Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quote 12 - Heads or Tails Freedom

"What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

1. Name Date Hour

2. Define the word "freedom" in the context of this quote by Marilyn vos Savant

3. Develop one paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) explaining the difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from" (eg. You have the freedom to do and you have the freedom from what)

4. Which side would be "heads?" Why? (3 - 5 sentences)


  1. Halle Chiarelli 11/7/11 MW2

    2. The power to do what you want, such as act, speak, or think what you want.

    3. The "freedom to" means that you have the freedom to do something such as think, act, or speak. You can eat what you want, live where you want, work where you want, be friends with who you want and many other things. The words "freedom from" means where do you get your freedom from. America gets their freedom from the fighting of wars. We earned our freedom and the people who fought for us gave us that. If there weren't people willing to fight for us and our country, then we would not have any freedom.

    4. I really don't think that there would be a certain side for heads because it is a fifty- fifty chance. So to me either one would be heads and either one would be tales.

  2. Jonathan Haddon Nov 7th 2011

    not being a slave

    the difference between freedom to and freedom from is that freedom to is when you have the freedom to do something and freedom from something is like being free from slavery.

    freedom from because freedom from something like being sprain with hoses or having dogs attack you is more important than having freedom to do something.

  3. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, 11-7-11, MW2

    2. Freedom means that you are free from certain things. Like a slave being freed from their master, they have freedom now.

    3. Freedom to is the fact that you have freedom to do something and Freedom from is like an indentured servant having been payed off and being free from their master. Freedom to is having freedom to do what you want. You have freedom of choice and you can choose what you want and don't want to do. Freedom from is being freed from something, just like how it is said in the quote. Being free has many different meanings to it, you can be a free man, freedom to, and freedom from, as in the quote.

    4. Freedom from would be heads, because you have freedom to do whatever you want. But really both of the choices could be a good one to put on heads. They are both stating that you are free to do something, whether or not you choose one or the other you are still free.

  4. 1. Eddie Roberts, 11-7-11, mw2

    2. Freedom to means you have the freedom to do whatever you want and you have the freedom from something like slavery.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from is you have the freedom to do something you want to do. Freedom from anything; like slavery. Freedom to is doing something for your freedom and freedom from is somebody else. That is what I think the difference is. Follow this for the rest of your life.
    4. I would say freedom to is heads. I think freedom to is heads because heads is usually favored and freedom to is doing something yourself. So you are physically doing it.

  5. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    3rd hour
    2. To me freedom is a thought. It gives you a right and a say in the things that matter to you. It's what you want and you want to have. It is also the differences in people and what they choose.
    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom form is that freedom to is involved with you. You have the freedom to go outside or participate in a play of your choice. Freedom from is where you got the freedom. We got our freedom from the revolutionary war. And the patriots who gave up their lives for what we have today.
    4. The patriots because it has their leader on it. It would also be heads because George Washington was the man who got the patriots revved up. He boosted their endurance and gave they the will to want to fight the British. Without him the war never would have been fought because no one would have given the colonists hope.

  6. 1. Abby Schoonover 11/7/11 MW2

    2. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint

    3. Freedom "to" means that we have the freedom to do what we please. We have the freedom to live were we want, to eat what we want, and much more. Freedom "from" means were we get our freedom. Many years ago the American colonists fought to be an independent nation. We got our rights and freedom from their actions. If the colonists hadn't stood up for what they thought was right, we may have not had the rights we have today. We could still be living under the British rule.

    4. I think freedom "from" would be heads because heads reminds me of someone speaking and the American colonists spoke that they wanted freedom, and they got it. I think freedom "to" should be tales because tales isn't as powerful as heads. We wouldn't have the freedom "to" if we didn't have the freedom "from".

  7. 1. Joshua Helm 11-7-11 MW2

    2. Her Definition of freedom is to be able to decide what you can and can't do.

    3. Freedom to and Freedom from are different we won our freedom from Great Britain. And with that we won the freedom to Govern ourselves. When kids become 18, They get freedom from their parents and freedom to live their lives. Freedom to can't exist without freedom from and vice versa. Freedom is a gift along with a privilege to do what you wish.

    4. Freedom From would be heads because with freedom to it is given to you FROM someone. Freedom from is the head of the coin because it is Impossible to have "tails" without heads. Freedom can't exist with only one kind.

  8. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1 Zack Fuller MW2 11-7-11

    2. Freedom means being on your owen with no one telling you what to do.

    3. Freedom to do is like what religion and what to be. So your choice on your life to make it how you want. Freedom from is kind of what people tell you to do. Like to vote or to drive car but you are not forced to do those things. So one is your choice and one is people main choices.

    4. Heads would be Freedom from. I think this because someone is telling you and they think with there face. I think a head lands tails more then heads. So you can choice for your self

  9. 1. Evan Bauer 11/7/11 MW2

    2. freedom is meaning what do we stand for and if we have it what does it do for us.

    3. The difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from" is that freedom to is explaining who does freedom belong to. Why does those people get it. What does it mean to get freedom. Freedom from explains where does freedom come from. Who has the power to give freedom to people. Those are the differences of freedom to and freedom from.

    4. I think freedom to would be heads because heads is suppose to stand for people. Freedom to is meaning that who gets the freedom. So they both have to do with people so freedom to should be on the heads side.

  10. 1. Malorie Moen 11/7/11 MW2

    2. Freedom is having a choice in life, instead of someone telling you what to do.

    3. "Freedom to" is to have a choice to do something. For an example, I have the freedom to wear what I want everyday. "Freedom from" is to have freedom in a country or state. I have freedom from America. For an example, freedom of speech. "Freedom to" is different from "freedom from" because we have a freedom to do what we want, and we also have a freedom from our country, that may limit us to what we can do.

    4. I think that "freedom to," would be heads, because most people pick heads when they are doing a coin flip, and most people would want to have a choice to do what they want. "Freedom from," would be tails, because most people pick heads, and you wouldn't want someone to tell you what to do. Most of us want to have a choice and that's why "freedom to" would be heads.

  11. LeAnn Howe MW2 11-07-11

    2. The word freedom in this text means that you are able to do what you want because you have your rights.

    3. "Freedom to" and "Freedom from" have different meanings. Freedom to means that you have freedom to do what you want. You have these rights that cannot be taken away. Freedom from means that you got your freedom from your government/people in charge. They give you this chance to do what you want. If you neglect these rights you have, you can get them taken away.

    4. I think that "freedom to" would be the heads side. The head represents you. You have the choice to use your freedom to do things that you want. You also have the choice to uses your freedom wrong. If you do something that you are not supposed to do, your freedom to do things might be taken away.

  12. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 11-7-11 Hour

    2. Freedom is used in this context as a right to be free, to do what you want.

    3. "Having the freedom to" is saying that you can do thing. An example is like "having the freedom to play what ever game I want". "Having the freedom from" is saying that you can choose want you don't want, or who you want to be around. An example is like "having the freedom from you because you did something bad." That's what I see when I hear the phrases.

    4. I would say that the freedom "to" would be the head side for 2 reasons. One, It is said first in the quote. Two, it seems more important to me that can choose what we can do then what we can't do.

  13. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Riley Hafner 11/7/11 MW-2

    2. When they talk about freedom in this text the freedom was freedom to do as you please as long as it doesn't interfere with other peoples pursuit of happiness and then freedom form the wrong doings of a ruler or someone that is in charge.

    3. Freedom to means that you have the freedom to do what you want. You have freedom of speech, freedom to vote, freedom to own land, freedom to work where you want, freedom to wear what you want ect. ect. Freedom from is when you have the freedom from someone who is in charge or has power over you. When the Americans became free they were free from all rule by the king and they didn't have to listen to anything he said or did.

