Friday, January 6, 2012

Blog Anecdote 5 - The Chair

"An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final exam after a semester dealing with a broad array of topics. The class was already seated and ready to go when the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on top of his desk and wrote on the board:

"Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that this chair does not exist."

Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour attempting to refute the existence of the chair. One member of the class however, was up and finished in less than a minute.

A week later when the grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how he could have gotten an "A" when he had barely written anything at all.

His answer consisted of two words: "What chair?""Author Unknown

1. Name/Date/Hour

2. Develop a short concise Lesson Learned.

3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

4. Rewrite this anecdote - the environment will be a party. Use two to three paragraphs telling the story and use dialogue.


  1. 1. Matt Strong 1/19/11 MW2

    2. Think outside the box.

    4. There once was a party going on. The music was loud, people were having fun in the pool and in the house. Some people were watching a movie, others were eating food and drinking pop, and everyone was having a good time.
    Then a sudden turn in the party came. One man stood up. "Who's green car is in my lawn!?" He said in a very furious tone. "The engine is smoking and destroying the grass!" Another man ran to the front door where he saw his car in the lawn."Hey. Is that your car in my lawn?" The angry man said."No. No it is not." The Man said. "Get it off my lawn!" He yelled. Two of his friends came over."Hey what's wrong?" The friend said."This guy's car is in my lawn!" He blurted. His other friend looked at him. "What car?"He remarked. "The car right there in the bushes. Don't you see it" He announced. "All I see is perfectly cut green grass. Nothing else"

  2. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 1-19-12
    2. Don't over think something.
    3. The person who got an A did not over think the question they just wrote a simple 2 words.

    4. A party was going on down the street for my soccer team, so I decided to go. "I can't believe we lost some of the games we did" I said to my friend Mo.
    "Yes I know, but we still did pretty good." she said. Our whole team was there and we were just talking about our season. We were not always the smartest players sometimes we would think too much about plays and hold on and dribble for too long. It really is a simple game, soccer isn't it? No it's more complex then you think. The key is to not think. "We have to pass off sooner." Said Mo.
    "We can get around the players though we should dribble" Alex replied.
    "Guys, we need the soccer ball to move up the field, we should use some more give and go's." I said to everyone. I really don't know how were a team we have way different ideas. For a few minutes everybody was talking about what we should do for our next season. Coach was running late, but finally he walked through the door. He was holding a soccer ball and said that he had a challenge. Everyone likes a challenge so we said bring it on. At that point coach took the ball and sat it on the floor.
    "Explain to me why this ball does not exist." He said. Everyone began talking over each other and trying to figure out how it doesn't exist.
    "But coach it does exist it's sitting right there." That was Annie's idea.
    "WHAT BALL?" shouted Louisa. She's the one who thinks that we should just play the game and stop trying to think of things to do. She was right we should just let the game flow and not think too much about it. Everybody was racking their brains with different theories they had learned in science. Louisa was the winner, she didn't think about the question very much and that was just what coach wanted.

  3. Sam Love 1/19/12 mw2

    2. Don't over think things.

    4. The basketball game had ended about 45 minutes ago, with a victory people we having party's everywhere. The man opened the door, lights blazing, music on full blast shaking the house, and people everywhere! he was greeted immediately by owner of the house telling him, "food and drinks are in the kitchen, to the left make yourself at home."

    The man walked around after getting a glass of pop and was holding a hot dog in his other hand. He sat down on the couch where another game was on the T.V. After about 10 minutes he stood up and said "listen up! Everybody listen up!" The music dimmed down. The man stepped on the couch, "I have a question for all of you. Someone prove to me that this hot dog does not exist." The crowd talked among themselves, no one seeming to know. One man in the back squeezed through the crowd and said "Because your going to eat!" The man shook his head. A girl walked out of the kitchen, and said "What hotdog?" The man on the couch applauded now that is the answer.

  4. 1. Nick Norman 1-19-12 MW2
    2. Little effort can get you far.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. My friend had texted me to come to a party. He had said there were a lot of people and that I knew a lot. So, I got in my car and drove to the house. When I got there, I was looking around for him. Some person asked me if I knew where the soda was. I said " No, I just got here, sorry". and he walked away.
    I finally found him and the he introduced me to the party host. The same person was asking everyone where these "chips" were. I guess he really wanted to find them. He was so worried about it he told everyone (about 100 people) to stop and look for them. Since he would stop bugging them they said okay and we all looked.
    My friend asked the guy " what were these chips called?" He said "he forgot but they were orange." One guy after about 45 minutes of looking said " why can't we just go buy more if you worried." Everyone was mad because they didn't think of that idea way before when they fist started looking. So they guy went to the store and the party continued.

  5. 1.Kira D'Agostino 1/19/12 MW2
    2. Don't over think simple things.
    3. McKenzie. Because the man simply said what chair. He didn't over think the situation and yet he had the correct answer.
    4. The house was booming with music. There was alcohol everywhere making it a senior party. Alex was dragged along, she didn't really want to go. She was never part of the cool crowd or part of any crowd. When she arrived she saw that everyone was drunk and some were sleeping in the middle of the floor. Alex carefully danced around the peoples body to get to her friends who were calling her name.
    When she had gotten close enough her friend Abby said "Alex I am trying to convince them that there's not a beer bottle on that table!" Alex said nothing,then her other friend piped up "Everything that takes up space is matter and matter is something we can see." This was obviously a heated argument in which Alex did not want to be a part of. "No, no it is a bottle because I can touch it." "That says nothing about whether it's there or not."
    Alex was bored she wanted to go home and this was clearly for the cool seniors, someone like her didn't belong here. She slipped away from the conversation, and just before she was out the door someone grabbed her arm and yanked her back inside. It was Abby, she was questioning her absence. "I want to go home and this party is not fun to me." Alex pleaded. Abby looked sad, she looked back up to Alex "Ok you can leave but you have to answer the question we were all asking." She was pulled back over to were she had escaped, she starred at the bottle. After five minutes she turned around and walked to the door, Abby came running after her and grabbed her arm "well?" Alex turned around and exclaimed "What bottle?" and left with Abby at the door frozen. That was the last time she was ever going to a party for a long time.

  6. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski/1-19-12/MW2
    2. A little goes a long way.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. Everyone in town got an invitation to a party Sally, The richest person in town, was throwing at her house on Monday. On the back of the invitation, there was a portion talking about a contest going on at the end of the party. If the person could solve the riddle, they would win $50,000. That was the motivation that got everyone to go.
    Everyone got there and partyed for 3 hours, crowded by everyone else in town. All of a sudden, Sally came out in a beautiful red dress and rang a bell. "Attention please," she yelled. "Now, are you ready for a chance to win $50,000!!!". All throughout the crowd you could hear, "YES!!!!!". "Okay," she yelled back. She grabbed on to a bottle of water and held it up high for everyone to see. "Tell me how this bottle of water doesn't exist."
    All you heard was mumbles that slowly turned into yelling of answers. Most of them were ridiculous guesses like "it's too small to count it as..... something". Then, a small girl came to the front of the crowd and said, "What bottle of water?" That little girl walked home with $50,000.

  7. LeAnn Howe MW2 1-19-12

    2. Don't over think things.

    4. It was a typical Friday night. I invited a bunch of my friends over to my house to hang out. The radio was on and we were all sitting on the couch. We had a bunch of snacks and pop. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. One of the girls suggested that she was bored and wanted to play a game. Chloe suggested, "Ok I have an idea. Tell me how this bag of chips doesn't exist."
    All you could hear was the music. No one understood the question. It was obvious that the bag of chips was sitting on the table right in front of our faces. Sara went on saying,"Well, if your blind, you wouldn't know the chips were there." I interrupted her with a long speech about how the chips and the bag were made up of tiny particles that were microscopic. But, that ended up going nowhere.
    My mom walked into the room and asked what we were debating about. Chloe repeated the question,"Tell me how this bag of chips doesn't exist." It only took her three seconds to say the right answer was. "What bag of chips?" The room went completely silent and Chloe had a big smile on her face.

  8. Riley Hafner MW2 1/18/12

    LL- How can we say what exists and does not exist

    It was friday and Sarah had just set up the finishing touches for her party. Music was playing and the food was all set out. With her parents gone for the weekend it was easy enough to plan everything and not have to worry about how crazy things got. At around 9:00 people began to show up at Sarah's house. It was fun having all her friends around. The one thing that she noticed was that her best friends, Nick and Jenna, had not yet shown up. She decided to not worry about it.
    Sarah was chatting with a few people when the doorbell rang. She ran and opened the door and to her surprise it was Josh, the guy she had had a massive crush on since 5th grade. She let him in and as the party went on Nick and Jenna showed up. When they went over to Sarah so that they could hang out Josh looked at Sarah and said, "Do you hear something?" Sarah was so absorbed in being around Josh, who had never even taken notice of her until the party, that she said, "No. Nothing." Jenna and Nick stared at Sarah in shock as her and Josh walked into the kitchen to get something to drink.
    In the next few days after the party Sarah tried again and again to talk to her two best friends. She had no idea why they wouldn't speak to her. She would text them and call them and on Monday when she saw them in school, they wouldn't even take a second look at her. Finally at lunch she went straight up to them and said, "Why have you guys been avoiding me?" They both looked at her in disbelief and were shocked that he had no memory of what she had done. It took them both a minute to calm down seeing as they both wanted to explode in her face. Jenna looked at her and said, "At your party you totally blew us off. You were so absorbed in Josh that you didn't even want to spend time with us." To that nick added, "Yeah, and now look. He hasn't even said one word to you at all today. You spent all your time with some jerk and left your best friends hanging." Sarah realized she had done wrong and that she had hurt her friends. "Im really sorry you guys. Your right. I got so caught up in just being around him and talking to him when I should have been having fun with you two." In the end, when the next party came around, Sarah didn't blow off her friends and she never pretended that they didn't exist.

  9. 1. Zack Fuller/1-19-12/Mw2

    2. Dont over think simple ideas.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. 3-2-1 Happy new year. You the clock just stroke 12 and it is the new year there is many wishes to have a great year and people celebrating with a bang. then people wear dancing to music that was playing. Someone was saying " prove to me this chair does not exist".
    People argued about it they were felling it and touching it and sitting down. The party could not get what to do. People were auguring for 2 or 3 hours about it. But when someone woke up after hearing the back and forth screaming at each other. The man simply put "what chair?" The whole party was dead silent. Everyone looked at him and said thats it. "what chair"? When we were auguring for hours it took him less than 5 minutes to come up with that. He said" people over think simple ideas." Then again people want to know more.

