Thursday, October 6, 2011

Quote 6 - Curious

"The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
Samuel Adams
, letter to James Warren, 1775

1. Name, Date & Hour

2. Develop a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) discussing why it is important to know the character of public men.

3. Describe your character (3 - 5 sentences)

4. What one word describes who you are at heart?


  1. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-6-11

    2. I think that it is a good Idea to know the characters of public men to know who they are and how they will or will not help our country. One example would be if a man is on his best behavior, and is trying to get you to vote for him, they tend to act better than usual. Then when he is elected, they could either turn out to be good or bad as a leader. Not all of the public figures are the kind of people that do something. The best leader would be kind, care for his or her people as they do themselves, be willing to stand up for what is right and be diplomatic and wise when it comes to knowing what to do. I only think it would be fair to be curious to how they are being led.

    3. My character could be described as unsure about myself, does believe in God and wishes to do what is right. I live with my Mom and Dad, sister Nicole and my dog. Besides that, I am a little unsure as to my own character.

    4. Hope

  2. 1.Abby Schoonover 10/10/11 MW2

    2.It is good to get to know the public men to see how they truly act. If they want something for an example to win an election, they may act better than they would on a regular basis. They may trick you into thinking they are a good leader when really, they are not. They could very well be truthful and a good leader, but there is always a chance of them lying to get what they want. This is why it is important to be aware of the public men.

    3.My character is outgoing, loving, and kind. I wish for the best of things and persevere through tough times. I love my family and friends and don't know what I would do without them.


  3. Nick Norman 10/13/11 MW2

    2. It's good to see how they truly act when nobody is around. To what they eat and their culture. They could be the ones who trick you into doing things or they could be nice.

    3. My character is nice, kind, and thankful for his things. I protect my things and family. I stand up for my country

    4. Hope

  4. LeAnn Howe

    2. It is good to get to know the public man to see how they really act. If a man really wants something, they will probably be more behaved then they usually are. Some people act way different around people when you first meet them. They really might seem like they are really giving when really they might be selfish. Someone who is trying to run for something might say that they are going to do something to help out the economy. But they are just trying to get votes for himself.

    3. My character is kind, fun, nice, outgoing, and loving. I like to go with the flow and let things fall into place. I don't want my whole life planned out. I like to be surprised about whats going to happen next.

    4. relaxed

  5. 1. Joshua Helm 10-13-11 MW2

    2. It is important to know how people act in public. People act not like themselves in public. People who are trying to act good are most likely trying to get something. People who act bad are probably trying to get back at someone for something. It is important to know about the people in public.

    3.My character is quiet,funny,shy,people might like me, mixed emotions.
    People think I'm loud in school but I'm quiet when I'm at home not getting annoyed. My character is always different.


  6. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Sam Love, 10/13/11 MW2

    2. It is important because you know how they act or who they are. If you want to win something up to the public then you want to know who they are and how they would imply rules and leadership. It means how you are on the inside and how people look at you. Your character is how people describe you, if you steal something the people wont look at you in a good way. Even if you have changed it will stick with you for a long time.

    3. I don't know how i would describe my self, but I look for the best in people. Someone who is always negative I don't want to be a round. I care for my family and friends also who cares for me.

    4. Hopeful

  7. 1. Mikayla Rowlette

    2. So you can know what they are really like. You need to know who they really are. The person might be nice and kind on the inside but then on the outside they might be a scary mean looking person. People that look nice might be mean on the inside. The way people act when they think no one is around is their character. If they are a cruel person to others, then they might be nice to their family members. You have to get to know someone to know what their character really is.

    3. My character is the same on the inside and out. I act nice, but I like being nice to people. With how much makeup I wear and the dark clothes, people expect me to be a mean scary person. Which isn't how I really am.

    4. Generous

  8. 1. Bryce Heatwole, 10-13-11, MW2

    2. This is important because they fight for our land. They are a big part of our safety. We also need to know whats going on in their life. These men are what keep us alive. Without them we probably wouldn't be alive. Or we would have a very mensurable life.

    3. I think i am pretty nice. I try to help others when they need it in other words be nice to all people. I often joke with people but sometimes that doesn't turn out well.

    4. I think one word that describes me at heart would be CARING.

  9. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Mckenzie Barth 10-13-11 MW2

    2.It is important to the character of public men so that you don't judge. You want to know how the public people act. You want to know the normal actions of them so you know when something is going on. Never can you be too curious. If a public man is running for something you want to know how they usually act on a daily basis not just at the moment.

    3.My character is kind, caring and athletic. I work hard and put full effort into everything I do. My family and friends mean a lot to me. I pick my team, friends, and family up when any of them are feeling down.

    4. Caring

  10. 1.Matt Pankow, 10-13-11, MW2
    2.public men are people of government. they are refers to as men but usually when they say men it is also referring to women. The men of liberty described are people who run the government and are in charge of liberty pretty much. Mostly en are in liberty because we have never had a girl president, but yet is the key word. Maybe some day there will me more women in the government.
    3.I believe my character would be an meaningful Pearson. I like to help people and i will most of the time give someone what they need but if i don't trust them then that where I'm not outgoing.

  11. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Sammy Sutton, 10-13-11

    2. It's important to know about the characters of public men because the public people help other people. "Other people" as in the ones that don't have power over things. Without thee public men, there wouldn't rules, and things too keep us safe.

    3. Even though I'm just a kid, I help many people with there personal problems, and I help them get through the bad times. I like being there for people, and I like the feeling that if someone has an issue or something they can come to me for help. I want people to feel loved, not alone, and to know that they don't have to face the bad times on there own. I think without people like me, (people that help other people) everyone would be depressed and not have anyone to go to, and they'd feel alone.

    4. Caring.

  12. 1. Evan Bauer 10/13/11

    2. It is important to know the character of public men. The resin is it could tell you something about your country. It could give you information on where you stand in the place your at. It could make you decision on were you want to live because if you don't like the public men then you probably wouldn't want to live there. The character of public men and you is very important.

