Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Quote 10 - Slavery

"In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

1. Name, Date, Hour
2. Define the word "Slavery" in the context of this quote.
3. Using the exerpt, "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," write a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) reflecting on the visual meaning (describe the metaphor).
4. Using words found in this quote by Frederick Douglas - Develop a poem (three lines long, five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the last line), use specific words from the quote. This is a Haiku!


  1. Halle Chiarelli 10/20/11 MW2
    2. Slavery means that a person has paid for slaves to come work for them and they are not treated fairly. They are limited on almost all things and do not have freedom.
    3. The metaphor, "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister" mean that many fields on this earth were being worked on by slaves. They were out there every day working very hard. It says they were "drinking their blood" because they were out there every single day, and some of them even died. It is also saying behind all of the beautiful things in this world there are horrible things in it like slave holding. The slaves don't deserve to be treated this way.
    4. There's not room for it,
    the slavery and the hurt,
    of normal people

  2. 1. Abby Schoonover 10/24/11 MW2

    2. People buy slaves to work for them. Slaves are people with no freedom and no rights.

    3. What Frederick Douglas means when he says "her most fertile fields drink daily of warm blood of my outraged sister" that slaves are very hard workers. They work in the fields mostly every day for hours on end until they bleed. Some slaves die out in the field from dehydration and exhaustion. Slaves work so hard they sometimes get aggravated with how they are treated for their hard work. Sometimes they commit sue aside because they think there is no way out of their misery. Slaves are regular people that should not be treated as they are.

    4. It hurts me to know,
    How these people deal with pain,
    Why are they different?

  3. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. Sam Love !0/23/11
    2. A person who has bought someone that has to work for them.
    3. "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister." Means that the earth soaks up the bloodshed of the people who are beaten or killed.
    4. Must come to an end,
    People have suffered enough,
    Even though it won't stop.

  4. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-25-11
    2. Slavery is the working for someone without pay or much benefit.
    3. I think the meaning of this excerpt was how many lost their lives to gain our freedom. Blood was shed on both sides for a long time. Both sides rushed into battle for rights or control. So much that the soil was filled with the blood of many, and tears of the soldiers families were common. Back then, many lied there wounded or dead, and people doubted that this was worth it. I do not know if it could have happened differently or where we would be today if we did, but I know the blood and tears were a part of how we became a nation.
    4. There is no sound left,
    Liberty has been won at a cost,
    America is now a country.

  5. 1. Timmy Uppleger 10-31-11 mw2
    2. slavery is working people without pay of many benefits.

    3. The metaphor "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," means that people all over the world were working African Americans without pay or benefits. The slaves came to America by a ship. Americans forced the African Americans to come to America as slaves. they were out there working in whatever weather cold or warm Blood or tears. some died from this. Some Americans killed the slaves if they were not working. No one should be treated this way.

    4. must come to an end,
    slaves had suffered enough
    why wont it stop?

  6. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 10/31/11 MW2

    2. To work or be owned by someone to work for them will little or nothing in return.

    3. It is saying that the people who should be remembered and honored for making the food and producing crops, should be the people who were forced to. That the hard work and detail was put in by ever person on the field. Not just by the family the one person came from. All the people killed by being over worked or being pushed to far behind there limit, but still persevered on. They were some of the true best workers from our history greatly disrespected.

    4. The people love it, The people strive for it, The people die for it.

  7. 1. Malorie Moen 10/31/11 MW2

    2. Slavery is forcing a person to work for another person, and slaves usually get treated unfairly.

    3. In the phrase, "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," that means that slaves would work really hard on the fields, and they would become really ill, and many slaves would die. Everyday lots of slaves died. They are forced to work so hard, that their body can't take it, and they died. So, "drinking the blood," means that the slaves died from working on the fields. I think there shouldn't have been slaves, because everyone should do their own work.

    4. No sound to be found.
    Not a single voice to hear.
    Many die each year.

  8. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-31-11 MW2

    2. Slavery is when a richer person makes a poor person work for no reward.

    3. When I hear the metaphor "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters..." I honestly see a field with blood in it, but that's not what it's saying. I feel it says that people didn't like slavery and a lot of the slaves died working. The women back them did farming, like working in the cotton fields, and taking care of people and animals. So the phrase is saying that sisters died every day out in those fields. Their blood were lift in those fields.

    4. I won't understand,
    The pain that they all went through.
    Why did we choose them.

  9. 1.Matt Pankow MW2 10-31-11

    2.Slave in the context is when you buy a person at an auction to do work for you for little or no money or with little food.

    3.I believe douglas is trying to mean the wars that took place with the blood of the dead soldiers, are american land soaked up. Just to think are ancestors died on the fields of american fighting for us. We shud be grateful for what we have, because if it wasn't for them we might of not been free. If we don't fight in todays war we might not be free. Thank god for our armies over sea. lets just hope that our enemies land dose not take any of are soldiers freedom.

    4. Grand old woods of america

    Warm blood now disregarded and forgotten

    The tears of warm blood

  10. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, 10-31-11, MW2
    2. Slavery means to be bought by another human being. When you are a slave you are being treated cruelly, you have no rights and you have to do what your master tells you. You will not be treated like a person, you will be treated like a machine. You'll never stop working.
    3. This means that the soil that we walk on everyday is filled with the blood of many that have been lost. The people lost might have been slaves, soldiers, or normal day to day people. The blood from innocent souls was shed only because they didn't do something right, and they were being punished. The blood lost in the battle of our country is what made America a country in the first place.
    4. The blood shed, is lost
    We've done our dues to our country
    We have lost many

  11. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. To me slavery is something that weighs you down. It doesn't allow you the freedom that you deserve.
    3. The Slaves work very hard to serve who ever their master is. They work and work and until there bones hurt and cry out for mercy. It could mean how much they sacrificed their lives for our country. They were in wars and were forced to fight for their freedom. Even when it seemed useless if they would have given up our country wouldn't be the same today.
    4. People cry on the field. We work so we can be free. What will we ever do?