  10. 1.Megan Gunderson Jan 19 MW2
    2.Don't over think things
    4.It was my eleventh Birthday party. I was at Stake and Shake with my friends. We were all having a good time enjoying our burgers. Kelly, my best friend and I were talking about how we wish we could have super powers. I said "If I could have one power it would be to make things disappear.""Kelly replied well anyone can do that."I was confused I couldn't make things disappear I was human not superman.
    Kelly said "try to make that cup not be there.""Prove that your sprite doesn't exist."I came up with the fact that you could see right through the glass and the sprite. I went into so many details but kelly just saying nope thats not right. I was frustrated so said "Belle, how do I make this cup disappear.Belle said"what cup?""The one right there in front of me" I exclaimed.""How do I make is disappear?". Belle laughed and said "what cup?"
    I finally got it! She was acting like she didn't see the cup. I felt kind of dumb, but it was funny that I couldn't think of that. Kelly, Belle, and I had a good laugh about It. Sometimes you don't have to over think things. I was approaching the question the wrong way. I was trying to use science, when Belle just used logic. In the end you don't need to spend time trying to come up with these long explanations, just make it short,sweet, and to the point.

  11. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 1/18/12

    2. What really exists.

    4. In a hyped party will hundreds of kids crowding around, they are not really thinking at all. When one curious guy asks an unusual question that most people would just think over. He says at first, "Think about what were doing, the times we are creating." Everyone stares at him puzzled with really nothing to say to such a strange outburst. A lot of the teens just walk away because there to stubborn to listen in.

    The man then says,"Look at the T.V. over there and tell me why that doesn't exist."A group of thirty or so people look over at it as the man does. Everyone starts to blurt out random answers. Some even go into mouth fulls of reasons and in details why this T.V. doesn't exist. The man just stares at the ground thinking, hoping that one of the people in the group will understand.

    He tells everyone to stop and think about it to themselves for a while. But as he said so a kid in the corner of the room without another word says, "What T.V.?"The man in the front of the room glances toward him, raises his finger in his direction and develops a small grin on his face.

  12. 1. Malorie Moen 01/19/12 MW2

    2. When you think about something too much, it won't allow you to see the actual point.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. At a pool party, a group of people were trying to see who is truly the smartest person there. They had a smart contest. The host wanted to do something fun, and confusing to people. There was going to be a prize to give away to the winner.

    "We are going to start a contest to see who is the smartest. Everyone must try to do this. Prove that the beach ball doesn't exist." The host explained.

    As soon as she said that, one person kicked the beach ball. Another person popped it. The last person said, "What beach ball?"

    "You are the smartest person here, you proved that the beach ball doesn't exist." She said to the girl who asked, "what beach ball?" The host gave the winner a prize.

    "What is it?" The girl asked, when she was getting the prize.

    "It's a gift card that doesn't exist," Said the host, as they both laughed about it.

  13. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/19/12

    2. Things might be their but you just can't see them.

    4. Their were people wearing party hats pinatas hanging from trees cake on tables and candy in bags all over the backyard. After they had cake and opened gifts and the mom asked every kid their to right something to the birthday person so everybody grabbed a pen and paper and started to right and they were their for 15 minutes but one person was done in less than a minute. So when every body got done she picked the best one and it was the one that took less than a minute and the people were wondering how it was the best one.

    Then when she told them how many words were on it they were like how is that the best? Then the kids were all mad and they were like but mine had a lot more than that and then she explained to them why this was the best one.

    She said that it was the best one because is was simple and didn't have a lot of other things in it like that you are the best friend etc. When she said the two words that were on the paper " Happy Birthday " kids were like wow why did I not think of that. Then when everybody left they said nothing else then " Happy Birthday " and thank you

  14. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 1/19/12

    2. Believe what you want to believe

    4. A popular kid named Jim was having a huge party at his house that had almost half of the whole school at. Everyone was all hanging out and having fun at his party. People were watching tv, people were outside playing catch with a football people were also just sitting on the couch inside and were hanging out and talking to each other. Jim thought the party was going off the cliff. He thought it was becoming boring, so he yelled "Hey everyone come inside and go in the family room if you are not already in here!
    Everyone all came from different places that they were originally at and everyone all gathered around. One of Jim's best friends, John, said " Jim, what are we going to do?" Everyone just stood there for a second quiet while Jim was thinking and then he replied
    " Well it seemed like this party was getting boring so how about we all play a game"
    Another kid says "What game are we gonna play?"
    Jim said " We are all going to play a game that you will all will be guessing. This is how it works, First I am going to show you an object and I want you guys to try to convince me that it does not exist. Who ever convinces me that it does not exist I will give you twenty dollars. Does everyone understand what were doing?"
    Everyone nodded and said "yeah."
    Jim pulls out something out of his pocket, he pulled out his cell phone. Everyone started saying things like " There is not a phone in your hand right now" and " That is not a cell phone in your hand it is an banana." Everyone was saying things like that. It had been 5 minutes and Jim was still standing there waiting for the right response. His younger brother was upstairs but had came downstairs to get a drink of water and he had heard what was going on. His little brother said "What cell phone? You have never had a cell phone before."
    Jim stopped and looked at his brother and walk towards him and gave him the $20 he was going to give a winner. His little brother smiled and walked away. All the other people stood there silent, but then started talking and the party started up again of what they were doing.

  15. 1. Matt Pankow, MW2, 1-19-12

    2. if it doesn't appear than is it really invisible


    4. There he was, sitting on the couch all by him self. No one at the party even realized that he existed, until now. It was a warm summer night. Joey went to the door and paused for a second and thought to himself, "are these really my friends, do i really belong with these people" he got over thinking that and decide to ring the doorbell. He could here the bell ring from outside but it was kinda hard to hear it because of the loud music, then suddenly he heard the door lock click and the door began to open. There was someone in the door way!

    Standing there in the doorway was his friend Jordan, "where have you been Joe" said Jordan "oh um..... i was eating dinner. Their was a slight pause then Jordan invited joe in. Joe was one of those type of guys who were freaks about the nature of the word and how stuff was made, i guess you could call him a science geek. Once he took his first step in the party came to a slight stop and everyone to a brief look at him and went back to partying. Once got inside he took his shoes off and decide to take a seat. Sense he was really into science he was always thinking but then some of his thinking came out his mouth " Jordan, prove that this couch i'm sitting on doesn't exist". Jordan sat with a blank expression for sec then answered " what couch". Joe was surprised that Jordan answered like that and began to smile. Jordan smiled back and the rest of the night was great for Jordan and Joey.

  16. 1. Joshua Helm/1-19-12/MW2

    2. To prove something exists, you must believe it is there.

    4. At this party, The Parents sent the young kids on a Snipe hunt. Nobody knew what a snipe was so they looked through the woods trying to find something different. But Then, a Mammal like creature emerged from the bushes. It had bird feathers, Moose Horns, and made a little noise that sounded like, "Snipe, Snipe, SNIPE!"
    We Yelled trying to alert the others we found one. They came to us saying, "What Happened?" or, "What's Going on?" and we had shown them the Snipe, Everyone looked shocked except one person who looked confused. We asked him, "What's Wrong it's right in front of you, Can't you see the Snipe?" He looked at me for a moment, stared me dead in the eye and said "What Snipe?"

  17. 1. Halle Chiarelli / 01-19-12 / MW2

    2. It takes more than just a good strategy to be smart.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. The house was shaking with the wrath of the blaring music. The front yard was filled with trash and plastic cups. It seems as though, the teenagers carried the party inside because of a heavy downpor of cold rain. While inside the teenagers were dancing to the music and having a good time, Charlie , the boy who lives there gathered a group of his friends. " Who can prove that this couch I am sitting on does not exist?" His friends looked at him like he was crazy.

    Out behind a crowd of people, came this blonde boy, he looked like a very intelligente guy. He looked Charlie in the eyes and asked " What couch?" All of the other guys and girls looked at him like they had just seen a glimpse of Michael Jackson. They all started to say things like "Why couldn't I think of that? How did he know that? How did he figure that out so fast?"

    From that day on the blonde boy, Bryan, who didn't have many friends, went on to be one of the most popular kids in school. No one asked him to do their homework anymore, instead he was invited to more and more parties. You never know what being smart does to you until you show other people that being smart does not mean being a "nerd or a loser".

  18. 1. Evan Bauer 1/19/11
    2. you never need to tell more then what needs to be said.
    4. This big party was on the way. It was the new years party every one was going. It was going to be big. I decided to talk to the my best friend about the party and he told me it was being held at his house. He has a lovely home blue on the out side front door red, white walls in the inside, grate family pictures on the walls, long black couch and a hugh T.V. It was the perfect spot for a party. I did know if he needed anything but I asked any way. He said "I don't need anything spectacular but do you think you could come up with a question to make every one in the room think for a few minutes because i need some time to get the cake ready and that will buy me just the right amount of time, will you? Please" This was going to be tuff but I had to do it for him, for he was my best friend! I agreed to do it.
    I was very hectic on a question that would distract all the people at the party. I asked my teacher Mr. Price if he could help, he gave me a story to read and told me "this should do it, this should make them think for a while." I read the story and it was about a teacher at the end of the school year giving the students a test, the test was to write how the chair under you doesn't exists. I was confused on how to tell something did not exists when really it did. I found the answer a hour later just say what chair? that implies you don't know of its excitants. It would have to do.
    I went to the party. It looked exactly how you would picture a party, the juice on the table with a red cloth under it, the tall sealing filled with bullons and a singing mike for the band. All my friends were there, the pressure was on. I knew i need to by my best friend some time to make the best cake possible cake so I but aside the butterflies in my stomach I went up to the mike and said
    " This is a great party isn't it!"
    "Yes!!!" the crowd shouted
    "Well I have a big question for all of you to answer tonight, you up to it?"
    "Yes" the crowd rewed with excitement
    " Ok, see this drum set up her i would like someone to tell me how it doesn't exist."
    The crowd understood what I said but couldn't come up with an answer. A few minutes passed and no one had got it right yet. Every one had tried but know one got it right. My friend came out of the kitchen and singled me that the cake was done. He then tried to answer the question.
    "what drum set?"
    "Yes!!" I screamed he has gotten it and gets to eat the first part of the cake.
    the crowed know understads what the answer was and congratulates me and my best friend. The night turned out the best night ever and the cake was the best I have every tasted to this day.

  19. 1. Sammy Sutton/1-19-12/MW2

    2. The shortest answers can lead to the simplest things.

    3. :)

    4. We all know how parties go, there always out of control; But Jimmy's was beyond crazy. His parents went on a business trip for the weekend, leaving there 16 year old behind. Before the parents left, they looked Jimmy right in the eye and said "If you cause any trouble, you will be grounded longer than you could imagined." Jimmy agreed.
    The next day, Jimmy decided to have a few friends over, but those few friends turned into a few hundred. It got to the point where Jimmy could do nothing to keep the party calm. Picture frames were broken, glass was shattered into pieces, and mothers favorite vase was cracked right down the middle.
    After the part was over, Jimmy got the house all cleaned up before his parents got home. When his parents opened the door, he was calm, his parents didn't suspect a thing. Mother went to go sit the car keys down on the table where her vase was. She noticed that the vase was completely turned around, she gave Jimmy a glare, and looked on the other side of the vase. It was silent for a minute, then mother looked Jimmy in the eyes, rose her voice and asked " What happened too my vase?" Without hesitating he replied with a relaxed voice, " What vase mother?" Father and Mother both looked at each other with a confused look, how where they supposed to respond to that?

