Sunday, January 1, 2012

Blog Anecdote 1 - The Axe Man

Once there were two axe men that worked as lumber jacks in the famous Northwest area of our country. One of the lumberjacks was a young man who was confident in his skills but lacking in maturity. The other lumberjack was an older man, well experienced, but was over 60 years of age. The older lumberjack had developed a reputation as the number one tree cutter in all of the Northwest.

The younger lumberjack wanted to challenge the older lumberjack to a competition of who could cut (fell) the most trees in a day's time. In front of the entire lumberjack camp, the young man stood toe to toe with the older lumberjack and declared himself the better of the two lumberjacks. He challenged the older lumberjack to a contest of who could fell the most trees in a single day. The winner would be declared the champion lumberjack of the entire Northwest. This title did not appear to mean anything to the older lumberjack, but he still chose to accept the challenge.

Well, the day came - and at sunrise the lumber camp boss stepped up to start the contest. He explained when he fired his gun into the air, that each man would cut and fell as many trees possible before the sun went down and he would fire the gun again at sunset to end the competition.

The blast echoed through the mountain valley when the camp boss fired his gun. The contest had begun.

The young lumberjack wasted no time in chopping at the trees nearest to him and before too long had felled many trees. As he went through the day of cutting trees down, he took very little time to rest between trees - his muscular body seemed to be unlimited in strength and he kept chopping trees at pretty much the same pace throughout the day without slowing down.

All along, throughout the day - the younger lumberjack noticed the older lumberjack would fell a tree and than sit down to rest for 10 - 15 minutes before beginning another tree. He thought to himself, "Surely I will win this contest, because he stops and rest after each tree."

This process between the two lumberjacks went on throughout the day.

Shortly before sunset, the camp boss fired his gun - again it echoed throughout the mountain valley. Both lumberjacks stopped their chopping.

The camp boss ordered that his crew count the number of trees chopped by each man. At the end of the count, the younger lumberjack's tree count was 142 trees. As they were counting the trees felled by the older lumberjack, the younger man could tell there was some excitement in the crew that counted the trees. At the final count, the older lumberjack's total was 151 trees.

The younger lumberjack could not believe it. Finally he congratulated the older man, but he had this one question burning inside of him that had to be asked. The younger man asked the older man, "How could you cut more trees than me, when after each tree that you cut down - you stopped and rested for 10 to 15 minutes?"

The older lumberjack thought about it for a moment and said softly, "Everytime I felled a tree I sat down to rest - but also sharpened by axe each time."

1. Name Date Hour
2. Develop a Lesson Learned
3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
4. Write two paragraphs explaining your lesson learned and how this anecdote can influence others.


  1. Timmy Uppleger MW2

    2. Even though the older man would stop and rest after every tree he won. But when he was resting he was sharpening his axe.

    4. Take advantage of your time. The older man would stop and rest after every tree to sharpen his axe so he can chop the trees down easy. With the younger guy he did not stop to sharpen his axe. That would make his axe dull and hard to chop the trees down.
    The old man used his time wisely. This tells you if you take advantage of your time then there is a possibility you will win. It may make you seem slower if you take brakes but if sense he was sharpening his axe he had the advantage to chop the trees down easier.

  2. 1. Mckenzie Barth 1-4-12 MW2

    2. Wisdom is greater than any strength

    4. The old man was very wise. After every tree he cut he sharpened his axe. Any strength in the world can't compare to wisdom. The old man had more experience than the young man so therefor that made him wiser. As strong as the young man may have been, it was no competition for the wiseness and experience of the old man. Let this be a lesson to you. Don't let your head become too big. All the training you do will never be enough to beat someone who has more experience.
    Like Michael Jordan said, "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." The man may have been old, but he worked around that and used that against the young man. This can influence others as no matter how strong a wall may be, theres always a way over it. You should use you wisdom to find a way to get over it.

  3. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, MW2, 1-4-11
    2. The Lesson Learned is that slow and steady wins the race.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. The reason the younger lumberjack lost was because he spent more time on one tree. His axe didn't get sharpened throughout the whole competition. The older mans axe got sharpened each time he cut down a tree. The young lumberjack used his bute force to cut down the trees, not the sharpness of the axe. Yes the older lumberjack took breaks but he was making it so his axe was sharper and he didn't need to use as much force. The older man was much more experienced and he knew that he needed his axe to be sharper.
    The young man was very confident that he would win, his strength and how fast he could fall a tree were very promising. But he never sharpened his axe so it was harder for the tree to be cut down. Just because he was going very quickly he was taking more time than he needed on each tree. He needed to understand that chopping down trees wasn't just about how strong you are, its about how sharp your axe is. The axe is the reason we can cut down trees. Both the young man and the older man were cutting down trees very quickly but the older man could cut them down faster, with a sharper axe.

  4. 1. Riley Hafner MW2 1/4/12
    2. Much of the strength you have comes from you mind, not just your muscles.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. My lesson learned means that you can have strength in your body and muscles but being wise and smart increases your chance of winning or getting the best results. Not every person who has bodily strength makes the right moves but someone who is intelligent can chose the right things to do and comes out on top. In my life I have made the same mistake the young axe man did. By using my strength on the outside I thought that I had a better chance of winning. In the end I realized that if I had used my brain than I would have probably won.
    This anecdote can influence others by showing that strength isn't everything. In my mind, someone who is smart will go farther in life than someone who just worries about how they look or what others think of them. The younger axe man in the story wanted everyone to know him as the better axe man and so when he saw the older axe man resting he thought that he would win. As the older axe man rested he also sharpened his axe so that it would be sharp enough to chop down the tree faster. This can show people that working faster and using your muscles doesn't always help you win or be the best. Using your head and the things you know can help you achieve higher results.

  5. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/4/12

    2. The older man knew how to use his time wisely, for every time he stopped to rest he would sharpen his axe allowing him to cut down trees faster.

    3. The older man knew how to manage his time wisely unlike the younger man. Every time the older man stopped to rest he would sharpen his axe. This allowed him to cut down trees faster than he would be able to with a dull axe. The older man learned this technique from years of work and practice. The older man may have not been as strong as the younger man but he was wiser.
    The younger man thought that he would be able to beat the older man easily. The younger man appeared to be stronger and more fit to cut down trees. The younger man saw that the older man sat down to rest after cutting down a tree, but what he didn't know was that every time the older man sat down to rest he would sharpen his axe. The younger boy thought that if he went at an on going pace through out the day he would surely win the contest. In the end the older man ended up winning because of his knowledge and technique. This is something the younger man did not have. The younger man needed to wait for his time to come, when he would know these techniques and be wise about his time and strengths.

  6. 1. Payton Rentsch, 1/4/12, mw2

    2.If you take your time then it might do you good.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Taking time is not always a bad thing.Like in this storie taking time is a good thing. By taking time the older man sharpened his axe. With his sharpened axe it helped him chop down more trees.
    This anecdote influence others by helping them see the full picture. Also makes them realize that even if you don't take breaks that you might not finish before someone that takes breaks. Don't always depend on time and other peoples speed. Because if that younger man realized what the older man was doing he might have been able to cut more trees.

  7. 1. Malorie Moen 1/04/12 MW2

    2. The older you are, the wiser you are.

    4. The more experience you have, the wiser you will be. Since the older lumberjack had a better plan, he was wiser. The older lumberjack also used his time more wisely than the younger lumberjack. He sharpened his axe after each tree that was cut down. The younger lumberjack, never stopped to sharpen his axe, so he didn't get as many trees cut down.