  12. 1. Nick Norman MW2 10-31-11
    2. A person who is bought to do work for somebody.
    3. The metaphor "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters" means that a lot of people lost their lives to get freedom for our country. Since a lot of people died that means there was a lot of blood in the dirt and on the ground. There are a good amount of people who wish that they had more than one life so they could keep fighting for our country. I think it's a good thing that people are doing this.
    4. The war must be over
    People are injured and dead,
    But the war still goes on.

  13. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. Sam Love !0/23/11
    2. A person who has bought someone that has to work for them.
    3. "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister." Means that the Earth absorbs all the blood from slaves and mistreated people. "Her most fertile fields" is when the slaves are working on the fields and there hands and feet bleeding into the ground. The "outraged sisters" is the owners of the slaves cruelly treating the slaves while killing or beating them. Hearing their cry's as seeing another slave killed or beating as the blood flows into the Earth.
    4. Must come to an end,
    People have suffered enough,
    Even though it won't stop.


  14. Instructions:
    1. Zack Fuller MW2 10-31-11

    2. Slavery means working hard and getting whipped with no pay and little shelter working 24/7 365 days a year.

    3. Fredrick Douglas means that slaves work very hard and no pay. It is not fun and people die to escape. that they work 24/7 with no rest until evening and die from lack of sleep. Slaves did not lick treated just because the color of there skin.Slaves are people but treated harsh because they are different. they are regular people so treat them like regular people.

    4. We work hard
    For little sleep and food
    everyone is the same

  15. 1. Sammy Sutton, 10-31-11
    2. Slavery means that a person has paid slaves for them to work for the person.
    3.The exerpt, "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," Means that every day slaves would work on the fields, even if it had brought them pain. Some slaves died because of over-heating, lack of rest, no food. Part of the quote says "warm blood" which means they work everyday until they start to bleed, and even then they don't stop.
    4. I'm wondering why,
    slaves were treated horribly,
    Did they deserve it?

  16. 1. Joshua Helm 10-31-11 MW2
    2. To have people that work for free no matter what it is.
    3. The excerpt means that the slaves work hard and bleed in the field. That is How hard they worked the fields 6 days a week. They work to their death and get replaced by another.
    4. The slaves should be free
    For it is against our Liberty
    We are all people.

  17. 1. Evan Bauer 10/31/11 mw2
    2. Slavery holding is wrong and disrupts the earth that is how Slavery is explained in the quote.
    3. "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," That quote is meaning that the field of America back then were not made by the owners but by the slaves that worked day and night. Slaves did the work while the owners setback and did nothing. The fields are filled with the blood and sweat of the slaves. The anger from them fillies the fields.
    4. Infernal spirit
    The tiers of America
    blood in waters

  18. 1. Matt Strong 10/31/11 MW2

    2. Complete wrongness is what slavery means in this quote.

    3. This metaphor means that the slaves have to drink the water in the fields to stay hydrated. They are forced to find their own food and water. They must live and fend for themselves. So if they can't find any food or water, that's their own problem. This is good because it teaches the slaves how to live and feed themselves as well as others. This is bad though because a slave could possibly die if they don't find food or water for a few days.

    4. I am forgotten,
    I sometimes find myself in the ocean,
    I remember tears.

  19. 1. Bryce Heatwole, 10-31-11, MW2
    2. Slavery is when someone works for you and doesn't get paid or doesn't benefit very much from what they do.
    3. This is saying that slaves work very hard and don't get much out of it. They do work that people should be doing them selves. Instead they wast there money on regular people that don't get the chance to be free and live their life the way they want to live it. They don't get the chance to make a difference that they could have made if they were not slaves. This means that lots of slaves die from not being kept well and having no drink. They mostly don't get much food because of there owners.
    4. when i remember,
    slavery is not a joke,
    they don't have a chance,

  20. 1. RIley Hafner 10/31/11 MW-2

    2. Slavery is when someone is bought by another person and are put to work with no pay. They have no freedom and no rights.

    3. The meaning of the exerpt was that many people died. Many soldiers and slaves were killed in the building of our nation. Their blood was spilled onto the earth fighting for what we deserved. Many soldiers went into battle and never arrived home and the tears of their families spilt onto the ground as they mourned their loss. Our lives that we live today were created by that bloodshed and those tears. We would not be where we are today if those men and women and children and slaves had not died to make us free. If we had given up we might not have the rights we have and we might not even be free. The blood and tears that were shed on those dark days was one important step in the building of what we call our nation.

    4. The blood that we lost
    Has gained us lasting freedom
    But war will not stop

  21. 1.Mckenzie Barth MW2 10-31-11
    2. Slavery is someone who works for someone getting no money in return.
    3. The metaphor or excerpt means that the fields got the blood of people dieing. People were losing their lives and the earth soaked up the blood. Lots of people were mad and fighting for what they love even if they lost their own lives. The blood was like a drink for the fields as they got it daily. By sister the author means everybody they were all fighting for the same cause.
    4. Our rivers so blue
    Tears fill them from our brethren
    why must we suffer?

  22. 1. Mikal LaButte 10/31/11 MW2

    2. The state of being a slave : thousands had been sold into slavery.

    3. I think that her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters means that the men and women that were killed in the war when they bleed out and the blood soaked in the ground and made the soil very fertile and they are very heart touching places.
    4. I'm in America.
    I swim in the water of her rivers.
    Infernal spirit of slave-holding.

