Friday, January 6, 2012

Blog Anecdote 2 - Blanket of Respect

"There once was a man, who was raising his young son. The mother had passed away in childbirth and he was teaching his son all that he knew. This son, grew up and in time wanted to go to a nearby village and find him a companion. Many months passed and the young man returned to his home, and with him he had a woman, his wife. They lived in the home of his father.

Shortly after, They had a son. And the father, now a grandfather began teaching this young boy all that he knew. How to respect the forest, the animals and life. The mother, tiring of sharing her home with the old man told her husband that she wanted the old man out.

The father spoke "I cannot, this is his home and he built it for us." She spoke "If you do not make him leave then I will take our son and I will leave." The father agreed and spoke to his son. "My son, tomorrow I want you to take Grandpa out and leave him. Give him this blanket." The young boy cried. "Why do you do this? Grandpa has been teaching me all that I know. Why do I have to do this to him?" The father spoke. "Son, follow the wishes of your father." So the next morning, the father went hunting to the North. The son took Grandpa as far as he could walk to the South.

That evening the young boy was sitting on the bed crying when his father came In. He saw the blanket on the bed. "Son, I thought I told you to give Grandpa the blanket?" "I gave Grandpa half of the blanket. The other half, I will give to you some day." The mother and father understood the message. And they went and brought Grandpa back." An American Indian Legend - Nation Unknown

1. Name / Date / Hour

2. Develop a Lesson Learned

3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

4. Develop two paragraphs reflecting on the symbolism of the blanket and the influence this may have on an audience. For example, what type of topic would/could this fit, in a debate environment?


  1. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski / 1-9-12 / MW2

    2. Family is important.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. In the end of the story, the son only gives his grandfather half of the blanket, and say the other half is for his father. This says that the blanket symbolizes a message, saying what he was told to do was not right. Saying the other half was for his father was because the father told him to do it and he deserved to have the same treatment his father had. This should have never happened. If a woman gets in the way of your family by telling him to make your father leave, he should have left her and fought for the son.
    This story would fit in a debate about families, knowing right from wrong, and abandoning others. The grandfather was family and he didn't deserve to be abandoned. The thing is, the son stood up to his parents and showed him that they were wrong. The mother even agreed that it was wrong and she caused most of the problem. This story would be great for a debate.

  2. 1. Halle Chiarelli 01-09-12

    2. You learn the best from the ones with the most experience.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The boy told his father he would give him the other half of the blanket one day because when he is older, if father still lived with him he would take him into the woods. The boy is trying to tell the father that he is going to give his blanket to his father when he takes it into the woods. The boy must think that he has to take after his father by sending the grandfather into the woods with a blanket. When father turns into a grandfather then he will have the same half of the blanket as his father did. ( the boys grandfather ) The father did not want his father in the woods anymore after they mother and father understood their sons message.

    Father and Mother brought grandpa back because father did not want to be left in the woods when the boy grows up. Father didn't think through very much what he was doing. Father must have felt bad for his father because he realized that he would not want to be put in his place. Mother also must have realized that it was awfully cruel to send an elderly man into the woods with only a blanket. THe son ripped the blanket in half so he could tell his parents that story so his grandfather could come back to the house and live with them.

  3. 1. Zack Fuller Mw2 1-9-12

    2. Respect people older than you because they have more experience.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. First you should always respect every one you meet and know. Because without respect the world would be totally different. Respect older people because they probably had the same experiences that you are having now. Or other words been there done that. The Old man in the story even know the son's wife did not like him very much he still gave respect to her.
    The young man was made to make his son carry Grandpa and leaving Grandpa in the middle of no where. I think son wanted to have a say in what to do . The only problem with that is in the early days children are ment to be seen but not herd. Witch is had no say at all about what to do. But in the end they did what was right and went back and got Grandpa.

  4. 1.Kira D'Agostino 1/9/12 MW2
    2. Sometimes the one who is not the brightest is is smartest.
    3. Shared with McKenzie.
    4. The blanket symbolizes respect. The reason that the grandpa only got half was because he only had half the respect of his son. The wife wished for him to go when he should have listened and saw it wasn't the right thing to do. Everyone deserves respect no matter who they are and what they have done. The grandpa showed his son how to be on with nature and respect it's habitat's.
    He gave him everything which allowed him to be the best he can be. When he had a son the grandfather showed him how to be a good person on the inside and the outside. He should have been well respected he made the boy to be who he was that day. Not only that be he did it on his own with out a wife to help. He was humble and gracious, an audience would see that. It doesn't take an award to be honored, it doesn't take some smart to be honored.
    An audience would debate on how this young man saw his father. I would to, it seems that he lost his respect for his dad the older he got. It happens sometime we lose sight of the people who have always been there when we were weak. When we needed guidance or a home for shelter. They gave you love and warmth and as you become more busy ans involved with other things you realize that you haven't sat down and just talked to your parent in a while. Correct your mistakes and make them better, show that you can improve. Lastly remember what they did for you and how they made you who you are today.

  5. 1.Megan Gunderson, /9/12, 2nd
    2.Treat people fairly.
    4. The blanket represents the future.The son kept the half of the blanket as a reminder of what he would give to his father when he grew old.The boy was mad at his father and mother for kicking his grandpa out.He he kept the other half to give to his father when he would kick him out.The audience may take this as a remainder to respect their elders.One might get annoyed with their fathers and mothers but should be reminded that they taught them every thing they know.
    The son got his point across to his father and mother.They should treat people like they would want to be treated.The grandpa came back to the house in the end.In a debate this topic could be used.Treat people fairly.An example would be white and black treating each other with respect and being treated fairly.Whites and black should both treat each other like they would want to be treated.Another example is religions.No matter what your religion is you should be treated equally and fairly by others.

  6. 1. Mckenzie Barth 1-9-12 MW2

    2. My lesson learned is: Sometimes the one who knows the least, knows the most. Even though the young boy may not have been as smart, he was the wisest knowing that they can't just get rid of Grandpa.

    4. The blanket symbolized how you can't just get rid of something or s
    someone. The blanket stood for the trust and love the boy had for his Grandpa and he couldn't give him up. He said someday he would give the half of the blanket to his Father, once his father realizes that he's missing his own father. The blanket might influence the audience to hold onto their family and not take them for granit. In this case, Grandpa was the reason for the roof over their heads.They might realize that sometimes what seems right isn't always right and that even the one who seems to know the least, can end up knowing the most.

