Friday, September 30, 2011

Quote 4 - Blood

Read the following quote:

"The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

1. Write your name, date, and hour
2. Make a list of any metaphors or similes in the statement
3. Make a comparison of these metaphors to other things in your own life
4. Develop a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) explaining what you think Thomas Jefferson purpose was


  1. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Malorie Moen 10/03/11 MW2

    2. LL: people fight for our country , so that we can have safety and freedom.

    3. People fought for our country, risking there lives for us. They gave up there freedom, so that we could have freedom. When we have freedom, we are given more choices in life. Also, people were in the war for America. Many people died, s that everyone in the U.S.A could have more rights and be safe. We are lucky that we have as much freedom as we do. In some other countries, they have strict rules, that not a lot of people like.

    4. Independence!

  2. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour October 4th, 2011

    Mr.Price ok'd this.

  3. 1. Michael Yedinak 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL: To respect this country and be thankful every day for this.

    3. People in this great country of ours didn't just do war because they liked it. They did it to fight for this country to be what it is today. Possibly right were you are standing right know someone died and lost there live. The bottom line is respect remember and be thankful for people who did this war they what makes you yourself.

    4. RESPECT i think would be the word.

  4. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Joshua Helm 10-5-11 MW2
    2. The strength of our country is in our hearts and be happy every day for having freedom

    3. I think that we should all fight to defend our country. But our country is safe with some fighting, some staying and helping.
    4. Thomas Jefferson was looking too inspire people.To be proud of what they did. They gave it there all to defend, at least people should be proud. Thomas Jefferson was a great person trying to get people to fight the british. It's a great quote.

  5. 1. Zack Fuller 10-5-11 mw2

    2. Cement heart and blood

    3. The kindness holds my family by are hearts and blood and cements it.

    4. Thomas Jefferson saying that are blood all runs deep for America. We should come together for our country and stand untied. To become 1 and defeat the British. To stand proud over are new land. So in every American is one with each other.

  6. 1. Timmy Uppleger 10-5-11
    2. To respect the country
    3.People fought for our country risking there lives to save ours. They gave up there freedom so we could have freedom. Freedom gives us more choices in life.

  7. 1. Malorie Moen 10/05/11 MW2
    2. "Cement of this union is in the heart blood."
    3. I will always have America in my heart.
    4. I think his purpose was to say that America is in all of our hearts. Also it means that we love America. We will always be thinking about America and how lucky we are to live here. We should be thankful to live in America. Also, it means that we are all Americans and we have it in our blood.

  8. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 10-5-11
    2. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American." The whole statement is metaphorical. Comparing the cement of the union to the heart blood of Americans.
    3. The blood of Americans are held together as one, we are one nation. This compares to my soccer teams. We all have one goal and a true passion for the sport. We are all different, but out on the field we play as one person. Moving the ball up and down the field. We all have our strengths out on the field and differences, but we put that all away at game time.
    4.I think Thomas Jefferson's purpose of this quote was to say how the union is the heart of our blood. By saying this he means how the union has a base or cement, and the cement is like our heart blood that pumps through us everyday. Our heart keeps us going like a Starbucks when your tired. Well of course he didn't mean it to be like a Starbucks but that's how I take it. The cement of the union is what holds it together like my soccer team with players. Without players there would be no team. Without our heart pumping blood through us and the cement of the union we would not live. He's saying that in the heart we are alike, and all cement is alike no matter which union or something your on.

  9. 1.Abby Schoonover 10/5/11 MW2

    2.Cement-The Ground, Heart Blood-Blood From The Heart, American-Citizen of America

    3.Cement is something that holds people and things up and also something people can walk on, we walk on cement every day to get to where we need to go.

    4. I think what Thomas Jefferson was purposing was the thing that holds everyone up is the blood in our heart. Cement is something that holds everyone up and something we walk on top of everyday to get to where we need to go. So he is trying to say that the thing that holds everyone up, is the blood in our heart. The blood in our heart holds passion, bravery, love, courage, and many other things. These thing that I just listed are what hold our union together.

  10. 1. Mikal LaButte MW2 10/5/11

    2. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood".

    3. There is blood in our hearts too.

    4. I think his purpose was that the was trying to get the work out to say that the town you live in has a heart to so don't treat it like garbage. By that i mean if you would have a house how would you treat it. Would you treat it like dirt, garbage or would you treat it like a king or queen.

  11. Halle Chiarelli 10/5/11 MW2
    2. -Union
    -heart and blood
    3. The cement that keeps my family together is all of us. We all have a part in something that makes it work. Playing soccer inspires my heart and blood.
    4. Thomas Jefferson Is trying to say that we are all on union. That all Americans are together as one. Even the ones who have died are apart of us still. The thing that keeps us together is each other. If we didn't all stick together we would fall apart.

  12. LeAnn Howe

    2. Cement of this union, cement in the heart blood

    3. My mother told be that there is a place in her heart with my name on it. Hearts can not have writing on it.

    4. Thomas Jefferson is saying that every American believes in this union. They all know what it is. Jefferson is saying that it's cement. Cement is something that is hard and it sticks. Once you hear about it and you have feelings for something, there is always a place for it. I think he is also saying that every American has the right to be free. US citizens are here for a reason. They should be free and always will be.

  13. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 10/5/11 3rd hour
    2. Everyone has the same blood.
    3. In my house we don't have the same blood but we follow the same rules.
    4. The structure of the United States is the people that live within it. We sacrifice our selves for our country and keep a solid ground to live on. Everyone's heart and sole in America is for the country.The country is built upon the people not the people built upon the country. For the people shedding blood in war, makes the foundation of America what it is today.