  23. 1. Chiera // OCT 31 // MW2

    2. Slavery is doing exhausting labor and being restricted from freedom

    3. I think "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister," Means the land (fields) absorb the pain or blood caused by being beaten or killed.

    4.Soon all will be cursed
    with the infernal spirit
    of slave-holding and wrong

  24. Jonathan Haddon 3hr oct 31st

    Slavery is being forced to work with out much pay or benefits.

    the metaphor "her most fertile fields feed daly on my sisters blood" means the blood of her people are soaking into the ground of the slave owners land and the debt to her people will never be repaid.

    The suffering will not stop
    so long as the slaves stay slaves
    the debt will never be repaid
    no liberty no, freedom or right doing
    all is cursed.

  25. 1. Eddie Roberts, October 31, mw2
    2. Slavery means people who work with little benefit and aren't treated fairly.
    3. This excerpt means that every day slaves are working very hard out in the field."her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister" means that some slaves work so hard that they even die. Some die of exhaustion and others of dehydration. Some even commit suicide because they don't want to take the pain of working for these people. They shouldn't be treated like this. It is very wrong.
    4. It bothers me to know,
    people are treated like they are nobody,
    with no sense of emotion.

  26. 1. Katelyn McCarthy, 10-31-11, MW2
    2. Slavery is when you are put into work with no pay or benefit.

    3. I think the meaning of the exerpt is that the earth soaks up all the blood from the people who were murdered or drowned. The tears of the families who's children went into fight the war for our freedom. We rushed into battle and both sides shed blood. And the slaves who had died in the field from working so hard in the field. We fought for our rights and our freedom. That's what I think Fredrick Douglas was trying to say.

    4. There is no king,
    There is no ruler,
    This is America.

  27. 1.Payton Rentsch, 10-31-11, mw2
    2. "Slavery" is when an African American works for a wealthy person and gets little to no pay, has no freedom and is usually treated like crap.
    3.I think the meaning of excerpt is how many lost their lives to gain our freedom. Blood was shed on both sides for a long time. Both sides rushed into battle for rights or control. So much that the soil was filled with the blood of many, and tears of the soldiers families were common. Back then, many lied there wounded or dead, and people doubted that this was worth it. I do not know if it could have happened differently or where we would be today if we did, but I know the blood and tears were a part of how we became a nation
    4.it hurts me to know,
    How these people deal with this,
    how are they different?

  28. 1. Megan Gunderson,10-31-11

    2. Slavery is someone being forced to work for someone against there will.

    3.This metaphor means that this women had blood sweat and tears from the field.Not only hers but other slaves have cried and worked hard and the field just soaks up there pain.Not only the pain but the sorrow and life of others.

    I can not forget
    The mighty lakes and fields
    but are forgotten

  29. 1. Justin Wilson Oct 31 mw4
    2. Slavery means people who work with little benefit and arent treated fairly.
    3. This excerpt means that every day slaves are working very hard out in the field."Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister" means that some slaves work so hard that they even die. Some die of exhaustion and others of dehydration. Some even commit suicide because they don't want to take the pain of working for these people. They shouldnt be treated like this. It is very wrong.
    4. Its bothers to know,
    people are treated like they are nobody,
    with no sense of emotion.

  30. 1.Nicholas Marlatt/10-31-11\MW4

    2. The destroyer of people and that non of nature.

    3."her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters."Means that america/we are not run by the owners or the people, but by the slaves that do all of the work.And how all of the anger, the blood,sweat, and pain of all of the slaves lie in our fields.

    4. The war must be over
    People are injured and dead
    But the war goes on

  31. 1. Ian Grady 10-31-2011 MW4
    2. Being owned by someone or being forced to work for nothing at all.
    3. I think that term means to understand how the enraged people being enslaved felt. And maybe even to do something about this. Most slaves even die from the heat and working non-stop. I think that's what Fredrick Douglas was trying to say.
    4. Slaves in the south states
    Were treated very poorly
    may god help them all

  32. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 10/31/11, MW4
    2. Slavery is when you have to work without earning money.
    3. It means that they killed slaves if they ran away and they killed them to show an example to the other slaves of what would happen to them if they ran away too.
    4. The slaves were brave,
    They were killed and they still left,
    Everyone should be treated equal.

  33. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    Camryn Ozuch MW4 10/31/11
    2. A time of being forced to worked and enslaved. Not to have the right to be free and bought and sold.
    3. The excerpt here means that all of the poeple he knew and loved were killed and buried on the lands of America. The land is filled with blood from all of the slaves being killed and forced to work. They were forced to do many things they didn't want to and weren't allowed the freedom they should have been. He is filled with unwillingness and reluctantness to explain what has happened to all of his brothers and sisters on this land. The land is filled with sasdness and hurt from the killed slaves.
    4. It doesn't make sense,
    that slaves aren't free like we are,
    We're THAT different?

  34. 1.Nicholas Marlatt/10-31-11\MW4

    2. The destroyer of people and that non of nature.

    3."her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters."Means that america/we are not run by the owners or the people, but by the slaves that do all of the work.And how all of the anger, the blood,sweat, and pain of all of the slaves lie in our fields.
    And how there pain can never be fixed unless they can get the credit that they deserve for running this country while there owners sat around doing nothing for those long hours of hard painful work that the slaves had to endure.

    4. The war must be over
    People are injured and dead
    But the war goes on

  35. 1. Michael Atwood 10-31-11

    2. "Slavery" in this text is the use of africans to do work for rich for no freedom, rights, or money, but little food and clothing.

    3. "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," In this excerpt, he is saying that the all the american land Is being cultivated by the slaves. The slaves work every day, forced to do back-breaking work in the fields, plowing and planting underneath the hot southern sun. He is saying that his kind are furious at being forced to do such things. It is a plague to America, he is saying.

