Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quote 7 - Life

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

1. Name, Date, Hour

2. Define the word "regret" as used in this context

3. Provide a detailed, emphatic response to this quote. Take into consideration of when it was said and why. (5 - 7 sentences)

4. Would you have said something else just before you were hanged? (why or why not) 3 - 5 sentences


  1. 1.Abby Schoonover 10/13/11 MW2

    2.To feel sad, disappointed over something

    3.This quote was said by Nathan Hale. He got hanged after he said it by the British. What Nathan Hale was saying is that he wishes he didn't have to die. He wishes that he had more than one life so he can fight for his country. He wishes he had another chance at life to fight for what he thinks is right. He would rather die fighting for our rights and our country. Than any other way. You can tell he is very loyal to his country. Especially knowing he would give his life for it.

    4. I probably would have said something along the lines of that. If i knew I was going to die that way, I would rather have died fighting for my country. I would have wished I had another life and if I did I would fight for our rights. I think he was very wise to say this.

  2. 1. Joshua Helm 10-13-11 MW2

    2. He wishes he didn't have just one life to save his country.

    3. I think he should have tried to run better killed by nature than by the British. He would've been shot if he ran. But he must have put up a good fight if he was one of the last ones to get captured. Life must end for him but someone will avenge him. Life just plain old stinks badly

  3. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 10/13/11 MW5

    2. To wish you could take back what you did.

    3. Nathan Hale is saying that he wishes he could help his country even more. And that he wants to give his life to fight for his country. He wishes he could have more time, and fight for the rights he believes his country deserves. He cares about his people and he wishes that he could of done things different, instead of being in the position where he could be hung, he could of saved him self and fought for more people, and his country.

    4. Right before being hung I would of rather said goodbye and how much I love my family. Because they are the most important thing to me. And I would want to let them know that I love them.

  4. Halle Chiarelli 10/13/11

    2. To be sad or disappointed in something you did.

    3.September 22,1776, Nathan Hale said that he wishes he could do something more for his country. He wanted to fight more for his country before he was hanged. If he didn't die he would still be fighting for his country. You could tell he loved his country because he is saying that he would die for them and he wanted them to be sure to have their rights. He wanted them to have their rights because he believed that they really deserved them.

    4. Before i was hanged, I would probably say that I did the best I could for my country and to get them their rights. If I wasn't hanged, then I would probably fought to death for them. I would also say that I loved my family, friends, country, and any other loved ones.

  5. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-14-11

    2. Regret can be described as sorrow and remorse toward something done or that cannot be done.

    3. On that day, Nathan Hale made his departure from earth only wanting to help his country. The British were trying to get us to stay under their control even after all that has happened. His only regret was he could not do another duty to his country. You can tell by the words he chose that he is loyal to America and he would have fought to the end for our freedom. I don't know what would have happened today if there wasn't people like him then. He lost his life for the hope of our country.

    4. I don't know what I would say if I was to go on the rope, but I would brace myself for my end and say "sorry" for my family I would be leaving or maybe nothing at all. I would hope to say something as brave as Nathan Hale but I would never know until the time came and I would be unsure since I don't know if there would be much to say. But I would want it to be known how much I love this country and family and friends.

  6. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Marissa Moore 10/17/11

    2. What Nathan Hale is saying, is that he wishes he could die many times for his country. He wants to die for his country, even if it meant over and over.

    3. Nathan Hale was very proud of the colonies and loved them very much. He wanted independence from Britain, and probably wanted to be part of the founding of the United States of America. He must have been very patriotic, since the British were the ones to hang him.

    4. I would probably say the same thing. I would also say something about how I love my family and friends and how my life was good. I would be totally content with dying for something I strongly believed in.

  7. Jake Landsberger 10/17/11 TT2

    Regret as in he wishes he could have more than 1 life.

    I believe this man was very patriotic. He loved his country or at the time colony enough to want to die for their freedom. I as well love my country and would risk my life to capture freedom for the Americans today. I plan on joining the army to fight for our country and secure freedom. I believe that right now with all our troops gone we are very vulnerable to attacks on our political groups by terrorists.

    If being hung I would let the people that I knew were watching that even in the afterlife I would watch over them. I will die for my country if so be it! I will never let you take our freedom, our dignity, or our lives!

  8. 1. Blake Lapum, 10/17/11, TT2

    2. Regret in this means to be sad or disappointed.

    3. I have a lot of respect for this man. He knew he was being convicted and he died for his country. Anyone who will do something like that just to prove a point, deserves respect and praise towards him. I have sacrificed for things, but I have never done something this big. The biggest thing I've done is getting kicked out of a hockey game to protect my teammate from getting beaten up.

    4. I would have said something like this if I was also being hanged. I would say something to wow the crowd, something to really touch them. I would say something like, "1 soldier may die, but Brittan is still just as strong!" I would say something that I really believe in and have faith in.

  9. 1. Caeley Hendee 10-17-11 TT2

    2. I think regret means something that he or she didn't want to do.

    3. I think that he stood up for what he believed in, and didn't care what happen to him. This was said along time ago, because people usually don't get hanged a lot. I think the quote "I only have one life to lose to my country" he wanted to fight more, he never wanted to quit. He wanted to fight for the longest time for his country.

    4. Yes, I would have, because your never going to see any of the people you know and love. It was good what he said before, but he could have said something to his family, or the loved one, that he cared about.

  10. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Name, Date, Hour

    2. Define the word "regret" as used in this context

    3. Provide a detailed, emphatic response to this quote. Take into consideration of when it was said and why. (5 - 7 sentences)

    4. Would you have said something else just before you were hanged? (why or why not) 3 - 5 sentences

    Brandon Wiese 10/17/11 TT2

    2. The word "regret" means to wish of not to doing something else. Like i regret not doing my homework.

    3. If i was in this mans shoes i wouldn't like it. I get hanged for something that is right. This quote is really a important quote cause it was from so long ago. What he is trying to say is that he wishes he had more lives to give for America.

    4. I would say something. I would say something that had to with me and my country. If i was going to be hanged I'd ask them to tell my family that I love them.

  11. 1. Brooke Boyd 10-17-11 tt2

    2. Feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over.

    3. Nathan Hale had died and wanted more to do with his country he didn't want to be hung. His saying he didn't want to die when he died because he wanted to fight for his country. You can tell that he really does love his country and wants to win because he would die for them. Nathan Hale might have been happy though that he died when he was doing the thing he loved witch was fighting for his country and the freedom of people.

    4. Right before I got hung I probably would say I have done the best I can do and that I love my family and hoping for the best. That I have fought for what I have wanted. Also that I would have rather died fighting for my country.