  20. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 1-19-12 MW2

    2. Extend your imagination.

    3. Shared with partner.

    At a birthday party, a dad had made up a new game. During the party he told them to "explain why the chair wasn't there." While the rest of the kids were saying the same answers, one kid said a different one. A week after the party, the dad came up to that one kid and said he said a very good answer. Everyone else was shocked.

    He was so happy. He had said two words. "What chair?" He said that because he used his imagination. He used the two words to explain why the chair wasn't there. He had extended his imagination. The dad was very pleased with that one kids' answer.

  21. 1. Payton Rentsch, 1-19-12, mw2
    2. Everyone has a different way to see things.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. There was a party. There were lots of people, the people were having fun. They had music up all the way and there were people dancing. Someone broke a glass. The owner of the house saw and started screaming out "he broke my mothers glass cup". He asked many people and they all said "what cup?". The owner of the house got very angry. A hour flew by and he gave up on asking people.
    Finally his parents came home. Everyone was gone his parents didn't know he had a party until. His mother was in the living room talking to him and she looked at where her cup was, she noticed it wasn't there. She asked "where's my cup?" He said"what cup?" she asked him again, still he replied "what cup?". Later that night she found it in the garbage broken. She asked her son if he had a party "what party" he replied.

  22. 1. Evan Bauer 1/19/11
    2. you never need to tell more then what needs to be said.
    4. This big party was on the way. It was the new years party every one was going. It was going to be big. I decided to talk to the my best friend about the party and he told me it was being held at his house. He has a lovely home blue on the out side front door red, white walls in the inside, grate family pictures on the walls, long black couch and a hugh T.V. It was the perfect spot for a party. I did know if he needed anything but I asked any way. He said "I don't need anything spectacular but do you think you could come up with a question to make every one in the room think for a few minutes because i need some time to get the cake ready and that will buy me just the right amount of time, will you? Please" This was going to be tuff but I had to do it for him, for he was my best friend! I agreed to do it.
    I was very hectic on a question that would distract all the people at the party. I asked my teacher Mr. Price if he could help, he gave me a story to read and told me "this should do it, this should make them think for a while." I read the story and it was about a teacher at the end of the school year giving the students a test, the test was to write how the chair under you doesn't exists. I was confused on how to tell something did not exists when really it did. I found the answer a hour later just say what chair? that implies you don't know of its excitants. It would have to do.
    I went to the party. It looked exactly how you would picture a party, the juice on the table with a red cloth under it, the tall sealing filled with bollons and a singing mike for the band. All my friends were there, the pressure was on. I knew i need to by my best friend some time to make the best cake possible cake so I but aside the butterflies in my stomach I went up to the mike and said
    " This is a great party isn't it!"
    "Yes!!!" the crowd shouted
    "Well I have a big question for all of you to answer tonight, you up to it?"
    "Yes" the crowd rewed with excitement
    " Ok, see this drum set up her i would like someone to tell me how it doesn't exist."
    The crowd understood what I said but couldn't come up with an answer. A few minutes passed and no one had got it right yet. Every one had tried but know one got it right. My friend came out of the kitchen and singled me that the cake was done. He then tried to answer the question.
    "what drum set?"
    "Yes!!" I screamed he has gotten it and gets to eat the first part of the cake.
    the crowed know understands what the answer was and congratulates me and my best friend. The night turned out the best night ever and the cake was the best I have every tasted to this day.

  23. 1. Aaron Durham/1-19-12/MW4

    2. "Sometimes You Can Block Things Out Of Your Head That You Don't Want To See"

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. It was a hot summer night on a Saturday, my baseball team Canton Craggier had just recently won the championship game in the city finals against The Westland Commet's I was just as excited as everyone else mainly cause we worked so hard to get there and I thought we were gonna lose but I was very wrong. later in the week there was a get together for awards to team members we all got a single award for participation then some got MVP's I was not one of them sadly but its OK cause I played my best and did my part for the team.
    But let me tell you what exactly happend in the first playoff game we were up against one of the best pitchers in Wayne County Devin Spalding. the first pitch he ever gave me was a walk because I was hit in my left thigh which hurt really bad.
    And I complained about it so coach told me to "suck it up" so I did, but later after the ceremony was over he told me to keep my eye on the ball and I will have better luck next year and he believes in me but in the likelihood of me saying "I will" I thought to to myself baseball season is over I replied "What Ball, Coach". after that I had gotten one of the most funniest looks from my baseball coach ever in all the years I played.

  24. Seth Wilson Jan 19 MW4
    2. Believing in something may be the only thing that makes it real.

    4. Some friends were at a party on 5th avenue, there was music and it was getting very loud and crazy at this party . Later on as everyone was settling dow one of the kids at the party asks the rest '' See this apple?'' the rest answer ''Yes'' The one that asked the question then proceeded to say,'' Can you prove its not here?''. After about 10 minutes of people frustratedly shouting out what they thought was the correct answer no one could figure it out. Then as all the kids stood around silently waiting for the answer to the question one kid that had walked in mid conversation said ''What apple?'' and the kid that asked the question smiled nodded his head and said that he was correct. For weeks after this all the kids were puzzled as to how such a narrow minded answer could be correct, some of them eventually understood it some may never but to this day the kid that answer it right knows why he is right.

  25. 1. Kyle Gonos 1-19-12 MW4
    2. LL: Not everyone will see the same as you.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. There was a big party that was thrown. Everyone was invited, there was dancing, music, and food. During the party Billy said "tell me why that chair isn't there". Some people replied "its is there, you can see it". But one answer stuck out the most and it was from a quiet person in the crowd. The people were amazed at what he said because everyones answer was so not very thought up. But Gregg's answer was short and it took a lot of thought.
    After the party Billy, the person who wanted to know why people thought the chair wasn't there, went up to Gregg, the person with the good answer. He told him that his answer was a good answer even though it was short. Gregg's answer to why the chair wasn't there was "what chair?". Gregg said "thank you". Now Gregg is not quiet because he has lots of friends. Also he is invited to every party now and no one makes fun of him anymore.

  26. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre MW4

    2. Words can be funny, So can life. But this is just simple, don't over think a simple question.


    4. It was the day school ended and my parents were gone out for the weekend and I threw a party everyone was there. The neighbors did not noticed this party at my house it was like there was a silence, but no one cared about that they wanted to party. The night went on and it turned out grate after every one left i went to bed. So I wake up in the morning and think to myself and realize my parents are coming home at 9:00pm and the house looks like a tornado hit it.
    Running to get a headband and some sweatpants on i grab a broom and start sweeping. After I grabbed some garbage bags and started thronging cups in them as fast as I could and through the bag next to the door. Hearing the Beeping of the garbage man's truck I grab one in each hand and run outside and dropped them at the curb. I sit down to rest and that turned into a nap witch turned into my little sister wakening me up after coming home form a sleep over at her friends Sara's. She screaming in my ear to wake up, it is now 2:30pm. She kept asking me why the house is a mess so I tell her.
    At that point I realized that I hit rock bottom and needed help. So I got out my Babysitting money and gave it to her right then and there i knew she had my back. we start washing dishes her drying me washing. Then taking down all the reminiscence and hiding it in her closet. We have finally have it leaned up by 8:00 so we sit down and have some food and relax. Mom and dad come home and me and Madison are sitting watching Sponge bob and mom looks at us and asked why there was a garbage bag filled with cups by the door and asked Madison if I through a party and she looks at me, looks at Mom, looks at Dad, and said "no? what about a party!" with excitement and from that point on we have been inseparable.

  27. 1. tyler pruneau 1/19/12 mw4
    2. a lesson would be write what you feel,not what you want.
    3. what lead me to this conclustion would be that i like to write but only what i feel.
    4. Rewrite this anecdote - There was a big Party about to come around this weekend,so i talked to all my friends that thursday,we all decided to go shopping. Later that day i got a text message saying that the party would be at my friend joey's house,me and my friends say our good bye's until tomorrow,the next day i wake up,go take a shower,eat, and spray me down with some axe. zzz,my phone started to vibrate,it was my friend Clinton. hello as i answered the phone,he said come on over Joey's now. i replied,yes sir! when i arrived,everyone was there.joey had a really nice and bright yellow house on the corner of Washington, and o'conner. when i walked in, i seen the pictures on the wall,the marble counter top. and every one of my friends. so we started playing some fun games,until...knock knock knock. it was his mom at the door,and when she came in,she was furious! then everyone had to leave,then we didn't get to see Joey for 3 months.

  28. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/19/12
    2. Use your imagination.
    4. "PARTY DAY!" Elizabeth yelled to her sister Anna. They would be having the party of the year at 8:00pm tonight. Her parents were out on a business trip and things were bound to get a little out of hand. Anna and Elizabeth had been setting up all day. It was exactly 7:59 and guests were just arriving. "Anna and Elizabeth! Your house is amazing!" One girl said.
    "Thank you!" They responded simply. As the night went on, the party got louder, the kids got crazier, and the house got dirtier. Before the kids knew it, it was already 3:00am! Anna was helping the boys and girls out while Elizabeth started to clean a little. "That party was so sick!" A young boy shouted as he exited the house. "Phew! I'm tired! Let's hit the hay Anna." Elizabeth trudged upstairs and plopped down on her bed. "Goodnight Elizabeth." Anna spoke sweetly and calmly.
    "Goodnight Anna."

    Ring, ring, ring, ring!
    Anna jumped up from her bed ripping apart her room to find her phone.
    "Hello?!" Anna sleepily answered.
    "Honey? It's your Mother! Your father and I will be home in about 3 hours! Be ready!"
    "uhm...okay Mom! See you soon have a safe flight!" Anna said panicked.
    "Are...." Anna quickly hung up the phone and ran into Elizabeth's room.
    "ELIZABETH! GET UP! MOM AND DAD ARE ON THEIR WAY HOME!!!" She hollered down the hall.
    "OH CRAP!" Elizabeth jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Both girls immediately began cleaning.

    They raced against time hopping that they could clean up the remains of the party before their parents could find out. "Hand me the swiffer!!" Anna screeched
    "Here it is! Hurry times almost up!" Elizabeth responded while throwing her sister the cleaning supplies.
    "Okay! I'm done!"
    "Me too!"
    "Phew!" Both girls let out a sigh of relief looking around contemplating how they managed to finish such a big job in such a little time. They had just sat down on the couch when they heard a loud knock coming from upstairs. Anna trotted up the stairs with Elizabeth close behind. Their parents barged in giving both girls hugs.