    If the younger lumberjack would have came up with a plan before he started cutting the trees down, then he would have had a better chance at winning the contest. Most of the time, a plan helps make things easier. The older lumberjack was more experienced and more wise than the younger lumberjack, so he knew that a plan would be essential to winning. Everyone should have a plan, if they want to get somewhere in life. You should also use your time wisely, so that it will be worth it in the end.

  8. 1 Zack Fuller Mw2 1-4-12

    2 LL: Take advantage of time you have.

    3 partner sharing time

    4 Taking advantage of your time is always good in any situation. like sharping your axe or living life day by day make something out of your time. If you dont you could lose out on a lot of things. He notice his axe gets dull so sharpens it witch gave him less time per tree. Plus the young man was kind of over exited like he went all day with no stoping for break and was probably tiring him self out.
    The old man was the best lumberjack of all f the northwest but he did not care he just work and did not brag about it. But the young man seen it has like a 50 pound golden trophy that was wroth 100 billion dollars. The young man could of been cutting down huge trees when the old man takes on a smaller challenge. Then they came up to sunset and the pistol rang all around the forrest. The old man won and asked questions so he could learn from the number 1 lumberjack of all of the northwest.

  9. 1. Evan Bauer, Jan 4 2012, MW2 rebublish
    2. Be wise in every thing you do.

    4. My lesson learned is to be smart in every thing you do. I mean that you have to be smart and vigilant in every thing you do in life. Its better to be wise then strong. The strength of the boy was strong but the mind of the old man was far greater. The story teaches you being smart is rewarding and that its important in life. In order to survive the world we live in you have to know how to handel every situation and know the smart way to get out of a bad one.
    this story can influes people. It explanes how brain power can win over strength and it shows that its good to be smart. The old man didn't out power the young man he out smarted him. In the old mans head he was thinking that he can chop down trees faster with a sharp axe. In the young mans head he thinks he can win if he fells trees faster then the old man. The old man tough the young boy a lesson to be remembered, it is good to be strong but its smart to be wise.

  10. 1. Sammy Sutton, 1-4-12, MW2

    2. Think wisely, before rushing into things.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. When you just start rushing into things, there's a possibility you may mess up, or the result may effect you later. When you think things through, you have an idea in your head what your planning to do. You have all the time in the world, don't waste it, you it wisely. Think about all the chances and possibilities you have, and how much time you have. There's no need to rush in life; Take your time.
    People don't realize when their rushing through things, and they don't realize the causes that come along. This quote could influence them more than they could of ever imagined, they'll come the point where they know whats the right thing to do. Quotes are a big inspiration to me, and I believe it can be too for others. I come to find that the people that are struggling, rush the most. If they just sit down, and clear their mind, they can get all those negative thoughts out of their head, and think of the positives. Life isn't about rushing through things, it's about taking your time, and not letting yourself bring you down.

  11. 1. Matt Strong 1/4/12 MW2

    2. Take your time.

    4. This lesson learned means you should take your time during activities. Equally split what you do. If you have 5 days to do a 5 part project, do 1 part every day. If you don't evenly do something, you'll end up doing it all at once and getting stressed about it. Or if you get it done early, you have time to revise and edit what could be improved. You should take your time and use it wisely. There is no need for any wasted time.
    There really isn't a project or a task you have where you should need more time. You should always have done what needs to be done. Don't waste your time on something else that can wait. My parents always tell me, "School comes before anything and everything else." Use your time wisely and stay on task. Never go into your own world and get off track. Don't waste your time, take your time.

  12. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 1-4-12 MW2
    2. Don't be overconfident.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. For my lesson learned I chose "don't be to overconfident". In this story the younger lumberjack thought he could beat an older lumberjack at a tree cutting contest. He was sure that he could beat the old man because during the competition, the old man would stop after each tree for 10 minutes, but boy he was wrong! The older lumberjack won the whole contest, but the thing that puzzled the young lumberjack was how he got all of the trees he got with the amount of time he spent resting in between trees. The older lumberjack was sharpening his axe in between cuts.
    I chose this phrase because the young lumberjack was very overconfident and sometimes when people get like that they don't work as hard. They think it will come to them because they are so good. I will admit that I have been like that sometimes and it got me no where. Being overconfident is sometimes good, if you are right about how good you are. Other times it can hurt you.
    This anecdote can influence others by making the right choices. You can challenge people all you want, but don't get overconfident. If you do get challenged and you know your better, you don't really need to say anything about it. The best way to do it is not to say anything about it, if you ask me. Any one can do anything, no matter their age.

  13. LeAnn Howe MW2 1-4-12

    2. Your strength doesn't always come from your muscles.

    4. Your strength doesn't always come from your muscles. This is saying that you don't have to be stronger than another person to beat them. If you are wise, your brain will come up with a strategy. You may be strong but, is your mind strong? Do you have enough experience? People that have more experience are more wise. The wiser you are, the more knowledge you will have for different situations.
    This anecdote is saying that just because your stronger and younger does not mean you are better than another person. The younger lumber jack thought he was stronger than the older lumber jack. Thinking this way lead him to believe that the older man would get tired and not be able to keep up. Being wise and having experience helped the older man. He knew that he would need to rest and also have a sharp axe if he wanted to beat the younger one. Experience helped the older man.

  14. 1.Kira D'Agostino 1/4/12 MW2
    2. Don't rush yourself.
    3. Shared with Megan Gunderson
    4. We sometimes have a tendency to rush simple things in our lives. To think that if we are quick then we will get father and be more accurate but in reality you are not showing your full potential. When you take your time you think faster because you aren't rushing yourself. The old man was truly wiser by sitting down and waiting he was able to quickly cut the tree down with his sharp blade. He knew that slowing down would help him.
    Another thing was that he did not want to win as badly as the young man. The young man didn't understand that if you pace yourself that you will see great work, but he didn't all he thought about was winning. Slow down to do your work you aren't being clocked. Your time is only measured by how you used it and how you worked in the process. Take time to breath and you will see good results.
    I know that I sometimes tend to race when ever we get homework in class. I don't know whether i am doing good or bad I just race to get it done. Homework was made to make sure you know what you learned. Later is when I tend to slow down because I am in a calmer environment. To be smart you have to be like the old man, that's who I wish to be like. To be wise and know what I am doing and what I have achieved.

  15. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/4/12 MW2

    2. You can be the fastest tree cutter but slow and steady wins the competition.

    4. This can influence people because it does not matter how fast you are at cutting trees, slow and steady wins. This can influence people because if you are taking a test a school and you see that the first person is finished and you want to be the next but all you need to do is take your time and you will be fine. when or if you see that happen just take your time. My lesson learned is, you can be the fastest tree cutter, but slow and steady wins. For example the turtle and the hare how the hare runs as fast as he can and then takes a nap and how the turtle just walks like a turtle. This is a good example because if you take it slow and steady it will all be good and nothing will happen.

  16. 1. Evan Bauer, Jan 4 2012, MW2
    2. Be wise in every thing you do.

    4. My lesson learned is to be smart in every thing you do. You have to be smart and vigilant in every thing you do in life. Its better to be wise then strong. The strength of the boy was strong but the mind of the old man was far greater. The story teaches you being smart is rewarding and that its important in life. In order to survive the world we live in you have to know how to handel every situation and know the smart way to get out of a bad one.
    this story can influes people. It explanes how brain power can win over strength and it shows that its good to be smart. The old man didn't out power the young man he out smarted him. In the old mans head he was thinking that he can chop down trees faster with a sharp axe. In the young mans head he thinks he can win if he fells trees faster then the old man. The old man tough the young boy a lesson to be remembered, it is good to be strong but its smart to be wise.