    The young boy was very wise and knew that it was not right to just leave his grandfather somewhere. If the world was filled with people like the young boy, everyone would be a lot better off. Let this be a lesson to all that, no matter how small you may seem you can still be very wise in your own ways. Maybe grudges would be let go, and we could overlook flaws in people. There might be no war, wisdom is what the world needs, that would be a good debate topic. Could wisdom really stop war? If we were all able to overlook flaws would war have started in the first place? Let this be a lesson to all that, no matter how small you may seem you can still be very wise in your own ways.

  7. 1. Matt Strong 1/9/12 MW2

    2. Everyone should be included.

    4. The blanket symbolizes everyone. When the blanket is torn, so is the family. That's why the son wanted the grandson to rip the blanket in half and give one half to grandpa. Grandpa would get half the blanket so he would have something to remember his family. But the grandson didn't rip the blanket because he wanted the family to stay together.
    The blanket would influence the audience by saying everyone matters. No one should be left out and feel lost. When someone is feeling down because they're lonely, they need someone else to stand them back on their feet. A perfect example of this is the movie Remember The Titans. That movie shows that people should be included in everything, regardless of their skin color. In the time period of that movie, the colored people would be harassed and made fun of just because they have a different color of skin. When the football team went to the camp, they got along with each other. But when they got back home, the white people still treated them badly. They were facing the real world again. But that's not how the real world should've been. No one should be left out.

  8. Sam Love 1/9/12 mw3

    Lesson Learned: With wisdom there is respect.

    In "Blanket of Respect" the grandfather raised his son on his own, and taught him everything he knew. One day the son had a son of his own, and the grandfather did the same teaching him to respect things. The son's wife didn't like sharing the house with the old man and wanted him gone. The father had the young boy take grandpa out hunting and leave him. The father told the son to give grandpa the blanket, he gave half the blanket to the grandpa and the other to his father. The blanket symbolized the respect the son had for his grandpa. The mother and father understood the message the son was trying to tell them and they brought back the grandpa.
    This can influence an audience in many ways. The Native Americans most likely used this legend to teach people to respect one another. People today could use it to show one another it is never best leave some one out especially family. In a debate this would most likely be if it was wrong to leave the grandpa or if he should of been gone.

  9. 1. Malorie Moen 1/09/12 MW2

    2. Show respect to get respect.

    4. The blanket represents respect. The child gave the Grandpa half of a blanket, because he wanted to show respect. He told his father that he would give the other half to him someday, he really meant that he was going to leave his father just like his father did to the grandpa. The father wouldn't want that to happen to him someday, so he brought the grandpa back. If you want respect, then you have to show respect to others.

    This story could fit in a debate about respect. This legend gives a good message to people about respecting their elders. The father let the grandpa come back, because he knew that he would be in that position someday with his son. His wife should have allowed Grandpa to live there, because it's family. You should always respect your family.

  10. 1. Evan Bauer 1/9/12 MW2
    2. LL: Treat people the way you want to be treated.


    4. The blanket represents rejection. The grandfather got the blanket to stay warm and it represent that he is no longer welcome. The boy knew this when he gave grandfather the blanket so he cut it in half. The boy took in this experience of leaving his grandfather and probably thought thats what you have to do when his father gets to old.
    The boy kept half of the blanket to give to his father, when his father was no longer welcome at the house. The father realized that he had made the wrong dissuasion. The father showed the boy a bad lesson that was wrong. Father and mother realized that it was wrong and went to get Grandfather. The lesson in all of this is to treat people the way you want to be treated, father didn't want to be kicked out of his house when his son became the man and he because the old man.

  11. 1. Katelyn McCarthy / 1-9-12 / MW2

    2. Respect everyone and treat them the way you want to be treated


    4. I said respect everyone and treat them the way you want to be treated because the grandfather was being thrown out of his own house. The young boy didn't think it was fair to throw out grandfather. So when he took grandfather out to leave him, he only gave him half of the blanket and said he would give the other half to his father one day. when his parents heard this they understood how much their son loved his grandfather.

    This could influence audience because it shows that you shouldn't treat others differently . It would fit in where they make a rule about respecting others and treating them the way you want to be treated. And if you don't, you might regret it sometime in the future. Treat others the way you want to be treated and you might get the something back in return. It will also feel good to know that your saying something nice to them. That is why I chose this as my lesson learned.

  12. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/9/12

    2. Life is like a train just keeps going around and around.

    4. The half of the blanket the grandpa was left with was a reminder for when the kid has kids then he would kick him to the side of the road and I don't think that he would want that. I say this because then you would get all cold and wet when it rains and if you were lucky enough then someone would take you into their home and feed you and care for you. But then if you were not lucky then you could just lay their on the side of the road and just die.

    This fits in to play if you have ever been to Chicago. Because their are a lot of homeless people and the only thing that they really have are the clothes on their body and maybe they get lucky and a passing resident will give them a couple bucks to help them out. Like when I went their in 2010 we saw a lot of homeless people and it was shocking really to see all of the people just sitting on the side of the road with snow on the ground. Just think how cold they might be and then think what you have compared to them.

  13. LeAnn Howe MW2 Jan. 9, 2012

    2. Do what's right, not what other people want.

    4. Do what's right. not what other people want you to do. The young boy loved his grandpa very much. The man loved his dad very much too. But, the wife on the other hand, wanted the old man out of their house. Not knowing what was happening, the little boy took his grandpa and left him in the woods. He couldn't understand why he had to do this. His grandpa had been so nice to him and taught him everything he knows. Why did the wife want him gone?
    The blanket was an important aspect in the story. When the boy said he would give the other half to his father one day he was implying that kicking the old man out was not the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong with old people. Everyone gets old. That doesn't mean you can just kick them to the curb and hope they can survive by themselves. The young boy knew that kicking his grandfather out was not right and wanted his father to know that.
    When you are debating, you are trying to persuade someone to believe the way you do. You want your point to be heard and be implanted in their mind. In a debate you want to believe what you think its right, not what your friend thinks. Killing animals for food is a good topic this anecdote would fit in to. Some people think they need meat to survive but others couldn't stand to kill an animal. A vegetarian might say to someone who eats meat, "how would you like it if someone killed you for food?" That has the same meaning the young boy said to his father. This anecdote wants you to do what's right and stand up for what you believe in.

  14. Riley Hafner MW2 1/9/12

    Lesson Learned- Doing things to make one person happy does not always make others that you care about happy.