  12. 1. Michael Yedinak, 10/17/11

    2. Be sorry about, feel contrite about, feel remorse for, be regretful.

    3. This quote was said to honor his country. He cared for it and knew if he died he would go to a good place. He died for his country and gave it his best. To me Nathan Hale sounds like a remembered kind of person. Giving his life to his country and being okay with it.

    4, I would have said something like this if I was hanged. I worked hard for my country fighting for freedom and independence from the British. If this did happen I would know I would go to a better place.

  13. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 10-17-11, T/T2
    2. Regret means like you wish you hadn't done something.
    3. Nathan Hale is trying to say that he died from protecting his country. He was happy that, that was what he was dieing for..but he was upset that he wouldn't be able to continue protecting his country; because the British had hung him. He had no regrets..except for that he wouldn't be able to protect his country. But he accepted the fact that he was dieing for his country.
    4. No, I wouldn't have said something else before I was hanged. I would've said the same thing; because I would be happy that I was dieing for my country, but i'd be upset because I wouldn't be able to help keep my country safe, and free.

  14. 1. Eric Wolfe 10/17/11 TT2

    2. Feeling bad about what you have done.

    3. Nathan Hale wanted to do more than he could for his country. He wanted to be than he was. His only regret was so he could not carry out another duty for his country. By the way the words sound he is a loyal american and he would fight and die for our freedom. He died for the fate of our country.

    4. I would say the same thing Nathan Hale said if i were in his position. I would fight until i die. I would not go down without a fight.I want them to know how much I appreciate this country and all the people fighting for it before, now, and in the future.

  15. 1. Cody Musulin 10/17/11 TT2

    2. A feeling of sadness, wishing they hadn't done the thing they did.

    3. I believe that he did something good, therefore he shouldn't have gotten hung. I don't know if he really did something good but it was probably unreasonable and unfair. Sometimes that happens in the world though and we just need to keep pushing on. It was in 1776, and I think the man was standing up and fighting against the British, he wouldn't take it anymore with these taxes that came out of no where. He was probably a patriot.

    4. I probably would have said the same thing, it was a good choice of words and I believe that he was honest and he did a good thing. Sometimes you can only get that many words out before they hang you. That would be my choice of words though.

  16. 1. Kyle Shehan, 10-17-11, tt2

    2.he wishes that he had more then one life to sacrifice for his country.

    3.I under stand why he said that, he wanted to show the British that we where determinant to fight. I understand how he must off felt even though I have never been about to be hung we all have ventured into things that scared from going to the doctors to getting behind the wheel of a car for the first time, the point is that we need to stay strong.

    4.I don't think I would have said anything at all. I'm not that artistic with words, so I dont want to make a fool out off my self even though I am being hung, your kind off like the representative of you people and you want to make them proud off the things you did.

    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

  17. 1. Paige Leatherman 10/17/11

    2. Regret means to feel bad and sorry for something you did.

    3. On September 22, 1776 Nathan Hale said, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." He obviously cares about his country and wanted to fight for his country. He loved his country and wanted the best for everyone to keep them safe. If he wasn't getting hung he would of stayed strong and fought for his country as much as he could.

    4. If I was about to get hung I would probably say something like I'm sorry I didn't do enough to where now I'm getting hung, I did my best to fight for everyone and protect them. And say goodbye and I love everyone. Also that I hope someone will fight for our country as much as i wanted to and care about it as much as I do.

  18. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Michael Hamilton

    2. It means to not for give what you do.

    3. Nathan wanted to die for country. some people will stand for country today. and British people will be hung. America and us would be fought to freedom.

    4. yes I would say that this a free country. some people would not say that because they would be to scared.

  19. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Heather Linn 10/17/11 TT2

    2. Regret means that you are sorry, or disappointed in something you did.

    3. Nathan Hale was trying to say that he doesn't have a single regret in his life except that he only has one to live, and serve his country, protecting its people. He is saying that if he could do it over again that he would. He is glad that he fought for his country and is pleased with everything he did. Although he was loosing his life for his country, he was still proud.

    4. If I was just about to be hung, I highly doubt I would say much. I would, of course, say how much I love my family and friends and let them know that it would be okay here on earth without me. In my head though, a lot of things would be going on. I would be more thinking about what I did in my life instead of talking. Although I wouldn't be silent.

  20. 1. Jensen Borkowski 10/17/11 TT2

    2. Regret means to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that has happened or been done, a loss or missed opportunity.

    3. I believe that Nathan Hale is trying to say that he feels bad that this was how he had to go. He feels like he could have and should have done more for his country before he passed. He wants to do more for his country. He is very loyal to our country and he has done everything he can to help it though he doesn't believe that he did enough. He feels as though he could always be doing more.

    4. I'm not sure what I would say if I were about to be hanged. I would tell my family I love them. If I had to be killed, I would be glad that it was over the safety and hope of my country.

  21. 1. Maddie Haas 10/17/11 TT2

    2. To wish that you could change something that already happened; to wish something had gone differently

    3. This person, Nathan Hale, wishes he could make a bigger difference in his country. In this time period, The Revolutionary War was going on and he was probably fighting in the war and he wanted to make a difference. So he said I wish I could give more lives and make a difference, but I am only one life to give for this. He wishes he could be worth 500 lives because he would have given more to his country then just another person who died. People wish they would remember each and every person that was in the war but they can't do that because there were so many people that died in the war.

    4. I would have said something similar. I probably would have said something like that because it's true, you want to be a big help and part of the freedom of this country, not just a passing thought that I might have helped a little. I want to be remembered and if I was worth a bunch of lives then people would say, hey do you remember that person that died and helped this country, yeah her name was Maddie Haas. So I would have said something very similar because I helped my country and died for my country, I wish I could have given more but my life was all I had.

  22. 1. Michael Yedinak 10/17/11

    3. IN ADDITION TO WHAT I SAID, this was said to have respect for his country. He faught and gave sacrifices. He was proud to be an American and so am I. He did it at this time because he knew he was going to die.

  23. 1.) Lexi Gross, October 17th 2011, T-T-2

    2.)Regret means to take back or to wish that you didn't do something. Nathan Hale was regretting, or wishing that he could have another life, or wish that he didn't have just one life.

    3.) It is like feeling bad that you don't have another chance to sacrifice. I know how he feels. He feels happy that he just did something great fro his country, but he is sad because it isn't good enough. When I do something for someone, I feel like it isn't good enough. He said this phrase because he wants to let his country know how he feels before he is gone forever.

