.Abby Schoonver 10/17/11 MW2

    2. Nature of truth means to me that you striving to have the truth. You want to know the truth. In my life I only want to hear the truth. I would want to hear the truth rather than lies. If something bad is said about me i don't want people to cover it up with lies. I would rather have been told the truth. In fact most people cover up the truth with lies. If you did or said something bad than you tend to lie about it, when you should have told the truth that you did and or said something bad about some one or something.

    3.I think they are pretty much the same thing. Liberty is the state of being free in your society. Freedom is having rights and being free of harsh rulers. So if liberty means having freedom and freedom means having rights in the end it all means the same thing, we are free.

    4.Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, I have the freedom to choose what I wear, I can choose when I do my homework, and I have the wright to vote.

  7. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Sam Love, mw2, 10/17/11

    2. I can connect the phrase "nature of truth" to my life because it is impossible to hide the truth forever. It will come out one way or another. When you know something is bad you have a feeling in your gut instinct that is.

    3. "Liberty" is similar to "freedom" because they both me to be free. Liberty means to be free from restrictions on the way of life, and political views. Freedom means to do as he pleases and long as it doesn't affect the good or happiness of others.

    4. 1. Hang out with who I want.
    2. Do what activities I want.
    3. Choose what religion I want.
    4. Freedom of speech.
    5. Wear what I want.

  8. 1. Payton Rentsch, mw2 10-19-11

    2. I can connect to the phrase "nature of truth" to my life because it is impossible to hide the truth. It will come out one way or another. When you know something is bad you have a feeling in your gut instinct that is, and it's hard to ignore it.

    3. "Liberty" is similar to "freedom" because they both mean to be free. Liberty means to be free from restrictions of the way of life, and political views. Freedom means to do as you please as long as it doesn't affect the good or happiness of others.

    1.freedom of speach
    2. to choose a religion
    3. freedom to ware what you want
    4. freedom to be who you want

  9. Timmy Uppleger MW2 10-19-11
    2. Nature of truth means that you always have to tell the truth. I think you should tell the truth and not lies. I rather hear the truth about me even if its bad. Most people tell lies so they don't get in trouble or loose friends. But when your friends or the people you lie to find out you were lieing you might get in more trouble of your friends.
    3. I think liberty is similar to freedom. liberty can be called freedom with loyalty to your country. I always thought that liberty meant being free. Freedom means you can do what you want and say what you want.
    4.1. freedom of what to eat.
    2.freedom what to play.
    3.freedom to own something.
    4. freedom of religion.
    5.freedom of speech.

  10. 1. Malorie Moen 10-17-11 MW2

    2. In the phrase, "Nature of Truth," it's like my own life because, I always tell the truth. I expect everyone else to tell the truth too. I don't want people to lie to me, and I don't want to lie to anyone. Telling the truth impacts all of our lives. Anytime you lie, you are only hurting yourself. Just ask yourself, "I am lying to them, or am I lying to myself?"

    3. Liberty and freedom are very alike. Freedom is to be independent. Liberty is being free in a country or state.

    4. I can choose who I will marry. Freedom of speech. I can choose my religion. I can choose what to wear. I also have the freedom to vote.

  11. 1. Nick Norman MW2 10/20/11

    2. "Nature of truth" connects with my life. You can't hide the truth. It's very hard to. You should always tell the truth. By chances, you will get in a lot more trouble when you lie, then tell the truth. So tell the truth right away because it's the right thing to do.

    3. I think they are the same because liberty means to be free within your society and freedom is to be free to say and do what you want. They do connect with each in a similar way.

    4. Say what I want
    Hang out with who I want
    Wear what I want
    Believe in what I want
    Sports to play

  12. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Sammy Sutton, 10-20-11, MW2

    2.The meaning of "nature of truth" i think is just being all out honest, because when your honest, it brings you good things in return. I used to be one of the people who would lie about everything, i was scared to let people know the truth. And holding everything in wasn't healthy for me, and didn't help me in anyway. Now I'm more honest, yeah i do lie about somethings, but i know now that there's people to help me, and there's people to listen.

    3. I don't really think so. Liberty is more of having ownership over something that's yours. Freedom is more like having your own rights, and being able to do what you want without hurting others. I do think Liberty and Freedom do connect in a way, but their now exactly the same meaning.

    4.Five Freedoms I think I have are,
    -The right too wear my own clothes
    -Hang out with who i want
    -Eat what I want, when I want
    -Go where I want
    -Freedom of speech.

  13. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 10/20/11 MW2

    2. Nature of truth means what is it to be true. How you act when you are a true person. All my great friends have the nature of truth or the thinks that is needed to make them true. I am a truthful person and the nature of most of the people around me are the same. Even if you aren't always truthful play the role that you are or want to be.

    3. Liberty is being separated by a despotic government. Freedom is being free from order of someone else, to be able to make your own chooses without somebody controlling you. So they are very close in similarity but have very tiny different properties.

  14. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, MW2, 10-20-11

    2. Nature is natural, freedom should be natural also. It makes a connection to my life because the truth cant be hidden forever. The truth is that feeling you have when you know you should say something. You need to speak the truth.

    3. Liberty & Freedom both mean to be free. They are alike and unalike at the same time. Freedom is having a right to be free. To be free is to be able to have your own religious beliefs and be friends with who you want.

    4.- To hang out with who I want.
    - To have my own religious beliefs.
    - To dress the way I want.
    - To be who I want.
    - To do what I want.