    But then, their was footsteps coming up the stairs. The family looked at each other in freight someone was in the house with them. The door slammed open with a thud. "Dude! Last night was awesome girls! Thanks so so much!" Parker, one of there guy friends yelled walking upstairs with a his friend Stephanie.
    "Yeah! It was the best time ever!" Stephanie chimed in.
    "Uhh..." Anna and Elizabeth both answered. The boy and girl left swiftly leaving Anna and Elizabeth with their parents.
    "You girls had a party last night?!" Their father looked at them in disbelief.
    "What makes you believe that?" Anna said timid.
    "Those people just told us about it!" Their mother said. The girls exchanged looks and at the same exact time blurted out..
    "What people?" They walked back upstairs to their rooms leaving their parents standing there speechless.

  29. 1. Cade Marttinen Jan19, 2012 MW4
    2. Believe what you must to achieve
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. A Party is the time to hang out and and not think about stuff. So when someone asks a question that would normally be answered right away, it takes a little bit longer for things to process. At one party, Mark wanted to make himself look smart so he decided to ask a question that no one could answer. "Hey everyone!" Mark yelled. "If anyone can answer this question right, they win $20." He then wrote, Prove to me that table doesn't exist. Everyone had puzzled looks on their faces. Suddenly, someone yelled out, "What table?" "I have a winner. Congratulations" Everyone gave both of us a round of applause. We were then both thought of as the smarties.

  30. 1. Alex Smith/1-19-12/MW4

    2. This is a pretty short anecdote, compared to the others. The one lesson learned I can squeeze out of this is, 'don't over think a problem'. Seeing as how the only person who got an A was the one with the simplest answer, that's what I got. I don't think it's too god of one though. :\

    4. "It's a pretty amazing party, If I do say so myself." Drew looked around at the house. It was a decent sized house, but not too big, and it was crammed. Some kid that a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of Drew's best friend brought over a some large speakers and a laptop with music.

    "Amazing? Amazing sure is a big word for this." Kurt, Drew's best friend, kicked some empty cans. He was practically dragged by the ear to the party, and he certainly wasn't enjoying.

    "You're a drag." Drew replied with. Drew figured that if he could get everyone to leave by half past midnight, he wouldn't get caught.

    The hours ticked by, and people last track of the time. In the middle of this party, the door opened and the wind kicked in some snow.

    "We're home." Drew's mother said, in a monotonous dry voice. She was beyond upset. Drew's father just laughed to himself.

    Drew cleared his throat thinking how to approach them, "There's no party here, and you can't prove that!"

    Drew's mother began to protest, but was interrupted by his father. "Hmm, he has a point. I don't see any party here, and we can't prove or disprove that. His father guided his mother to her room, he face red with anger. When he passed his son he whispered in his ear, "Get these people out of my house this instant."

  31. 1.Justin wilson Jan 19 mw4
    2. Think outside the box.
    4. There once was a party going on. The music was loud, people were having fun in the pool and in the house. Some people were watching a movie, others were eating potato chips and hot dogs and drinking Coke-Cola and everyone was having a good time.
    Then a sudden turn in the party came. One man stood up and shouted!"Who's green car is in my lawn!?" in a very furious tone.The man continued "The engine is smoking and destroying the grass and turning it gray. Another man ran to the front door where he saw his car in the lawn."Hey. Is that your car in my lawn?" The angry man said."No. No it is not." The Man said. In a vary silently. "Get it off my lawn!" He yelled. Two of his friends came over."Hey what's wrong?" The friend said."This guy's car is in my lawn!" He blurted. His other friend looked at him. "What car?"He remarked. "The car right there in the bushes. Don't you see it" He announced. "All I see is perfectly cut green grass. Nothing else

  32. 1. David Lesnau/1-19-12/MW4

    2. every one looks at things differently.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. Rewrite this anecdote - the environment will be a party. Use two to three paragraphs telling the story and use dialogue.
    At a party dad was looking for a he got his son present. He looked and looked for it. Then he started to ask the gests and they said "What present?" Then he got worried because it was a really good present. Then he got vary angry at the people.

    Then his son walked up to his dad and said "you got me a present Right?" The dad said "What present?". then the little boy started to cry the dad did every thing to look for. It but can't find it then he remembered it was in the car. So he went to the car found it and gave it to his son. He stopped cry and said "It was the best present ever."

  33. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/19/12

    2. Believe what you want to believe.

    3. Down town New York on New Years Eve... People counting down waiting for the ball to drop ready to start a new year. Everyone is out with friends and family having a great time. A group of close friends all walk to a nearby restaurant to try to escape the crowd. They walk into the restaurant just to find another crowd. The guys in the group start to get impatient. One of the girls says do you want to go somewhere else but everyone replied with a no.
    After waiting in line for a little over an hour the boys start to get irritated and want to leave. One of the girls says lets play a game. She explained the rules of the game to everyone. She said whoever can convince me that this line of people in front of us is non existent, you win. The girls tried to come up with many different ways to convince her that the line in front of them was non existent but all failed. Finally the most impatient guy in the group said "What line?" and she declared him the winner.

  34. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 1-19-12

    2. A few words can go a long way.

    4. One day there was a party on Friday night. Everyone was going to be there. At the party there were glasses and windows broken. The owner of the house was very angry! The owner said "what is this mess?" The crowd answered "what mess?" Then the owner just ignored the mess and went on and had more fun.
    Then the owners parents came into the house. The owner of the house asked "who let my parents in?" The crowd answered "what parents?" Then the owner just ignored the parents. But really the owner of the house could not act like his parents were not there since he had to run around the house away from the parents.
    Then it came down to the last straw when the parents called the police. When the police came knocking on the door the owner of the house asked "who called the cops?" Then the crowd answered "what cops?" But in reality the owner could not ignore the cops, his parents or the mess. Then the owner fest up to the cops that he was having this party and luckily he just got a warning. But the hardest part was apologizing to his parents. A few words can go a long way because the owner of the house just ignored everything and had to pay the price later after everything when he could have just stopped the party when the glasses were broken.

  35. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 1/19/12 - MW4

    2. Anyone can be smart no matter what the answer.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. My friend had told me about a party that was going on tonight. He had said there were a lot of people and that I knew a lot. So, I got in my car and drove to the house. When I got there, I was looking around for him. When Some person asked me if I knew where the soda was. I said " No, I just got here, sorry". and he left.

    I finally found him and the he introduced me to the party host. The same person was asking everyone where these "chips" were. I guess he really wanted to find them. He was so worried about it he told everyone to stop and look for them. Since he would stop bugging them they said okay and we all looked.
    My friend asked the guy " what were these chips called?" He said "he forgot but they were orange." One guy after about 45 minutes of looking said " why can't we just go buy more if you worried." Everyone was mad because they didn't think of that idea way before when they fist started looking. So they guy went to the store and the party continued.

  36. 1. Blake Lapum, 1/20/12, TT2

    2. Sometimes, Less is more.


    4. There is a party going on. A wild party. There is music, lights, drinks, cups, just the typical teenagers. There's probably over 200 people there! Having fun, and doing crazy stuff. As the night went on, people doing crazy things, and all these things going on, but finally people started to leave. By time it was sunrise, only 20 people remained and they were passed out. The place was a mess and the owners would be home very soon. The owners son, the one who had thrown the party, was panicking. He got up and saw it was already 10 in the morning when his parents would be home at 11:30. He was waking up the rest of the passed out people yelling, "Get up! My parents are going to be home soon! We need to clean this place up!"
    As they continued cleaning up, a taxi pulled up to the messy house. The parents came out in awe. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. "We trusted you with the house for the weekend and you let us down! How can we ever trust you again?!" All the kids were quiet, until one said, "What are you talking about..?" "Hmm, well lets see, maybe the PARTY you through last night?!" Then all the kids said, "What Party?" As if it had never happend.

  37. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/20/12 TT2

    2. Don't over think.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. One day this little boy was having his 7th birthday party, and his parents strictly told him the rules on what him and his friends can and can't do. So he told his friends the rules and they did not care, they wanted to do the things they weren't allowed to. The little boy was unsure about breaking the rules.
    His friends wanted to go play in the road with all the boys new toys. Playing in the road was on the things that the parents said not to do. The little boy and his friends went in the front yard while his parents were inside cleaning up. One of his friends went in the road and the boy yelled at his saying, "Hey! Your not suppose to be in the road." Then all his other friends started to go in the road also. The boy sat there and thought for a minute, and scurried into to the road also. His parents came out and gave them all the mad face, but they were worried to. His mom yelled, "I told you guys you weren't allowed in the road, so what are you doing?" Everyone looked at the boy and the boy told his parents, "What road?" as if there wasn't any road, so he wouldn't get in trouble.

  38. 1. Cody Musulin 1/20/12 TT2
    2. Don't over think about the simple things.
    4. It was around 9:00 the party was out of control. Everyone was having blast at the party, the owner of the property where they were partying had set up a game. At the beginning of the party, he gave everyone at the party a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and then told them to right their name on the top of the paper. After everyone did that, he held up a bottle of pop, and asked "prove to me, that this pop isn't here." Everyone started writing of what they thought of it.

    After that, the party went on, but everyone wondered, who would win. What would the prize be for winning such a question, it was such a confusing question too. Litte did they know that it was a very simple and easy question to answer. It kept their mind racing about what they could of said, and if they got it right. That was the fun of it for the owner, that asked the question. When it was finally the end of the party, the owner got up and told them the winner of the question. "he said, what pop?" that is the perfect answer for the question, but not only he got the prize of the question, but everyone. "What is the prize?" people ask, and I say "the prize, is the knowledge, the answer that they learned, not to over think such a little, and easy question to answer." That was the fun of the question.

  39. 1. Marissa Moore 1/20/12
    2. Sometimes being simple means more

    4. "Oh my gosh, that was the best party ever!" Shouted Hailee, as she and the rest of the guests started pouring out the front door. My house was a disaster, it was horrid! Pizza boxes in the plants, cups laying all over the floor, dang. I have a lot of cleaning to do. It was about 3 a.m., and people were just leaving. I didn't even kick people out, it was just the fact that I got a phone call. Even though my parents are out on a business trip, that's not the call that I received. My parents knew all about the party, and knew we would take care of everything. This call, the call that made everyone shiver and get out as fast as possible, was from my cousins Beatrice and Casey. Everyone wanted to leave because they were coming. Beatrice and Casey are horrid, nasty girls. They are both 14, as everyone else. They flaunt around thinking they are our gifts from God, but everyone thinks differently because of their behavior.
    When you think of the girls that are full of themselves and are annoying and mean to everyone that you see in the movies, that would be my cousins. The only difference is that Beatrice and Casey are nasty. They don't know a thing about real life, have no common sense, and obviously don't take care of themselves and their bodies. All they do is nag and wine, and no one wants to be around them. They really bring everyone's moods down. So why would everyone be horrified if they called me? They heard I was having a party. Even though now it's almost 3:30 in the morning, they still decide that they have to come over. I tried convincing them that there was no party, but obviously they didn't believe me because of the sound of the music playing. So here I am at 3:30 a.m. trying to clean up a party in about 30 minutes. They can't know anything about it! My aunt would probably kill me, she thinks her girls are the best things the world has ever seen!
    The only people still at my house are Dominique and Sammy, because we had plans for a sleepover anyways. The three of us scrambled through the house making sure everything was perfect, and to cover up the tracks of anyone and everyone. When the girls arrive, even Dom and Sammy will hide. No evidence whatsoever. Finally the house was clean, just as we heard three loud knocks on the front door.
    "Marissa, let us in! We know you're having a major party in there!" said Beatrice as she banged on the door. Before I even got the chance to walk over to the door, they just barged in. They stood there, looking quite stupid. Barging in to someone's house at 3:45 and accusing them of a party, that wasn't happening. I wanted to laugh, but it would give away my cover up! Casey looked over to me and said,
    "I heard the music on the phone! I know you're having a party, I just know it! Why wouldn't you invite the most amazing people you know?"
    I then said with a smirk, "Well Casey, I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I don't know if you're seeing the same thing that I'm seeing, but I just have to ask you, what party?"