    The blanket, and how the boy ripped it in half, symbolises that a piece of the grandfather was still with the family. It brought out the caring emotional side in the son and the father. When the boy took the grandfather out into the woods he had ripped the blanket in half and taken it back to his home and told his father that someday he would give the other half to him. In saying that, he told his father that he was going to do the same this he had done to the grandfather. The father had made this decision because his wife was not happy that the grandfather was there. Once the choice was made, the son was very hurt.
    The grandfather had taught the son everything he knew just as he had taught the father. The son didn't want the grandfather gone because there was still more for him to learn. In a debate, this blanket might not symbolize the same thing. It could represent that without the grandfather they wouldn't be a whole family anymore. Things they knew wouldn't have as much meaning. In the eyes of different people the blanket has a different meaning. The father knew he had made a bad decision when he saw his son crying so they went into the woods and brought the grandfather home. The blanket showed the father that there was something missing in their family. Without the grandfather the skills ank knowledge that they had didn't have a story behind it. They couldn't really use it and then come home and say, "Hey grandfather, I cut down a tree the way you showed me," because he wasn't there. Both the blanket and the grandfather had a huge influence on the father and son.

  15. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/9/12

    2. To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid. Your elders can teach you things from their knowledge and experience.

    3. When the little boy was told to take his grandfather out into the woods he was upset and confused. The young boy did not know why his father wanted him to take his grandfather out into the woods but the boy did what he was told and left his grandfather in the woods. When the boys father came home from hunting he saw half of the grandfather's blanket on the bed. The father asked the young boy why he did not give his grandfather his blanket. The boy said I gave grandpa half of the blanket and I will give the other half to you some day.
    The boy said that because one day he would tell his son to take his father out into the woods and leave him there. The boy was going to give his father the other half of the blanket when he was taken to be left out in the woods. The boys father realized what he meant and went to get the boys grandfather back. The boy made his father realize how special the grandfather was to the him. He taught him everything he knew. The young boy was wise by leaving the other half of his blanket for his father. The father became aware of how he would not like to be left in the woods alone so he did not make the grandfather suffer through that.

  16. Timmy Uppleger MW2

    2.The blanket is a sign of respect.

    3. Share your Lesson learned with your partner.

    4. The topic "Blanket of Respect" fits into this environment because the blanket means respect and who he gives the blanket to means he respects them. The young boy gave half of the blanket to his grandfather. The boy was crying and the father asked why he did not give the blanket to his grandpa, the boy said "I gave half the blanket to him, and someday ill give the other half to you." The boy was saying that he respects them both. Saying someday he will give the rest of the blanket to his father. The Grandpa has been teaching the boy all he knew. He was teaching him all he knew about the forest and the animals, life and how he respected them all. He respected the forest and animals because they gave them food and water and a place to live. The forest trees giving them shelter from the rain. The animals for the food. They did not enjoy killing the animals. After they had killed an animal they would pray. They used all the animal parts so nothing went to waste.

  17. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 1/9/12 MW2

    2. In order to be happy you cannot trade one thing in your life for another.

    4. The blanket symbolizes a couple of things. It shows that you cannot rip apart your life for another. Throwing something that means to you away for another persons wish makes you just as bad as them. This tells a potential audience that you cannot rip something apart and expect that you will remain the same.
    When something is a whole means that all the items that make it up are together as one. The story they will never be a true family without the entire family. In a debate environment it could mean if a business was going to split up into to different companies. That overall if you stayed as one, you would have more ideas and less competition in the industry you represent. Overall when you let part of something go, your hurting yourself and the people around you.

  18. 1. Sammy Sutton / 1-9-12 / MW2

    2. When you show and give respect, you'll earn respect in return.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The blanket is a big inspiration on people, it helps us express our feelings. It show's that people care more for each other more than they care for themselves. The blanket lets you know, never let go of someone you care for, your letting go of a big part of your life just by doing that. Letting go is not an easy thing to do, but no one is forcing you too; It's your life, you can care for the people you want to care for.
    I'm sure that many people can relate to this, because I know I can. Some people can't see the way people are suffering, or their just to self centered to even care for anyone else. I always think, "what if that was me?" I'd appreciate help from anyone. No one deserves to be left behind, forgotten, or left to starve. Everyone person in the world is loved by someone, and means something to someone, we're all important no matter what anyone says.

  19. 1. Matt Pankow , 1-9-11 , MW2

    2. When you have respect for others you will receive respect back.


    4. The blanket in the story would symbolize the respect that the boys shows for both his father and his grandpa. Showing respect for others is a great thing to do because soon after you will gain respect from the person you respect. If everyone had respect for one and other the world would be a really great place. Having the world be like that would be a fine but boring world. The reason for that is because you gain courage, and once you get courage you will get wisdom. Wisdom is the best thing that you could ever have in a life you live.
    The boy was given a chance to show his father that he had respect for him. The boy jumped on that chance and he became Successful and accomplished his goal. For debates this quote could fit into a few topics but I would say that the debate would be about If the boy really cared enough to take his grandpa out but he also wanted to show respect for his father. So he could either listen to his fathers orders and show respect to him or show respect to his grandpa and not listen to his father. He found a compromise that worked for both the Father and the grandpa. The boy received great respect for then on.

  20. 1. Malorie Moen 1/09/12 MW2

    2. Show respect to get respect.

    4. The blanket represents respect. The child gave the Grandpa half of a blanket, because he wanted to show respect. He told his father that he would give the other half to him someday, he really meant that he was going to leave his father just like his father did to the grandpa. The father wouldn't want that to happen to him someday, so he brought the grandpa back. If you want respect, then you have to show respect to others.

    This story could fit in a debate about respect. This legend gives a good message to people about respecting their elders. The father let the grandpa come back, because he knew that he would be in that position someday with his son. His wife should have allowed Grandpa to live there, because it's family. You should always respect your family.

  21. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 1/9/12

    2. Everyone should be remembered.

    4. "Everyone should be remembered" means that everyone should have memories. Everyone should also have something remembered about them as well. In this story the little boy had his father's dad living with him. The wife of the little boys father wanted the grandpa to go though. The father didn't want his wife to leave so before he had brought the grandpa somewhere else he had the little boy give the blanket he have had to the grandpa. The little boy though did give half of the blanket to the grandpa. The other half he would of gave to his father someday. This is showing that the part of the blanket that was given to the grandpa was something to remind the grandpa about the son, so he would remember the memories of him and the little boy.
    This American Indian Legend was to influence people about the thoughts and the memories they should give to people. Having just one thing to remember thing is just at least something to remember about everyone a person has ever met. The memories sometimes could be bad memories or sometimes would be good memories. Same as for thoughts, there are good thought about people and there are bad thoughts about people. The point is that everyone should be remembered.