    3. My character is joyful. If you fell down I will try to pick you up. My character likes to think of everything as a fun game. There is times that I'm down and gloomy but I pick my self up. So this is my character I love it with are my heart.

    4. Loving

  13. 1. Halle Chiarelli 10/13/11 MW2

    2. It is important to know the character of public men because you know who they are and what they are going to do. You do not want to make public men curious because they could spread a rumor that something is going on and worry others. You want to be aware of public men so that they don't start and trouble.

    3. My character is very outgoing. I do not like when other people get hurt, made fun of, or anything that effects them. I love my family and friends. I love the area i live in and all of the people around me.

    4. Friendly

  14. 1.Timmy Uppleger 10-13-11 MW2

    2.It is a good idea to know the public men to see who they are and how they will help your country. They may help the environment from pollution. It could be someone who really stands out to you. But be careful some people might trick you to think that they are something they are not. They might have you thinking that they are really helping us but really they just say they are or make it look like they are doing something good.

    3.My character try's to help as much as he can. He helps by picking up trash off the grass. Also by recycling empty cans. My character is outgoing, and helpful.


    1.Matt Pankow, 10-13-11, MW2

    2.public men are people of government. they are refers to as men but usually when they say men it is also referring to women. The men of liberty described are people who run the government and are in charge of liberty pretty much. Mostly en are in liberty because we have never had a girl president, but yet is the key word. Maybe some day there will me more women in the government.

    3.I believe my character would be an meaningful Pearson. I like to help people and i will most of the time give someone what they need but if i don't trust them then that where I'm not outgoing.


  16. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/13/11

    2. It is good to know how public men normally act. They maybe act different at sometimes and maybe can trick people into doing things. It can be a different day for them. You could meet one and that could be the day there not acting the way they usually do. So you should always want to know how they always act just in case those things happened one day and you could be fooled

    3. My character is caring, athletic and kind. I hope for the best times and not go through the hard times. Those times happens though and you just have to go though it.

    4. Hopeful

  17. 1. Zack Fuller 10-13-11

    2. It is good to know the public man to see how good he is . So how they act at big event and not lie. So if they want they would act good to get what want. like a little kid and candy. So they trick you thinking there a great president but they are a horrible. So you give them power and they take the country down with them.

    3. I am caring and fun person. that likes to win but it is not the biggest thing in the world. I like to have fun. I think my family and friends are awesome. Life wouldn't seam fun without them

    4. Passionate

  18. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Megan Gunderson,10-13-11

    2.Its important to know the character of public men so you know how they act and why they do.Its important to know there true colors so you can tell if there a good person and if there trustworthy.You would want to know if they are mean or nice so you have to watch and be careful.

    3.I think I am nice and kind.I don not swear so I don't think Im a bad person. I try my hardest in everything I do, and always strive to do better.I love to helping people and make people happy when there sad.I love to talk about random things and funny story's even if they make me seem dumb :)


  19. 1. Malorie Moen 10-13-11 MW2

    2. I think it is important to know the character of public men because we need to get to know these people for our own safety. For an example, you need to know who your president truly is, because you wouldn't want a rude or mean president. You can never be too curious, because anyone can hide something, and you don't want to make the mistake of electing a president that hates our country. We all have a personal character. You can never be sure, if you know someones real character, or the one that's hidden.

    3. My character is, loving, caring, and funny. I care about everyone! I love my family and friends, and I will always be there for them. I couldn't survive without them!

    4. One word that describes me is, Loving.

  20. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Mikal LaButte 10/13/11

    2. It is good to know the public men to see how they truly act. If they want something for example you want to be the president they would act really good and wont goof off. From being really good they might trick you because normally they are really bad so you think they would be a good leader of our nation but when he gets elected you find out he is just a complete maniac. Before you elected him he sounded like a good man but he turned out to be a complete jerk and did nothing for our nation.

    3. My character is kind loving friendly caring and thoughtful. My job is to make people feel good for coming to places that i am at and to make people feel good to be alive

    4. caring

  21. !.Kira D'Agostino
    3rd hour MW2
    2. The public men are the group. A public man can be anyone who want freedom and really is anyone out there. In my eyes it's important because it shows that anyone can stand for their rights. Anyone can say how they feel about the situation. That's why I think you should now the public man.
    3.I work hard and do my work. Sometimes I can feel like my life is a postal office. The mail is the homework it never stops. You get it done and there's more welcoming you the next day. I get stressed a lot because I come home to a yelling father and an even more stressed out mom.
    4. Bipolar, because I feel like one day I'm stressed one day I'm happy. One day I'm sad and other days I feel wonderful. I can't seem to stay on one emotion for very long. And it makes the day's feel like 10 hours a day.

  22. 1. Matt Strong 10/13/11 MW2

    2. It is important to know the character of public men to know how we are. To know what different people n our world are like. We should learn about the public and how they respond to things such as laws, concerns, economy, and other things of that nature. We need to know about what advances in technology public men will create. In 2 years, an iPod better that the iPod Touch could be released to the public. Or next week McDonald's could come out with new toppings on their Big Mac. We as American citizens have the right to know what public men will do next.

    3. My character is shy. I don't tend to talk to people a lot and whenever people talk to me, I don't know what to say. mot of the time when that happens, I'll either tell the person I've got to go somewhere or I'll zone out and pretend I'm listening by saying stuff like "Yep" or "OK". My character my whole life is that I've always been shy.


  23. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 10/13/11 MW2

    2. It is important to know the character of the common man because it tells you if there your friend or not. Tells you the person they are and what they will be in the future. If they are a good or bad people and how they act to you. If they lie or are they true in heart. Sometimes you have to ignore the little bad parts and focus on the good parts, that can do the other way to though.

    3. I don't think of myself so highly but I do think of myself as a good person. I make mistakes like every human being but I rebound to do more good then bad. I understand people when they talk to me and I care about my family. Even though I might be competitive at times its all for the better in the future.

