Friday, January 6, 2012

Blog Anecdote 3 - A Lion, A Mosquito, and a Mouse

"All respect the queen of the African plains. If the zebara or the antelope catch sight of me crouching in the bush, they do not forget to gallop. The elephant and the rhino respect me, and they mind not to tread on my children with their big clumsy feet. Even the snappy crocodile stays clear of me, when I come down to drink at the water.

Yes, respect is good.

And that is why I was so angry when a pesky little fellow failed to show me respect.

Buzzzzzzzzzz !

The mosquito buzzed around my ears and even stung me on the nose. I snapped at the horrid little traitor, and I bit my tongue. Oh, how that hurt ! Then I struck at him with my paw, such a blow that would fell a buffalo, but he slipped through my claws and was laughing at me. The he bit me on the bottom ! The cheek of it !

“Oh great queen”, said the Mosquito. “Bow your head before your master, I the Mosquito, have drunk your blood and defeated you in combat.”

I roared an almighty roar that sent the wildebeest and the giraffe scattering across the savanna.

“Ha ha ha, ” laughed the mosquito. And he flew backwards into a spider’s web. And the spider showed respect to his queen by eating the wretched insect.

A little while after this, I was lying asleep under a tree when I felt something tickling my nose.

I opened one eye and saw that a mouse had scampered onto my face!

“How dare you ! ” I roared. And was about to swipe him a deadly blow with my paw when the mouse begged:

“Oh mighty queen, forgive me! I was running through the long grass, and did not mean to run onto your nose or to disturb your sleep .”

And I laughed at this furry creature and said.

“Little fellow. I was about to kill you but you have shown wisdom and respect for your queen. I pardon your sin.”

“Oh, thank you thank you,” said the mouse. “I only hope that one day I may be of service to your majesty. ”

And I laughed again, for how could a little mouse help a mighty queen?

The weeks went by, and I was out for a midnight stroll when all of a sudden, there was no ground beneath my paws.

Thump. I fell to the bottom of a pit. I tried to spring out, but I was tangled in a net. The more my limbs struggled, the more I became entangled.

A hyena came by and saw me in this sorry trap. He cackled with his ugly voice and taunted me;

“In the morning the men shall come and throw their spears into your side. And then we shall have to find a new queen.”

I snarled with fury and swore to tear him apart when I was free from the snare. But he just laughed his silly laugh.

Towards morning, I had almost given up hope when I heard a little voice.

“My queen,” it said. “At last I may be of service to you.”

I saw the pink nose of the mouse.

“My loyal subject. It does my proud heart good to hear your well meaning words. But I am afraid you must now pay your last respects to your queen, for my limbs are caught in this net, and very soon the sun will rise and the men shall come to kill me.”

“You underestimate the might of a mouse,” said my loyal subject. And he called his wife and children, and together they gnawed through the net. I was free within the hour, just in time to spring out of the pit and give the men who had come to kill me a nasty surprise." African Tales

1. Name / Date / Hour

2. Develop a Lesson Learned.

3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

4. Develop two paragraphs, first describing the relationship between the three characters of the story and second, build a case for your lesson learned - how could this be used to influence an audience?


  1. 1. Danny Higgins/1-10-12 /TT4

    2. "What goes around, comes around."

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was a bad one. The mosquito teased at the lion and caused it pain. In the end, the mosquito was eaten, and the lion said that the spider that ate it had shown respect to it's queen by devouring the mosquito. The relationship for the mouse and the lion was quite different. The lion had sparred the mouse, and when the lion was trapped, the same mouse had helped it escape.
    It can influence them to do something good to others, and good things will happen in return. It will also warn them that if you do anything bad to someone, something bad will happen to you. It's basically explaining how the forces of karma work. Its like a two way door, the door usually swings both ways, and depending on that person's decision, it can swing in a good or bad direction.

  2. 1. Nick Norman MM2 1-11-12
    2. Anything is possible
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. The relationship between the lion,mouse, and mosquito wasn't so good. Since the mosquito was so small, it was hard for the lion to find him. The mosquito would buzz around the lion making him mad. But in the end the mosquito was eaten. The lion was trapped so when the mouse realized it, he came to save him making the lion and the mouse friends and the lion and the mosquito were not friends.
    This could influence audience for a couple reasons. Don't mess with people who are a lot bigger than you because once you make them really mad like the mosquito did to the lion, the lion got mad and ate the mosquito. As the mouse, you want to be friends with everyone because if you're nice to them and helpful, then they will be nice and helpful to you too!

  3. Riley Hafner MW2 1/10/12

    LL- What goes around comes around

    What goes around comes around. The mosquito was mean to the lion. He bit her and laughed at her and in return the mosquito got caught in the spider web. When the spider came to eat the mosquito, the lion laughed and thought about how the insect had not shown her respect. With the lion and the mouse, it was a different story. The mouse had realized its mistake and apologized in hopes that the lion would not kill it. In return the lion spared the mouses life because the mouse was kind and showed respect which the mosquito had not.
    This story can influence people by showing them that when they do something mean to someone, the same will happen to them. But if they do something nice, then they will be treated in the same way. Not everyone realizes, but their actions define who they are and how other people are going to think of them.

  4. 1.Kira D'Agostino 1/11/12 MW2
    2. loyalty does not have a certain form.
    3. Shared with McKenzie. I thought of my quote because the smallest creature is the one that helped the lion. He showed loyalty at it's finest.
    4. The relationship between the mosquito was not very good. The small fly pestered and teased the lion. The mouse had a good relationship with the lion because he stayed loyal to the lion, even when he was ten times his size. They develop a friendship and and honor towards each other. While the mosquito get's flung into a spiders web and eaten.
    this would be good to tell to an audience. It tells you that it doesn't matter how small or tall you are. The bravest people are sometimes the weakest people. The strongest people are sometimes that smallest people. It doesn't matter what you look like it matters how you act and show respect to others around you. The mouse could be anybody that is willing, and anybody who believes. There is a purity in loyalty, a strong emotion for it.
    You either are or you aren't. How have you been loyal today? How have you made a difference in someone's perspective? Have you changed the way someone looks at you? Have you made that effort?

  5. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/11/12

    2. You are treated how you treat other people.

    3. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was not an ideal relationship. The mosquito did not respect the queen. The mosquito got what it deserved. It treated the lion badly so it was treated badly by getting eaten by the spider. The relationship between the mouse and the lion was a respectful relationship. The mouse respected the lion and the lion respected the mouse. The lion spared the mouses life so in the end the mouse helped the lion escape the trap.
    You get what you give is a very common phrase. The phrase is absolutely true. If you treat someone with respect then they will treat you with respect. If you irritate someone or annoy them you will probably suffer a consequence. Life is how you decide to make it, so make it a good one.