    4.) I probably would have said something else, because I am a different person. I would say how much I love my family and my country and I would tell them how much they mean to me. "I love you all, my mom and dad, brothers, friends, family, and cousins, I would do anything for you and i will always be with you" this is what I would say.

  24. 1. Caeley Hendee 10-17-11 TT2 Add on to previous comment

    2. Regret means something that you did, and you feel bad that you did it.

    3.He died for his country, and didn't care that he was getting hanged. He cared about his country a lot. This must of been said along time ago, because people don't get hanged a lot anymore. People don't care as much as people did. These days all the care about our there phones, and computers (except the soldiers that are fighting for our country). I feel that he did the right thing, for dying for this country.

    4. I would have probably said something else before like " I love my family, and friends. Why am I getting hanged." Nathan said something that was fighting and talking about to his family.

  25. 1.Caleb Hudson 10-17-11 tt2
    2.To feel sorrow or Remorse about your life or someone else.
    3.he chose to say this Because he knew he had a good life and he regrets doing what made him have to be hanged. It Was said by Nathan Hale and he died on September 22 1776. And I also think that he is saying he would die many times for his country but regrets that he only has one life. He must have been a brave person. And I wonder what he did to have to be hanged. It must have been horrible.
    4.If I were going to be hanged I would be sad and send my regrets to my family. I hope It never really happens to me or really anyone in my lifetime. I would probably not say anything when I get hanged though. I probably would not say anything because I can't say anything that would make them stop hanging others.

  26. 1. Sam Dovin. 10-17-11. TT2

    2. Regret means like he would be sad about other things he didn't do.

    3. I know he men't he wishes he didn't have to die so he can do more in his life. "more then one" so he could do more ways to help. Plus wishing he could fight the right way for the rights of his country, and giving his life for it. He seems like a pretty loyal man for his country.
    4. I would tell everyone keep going and trying for us. We need this to protect others and our rights. I would say all my sins and tell everyone i love them. Remember this day and me. But i would have wanted to die but not in that way.

  27. 1. Jake Belford 10/17/11 tt2

    2. Regret means, in this context, that you want to take something back.

    3. On September 22, 1776 Nathan Hale was feeling that he was very patriotic. Nathan said on this day, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country, before getting hanged by the British". He loved his country and regretted that he couldn't do more for his country before getting killed.

    4. I would have said something else because I would not have thought of saying that phrase. I would have said that though if I did think of it because I love our country. I would have said something like I love my family and my country.

  28. 1. Jade Cogar 10-17-11 TT2

    2. It means that he is giving his life to his country and he only has one chance to do it.

    3. Nathan Hale wishes that he could do more for his country. He wanted to do more for his country to be a hero and fight more for his country. But if he didn't die he would go into the war and save are country. He really loved his country. He would be a savor to his country.

    4. If I was going to be hung the lasted thing I would of said would be is that I love you all and my husband, my kids, and my family. I will miss you all very much. Remember me and please don't ever forget about me.

  29. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Elle Kennedy, 10/17/11, TT2

    2. "Regret" means to be disappointed or sad about something you did or could not do.

    3. On September 22,1776 Nathan Hale said "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." before being hanged by the British. By that he meant that he wishes he could have another life so that he could fight more for his country. If he hadn't been hanged he would of fought until death because he believed that the colonists should be independent.

    4. Before I was hanged, I would say something along the lines of what Nathan Hale said but I would also say how much I love my family, friends, and country.

  30. 1. Jordan Danko 10/17/11 TT2

    2. Regret means to feel sorrow or bad for someone or something.

    3. Nathan Hale wanted to keep fighting for his countries rights. What he is trying to say is he wishes he could help his country even more by having multiple lives. Nathan seems like a caring man, he cared about his county and there rights a lot. I'm glad there were people who were thoughtful to others. He believed they deserved to have rights, that is why he fought for his country.

    4. Just before i was about to get hung I wouldn't know what to say.I'd probably say keep fighting for your rights because you deserve them! Also I would tell my family i love and care about them, and always will.

  31. 1. Michael Haase 10-17-11 TT2
    2. The definition for regret would be a feeling of sadness.
    3. He wishes that he could of done more for his country. Nathan said he wished he could of fought for his freedom instead of getting hung. Hale also wishes that he could of done things a little different.
    4. Yes I would hope that i would say something really brave like Nathan. I would rather die for my country than get hung by the British.

    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Name, Date, Hour

    2. Define the word "regret" as used in this context

    3. Provide a detailed, emphatic response to this quote. Take into consideration of when it was said and why. (5 - 7 sentences)

    4. Would you have said something else just before you were hanged? (why or why not) 3 - 5 sentences

  32. 1. Joshua Helm 10-17-11

    4. Yes i would have said something before I was hung. I would shout "God Bless America!!!" I would shout that because I am a Patriot at heart because we won the war.

    Forgot #4 2nd Attempt

  33. 1. Mikayla Rowlette MW2, 10-17-11

    2. He wishes that he could live longer to fight for his country.

    3. I think that he would have loved to die for his country but he wanted to see the country grow. He died because for something that he believed was right. I think that he wanted to have more lives for his country.

    4. Before I was hanged, I would say somthing like Nathan Hale said. I would have been wanting to live more lives for my country. The country was just begging and I would want to see the growth of the population, and how everything is moving away from England. Nathan Hale was very proud of his country and he wanted to fight for independence.

  34. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/17/11

    2. Regret means to feel sad or disappointing about something you did or could not do.

    3. "I only regret that I have but one life this lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776. By that he was wishing he could have another life so he can fight for his country more. If he hadn't been hanged he would of fought until his death because he believed the colonist should be independent.

    4.If I was hanged, before I was, I would say something like Nathan Hale did but then would say I love my family and my country.

  35. I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Sammy Sutton, 10-17-11

    2. Regret means wishing you didn't do something after you did it, and wanting to take it all back but you can't.

    3. I think what Nathan Hale means is that, he wishes he could have more than one life to give up to people, to save them, instead of saving himself. If he wasn't hung, he would be fighting for country till the very moment he dies.

    4. No I probably wouldn't have said anything else, those words Nathan Hale said were pretty strong, and understandable, and if I was in Nathans position, I wouldn't have said anything better myself. Most likely, before your getting hung, many things to say are running trough your head, but what Nathan said, explains enough.

  36. LeAnn Howe 10/17/11 MW2

    2. Regret means to feel bad and/or sorry for something.
    3. On September 22, 1776 this quote was said. Nathan Hale is the one who said it. He stated this because he is a patriot. He loves his country greatly and is dieing for it. He wishes that he could have another life so he could fight again. Now days people don't care as much as they used to.
    4.If I was going to be hanged I would have said something different. I probably would have mentioned how much I loved my country but also how much I love my family. If I didn't have a family I could turn to when things went wrong, I would probably go insane.