    4. Loyal

  24. 1. Eddie Roberts 10/13/11 mw2

    2. It is good to know the characters of the public men to know how they truly act. They might act nice but behind your back they are cruel people. That might end up hurting you in the long run. They might act like a good person or leader but that was just an act. But end up being a nasty person. This is why I think it is important to be aware of public men.

    3. I think that my character is thoughtful, athletic, fun, and outgoing. I love my family and I am very nice to my friends, but I am also truthful to them. This is my character and I'm proud to say it.

    4. Honest

  25. Nick Norman 10/13/11 MW2 additional comment.

    2. They could be those type of people who are very honest in what they say and do. Or those people that lie and disrespect other people. They could be dangerous people or thoughtful. It's also good to know them just to see what they do and how there lives are. See what they eat, and do during the day. They might be hiding stuff that people don't know about so you could warn them. That's why its important to be aware of public men.

    3. If something bad happens to someone I will do something about it. I protect our city. I respect the people in our city I fight for them

    4. Thoughtful

  26. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    Riley Hanfer 10/13/11 MW-2

    2. It is important to know the character of our public men. That is because if we didn't know their character we wouldn't know what kind or people are running our government or who we are electing to be a part or our government. It is important to know who they are because some people can end up ruining out society and our way of life. A lot of times we find a person running for office or in the running to be governor and they really don't know what they are doing and they don't have the right idea on how to make things better for us. That is why it is important to know a public mans character.

    3. When I think about who I am I come to the conclusion that I am an outgoing person. I am someone who is out there in front of people. I'm also a person that doesn't care what others think. I am the oddball in my family. I love to be different. When I do something crazy I don't care if people think I'm weird. I am a fun person who cares about others and someone who wants to help out in any way I can.

    4. Outgoing

  27. 1.Bryce Heatwole Add on 10-13-11 mw2

    2. I think we need to know why they are fighting for us and what their like in case we need to give them a gift or if we are talking to them. If they say a joke we could find it to be hurtful. We need to know what to think.

    3. I try to be helpful to others. I also like to give. I really try to be the nicest i can.

    4.I would say that i am helpful.

  28. 1. Joshua Helm 10-13-11 MW2

    2. It is important to know how people act in public. People act not like themselves in public. People who are trying to act good are most likely trying to get something. People who act bad are probably trying to get back at someone for something. It is important to know about the people in public. People always act different in public rather than they do when their at home

    3.My character is quiet,funny,shy,people might like me, mixed emotions.
    People think I'm loud in school but I'm quiet when I'm at home not getting annoyed. My character is always different. Characters are never the same when around people.

    4.Quiet 2nd Attempt

  29. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-13-11 MW2

    2. You need to know the people of your city. The guy down the street might be the next governor. You need to have the advantage of knowing if they are a good leader or not. The curious part is the wondering of "What are they going to be?" The good thing is that if they were to be a leader, you would know how they work and what they are like. That's a good thing to have.

    3. I think my character would be the performer. I sing and act at coffee shops and theaters hoping to reach my goals and dreams. I want to be a famous actress.
    4. Different.

  30. 1. Ian Grady 10-13-2011 mw5

    2. I think, back in this time period the U.S. was still forming and people needed to know who people were and what side they were on because of the revolution. The Americas had many Patriots and also many Loyalists as well. What Samuel Adams was saying was basically, we are concerned about the side our people are on.

    3. My Character is a Performer too as Mr. Price already knows I am a singer and I'm in F.T.O. and I want to be a singer for my career.

    4. Creative.

  31. Nicholas Marlatt MW4

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Nick Marlatt 10-13-11 MW4

    2. I think that it is important to know the author so that you know something about your country that you didn't know before. To know were you are at. To help you understand what we have become.And to have a new insight on people men and woman.

    3. I think that my character is helping others. Being a good friend and doing things to help people out. And also a good friend.

    4. Helpful

  32. 1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-13-11

    2. It is important to know the character of public men so that if you need help you can ask the right character. Some people however do not act like themselves in public. Also to know who is fighting for us and why. Knowing public men also tells you what they will be in the future. Lastly it could be important so that you know who they are. These are some reasons why it is important to know the character of public men.

    3. My character would be quiet and athletic. I am nice and outgoing. Also I like to give.

    4. Friendly

  33. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Camryn Ozuch 10/13/11 MW4

    2. You need to know people in your community. People act differently at home when they are alone, rather than in public where everybody can see them. You need to truly get to know people before you can trust them. Being curious and asking question could be a start to something great like a friendship or relationship, or a thing that you just leave alone. That is because you were curious and found out a little too much about that person. If you think about your bestfriend, you know so much about them. You already know the character of them. But, you can still be curious and want to know more.

    3. My character would be the althlete. Every day I am doing some kind of workout just for fun. I have so much energy and stress I build up throughout the day, that I just need to release it. Even when I am by myself and not with my team or friend, I am kicking the soccer ball against the wall or bumping it to myself. I just love to be running around having fun. I know that I can just be myself when I am excersizing and being physical.

    4. Energetic

  34. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Kalani Gondick MW4

    2. You need to know the character of these men because they are the people that fight for different country and to safe peoples lives. If it wasn't for them then people wouldn't be here right now.

    3. I am very outgoing I am very nice to people and am very caring.

    4. Caring

  35. 1.Daisy York 10-13-11 m/w4

    2. It is important to know how is around you if the person next door could help you or harm you. you also need to know if the person is a good leader and can control a situation and control how the person acts when no one is watching if they make the right decisions these things shine through when they show their true colors.

    3. I know my character isn't perfect I make mistakes and do things I shouldn't but I do make the right decisions and help people every chance I get. I overall have a good character.