  22. 1. Evan Bauer 1/9/12 MW2
    2. LL: Treat people the way you want to be treated.


    4. The blanket represents rejection. The grandfather got the blanket to stay warm and it represent that he is no longer welcome. The boy knew this when he gave grandfather the blanket so he cut it in half. The boy took in this experience of leaving his grandfather and probably thought thats what you have to do when his father gets to old.
    The boy kept half of the blanket to give to his father, when his father was no longer welcome at the house. The father realized that he had made the wrong dissuasion. The father showed the boy a bad lesson that was wrong. Father and mother realized that it was wrong and went to get Grandfather. The lesson in all of this is to treat people the way you want to be treated, father didn't want to be kicked out of his house when his son became the man and he because the old man.

  23. 1. Daisy York 1.9.12

    2. When you don't show respect you loose respect.

    3. Shared with partner

    4. The blanket symbolizes no respect when the Father told the Son to take the Grandfather and leave him with only the blanket. The Son saw the blanket as disrespectful it was basically saying that we never respected you and this blanket is all your worth. The reason he tore it in half and told the father that he would give it to his to his Father one day was saying that he lost respect for him and he looked at him and saw less.
    This can relate to a audience by applying it to the way that treat the people around them. That every time they are mean or careless with someone they loose respect from others. It teaches people that you cant not care about people because in the end you will loose everyone who was once close to you. When I read this it reminded me of the quote "How do you live your life when no one is watching"

  24. 1. Alex Smith, 1-9-12, MW4

    2. One should treat others how one would want to be treated.

    4. I developed my lesson learned, because I saw the blanket as a symbol for equal treatment. Allow me to elaborate; the boy used the half of the blanket to show the saying "one should treat others how one would want to be treated". The boy telling his Father he'd give it to him someday told the father that he was going to get what he gave, and in spades. The Father, realizing what he had done and what may happen to him, allowed the grandfather to come back. Showing mercy, which instead of harm if he were to keep the grandfather out, it's implied he would get mercy back. Not harm. So, in short: Karma.

    This anecdote can be used in an argument of pro animal rights. One could say that that Father, who is forced to empathize with the grandfather, could be a human who would empathize with an animal. The Father changing his ways and allowing him to come back to his home could be compared to a human changing their treatment of animals.

    This could also be applicable to pro life. A woman, contemplating abortion, could relate to the Father. The Father put himself in the Grandfather's shoes when his son told him he'd get the blanket, could be compared to the mother realizing that she wouldn't want to end an unborn life. I can see that a lot of the situation applicable to this anecdote is about empathizing with someone/something. Or in conclusion, all the situations are applicable to my lesson learned: One should treat others the way one would want to be treated.

  25. 1. Kyle Gonos 1-8-12 MW4 (Revised)

    2. LL: Imagine how you would feel before you do something to another person

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The blanket symbolized knowledge. The Grandfather had taught his son all that he knew, and then taught his grandson all that he knew. When the wife told her husband that she wanted the grandfather out the father knew it was wrong. Even though he knew it was wrong he still had his son take grandpa out and leave him. After this happened the knowledge that the grandpa had shared with his son finally came into action. They all learned a lesson from this, my taking of it is that they learned that you can't break apart family.
    The blanket could have a very big influence on the audience. For example each person in the audience could think the blanket symbolized something different. Also the blanket can teach the audience a lesson. Each person in the audience will have a different lesson but the same impact on their life. This topic could fit into a "How big of an impact can the lesson have on a persons life."

  26. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/9/12

    2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. Treating others the way you want to be treated is the golden rule. When the Dad gave his young son the blanket to give to his grandpa, it was a symbol of disownment. The father was giving his father a blanket to live with. Kicking him out of his own house was cruel and not needed. If the Father does this to his Father, the son will learn from him and do the same thing. How can the Father expect his son to treat him right when he didn't respect his own Father? When doing something mean to someone, you can't expect to be treated right. You can be a good person, or a bad person. That is where this lesson learned comes into debate. Even though you may be a very nice person, if you do something mean to a peer, the peer has the right to be mean back. If you want to be the bigger person and avoid that mean person, that's good. But others should be able to act like you. Attitudes are contagious, everybody has their own opinions, styles, and types. If you are very open about your opinions, you may influence others. Don't be quick to judge before you look in the mirror and see how you are treating others and what others think of you.

  27. 1. Jacob Yannott, 4th hour

    2. Treat other how you want to be treated

    3. OK

    4. Well the little bot was told by is father to take his grandfather, and take him on walk some were, and leave him there. He was also ordered by his father to leave his grandfather there. Also his father ordered him to leave his grandfather with a blanket. Instead the little boy gave only half of the blanket to his grandfather.

    The little buy father would tell him how to respect animals in the wild. Until his father was no longer accepted on the house anymore. The lesson here is to treat people how you would want to be treated, so if you mean to somebody, they are going be mean back. Except in this example, father had been kicked out, because he didn't treat grandfather with respect. What happend in all, this little boy loved his grandfather, and his father didn't like him. so he deacide to make the little take him out some were, and leave him there, so the little boy only gave grandfather half, and gave his father the other half

  28. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 1-10-12

    2. Do unto others what you would want done unto yourself.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The blanket was in this story, a small act of kindness since the young man felt a little guilty about leaving his father in the wilderness. His young son, by giving half to the grandpa, and leaving the other for his father, brought the fact that chances are, when he is older he might do the same. This could bring to light how it is possible that what you do can come back to you. This story was intended to teach us to do what we want to be done to ourselves, the father and mother of the boy intended to leave the grandfather alone in the wilderness even after the grandfather taught the father and son everything they knew. Because of this, the boy brought to light how they would someday be the grandfather and grandmother when the boy grew to be a man. The son still cared for the grandpa and did not want this to be done to him so he and his wife went to get grandpa back.
    In a debate situation, I could argue this point by how in the story, the father had some regrets on leaving grandpa from the start. When the father had the conversation with his wife, he agreed when she threatened to leave with the son. The blanket was all like the respect he still had for the grandfather. Maybe the child wanted the father to notice how he could do the same to his parents when he was older. At this time he would give the other half of the blanket to show how he still cares for them and has some respect. You should "do unto others as you would want done unto yourself".