    4. In my opinion, seeing as heads is most often picked in a coin toss the head would be the "freedom to" because then you would be allowed to do as you please without being told off. You could speak your mind and you could make your own decisions without getting into trouble. We have all these rights and we have a president who makes laws (which then are vetoed or passed by each branch) so even if there was a ruler i think most people would choose "freedom to" instead of "freedom from". If you chad "freedom to" then people could wear what they wanted and not be told to change because they aren't in the right class and slaves could have said their thoughts about things without being whipped they would have had freedom of speech. So in the end the "heads" would be "freedom to" instead of "freedom from"

  14. 1.Matt Pankow 11-7-11 MW2

    2. Freedom to is giving freedom to someone, Freedom from would be receiving freedom. Either you give or receive you will always have freedom in the usa

    3. When she states freedom to and freedom from is in my words is that you must gain freedom and to get it is an accomplishment for your life. The USA is pretty lucky to have freedom because there are some countries who don't have freedom. Freedom is still listening to laws but the government dose not make us do anything its what choices we make. We know we have to keep a stable country and thats what she is stating in her quote.

    4. I believe heads would be to gain freedom because It is a picture of one of our presidents and he could be the one to decide if you receive freedom or not. Tails should be receiving because tails is the receiving side of all stories. There will always be to sides to freedom.

  15. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 11/7/11 MW2

    2.Your independence or right to do something or from something.

    3.Freedom to and freedom from are different from each other but still have some same basic concepts.The freedom to means to be able to act as an individual and do what pleases you without someone telling you you cant. The freedom from means to be able to do the things you or your country wishes without a government telling you it is wrong or not the right way. To make you own laws and make a new way of life. Freedom from something could be an overpowering past government or just a single leader.It could also be trying to separate yourself from the despicable laws of another.

    4.I think the side heads would represent the freedom to, because the head on the coin means the individual person not a group of people. That the head means its your own actions that will make you do what other people tell you or do what you tell yourself.That its your own actions that can make you free or not.

  16. 1. Mikal LaButte 11/7/11 MW2

    2. When she says Freedom she means that if I want to do this I can and if I want to do this I can.

    3. freedom to means that you have the freedom to do this and freedom from means that you do not have the freedom to do that activity. For example we have the freedom to download applications on our computer but we don't have the freedom to go on Facebook on our computers.

    4. The side that would be heads would be "freedom to". Because there are more yes's in the world than their are no's and the reason why I say this is because there are few times that your parents say no you can't do that you need to stay home. For example you go into you parents room and you ask them can I open this pack of snacks and they say yes. Then every once and a while you will get something like this you go into your parents room and you ask them if you can go drive their car to their friends house and if you are under 16 you know that answer.

  17. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Mckenzie Barth 11-7-11 MW2

    2. Freedom is the power to how you act or speak without people telling you what you can and can not do.

    3.Having the "freedom to" is having the freedom to do something. Like having the freedom "to" buy or pack lunch. You have the freedom to do what you want and "freedom from" what you don't want to do. "Freedom to" is choosing what you want to do and freedom "from" is having the right to not do something. In both however it's your choice. You can go to and from a store, you make a decision to go there, then eventually come back. "To" is entering the store and "from" is exiting.

    4.Freedom "to" would be heads because sometimes your "freedom to",might not always be the best choice. You might make a bad decision and be unlucky like how there's a 50/50 chance of getting heads or tails. Heads may sound good but in the end it may not be.

  18. Timmy Uppleger 11-7-11 MW2
    The word "freedom" Means you can pick your own religion. You have religious freedom in America. Some people come to America because we have the freedom of religion.
    In the United States Of America you have the freedom to and the freedom from. You have the freedom to be in a relationship with who you want. Also you have the freedom to live where you want.Freedom from is something that you don't really like. There is a difference from "freedom to" and "freedom from" freedom to is to get the freedom of what you want to have. Freedom from is what you want to get away from.
    I think "freedom to" would be heads. I think it would be heads because most people want to do what they want and not what there parents want you to do. in some country's the parents decide who to marry for you with out a say that you have about it.

  19. Matt pankow Mw2 ADDITIONAL COMMENT

    2. Is to have the right to do what you want because it is your right to be free.

  20. additional comment:

    Kaitlyn Lechtanski 11-7-11 Hour

    2. Freedom is used in this context as a right to be free, to do what you want. To choose what we can and can't do.

    3. "Having the freedom to" is saying what you can do in your life that won't effect the laws and rights. An example is like "having the freedom to play what ever game I want". "Having the freedom from" is saying what you can choose want you don't want, or who you want to be around. An example is like "having the freedom from you because you did something bad." That's what I see when I hear the phrases.

  21. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Payton Rentsch, 11-7-11 mw2

    2. "freedom" is you can do what ever you want, you make your own dissuasions.

    3. "freedom to" means you can do what you want. Like i have freedom to have a religion. "Freedom from" means you have freedom from something or someone. Like i have freedom from slavery, (i'm free from slavery). Freedom from and freedom to are more alike then different.

    4. The side that would be "heads" is Freedom from. I choose Freedom from because i would want to be free from something like slavery then be free to do something that i want. Like to have a religion.

  22. 1. Timmy Uppleger 11-7-11 MW2

    2. The word "freedom" Means you can pick your own religion. You have religious freedom in America. Some people come to America because we have the freedom of religion.

    3. In the United States Of America you have the freedom to and the freedom from. You have the freedom to be in a relationship with who you want. Also you have the freedom to live where you want.Freedom from is something that you don't really like. There is a difference from "freedom to" and "freedom from" freedom to is to get the freedom of what you want to have. Freedom from is what you want to get away from.

    4. I think "freedom to" would be heads. I think it would be heads because most people want to do what they want and not what there parents want you to do. in some country's the parents decide who to marry for you with out a say that you have about it.

  23. 1st Nick Norman 11-7-11 MW2
    2. Freedom is when you get to do what you want if it's Speaking, or just doing whatever.
    3. " Freedom to" is when you have the right to do what you want when you want. Like when you can believe in what you want to. Or, say what you want to say in a debate. " Freedom from " is when somebody a the right to go against you in some type of way like religion or a debate.
    4. I think " Freedom to" would be heads because I think it shows more of you as person and what you have the right to do. While tales shows kind of other people and what you can't do.

  24. Freedom is to never change you will always be free in the usa and that will not change. The word FREEdom already has the word free in it and is the meaning of being free and you can make your own choices.
    ADDITIONAL #2 MW2 Matt pankow 11-7-11

  25. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Henry Haidler, 11/7/11, MW2

    2. Freedom is being not tied down to a ruler or a group of people and you have the right to be who you want and what you want to do.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from is that when you have the freedom to do what you want and how you want to do it. You have the freedom to say things even though you may be criticized for it you still are allowed to say it. Having freedom from a person or group of people is that you don't have to follow what they say you have a choice to do things even though we have a person in charge. If we didn't have freedom to do what we want or how to do things people wouldn't like or enjoy doing what the have to do. If we didn't have the freedom from someone or something then everyone would be doing the same thing every day because thats what they were told to do and since we have that freedom you can change it up a bit and do different things to make your day worth while.

    4. I think heads would be freedom from because you know that you have freedom from someone and you can do what you want. Its in your head and you know that you have that kind of freedom. I think its freedom from more than freedom to because there are some rules that you have to obey and sometimes people choose what you do. You always have a choice when you have freedom.

  26. Halle Chiarelli- Additional Comment

    2. The power to do, think, speak, and act as you want. Freedom means self determination, and the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

  27. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 11/7/11

    2. The power or right to act, speak, or think as wants without hindrance.

    3. The "freedom to" is meaning that you have the freedom to do something. Like you have the freedom to eat what you want. The "freedom from" is meaning that you have the freedom from something. Like you have the freedom from being a slave. They are both because "Freedom to" is thing you can do and "Freedom from" is thing you don't have to do from someone or something.