  6. 1. Aaron Durham, 1-11-12, MW4

    2. "What You See, Is What You Get"

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The lion and the mosquito did not get along all that well simply because the mosquito did everything in it's power to annoy or make the lion change it's mind about her being the queen so the mosquito tried to trick her cause the lion couldn't catch him to teach him a lesson therefore the mosquito gained no respect from the mighty lion. The relationship between the mouse and lion were very different the mouse was scampering doing whatever and then the lion awoke and asked it was he was doing he apologized and offered help for anything she needed but when the mouse apologized for being a pest he gained the lions respect. And I know what this story is trying to say is trust and respect goes a long was

  7. 1. Kalani Gondick M-W4

    2. Treat people with respect and they will treat you the same way

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was bad. The lion and mosquito didn't show each other respect. They would always fight over something or not get aolng. The lion and the mosquito need to show respect to one another if they don't show respect to each other then they will aways be mad at each other all the time or they will show respect some times but then get mad at each other again.. At the end the mosquito got eaten. The lion was treated badly so it was treated badly by getting eaten by the spider. The phrase is true if you treat someone with respect they will treat you the same way. Dont treat someone bad and then think they are going to treat you respect. You need to respect people if you want them to respect you. People should always respect one another no matter what happens. Respect people and they will respect you. Respect people and they will respect you and they will be your friend.

  8. 1. Matt Strong 1/11/12 MW2

    2. Give people the same amount of respect as you want.

    4. The lion and the mosquito had a bad relationship. This is because the mosquito stung the lion and the lion got mad. The lion then tried to hit the mosquito, but missed. Then the wind from the lion's paw forced the mosquito into a spider web. The mosquito was then eaten and the lion thanked the spider.
    The relationship between the mouse and the lion was the complete opposite. The lion almost ate the mouse because the mouse accidentally ran onto the lion's nose and woke the lion up. THe lion threatened to eat the mouse but the mouse apologized. Later the lion got caught in a trap and was saved by the mouse. This is an example of one of Gandhi's most famous quotes. "An eye for an eye". The lion sparred the mouses life and the mouse helped the lion to safety.

  9. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 1-11-12

    2. As mighty as you may seem, the loyal little people in life will still help you.

    3. I came up with this LL by thinking of a famous person. Sometimes their heads get too big with all of their fame, but they need to remember who got them where they now are. You can't ever forget the little people in your life, because you never know when they might just save your life.

    The mighty lion at first became very annoyed with the buzzing mosquito. The mosquito was taunting the lion about how even if it had been smaller then the lion, it had beaten it in combat. The mosquito who seems small and annoying beat the lion who thought he was all that and a bag of chips. After the mosquito along came the mouse. The mouse did not mean to wake the lion and said that he maybe would one day be of service the majesty. The lion was thinking how can someone so small be of service to me?
    This is what people often think when they get to full of themselves. Always remember no matter how full of yourself you get, a true loyal friend can overlook that. Sure enough the lion came into a time where he needed help. His size had gotten him caught in a net and the little mouse came along. The lion did not believe the mouse could help him, but together a few mice were able to chew throughout the net and rescue the lion. Everyone can make a difference not matter how small they may seem.

  10. 1. Payton Rentsch MW2 1/11/12

    2. You are treated how you treat other people.

    3. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was not an ideal relationship. The mosquito did not respect the queen. The mosquito got what it deserved. It treated the lion badly so it was treated badly by getting eaten by the spider. The relationship between the mouse and the lion was a respectful relationship. The mouse respected the lion and the lion respected the mouse. The lion spared the mouses life so in the end the mouse helped the lion escape the trap.
    You get what you give is a very common phrase. The phrase is absolutely true. If you treat someone with respect then they will treat you with respect. If you irritate someone or annoy them you will probably suffer a consequence. Life is how you decide to make it, so make it a good one.

  11. 1. Henry Haidler / 1/11/12 / MW2

    2. The lesson learned I got for this anecdote was what goes around comes around

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the characters differ between the mouse and the mosquito because the mosquito was not being very loyal and respectful to the queen and in return payed for the actions he had just done and the mouse was very nice and respectful to the queen and in return she did not kill him. The mosquito was rude and disrespectful to the queen and did not really think anything would happen to him but there are consequences for everything you do no matter what you do. The mosquito's consequences was that he died because he was being foolish by first messing with the queen and being rude and disrespectful and then wasn't looking where he was going and flew right into the spiders web.

    A really good phrase is treat people the way you want to be treated or you get what you give and the mosquito was messing around with the queen and being very rude. The mouse was very respectful and apologized to the queen and the queen spared his life. Later on the mouse returned to see that the queen was stuck and since the queen hadn't killed him the mouse saved the queens life by calling his family and gnawed at the rope until she was free. The real main message is treat people like you want to be treated and if you don't chances are your life will be worse. Always be respecting the people around you even if its in the smallest ways you should still always be kind and polite. If you treat someone the way you want to be treated they will be happier and you will be happier and everyone should live a happy life.

  12. Timmy Uppleger MW2 1-11-12
    2. Treat others how you want to be treated.

    3. share LL with a partner

    4. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was not good. The mosquito treated the lion poorly. The mosquito teased the lion. The mosquito also showed no respect for the queen. Mosquito ended up being eaten by the spider. Mosquito got what he deserved. He treated the lion badly and the mosquito ended up getting karma. Treat others how you would want to be treated.
    The relationship between the mouse and the lion was better then the mosquito and the lion. The mouse showed respect for the lion. The lion also respected the mouse. The mouse helped the lion out of the trap. The mouse helped the lion out of the trap because the lion spared the mouse.
    this would be good to tell to an audience. It tells you that it doesn't matter how small or tall you are. The bravest people are sometimes the weakest people.

  13. 1. Kyle Gonos 1-11-12 MW4
    2. LL: Treat other people the way you want to be treated.
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)
    4. The mosquito did not fear the queen of the jungle. Since she was not afraid of her she felt that she was no different than she was. The mosquito decided to show the queen of the jungle that she is just as good as she is. The mouse has a lot of respect for the lion, being that she is the queen of the jungle. The mouse pays it's dues to the queen by saving her. The queen is thankful and now has some respect for the mouse, since she underestimated the mouses power.
    My lesson learned could have a influence on the audience because it is a simple yet hard concept to understand. It is simple because if you want to be treated nicely than you would treat others like you want to be treated. It is hard because for some people it is not easy to treat people nicely, even though that is the way they want to be treated. Some people have a hard life at home or are picked on at school and that causes them to not want to treat others very good. Each audience member will get a different lesson from this but each of their lessons will have an impact on their life.

  14. Sam Love 1/11/12 mw3

    "Treat others how you want to be treated."

    The lion and mosquito had a bad relationship. The mosquito was pestering the lion and causing it pain. The the sides turned and a spider caught the mosquito in it's web and ate it to show respect to the queen. The lion and mouse had more respect for each other. The lion spared the mouses life. When the lion was in trouble and was going to be killed the next morning, the mouse saved her life by eating the rope and letting the lion free.
    This could influence others because it shows, that if you treat some one badly it will happen to you. This is where the quote "treat others how you want to be treated" comes into play. If you show some one respect and help one another then they will want to do the same like the mouse and lion. But if you treat some one badly, something bad will happen to you.