  15. LeAnn Howe 10-20-11 MW2

    2. The phrase "nature of truth" connects to my life because I have to tell the truth. I have a hard time lying. If its something small then I can handle it. But other times, I just need to tell someone. If you don't tell the truth then you feel guilty. That's the nature of it.

    3. Liberty and freedom are almost the same thing. Liberty is to be free. You have rights that cannot be taken away from you. Freedom is the power or right to speak, act, or think as you want without getting in trouble. We all have freedom.

    4. 1.Freedom of speech 2.freedom to choose who I want to worship 3.what I want to wear 4.what I want to do when I grow up 5.To think what I want

  16. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/20

    2. Nature Truth connects to my life because lots of people tell the truth but then there is some people who don't tell the truth. The world would be better if everyone told the truth. There are sometimes that you shouldn't tell the truth though, which is only when it could hurt someone feelings. The rest of the time you should tell the truth if it doesn't hurt someone because if you don't tell the truth it could lead to problems. So before you think about lying think again and think what will happen if you lie.

    3. "Liberty" and "freedom"both are similar because they both mean to be free. Liberty means to be free of from laws in life. Freedom means to be free and don't affect the good or happiness of others.

    4. 1. Hang out with who I want.
    2. Eat what I want.
    3. Freedom of speech
    4. Do what I want
    5. Choose what religion I want.

  17. 1.Megan Gunderson,10-20-11,MW2

    2.I connect to the nature of truth at my moms house because I'm a really bad lair. My mom always knows what I'm thinking so she can tell if I'm hiding about something or lying. In the end she always finds out whatever I'm hiding or lying about most of the time.Basically the nature of truth come out because secrets don't stay secrets for long at her house.

    3. Liberty is like like freedom because liberty is all your freedoms put together, where freedoms are just certain rights.Both freedom and liberty describe the same thing.

    4. List five freedoms that you think you have -
    1. The freedom to pick witch house I want to be at(dad or moms)
    2.The freedom to hang out with my friends
    3.The freedom of speech
    4.The freedom of religion
    5.The freedom to wear what I want

  18. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. "The nature of truth" to me means the beauty of the truth. It can hurt you or it can make you smile. But some truths can not be left untold. It is a feeling in your gut that none one wants to have. When ever my friends ask for the truth it is sometimes hard to tell them. They are my friends and I tell them everything whether its hard for me or not.
    3. It always depends on how you see it. Liberty is the right to justice and fairness. Freedom allows you to be able to do more things. So No I don't think they are the same Because one is laws and the other is the needs of people and their opinions.
    4. Below
    a.Choose what Religion I am.
    b.Wear what I want.
    c.When asked say what I think.
    d.Be able to choose my friends.
    e.Watch t.v before homework is done.
    f.Be able to express myself.

  19. Jonathan Haddon 3rd hr oct 20th

    the nature of truth I dont know what it means but I do know that it is important to the people of the united states of america.

    Liberty is the same thing as freedom because they both let men and women have the right to choose what theay want for there country.

    1: the right of speech
    2:the right to vote
    3:the right to bear arms
    4:freedom of religion
    5:the pursuit of happynes

  20. 1. Joshua Helm 10-20-11 MW2

    2. The nature of truth is basically how life is bad and people have to face it. I personally think that the nature of life is about how bad it actually is. The Nature of truth is also good because it means there is some truth instead of a "perfect" world of lies. What I am trying to say is Life sucks get over it.

    3. Liberty is like privileges Freedom is do anything YOU wish.They are kinda the same but still different in a way. They are different.

    4. I have these 5 freedoms
    - Do dress how I like
    - To do what I wish (reasonably)
    - To choose my religion
    - To be the way I am
    - To be an Individual

  21. 1.Matt Pankow, MW2, 10-20-11

    2.The natural truth connects to my life by me telling the truth. You must or at least try to tell the truth or it will come back and bite you. Once i lied to my friend and told him i have jimmy Howards goalie pads just so he would think i was cool but to come out to find he liked the ones i have better than jimmy's. Telling the truth should always happen. No matter what lies will come back to you in a little bit after you tell them.

    3.I think liberty is the same thing as freedom, because we have to fight for are freedom. The government are the people who give us freedom at the same time they are liberty.without liberty we would not have are freedom so liberty and freedom are the same thing to me.

    4. 1.Play hockey
    2.hangout with friends
    3.buy what i want
    4.choose a school i want to go to
    5.choose my friends :-)

  22. 1. Zack Fuller MW2 10-20-11

    2. Nurture for means caring and hanging out with my brothers and my 4 year old friend down the street. truth means to 1 do not lie and 2 stay true to who you are.Truth always shows no matter how much you try to cover it up. nurture means have fun but be safe teach them new things.

    3. Liberty is not the same thing as freedom. Freedom is you are free and not ruled by a king. Liberty is when you are free but you have passion for your country.

    1 right to a gun .
    2 right to choose my religion.
    3 freedom of speech.
    4 vote on things.
    5 to were what I want.

  23. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 10-20-11

    2. Nature of truth connects to my life because I think of how truth is in each of us. Nature is natural and it comes with the world as truth comes within us all. You should always tell the truth is how I take this phrase. Telling the truth is the right thing to do.

    3. Yes I think that liberty and freedom are similar because people are fighting for freedom. Liberty is having the choice to be free and freedom is just free. In order to be free you must have liberty so I believe they are very similar.

    4. 5 freedoms i think I have are:

    1.freedom of speech
    2.Activities/sports I want to do
    3.I can wear what I want to
    4.When I would like to do my homework(doesn't have to be right when I get home.)
    5.I have the freedom of my opinions.