  14. Nick Norman 10/5/11 MW2
    He is talking about the cement stays in place just like your heart in the world. We are Americans. Heart pumps the blood. Cement is like heart. It's solid.

    There are a lot of times in life where your heart is there.

    Thomas Jefferson was talking about the heart in the union is somewhat like cement. It's strong and it's in the center. The Americans came together to be a union. They become strong and loyal. They come to the center as one.That's kinda what Jefferson was talking about

  15. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Sammy Sutton, 10-5-11, MW2
    2. "There cement... is the heart blood"
    3. As hard as life might be, you gotta try to stay positive,
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson's purpose was to show people that everyone has it hard, but you have to be strong, and try to make it through the bad times, and that your not alone, and that other people our by your side to help, and you have to learn how to respect others, even if you don't like them, like they all say, treat others how you would want to be treated.

  16. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/5

    2. LL: People fight for our country to let us be safety and have freedom.

    3. People in this country risked the lives to fight for us and to protect us. We should respect the people who served for us and they to give us freedom and what we are today.

    4. I think he was trying to say that we should respect the people who died for us to protect us and give us freedom.

  17. 1.Matt Pankow, 10-5-11, MW2
    2. First gun shot taken, means others will shoot back
    3.If i was at war it would be hard because i would hope no one would take the first shot from there musket and then it would be a full out war.
    4.I believe Thomas was trying to impose that war is not and will never be an easy thing. Hes trying to say how many people will never leave this land because of all the freedom and supply's.
    i see why he would write this quote to say everything in this little sentence about the USA.
    When he say cement i believe he is referring to being stuck to the land because you might like it a lot and don't want to leave.I'm thankful he wrote this.

  18. 1. Chiera Palamar OCT 5 // MW2

    2. "What holds this union together is The People"

    3. what "holds" my grandma and i together is working together to pull each other threw any problems either the bad or the good.

    4. I think Thomas jefferson was trying to say that the base of this country is depending on the people to hold it together. The heart of the country is what we make it. What it is today is what we choose it to be. We could change it or we could keep it. It can take one American to change it.

  19. 1. Evan Bauer MW2 10/5/11

    2. the heart is like the soul of your body. Every American is like the people who died for you to live peacefully. Are country is made up by the actions we do every day.

    3. My Grand-dad was in world war two and he gave up his condition of his body for his country. I think of my heart as my soul or the center of me. I try to show that are country is made up of wonderful people and kind people.

    4. Thomas Jefferson was a great person. He wanted to tell the people of America that you are a part of this country and its up to you to represent are country. I think that's what his point was in the saying. I Thomas Jefferson's purpose was to get our country noticed and to show that were true Americans. If Thomas Jefferson was still alive i think he would love to see how far we have come.

  20. 1. Riley Hafner 10/5/11

    2. Cement of this union is in the heart blood

    3. This simile is saying that the union has a place in he hearts of everyone. That the people who are fighting or us have a certain respect in our minds. When I think of the people who are fighting for us over seas and in other countries I have a certain respect for them.

    4. I think his purpose for saying this was that people who fought for us know how important they are. He wanted them to understand that what they did for us changed the lives of everyone. The people who died for us gained respect from many people. They died to make us free and so that we have rights. He wanted them all to know that what they did for us made so many differences no matter how little they were. They were "the cement of the union that is the heart blood of every American"

  21. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-5-11 MW2

    2. a.The cement of this union
    b.In the heart blood of every American.

    3. a.In my home, there are things that happened that won't go away (The cement of this union).
    b.Once my sister got me a little ceramic nick knack that had a girl in older clothing hugging a golden retriever dog. When my golden retriever past away, the memory of him, for me, went to that small statue, and straight to my heart.(In the heart blood of every American)

    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to say that the history behind our country is what we will remember forever. The events that took place in American, like 9-11 and the civil war, will stay in the hearts of American citizens. The things that we remember about American is how it started, how we fought for freedom, and the events that happen along the way. Our people were killed and hurt so we could have what we have today. That's the "cement" of our country.

  22. 1.Mikayla Rowltte , 10-5-11, MW2
    2. They wont be forgotten, they will be with us all the time.
    3. Missing an grandparent, aunt or uncle that has died. You know they are gone but you will never forget them.
    4. I think he was saying that the people that fought for this country will always be remembered. They will not be left in the back of our memories, they will be thought of everyday, honored, respected. The people that died for our country will be remembered as hero's. The loved ones will be greatly missed but will be loved forever by their family memebers.

  23. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/5

    2. LL: People fight for our country to let us be safety and have freedom.

    3. People in this country risked the lives to fight for us and to protect us. We should respect the people who served for us and they to give us freedom and what we are today

    4. People in this country risked the lives to fight for us and to protect us. We should respect the people who served for us and what did to give us freedom and what we are today. I also think he was trying to say the saying that "the cement in or heart blood" is suppose to mean that we should stay strong and were not the only ones to are having a hard time out in the world.

  24. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Sam Love mw2 10/5/11
    2.Cement means the base what holds us together. Heart blood is what you stand for.
    3. The cement holding our family together is caring and respect/
    4. 4. I think that Thomas Jefferson was trying to say that Americans are loyal to there country. Also by the meaning "Cement of his union..." means that we fight for freedom but we still are normal people. The quote "heart blood..." means that the American spirit is inside us. Also that we stand right with the people we have lost fighting for our freedom, who's families will never forget them.