  15. 1. Heather Linn, 1/12/12, TT2

    2. What goes around comes around.


    4. The relationships between the three is that the lion felt like it ruled all of the other animals, and the mosquito didn't show the lion any respect, while the mouse gave the lion a lot of respect. When the mosquito was taunting the lion, the lion got mad and eventually another one of the loyal animals took care of it. Later on, the mouse had accidentally disturbed the lion, and was very apologetic so the lion accepted its apology. The mouse ended up saving the lions life in the end, so it should seem that the lion should more grateful to the mouse.
    The lesson learned could be used to influence the audience because its basically saying to treat others how you want to be treated. For example, if the mosquito wasn't bothering the lion then he probably wouldn't of gotten eaten. Also, even though the lion wasn't being as nice as the mouse was the mouse still treated him with respect.

  16. 1. Marissa Moore 1/12/12 TT2

    2. Treat others how you want to be treated

    4. In this story, the lion was very full of herself. She was the queen, and all must respect her. The mosquito came by, and knew he could get away from the queen. He knew exactly how to pull her strings, and how to get her very angry. He really did make the queen upset, and it came to bite him back. He was laughing at the queen, at how upset she was, when all of a sudden he flew into a spider web. Of course he was eaten, so that one came back to get him!
    One dark night, a little mouse came along. Sweet as can be to the queen, and hoped that the queen would respect him. The queen did, and when she needed help, the mouse was there for her. She was nice to him when he needed, and vice versa. If you wanted to persuade an audience to help others and to be kind, this would be the perfect story. It shows how if you treat others badly, you will eventually be treated badly too. It may not be right away, but eventually your actions will come back to you. The same thing will happen when you are nice to people, but it doesn't always happen right away. This would really persuade people to treat others how you want to be treated.

  17. 1. Cody Musulin 1/12/12 TT2
    2. The littlest things in life, can come back and save your life.
    4.The lion is the Queen of the African Plains, she walks around, nothing gets in her way. She expects that the other animals will not bother her, when one thing bother's the Queen, it will get something in return. When the mosquito was making fun of the lion, mocking her and biting her, he ran into a spider web. Which the mosquito deserved, when the little mouse ran into the Queen when she was sleeping, the mouse gave it's sorrow, so she spared his life. When the Queen got caught in the snare, the mouse saved her life.

    In my life, I ran into someone in the hall, but when he dropped his stuff, I helped him pick up all of it. I said sorry, and then gave him the things I picked up, he was okay with it since he knew it was an accident. Then in a week or so, I dropped my things, the person that I ran into saw that I dropped my things, so he ran over and helped me pick my things up. Since I helped him, he figured that he could help me.

  18. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/12/12 TT2

    2. What goes around comes around.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The lion and the mosquito didn't have the best relationship. The mosquito laughed at the lion when the lion failed to catch it. A minute later, the mosquito trapped himself in a spider web accidentally. Because he was disloyal to the lion, he was punished. When she meets a mouse, she doesn't like him. When he disrupts her sleep, she wants to kill him. However, after he proves he is loyal to her, she grows to like him and decides not to kill him. Since the lion wasn't nice to the mosquito and, at first, wasn't nice to the mouse, she was punished, too. She became trapped in a net. When she couldn't get herself out, the mouse came to help. In doing so, he proved that he was loyal to the lion. I think that she was saved because of her decision not to kill the mouse. If she had killed it, it wouldn't be able to save her and she would have been killed by the men that had trapped her. Every decision you make will effect somewhere else along the line. I think this can be used to influence people by showing that doing the right thing will pay off in the long run and eventually, you will be rewarded for it.

  19. 1. Molly Aills 1/12/12 TT4

    2. Size doesn't always matter.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. In this story, the Queen of the African Plains is proud of herself. She demands respect from all of the other animals. She believes that she is the most powerful animal on the plains. That is why she gets so annoyed when a mosquito, a small and rather weak little insect, comes and shows her no respect. In the end the mosquito gets what it deserves, and the Queen goes back to being herself. The mouse accidentally crawls onto her face, and she is about to kill it, when it begs for mercy. She lets it go, realizing that the mouse is wise. The mouse and his family later help to repay his debts to the Queen of the Jungle by freeing her from man's snare.

    The lesson in this story should influence the people reading to not judge by size. A lot of my friends are shorter than me. If my friends were judged by size, I probably wouldn't be friends with those people. Small can sometimes be associated with weakness, but a few of my 'small' friends are some of the strongest people I know. It always bugs me when people make fun of someone because they're too short or too tall. I am friends with tall and short, and try my best to never judge a person by their size or by their first impression.

  20. 1. Danielle Stowell 1/12/12 TT4

    2. Treat others how you would want to be treated.

    3. Shared mine with Sam.

    4. The relationship between the Lion and Mosquito was a very harsh relationship. The mosquito got the lion ver angry and frustrated, the mosquito probably thought that he was being funny but he was being hurtful and the lion was getting tired of it. Bringing violence into it doesn't fix everything it makes it worse. The mouse respected the lion a lot didn't really bother the him.
    My Lesson learned could have an influence on a audience because you should and always treat others with respect it can be hard sometimes but its the right think to do. Some people have really hard life's at home and at school cause their getting picked on or there parents got divorced but there life's being bad aren't because there parents are divorced. Sometimes if a person is being bullied they might not treat others with respect because they are used to being treated badly. If you want to be treated with respect then treat others with respect.

    1. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski/ 1-12-12/ MW2

      2. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

      3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

      4. The Lion and the mosquito's relationship was rough. The lion didn't like the mosquito because of the noise it made. The lion and the mouse had an interesting relationship. The lion was going to harm the mouse because it crawled onto his nose while he was sleeping. The mouse asked for forgiveness and the lion forgave him. Later, the lion gets stuck in a hunter's trap. The mouse comes with his family to help out by chewing the rope to free the lion. The lion thought that the mouse wouldn't be able to help, but he underestimated the mouse.
      This would influence the audience because the story tells about a king who is kind of self-confident and full of himself. He judges people before they can show him what they can do. The Mouse was small and appeared to be weak, but the mouse didn't have to be strong to be able to help. The lion has see now seen that. An audience can use this in real life if they decide to judge a person.

  21. 1. Halle Chiarelli 1-11-12 MW2

    2. Little people can do big things.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the three characters was that they all served the queen. Not all of them obeyed her, but in the end it turned out as a punishment. As in the story , the mosquito bothered the queen and then he ended up in a spider web. The mouse served the lion by helping her get out of the net so she would not be killed. The mouse and the spider bot respected the queen. As well as the queen respecting them because they helped her in two ways.