  24. 1. Bryce Heatwole 10-20-11 mw2
    2. I have told the truth before and i know that it is good to tell the truth. I know that you can not hide the truth forever somehow someone will find out. Telling the truth can make you get in less trouble than if you lie. if you lie to your parents or a teacher and they find out the truth and it isn't what you said then you can get in bigger trouble. This means that truth will always do better things for you then if you lie. If you lie at a job interview it can cost you the job and you might not be able to get another one so you might suffer. Telling a lie is never a good thing to do.

    3. liberty is very similar to freedom. having liberty and having freedom in a society is pretty much the same thing. So i think that they are closer to being the same then being very different. I think these words have almost the same meaning.
    4.I have the freedom of speech. the freedom to be friends with whoever i want to be friends with. To decide what religion i want to be. what sports i want to play. Also i can decide to do homework or not.

  25. 1. Matt Strong 10/20/11

    2. I connect the phrase "Nature of Truth" to my life because I lie to hide the truth from someone. When i do that, it's about something I don't or can't share with others because it could hurt me, my family, or my friends. I will also lie sometimes to get away with things I don't need in my life. An example is one time I lied to my babysitter about liking her parent's house. i had a lot of fun there, but the actual house and the environment of it was boring. After I said that to my babysitter, I never saw her parent's house again. I've also lied to some of my friends by saying that I need to be somewhere when I don't. When I do that, it means they are doing something that I think is boring or not interesting.

    3. Liberty and freedom are not the same because liberty is stuff like the right to vote, have a say in what you believe in. Freedom is believing in your country and your country giving you your rights. With liberty you can't be free as much as with freedom.

    1. choice
    2. stand up for what I believe in
    3. religion
    4. do what I want when I want to
    5. choose who is and who isn't my friend

  26. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Riley Hafner 10/20/11 MW-2

    2. To connect the phrase "nature of truth" to my life is kind of hard. In my life I know that whenever I do something bad or wrong that there will be consequences. And if I lie about it and say I didn't do anything then I know i will be in more trouble. In life you should always be truthful no matter what happens. When the people wanted freedom they didn't say "we want waffles" no they sat down and said "we want freedom and independence" because that was the truth and they weren't afraid to say that they didn't like the king and his rules. This is how we gained what we have today and when your truthful in life then you get things you probably won't get when you lie and cheat.

    3. Liberty and freedom are kind of the same thing. They both mean to be free but in different ways. Liberty means to be free in your society and to have your own opinions and views while freedom is to do what you like as long as it doesn't effect the happiness of others.

    4. Five freedoms we have are freedom of speech, freedom to petition, freedom of religion, being able to vote, and being able to own, sell, and buy your own land.

  27. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-20-11 MW2

    2. "Nature of truth" relates to my life because truth just comes to you, like nature. Trying to keep a secret is hard in my house. One way or another, the truth will come out and sometimes unexpectedly. It impacts me because if I tell a white lie about something to keep something special secret, it eventually makes up tell the truth. "The nature of truth" is a good way of saying the the truth has its own nature and will find a way to you.

    3. Liberty is the kind of the same as freedom. Liberty is more governmental and Freedom is more like I can do more than before. Both are in everyday life.

    4. I have the freedom to...
    1. say what I want.
    2. choose what I want to do.
    3. choose to be who I want to be.
    4. be independent or interdependent.
    5. have a say in what I can do.

  28. 1. Evan Bauer, 10/19/11, mw2

    2. Nature of truth means to me the founder of truth or the creature of it because nature is what makes earth livable for us. In my life I would always say what is the truth to people who I thought were lien to me about something. I asked my mom and dad what is the truth to nature once and they couldn't tell me because they didn't know. I saw that saying again today and I goggled it on my spare time. It had what seemed to be false information on it. So i just decided to use what I have learned, I've learned that nature is some thing beautiful and its the maker of provider for everything, And truth is the facts about something or someone. So together nature of truth probably means the hard facts or the sadness of the truth.

    3. Liberty is the same and not the same as freedom. Liberty is not the same because it is the loyalty to your country. Freedom is the right to do things you want and vote for things you want, with some restrictions. They are alike though in some ways like both are contributes to your country from you life. Both describe what tip of person you are or your character. Although they have some differences they are the same in my eyes.

    4. List five freedoms that you think you have -
    I have the freedom of speech
    I soon will have the freedom to vote
    I have the freedom to own land
    I have the right to get paid for my work
    I have the freedom to dress as I please but with some restrictions

  29. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Mikal LaButte 10/20/11 MW2

    2. I can connect to "nature of truth" to my life because you cant hide the truth forever. No matter how hard you try to keep it in it will always come out. When you do lie you probably get a feeling in your gut that says that I can't believe you just did that.

    3. It is very similar because freedom is when you have the right to go to the Friday night football game with you friends. Liberty means to be free from restrictions from you daily work.

    1. Freedom of speech. (keep it clean)
    2. Where what i want to.
    3. Praise what god i want to. ( Religion)
    4. Do what sports what i want
    5. Freedom of where i want to hang out.

  30. Nicholas Marlatt

    "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Nicholas Marlatt, 10-20-11 MW4

    2. The phrase "Nature of truth" Means alot. I can connect by knowing how you can't hide the truth forever. Whatever you lie about will come back to you until you get it out. Thats what i think that "Nature of the truth" means.

    3. Is "liberty" the same thing as "Freedom?" I think that they pretty much mean the same things. I believe that liberty is the reason we have freedom and freedom is the reason for liberty. I do think that they are the same for we can not have freedom if we don't have liberty.

