Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Anecdote 7 - Temper Control

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.”

You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there. Author Unknown

1. Name Date Hour

2. Lesson Learned

3. Share with a partner

4. Make a list of 10 controversial topics that this anecdote could be used for?

5. Pick one of the above controversial topics and explain how it could be used in a debate. (1 paragraph)


  1. 1. Cody Musulin 1/24/12 TT2
    2. You can't change what has already happened.
    4. 1. Arguing with someone, and losing.2. Fighting with a sibling.3. Losing something that you loved.4. Finding something that you liked destroyed, and un useable.5. Losing a football game or sport game.6. Getting a bad grade in school.7. Getting in trouble, for something you didn't do.8. Getting annoyed by something or someone.9. If you're almost done with something, but then it gets destroyed, so you have to do it again.10. Doing something wrong, when you know you can do better.
    5. One of the ones I can relate to is losing in a football game. There is nothing worse than losing in a game, where you new you could have done better, and it would have changed the score completely. If you do something wrong, to make the core change to the bad. It doesn't feel to good, once you look at the score at the end of the game, t feels like you'r heart sinks farther down into your body. You might feel sick, and then regret everything you did that day. When you lose a football game, it feels really bad.

  2. 1. Lexi Gross 1/24/12 T-T-2
    2. I learned that everything you say has an impact on someone some way or another.
    4. - anger management
    -watching what you say
    - how to take out your anger without hurting someone
    -what leaves a scar
    -the i pact you can leave
    -how to stop your kids from hurting others
    -lessons learned
    -what sorry means
    -how to use sorry
    -how you can leave an impact on others
    5. Watching what you say is a big thing. I have a lot to say about it, which is why I'm choosing to write about it. Where do I begin? Okay lets start with its how you make friends. Friends are a big part of life and if you don't have a friend, you probably don't have a good life. You can never have enough friends. Friends are like a collection of something. You get one, love them and as you move on and get older your collection grows. I would use this in a debate as the most important thing in life.

  3. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 1-25-12

    2. You are better off holding your temper, than yelling it out and hurting someone.

    3. Shared Lesson Learned with partner.

    4. 1) Bullying in school. 2) Teachers able to hit students. 3) Getting red cards for every temper you get in school. 4) Making a kid where duck tape over their mouths when having bad temper. 5) Not letting a kid talk for the rest of the day if you get a bad temper. 6) Fighting the temper away. 7) Hitting things when you have a bad temper. 8) Throwing a fit when you have a temper. 9) Yelling out your problems when you have a bad temper. 10) Braking things when you have a bad temper.

    5. Teachers being able to hit students when they have a temper at a student:
    When a teacher gets mad it could be used in a debate because the person who is Pro could be fine with it and the person who is Con could be not fine with it. For the person who is Pro could start with an opening story about how when they were in school the teachers hit them and if they weren't disciplined that way than they wouldn't be where they are today. The person who is Pro could say that it would give good discipline. But the person who is Con could say that it is child abuse. The person who is Pro could argue that it teaches the student to not do it again. Then the person who is Con could argue that the teacher may take it too far and the student could get hurt.

  4. 1. Kyle Gonos 1-26-12 MW4

    2. LL: Sorry sometimes won't cut it for what you have done

    3. Share with a partner

    4. 1. Bullying 2. Controlling anger 3. Hitting things when your angry 4. Breaking things to sooth your anger 5. Taking your anger out on someone/something 6. Yelling out your problems 7. Learn from your mistakes 8. What you did can't be changed 9. Anger management 10. Think before you say

    5. Taking your anger out on someone or something:
    You would have two people for the debate, one will favor for this and the other would disagree with it. The person who favors it could say that if you hit something you could use your anger. The person who disagrees could say that you would hurt someone or break something. They would also say that your anger would be all gone. The person who is against it could say that actions you make will hurt you and the people around you. Then the person who favors it would say that you could apologize or buy what you broke. The person who favors it would say sorry won't always bail you out.

  5. 1. Brooke Boyd tt2 1-26-12

    2. The marks that you make on a person feelings sometime can never leave them.

    3. Shared with a partner

    4. 1. Anger towards someone. 2. Scars never leaving. 3. Thinking its a good thing at the time until it turns out bad. 4. Listening to what people have to say. 5. how you can leave an impact on others 6. Hitting people. 7. Taking your temper out on people. 8. controlling your temper. 9. Bad grades in school. 10. Trying your best, then it turns out bad and you get anger.

    5. Leaving a impact on others can be a big deal and I think it would be a good thing to debate about. When you leave a impact on others it makes them wanna do it to someone else. Some people think that leaving a impact on other could be bad, but it could only be bad if what he or she said to them is bad or hurtful. This is a good thing to debate about because it happens a lot in life and it could either go bad or good depending on what people would think.

  6. Brandon Wiese 1/26/12 TT2

    2. anger gets you nothing but trouble

    3. shared with partner

    4. 1.Getting in a fight with parents 2. mom taking away computer 3. parent breaks video game 5. parent grounds me from going to the movies 6. basketball team losing 7. brother taking things without asking 8. siblings breaking my toys 9. someone eats my favorite candy 10. when my sister is angry

    5. Parents taking your video games is one punishment. Then when they start to break them its starts to get unfair. People spend a lot of money on video games. Most of the games I have bought with my own money. If they were to come in and break my stuff then I'd be ferrous. To know they broke my things that I spent with my hard earned money it would be unspeakable.

  7. 1. Marissa Moore 1/25/12

    2. The past is the past, and it will effect you in the future.

    4. 1. Parents being able to "Spank" misbehaved children
    2. Teachers being allowed to give physical punishments
    3. Abortions
    4. KIds being able to say whatever they want to on the internet/text, especially harmful things
    5. Physical fights out side of school
    6. Drug use
    7. Underage Alcohol use
    8. Underage sex
    9. Underage smoking
    10.Animal testing

    5. A controversial top that could easily be used in a debate would be "Underage Alcohol Use". Teenage kids don't understand that drinking now is going to effect their lives in the future. If they start to drink now, they'll basically be hooked for the rest of their lives, or become alcoholic. Even though they say you can only have a good time if alcohol is involved (which is very stupid..), they don't see the down effects. First of all, you could kill yourself. Some teens choose to drink and drive, and that endangers the lives of not only themselves, but others. Also, they could get alcohol poisoning. I've heard college students' say "Oh, it won't be bad if I get alcohol poisoning, they can help me!". The thing is, even if the doctors can help you, you just got caught for underage drinking. Although I could go on and on on this topic, teens just need to realize under age drinking is nothing to do for fun.

  8. 1. Kirsten Brydon 1-27-12 4th hour

    2. You can't change the past

    3. Share with a partner

    4. Controversial topics....
    1. bullying
    2. hurting someone emotionally
    3. fighting with someone you care about
    4. losing a relationship
    5. hurting yourself
    6. saying things you didn't mean
    7. yelling out
    8. becoming angry at something or someone that has done you wrong
    9. bottled up emotions
    10. understanding other people's point of view.

    5. Number 10, understanding other people's point of view relates to this story since if you understand what the other person(s) think of the situation at hand, you are more likely to find a reasonable compromise or at least find common ground on their perspective. Con may try to argue differently by saying that knowing what the other person thinks is not going to help if you lost your temper. Pro would then say that you can still think more about the situation if you see it through their eyes. This debate would go on until the audience decides their point. What do you think?

  9. 1.Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/26/12

    2. What is done, is done.

    3. LL: Share with a partner

    4. Bullying, anger management, taking out your anger, teaching children lessons, social services, reliving anger with sports, using your words, learning your lessons, teachers hitting students, smacking children when they are bad.

    5. Social Services: Social services would be easy to debate Pro and Con. Pro because children are very precious. You have to take care of them and guide them through lives difficulties. You can't harm a child because they don't know any better and are relying on their parents to keep them alive. If you can't or won't take care of them, they should be taken away from you and put into a better place. Only until you can take on the challenge of being a responsible parent. On the Con side, where would children be without their parents? They would be lost! Plus, their parents could get really upset and end up hurting themselves or others. Sometimes it would just be better to let their parents raise their own children. Your past makes your future and if you change who raises the children of today, you could change who the adults of tomorrow are.