  25. Timmy Uppleger 10-5-11 MW2
    2. Heart.
    3. That keeps our family's and country together.
    4.People fought for our country risking there life's to save ours. Giving up there freedom so we can keep ours. Freedom lets us have more choices in life. They were in the war to fight for our country and its safety and freedom. WE are lucky to have as much freedom as we do.

  26. 1. Bryce Heatwole 10-5-11 MW2
    2. Americans are like the blood and heart of our union.
    3. I am an American so this is part of my life.
    4. I think he was saying that all Americans do matter. Without out them there wouldn't be that much in or life. Americans are what matters and what keeps our country moving. This also means that we as Americans are holding this country together. Nothing would be as great as it is without citizens.

  27. Additional Comment
    1.Mikal LaButte

    2. Cement..... Keeps our union together.

    3. When someone dies they have a head stone made to have people down the road that knew that person stop and think what that person did for this country or community.

    4. I think his purpose was that the was trying to get the work out to say that the town you live in has a heart to so don't treat it like garbage. By that i mean if you would have a house how would you treat it. Would you treat it like dirt, garbage or would you treat it like a king or queen.

  28. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."

    1.Megan Gunderson 10-5-11 MW2

    2. blood of every American
    There is heart blood in every american
    heart blood
    cement of this union

    3.There is blood in are hearts.
    The cement of the union is in my heart blood.

    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to say that the union is in are blood. Hes also trying to say the the cement or the base of the union is in are heart and blood.Thomas was also trying to say that each American has has the cement of the union is in our heart blood.Hes also saying that the cement of the union come from with in I think.Last but not least hes trying to say that are heart blood keeps the union together just like cement.That's what I think the quote"The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."means.

  29. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Payton Rentsch, 10-5-11, mw2
    2.union, heart and blood, cement
    3. My family's cement is my mother, she keeps us going. On track where ever we are, home or not.
    4. Jefferson is saying that are cement is through are people of America. The cement is are heart and blood. American's believe in our union. We believe in our union too. We might also believe that it means we have the rights to be free, and know one can take that away!

  30. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Henry Haidler 10/5/11 MW2
    2. The cement of this union, union is in the heart blood.
    3. The rules in my home are the cement that keeps my family from fighting and keeps us in line.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson's purpose of this statement was that the union defies what we are. What happened in our land before we were born is still here and will always be remembered. The way we do things are based off of what our ancestors started and will be carried on with future generations. The constitution that our founding fathers made is our rights and our rights are in us and will always be for it is the thing that holds us together. All Americans should follow the rules that they know are right even if everyone is against you you have to stand up for it.

  31. addition comment.
    Timmy Uppleger 10-5-11
    2.Cement means the base of what holds us together. Heart and Blood is what you are.
    3. The cement holding us together is caring and respect for one another.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was trying to say That Americans are loyal to our country. Cement of his union means that we fight for our freedom and safety in our life's. But still normal. The quote "heart blood" means that the Americans sprite is inside us. Also that we stand right with the people that we lost fighting for our freedom. There family will never forget them.

  32. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 10/5/11 3rd hour
    2. The whole statement is a metaphor
    3. Not everyone has the same blood type in my family.

    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was purposing that the people fighting in the war are fighting for their freedom. They sacrifice themselves for us. They give their lives for us. We would fight for our freedom. Be thankful that we have the freedom that we have now.

  33. Katelyn McCarthy

    This is an edition to my paragraph

    Be thankful that we are Americans and not every country has as much freedom as we do. not every American has the same blood type as someone else.

  34. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Alex Smith, October 10th, MW4

    2. Saying that the cement of the Union was the blood of the American's is a metaphor. "Heart blood" could be a simile for a man's courage, or it could mean blood, sweat, and tears.

    3. The cement, the foundation, of most of my relationships with teachers is based off of mutual respect.

    4. I think that Thomas Jefferson was trying to tell people that this Union would fail if people didn't try to take care of it. The "heart blood.." part makes me think that the people's blood, sweat, and tears are the cement of the foundation. It could also be a simile that the cement is the will of people to work hard.

  35. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. David Lesnau 10-5-11 4th hour

    2. The whole statement is a metaphor

    3. Not everyone has the same blood type in my family.

    4. efferson is saying that are cement is through are people of America. The cement is are heart and blood. American's believe in our union. We believe in our union too. We might also believe that it means we have the rights to be free, and know one can take that away!

  36. Seth Wilson, October,5th 2011 4th hour

    "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1.Seth Wilson, October,5th 2011 4th hour
    2.The hole passage is a metaphor.

    3. people have different blood types

    4.I think his purpose was to unite America as one. That's why he says the cement (as in the foundation of the union) is in everyone's heart. By that I believe he is saying the foundation of America lies in the hearts of the people who live here. Like if we don't really want a free country we could never truly be free. So he was trying to get people to have faith in there new found country, and then that way they would be easily convinced to fight for the freedoms they have instead of simply giving up.

  37. 1. Ian Grady 4th hour 10-5-2011
    2. The entire phrase is a metaphor.
    3. Cement is the foundation witch holds the entire thing up and the heart blood is what you love and live for.
    4. My belief was Thomas Jefferson was making a statement about how our countries unity depends on the care and work of the American citizens. How their families were working to hold the foundation of our country together by staying united. Without unity our country would be separated and would deteriorate.

  38. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Christina mogg 10/5/11 mw4
    2.every thing is a metaphor
    3. Not every one has the same blood type
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was purposing that the people were fighting for freedom.They gave their lives for us.We would fight for our freedom.Be thankful that we have the freedom that we have now.

