Friday, January 6, 2012

Blog Anecdote 4 - Filter This

"Long time ago in ancient Greece, there live a man named Socrates, who was highly knowledgeable and an esteemed philosopher. One fine day, a fellow approached him. That person told Socrates that he has some information to tell him about his friend. Before he could even start talking about his friend, Socrates told him to take a test known as the 'Triple Filter Test'.

The first test of the 'Triple Filer Test' was the filter of truth. Socrates asked him if the information he had was the truth. The person said that he had just heard it on the way and was not sure if it was the absolute truth. The second filter was that of goodness. He asked if the information was regarding anything good about his friend. The man said it was actually the opposite. The third filter was that of usefulness. Socrates asked if the information was useful to him in any way. The man replied in the negative.

Socrates then replied that when the information regarding a friend is not true, good or useful, then why should it be conveyed at all?" Socrates

1. Name/Date/Hour
2. Develop a Lesson Learned
3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
4. Develop three paragraphs explaining the point/purpose of this anecdote (short story) is. Compare this to a situation you have experienced before or know about, and finally how can this influence an audience (or how would you use it to persuade)?


  1. 1. Mikayla Rowlette/1-17-12/MW2
    2. The Lesson Learned is that, if something isn't true, good, or useful to that person then why should they even care about it.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. If something isn't true, good or useful then people shouldn't care about it if it isn't about them. IF you hear something about your friend, you should find out if it is true, if it is something good about them, or if it is useful to the person that it is being told to. Some things that you hear in the hall way, or see on the internet aren't always true, its good to know the truth about something that you hear so you don't get the wrong idea about that person. Someone might be telling you about your friend, what they did at a party or at a persons house, if this information isn't true then you shouldn't care. If the information isn't anything good about your friend then you should tell them that someone said something bad about them. The information may not be useful to you if it does not concern you at all. I heard that a person was pregnant, however I knew it wasn't true. This person was not my friend, more like acquaintance, the information I heard did not matter to me because it was not true. The person telling me this had nothing good to say about them and what I was being told was useless to tell me. When you hear something about a friend or someone else, its good to find out if the information is true, good or useful. Just like Socrates did in this anecdote. What he was being told was not necessarily true. It wasn't anything good about his friend and it was not useful to him in any way. The best thing to do is find out who they heard the information from, and go ask that person about what they said to know the truth.

  2. 1. Evan Bauer 1/17/12
    2. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. the point of this story is you have to know what your talking about. You have to know that the thing your about to say is true. You have to look at who it could effect and how when it is said.
    The short story has a good lesson that can be very useful in every day conversations. It simple states know what your talking about and who it will effect. This could go toward the old saying said by some moms "If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all." I've had a similar experience to this. I was very mad at my sister and I heard that she got held back in 3rd grade. When I got in a argument with her I used that against her to prove I was smarter then her, But it was wrong she only got held back because my parents didn't want her to go into 4th grade because she was skipped kindergarden and went right into 1st grade so she was a year younger then her class mates so my parents wanted her to stay with her age group.
    It's very important to remember this lesson learned because it could and might help you in life.

  3. Riley Hafner MW2 1/17/12
    LL- Rumors shouldn't be spread by people. If it not nice, known as the truth, or helpful in any way, than there is no need to say it.

    This anecdote is about how rumors spread. The man came to Socrates to tell him some information he had heard about his friend. Before the man could even tell Socrates to story he asked if the information was true, good, or useful. In a reply the man said no to each. With the Socrates told the man he should not speak of this if it was not nice, true, or useful in any way. Many stories that are spread about people are not true. They are made up by people who feel badly about themselves and want attention drawn away from their own lives and problems. This shows that no rumor should be told if it is bad or mean, untrue, or not useful.
    In my life many of my friends have spread rumors. To this day i can remember hundred or stories and lies spread about people and in the end people got hurt. I am one of those people who tries to stay out of the drama that rumors start but almost every person alive has been drawn into it one way or the other. Last year one of my friends told me something really shocking about herself and told me not to tell. I kept it a secret and so did another friend of ours. In the end the girl who told me that secret ended up spreading it about herself and then we found out it was all a lie. She had made it up and then spread it around to just get attention for herself. To this day I do not talk to her because she is very dramatic and I do not want to get involved.
    This story could influence and audience by showing them that spreading rumors and lies is a bad thing and can hurt people. Many people might think that sharing rumors helps you keep up with all your friends and helps you get all the secret news that some might not know. Well its not a good thing. Most of it is untrue and will hurt that person. I have been in the center of rumors a lot and I know how it feels. It hurts when one of your best friends tells a lie about you. This could make people realize that spreading rumors can effect lots of people and it can make them think about how they might have made someone feel. Rumors show what kind of person the spreader is. It shows they are not nice and that they can't be trusted.

  4. 1.Kira D'Agostino 1/17/12 MW2
    2. Don't always believe what you hear.
    3. With Cheria P. It is negative and not useful so how can you know if it's real or not. It was a rumor who's to say it's made up.
    4. I once had a great friend who always wanted to be around me. She was good nice and not easily angered but she did have a bad habit, she was known as the gossiper. It never occurred to her that half the stuff she heard was made up. I would end the trail once she told me but I did get mad after long periods of time. Without a thought she would come to me and tell me the rumor. One time she ran up to me jumping up and down. "Kira I have a super juicy rumor about your friend other friend, I don't know her name but I see you with her a lot."
    I stopped her, It was one of my friends she was going to lie about and I wouldn't stand for it." I asked her who she got it from and if it was positive. The first answer was "I don't know", the second was negative. I told her I didn't want to know. This rumor could come between my friendship with her victim and what would she think if I knew but never told her. I wasn't friends with the gossiper for much longer because she stated becoming the person I frowned upon, the one that didn't care about anyone else.
    The messenger is like my friend, wanted to tell Socrates a rumor. It was of his friend and he questioned the gossiper. It was useless, negative, and maybe not true. This is what rumors are they feel good by saying these rumors. Socrates was smart by saying no, if he would have heard the rumor his friendship may have been ruined by the rumor. In all rumors are bad and they can hurt you so choose not to hear them and be the better person.

  5. 1. Aaron Durham, 1-17-12, MW4

    2. "Get Your Facts Straight"

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. This blog's meaning ment that you should not go and say something to someone if you do not completely know if it's true if that person doesn't care about it and it's not relevant to the situation then why even say it to that person sometimes, people base their thinking about heresy instead of getting hard earned facts about the subject they are talking about. but my point is you should always check twice about something you hear just in case the person you heard it from is telling you something that is true and so you don't make a barnacle out of yourself when you confront your friends or family about it. remember you should always check twice to get things right.

  6. 1. Joshua Helm/1-17-12/MW2

    2. Don't say anything if you have nothing nice to say.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. This anecdote is basically a story version of my LL. This anecdote is about a man who wants to say not nice things about his friend to a stranger. But, Socrates asks him if any of the things the man would've said were true,important, and nice. The man of course denies all 3 so Socrates asks him, Why is it Important to talk about if it isn't True,Important, or good?

    Now, considering this is middle school there are rumors everywhere or lies or plain old unimportant "Teen Drama" as my dad calls it. Now if everyone gave someone the 3 filters test, The world would be a much better/happier place. There would be no rumors,lies, or "Teen Drama". The World's Many Fights have reasons The 3 Filters could have stopped a few Fights/Wars.

    This could be VERY persuasive to an audience of kids/teens/adults that are bullied and have lies and rumors spread about them. This would be very persuasive to an Anti-Bully/Rumor Group because That is what Socrates did with the 3 filters. But, to those who are in favor of lies,unimportance, and being mean, This Story would not be a great idea. I like this story because (a). It's Reasonable I hate rumors. And, (b). I Love Ancient Greek Stories.

  7. Megan Gunderson MW2 January 17 2012

    If you don't have anything good to say don't say at all


    When you walk down hall and see people huddled in groups like penguins you may be wondering what they are taking about.Why are hey all leaned in and randomly burst out laughing.In most cases they are a bunch of friends talking about what they did yesterday, but sometimes it isn't.People go into gangs and start talking about things they herd.There conversations regard people sometimes they don't even know.These evil conversations are about these evil things called rumors.Rumors are pointless negative things about other people.
    The point of this anecdote is to show how spreading rumors is useless.There is no need to talk about someone else unless it involves you or endangers someones else.In the story there is called the the triple filter test.In basically asks is it true,is it positive, and is it useful.This cover all the main point of what rumors are.They are most of the time not true, almost always negative thoughts or actions, and un useful.
    The audience can learn that not every rumor is true.They can discover that rumors are mean lies that can destroy peoples lives.Rumors are poitless things to talk about when you have nothing else to say.They are un true and hurt peoples fellings.I had a freind who had a rumor spread about her. People were mean to her and called her hurtful names.She was very upset. Luckily her freinds including me spread the word that it wasent true and the whole rumor dided down andevery one forgot about it.

