Sunday, February 26, 2012

Debate Blog 2: Persuasion

Persuasion: Watch the following Super Bowl Commercials (Only these two)

1. Name Date Hour

2. Develop a lesson learned for each commerical. Go to the following links
a. VW:
Go to:
b. Chevy: Go to:

3. Write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, describe the VW commercial in detail. Then in the second, describe the Chevy commercial in detail.

4. Write one paragraph using comparison and contrast methods, and then choosing which was the most entertaining (not persuasive) and why?

Debate Blog 1: Romney vs. Santorum Political Ads

1. Name Date Hour

2. Watch the following political advertisements
a. Romney:
b. Santorum:

3. Each is approximately one minute long. Choose which one is the most persuasive. In the first paragraph, list at least three elements that were important to the ad and why. Then in the second, explain why the advertisement you chose proved the most persuasive.

NOTE: You may watch the two advertisements more than once. Use ear buds or headphones.
NOTE: Post on blog and Turn It In.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Advisory Response 2 17 12 b

1. Did you learn anything new about one another?

2. How much can you tell about people just by looking at them?

3. Which similarities and differences can you see and which ones can't you see?

4. Some of the groups that stood up were large and some were small - which did you like being in? Why?

Advisory Response 2 17 12

1. What do you think "diversity" means?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Statistics 5: Renewable Energy

1. Name Date Hour
2. What is Conventional Hydropower?
3. Lesson Learned
4. Two paragraphs. In the first paragraph share the numbers and what they mean. In the second paragraph, describe at least three different audiences that would be interested in this information and why.

Statistic 4 Blog: Defending America

1. Name Date Hour
2. Lesson Learned
3. Two Paragraphs. In the first explain the numbers and what they mean. In the second paragraph, develop a purpose for using this graph - with supporting detail.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Statistics 3 Blog: Driving Age

1. Name Date Hour

2. Lesson Learned.

3. Develop three paragraphs. In the first paragraph explain what the information provides; what do the numbers mean?
In the second paragraph, what kind of audience(s) would be interested in this information and why?
In the third paragraph, share a short story (anecdote) that supports these statistics.

Statistics 2 Blog: School Uniforms

1. Name Date Hour

2. Lesson Learned

3. Develop two paragraphs. In the first paragraph explain the two pie charts and what the numbers have to say about school uniforms. In the second paragraph, explain which side of the argument would these charts support (pro or con) and why.