Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Quote 9 - Forever Young

"Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

1. Name, Date, House
2. Define the word "Constitution" as it is used here in this context.
3. Describe a time that you celebrated an event or occasion. (3 - 5 sentences)
4. What does it mean to Celebrate the Constitution? And why, "for being young" instead of "being old?" (explain this in 5 - 7 sentences)


  1. 1. Halle Chiarelli 10/20/11 MW2
    2. Constitution means a statement for something that is being governed
    3. An occasion that i have celebrated would be my birthday. I also celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.
    4. For celebration the constitution is remembering what it states and why we have freedom. It says for being young and not old is because it applies to everyone that is new to it. Therefore it means that it did not just apply to the people who were alive when it was written, it applies to every American forever.

  2. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Sam Love, 11/20/11
    2. rules everyone must follow
    3. a time I celebrated an event was my birthday. A birthday is celebrated for being in the world or a certain amount of years. You have cake, presents friends and family when you celebrate it.
    4. Celebrating the constitution for being young instead of old. Ronald Reagen was trying to say that this is country isn't old, compared to china and other ancient civilizations. U.S.A is still a growing country, and the constitution will always apply even if it was made hundreds of years ago. Celebrating it as if it were new would make it seem like it is something recent and everyone should follow the rules.

  3. 1. Abby Schoonover 10/20/11 MW2

    2. a body of fundamental principals or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed

    3. Every year my family celebrates Christmas. It is a very loving holiday because it brings families closer together. Every ones houses are warm and inviting. You get to visit with relatives you don't see very often. Christmas is usually very social. You are very thankful for your family.

    4. What this sentence is really saying is that we should celebrate or constitution because that is why we have the rights and freedom we have today. It says for being young instead of old; basically what its saying is that the constitution made a long time ago gave us the rights we have today. So even though it's old, the freedom that it's giving us is still new. So for an example lets say you give your mom a picture of her and you. Ten years later when she looks back at that picture she is going to remember all the great memories behind it. To her it isn't old because the memories still live on even though the picture is old.

  4. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 10/20/11

    2. It is the paper that states our right and rules that ever American has.

    3. Ever year my family and some friends go up north. We go on our boats and celebrate the 4th of July out on the water of Higgins Lake. After we go and set of lots of fireworks and have a good time. Even the following day we continue to celebrate almost making it a weekend of parting.

    4. Celebrate the times of the constitution being made or developed. It is referred as young because even though it's an old document what it talks about is still true to this day. All in which it is represented as is what are country is and will forever be. Something isn't old by its looks but by what its message is. Nothing can be old if it's still true now as it has been before.

  5. 1. Malorie Moen 10-20-11 MW2

    2. Constitution is the composition of something.

    3. I celebrate my birthday every year with my friends and family. I open gifts, we eat cake, watch movies. A birthday should be celebrated because you only have one birthday every year.

    4. Celebrating the Constitution means to celebrate something new, not old. You would want to celebrate the Constitution when it's young or new. If you wait until it's old, it won't mean as much to people as for when something is brand new. For an example, people have baby showers for their newborn babies, they don't wait until the baby is all grown up to have a baby shower. Also, celebrating something new means that people will remember this forever, even when it's old.

  6. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-21-11
    2. The document of our freedom and victory on liberty from Britain.
    3. I've celebrated many holiday's but every year, Christmas is the most celebrated holiday for my family. We visit both of our grandparents, decorate our house and our church usually puts on a play. The reason my family celebrates Christmas is because that is known as the birthday of Jesus, which is Important to us because that is a big part of our religion. Things are celebrated as Important as they are to the person who celebrates it.
    4. My Idea is that we celebrate the Constitution is because it was the formation of our government when it was first formed. This was our laws after our trend of following Britain faded away after our revolt. This document could be considered new since even if the Constitution has been made a long time ago, the law of it still holds our country today. Today, we have a Judicial branch of government that is committed to keeping any law the president constitutional. This is how I feel about the government and life we had when the Constitution was formed.

  7. 1.Mikayla Rowlette,MW2,10-24-11
    2.The Constitution is the parchment that binds our country together. It is the reason we are free from England, our own country.
    3.I celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, and many other holidays with my family. Along with other families also.
    4. We celebrate the constitution because it is the only reason we are free from Great Britain. It is celebrated for being young because our country is reborn every year in our 4th of July celebrations.

  8. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Sammy Sutton, 10-24-11, MW2
    2. Meaning of constitutional is the document of freedom, and rights.
    3.I celebrate almost every holiday known in Michigan. The holiday my family celebrates the most in Christmas. Christmas Eve my whole family goes to my grandmas and we have dinner there and open some presents, then Christmas morning my sisters and their kids come over and we eat some frosted cookies, and have breakfast, and open more presents.
    4.Celebrating Constitution means celebrating something new, instead of the old. No matter how old something is, it doesn't matter. New things happen, and they are worth celebrating for. The constitution was made a long time ago, but still today we follow the constitution. Life is too short to sit around, doing nothing. Have fun while you can, celebrate things while you can, live your life while you can.

  9. 1.Matt Pankow, MW2, 10-24-11

    2.When they say constitution i Think there trying to mean a document of the past, where many people signed it.

    3.Some events that i celebrate are like Christmas and birthdays. Every year for Christmas there is a tradition that we go to my grandparents and have dinner and open presents. I really do enjoy going there for x-mas. On birthdays we do the same but we have cake and ice cream and watch the birthday person opens presents. I really like celebrating events.

    4.Celebrated the Constitution is important. It is a special moment in us history and should be celebrated. When they say for being young there saying that it will be in our history and are life forever. When you would say its old it is but it will still be here. the Constitution is very important and should always be celebrated no matter what.