  8. 1.Kira D'Agostino 1/17/12 MW2
    2. Don't always believe what you hear.
    3. With Cheria P. It is negative and not useful so how can you know if it's real or not. It was a rumor who's to say it's made up.
    4. I once had a great friend who always wanted to be around me. She was good nice and not easily angered but she did have a bad habit, she was known as the gossiper. It never occurred to her that half the stuff she heard was made up. I would end the trail once she told me but I did get mad after long periods of time. Without a thought she would come to me and tell me the rumor. One time she ran up to me jumping up and down. "Kira I have a super juicy rumor about your friend other friend, I don't know her name but I see you with her a lot."
    I stopped her, It was one of my friends she was going to lie about and I wouldn't stand for it." I asked her who she got it from and if it was positive. The first answer was "I don't know", the second was negative. I told her I didn't want to know. This rumor could come between my friendship with her victim and what would she think if I knew but never told her. I wasn't friends with the gossiper for much longer because she stated becoming the person I frowned upon, the one that didn't care about anyone else.
    The messenger is like my friend, wanted to tell Socrates a rumor. It was of his friend and he questioned the gossiper. It was useless, negative, and maybe not true. This is what rumors are they feel good by saying these rumors. Socrates was smart by saying no, if he would have heard the rumor his friendship may have been ruined by the rumor. In all rumors are bad and they can hurt you so choose not to hear them and be the better person. Choose not to listen and respect the other person even if you do hear the rumor. Have you heard a rumor lately?

  9. 1. Nick Norman 1-17-12 MW2
    2. Sometimes the truth can hurt.
    3. Shared Lesson Learned with your partner.
    4. The point of this anecdote is to let you know that there are sometimes when people will make up things about you and that they are not going to be true. Those are called rumors. There are mean people out there that you can try to help them become nice but you can't force them to do anything they don't want to do. Socrates was not sure if it was true or not but still said it anyway.
    There was a time back in elementary school when this two kids were making fun of this other kid who did more independent things. And I remember thinking about it and I knew that it wasn't true and there was nothing wrong with the kid as what the two kids said. So, I saw another kid who was shorter then most people go over to the bigger kids who were making fun of them and asked " Why are you doing that to him? There's nothing wrong with him." And that right there made them think on what the have done. They went to apologize to the kid and they were friends.
    There are a couple ways you can influence people. First off you should never pick on kids. You will be known as the bully. Also, if you see people getting bullied you should try to stick up for that kid and try to help him out because you would hate for that to be done to you.

  10. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/17/12
    2. Rumor's are useless.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The purpose of this anecdote is easy, but complex. It has a great meaning to it and if you don't believe this, your life may be much harder than it should be. It is saying that everything you hear may not be true. Unless you hear it from the person themselves. This can help you in your future, keeping you away from drama and confusion. It also is saying that little rumors that are going on about you or around you don't matter. It may seem like the most important thing in the world now, but in a week none of it will even matter. Forgive and forget.

    Being a girl, there is always some kind of drama. There were rumors going around school last year about my friends and some other girls getting in fights. Even though none true, people outside of my group of friends didn't know. My friends were very upset thinking their "reputation" would be ruined. This also all started with two girls joking around with each other. But when one person from outside the group heard, the whole school seemed to know sooner or later. If people would have had straight facts, they would have known none of the fighting really happened and it was all a joke to begin with. Rumors spread like wild fires and people are just the gasoline.

    This is a major anecdote to me. People need to think before they talk and shouldn't even worry about other peoples business. If someone heard a comment from a friend, they shouldn't tell other people. The friend was trusting them in the first place not to tell anyone, and I bet the person it is about would be very hurt to know you were spreading things about them; real or fake. Putting yourself in their shoes can really help. You need to know how the other person would feel. So in conclusion, say what you mean and mean what you say. Always tell the truth and do what is right.

  11. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/17/12 MW2

    2. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all.

    4. This anecdote reminds me of a time when I was playing in a basketball game and this one kid called me a mean name and I was like really? You needed to call me that and he never said any thing so I was like fine be that way.

    The point of this anecdote is to get people to treat people how you want to be treated and if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. Just like my L.L. A big part of life if talking so don't say thing to others that would be hurtful to you if it got said to you.

    This would influence a audience because talking is in every day life and if you say something to something mean to them and then they say it back to you then you are all offended and then you are all upset and all you can say is you said it to them so you had it coming at some time down the road. So treat others how you want to be treated.

  12. 1. Malorie Moen 1/17/12 MW2

    2. Don't believe everything you hear.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. There is really no reason to tell something about someone that isn't good, useful or true. If someone heard something bad about you, that wasn't true, you wouldn't want them to share it with everyone else. Rumors are spread all of the time, but there is no use to them. Most of us don't want to hear a bad story that's not true. It does no good for the person in the rumor, or the people spreading it.

    I have heard a bad rumor about one of my friends before. I didn't believe that it was true, so I never told it to anyone. You shouldn't believe everything you hear, because it might not be true. It turns out, the rumor wasn't true and the person that the rumor was about, was really hurt when they found out. This rumor wasn't useful to anyone, and it wasn't good or true.

    This would influence an audience by teaching them that if you are going to say something about someone else to a person, you should think about what you are going to say, before you say it. It helps to take a filter test and make sure that the thing you are about to say is useful, true, and good. If you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all. Remembering these things before you speak out loud, will make you a better person. Everyone loves to hear things that are good and true, so why do some people make bad rumors that aren't true?

  13. 1. Jacob Robinson 1-17-12 MW2

    2. Sometimes the truth can hurt.

    4. The point of this anecdote is to let you know that there are sometimes when people will make up things about you and that they are not going to be true. Those are called rumors. There are mean people out there that you can try to help them become nice but you can't force them to do anything they don't want to do. Socrates was not sure if it was true or not but still said it anyway.
    There are a couple ways you can influence people. First off you should never pick on kids. You will be known as the bully. Also, if you see people getting bullied you should try to stick up for that kid and try to help him out because you would hate for that to be done to you.
    This reminds me one time a couple of years ago there was three kids who were making fun of this one kid. The three kids were making fun of him because he was very short. The three kids were tall though so it seemed that the kid was very short to them. Anyway as I remember there was this one other kid who was short went up to the kids and said "why are you making fun of him? Just because he short doesn't mean anything. He will grow someday." After these words struck the taller kids then they walked away.

  14. 1. Bri Rumple MW4 01.18.12

    2. It's pointless to gossip or spread rumors.

    3. With partner.

    4. The purpose of this anecdote is to inform the readers that there is really no point to spread any rumor or gossip about things that are not true, good, or important to be discussing. Why would you share something you heard that's not even true with someone else? This can be compared to every day life, because there is always some rumor going around your school, work, town, team, etc. Everybody hears something that is not true, good, or useful sometimes and still decide to tell others about it, but that's just human nature, we all do it even though it's not really important.
    For example, one time there was a girl who heard things that she knew were not true but still decided to tell all her friends about it, which lead to more rumors going around. she kept that up for years and finally people started not believing any of her stories. That's a good reason why you shouldn't spread things that are not true. Anyways, someone could get really hurt or upset by rumors. Bottom line, you should only tell the truth and only the truth.

  15. 1. Josh Mick 1/18/12 TT4
    2. Don't interrupt sometimes its always best to listen.
    3. Shared with partner
    4. This anecdote is to remind you that people can sometimes interrupt you when you have something to say. They think they know everything when really they should listen to you for a minute. Before Socrates could even start talking about his friend Socrates told him to take a test known as the 'Triple Filter Test'.

    Socrates didn't even have any time to react to the question. He wouldn't even want to take the test at all. To me its just disrespectful and rude. If someone is interrupting you don't hesitate to stop it.

    This reminds me when my friends were debating on whether we should play baseball or basketball. Then, all of a sudden everyone started yelling at each other and interrupting everyone. So what I did was i told them to forget it and it stopped thanks to me of course. :D

  16. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski/1-17-12/MW2

    2. Rumors are no good.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. In this short story, Socrates made a good point. He used wise questions like is it good, or useful to see if it was even worth hearing. In the story, a man walks up to Socrates and told him that he heard a rumor about his friend. Socrates asked him three questions. Is it true, is it good, and is it useful. He answered no to every question which meant that it should not gather attention.
    This story reminds that a couple days ago, my sister came home from school very excited. I asked her what she was so happy about and she said that she heard a rumor that her friend was going t give her a late birthday present. I looked at her and said that it probably won't happen. She asked me why. I looked at her and asked who told her about this. She said her other friend that she sits next to at lunch. Then she looked at me like she realized something, then she turned around and walked away.
    This could influence an audience because it tells that when you hear something from a friend, it might not always be true... and it might not be you friend that is lying. There are so many rumors that are passed around, and they hurt people. When the person that the rumor is about hears it, it can torture them. This can tell people that their friend may be hurting because of something their friend said. It is ridiculous!!! Who deserves that treatment?

  17. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 1/17/12 MW2

    2. If something isn't nice or yous-full then don't say it.

    4. The purpose of this anecdote is to show that if something isn't nice and possibly not true then why talk about it. Everyone is going to spread rumors about you so it's not even worth getting excited about. In the story the messenger most likely was delivering a lie about what his friend did. So instead of taking information they may or may not be true about his friend, and put there friendship in a rough place, he decided it's not worth knowing the lie.From the experience that he has known a dear friend, is ten times more important then the words of a messenger or stranger.

    This is an example of a time that I had the same situation to deal with. When me and my brother were little I learned that saying a negative think about someone gets you know where. So one time I told him that school was terrible and all the teachers were mean on his first day of school.This mad him extremely nervous and he therefore was almost in tears. When he got back from school he was looking at me and said, "It wasn't that bad."So the whole idea of telling him a lie like that did nothing but make him upset. That's why the best thing I should've done would be not to say anything.