  17. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 1-4-12 MW2

    2. Go slow and you get more work done

    3. Shared with partner

    4. If you go slow, you might get a lot more done. Don't do things all at one time. Take it low and steady. Like the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise won the race. The hare decided since he was far away from the tortoise that he should stop and rest. But the tortoise had caught up with the hare, and then passed him. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Don't go to fast, stop and rest for a few, then start going again. But you should never give up. This anecdote can influence others by telling them to slow down their pace. So if you take this advice and if you slow down your pace, you might get a lot more done than you think. Taking it slow will actually help you get things done faster. This is my lesson learned from this quote.

  18. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 1/4/12 MW2

    2. I think the lesson leaned is Strategy overpowers strength.

    4.This can influence people in a number of ways. There is this thing that the fastest always wins, but really that's not true. It's the person who understands and takes there time prevails. Also we think if we are younger and stronger we are better, it's just the way our minds work. If you are older you don't need as much strength sometimes because you have the experience to no the good way out.
    For example, in the story the younger axe men thinks he was winning because the elder axe men was consistently resting and he wasn't. But because the old man was sharpening his blade it took him a lot less time to cut down the tree making it so he had more time to sharpen it even more.This needs to inspire people to believe in themselves more. If your older doesn't mean your not as good, think of it as you've had twice the time to practice and perfect something. So in the long run it's the strategy that is more powerful then the actual strength.

  19. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 1/4/12

    2. You should always work smarter, not harder.

    4. The lesson learned I came up with this story was "You should always work smarter, not harder. This is meaning that you should think of a plan before they do something. Like competing with others. When you are competing with other people you have to have some sort of plan to win. In the story that is how the older guy won. He had a plan how to do it.
    This could influence others by making them think before they do things. This story that I have just read, made me think of what I should do in the feature. I think others would think the same. This story also just puts the idea of being smarter so you don't to work hard in your mind. So next time u compete with others make sure you have a plan to win and not make it hard on your self.

  20. 1.Matt Pankow 1-4-12 MW2

    2. A dull axe dosent cut as easily as a sharp one

    4.Taking your time on simple task is a great thing to do. Like the book the turtle and the hair, the turtle takes his time while the rabbit gets cocky and decides that he's far enough ahead. So the hair decides to take a nap, but the hair doesn't realize that he over slept and the turtle won the race and the funny part is the turtle took his time. Like the saying "slow and steady wins the race". The older axe man would be the winner because of him taking a rest and on his rest he would sharpen his blade, but while he took a rest the younger lumber jack kept going and wouldn't stop. Soon the young lumber jacks blade became very dull and had trouble cutting. while the older lumber jack had a sharp blade every chop he took at a tree. This shows that older people are more wise and look at something the right way usually. The younger man believed that his speed could beat and older mans speed, but for all he new that the older man had a few tricks up his sleeve. The older man was the ultimate winner in the end and thats only because of his good planning. He got that good planning from his experience of the world.

  21. 1. Joshua Helm 1-4-12 MW2
    2. Work Smarter, Not Harder.
    3. (check)
    4. My Lesson Learned explains what the older lumberjack did he sat and sharpened his axe after he fell a tree. The younger lumberjack continuously fell trees and cut with a blunt axe, he worked harder instead of smarter. The older lumberjack He is how I thought of my Lesson Learned. I found this anecdote is quite interesting. This anecdote is a great example of my lesson learned.

    This Lesson Learned could be used to help people with if work tires them out. I, personally remember this every time anyone has work including myself. This anecdote, if people get the message will help people not get as tired as hard work then smart work. This anecdote is very helpful. This anecdote can influence people to Work smarter, Not harder.

  22. 1. Eddie Roberts, 1/4/12,mw2
    2. Don't be to confident
    4. In this anecdote the younger man thought he had more energy because he was younger. He also thought the older man was wasting his time. The older man was resting 10-15 after each tree he cut down. But what the younger man didn't know was that he was sharpening his axe each time. Which caused him to cut down the tree more quickly. He also had full energy because he took a big brake. This anecdote could influence other because if they are really cocky and think they are really good then they probably won't try as hard. But if they read this anecdote then they might rethink it and try their best. You can't always be too confident with things. The older man was more wise and had experience. Which is something the younger man did not have. Even though the younger man might look stronger you can underestimate others.

  23. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 1/4/12, MW4
    2. Not everything is always the way you think it will be.
    3. Shared with a partner
    4. My lesson learned is not everything is always the way you think it will be, which means that it isn't always the way it looks. In this story he thought he would win because he cut the wood faster, and didn't take breaks. The older man took breaks but every time he took a break he sharpened his axe. This way it made it faster for him to cut down the trees. Because the younger man didn't take a break since his axe wasn't as sharp it took him a longer time to cut the wood.

    The younger man was surprised because he didn't win, he did not know that the older man was sharpening his axe while he was taking the breaks. That helped the older man win though, because he thought he was far ahead but really he wasn't. The older man didn't win by cutting down that much more trees though. Since he took his time he actually went faster because his axe was sharp. The younger man went as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough to beat the older man since he had a sharper axe. This is why I learned not everything is always the way you think it will be, because the young man was wrong but expected he would win.

  24. 1.Alex Smith, 1-4-12, MW4

    2. You can tackle any task, no matter how large, by developing a strategy.

    4. This lesson learned is represented by the old man. Instead of doing what the younger man did, he developed a strategy that compensated for his lack of brawn. His strategy, of taking a break to sharpen his axe between trees, allowed him to rest and sharpen his axe. By taking these rests he was able to renew his energy, when both resting and and sharpening in play he could cut the following tree with greater ease then he could if he hadn't rested. In summarization; the old man developed a strategy that helped him win the contest.

    This anecdote can be used to persuade and/or influence others. Using Mr. Price's example of pro-life I can see it used as the old man sat down and thought before he started felling trees. Well a woman can sit down and think about what she's going to do, and not do it. (To put it lightly). However, I can also see how this could be used for pro-choice. This woman, who recently has found out she's pregnant, sits and thinks how she could provide for this child. She comes to a realization that she cannot support a child. The pro-life example is better, but the pro-choice kind of uses the same thought process. Now if I were to put time into it, and not be so vague, I could figure out a way to fit pro-choice better to the anecdote.

    Now, forgetting examples, the reason an anecdote can be used to persuade others is because usually they're more relatable. If I'm trying to convince someone to be pro-choice (which I am) and what I'm saying just flies by their head, I'd have better luck relating it to a story and telling them.

  25. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/4/11
    2. You learn something new everyday.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Sharpening your axe can be viewed in a lot of different ways. The most important is sharpening your mind. Each and everyday, in school or not, you learn something new. These new facts that you learn can help you "sharpen" yourself and your mind. Peers around you can help you sharpen yourself and your mind also. If you were alone on the Earth, you wouldn't have people to tell you how to do things and give you a positive point of view on things, and maybe even change your perspective. When you use the things you learn, you can better the way things are done. Everybody has the ability to use the key components you need in life. As you get older, you get wiser. You have more experience and can truly better others. You can learn from your own experiences and understand the true meaning of things. But no matter how old you get, you can always find a way to improve yourself and learn new things. Sharpening your mind is very important for another reason. That being that you can have a leg up in the world. The more you know,the better job you get, the more money you make, and the more successful you will be in life. For example, if you go to college, you will be better off than a person who didn't go to college. It is really applying the things you learn that matter though. If you go to college to be a doctor and finish, you can go get a job. But if you just sit around and don't go job hunting, all your skills are down the drain and are useless. Every person needs to try their hardest and really apply things that are taught in their life, if they want to have a good future.