  40. 1. Heather Linn, 1/20/12, TT2

    2. Think outside the box.


    4. Sam opened her locker and a envelope fell out. When she opened it, she saw that it was an invitation to a party, which read "Your invited! Biggest party of the year!" Sam wasn't the most popular girl so she was very shocked that she was invited. The whole rest of the day that was all she could think about. When the school bell rang and it was time to go home everyone noticed that she had the biggest smile on her face.
    When she got to her house, she got ready almost as soon as she walked in the door, after that, she sat and watched the clock. Waiting and waiting for her clock to turn to 7:45 so she could leave. The clock didn't seem to move, until she realized that actually it was already 8:00. She ran out the door and started driving.
    When she arrived at the door, she was nervous but didn't hear anything. She wondered why music wasn't playing, and why there was only 2 cars in the driveway. She slowly opened the door and realized that only a few people were there. They weren't the typical looking 'party people'. They were a few, skinny, pimple faced kids she saw in school, usually sitting in the front of the class. There was a small punch bowl in the middle of the table and they were just sitting there, talking. When she asked where everyone was, they turned their heads and said, "What do you mean? We're all here."

  41. 1. Maddie Haas 1/20/12 2TT

    2. Don't over think things.

    3. I shared mine with Caeley.

    4. There was a school who had a girl named Charlene. She was about to go to the best party in the whole school. But there was just one problem, she didn't have anything to wear. She pleaded and begged her parents if she could borrow money for a dress. But they told her what any parent would, "You have plenty of dresses, just use one of those." But the sad truth was, she believed she had nothing. So she called her friend, "Hey can you come over, I have to find SOMETHING to wear to the party."

    Right away her friend replied, "no problem I already have a dress." Jessica, Charlene's friend, was over in no time. They thought for a while and couldn't find anything. Soon they just called for her mom.

    Her mom came up and said to her, "come on, what about this one?"

    "Never in a MILLION years, mom."

    "This one is nice? Right I bet everyone would love this one. Don't you think so?"

    "I wish I could make that one disappear"

    "Well, if you think so. If you can explain to me why this dress isn't hear, I will buy you a new dress for the party. O.K.?"

    Charlene thought about it for a little. She couldn't think of anything. Suddenly it just popped out of no where. She smiled and cleverly said to her mom, "What dress?"

    Her mother smiled and said, "Correct". The next day she went to her party with a new, cute dress. Everyone was complementing her dress. She was so happy and had a great time at the party.

  42. 1.Brandon Wiese 1/20/12 TT2

    2.Don't over think your answering.

    4. "Hey! Eric are you going to Brandon's party? I don't know I don't want to get in trouble."
    "Your not gonna get in trouble his parents wont be home and the police have their dinner party for the night."
    "Well if no adults will be there I guess I'll come."
    So Eric went off to Brandon's party not thinking that there were going to be cops from other counties covering Pinckney for the PPD. Eric was having the time of his life. When Eric arrived at the party he saw some of his other friends there. Cody, Brandon of corse, Jake, John, and Michael. They were all really good friends. They all hung out with each other and went to school together.
    Then Brandon said he had invited a kid from the Brighton. Kids from Brighton were known for getting in trouble because they partied so much. Everyone was angry at Brandon. They thought he only invited his friends from our school.
    "Good luck getting help from us when it comes to picking your house up. There were pop cans up and down the stairs and down the halls.
    "Oh come on guys its just one person give him a chance."
    "No, We know what those Brighton kids do."
    Brandon took another look around the house his kitchen was covered in pop and food scraps. He asked them again to let it go. They all refused. Then they heard a loud car coming down the road.
    "Here he comes."
    BAM! BAM! BAM! We all heard at the door. Brandon opened it and there he was holding a boom box on his shoulder like he was from the 70's.
    "lets pump this party up."
    He put in a mix tape the shook the house. Only ten minutes into the party and we heard police sirens outside the house. Everybody left and Brandon was frightened. He went to the door with some tears.
    "Hello officer."
    "Hey son, why are you crying because my friends left me and know I have to clean up this party."
    The cop said "what party."
    The boy smiled and the cop left his house. Brandon was very relieved.

  43. 1.Caleb Hudson tt2 1-20-12
    2.Not every question is hard to answer
    3.Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4.When there are party's trouble always follows. In this party there was over 50 people. None of them respected the rules they were given when they first came. they had drinking contests and all those things you do at a party that you should never really do. Then as two people were having a drinking contest and people where cheering their names there was a crash.
    A man outside yelled " What is that?!" everyone ran outside to see what was the matter.A girl said "something has landed in the pool!" Everyone who was in the pool jumped out. Another man said" i don't see anything in the pool." But the other man yelled"look behind the bush" and everyone looked. There was nothing there. but another man yelled" there it is standing on the roof a monster!" Everyone looked up on the roof and another man said" what monster? thats just my satellite dish." everyone was wondering what the man had saw other than the satellite dish. But thats all everyone else saw. Just a satellite dish.

  44. 1.) Lexi Gross/ January 20th/ T-T-2

    2.) I learned that you don't have to have a big speech to explain something.

    4.) A teacher was preparing a test for the final exam. This was the semester test and it was on the wide variety of things that they had learned over the period of time. in his head he thought "I wonder who will really get this right?" So the next morning when class started he told all of his students about the test and what it was on. They all groaned like any student would.
    He gave his students an hour to write. They were to write about a chair that was clearly sitting in the middle of the room all alone like a baby deer in the field by its self. They had to prove that the chair didn't exist. Every student started writing like crazy, all you could hear is erasers erasing, pencils writing until you got a hand cramp, and the brains of students thinking away. You could even say that they were over thinking the whole idea.
    One student on the other hand finished under 30 seconds! everyone looked up with a confused look on their face when this one student put his pencil down and leaned back in his chair. They thought "How could he get a good grade, when were writing 25 to 30 pages and he wrote 2 words?" How could he get an A? Well it's as simple as thinking it how its supposed to be thought. "What chair?" were his exact words. The teacher saw his paper and smiled. This child had done the assignment perfect. He was the only one who really knew what he was writing about.

  45. 1. WIlliam McNamee 1/20/12 TT2

    2. You never truly become an adult.

    4. There was a corporate party and since it was the 50th anniversary of the company they decided to go laser tag for a whole day. The Manager yelled "Everyone on the bus!" so once everyone got on the bus they had 20 people. On the way to the laser tag place Giga Galaxy they decided to divide up teams The manager and the leading sales man were team captains and since the salesman was paid less he got to go first. He picked Jerry who was tall skinny and fast. The manger picked Michael and he was fat put he played laser tag every weekend. The teams ended up being 11v9 because the manger thought the teams were unfair.
    When they arrived the all ran in and the first match started the score was 5,000 to 2,000 they went to play again and it was 7,000 to 9,000. Then in the third match the strangest thing happened Jerry ran into a wall. It was strange because Jerry had been past that wall 1,000 times and it was never there. Then Jerry got terrified that the arena could be shifting walls. But he only didn't notice it because that wall was painted to look like a hallway and in front there was plastic rap hanging down with the words WHAT WALL?

  46. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-20-12, TT2

    2. What really does exist?

    3. Shared with Maddie.

    4. Erin woke up at, and she finally was 16! She raced out of bed, to see everybody and maybe thought there was a surprise birthday party waiting for her downstairs. She jumped all the stairs, and saw everybody as if they were doing their normal routine. She was shocked at what she was seeing. But she thought "maybe I will get a big breakfast."
    Then her mom brought her a bowl of cereal. "Good morning sweety" Her mom said. "Um hi" Erin said confusingly. She got on the bus, and thought "maybe this is all a joke." "I will come home and there will be a huge surprise party waiting for me." Erin had many friends, but no one not even her boyfriend. People talked to Erin, but no one said "Happy Birthday" "Am I invisible?" The school day went by fast. Then she got off the bus and walked to her house. Her mom, and her dad were home. She walked inside and "SURPRISE!!!!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!! We through you a huge surprise party!" Everyone said with excitement. "What party?" "I don't see anything." Everyone looked at her all confused. The house was decorated with sweet 16 things, and pink streamers across the entire house. All day Erin wasn't getting ignored, but the one special day she was looking forward to didn't turn out the way she planned.

  47. 1. Elle Kennedy 1-19-12 TT2

    2. Don't over think

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. It was around 9:00 when people started showing up at Emma and Jack's house. It was a friday night and the day before at school, they had told all of their friends to come to their house the next night because their parents were leaving in the morning for a business trip. Emma had invited 15 people and Jack had invited 20 but each of them brought another friend or two with them. By 10:00 the party was out of control and people were trashing their house and eating all of their food. It was 10:12 when the phone rang and luckily Jack had been able to answer before one of the guests had. Jack answered "Hello?" and a voice much like his mom's replied "Hi Jack, we will be home in about two hours, our meeting was cancelled and we are boarding our flight for back home right now". Jack dropped the phone and couldn't believe what he had just heard. He didn't believe that it was his mom and that Emma was playing a joke on him. He then noticed that Emma, was standing right next to him. Jack yelled "Emma!! Mom and dad will be home in two hours and the house is trashed!"
    Jack ran off to get garbage bags and cleaning supplies while Emma got everyone out of the house. Once everyone was out they began cleaning like their life depended on it. Within an hour and a half they had cleaned the entire house and just as Emma was putting away the vacuum they heard car doors shutting. It was their parents. They quickly jumped to the couch, turned on the t.v. and threw a pillow and magazine on the floor to make it seem like the house was a little messy. As their parents walked into the house, two people walked up from the basement and told Emma and Jack "Awesome party guys" and left. Emma replied "What party?" as they were shutting the door. Their parents were furious and asked "Did you two have a party?!" Jack and Emma exchanged looks and Jack said "No way! We have been watching t.v all day, I don't know what they were talking about!"