    4. Warmhearted

  36. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Alex Smith, 10-13-11

    2. Knowing anyone is important. Before I decide to finally interact with someone, I'll decide if these are the kind of people I'd like to identify myself with. I need to know someone's character to judge them like that. It wouldn't be fair to make assumptions about people who I've never seen. Even doing that, studying a person's behavior, can be very unfair though. The same goes with political figures, which I assume the quote means by "public men". You need to listen to that person, be critical about what they say. You shouldn't just randomly vote, you need to listen to their opinions, and what they say they'll do in office.

    3. I've been called a "hipster" before, by my friend Andoni. I guess that'd be right. I've found, the hard way, that I'm really different than other kids my age. I'm a free thinker, and a strong person. I don't give into peer pressure as easily as most. A lot of kids just feed into what ever their parents say, whether it be about religion, politics, whatever. I don't. If you look at my parents and I, how we think there's almost no similarity. In short, I'm different. I think differently, and I do things differently. I'm an outspoken Liberal, and others don't like that too much.

    4. Different. (and proud)

  37. Nicholas Marlatt MW4

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Nick Marlatt 10-13-11 MW4

    2. I think that it is important to know the author so that you know something about your country that you didn't know before. To know were you are at. To help you understand what we have become.And to have a new insight on people men and woman.

    3. What character am I? I believe that my character is helpful and a caring person. I believe that i help people a lot and i care about them. I will help you if you are down if I trust you. I care about my friends and i care about others and those who care for me.

    4. Helpful

  38. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Michael Atwood, 10-13-12, MW4

    2. It's important to know the character of man because if you want to get peoples attention to problems,then you need to know what interests them. You also need to know that because if you know what people like and get along through that, then they will like you, do you favors, and maybe you might get a job from them someday. Knowing people is important because if you know people, they can help you when you struggle and you can help them.

    3. My character would probably be traveling to place to place, finding a job. I like traveling, even if it's nothing short than just walking places. If I find someplace I like, then I'll stay. If not, I would just wander to another place.

    4. not what you would find everyday.

  39. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct. 13, 2011

    2. its important to know the character of our public men because want to know who is representing us. because when other country's look at us they want to see a kind and trustworthy man and a good role model.

    3. i see myself as a person that is creative and smarter then i show. i see myself as happy and silly person i am not afraid to be myself.

    4. creative and playful

  40. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Kalani Gondick MW4 additional

    2. You need to know the character of these men because they are the people that fight for different country and to safe peoples lives. If it wasn't for them then people wouldn't be here right now. People fight hard everyday to make people safe. People need other people to fight for there safety.

    3. I am very outgoing I am very nice to people and am very caring. I love my friends and i am very Nice. I care about people i like to be friendly

    4. Caring

  41. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1.Aaron Durham,10-13-11,4th hour

    2. It is important to know what this meaning is because there are some thing me might acknowledge and some we do not have any knowledge about what Sam Adam's is trying to say is that we do not need to worry about other people the only people we need to worry about is ourselves and out family and no one else can change that but us.

    3. I am the type of person who like's to make the happiest out of the worst of time's.i am very good at communicating and love to go out side and do thing's i also love to make people laugh.

    4. Astonishing

  42. 1. Austin Wicker Oct. 13, 2011

    2. It is important to know the character of public men because you need to know the politics of your leader. People can never know too much about the leader. They should be curious what they have in mind about certain things. The people should know what the leader has to say. The people have the right to know what the leader knows and wants, so they should be curious about the politics or other things the leader has to say.

    3. Runner because I work hard at running and I succeed. By working hard I win races because of my hard work. By working hard I have crowds that cheer me on my races. I have people who care about my running and myself.

    4. Enthusiastic

  43. 2nd installment:

    Michael Atwood

    4. Unusual

  44. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct. 13, 2011
    additional comment

    2. I see myself as a non perfect person I make a lot of mistakes and I think that's what makes me grow as a person. I see myself as creative and a kind person. I am very active and smart I like to let loose a lot and just have fun.

  45. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1.Christina Mogg 10/13/11 1Hour

    2.It is important to know the character of the public men. So you know whats out there for you to do.So get to know you neibors becauseone of them may be governor one day.

    3.My character would be the artist because I love to draw and color.I hope I become a famse artist when I grow up.


  46. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 10/13/2011
    2. It is important because you need to know if they are going to hurt you.
    3. I am respectful, caring, kind, responsible.
    4. Kind

  47. 1. Seth Packard

    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    2. You know the people who live around you. You never know who turns out to be the next president, or celebrity. How you treat other people will come back to you. If you are kind to the correct people you may get a big favor in return. Its a good thing to understand other peoples lives, you never know who they might turn out to be until you understand who they are as a person.

    3. I am a rushed person. I don't usually take my time to do things. but I am nice to people, and a good friend. People trust me and I can trust them, that is what makes me a good friend.

    4. fantastical-magical

  48. 1. Katelyn McCarthy hour 3rd 10-13-11

    2. It is good to see their public character to see how they really are. It is important to know their character so that you know what they are really like. So that you don't put yourself in the wrong position along with them. It is important to see their public character before they do anything like fight in our war. So you don't become friends with the wrong person.

    3. I think my character is that I'm a shy person. I'm a very quiet person. I'm also a very caring person.

    4. Caring

  49. 1. Presslee Reisinger, October. 14th, 2011
    2. It is important to know the character of your public men, because you never know what they're going to do once they get what they want. For example, the person could let's say wanna be president, and they could say that they are going to do a ton of thing's, but honestly only say it to get you to vote for them! Also, they could come off really nice, but truly be a bad person and they could mess up the whole place. I think most people should want to know everything that the public man is doing when no one is looking.
    3. I would describe my character as...a loud person. I have my moment when i'm rude...but i can be pretty nice.
    4. Crazy girl!

  50. 1.Kyle Shehan, 10/14/11, tt2

    2.It is important to know the character of public men. If you don't know the character of a public man then you don't know if you can trust them. If you cant trust them then why are they in power? If you know someones character then you know that you can't and can trust them, and if you find out who they really are it might shock you.

    3.I am quiet. I am nice (hopefully). I am what I am, and I am glad.