  37. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10/17/11 MW2

    2. Wanting to take back something you did.

    3. I would say that it was a brave thing he did. He stood up from his country and gave up his life for his people. I bet he would be happy that we won against the people the killed him for "treason". He said an amazing statement.

    4. I would say something before I was hung. I would probably say that we are fighting for freedom that we deserve. I would stand up for my country until I died.

  38. 1. Nick Norman 10/17/11 MW2

    2. "Regret" means to wish to take back something you did. Or to wish you could have done something that you didn't.

    3. Nathan Hale said
    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." before being hanged. He died for his country. He wishes he had another life so he could keep standing up for his country. He believes in his country and likes standing up for it. If Nathan did not get hung, he would still fight for his country until he couldn't anymore.

    4. Before getting hung I would have said something like "I love my family, friends, and troops. I wish I could stay and fight but I can't.
    I would say this because I love those people. I wish I could stay and fight but I can't.

  39. 1. Zack Fuller 10-17-11 mw2

    2. Regret Means that he only had 1 life for his country and could not fight more wars.

    3. Nathan Hale wanted to do more for his country. But he could not because he was going to hanged. by the British for treason. If Nathan did not die he would be fighting in the war for us to win against the British. He could of died by gun shot with out that saying of courage.

    4. I would said if I was in Nathan spot. That you can hang me but you can not get red of the American spirit. that what i would say to the red coats before I was hanged.

  40. 1. Evan Bauer mw2 10/17/11

    2. regret is said in the statement above. It means he is sad or not glade that he can only give away his one life to his country

    3. This statement made by Nathan Hale on September 22, 1776 really touched me because he said it right before his death. He was unhappy he only could give his country one life, that he didn't have any more life times to give to his country. This statement shows how much patriots are willing to give to their country. Let us never forget what sacrifices were made for are country.

    4. I would say every word Nathan Hale said before his death. I would add how much I love my family and friends. The last statement to be said by me would be "no rope can kill the patriots spirit and love toward their country!"

  41. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Sam Love, MW2, 11/17/11

    2. To feel sad, repentant or disappointed over

    3. On September 22,1776 Nathan Hale said "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Was saying that he wishes he could have more lives. Then he could fight for this new nation. Since he was a patriot the British had caught him and he was to be hung from the gallows. The quote means a lot because he is determined to separate with the British.

    4. I would have said something else, because your about to die! I would definitely of wanted to see my family. Also if i knew it was possible i would be killed by the British i would of put myself out of misery before they got near or captured me. Also i wouldn't want my family to see my body hanging from a tree.

  42. Re doing #4 Attempt #3

    10-17-11 MW2 Joshua Helm

    4. Yes i would have said something before I was hung. I would shout "God Bless America!!!" I would shout that because I am a Patriot at heart because we won the war. America may lose 1 soldier but that would not be the end of the war yet, War is nothing good it leads to death every time it starts. He gave his best for his country and he will be remembered by all Patriots.

  43. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Riley Hafner 10/17/11 MW-2

    2. The word regret that is used in this text means that he feels sad that he has only 1 life to lose. Regret means to be sad or disappointing about something you did or didn't do

    3. Nathan Hale was hanged by the British on September 22, 1776. Before he was hanged he said, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." When he said this he meant that if he had another chance he would fight harder to help lead the colonies into independence. He regretted not having that chance. He would have fought until he died to gain that freedom and independence that the colonists deserved.

    4. If I were to be hanged I would say that no matter how many people the British killed, we the colonists would still not be loyal to the king and that we will always be free at heart.

  44. 1. Chiera Palamar OCT 17// MW2

    2. Define the word "regret" a"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Name, Date, Hour

    2. To be disappointed or upset (sad) about something you couldn't do or didn't do

    3. Nathan Hale stated September 22, 1776 before being hanged by the British."I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."By that he meant that he regrets not having more lives to lose for standing up for his country.this would mean he wishes he had another life so he could fight for his country.

    4. If i were to be hanged for standing up in what i believe in or for standing up for my country then id state the same thing. Just a little different. Also say how much i love my grandmother and brother.

  45. 1. Matt Pankow 10-17-11 MW2

    2. the definition of regret would be to say or do something that you really didn't mean to. Like when i back talk to my parents i always regret it.

    3.i think Nathans meaning was he wanted to help and do more for his country before he was hung. He regrets this now because he is facing the end of his life and wishes he could of fought a lot more for he country. He is going to regret that the British are going to hang him because he new what was right and what was right was to get independence from the British. In the quote i believe another meaning was that he could of gave a life to another Pearson to help the colonist to fight the British. He hopes that the colonist will win the war between the colonist and the British over independence.

    4. Another thing i would say would be actually a few more things. I would ask why they are taxing the tea. I would also state that if they never taxed us so high we would of never been her hanging me in the first place. Its just common sense. For the last thing i would beg them not to hang me and hope my statements would help them change there minds.

  46. 1. Malorie Moen 10-17-11 MW2

    2. Regret means to wish you could change something in the past.

    3. In 1776, Nathan Hale said, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." After he said that, he was hung by the British. He wished that he could keep fighting for America. He didn't want to give up. He never wanted to stop fighting for us. He wanted to live another life so he could do this again.

    4. I would have said what Nathan Hale said, but I would say good-bye to everyone, and how much I love everyone. I would say this because, I would want everyone to know that if I could, I would keep fighting. Also, I would want everyone to know that I will always love them.

  47. 1. Mikal LaButte MW2 10/17/11

    2. Regret means to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over.

    3. On September 22, 1776 Nathan Hale said "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." In that he meant that he wanted to live two life's in the country to fight more for his country. if he wasn't hanged then he would fight till he would have died from natural causes.

    4. If I was to be hanged i would say something along the lines like on how much i love this country and how much I love my family and friends.

  48. Timmy Uppleger 10-17-11 MW2
    2. "regret" Means to be disappointed about something you have done.
    3. Nathan Hale wishes that he could do more for his country. He wanted to be a hero and fight for his country. He would fight to his death for his country. He got hung to death. If he did not die he would fight for independence for his country.

    4. Be for I got hanged I would like to say goodbye to my family and friends. If i knew sooner that I was going to die that way I would rather fight to the death for my country.

  49. 1.Megan Gunderson,10-17-11.MW2

    2. Regret means to want to go back and change something you did or has happened. To regret means to be sad or disappointed over something.