  10. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. Somethings aren't worth getting mad over.
    3. Shared with partner
    4. Fighting a teacher, a homicide case, You got in a fight with your friend, fighting with a brother or sister, losing something you loved, having a stressful environment around you, Getting in a fight with a parent, Fighting with a stranger, playing a game and getting to competitive, and being annoyed by someone and loosing control of your actions.
    5. I choose a homicide because It is when someone looses their temper and becomes a little to angry. When they do they commit crimes to release their anger. In the story the young man smashed nails into a fence and felt better and slowly lost his temper. Maybe after awhile a killer starts to see what his actions are truly doing to people. Every time they get angry they scar someone's life. Once they see a change they start to notice that they don't need to hurt someone else because all their hurting is themselves. People change like the guy in the story but I takes time and effort.

  11. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 1-30-11

    2. No matter how hard you try to heal something the wound will always be there.

    A.Children throwing temper tantrums being ok
    B.Older people being wiser
    D.Hollywood and violent movies
    E.TV shows influencing on kids
    F.What sorry means
    G punishing children
    H.Watching what you say around kids
    I.Hurting people hurts yourself
    J.Kids being punished in school

    5. A good debate topic could be Hollywood and violent movies. Do they really have an influence on how children act? One side could be yes, if children see someone cool on TV doing something they are going to do it to. Monkey see monkey do. You have to think about the other side too though. They are just movies and if the kid is taught well at home they will know that it’s just a movie. Make-believe violence on TV should not influence kids.

  12. Riley Hafner MW2 1/30/13

    LL- The things you say and do can really hurt and can leave a wound that will never heal

    Controversial Topics-
    1. Anger towards a friend
    2. Fighting with a parent
    3. Bullying another person
    4. Getting into a fight with another peer
    5. Hurting yourself
    6. Yelling at people
    7. Holding in your emotions
    8. Getting into an argument with siblings
    9. Losing something or someone that you loved
    10. Losing your temper and breaking things or hurting others

    In a debate number 7 could be seen in both ways. On the pro side someone could say that by holding in your emotions your saving the hurt that you could bring to someone else. Sometimes its good to keep the way you feel to yourself because you could hurt someone feelings or ruin a great relationship that you have with someone you care about. On the con side you could say that by holding in your emotions you might be hurting yourself. Having things built up inside could hurt you and you could miss amazing opportunities. Also, if you keep your emotions inside they could get so bunched up and crammed up inside of you that in the end you explode and hurt someone even worse than if you had just told them in the beginning. This topic would work well in a debate because you could see the views of people and how honest they are about their own emotions.

  13. 1) Kaitlyn Lechtanski 1-25-12 MW2

    2) Control your temper.

    3) Share with a partner

    4) 1) Anger management
    2) Murders
    3) Abuse
    4) Controlling tempers
    5) Tempers
    6) Things you can't take back
    7) Tempers harming others
    8) Temper tantrums (should kids have them?)
    9) Tempers becoming abusive
    10) Should people have tempers

    5) Topic: Abuse

    Tempers can cause people to hurt their peers and can cause a person to be abusive.

    There are so many cases that talk about people when they are angry abusing their family.

    The abuse could be physical or mental. way that a person could use their temper and

    control it is to do what this man did with his son. To prove that tempers can be horrible,

    the father made his son hammer nails into the fence. The father showed the son that once

    you take the nails out, you leave holes. You can't always fix the hole.

  14. 1. Zack Fuller Mw2 1-29-12
    2. The past is in the past
    3. Share with a partner
    1 Domestic violence
    2 Boredom and trouble
    3 Anger management
    4 Is sorry still manful
    5 Not doing stuff that you want to do is work
    6 Hurting people
    7 Child abuse
    8 Doing something bad
    9 Getting into fights
    10 Unusual punishment
    The controversial topic boredom leeds to trouble. When you are board you look

    for stuff to do but can’t always find stuff to do. Like when you are board can lose your

    temper easily because your on edge for mind to be occupied by something. The little

    things that don’t bother you can send you in a really bad rage. The person that is board

    could also be looking for attention witch is bad attention. If go out and do something

    good he would good attention but attention is to easy and thats why people do it.

  15. 1. Nick Norman MW2 1/30/12 Repost
    2.Anger doesn’t solve anything

    Think before you act
    Sorry can mean a lot
    Watch what you say
    Anger Management
    Being against Temper
    Learn to walk away
    Don’t do stupid things
    Learn from your mistakes
    5. Thinking before you act. That can be a big problem. If you don’t think, you won’t know what comes out of your mouth and it can either get you in trouble, or it can help you out. A lot of the times it will be against you. If your in an argument and your about to say something but you know it would be the wrong thing to do. Then think before and say to yourself “Should I really say this? Or should I just walk away?” If you think before you act, it will be a great lesson, and an advantage.
    In a debate this could be used very well as a topic. He father said " When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one is very inspiring. Someone could be debating about it and saying you can say sorry after what you did, but it still hurts and it still leaves a scar. Just like the nails in the fence. But other people could say you can fix the fence, which is true but how would you be able to fix a person?

  16. Timmy Uppleger MW2 1-30-12

    2. LL. You cant change the past.
    3. Share with a partner.
    - Anger problems
    - yelling at someone
    -how to say sorry
    - what sorry means
    - holding in emotions
    -understand what other people could be going through
    - people saying what they want
    -bullying at home or school
    -learning a lesson
    - hurting your self for something you did
    5. Bullying can lead to hurt emotions. Hurt emotions lead to sadness and pain. People bully at school and outside of school. Hurt emotions could also lead to hurting them selfs. Bullys dont know what they are really doing to the person, they could be going through a tough time already. Most bullying is cyber. They mostly send hurtful texts and emails. The also post embracing things about them on the internet such as videos and things they could have done in the past.

  17. 1. Matt Pankow 1-30-12 MW2

    2. Anything can leave a Scar

    3. <- done

    4. 1. Health care 2. Drug use 3. Hurting someone else 4. Hurting yourself 5. uncontrolled emotions 6. Bullying out of school 7. Bulling in school 8. Being the bully 9. Doing something you didn't mean 10. Keep your anger under control

    5. Being bullied in school could be a big deal in sense of anger control. Keeping your anger under control is an important thing to do because if you don't it could end up bad. Some of the ways it could end up bad could be hurting someone else or even hurting your self. Bulling is not the right thing to do just to get a little laugh for your self is not worth it to the other person. The person being bullied could be scared for life because of you. Think of it if you were in the other persons shoes. Your life would be terrible and you would see how much harm you cause to them. Controlling your anger could be sometimes hard.

  18. 1. Malorie Moen 1/30/12 MW2
    2. Don't let your anger take control of yourself.
    3. Share lesson learned with a partner.
    4. 1) Bullying 2) Yelling 3) hurting others 4) low grades 5) drug abuse 6) fighting 7) child abuse 8) animal abuse 9) Threatening people 10) murder
    5. Fighting is a good debate topic, because some people believe in fighting, and others don't. Some people think of fighting as a sport. There are many fights that happen at outside of school, or in school. I think fighting isn't a smart thing to do, because someone can get hurt and I don't want to see anyone get hurt. There are pros and cons to fighting. Some people pay a lot of money to see a fight, and the winner might win a lot of money, but people can get seriously injured, or even die from it. In my opinion, it isn't the right way to settle a problem.

  19. LeAnn Howe MW2 1-30-12
    2. Think before you speak.
    3.Shared with a partner
    4.Controversial topics
    -Freedom of speech
    -Child Labor
    -Child Abuse
    -Why you get detentions in school
    -Anger management classes
    -Getting Grounded
    -Ways to discipline your children
    -Bullying Consequences
    -Men getting paid more then women
    -Talking to the student family specialist
    5. The controversial topic, bullying consequences, could be used in a debate to persuade an audience to be nicer to people. What you say does have an effect. Once you say something, it can never be taken back. It’s out in the open for everyone to hear, good or bad. If you tell someone they are pretty they will remember it for a long time. But, if you tell someone they are ugly, they will remember it forever. No one likes to be bullied. Sadly, it happens to everyone at some point in their life. The world needs to come together and give more compliments not putdowns.