  39. 1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-5-11
    2. Cement of this union and the heart blood of every American
    3. The rules in a sport keep the games from getting out of control, and in order to keep people in line you need a referee.
    4. The purpose of Thomas Jefferson's statement is that the center of this country is run by the hearts of the Americans. Which means that Americans are loyal to their county. Also it could mean that we have rights to be free. he could also be saying that in order to run the country, Americans have to have a say. Lastly he could be saying that Americans have to fight for their freedom. There are many purposes of what this statement could mean, and there are a few of them.

  40. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Michael Atwood 10-5-11 MW4

    2. cement, heart blood.

    3. Heart blood is what you live for, like living for your favorite thing to do or something.

    4. Thomas Jefferson's purpose in this was to say that in every American's heart, he or she wants to be free. What he's also saying is some people in America say they're loyal to England, but deep inside they all want to be free. For instance, the Loyalists didn't want the wars, but they did allow boycotting British items, which was also bed for the English economy. Even people who don't know it want to be free. The union is the Americans who went against Britain for freedom from the crown.

  41. 1. Justin Wilson Oct 5 mw4
    2. I think heart and blood is one.
    3. I have a heart and blood.
    4. The solgers fight and give there blood. So I think Thomas Jefferson is saying we should know that people died for us and ower freedom.

  42. 1. Daisy York 10/5/11 m/w4
    2. Cement of the union and your blood heart to the union.
    3. The cement is compared to me if i decided to do the wrong decision i wouldn't be who i am today I hold myself together.
    4.I think what Thomas Jefferson meant was that the sense of how strong they were together. Also that they would always stick with their country because it took so much hard work to make it. with the heart blood I think it means that it stays and flows through your heart.Its that feeling of being proud of what you created. That can make you able to go through thick and thin.

  43. 1. Seth Packard, 10/5/11 MW4
    "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    2. The hole statement is a metaphor

    3. My mom and I have the same blood type, but my brothers and my dad have different

    4. I think Thomas Jefferson's purpose of saying this is to point out that everyone fighting a war has different reasons to do what they are doing. The winner of the war wins different freedoms for their country, freedoms that some people don't respect or care for. The cement of America is freedom, without it we would fall apart. The freedom that keeps our country together was won in a war where people shed blood to win. I think he means that freedom is important and that we should respect it.

  44. Nicholas Marlatt mw4

    "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Nicholas Marlatt 10 - 5 - 11 mw4

    2.The cement is like the heart. It's like all of the americans that have died for america.

    3. Im free because of the people who have lost there lives for freedom.

    4. I think that Thomas Jefferson was that you are americans and it's only because of the people who have had there lives taken for you. America wouldn't be free if those brave people wouldn't have fought for freedom. Thats what i think that he was thinking when he said this. I think that he would be proud of what all of us americans have accomplished.

  45. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Cheyanne Havermahl MW4 10/5/11
    2. The whole statement is a metaphor
    3. We all work together.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson is trying to say that we have to work together for everything to work, and for everyone to listen to each other. And that our soldiers were fighting for our freedom, without them we would not have the freedom we have now. And there could still maybe even be slaves. And that you should be thankful if you have a nice house, and a nice life. And everyone has freedom and no one can change that.

  46. 1. Aaron Durham.10/5/11. 4th Hour

    2."The Cement Of This Union"

    3. To be a team and to not fall even in the worst of times because the is always a light that guild's us to the right path to take and that we should stay strong through the worst of times and not give up hope.

    4.I think Thomas Jefferson meant that we are American's and that we should never give up to anyone and be out own person and to pull ourselves out from the rubble even at the worst of time's and to never give up and to keep moving forward with our great country.

  47. The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Camryn Ozuch MW5 10/5/11
    2. Cement of this union is in the heart blood.
    3. Cement is what holds people up. When we are walking on it, or it being the blood in my family. Wr are all a family and love eachother very much. We will always be together.
    4. I think Jefferson was saying that we are all similar. We all have blood and soul. We are unifiyed together in many ways. Being American's, we have to stick together and help eachother out. Our union is what makes us and we have to know that we are all created equal. Without knowing that, the world could be a crazy place where people don't know how to treat eachother. Our friends, family, and country are all going to be there for us because we have our heart and soul in our counrty. We will be remembered for what we did.

  48. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Kalani Gondick 10/5/11
    2. Losing people in the war is had but you will never forget them
    3. People in this country work hard to keep this country to stay the way it is
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson is saying that all the people that have died in the war will never be forgotten. People that have been in the war or are in the war right now have/are fighting for our country.

  49. 1. Austin Wicker OCt.5,2011 M-W4th
    2. This is a metaphor, it means "You have to really care about this country and it will be hard but it will be worth it.
    3. The comparison that I think of is with my running. My dad always says you are going to have to work hard at running but it will make you a better runner.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson's purpose was to get it through peoples heads that building this nation is not going to be easy but it will be wonderful in the long run. He probably meant that doing something will not be easy but it will have a great outcome at the end.He meant that you will have to work at building this country and and it is going to be hard. He meant that the hands of this nation is in the hard work that the citizens do. He probably was trying to tell the citizens of the new nation was going to be hard to to build but it will be worth it in the long run.