    4. List 5 freedoms that we have:
    1. Freedom of speech
    2. Freedom for what religion that we want.
    3.We have the freedom to do(activities) That we want.
    4. We have the freedom to wear what we want.
    5. We have the freedom to have our own opinion on what we think.

  31. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Camryn Ozuch 10/20/11

    2. The "nature of truth" impacts me a lot in life. If you don't have truth and honesty in your group of friends or family, what do you have? Truth is what makes the world go around. It is amazing how telling the truth about something you did, will get you far. From telling my friends what I really thikn about there hair, or telling my mom my real score on a test, honesty is the best policy. The nature, (or in this case the magic) of telling the truth is important and crucial to my everyday life.

    3. YES! Liberty is just a state of being free. While freedom is being able to do whatever you would like. They are the same thing, just stated dfferently and freedom is a more general feeling. Freedom can mean being free from anything or being able to choose whatever you would like. Liberty is a political state of freedom.

    4. 5 freedoms I think I have are.....
    1. Being able to go to school.
    2. Being able to choose the religion I want.
    3. Choose my own clothing.
    4. Freedom of speech or not to speak.
    5. Be who I want without people telling me otherwise.

  32. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Ian Grady 10-20-2011

    2. The Nature of Truth means the way everything is supposed to be and how it happens. One way I can connect it to my life at the moment, is if my grades are tanking I will loose my PS3 and Phone. It is just how it works in my house. Another way I can relate this is my brother Robert in Iraq. I know he may not come home safe but it is just the nature of truth that will bring him home.

    3. I think liberty is the exact same thing as freedom just different letters. Liberty is the act of being free and having justice and freedom is a more in-your-face approach.

    4. I don't have slavery, or budget crisis and I can do what I want instead of being forced to do things.

  33. 1. Brandon Cooke, Oct 20, 5th

    2.i can relate nature of truth you should always tell the truth no madder what. it always helps you you in the long run. an if you tell the truth other people will tell the truth back to you. because why would they wanna tell you something that you lied to them about?

    3. I think so because liberty mean like free an freedom is that you are free!

    4. freedom of speech. freedom to eat. freedom to live. freedom to do whatever sports I want to.

  34. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 10/20/11

    2. The phrase "Nature of Truth" means to know the truth about something and how it is supposed to work. A way I could connect this to my life is if my grades are a C or lower my parents ground me until I get them up. So I always try to do good on my homework.

    3. Liberty to me has the same meaning of freedom. I would say that to have liberty is to be respected and trusted. And to have freedom is to be free and have the rights that you would want to have. These all fall under the same meaning to me.

    4. Five ways that I have freedom is I get to go to school everyday. I get to have freedom of speech. I can be any religion I choose. I can wear what I want. And I can hang out with who I want.

  35. 1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-20-11

    2. Nature of truth means that it is always right to tell the truth. I can connect this quote to my life because the truth always finds it way out. One way or another it will come out, no matter how good you think you will keep it hidden. When I do not tell the truth I get a feeling in my gut, and it does not make me feel good at heart. One way this has involved my life is my parents, friends parent, and teachers always say honesty is the best policy.

    3. "Liberty" is the basically the same thing as "Freedom". Freedom means to be free from harsh rulers, and liberty means to be free and have rights. They basically mean the same thing. Both of them have differences but one thing that is alike about them is they both mean to be free.

    4. 1. Freedom of speech 2. Freedom of Religion 3. Freedom to be my own person 4. The right to petition 5. Freedom to wear what I want

  36. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Bri Rumple 10.20.11 MW4

    2. Nature of truth means that the truth will always come out eventually, even if you or someone tries to hide something with a lie, the truth will come out sometime. Nature of truth connects with my life because being trustworthy is very important to me. I would rather have the truth told to me and be hurt, than have someone lie to me so I'm not hurt.

    3.Yes, I think "Liberty" & "Freedom" are very alike. They both mean to be free and have certain rights. Liberty is being free with society & freedom is the power to act or speak as you want. So they both basically have the same meaning.

    - Do what activities I want to do.
    - Wear what I want to wear.
    - Chose of religion.
    - freedom of speech.
    - who I am friends with.

  37. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Jacob Yannott, October 20, 2011, 4th hour

    2. nature is truth is be truthful. I would love to hear the truth in my life. Only because if everybody else does, I will. lies can catch up to you haunt you. But the true can can give a person an honest opinion. Telling the true can get you where you need to be in your life.

    3. liberty is the same thing as freedom because they both are rights. you can achieve both of them. freedom is the right to do what you want to do. liberty is like the bride you put into thing you worship.

    4. 1. the freedom of having my school computer
    2. the freedom of riding my bike
    3. the freedom of hangin out with some friends
    4. the freedom of walking on earth.

  38. 1. Seth Packard 10/20/11 MW4

    "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    2.Truth is important. Without truth the world would be a dangerous place. Its key to be truth full. If you violate some body's trust then you will have trouble getting their trust back. Trust is something that you need to live with others. That is my opinion on truth.

    3.Liberty is not the same as freedom. Freedom is having the right to be an individual. Liberty is being able to do what it is that you want.

    4. we have, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, the right to bare arms, and the freedom of religion.

  39. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. David Lesnau 10/20/11 MW4

    2. its impossible to hide the truth it will come out some time. if you dont tell the truth you will not be trusted.