  10. LeAnn Howe MW2 10-24-11

    2. The Constitution is a document that states the rights the people of America have.

    3. I've celebrated Christmas with my family many times. Usually on Christmas day I spend the day with my parents and brother. We open presents and hang out. I also celebrate Christmas with my grandparents. We have dinner together and open presents. Christmas is my favorite thing to celebrate because I get to see family members I haven't seen in awhile.

    4. To celebrate the Constitution means to celebrate when America became free from the British. It's when we became a country. Even though the Constitution is old, we are young compared to our country. We are celebrating all of the wars we have won and all of the people who have lost their lives to make us free. Celebrating the Constitution is celebrating our life we have. We are young and still have the rest of our lives to live.

  11. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Riley Hafner 10/24/11 MW-2
    2. The Constitution is the document that states what laws and rules we have to fallow as Americans.
    3. One occasion that me and my family celebrate is Christmas. Me and my family are Christians and we believe that Christmas is the birth day for Jesus Christ. Seeing as my parents are divorced I get double the gift and i get to visit with both sides of my family. At my dads we go to a family party and we open gifts that our relatives got us. Then the next day me and my dad open presents at home and then I go to my moms and open even more presents. Christmas is the biggest holiday celebrated in my family.
    4. When they said the were celebrating the constitution for being young not old they meant that they were celebrating their new found freedom and new laws that they created themselves and not the king. It was young and new and something that they could be happy about. They were disconnected from the rule of Britain and it was such a relief to them. That is why they celebrated about the constitution.

  12. 1. Bryce heatwole,10-24-11,mw3
    2. this is the rights that we have on a document
    3. I have celebrated many things on is the fourth of July. We go up north on my grandpas lake and take jet skis. we always go down to the parade with all my cousins. we get lots and lots of yummy candy.
    4. Celebrating our constitution is important because it means that we are free. This document is a big part of our history. This document is a huge part of our government and how it works. This document is kinda like the heart of our government. The constitution is what made our government and our government revolves around it.without this document we would probably all be very poor or even dead. All of our branches of government was formed by this document.

  13. Jonathan Haddon October 24th 2011

    The document that declares the freedom of the U.S. citizens

    I celebrate my birthday, Halloween, the fourth of july, and thanks giving, but christmas is the most celebrated holiday of the year. Almost every religion celebrates it and it is a day of piece and joy.

    we celebrate the constitution for being young because it was the birth of america and compared to france or Russia america is not that old.

  14. 1. Payton Rentsch, 10-24-11, mw2
    2. Constitution means a statement for something that is being governed
    3. On December 24/25 my family celebrates Christmas eve and Christmas. On Christmas Eve we go to church and celebrate with are fellow church members the joy of Christ is born. On Christmas we stay home to celebrate, we open gifts, eat breakfast, and just lay around the house.
    4. celebrate the Constitution because it was the formation of our government when it was first formed. This was our laws after our trend of following Britain faded away after the revolt. This document could be considered new since even though the Constitution was made a long time ago, the law of it still holds our country today. Today, we have a Judicial branch of government that is committed to keeping any law the president constitutional.

  15. Nick Norman 10-24-11 MW2
    2. The constitution is a set of rights that every American has.

    3. Every year my family likes to celebrate Christmas. On Christmas eve we go to my grandmas with my cousins, and spend time there. We have a lot of fun. We also spend time on each other birthdays. We get together have food at just have a laugh. I really enjoy spending time with my family.

    4. We celebrate the Constitution because our government set up laws and rights that every American has. We celebrate it when it's young and knew. We don't celebrate it when it's old because it won't mean as much then. It's more about what the document said that the people who wrote it. So, it means more when it's young, but it still means something today!

  16. 1. Jacob Robinson 10/24/11 MW2

    2. The document of our freedom and victory on liberty from Britain.

    3. I celebrated Fourth of July every year up at my cottage. We shoot off fireworks out on Lake Huron and have people to join us celebrate the birthday of our country. When we are shooting off fireworks it is fun to watch.

    4. The Idea of celebrating the Constitution is to celebrate when our government was first formed.
    These are our new laws instead of the laws we had to follow from Britain. This document could be considered new because these laws in this document still holds our country together today.

  17. 1. Matt Strong 10/24/11 MW2

    2. Our constitution will never grow old. It will stay young and fresh forever.

    3. Every year my family celebrates Independence Day because it meant a lot to my great grandpa who was in WW2. We celebrate this day by lighting fireworks and enjoying their beauty. This is also a day we celebrate because it's my birthday. Every year on my birthday everyone lights fireworks for me and my country. My family loves independence.

    4. We celebrate the Constitution because this is the document that gives us as Americans our freedom and rights. The Constitution will never grow old because it 's in a way the Americans right of passage to freedom. The Constitution is celebrated because it tells other countries that we are free, and we stand as one. The Constitution has never aged since it was born. It never has and never will grow old. We celebrate the Constitution as a way to show our dedication to our United States.

  18. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 10-24-11

    2.Constitution is composition of something or what it's made up of.

    3. A time I celebrated a special occasion or event would be a birthday. When I turned 10 I had a sleepover at Castaway Cafe. I invited most of my soccer team and other friends. We were celebrating me turning another year older which in a sense can be both bad and good.

    4. To celebrate the Constitution means to celebrate what your composition or what your made up of. The quote states "not for being old, but for being young." Being old is said to make you wiser.Younger people are also very wise in a sense, learning from mistakes and taking risks. What makes you up is your constitution. When your young you are figuring out what it will be like when your older.