    "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Name, Date & Hour

    2. Develop a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) discussing why it is important to know the character of public men.

    3. Describe your character (3 - 5 sentences)

    4. What one word describes who you are at heart?

  51. 1. Paige Leatherman 10/14/11 TT2

    2. I think it is important to know about it because you should know about your country. And your leader. Because then you could know what is going on and everything. So being so curious is not a bad thing because all you are doing is trying to learn more about your country and leader. This is important because then you can trust them if you really know them well and know what the appropriate way to act around them are.

    3. I am not an independent person I like working with friends. I am also nice, kind and caring. I like to help others when in need.

    4. Caring

  52. 1. Jake Landsberger 10/14/11 TT2

    2. Knowing the character of public men, our men, is very important. If you don't know your own representatives then you wouldn't be able to trust them with choices. They make choices for you and make things like laws. If you don't know who they really are then they could be a traitor, or a nice person, you wouldn't know. I believe
    that if you don't know who they are on the inside, then you don't know them at all.

    3. I like to lead. I'm the type that likes to help and work with people less fortunate than myself. I have had very rough times in the past with things happening but i have a bright outlook on the future. I believe that I can do what I want to do, which is become a U.S. Marine. I believe that deep inside everyone is a golden-hearted human being.


  53. 1. Marissa Moore 10/14/11 TT2

    2. It is important to know the character of the public men because they are the ones leading you. If you know that they are very strict, you would need to know how to behave. Also, those are the people who are in charge of you. Who lead you. You want to know everything about that person since they are in charge of you.

    3. My character is a lot of different things. I'm funny, caring, nice, witty, and some other things. I do admit that I am very impatient, and if I'm in a bad mood I will get angry with others very easily. I usually get angry with my parents when this happens, but I always feel very bad afterwards and apologize. But, 99% of the time I am really caring and nice and generous.

    4. Generous

  54. 1. Caeley Hendee 10-14-11 TT2

    2. Public people should care about what public men. People that stick out and help our community. It's important to know them so you can get involved with community, and know someone that is new. People in our community is good because we are trying to make it better, and a safer environment for kids, and people to live in.

    3. I think I'm a good person and love to have fun. I really am a kind, nice person. I'm the kinda of person that makes someone laugh when their down or not in a good mood. I care about everyone in my family and I love my friends to death.

    4. Loving

  55. 1. Blake Lapum, 10/14/11, TT2

    2. You need to know the people who are around you. You never know who could be a president, a congressmen, or someone who turns out to be important in many years to come. If you are honest and are a good character, and you get people to like you, and you have a friend or someone important, you may be able to ask them for a favor. If you know someone of importance, and you know them already, you know what to expect from them and who they really are.

    3. I am a very interesting person. In my free time, when I'm not outside or playing sports, I enjoy playing game on the xbox 360. If I could have any pet, it would be a panda, I don't really know why, but I've always been interested in them. I love to hang out with friends and go places with them. One of my favorite places to go is the ice rink. I like to sometimes go skate and just think.


  56. The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Heather Linn, 10/14/11, TT2

    2. It is important to know the public men because you can never know who may be able to help you at a random time. You should know who your surrounded by and keep a good relationship with them all. Lets say you are in trouble and one of the witnesses was someone you know, if they know you and like you usually they will help you. If they don't know you, or don't like you then they probably wont help you.

    3. My character would be a weird, funny, and nice person who isn't perfect but try's their best. I am a trusting person and try to help people however they can. Which, I think, makes me a good friend.

    4. Different

  57. 1. Michael Yedinak 10,14,11 TT2

    2. It is important to know the character of the public men to know they have to be curios. They should be curios because they have to be concerned. The people who is a public men is any person in the community like the president of a celebrity. They are the people in charge of you. Then you know how to behave because they represent you.

    3. I am a caring and nice person. I help people when they most need it and help myself by respecting myself and others. Also I am very trustful. If they want me to keep a secret I will. That is what makes me Michael Yedinak.

    4. Open-minded

  58. 1. Cody Musulin 10/14/11 TT2

    2. It is important to know the people around you. Sometimes it would be better to know the people that are around you. If you know all of the leaders around you, you could get help from them. You need to be curious and talk to new people and try to make friends with other people. When I go to parties some times I don't know anyone there, but when I leave I know a lot of people, and I made new friends. Some of them helped me in the days. One day they might save your life, and you might save their life.

    3. My character was shy, I use to never meet new people and I was always alone. Then when I was little we moved to Pinckney and I had to make new friends. I joined in on a conversation, and I made a friend, then that friend helped me make more new friends. Now I'm not very shy at all, because of that courage that I had to join in on that conversation.

    4. Funny

  59. 1. Eric Wolfe 10/14/11 TT2

    2. It is important to know people that have an impact on life. Wen don't know who will be our next president. We don't know who will be the next celebrity everyone is talking about. choices we make today will come back later in life, sometimes sooner sometimes later. We don't know who people around will turn out to be later in life.

    3. I'm one of those people who rushes to get through things. I trust the people I have as friends and they trust me back.

    4. Creative

  60. Brandon Wiese 10/14/10 TT2

    2. Its very important to know the public men. A public man is like Obama. He runs our country so, he's an important person. Its important to know the character so you know how to act around them or how the person acts without a crowd of people.
    3. Myself am a public man. I like to have fun. When I'm not around a lot of people I'm not as energetic so, I'm more laid back.
    4. One word that describes me at the heart is "caring"

  61. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Michael Hamilton 10/14/11 tt2

    2. People how are along you and the people how have personality and how you act around you and be treated how you want to be treated.

    3. I love play basketball on a team. And I love to play baseball.

    4. caring

  62. 1. Brooke Boyd 10-14-11

    2. Its important to know your public man because you need to know if you can trust someone and if you cant trust them there's always something new about someone and you wanna know if there good things or bad. Being nice and respectful to them is two big important things that a public man should have. You should always be kind and you should treat someone the way you wanna be treated.