    4. I am forced to work
    To plow, plant, harvest, and pick
    A slave to the whites

  36. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835


    1. Alex Smith, 10-31-11, MW4

    2. "Slavery" is when one keeps slaves and uses them. A slave is a human being who is used, and/or is treated like property. Slaves are not payed, and in the south, in which the the word "slavery" is used in the context of the quote, were often treated poorly and had horrible housing conditions. Many slaves were taken from Africa and were sailed across the ocean to America where they were traded.

    3. Well, I think it's hard to tell by the way it is written. The first thing that comes to mind is that the soil (especially plantation soil) being drenched in blood by the wounds from a slave master's whip. The problem is; that's too straight forward. I would assume it's a deeper metaphor that that. Another one could be that the "warm blood" could be the plantation worker's hard work, or 'blood, sweat and tears', that they do to take care of the crops. The fertile land "drinks" they're hard work, which is they're physical labor of tending to the land's crops.

    4. Fields, lakes, and mountains
    America seems graceful
    But is it really?

  37. 1. Seth Wilson October 31st 4th hour

    2. It means to be forced into doing a job or choir without a pay or reward for doing so. To be held against will and or sold for money or trade.

    3. I think it means that even the most beautiful places have had war waged on them. Like our country has always had wars and most of the early ones were on our own soil. So i believe it means that people have more than likely died in the fields. Also that there has always been outrage over our government no matter what they did or do. And thats the freedoms we have, and thats how we practice them. It also references to how horrible these early wars were because of lack of medicines and medical knowledge.

    4. I live in America.
    I swam in the water of her lakes.
    Infernal practice of slave holding.

  38. 1. Daisy York 10/31/11 m/w4
    2. It means someone is not free.
    3. It means that even though America is beautiful geographically there has been things that happened to soil it.It is saying that people have died and that changed the beauty.when you look at something like that you have the feeling that all is peace and nothing in that moment can be hurt or nothing can hurt you.Then it makes you think and remember that there has been hurt there and forced labor, it means that people were hurt and tortured on the beauty that they wanted to set them free.
    4. I may never know
    why America seems so pure?
    but also so broken.

  39. 1. Aaron Durham,10-31-11,4th

    2. "Slavery" means to belong or be owned by someone to do tasks that they are not willing to do and to get no pay or little pay.

    3. This saying mean's that there was alot of blood spilt on American land that was unnecessary. this should never be something a human being should go through. America is not a place for fighting it is a place for peace and harmony. eventually if we did not go through what we did back then we would not be as strong as we are now today. As we go through all of this we get stronger, and stronger as people of the united states we learn from mistakes.

    4. It is not right
    To judge people by their skin
    What were they thinking

  40. Instructions:
    1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-31-11
    2. "Slavery" in this quote means that America started out with people being allowed to own slaves, which were African Americans who worked for no pay.
    3. I think that this excerpt means that on the fields many people lost their lives fighting for their freedom. The blood of all the people that died on this land absorbed the blood. Also the land absorbed the blood and tears of the slaves. Because the fields absorbed the blood of the people that died, they are a constant reminder of how hard our ancestors fought for us to be where we are today. The fields also remind us of how thankful we should be and to never forget what life was like for our ancestor.
    4.Many lost their lives,
    For us to be here now,
    The fields remind us.

  41. Cheyanne Havermahl, 10/31/11, MW4, Aditional comment.

    3. This means that mostly every part of the South states had slaves working for the whites. Also they were all African Americans who worked for the whites. Mainly everyone had owned slaves. Also they made the slaves work so hard some of them worked to death, and they fought or ran away sometimes to escape because working for someone else was a terrible way to live, especially because they were not getting paid and were forced to work as slaves.

  42. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct 31, 2011

    2. "Slavery" is when an African American is working for a person that dose not treat them
    fairly and work them a lot.

    3. i think the meaning of this expert is how hard the slaves work and they don't get treated Farley and how they don't get treated like anyone else and he just wants to be like everyone else and they probably work harder then the people that own them.

    4. This is lame,
    We are all the same,
    No need to complain.

  43. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1.Christina Marie Mogg, 10/31/11, MW4

    2. Slavery means to own African american

    3. I think it's saying how many last their life for our freedom. A lot of blood was shed on both sides for a long time. So much blood was shed that the ground was socked with blood.

    4. it hurts me to know
    that people deid for me
    how am I different

  44. 1. Alex Lovings October 31,2011 4MW

    2. The word slavery means to work for someone that does not pay you nothing in return. You are forced to work against your will.

    3. The Meaning the expert was trying to say was, that many of the people died. The blood soaked up in the earth ground. When she would lay there all blood would just sit there and soak up into her.

    4. grand old woods
    borne to the ocean

  45. 1. Seth Packard, 10/31/11, MW4

    "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    2. It is a person who is forced to do work for another person.

    3. It means that a person that owns a slave, usually had more than 1, and all the slaves would become close friends for being treated by other people the way the where. Slave would have to work in fields all day, where it would b hot and long, so they worked in the fertile fields. The slaves that would "misbehave" would get punished, by sometimes getting whipped, and that caused them to bleed on to the fields, where the fields will soak in the blood. Back during this time, the under ground rail road was a system used to help escaped slaves out to Canada, where slavery was illegal, but the slaves that where escaping looked at a star and that would tell them which way to go. That is what i believe he meant when he said this.

    4. I do not get why
    people would treat people like
    the way we did then

  46. 1. Brianna Rumple 10.31.11 MW4

    2. Slavery - When African Americans work and do labor for Whites for no pay and do not have any freedom & are treated very poorly.