  50. 1. Jacob Yannott 10-5-11 4th hour
    2. the whole phrase is a metaphor
    3. it saying the people in America is the cement that holds it together, and i i am like the cement that keep my mom and dad talking, im sure not anything good about me, but still they still talk on the phone and stuff
    4. the purpose of that quote was to tell us how we Americans keep the united states of America bonding together. also it tells us that we are strong at holding things together. the quote tell us that we are American, and we r tough to break. also tells us how important it is to stay together, even threw the worst times possible. the quote can teach us more bout a lot of things, like for example, it can teach us to bond with other Americans to make a stronger cement that hold America together.

  51. 1. Brianna Rumple 10.05.11 MW4

    - Union
    - Cement
    - Hear & blood

    3. my family has rules that we all go by and that's what keeps us all together.

    4. I think that Thomas Jefferson's purpose was that Americans stay true to our country and we have rules that everyone goes by & that's the "cement" that keeps us all together. The heart and the blood is also like the cement that keeps our union together.

  52. Aaron Durham.10/5/11. 4th Hour

    Additional Comment

    4)And to be great full of what we have and don't have and realize what other people don't have that we do and to be thankful we are in America and that we have what we have

  53. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Kalani Gondick 10/05/11 additional
    2. People should stay safe no matter what
    3.Everyone should always be in a safe environment there should't be some where that is not safe. Everywhere you go there is all ways some were safe.

    4. Independence

  54. Nella Galliher MW4 Oct. 5, 2011
    2. The statement is one whole metaphor.
    3. My parents are what holds our family together.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was saying the country is held together by love to be free.

  55. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Kalani Gondick
    2. Losing people in the war is had but you will never forget them
    3. People in this country work hard to keep this country to stay the way it is
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson is saying that all the people that have died in the war will never be forgotten. People that have been in the war or are in the war right now have/are fighting for our country. There is people that died because they were in the war and got killed. Some people lost there dads or grandparents it is hard for the people that lost there loved ones. They will never be forgotten.

  56. Jake Landsberger 10/6/11 tt2

    The cement of our union.

    The cement of my life is my family. They are always there for me when I need them.

    I think he was saying that the death of americans basically founded america. I think that is true. Many died fighting for our freedom or the cement in our union. We need to keep our freedom, or the union will crumble. Many lost friends and loved ones only for future generations to obtain freedom.

  57. 1.Heather Linn 10/6/11 TT2
    2. The whole phrase is a metaphor
    3. My family has been in the war and have been helping keep us safe, and we should all work together to help because everyone can make a change.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was saying that people, even if other people tell them they cant be something or cant do something, that they always can. There is a hero in every Americans heart and blood. Even though some people may be more successful in what they do, we all have a purpose. Everyone in life helps each other, no matter what the circumstances are.

  58. 1. Marissa Moore 10/6/11 TT2

    2. "The cement of this union"

    3. The "cement" of my life would be my faith, without it I wouldn't really have something to base myself on.

    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to say a lot of different things. Like, what founded this country was what was deep within every American. The colonists had the goal to become a free country and it was in their hearts, they were determined to do it. That is what founded our country. He is also saying that it will be in every American citizen's heart forever, since without the heart and blood of the soldiers fighting, there wouldn't be America.

  59. 1. Caeley Hendee, 10-6-11, TT2
    2. People in will always be a part of us, but that part will heal.
    3. I have lost people in my life, I cry but I know that I have to move on.
    4. To tell that people (Soldiers included) will always have a purpose of being here. If you lose them in war, you always have a part of them, but there not here. Soldiers fought for our country and are in the process of doing it now. I think Thomas Jefferson was saying that no matter how hard it is, you always remember that person. Losing someone is so hard, but you have to move on. In the process of losing that person, it makes you a stronger person, in this world.

  60. 1. William McNamee 10/6/11 TT2

    2. "The heart blood" and "the cement of this union"
    3.Everyone takes a part in this country no matter how old or how young we all participate.

    4.Hey little Freddy have you read the famous quote said by Thomas Jefferson? What does it mean little Freddy, it means that everyone in our country participates in it. Even someone as young as you or me can participate and we do participate everyday. Freddy please stay involved with your country no matter how old you are. Freddy it doesn't matter what you do to participate as long as you think you are making a difference. Thank you for listening to me Freddy no go back to playing.

  61. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date
    1.Caleb Hudson 10-6-11 tt2
    3.I have a heart. I'm strong like Cement, And i have blood.
    4. Thomas Jefferson means is that some people are stuck strong to the union. What he means by heart i think hes then talking about the heart and the blood are the people who run the union witch is every American. And the blood is the people and the heart is like the president or their leader. I think that everyone who died in the war will almost always be remembered by their family. We will all remember what they sacrificed for our freedom.

  62. 1. Cody Musulin 10/5/11 TT2
    2. The cement of this union is in the heart blood
    3. People are working hard everyday to keep our country up and the way it is.
    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to tell us that we are our the making of this union and we need to keep it up. We are the only ones that can change the union. That if we want to change it we can, but if one person ruins it it is all ruined. He was trying to warn us that we are the creators. If we give up then the union will die and there won't be a union anymore.

    "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date
    1. Write your name, date, and hour
    2. Make a list of any metaphors or similes in the statement
    3. Make a comparison of these metaphors to other things in your own life
    4. Develop a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) explaining what you think Thomas Jefferson purpose was

  63. 1. Presslee Reisinger 10-6-11 T/T 2
    2. The whole phrase is a metaphor.
    3. I am the cement that keeps my dad going.
    4. I think that his purpose was to say that all of the people in America and all of the people who died in a the wars are the cement of what hold America together. Like everyone hold each other together. Saying that they are the heart and blood of America. The people who died are the heart and blood; and all of the people who survived are part of the cement that helps keep us safe and keeps America close together.