  19. Timmy Uppleger 10-24-11 MW2
    2.constitution is what states your rights of freedom as an American.
    3. Every year my family celebrates Christmas. It brings family's closer together. Also it only comes once a year. Last year all my family come down from Florida and celebrated Christmas with us. I liked our family comeing down because I have not seen them in a long time (brings family's together).
    4. Celebrating the constitution is like celebrating freedom. For being young instead of old, witch means that the constitution gave us rights along time ago. Even that its old its new to us and still true. Like if you gave a present to someone special to you and you put it away for a couple years it will still be new to there heart. Also it will give memories from the past.

  20. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Eddie Roberts, 10/24/11, mw2

    2. In the context constitution is the composition of something.
    3. Every year my family celebrates Christmas. We wake up very early and gather around the Christmas tree. Then my mom and dad watch as my sister and I open presents. It is very exciting when you get something you have been wanting.Then we give my parents their presents and watch them open the presents.
    4. What it means by celebrating the constitution is to praise them for the laws and right that were written. If there weren't a constitution we wouldn't have any laws. For being young means celebrate it for the laws we still use today. I believe that it should be celebrated every year for what it has gave us today.That is what I think it means to celebrate the constitution.

  21. Additional Comment
    1.Mikayla Rowlette MW2 10-24-11
    2. The paper that separates us from England, so we can be our own country.
    3. I celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, and many other holidays with family and friends. For Christmas we usually go to my aunts house and they have a wonderful setup for food and gifts. My uncle used to be a chef so he makes the best ham.
    4. The country celebrates the constitution because it is the sole thing that binds our country together. We celebrate it being a young country because the country is reborn with every new year. New people, new plants, new animals, everything is reborn in the country. The land will always be old, but the country will be forever young.

  22. 1. Bryce Heatwole 10-24-11, mw2 ADD ON
    3. Forth of July is a big part of our freedom and my celebrates forth of July a lot because it is about our country. Fourth of July is celebrating our country.

  23. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/24/11

    Additional Comment

    4. The Idea of celebrating the Constitution is to celebrate when our government was first formed.
    These are our new laws instead of the laws we had to follow from Britain. This document could be considered being old because of how long ago it has been since it was but its really can be considered new because these laws in this document still holds our country together today.

  24. Additional Comment Nick Norman MW2 10-24-11
    4. The Constitution is a great thing. It was made up from our government. It states the Laws we have. Celebrating it is important. It was created by the government of America. When it was first created it was it was more important but it's still very important now!

  25. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Mikal LaButte 10/24/11 MW2
    2. The word " Constitution" means that we are celebrating the life of our document.
    3. I have celebrated many special occasions over the years but the best one was Christmas because you get a lot of gifts from everybody that comes and after you open all of the gifts you get to go outside and play in the snow (if you are somewhere where it snows). Like last christmas my family and I were on a cruise so we couldn't play in the snow. The reason why I like the Holiday Christmas is because of the time of the year like the SNOW. If i could i would have it snow for half of the year and the other have sun.
    4. When they say we are celebrating the constitution they are saying we are celebrating that something as new not old. For example my great grandpa was 100 years old and we considered him young not old. If you consider someone old when they aren't then you will hurt their feelings and you don't want that so consider people young not old.

  26. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-24-11 MW2

    2. The constitution is a document stating how the government is run.

    3. I celebrated the Forth of July. My family and Friends come over and we eat food, like burgers, potato salad and much more. The we have a bonfire and lite off fireworks. The Forth of July is a lot of fun.
    4. Celebrating the Constitution is celebrating that we have our own government away from Britain. The "Constitution" was "Being young" instead of "Being old" because the constitution made up our government and it hasn't really changed. The Constitution tells us how the government is ran. The government is still current and means the constitution's is still working like normal. The only thing that really changed is the the amount of states. The constitution is young because it is still used today.

  27. Nicholas Marlatt

    "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Nicholas Marlatt, 10-24-11, mw4
    2. Constitution, The document of our freedom and liberty.
    3. Name A time that I celebrated an event, my family celebrates Christmas, On Christmas eve we go see family. Open some presents and have a great time.
    4. TO celebrate the constitution to this generation. I think that everyone has there own opinion on the constitution. But i feel that we have liberty and justice because of it and that if we didn't have the constitution that i probably wouldn't be here today.

  28. 1. Seth Packard, 10/24/2011, MW4

    "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    2. A set of rules.

    3. I celebrate Christmas every year. My Aunt and Uncle come back to Michigan from Arizona to be with our family.That is a time where i celebrate an occasion.

    4. It means we have to celebrate the creation of our country's rules. Its young instead of old because we are a young country compared to England or other countries. The constitution is being celebrated for being young because its a new set of rules and they will never leave, the rules will always stay. It's not old because it still has much longer to go. That's why the constitution is young not old.

  29. Instructions:
    1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-24-11
    2. No matter how old the Constitution may be, it will keep America running forever.
    3. One time when I celebrated an occasion was for the Fourth of July. For July 4th, my family and I always go up north to our cabin. We light fireworks, go on the boat, and hangout with our friends.
    4. To celebrate the Constitution means to celebrate the making of America. The Constitution is the foundation for America. For being young instead of being old means that it may have been made 200 years ago, but it still keeps America running. Also all the branches of the American government run around the Constitution. It can also mean that even though it was made a long time ago, we still follow the laws today. This also says this document is a big part of us becoming a country.

  30. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986


    1. Alex Smith, 10-24-11, MW4

    2. In the context that the quote is using the "Constitution" refers to the United States Constitution.

    3. My family celebrates many things, all are not necessarily holidays. We celebrate most of the normal holidays, but also different things. Like at the end of a school card marking we go out to dinner to celebrate.

    4. To celebrate the Constitution is to follow the laws that it points out, and to express your rights which are in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution may be amended, but seeing as how we follow the laws or use or rights everyday it doesn't age. The actual document may age, but the ideas and rights will never tarnish. Right now, we're using our freedom to assemble in the Occupy Wall Street protest, and the others that are spawning around the country. Including the Occupy Detroit protest.