    4. I think heads would be "Freedom to" because in most coin tosses people usually pick heads. So you are having the freedom to pick what you want without someone else picking for you. This is showing that you have rights do to do things without people that have more power than you to tell you what to do.

  28. 1. Matt Strong 11/7/11 MW2

    2. Freedom means equality. Everyone must be equal in order to get the freedom they deserve.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from is freedom to means to give freedom. Your giving freedom to a person. Freedom from means your getting freedom from someone. If you give freedom to a person, they should give freedom to you. Or if someone gives freedom to you, you should give freedom to them. An example of freedom to is the president giving freedom to us as Americans. An example of freedom from is us getting freedom from the president. Freedom to and freedom from have many differences as well as similarities.

    4. Freedom to would be heads because is is better to give freedom to someone than to get freedom to someone. If someone is in court and they haven't had a chance to speak, the judge should give them freedom of speech if they want to speak. The judge shouldn't say, "permission denied". They should say, "permission granted". It isn't good ti get freedom from someone unless they're fine with it. They could feel less important then someone else. Everyone deserves the same amount of freedom

  29. LeAnn Howe MW2 11-07-11 Additional Comment

    2. The freedom used in this text means that you have rights. You have become independent. Your independence makes you free. You have rights to do and say things that you want as long as they are not hurtful.

  30. Mikal LaButte Additional Comment

    2. When they talk about Freedom in the text they are mostly talking about your independence and or your rights or to do something to help out a friend.

  31. Mckenzie Barth MW2
    Here is my additional comment:
    #3. Having ] "freedom to" is having the freedom to do something where "freedom from" is having the freedom not to do something. You can chose to participate in something (freedom to) or you can chose not to (freedom from). When you go to a store you go "to" it and when your going home your coming "from" it. You can shop at whatever store you would like, you have the freedom to go to that place or not.

  32. Zack Fuller additional comment

    2 That you control your own life and no one can tell you what to do but your self.

  33. addition MW2 Evan Bauer

    2.When they talk about freedom in text they talk about your rights to life and liberty.

  34. Additional Comment
    Nick Norman 11/7/11 MW2
    2. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
    3. Freedom To means you can do this. Freedom From means you can't do this and you can't do that. For example We can't get Facebook on our laptops but we can get Skype.

  35. 1.Eddie Roberts,11-7-11,mw2
    Additional comment
    2. Freedom is the right to do something. Your independence makes you free. to be free is not to be told our made to do something.
    3. Freedom to means you can do this. Freedom from means unable to do something by force. For example you cant go see a r rated movie without an adult.

  36. 1. Nicholas Marlatt, 11-7-11, MW4

    2. The word freedom in this sentence i think means. That you deserve freedom even if you are or are not from america. Freedom means to have the right to speak, Are act.

    3. The words "Freedom To" and "Freedom From" means two different things. "Freedom To" Means the people who are getting from someone else. "Freedom From" talks about the person who is giving the freedom to the other people. Example: The soldiers in Iraq are giving the people of america freedom by defending us.

    4. I don't really think that there is any heads. Because both are ok and there is a fifty, fifty chance of them happening, Not meaning to bring math into it, but Thinking that there can be two rights in one problem.

  37. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Ian Grady, 11-7-11, MW4
    2. Freedom as in not being enslaved and not being chained down in any way.

    3. Freedom ''to'' means you are on the road to freedom but not there yet. Freedom ''from''means that you used to be free but then something happened or changed and you aren't free anymore. If you are ''to''freedom you probably have high hopes and feel like having a revolution but if you are ''from'' freedom then you probably feel sad and defeated.

    4. Heads in my opinion, would be ''to'' because you are heading To freedom. If you think about it, heads seems more cheery and tails feel more like a 2nd outcome or more solemn. That is just how it seems to me in a nutshell.

  38. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Kyle Gonos 11-7-11 MW4

    2. They are talking about your rights and liberties. Also it means to act or speak.

    3. Freedom "from" means that you are free from something or someone. Also it means that your want to be able to be free from something. Freedom "to" means that you have to follow a freedom for something. This can also mean that something is giving you liberties and rights that you can either obey or not use right. Lastly this can mean that she is questioning what is America?

    4. Freedom "to" because it tells what you can do and your abilities. Then as well it shows you as a person and your rights and abilities. Also because you have to have both, you cannot have freedom "to" and not have freedom "from" and vice versa.

  39. 1. Justin Wilson Nov 7th mw4

    2."freedom" Freedom means equality. Everyone must be equal in order to get the freedom they deserve.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from is freedom to means to give freedom. Your giving freedom to a person. Freedom from means your getting freedom from someone. If you give freedom to a person, they should give freedom to you. Or if someone gives freedom to you, you should give freedom to them. An example of freedom to is the president giving freedom to us as Americans. An example of freedom from is us getting freedom from the president. Freedom to and freedom from have many differences as well as similarities.

    4. Freedom to would be heads because is is better to give freedom to someone than to get freedom to someone. If someone is in court and they haven't had a chance to speak, the judge should give them freedom of speech if they want to speak. The judge shouldn't say, "permission denied". They should say, "permission granted". It isn't good ti get freedom from someone unless they're fine with it. They could feel less important then someone else. Everyone deserves the same amount of freedom

  40. What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Alex Smith, 11-7-11, MW4

    2. How she uses it, it makes it sound like our rights. We have the *freedom* to ____ (Like freedom to protest), and *freedom* from _____ (Like Freedom from the government telling one how to live ones life.)

    3. The difference of "freedom to" and "freedom from" would be, if you have the freedom to do something you do something. Like an action. Freedom from would be the freedom having something unwanted in your life. Perhaps? "Freedom to" is hard to define, in my opinion.

    4. Freedom to. Usually, when one plays heads or tails it's to decide to do something or not.

  41. What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Jacob Yannott, Nov. 7nd 2011, 4th hour

    2. freedom is like a right you can get depending on your choices. like if you decide to break the law, you loose the freedom of getting a job, and possible you life.

    3. The freedom to is meaning that you have the freedom to do something. Like you have the freedom to wear what you want. also can mean you have the freedom of eating what you want to eat. you can have the freedom of were you want to go.
    that's freedom in my words

    4. heads would be freedom. because your freedom is a 50/50 chance. depending on how you want to you use or wast it. If you do something that you are not supposed to do, your freedom to do things might be taken away for every, or a certain point in time.

  42. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Camryn Ozuch 11/7/11 MW4

    2. Freedom means to be able to have choices in your life(Speaking, acting, or believing) how you want. With some conditions to keep you and others safe.

    3. The differecne between freedom to and freedom from is that freedom to is something that is just given you. The basic rights we are given. Like being able to get married, have a kids, and choose what job you have. But, freedom from is something earned from what happened in the past. If the colonists wouldn't have fought for our rights, we wouldn't be our own country and have different laws than other places. We wouldn't be able to have guns, or practice different religions. We would have to do what Britain made us do if we wouldn't have fought for it.

    4. Heads would be "freedom from" to me. This is because if we only had basic freedom without all the fighting, we wouldn't be as free as we are now. The freedom we got from the people in our pst is a major part of who America is and how we go to be who/what we are. The from is what got to make our country free and able to do as we wish. We don't have to do anything another counrty says we have to do and people are greatful for that. The freedom was fought for and made from many brave people.

  43. Additional Comment...
    1. Ian Grady, 11-7-11, MW4

    2. The word freedom means to be free to choose what you want to do, wear, see, eat anything not having things selected for you.

  44. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn Vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Aaron Durham, 11-7-11, 4th

    2. To have equal right's just as everyone in America and to not be a slave of some sort or have a master and be free and be able to explore what life is about in america not to be treat like your no-one.