  20. 1.Megan Gunderson 1-30-12 Mw2
    2.You can't change the past
    -Animal testing
    -war in Iraq
    -Death penalty
    -Bad grades
    -School fights
    -Use of drugs
    5.Smoking is a debatable topic.In one hand it is the persons right and freedom to smoke. It is there choice to smoke.They know the ramifications it has on there body.It is there right to smoke if they want to.On the the other hand smoking can harm others around them.By smoking next to someone they are breathing in your smoke. It can turn the bystanders lungs black and could possibly kill them if they breathe enough smoke in over time.both sides are debatable and have an equal chance of winning a debate.

  21. 1. Evan Bauer 1/30/12

    2. Anger is nothing but truble.


    1. bullying
    2. War
    3. regretting something done in the past
    4. Anger issues
    5. hurting someone
    6. saying things you don't mean
    7. emotions
    8. hating the world for your mistake
    9. revenge
    10. bad drugs

    5. A good conversational topic is number 10. Bad drugs. People don't know what they are doing to them self these days. drugs have no feeling and no emotions what makes you think you have to be addicted to them. Drugs have no soul no caring they don't care if you take them and then die from trying to drive back to your family. They don't care if you don't remember what happened last night. They don't care if you can't find you way home at night. They simple don't care. Yet not all drugs are bad. They have increased the health of many in hospitals and have saved life's other then taking them. If you use drugs the way there supposed to be used they can help you in your health.

  22. 1. Payton Rentsch, 1/30/12 mw2

    2. when your angry it dosen't mean its okay to say hurtful things

    3. Share with a partner

    2.teach people things you say don't go away
    5.drug usage
    6. underage sex
    7. underage smoking
    8. expressing your anger
    10. cutting yourself

    5. Bulling, Some people take things differently. Some people punch walls, hit people, take it out on there family and take it out on themselves. This would be a great debate topic and a hard one too. People know how much it hurts because everyone has been bullied by someone. People bully because they aren't happy about themselves, how they look, what they ware, who they are. Bullying is not right, it never is and never will be. Soon one day it will end hopefully. The pro side to use in a debate is that you can tell people how it hurts to be bullied and get them aware it is still going on. The con is that some people don't even care its going on. I was bullied from 2nd grade and on I still get bullied to this day it happens maybe once a week. Bullying hurts you and everyone around you.

  23. 1. Sammy Sutton, 1-30-12, MW2

    2. It's never too late to start living your life.

    3. Share with a partner

    4. Controversial Topics-
    1.) Animal Testing
    2.) Pollution
    3.) Animal abuse
    4.) Underage Drug Abuse
    5.) Underage Smoking
    6.) Underage Drinking
    7.) Taking Care Of Homeless
    8.) Losing your temper with someone
    9.) Hurting someone, physically, mentally, or emotionally.
    10.) Punishing Someone Unfairly. (Ex, a kid makes a mistake, the kid gets hit.)

    5. Number 7, I find it unbelievably unfair the way people treat Homeless. They treat them like there a piece of trash, do you think they are choosing to live like that? Just imagine how you would feel if you were homeless; Alone, starving, abandoned, foolish, even more. It's horrible the way people treat each other now a days. I believe people could debate about this topic for hours. Some people think that they have their own lives to worry about, and don't have to the time on other people. Some people on the other hand, can't go on living with themselves knowing theres people out there suffering. I'm the kind of person who puts others before me, but we all have different outlooks on certain things; So, what's it going to be? The choice is up to you.

  24. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/30/12 MW2

    2. The past will always be the past.

    1. Bullying.
    2. Hurting someone.
    3. Fighting with a loved one.
    4. Doing something that hurts you.
    5. Understand what people are going through.
    6. Dont take out you anger on someone that you care about.
    7. Saying hurtful things to others.
    8. Don't yell at family or friends.
    9. Don't say things and then regret saying it because you can't change the past.
    10. Drug usage.

    5. Number 10, Drug usage. (Pro) Drug usage is a good thing because it can please you and it can make you all calm. (Con) Drug usage is bad because it destroys your brain and your reputation and it can make you not get a job in the feature. Plus you will spend all of you money on the drugs and then you wont have any money for your family (if you have one). So all drugs do is ruin your life and they mess you up.

  25. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 1-30-12 MW2

    2. You can change yourself, but you can never change the past

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. 1. Hurt someone emotionally. 2. Yelling at others. 3. You fight with people you care about. 4. Bullying. 5. Hurt someone physically. 6. Losing someone close. 7. You bottle up your emotions. 8. Understand what you are doing to the other person. 9. Lose a relationship. 10. Leaving scars emotionally and physically.

    5. 5 because anger can make you hit someone or even injure them. This does happen. It can be a car accident or just a lot of bottled up emotions. When it does, you might feel angry at yourself for letting it happen. You can control your emotions, it just takes practice. Practice makes perfect. Whenever you feel angry, try and think about something else to make you less angry. Never let yourself injure someone, because karma will get to you at some point. Karma is when you regret what has happened or what you have done in the past and you wish that you could have stopped it from happening.

  26. 1. Eddie Roberts, 1/30/12, mw2
    2. You can't change the past.
    3. shared
    -Anger management
    -Drug use
    -Sexual intercourse under age
    -Alcohol use
    -Life loss
    -Getting in trouble
    5. I choose drug use because i think it is one of the most important and most things that happen. Drug use can affect your life forever. Drugs can be very addicting and you may never be able to stop using them. So many people die from excessive drug use each year and it is very sad. Drugs can scar u mentally and physically. It can make you go crazy and make things seem real when there not. It can also drain the life out of you and make you very weak and pale. Drug use is very harmful and needs to be stopped.

  27. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 1/30/12

    2. You can't change the past.

    4. 10 Controversial topics:
    1. Hurting someone emotionally
    2. Understanding other people's point of view
    3. Bullying
    4. Fighting with someone you care about
    5. Losing a relationship
    6. Saying things you didn't mean
    7. Bottled up emotions
    8. Yelling out at someone
    9. Becoming angry at someone or something that did nothing wrong
    10. Underage alcohol use

    5. Number 10, underage alcohol use could be a debate topic. Teenagers and young adults don't realize what alcohol can do to you. Its just like any drug, if you have it then you your hooked. Underage alcohol use can effect teenagers life. Your hooked for the rest of your life and could become an alcoholic or you could get alcohol poisoning. Even though doctors help you if you get alcohol poisoning, you are still get caught with underage alcohol use. Teenagers die from alcohol from drinking and driving. Drinking and driving doesn't only endanger you, it endangers others. Teenagers need to realize that alcohol can effect your life and could kill you.

  28. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 1-30-12 MW2

    2. Something you say or do can hurt forever.

    1. Wearing seat belts.
    2. Losing a sport.
    3. Getting in a fight with a sibling.
    4. Can you forgive someone if they have done wrong.
    5. Obesity in children.
    6. How to stop the hurting of others.
    7. Scars can never disappear.
    8. Looking at things from different perspectives.
    9. What you do or say can only be held against you.
    10. How to control yourself.

    5. Number 7, scars never disappear, is the topic I chose. In a debate this could be viewed from completely different perspectives. Some think that were human so if you do wrong the victim should be able to forgive the other person. That everyone makes mistakes sometimes even can hurt you forever, but there is still room to mentally forget about it. Then you have the other side who believe that when you make a mistake that hurts someones life then you should not be forgiving. That you need to learn from your mistake by living in guilt for so long, so to speak. They are both very good views, but have two very distinctive looks at the subject.

  29. 1. Halle Chiarelli 01-30-12 MW2

    2. Think about what your going to say before you say it.

    3. Share with a partner

    1. Seat belts
    2. Saying something hurtful to a parent/guardian
    3. Drinking alcohol
    4. Using drugs
    5. Getting in a fight
    6. Breaking the law
    7. Stupid mistakes
    8. Getting in trouble
    9. Holding in your emotions
    10. Bullying

    5. Number 3; When you are a teenager, you don't need to be drinking alcohol. The United States made that law for a reason, so anyone under 21 knows that they should not be using alcohol. If you were given a bag of nails, you would nail one in the fence every time you drank an alcoholic drink. You could take a nail out for everyday that you don't drink and alcoholic drink. Many teenagers or kids realize what alcohol can do to you. You loose all sense of thinking and make even more stupid mistakes. Some people turn very mean when they are drunk and nobody should be around someone like that. There are groups that are even dedicated to people with drinking problems because some people realize what it does and they want to help others. There is a program that is called AA and that stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. That is a group that people can go to if they are an alcoholic. There is nothing wrong with going out with your friends or watching a game and having a drink, but when you go to far, that's when it should stop. Drinking has two sides but you have to be a smart enough person to choose which one you want to be while using it.