    An audience can take this from many points of views that can impact them. Is it really worth telling someone something if it will just hurt them. If you think that it is possibly not true then just ignore it and don't continue to cause problems. People who are listening to the rumors about people and are trying to start something, need to give them some space. There is no reason to pick on someone that you don't know very well. Bottom line think before you say something that you will regret.

  18. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 1-18-12
    2. Don't gossip
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The point of this anecdote was to tell us about how unimportant and even hurtful gossip can be. Socrates in this story told the man that if it is useless, bad and not 100% truthful information, then he did not want to hear it. This can remind us of the things we see in everyday life. For example, bullying. If you repeat gossip that might not be true or was just mean then you can be just as much an offender to the person it's about as the bully. I think the person who repeats it is also much like the man Socrates met in the story.
    To relate this too my own life, there have been times where I have been bullied or that I have witnessed someone be bullied. Both situations are very uncomfortable. It truly hurts when the information you hear is something you know to be hurtful and it can also be untrue. The hardest part about being the person who hears the gossip is since it makes you feel guilty since you know. Gossiping is a large form of bullying sometimes just because it spreads and only can make more damage so my advice is not to do it!!!!
    In a heated discussion, my point would be to not gossip, period. If we were not so subject to gossip in our daily lives, maybe school (and anywhere else) would feel and be much safer. Since when it spreads it really spreads and then someone would be hurt and nobody wants to be that person. The phrase "what goes around comes around" also relates to this story since if you said or repeated the gossip, someone may know that you said it. My thoughts is that gossip usually goes from bad to worse when spread so my concluding thoughts is to think before saying something that is hurtful, not helpful in any way, or might not even be true.

  19. 1. Kyle Gonos 1-18-12 MW4
    2. LL: Everything you hear is not always true
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The point of this anecdote is to let you know that there will be rumors about you, but in your heart you know they aren't true. This world has some messed up and mean people that will try to cut you down. People will pretend to know you but in reality you might think they are a true friend but they are pretending. Some people just talk to you because they have no one else to talk to. This could teach people to not know if something is true until you ask the person if they are not.
    In our school there is lots of pretending. Most people just pretend to be someones friend. Now some of these people might think thats its funny because there real friends think it is. They need to ask themselves "what if that was me?". After they ask themselves that maybe people will all be able to be friends.
    I would definitely use this anecdote to persuade people. I would use this to tell people that your best friends might not really be your friend. Also that this can tell people that do not say anything to someone if you would not want them to turn around and say the same thing to you. Also how that would make you feel. In the end just think about yourself in the other persons shoes when your picking on them.

  20. 1. Molly Aills 1/18/12

    2. Don't always believe what you hear.

    3. Shared with a partner.

    4. People who tell rumors are sometimes jealous or angry. It really isn't nice or good to tell rumors about somebody, but those people don't usually think about it that way. They're mad or some other negative emotion and want to get back at the person. Socrates was trying to tell us and this man that you shouldn't believe what you hear if it has nothing good to say about them. Rumors that are bad can spread suspicion or doubt, leading to disputes or even endings of friendships. They're nasty, spread by people who have something against that person. I think that rumors are just as hurtful as telling what the rumor was about to that person's face.

    When I was younger, someone who I had considered a casual friend up until that point spread a rumor that I was going to ask out a particular guy. The truth was, I actually did like him. But of course, the rumor was denied by me, the truth being that the thought hadn't really occurred until the rumor had come up. I was hurt that someone would tell that guy of my thoughts about him without checking to see if it would be okay for them to tell him first. The problem that came up when I had a friend legitimately ask him out, he actually came to me to confirm that I was really asking him out before he gave his answer. He never would have had that suspicion if the rumor hadn't been spread in the first place.

    Sometimes my friends get down about something they heard. For example, they could be told that another friend was talking behind their back and saying some pretty nasty stuff. She or he would naturally be pretty upset before they even affirmed that the rumors were true. In this instance I would probably play Socrates and ask them the three questions: Is it true? Is it something good about the person? Is it useful? Most likely, those answers would all be no. So why would they even take it to heart? Maybe it's true. But until someone actually proves it wrong or right, I would tell them to not take it to heart. Maybe that's the fatal flaw of humans, that we take things too seriously. If everyone was a little more laid-back, not taking things that we hear like rumors all that seriously, what would the world today be like?

  21. LeAnn Howe MW2 1-17-12

    2. Make sure you have your facts straight.

    4. This anecdote is about rumors. Most of them are very negative. Socrates is implying that if it's mean, negative, and may be false, why should it be spread? It seems that Socrates was a good man. He doesn't like to hear bad things. He also will not spread information if he doesn't know it's true.
    School is a though thing for people to go through. Students will and they do spread information about someone else that is far from true. Being a girl, I hear something new about another person almost everyday. Some of the things are disturbing and really rude. I find it sad. People need to stop saying these type of things. They also need to stop spreading it.
    Last year, a rumor went around about one of my close friends. When I heard it, I knew it was far from the truth. Someone overheard her joking around and thought that it was the truth. Not only did this make me upset but I was upset too. No one really understands how what you say can hurt someone's feeling even when yo are "joking."
    The anecdote has a very powerful message. It's saying that if you don't know if something is true, you should not spread it. You need to get your facts straight and make sure you know what's going on. Also, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Spreading rumors is a way to bully someone. If more students were nice and accepted one another, it could really make a huge impact. To me rumors are like a jar full of moths. Once they escape, they're all over the place.

  22. 1. Matt Strong 1/17/12 MW2

    2. Think before you act.

    4. The point of this anecdote is you should think before you talk. If you're going to tell someone something, make sure the information is the truth, good, and useful. Those are the three things you need in order to tell someone something. If one of these three things don't exist, don't tell the person what you have to say.
    Don't tell someone non-useful information.
    I've been in this situation before. I once was going to tell my mom about a funny part I saw on an episode of Family Guy. I didn't think about her side of it, and she got mad at me. I didn't think before I acted. My dad always told me when I was little, "think before you act". Ever since that day, that statement has always been in the back of my mind.
    This can influence an audience in many ways. They can learn the lesson I learned. Think before you act. Or they can learn something else from this. Many lessons can be learned from this anecdote.

  23. 1 Chiera Palamar mw2 Jan 17
    2 "A good friend only listens to a friend of trust."
    3 A good friend would only listen to a friend that they know they can trust, therefore if its true they will listen but if they are not sure then why listen to them at all?
    4 The purpose of this anecdote is, people are going to tell things to others about you that are not true. You know its not good news and its as well not conveyed in any way, then you most likely don't want to hear it nor want your time wasted.
    This reminds me of a time when someone was making up rumors about my friend. People had come up to me to tell me about what they heard. People had came up to me seconds before that as well. I told them "Its none of my business nor is it yours or the one that told you. Do you always listen to what others say? Or is that something new? I beg to differ." After I had said this the spreading of the fake rumor stopped.
    This would influence a audience by teaching them if you have nothing good to say don't say it at all, you should think about what your saying before you speak. It would help you speak of useful information then not useful at all.

  24. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 1-19-12
    2. What you hear is not always true.
    3. Just because you hear something does not make it true.
    The point of this short story is to teach people that what you hear might not always be true. If something your going to say is not truthful, good, or useful then why say it at all? That's how rumors start. You get a bunch of gossipers thinking they know what their talking about when their just spreading bad information about people. You can't believe everything people tell you, because you never know where their information came from. If there is one thing some people are good at it is stretching the truth. Socrates was a very wise man with his 3 filters test. Let's spread good, truthful, and useful information.
    I've had soccer games where stuff like this has happened. Some girl was getting mad because I was pushing her so she started calling me names. I mean really? what good is cussing going to do you? I got really mad and well let's just say i shoulder checked that girl right into a mud puddle (it was raining.) I was laughing so hard, I mean what goes around comes back around. She left me alone for the rest of the game, and so did the rest of her team. That happens to me a lot people start saying bad things. It can even be your friends.
    A lesson everyone can learn from this anecdote is that what's being spread is not always true. I wish that sometimes people would just mind their own business, the world would be a better place. Don't talk about people if it doesn't pass the 3 filters test of goodness,truth, and usefulness.

  25. 1. Jacob Yannott
    2. a good friend lisen to your problems, and try's to help you with that problem.
    3. done
    4.There is really no reason to tell something about someone that isn't good, useful or true. If someone heard something bad about you, that wasn't true, you wouldn't want them to spread it around the school. Rumors are spread all of the time, but there is no use to them. Most of us don't want to hear a bad story that's not true. It does no good for the person in the rumor, or the people spreading it.

    My point would be to not gossip. If we were not so subject to gossip in our daily lives, maybe school, would feel and be much safer. Since when it spreads it really spreads and then someone would be hurt and nobody wants to be that person. The phrase "what goes around comes around" also relates to this story since if you said or repeated the gossip, someone may know that you said it. My thoughts is that gossip usually goes from bad to worse when spread so my concluding thoughts is to think before saying something that is hurtful, not helpful in any way, or might not even be true, also nobody likes drama.