    3. "Freedom To" would be something that is driving someone to freedom or maybe they can't get to freedom where they are at in their life or to drive themselves to a certain goal. So they can have freedom in their lives. "Freedom From" would be that they are running for. Something bigger and better than they already have say maybe they have what they want they have freedom but maybe they want something more out of what they are getting or maybe they want someone else to have something better that they don't have in their lives.

    4. I think "Freedom To" would be heads because, back in those hard time's in America they mostly wanted one thing and one thing only not to have to work for someone they don't like or being forced to do something they don't like. All they wanted was to be free and have a peace of mind. And not always have to worry about putting themselves in life and death situations.

  45. Additional comment
    1. Kyle Gonos 11-7-11 MW4
    2. To have freedom "to" is your abilities and you as a person and freedom "from" is that you have freedom from something or someone.

  46. 1. Daisy York 11-7-11 m/w4

    2. Freedom is meaning that you choose what to do with your life.

    3. Freedom to and freedom from is only different in words.Freedom to means that you can choose to be part of something that is bad or good.Freedom from is that freedom you have to choose not to something you feel you shouldn't.With freedom comes that responsibility to make the world,community,or just yourself a little better each day depending on your decisions!

    4. I think freedom to would be heads because its the easiest to think about and imagine.Just like its easier to say yes sometimes than to say no. Unfortunately most people find that heads is the easiest way to go.What would it be like if people would say no to the bad decisions?

  47. 1. Cheayanne Havermahl, MW4, 11/4/11

    2. Freedom means to have rights and to be able to protect yourself, and have the beliefs you want.

    3. "Freedom to" means that you have the rights that you want. You can believe in what you want. Like for example having the religion you choose, you are not forced to believe in one thing. The "freedom from" means that you are given a certain amount of rights that you can use. For example the school gives us laptops to use, but they block sites that they do not think we should go on. This is an example of how they give us freedom to use our computers, but they limit our freedom.

    4. "To freedom" would be heads. It would be heads because you get freedom. If you flip a coin you have a even chance to get heads or tales, just like you have a right to have all the freedom, but if you break a law or do something bad you can lose your freedom.

  48. Daisy york 11-7-11 m/w4
    additional comment
    2. Freedom means to have power to make your own decisions.To choose what decision is the best one to make.

  49. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Michael Atwood 11-7-11 MW4

    2. Freedom means that we have the opportunity to do many things, like going where we want and buying and selling what you want, but there are consequences. We may have people that stretch the law for bad, and some freedoms will make items cost more or business going out of business, or we will be less safe, so we have some restrictions.

    3. "Freedom to" means the things we get to do, such as enjoying public entertainment, eating where we want, living where we want, and traveling around the country. "Freedom to" is the positive side of the freedom in America. "Freedom from", on the other hand, means that there will be restrictions so our freedom in that area is limited, but it's safer. It is the more negative side of freedom, but it is necessary for the people of America's safety. For example: We could have no laws and be totally free, but that would lead to killing in the streets, constant robbery and pick-pocketing, and leaving the internet plagued with thousands of viruses, so we have laws to make our people safe, while giving them the freedom they want and need, America's perfect leash length.

    4. Heads would be the "Freedom to", because it shows the positive side of what we GET to do. Heads often means the up side, or the sunny side of the street. Example: The positive side would be, as I said before, traveling the country or enjoying public entertainment for free or little cost.

  50. 1. Brianna Rumple 11.07.11

    2. "Freedom to" means that you have the right or ability to think, act, or speak as you want without someone telling you what to do. You have the freedom to be friends with who you want or hangout with who you want, to dress as you wish and to say what you want to say.

    3. "Freedom to" is having the freedom to do something that you want to do. You have the freedom to act how you want and say what you want. You have the freedom to say what you want to say and eat what you want to eat. People don't have to tell you what to do or what to say. "Freedom of" is when someone gives you freedom to do or have something. When you turn 18 you have freedom from your parents and you can make the decisions that you want to make.

    4. "Freedom to" would be heads because you have a better chance of having more freedom that way than someone giving you freedom.

  51. 1. Jacob Yannott, Nov. 7nd 2011, 4th hour

    2. freedom is like a right you can get depending on your choices. like if you decide to break the law, you loose the freedom of getting a job, and possible you life.

    3. The freedom to is meaning that you have the freedom to do something. Like you have the freedom to wear what you want. also can mean you have the freedom of eating what you want to eat. you can have the freedom of were you want to go.
    that's freedom in my words

    4. heads would be freedom. because your freedom is a 50/50 chance. depending on how you want to you use or waste it. If you do something that you are not supposed to do, your freedom to do things might be taken away for every, or a certain point in time.

  52. additional comment
    1. Justin Wilson Nov 7th mw4
    2."freedom" Freedom means equality. Everyone must be equal in order to get the freedom they deserve. When you have freedom no one can treat you like a slave or tell you what to do unless you are a parent.

  53. Additional Comment
    Cheyanne Havermahl, MW4, 11/4/11

    2. Freedom means to have the rights your government provides. You can not do anything that you want to with freedom but you can have the rights of protecting yourself and beliefs that you want, and the rights that the government gives you.

  54. 1. Seth Packard, 11/7/11, MW4

    "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    2. Freedom is used as the base of America. Freedom is given and taken away.

    3. Freedom to is the freedom to have certain things, such as a freedom to would be the freedom to own property. The freedoms to do things are things that any person should individually have. The freedoms to are the freedoms every person in America has to do something. The freedoms from would be the freedoms we achieved in a war or from something. Us as a country won our freedom, so we had freedom from the war.

    4. The freedom to would be heads. The freedom to would be heads because it gives you the freedom to do things that you would like. The freedom from is tails because it is something that has been won, something that hasn't always been there.

  55. 1. Austin Wicker Nov. 7, 2011 M-W4th

    2. Freedom in this context means to be able have the freedom to come were you have been and the freedom to go were you want to be.

    3. The difference between freedom "to" and freedom "from" is that freedom "from" is where you got your freedom and freedom "to" is where you are going to get that freedom. Freedom "to" and freedom "from" are different in many ways because freedom "to" and freedom "from" are different because "from" means how you got that freedom. Freedom "to" is when your going to get that freedom, how you are going to get the freedom and where your going to get that freedom. Freedom "from" means how you got the freedom and it explains what you did to get the freedom. Freedom "to" means what you are going to do to enhance your freedom and how you are going to exceed at getting freedom. Maybe you are going to fight for your freedom, who knows?

    4. That you have the right to go where you want. Also the freedom to come where you want. Freedom "to" and freedom "from" means to have freedom to be independent and be where you want to be.

  56. 1. Jacob Yannott, Nov. 7nd 2011, 4th hour

    2. freedom is like a right you can get depending on your choices. Like if you decide to break the law, you loose the freedom of getting a job, and possible you life.

    3. The freedom to is meaning that you have the freedom to do something. Like you have the freedom to wear what you want. Also can mean you have the freedom of eating what you want to eat. You can have the freedom of were you want to go.
    that's freedom in my words.

    4. Heads would be freedom. Because your freedom is a 50/50 chance. Depending on how you want to you use or waste it. If you do something that you are not supposed to do, your freedom to do things might be taken away for every, or a certain point in time.

  57. What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Kalani Gondick 11-7-11

    2. Freedom means you can do what ever you want too, You make your own dicisons.

    3. Freedom means to you do different things, But freedom to freedom means unable to do different things Like you cant go on different kind of games but you can go on some.

    4. Freedom would be heads because Freedom is a BIG thing. Freedom is a thing that you need to have or can have. Freedom is like doing stuff that you want to do. like going to different things.

  58. Alex Smith

    Additional comment:

    We have the Freedom of Assembly, Speech, Press, Choice, Religion. Based on my knowledge of the source; "freedom from" could be ironic. We have the freedom of Speech, but do we really? Something along those lines.

  59. additional comment
    1. Seth Packard

    2.freedom is allowing a person to do whatever he or she would like, within the laws, witch is the freedom from.