  26. 1. Seth Packard, 1/4/12, MW4

    2. If you take your time and do something well, its quicker than rushing and re-doing something.

    3. Shared with a partner

    4. If you take your time with things and go slow and do it right, you wont have to redo anything. But if you rush to get something done, and do things incorrectly, you probably will have to redo it, causing you to spend more time. Do not rush, it will only take more time from you. Slow and steady wins the race. If someone rushes, they would have high chances of messing something up and having to redo it. This anecdote can tell people to slow done and use their time wisely. If the old man rushed himself, his axe would be dull and he would fatigue. The kid that rushed would have fell many more trees than the older man if he took his time and sharpened his axe. The anecdote is letting people know that they have to take their time and focus on what they are doing, and to do the task they have been given right. This anecdote sends a good message

  27. ------------------
    1. Kyle Gonos 1-4-12 MW4 (Advised)
    2. LL: Don't doubt experience.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Experience is greater than anything and that it is a advantage in life. Without experience you think you know something when you don't. The only way to get smarter is by learning from your mistakes. When you learn from mistakes you are getting more experienced. As you get more experienced you have a better understanding of how things work. In this anecdote the older lumberjack has a reputation of the best lumberjack of the entire Northwest and he had to learn that some how. He probably got this reputation by observing and developing experience.
    This anecdote can influence others by teaching you that as your young you need to observe what your parents and older people do to grow as a person. As you observe them you will become more experience. This anecdote can also teach you that your parents can teach you some good lessons and/or tricks. In this anecdote the older lumberjack had a trick up his sleeve and really surprised the younger lumberjack. Since the younger lumberjack was less experienced and still learning he had learned a new thing. Like people say you learn something new everyday.

  28. 1. Austin Wicker 1-4-12 M-W4th

    2. When you take your time and do it right the first time, you will succeed.

    3. Shared Lesson Learned with partner

    4. What "When you take your time and do it right the first time, you will succeed" means is that you should take your time and not go through what you are doing fast. When you go through something fast you aren't really learning anything and you wont succeed at what you are doing. You are not helping yourself when you just fly by through what you are doing. This statement means when you do something do it right the first time. Don't do your job half good do it all the way good.
    This can influence people because it can tell them when you do something give it your best. In my perspective, it will help let people know to give something your best or try your hardest. This will motivate people to give their work one hundred percent not ninety percent. Lets say a child has to clean their room, this statement will motivate the child to do their best at cleaning there room and not give it ninety percent but one hundred percent. When you are only giving ninety percent when you should be giving one hundred percent at everything, you are really dumbing yourself down because you are not giving yourself the full satisfaction of really working hard. By working hard you will always succeed and that is really what this statement means, work hard and you wont be ever close to failure.

  29. Seth Wilson, Jan 4, Mw4
    2.The lesson learned is that if you prepare for something you may not at first be the one that seems to be winning of doing better but in the long run planning and preparation will pay off.

    4. This anecdote could be used to show young children that they should think before they do something, just as the older lumber jack though ahead and realized not only would taking a break between chopping down trees give him a rest but it would also give him time to sharpen his axe. This planning helped him win the competition in the long run. This teaches kids to further plan our what they may want to grow up and be, rather than just do what ever is easiest.
    The older lumber jack most likely had learned from past experiences which in another way teaches young children to respect there parents and grandparents, because they know more about the world than a kid. That being said this story could be used to teach kids the important lesson that they don't know everything, this would be important for kids to learn, because if children do not learn this at a young age they may never learn it in life.

  30. 1. Daisy York 1-4-11 m/w4
    2. Life isn't about just getting things done quickly. It's about taking the time to make sure you do things right.

    3. Shared with a partner.

    4. Sometimes people have the feeling that things should go a certain way. That things have to go this way they don't take time to make sure that they are happy or that the people around them are happy. Imagine that you are throwing a party,but your so stressed that you make everyone around you just as miserable. When the party comes no one is having fun. What happened was that you got so wrapped up in your task that you didn't take a step back and look around.

    This can influence others because everyone has a story that they can put with this anecdote. People think about their own lives and how they could better their lives by just taking five minutes out of the day, take a step back then look at whats going on in their life. To see if the choices they made today are the choices you would of made yesterday and the choice your going to be happy with tomorrow. To make sure that they aren't just doing things to do things that their really taking time to think and to improve.

  31. 1. Jacob Yannott, 3rd hour
    2. lesson learned: Its OK to take it slow.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Its OK to take your time. Like when your running a long distance, You take your time. You can achieve anything at any pace. Also when your cooking food, you don't have to hurry up and cook the food really fast. you can take you time with food.
    In example when you building a house. you want to take your time and make everything perfect that way u want it. kinda like when your cleaning your house. if you take your time, your house will be cleaner then if you rushed through it. in all, the quote means that if you pace yourself, you will achieve more.

  32. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre 1/4/12 MW4

    2. Being older makes you wiser, the old man stopped to sharpen his ax while resting. A sharp ax is easier to cut with so you wold have to chop at the tree less, witch gives you time to cut more trees.


    4. This anecdote tells others that being old dose not mean you are less capable of succeeding. The lumber man was more capable of cutting more trees the young man because he has more experience. When you are doing homework and you take a break you can sharpen you're pencil or charge you're laptop.
    When you're at rest you can always do something other then rest if you are a runner you can rehydrate and stretch. But the main point is to prepare you're self for the next obstacle, in this story the obstacle's are the trees.

  33. 1. Michael Atwood 1-4-12 MW4

    2. With experience comes wisdom.

    4. This older lumberjack did better because he had more experience cutting down trees. He knew how to work efficiently and get time to rest at the same time by sharpening his axe so that the next tree would be cut faster, but he also is sitting down so he gets rest. He only knows this trick through experience. He is wiser than the younger lumberjack because he knows how to do things while the other one doesn't. The younger lumberjack did not have experience and did not know certain tricks to do better, thus he was much less wise.
    This can influence other anecdotes though its lesson. Anecdotes may have other lessons in them, but it may contradict this anecdote, so now they can change the story a bit to make sure it doesn't. For example, there might be an anecdote where the old king doesn't know what he's doing, so they throw him off and crown a younger person. The lesson might be that you can only do something of great importance with a clear mind. That would contradict this anecdote, so they could change it to a ruler with a twisted mind is thrown off the thrown for a wise old man. This would not only prevent contradiction, but it will also enforce this anecdote.

  34. 1.Justin Wilson jan 4 mw4
    2.Take your time and use your time wisely
    4.This lesson learned means you should take your time during activities. Equally split what you do. If you have 5 days to do a 5 part project, do 1 part every day. If you don't evenly do something, you'll end up doing it all at once and getting stressed about it. Or if you get it done early, you have time to revise and edit what could be improved. You should take your time and use it wisely. There is no need for any wasted time.
There really isn't a project or a task you have where you should need more time. You should always have done what needs to be done. Don't waste your time on something else that can wait. My parents always tell me, "School comes before anything and everything else." Use your time wisely and stay on task. Never go into your own world and get off track. Don't waste your time, take your time. Don't go in to worldly things stay on track.

  35. 1. Cade Marttinen 1/4/12 MW4

    2. Think about how to get the most work done instead of rushing right in. Think before you act

    3. Shared with partner

    4. Thinking about what you will do helps you get work done faster. It also helps you think about using time wisely. The old man used his time wisely in between each tree he felled. He also thought about how to get the most trees felled in a single day. Thinking about what to do first can help get work done faster.
    Thinking before you act can turn you into a better person. People will look up to you. That's how the old man got the title of best lumber man in the North West. Thinking also decreases mistakes that you would make. Thinking is the way to achieve your best.