    3. No, Because liberty is a feeling and freedom is power of speaking.

    1)doing what I want
    2)wearing what I want
    3)talking to who I want
    4)choice of religion
    5)freedom of speech

  40. 1. Austin Wicker Oct. 20, 2011 M-W4th

    2. I connect the "nature of truth" to my own life because the truth is a big part of my life. The truth will always come out one way or another. It will have to come out some time, and either you tell the truth now or pay the price later. This connects to my own life because it is so true, the "nature of truth" is very seriously taken in my household and my father and mother will not stand for lying. This impacts me because it teaches me that lying will never prosper in life.

    3. My answer is yes, because Liberty is similar to freedom because to have liberty you have to have freedom, and to have freedom you have to have liberty. Liberty is always essential to freedom. As long as you have liberty you will have freedom. Freedom will always prosper when lady liberty is still standing.

    4. - To believe in what I want.
    - To have the freedom of speech.
    - To live where I want
    - To be able to get an education
    - To be able to run Cross Country

  41. 1. Daisy York 10-20-11 m/w4

    2. I connect it to my life because there is no way to hide the truth forever. When there is a lie there is always that feeling that things are shortened and the truth will come out. Even if I don't want the truth to come out the feeling I have inside makes my brain wants to make the words come out of my mouth, and its hard to resist that feeling.
    3. I think that they are similar because it means free but liberty has a more sense of power in your world to make it a better place, and freedom means you are free to make whatever choices as long as they are not against the law.

    4.1. Freedom to go to school and collage.
    2. Freedom to dress as i please.
    3. Freedom to have my voice heard.
    4. Freedom to like certain kinds of music.
    5. Freedom to be religious.

  42. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Michael Atwood 10-20-11 MW4

    2. The phrase "Nature of Truth" means that it has to come around eventually. You can lie to people all you want, but eventually, the truth will come out, as it is it's nature. When I was younger, I was obsessed with shiny objects. One day, while shopping at a Mejier, I found a box with two shiny diamond ear rings in it. I asked my brother if we could buy it and he said no. since I couldn't buy, I decided to put in my pocket. At home, I put the box on a counter, and forgot that it was a secret. My father had me take it back to the store. The point is, the truth came out in the end that I stole them.

    3. Liberty is the same as freedom.

    4. Freedom to speak, Freedom to buy what I want, freedom to go anywhere I want, Freedom to create whatever I want, and the Freedom to live wherever I want.

  43. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Justin Wilson Oct. 20 mw4

    2. Nature of truth means to me that you striving to have the truth. You want to know the truth. In my life I only want to hear the truth. I would want to hear the truth rather than lies. If something bad is said about me i don't want people to cover it up with lies. I would rather have been told the truth. In fact most people cover up the truth with lies. If you did or said something bad than you tend to lie about it, when you should have told the truth that you did and or said something bad about some one or something.

    3. I think that Liberty is similar to Freedom. Liberty could be considered freedom, but with loyalty to your country, like freedom of speech and things like that. Freedom is to be able to do whatever you want without any control. That is what I think of the two.

    4. List five freedoms that you think you have -freedom of speach
    -freedom of religon
    -freedom to vote
    -freedom to be with people that are African American
    -wear what i want

  44. l1. Nella Galliher 10/20/2011 MW4
    2. It relates to my life by not lying to my parents.
    3. I think liberty and freedom are the same.
    4. Living, How much you have to eat, what you wear, friends, love

  45. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1.Kalani Gomdick M-W 4TH

    2. I can connect to "Nature Of Truth" to life because you cant all ways hide the truth from someone. It's not good to lie to someone and never tell them the truth. If you lie to someone and then they find out that you were lieing they might not be your friend of they might not trust you any more.
    3. Liberty is similar to freedom because they both mean Free Liberty mean restirtions on the way of life Freedom mean to do as people please.
    1. Hang out with the people i want too
    2.Have my own bedroom
    3.Participate in what I want
    4.Freedom of speech

  46. 1. Katelyn McCarthy hour: MW2 10-20-11

    2. I can connect the phrase "nature of truth" to my own life because the truth cannot be hidden forever, it will slip out at some point. It is impossible to hide it forever. Your instincts will tell you which one is the truth and which is not because you get a feeling in your gut. if you tell the truth, you will feel good about yourself. But if you don't tell the truth, you won't feel good about yourself.

    3. To me they are the almost the same. Liberty means to be free. And freedom means that you are free. Freedom means to do what you want to do.

    4. 1. Be friends with who I want.
    2. Do the activities I want to do.
    3. Watch what I want to watch.
    4. Choose where I want to go.
    5. choose where I want to go.

  47. 1. Eric Wolfe 10/21/11 TT2

    2. This phrase means to be truthful. No matter what you do, if you lie you will get caught eventually. You can feel when something is wrong. Just be truthful to yourself and others.

    3. Liberty is simliar to freedom because both of them give you rights. Liberty is having restrictions but still have rights. Freedom lets you do what you want with some restrictions.

    4. 1. Hang out with friends
    2. Play the sports that I want.
    3. Having any sort of religion I want
    4. I can say what I want to say
    5. Wear what I want to wear

  48. 1. Paige Leatherman 10/21/11 TT2

    2. "Nature of truth" relates to my life because, adults always tell me to tell the truth. So that saying relates to my life by me always telling the truth because I'm always told to tell truth. And it is the right thing to tell the truth like it is a natural thing to do.

    3. Freedom and liberty are pretty much the same thing. Like freedom means to have rights and liberty means to be free where we live. So yes they are pretty much the same thing.

    4. I can say what I want, hangout with whoever I want, choose what religion I am, participate in what I would like to, and wear what I want.