  31. Nicholas Marlatt

    "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Nicholas Marlatt, 10-24-11, mw4
    2. Constitution, The document of our freedom and liberty.
    3. Name a time that something that my family celebrates. Well, We celebrate Christmas and birthdays a lot.On Christmas eve we usually go over to visit our family's for Christmas. Open presents and have a great time. Birthdays are really fun to, Once more a a lot of family which isn't bad.
    4. To celebrate the constitution to this generation. I think that everyone has there own opinion on the constitution. But i feel that we have liberty and justice because of it and that if we didn't have the constitution that i probably wouldn't be here today.

  32. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    Camryn Ozuch MW4 10/24/11
    2. Constitution means fundamentals that are known and to be followed by everyone and what makes our society and character.
    3. A time I celebrated an event was my birthday party on July 29, just this past summer. I had 7 friends come over and spend the night. We watched scary movies, made hot fudge sundaes, and even went to Bishop Lake. All of us had fun and we ate lots of cake and ice cream. I celebrate my birthday every year but this was one of the funniest parties ever!
    4. To celebrate the constitution means honor the day our laws were made. We say young instead of old, because we still use them today and they are used by everyone old or young. Also, when somebody in my family has a birthday we say they are years young, not years old. We make it feel like they are up to date and "cool" like the younger people. Everybody wants to be young so we need to make the constitution as if all the laws and regulations are up to date. We also are honoring who we are and what we are made of. If we can't be greatful for that, we don't have much more. Freedom, character, and constitution is what makes us!

  33. 1. Daisy York 10-24-11 m/w4
    2. The Constitution is what are everyday lives go off of.
    3. A time when i celebrated a event is when the Fourth of July this summer. My family and I went up north and hung out for a few days.When the night of Fourth of July came we all went to the park nearby and watched the fireworks.It was special because being with family on the Fourth of July reminds you that The Fourth is why you can be with family.
    4. Celebrating the constitution means to make the best out of the privileges it gives us and not to take those privileges for granted.The constitution being forever young means that it is something that everyone still has a tie to,the meaning will always have a new light shined on it.It will always be with us and find new ways to apply as time goes on.

  34. Additional Comment
    Kyle Gonos MW4
    3. We also do a lot of family things like Put Put golf, go kart riding, and tubing. We celebrate the day America became Independent.

  35. 1. Austin Wicker Oct. 24, 2011 M-W4th

    2. What Constitution means is a band of something, group that is composed of something.

    3. My family and I celebrate Easter every year. It is a big part of the year at my church because it celebrates the birth of Christ ( sorry if not aloud to talk about this in school). I celebrate it because I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and I know that I am saved. Also I it is a happy holiday because it is reassuring that Christ died on the cross for our sins.

    4. Celebrate the Constitution means to celebrate this countries independence. It means to celebrate that this country is so young and we have a lot more time to go. Also it means to make this country a better place. And it means to learn from our countries past mistakes. And to not make those same mistakes. That is what i think Ronald Reagen meant.

  36. Seth Packard, extension to #3.
    Last year the hole family got together in my house, and talked about new things, and old traditions. Some people asked how Arizona was, others didn't want to here about the weather because its bad here.about a week later they moved back to Arizona.

  37. 1. Brianna Rumple 10.24.11 MW4

    2. The basic written set of principals and precedents of federal government in the U.S.

    3. Last May my Uncle got married so we all celebrated by going to the wedding and having a party afterwards. We celebrated with music, food, gifts, and toasts. We also celebrated by having the whole family together at once at the wedding.

    To me, celebrating the constitution is like celebrating the United States of America. We celebrate for being young instead of being old because The U.S. will be here for a long time and there are many years to come that it will still be here.

  38. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Kalani Gondick MW-2 October 24 2011
    2. Constitution is a state or other organization that is knowledge to be a governed
    3. I celebrate my birthday and because that is a time to get together with the people that you don't see all the time. It is all so a time to get together with the people that you never meet before. I like to celebrate because it give me time to get a closer connection with the people that i haven't seen in so LONG!
    4. Celebrate the Constitution mean to celebrate for all the people that took there time to help get the constitution together and sign it. All so for the people that died that sign it or help write it. The people that worked really hard to get that stuff done.

  39. 1. Alex Lovings October 24, 2011 4MW

    2. A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

    3. I celebrated Christmas with my whole family. We got together and had a big Christmas. We had lots of gifts and food. We all had a good time that day.

    4. It is important to celebrate the Constitution because it is an important day. It is good for the young to understand it because we as young people need to understand what the Constitution was all about.

  40. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Michael Atwood 10-24-11 MW4

    2. A body of fundamental principals, or what we believe is right.

    3. One time I drove up to a middle school in Brighton for a solo. I went into a well lit room with a nice man seated in front of my spot. I played my solo and got a blue medal. To celebrate, we drove to Buddy's Pizza, which got many awards for the way they make it, which is very cheesy and deep dish.

    4. Celebrating the constitution means that you should be happy your free because we are one of very few countries that are. If we have something a couple BILLION people don't, than we should be happy we have it and show off. Celebrating "being young and not old" means that usually younger people have more fun, and we should promote happiness, optimism, and dreaming big because that's what makes us motivated to create and invent, dreams. Also, the young people will someday be old and they will run the country, while the new young people go have fun and dream big. Thus, happiness will never burn out if we don't let it, and it will be a big circle going around and around until the end of time.

  41. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Justin Wilson Oct 24 mw4

    2. Constitution:a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

    3. I celebrated Christmas on the 25th of December and on Christmas Eve I go to church and celebrate Jesus's berth.
    4. We need to celebrate the Constitution because we need to know how we came to be in this contry.