  64. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Eric Wolfe 10/6/11 TT2
    2. Union, cement, heart+blood
    3. People fight for us so we can stay safe
    4. Thomas Jefferson probably meant that all people have died in war to protect their country are truly brave people an will never be forgotten. The people who are fighting for their country right now, are true heroes. They risk their safety, their freedom, their lives for us to be safe. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here right now. I am proud to be an American.

  65. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Write your name, date, and hour
    2. Make a list of any metaphors or similes in the statement
    3. Make a comparison of these metaphors to other things in your own life
    4. Develop a paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) explaining what you think Thomas Jefferson purpose was
    1. Blake Lapum, 10/6/11, TT2
    2. "In the heart and blood..."
    3. My parents keep my family together.
    4. Thomas Jefferson is a very bright man. He was once the president of the United States. What he was trying to say in this phrase was that if the union, the people, wasn't here, there wouldn't even be a United States. It would just be a bunch of land. We are the cement that keeps this nation together. All the people in the United States deserve and need to be here. Without them, there wouldn't be anything.

  66. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Michael Hamilton

    2. people how fight for are country.

    3. Americans fight so we have freedom.

    4.the people how risk there lives to keep freedom for the people can have save people.

  67. 1. Jensen Borkowski 10/6/11 TT2
    2. Cement of this union, cement in this heart and blood of every American.
    3. The cement that holds my family together is how kind we are to each other,how we trust each other and the time we spend together.
    4. I think that Thomas Jefferson meant that the people who fought to give our country freedom will always be remembered. I think he is trying to say that every American has the ability to hold our union together. We all need to work together to hold our union together. Keeping it together is a team effort and everyone needs to be a part of it. Nobody could hold the union together on their own.

  68. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Brooke Boyd 10-6-11 tt2
    2. That you will always remember wars that Americans were in.
    3. I live in America and I know people that have been in a war and everyone should be safe.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was trying to say That you will always remember the Americans that had fought in the war and they will never be forgotten there like cement. The cement can not be forgotten cause its always gonna be there and never destroyed. When he says Heart blood he means that many people have died from being in wars and fighting for are country. Overall I think Thomas Jefferson is saying that wars and people will never be forgotten its like cement it can't be ruined.

  69. Brandon Wiese 10/6/11 TT2

    2. A couple metaphors that are in here are like the the cement of our union and the heart blood of every American.
    3. The cement of our union is like the way cement holds things together. So it refers to the way the union is held together. And when it talks about the heart blood of every American it means that there also cement of the union in them.
    4. I think that Thomas Jefferson was trying to say that the cement of the union it means tha the union is being held together strongly. When it talks about the heart blood of every American it means that the cement is in them because there in the union.

  70. 1. Jake Belford 10/6/11 tt2

    2. Metaphors: "the cement of this union" "heart blood of every American"

    3. This means that the union will stay together.

    4. This quote means that the Americans will stay together in there heart for this union. Thomas Jefferson's purpose for this quote was that the Americans are going to stay strong in this union, and not give up. Another purpose for this quote is for the Americans not to give up so we can succeed.

  71. 1.Sam Dovin 10-6-11 TT2
    2.Union stay together
    3.What keeps me together is my family and friends i don't know what i would do without them
    4.He is a man that just wanted good for his country and believed in that we have more choices in life. Plus a true American.

  72. 1.) Lexi Gross, October 6th 2011, T-T-2

    2.) The metaphor is "... in the heart blood of every American..." and "The cement of this Union"

    3.) "In the heart blood of every American" is like "My dead cat Boots is gone but he is still in my heart", and "The cement of this union" is like "I'm like a brick wall, and you cannot break through me" that's what I say when my brother tries to push me over.

    4.) I think Thomas Jefferson's purpose was to let people know that they are the reason they have a union. The people are the cement of the union, and they created it. If they give up then the union will drop dead. I think that if people want to give up, or just stop working for the union then there will be no union. So don't quit keep going, because you are the heart off the union.

  73. 1. Maddie Haas 10/6/11 TT2
    2. The cement of this union, the heart blood of every American
    3. That my parents keep our family together by working and getting money so we can keep the family together.
    4. I think that what Thomas Jefferson is trying to say is that we, the people of America, keep this country and that we are the heart. The president doesn't keep this country alive, we do. Us, the people of America do that. And the army, fighting for our freedom aren't just some people from other countries or robots, they are Americans. They fight for us and your freedom. So just because the president keeps us going and makes lots of decisions for us, doesn't mean he is the heart and blood of this country, we are the heart and blood of this country.

  74. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Elle Kennedy TT2 10/6/2011

    2. Union, heart, blood and cement

    3. The cement that keeps my family together is all of us. We all have something we are good at that makes us come together as one. Also in soccer, we all have strengths and weaknesses on my team but when we play a game, we come together as one.

    4. Thomas Jefferson Is trying to say that we are one nation that needs to stick together, or we will fall apart. Everyone is apart of the the nation- dead or alive, they are with us no matter what. The cement is what keeps us together as a nation and the heart and blood is what we are as a person.

  75. Blake Lapum. In addition to my earlier post...
    3. My parents are the union, we're all in the heart and the blood. I am apart of the union, we all are. Without even me, it wouldn't be a union.
    For, "the heart and the blood.." I think that there is something in us that is in every one of us, we all have it. I am special in my own way.