    My lesson learned can influence others by being able to understand the fact that respect is a very important part of your life. You should have respect for every one. Even if you don't like the person/ thing, be the bigger person and do the right thing. You may not want to pay respect to someone but it is always a good thing to do, and it leads you in the right path. When you respect someone, you gain other things in them like faith and trust. They may also gain faith and trust with you as well. In the end of respecting one, the turn out may be better than what it would be if you haven't. You should always respect the people around you. You should not only respect people, but also things that are offered to you. For example, if a teacher provides you with crayons to color a picture, and you break all of the crayons and don't make good use of what you are given, you not only disrespected your resources but also the person/teacher that has provided you with those crayons.

  22. 1. Kirsten Brydon 1-12-12

    2. If you give, you tend to get.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. There were two examples of different kinds of behavior, as well as maybe a third. The Mosquito showed no respect for the lioness and even thought to try to get the lioness to bow to him. His lack of respect cost him his life when the mosquito landed in a spider and the spider, loyal to the lioness, ate the mosquito. Later, a mouse accidentally disturbed the lioness and because of the mouse's respectful and apologetic behavior, the lioness spared the mouse's life. The mouse scurried off with a promise to someday help the lioness in return. Later the lioness got stuck in a net and her hopes were wearing thin as to escaping. Luckily, the mouse returned and with his large family, was able to free the lioness, therefore fulfilling his promise.
    The reason I chose the lesson learned I did for this story was since the way the animals treated each other seemed to effect them greatly in the future of the story. Mosquito fate took a wrong turn when he was bullying the lioness, since the spider was loyal to the lioness and did not spare the mosquito when he landed in his web. The mouse had better luck when the lioness spared his life, which rubbed on her when the mouse saved her life. To an audience listening or reading this story, could learn to be good to others and chances are, they might remember the act of kindness, and help you. You should give the treatment you want to receive, since that is how you can determine the respect and treatment you may get.

  23. 1.Jacob Robinson MW2 1/12/12

    2.What goes around comes around

    4.What goes around comes around. The mosquito was mean to the lion. He bit her and laughed at her. In return the mosquito got caught in the spider web. When the spider came to eat the mosquito, the lion laughed and thought about how the insect had not shown her respect. With the lion and the mouse, it was a different story. The mouse had realized its mistake and apologized in hopes that the lion would not kill it. In return the lion spared the mouses life because the mouse was kind and showed respect which the mosquito had not.
    This story can influence people by showing them that when they do something mean to someone. The same will happen to them, but if they do something nice, then they will be treated in the same way. Not everyone realizes, but their actions define who they are and how other people are going to think of them.

  24. LeAnn Howe MW2 Jan. 12, 2012

    2. Treat others how you want to be treated.
    4. The lion was known to be the queen of the African plains. The lion and the mosquito didn't have a very good relationship. The mosquito was being annoying to the lion. Thinking that she should be respected, the lion tried to kill the little bug. Not knowing what was behind him, the mosquito flew into a spider's web and got killed. A little while after, as the lion was sleeping under a tree, something went over her nose. It was a mouse! The mouse was very respectful and polite to the lion. With that respect shown, the lion decided not to kill the little mouse. The mouse was very thankful and he wanted to be of service to the queen.
    When the lion fell into a pit the hyena was taunting the lion. The hyena was implying, "that's what you get when you act that way." When morning was coming close, the lion almost gave up hope. But, she heard a little voice. It was the mouse. The mouse got his whole family to help the lion become untangled.
    This lesson learned is the Golden Rule. It could influence an audience in many ways. If you want people to respect you, you have to respect them. Bullying is a terrible thing. It's a major problem in schools everywhere. Kids just need to kill the bully with kindness and be nice to other people. The way people act is contagious. When someone is in a bad mood, the people around them tend to be a little less happy than they used to be. If you treat others with respect, people will notice. You need to treat people how you want to be treated.

  25. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 1/11/12 MW2

    2.Everything you do has an outcome.

    4.The relationship is entirely different between the mosquito and mouse to the lion. When the mosquito thought he was bigger then the lion then as a result he was eaten.For example if someone goes or breaks the law of someone higher then you such as the lion in the story. They will get punished on the disrespectful acts they committed. Even if a person is bigger or smaller then you, it's still your job to respect them. The mouse and the lion got along because they had fellow respect for each other. Since the lion refused to kill the mouse, the mouse rewarded him by getting him out of the trap.
    This could show an audience that being cruel or trying to hurt someone, even if they have done something in the past. This gets you no closer to any conclusion. Respecting everyone is not only something to encourage but a thing that every individual should strive to do.

  26. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 1/12/11

    2. What comes around goes around.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was a disaster from the start they pretty much hated each other. The lion and the mouse they got along a little better than the mosquito because the lion and the mouse saved each other. The lion left the mosquito for dead I would actually do that too. The mosquito was annoying person it is like one those people that like to play cruel tricks on people. The mouse was a better person than the mosquito.
    My lesson learn could be influence on a lot of people because they can relate to, "What comes around goes around." A lot of people can listen say pay back or say karma to the person that hurt their feelings. It can be put in so many ways by pay back, karma or bad luck. Karma can cause bad luck it is not that hard to make someone mad. What comes around goes around can be a true statement as well as a book or a song.

  27. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/11/12 MW2

    2. What goes around comes around.

    4. The relationship with the characters in the story at some points were harsh. Especially when the mosquito was messing around with the lion and he thought it was funny but it was really just making the lion really mad. The relationship with the mouse was a good relationship because the mouse and his buddies saved the loin from the net. If it wasn't for the mouse the lion would be dead.

    My lesson learned could influence many people because if you do something mean to your friend or something one day it will come back and bite you in the butt. Being nice to people is the right thing to do because as you can see the lion did something nice to the mouse by not eating it and the mouse paid him back by saving his life. If you don't want anything bad to you don't do anything mean to your family or friends.

  28. 1. Malorie Moen 1/12/12 MW2

    2. If you be nice, you will be treated nice.

    3. Shared lesson learned.

    4. The relationship between the Lion and the Mosquito wasn't good. Since the mosquito wasn't being nice to the lion, it didn't get treated nice either. Instead, it was eaten by a spider. If you treat people nice, then people will treat you nice back. When the mouse came along into the story, it showed the Lion respect. The lion didn't eat the mouse because the mouse showed that he didn't mean to disturb the lion.

    This could influence an audience by showing people that their actions and words are important, because you should treat others how you would want to be treated. If you want respect, then you will have to show it to others. It is very important to treat people nice and to be respectful of others. Everyone can be respectful, it never hurts to be nice. This story really shows how respect is important and how it is needed in life.