  30. 1. Chiera Palamar MW2 Jan 30th

    2. "It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there"

    1 Drinking / Driving
    2 Full Body Scans
    3 Drugs
    4 War in Iraq
    5 Wire Taps/Eavesdropping
    6 Military
    7 Death Penalty
    8 Death
    9 Religion
    10 Politics

    5. Number 1, in 2007 my mother was in a very bad car crash due to drinking and driving, after that her whole life fell apart not to mention mine. I have had many conversations about this topic, this topic relates to what I learned from this blog. "You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there," she promised me as a kid she would stop and told me sorry many times. But as time passed it never meant anything. I have come across many people who think its fine to go out drinking and driving, I then tell them a few stories that i have experienced and they have a different point in view. Wouldn't you agree?

  31. 1. Sam Love 1/30/12 mw2

    2. The scar's stay, even if the pain is gone.

    3. Share with a partner

    4. 10 controversial topics:
    1. Being spoiled.
    2. Understand what someone else is going through.
    3. Bullying.
    4. Divorce.
    5. Death in family.
    6. Controlling emotions.
    7. Abuse from parent's.
    8. Taking your anger out on someone else.
    9. Drug abuse.
    10. Being around people you shouldn't.

    5. 10. "Being around people you shouldn't." Can relate to this story because the son might have new friends at school. These friends could be good or bad. Might try to pure pressure you into doing something that you'll regret. This could be used in a debate for, bad influence's or pure pressure. The pro might say, if you feel like you belong and not excluded from everything you might be where you belong. The con might say, you should stay away form these people because it may lead to trouble in the future and will impact the rest of your life. Even if you don't want to do something they're going to keep nagging on and on about it, just so you will do it even if you don't want to. Be careful when choosing friends and who you hang out with.

  32. 1. Ian Grady 1/30/2012 MW4

    2. Anger always leaves scars.

    3. Share with a partner

    4. 1) Seatbelt usage
    2) Divorce
    3) Bullying
    4) Death
    5) War
    6) polotics
    7) Drugs
    8) Fighting
    9) Breaking the law
    10) Pollution

    5. Pollution can be used in a debate like situation because you can tell it leaves a scar. Pollution can be related to this anecdote because you can make pollution like driving in the nails, and you can remove pollution but it always leaves a scar. Such as endangering or even making a species extinct, or changing the entire habitat of a lake or swamp. Pollution can only really be stopped by not doing it in the first place. People who pollute the earth really don't care about it and they need to be taught right from wrong. All in all, pollution would be a great topic for a debate because there are so many strong opinions on both sides of the argument.

  33. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4th
    2.Think about what you are going to do before you do it.
    3. Shared with a partner
    4.10 topics:
    1. Bullied
    2.Death in family
    3. Talking to people you shouldn't
    4. Being around people you shouldn't
    5. Taking anger out on someone else.
    7. Divorce
    8. Homeless people
    9. Hunger
    10. Funding for different things.

    5. Talking to people you shouldn't Can relate to this story because the son might have friends at school that do bad things or say bad things that the mom doesn't want him to hear. The kids might tell him to do something he shouldn't do. You don't want to get pulled into some kids are doing that is bad you will regret it. This could be used as a debate for bad behavior or bad influence. Choose the right people to hang out with.

  34. 1. Cade Marttinen
    2. Anger leaves scars that don't go away
    3. Shared with a partner
    4. Here are 10 topics.
    1. drugs
    2. cellphones in school
    3. smoking in public
    4. rain forest/deforest
    5. bullying
    6. seat belts
    7. eavesdropping
    8. plagiarism
    9. gun control
    10. animal testing

    5. Drug abuse can be related to this anecdote because you could pound a nail into a fence every time you use drugs. The way to use this in a debate is that you could tell about this story to the audience. Then say that drugs can effect other people as well as the fence. Drugs is a really big topic in the teenage world. If you can get people to be against drugs who were before for them, then that is a big accomplishment. This anecdote would really help that.

  35. 1. Name Date Hour
    Ryan Radzioch 4MW 1-30-12
    2. Lesson Learned
    scars stay even if the pain is gone.
    3. Share with a partner

    4. Make a list of 10 controversial topics that this anecdote could be used for?
    smoking, drinking, fighting, war, drugs, suicide, emo, child abuse, child harassment, having bad friends.
    5. Pick one of the above controversial topics and explain how it could be used in a debate.

    Drugs can be helpful but not if you use them in the wrong way. like medical weed for example it helps with medical problems but other people like to abuse it. like drug dealers are bad news so stay away they are most likely breaking the law. they are a bad influence! so we learned weed is good on occasion but not always so stay away unless your badly hurt.

  36. 1. Michael Atwood/ 1-30-12/ MW4

    2. Think before you act.

    4. a. Smoking
    b. alcohol addiction
    c. overreacting
    d. paranoia
    e. treating others with respect
    f. low self-esteem
    g. death
    h. obsessions
    i. eating disorders
    j. biting your nails

    5. c. overreacting, relates to this story because that's what people with anger issues tend to do. For example; lets say someone commented about something being stuck in his teeth. The person meant to help him by informing him so he could fix it and avoid embarrassment. The boy would take it as an insult and say something like "My appearance isn't good enough for you?!" and get them into a fight that could have been easily avoided. This overreaction often comes from anger, as the person is not thinking straight.

  37. 1. Aaron Durham, 1-25-12, MW4

    2. "Don't Go Crazy Cause It Will Haunt You"

    3. Share with a partner

    4. Conversational Topics
    A. Bully's
    B. Hurting someone mentally
    C. Fighting with someone you care about
    D. Losing a relationship
    E. Hurting yourself
    F.Saying things you didn't mean
    H. Becoming angry at something or someone that has done you did wrong or that they did wrong.
    I. Bottled up emotions
    J. Other people's point of view.

    5. I Would Say, drinking and driving would be the biggest topic because I think it should be illegal to drink after a certain time of the day and that it should be illegal to have alcohol period I think it should be considered as a drug and I'm sure more people die every year drinking and driving then other people who use prescription or controlled substances, cause when people are on drugs they tend not to harm anyone but themselves but when people drink and drive they tend to put there life in danger. And anyone who is on the road with them in danger. The best way to not drink and drive would be, for those people to set goals for themselves and I would say that is important because most alcoholics come to a turning point in their life and look at how their poor choices affect everyone.

  38. 1. Seth Wilson MW4 jan 27
    2. Scars last forever, think before you act.
    3. Shared
    4. someone that has committed murder. A politician that starts a war for no reason. A police officer. A parol officer. A judge in court of law. A paramedic. Someone with a mental illness. A lawyer. Military. A general in the Military.
    For someone that committed a murder or assault on someone, they could use this in court. The lawyer could easily say that although the person is sorry that the scars they have caused will never heal. The jury could say that the person should have thought first before acting on anger, and that if they did they would not be in the situation they are now.

  39. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/30/12

    2. Scars are easily made but are not easily removed.

    - Getting in Fights (In Public or at Home)
    - Alcohol
    - Drugs
    - Drunk Driving
    - Violence
    - Murder
    - Abuse
    - Divorce
    - War
    - Death

    4. Drunk driving laws can be very easily debated. There are many pros about the laws we have now but there are also many cons. These rules do not protect people 100%, there have been many deaths in the last few years because of these rules and people who decide to break them. Some of the laws we have now would prevent accidents but I think we should enforce and create new laws. I think this would be a very good debate topic. It is a topic that gives you many things to talk about and research.

  40. 1. Danielle Stowell 1/30/12 TT4

    2. Something stupid isn't something to take your anger out on.

    3. Share lesson learned with a partner.

    4. Controversial topics:
    1. Controlling your anger
    2. Bullys
    3. Drugs
    4. Drinking Alcohol
    5. Smoking underage
    6. Getting in fights
    7. Harming yourself
    8. Child abuse
    9. Murdering
    10. Animal Abuse.