    3. I am a trustful person. Usually am there for someone that needs comfort and I don't hurt peoples feelings. I have tons of flaws but i can say am kind and trustful and caring.

    4. Loyal

  63. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1.) Lexi Gross, 10/14/11, T-T-2

    2.)It is important o know the people. It is important because if you don't know who they are then you will never know them. The things that they do not in public, is who they really are. If someone just is lazy, likes to party and act silly when they are by themselves, that is who they really are. When a person acts like a well kept man/woman who is really respected and respectful, you don't really know who that person is.

    3.) I am mostly loud when I'm home, and I'm not so loud when I am at school because I'm tired and I just want to go home. I like to talk a lot and have fun. when I'm at school or out in public I'm not as loud and crazy as i am at home. You wouldn't know anything about me if you don't actually see me at home and with my friends.

    4.)The word that really describes me the best would have to be "wild". It really describes who I am when I am not at school.

  64. 1. Maddie Haas 10/14/11

    2. You should know what the character of your public men are because you want to know the people that are protecting you. You want to know the people who you are building yourself off of. If you find a public man/woman that you want to be your role model, than you should probably know more about them than just what they do for a living. And to know what the public men and women in your society are like, than you can trust them more. If you don't trust the police chief or trust your soccer coach, than you might not trust them when you need there help. So part of knowing there character is trusting them.
    3. I am a very stressful person. I try to fit more into my schedule then I can fit. My life is trying to make everything that I want to do work with my life. I am always stressed and almost never have time for friends. But when my friends and I hang out I seem to be more relaxed. I love being with my friends but I am also pretty relaxed person when I am with them. I like to laugh and have a good time. And that is me.

    4. Laugh.

  65. 1. William McNamee 10/14/11 TT2

    2. Little Freddy it is important to know the character of public man. THis is important for many reasons. One of those many reasons is we need to know who they are because when they get to office we do not want them doing something we didn't foresee. We also need to know them because
    we don't want to elect the wrong person for the job. I also know that just getting to know someone better is a great reason to get to know the public man. Little Freddy when you are able to vote wouldn't you want the right person for the job? While the summary of this story is that you need to know your public men whether it be a coach or even a governor.

    3. I am a person who enjoys helping out other in need. Sometimes I like to just have fun. People tell me that I am funny. They also tell me I am a lot like my father. Which trust me isn't such a bad thing.

    4. Sleepy

  66. MICHAEL YEDINAK 10-14-11 TT2

    2. in addition to what I just said people should care about people in your community. It is important to know people so when you grow up you can be just like them. You can make the community a safer place for kids and even troubled adults.

  67. 1. Jade Cogar 10-14-11 TT2

    2. It is important to know are public men that are in the war and we would want to know who is fighting for us and are country. We need to know what they have to do and what there personality is and how they put it into the war. If they had a good personality for war, or why they want to join want to join the war.

    3. I have 5 different kinds of hobbies like working on cars, skate boarding, snow boarding, building houses with my dad, and I like going out with my friends dirt biking. My family comes first for every thing.

    4. Caring.

  68. 1.Sam Dovin. October 14th. 2nd hour

    2. Its important to know about them because then you know how you and them are and how things could change. Because what they do or how you see them could effect you and everyone around you. They could make you change by how you take things and talk about them. Like the president it is good that most people are concerned with what he's doing and knowing who he is because he helps lead us.

    3. I am a very curious in life, caring, and I think people should make the best of life. Like if i see anyone in trouble hurt or in need i feel this need to help and do what ever i can for this person or place.

    4. Caring

  69. 1. Jake Belford 10/14/11 tt2

    2. It is important to know the character of the public men because you want to know as much about a person ruling you. For example, if someone was running for president and he has been in jail for murder and a robbing of a bank. I wouldn't want someone who killed someone else to be my president. This is why it is important to know who our public men really are.

    3. My figure is being fun, and having a good time with friends. I respect everyone and who they are. I try to treat everyone kindly.

    4. Enthusiastic

  70. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Elle Kennedy, TT2, 10/14/11

    2. It is good to know the characters of public men to know how they truly act. They could act nice but truthfully, they are not the person they say they Are. It could then end up hurting you and many others in the long run. Like if someone is running for president, they could tell you all the stuff they will do to make our country a better place and end up not doing the stuff they said they would. They could also say that they are a nice and caring person but they really are not. That is why I think it's important to know the character of public men.

    3. My character is a lot of times shy, but around certain people I can be very outgoing. Besides that I like to have fun and do sports like skateboarding and snowboarding.

    4. Enthusiastic

  71. 1.) Lexi Gross, 10/14/11, T-T-2

    2.)It is important o know the people. It is important because if you don't know who they are then you will never know them. The things that they do not in public, is who they really are. If someone just is lazy, likes to party and act silly when they are by themselves, that is who they really are. When a person acts like a well kept man/woman who is really respected and respectful, you don't really know who that person is. How do you think that you could know someone if you only see them in public acting serious or calm... try to see what there after life is like.

    3.) I am mostly loud when I'm home, and I'm not so loud when I am at school because I'm tired and I just want to go home. I like to talk a lot and have fun. when I'm at school or out in public I'm not as loud and crazy as I am at home. You wouldn't know anything about me if you don't actually see me at home and with my friends. It's fun to me to be with my family and i have a very loud family! Christmas is the best when we all get together and have laughs and go crazy and have fun!

    4.)The word that really describes me the best would have to be "wild". It really describes who I am when I am not at school.

  72. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Gursherveen Kaur 14/10/2011 2nd Hour.

    2. Why it is important ? It is important because They could be those type of people who are very honest in what they say and do. Or those people that disrespect other people. They could be dangerous people. It's also good to know them just to see what they do and how there lives are. See what they eat, and do during the day. They might be hiding stuff that people don't know about so you could warn them. We do not know what are they doing.That's why its important to be aware of public men.