    3. "Exerpt" means that the earth absorbs all of the blood and sweat of the hardworking slaves that spent all their time doing labor and work for people who disrespected the and that would treat them poorly. Not just slaves but also soldiers who fought in war and gave their lives up for our country's freedom & justice. Many have died for our country and for us to have a better life than they had & the earth absorbs all of their hard work and courage.

    4.I have my freedom
    I am an American
    We all need freedom

  47. 1. Austin Wicker Oct. 31, 2011 M-W4th

    2. Slavery is defined as a slave for life, that he is cursed eternally. Also that they are slave to rich white men and women.

    3. This statement is saying that the blood shed of the African Americans is widely shed. African Americans were treated without respect. The African Americans blood was shed meaning if they did wrong they would be killed or beaten. The slaves worked veery hard but never got to have to have rights, if they got freedom they still would not get rights and people would treat them still with no respect. African Americans worked hard every day of their lives practically, but they never got a chance to live a good healthy, happy life.

    4. These People Were Treated
    Without care, love, tenderness
    Never treated right.

  48. added comment
    1. Justin Wilson Oct 31 mw4

    4.her beautiful rivers-
    her mighty crowned mountainears-
    her fertile plantings-

  49. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. David Lesnau 10-31-11 MW4

    2. the practice or system of owning slaves.

    3. Using the exerpt, "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," write a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) reflecting on the visual meaning (describe the metaphor).

    4. Using words found in this quote by Frederick Douglas - Develop a poem (three lines long, five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the last line), use specific words from the quote. This is a Haiku!

  50. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 10/31/2011
    2."Slavery" means that you are being made to work against your will.
    3. I think that the metaphor means a lot of people have passed but the people are still with us.
    4. Slave-holding is wrong,
    The tears of my brethren fell,
    I will remember!

  51. 1. Jake Landsberger 11/1/11 TT2

    2. Slavery is how we are slaves to the world.

    3. The fertile fields have the blood of our country. There were many who were slaughtered in the battles for freedom. Blood was shed as well as tears for our freedom. There were so many men who died. The blood fuels our country to keep our freedom and stay a free country of our own.

    4. Slavery is bad
    Warm blood was shed for freedom
    won't forget the pain

  52. 1. Kyle Shehan 11-1-11 tt2
    2. slavery is when you own someone like how it was before Abraham Lincoln.
    3. It means that someones fields suck up the suns light. plants use light for growth. he is outraged that slavery is so abundant.
    4. admiring her
    her beautiful rivers
    but all is cursed

  53. 1. Marissa Moore, 11-1-11, TT2

    2. In this quote, the word "slavery" means the people forced against their will in our country.

    3. "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," is saying that his family has worked hard on the land, their blood, sweat, and tears have poured into the soil. It's poured into the waters. It's all been forgotten. It's saying that all who worked for our country and who died for our country aren't getting credit, and basically being forgotten.

    4. Being forced against their will
    Their blood, sweat, and tears were shed,
    And it's all been forgotten

  54. 1. Heather Linn, TT2, 11/1/11

    2. Slavery means being forced by your will to work for someone, or being 'bought' by another person to be their servant.

    3. I think the metaphor means that the ground that was left with blood or sweat from the hard working slaves that got punished if they disobeyed or did something that their owner didn't like. It also means that today there are still signs and remembrance of what used to happen. Also, It means that all the slaves thought as themselves as their own family. That each slave was brother and sister, and that they were all together and were always there for each other when their owner was treating them horribly.

    4. We are all the same,
    No matter what race we are,
    We should act that way.

  55. 1. Jade Cogar 11-1-11 TT2

    2. "Slavery" means that you are being held by your will.

    3. "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," which I think that it means that they work all day and when they are done working they are bleeding so they drink there blood for water or for something to eat because they don't get the food that they need a day. So when they start bleeding they are hungry and thirsty, so they start to drink and eat there blood. When all of the other ladies are done working they are bleeding too, so they drink there blood for food and water.

    4. Must come to a end,
    it has gone too far this time,
    this is the end now.

  56. 1. Cody Musulin 11/1/11
    2. It means to be owned by a person and work for them without pay.
    3. I think this means that when the slaves died the owners didn't really care. They wanted to keep their laves alive enough to work for them but they didn't want them to die, because they didn't want to buy another one. If a slave did die, the owner just went out and bought a new one. The only people who cared were the families that loved that person, but they couldn't stop it.
    4. I will remember
    Thinking of America
    The normal people

  57. 1. Maddie Haas 11/1/11 2TT
    2. Slavery could mean when you hold a person in bondage or when you capture or pay for a human being and make them work for you and not pay them. When you make someone slave for you, or work for you a lot against their will.
    3. When I hear "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," than I think of a bunch of soldiers (girls) bleeding all over the ground. Like in pain and a bunch of people watching but no one stops to help. They just watch these 5 girls get closer to death. Although they try to help them after about 25 minutes of watching, its too late. And all I see is these girls dying on the ground, giving there life to there country and now the blood of these people are now in our country continuing it on to bigger and brighter things!
    Tears of my brethren
    The fields drink of their warm blood
    Slave holding and wrong

  58. Brandon Wiese 11/1/11 TT2

    2. The word slavery in this quote is real big. The word means that it is someone kept from others . Or forbidden to see others.

    3. This metaphor is very detailed. I can tell by the way it speaks. The metaphor means or is replying to mother nature. It talks about how she drinks the warm blood of his outraged sisters. I think his sisters are angry about something and you can see it in them. Maybe their angry from being separated from their brother or mother.