  36. 1. David Lesnau 1-4-12 MW4

    2. take your time and you will achieve

    3. Shared with partner

    It wold influence people to work and take your time. Dont do to many things at once. It will get over well ming. It tells you to slow down and pase your self Thats what the older man did he paced him self and cut down a lot more trees than the younger man. You will do better than going fast.

    your mind is better than any thing. Think before you act like wean the older man thought and sharpened his axe every tree. the younger man didn't he just used strength and cut a lot of trees down but not enough. If You have no brains you wont get any thing doen. That is the lesson learned.

  37. 1. Ian Grady 1-4-2012
    2. If you don't stop and recuperate after things, you will not prosper or win.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. My lesson learned was a good translation of the moral of this story the moral untranslated is if you sit down and sharpen your axe, you will cut down more trees. The real translation is basically if you stop and ''recharge'' you will be able to get more done. What I mean by recharge is to take in the situation and rest for bit.
    This story can influence others in their life and how they choose to live it. People choose to live life according to what they think is right. This story can persuade people in the right direction to do what is right. It will make them a better person in the long run.

  38. 1. Bri Rumple 1.4.12 MW4

    2. Taking your time pays off.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Taking your time pays off. If you rush threw things you are more likely to make mistakes, but if you take your time you are more able to do things right without messing up. If you are doing an art project you should take your time so that it looks neat and clean instead of rushing and making it look all sloppy. This anecdote can influence people in many ways. Do not try to hurry threw things just to get it over with because if you mess up or make any mistakes you might have to go back and do it again, but other times if you rush threw something you may not have the chance to go back and make it better. Taking your time on things can really pay off in the future rather than trying to get things done as quick as possible.

  39. 1. Heather Linn, 1/5/11, TT2

    2. Take your time

    3. Okay

    4. In the story, the older lumberjack took his time and used his rest time wisely. Instead of just sitting there resting, he sharpened his axe, so that it would chop faster. The younger lumberjack will probably learn from that experience and use his time more wisely. People could use this in daily life like for example if you have homework to do, instead of just sitting around watching t.v you could do your homework. Also, If your doing something, you can take a break, but in the break do something productive.

  40. 1. Marissa Moore 1/5/12 TT2

    2. Slow and steady wins the race

    3. Brooke was my partner.

    4. This story's lesson learned would definitely be slow and steady wins the race. The younger man had been racing so much, that his axe was very dull. Each time he chopped a tree down, it got duller and duller. He thought that he was going really fast, but obviously he didn't think of how dull his axe was.
    The older man was very slow, and constantly taking breaks. It seemed like he may have only gotten 50 trees, maybe. But, while he was on his break he was sharpening his axe. Each tree took only a minute to fall, so he was able to go much quicker. He could sharpen his axe and then cut the tree down probably in about 20 minutes, where the younger man probably spent that much using a dull axe. Patience is key, and when you are slow and steady, you will win the race.

  41. 1. Michael Haase 1-5-12 TT2
    2. Life isn't about getting things done it's about doing them right
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Your strength doesn't always come from your muscles. This is saying that you don't have to be stronger than another person to beat them. If you are wise, your brain will come up with a strategy. You may be strong but, is your mind strong? Do you have enough experience? People that have more experience are more wise. The wiser you are, the more knowledge you will have for different situations.
    This anecdote is saying that just because your stronger and younger does not mean you are better than another person. The younger lumber jack thought he was stronger than the older lumber jack. Thinking this way lead him to believe that the older man would get tired and not be able to keep up. Being wise and having experience helped the older man. He knew that he would need to rest and also have a sharp axe if he wanted to beat the younger one. Experience helped the older man.

  42. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/5/12 TT2

    2. It helps to take your time.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. It helps to take your time, means to take advantage of your time. You will do better if you take your time doing things. Doing things fast might cause you to mess up, and you might not learn in what your doing. You will most likely succeed in what your doing if you use your time wisely, and you will probably learn from it also.
    In the story the older man sharpened his axe and took his time doing it. The younger man didn't think and just went ahead without ahead with a dull axe. See the older man used his time and wasn't rushing he also thought before he did something. The younger guy learned that if you think and take your time you will most likely succeed more than rushing through things.

  43. 1.Cody Musulin TT2 1/5/12
    2. Faster isn't always better.
    4. Faster isn't always better, because you can be very fast and you could be very strong, but if you have no technique, you will lose. The young man was strong and fast, but the older man had a technique, he sat down and sharpened his axe for 10-15 minutes. So he cut down trees faster than the young man that didn't stop.

    If the young man stopped after every couple trees for 10-15 minutes he probably would have won, that is why the older man got claimed the best woodcutter (axe man) there. Because he had a technique that worked, he didn't just chop at trees and when they fell go on to the next one, he sat down after every tree and sharpened his axe. When the younger man's axe was dull from cutting the trees down, the older man's axe was sharper than ever.

  44. 1. Elle Kennedy 1/5/12 TT2

    2. Take advantage of the time you have.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. If you take advantage of the time you have, you will always do you good. When the man sat down to sharpen his axe he was able to cut down the next tree faster and cut more trees than the younger lumberjack. The older lumberjack took advantage of his time and did better than the younger lumberjack who did not take the time to sit down and sharpen his axe even once. If you are taking a test and finish in 45 minutes when you have an hour to finish, you could take advantage of those last 15 minutes to check over your answers to make sure they are all answered and correctly answered. This anecdote could influence people to not rush through things and to take advantage of the time they have in any situation. It is important to use the time that you have instead of waiting until the last minute to finish, or rushing through to get a lot done faster but it wouldn't be your best work. If you have the time, then use it.

  45. 1.) Lexi Gross 1/5/12 T-T-2

    2.) trying to be fast isn't always the key. getting things done right and getting them done on a reasonable pace is the key. If you rush and never take a brake, it doesn't help you like it would if you took a break and made your ax sharper.

    3.) Maddie (:

    4.) My lesson learned is I believe a good one. I learned this from a book when I was younger, not sure which book it is, but it helped me in school. You don't want to rush through things so that you don't have H.W. or something. You want to go at a pace that is good for you and complete it correctly. Personally I would rather have good grades, than no H.W. and bad grades.
    So in life don't rush through things, because in the end you get nothing but slop. Not rushing and completing things right is the good way to go. Don't let sloppiness take you over. The young lumberjack chopped down trees right, and didn't take brakes in between, but the older guy still won. Why? Well, the older lumberjack took his time and did everything at his pace, so he chopped down the trees quicker with a sharp blade. Be smart and do what you think is comfortable, because you WILL come out on top.

  46. ------------------
    1. William McNamee 1/5/11 TT2
    2. Always prepare yourself
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. In this story I found the lesson learned of "Always prepare yourself". This lesson can help people because when they prepare themselves they will be ready for any challenge that life could throw them. The way that I developed this lesson learned is that every time the lumberjack took a break he would sharpen his blade which was preparing himself. Therefore is you apply yourself you will have a fighting chance.

    This story reminds me of the time when my sister and I were racing to see who could get half of the front lawn mowed first. I took the riding lawnmower and she took the walk one. The reason that happened is because she claimed that she could beat me even if I had the riding lawnmower. So I would put it at top speed and of course I won. This reminds me of this story because I applied myself with the better lawnmower and I won.

  47. 1. Darren Murray

    2. Something with more power is easier than using something with no power at all.

    3. Shared with Michael Haase

    4. Taking time is not always a bad thing.Like in this story taking time is a good thing. By taking time the older man sharpened his axe. With his sharpened axe it helped him chop down more trees.
    This anecdote influence others by helping them see the full picture. Also makes them realize that even if you don't take breaks that you might not finish before someone that takes breaks. Don't always depend on time and other peoples speed. Because if that younger man realized what the older man was doing he might have been able to cut more trees.