  60. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 11/7/2011
    2. Freedom means that you have the right to do what you feel the need to do.
    3. explaining the difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from" (eg. You have the freedom to do and you have the freedom from what) Freedom to means you have the right to do something, freedom from means that you have the right to go away from someone or something.
    4. Freedom to would be heads because you have the right to do something you like.

  61. 1. Megan Gunderson,MW2,11-7-11

    2.Freedom means the the rights they get and the rights they have taken away when they break a law.

    3.The phrase freedom to and freedom from has many meanings, For example you have the freedom to have any belief. You also have the freedom to speak your mind. You have freedom from Britain or the freedom from believing in one god.Freedom From is generally meaning you have freedom from something specific that you don't want. Where freedom to is something your choosing to have the freedom to do.

    4.I think freedom to would be heads. This because heads remind me of people and people remind me of the freedoms and right we have. Like the freedom to believe in our own god and the freedom to speak are mind. Also we use are heads/minds to make our own decision and how we use are right and freedoms.

  62. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Heather Linn, 11/8/11, TT2

    2. The word freedom means that you have the right to do, say, or feel something as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.

    3. The difference between 'freedom to' and 'freedom from' is that you have the freedom to do something, say something, or stand up for something that you believe in. While freedom from is that you have the right to stay away from something that you don't like or don't want to be a part it. For example, for freedom to, if you believed in something you have the right to say what you feel. Also, an example for freedom from, Is if you don't like how someone is treating you, or how they are acting, you have the right to try to end it, or try to say something to make them not act that way.

    4. I think that freedom to would be heads. The reason why I think this, is because to me freedom to is more valuable then having the freedom from. Like for example, if you have freedom to then you would also have freedom from because if you didn't like something you would have the right to walk away from it, or not be a part of it.

  63. 1. Caeley Hendee, 11-8-11, TT2

    2. Freedom means that you get to do what that you feel is right.

    3. The difference "Freedom to" and "Freedom from" is "freedom to" means that you are getting you chance of freedom. Or it could also means that you can get what you feel is right, or that someone is allowing you to get that freedom. "Freedom from" is maybe freedom from the Government that are the head of the town. Or if there is not a township that has a leader, then maybe a group of people that run the town.
    Develop one paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) explaining the difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from" (eg. You have the freedom to do and you have the freedom from what)

    4. Tails because I think this is representing the country of some sort. Also because it is a lucky side that whenever I flip a coin it usually lands on tails. Tails means for the building in Washington D.C.

  64. 1. Cody Musulin 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Freedom means to be able to do what you want when you want.

    3. The difference of freedom to and freedom from is that freedom to is you have freedom to do what ever you want. For example, I am giving you freedom to go outside and play in our yard whenever you want. Freedom from is the person giving you freedom. For example, my parent is giving me freedom to go and play outside whenever I want. That person is giving me freedom, so it is freedom from my parents. The difference between the two is freedom to is to get freedom and freedom from is the person you are getting it from.

    4. Freedom would be heads because, it would be 50% chance of getting freedom and 50% chance of not getting it. If you did get it then it would be a good thing but if you don't then your out of luck. Because it is 50/50 it would be hard to get freedom but also hard not to et freedom.

  65. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Darren Murray 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Freedom is what every citizen in the united states has. It allows you to do anything until you break the law.

    3. Freedom to, is if you want to do something or say something you want. You are free to do anything unless you break the law or you break rules that aren't supposed to be broke. Freedom for is when you get permission or freedom to do something. Like when your old enough to drive, that's a option and a freedom.

    4. It could be 50 - 50 chance for anything that is going to happen. If its going to be heads then that's a good thing, if its tails then you should be worried. I think that because, heads are the top of the coin and tails is the bottom, goods on top bad's on bottom.

  66. 1.Caleb hudson tt2 11-8-11
    2.Freedom means that you have the right to do what you want and need to do
    3.I think that freedom to means i have a right to do somthing and im allowed to do it. and that freedom from is that you have the right to pick where you want to live. and both of them combined give you all the freedom you want and everyone wants that. its like each half of freedom.
    4.I think that freedom would be tails because tails is an entire building but heads is just one single person.and everyone should have freedom not just one person.and our government is not run by one person but many and you should have the freedom to do somthing you like or want to do.

  67. 1.Blake Lapum, 11/8/11, TT2

    2. Freedom in this means 2 different things, freedom "to" is being able to do something without getting in trouble, freedom "from" are things that you don't have to do and got away from, the bad things that you have the freedom from.

    3. Freedom is a strong word. It usually means that you can do what you want, when you want because it's the United States of America. In this statement, it means 2 different things. The freedom "to" means what we think of freedom, that we have freedom to do what we want to, when we want to do it. Freedom "from" means that you have freedom from something, maybe a bad culture, or something bad you wanted to get away from, it doesn't have to be in your life anymore, you're aloud to kick it out of your life.

    4. I think that Freedom "to" would be heads. I think this because that is what we think of more. We don't look at the tails side and think of that importance, we think of the heads, what would come to mind, the freedoms we have. The tails would represent the freedom"from" because we don't usually think of the things we have freedoms from, it's in the back of our mind, we take things for granted or we may not even know that we have freedom from certain things.

  68. Brandon Wiese 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Freedom means in this quote that you freedom is for you and others and that you can give it and take.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from is that freedom to is giving the freedom to other people and or the freedom to do something. One thing you can do as a freedom like thing is freedom of speech. You have the freedom to speak freely. Freedom from is the way you take freedom in. Like how you use it or why you use it. Or, when you do it.

    4. I think heads would be freedom to. I think this because freedom to is when your doing something that has to do with freedom. Heads is like the side of the coin that shows the head of George Washington so, its like the head of freedom.

  69. 1.Sam Dovin. 11-8-11. TT2

    2. The freedom in the us. Like finding freedom and getting it.

    3. She means that if there is freedom where you come it isn't always other places.Freedom is picking and doing what you want. Like I can pick what I want to wear to school, eat, say or do (most of the time). And some people
    can't do any of those things.

    4.Heads. I would definitely pick freedom because if people fought for it for so long. Who doesn't want to do what they want how and when ever. I appreciate the people who fought and still do for us to keep our freedom.

  70. 1. Michael Yedinak, 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Freedom- Freedom means you have control of your life. You can grow up to what you want to be. Act however you want and more.

    3. Freedom to is to be able to do the things you want to do. You can get a job, get married, and say whatever you say (mostly). It also means you have the freedom to pick what religion you are and all the rights in the Constitution. On the other hand freedom from means what was given to us by our ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War and others to give us what we have today. Without them the freedoms may be limited and our lives will be much different.

    4. In my opinion freedom from would be the heads. We got this freedom from George Washington and many other fighters back in the seventeen or eighteen hundreds. If you flip a quarter and it lands on heads, Washington's face will show. The people made this country the way it is today. Freedom to is the tails because we keep this country going today.

  71. 1. Eric Wolfe 11/8/11 TT2

    2. You have the option to be with the friends you want to be with or do something that you want to do without anyone telling you how to do it.

    3. You have the freedom to do what you want when you want. I could go to the movies anytime i wanted to. You have the freedom from the government telling you what to do. The government cant tell you what to do, you choose what you want to do and when to do it. That is what those two types of freedom mean.

    4. I think "freedom to" would be heads because you have the right to do something the way you want to do it and when you want.

  72. 1. Maddie Haas 11/8/11 2TT

    2. Freedom could mean many things. But in this text, "freedom to" means the right to do something specific but the "freedom from" is to get away from some government and to govern yourselves.

    3. There is a big difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from". Freedom to means to be able to do something without people getting mad at you or even making you go to jail. One example of this would be when you weren't aloud to talk about a certain thing or when you couldn't talk about the person who ruled over you. And you had no right to speak loud and have voice. But "freedom from" means to get away from some place that keeps trying to govern you. One example might be in the Revolutionary war when the U.S. wanted independence and Britain wanted to rule over them. The U.S. wanted to get away from that government and wanted to be free to govern themselves.