    5. Animal Abuse could be used as a debate topic with Pro and Con. Pro would be saying "we should be able to abuse our animals because if they do something bad they should be punished for it". Con would say "No they shouldn't be punished for what they do I mean there only pets they don't know everything and why do people abuse their animals if they know abusing them is wrong"? Pro would say " because they should know better what not to do and what to do". Con says " well you have to teach them the right thing to do like not to go potty in your house, you have to train them to go outside and go potty. Animal abuse is really bad, I still don't get why people still do it?!

  41. 1. Henry Haidler, 1/30/12, MW2

    2. The past is the past you can't change it

    3. Shared

    4. 1.Anger management
    3.Alcohol Use
    5.Losing someone special
    6.Committing a crime
    5. I chose depression because it is a really big and important thing for me because I have severe depression and I know other people that have it too. I think it could be used in a debate because a lot of people overlook it because they don't really know what its like and how you feel when you have it. The feeling you have isn't something to joke around about depression isn't funny its a serious thing but some and most people don't really look at it as an important thing. It can leave deep scar mentally and physically it can affect the people around you too in many different ways. When people figure out that you have it sometimes help is worse and harder because people usually treat you different or call you names. When you have depression sadness and other emotions you feel are a lot stronger than another person without it its hard to stand sometimes. You could talk about a lot of different stuff about it because there is so much that people with depression can say and tell you that is really terrible about their life even if it might not seem like it to you. Depression is like the holes in the fence because it can leave deep scars everywhere throughout your life.

  42. 1. Elle Kennedy 1-31-12 TT2

    2. You can't change what you have done in the past

    3. Share with a partner

    4. -Getting into fights
    -Underage alcohol use
    -Teachers hitting students
    - Anger management
    -Watching what you say
    -Teachers being able to hit students
    -Child abuse/neglect
    -People not thinking before they do something
    -How to relieve anger without hurting others or yourself

    5. A controversial topic that could be used in a debate is underage alcohol use. When teenagers drink they don't pay attention to what is going to happen in the future. If they start drinking at a young age then they could become and alcoholic when they are older and their life would not be avery happy one. Another thing that could happen from underage drinking is you could kill yourself or another person. When you drink, you aren't thinking and most of the time when you are drinking at a younger age you aren't at home. So how do you get home? You drive of course, and driving under the influence is illegal and you could crash into any of your surroundings and kill yourself and others. So in the end, underage drinking is not smart and teenagers don't need to do it.

  43. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-27-12, TT2
    2. Always believe in yourself, you can conquer anything.
    3. Shared with my Brother
    1.) Discipline
    2.) Drug use
    3.) Letting legal immigrants cross the U.S Border
    4.) Bullying
    5.) Murder
    6.) Suicides
    7.) Abortion
    8.) Fighting
    9.) Child Abuse
    10.) Animal Abuse

    5. If I had to pick a topic I would pick drug use. The reason why I picked this is because when people reach the point of depression, they try some way to stop it. When people use drugs it affects them in many different ways. Drugs make them all loopy and crazy so their emotions are all over the place. Anyone that takes drugs can cause them to be abusive to anybody that is around them, and could cause more problems. The people think that the drugs could take away the depression, but all it does is cause more.

  44. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/29/12 TT2

    2. The past can't be changed.

    3. Share with a partner

    1. Bullying
    2. Physically hurting someone
    3. Emotionally hurting someone
    4. Not thinking before you act
    5. Saying something you didn't mean to say
    6. Taking your anger out on someone
    7. Keeping your emotions to yourself
    8. Expressing your emotions in a negative way
    9. Fighting with a family member
    10. Fighting with a friend

    5. It is important to think before you act or say something. If you say something mean or hurtful to someone, they aren't going to like you or trust you anymore. Thinking before you act is important because it can give someone a first impression of you. If you are mean or hurtful right off the bat, that person won't want to be friends with you. If you do think before you act and you are kind to someone when you first meet them, they will like you and you could be friends.

  45. 1. Jordan Danko 1/29/12 TT2

    2. LL: Mistakes are memories made


    4. 1.anger management
    5.child abuse
    6.animal abuse
    9.bad grades
    10.alcohol use

    5. Parenting skills are different for everyone. This could easily be used as a debate. Some Parents think children shouldn't be left alone until they are 14, others think children are capable of being alone at 10. A parent may think it's okay to let their child listen to what ever music they want, while others are strict and only let their children listened to music they have approved of. Sometimes parents judge other peoples parenting skills. What a parent thinks is okay for there child could not be okay for someone else's child because of there parenting skills. Over all, the way people parent there children is always different from the way other people parent there children.

  46. 1. Michael Yedinak/ TT2/ 1/31/12

    2. Don't take your anger out on other people. There are other ways.

    3. Shared with Steve.

    4. 1. Bullying
    2. Unhappiness
    3. Being stressful
    4. Smoking
    5. Obsession
    6. Death
    7. Not liking someone
    8. Other emotions
    9. Losing a friend
    10. Having a bad day

    5. Smoking- Some people believe smoking in public or just at home is okay and should be allowed. On the other hand some believe it is just plain wrong. This is because it ruins your life by making you obsessed and making you crazy! For the people that believe it is okay they could argue if it makes people happy then it should be allowed. Another thing the person would feel strong about is well it doesn't do anything to hurt other people. The other guy could state something like "I don't know about you, but if I am eating at a restaurant, I sure dislike others smoking right by me."

  47. 1. Eric Wolfe 1/31/12 TT2

    2. Don't make any hasty decisions.

    3. Shared with a partner

    4. A. Bullying
    B. Fighting
    C. Depression
    D. Losing a relationship
    E. Anger
    F. Hurting yourself
    G. Saying something you didn't mean
    H. Paranoia
    I. overreacting
    J. Plagiarism

    5. Overreacting could be used in a debate. A lot of the time, people overreact to the smallest of things. I've seen it happen before, and it happens a lot more than you think it would. It could be over something small like who gets the last cookie, or it could be about something big like a war thats about to start. Either way, we shouldn't overreact because we heard that something was going to happen when there's a chance that it wont happen.

  48. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-30-12. TT2.

    2. Whatever you do or say they are always there.

    3. Share with a partner

    2.Mental issues
    3. Emotional people
    4.Not listening
    5.Not eating correctly
    8.Seat Belts
    9.Anger issues
    10.How to say things like im sorry

    5. Not listening, I feel like he dosen't want to try to control himself or try to be a better listener. It seems like he dosen't understand that he needs to try to let go of little things that make him so mad. Even though, this is a good way to let your anger out and then he got to pull them out after but yet that scar is always gonna be in that wood. My aunt had a problem where she would listen to no one but her self, just wanted to be mrs.independent, and that did not get her far.

  49. 1. William McNamee 1/31/12 TT2

    2.Temper needs to be controlled.

    4. List of topics:
    1. seat belts.
    2. bullies in and out of school.
    3. rage quitting.
    4. Bad grades.
    5. Think before you speak.
    6. Stealing
    7. breaking rules
    8. fighting
    9. arguments
    10. Marriage

    5. When I thought of this story a little more in depth I knew it could be used for rage quitting. This story could be changed around so that every time that someone rage quits they would have to put a nail in the fence. Then when they go a day without rage quitting they can take one out. Then later the person who asked them to put the nail in the fence says "I see you've taken every nail out." Then the rage quitter says "yes I have but it took me a while". So then they ask "why did I do this." you did this to learn the lesson that you should always try your best before giving up. And also never give up because things are hard adapt and survive.

  50. 1. Maddie Haas 2TT 1-31-12

    2. Think before you talk.

    3. Shared with Caeley.

    1. Fighting
    2. Animal Rights
    3. Murder
    4. Seat belts
    5. War in Iraq
    6. Death Penalty
    7. Homeless Support
    8. Watching T.V.
    9. Breaking Promises
    10. Suicide

    5. I pick Animal Rights. Some people are prone to get angry often, but you cant take it out on someone. If you wouldn't take it out on a person, than you shouldn't take it out on a pet or animal. They can't defend themselves, you are the one who has to because no one else will. Pets are very vulnerable and don't do anything wrong most of the time. You can't just hit them or smack them or kick them if you don't feel good. You should find other means of getting out anger. Animals should have rights. Just because they can't talk and go to work, that doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Animals are very important because they give many people reasons to go on. They are mans best friend. So animals should have rights because they have feelings too.