  29. 1. Molly Aills 1/10/12 TT4

    2. Treat others as you want to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The blanket in this story symbolizes equal treatment. The boy gave his grandfather only half of the blanket, leaving the other half for his father to receive someday. His father figures out that someday he will be the old man who is kicked out of the house. He doesn't want the same thing that happened to the Grandfather to happen to him. Thus, the Grandfather comes back into the home and is welcomed.

    This topic would influence the audience to think before they act. Would they want what they are doing do happen to someone else? This would most likely effect the bullies in a school or general environment. They probably don't want what they're doing to someone else to happen to them. So why do it? The only problem is for them to actually do it. With the motives there, all they have to do is run with it.

  30. 1.Kalani Gondick M/W4 1-9-12
    2.Everyone should always be remembered.
    3. Share your lesson learn with a partner
    4. In the middle of the story His father told the son to take His Grandfather for a walk and give this blanket to his grandfather. The son came back and told father that he gave half of it to grandfather and the other half is going to go to His father one day.
    This story would go into a debate about family and what is right and what is wrong. The mother told the grandfather to leave he shouldn't leave he should have fought for his Son and Help with his son. He should of stayed there with his family and protect his family. The blanket was something special to his grandfather The son kept half of it because he wanted to give it to his father later but the son wanted to keep it for a little while to have a little bit of memory with his grandfather.

  31. 1. Austin Wicker 1-9-12 M-W4th

2. What you do someone can happen to you.

3. Shared Lesson Learned with partner

4. The blanket that the Grandfather was given symbolizes that you have something precious and you can't just go and get rid of it because you don't want it anymore. The blanket is a great symbol of what could happen to you if you do that to an other person. What you do to someone else can happen to you in the future, this could be good or bad. This makes people think that you can't treat people like a piece of meat. You treat people with respect and they will respect you back.
The father told his son all he new and the son makes his own son send his grandfather and leave him there. For one thing the son of the grandfather is being selfish because doesn't know what his son is going through when he has to get rid of his grandfather. Also he is being selfish because his father taught him all he knew and this is how he repays him! But the father gets a big smack in the face when he finds his son with the ripped up blanket. Plus the mother seems very rude and mean and makes the decisions for the father.

  32. 1. Nick Norman MW2 1-11-12
    2. Family will always be there for you.
    3. Shared Lesson Learned
    4. Some people may think that family doesn't matter as much as you would think. Your family is a lot different than your friends. Your friends will come and go. Your family will always be there. You can not replace them. You need to learn to share things. In the story, they shared the blanket because there wasn't more than one. As always follow this rule: Treat other the way you would want to be treated.
    When the son shared the blanket with his grandfather, he knew he should have just given the whole thing to his grandfather and that was the right idea. At the end, his mother and father understood what he was trying to do. Some people don't think that the boy should have listened to his father and kept his grandpa where he was and that's the what I thought.

  33. 1. Payton Rentsch/ 1/11/12 mw2

    2. Treat others as you want to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The blanket in this story symbolizes equal treatment. The boy gave his grandfather only half of the blanket, leaving the other half for his father to receive someday. His father figures out that someday he will be the old man who is kicked out of the house. He doesn't want the same thing that happened to the Grandfather to happen to him. Thus, the Grandfather comes back into the home and is welcomed.
    This topic would influence the audience to think before they act. Would they want what they are doing do happen to someone else? This would most likely effect the bullies in a school or general environment. They probably don't want what they're doing to someone else to happen to them. So why do it? The only problem is for them to actually do it. With the motives there, all they have to do is run with it.

  34. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/11/12

    2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. Treating others the way you want to be treated is very important. If someone made you feel bad, why would you want to make them feel the same way you did? When the father orders his son to leave his grandfather, the son is upset but he must obey. The son believes that if his father is making him do this to his grandfather, he will eventually have to do this to his own father. Once the father realizes this, he regrets his decision and welcomes the grandfather back into their home.
    It's important to ask yourself if you would want to be treated the way you are treating someone else. It's also important for you to put yourself in someone else's shoes. The lesson learned can be related to a debate because you can ask whether or not you should be the bigger person in a situation like this. If someone is making fun of you, should you say something mean back? Or should you ignore them instead of fighting back and causing a bigger fight?

  35. 1. Danielle Stowell 1/11/12 TT4

    2. You have to do whats right, not just what everyone else wants.

    4. The blanket the Grandpa gave to the son was a symbol of what the grandpa all knew. The Grandpa thought his Grandson all that he know in life. The father knew that kicking out his own father was wrong. The son could pick up what the father put down about kicking his father out. But why would the wife want the father to be kicked out?
    Now coming into the debate. When you have to debate about something you are trying to persuade someone or everybody to think whats right. They want you to stand up for what is right not whats wrong. Like an example would be Obama debating about what he wants to do for the world to help make it better not everyone is gonna like what he does but at least he nows it's the right thing to do. Your just basically trying to get your word out and around so people will think what you think. Obama is not saying what his friends want and what they would do or say, he's using his own opinion. You have to stand up for what is right!

  36. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-11-12, TT2

    2. If someone told you to jump off a bridge, would you?

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. If someone tells you to jump off a bridge would you? If someone tells you to do something, you don't have to follow what your told. Of course you should always obey your parents and do what your told, but obviously this boy really cared about his grandpa. The blanket symbolizes that if you do that to me, that means I will do it to you.
    You would have to fight, just like the boy did. You have to make the audience believe you, because you are fighting for what you which one you think is right. You are fighting against people that are against you, because you are trying to win on what you fight for. This fits in, basically if you would follow if someone jump off a bridge. You would never risk your life jumping off a bridge. That's just stupid. My point is if you stick to what you believe in you should be fine.

  37. 1. Henry Haidler / 1/11/12 / MW2

    2. The lesson learned i have for this anecdote was respect and treat others how you want to be treated

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The influence that the blanket may have on the audience is that you have to respect everyone and especially your family and elders. You should treat your parents and adults with great respect because they are very important in your life because they help you grow and learn. If you don't respect them then you could get in trouble in different ways and it will affect your future too. Throughout your whole entire life you should always be respectful to adults and elders and if you think something that someone is doing then you should tell them and make just they know that what they are doing could affect them and the way people see them.
    As you get older you will realize that what you did as a kid seems so much different than what you can do then. Once you get older then you start to realize that what you did could have been annoying and pointless but when you were a kid you thought it was a really good idea or something you should do. You will start to realize that you need help or assistance with some things because you aren't as strong or able anymore to do those kinds of things. Kids have a lot of energy and strength so they can do a lot more stuff than you think right now. Even though you may look over some unique and special things you can do other people can look and see them to be very helpful and useful and things you shouldn't waste. The son in the story said that he would give the blanket to his father and thats when he thought about what would happen if that was him he would want all the help he could get and he would want to be treated fairly with respect.