    4. Freedom to would be my heads because I want to be able to be myself. Even if I was being governed by the people, I still want to control what I eat and what I wear. If I don't have the freedom to, than I couldn't do anything without people telling me to do it. I would have no say in my own life. But it would be very nice not to have the wrong people governing me. I would pick either one, but the final decision would be freedom to.

  73. 1. Jade Cogar 11-8-11 TT2

    2. Freedom means that you have the right to do what ever you feel like to do. Freedom means to be your-self and not be what you are told to be.

    3. "Freedom to" means that you have the freedom to do what ever you want and not being told what to do. The "freedom to" means that you are your own person and in this time you are free to do what ever you want. "Freedom from" means that back then you were the slave and you didn't have your own opinion. You had to do what you were told. Back then you were the person that had to do everything that your master told you to do.

    4. The heads on the coin would be the "freedom to" side. It would be the freedom to side because when you flip the coin tales to me is the pasted and the heads is the future. "Freedom to" would be heads only because it means the future to me.

  74. 1. Jensen Borkowski 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Freedom is the right to do what you want. It's your independence.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from, is that freedom to is like your rights. Freedom to is also like your privilege. It's something given to you. Freedom from is something you have to earn. You have to fight for what you want in order to get it. Freedom from is like an achievement. Your proud of it because nobody else did it for you. You accomplished it yourself.

    4. To me, heads would be freedom from. I think this because it is an achievement and its a big deal. We wouldn't have any freedom from if it weren't for all of the soldiers fighting for that freedom.

  75. 1. Jake Belford 11/8/11 tt2

    2. In this quote freedom means to be equal and to be treated right. Like if there is a person you do not like you don't be mean to them.

    3. The differences in freedom "to" and freedom "from" are quite large. Freedom "to" means that you have a freedom to do something you want. Freedom "from" means that you freedom from doing something that a regular person tells you to do. An example for freedom "to" is you have the freedom to speek what you feel. An example for freedom "from" is you have the freedom from not doing what a regular person tells you other than it is the respectful thing to do.

    4. For me freedom "to" would be heads. This would be heads because I like to speek my mind and do things. If we didn't have freedom "to" nobody could give their opinion.

  76. 1. Jordan Danko 11/8/11 TT2

    2. In this context freedom means to have the right to go to and from places you want to in your life. You have freedom to change the way you live your life.

    3. Freedom to means you have the right to do what you want as long as it's not against the law. An example is you have freedom of speech meaning you can say whatever you want. Another example is that you have the freedom to choose what you want to wear and when you want to wear it. Freedom from means that you get freedom from other people and there actions. We get our freedom thanks to the people who fought in war.

    4.To me freedom from would be heads. From my experience heads wins more than tales even though it's a fifty-fifty chance, and not every one has the freedom to do things. It's more likely to have freedom from because many people try to fight for their country's freedom.

  77. Additional comment...

    1. Eric Wolfe 11/8/11 TT2

    2. You have the option to be with the friends you want to be with or do something that you want to do without anyone telling you how to do it.

    3. You have the freedom to do what you want when you want. I could go to the movies anytime i wanted to. You have the freedom from the government telling you what to do. The government cant tell you what to do, you choose what you want to do and when to do it. That is what those two types of freedom mean.

    4. I think "freedom to" would be heads because you have the right to do something the way you want to do it and when you want. No one can tell you how to live your life, its your life you should be able to do what you want with it. Dont let anybody stop you from doing what you want to do in life.

  78. 1. Brooke Boyd 11-8-11 tt2

    2. Freedom is when you can do what you want and none can tell you different. Getting married is freedom cause we get to choose who we want to marry.

    3. Freedom "to" and freedom "from" are different because freedom "to" is when you have freedom to do what you want when you want. Saying like if you wanna take your dog for a walk you have the freedom to do that and say you wanna get married and have kids and adopt. You may do that without breaking the law and rules. Freedom "from" is meaning that we dont always have are freedom like on are school laptops we dont have that much freedom.

    4. Freedom would be heads because you have the freedom and when you choose to have the freedom you get to choose what you think is right and wrong. We usually get married and that gives us the freedom to choose who you wanna get married to so having are own freedom gives us more choices. When you break your freedom or law you dont get as much in return.

  79. 1.)Lexi Gross 11/8/11 T-T-2

    2.)freedom means a lot in this quote. Freedom means that you are free to do what ever you want, but to give everyone the same amount of freedom.

    3.)Freedom to and freedom from are completely different things, even though only one word changes. Freedom to means that we have the freedom to do and get whatever we want and when we want. We cannot do and get what we want when we want if we want, when you have the freedom from things like buying and working or playing. When they are put to the test, America id freedom to! we have the rights to do what we please, because we are a free country! I think that anybody would choose the freedom to, simply because as humans it is our nature to want to do whatever we please.

    4.) I think that freedom to is heads. I think this because the head has a brain, and everyone knows that freedom to is the smartest thing todo. Tails would be freedom from because a head comes before a tail and i would definitely choose to be allowed to do what I want, rather than to be watched on my every move and to have permission to do everything. American life is good, and I love my life!

  80. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Stephen Moore Nov.8 TT2

    2.means the right to do what you like.

    3.The difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from" (eg.
    is that you can do what you like.
    4. Which side would be "heads I think it would be both because people can take it away. Right now I would say I am a free citizen.

  81. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 11-8-11, T/T2
    2. The word freedom means, that the person can do anything that they want freely. For example, the people in the United States, live freely.
    3.Freedom "to" means that you are going to get freedom, and freedom "from" means that you have the freedom you want to be able to do things. They are different in many different ways, because freedom "from" means that you are getting freedom, and freedom "to" means that you have to get freedom.

  82. 1. Michael H
    2. freedom mean to do what you want to do and you have rights.

    3.freedom mean you can do what you want to do and you are not force to do souping that do not want to do. The U.S.A is free because it won in the war and freedom can go to different country.

    4.I will be on the on freedom because it would better.

  83. additional comment

    1. Cody Musulin

    3. Freedom to is that you are doing something you want to do. Freedom from means that someone is telling you to do something.

  84. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Gursherveen Kaur , 7/11/11 , TT2

    2.Freedom is a very powerful word the content of this word is the power or right to act that each individual has in the state of a human being.

    3. The meaning of "freedom to" means you are giving freedom to a person. "Freedom from" means your getting freedom from someone. If you give freedom to a person, they should give freedom to you. Or if someone gives freedom to you, you should give freedom to them.In overseas, we have to be loyal to our Prime Minister.The same goes here in America as the Prime Minister gives you the freedom you have to repay the freedom that he gave you .Freedom to and freedom from have many differences as well as similarities.

    4. The side that would be heads are the freedom that people choose . When you toss the coin most people will choose the heads because you have to be ahead than someone before they pick you as a victim.

  85. Brandon Wiese 11/8/11 TT2
    In addition to my first comment:

    3. Freedom to is the freedom part that allows you to do what you want to do with your freedom. LIke for example I have the freedom to speak and the freedom to dress what I want. Freedom from is like if you didn't have freedom then you'd have to do everything everyone told you to do. Or, it is if you don't have an opinion. For example sometimes my mom tells me what to do and i can't do anything about it. So she kind of controls me.

  86. Additional comment. Sam Dovin. 11-8-11. TT2
    2.Freddom is being independent saying, doing, or believing. We have freedom in the U.S. I have the freedom to wear whatever I want and think what ever I want. Here we have the right to do so.