  51. 1. Michael Hamilton 1-31-12 tt2

    2. liston to people and don't argo

    3. Share with a partner

    . 1.dugs
    7. family member die
    8.bad day
    9. smoking
    10. a friend passed on
    5. dug is my topic and dugs can kill you at a young age and you could be a dicid to them. some people do dugs when people are diving and you could get in a car aside and go to jail and get depress.

  52. 1. Caleb Hudson 1-31-12 TT2
    2.All scars are permanent and with them come memories
    4. topics
    a. an arsonist
    b. a mental person
    c. a judge
    d. a police officer
    e. a body guard
    f. seat belts
    g. plagiarism
    h. car accidents
    i. a thief
    j. a prisoner
    5. a body guard. this would be a good topic if there was a thief we could debate about wether it was worth it to have a body guard or a guard and why he did not stop the thief. but the body guard could have scared him off so he did not take as much. and you could have this debate in a court about how useful a body guard is. and why you need or don't need one. or talk about why did he not have enough body guards

  53. 1. Kyle Shehan, 1-31-12, TT2
    2.Think before you act
    3.Shared lesson learned with a partner
    4, 1 seat belts 2.When someone has committed homicide 3.A judge 4.A lawyer 5.bullying 6.doing drugs 7.smoking 8.drinking 9.Drunk driving 10. death
    5. Doing drugs can be used in a debate because even though you can stop you will be preeminently scared. Doing drugs is one of the worst things you can do with your live. It can kill you ar worse it can just messup your brain. Drugs have ruined so many good peoples lives that you can't even count. Drugs will kill you and it will ruin your life, don't go down that path.

  54. 1. Blake Lapum, 1/31/12, TT2
    2. Your past will always haunt you
    4.Ten topics:
    a. Seat belts
    b. Anger management
    c. Relationships
    d. Fighting
    e. Hurting someone (Physically or mentally)
    f. Drugs
    g. Gun control
    h. Bullying
    I. Death
    j. Divorce
    5. Drugs could be used in a debate. If someone who does drugs and somebody who doesn't do drugs get into it about drugs, there could be a strong debate. The person who like or approves of drugs might be defending it, while the person who doesn't do them or approve of them is attacking, or against drugs. Depending on how much the 2 know about drugs and all the different ones and things of that such, there could be a very big debate. One might argue that drugs make you feel good and it's your own choice, and the other person might says that they destroy relationships and are not good for you, let alone that their illegal. So as you can see, I think that drugs would be a very lively and thrilling debate.

  55. 1. Jade Cogar 1-31-12 TT2

    2. Watch what you do in the past because you can't change the future.


    4. 1. Anger.
    2. Seat Belts.
    3. Bully's.
    4. Family Problem's.
    5. Hurting Yourself.
    6. Drugs.
    7. Crime.
    8. Death.
    9. Losing A Relationship.
    10. Fighting With Your Best Friend.

    5. Drugs can be used for a lot of things like medical problems, and one of the bigest one's that I have heard is shooting them or even snorting them. People use them to make them look cool and make them think that they are all that because they use weed and all of those kind of drugs, but when kids use them at the age 12 they can get really sick and 55% of kids that are 10 years old have died using drugs that their friends said it wouldn't hurt them. Most of the drugs that they use can kill you in a week if you use it every day. Most of the kids out their in this world uses drugs so they can be cool at school and be cool a round your friend's, well just to let you know that you can die any day as soon you start doing drugs.

  56. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 1-31-12, T/T2
    2. Anger isn't just an emotion; it is a hurtful pain for families.
    3. Share with a partner
    4.Controversial Topics.
    A. Drinking and driving.
    B. Drug abuse.
    C. Child abuse.
    D. Eating disorders.
    E. Teen suicide.
    F. Smoking.
    G. Bullies.
    H. Cell Phones in school.
    I. Low-self esteem.
    J. PDA. (Public Displays of Affection.)
    5. Underage drinking, is a pretty serious thing. Teenagers are starting to get older, and they are starting to drink, and most of the teenagers starting to drink, are at about the age where they have their license, and that is creating teens to drink and drive. But it relates to this story, because if every time that, that teenager got drunk or even had one drink, they have to hammer a nail into the fence and every time that they stay sober, they pull a nail out, so that the kid will see how they left the holes, and marks in the fence and maybe that they'll realize that, that is the holes and marks that they leave in their family.

  57. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/27/12 TT2

    2. Anger isn't the answer.

    3. Share with a partner

    4. 1. Leaving scars. 2. Hurting others. 3. Drug abuse. 4. Underage drinking. 5. Teachers being able to use harsh punishments. 6. overreacting. 7. Bullying. 8. Sportsmanship. 9. Not staying true. 10. Abortions.

    5. Staying true can relate to this story. It relates to it because, every time you don't stay true that will make people loose trust for you. For example if someone trusted you with a secret and they didn't want you telling anyone and you told someone. That would make that person loose trust for you and they may not even want to be your friend anymore. Staying true is a strong thing, not only for the people your staying true to but also for you, it gives you one of those good reputations. When you stay true people will respect you and tell you so much more.

  58. 1. Heather Linn, 1/31/12, TT2

    2. Scars last forever


    4. a. Seat belts
    b. Death penalty
    c. Medical marijuana
    d. Helmet laws
    e. Animal abuse
    f. Drinking
    g. Hurting yourself
    h. Polotics
    i. Child abuse
    j. Temper

    5. "Amy stop!" I yelled.
    Ever since that day, nothing had ever been the same. I remember that night perfectly, and it still haunts me. Knowing that if I didn't come home from that party early, she would've been gone. Also, mom and dad were barely home, and if the were, they were in the back room drinking away their stress. I walked into her room, she was sitting in the corner, flipping thru pages of a book mom used to read us. "Amy?" I said softly. "I need you to do me a favor." She slowly looked up and nodded. "Well, I was thinking, instead of you...hurting yourself, you should try ripping a piece of paper, even if its out of that book every time you want to hurt yourself, rip the paper instead." She was silent for a while, but then nodded her head, and went back to the book. A couple weeks later, she came to me, and said that most of the book pages were gone, but she hasn't been ripping them lately. I said alright, now, for every day you don't want to hurt yourself, I want you to tape them back together. She nodded again, and went back to her room. A few days later, she came out smiling. She told me that they were all taped, and she's feeling better. I said good, but the paper is still ripped, no matter how much you try to patch it up, the scars will always be there. She knew what the lesson meant, and from that day on, she hasn't even frowned.

  59. There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.

    The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

    The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.”

    You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there. Author Unknown

    1. Darren Murray 1/31/12 TT2

    2. The lesson learned is that, if you do something that can affect others, you leave a scar even though your not affecting it anymore. It will be remembered from the day it happened to when that persons time to pass.

    3. Share with a partner

    4. Seat belts definitely.
    Smoking cigarets and other legal drugs.
    Use of burning Plastic.
    Killing a species that is already decreasing.
    Religious freedom without war.
    Sharing world wide, not acting as owning for one nation.
    The right to speak without violence.
    Act without violence.
    Judge without judgment.

    5. Judge without judgment, well judging something or someone without judgment of racist or sexist remarks is a simple task. Racial remarks are not only offensive, wars are mostly started by this encounter with different races. Sexist is very rude and is not showing equal in the two genders. Like how men get paid more than woman, even though I'm a man I still disagree with the fact of this is a law. And how colored people were treated like dogs before Mr. Luther King Jr. stood up and spoke, and we all thank him for that, but he was killed because whites disagreed. But didn't the Declaration of Independence say equal rights for everyone? But yet the people with colors were less powerful as whites. That shows a little on what the debate between, Judge without Judgment.

  60. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 31/1/12, TT2

    2. LL- The things you say and do can really hurt and can leave a wound that will never heal like don't underestimate the dissesses that a certain person may have.