  42. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Jacob Yannott, 10/24/11, mw4
    2. constitution will never get old or worn out, it will be young and free forever.
    3. I celebrate thanksgivings. we like to bake turkeys, and eat them, because they are so good! plus we other stuff like corn! YUM YUM!!!!!!
    4. it can mean to like celebrate everything that something has to given to you,because you should savor everything anybody gives to you with pride. for being young, means your not old, but your still young. Like how a Constitution never gets old.but even though your young, you still learn what wrong and what not.the constitution show the pride in America, and the pride we American have. but constitution is the same now then back then.

  43. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. David Lesnau 10-24-11 MW4
    2. organization is acknowledged to be governed.
    3. a time I celebrated is my birthday.when I turned 12 I wint to castaway bay.
    4. win it formed and it will allwase be young because it was how ower country was formed.

  44. 1. Brianna Rumple 10.24.11 MW4

    2. The basic written set of principals and precedents of federal government in the U.S.

    3. Last May my Uncle got married so we all celebrated by going to the wedding and having a party afterwards. We celebrated with music, food, gifts, and toasts. We also celebrated by having the whole family together at once at the wedding.

    To me, celebrating the constitution is like celebrating the United States of America. We celebrate for being young instead of being old because The U.S. will be here for a long time and there are many years to come that it will still be here. We don't celebrate for being old because the U.S. hasn't been here for too long, we have many more years to go until America can be called "old".

  45. Justin Wilson Oct 24 mw4
    Additional Comment

    4.To me, celebrating the constitution is like celebrating the United States of America. We celebrate for being young instead of being old because The U.S. will be here for a long time and there are many years to come that it will still be here.

  46. 1. Nella Galliher 10/24/11 MW4
    2. The word Constitution means freedom from Britain.
    3. My whole family gets together for Christmas. We have ham, mashed potatoes, peas. We celebrate giving.
    4. Celebrating the Constitution means that your remembering the good times. You would like to be young instead of being old.

  47. 1. Katelyn McCarthy, 10-24-11, MW2

    2. Our freedom and liberty from Britain.

    3. We've celebrated my birthday. And also Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. They are all very happy holidays.

    4. I think we celebrate it because it was the formation of the U.S. government. For being young and not old is that our country isn't old. The old already know about it. These laws were passed after Britain's rule over us was gone. What Ronald Reagan meant by saying "for being young" instead of "being old" was that our country wasn't old. That is what I think it means.

  48. 1. Jade Cogar 10-24-11 TT2

    2. It means that you can celebrate life and freedom with out getting in trouble or being wrong for what you did.

    3. The time I celebrated was when my friend got home from the hospital from having cancer and surving from it. We had to plan it a day before she came home so when she got there it would be ready. We had all of are friends and family there at the party. We got her a cake and presents for when she got home. When she walk through her door we all said, "SURPRISE!!" She was so surprised that I threw her a welcome home party just for her. She was crying and would not let go of me. She was so happy that I did that for her. She told me if I had cancer she would of done it the same way as I did.

    4. It means to us young people that it is hard for them back then and it is hard for them is this time being. For us right now it is quite easy because we don't have to do taxes or balance checks or anything like that. It is hard for the older people because they have to get up in the morning and go to work until who knows what time. Then they have to come home and do taxes or balance there check books. We as kids don't have to go to work on the weekends we get to sleep in until noon. As for are parents try to live in there shoes it would be even harder then what you think.

  49. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. Freedom of our rights.
    3. I remember celebrating my first communion with all of my friends around. It was the proof that I was a member of the church. At first I had to sit through a 2 hour mass but it was all worth it in the end. And i am grateful that my parents have put me through religious ed. This year is actually the year i am graduating.
    4. Celebrating the constitution should be a big event. If it wasn't for it our lives would not be the same today. And the saying "celebrated not for being old, but for being young" is a thought saying. Yes it may be and old paper but the laws made us who we are and made us feel young. Our country may be old but our hearts make it feel young.

  50. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. michael hamilton 2tt
    2. freedom is good
    3. i have chismiss at my hose and see family. My family gose to floda on ester.

  51. 1. Jake Landsberger 10/25/11 TT2

    2. Constitution is defined as a symbol of freedom.

    3. I have celebrated my birthday. I turned 13 last year and I went paint-balling with my friends. I was on the blue team and I was stalking the red team like prey. It was a great celebration.

    4. Celebrating the constitution is a great thing. We celebrate our freedom and the right Government instead of tyranny over the states. It is young in the sense that it is still forming. New things get added all the time. If it was old It would cease to grow. The constitution is a great thing that deserves to be celebrated.

  52. 1.Caleb Hudson 10-25-11 tt2
    2. A document stating our freedom
    3. Every year I celebrate Halloween at my old neighborhood. I love going to my friends house that lives there. but I normally only get to go there on a special occasion. I love Halloween.
    4.I think it means to celebrate our freedom. and its not a very old county altogether though. I guess that i celebrate my freedom everyday by doing things that are made free by the constitution. I love being free and I think that everyone else I know does too.

  53. 1. Caeley Hendee, 10-25-11, TT2
    2. Constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
    3. This last year in May 2011 I had a birthday party that celebrated my birthday. I spent my birthday party in Holiday Inn in Brighton. I had 7 of my closest friends come, and we swam, ate and played games. Later my dad got everyone in my family come and have a surprise birthday party!
    4. I think it means celebrate a birthday for the constitution. It might be having a birthday party for the constitution because we celebrate. Being young is were you can do a lot of more things then people can do that are older. People that are older have a harder time for what younger people can do.

  54. 1.Kyle Shehan 10/25/11

    2.The constitution is like the rights that all Americans.

    3.Once I celebrated my birth-day and my friend fell off my play house into the pool. Now I might of shot him with a water gun but still he should not me on there.