  48. 1. Michael Yedinak/1/20/12/TT2
    2. Think differently.
    3. Shared
    4. Having a party is one of the best times you can ever have unless you get caught by your parents. "David lets go call all our friends to come to my party," said Justin.
    "Ok as long as mom and dad our out of town for as long as they say they will be, we could have a party until 12:30 and have everyone leave by 1." Justin seemed to like the idea and right away he called his friends, got food, and other stuff necessary for a party.
    The party started at eight suddenly about 200 swarming people came rushing into the 1200 square foot house.
    "There are a lot of people in here how are we going to get them all out?"
    "I don't know, but we have nothing loud enough for everyone to hear based on how loud this party is," yelled Justin. The brothers continued their party trying not to worry about getting people out of the house by 1. Nine, ten, eleven, and twelve o'clock went by and everyone was having a good time. At twelve fifty a ding went off in Justin's head.
    "IT'S TWELVE FIFTY! screamed Justin. MOM AND DAD WILL BE HOME AT ONE!" Justin quickly swarm to look for his brother and try to find out what they could do to get everyone out in ten minutes.
    With no time to spare David said "We could... um... um... we could turn the lights off all around our house and play the Shooting Rangers movie we got, remember when he says get out of my house or ill blow your head off, then he shoots his gun?"
    "Ow yeah great idea lets get started, but wait how will we get everyone to hear?"
    "All we need to do is turn it up all the way, and get our 100 bolt sound projector connected to the sound." The brothers pushed through the crowd and got the movie and sound projector hooked up to the T.V." It was five to one and with no time they cranked the volume up to 100%.
    "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" the ranger screamed. As soon as he shot that gun everyone raced out of that house five times the speed of cheetahs screaming. When everyone left out of sight of his house, the parents arrived.

  49. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 1/20/12

    2. don't over think something so simple

    4. Emily woke up at, and she finally was 16! She raced out of bed, to see everybody and maybe thought there was a surprise birthday party waiting for her downstairs. She jumped all the stairs, and saw everybody as if they were doing their normal routine. She was shocked at what she was seeing. But she thought "maybe I will get a big breakfast."
    Then her mom brought her a bowl of cereal. "Good morning sweety" Her mom said. "Um hi" Emily said confusingly. She got on the bus, and thought "maybe this is all a joke." "I will come home and there will be a huge surprise party waiting for me." Emily had many friends, but no one not even her boyfriend Jody said happy birthday to her. People talked to Erin, but no one said "Happy Birthday" "Am I invisible?" The school day went by fast. Then she got off the bus and walked to her house. Her mom, and her dad were home. She walked inside and "SURPRISE!!!!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!! We through you a huge surprise party!" Everyone said with excitement. "What party? ...I don't see anything." Everyone looked at her all confused, and it went completely silent. The house was decorated with Birthday decorations, and pink streamers across the entire house. All day Erin wasn't getting ignored, but the one special day she was looking forward to didn't turn out the way she planned.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. 1. Molly Aills 1/20/12 TT4

    2. Simple questions yield simple answers.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. The craziest party of the year was going on at Erik's house. Everyone was dancing to music that was way too loud, having a great time and laughing. When there was a break in the music, Erik noticed that a space had opened up in the crowd of people. As he pushed his way to the middle of the circle, he noticed that there was a guy sitting on a chair in the space. He was talking to people nearby.
    "I just learned this yesterday in class!" he cried, his face animated.
    "What's going on, man?" someone complained. "I wanna get back on the floor!" people muttered their agreement, but the guy in the chair was talking again.
    "I'm telling you. This chair isn't here!" Erik's eyebrows raised in surprise.
    "Yeah, it is! You're sitting on it!" someone called from the audience of partiers.
    The guy in the chair sighed like this was the easiest thing in the world to figure out. "If any of you can figure out how the chair isn't here, which it isn't, I'll move and you guys can dance again."

    People jumped into action, eager to be the one who got the credit for getting rid of this 'psycho guy'. They grabbed scraps of paper and pens, frowning and thinking as hard as they could for an answer. People would occasionally call out answers, but every time, the guy sitting in the chair would shake his head. Whenever an invalid answer was called, the guy got more and more exasperated.
    "I've got it!" Erik cried excitedly, jumping to his feet from where he had been sitting on the floor. Everyone could see that his hair was hastily smoothed back down as if he had been running his fingers through his hair, racking his brains for the right answer.
    "What's your solution?" the guy asked almost wearily, crossing his arms over his chest.
    With a satisfied smile, Erik told him, "What chair?"
    The man jumped up from his chair. "That's it!" smiling, he picked up his chair and walked out of the house like he had never been here.
    People were clapping Erik on the back, yelling their encouragement. Someone turned on the music again, and on the party went.

  52. 1. Danielle Stowell 1/20/12 TT4
    2. Believe what you want.
    4. There was a party going to be thrown, everybody you could think of was invited to it. At about 8:00pm People started coming to Eve's house because both of her parents went on a business trip and left at 7pm. At about 10:30 Eve got a text from her Mom saying "We will be home around 1am because your Dad has a really bad stomach ache and he threw up like once already so we couldn't make it to the business trip".
    Eve had to hurry up and tell all of the people that were invited to help clean up pronto!! Everybody helped clean up really fast so it looked like nothing happened while her parents were gone. It took them about 2 hours to clean the house because it was a big trashy mess, but she was glad that all of her friends helped her clean the house.
    It was about 1am in the morning and Eve put her plate of food in the sink and left a mess at the table so it would look a little bit messy. She jumped on the couch and turned on the t.v and started to watch a show. Then about 1:25 she heard car doors outside of her house and it was her parents. But one of Eve's friends was in the bathroom and she forgot about it and right when her parents walked in her friend just came out of the bathroom. Her friend said "great party I had a really good time".. Her Mom said in a furious voice "YOU HAD A PARTY"? Eve said " No why would you think that it's, totally spotless in the house and if I were to have a party the house would be totally trashed". All I was doing was doing my homework and I needed help so I had her come over. I didn't know why my parents would think I had a party.

  53. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/20/12 TT2
    2. Don't over think things.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. I smiled as I walked into my best friend Ali's house. She was having a huge victory party for the football team. They had been undefeated all season.
    "Hey!" She greeted me.
    "Hi!" I said. "Great party!"
    She smiled. "Thanks!"
    I knew almost everyone there. All of the football team was there, cheerleaders were there and basically everyone else in the school.
    Ali and I met up with a few of our other friends and danced and socialized for the rest of the night.
    A while later, Ali's phone rang. When she hung up she called the party off. Her parents were coming. She had promised them everyone would be out of the house and the house would be clean by the time they got home. We rushed everyone out but I stayed back to help her clean.
    Because we were in such a rush, we ended up stuffing trash in closets and under couches just so her parent wouldn't see.
    Ali's parents walked in just as she kicked the last piece of garbage under the couch.
    "Hi guys. How was the party?" Her mom asked.
    "Great." She answered quickly.
    "Okay..." her dad commented suspiciously.
    "Well, we're glad you had fun." Her mom said opening the closet to put away her coat. Several plates and cups flowed out. "Ali? You said you would have this clean by the time we got back from dinner! What is this mess?!"
    Ali and I exchanged looks. "What mess?" we asked simultaneously. We walked up the stairs before her parents could say anymore.

  54. 1. Charlotte Nowaczyk, 1-20-12 TT4
    2. You don't have to have a big speech to explain something so little so don't over think your answer.
    3. Shared lesson learned with a partner!
    4. There was a party going on at a local park, people were drinking alcohol, and the music was loud. Everyone was having a good time, besides Ashly she didn't feel comfortable drinking when she was under age. Everyone was pushing her and pushing her to drink, she couldn't take the pressure so she went to the park bathroom, she stayed in there and cried for like 6 minutes. Then she heard a car pull up and the music stop and she heard someone yell, "it's the cops" Ashly's heart started racing "oh no she thought what are they going think? That i was drinking? That i was responsible for this? Everyone had ran off and left me here. Thinking of this made her cry harder then she really thought, "this will be on my record i wont be able to get in a good collage". then there was a loud knock on the door saying "it's the police open up!" Ashly opened the door and was immediately on the floor begging for mercy and forgiveness telling them she didn't drink and that she would never go to anther party ever again. The police gave her a breath alizer and told her she was very smart then she said "are you gonna tell my Parents that I had went to this party and there was drinking?" then with a shock on Ashly's face the cop said " what party?" that made Ashly smile the cops gave her a lift home and that was the end.

  55. 1. Kirsten Brydon 1-20-12
    2. Your mind is stronger then you think it is.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. "How come all these people got over here so fast?" Amy wondered as she looked around the room. Millions of people she did not even know and a few of her friends and family were invading the privacy of her small house. Music exploded through her speakers and she had no Idea how she was supposed to get rid of this. She then realized her parents must be at the store or somewhere since it was obvious they were not there. The only thought that came to mind is, I am going to be in so much trouble. Her hopes sank even lower when she saw the mess that the partygoers would leave.
    Amy found her friend Beverly through the crowd and said "Why is everyone here?" Beverly quickly explained to her friend that it was supposed to only be a small party and it just expanded. "But if we don't get everyone to leave, my parents would rage!!!!" Amy nearly cried. Beverly was silent for a moment then said, "Then we should get everyone out. Maybe we can try yelling. Both girls cried "GET OUT!!!!" at the top of their lungs, but despite their best efforts, it was futile.
    Gasping for breath, Beverly then said," we can try to call your parents for help?" "No", was Amy's reply, It would only get us in trouble. "I really don't think this will work, but try imagining the party not being there", Beverly said with a hint of excitement in her voice. Amy closed her eyes and imagined the house being empty and clear with everyone going home and the house not being in devastation, everything fell silent. Amy opened her eyes.
    When Amy opened her eyes, she noticed that everyone was gone and she was no longer in the midst of the party, Beverly was even no where to be found. She was in her bedroom. She jumped out of bed and decided to figure out what happened. The house was spotless and then finally Amy decided that she just had a bad dream. But the very next day at school Amy thought she heard some of her friends talking about "the epic party at Amy's house", then Amy saw that she recognized the few friends talking, were all in the dream.