  87. 1.caleb hudson tt2 revise
    3.the differences in freedom to and freedom from are different. Freedom to means to me that I have a freedom to do somthing I want. And freedom from means that your doing somthing that a regular free person is doing. And an example of freedom to is that you have a freedom to say what you want to.
    4.I think that freedom would be tails because tails is an entire building but heads is just one single person.and everyone should have freedom not just one person.and our government is not run by one person but many and you should have the freedom to do somthing you like or want to do.
    and that you have a freedom to say what you want to say. and not doing what another regular person tells you to do

  88. 1. Michael Hamilton

    3.freedom mean you can do what you want to do and you are not force to do souping that do not want to do. The U.S.A is free because it won in the war and freedom can go to different country and some people are force to fight.

    4.I will be on the on freedom because it would better for author people.

  89. 1. Michael Haase 11-8-11 TT2
    2. Freedom means that you have the authority to do what you want.
    3. "Freedom to" means that you get the rights that every person should get. Also you can do,say,or believe what you want as long it doesn't hurt anyone in any way. "Freedom from" the people who try to take away that freedom from us.
    4. Heads would be the freedom to because you are making your way to freedom. Also you have the to do something you like.

  90. 1. Elle Kennedy 11/8/11 TT2

    2. Freedom means that you have the power to do what you want and speak, act and think what you want.

    3. "Freedom to" means that you have the freedom to do something and "Freedom from" means you are not aloud to do that thing. As americans we have the freedom to do what we want, say what we want, act how we want, believe in what we want to and buy what we want. We also have things we are not aloud to do. We are not aloud to vote for the president we want until we are 18 or get our license until we are 16. Also on our school computers we are not aloud to have certain things like facebook on them. We have freedom to do certain things all of our life, but some things have to wait until we are a certain age, or we never get that right during our life.

    4. Freedom to and freedom for could both be heads because each one could be a good thing or a bad thing, its a 50/50 chance

  91. Additional Comment:
    Jensen Borkowski 11/8/11 TT2
    2. Freedom can be political or something as simple as what you want to be when you grow up. It allows you to be more independent and make decisions on your own.

  92. 1. Josh Mick 11/8 TT4

    2. Freedom means someone working hard to gain their freedom. To be free and have the same rights as others.

    3. Freedom to means to earn something. Freedom from could mean to not do something or to be forced not to. That is how they are different by one being to earn and the other to be forced not to do something.

    4. It would be heads because America is the center of our society. Also freedom can be earned if done right

  93. 1. Devin bryant ††4 11/8/11

    2. What it means is that someones meaning of freedom is different than yours

    3. Freedom to certain things and freedom from certain things freedom to means you have freedom to not be a slave or nor to walk to a certain place but freedom from means freedom with restrictions you can walk through a certain place but not to vandilice it.

    4. The side that would be heads is the side that has freedom to because it is side that people respect it is the side that is like the quarter it has George Washington a respectable man.

  94. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 11/8/11

    2. freedom to me in this context is a right that you earn depending on the choices you make throughout your life.

    3. "freedom to" to me means that you have the right or the freedom to do things that you want to do and to make your own choices, and nobody can push you around and tell you what to do. "freedom from" to me means that you have freedom from someone or something that has had or wants to have control of you, and wants to tell you what to do and how to do it, but sometimes when a person tells you what to do it isnt to hurt you, they are trying to help you Kind of like your parents when you are young, they control you and tell you what to do but when you turn 18 you are "free from" your parents.

    4.I think freedom "from" would be heads, because heads reminds me of someone speaking out for someone else or standing up for someone, and the American colonists spoke that they wanted freedom, and they got it. I think freedom "to" should be tales because tales isn't as powerful as heads. We wouldn't have the freedom "to" if we didn't have the freedom "from".

  95. 1. Molly Aills 10/8/11 TT4

    2. Freedom is to be able to do things you want to do. It is to be able to act, speak, or do things that you wish to do without consequences.

    3. "Freedom to" is to be able to do things. For example, you can speak the way you want to; in America you have freedom of speech. You have the freedom to pick what religion you want to be. "Freedom from" is your independence from things that tie you down. Like in the Revolutionary War, the colonists were fighting for their freedom from Britain. You have freedom from things that hinder you.

    4. I think that "freedom to" would be on the heads side. Freedom to do things is what we have here in America. We don't have to ask permission for every little thing that we do. It is on 'the upside' of freedom, whereas "freedom from" must be fought for, and it is usually difficult to gain if you are tied down to something.

  96. What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1.mckaylin TT4 11-8-11

    2. that everyone should be treated equally

    3.freedom to would me you have the freedom to actually do something like own a house or land. freedom form would be like when we wanted freedom from Britain or a slave wanting freedom from his owner.

    4. head would be freedom from something or someone because in order to get freedom you have to overcome what is controlling you. by the country state parents you need to be free from them in order to be free to do what you want to do.

  97. 1. Sam Hall Nov 8, 2011 TT4

    2. Freedom is the ability to do what you want, and to avoid what you don't want.

    3. "Freedom to" is doing what you want, "Freedom from" is not doing what you don't want. In some countries rules are more strict than in America, you can't do some thing's that should be given rights. Sometimes people in other countries are forced to do things that are either unfair or not something they want, here in America nobody can force us to do something against our will, we are free to express ourselves, to keep our own money, and we are free from slavery, attacks, and fear.

    4. Freedom from would be heads. Sure being able to do what you want is great, but freedom from terrible oppression and suffering is more valuable. If someone was treating you poorly, say beating you with a brick in a slimy dungeon cell, the thing you would want most would not be freedom to buy a new car, but freedom from this idiot with a brick.

  98. 1. Olivia Sdao Nov.8,2011,TT4

    2. To think or to speak freely or have free act.

    3. What I feel that freedom means is to have right to many thinks in the U.S. The reason why we go to war is just to keep our freedom from being taken away from us. Most country's don't have the same freedom as us.

    4. I believe that freedom would be heads because we wont to feel like we can be trusted. Its good to have our rights because if we didn't we would feel like children boxed in not able to do any thing we would like to do.

  99. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 11/8/11

    2. Freedom is the right to do or not to do, like freedom of speech or the right to life and a free trial and to the right to not do things against your will as well.

    3. The freedom to do something is our constitutional rights that should not be taken away. We have the right to vote and to speak. You have a right to believe and to a fair trial. We also have the right to not do things. Some of these things include the right to not vote and the right to live and the government can't take that away without reason. The rights we have are both to do or not to do. So we have choices to how we live and why, just don't forget to follow the laws.

    4. Heads on the freedom coin would be the the freedom to do because that is what we can do like the rights of voting, belief and speech. We need both sides to maintain an equal balance but freedom to is the main constitutional rights that comes to mind when we think of freedom.

  100. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Brendan Schmitter 11/8/11 tt4

    2. freedom means to be free no worries of any trying to kill you and don't have to run away. protesters being a rested for no reason

    3. freedom to do some thing. that is what freedom to means . freedom from something means like freedom from taxes or not listening to the king. Or going to church ever Saturday or Sunday. like obeying there own laws and having the freedom of speech

    4. the top part because that's were the head is over. There is usually a monument on the back of it.heads is what ever sides its on you always wins.

  101. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 11/8/11

    2. Freedom to me in this context is a right that you earn depending on the choices you make throughout your life.

    3. "Freedom to" to me means that you have the right or the freedom to do things that you want to do and to make your own choices, and nobody can push you around and tell you what to do. "Freedom from" to me means that you have freedom from someone or something that has had or wants to have control of you, and wants to tell you what to do and how to do it, but sometimes when a person tells you what to do it isnt to hurt you, they are trying to help you Kind of like your parents when you are young, they control you and tell you what to do but when you turn 18 you are "free from" your parents.

    4.Freedom "from" would be heads, because heads reminds me of someone speaking out for someone else or standing up for someone, and the American colonists spoke that they wanted freedom, and they got it. Freedom "to" should be tales because tales isn't as powerful as heads. We wouldn't have the freedom "to" if we didn't have the freedom "from".