  49. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Heather Linn, 10/21/11, TT2

    2. I can connect the phrase 'Nature of Truth' with my life because is is nature to tell the truth. If you lie, someone will eventually find out that you lied. Lying is wrong because when you lie there is a bad feeling in your gut and that is natural.

    3. I don't think that liberty is the same as freedom but it is similar. Liberty means that you are proud in your country, while freedom means that you are free to believe in what you want and you can do what you want as long as it doesn't effect others in a negative way.

    4. 1. My friends
    2. My sports
    3. Wear what I want
    4. What I say
    5. What I do

  50. 1. Cody Musulin 10/21/11 TT2

    2. My life is full of truths and lies, I think that most of my life is full of truths. My parents and my brother don't lie to me much. My friends do lie to me more then my family but, they tell a bunch of truths also.

    3. Liberty is the same thing as freedom, if you have Liberty you have freedom. Liberty is having some of your own freedom, like being able to buy what you want at the stores. Being able to live where you want (with a price). When you get a house you can go outside and run around and exercise. That is Liberty and freedom.

    4. 5 freedoms I have are, going outside when I want, eating what I want, watching t.v. when I want, going to sleep when I want, buying what I want.

  51. 1. Blake Lapum, 10/21/11, TT2

    2. "The Nature of Truth". The nature is the truth, everything around us is the truth. I have a strong relationship with nature. I love the outdoors and spend a lot of my time outdoors. I believe in the outdoors. I think that if we needed to, we could get everything we need from nature.

    3. Liberty is not the same thing as freedom. Freedom means to be free and have rights, and liberty means to be free and to have freedom.
    If we have liberty, then we have freedom.

    4. 5 freedoms I think that I have are to have what friends I want, be what religion I want, to eat what I want, to play what I want, and to act, feel and deal with my emotions how I want to.

  52. 1. Michael Yedinak 10,21,11 TT2

    2. Nature of truth means you should always tell the truth. We have all heard this don't lie it will just make you have to make more lie's for your lie. This always connects to my life when people ask how old are you. I sometimes lie and say im younger because I am small but it comes around to haunt me.

    3. I do think liberty and freedom are similar. Liberty means to be free and being able to do things because of what this country gave us. That is what freedom means to. Also they are right for every person in this country.

    5a. Being able to speak pretty much whatever I want.
    b. Wear what I want.
    c. Being able to do the things I do.
    d. Being able to have control of what I want to do with my life.
    e. Being able to choose what religion I want to follow.

  53. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1.William McNamee

    2. Little Freddy I will tell you about the time the phrase " the truth of nature" connected to my life. It all started when I was little like you little Freddy. I sought out freedom from a rule I thought unfair. I ran away from home because of the Tyranny of my parents telling me what to do. I ran away for freedom, to be able to tell myself what to do. I realized that the rules they told me were for my own safety, so little Freddy the story is you parents only want what is best for you.

    3. Yes liberty and freedom are the same. Freedom is like a synonym for freedom. If you have liberty to do something you also have freedom to do it

  54. 1.Caleb Hudson tt2 10-21-11
    2.the nature of life is important. It probably means what everyone knows is important and vital. Like if i see someone take an item from someone who is not looking i know its bad. So i say that they should give it back. I also think its like common sense. And it relates to me because i know its common sense to do my homework when i get home.
    3. Liberty is similar to freedom. I think that they are similar because they both mean to be free. But with liberty its a right and with freedom its always OK.
    1.The right to speak freely
    2.Choose my religion
    3.Choose my lifestyle
    4.The right to wear what I want.
    5.To choose what I do or don't do.

  55. 1. Elle Kennedy, TT2, 10/21/11

    2. Nature of truth means to me that you should always tell the truth. In my life I don't want to hear lies. I would rather have people tell me the truth in the beginning rather than finding out in the end that someone was lying the whole time. Like if someone did or said something bad and they go and lie about and say that they never did or said it, I would eventually find out about it because you can"t hide the truth forever and your one lie could end up hurting you and others in the end. So to begin with, everyone should tell the truth,

    3. Yes, liberty and freedom are similar. I say this because freedom means that you are free to do and say what you want and liberty means that you are free in a society.

    4. 1. Hang out with who I want
    2. Do the things I enjoy doing
    3. Freedom of speech
    4. Freedom of religion
    5. Wear what I want to wear

  56. 1. Maddie Haas 10/21/11

    2. That everyone should tell the truth. It shouldn't be a problem and be hard to tell the truth, it should just be a first nature. So when people say to be honest it should not be difficult. In my life, my parents are always telling me to be nice and be honest so people will want to be around me and they say it shouldn't be trouble at all. People are nice when they tell the truth but the people who don't tell the truth, are not nice and fun to be around.

    3. Liberty is very similar to freedom. Liberty means to have freedom and to be able to control ourselves. And every person should have liberty and freedom and for that reason liberty and freedom are alike and are rights for every living breathing person in this fine country we live in.

    1. The freedom of religion
    2. The freedom of speech
    3. When I get older I will have the freedom of voting
    4. I can wear what I want
    5. I can eat what I want

  57. 1.) Lexi gross/ 10-21-11/ T-T-2

    2.) The "nature of truth" means to me that I am what I am. No one can change me. I am the "nature of truth" the truth is me, I am the truth. You can never know the truth unless you see them in person and they are then the truth.

    3.) No, freedom and liberty are not the same thing. Freedom is being free to do what you want, when you want without anybody telling you what to do. Liberty is having your own rights in a society. So they are not the same, but they have similarities.