    3.I am a friendly person but high tempered,i like the environment when my friends are around me although they ignore me sometimes.They know that i am still there for them.This is me.

    4. Out standing friend you could imagine.

  73. 1. Jordan Danko 10/14/11 TT2

    2. It's important to know the character of the public men, because you should know who people really are even when they arn't being watched. For example if you are friends with some public men but you don't know who they really are, then how would you know they are a good friend. You have to know the character of people because if you don't they could be back stabbing you and not the right crowd to hang out with.

    3. My characteristic is crazy. If you don't really know me you wouldn't expect it because i'm shy around people I don't know very well. Once you get to know me you will never think i'm shy again.

    4. Friendly

  74. 1.Caleb hudson 10-14-11 tt2
    2.It is important to know about the Character of the public men. I think this because if you do not know someone well you will not know how they would react to an accident.
    3.I think that i am trustworthy, and helpful. If someone needs help I would help them.I also think that i am smart and kind. I think i am also friendly

  75. . Brooke Boyd 10-14-11 addition

    2. Its important to know your public man because you need to know if you can trust someone and if you cant trust them there's always something new about someone and you wanna know if there good things or bad. Being nice and respectful to them is two big important things that a public man should have. You should always be kind and you should treat someone the way you wanna be treated.

    3. I am a trustful person. Usually am there for someone that needs comfort and I don't hurt peoples feelings. I have tons of flaws but i can say am kind and trustful and caring. I feel like im fun and i have a good time but am always trustful.
    4. Loyal

  76. Brandon Wiese 10/14/11
    In addition to my first comment.
    2. It is important to know the public men of your community. If you don't know the way they act with friends then you'll never know how to act in front of him/her. Some people I think that are public men are like my football coach, Mr.Price, and Mr.Todd. Its also important to know the public man's character because if he is doing something to run a school or a classroom then you want to know if he is the right person to do that or if their responsible enough.

  77. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Jensen Borkowski 10/14/11 TT2

    2. It is important to know the character of public figures because you may look up to them. They may be a role model to you. It's also important to know the people around you so you can see who they really are and how they really act. If they misbehave and don't set a good example, you wouldn't want to look up to them. It's important to know their character so you can see whether they are worth looking up to or not.

    3. I think I'm responsible, caring, athletic, and helpful. I think I get good grades in school and I always try my best. I never give up on my goals until I have achieved that goal especially in sports.
    4. Persistent

  78. 1. Josephine Parke 10/14/11 TT4

    2.It is important to know the public men of your community. If you don't know the way they act with friends or what they're like when no one else is around then you'll never know how to act in front of him/her. Some people I think that are public men are like Mr.Price, and Mr.Todd. Its also important to know the public man's character or personality because if he is doing something to run a school or a classroom then you want to know if he is the right person to do that or if their responsible enough.

    3.I am mostly loud when I'm home, and I'm not so loud when I am at school because I'm tired and I just want to go home,and I always act like I am not afraid of anything, when i am at home or with my friends I don't act my age I always run around screaming and act like a weirdo. I like to talk a lot and have fun. when I'm at school or out in public I'm not as loud and crazy as I am at home. You wouldn't know anything about me if you don't actually see me at home and with my friends. It's fun to me to be with my family and i have a very loud family! Christmas is the best when we all get together and have laughs and go crazy and have fun!

    4. the word that describes me the best is psycho

  79. 1. Sam Hall TT4 10-14-2011

    2. It is important to know the leaders in our communities and even in the world, in case they may not be fit for the job. Many times people have suffered because of the bad decisions of leaders, if the public doesn't pay attention to the activity of leaders they may get away with bad decisions.

    3. I am very creative, and I am constantly having fun and being happy. I usually help someone out if they are in trouble, and I try to make everyone around me happy.

    4. Cheerful

  80. 1. Brendan Schmitter 10/14/11 tt4

    2. A public man i think is a local government. Or like in these days sport coaches and principals. to me my mom is the local government is my mom she is the one who reinforces the rules in my house.

    3. i play video games. i don't act like i do in school i am not as good as i am here. i don't stay inside all the time i think i am outside all till dark every day

    4. love or caring

  81. 1. Steven Nichols, Oct. 14 TT4

    2.. Its Inportant to know the character because its to see how they behaved. To see the difference form them then and mnow thes why it is a very inportant to know a puplic men

    3. My character is a 13 year old boy. He is a great person. hes very shy to people he dont know. He is a kind and thoughtful.


  82. 1. Molly Aills 10/14/11 TT4

    2. It is important to know the public men of your community because you need to know their characteristics. If you ever need help or something, you might want to know if a public man has characteristics such as kindness or generosity. It is important to know your political leaders, like the president or vice president. You should be able to identify the characteristics that they have when nobody is looking along with when they are facing a crowd. If someone acts nice and good in public, but they act rude and self-centered when they're alone, it's best to know both sides of them so that you can truly get a feel for who that person is. In order to find someone's true character, you must first observe the characteristics that they have in front of people as well as when nobody is around to see.

    3. My character is creative. I like to find the things that are artistic or creative in life. That's why I enjoy reading so much, because I believe that writing is very artistic and creative, an expression of how someone feels inside. I love to write, read, and sometimes even draw.

    4. Intricate

  83. The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Devin Bryant

    2.what It i saying is to be curious about local government and to watch what they do if they try to make a new law or make new taxes you. but i think it means is when Samuel Adams lived he meant the wee having a war with British and he was a patriot and he meant that you have to watch the British and if they attack or no but so they can fight back.
    3. What that reminds me of is that my football coaches when i have to watch out for the other team and tackle them when they come near me if they have the ball of even a teacher tells you to stay away from certain kids because they are a bad influence.
    4. whatching

  84. 1.Julianna Welling, 10/14/11 TT4

    2.It is important to know the character of the public men because you want to know who is leading your government. Or leading something for you. You would not just trust a stranger. People with trust you more if they know your character. Every thing will be more productive. If you know the persons character and they did a good or bad job you know to hire someone like that again or not.
    3.My character is different sometimes. When I am at school I am pretty quiet. I only make jokes with my close friends. At home my real character is I am loud and make jokes a lot and care free. That is the way my whole family is. So when none is looking I am carefree.