    This story could influence us by showing them that spreading rumors is a bad thing and can hurt people you know and love. Many people might think that sharing rumors helps you keep up with all your friends and helps you get all the secret news that some might not know. Well its not a good thing. Most of it is untrue and will hurt that person. I have herd alot of rumers about people that are not true, and when i twll them about it, they get sad. like in one instance, somebody made a bad pic of this one girl, so i sent it to her to show her what people are sayen about her, and i got my computer managed!!! I was very madd!! It hurts when one of your best friends tells a lie about you. This could make people realize that spreading rumors can effect lots of people and it can make them think about how they might have made someone feel. Rumors show what kind of person the spreader is. It shows they are not nice and that they can't be trusted.

  26. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 1/19/12, MW4
    2. There is no point in spreading rumors, all they do is cause problems.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The purpose of this story is that rumors are useless. If it isn't important and has nothing to do with you, you shouldn't tell people about it. And especially if it isn't the truth because someone might think that it actually is the truth. This reminds me of a situation when my best friend had a terrible rumor going around the school. It wasn't even true! But when she tried to tell people that it wasn't true they didn't believe her. So everyone thought the rumor was true. Soon after no one talked about it though, and most people had forgot about it. But Still telling people fake stuff about other people can ruins someone's life, or really hurt them.

  27. 1.Justin Wilson Jan 19 mw4
    2. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. the point of this story is you have to know what your talking about. You have to know that the thing your about to say is true. You have to look at who it could effect and how when it is said.
    The short story has a good lesson that can be very useful in every day conversations. It simple states know what your talking about and who it will effect. This could go toward the old saying said by some moms "If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all." I've had a similar experience to this. I was very mad at my sister and I heard that she got held back in 3rd grade. When I got in a argument with her I used that against her to prove I was smarter then her, But it was wrong she only got held back because my parents didn't want her to go into 4th grade because she was skipped kindergarden and went right into 1st grade so she was a year younger then her class mates so my parents wanted her to stay with her age group.
    It's very important to remember this lesson learned because it could and might help you in life.

  28. 1. Cade Marttinen MW4 Jan19, 2012
    2. To be a good friend, don't spread bad rumors about other people.
    3. People who are true friends don't spread rumors about their friends. If someone is spreading rumors about you that you don't like, don't be their friend.
    4. The purpose of this anecdote is to show that if something isn't nice and possibly not true then why talk about it. Everyone is going to spread rumors about you so it's not even worth listening to. In the story the messenger most likely was delivering a lie about what his friend did. So instead of taking information they may or may not be true about his friend, and put there friendship in a rough place, he decided it's not worth knowing the lie.From the experience that he has known a dear friend, is ten times more important then the words of a messenger or stranger.

    This is an example of a time that I had the same situation to deal with. When me and my brother were little I learned that saying a negative think about someone gets you no where. So one time I told him that school was terrible and all the teachers were mean on his first day of school.This mad him extremely nervous and he therefore was almost in tears. When he got back from school he was looking at me and said, "It wasn't that bad."So the whole idea of telling him a lie like that did nothing but make him upset. That's why the best thing I should've done would be not to say anything.

    An audience can take this from many points of views that can impact them. Is it really worth telling someone something if it will just hurt them? If you think that it is possibly not true then just ignore it and don't continue to cause problems. People who are listening to the rumors about people and are trying to start something, need to give them some space. There is no reason to pick on someone that you don't know very well.You should think before you say something that you will regret.

  29. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 1-19-12

    2. If you don't know it's true don't say it.

    4. The purpose of this anecdote it that people should not gossip about other people. For one thing if you gossip about someone else, you could be gossiped about in the future. People gossip about other people all the time but when you are talked about its a whole other story isn't it? I think not, so if you are gossiping you should think twice about it because it could come to bite you right in the butt in the future. This anecdote also goes with treat people the way you want to be treated! This means in this case, don't gossip about people because I know that you wouldn't want to be gossiped about.
    Gossiping is wrong for one thing and it's used in everyday life too, which is sad. Gossip is nothing but a way to get rid of friends or people you love and no one really wants that. What you do will come back in the long run, it could be good things or bad things. Think about this, if you were being gossiped about you probably wouldn't like it so why would you do it others? Socrates was trying to make a really good point that you could use in your life, if you don't know it's true don't say it!
    This reminds me of the time when I was talking to a friend. I noticed that someone was eavesdropping so I gave some false information to my friend just to test the person who was listening in. But the thing I didn't think about was when the person who was listening in told other people. Then a lot of people new so I had to tell everybody that it wasn't true I was kidding. This is a good story for the audience because I shouldn't have done that and the person who was eavesdropping should have never told anybody but they did and this could be a lesson to people. It could be called treat people the way you want to be treated!

  30. 1. Alex Smith, 1-19-12, MW4

    2. The lesson learned I developed from this anecdote is, 'Don't believe all the rumors you hear'.


    4. In this anecdote, Socrates, interviews this stranger who claimed to have news of one of his friends. Socrates asked him if this news was relevant to him, the truth, or if it was something bad about his friend. The stranger replied with a no for all the questions. Socrates, then, dismissed the stranger and the gossip he told Socrates.

    I can relate to this anecdote, quite a bit even. There are, and always have been, many a rumor around me. The worst part is is that it's all baseless conjecture that these kids all believe. It's moronic, that's the only word I can find that isn't a tad too harsh. Then when I try to stand up for myself, I'm the one who's punished. I get beat in the locker room? Oh well you pushed the kid off you, so I guess you get in trouble! Could you detect the sarcasm there, because I meant it. I try to be proud of myself, for who I am, but when you have others around who's goal in life is to bring you down, then it's really damn hard!

    What Socrates did was to refuse to believe, or listen, to this baseless rumor. He gave his friend the benefit of doubt. I've never had this be applicable to me, though. I don't tend to get the benefit of the doubt. First thing someone will do when they hear a rumor is come up to me, giggling and smiling, and ask me about it. I deny said rumor, and they go back to their friends to tell them that I confirmed it. I, however, do try to give people the benefit of doubt. Or, really, seeing as how I don't care for gossip, say I don't care.

    This anecdote is applicable to any scenario in which, someone spreads a rumor or is judged too quickly. Let's just say there's this group of people who tend to get a bad rep. The unpopular kids, that'll work. Now, lets just say that someone comes up to tell me this nasty rumor. If I tell them I don't care, or it's not relevant to me, then I really just used then point that this anecdote was trying to make.

    (I really liked this one. I really got into it)

  31. 1. Payton Rentsch, 1-19-12

    2. You should't believe everything you hear.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. There is really no reason to tell rumors about someone that aren't good, useful or true. If someone heard something bad about you, that wasn't true, you wouldn't want them to share it with everyone else. Rumors are spread all the time, but there is no use to them. Most of us don't want to hear a story that's not true. It does no good for the person in the rumor, or the people spreading it.don't repeat them to anyone. You shouldn't believe everything you hear, because it might not be true. Rumors are usually not true the majority of them are false, rumors aren't useful to anyone, and it wasn't good or true.
    This would influence an audience by teaching them that if you are going to say something about someone else to a person or on the internet, you should think about what you are going to say or write, before you say it or post it. It helps to take a filter test and make sure that the thing you are about to say is or post is useful, true, and good. If you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all. Remembering these things before you speak out loud or post on the internet, will make you a better person. Everyone loves to hear things that are good and true, so why do some people make rumors that aren't true?

  32. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/17/12

    2. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    3. Socrates was wise when he told the man to take the triple filter test. The man didn't know if the information he was about to pass along was true, the information was not good, and the information was not going to help Socrates in the long run. The lesson in this story is if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Socrates did not want to be given false information about his friend. This is often how rumors start.
    I have been in this kind of situation before. A close friend had called me after school and asked me if I told people that she wanted to commit suicide. I was in shock when she asked me that question. I had not told anybody that my friend was suicidal. It was a mistaken rumor that had gotten around. I had asked my friend if she believed the information she had been told and she said yes. I asked her why she would believe a rumor and not her own friend. It was very hard to convince her to believe me. I almost lost a friend because of a rumor that had been started.

  33. 1. William McNamee
    2. Gossip isn't worth it.
    4. Gossip isn't worth it because of everything it does. Gossip is never good can only really be bad. I wonder if people ever think about what they are making up's effect on people and their lives. Another bad thing about gossip is the horrible things that people make up. When I say gossip isn't worth it I also mean that it just isn't worth the effort. Just think about all the time that some people spend making up this stuff. They could be doing homework or even just having fun with friends, but know they choose to hurt people's feelings and to lie.

    My lesson learned reminds me of a movie that I saw during the Summer. The movie was I am Number 4. This movie reminded me of it because on of the main characters gets gossiped about and it is very harsh, but people think it's true. So that girl was shunned by all of here friends and basically the whole school. Like I said already is gossip really worth destroying someone's life!

    This anecdote could be used in a debate to persuade the audience because of the history in it. It could also be used because almost everyone can relate to this story of gossip. I think when Socrates said what he said that he really just didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

  34. 1. Danielle Stowell 1/19/12 TT4
    2. Everything you hear is not always true.
    4. The purpose of this anecdote is you should never gossip about someone ever. And when you tell all of your friends they will tell theres and so on and so forth. But when your the one being gossiped about it's a whole other situation. Gossiping is a bad thing isn't it? Because when the person your gossiping about will find out and it will come back and bite you in the but right back.
    Gossiping is a very bad thing to do, I don't get why people still do it? Once I thought I was being gossiped about because these to people were telling secrets and there hands were covering up their mouths so nobody could read it and they were telling the secret and they were looking at me. And you know how it feels when you're being gossiped about and sometimes there all just rumors that people start and they could be just fake!!!
    This could influence an audience by thinking before you speak about someone cause the person you tell might be friends with that person and they will go and tell them which is not good at all. If people are gossiping it should be a good thing. Sometimes the people you think are your best friends are not always because they could be gossiping about you. I love hearing good things about me with how good I am with sports and stuff like that. Just remember think a lot before you speak, it will make you a better person.