  29. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-12-12, TT2

    2. How do you want to be treated?

    3. Shared with Maddie.

    4. How could a little bug, bug you that much? Its about 1000x smaller than the lion. So, if the mosquito is bugging the lion, do you think that the lion is going to be nice? Obliviously the lion and the mosquito don't like each other and don't get along. If you bring violence into the picture, its just gonna make things worse, its not gonna do much good. On the other hand with the mouse, the mouse wasn't doing anything. The lion is the predator, the mouse is the pray.
    This can influence an audience because it shows that you have to treat other people the way you want to be treated. If your gonna be mean to someone, their gonna be mean back (usually). The mosquito was being annoying, and hurting the lion. But the lion really can't do much, because the mosquito is so small. When the mouse wasn't doing anything, but the lion was thinking why hurt a little insistent little mouse? After the lion was captured, the mouse saved the lion. After someone does something nice for you, you should give something in return.

  30. 1. Alex Smith, 1-11-12, MW3

    2. I can take many lessons from this anecdote, but Ill just use my favorite: 'One person can do great things'.

    4. In the anecdote the Mosquito is portrayed as a pest that antagonizes the Lion. A short while after the Mosquito annoyed the Lion, a mouse scampers onto her face. The Lion in a poor mood from the Mosquito, instinctively, was about to paw the Mouse. The Mouse quickly begged for forgiveness, and promised he'd make it up to her. One night the Lion was taking a midnight stroll and fell into a trap. The Mouse, keeping his word, got his family and chewed the rope to free the Lion. The Mouse represents loyalty, and nobility. The Mosquito represents nuisances, and conflict.

    My lesson learned is 'one person can do great things'. I chose this one because when the Mouse tells the Lion he wants to repay her, the Lion kind of laughs to herself and dismisses him. However, when she is in her greatest moment of need, the Mouse comes and chews the Lion free. Showing that one person can change the outcome of a bad situation.

    This lesson learned can be applicable to many situations. I'll use recycling as an example, it is a bit less controversial than my last ones. You could use this anecdote, paired with my lesson learned, to persuade others to recycle. The Mouse would be one person out of 7 billion. The net, which caught the Lion, would be the challenge; to get more people to recycle, and help the planet. One tiny person, with the help of a few, can help change the world, and make it better for generations to come.

  31. 1. Maddie Haas

    2. What goes around, comes around.

    3. I shared with Teresa.

    4. The queen believed that she was the most powerful animal in the world and believed that she was the most powerful animal in the world. But the mosquito was bothering her and was being a nuisance. She wanted to kill him but he was too quick. The relationship between those two was very harsh. But the mouse just wanted to help the queen, but the queen was too "mighty" for such a small creature. But when she got stuck in the net, the mouse helped her. She and the mouse had a pretty good relationship.

    The Lesson Learned influences the audience because they get that what comes around goes around. What goes around comes around and the audience got that you should be very nice because eventually you will get it coming back. Even if it's hard to be nice, it makes the most sense to be nice because it will come back to get you. If you are trying to be "almighty" and powerful then you will get in a "pickle" in the future.

  32. Daisy York !-11-12 m/w4

    2. Be careful to who your mean to.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. The Lion was the queen she seemed to abuse her power she looked down on her citizens of the place they lived.The mosquito was small and angry because he was looked down upon because of his lack of size. He wanted to show that he was just as powerful as the queen So he went up to her and bit her and sucked her blood. He declared that he drew blood so he beat her in combat but as soon as he started flying around in victory a spider ate him. The mouse was a loyal subject and after he scampered onto the lion she spared his life he felt very grateful. Later the lion was captured in a man made net trap all her subjects passed her and laughed at her until the mouse came by. She told him to pay respects to your queen for she was going to die but he was so loyal he went to get his family to get the lion out. He was the only one willing to save the queen and show his loyalty.
    This could relate to audiences to teach them a lesson to be nice to people and to show respect. That they should be nice to others and others will be nice to you. It teaches about how karma happens.

  33. 1. Austin Wicker 1-11-12 M-W4th

    2. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

    3. Shared Lesson Learned with partner.

    4. The Mosquito, Lion, and the Mouse all are treated awkwardly because if the Lion gets treated with respect, she is top on he food chain and when someone shows up that sticks up to her than she gets humiliated. The Mouse always is kind and tries to give respect. The Mosquito is the instigator and toys with Lion's mind. So all these rolls of these three characters are all going together. Its almost like these animals were supposed to be with each other.
    This can influence anyone, it could be adults or even children. This lesson learned explains that what you do to others should be the way you want be treated, so the audience should know that you treat people the way you would prefer being treated. It will teach people to not be selfish and be kind because the way you don't like to be treated maybe that is the way other people don't like to be treated too. This is a great lesson to people because it teaches them to not be rude and mean to people. People just need to know this lesson learned because the world would be a better world to live in and I would like that a lot.

  34. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/12/12 TT2

    2. You are treated the same as you treat others.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. In the story the mouse bothered the lion, and the lion gave the mouse another chance because the lion respected his apologies. The mouse was so thankful that he got another chance. Then one day the lion was in desperate need of help. The mouse saw that the lion was scared and needed help. So the mouse helped the lion and the lion lived.
    This could impact the audience by them understanding that if you treat others well and help them that you will get the same in return. If you be mean to someone and don't treat them well then you might get badly treated then you could get treated badly also.

  35. Evan Bauer 1/11/12 MW2

    2. Respect those who are not respected.


    4. The lion was very full of her self and the respect she got from people. The mosquito wanted to be like that so he/she bit the queen and drank her blood. Then the mouse was running and ran up the queen when she was asleep. The mouse begged for his life from the queen and she spared him. When the queen got tried in the humans net she was rescued by the mouse she had speared. The mouse returned the favor of the queen.

    This could relate to the life we live today. Maybe one day you out walking and a man comes up to you and ask for some money he can have. You don't want to give him your money because you were suposed to by food but you give him it anyway. Then the next day you get mugged by a person and the guy you gave ur money to stops him and returns your money. This all connects to my lesson learned.

  36. Megan Gunderson 1/11/12
    What goes around comes around
    The lion was the queen and the misqeto wanted to be the queen.The mosquito bothered the lion.He drank his blood and kept biting her.The lion tried to swipe him away but missed.The bug teased the lion.The lion did not like the mosquito because he was mean and disrespected her.When the mosquito was being big headed it flew back to a spider web and was eaten.The mosquito got what it deserved. Later a mouse came along and accidently ran across the lions nose when she was sleeping.The mouse was very apolegetic to the lion.She didn't mind the mouse because he should her respect.The mouse said “I only hope that one day I may be of service to your majesty”.The lion laughed in disbelif that the mouse thought he could help the lion. Later in the story that became handy.One day the lion got caught in a trap and the mouse saved her.The lion and mouse had a good relationship because they should respect for each other and did each other favors.The mouse saved the lion and the lion didn't eat the mouse.
    This story could really teach the audience a lesson. The story shows what comes around goes around.The lion didn't eat the mouse, because the mouse said she was sorry. Later the mouse saved the lion because the lion did him a favor. A real life example could be Tim needs 10 bucks but he doesn't get his pay check until next week. Joe his friend lends him the money. A couple of weeks later the two friends go bowling. Joe accidently forgets his wallet and needs 10 dollers to play. Tim has enough money to pay for the both of them.Tim lends Joe the money.In this case Joe did a favor for Tim and later on Tim did a favor for Joe.They both repaid each other. Although it wasent immediate thay still did eath other favors with out being asked.