  38. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 1-11-12

    2. Treat people how you would like to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The blanket meant to be a reminder of what he has done. After pretty much ditching him, the boy felt guilty about doing that thing to his grandpa. So the boy gave him half of the blanket for his father to figure out so the father would feel guilty and find the grandpa. See at least they got the message so the old man did not die out there in the wilderness. The boy was sad because he pretty much treating him nice then the mother said getting him out here so the boy had to take him out. As you see it was a dreadful experience for the boy because he just left his grandfather out there.
    It influence the audience by treating people like they are your parents. The blanket was a symbol of a item that someone remembers for the rest of their life, but he was going to give to his father so he could remember and bring him back to the house. This topic could relate to a lot of things in life like bullying. One thing I know is bullies hate being treated nice because they are not used to people being nice to them. In the story the boy knew how to be treated, but the mother did not.

  39. 1. Heather Linn 1/11/12 TT2

    2. Learn from your mistakes

    3. Okay.

    4. In my eyes, The son is learning from his father that one day when he gets older and has a wife and children and his father grows old, he will have his son take him out to the woods and give his father the remaining half left of the blanket. You should always think about what your doing and how it may affect others. The effect on the audience is that you should always respect your elders, because when you couldn't take care of yourself, they did. The blanket resembles trust and respect in others,
    In a debate environment, the mother and the father could be debating on weither or not they are going to send the grandfather out of the house. In my opinion, I would be on the fathers side and say that its not right to kick your own flesh and blood out on their own when they need your help. If they did that to you, then in all reality, you probably wouldn't be here today.

  40. 1. Heidi Siemon 1-11-12 TT4

    2. Matthew 7:12 "Ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."

    The young boy was keeping half of the blanket to show a message to his father and his mother. He was very upset on how they kicked his grandpa out of the house. His grandpa taught him everything, and he loved him. The young boy kept half of that blanket. He told his parents that he gave half of it to his grandpa, and half of it he kept for his father to someday use when he got old. It symbolized the way he felt about his grandpa. It showed that he didn't want his grandpa to leave, and that if getting kicked out of the house could happen to his grandpa, it could also happen to his father. It symbolized that and impacted the parents on how their son felt about this.
    This story could influence people to treat others how they would want to be treated. To an audience, this story could help them understand a little bit about how you should treat each other, and if you don't treat each other nice, it could come around back to you. In a debate environment, this could be debated by if they deserved how they were treated by others. If you treat someone horribly and they treat you horribly back, it may be debated that they deserved to be treated like that, or that they didn't deserve to because you just shouldn't treat people like that.

  41. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/12/12 TT2

    2. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The boy only gave his grandfather half of the blanket when his father told him to give him the whole blanket. The boy was probably trying to give father the message that one day he will do the same thing to his father. The boy didn't want to leave his grandfather, but since his father told him to he had to. So now when his father gets old he will some day leave him to. This impacted the parents, because they now know how the boy felt about leaving his grandfather out there.
    This story could impact a lot of people. By making them treat people as they would want to be treated. The story could also teach people that you should treat people well and do for others. Even if someone does bad to you, you should become the bigger person and do something nice for them. Because you should always treat people with kindness.

  42. 1. Marissa Moore 1/12/12 TT2

    2. What goes around comes around

    4. The blanket in the story represents future. When the Father originally plans to leave the grandfather, it doesn't really represent anything. As the story goes on though, it becomes the most important part of the story. The way the boy tore it in half, makes me think of the boy predicting a torn and unhappy future for the father if he really kicks the grandfather out. The son is saying that if his grandfather is out in the wild, one day his father will be too. The boy was very clever in his thinking of the blanket.
    He must have been thinking, "If my father is fine with putting his father out in the wild to survive, I can do that to him someday too." It showed his parents that they need to re-think their actions, and think of other peoples' feelings when their actions come into place. The young boy really loved his grandfather, he taught him everything he knew how to do. The boy really wanted his parents to understand that what they do to others will come back to them. The blanket really symbolized this well.

  43. Brandon Wiese 1/12/12 TT2

    2. "What goes around comes around"


    4. The blanket could resemble anything. It could be like the calling for god telling him to take the grandfather to heaven. The blanket resembles a last minute gift of thanks. The father gives it to his son to give it to the grandfather as a thanks to what the grandfather has done. He gave them a shelter, he gave them knowledge, and most of all he gave them love.
    How would this new father leave his own father out in the woods to parish. There is no bigger bond in the world that I have with my father. There is nothing in the world I would pick over my dad. This is in a situation in which you gain something, but you lose something also. For that young boy to stand up against his father and make that point of that the other half of the blanket is for his father when he's old. "What goes around", means that the grandfather has to leave "comes around" means that in the future the new father will have to leave as well. The new father thinks he wouldn't like to be left alone in the woods with half a blanket so he goes back to get him.

  44. 1.Caleb Hudson tt2 1-12-12
    2.Respect others to get respect back
    3.Share your lesson learned with your partner
    4.The young boy was probably keeping half of the blanket to show a message to his mother and his father. He was very upset about how they wanted to throw his grandfather out. And when his parents got back to the hut they saw that their son had the blanked he was supposed to give to his grandfather. But he said that he had given half to his grandfather and kept the rest. I think this means that he loved and respected his grandfather. so the mother and father went to get grandfather back to the hut.
    This story would or could influence people about the people they respect. to others This could help them learn how to respect other people. and that if you don't get respected it could be because you are not respecting others. It could be debated because maybe some one was not being respected and got mad at the other people not respecting him. And no one deserves to not be respected even if they don't respect others.

  45. 1. Cody Musulin 1/12/12 TT2
    2. Never Give up.
    4. A lot of things happen in this world, but you should never give up. The worst things can happen to you, but later in your life, the best things can happen to you, to make it even. When I met brandon in kindergarten, we started to be best friends, and ever since we have been. But many people say (sarcastically) "why do you still hang out with this kid?" and this is why, in 3rd grade me and brandon were swinging on the swings and Farley Hill elementary school, and we were seeing who could jump of of the swing the farthest, so he jumped first, and the swing came back and his me on the head. it cracked my head open and I had to get 5 staples in my head. Then, in 5th grade he fractured my elbow, and in 7th grade he broke my finger in 3 different places. This was pretty bad luck, but he has been a great friend, and help me with things, every time I need him.