  35. 1. Cody Musulin 1/18/12 TT2
    2. Not everything said is the Truth.
    4.There is a lot of people out in the world, and all of those people say things. Although the person saying a bunch of things that are (true), sometimes aren't really true at all. The thing is that the listener doesn't not that it is a lie, so when the person tells him that, then the person that listened will now go and tell all of his friends, and if that was about someone, then it won't be a very good situation.

    If someone ells you something, don't always believe it, if you think it might be true, but might not at the same time, you might not want to go tell everyone what he just told you. It could turn into a big problem, especially if it's about a friend of yours or someone you know. So after you hear what he had said, you should probably ask if he know's it's true.

    One time I was talking to my friend and he was telling a big group of friends about a bunch of different things. I later ask him if all of those were true, he said most of them I think. That wasn't enough for me, so I looked them up on the internet, only a couple were true. You see, it didn't sound very truthful, it wasn't very good, and it wasn't very useful to me. that is why I looked them up, and I was right that only one or two was actually true.

  36. 1. Maddie Haas 1/18/12 2TT

    2. Don't spread rumors around.

    3. I shared mine with my mother.

    4. The point of this story is always trust your friends and dont spread gossip. If you dont know if it's true, useful, or good for the person, than dont accept the information or listen to it. You should always trust your friends and always think they are doing the right thing. Also you should never spread gossip. When you start to think about spreading gossip, think to yourself, would I like this if it happened to me.

    I have had many rumors spread about me and I know that it does not feel good. I would be lucky to have a friend that thinks like Socrates because he does know that gossiping is bad and though the temptations are terrible, you still should refuse the information. I have had a rumor spread about me that was so bad that two of my friends just refused to talk to me. And I wish that whoever was the one spreading that big rumor, had thought about the Triple Filter Test and would have refrained from telling everyone.

    I think that if there had been a debate topic as gossip, and I had been the con to gossip, than I could have used this story as help. That gossip is not usually good, true, or useful so why spread it. Gossip is a bad thing and I feel that it should not be around because it just hurts people. No one really benefits from it except the mean people in the world that just want to hurt people's feelings. So if you want gossip around, than you are probably just one of those people.

  37. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-19-12, TT2
    2. Stay out of other people's business
    3. Shared
    4. Rumors can be hurtful. Rumors can hurt more than others. Do people think it doesn't cause anything. Well news flash it doesn't. Drama doesn't do anything all it does is cause more drama. Socrates is the kind of person that always like to tell the truth. Socrates never likes to lie, and always likes to be open and clean with everybody.
    In our school there is a lot of drama and a lot of rumors. I have experienced more than one rumor. People will tell me things that I don't care about. Others will say things that interest me, and I believe that is true. You can't always believe someone. There are things that are mean, interesting, maybe nice. Most of the time there gonna be mean. The reason is, is because two people that either don't like each other, or are in a fight. It doesn't cause anything but maybe it releases the things that someone needs to say. I really don't know to purpose of drama or rumors, but all I know it needs to stop.
    Anyone can relate to this, they can use it for their own problems. What does drama do? Well basically it does nothing. If you don't have anything nice to say, why say it all? All its gonna do is hurt someone, and it might not be even true. Everyone takes it for real, and thinks "really"? Rumors have no purpose. My Aunt even had rumors at her work that she told me about! Adults have it too!

  38. 1. Michael Yedinak 1/18/12 TT2
    2. If your not sure don't lure
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The point of this anecdote is to think before you act and don't start spreading these rumors to people unless YOU KNOW THEY ARE THE TRUTH!!! Socrates made this person think before he told him this news he just heard of. Being the smart person Socrates is he made it into a game. This made him think and realize this is not a positive, necessary truthful, or good thing. In the end he made the right choice and didn't even tell him this rumor at all.
    I get in trouble for doing and mostly saying stupid things all the time. Let me just say don't do stupid things around my mom or else.... BAD THINGS! One time when I was lets say 10 or 9 I was playing basketball on my mini basketball hoop indoors you put on doors. I am supposed to be playing down stairs and brave little me decides to bring it up stairs because it will not hit the celling. That seemed to work pretty good until I hit my mom's vase her grandma gave to her. My mom yelled and stomped out like a angry lion to me. You would think I would just give up and beg for forgiveness, but I must have been having a bad day because I tell my mom "I am not putting my hoop back down stairs and you could stop being so cranky!"
    Lets say my mom gave me some major slack by not killing me. Instead she slammed me against the wall and gave me the look of a chimpanzee. Her eyes popped so far out of her head I thought they were going to pop out. She was very straight and said "Never be so disrespectful to me again."
    I learned that I better always think before I act in case this happens to me again. After the scene I threw the basketball hoop away so I wouldn't have to see pictures of that day again.
    Kids have a tendency to tell people all these great rumors around to people. I don't know why, but they do this because they want excitement and want to fit in with all sorts of people around school. Rumors hurt people and some are so embarrassed they stay home from school and think about what they did wrong. People can definitely use the one phrase your parents always tell you "think before you act!" If you don't spread rumors others will want to be with you because you know they won't try to spread stuff around about your personal life.

  39. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/18/12 TT2
    2. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The point of this anecdote is that if you have something to say that isn't nice, useful, or true, why should you say it? There really isn't any point. It will probably end up hurting someone in the end. If you do say things that aren't truthful, you are spreading rumors. If you continue, this could backfire and, eventually, you could be the one the rumor is about.
    When you're little and you say something mean about someone, your mom or dad will tell you that it isn't nice. They also tell you not say it again. All that would do is hurt someones feelings. People can learn from this because it would teach them not to say anything mean to someone. Instead, they should say nothing and keep their comment to themselves. That way, no one gets hurt and no rumors are spread.
    I can relate to this because, one time, a rumor was spread about one of my friends. I didn't believe the rumor but anyone that didn't know her well, did believe it. It wasn't good because to the people had never met her before, she seemed like an awful, rude person when she wasn't. Rumors can change the way you think about people, most of the time for the worse. EIther way, you should never say anything if you aren't one hundred percent sure it is true.

  40. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 1/17/12 - MW4

    2. If you don't have anything good to say then don't say it at all.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. Sometimes people can tell you stuff that isn't true. Those things in which are called rumors. You can not believe everything that everyone says. Most rumors are negative and don't deserve to be spread around. He doesn't like to hear bad things. He also will not spread information if he doesn't know it's true.
    School is a good example of this. All students are required to go to school. whether online or at a school you need an education. At school there are a ton of rumors that are spread around all day everyday. Most of them are bad ones and aren't true but people still spread them around. I wish they didn't but what can you do.

  41. 1. Brandon Wiese T22 1/18/12

    2. Don't tell someone information unless its important or correct.

    3. shared with brother

    4. Anecdotes are very important in writing. In this story the man comes to Socrates and needs to tell some information about his friend. Socrates didn't want to hear the information unless it was truthful, good, or was of use to him. When some one is sending mean information around the school or anywhere its called rumors. No one likes rumors about them.
    This happend to one of my friends once. It is a horrible thing to happen to some one. Rumors when they get spread around its called gossip. My 4th grade teacher told our class that gossip is nothing but trouble. All rumors do is get peoples feelings hurt.
    This could persuade an audience many different ways. One ways is that when people tell rumors the person could be lying. This could also persuade an audience because they may believe the person spreading the rumors. The spread of rumor could also cause lots of problems. It could make the audience confused. When your audience is confused they will not understand what your talking about.

  42. 1. Cody Musulin 1/18/12 TT2
    2. Not everything said is the Truth.
    4.There is a lot of people out in the world, and all of those people say things. Although the person saying a bunch of things that are (true), sometimes aren't really true at all. The thing is that the listener doesn't not that it is a lie, so when the person tells him that, then the person that listened will now go and tell all of his friends, and if that was about someone, then it won't be a very good situation.

    If someone ells you something, don't always believe it, if you think it might be true, but might not at the same time, you might not want to go tell everyone what he just told you. It could turn into a big problem, especially if it's about a friend of yours or someone you know. So after you hear what he had said, you should probably ask if he know's it's true.

    One time I was talking to my friend and he was telling a big group of friends about a bunch of different things. I later ask him if all of those were true, he said most of them I think. That wasn't enough for me, so I looked them up on the internet, only a couple were true. You see, it didn't sound very truthful, it wasn't very good, and it wasn't very useful to me. that is why I looked them up, and I was right that only one or two was actually true.

  43. 1. Darren Murray 1/20/12 TT2

    2. Never pass false information cause once they find out it was not useful they wont trust you in any way possible for them to believe you in anything. and that's how I would feel if someone did it to me.