    4. Bright blue skies, mountains
    All is infernal
    My brethren tears

  59. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. William McNamee 11/1/11 TT2

    2. In this text I see this word slavery as meaning "being forced to do something that is against his will".
    3. Little Freddy I saw you looking at this metaphor earlier "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters,"and you didn't look like you knew what it meant so I will explain it to you. Freddy this metaphor is talking about how in back a long time ago there was slavery. Freddy this means that slaves would die everyday in the fields, so, even though they are gone they are still there in the fields on earth. Freddy even if you don't understand it this metaphor has a lot of meaning behind it. Little Freddy I hope that you keep this in mind the next time you look at a field.
    4. America, fertile fields
    bright sky, mighty lakes, mighty mountains
    but stained with warm blood.

  60. 1. Sam Dovin, 11-1-11, TT2

    2. I See that they probably means in this text is selling slaves and doing all this work and the slaves getting treated bad was a lot on them.

    3.I think its saying how they still have their freedom even though they are gone, and how America is still strong. And maybe how they had to drink their own blood as what they had. It's showing how much slaves struggled through it but i think it really is saying how they are still with us.

    4. I don't understand why,
    even though its gone. but,
    our country is still strong.

  61. 1.Paige Leatherman 11/1/11 TT2

    2. Slavery is you are made to do something against your will.

    3. I think it means that slaves worked so hard they had shed blood and tears. And they put their blood and tears into their work, so they wouldn't get punished. The fields where slaves had worked has soaked up the blood of them. And they couldn't do anything but work. Because if they didn't work they would get punished and that then made them shed more blood and tears. The "outraged sisters" are those who owned the slaves and beat them and killed them if they didn't do their work. But even though the slaves are gone now they are still with us within the places they had worked. And the people who now work in those fields think about the slaves and what the had to do.

    4. Admiring her
    Most fertile fields drink daily
    My outraged sisters

  62. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 11-1-11, T/T2
    2. The word slavery means, the harshness of people being held against their will.
    3. "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," This is meaning that the African Americans were treated like dirt. They got no respect what so ever and they got beaten when they gave more than enough respect to their owners. Also, that the blood of them that fell off when they were beaten.
    4. The beautiful blue sky turns
    the star-crowned mountains watch the
    tears from the ocean fall

  63. 1. Darren Murray TT2 11/1/11

    2. That, they are admiring the lakes and such and then get turned around and have to work for who ever wants them too work.

    3. This saying means to me that there hard work was for nothing and that all they were good for is for working and then when they died no one cared or sometimes knew.

    4. Admiring her,
    Beautiful blue sky, Rapture
    The warm ocean, America.

  64. Jade Cogar 11-1-11 TT2

    4. Must come to an end,
    it has gone too far this time,
    this is the end now.

  65. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. Eric Wolfe 11/1/11 TT2
    2. Slavery is when someone works for little or no pay with no choice
    3. The metaphor might mean that people who have passed on are still with us even though we cant see them.
    4. In thinking of America
    Her mighty lakes and star
    Her crowned mountains

  66. 1. Jake Belford 11/1/11 tt2

    2. Slavery means in this context that there is a person mistreated very badly because of their race.

    3. This excerpt "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," means to me that his family has worked very hard in these fields and have even died. His sisters had to probably work in fields as a slave and had been mistreated. The metaphor in this phrase means that the hard work, sweat, and blood was left in these these fields from slavery.

    4. Great America
    Her rapture is soon checked
    Slave-holding is wrong

  67. 1. Brooke Boyd 11-1-11 tt2

    2. Slavery means when you do a job that you wouldn't want to do or forced into doing.

    3. Frederick Douglas says "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters" are trying to say that slaves did work that they didn't want to do. They were forced into doing it and the fields that they did work in could have took them forever to finish. All the hard work that they had to do like the field. Could have took them blood and sweat that's now in the world forever. With the blood and sweat there still in this world with us to this day.

    4. Her bright blue sky changed-
    Dont understand why people get treated-
    Bad, will remember-

  68. Marissa Moore, 11-1-11, TT2

    Additional Comment:

    4. Slaves in our country
    Shed their blood, sweat, and their tears
    They are forgotten.

  69. In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. Gursherveen Kaur , 1/11/11 , TT2
    2. Slavery is a very powerful word, the content of this word in this quote is that the people who work without earning a living ,what i am trying to say is that the slaves are treated as animals not human beings.
    3. This metaphor means that the slaves have to drink the water in the fields so that they do not die of food source . They have to fight for themselves because there is nobody to give them support . This is good because it teaches the slaves how to live and feed themselves as well as others. I think that this is not a very good idea because if they don't find food or water for a few days they would die to death.Sometimes there are something that all of us ,individuals have to suffer no matter rich or poor,we all have to make sacrifices for ourselves.
    4. We need justice ,
    We need freedom,
    We need to live.

  70. 1. Stephen Moore, 11/1/11, TT2
    2. I think the word slavery means to work all your life.
    3.The metaphor means that a lot of slaves have died and some are still surviving.
    4.Holding slaves from there will.

  71. in addition to my last statement Kyle Shehan 11-1-11

    3.he is talking about what it is like to see the world from the point of view of a slave. He is trying to give a voice to the African Americans

    4.Blood has been spilt
    both kinds of men have lost lives
    both should be equal

  72. 1. Jordan Danko TT2 11/1/11

    2. Slavery means being forced to work against your will.

    3. To me the metaphor means the world has many imperfections that people don't realize. One being slavery. Slaves work agains't there will for other people and don't get very much back in return for all of the hard work they do, some even die. Others lost their lives because they were fighting for freedom. He probably lost close friends and family due to these things, and that is why he has such strong feelings about it.