  37. 1. William McNamee 1/14/12 TT2

    2. respect is always a mutual feeling.

    4. In this story the relationships between the character's reminds me of a food chain. This reminds me of the food chain because you have the lion on top and the mouse on the bottom but there is a mosquito which isn't part of the food chain. In the story they have the lion at the top but when the mosquito comes in that could all change. The lion and the mouse are at the ends of the chains but they become friends because of the mutual felling of respect.
    The reason this story helped me come up with the lesson learned respect is always a mutual felling is because when the lion left the moue alone the mouse had respect for the lion and the lion for the mouse. This could be used to influence an audience because of the many life lessons that could be found in this simple entertaining story. It could also be used because this story isn't neutral it leans to supporting one side.

  38. 1. Halle Chiarelli 1-11-12 MW2

    2. Little people can do big things.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the three characters was that they all served the queen. Not all of them obeyed her, but in the end it turned out as a punishment. As in the story , the mosquito bothered the queen and then he ended up in a spider web. The mouse served the lion by helping her get out of the net so she would not be killed. The mouse and the spider bot respected the queen. As well as the queen respecting them because they helped her in two ways.

    My lesson learned can influence others by being able to understand the fact that respect is a very important part of your life. You should have respect for every one. Even if you don't like the person/ thing, be the bigger person and do the right thing. You may not want to pay respect to someone but it is always a good thing to do, and it leads you in the right path. When you respect someone, you gain other things in them like faith and trust. They may also gain faith and trust with you as well. In the end of respecting one, the turn out may be better than what it would be if you haven't. You should always respect the people around you. You should not only respect people, but also things that are offered to you. For example, if a teacher provides you with crayons to color a picture, and you break all of the crayons and don't make good use of what you are given, you not only disrespected your resources but also the person/teacher that has provided you with those crayons.

  39. 1. Elle Kennedy 1-17-12 TT2

    2. What goes around comes around

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito is not a very friendly relationship. The mosquito was messing around with the lion and making her upset. As the mosquito flies away it runs into a spider web and gets caught. The spider eats the mosquito to show respect to the lion that is also the king. The relationship between the mouse and the lion is a lot more friendly than the relationship with the mosquito. When the mouse is running through the grass and accidentally runs on the lions nose, she wakes up very mad but the mouse explains what happened and he is forgiven. Later, the lion gets caught in a net and can't get out. The mouse comes walking along and sees the lion. He wanted to help since she had not killed him so he runs to fetch his family. Once they are to the lion they gnaw through the net and get the lion out. Since the lion was kind to the mouse and did not kill him, the mouse wanted to be nice back to the lion and help her out by getting her out of the net. If the lion had killed the mouse, then no one would have been around to help the lion get out of the net.
    My lesson learned could influence others into knowing that what goes around, really does come around. Let's say you help someone open their locker, this would be a nice thing to do and later if you need help on your homework or opening your own locker, they might want to help you with it since you helped them.

  40. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/11/12

    2. Don't underestimate the things people can do.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. Between the lion and the mosquito, there is some tension. The mosquito doesn't give the respect to the lion like she wants. But, how do we know the lion gives the respect to the mosquito? Also, the mouse and the lion get off to a bad start. But it all just happens to be a big misunderstanding. The mouse really respects the lion and her position. The mouse just wishes to be more powerful and tries to get away with doing bigger things. Even though people can do anything they set their mind to, people need to know their places.

    My lesson learned could be used to influence people in many way. Mostly to people who don't have a lot of confidence in themselves, but many people can relate. It tells people that they can do anything they want to. If someone wants to accomplish something they should be able to know that they can do it and nothing is stoping them but themselves. Nothing is worse than somebody telling you, you can't do something. Also, for the dominate people in the world, give the little guys a chance. Don't ever doubt the power of someone who may be considered "smaller" than you. Never doubting someone can show respect for people around you. If you give someone a chance, you may be able to see the real them and learn to be friends with them. Anybody is able to change someones perspective in a single sentence. Just give everyone you meet a chance and don't judge a book by it's cover.

  41. Brandon Wiese 1/12/12 TT2

    2. "never underestimate your allies".

    4. In this story the mouse is like the savior of the Lion. The mosquito is the bad guy at the point until he dies. In this the Mouse is the protagonist and the Mosquito is the antagonist. The lion is a important character because she is the victim of the situation. The lion is facing death and the mouse calls his family to help get the loin out of the trap. The lion doesn't think the little mouse can help. Size doesn't matter is what my coach always says. That is true, in the story the mouse saves this lion and he and his little family are the ones that do it. Just like my friend who was small, but he did big things.

  42. 1. Gursherveen Kaur / 13/1/12 / TT2

    2. Develop a Lesson Learned.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship between the characters differ between the mouse and the mosquito because the mosquito was not being very loyal and respectful to the queen and in return payed for the actions he had just done and the mouse was very nice and respectful to the queen and in return she did not kill him. The mosquito was rude and disrespectful to the queen and did not really think anything would happen to him but there are consequences for everything you do no matter what you do. The mosquito's consequences was that he died because he was being foolish by first messing with the queen and being rude and disrespectful and then wasn't looking where he was going and flew right into the spiders web.

    A really good phrase is treat people the way you want to be treated or you get what you give and the mosquito was messing around with the queen and being very rude. The mouse was very respectful and apologized to the queen and the queen spared his life. Later on the mouse returned to see that the queen was stuck and since the queen hadn't killed him the mouse saved the queens life by calling his family and gnawed at the rope until she was free. The real main message is treat people like you want to be treated and if you don't chances are your life will be worse. Always be respecting the people around you even if its in the smallest ways you should still always be kind and polite. If you treat someone the way you want to be treated they will be happier and you will be happier and everyone should live a happy life.

  43. 1. Josh Mick 1/12/12 TT4

    2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. The relationship between the lion and the mosquito was not good. The mosquito treated the lion poorly. The mosquito teased the lion. The mosquito also showed no respect for the queen. Mosquito ended up being eaten by the spider. Mosquito got what he deserved. He treated the lion badly and the mosquito ended up getting karma. Treat others how you would want to be treated.

    This could influence audience for a couple reasons. Don't mess with people who are a lot bigger than you because once you make them really mad like the mosquito did to the lion, the lion got mad and ate the mosquito. As the mouse, you want to be friends with everyone because if you're nice to them and helpful, then they will be nice and helpful to you too!