    4.) I have the freedom to buy what I want, eat what I want, wear what I want, hang out with the people I want, and I get to go to school where I want.

  58. 1. Brooke Boyd 10-21-11 2 hour

    2. Nature of truth is when your telling the truth and its what you should do in life. If you tell the truth you would want to know the truth back. At least I think so. You always sometime in your life you should tell you the truth and if not there would probably be something bad coming out of not telling the truth.

    3. I think liberty and freedom are mostly the same. Because liberty means the state of being free within society. Freedom means the power to act your own right. Liberty and freedom are pretty much the same.

    4. 1. Speak what I want.
    2. Choose religion I want.
    3. Wear what I want.
    4. Hangout with who I want.
    5. Do what activities I want.

  59. 1. Jensen Borkowski 10/21/11 TT2

    2. The nature of truth means to always tell the truth. It's important for me to tell the truth. It's also important for me to hear the truth. I don't want to hear lies. I think the nature of truth is like a vow that you will always tell the truth. It's like your promise that you will never tell a lie.

    3. Liberty and freedom have close to the same meaning because they both mean to be free to do what you want. I think that liberty is more in your community and more local. Freedom is nation wide.

    -Eat what I want
    -Hang out with who I want
    -Wear what I want
    -Play the sports I want
    -Buy things that I want

  60. 1. Caeley Hendee, 10-21-11, TT2

    2. It connects to my life because I will always tell the truth. I think that quote means that nature will always tell the truth. It could also means nature will never lie to you. This impacts my life because if you ever lie the truth will come out, even if its in 10 years the truth will always speak.

    3. Yes It does mean the same thing. Freedom means to be free and liberty means the same thing. I think that they are the same thing.
    4. Say what I want to
    Decide what I want to do
    Who I hang around
    Wear whatever I want
    Decide what I do in school (good things)
    4. List five freedoms that you think you have -

  61. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Marissa Moore 10/21/11

    2. I can connect the phrase "nature of truth" to my life because it is impossible to hide the truth forever, and truth will eventually come out at some point.

    3. No, liberty is not the same as freedom. Liberty is freedom, our rights, our peace, and everything the government is. Liberty expands on freedom.

    4. 5 freedoms I have are hang with who I want, Freedom of Speech (For the most part), religion, and activities.

  62. 1. Sam Dovin. 10-21-11

    2.I have herd so many thing with how truth is better with my life. I have herd like there are better ways to tell the truth my mom says always do it. Everyone has the option to or not to but i think the truth is better. Unless its mean like is my hair pretty like no i hate it.
    3. Basically yes because liberty means to be free within the community and so does freedom.
    4. 1.Talking 2.What i wear 3.What i do(most of the time) 4.How i act 5.How i eat

  63. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Name, Date, Hour

    2. Take the phrase "nature of truth" and connect it to your own life. Write a paragraph, describing this connection and how it impacts your life. (5 - 7 sentences)

    3. Is "liberty" the same thing as "freedom" - why? (3 - 5 sentences)

    4. List five freedoms that you think you have -

    Brandon Wiese 10/21/11 TT2

    2. I think that the phrase "nature of truth" is very important. This connects to my life because I have to tell the truth all the time. The quote means that you should tell the truth natural and not be forced to. Like if i break something of my moms then i should just tell her instead having her to yell at me to get it out.

    3. yes it does mean the same thing. Liberty is like how you live in your country. Freedom is living free in your country so it is kind of the same.

    freedom to speak
    ware what i want
    have any religion i want
    do what sports i want to do
    hang out with the kids i want

  64. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Stephen Moore, OCT.21, TT2

    2. It reminds me of a time that I told the truth.

    3. Cause liberty is freedom in the country.

    4. Freedom in the country

  65. 1. Jake Belford 10/21/11 tt2

    2. The phrase "nature of truth" means you have to tell the truth. This connects to my life because I try to be truthful to everyone. I also want to hear the truth of everyone. This impacts my life because everyone should tell the truth for love and if you lie it won't feel good inside because you are not supposed to lie.

    3. Liberty is the same as the truth. This is the same because liberty is telling you to tell the truth. this is why it is the same.

    4. Freedom to speak, press, religion, petition, and assembly.

  66. Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Alex Smith, 10-21-11, MW4

    2. When I think of someone saying the "nature of truth" I think of my grandmother. She can be brutally honest, and saying "The truth hurts" is her go to phrase. I think the nature of truth is that it can be tough to take the truth.

    3. Not necessarily, but a lot of people construe the meanings of the two. Liberty is the right of people to govern themselves. Freedom on the other hand is the right to speak, or act, how one wants with out restraint.

    4. Freedom of Speech
    Freedom of Religion
    Freedom of the Press
    Freedom of Assembly
    Freedom of Choice

  67. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Devin bryant ††4 10/21/11

    2. it connects to my life because i have freedome
    3. yes because liberty is freedome
    4. right to bear arms right to not speak right to live free an

  68. 1. Josh Mick 10/21 TT4

    2. Nature of truth means to me as fining what you really want to do in life. To enjoy the things you're surrounded by (not zombies). I t can mean to tell the truth the first time instead of lying.

    3. Yes its similar because they both mean to be free. They both mean to find what you're looking for. They both are the insist able nature of truth.

  69. 1. Molly Aills 10/21/11 TT4

    2. Nature of truth, to me, means that everybody wants to tell the truth. It is our nature to tell the truth, but sometimes we break that nature and lie. Sometimes I lie, but afterward I always feel bad. I usually end up admitting that I was lying. Everyone lies, and their true nature is to admit to lying. But most people ignore those doubts that come when you're doing something wrong and continue right on lying.