    4. The meaning of this story is pretty much saying don't lie about something or don't pass information that's not true or you know might not be even believable. The information can affect someone deeply and really hurt or sometimes it might make someone really really happy and when it comes to the truth its just a lie. The one who heard the information about someone or something is the person who gets to decide if its worth telling or telling the false information.
    This has happened to me before, actually more than once actually a lot of times. One summer probably 5 years ago, my grandpa told my older brother and I he was going to take us to Niagara falls in New York. A couple months since that happened probably around August 27, my mother got a call telling us he couldn't take us were we wanted to go. I know its not his fault for the incident but if you know its not right or if its not going to happen in my case, then don't spread the information.

  44. 1.Caleb Hudson tt2 1-20-12
    2.Don't spread information that is neither true,useful and good.
    3.Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. I think that the point of this anecdote was to show that everything you hear from someone else may not be true. and you can test it with socrates 3 filters. The first one is the filter of truth. The second one is the filter of goodness. the third was the filter of usefulness The person socrates talked to said that the information he had was neither of the three and then he said that he did not care to talk about the information he had.
    The purpose of the first filter is to make sure that the information is true. and that if it is reliable. The purpose of the second filter is to make sure its good informations. he had that so he would not be told bad news that he did not want to hear. The purpose of the third filter is to make sure that the information is useful. and if its not than what is the point of hearing it. That is some of the purposes of having those three filters.
    This would be a good filter for pretty much everything. this is because it filters out what is useful,good, and true. and those are the three main things thats important to know about informations. I had heard that this one time that one of my friends said that they saw someone beat up. if i had said the three rules to filter the informations I probably would have gotten nothing out of it. This could even be like a new filter for wikipedia to make it more reliable.

  45. 1. William McNamee

    2. Gossip isn't worth anything.

    4. The point of this story is to prove that gossip isn't worth anything not even your time. This story tells me this because Socrates used a test to filter out what he didn't want which was gossip. In this story to Socrates felt like if it wasn't crucial to his or other people's existence than it wasn't worth the time. Socrates probably thought this because he was one of the brilliant scientists of his time, and he probably always had better things to do.
    Another purpose of this writing was that Socrates knew that all gossip could really do was hurt other people. Socrates just didn't want to take part in hurting another person. Another lesson learned could be gossip can only hurt people. I know this because when I walk down the hallways of our school I hear gossip and rumors not just about other people but about me. When I hear this I think to myself how bored those people must be if all that they can do is talk about other people behind their backs.

    The final point that this story tells me is value your time don't spend it putting others down because you think it will make people like you. When people gossip they don't really pay attention to how much time they are spending on it they only think about how funny what their saying is, when in truth it isn't all that great. When I hear that people get bad grades sometimes if I know them I think oh well if maybe they spent less time gossiping and more time doing homework or studying they might actually be doing very well.

    Finally this story could be mainly to me used in a debate about bullies. Bullies are the ones who spread gossip and pick on other people. I think that this story could also be used at a debate about depression in kids because most of them get picked on through gossip so they don't have friends and they don't get out a lot. All around this story would be a great anecdote for a debate, as long as you know how to use it.

  46. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-20-12, TT2 

    2. Stay out of other people's business
    3. Shared

    4. Rumors can be hurtful. Rumors can hurt more than others. Do people think it doesn't cause anything. Well news flash it doesn't. Drama doesn't do anything all it does is cause more drama. Socrates is the kind of person that always like to tell the truth. Socrates never likes to lie, and always likes to be open and clean with everybody.
    Like any other school, each school has rumors that go around. Some may be meaner, than others. I hear rumors about everyday, and know that they aren't true. People don't even think about if the rumor is true or not. I would say that there isn't much boy rumors or drama. But its mostly the girls. I understand that because girls can be much more moody. So a lot more drama and rumors go around.
    A couple years ago a rumor went around about someone that I didn't even know. I really didn't care at the time, but then everybody kept talking about it. After everyone was saying things, wondering if it was true. Then asking that person, she said it wasn't and she didn't know that this rumor was spreading around about her. I felt bad, and didn't really know what to do. Spreading rumors can be hurtful, and most of them are.
    Everyone goes through drama and rumors. Even Adults! If you are stuck between if something is true or not, you need to make sure if it is. Basically spreading rumors is bullying. It may not seem like it, but it is. All your doing is spreading that isn't true and hurting someone's feelings. I guess I will never get the real purpose of spreading rumors.

  47. 1. Elle Kennedy 1-19-12 TT2

    2. Not everything you hear is true

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. In this anecdote, a man approaches Socrates and tells him he has some information about his friend. Socrates asks the man if what he had to say about his friend was true, good or useful. He asked the man if the information was true, good or useful, and none of it was. Socrates didn't want to hear anything about anyone, especially his friend, that wasn't true, nice or useful, so Socrates didn't want to hear what the man had to say. He tells the man that if what he has to say is not good, truthful or useful, then why should it be said at all? The purpose of this anecdote is that if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, then don't say it at all. It also tells that not everything you hear is true. The man that had heard the information had heard it while he was walking by and could not be sure if it was the truth, so the anecdote also says that what you hear, is not always true and that half the time, the stuff you hear about other people is a rumor.
    I can relate to this anecdote because in school people start a lot of rumors about other people. A lot times people will stand in circles in the middle of the hall way and you can sometimes hear them talking about other people. Also there are a lot of times when you see people getting really mad about something another person said about them that isn't true. Just last week my friend got blamed for drawing something in the locker room when she didn't do it and you could tell she didn't because she was really mad and even went to a teacher about it because she didn't want to get in trouble for something she didn't and never would do.
    If someone were to come up to me and tell me a rumor,I wouldn't i want to hear it because it's probably not true and if it were to be true I would never stand there talking
    about it where everyone could hear me because 1. The person that it's about could walk by and hear me and they would be really mad and sad that people are standing around talking about them and 2. It's just flat out rude to talk about other people. Gossip annoys me especially when I can hear exactly what people are saying.
    I would use this anecdote to influence people into not spreading rumors or talking about other people especially at school where everyone can hear you. I would tell them that if they don't have anything nice to say that most likely isn't even true, then you don't need to say it all. Lastly if someone came up to me to tell me a rumor I would simply tell them that I don't care and I would walk away.

  48. 1. Michael Haase 1-20-12
    2. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. This short story is about rumors and mostly their all not true and should not be said or talked about. Socrates was a nice and friendly man and did not spread rumors about other people behind their back. If you say something about someone make sure it is true and useful to another person. Also make sure it is not hurtful to someone else.

    One time at my old school one of my friends told me about another student in our class. He said something really mean and hurtful so I decided I would not talk about what he said. The student who he was talking about was new to our school he had only been their for about a year. I thought i should talk to him so I did. He was a really nice kid and me and him became best friends. I told my friend that said something mean about him that he should try talking to him and don't judge people before you know them.

    The lesson that is being told in this anecdote is very useful in lots of conversations. This is a very powerful message about spreading rumors is not any good. You should always know what your saying before you say it and make sure that its harmless to everyone.

  49. 1. Blake Lapum, 1/20/12, TT2

    2. Not all things you hear are true.

    4. The purpose of this anecdote is to make sure things are real before you want to hear them. If someone comes up to you and wants to tell you some gossip, you should ask them if they know it's real, and positive before you hear it. I know I wouldn't want someone talking about something about me that wasn't real and was negative behind my back. Overall, gossip isn't even worth your time, you don't know it's real, and it's probably not positive.
    Something like this has happened to me before. I was playing in a hockey game, and got into a little scrap. It wasn't really a fight, but I got the penalty's you would for fighting. The next couple days at school, someone said that I had gotten knocked out, or was really bloody, or knocked the other guy out and stuff like that, when none of that was true. I finally straitened it all out. Although my example wasn't exactly a bad thing, it still was gossip. Everyone believed it to be true, when in reality, it was not.
    This is why you shouldn't believe gossip. Somebody could just make something random up and tell it to so many people. You need to know if these things are real. Talk to the people or person it's regarding. One little piece of gossip could turn into one big lie. Nobody wants that. There have been so many things told to me I believed to be true but when I talked to the people I found out they were not true. So overall, you shouldn't believe gossip, and not everything you hear is going to be true.

  50. 1. Jordan Danko 1/20/12 TT2

    2. Lesson Learned: Don't believe everything you hear.


    4. This anecdote influences people about how there is no point to certain gossip/rumors. Everything you hear may not be true, good, or useful. In that case why would you want to hear it? This anecdote is about a stranger approaching Socrate and trying to tell him rumors that he had heard. But before the stranger is able to tell Socrate anything, Socrate gives the man a test. The test was called the 'Tripple Filter Test'. He asks the man questions about the information he wants to give him. Questions such as if the information is good, useful, or truthful. The stranger replied no to all, Socrate then didn't want to hear what he had to say because there was no point to it.
    I have experienced something similar to Socrates situation. People sometimes find out information that they don't even know if it's true or not. Then they tell people and those people tell other people and it goes around until just about every knows. Typically the things that get spread around are pointless, and are not other peoples business so why do they have to tell everyone about it? It makes no sense to tell everyone things they don't care about, so why do people do it?
    This anecdote can influence an audience and make people stop spreading rumors. No one likes rumors all they do is embarrass and hurt people. Rumors can even lead people to thoughts of committing suicide and depression. When people read this anecdote I hope it will influence them to stop telling everyone pointless information. Just think about it what if the rumors getting spread around were about you? How would you feel?