  44. 1. Julianna Welling 1/18/12
    2. everyone can do something
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)
    4. The relationship between the mosquito and the lion is short. The lion thinks that just because the the mosquito is small that he will easily kill it. The mosquito uses it's smallness to it's advantage by missing all the hits. He kills him self really by thinking he is superior and then runs into the web. The lion has no respect for anyone really because people are afraid of him, until he knows how it feels. That is why he has a little bit of respect for the mouse when he meets him. The lion get more respect when he realized that everyone can do something. The mouse saved his life.
    Everyone can do something. Everyone can do something even if it is just breathing! The person you might think will never be able to help you will maybe teach you the most important thing in you life. That is why you should be open to everyone, and treat everyone the same. Everyone can do something special. It might not be something special to some people but is to others. Everyone can do something big or small. You should not judge people by there size, for one resone because the storie we just read.

  45. 1. Caleb Hudson 1-18-12
    2. Don't underestimate what others can do no matter who they are
    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)
    4. The lion who is the queen of the african plains. She gets respect from everyone she meets there. and when she is not shown respect it angers her. the mosquito disrespects the lion and bites her right on the nose. this angers her to bite at him and she bites her tong. then the mosquito bites her right on the cheek. the mosquito falls back into a spiders web and the spider respects the lion by eating the mosquito. The mouse who accidentally wakes up the lion is immediately sorry after he wakes her up. and he would like to repay her some way someday.
    My lesson learned that I got from reading this anecdote is "Don't underestimate what others can do no matter who they are". I think this is a great lesson learned for this anecdote. This is because the mosquito witch is small but is quite annoying and painful. even with a lion they can still attack the lion. this could be used in a case where there might be a giant company versing a little group of people. and that the small can be pesky and also painful to bigger companies. and the group of people could say this that even if you are small that you can still make anything bigger than you hurt or lose something. and that is why I like this lesson learned for this anecdote.

  46. 1. Michael Atwood / 1-11-12 / MW4
    was absent

    2. Smallness has it's advantages.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The Mosquito bothered the lion because the lion was great and mighty, but could not compete with the mosquito. This enforces my lesson learned, for though the lion was quite a big animal compared to the mosquito, it was more agile and was too small to catch. The mouse was originally an enemy at first, but it was just a misunderstanding, or it was a very tricky mouse, and the lion respected the mouse and let it be on it's way. The lion was paid with a favor, which was a rather good thing, since it helped the lion out of certain death.
    The mouse, the spider and the mosquito in the story enforce my lesson learned. The mosquito maybe small, but it could easily beat the lion even if he was big and mighty. The mouse shows that being small can be more useful than larger creatures in certain situations. the spider also shows that smallness can be useful. When the mosquito was bothering the lion, only a thing of the same basic size could beat the mosquito. Thus, The spider won over it.

  47. 1. Jade Cogar 1-19-12 TT2

    2. Little things can do bigs things too.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. When the little mouse asked the queen to serve her she was thinking how could a little guy like you help a big girl like me. If you think about what the little mouse asked the queen, you could see the queen getting stuck in that net. If that mouse never talk to the queen the queen would be dead right now. You can never underestimate a little person all because of there size.
    When the queen got stuck in the net she was thinking if she would ever get out of the net. If I were the queen I would keep saying thank you to the mouse and invite the mouses family over and let them stay for a while. Just the family of the mouse let her go and now she wont have to get killed. If the mouse never showed up or never met the queen the queen would be dead but since she met the mouse she is still alive all because of her new little friend.

  48. 1.)Lexi Gross 1/12/12 T-T-2

    2.) what comes around goes around

    4.) How would you feel if your grandson just left you in the woods with half a blanket? You would probably feel pretty sad inside. The blanket wouldn't do it for someone, they would need to be reunited with their family to be happy again. The blanket clearly has meaning to it, since the father wanted grandpa to have it,t he blanket means something to the Grandpa, perhaps his mother made it, or maybe it's run in the family for generations.
    Me as the audience find what the father as un-except able. It makes me feel sad inside, because if my grandson left me alone, I would be devastated. Anyone should be happy if they had a blanket, especially one with meaning, but still very sad inside.This an example of what NOT todo for the debates. If someone decided to say that it isn't a bad thing todo, well then I'm going to set them straight. No one should find this except able!

  49. 1. Michael Yedinak 1/18/12 TT2

    2. You do good things and you get good things.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. The lion is very respectful to all in the wilderness unless others are mean to her. The mosquito did not along with the hyena. These are some of the few reasons the lions will always be the kings and queens of the wilderness. Along with being respectful they could kill you with just one paw swipe to the face! When the lion woke up and was surprised by a mouse on her, she really showed a lot of respect to the poor mouse.
    The lion could have easily killed the mouse with no trouble at all. While knowing this she thought about it and realized it was just a mouse meaning no harm. The mouse was grateful and said he would be a assistant and help her when needed. She thought a little mouse couldn't help her but in the end you shouldn't underestimate someone word. Falling into the trap, the lion was in need of some help. Loan be hold that little mouse was there on the scene ready to help. The mouse would be too small to get her out of the trap without assistance, so she got her family to help and return the favor the lion did. When you just stand up and do the right thing, good will come back and people will honor you for that.

  50. 1. Darren Murray 1/19/12 TT2

    2. Never underestimate the might of someone as small as a mouse cause they can do something a human could do.

    3. Brandon Cooke

    4. This could influence a audience by letting them no big things come in small packages sometimes. People underestimate the smallest thing and really that's all that matters. The mouse showed the queen that he could help and she thought the lowest of him but he's the one that saved her in the long run.
    I try my hardest to not underestimate people by what they look like because you never know who they are and what they can do. Just like in school, if someone is picking on someone way smaller the smaller kid could be the toughest out of both of them.

  51. 1. Michael Haase 1-19-12 TT2

    2."small people can do big things"

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The Lion was respected by most of the animals and the other things that lived in Africa except for the Mosquito. The Mosquito did not respect the lion because he thought he was invincible and the lion could not harm him. The lion was not fast enough to catch the little insect he got so mad that he roared and the Mosquito flew back into a spider web and the Spider was loyal to the lion and killed the insect. The Mouse did not mean to anger the lion so the lion let him go. Then when the lion was trapped the mouse saved him before he was killed.

    The mouse, Mosquito, and the Spider really enforced my lesson learned. The Mouse was really small and loyal but the lion did not think the Mouse could do anything for the queen but he saved her life. The Spider was loyal and saw that someone was disrespecting the Queen so he help her by killing the Mosquito. The Mosquito was disrespectful and did not obey the queen but she could not do anything about it because he was very small and to fast for the mighty and strong queen.

  52. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 1/19/12 - MW4

    2. Don't underestimate anyone.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The relationship with the characters in the story at some points were harsh. Especially when the mosquito was messing around with the lion and he thought it was funny but it was really just making the lion really mad. The relationship with the mouse was a good relationship because the mouse and his buddies saved the loin from the net. If it wasn't for the mouse the lion would be dead.

    Being nice to people is the right thing to do because as you can see the lion did something nice to the mouse by not eating it and the mouse paid him back by saving his life. If you don't want anything bad to you don't do anything mean to your family or friends.