  56. 1. Lexi Cox 1/20/12 TT4

    2. Not every question is to be thought about.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. The week seemed to drag on forever, but today was finally Friday. Every person in Kayla's town looked forward to Fridays because there was always someone who threw a giant party. Kayla was in 10th grade and had two friends, Andrew and Kyle. On a normal Friday Andrew and Kyle would come to Kayla's house before school so they could all walk to the bus together but today Kayla had an idea and she just couldn't wait for them to get to her house.
    Kayla met Kyle and Andrew in the parking lot of the school and told them her idea.
    "I want to throw a party. My parents are out of town until late tonight we can totally pull this off."
    "Sounds good to me!" Shouted Andrew.
    "Lets meet at Kayla's house after school I'll bring all the party things." Stated Kyle.
    Kayla, Andrew and Kyle went through school with excitement. They all hoped that they would finally be called the "cool" kids for throwing this party.
    "Were all set and ready, everyone knows to be here at ten tonight!" Shouted Kayla.
    "Your parents will be home at 2am so we have to get everyone out by then." Said Kyle.
    Kayla, Andrew and Kyle threw the biggest party anyone had gone to that year. There was loud music, dancing and everyone was having a great time. On the mean time Kayla had no idea how fast time was going by. Before she knew it, it was already 2am and her parents were pulling into the driveway.
    "Gerry do you see this! Kayla trashed this place while we were gone, how could we have trusted her! She threw a party!" Screamed Kayla's mom with fury.
    Kayla, Kyle and Andrew managed to get over half of the people out of the house by the time her parents came in.
    Kayla's mom and dad marched into the house and found Kayla.
    "Kayla you have 30 seconds to give me the best excuse ever to why all these people are here."
    Kayla stated with ease."What people?"

  57. 1. Steven Nichols 1-1-20-12 TT4
    2. you should always look at something different then you would on a normal Day.
    4.David woke up on And was 16. he Jumped out of bed and slid down the rail of the stair when he got down stairs there was no one there and he was sad. He thought that his parent would have toke off work to have a party but they didn't. He begain to cry and ran to his room. he got dressed for school and went to the bus stop. none of his said happy birthday. he went 7 hours with no one talking to him and he got really sad. he sat in class and thought maybe there at home setting it up now. when he got home every one yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and his mom came to him and she asked "Do you like your party?" HE said "what party?"

  58. 1. Sam Hall TT4 January 20, 2012

    2. Don't over think it.

    3. The music was loud, the lights were dim. Food stains were scattered generously across the carpet, and party goes were scattered generously across the lawn. Suddenly a loud crash silenced the chatter. Jack, who had had one too many cups of punch stood amidst the wreckage of the biggest bowl of dip in the history of our universe. Carl stood behind him, a chip ready in his hand, "Hey man, what gives?" he growled, "Why'd you have to go and kill the dip like that?!" Jack turned around slowly, sliding slightly in the pool of sauce. "What dip?" he burped, then he walked out the door hiccuping loudly before he crossed the thresh hold out onto the walk.

  59. 1. Michael Atwood /1-19-12 / MW4

    2. Sometimes, thinking more simply makes things clearer.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. A party was going on. People were laughing, dancing, singing, talking, the whole party thing. Some people wore the hats as a joke. Others pigged out at the buffet. People made fools of themselves to get attention or a laugh. Some just stood and talked. The floor was lite up disco style. There were a huge variety of people there.

    Soon it was getting dark, some people were tired, some confused, and some just got more extreme in their foolishness as the evening wore on. there were two stairways on the side of the dance floor, and then a sort of balcony. Over the dance floor was a crystal chandelier. By now most people had either started dancing or just left by the obnoxiousness of some people. As the music got louder and louder the chandelier started shaking. It was coming lose.

    Soon, it was the max volume, people were going crazy. I had been up the stairs, and my friend couldn't get my attention because of the music. She was behind me, screaming at me, and thought I was ignoring her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her throw a high heel at my face. I jumped out of the way, and the shoe went straight into the chandelier, breaking it lose and making it fall toward the dance floor. The music stopped and screaming people ran from the floor, as a shatter rang through the house. Noticing what she had done, she ran to the restroom, crying. Everybody quickly picked up the pieces. When she came back, she said "I'm so sorry for breaking that chandelier".
    "What chandelier?" I said, "There was never chandelier"

  60. 1. Heidi Siemon 1-20-12 TT4

    2. Long isn't always better.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. On a cold New Years Day, Bob was setting up for a party. He wanted it to be a surprise to everybody, because he loved surprises. Nobody even knew he was planning a party, not his family or close friends. All that they knew was that they were going to Bob's house to spend New Year's together, they weren't expecting anything big. But Bob had a different plan.

    Kevin, Bob's best friend, was over at his house one day. Bob was talking to his girlfriend Sally on the phone in another room. Kevin, being the curious and nosy guy he is, decides to look around on Bob's desk. Kevin started rummaging threw the papers on Bob's mess of a desk. He had found something, something weird. Why would Bob want to rent a chocolate fountain, and a limo? Was he planning a fancy date with Sally or something? Then he looked around even more, and found a receipt. There were streamers, all sorts of junk foods, tons of drinks, and there was more! They were all something you would have for a party! Kevin started to wonder if he was planning a bigger more over the top party.

    When Bob got off of the phone with Sally, Kevin was looking at him with a smirk on his face.
    “Kevin why are you looking at me like that?”
    “So... Are you planning a party Bob?” He smiled.
    “No! Why would you think that?’’
    “No reason....” He smiled again.
    That day he knew that he was planning a party. He was the only one that knew, too. Even though he knew, his party was a big surprise for all of his guests, and it was a really great party. Everyone was wondering though, how did he keep that party a secret?

  61. 1. Julianna Welling 1/20/12
    2. simple is some times good
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. Jim and Jane parents were gone for to days. Both of the kid had no clue of what to do when their parents were gone. Jim and Jane had never broken the rules, until that day, the day their parents left, when Jim's friend Chris said, "through a party, if your parents are gone the will never know,". Jim replied, "I don't know what if I get caught and then everyone will get into trouble," "I have had a lot of partys when my parents were not home. They never caught me, it will be fine," "Okay I will have it tonight at 8, invite some people." "Okay I will see ya Jim."
    When Jim got home he told Jane. "I don't think it is a smart idea to have a party Jim, what if we get caught I do not want Mom and Dad mad at me, or you,". "Don't worry Jane Chris said he has partys all the time when his parents are not home, he never got caught." "Fine I will do it if I get too invite some of my friends too." Jim set up the house for a party, and Jane went out and got food. At about 7:45 some people showed up to their house. Jane and Jim both did not feel right about the party but after more people got there they felt better and basically forgot that they were not suppost to have the party they were having such a good time. At about 2:00 a.m. people stated to leave. Jim and Jane were really tiered so they went to bed. When they woke up they saw the mess looked a lot worse with the lights on. "This is going to take FOREVER!", said Jim, "Ya i know", said Jane. They both cleaned like mad men because there parents were coming home at 4:00p.m. and the kids sleep into 12:30p.m. At 3:58 they just about done, all they had left was the kitchen table, wich would take only a few minutes. It was 3:05 when they got done with everything and Jim shouted out that was an awesome party, but right at that moment their parents walked in. They said, "Why did you through a party", Jim and Jane both replied at the same time "What party we did not have one, that was a joke, we could hear the car coming up the drive and said that."

  62. 1.) Jordan Danko 1/20/12 TT2

    2.)Don't over think simple things.


    4.) All week people have been talking about the party Ashley was hosting. Everyone was invited, It was going to be the biggest party of the year. I knew I couldn't miss it for anything. The only problem was my best friend Haylee was grounded. Haylee decided she would sneak out and be back home in time so her parents wouldn't find out. When Haylee and I arrived at the party, there were volleyballs flying, water splashing, and music playing. We went swimming and talked to everyone we saw. The time flew by so fast we didn't even realize it. When I looked at my phone it was 9 o'clock. Haylee and I jumped in the car and hurried home. When we were approaching her house she said "Now remember we were never at this party, if my parents find out i'm dead."
    "What party?" I responded. Haylee had a smile on her face.
    "Your the best friend I could ever possibly ask for" Haylee said while giving me a hug.

  63. 1. Gursherveen Kaur/18/1/12/TT2

    2. If you start thinking about something to often , it won't allow you to see the actual point that you are talking about in real life.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. At a slumber party, a group of girls were trying to see predict who is truly the smartest person there. They had a smart contest. The leader in the party wanted to do something intelligent , to them . There was going to be a prize to give away to the winner.
    "We are going to start a contest to see who is the smartest. Everyone must try to do this. Prove that the pillow does not exist." The girl explained explained.
    As soon as she said that, one person threw the pillow. Another person ripped it off. The last person said, "What pillow ?"
    "You are the smartest person here, you proved that the pillow doesn't exist." She said to the girl who asked, "what pillow are you talking about ?" The host gave the winner a prize.
    "What is it?" The girl asked, when she was getting the prize.
    "It's a million dollars that doesn't exist "........ everyone laughed as hard as they could.

  64. 1. Ian Grady 1-19-2012 MW4
    2. Out of sight out of mind.
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. someone threw in a house on my street that wasn't supposed to happen. People were dancing and having a good time when someone fell into the TV and shattered the screen. Jack, the host of the party was furious about someone breaking his dad's new TV and kept asking who did it. When everything was done, he asked people leaving the house ''who broke the TV????'' as the people left someone decided to shout "what TV?"
    His parents got home and they saw the big empty space on the wall above the fireplace and immediately ran upstairs and asked Jack where the TV was and he said "what TV? I don't see a TV, therefore it doesn't exist." ''Did you throw a party?'' They asked? Jack thought for a moment and replied, ''what party?''

  65. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/19/12
    2. The simpler the better.
    4. "PARTY DAY!" Elizabeth yelled to her sister Anna. They would be having the party of the year at 8:00pm tonight! Her parents were out on a business trip and things were bound to get a little out of hand. Anna and Elizabeth had been setting up all day. It was exactly 7:59 and guests were just arriving. "Anna and Elizabeth! Your house is amazing!" One girl said.
    "Thank you!" They responded simply. As the night went on, the party got louder, the kids got crazier, and the house got dirtier. Before the kids knew it, it was already 3:00am! Anna was helping the boys and girls out while Elizabeth started to clean a little. "That party was so sick!" A young boy shouted as he exited the house. "Phew! I'm tired! Let's hit the hay Anna." Elizabeth trudged upstairs and plopped down on her bed. "Goodnight Elizabeth." Anna spoke sweetly and calmly.
    "Goodnight Anna."
    Ring, ring, ring, ring!
    Anna jumped up from her bed ripping apart her room to find her phone.
    "Hello?!" Anna sleepily answered.
    "Honey? It's your Mother! Your father and I will be home in about 3 hours! Be ready!"
    "uhm...okay Mom! See you soon have a safe flight!" Anna said panicked.
    "Are...." Anna quickly hung up the phone before giving her mother a chance to respond, and ran into Elizabeth's room.
    "ELIZABETH! GET UP! MOM AND DAD ARE ON THEIR WAY HOME!!!" She hollered down the hall.
    "OH CRAP!" Elizabeth sprung out of bed and ran downstairs. Both girls immediately began cleaning.