  51. 1. Eric Wolfe 1/20/12 TT2
    2. If you have nothing nice to say, dont even bother saying it.
    3. Mickey Hamilton, The man had nothing nice to say about his friend.
    4. You shouldn't believe everything you hear. It might not be the truth. Even if it's from your friend, it might not be true. They could have made up that so they could hurt the person your talking about. Your friend might not even like that person all that much.
    An experience that i've seen about this is when my friend when he was sick and wasn't at school for a week. My other friend had told me that he was ditching school to go to the movies. At first I believed it, but then he was gone 2 more days. I called his house to see why he wasn't at school, but there was no answer.
    Finally, he had come back to school and everyone was asking where he was at and how he thought the movies were. He replied, "What movies? I've been home sick with the flu." I knew that he wasn't ditching school, but no one else would believe me.

  52. 1. Heather Linn, 1/20/12, TT2

    2. What people say isn't always true.


    4. The point of this story is that rumors and gossip don't just hurt others but it also hurts yourself. When you hear something rude, or hurtful about someone else, you have a choice to just ignore it and move on, or you can spread it. People who spread it, usually don't realize what their doing, until it happens to them. Spreading rumors is just like starting them in the first place. What people don't realize is that what they may be saying could sound like they made it up, and that it hurts the people that they're talking about. Also, they could get rumors spread back about them. In my eyes, I think its just easier to stop and say, do you really think thats true? Or why are you even saying this?
    I've learned that from experience. There used to be horrible, and hurtful rumors going around about me, but then I just stopped caring. That helped because the person that started it realized that what they said doesn't affect me, and also if you don't care other people realize that its probably not true. I used to spread rumors, but thats because I didn't realize what I was saying wasn't true and what the effect of it was. When I finally realized I tried to stop the rumors, but really, you never can.
    I think this can influence an audience because they to, can realize how dumb spreading rumors is, and hopefully stop.

  53. 1. Maddie Haas 1/18/12 2TT

    2. Don't spread rumors around.

    3. I shared mine with my mother.

    4. The point of this story is always trust your friends and dont spread gossip. If you dont know if it's true, useful, or good for the person, than dont accept the information or listen to it. You should always trust your friends and always think they are doing the right thing. Also you should never spread gossip. When you start to think about spreading gossip, think to yourself, would I like this if it happened to me.

    I have had many rumors spread about me and I know that it does not feel good. I would be lucky to have a friend that thinks like Socrates because he does know that gossiping is bad and though the temptations are terrible, you still should refuse the information. I have had a rumor spread about me that was so bad that two of my friends just refused to talk to me. And I wish that whoever was the one spreading that big rumor, had thought about the Triple Filter Test and would have refrained from telling everyone.

    I think that if there had been a debate topic as gossip, and I had been the con to gossip, than I could have used this story as help. That gossip is not usually good, true, or useful so why spread it. Gossip is a bad thing and I feel that it should not be around because it just hurts people. No one really benefits from it except the mean people in the world that just want to hurt people's feelings. So if you want gossip around, than you are probably just one of those people.

  54. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-20-12. TT2.

    2. If its not good, I don't want to know.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. The story is to say gossip and rumors doesn't help life or make it easier. If it was me and bad about a friend I wouldn't want to know because things change every second of the day. Socrates took that test and said he wouldn't take it if it just causes problems with his friends and of course he wouldn't want that to happen so why find out?

    If something is not true then why think about it or why would it be useful? When I hear things about my friends I try to find out if its true another way because that will put stress on them if I ask them.

    Gossip is not even really important school is for learning not making others feel bad about stuff that is not true most of the time. Bullies could be related to this and maybe it will show them how it makes others feel. Like why would anyone want to bring anyone else down? Relating to bullies I think this would win in a debate situation.

  55. 1. Heidi Siemon 1-20-12 TT4

    2. Do not gossip about something you don't know is true or not.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. The point of this anecdote is to tell you gossiping about something is not important. In the anecdote he asks if it is of any importance to him, and he says no. It has nothing to do with him. People shouldn't talk about other people, if they don't even know what is going on. It might not even be true. In this anecdote the person didn't even know if it was the truth, or just a lie. It wasn't good, or useful. Why would you waste your time, talking or gossiping about someone else?

    People in our school talk about people behind their backs a lot, and tell things about another person they don't even know if it is true. People make up stuff, and it is nothing good to say, and isn't useful at all, only to be mean. This has happened to me, rumors about me. I'm not going to lie and say that I haven't helped out some of those situations with other people.

    This anecdote can influence an audience on respecting one another. Don't talk about each other in a harmful and hurtful way. Gossiping is just hurtful, there is nothing good about it. Its not even important, and is useless to spend your time on. If you do not know the story, why would you spread it? Their might even be something wrong with the other person an you just don't know. Your just making matters worse. It could always happen to you.

  56. 1. Sam Hall TT4 January 20th, 2011

    2. LL: If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.

    3. I shared mine.

    4. The purpose of this anecdote is to convey the importance of minding your own business. The man talking to Socrates didn't even know if what he had heard was true, he just wanted to use the information as gossip. When you hear something bad about someone you know, regardless of it's authenticity, it changes your view of that person. Sharing information about someone that isn't positive isn't always a good idea.

    I don't usually hear gossip about people, mainly because the people I hang out with aren't the types that will do things like that. However, when I do hear something about someone I know I take it with a grain of salt, unfortunately there are a lot of people in this world that don't.

    This story could be used when talking to an audience about bullying. Gossip and rumors are in my opinion, the worst and most common kinds of bullying. A lot of the time a rumor doesn't reach it's subject until it's too late and there isn't anything they can do about it. I think everybody should know that gossip is wrong, if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all.

  57. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 1/20/12
    2. Don't spread rumors because some may not be true.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The word gossip and rumors make you believe, but most of the time they are not true. Part of a rumor can be true sometimes they extend the truth and make it something that is not true. Gossip is just hurtful saying the lie about someone that isn't even true. Bullies do this a lot too, except they know the whole truth and spread it around like a virus. Sometimes you just don't know what just hit with these things a lot of the times it just stabs you right into the back.
    You can't really trust some people because they lie about every thing in the process of all of this. Even friends can do that to you, but sometimes people think it is cool just to do that and I know that there is rumors about and I just blow it off. Most of the time they are not true and all I know don't listen because you don't need them any more if they are a backstabber just ignore them. Some people just believe them that is one thing I can not believe is that garbage that they say to people. Sometimes in life I wish it could never happen to anybody ever again, but it will always strike back.
    Sometimes when it comes back it feels like a bee just stings you. Your heart drops right into sadness it was a second ago you were enjoying life then this thing just sucks the life out of you. You can't believe it your are just stricken, but what if it was your friend the one that you always trust. It would be like a bee sting. You feel lots of pain in your stomach from every thing thats been said you drop and most of the time they get revenge.

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. 1. Lexi Cox 1/20/12

    2. Don't share things you hear that wont do any good.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. Many people in the world hear things about other people. Some of the stuff they hear could be true, some stuff is not true. When you hear something about another person and you don't know for sure if it is there is no point in repeating it. If what you heard does not affect you in any way, and it is something that affects another person you have no reason to repeat it.
    In my 13 years of living I have had rumors made up about me and I have made up or spread rumors about other people. Being a human many people hear things and believe whatever they hear but over half the time what they are hearing isn't true. If everyone in the world thought of rumors as something hurtful and understood that what they are hearing could really affect people if they repeated it, there defiantly would not be as many going around. Before you spread something about someone else you should always think about if what your saying is a good thing, if it is true and if it is useless or not.

  60. 1.) Lexi Gross/ January, 19th 2012/ T-T-2

    2.) I learned not to believe in rumors

    4.) Have you ever had rumors spread about you? I have had rumors said about me, and it's not the best feeling. No one should have rumors spread about them, and if people would take the triple filter test like Socrates, then rumors would never get spread. Who wants to have things said about them? I don't think anyone would like that to happen to them. No one should have to have that happen to them either.
    One time I said something to my friend, she told her friend and her friend told her friend, and so on. By the end of the week the whole school knew my secret. And when someone asked me about it, it was the wrong information. It was like playing telephone. I said something and each time it was told, something was added, or changed from the original story. Until the original story was no where to be found. everyone knew something different.
    I know not to believe in those lies and I know to stop rumors. If I had nothing todo with the rumor I wouldn't even bother to listen to it. If you are not any part of the rumor ignore it and most certainly DON'T SPREAD IT! This really influenced me I've always known not to spread rumors, but I never knew not to listen to them. If you didn't learn something from this like I did, you need to read it again. There was plenty to learn and every bit of it was important. You may not be able to stop rumors completely, but you have the choice to not listen to it and the choice not to spread it. You can make a difference.