    3. I feel outraged that this happened to you. I wish that this was just a dream but it isn't and know you have to face the punishment. While you face the punishment remember that everyone you know loves you.I am grateful you helped are country thank you so much.

    4I think I would tell him thank you again and You will not die in regret but die in honor because of what you did because I don't want him to think about dieing.

  50. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 10/17/11 MW2

    2. Wish you would've of done something you did in the past. Wish you could change so something you did in the past.

    3. I can feel him suffering over what is to come in moments. He doesn't regret it but he feels that it was worth it for his country. It's true that you only have one life to lose the question is what will you lose it for. He lost his for the country and only the country. It was said then because when you no you're going to die your life flashes before your eyes and you realize things you wouldn't before. It puts a whole new perspective on life and what it means to live, even die. That's why he said what he said.

    4. I might say something different if it was for different circumstances but in the same position I would've said the same thing. I might of worded it differently but the same sole of the statement would be there. That if you could, you would lose more then one life for you're country.

  51. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776
    1. Bryce Heatwole 10-17-11 mw2
    2. Regret is when you wish you didn't say or do something after you did it.
    3. I think that he is saying that he wishes he didn't join the army. He is scared of dying. He is wishing that he could fight for his country but not get killed. Nathan got hung before that he was regretting that he joined the army. If he didn't join he would probably still be alive. He was very sad the way his life was. Nathan wishes that he could have another life and change what he did in his life.

    4. I would have probably said the same thing almost. I would also wish that i could get another life. I would reword what he said to make it sound a little more sorrowful. I would have said it like he did in the sense that it was like he was praying for help. I would have said mostly the same thing.

  52. jonathan haddon 3d hr Oct 17th, 2011

    disappointment over something that has been done

    I regret that i could not do more good and save more people before I ended up here, I wish i could convince the king that what he's doing is wrong and that the indians are the proud owners of this land and they are protecting it from us the invaders.

    No I would not have said something different before I was hung, because I would have regretted not having more than one life to give to my contry.

  53. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Payton Rentsch 10-17-11 mw2

    2. "Regret" means to be sad, mad or disappointed about something you did or couldn't do.

    3.Nathan Hale was feeling that he was very patriotic. Nathan said on this day, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country, before getting hanged by the British". On September 22, 1776. He loved his country and regretted that he couldn't do more for his country before he got killed.

    4.Before i was hanged, i would say something like Nathan Hale said. Also i would say how much my family and friends mean to me and how much i love them.

  54. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Gursherveen Kaur,17/10/2011, TT2

    2. The word regret is a very powerful word,the meaning of this word is a a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction or you can define it as a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, disappointment.
    3. The example is Nathan Hale wishes that he could do more for his nation.If he was still alive he could do something for his country but now he passed away he could not do anything for his country anymore.He wanted them to have the rights because he really believes that they deserve him.
    4. Right before they hang me, I would be sorry for what I have'ed caused to my family and friends.I would express my feelings to them like how much I love them and so on.

  55. this is a 2nd post
    zack fuller mw3
    Nathan hopes the the Colonist will win the war against the british.if means he has to die for his own country. witch is America

  56. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/17/11

    Additional for #3.

    3. "I only regret that I have but one life this lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776. By that he was wishing he could have another life so he can fight for his country more. If he hadn't been hanged he would of fought until his death because he believed the colonist should be independent. That is why he is fighting for his country because he is fighting for his freedom of independence.

  57. 1Megan Gunderson, 10-17-11
    3.Additional Thoughts.
    I can not tell you all my feeling because they are two hard to say. I want to cry for you but I want to stay strong for you at the same time.I am outraged and sad that this is happening. You need to know that everyone loves you and you should not die in regret.You are going to die in honor because you are helping save are country from the British.The world will know your name one day because you died for are country.

  58. Timmy Uppleger 10-17-11 MW2
    2. "regret" Means to be disappointed about something you have done.
    3. Nathan Hale wishes that he could do more for his country.He regrets This now because he wishes he could do for for his country. Nathan regrets this because he wishes to get independence from the British. He wanted to be a hero and fight for his country. He would fight to his death for his country. He got hung to death. If he did not die he would fight for independence for his country.

    4. Be for I got hanged I would like to say goodbye to my family and friends. If i knew sooner that I was going to die that way I would rather fight to the death for my country.

  59. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10/17/11 MW2

    3) I would say that his statement was a mind changer. He stood up from his country and gave up his life for his people. He was brave to say a statement in front of British people because to me it's like telling your mother that you would be glad to argue about the same thing again. I bet he would be happy that we won against the people the killed him for "treason".

  60. 1. Josh Mick 10/17 TT4

    2. Regret means something you wish you hadn't done something and feeling sorry for it.

    3. This statement is saying Nathan Hale said he would die for his country and later regret what he had done. He knew what he did wrong and he deserved to be hanged.

    4. Yes because I would have felt sorry for the people I hurt. I would apologize for all the destruction I caused. I would say out loud "I am sorry for what I've done and will hope all of you don't end up like me."

  61. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Brendan Schmitter 10/14/11 tt4

    2. he wished he could take back his life from them

    3. Nathan hale said that he wishes he could do something more for his country and whats to do or fight more for his country. he whated to be the hero for his country and i think he was hero to his friends and family all who cared. :0

    4. before i was hung i would tell my friends and family i would miss them. i cared for all of them and i would ask them not to forget what i did for them. i love my family and thank my friends for always being there for them.then i would then i would be glad be to go and not try to escape!

  62. 1. Molly Aills, 10/17/11 TT4

    2. To be sad, repentant, or disappointed over something.

    3. Nathan Hale was sad that he had only one life to give for his country. Even in the face of the gallows, where he would be dead in a few minutes. He continued to believe in his cause. He cared about his country over his own life, which was a very brave statement to make while facing death. Statements such as those are easy to proclaim when you are safe and free, but when facing a consequence such as imprisonment or death, they can be very hard to make. To do so, you must be very brave and believe strongly in what you are proclaiming for, which Nathan Hale was and did.

    4. I would have said something much like Nathan Hale had said if I'd managed to muster the courage. I would also add things about my family and friends, final goodbyes on this earth to the ones I care about most. I would want them to know how much I loved them, and how much I loved my cause, that I would die for them or it, more than just one life, but as many as I could give.

  63. 1.Olivia Sdao, Oct.-17-11,TT4

    2. Regret is something you might of done wrong or mean and you feel bad about it

    3. How I feel to this statement is sad and I bad for what happened. Also I feel like I can relate to this because my Grandpa died last year and even though he did not say any thing when he died it felt like he sent a message to all of us.