  76. 1. Jordan Danko 10/6/11 TT2

    2. Blood, heart, cement.

    3. In my life good relationships keep my family sticking together. The heart of my life is my family because i love and care for them.

    4. I think Thomas Jefferson is trying to say The heart of every american is what holds this union together. Meaning every ones love is strong and thats why people in the union are nice and work together as a team.

  77. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Stephen Moore,10-6-11,TT2
    2. The heart and feelings are with you.
    3. happy and helping holds me together.
    4. I think hes saying that America should be held together in a way. I think he wants it a free America. Some people lost their moms and dads and lots of kids were killed wars. It is very hard when you lose a loved one who died in war. For the people the loved ones will be never for gotten in their hearts.

  78. Jake Landsbereger additional.

    The cement that holds America together, that holds US as the people together, is the blood of the fallen. Early Americans fought for our freedom and many lost their lives to save future generations from the tyranny of a king. They achieved freedom and stood up to the British in a time of peril. The people of that time saved us from tyranny and we should all remember the days they lost their lives for us, and gave us the freedom of what we have now. I can say I will never forget the untrained townsmen who lost their lives for us, and gave us their blood to hold together our union.

  79. 1. Jade Cogar 10-6-11 TT2

    2. Cement of this union and heart blood.

    3. My parents and I are a union. Everyone is a union in my family. If I was not there my family would not be a union because I am there rock and soul.

    4. What I think about the quote is that he is trying to tell every one that they all have a union even if they don't have a family. Like if your parents were split up you would still have a union. No matter what you are always being loved even if you don't think you are. Your family will always be your rock/ your soul no matter what they will.

  80. 1.Sam Hall 10-6-2011 TT4

    "...Cement of our nation..."
    "...In the heart blood..."

    3. I live in America, and my loyalty and freedom are part of what holds our nation together.

    4.When Thomas Jefferson said this he was trying to make people understand how important they were to the strength of our country. Our nation would be nothing if not for the feelings and friendship of all the people who live here, it is important, especially in hard times like these for us Americans to stick together and focus on our similarities instead of our differences.

  81. 1. Lexi Cox Oct. 6, 2011

    2. "Cement of this union is in the heart and blood".

    3. This can relate to me by the unity of our community. And how whenever one of us is in a time of need we all come together, like a natural thing that's born into us, in our blood.

    4. I think what Thomas Jefferson's quote was trying to tell us that every American has some sort of compassion inside of us for our country, it's in our blood and it comes out when we need it to. We stand up for the right things and when we face times that we need to be there for our nation everyone one of us has it in us to do that. We are all connected in a way that makes us like a family. Every one person makes us a little more stronger. And I think that is why Thomas Jefferson said that the cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American.

  82. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Heidi Siemon 10-6-11 TT4

    2. Cement, heart blood.

    3. Cement is like the foundation: what makes it up, and the heart blood is like whats in your heart.

    4. His purpose was to say that the cement holds the people together. Hes saying that its in the heart of all us Americans to stick with each other. All of us want to stick together because its in our blood. We know what holds us together, because we have it in our hearts and in our blood.

  83. 1.Julianna Welling 10/6/11 TT4
    2.The cement of this union , heart blood
    3.Like our mom and dad is in all of us and they are the cement.
    4.Tomas Jefferson meant that everyone who really thinks about it knows why they came here. Even if they are loyalist they came here for the same reason or else they would of stayed in England. People came here to be our own country. So America should stick together like a family.

  84. 1. Molly Aills 10/6/11 TT4

    2. "Cement of our union..." and "Heart blood of every..."

    3. My parents and I are a union. The heart of my life is my family and friends because I care about them and love them. In my family, all of us combined are the cement because we help each other out.

    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to tell us that what keeps this nation together is inside the heart of every American. Hope, peace, love, and even liberty are inside of our hearts, along with those unnamed. What this nation is kept alive on is things found inside, not outside. This nation is held together by the things inside that are good, like kindness or love or common-sense. It is like that in a family, too. Your family is held together, or cemented, by love. Your parents love you, and you love them. Thus, the family is a union, together in that love that you share.

  85. 1. Devin Bryant 10/6/11 ††4
    2. union is in the heart blood of every American."
    3. my parents me my brother are a union
    4. What i think this thing means is the union runs America. And i think that it means without union America would not last. But i also think is that America and all the people in it have a union with someone or something!

  86. 1. Josephine Parke 10/6/11 TT4
    2. The cement is our union, the heart and blood is the people. Without the people there would be no union, and without the union there would be no people.
    3. The heart blood and the fallen hold us together.
    4. The cement that holds us together is the heart blood and the remembrance of the fallen without this remembrance of the people who gave up there live and risked everything to keep our union we would still have a union because like a family that has split up, when they divorce you don't disappear you, the union are still there and still as strong as ever because the union cant be broken. The people of our past generations fought for our freedom and because of that we should be very happy, because without them our lives today could have been very different and not necessarily in a good way, we could have had a tyranny for government and not had any freedom. The people in your life that care about you will always be your rock and your soul no matter what they always will.

  87. 1. Sam Mynarcik 10-6-11 4t-t
    2. Cement of this union and heart blood.
    3. The cement keeps us together. We all have something that makes us come together.
    4. Even though I don't know what a union is I believe it is something that brings us together. I think Thomas Jefferson is saying to us is we need to stick together even if we hate each other. His purpose was to pull us together and to be friends not to hate or abhor. I believe some people have a natural attraction to love and hate one another. We share somethings that are common with one it does not mean people like each other at all. Sometimes family members get frustrated, but they still love you no matter what.