  61. 1. Gursherveen Kaur/18/1/12/TT2
    2. Rumors,reputation,freedom feeds us all.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. This anecdote is about how rumors spread. The man came to Socrates to tell him some information that he had heard about his beloved friend. Before the man could even tell Socrates to story he asked if the information was valuable. In a reply the man said "no" to each of the response. Many stories that are spread about people are not always true fo false."Don't judge a girl by her cover" These situation makes people feel bad about themselves later on,from their own lives and problems. This shows that no rumor should be told if it is bad or disrespectful, or not useful.
    Life isn't perfect I say, many people had major issues in their life. I had a dream that our nation will stop doing the devil's need.As is thought in this country .When I was eight years old my father passed away,that time we moved out of the house so i had to move schools.The house that we moved was not close to my mom's working place which is the hospital.She also works as a matren which is a higher level of a nurse in the delivery section of the ward.So then we had to move again, at that moment I was twelve years old.I went to this school that was called "Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Puteri" I was in the first class , there were many students in that class at about forty five students was in that class so I was new to that school then every one in that particular class was staring at me so I stood up and introduced my self.After that the teacher awarded me a star for my excellence since that occasion happened no one talked to me.They were staring at me and talking behind my back and criticizing me. In my thought they were being jealous on girl came up to me and spoke to me,she invited me to join her lunch table because I did not go to lunch, and I stayed at the library for 45 minutes studied and researching about the world's famous scientist,artist and etc .I have a big and special note book for all this stuff.The whole class hated me because when the teacher asked the class any type of question I will always be the first to raise my hand.This one day,my teacher qualified me for the spelling bee and I won first place and then the principal of the school asked me to make a speech in front of the school about my success. Then I was qualified to the states and then to the nationals in both round I got second place.After that incidents the whole class liked me.
    This story could influence almost every one in this world that lies are a bad thing and can this may rip your reputation away. Many people might think that sharing rumors helps you keep up with all your friends and helps you get all the secret news that some might not know. Well its not a good thing. This could make people realize that spreading rumors can effect lots of people and their reputation and it can make them think about how they might have made someone feel. Rumors show what kind of person the spreader is. It shows they are not capable of being trusted in the future.

  62. 1. Ian Grady 1-17-2012
    2. Don't spread things that don't help anything get better.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The purpose of this anecdote is not to shun or to tell this man off, it is just to show the importance of what we say and if it really matters. Rumors have affected all of us in some way shape or form. I have had experiences in my life where people have spread rumors about me. All you can do to stop rumors is choose not to react and not to spread it further. I have learned these things out of the decisions I chose to make and then realized they were wrong. That is the best way to learn things. All in all, rumors are not worth the drama and take my word for it, Karma will come back to you in a good way if you don't give in to rumors.

  63. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 1/17/12
    2. “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all”
    3. The man didn’t even know if the information was true, and it wasn’t about something good, so how could it be useful to anybody in a positive way??
    4. Years ago in my family we had an old train set that was my dad’s grandfathers. He would set it up and everyone enjoyed it. When he passed away the grandmother moved and the train was packed up and taken by someone, with nothing said.
    A rumor developed in our family that my dad had sold the train set for the money, which isn’t true. In fact the train set was taken by my dad’s brother to keep it from being sold, but the person who started the rumor doesn’t know that. It is still in the family, but can no longer be enjoyed by the person who started the rumor, and to this day my dad is still being accused of selling it.
    How did this false information help anybody in our family?? Now no one can enjoy the train like it was meant to be enjoyed!! If only that person had lived by the “Three Filters Test”, our whole family would be able to enjoy a tradition I have only heard about. This is only a small example of how it could greatly influence future events, and in some cases could cause disastrous consequences. Imagine how using this simple test could influence how people everywhere on earth treated each other, and maybe there wouldn’t be so many wars and stuff!!

  64. 1. Milan Mihajlovski TT4 1-20-12

    2. Don't say something thats not true and if it is still don't spread it to other people.

    3. I shared lesson learned with a partner.

    4. First of all if you don't have anything nice to say just don't say anything at all. And if your spreading something around what does it benefit you? It's just a complete wast of time, And if you where in that persons shoes would like to hear what people are saying about you? And rumors can be hurtful they could really ruin the kids life. And what the point of gossiping do you feel powerful because you know how to make a kid cry? does it make you popular because you know how to tell secrets? There is nothing good about it and it's a wast of time .
    Last year i was at a football game and this kid was making me mad and I did something that was the wrong thing. This kid was harassing me for a while and my mom knew about and She knew something was going to happen and it did. He finally pushed me to far and I started saying things to him and he pushed me and I pushed him back. And this is what stated the fight and this was a big situation because he started the fight and i got suspended for it and he didn't. My mom was mad and she said that I was going to serve it and I did she didn't care that I got suspended she cared that he didn't!

  65. Kalani Gondick M-W4th
    2.Don't always everything is true that you hear.
    3.Shared the lesson learned with a partner.
    4.A couple years ago me my sister and my cousin went to go see my grandfather at his house we stayed the night with him and had a great time. Then i left the next day a couple hours after i left he was rushed to the hospital he was having a hard time breathing. My family rushed up to the hospital to see what was going on he was having a liver problem. A couple hours later he was feeling better so he went home. i went to stay the night with him to make sure everything would be ok. There was a rumor going around that he passed away. That wasn't true because i was with him for 2 days. People were always arguing that he was dead and some people were saying that he is not dead because Kalani was with him for 2 days and still is with him. 3 months later he died from a liver failure. He would always take me and my sister to the hands on museum or to the movies or out to eat. But now that he is dead he cant do that anymore.

  66. Absent
    1. Zack Fuller/1-23-12/mw2
    2. If you have nothing good to say then dont say it at all
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.
    4. The story is saying that people can make up a lie on the snap of a finger or a flicker of light. People need away to distinguish real from fake. The truth will be useful a lie will just be a waste of your time. The teacher was trying to see if the man would believe him and if it was bad not be the mans friend anymore but he was smart and just went on with his day after the challenges.
    People were saying I was mad and to avoid me in 2nd grade but was happy. All i did was fall and got a little mad about it because it was picture day but now i just wanted to play tag but everyone wouldn't evan come within 25 feet of me and i got upset about that more about no one wanting to play then tripping so my best friend came up and started a true rumor that was not mad and people wanted to play than. So rumors can be true but you got to pick and choose them.

  67. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/20/12 TT2

    2. Not everything you hear is the truth.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with your partner - this is conversation - explain the supporting detail that led you to this conclusion.

    4. To me, the purpose of this short story is to let everyone know that you shouldn't listen to everything people say. Because not everything people say is true. Most of it is just gossip and rumors. In middle school especially people shouldn't listen to rumors. Middle school has the worse gossip and rumors, it's just not worth listening to.
    I have personally had bad experiences with rumors. Someone had said to me that one of my best friends had said something bad about me. I didn't believe it but I wanted to confront her just to make sure it wasn't true. But when I asked she got mad because she was upset that I had to ask her about it. And that caused a fight. I barley listen to rumors anymore. There's just to much of it.
    This can influence others because it lets them know not to listen to rumors. And more people will try to stop gossiping. Hopefully others will also tell others to not gossip or listen to rumors.

  68. 1. Eddie Roberts, mw2
    2. If you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all.
    3. Shared
    4. People can make up a lie in a blink of an eye. People need away to distinguish real from fake. The truth will be useful, a lie will just be a waste of your time. The teacher was trying to see if the man would believe him and if it was bad not be the mans friend anymore but he was smart and just went on with his day after the challenges.
    People were saying I was mad and to avoid me in last year but was happy. All I did was spray the water fountain on my pants by accident and got a little mad about it because it was picture day. Everyone made fun of me but i didn't mean to do it the water fountain just sprayed the wrong way and got me wet. No one would come near me because they thought i peed my pants. So rumors can be true but you got to pick and choose them. But not all rumors are true.

  69. 1. Olivia Sdao/Jan25-2012/TT4
    2. Not everything thing is true that hear
    4. The purpose of this short story is to tell every one that not everything is true and what you here from others are stupid rummers about another person just to make them feel bad. I have heard of so many rummers that aren't even true from friends and just hearing it in the middle school halls. Also sometimes rummers can be true an example of this could be like when an after school show is going on and people can spread the information around the school. That is the purpose of this short story.

  70. Paul anguish TT4 1/24/12

    Some knowledge is useless to a point.

    Develop three paragraphs explaining the point/purpose of this anecdote (short story) is. Compare this to a situation you have experienced before or know about, and finally how can this influence an audience (or how would you use it to persuade)?

    The point of this story is tell us that while knowledge is useful, there is some that is more for hurting that helping. This test is the thing that he used is to get rid of usless stuff

  71. Sam Love mw2 1/17/12

    2. "If you have nothing good to say, then why say it at all?"

    4. When the man came to Socrates he told him he had information on a friend of his. Socrates told him he would have to take a test, before he said anything. "Triple Filter Test" this test was to find if the information was even worth knowing.

    Socrates asked the man three questions. The first one was the filter of truth. Socrates asked the man if the information was the true. The man told Socrates that he didn't know. The second test was, goodness to see if the information was good or bad. The final part of the "Triple Filter Test" was, the filter of usefulness. Socrates asked the man if the information was useful to him in any way, shape or form. The man told him that it indeed wasn't. Socrates then told the man, if your information isn't true, good or useful then why say it at all?

    The point that Socrates is trying to say is if you don't having anything good to say why sat it all? Why spread rumors, if you do not know if they are 100% true. If you treat someone bad by spreading rumors that aren't true, that have no good to anyone, or useful to anyone then whats the need of telling it?

    This could be used to persuade some on because it tells how to treat others how you want to be treated. It also sends the message to not say everything you hear if you don't know it's true or good or bad. Rumors about people are usually bad and can can hurt some one. Just because you don't think it will do harm doesn't mean it wouldn't affect the other person.