  85. 1. Danielle Stowell 10/14/11 TT4

    2. It is important to know a public men to know if you can trust them or not. It will not be good if you think you can trust them, but then you can't. I would want to get to know them better. Like your friends you can probably trust them if you ask them to do something for you. They might be your leader of something like a sport and you will have to trust them in what they will say.

    3. I am a caring and trustful person. Always helpful for someone who needs help. I like to have fun! I don't hurt peoples feelings. But sometimes I can be loud which is usually at home. Also a little bit shy around people I don't know but once I get to know them better it won't be so weird being around them.

    4. I think I am a trustworthy person. I like to have surprises in my life.

  86. . Brendan Schmitter 10/14/11 tt4

    2. A public man i think is a local government. Or like in these days sport coaches and principals. to me my mom is the local government is my mom she is the one who reinforces the rules in my house. i think we have public men and women are in Pinkney and a mini government.

    3. i play video games. i don't act like i do in school i am not as good as i am here. i don't stay inside all the time i think i am outside all till dark every day.

    4. love or caring

  87. 1. Milan Mihajlovski Oct.14 TT4

    2. It is important to know your public man because you need to know if you can trust them there's always some thing new about someone that you want to know if its bad or if its something good. Being nice or respect full to any one is two big important things a public man should do. in your life you can't go back in time to change something that you did that you did not like so you should think before you say some thing and treat someone the way you would want to be treated.

    3. I am a nice person at times and i always am but if i get mad i would get mad at the world for some reason but i am trust full and fun to be around and if i see something that looks wrong i will back the person up like say back off why you doing what your doing that's just wrong.

    4. caring

  88. 1. Paul Anguish 10/14/11 tt4

    2. So you know what your like when you are by your self. The way you act when your alone. The way your when you are at friends house. it's the way you act. With your with friends our family your attitude changes. You could be the underdog of the family while being the bully at school.

    3. When people first meet me or I first meet them i stay quite intel I know the better.(like when you go to a friends house, your quite and then you get more comfortable and then you act more natruley acting after a while) Then we part and go our separate ways. when people pass me in the hallway I nod at then if i know them.

    4. crazy!!!!!!

  89. 1. Sam Mynarcik 10-14-11 4tt

    2. So this is about Samuel Adams writing you can get curious but not too curious. It is important to know the characters of your community. If you don't know you'll never know how to act in front of them at all. The most important people are Mr. Todd and Ms. Mcdole and the teachers because we are the people and they are the government. The principals and the teachers are responsible enough I believe we still keep them in.

    3. I am a helpful I try to help them out on a ruff day. Or I help them out with homework. I am the nice friendly person that helps any body mostly any kind of day.

    4. Friendly

  90. 1. Sam Hall TT4 10-14-2011 (additional comment)

    2. It is important to know the leaders in our communities and even in the world, in case they may not be fit for the job. Many times people have suffered because of the bad decisions of leaders, if the public doesn't pay attention to the activity of leaders they may get away with bad decisions. It is healthy to know the personality of everyone, sometimes people make themselves seem kind and helpful on the outside but at heart they are a terrible person.

    3. I am very creative,I love to draw, read, write, and sometimes make small movies with my friends. I am constantly having fun and being happy. I usually help someone out if they are in trouble, and I try to make everyone around me happy.

    4. Cheerful

  91. Steven Nichols Oct, 14 TT4

    Extra Comment

    1.You should know the puplic bcause then youcould know how they drees and how they a acting in puplic places like a office.

  92. Addison commit

    1.Michael Hamilton 10/14/11 tt2

    2.It is important to know the people around you. it is good to to have friends. you need to make new friends.

    3. my character is good at basketball. Also he is good is baseball.

  93. 1. Josh Mick 10/14 TT4

    2. Its important to know them because you will be able to trust them and hopefully never doubt them. They will be there for you if you are going though some tough times. So if you respect them they will be able to respect you back.

    3. I love animals like dogs and ferrets. I enjoy watching horror and comedy movies. I love to help out my family. I love being who I am. A funny, kind, and loving person.

    4. I think I am very funny.

  94. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Henry Haidler, 10/13/11, MW2

    2. It is important to know the character of a public man so then you know what or how they are going to do things. It is also important to know because if you don't like something that they are doing you can try to do something about it or try to prevent it from happening. Just like the colonists did, they didn't like some of the things that the king was doing so they acted by moving to the Americas and boycotted many products because of taxes the king had set. We can do many things to try and make life different for us and the ones around us by standing up for something. I think if people would have known what our leaders have done or are going to do I think it would be a lot different than how we are now. The colonist did what they thought was right and what would make it easier and not as harsh for future generations and I believe that what they did was right.

    3. My character is that I am good at sports. I try my best on many things and I try to come out on top. I like to help and teach other kids new strategies and ways to do things.

    What one word describes who you are at heart?

  95. 1. Joseph Swaney
    2. Well there is a lot of reason why you should know people. You want to know who they are and what they are about. If you don't, how can you support them or anything they do? You don't know what they are doing or their thoughts on things. You need to know that.
    3. I don't really know how to describe myself. If I were to try I'd just say someone who is shy if they don't know other people, but if you get to know me we will most likely be good friends. I try to be nice, but if you ask for the truth it's what you will get. I'm loyal and can hold a secret if you so desire.
    4. Loyal

  96. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Jacob Yannott,

    2. . Well there is a lot of reason why you should know people. You want to know who they are and what they are about. Many times people have suffered because of the bad decisions of leaders, if the public doesn't pay attention to the activity of leaders they may get away with bad decisions. A public man is like Obama. He runs our country. He's an important person.

    3. Obama is a important person because he runs mostly everything. he makes all the laws. he run political debates.

    4. caring!