    4.To celebrate the Constitution is to celebrate our freedom. We call America young because that is what it is. America is really not very old. Now its not like you can find someone alive from that time but you know. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!

    "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

  55. 1. Cody Musulin 10/25/11 TT2

    2. Our rules, freedom

    3. One time I celebrated my birthday. It was July 20th, I had a party and we had a lot of fun. We played football and swam in my pool, then I got to open presents and cards. I got mostly money every year.

    4. Because you want to live life like you are young. If you live it like you are old, you won't be able to do much. If you say you are young you we most likely push yourself and have fun doing things. If you say your old you won't do much and just sit around and do nothing.

    "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Name, Date, House
    2. Define the word "Constitution" as it is used here in this context.
    3. Describe a time that you celebrated an event or occasion. (3 - 5 sentences)
    4. What does it mean to Celebrate the Constitution? And why, "for being young" instead of "being old?" (explain this in 5 - 7 sentences)

  56. 1. Eric Wolfe 10/25/11 TT2

    2. Constitution means to be free and do what you want with your life.

    3. Every year, we celebrate Independence Day, otherwise known as the 4th of July. On this day we celebrate the people who made this country into what it is today. We will never forget the people wh did what they did and who lost their lives for this country.

    4. For people today it is easier than what it was back then. It is easy for us because we have ben use to this for years while we evolve. We are use to taxes unlike the colonists from back then when taxing first came into action. I would be a lot harder for people today to go back to what they were in the past. They would think that their would be something that could do that for them. If we had to live like people did in the past, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.

  57. 1. Marissa Moore, 10/25/11, TT2

    2. Constitution is being said as our country's laws. They should be treated like they are brand new laws, instead of brushing them off.

    3. An event I celebrated was when my cousin's cancer numbers came down.

    4. You would celebrate the Constitution being young because even though it's old in years, it's not old in meaning. The law is still applied today, so it should be treated brand new.

  58. Sam Dovin 10-25-11 MW2
    2.Means freedom from Brittan
    3.I remember my last Christmas we celebrated was huge! My whole family came and we all opened presents and had a fun time together.
    4.Celebrating the constitution is remembering the states and how and when we got are freedom. I think there is a lot of it is liberty and freedom within it and I believe i wouldn't be here today without it.

  59. 1.) Lexi Gross, 10/25/11 , T-T-2

    2.) Constitution means liberty.

    3.) a time that I celebrated something is today! It is my dads birthday so today when I woke up me my mom, my brother Bubba, and my brother Aric, all made notes to him and raped our presents. We also celebrate every body in out families birthdays.

    4.) To celebrate the constitution is to be thankful for what our soldiers did to make us free and give us rights. When they say "to be young" is that it just started and it will go on and on, so its young and later, like a couple of thousands of years we will start to get old! We are a young country compared to all the other countries in this world and so there for were not old. We are a very young country and we should appreciate everything our people, and soldiers did for us, to make is FREE!

  60. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 10/25/11

    2. Constitution in this mean to be a new document, declaring our freedom, our rules, what we can and cannot do.

    3. I've celebrated lots of events. I've done many from birthday party's, to sports parties. My favorite one was probably my u11 baseball party. We had a pretty good season and after all was done, we had a part. They had all sorts of foods and games. It was rainy and chilly, but that didn't stop us boys from going swimming. We're were in the pool until dark. We came in, everyone was talking and eating. I must have had 40 pieces of chicken! After that, we all thanked out coaches and went on our way.

    4.To celebrate the constitution means to do all the things you can do. All the people probably started doing what they wanted. To be young means it was just created. They hadn't had it that long so it couldn't be old.

  61. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Heather Linn, 10/25/11, TT2

    2. Constitution means that you should be able to do what you want, as long as it doesn't harm others, no matter how old you are.

    3. On my birthday me, Paige, Kendall and Rozlyn all went to the family fun fest, which has like amusement rides and stuff, and it was really fun because we all had a good time. When we went on this one ride called the kick flip Kendall's face and the noise she was making was really funny.

    4. It is saying that we should celebrate being young because you don't have to pay taxes, you don't have to go to work, and you don/t have to take care of other people. While when your young your parents help you with stuff and basically do everything for you. Also, when your young you can do a lot more things then adults.

  62. Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. William McNamee 10/25/11 TT2
    2. The way that we live is our constitution.
    3. Little Freddy I am going to tell you about the time that I celebrated a goal in soccer. while first I will give you the background of the story it was the second half we were down by 3. When the ball came to me I was unstoppable I was running and running. Then I got to the goal I hit the goalie with the ball but it still went in. Me and my teammates were jumping around because the bell went off and we won! We went over and were making fun of the other team to.
    4. It means that we should celebrate how our constitution is still here. So it is young not old. So we should celebrate the fact that the principles that our nation was conceived upon.
    Those things are freedom and liberty. In summary we should be celebrating the fact that we are still a nation of freedom and liberty.

  63. 1. Paige Leatherman !0/25/11 TT2

    2. Constitution means our freedom and liberty.

    3. I celebrated my birthday, I had friends over and we went to the movies and saw Kunfu Panda 2. Then after we went back to my house and we were acting stupid.

    4. We celebrate the constitution because it set up laws for all us Americans to have rights. And its young because we are a young country compared to others.

  64. 1. Brooke Boyd 10-25-11 2nd hour
    2. Constitution means that you should be celebrated and never act to old.
    3. Every 4th of July my whole neighborhood and friends and family come over. We have a big party and that night there are huge fireworks that go off. Its a fun day and everyone has a good time.
    4. Celebrateing the Constitution there saying that its young and not old. Because other countries around the world are old but the USA is still growing. You should grow with it. Also as kids we dont have to do at much as older people do and its easier for the younger to celebrate easier.