  48. Brandon Wiese 1/5/12 TT2

    2. Strength doesn't matter technique will always win you the battle.

    3. Being strong doesn't matter on performance. In football I am not that strong, but I have technique so I win the battle between me and the man in front of me. My coach always tells me that. In the story you can see that the older man had a better technique. The younger man didn't have a good technique.
    The older man would rest after every tree he cut down. While he was resting he would sharpen his blade so he would get through the trees faster. The young man wouldn't take a brake. When he wasn't taking his break little did he know that his blade was dull. It wasn't cutting through the trees as fast. Technique can change a lot of things.

  49. 1. Michael Yedinak 1/5/11 TT2
    2. Wisdom comes with experience.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Wisdom comes with experience is just what this story was about. There were 2 lumberjacks with one being young and the other being over 60 years of age. The difference between them were the younger lumberjack was immature and less experienced. On the other hand the older lumberjack is experienced in cutting down trees after doing it for so many years. In the end the older lumberman won by a total of 9 trees after the contest they declared.
    The younger lumberjack in the contest thought he would win because he noticed he stopped to rest 10 minutes after a tree was cut. What I am trying to say is the younger lumberjack even though he was stronger and faster the older guy was used to cutting trees which helped him win. He knew exactly what to do- he took his time while doing it so he wouldn't get tired from being older and he was probably relaxed and didn't care who won so his soul told him to try his best and that is all he can do. I always used to want to know why when I play football with my 80 year old grandpa why he always wins. The reason I figured out is because he has experience of playing as a kid with his friends along with just watching the game way before I was born. My grandpa may be old and slower than me but let me tell you he is like a Heisman winner when it comes down to this.

  50. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-5-12. TT2.

    2. Don't underestimate people anyone can do anything they want.

    3. Share with a partner

    4.If you do things the right way they will turn out. Anyone can tell you do something and you could but you can get it done better and more easily if you take your time and do it right, And you could achieve. Like when you take your time learn it, you will always turn out right.

    You can speed things in life like the younger axe man did. If you take your time like the other older man, it gives you more opportunities to do what ever you need to to make you better at it. In this story that seems to really help. And your thinking wouldn't really help get anything done if your just going and going and going. Even though if you are younger it is just all the strategy.

  51. 1. Brooke Boyd tt2 1-5-12
    2. Taking time can help you achieve more.
    3. Marissa was my partner.
    4. The storys lesson learned is taking time can help you achieve more. This lesson learn can influence others by taking there time like when you are taking a test and you take your time you probably would get a better grade. In the story when the older man won it was because he took time between every tree and every time he took a break he sharpened his ax witch made is faster to cut the trees down.
    Taking time can achieve more in life and would make the work get done better. In the story the younger boy thought that he could beat the older guy because he was older and he thought that he was stronger and would be able to cut down more trees. The older man was wiser and decided to take more breaks and when the younger boy saw that he thought that he was going to win so he probably slowed down but every time the old man took a break he sharpened his ax witch made it faster to cut the trees and he won. Taking time can achieve more.

  52. 1. Jordan Danko 1/5/12 TT2

    2. Lesson Learned: Take your time and do it right the first time.


    4. Taking time on things instead of rushing through them pays off in the long run. For example If I were to rush through a test just to get it done, I would end up having more work to do when we do the test corrections. Instead if I were to take my time and do the test correct, when it was time for test corrections I would have few or possibly none. Eventually hard work pays off so do things right the first time and you will have more time in your life.
    This anecdote can help influence people. I don't know about you but everyone I know wishes they had more time in life so they can do more fun things. If you listen to my Lesson Learned and use my advice you will have more time in life. Maybe you won't have more time the first couple days, but in the end it pas off.

  53. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 5/1/12, TT2
    2. Each individual in this world will learn something new everyday.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Sharpening your axe can be viewed in a lot of different ways and all these people can't be depending on on a book to supply answers because that's not the way you learn. Each and everyday, in school or not, you learn something new. These new facts that you learn can help you sharpen and also help to peer yourself and your mind.If you were alone on the Earth, you wouldn't have people to tell you how to do things and give you a positive point of view on things, and maybe even change your perspective on how your behavior reflex you and etc.When you use the things you learn, you can better the way things are done.As you get older, you get wiser. You have more experience and can truly be the best and beat the rest,in other words try to be better than others. You can learn from your own experiences and understand the true meaning of things.The more you know,the better job you get, the more money you make, and the more successful you will be in life. For example, if you go to college, you will be better off than a person who didn't go to college by that example i mean an uneducated person. If you go to college to be a doctor after five years and finish,your hard work will pay off and you can go get a job easily with education.But if you just dream of becoming someone knowledgeable but you don't achieve it then what is the point ? All your skills are down the drain. Every person needs to achieve something in order to be respect and honored,all these values that i am taking about today have been taught in each of this individuals life.

  54. 1. Blake Lapum, 1.4.12, TT2

    2.Take your time and your payoff will come.
    3. Shared

    4. If you take your time, you will be paid-off, or rewarded. If you take your time, anything can happen. The weakest man in the world, may beat one of the strongest men in the world at cutting down trees. In this selection, the boy who was not matured yet but had a big will to win, lost against the older man with much experience in a tree cutting contest. The younger boy lost because he had to much confidence in himself, and he didn't take his time, while meanwhile, the older man would stop after each fallen tree, take a short break, and sharpen his axe so the tree's would fall faster
    This can influence others in many ways. It can teach people to take their time, and believe in their elders. While also it may teach older people that they can still compete with the younger competition. This is a very wonderful piece of writing because it is very inspirational. So overall, you can see that if you take your time, your payoff will come.

  55. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/5/12 TT2
    2. Use your time wisely.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. One of the lessons learned for this entry could be to use your time wisely. The young man was consistent. However, the older man had more strategy. He allowed himself time to catch his breath and rest for a bit. At the same time, he was increasing the number of trees he would cut down because he was sharpening his axe.
    This is a good story for anyone to read. It shows how important your time is and how you shouldn't be wasting it. If you use your time wisely, you can accomplish more things in life. It also tells how strategy is important. The older man won because he had a better strategy.

  56. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 1/5/12

    2. The lesson leaned is Strategy over strength.

    4.This can influence people in a number of ways. There is this thing that the fastest always wins, but really that's not true. It's the person who understands and takes there time prevails. Also we think if we are younger and stronger we are better, it's just the way our minds work. If you are older you don't need as much strength sometimes because you have the experience to no the good way out.
    For example, in the story the younger axe men thinks he was winning because the elder axe men was consistently resting and he wasn't. But because the old man was sharpening his blade it took him a lot less time to cut down the tree making it so he had more time to sharpen it even more.This needs to inspire people to believe in themselves more. If your older doesn't mean your not as good, think of it as you've had twice the time to practice and perfect something. So in the long run it's the strategy that is more powerful then the actual strength.

  57. 1. Molly Aills 1/5/12

    2. Brains over brawn.

    3. Shared this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Brains over brawn is a widely used phrase. My parents actually told me this when I complained that I wasn't as athletic as my friends. It simply means that brains win over physical strength. The young lumberjack in this story is eager and very physically fit, a very brawny and physically fit man. He is eager to win and chops quickly and precisely. He believes he will win because he chops virtually all day when the other lumberjack stopped for a break after every tree for about 10 to 15 minutes.
    The older lumberjack ended up with more trees felled than the younger lumberjack. The younger lumberjack is shocked: how could this old man who stopped to rest chop down more trees than him? The older man used his brains over his brawn, thinking that even though he stopped to rest, he sharpened his axe newly after every tree felled. While the younger man was whaling away with a dull axe, the older man cut more quickly and precisely with his sharp axe. Overall he was smarter than the other man, and in the end he ended up cutting down more trees and holding onto his title.