    This story would be more of a true story, because it has probably happened many times to many different people everywhere in the world. This would be a believable story if someone told it to me. The story isn't only true, it is also a great story, a boy lost his mother, it must have been really hard on that boy for awhile, not knowing his mother as he grew up. Then knowing that his mother has been dead, but he got back on his feet and found a woman to marry.

  46. 1. Elle Kennedy

    2. Treat others how you would want to be treated

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The young boy was told to take his grandpa as far as he could walk and give him the blanket that his father told him to give to his grandpa. The boy leaves his grandpa and gives him half of the blanket. When he returns home his father notices that the boy still had half of the blanket and that the other half, would be for him some day. By this he meant that since he kicked his grandpa out of his own house, then he would do the same to his father someday when he grows old. This showed how the boy felt about what his father did and showed that what your elders do, influences what the young people will do. The boy knew that his father would not want to be kicked out so by showing his father that if you kick your father out, I will kick you out too. After this he went and got his father back.
    This story could influence people to treat others how you would want to be treated. This story could help the audience to be more kind to others and if you don't treat someone nicely then they might not want to be around you. In a debate environment, this could be debated about if they deserved to be treated how they were or not. If someone is mean to another person and they are mean back someone might say that if you were mean first, they can be mean back. In my opinion this is not right and not a good way to solve things. Many people use the saying "treat others how you would want to be treated". By being mean back to the person, you aren't treating them how you would want to be treated. Sure they were mean first, but that doesn't mean that you need to do it back. Instead you could simply ignore what the person is doing to you.

  47. 1.Caleb Hudson tt2 1-12-12
    2.Respect others to get respect back
    3.Share your lesson learned with your partner
    4.The young boy was probably keeping half of the blanket to show a message to his mother and his father. He was very upset about how they wanted to throw his grandfather out. And when his parents got back to the hut they saw that their son had the blanked he was supposed to give to his grandfather. But he said that he had given half to his grandfather and kept the rest. I think this means that he loved and respected his grandfather. so the mother and father went to get grandfather back to the hut.
    This story would or could influence people about the people they respect. to others This could help them learn how to respect other people. and that if you don't get respected it could be because you are not respecting others. It could be debated because maybe some one was not being respected and got mad at the other people not respecting him. And no one deserves to not be respected even if they don't respect others.

  48. "There once was a man, who was raising his young son. The mother had passed away in childbirth and he was teaching his son all that he knew. This son, grew up and in time wanted to go to a nearby village and find him a companion. Many months passed and the young man returned to his home, and with him he had a woman, his wife. They lived in the home of his father.

    Shortly after, They had a son. And the father, now a grandfather began teaching this young boy all that he knew. How to respect the forest, the animals and life. The mother, tiring of sharing her home with the old man told her husband that she wanted the old man out.

    The father spoke "I cannot, this is his home and he built it for us." She spoke "If you do not make him leave then I will take our son and I will leave." The father agreed and spoke to his son. "My son, tomorrow I want you to take Grandpa out and leave him. Give him this blanket." The young boy cried. "Why do you do this? Grandpa has been teaching me all that I know. Why do I have to do this to him?" The father spoke. "Son, follow the wishes of your father." So the next morning, the father went hunting to the North. The son took Grandpa as far as he could walk to the South.

    That evening the young boy was sitting on the bed crying when his father came In. He saw the blanket on the bed. "Son, I thought I told you to give Grandpa the blanket?" "I gave Grandpa half of the blanket. The other half, I will give to you some day." The mother and father understood the message. And they went and brought Grandpa back." An American Indian Legend - Nation Unknown

    1. William McNamee 1/12/12

    2. Family is something you can never get rid of.

    3. Done

    4. The blanket represents the golden rule, "Do onto to others as you would have them do onto you.". When the son says I gave grandfather half the blanket and someday I will give you the other half he was saying do onto others as you would like them to do onto you. By this the boy was saying if you want me to kick my grandfather out then one day my son will kick you out too. I remember a time when I was little and my sister and I would always fight. She would call me names and I would just mimic her and call her the same thing. She would always yell "Stop copying me!!" and I would say "Sorry but the golden rule is telling me to do it." This reminds me of this because I did to my sister as she did to me, just as the son threatened to do the same thing to the father that he had done to the grandfather.

    This story could influence an audience by encouraging them to be nicer to people. This would do this because in the story the son threatens to do the same to the father as the father did to the grandfather. It could be used in a debate because it is a story with life lessons that are worth hearing. It could also be used in a debate because it is a very influential story that leans one way. It leans one way because it really says that you should treat others as you want to be treated and who wants to be treated badly.

  49. 1. Blake Lapum, 1-12-12, TT2

    2. Treat other how you want to be treated.


    4. This was a great sign of disrespect by the father. Kicking out his own father. He really didn't have any choice because his wife threatened to leave with their son. The son was torn apart by this decision. The grandfather had taught his son and his father all that he knew. About love, and respect for life and nature. The father didn't want to kick his dad out, but he was forced to. He respected his father very much and didn't want to make him leave.
    Treat people how you want to be treated. How would you feel if your son kicked you out of the house you built? How would you feel if you taught your son and grandson all you knew but still got kicked out? I'm sure the grandpa wouldn't have kicked them out no matter what. It's family and respect. This was a big sign of disrespect by the father. The son was destroyed. He had been being taught by the grandfather everything he knew. The son was told to give his blanket to the grandpa incase they didn't see each other again. Instead, the son tore it in half so they would each have a piece to remember each other and the time they spent together. The parents realized their mistake, and took them back in, showing respect.

  50. 1.) Lexi Gross 1/12/12 T-T-2

    2.) I learned that if you don't want something done to you, then don't do it to someone else.

    3.) Shared.

    4.) How would you feel if your grandson just left you in the woods with half a blanket? You would probably feel pretty sad inside. The blanket wouldn't do it for someone, they would need to be reunited with their family to be happy again. The blanket clearly has meaning to it, since the father wanted grandpa to have it,t he blanket means something to the Grandpa, perhaps his mother made it, or maybe it's run in the family for generations.
    Me as the audience find what the father as un-except able. It makes me feel sad inside, because if my grandson left me alone, I would be devastated. Anyone should be happy if they had a blanket, especially one with meaning, but still very sad inside.This an example of what NOT todo for the debates. If someone decided to say that it isn't a bad thing todo, well then I'm going to set them straight. No one should find this except able!