    3. Liberty is similar to freedom, but not exactly the same. Liberty is to be free from oppressive restrictions posed by authority on your way of life, while Freedom is to act, speak, or think as one wants without restraint. With both liberty and freedom, you are free of something or free to do something.

    4. 1) Freedom of speech
    2) Freedom of religion
    3) Freedom of opinion
    4) Freedom to vote or not
    5) Freedom to live where I want to

  70. 1.Julianna Welling 10/21/11 TT4

    2.The phrase "nature of truth" connects to my life because for most people it is natural to tell the truth. If you lie the truth will come out some time or it will bug you. It is not natural to lie for people that why your heart rate goes up in lie detector test when you are lying it is not natural. That's how "nature of truth" connects to my life.

    3.I don't think liberty is the same thing as freedom. I say that because you could have freedom when you brake out of jail but it is not right. Liberty if you rights for your country. You can have liberty for freedom but freedom can not always be right.

    1. freedom of speech
    2. where you want to live
    3. who your friends are
    4. how to dress
    5. what religion I want to be

  71. 1. Brendan Schmitter 10/21/11

    2. Nature of truth means to me that you striving to have the truth.and it is impossible to keep a secert forever. the truth is way better then hearing lies all the time i tell lies myself and after i say to my self why.the truth is the purest thing in the world and the government is the most unpurest thing in the world!!!!!!

    3. liberty is freedom like freedom of speech. freedom and liberty but mean your life is better or worst mostly better but who know.affect the good or happiness of others.

    1.hang out with my friends. 2. do things i want.
    3.freedom of speech. 4.wear what i want.
    5. use a mac computer

  72. 1. Danielle Stowell 10/21/11 TT4

    2. Nature of truth means that you should always tell the truth even if something really bad happened. You even have to tell your parents what happened if you lied to them. It will mean a lot to getting your responsibility if you want it or your parents won't trust you anymore if you keep lying to them. And everyone wants there responsibility so there parents don't have to go everywhere with them, that will be really embarrassing. So don't get in the habit of lying it's not good and even your friends won't like you anymore if you lie to them all the time. Always tell the truth.

    3. I think liberty and freedom are kinda the same thing. Because Liberty is being free in your own society and Freedom means having the right to act or speak. Some people have Liberty and Freedom and some don't.

    1.Participate in what I want.
    2.Hangout with who I want.
    3.Say what I want (appropriate)
    4.What religion I want.
    5. wear what I want.

  73. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Sam Mynarcik 4th t-t

    2. The nature of truth to me is the honest truth every body thinks about day and night. To me I believe it is like the holy grail it is something that they will worship forever or for enteritis. The people want liberty and same thing as the people that were fighting. Some people worship British and the king I believe we don't have to listen to him . That is the the truth to me was in that last sentence
    3.I say no because liberty is under rule freedom is like jumping around and saying freedom4. life ,freedom happy angery sadness

  74. 1. Heidi Siemon 10-21-11 TT4

    2. The nature of truth means to me that you have to tell the truth. Like if I were going to my friends house and my mom didn't like that friend, i could lie and say that I was going to the library or something. But I wouldn't lie like that to my mom, because its just my nature to tell the truth to my mom. And I don't like lieng to my friends, or my teachers.

    3. No its not the same but they go together and are vary similar. Freedom to me means that you can do what you want. Your free to live in this country and have whatever religion and so on. Liberty is pretty much the same but to me its that your proud of your freedom and privileges.

    4. -Have whatever religion I want.
    -Hang out with who I want.
    -Say what I want
    -Freedom to vote
    -Freedom to participate In what I want.

  75. 1. Paul anguish 10/21/11 tt4

    2. It means that is what the truth is and not a lie. it means that it is only the truth and only the truth. the nature of truth is that concentrated and completely true.

    3. no because with freedom you can do what you want and with liberty you have rights. with liberty is that you have the government do what you want. with freedom you make the rules.

    4. do what i want
    speak as i want.
    fly as i want
    where what i want
    be leave what i want

  76. 1. Sam Hall

    2. You can never hide the truth forever, someone will always find out. I cannot easily relate this to my life because I cannot remember many time that I tried covering up the truth for a long period of time. one year when I was about five years old I received a heavy payload of candy on Halloween. My mother, caring about her child health and well being, refused to allow me more than one piece of candy per day. I felt that, though my teeth may rot, and my arteries may clog, I had earned that candy, and therefore deserved to eat it. Anyway, this story ended with m mom finding an enormous mound of candy stuffed behind my bookshelf, and me having all of my sweets stashed away in the trash can.

    3. Liberty is not the same as freedom, you are born with freedom, while liberty is something you earn through loyalty and hard work for your country.

    4. Five freedoms I have are, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to vote,right to own property.

  77. "Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    1. Milan Mihajlovski Oct.21 TT4

    2. i can connect "nature of truth" to my life because you want to tell the truth so you don't have to keep piling lies and after you tell a lie you need to keep telling more and more so it gets hard to keep on telling lies so its better to just tell the truth in the first place so it makes it easier on you.

    3. Liberty is not the same thing as freedom, Freedom is where your control by some other person and or restriction of specific defined rights like Worship, or Speech. And as liberty is the sum of the rights possessed in common by the people of a community/state/nation as they apply to its government

    1.Stay up late on weekends.
    2.Wear what i want.
    3.Do what sports i like to do.
    4.Pick my friends.
    5.Do what i want.(nothing bad)