  102. Additional Comment...

    1. Molly Aills 10/8/11 TT4

    2. You have the freedom to choose what kind of education you want to have. If you choose to go to college, you can get a better career.

  103. 1. Paul anguish 11/8/11 tt4

    2. She is saying that we have indisputable rights.

    3. Freedom "from" means that we have freedom form oppression from other forms of government in our country. Freedom "to" is freedom to do what we want in that guidelines that where set in our Declaration of Independence. In freedom from, it means that our government can not become a communist government.

    4. Freedom "from" would be heads because it is a strict outline of what our government can't do. In freedom "to" it can be bended to allow things that could've but was not cited in the Declaration of Independence. Freedom "from" is indisputable though.

  104. 1. Lexi Cox, Nov. 8, TT 4

    2. Freedom means to be able to do what you choose, and what you feel is right. Slaves for example, had no freedom. They didn't get to choose for themselves. They had no say and their opinion of what was right, didn't matter.

    3. "Freedom to" means to be able to do what you want to do, what you believe is the right thing and to have all the rights that you deserve. "Freedom from" means that you have the freedom from the things you don't deserve. You have the equal rights to be treated fairly.

    4. Freedom to would be heads because, the most important thing you can have in your life is to be treated equally to have the same rights as everyone else. Not just certain people are being treated better than others, everyone is obligated to be treated fairly.

  105. 1. Danielle Stowell 11/8/11 TT4

    2. In this quote Freedom means you can do what you want and when you want. Freedom is giving you power do do things you want.

    3. Freedom "to" means your are going to get freedom to do something. Like if you say you want to go to the grocery store, that's an example of freedom "to". Freedom "from" is getting freedom from somebody, like the people fighting in Afghanistan for our freedom because of them fighting we are getting more and more freedom from them. They are fighting for us here to have freedom. In school we don't have a lot of freedom because they have rules in the school so everyone of safe, and they should have rules then everything goes easier.

    4. Freedom "to" will be the heads. Because you have the choice to do something you want with this freedom. We should be able to do things we want. You are aloud to speak what you want, speak whats on your mind.

  106. 1.Julianna Welling 11/8/11 TT4

    2.Freedom means that you have the right to do what you want to, and don't want to

    3.You can do what you want to when you want to. You also can say that you don't want to do something. Freedom to means you can do things you have that right. Freedom from means you cant be forced into anything you have the freedom from doing things you don't want to. America has this freedom and we should be happy to have it. We need both of the freedoms so it will equal out. People cant make you do thing and you can do things you want.

    4.Freedom to would be heads because you have the freedom to do things, you can. Can stands out to me as a positive. You have the right. Freedom from you have the freedom not to do things. Not is more of a negative word to me. I think both freedom are equal in importance though.

  107. 1. Heidi Siemon 11-8-11 TT4

    2. Freedom means that you are free to do what you want in life and you have rights.

    3. The difference between freedom to and freedom from are that you have the freedom to do something and the freedom from something. Like you have the freedom to your own religion. Or your freedom to speak what you want, or wear what you want. Also the freedom to protest about something you don't like or think is fair. You have the freedom from being attacked, and freedom from fear.

    4. Freedom to would be heads. Freedom to is larger. You have more of a choice, freedom to do what you want.

  108. 1. Charlotte nowaczyk nov 8, 2011

    2.freedom gives you the ability to do what in your own way.

    3."freedom to" lets you do what you want like inn America you get to walk and talk the way you want in your own way you get to do so much for your self pick who your marrying, pick your religion, and pick what school to go to your own language.
    "Freedom from" means that you are being told how to speak who to marry what religion and what language to speak.

    4.Freedom is definitely heads. but first befor you do anything you have to earn your freedom to do anything.

  109. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 11-8-11 TT4

    2. freedom is that you have the right to speak freely and no one can take it from you. like if you are talking no one can tell you to stop because its freedom to speak.

    3. "freedom to" and "freedom from" the difference between these to is that "freedom to" is like you have the freedom to speak freely, do what you want with out consequences most of the time. And if someone bosses you around you don't have to take it because you have freedom. And you have the freedom from the government, your parents, and elders. freedom is a gift of trust and you have to use it in a good way not to harm.

    4. The side that would heads is freedom to. Because you have the freedom to do things that the government or your parents allow you to do. the freedom to is better from the freedom from because the freedom from is like freedom you get from the government and its small freedom. And as freedom to is like you have freedom to do what you want.

  110. "What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1. Sam Mynarcik 11/8/11 4tt

    2. Her freedom statement is you can do what you want to do because it is your rights and no one can ruin it for you in life.

    3. Freedom to and freedom from are not even close together. When I think about freedom to and from they are like brother and sister to me. Freedom is you can be free, but you are never free from the government. From is made by the president and to is made by the people across America. Freedom means to be free and loyal about the president and your rights and life. In Wall Street every body is protesting about freedom and hoping they could get more freedom.
    4. To would be heads because you could choose what you want to do with your freedom. You could do stuff like skydiving, cliff jumping with to freedom. With from freedom you can do only what the president says you can do.

  111. additional comment
    What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from." ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade - 1976

    1.mckaylin TT4 11-8-11

    2. that everyone should be treated equally

    3.Freedom to would mean, you have the freedom to actually do something, like own a house or land having freedom to do something as a person as you. Freedom from would be like when we wanted freedom from Britain or a slave wanting freedom from his owner. Wanting freedom from anything that has power over you or wont let you be you.

    4. head would be freedom from something or someone because in order to get freedom you have to overcome what is controlling you. like if your parents were unfair or mistreating you, you would have to get your freedom back in order to be free to the rest of the world especially because that person or thing has a big control on you.

  112. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 11-8-11 TT4

    2. Freedom is that you have the right to speak freely and no one can take it from you. Like if you are talking no one can tell you to stop because its freedom to speak.

    3. "Freedom to" and "freedom from" The difference between these to is that "freedom to" Is like you have the freedom to speak freely, do what you want with out consequences most of the time. And if someone bosses you around you don't have to take it because you have freedom. And you have the freedom from the government, your parents, and elders. Freedom is a gift of trust and you have to use it in a good way not to harm.

    4. The side that would heads is "freedom to". Because you have the freedom to do things that the government or your parents allow you to do. The "freedom to" is better from the "freedom from" because the freedom from is like freedom you get from the government and its small freedom. And as freedom to is like you have freedom to do what you want.

  113. Heidi Siemon Additional comment:

    2. In this quote, she means freedom to protest things you don't go for or believe, and freedom from being put in jail for that.

  114. 1. Joseph Swaney November 16th
    2. That every person has equal rights and it’s their rights what they should be able to do and what they should be able not to do.
    3. You have the freedom to do whatever you want to a degree. To a degree meaning you can’t just go break all the laws. You have the freedom to go to dinner. You have the freedom from not being forced to go to a certain Church. Things like that.
    4. I think freedom from would be heads because it’s more important to me. You shouldn’t be forced to do something. It’s not right.

  115. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 11/7/2011
    2. Freedom means that you have the right to do what you feel the need to do.
    3.Freedom to means you have the right to do something, freedom from means that you have the right to go away from someone or something.
    4. Freedom to would be heads because you have the right to do something you like.

  116. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 11/7/2011
    2. Freedom means that you have the right to do what you feel the need to do.
    3. explaining the difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from" (eg. You have the freedom to do and you have the freedom from what) Freedom to means you have the right to do something, freedom from means that you have the right to go away from someone or something.
    4. Freedom to would be heads because you have the right to do something you like.

  117. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre
    2. Freedom, the right to be free and express yourself.

    3. freedom from is to have freedom from some something and freedom to is to have freedom to do something.

    4. i don't think there wold be a heads or tails because they wold both be equal.