    Controversial Topics-
    1. Anger towards a friend
    2. Fighting with a parent (disrespectful)
    3. Bullying another person (harmful)
    4. Getting into a fight with another peer
    5. Drug addicted
    6. Yelling at people
    7. Holding in your emotions
    8. Getting into an argument with siblings
    9. Losing something or someone that you loved in this life that will never return after loss
    10. Diabetes

    This story is a true story based on me .Now shall I begun my tragedy.I was eight years old ,it was a beautiful sunday morning,the sun was shining as bright as a star,the flowers were blooming ,every thing was just the way we planned it would be .When I was getting ready to go to my tuition center,suddenly my father called me upstairs .I ran as fast as lightning ,as soon as reach upstairs he was lying on the bed and asking me a cup of glucose after he finished drinking that cup he requested me another cup of glucose so my maid made one more cup and I rushed it upstairs as fast as lightning and gave it to him.As soon as I went up,my mom called me and I have to go to my tuition center.She drove me there.As soon as she came home, she called my father and there was non response.She went upstairs and saw that she that he was lying down on the bed, and that was the end.Meanwhile, I was at tuition studding, and as soon as I finished my lessons my tuition tutor sent me to my home and as soon as I reached there I saw many people and shoes outside and inside my dad's bedroom.As soon as I went upstairs I saw that the day had come for him to say goodbye.

  61. 1. Charlotte nowaczyk

    2. If you hurt someone you can never take it back just like the scars on the fence.

    3. Shared with a partner

    1. Act without violence.
    2. Eating disorders
    3. Hurting your self.
    4. Child abuse
    5. Underage Drinking
    6. Depression
    7. Smoking
    8. Breaking the law
    9. Bullying
    5. Underage drinking can be very dangerous, because you could get reckless and get behind a wheel and do something that you will regret in the morning you are harming your self and possibly others, They start to drink because they think that the drinking law is useless but would you rather enjoy your teen years, or have a hangover every day that you wake up? This relates to the story because every time they drink they nail a whole in a fence every time there sober they take one out. And when there all out you will see the scars you left on you and others and the fence you realize the damage you could have done.

  62. 1. Josh Mick 1/30/12 TT4

    2. If you do something wrong, you don't want to be the fence getting a nail jammed in you, It would hurt!

    3. Share with a partner

    4. Use you're seat belt
    Get out you're anger with a fence
    The kindness
    Don't judge people on how they look
    Be respectful
    Bring justice to the haters

    5.Bringing justice to the haters could be used in a debate because of how rude people are. They are what we call trolls. They mock you in anyways possible and it needs to be debated on. People mostly troll on the internet because of the fact that they feel left out in society or they are made fun of at school a lot and now they make fun of you. THEY HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!

  63. 1. Lexi Cox, 1/31/12, TT4

    2. Everything you do leaves a mark.

    3. Share with a partner

    4. This anecdote could be used for a topic on Drugs, Drinking/Driving, Helmet laws, Rain Forest/Deforest, Smoking in public, Second Hand Smoke, Animal Rights, Animal Testing, Environment Issues
    or Piracy (video/music).

    5. Helmet laws could be used in a debate because there is many people who are strongly pro or strongly con on this topic. Every year there is a very high number of people who die. Not wearing a helmet when you ride a motorcycle can add to the number of people who pass away. If a person is going out and having fun with a vehicle like this and they are not using a helmet and get into a bad accident where they hit their head or get hit my another motor vehicle it can be fatal. Wearing a helmet is not guaranteed to save your life but it can have a huge impact on how serious your injuries are. Other people disagree and say that the people who are risking their lives driving on dangerous roads or even getting on one in the first place already have a huge risk of injury and might as well not wear a helmet. They could also say that people who do drive these vehicles need to be sure that they know enough about what they are doing so they wont get into an accident and no injuries will happen at all. Helmet laws are very controversial and a great topic to debate about.

  64. 1. Josephine Parke 1/31/12 TT4

    2. Words Hurt Too

    3. Share

    seat belts
    using violence
    wearing a helmet
    using guns
    medical marijuana
    death penalties

    5. "No, Stop! please don't do it" I said as she picked up the lighter. "please don't do this anymore. you need to stop it is hurting you and your life would be much better without it" i said as she put the medical marijuana down. "you are over your sickness and you are just hurting yourself and its making you sicker, think of what would happen if i lost you. where would i be in life without my sister? you are my best friend, and a huge role model for me. Is this how you want me to end up some day?" i yelled at her as she stood up to tell me to leave her rom. "Casca please" i said in a quiet voice. "at least if you don't will you do one thing for me? and she replied "what?"... "every time that you want to smoke rip a photo in half" and she stood there for a second looking at me like i was crazy, "will you? for me" and she nodded her head and shut the door in my face. About a week later i heard a knock on my bedroom door and it opened "hey sis" i said as my sister walked is "thank you" she said in a calm voice." you helped me with my addiction and i haven't smoked in almost a week" as she smiled and walked out, but before she had time to shit the door i said " do you want to do me one more favor?" she replied "yes, I would love to". "every day that you go without smoking tape one picture back together" and she did. about a month later she came to me and said "they are all taped back up" and i said "good job! now bring me the photos that you ripped". and she went into her room and got them " look at this" i said " look at all these good pictures, all though they are taped together they still have rips in them and they will never be the same again" and she looked down at the with a sad face and said nothing "do you see what marijuana does to you it rips you apart piece by piece and even if you stop you will never be the same again.

  65. 1. Heidi Siemon 1-31-12 TT4
    2. What you say or do makes an impact.
    3. Shared with Paul.
    4. -Anger Management
    -Self Control
    -Helping People
    -Learning Lessons
    -Impact you have on others
    -Impact on yourself
    -Drug use
    5. When someone you love is using drugs, it hurts you, and everyone around you. Its like the fence. What the person is doing is leaving little holes in you. You love them and do not want to see them like that. Its like the boy losing his temper in the story, but the person using just lost control. Every time you hear about someone you love or someone in your community that is using drugs or even dieing because of them, makes an impact on you, like the holes in the fence.

  66. 1. Julianna Welling 1/31/12 TT4
    2. When you do something it always leaves a mark in their soul
    3. Share with a partner
    1. helmet laws
    2. second had smoke
    3. driving age
    4. drugs
    5. war in Afghanistan
    6. vegetative state patients
    7. full body scans
    8. piracy
    9. animal testing
    10. death penalty
    5. Vegetative state patients could be used in a debate. You could say that it is not right to keep them hear when they are almost dead and have no chance of life and do nothing. I would think that would want to go somewhere better, or maybe there soul is already gone went some where and it is just a body being keep alive by a machine. They could say that it is just wasting the money to keep them alive and spend it on someone who has hope to stay and be walking around and really live. The doctors watching over them could be somewhere else and save someone else. On the other side you could say there is always hope and what if they find something new to help. Some people could be very hurt and they would never give up on their family. Think about it would you if your mom, dad, brother sister anyone would you give up on them.

  67. 1.Steven Nichols
    2.not doing one thing can change your life like if you dont wear your seat belt the your kid wont know there dad.
    3.second hand smoke
    driving age
    gun control
    terrorist or criminal
    full body scans
    icams public
    school prayer
    death penalty

    4. Drugs Because of you over dose you can die and your kid wont know there dad or mom. I is not healthy for you ether. You shouldnt do drugs for fun only if there prescribed as a medican for a ilness.

  68. 1.Sam Hall

    2.There are consequences for every action, no matter how small.

    3. I shared it.

    I: Drugs
    II: PDA
    III: Cell Phones in School
    IV: Piracy (video & music)
    V: Smoking in Public
    VI: Drinking & Driving
    VII: Gun Control
    VIII: Death Penalty
    IX: Skateboards in Public
    X: Plagiarism

    5.For Drinking and Driving:

    A man had a habit of turning to alcohol for his problems. One night he was driving dangerously through a neighborhood near his house. One of the local police officers pulled him over to the side of the street and got out of the car. A quick breathalyzer test proved that the man was way over the safe level of intoxication while driving. This had been the man's third offense. The next morning when the man's wife came to pick him up from the county police station, the officer who had brought him in stood up next to the door, he said “Carl, I want you to do something for me, I wan't you to pound a nail into the side of your garage every time you come home drunk.” Carl looked up at him and nodded.

    A year later Carl had a total of three hundred and twenty five nails in the side of his garage. As the years went on the number of nails in the side of the building began to decrease, you see, Carl was getting tired of buying a new box of nails every month. So one day the police station was visited by a clean shaved, well dressed, and sober Carl. Carl told the officer there that he had gone two weeks without pounding a nail into the side of the garage. “Good,” said the officer, “Now every day you come home sober, I want you to pull a nail out of your garage.” Carl willingly obliged and soon the garage was totally clear of any nails. The police officer had been patrolling the neighborhood, and had pulled into Carl's driveway as he pulled out the last nail. “Look,” said Carl, “No nails!” The police officer sat in the cop car, looking stern, “Fine, but look at all those holes, those are the scars you leave on yourself and your family every time you get yourself drunk, no matter how much wood filler you pour in those holes, that garage is never going to look the same.”