  58. 1. Danielle Stowell TT4 1/5/12
    2. Don't start fast or you will come up with a problem.
    4. Taking your time is a good thing to do and use sometimes. If you do start fast you will runout of breath I've learned my lesson doing that in Cross Country. You could hurt yourself on accident when you don't mean to. So always take your time even if your in a contest because you might still win.
    This anecdote is a influence to others by you need to take your time if you don't you will make more mistakes than if you take your time you will do things correctly. Like paying attention in math class and watching the teacher show you what to do so when you get your assignment you can get it right and take your time. Even if your not planing to go somewhere still take your time or else you might have to do it all over again where taking your time you will only have to do it once.

  59. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 1-5-12
    2. Slow and steady wins the race
    3. Shared this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. You are most likely missing something important if you rush through life. This is only one thing displayed in this story about the older and younger man. The younger man lacked maturity but had almost too much confidence that he could beat the older man, who was rather wise in this story. Their race to cut trees ended with the older man winning due to the fact that though the older man rested almost after cutting all his trees, he also sharpened his axe each time while the younger man barreled through the trees and never did he sharpen his axe. I chose the lesson learned "slow and steady wins the race" since this story also reminds me of the story "the turtle and the hare", where the slow turtle won since the hare was too full of himself in thinking he would win even if he stopped for a long time. Both stories showed of how we should be wise.
    Without a doubt this story could inspire others to be wise in how they live life and not to just rush through without a care. This story also can inspire us to believe in our abilities, just not to the point of the younger man in the story. We could feel inspired to not rush through life. I don't think rushing does much good in either of these stories. Being wise and thinking things through was one of the most valuable lessons of this story.

  60. 1. Sam Mynarcik
    2. The old man is the wise guy.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Usually the old man is the wise guy which is the truth sometimes. Like in some movies with is true. In movie sometimes the old man can be psychotic, but in most cases its not the truth. So the old man in this story he chopped his tree then took a break then sharpened his axe every time. That is what wise guys do every time. Which is a very smart idea.
    Sometimes the old man loses the battle. Usually the old man comes back during it, but he saids something that stays with you during a battle. The wise man is the person that is important in the stories. He is usually dies in it, but this time he lives in it and wins. The younger man was being cocky during the challenge and lost. The old man was being the smart one and doing it correctly.

  61. 1. Jake Belford 1/5/12 tt2

    2. Faster isn't always better.

    3. Shared my lesson learned with a partner.

    4. Faster isn't always better. This lesson learned is about taking your time and doing the "chalenge" smarter. It can also mean that if you do your work to fast it will be sloppy and it will make you slower. I chose this for my lesson learned because the younger man went to fast and his axe was getting dull and sloppy. While the older man cut his trees faster because he sharpened his axe which made him faster.
    This anecdote can influence others in many ways. It can influence them by making them take there time and doing the work right. This can also influence others on how they think about themselves by showing them that faster isn't better.

  62. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-6-12
    2. The more older you are, the more experience you are with what your doing.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. The older lumberjack was knew what he was doing. He understood what he was supposed to accomplish, and he did just that. The younger one was rushing, and maybe didn't understand as well. The older one sharpened his axe after every tree, the younger one didn't. The older one took a break between each tree that was cut, the younger one didn't.

    The older one is most likely going to be wiser. It seems that he has a plan that is going on. He didn't rush, he didn't worry, and he took his time. I guess that means that time really does pay off. I didn't understand why the older one won, because I was thinking that the younger one was gonna have more energy than the older one.

  63. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/5/12 TT2
    2. Take your time because, eventually, it will pay off.
    3. I shared the lesson learned.
    4. The lesson learned is to take your time because it will pay off in the long run. You should always take your time and do it correctly. If you take your time, you will learn something. When you rush through something, you don't learn anything. You should always try your best the first time.
    This anecdote can influence people by proving to them that taking your time will pay off. It is better to try your best, take your time and succeed the first time, rather than having to go back and do it again because you didn't try. If you take your time, it will actually save you time so you won't have to go back and fix your mistakes. Taking your time and trying your best will help you succeed. If you do these things, you will always be successful in life.

  64. 1.Kyle Shehan, 1/7/12, TT2

    2.Brains over brawn.

    3.Shared my lesson learned with a partner.

    4.Brains over brawn is a phrase meaning that smart people can beat strong people. I have heard this saying many times, mostly in strategy games. In strategy games you can charge in head first and get beaten to a pulp or you can plan and make sure that you win. So which one would you choose?

    This anecdote can help others by giving them courage and making sure that people are not being over confident. This can give you courage from the older lumberjack, he was wise and even thought he was older he can still fall over 100 trees in a day. You can make sure you not being to confident because the strong over confident one lost to an older man then him.

  65. 1. Joseph Swaney 1/8/12
    2. I think something good to refer to would be the old race, that goes along with the famous quote, "Slow and steady wins the race."
    3. N/A.
    4. Well, having rested, the older chopper got his breath back. He also sharpened his axe which made him chop down the trees that much faster.
    While the younger chopper was going fast and fast with a dull axe and was probably going slower because he was exhausted.
    As to how this could help someone, I can't thing of too many ways, but one could be a marathon. If someones going fast the whole thing, they are doomed to be exhausted and end up going slower, as to someone taking their time and making a final stretch at the end.
    This goes to same for a lot of long events or something like that.

  66. 1. Halle Chiarelli 01-09-12 MW2

    2. Don't underestimate ones of older age.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. The lesson I learned in this story was that you should not underestimate ones of older age. That is what the younger boy did in this story and he cut down less trees than the older man. Even if an older man does not have the same amount of muscle as you he may as well have better strategies. The boy thought that he would win for sure because he didn't rest after chopping a tree and the older man did. What the younger man didn't know that was when the older man went to rest, he sharpened his blade.

    The two men balanced themselves out somehow because the muscle of the younger man helped him chop down trees with out rest. The older man's strategie balanced out with the younger man's muscle because that helped the trees come down faster. A new lesson I have also learned is that sometimes strategy is better than muscle. You may be younger and stronger, but there is always someone who is older and wiser.

  67. 1.Henry Haidler, 1/4/12, Mw2
    2.Slow and steady Wins the race.
    3.Shared with partner
    4.My lesson learned for this anecdote was slow and steady wins the race even though the older man was slow and rested he sharpened his axe and had a strategy so chopping would be easier and quicker. If you slow down and really think about something or what you are going to do it will be easier and you should go at your own pace. You should always have a strategy and know what you are doing so then you are prepared. Do YOUR personal best not anyone else's just yours. In the story the younger lumberjack tried to go as fast as he could without resting but that was all he was thinking about and he had no other strategy than to chop the tree as fast as he could. The older lumberjack was wiser and even though he rested to have more energy for the next tree. The younger one saw that that the older one was resting and he got to cocky and Knew he would win

  68. 1. Nick Norman MW2 1/9/12
    2. Family will always be there for you.
    3. Shared My Lesson Learned
    4. Some people may think that family doesn't matter as much as you would think. Your family is a lot different than your friends. Your friends will come and go. Your family will always be there. You can not replace them. You need to learn to share things. In the story, they shared the blanket because there wasn't more than one.
    When the son shared the blanket with his grandfather, he knew he should have just given the whole thing to his grandfather and that was the right idea. At the end, his mother and father understood what he was trying to do. Some people don't think that the boy should have listened to his father and kept his grandpa where he was and that's the what I thought.