  65. 1. Jake Belford 10/25/11 tt2

    2. The constitution means the rights of our free country.

    3. I celebrated an event on May 20th, 2011. This was my birthday. That day I got to go paint balling with my friends, because I enjoy that.

    4. To celebrate the constitution it means to remember that what we fought for to get our rights. This also means that we should celebrate being young, and to live our rights when we are young. When your young you can do stuff that you can't when your old. To celebrate the constitution means to love the U.S.A and be very patriotic. That is what is means to celebrate the constitution.

  66. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    Brandon Wiese 10/25/11

    2. The word constitution means that it is a piece of paper or enlistment of our liberty. I currently celebrated my birthday.

    3. I celebrate this day cause I'm celebrating my birth. Because I'm important to my parents so they'll celebrate me. I hope they would.

    4. It means that we celebrate the day that we got our independence. That is something to celebrate because its our independence of our country. it means its young cause we are constantly celebrating and using our freedom the right way. Now if it was old it means we wouldn't celebrate it and it wouldn't be refreshed.

  67. 1. Elle Kennedy, 10-24-11, TT2

    2. The Constitution is a document stating how our government should be run.

    3. Something that I celebrate is my birthday. I celebrate it every year and last year for it i got to go to Colorado and snowboard for a week. I also celebrate the 4th of July,Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter every year.

    4. Celebration of the constitution is the celebration of our countries independence.. The quote says for being young and not old because the constitution applies to every american, forever. Not just the ones who were alive when it was written. I think it could also mean the this country is not old, that it is still young and has a lot of time to go.

  68. 1. Jordan Danko 10/25/11 TT2

    2. The word constitution means to celebrate freedom.

    3. The last time I celebrated a special occasion was on my birthday. We celebrated by having a party and eating cake with my family. I have also celebrated easter, valentines day, thanksgiving, christmas, and weddings.

    4. Celebrating the constitution means to celebrate the counties freedom and independence. To celebrate the fact that the county is young because we still have a long time to go. It's like celebrating the united states of america, we celebrate it for being young not old. Since the u.s. will be here for a long time.

  69. 1. Jensen Borkowski 10/25/11 TT2
    2. The Constitution means to be free.
    3. My family celebrates Christmas. We meet up with all of the rest of our family. I look forward to Christmas because it's the one time every year that I get to see my whole family.
    4. Celebrating the Constitution means that we are celebrating the freedom of our country. We are celebrating it for being young because, a lot of times, when something is new, that's when we appreciate it most. We treat the Constitution like it's young because we still obey by it's rules. Our government hasn't changed since the Constitution was written. We consider the Constitution young because, compared to our country and how long it will last, the Constitution is young.

  70. 1. Michael Yedinak, 10/25/11 TT2
    2. a body of fundamental principals or what we believe in.
    3. The last time I celebrated something was when I went to a wedding for my cousin. She was always talking about getting married because it was her dream. When the wedding game come we had a great party and had a good time.
    4.It means to celebrate our way of life. We should learn it young so we can teach our kids to respect what our ancestors gave us. If we don't learn it until we get old we wouldn't learn as much and not be able to tell our family what this is all about. Because we are young we can learn more about what this country was like and have more experience like I said. Overall it was really hard to make this country what it is today and we should embrace it and celebrate it.

  71. 1. Michael Haase 10-25-11
    2.A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
    3. On Christmas morning I woke up and i ate some breakfast, when I was done eating I went in the living room and saw all the presents on the ground. As soon as i looked out my window i saw my step-dad in the car with my step-siblings. They got out the car and came inside and we all sat around in the living room and opened our gifts.
    4. We celebrate the constitution because it is the only reason we are free from Great Britain. Celebrating the constitution is like celebrating the U.S.A. Celebrating the Constitution is celebrating our life we have. We are young and still have the rest of our lives to live.

    Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986
    4. What does it mean to Celebrate the Constitution? And why, "for being young" instead of "being old?" (explain this in 5 - 7 sentences)

  72. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 10/25/11
    2. The constitution in this selection is the paper that separates us from England, so we can be our own country, and it also gives us freedom and the right to be happy (pursuit of happiness)
    3. One time that I celebrated an event/occasion was my uncle Geoffry's wedding, he got married to Kelly garsteki, they got married in July two years ago during the summer.
    4. to me Celebrating the constitution means that you should be happy your free because we are one of very few countries that are free. If we have something a couple trillion people don't, than we should be happy we have it and show off. Celebrating "being young and not old" means that usually younger people have more fun, and we should promote happiness, optimism, and dreaming big because that's what makes us motivated to create and invent, dreams. Also, the young people will someday be old and they will run the country, while the new young people go have fun and dream big. Thus, happiness will never burn out if we don't let it, and it will be a big circle going around and around until the end of time.

  73. 1. Molly Aills 10/25/11 TT4

    2. The Constitution is the basic written set of principles of federal government in the U.S., which was made in 1789 and has since been modified to twenty-seven amendments.

    3. I celebrated my birthday last September. My friends came over for a sleepover. I opened presents, we had cake after our gigantic marshmallow gun fight, and we stayed up all night. We drank a LOT of coffee. We had a ton of fun, and everyone didn't want to go home after the party was over.

    4. We should celebrate the Constitution because it is the foundation of what we can and cannot do in our government. It should be celebrated not because of how old it is, but for how young it is. We were under the rule of Britain for far too long, and when we realized it, we realized that we should have gained freedom long ago. It was a long, hard battle, but it was worth it, and our Constitution is younger than it should be, for we should have realized it earlier that we needed independence.