  69. There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.

    The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

    The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.”

    You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there. Author Unknown

    1. Devin bryant tt4 1/31/11

    2. everything you do can leave a scar on someones life

    3. Share with a partner

    4. belts
    1. somking
    2. drinking
    3. fihgting
    4. eating disorters
    5. suicides
    6. murder
    7. bullying
    8. forclosures
    9. hospital diagnosis
    10. crime

    5. murder coukld be used in a debate because someone could go kill s child there parents grandparents would have to live with that sadness for the rest of there lives and they would have every one feeling bad for them and talking about them witch would not be my choice of things there also could be deprestion the parent could comit suicide witch would also lead to a misconduct and a train of deaths.

  70. There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.

    The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

    The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.”

    You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there. Author Unknown

    1. Olivia Sdao Jan/31/2012

    2. The lession lerd is that you can do any thing with help and modivation. Also people can change, so don't give up on them.

    4. -smoking
    -under age drinking
    -full body scanes
    -deadly drugs
    -under age sex
    -suisde thoughts
    5. I would choise drugs

  71. 1. Jake Belford 1/31/12 tt2

    2. Anger leaves scares that dont go away.

    3. Share with a partner.

    4. 10 controversial topics are seat belts, smoking, drinking, bullying, hurting yourself, loosing your job, drinking and driving, fighting with a loved one, and bad grades.

    5. I chose the topic of seat belts because my dad doesnt like to wear them all the time. This could be used in a debate by telling the con that the person not wearing a seatelt could die in an accident which make that persons family very sad. In a debate the con would say that it was that person choice and it should be a right because not wearing a seat belt is not hurting anybody which is following the rights that were made for the citizens of the U.S.A.

  72. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 1/28/12, MW4
    2. You can't go back to fix the past.
    4. 10 controversial topics for this anecdote could be animal rights, drug abuse, war, politics, bullying, wearing seat belts, child abuse, divorce, obesity, pollution, getting in a fight with someone, using drugs under age, and drinking under age.
    5. A good topic to use in a debate would be wearing seat belts. That is a really good topic because it's against the law but people still don't wear their seat belts. If they were to be cought not wearing a seatbelt they could get in trouble with the police. But not only could you get in trouble with the law, you could get hurt. You could get hurt by getting into a accident. Maybe you wouldn't get hurt though, but the person you hit would. That would be terrible. The main purpose for the seatbelt is so that if you happen to get into an accident you won't go out of the window of the front of the car. Once the car stops your body will still want to move forward, so the seatbelt keeps you from moving forward. That's why the seatbelt is so important.

  73. 1. Charlotte nowaczyk

    2. If you hurt someone you can never take it back just like the scars on the fence.

    3. Shared with a partner

    1. Act without violence.
    2. Eating disorders
    3. Hurting your self.
    4. Child abuse
    5. Underage Drinking
    6. Depression
    7. Smoking
    8. Breaking the law
    9. Bullying
    5. Underage drinking can be very dangerous, because you could get reckless and get behind a wheel and do something that you will regret in the morning you are harming your self and possibly others, They start to drink because they think that the drinking law is useless but would you rather enjoy your teen years, or have a hangover every day that you wake up? This relates to the story because every time they drink they nail a whole in a fence every time there sober they take one out. And when there all out you will see the scars you left on you and others and the fence you realize the damage you could have done.

  74. 1. Paul Anguish 1/31/12 TT5
    2. time heals all wounds but it leaves a big scar
    3. Share with a partner
    3. 1.murder
    1. death seantce
    1. vandalism
    2. suicide
    3. medical care
    4. child abuse
    5. drug use
    6. schooling
    7. negligence
    8. emotions
    9. kidnapping
    5. I chose negligence. As my topic.
    You could use it as a story to show the adunce that when the parents want to get rid of the child they just don't leave you at home they make the poor kid hammer nails in to a fence all day and when he is done he probity gets beat because they are not in a steright line. Te fact that theyu trust a little child with a hammer and nails

  75. 1. Joshua Helm/1-30-12/MW2

    2. Once pain is dealt it can not be forgiven

    Fighting with teacher
    Fighting with Parent
    Fighting with friends
    Fighting with Family
    Underage drinking
    Emotional conflict
    Heartbreaks that don't heal
    Underage Sex
    Underage Driving

    5. I would pick Fighting with Family. My Family personally is full of conflict, it is like a warzone sometimes. With all the issues with it, I have full experience dealing with it. It is not easy nor fun to deal with this. It can ruin close relationships in the family's bond.

  76. 1. Nick Norman MW2 1/30/12 Repost
    2.Anger doesn’t solve anything

    Think before you act
    Sorry can mean a lot
    Watch what you say
    Anger Management
    Being against Temper
    Learn to walk away
    Don’t do stupid things
    Learn from your mistakes
    5. Thinking before you act. That can be a big problem. If you don’t think, you won’t know what comes out of your mouth and it can either get you in trouble, or it can help you out. A lot of the times it will be against you. If your in an argument and your about to say something but you know it would be the wrong thing to do. Then think before and say to yourself “Should I really say this? Or should I just walk away?” If you think before you act, it will be a great lesson, and an advantage.
    In a debate this could be used very well as a topic. He father said " When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one is very inspiring. Someone could be debating about it and saying you can say sorry after what you did, but it still hurts and it still leaves a scar. Just like the nails in the fence. But other people could say you can fix the fence, which is true but how would you be able to fix a person?

  77. 1. Tyler Pruneau 2/16/12 mw4

    2. Scars last forever.


    4.A Bully's
    B. Hurting someone mentally
    C. Alchole
    D. Losing a relationship
    E. Hurting yourself
    F.Saying things you didn't mean
    H. Becoming angry at something or someone that has done you did wrong or that they did wrong.
    I. Bottled up emotions
    j. Drugs.

    5. I would pick drugs and alcohol because drugs have no feeling and no emotions what makes you think you have to be addicted to them. People do not know what they are doing these daysstarting to drink, and most of the teenagers starting to drink, are at about the age where they have their license, and that is creating teens to drink and drive. But it relates to this story, because if every time that, that teenager got drunk or even had one drink, they have to hammer a nail into the fence and every time that they stay sober, they pull a nail out, so that the kid will see how they left the holes, and marks in the fence and maybe that they'll realize soon before they're life gets really messed up.

  78. There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.

    The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

    The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.”

    You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there. Author Unknown

    1. Devin Bryant ††4

    2. small things help

    3. Share with a partner

    4. bulling
    anger management
    professional fighters

    5. anger management i could use in the debate by saying if you do small things it will take you on a long path to recovery

  79. 1. Eric Wolfe 3/4/12 TT2
    2. You can't change the past
    3. Share with a partner

    4. 1. Drinking
    4.Mistakes are like scars
    5.You cant change the past

    5. Bullying could be used in a debate by apologizing to the people you have hurt so you can stop bullying.

  80. 1. Tyler Pruneau 3/12/12 mw4
    2. I learned that its easier stay calm and not get mad instead of making other people around you mad or hurt.

    3. Shared with a partner.

    2.Driving age.
    5.How you treat people.
    6.Medical marjuana.
    8.Animal abuse.
    10.Drinking Alcohol.

    5. Medical marijuana I believe helps people because you can relive stress,help you sleep,help you get hungry,smoke opens up your lungs.
    Medical marijuana is mainly used to treat over 250 medical conditions and also can make your mood happy or too calm.

  81. 1. Danny Higgins/3-26-12/ TT4

    2. "Some scars can never heal."

    3. Share with a partner

    4. a. anger problems.
    b.bullying problems
    c.being mean to a sibling
    e.problems with fighting in school
    f.physical punishment and/or abuse
    g. a spouse beating up on another spouse
    h.anger management
    j. nervous breakdown

    5. It can be used in a debate about child abuse. The pro or con side could say that when a parent abuses a child. the reason could just be that they have a bad temper. True, this is a bad example in this case. But, it could be possible that the parent could just have anger management problems, so they could have gotten so angry they didn't know what they were doing.