    4. It's hard to believe,
    all of the pain slaves felt,
    why did it go on?

  73. 1. Jensen Borkowski 11/1/11 TT2
    2. Slavery in this quote means being held back. It also means to work for rich white families.
    3. I think that the excerpt is relating to the African Americans and how they were treated. They were treated very poorly and nobody had any respect for them. The people who owned them didn't care much about them either. If they did something wrong, they were beaten. The quote could be talking about all of the slaves Frederick Douglas knew and all of them that have died because they have been beaten to death.
    4. You all have freedom
    Why don't I have that freedom?
    I deserve freedom

  74. 1.) Lexi Gross, 11/1/11, T-T-2

    2.) Slavery means that you didn't have any freedom, you didn't have any rights, and you surely didn't have a voice.

    3.) I see sadness, and torture when I read that sentence. A mad white man torturing two hopeless, sisters with no help, and no where to run to. They just soak in their blood as the dry fields drink. A brother comes to find them and flees, to find hope for himself. Their bodies lay and to never be found again. The mad white man just brushes this incident off his shoulders and goes back to his every day life pretending nothing had happened.

    4.) I remember her
    mighty spirit so grand and
    beautiful and bright!

  75. 1. Michael Yedinak 11/1/11 TT2

    2. Slavery means you hold a person for your own selfish needs.

    3. I think the metaphor means mother nature is making slaves loose strength and become miserable. I say this because it is saying fertile fields which mother nature is. For him being a slave he knows what it is like to work for someone and doing so much work. For all of that working their butt off their owner might not give them any food. So you can see they work hard every day but don't get and credit and that makes them mad.
    4. They work hard all day.
    For nothing not even pay.
    Slaves are brave.

  76. Darren Murray TT2 11/1/11
    (addition to #3)

    3. That the people not just slaves but various other races, lots and lots of them fell hard because of the whites mostly. There are still incidents like this today.

  77. . Stephen Moore, 11/1/11, TT2
    2. I think the word slavery means to work all your life.
    3.The metaphor means that a lot of slaves have died and some are still surviving.
    4.Holding slaves from there will.

  78. 1. Josephine Parke 11/1/11 TT4

    2. to me slavery is to hold a person for your own selfish needs and wants.

    3. The metaphor, "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sister" mean that many fields on this earth were being worked on by slaves who were treated very poorly and beaten. They were out there every day working very hard. It says they were "drinking their blood" because they were out there every single day, and some of them even died. It is also saying behind all of the beautiful things in this world there are horrible things in it like slave holding. The slaves don't deserve to be treated this way, and beaten because they had lives of their own to live and families of their own to take care of, and i couldn't even imagine what my life would be like today if slavery was still legal today, i couldn't imagine what it would be like having being dragged out of you home and forced to work every day not knowing were you family was and knowing that there is a chance that any second you could die or someone in you family could die, and be working in the fields and hearing the screams of your friends and the people around you because they are being beaten.

    4. slavery was bad
    people were being beaten
    everyday people

  79. 1. Josh Mick 11/1 TT4
    2. Slavery means someone who has to work for a rich person.
    3. I think this metaphor means she loves American and how it is a great place to live. She explains how she loves the atmosphere and the rivers. She might have been a slave. Then her writing about how she misses the outdoors. She could not have done a lot of work outside having to stay inside with her mother.
    4. Work was hard for them
    Most were used as slaves
    Wish they were out in the open

  80. 1. Molly Aills 11/1/11 TT4

    2. Slavery is to be the legal property of another, and the suffering the African Americans had to live with every day at the hands of people who believed they were better than them.

    3. The metaphor means that slavery was an awful things. In my mind, I see a white man angrily beating a slave because he had tried to run away and find a better life. THe slave tries to fight but knows that the white man will not stop until he is dead, an example for any other slaves that the white man owns. His sisters, fellow slaves, weeping, try to halt the white man's merciless blows, but their cries of outrage do not strike the man. This suffering went on daily for the slaves, and yet most of the time their cries went unheard or unnoticed. They never got the credit for what they did, all their hours of labor and hard work. How could we have done this to these independent people?

    4. Slaves cry from sorrow
    brothers, sisters, all as one
    we should have listened.

  81. 1. Sam Hall 11-1-2011 TT4

    2. Slavery: The capture of Africans for use as poorly-treated servants, working long days in the hot burning sun, or the freezing cold, for no reward but the sting of a whip.

    3. Many of the beautiful landscapes in America have been the scene of the terrible deaths of African slaves, on the outside they appear as splendid natural works of art, but they will forever hold the burden of innocent lives. When these slaves lay there dying under the cruel hand of their "masters" their blood soaked into the earth, always remaining as part of the land.

    4. Behind the beauty
    Hides many terrible truths
    Innocent lives. Gone.

  82. 1. Danielle Stowell 11/1/11 TT4
    2. Slavery means that people have no say or rights fr what they want.
    3. "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," when I think of that saying I see people not getting treated very will kinda like dirt. And for all the work the African Americans did they shed blood cause of all the work they did. They would work to their very best but get nothing for it cause they didn't have rights of what they did or talked. For all the work they did everyday they never got to live their long happy life that they will never get back, instead they lived a terrible life. It's very sad what they had to go through and they had to do it. They should of had a say in something, it's just not right!
    4. It's not forgotten,
    what the slaves did.
    Why are we treated differently then?

  83. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 11/1/11

    4. working hard in fields
    crying out loud for help
    wishing and hoping

  84. Instructions:
    1.Olivia Sdao Nov.1 2011,TT4
    2. A slave means to have an African American work around the farm and do choirs around the house.
    3. What I think a metaphor means is a different statement that relates to another thing like "I am as cold a the north poll is." Also it has the words like or as in the statement. That is what I think metaphor means.
    4. Slaves are the ones who put up with us.
    slaves are braver then us Americans.
    We should have the slave be our roll models.