  74. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Devin bryant 10/25/11 ††4
    2. it is used as a thing like that our nation is new
    3. When i moved into my house and that was new to me but old in years
    4. It means that u are young at heart evan if if Ur old in feature

  75. 1. Danielle Stowell 10/25/11 TT4
    2. Celebrating for having Freedom and not getting in trouble.
    3. Something I celebrated was my 13th birthday. We have a bunch of people over and they all give me awesome birthday presents and sometimes money.
    4. We celebrate they constitution because it's the day we became free from the British. And the day the constitution was signed. Also it's when we became our own independent country. Everybody should celebrate the Constitution because it was a big day for America and kinda the British. We should honor our world war people that fought for us to have freedom, because when they were fighting for us they never got freedom.

  76. 1. Heidi Siemon 11-25-11 TT4

    2. The word constitution means to celebrate our freedom.

    3. This weekend Natalie and I threw a surprise party for her older brother Adam. There was a lot of family over to celebrate his birthday. We had cake and he opened his presents.

    4.Celebrating the Constitution maybe means that they would have a little party, to reminisce in it. They could talk and share stories about it also. For celebrating it for being young, means that there it still applies to the newer generations. Even though it was made a while ago, its still to be celebrated even now. It doesn't matter on when it happened and how long ago, its about our country and that is not going to change.

  77. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. paul anguish, 10/25/11/ tt4
    2. it means that it is a code, a bill of rights,principles
    3. i have celebrated many things. one of the things i have celebrated is when my friend got out of the hospital after he was diagnosed with leukemia. he manged to survive.
    4. because it is new. most things are thousands of years old. some pacts are ancient. ours is some thing that was made hundreds of years ago.

  78. 1. Lexi Cox Oct. 25, 2011
    2. The word constitution is used in this text as a body of fundamental and principles for the United States.

    3. A time when I celebrate an occasion is every year for me, my dad and my uncle Jimmy's birthday because we were all in the born in the beginning of June. We all get together and celebrate in a happy way, with cake and ice cream.

    4. To celebrate the constitution really means to remember what it is all about, why we have the constitution and all the great things it has done for our country. Celebrating it helps us remember everything we have gone through to become the United States. When it says that it should be celebrated for being young not old means that its not something that just effected us way back when. It's still in use today. Its not just something to look back at its something to learn more about.

  79. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 10-25-11
    2. It is a freedom to every body in the USA
    3. My parents and my whole family celebrated when I turned 1 years old. They called me adorable my brother called putrid and ugly. Then I got a nickname that last still today which is bubba.
    4. I think celebrating the constitution is important because you can see what the important that document is. Celebrating the constitution is one of the most important thing in school with out you may never know what would happen we could never existed. I never be typing right now my soul would be some where else. Every body can see today with the British would be overruling with the United States. That is why I believe we should have a Constitution week.

  80. 1.) Sam Hall TT4 10-25-2011

    2.) Constitution: The document of laws, rights, and freedoms that our nations forefathers drafted and signed.

    3.) A special occasion that I have celebrated recently is the marriage of one of my cousins. A few years ago he met a woman from India, and this summer they were married. My parents and I went to the wedding reception in AnnArbor, where there was dancing, dining, and lots of celebration.

    4.) Celebrating the constitution is celebrating our freedom, and the many things that America stands for. We celebrate the constitution for being young, because the constitution, though it may be 200 years old, still holds true today.

  81. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 10-25-11 TT4

    2. It means you can live life and celebrate it and do it when your young not when your old.

    3. The time i celebrated a event was when my 1 year old cousin had his birthday just this week end. I had so much fun. then after that we went back to my uncle and aunts house and had another party there.

    4. To be young and celebrate the Constitution is more easy to do it when your old because when when your young you can live your life while having fun and you don't work and you don't have to wake up at what ever time to go to work on the weekend you can sleep in. when your old you have to work at a certain time and some times work on the weekend and its not easy to supply your self and your family if you have one and you cant get away to have fun because you have to work or your wife wants to spend times with you so you cant leave to have fun so you want to celebrate when your young.

  82. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct 25, 2011

    2. A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed.

    3. we celebrate the 4th of July every year and go to the lake kick back listen to the radio on the boat and drink... pop that is. and enjoy freedom and independence as an American.

    4. well old people don't know how to party like younger people no offense. and when they have the forth of July and i like that Holiday the most because its worm enough to swim and you get to party because everyone is wasted and they don't care what you do so all the kids LOVE that holiday.(:

  83. "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young." Ronald Reagan 1986

    1. Megan Gunderson. Oct 24, MW2
    2. In this quote constitution means the document that gave Americans there rights like freedom of speech and it set down our laws.
    3.I celebrated Easter by going to church with my sister,mom,and dad. After church all of my family got together. Then the little kids went Easter egg hunting.When Easter egg hunting was done we all sat down for brunch. We prayed before we ate and celebrated Easter and god.
    4. In the quote they say "Our Constitution is to be celebrated not for being old, but for being young.". This basically mean even though the constitution has been around for a long time we should still celebrate and rejoice the rights and freedoms it give us. We should keep the spites alive of the joy the constitution brings us and not let it become old.America should keep rejoicing the constitution even though its been around for along time.

  84. 1. Josh Mick 11/1 TT4
    2. Constitution means to be celebrated not for being old but for being young.
    3. I had my 13th birthday party. We had cake and ice cream after we opened my presents. I felt so excited my bones were shaking with excitement as I opened the presents.
    4. It means to celebrate what our country did to become what it is today. It can't grow old because its one of the most important documents in America.

  85. 1. Joseph Swaney 11/3
    2. Young with the same energy, spirit.
    3. I guess one time when I celebrated Christmas. We had spent all morning opening presents. Later we had dinner with my grandparents.
    4. It means because it still means the same. It's still important. We still need it. It's not old and unimportant. It's still good.