  88. 1. Steven Nichols Oct. 6 2011 TT4

    2.A. Cement of this union
    B. heart blood of every American

    3. The cemment of my life is racing. The lood of my heart is racing.

    4. What jefferson means is that none is anything without the heart blood.Thats what keeps America from falling apart and going haywire. We will never forget whats happed to ammerica like 9-11 or world war 1-2. The Cement will never brake and thats what he means

  89. 1. Danielle Stowell Oct 6, 2011
    2. Union is in the heart blood of every American
    3. I have a warm blooded heart.
    4. What Thomas Jefferson is trying to say is that everybody has a purpose to be here in America. And that we should and need to stay together. And we are the union no matter what. And we made this place a union just by being here and being alive. And that the people over seas fighting for us and making sure that we have freedom will always be remembered in our thoughts. And tells us to stick together through thick and thin.

  90. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1. Josh Mick 10/6 TT4
    2. Cement of this union the heart blood of every American.
    3. The cement of the union is like my family. We will never brake apart.
    4. This quote he wrote he is trying to say that every American in this union has a great purpose of being good to others. He meant as the cement of this union meant that every family is bonded together.

  91. 1. Paul Anguish
    2. The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American.

    3. It means that our unity is what keeps our country together.

    4. He could have be trying to make us fell good about our self's. The blood that was that was split was split for our country. That is what holds us together because we have the strongest emotions. When we fight it is about something that we beleave in, not something that we have don,t care about. We wouldn't fight if we didn't care we would send supplies to our allies but stay out of the fight. As an example on 9/11 we started our war with terrorism. We felt strongly about it.

  92. Heidi Siemon Additional

    It might be also about people out fighting. We have Americans fighting and dieing but we still stick together. He might be saying that we go threw those things together.

  93. 1. Olivia Sdao Oct.6 TT4
    2. "Heart blood of every American." means that a lot of people died and suffered.
    3. I'm an American I might of herd the saying
    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to say that a lot of people died in wars. And that we suffer to protect the United Stats to make sure that others are safe. also we see people dead and bloody and if one is dead we all die. That is what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say to us.

  94. 1. McKaylin Stone 10/6/11

    2. Cement and heart blood of ever American

    3. Strong and cemented, when the heart bleeds.

    4. He is saying that the union between America is very strong like cemented! Also saying that the people who live in America are the blood of America because they have fought or will fight for this country and in war blood is always shed.The strength of America and the people are the blood or that we all have just by being and America cause we are a union to are country. most of are unions to America are cement especially the people who fought and will fight for us.

  95. 1. Milan Mihajlovski Oct.6 TT4

    2. The cement of this union is that America is a union held together by cement.

    3. My heart has blood and some times when i fall down or get a cut some were i start to bleed from were ever i got a scrape or a cut.

    4. Thomas Jefferson was trying to say that America is one nation and we are all family and friends and we need to stick together like cement to stay the country that we are. And if one bleeds we all do, like in Iraq when all of those soldiers have fought for are country and many have died and that hearts the love ones and friends of the love one or ones.

  96. 1. Brendan Schmitter

    2. Cement of this union or Heart Blood

    3.My parents my grand parents and my brothers we are a union every on is a union in a family like mine.If my brothers are all a union i am to.

    4. It means no matter what happens if i will be loved by anyone then i will be a union but if i am hated and not loved or cared about i will not be hated i will be loved by I hope all not hated by none.2. this is the second thing i feel it is if parents you are still a union but they love me so i am there soul and love

  97. Steven Nichols 10-6-11

    An extra Comment.

    he means that none can brake cement and stuff we will remeber till we die. like 9-11 and world war 1-2. thats the cement that will never go away.

  98. "The cement of this union is in the heart blood of every American."
    Thomas Jefferson, Writings, No Date

    1.Gursherveen Kaur , 6/10/11 TT2 .
    2. Do not forget the sacrifice that the solders had given to us.
    3.Everyone has to keep our country save and we must not fight between each other for properties,
    4. Thomas Jefferson purpose was to send an important message to us.His message was that we must not forget the sacrifice that the solders had done for us.There are soldiers now out there somewhere fighting in the war to protect the country from attacks.We as humans must value or appreciate that what we have.Their service will never be forgotten.

  99. 1. Brianna Rumple 10.10.11 MW4

    2. Cement
    Heart & blood.

    3. My family has rules that we all have to follow which keeps us all together and that is like the cement and we are the heart and blood.

  100. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct 13, 2011

    2. The cement of this union

    3. people in this country work hard to make it the way it is today.

    4. i think tomes Jefferson is saying all people that died in the war will never be forgotten.

  101. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct 25, 2011
    2. The cement of this union.
    3. my mom and dad they are the strong foundation to my family.
    4. i think he is trying to say we all are a union and we all hold each other together as a union and we all unite as one.

  102. Jonathan Haddon Nov 3 2011

    Heart & Blood

    the Soldiers are the cement that holds this country together and the people are the heart blood.

    I think that he is trying to say that the the union is the cement that holds this country strong and we the people are the heart blood that keeps this country alive.

  103. 1. Joseph Swaney 11/5/11
    2. Cement as in what holds the union together. Heart blood is what you stand for.
    3. The cement is care, and respect, and the love between my family.
    4. I think Thomas Jefferson was saying that Americans are loyal to their country. I also think that by "cement of this union" he means that we are all brothers and sisters, because we are all Americans. "Heart blood" as in American spirit. Also that we stand with the people who have lost family members that were fighting for our freedom.