    They raced against time hopping that they could clean up the remains of the party before their parents could find out. "Hand me the swiffer!!" Anna screeched
    "Here it is! Hurry times almost up!" Elizabeth responded while throwing her sister the cleaning supplies.
    "Okay! I'm done!"
    "Me too!"
    "Phew!" Both girls let out a sigh of relief looking around contemplating how they managed to finish such a big job in such a little time. They had just sat down on the couch when they heard a loud knock coming from upstairs. Anna trotted up the stairs with Elizabeth close behind. Their parents barged in giving both girls hugs.

    But then, their was footsteps coming up the stairs. The family looked at each other in fear that someone was in the house with them. The door slammed open with a thud. "Dude! Last night was awesome girls! Thanks so so much!" Parker one of there guy friends yelled walking upstairs with a his friend Stephanie.
    "Yeah! It was the best time ever!" Stephanie chimed in.
    "Uhh..." Anna and Elizabeth both answered speechless. The boy and girl left swiftly leaving Ann and Elizabeth with their parents.
    "You girls had a party last night?!" Their father looked at them in disbelief.
    "What makes you believe that?" Anna said timid.
    "Those people just told us about it!" Their mother said chiming in. The girls exchanged looks and at the same exact time blurted out..
    "What people?" They walked back upstairs to their rooms leaving their parents standing there speechless.

  66. 1. Nella Galliher 1-22-12 MW4
    2. “Don’t overlook the obvious, sometimes the answer is a question”
    3. There is no way to prove the chair didn’t exist, the task of the student was simply to get the instructor to admit that the chair did exist!!
    4. A man steps onto the coffee table at a party and hold up a single potato chip.
    “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have here in my hand a single potato chip, salty and yummy!! I am now going to eat this chip, and then there will be no more potato chips in the entire world, this is the last chip”. He eats the chip, and then proposes this question for his audience to ponder.. “Now, after the chip is gone, can anyone prove to me that potato chips ever existed”? Heads are scratched, books are read, the computer is abuzz with activity, but it is a young girl who speaks up and asks a simple question….”Hey mister, where’d you get that chip???

  67. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4th

    2.Everyone has a different opinion.

    3. shared this lesson learned with a partner
4. There was some people, the people were enjoying there time. Kayla's parents were going to stay at a hotel for the night and left Kayla at the house for the couple days her parents were going to stay at the hotel. Her parents told Kayla not to get into any trouble or make the house a mess. Kayla told her mom that nothing will happen,The next day her friends wanted to come over it turned out to be 25 friends. They had a party with loud music and lots of food and drinks. A few minutes later Someone knocked over Kayla's moms minor that was made out of glass. Five hours later her parents were walking in the door. Kayla's mom found the the Minor in little pieces Kayla's mom was very mad! Kayla tired to explain what happened but her mom was very mad and didn't want to hear what happened. Kayla's mom asked did you have a sleep over? "What sleepover?" she replied.

  68. 1. Henry Haidler. 1/19/12, MW2
    2. Words can mean a lot.
    3. Shared
    4. There was a low hum of chatter among the crowded room and the smell of beer and food was in the air. The house was trashed people lying on couches, crumbs and food on the ground, objects were knocked over. There were people leaving and people coming throughout the party of the century. You could slightly hear the music through the walls but the beat that shook the house was clear. Everyone who was someone was there. But in the craziness and confusion the tensions were rising between friends and the ones that were throwing the party had to kick a few people out.

    Later on in the night they had a few complaints from neighbors but luckily the oldest and meanest one wasn't home... yet. "Duuude this party is *hick* amaazing!" Jake, the one throwing the party, knew that it was getting a little bit too crazy and knew that anytime now someone was going to get hurt or someone from the neighborhood would blow up on them. Jake walked over to Evan in a sort of urgent manner and by the way he was standing and attempting to talk, he was drunk. "Evan!" "Heeeyyy whats up brother hahaha *hick*" Jake grabbed evan as he started to fall over. "We gotta end this party everyone here is drunk" Evans face went from happy and silly to the most serious look he could have. While Evan was standing up he said "Good idea, I'll get the keg!" "Noo I can't let you do that, just try to get some of the people to leave before old man phil gets home." As he said that he saw a movement outside and it wasn't like any partier because it was swift and was kicking the many cans that were lying on the ground. Right there Jake saw his life flash before his eyes because he could tell that it was phil. "Okay I need you to start picking up and I'll answer the door" He said to Evan. Jake fixed his hair and got ready for a fight but knew from past experiences with phil that it wouldn't end well. Evans attempt to pick up the cans and cups were pathetic so jake just shut the lights off and acted like he was just sleeping. The pounding on the door was louder and quicker than he had expected and it made him jump a bit. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly "Good afternoon" He could tell by the expression on his face he wasn't very happy. "What are you doing its almost 3 in the morning and I have to wake up to quite disturbing music!" "I don't know what you talking about I was just listening to some music quietly there is no way you could have heard it." "I know its a party and I saw the other kids in your house I'm not stupid!" "Its just me and Evan thats it" "This party is over, now!" He tried to barge in but Jake stopped him "party?"

  69. 1. Heidi Siemon 1-20-12 TT4

    2. Simple answers sometimes answer questions better.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. On a cold New Years Day, Bob was setting up for a party. He wanted it to be a surprise to everybody, because he loved surprises. Nobody even knew he was planning a party, not his family or close friends. All that they knew was that they were going to Bob's house to spend New Year's together, they weren't expecting anything big. But Bob had a different plan.

    Kevin, Bob's best friend, was over at his house one day. Bob was talking to his girlfriend Sally on the phone in another room. Kevin, being the curious and nosey guy he is, decides to look around on Bob's desk. Kevin started rummaging threw the papers on Bob's mess of a desk. He had found something, something weird. Why would Bob want to rent a chocolate fountain, and a limo? Was he planning a fancy date with Sally or something? Then he looked around even more, and found a receipt. There were streamers, all sorts of junk foods, tons of drinks, and there was more! They were all something you would have for a party! Kevin started to wonder if he was planning a bigger more over the top party.

    When Bob got off of the phone with Sally, Kevin was looking at him with a smirk on his face.
    “Kevin why are you looking at me like that?”
    “So... Are you planning a party Bob?” He smiled.
    “No! Why would you think that?’’
    “No reason....” He smiled again.
    That day he knew that he was planning a party. He was the only one that knew, too. Even though he knew, his party was a big surprise for all of his guests, and it was a really great party. Everyone was wondering though, how did he keep that party a secret?

  70. 1. Josh Mick 1/20/12

    2. Sometimes only a few words are the real answer.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4. There was a party that consisted of 4 people Josh, David, Nick, and Jack. So the party started and everyone had cake. Then everyone was gathered for presents. And everyone was just so into it like they were enjoying it.

    When everyone was done with presents they played char-aids and David lost the game. Then they eventually got very bored and decided to go raid WALMART. They rode in shopping carts and Josh suddenly flew into the ladies isle and knocked over all the clothes. Meanwhile, Nick was agreeing all the employees while Jack was grieving.

    Finally without hesitation Josh had hacked the intercom saying "Attention all shoppers we have 2 maniacs running around grieving you're stuff watch out and don't blink dummies. When Nick and David heard this they were laughing so hard. Then, a worker came by and ruined our fun and eventually kicked us out:'( So we thought partying isn't good in outlet stores because of the fact that it was making the people so annoyed and hard to handle. So we left but then went to another store for some more fun ;)

  71. 1. Charlotte Nowaczyk, 1-20-12 TT4

    2. You don't have to have a big speech to explain something so little so don't over think your answer.

    3. Shared lesson learned with a partner!

    4. There was a party going on at a local park, people were drinking alcohol and the music was loud everyone was having a good time, besides Ashly she didn't feel comfortable drinking when she was under age. everyone was pushing her and pushing her to drink, she couldn't take the pressure so she went to the park bathroom she stayed in there and cried for like 6 minutes. Then she heard a car pull up, and the music stop and she heard someone yell, "it's the cops" Ashly's heart started racing "oh no she thought what if they think I was drinking everyone ran off and left me here" thinking of this made her cry harder then she really thought this will be on my record I wont be able to get in a good collage- Then there was a loud knock on the door saying "it's the police open up!" Ashly opened the door and was immediately begging for forgiveness telling them she didn't drink and she would never go to another party ever again. The police gave her a breath alizer and told her she was very smart, then she said "are you gonna tell my Parents that I had went to this party and there was drinking?" then with a shock the cop said " what party" that made Ashly smile the cops gave her a lift home and that was the end. She never ever drank again until her 21st birthday

  72. Paul anguish 1/20/12 TT4

    2. Disbelief is a powerful thing
    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.
    4. Rewrite this anecdote - the environment will be a party. Use two to three paragraphs telling the story and use dialogue.

    As I pulled in to the driveway of my friends apartment I could hear the racket coming from within. Inside it was hot and loud. The music was a mix of rock,symphonic rock,power metal,heavy metal and alternative. If they turned it up any louder I was sure through the mirk of exhaustion (I don’t drink) that the apartment would cave in. After about two hours the professor (who had a devious mind and taught philosophy) started knocking on the door to tell us to shut up. I think that he was pounding on the door for about 20 minutes. The only reason we found out he was out there was because i was looking for an escape form the noise and heat. He was quite lived by that point and was ready to pounce on anybody that came out there.

    As I went out in to the hallway, I saw him in a terrible rage. It took me all my skills at speech and half an hour to calm him to a mere simmer. He was still mad but he his brain was was working at in normal speed (as to say he was thinking while still mad). He said that if any of us could solve a problem he would let us party longer. His question was “prove to me that chair does not exist.” for about 20 minutes we thought about it, then a person that was so drunk that they could not so well said “what chair.”

  73. 1. Jacob Yannott

    2. only use a couple word for a answer

    3. Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. There was a the crazy at Jake. There was really loud music, and a ton of girls. Jake parent were not home. They had went on vacation, so this house was booming and bunking. We we all jacked up on mountain dew. So we all had a sugar rush!
    SSomebody had thrown the t.v out the window we were partying that hard. when the song " party rock" by LMFAO everybody started shuffling! While everybody was shuffling, the neighbor called the cops. So when the cop got there, they saw there was party, so the cops said " hey there having a party, AND THERE SHUFFLING" so the cops decided to join the party! After 13 hour of partying, everybody was passed out. there was a group of people on the couch, somebody was sleeping on the roof of the house. The end!

  74. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-24-12. TT2.

    2. Don't over think things.

    3. Share this lesson learned with a partner including what led you to this conclusion.

    4.Sam and Kate were at a party, They were starting to think this party was going to be huge so many people going, dancing, food and just having a good time. They were sisters and their parents were very strict. This was the party of their life's, they couldn't miss it.
    So they tell their mom they are gonna go to their friends Presslee's even though they weren't. Later that night all three of us snuck out and got to the party by walking. When the party was over around 10 they didn't want to walk home from they party so they went in the basement and tried sleeping their but suddenly they hear footsteps going down the stairs thinking that it was the host of the party, their friend. But it was his mom and asked when are your parents coming honey? And the tree girls just said what parents?