    4. I would say something more before I had been hanged. I would of said bye have a good life and fallow the law and be good. Thats what I would of also said.

  64. 1. Heidi Siemon 10-17-11 TT4

    2. The word regret in this means that he wants that to change and wants it to never happen.

    3. Nathan Hale sees him being hanged as one more loss of his people. He might think that he could have done more for his country. Hes doing this for his country because he loves the country. Hes being the strong person and standing up there in front of the people, telling them.

    4. Yes. I would say good bye to my friends and family, because I love them too.

  65. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 10/17/11

    2. Regret means to be disappointed about something you have done and wish you could take it back and done it in a different way.

    3. I think what Nathan hale is trying to say that he regrets that he himself could only help the people of his country and the peoples of his nation, I think that if he was alive to this day he would be very proud of his peoples for winning that war and sacrificing their life's to save their country and I would say that his statement was a mind changer, He stood up from his country and gave up his life for his people. He was a brave man to say a statement in front of British people because to me it's like telling your mother/father that you would be glad to argue about the same thing again.

    4. I would brace myself for the end and say "sorry" for my family I would be leaving or maybe nothing at all. I would hope to say something as brave as Nathan Hale but I would never know until the time came and I would be unsure since I don't know if there would be much to say. But I would want it to be known how much I love this country and family and friends, and i believe they wouldn't know completely until i was gone.

  66. 1.Julianna Welling 10/17/11 TT4

    2.The meaning is that he is disappointed that this has happened.

    3. This quote was important. He was not thinking of himself about to die he felt bad for America for losing them a person. Even though he was about to die he still was happy and proud of being a American soldier. He was a very brave. He most changed British mind how we loved our country. He really stood by his country until he died.
    4.I would of said that. I would also say that I loved my family. That we would win in the end. I would do that so I could just know that I said goodbye to everyone. Also to stand up for my country.

  67. 1. Lexi Cox Oct. 17, 2011

    2. To be disappointed sad.

    3. This quote tells how he wishes he had more then one life to live and fight for his country before he was hung by the British. It show the dedication a person can have for a country and standing up for what they believe is right. It shows how someone can go to their grave with a strong mind set on what they believe in, and never giving up no matter what.

    4. Before being hung I would probably tell my family that I love them and tell them goodbye because they are the people who mean the most to me.

  68. 1. Danielle Stowell 10/17/11 TT4

    2. "regret" means you wish you hadn't done something you did and you can't take back.
    3. Nathan Hale said that he wishes that he had done something for his country, so he could help us get more freedom. I bet he wishes that he was involved more with this kind of stuff. Also, I bet he's dieing for this country. He's trying to keep us all safe. He is a very loyal person in the world to be brave enough to do this. Everyone tries there best at something they love like he loved his country.

    4. Before I was hung I would probably say that I loved this country through thick and thin, no matter what happened same with my Family. And if I didn't say those things I would go crazy. And I tried my best and I always will. I will miss everybody I knew at the time.

  69. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Devin Bryant ††4 17 of October 2011

    2. regret is used as he wanted to take more lives to save his country

    3. He said this because he only regret that he only had one live to give for his country. What that quote means is that he only gave his life he didn't go to war to save his country. Or maby he was a spy and he got caught and he didn't take any of there men so hes mad that he didn't get to take any of there men. Maby i way off on my reasoning but he was regretting something that he didn't do.

    4. Yes i would if somebody was about to hang me i would go ballistic. I would be screaming out the person it wouldn't be something i regret. it would be if i got off here i would kill him or something like that.

  70. Heidi Siemon Additional Comment:

    3. I feel bad for him. If I were in his shoes, it would be horrible. I would be thinking about how my family would lose me, and how I would lose them. Being put to death like that would probably be pretty scary too.

  71. 1. Sam Hall TT4 10-17-2011

    2. Wishes it wasn't so

    2. Mr. Hale wished that he had fought harder for his country and that he had had more time to do so. He knows that you only die once, and while he's willing to die for his country he wishes that he could continue fighting for his beliefs. It was very courageous of him to shout out, in front of the people who were soon to kill him. I know it would help him to know that because of brave people like him, we are now free from tyranny.

    4. If I were about to be hanged, I would tell the British, that no matter how many Patriots they killed, no matter how strong their grip on the colonies grew, Americans would always be free.

  72. 1.Mckaylin 10-17-11 TT4

    2. Doing something that wish you could take back.

    3. He is saying that he wish he could die multiple times for his country but he only has one to give and for that he will give his life and if you believe that it is the right thing to do even if he can't make it successful someone else will sense there all fighting for their country.

    4. I would have said something but probably not nothing like nathan, mine would be more like saying goodbye to family members and how much they mean to me and how i don't want them to forget me. maybe even something like "i'm not dyeing today because they hung me i'm dyeing today because I love my family and my country.

  73. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Steven Nichols Oct. 17, 2011 TT 4

    2. To wish to do somthing again.

    3. He Said this because he want them to know he didnt care if he got hung. He was doing it for his country. He loves his country. wishes he didnt have a life if this is how hes going to die for his country. thats why its such a well know quote

    4. I would have said somthing different. I Would have said I dont regret having a life. I loyal to my country. I want to be it the amry and fight for our country.

  74. 1. Sam Mynarcik 10-17-11

    2. He doesn't want to lose a life so he regrets it.

    3. Nathan Hale wants to help more with his country before he was hanged. He stood up for his country and he gave up his life for freedom. The British got mad so they decided to hang him. He wanted to fight more and be in the independence to fight, but he was killed by treason. Nathan wanted freedom all he got was a rope to the neck and was sent packing to heaven all he really cared about was freedom.
    4. I wouldn't because he pretty much stole the lines right out of my mouth. There is a couple reasons why one of the things is he wanted freedom but he had one life if I was in that period I would do something like his last words. Even though I would die I would do the same process.

  75. additional comment

    Olivia sdao Oct.-17-11 TT4

    3. The quote tells us about how people die every day whether its being from old age or from death. I can relate to this quote because my grandpa just died last Christmas from altimeters even though my grandpa didn't say anything I still feel like he did say something. That is how I can relate to it

  76. Julianna Welling I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    3.Nathan Hale wishes that he could still fight. He knows that he caused he army to have one less person. He said this right before he died so he could show he was still happy to fight for his country. He was brave to say that. He wanted to represent his country as brave people who stand by their country no matter what. He said this because he loved his country.

  77. 1. Milan Mihajlovski Oct.17, TT4

    2. Regret is a powerful word and to regret is a word that means to be disappointed at something and you wish you never did what you did or what happened.