  53. 1. Blake Lapum, 1/20/12, TT2

    2. Treat people how you want to be treated.

    4. The lion, the Queen of the wild. She was the one in charge. The Mosquito was very unwise to make the lion angry. What goes around comes around. The Mosquito was buzzing in the lion's ear and wouldn't stop when told to stop. So it had got eaten by a spider. The mouse on the other hand, was very smart. He crawled up onto the lions nose by accident, and the lion questioned him why and he didn't know why. He apologized, and said if he was ever needed, just call upon him. The lion just laughed because of how small the mouse was and what she would ever need him for.
    Until one day, the lion went on a walk. It wasn't being careful enough and stepped right into a trap, being captured. As the other animals mocked him, the mouse came up. The mouse saw that the lion was in trouble and wanted to help. He went back, got all his family and chewed through the trap before the lion was captured. The lion was very thankful that it had spared the little mouse, in order for it to save her that day. Treat people how you want to be treated. If you wouldn't want to be bullied or be made fun of, why would you do that to someone else? Treat others how you want to be treated.

  54. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-19-12. TT2.

    2. Things happen for a reason.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The misquote and the lion didn't quite get along perfectly. The misquote was eaten by the spider.The misquote was very mean to the lion. It seems like that saying what goes around comes around because it did in this story. I think that the misquote was jelious of the lion and a lot of ways like how he was "King of the jungle" and how great the lion was. Like the spider thinks anyone that being smaller can be better in someways and someways not.

    This could even be a good story towards any age really..It says how respect is good and it is and anyone should know that. This helps when people are more confident in them selfs I would say but it teaches how karma goes around and that you should treat others equally.

  55. 1. Jake Belford 1/20/12

    2. Everyone has a role in life.

    3. Shared with a partner.

    4. Everyone has a role in life. The three different characters in this story all had important roles or jobs. The relationship between the animals was very important for the animal kingdom and the food chain. If there wasn't a pesky insect that bothered the "queen", then the spider would not get dinner. The mouse, considered one of the smallest in the animal kingdom, had the lions back and helped her get out of a deathly situation.

    The lesson learned I chose for this story is, everyone has a role in life. This is a good LL because even the smallest animal could help in a very large way. My lesson learned could influence an audience by showing them that if there is a smaller or weaker friend of yours that they can still help with things that are very important.

  56. 1. Jordan Danko 1/22/12 TT2

    2. Respect those around you


    4. The three main characters were the Lion, mouse, and mosquito. They each had different qualities and relationships with one another. The lion was the bigest and thought he deserved the most respect of all. He was the king and demanded all the respect in the world. On the other hand the mouse was the opposite. The mouse was small and showed all of the respect it could to the lion. He wanted to help the king but he saw him as weak and useful because of his size. The mosquito didn't show any respect for anyone. He was cruel and selfish. Secretly I think he was jealous of the lion.
    This anecdote could influence an audience by teaching them everyone earns an equal amount of respect. Don't underestimate people and what they can do until you truly know what they are capable of. Everyone earns a certain amount of equal respect in their lives. No matter what there physical qualities are. You never know when you are going to need someone to do you a favor. No matter how big or small it could be as simple as helping you carry something or as big as saving our life. In the end we all deserve respect because you never know what the future holds.

  57. 1. Nella Galliher 1/17/12 MW4
    2. Don’t underestimate others, and “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”
    4. The mosquito didn’t respect the Lions high and mighty power and the Lion didn’t like that. It made her mad that she couldn’t kill a tiny little bug, but a little spider could. She also didn’t think much of the mouse’s power to help such a great beast as herself, but he showed her respect so she let him live. That was a good idea, because it would help her later and teach her not to underestimate another’s ability to do something.
    I would tell my audience not look at and just judge somebody or something by the way it appears. I would try to show them that everything has a purpose and to respect others and their ability to do something for the good of the whole world. Even the mosquito has a purpose I guess, but it’s hard to do when it’s biting me!!!

  58. Absent
    1. Zack Fuller / 1-23-12 / mw2

    2. What goes around comes around.

    3. Share this Lesson Learned with a partner (reflect on how you came up with your LL)

    4. The lion treated every one in the jungle with respect unless disrespected to . The lion spared the mouse life for apologizing for disturbing her sleep. But the mosquito was be a pain and was not treating people with respect and ended up in a spiders web and died. Because the lion was respectful to everyone and wanted them to live peacefully together but when there is no respect the is no friends.
    I would tell my audience a little story about when I seen this happen but with money. My friend and I were working in the Porthole when all of a sudden a kid was 10 cents short on his purchase. My friend gave him 10 cents to buy what he needs and go on with his life really never to talk to him again. But the very next day the kid came back to buy something and waas checking out when he remembered my friends face and said" did you give me 10 cents yesterday and my friend was like " yes". Then kid gave my friend a dollar because he help him out yesterday. Thats what the stories wroth take what want from it but what goes around come around.

  59. 1. Eddie Roberts, mw2
    2. Don't underestimate people by the way they look.
    3. Shared
    4. My lesson learned could be used to influence people in many ways. Mostly to people who don't have a lot of confidence in themselves. It tells people that they can do anything they want to. If someone wants to accomplish something they should be able to know that they can do it and nothing is stoping them but themselves. Dont you hate it when somebody tells you that you can't do something? Also, for the dominate people in the world, give the little guys a chance. Don't ever doubt the power of someone who may be considered "smaller" than you. Never doubting someone can show respect for people around you. If you give someone a chance, you may be able to see the real them and learn to be friends with them. Anybody is able to change someones perspective in a single sentence. Just give everyone you meet a chance and don't judge a book by it's cover.

  60. 1. Olivia Sdao/Jan.25-2012/TT4

    2. comes around go's around


    4. The mighty lion was ruler of the jungle. She treated every one with respect and would always get respect back, but when the misquote thought it would be ok to be mean to her he got karma back by being eaten by the spider. The lion spared the mouse's life because of how he had so much respect for the lion. I would tell my audience that just because they look small or weak don't mean they can't do hardiest or mightiest of things. Also if your mean to someone theres going to be a very good chance that someones going to be even meaner to YOU!

  61. 1. Paul Anguish 1/12/12 tt4

    2. The high and mighty have the longest to fall

    4. Develop two paragraphs, first describing the relationship between the three characters of the story and second, build a case for your lesson learned - how could this be used to influence an audience?

    4. The lion was and is the most respected and feared animal on the savanna. The mosquito is a cheeky and cocky individual. The mouse was respectful and nice. The lion went as far as to say “Little fellow. I was about to kill you but you have shown wisdom and respect for your queen." The queen believes herself to be almost, if not god like and has the power to to give death at a whim. The mosquito harassed the lion and then perished. the mouse was humble and survived.

    the high and mighty have the farthest to fall. This saying is from a child's book but, it’s meaning goes farther than that. It’s saying that being at the top of the