  85. 1.Sam Hall 11-1-2011 TT4 (additional comment)

    3. Many of the beautiful landscapes in America have been the scene of the terrible deaths of African slaves, on the outside they appear as splendid natural works of art, but they will forever hold the burden of innocent lives. When these slaves lay there dying under the cruel hand of their "masters" their blood soaked into the earth, always remaining as part of the land. We should always remember them, after all, it is pretty hard to forget.

  86. 1. Steven Nichols 11-1-11 TT4

    2. slavey means that it was VERY curl and mean to do. to Frederick Douglas

    3. The Metophore means that the cows and other animals are drinking from his sisters blood in the lakes and streams that which the died in for the country. His geting at that they are being stupid to fight. they should have made peace and and leave them alone he shouldn't be very mad there were more then just his sisters that died in the fight for no more slavery.

    4.spirit of slave-holding and wrong
    her most fertile fields drink daily
    her bright blue

  87. Instructions:
    1.Heidi Siemon 11-1-11 TT4

    2. Being forced to work, not having a voice.

    3. The slaves would be working on the fields. The slave owners would come around and whip them or hurt them while they were working. So if they would bleed, it would be soaked up into the fertile fields. When he says "my outraged sisters," he means that the slaves would be angered by the owners hitting and hurting them. Frederick also means that he was once a slave and considered the others his sisters and brothers.

    4. Fertile fields and rivers
    are cursed with the slave-holding
    my outraged sisters

  88. 1. Lexi Cox, Nov. 1, 2011

    2. People no different than anyone else that are being forced to work so hard that their miserable every day all day long.

    3. The metaphor "her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," is describing the way slaves were treated, all the blood that they shed that did not need to be. The pain they suffered through just because people looked at them as "different". And the pain they have felt on a day to day bases just because they were seen as "not one of us".

    4. People lost their lives
    Who were just the same as us
    Are now forgotten

  89. :
    1. Sam Mynarcik 11-1-11 4tt
    2. Slavery is torture, evil, dark thats what it means the way he is saying it.
    3. That metaphor is dark and depressing he was talking about his blood of his outraged sister. So it leaves a question to me like what is wrong with that did they kill his sisters right off the bat. Part of the metaphor is making him miserable the weather and mother nature are making them weaker and weaker to the point that he will loose faith and die. Sooner or later the slaves are just going to die by their owner because they are going to protest and get in to a fight and they are going to get killed by their owners. The weather is going to kill them to they could get ammonia or get plagued or they could get cancer. Sometimes they don't get fed or get any water for that they could get a sickness.
    4 work hard all day
    for no food or water
    Slaves are tough

  90. 1.Julianna Welling 11/1/11 TT4
    2.Slavery means that you have no freedom no rights.
    3.What Frederick means is that peoples mothers sisters, children are a dieing on this amazing America. America has slaves dieing all the time and they have no say in what to do. He said that she drinks the blood because there was blood shed a lot of the time, no one cleans up it no one cares. There was so much she has no where else to do with it. Where the most people have died the more fertile it is because they have work themselves to death. Every day he saw his people die.
    4.slavery not fair
    they work all day work all night
    with no pay no care

  91. additional comment Olivia Sdao Nov.1,2011 TT4
    4.Slaves but up with us.
    Slaves are braver then us.
    We should have the slaves be our roll models.

  92. Heidi Siemon 11-1-11 TT4
    Additional comment

    4. Fertile fields and lakes
    are cursed with the slave-holding
    my outraged sisters

  93. 1. Paul anguish 11/1/11 TT4
    2. Slavery is something that is outlawed in our country and around the world. It was brought to a end as soon as Brittan was modern. After that they tricked people on to becoming a indentured servant. The quote was written back when slavery was still allowed in our country. It was the difference between the north and south.
    3. The land that we have in the south was worked by the African-Americans. Their blood and sweat gave us the south we have today. The south was built upon the values of slavery. When they worked the fields under the whip of an overseer. Their blood was split on a daily basis.
    4. Slavery was the way of life
    Our country was built upon slavery.
    Slavery was avoidable here.

  94. Steven Nichols \Extra comment

    slave-holding was wrong
    her most fertile fields drink daily
    bright blue sky

  95. LeAnn Howe MW2 11-1-11

    2. Slavery is working hard for someone and getting little respect for it.

    3. "Her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters," means that the slaves worked hard. They didn't get very much respect for all the work they did. Only their owners got the credit. Slaves spent long hours working in fields with little food and water. Most of the time if they didn't get their work done, they didn't get paid or get any food. The slaves did not get very much money if the first place. I feel sorry for them and wish that there was something I could have done but I can't change the past.

    4. I will remember
    How they were treated cruelly
    I admire them

  96. "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave-holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing." Frederick Douglas, 1835

    1. Henry Haidler, 10/31/11,MW2
    2. Slavery is the owning of people to do work for them. without being payed.
    3. The fields that were the most fertile are the ones that many soldiers have died on and the blood spilled there soaks into the ground. The blood that was spilled on the ground was spilled for many miles in different places.
    4. My outraged sisters,
    Drink daily of the warm blood
    My rapture is soon.

  97. 1. Joseph Swaney 11/3
    2. No freedom and slavery.
    3. I think it means the fields soak in the blood of those who are forced to work hard. With nothing they can do. Sister because they are family, blood related or not. It means either those who work hard, or those who were wounded or killed.
    4. Grand America
    Rapture and beauty there is
    Slaves suffering.

  98. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct 31, 2011

    2. "Slavery" is when an African American is working for a person that dose not treat them
    fairly and work them a lot.

    3. i think the meaning of this expert is how hard the slaves work and they don't get treated Farley and how they don't get treated like anyone else and he just wants to be like everyone else and they probably work harder then the people that own them.

    4. This is lame,
    We are all the same,
    No need to complain.