    3. Nathan hale wanted to do more for his country he is regretting that he had not done more and that he has but one life to do more for his country but he was hung by the British before he could do more. Nathan had wanted to get independence from the British and be a hero for his country because he loved his country and would do any thing for them and he would of fought for his country until he died.

    4. Before i got hung i would say by to all my family and my people in the country that i lived in and i would of rather fought instead of getting hung.

  78. Danielle Stowell 10/17/11 TT4
    Additional Comment

    This quote tells how he wish he had of done more in life with helping our country get all the freedom they can get. Nathan cared about his country over anything else and even his own life. He still wishes he could of still been fighting for us. He was a very caring man about his country. I would have never been as brave as him to go fight for our country like what Nathan did for all of us. Nathan gave us his whole life for us to have freedom that's really nice of him.

  79. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. paul anguish, 1017/11, tt4

    2. He means that he feels bad about it. He is disappointed with the fact that he only has one life to lose.

    3. It is impressive that he can be defiant when he is about to be hanged,that he can be proud about his country 10 or so minutes away his death. I would be terrified if I am to hang in a little bit.he was most likly a brave man to feel for his country when that defitntness killed him.

    4. I would have added to it, made more elaborate to delay as long a I could. I would plead innocent. Then I would be hanged.

  80. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    3rd hour MW2
    2. disappointed, or sad
    3.What I would like to know is was he Innocent? What gave the British reason to hang this man? I think that the situation was handled wrong and he should not have been killed. He does sound brave when he is saying this statement and that he wants he's freedom. I jus wish that he wasn't killed.
    4. Yes I would have said "I love you" to my family. I also would like to know why I was going to be hung? And I would try to make it so that I wasn't hung.

  81. Nicholas Marlatt mw4

    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Nicholas Marlatt 10-17-11 mw4

    2. "Regret" Regret means to wish that something that you did was different. To change something that you did.

    3. If i were in this mans shoes. I would have to say that i wouldn't like it very much. Getting hanged. I'm Pretty sure that what he meant that he wish he had more life's to give for his country.

    4. Before i would be hanged i don't really think i would say much. I would definitely wish that i had more life's for my country.and that i wish that i could do something different.

  82. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Alex Smith, 10-17-11, MW4regret

    2. A feeling of regret or sadness for something that happened in the past.

    3. Never, would I be able to be half the man that Nathan Hale was. How could I be as brave as this man? The fact that he would do it all over again, sacrifice himself for the well being of others, tells you something about Nathan Hale. He hung there, staring his murderers in the face, the amount of courage that would take is unfathomable! Nathan Hale, you were and always will be, a hero of these United States.

    4. If it were me, I would ask them what they were going to do now. I'm just one person, one person who will sacrifice himself for his country. With that said, I would have my face covered and hang from the gallows.

  83. Nicholas Marlatt mw4

    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Nicholas Marlatt 10-17-11 mw4

    2. "Regret" Regret means to wish that something that you did was different. To change something that you did.

    3. If i were in this mans shoes. I don't think that i would have said anything different. I would definitely wish that i could help out my country more then i have and changed the world. I would really wish that i had more life's for my country and to change something and make the world a better place for all.

    4. Before i would be hanged i don't really think i would say much. I would definitely wish that i had more life's for my country.and that i wish that i could do something different.

  84. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Ian Grady 10-14-2011 mw5

    2. Regret means to wish you hadn't done something that ended up badly.

    3. I can't experience exactly what you did in this lifetime but I can tell what kind of person you are. You would rather fight for your country than save yourself. You have put your life on the line for people you didn't even know. All you knew was that they were Americans and they were on our side. If this country was filled with people like you, our nation would be the number 1 in everything because you don't give up or back down.

    4. No if this was happening to me in this time period I would say the same thing because I would want to have the courage and fight for my country and even die for my country if I had to.

  85. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1.Kalani Gondick MW-4 10/17/11

    2. Regret means something you did mean and you feel bad about it.

    3.This quote is tells us about how people die every second wether its from a disease or just from being sick or old i can relate to this because my grandma just pass away 2 months ago she had altimeters she would be in pain all like you could see the pain in her face but she wouldn't say anything to us.

    4. Before i got hung i would say "GOD BLESS AMERICA" Also say goodbye to my family and my friends! Also i would give everyone a hug and cry because i wouldn't want to die!

  86. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-17-11

    2. Regret means that you wish you could go back and change something you did.

    3. He was regretful because he had his only life taken away, but he had so much to offer to his country. Also he wanted to share his wide variety of knowledge with his country. Maybe he just wishes he could fight for his country. Nathan could have also felt bad because his own country has accused him and taken his life. Why would they do that?

    4. I would have said something along the lines of that. i would have told the British no matter how hard they fight, the Patriots would always be free. I would have said that because I am a loyal Patriot. Even though I would have rather died fighting for my country, at least I would have died for my country.

  87. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Camryn Ozuch 5th 10/17/11

    2. It means that he is upset he can only give up one life for his country. He would like to give up more. He wishes he could give thousands of lives of his for his country and freedom. He wants take back only being given one life.

    3. John Hale was truly a hero saying this. From being called a traitor to to being hung, then saying this, really takes some guts. Especially when he was looking at everyone while he was being hung, and wasn't blind folded. Hale gave all he could for his country and still wanted to give more to it. He feels like it is his duty to give as much as he can o his country. It really blows me away knowing that he had this much courage and strength to say this even when he was about to be hanged. He really shocks everybody by saying this, and really makes them realize that he doesn't care if the British kills him. In the end, it will just amke him look stronger like it did. Now he is known everyway in the United States for his actions. Thank You To John Hale!

    4. If I was about to be hung, I would say "Let Freedom Ring!". That way all of the British would know that America will always be free and we deserve it . It would make them realize how much I wanted freedom and they should just stop and give it to us. It would also mean that eventually everybody will want freedom and they will feel dumb for not giving it to us in the first place. One day, all of us will turn on them and the British will regret everything. Everybody can relate and want freedom as much as John Hle did.

  88. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Michael Atwood, 10-17-11, MW4

    2. Regret means that you are sorry that you couldn't do or give more than you did.

    3. Nathan Hale wasn't only willing, but felt obligated to die for his country at the time. When he said this he wanted to give more than just his life. He gave his heart to this country and he wanted to apologize that he didn't do enough to protect her. I felt that way when my rabbit died from starvation. It was mine and I didn't fed it because it would bite me. I felt very sorry that I didn't do enough to take care of it. That is how I relate.