  69. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - MW4 - 1/11/12
    2. Slow and steady wins the race.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. My lesson learned is simple, "Slow And Steady Wins The Race" THis phrase is used often by a lot of people and has been used many times threw out history. It means just as it says. If you do things slow and smart you can achieve great things by it. People who rush in doing things fast and don't really think about what it is that they are doing don't normally do that great of a job. In this anecdote the old man cut down a ton of more trees then the younger man did. The older man thought about it smart and had taken a break after every tree that he had cut down. While doing so he sharpened his axe every time that he was finished with a single tree. By the end the older man came victories by beating the younger man by over one hundred trees. The young man was surprised, But the older man was more wise.

  70. 1. Maddie Haas 1/5/12
    2. My Lesson Learned is Take your time, it's always better than rushing through.
    3. I shared mine with Lexi.
    4. Most people believe that rushing through and getting things done is great because you don't have to do it later. But that isn't right because you may do something way faster than someone, but they will win in the long run, doing something correctly is effective. You must do things correctly and take your time because doing things fast or rushing will not get the results you are hoping for.
    For example, when doing homework often people think that in school if you rush and do the questions very fast so you don't have to do homework at home, then you will most likely get questions wrong. If you take it home, take your time, and answer each question individually and think about them, then most likely you will get almost all of them correct. In this anecdote the old lumberjack decided that if he took breaks in between each tree to sharpen his blade to get ready for the next one, than he would get more trees. That was being very smart and not rushing through many things. But the young lumberjack decided his strategy would be to never take any breaks and cut down every tree that was in his sight and never sharpen his blade. Obviously the taking time strategy ran supreme.

  71. 1. Julianna Welling 1/12/12
    2. take your time=you think better
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. This shows that even though the young guy worked way harder the old won because he thought it through. If you take you time and rest you can regain your energy, and think through things to do it a better way. When you think better you don't do stupid things thought. The young axe man was to busy thinking about getting tree chopped down, that he never sharped his axe! The young one would most likely do better if he would stop looking over at the old one. He should not care about the old mans pace he should care about making his pace faster.
    People can usually tell when someone has taken their time. When they rush though just to get it done then it looks sloppy and unorganized. When they take there time it looks nice and most of the time it is better. When you rush most the time it is because you doubt yourself. You think you are going to do worse than someone else. Try your hardest and you will know how well you did. The young axe man would of won if he just took his time and thought of sharpening his axe.

  72. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 1/13/12 TT4

    2. Don't rush your self take brakes!

    3. I did.

    4. This lesson would influence other because when you take your time you tend to do better at things. And when you rush your self you don't do good, you do a bad job. And if you rush your self you don't learn any thing new. But when you do a bad job you will make your self look bad and people will laugh so its good to take your time. Taking brakes will help so you can rest your self and sharpen your blade. So when your sharpening your blade and you get back to work you will cut trees faster and its going to help you! And this is what people don't get is that if you take your time you will or may learn something new. And this is what makes people screw up and its not good.

  73. Anecdonet 1
    1.Megan Gunderson 1/4/12 Mw2
    2.Steady beats rushed.
    3.shared with Kira
    4. Have you ever heard about that hare and the turtle race.Do you remember how the turtle won.That's because the turtle kept a steady pace. He didn't rush himself. It just like the young axe man and the old one.The young one just whipped out his axe and started attacking the trees, where the old man took his time and did his work properly.
    The old man won be because he set a pace that worked for him. His plan was chop a tree and then take a break while sharpening his sharpening his axe he took less time chopping a single tree. He might of taken a lot of breaks but he chopped trees properly and precisely.
    This anecdote can influnce people.It tells them so slow down. Peolpe should now that there is no hurry to life you have years to live,so don't hurry past it savor each moment.Adults Teenager,and children lives dont need to be rushed.In the end the world will be the same seconds later.

  74. 1. Aaron Durham, 1-17-12, MW4

    2."Never Underestimate People"

    3. Share Lesson Learned With Your Partner

    4.they always say if take your time, you will be paid-off, or rewarded. If you take your time, anything can happen. The weakest man in the world, may beat one of the strongest men in the world at cutting down trees. In this selection, the boy who was not matured yet but had a big will to win, lost against the older man with much experience in a tree cutting contest. The younger boy lost because he had to much confidence in himself, and he didn't take his time, while meanwhile, the older man would stop after each fallen tree, take a short break, and sharpen his axe so the tree's would fall faster
    This can influence others in many ways. It can teach people to take their time, and believe in their elders. While also it may teach older people that they can still compete with the younger competition. This is a very wonderful piece of writing because it is very inspirational. So overall, you can see that if you take your time, your payoff will come.

  75. 1. Josh Mick 1/12/12 TT4
    2. It helps more to take your time and not rush it.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. In the story, the older lumberjack took his time and used his rest time wisely. Instead of just sitting there resting, he sharpened his axe, so that it would chop faster. The younger lumberjack will probably learn from that experience and use his time more wisely. People could use this in daily life like for example if you have homework to do, instead of just sitting around watching t.v you could do your homework.

    Also, If your doing something, you can take a break, but in the break do something productive. If you successfully do this chances are you will get what you want to get done a lot more faster.

  76. Chiera Palamar mw2

    "Never Underestimate Someone"

    The older lumberjack in this story has had much more experience with his job. He took his time and rested with wisdom, while the old man was sitting there he was sharpening his axe so that it would cut deeper/chop faster. People could learn from this, instead of sitting around all day doing nothing, relax but still do something useful. During break for school, finish up late work if you have any for your next class. Being productive but taking your time is the best lesson you could learn in life.

  77. 1. Nella Galliher 1/17/12 MW4
    2. Slow and steady wins the race.
    4. In the tortoise and hare story the tortoise wins the race because he’s slow and is just moseying along. The hare he’s like the Energizer Bunny!!! so quick and he thinks he’s going to win. In this story the older lumberjack is like the tortoise. I think this story tells a lesson that you should take it slow and not rush yourself.

  78. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W4
    2.You don't need to rush it's ok to take your time.
    3. shared lesson learn with partner.
    4.In this story the old lumberjack took his time and didn't rush Instead of him sitting down and trying to sleep or trying to rest they were working. They were up day and night they wanted to do there job and not rest. They wanted to get the things done that they needed to get done. People could use this time to make up missing work or help others with the things they need done.

  79. 1. Presslee Reisinger, T/T2, 1-20-12
    2. Take your time so that you don't have to go back and re-do what you could have already been done.
    3. Shared with partner
    4. My lesson learned, is meaning that if you do things right the first time, and take your time doing the things and you do them correctly, neatly and take your time you wont have to worry about being in first place, you'll have to make sure that what you did is done right. Basically, if you take your time and do things right, it'll look better.
    I think that things turn out better, and in the end if you finish last, you're the winner because you took your tim to do things, and to do them the right way.

  80. 1. Charlotte nowaczyk 1-25-12 tt4
    2. Slow and steady wins the race.
    3. shared lesson learned.
    4. My lesson learned is that you don't underestimate people, and if you take your time and do it right you have a better chance of winning then what the rushed person has. And it's the not the fact of being first second or third, it's the fact of doing it right.
    If you stop and take a rest then don't just sit there the lumberjack was doing something productive and showed great skill in the end

  81. 1. Danny Higgins/1-25-12/TT4
    2. "Slow and steady wins the race."
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. This story is like the tortoise and the hare. If you take your time and think that being fast is the best solution, you can win. This story can influence you to make that same decision. You can speed by, and ignore everything else, and probably get a swelled head, or you can take you time and become wiser.
    Like said in the previous paragraph, this can influence to take their time and enjoy life, because you've got only one to live. If you rush ahead, like the young woodsman, then you won't be able to make anything of yourself, before you leave this world to a better place, depending. Both stories, The Axe Man, and The Tortuous and The Hare, both lead to this point, and have a better point to each other.