    4. I would not have said something else than he had. What he said gave everyone the message that they were going to die for their cause until they get it. Also, he wasn't just willing to die for his cause, he wanted to give more than he did.

  89. Heidi Siemon Additional comment

    3. I can't imagine losing the life I have, losing my family, and friends.

  90. 1.daisy york 10/17/11 m/w4

    2.He uses regret as he didn't have enough in him and he wanted to do more than possible.

    3. When he was hung he didn't have many regrets only that he wasn't able to fight past the point of his death. most people would be on there knees begging for another chance so the fact that he stood his ground and looked the people who labeled him a traitor and to say he was proud of who he is and what he did is monumental and more people should have that confidence in their decisions there would be better people.

    4. I would hope that I would though I don't know unless I was in that situation. I would want t be brave. stand up for what I did because I would know that my death was for the greater good.

  91. Seth Wilson 4th hour Oct-17th-2011

    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    2. It means deeply wish he didn't do it.

    3. I thin kit is heroic that he did that stuff. Also that he didn't regret it or anything. He must have been a very brave man in order to do this. I think people should have looked up to this man because of what he did back then.

    4. Yes i would have said something different. I probably would have said what i thought was wrong with the people doing that to me. I also probably would have yelled at people.

  92. 1. Alex Lovings October 17, 2011 MW4

    2. "regret" means A feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.

    3. Nathan Hale is the one who said it. He stated this because he is a patriot. He loves his country greatly and is dieing for it. His wish is that he could have another life so he could fight again. Now days people don't care as much as they used to.

    4. No, i would have just let them hung me because if there hanging me then there they must not care what i have to say.

  93. 1.Seth Packard 10/17/11 MW4

    "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    2. In this context regret is used to show that he is sad, and wishes that there could be more people like him.

    3. This quote tells about how people die daily, if its natural, or other sources. I can kind of relate to it, because my uncle died recently in his chair, no body was around him, he sat there in his favorite chair. He never said anything to any one, he lived through cancer and other things, so him just living was an inspiration. That is how I relate.

    4.I would have said something different that would be easily interpreted. I would maybe say something like, "If all think the same conflict will be resolved". That is what I would say.

  94. 1. Austin Wicker Oct. 17, 2011 M-W4th

    2. Regret means to wish that you would have done something. In this case regret means to wish that you had more of something when you had the chance to get it.

    3. Nathan Hale was a leader, he was a patriot that died for what he believed in. He never died in vain, he fought for this country. Nathan Hale died fighting for this country. He was one of those type of people who cared about everybody. By that he would die for them. He wished he had another life, so he could fight for his country, his opinion, and what he believed in. He died for his country by that he was a patriot.

    4. No, because Nathan Hale said it all, he explained everything. Nathan Hale explained that he was a patriot and he would die for his country. He would not let himself die in vain. By that I mean he would die for his country trying to make it a better place for the Americans.

  95. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct 17, 2011 5th hr.

    2. i think he meant he did what he could for his country and he did what he had to do.

    3. this quote tells us about how he died for his county for some reason and he wanted to look at the people that accused him for something and show them he was brave enough to look them in the eye.

    4. yes i wold because i don't go down with out a fight. i am very stubborn and strong willed so i wold probably fight back.

  96. Alex Lovings October 17, 2011

    3. Nathan Hale is the one who said it. He stated this because he is a patriot. He loves his country greatly and is dieing for it. He wishes that he could have another life so he could fight again. Now days people don't care as much as they used to which they should because we only get one life and we want freedom and rights.

  97. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. David Lesnau 10/17/11 MW4

    2. to feel sad want to take back something you sead or did

    3. he did not care if he got hung as long as its for his country.He wished he had more life's so he can still fight.

    4. no, because I wanted to be free and I wish I can die multiple times so I can fight for my country.

  98. Revised

    1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-17-11

    2. Regret means that you wish you could go back and change something you did.

    3. He was regretful because he had his only life taken away, but he had so much to offer to his country. Also he wanted to share his wide variety of knowledge with his country. Maybe he just wishes he could fight for his country. Nathan could have also felt bad because his own country has accused him and taken his life. Why would they do that?

    4. I would have said something along the lines of that. I would have told the British no matter how hard they fight, the Patriots would always be free. I would have said that because I am a loyal Patriot. Even though I would have rather died fighting for my country, at least I would have died for my country.

  99. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1.Jacob Yannott, October 17, 2011 5th hour

    2. regret is when you do something your not suppose to than feel like you shouldn't of done that's a couple minute's after that
    3. i feel like i would not want to be ion his shoes because we is dieing for a country, and he only has one shot at victory. also he only has on life tot live. he want to help out his community. he stood up for his country and unite his people. all he cared about was his freedom for his citizens

    4. yes i would of stood up at tried to fight back. Also i would of just kept on fighting for my freedom. but i would die for the freedon of my citizens

  100. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 10/17/2011
    2. He's sad because he won't be able to help his country.
    3. The quote tells that if you believe in something you shouldn't be afraid.
    4. "I would fight for my freedom."

  101. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 10-17-11 hour MW2

    2. Disappointed or to be sad about something that happened in the past.

    3. Nathan Hale said this phrase on September 22 when he was about to be hanged so that people would remember that he was a patriot. he said this because he wishes that he didn't have to be hanged so that he can fight more for his country. So that he can fight for our independence. If he didn't have to die, he would probably go and fight in the war. He would die in a war for our independence.

    4. I probably would say that I love my family and that I would miss them.

  102. 1. Justin Wilson Oct 17 mw4

    2. [regret] a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done

    3. It is impressive that he can be defiant when he is about to be hanged,that he can be proud about his country 10 or so minutes away his death. I would be terrified if I am to hang in a little bit. He was most likly a brave man to feel for his country when that defitntness killed him.

    4. I probably would have said something along the lines of that. If I knew I was going to die that way, I would rather have died fighting for my country. I would have wished I had another life and if I did I would fight for our rights. I think he was very wise to say this.

  103. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776

    1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 10-17-11

    2. Regret is to look back and feel sorry that you can't change or do something different.

    3. He was regretful because he had so much more to give. He was losing his one and only life for his country much as soldiers are doing right now. The only thing that Nathan Hale is feeling bad about is that he only has one life. If he had more he would probably lose those to for his country. Soldiers in wars for the USA are losing there lives everyday for us and for that I am thankful.

    4. Well no before I was hanged I probably would say how much I love all my friends and family. Then say something to the people hanging me that even if I am gone, rebellion will not stop. No matter how many people they kill people will always fight for their freedom.