  51. 1. Brooke Boyd 1-12-12

    2. Family should always be there for you.

    3. Okay.

    4. The boy really liked the grandpa and the grandpa taught him a lot to respect the forest, the animals and life. One day the father had told him to bring the grandfather away and leave him there and he told him to bring him the blanket. After he brought him the blanket he was really upset and didn't like that his grandpa had to leave. The father walked in when the boy was crying and saw that the blanket was still there. The boy said it was there because he thought that when you go older you were supposed to leave and take a blanket. The boy kept the blanket because he thought that when the father got old he would need to bring it with him. That is not how the father and mother wanted him to think it was like, they brought the grandfather back to live with them.
    If it was a debate and they were debating on if they should bring the grandfather away and bring him to the woods and the mother wanted him gone but the father wasn't to sure because it was family. If I had to chose a side it would be the father because if someone in my family was living with me I wouldn't want to make them live if they didn't have any where else to live.

  52. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-12-12. TT2.

    2. Family matters and you should respect them.

    3. Share your Lesson learned with a partner.

    4. The young man wanted to show a lesson to his parents by keeping the blanket. He was very upset the kicked grandpa out and he had to go take him out. I think he wanted to keep the blanket because it would show how much he really did care for his grandpa. I would keep the blanket to because if that was my grandpa I would be devastated. I love my grandpa so much he understands me the most out of anyone and he taught me many things like the young boy so having to do that to your grandpa would be hard.

    If they wanted more people to be pulled in then I would say more about what and how he taught him, but I think it doesn't matter as long as you love someone. You will care. I think if I were him I would say no. I wouldn't listen... He knew it was wrong, I would never abandon anyone and especially family! They knew it was wrong after so I would go and find him if I was the young boy as soon as possible!

  53. 1.Kyle Shehan, 1-12-12, TT2

    2.What goes around comes around

    3.Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4.The blanket represents how the child felt about his parets kicking his grandfather out. His grandfather taught him everything he knows and hi parents making him leave at such a age where he cant take care of himself is not the right way to go. The child took half the blanket to show that he would do the same thing to his father when he got older unless he brought back his grandfather. The parents understood the child's feeling and brought the grandfather back to the home.

    The way this would fit into a debate is when it is about family or doing the right thing. Because the grandfather was a member of the boys family and he was not going to stand up for them treating this man that taught him all he knows like dirt just because he was old. This story also reminds me of something kind of like this happend to me, when my grandfather was vary sick he was staying at my aunt's house (there was a nurse that came in and made sure he was alright) but anyway my aunt's was taking money from him. My aunt was also lying about it. But in the end when my grandfather died the aunt in question did not get really anything. So the lesson leaned is what goes around comes around.

  54. 1. Gursherveen Kaur / 12/1/12 / TT2

    2. The key of success and wisdom is to determine the child's hopes and dreams.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner.

    4. "The key of success is to determine the child's hopes and dreams"...Most of you might be thinking what I am trying to respond ? But here's the answer for worries and hopes, the hidden key is behind the rock.To determine it's cause , the blanket, and how the boy ripped it in half, symbolises that a piece of the grandfather was still in the hearts and souls of the graceful family. This image brought up the emotional feeling in his child's dreams. When the boy took the grandfather out into the woods he had ripped the blanket in half and taken it back to his home and told his father that someday he would give the other half to him.Even a child had high dreams and expectations compared an adult. In saying that, he told his father that he was going to do the same this he had done to the grandfather as generations passed down ,family must not be broken down.The father had made this decision because his wife was not happy that the grandfather was there. Once the choice was made, the son was very hurt.This frame affected the child's hopes and dreams for his future term.

    This story could fit in a debate about a child's amazing hopes and dreams. This legend gives a good message to people about respecting their elders. The father let the grandpa come back, because he knew that he would be in that position someday with his son. His wife should have allowed Grandpa to live there, because it's family.As people say everyday,family first.This role is still affecting today's and tomorrow future .Please be aware of tomorrow's future which is affecting today's presence.

  55. 1. Jake Belford 1-12-12 tt2

    2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. Treat others the way you want to be treated. The blanket that the boys father gave to him represented the way his father had respect for the grandfather. This means that the father was giving up the respect for is dad for someone else. The father also saw the importance of the grandfather from the son when he was crying. The boy lost some respect for his father and wanted to do the same to the father because the boy was angry that his grandfather had to go away
    The audience would influenced by telling them that you should never treat someone in a bad because you wouldn't want to be treated bad. This would fit into a debate on how others should be treated. All people should be treated like you treat your friends and be kind to them even if they make you mad. For example if you have to work with someone in a business you need to work with them good to get your work done well and fast.

  56. 1. Julianna Welling 1/12/11

    2. What goes around comes around.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. This blanket shows that if this man is going to just through his father out then it is going to happen to him in the future. This shows what parents tell little kids sense the could understand. treat people how you want to be treated. What goes around comes around. the boy showed them they were not being respectful to there father.
    It is called the blanket of respect because, when you give it to the person you are being disrespectful. It maybe would be called that because you are just basically giving all your respect to them by just leaving that blanket there. This shows that sometimes it take younger people, the people who just learned respect and what is right to show the ones who forgot what it is about. The blanket of respect is really a story what is the right thing to do and what is the wrong thing. It shows the younger father is going into peer presser. He did not want to get ride of his father but his wife said she would leave. The wife is a bad person to the younger father should know to leave her, because if she really loved him she would not leave him because she wants her own house.

  57. 1. Josh Mick 1/12/12 TT4

    2. The blanket is a sign of respect.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The topic "Blanket of Respect" fits into this environment because the blanket means respect and who he gives the blanket to means he respects them. The young boy gave half of the blanket to his grandfather. The boy was crying and the father asked why he did not give the blanket to his grandpa, the boy said "I gave half the blanket to him, and someday ill give the other half to you." The boy mentioned that he respects them both. Saying someday he will give the rest of the blanket to his father.

    The Grandpa has been teaching the boy all he knew. He was teaching him all he knew about the forest and the animals, life and how he respected them all. He respected the forest and animals because they gave them food and water and a place to live. The forest trees giving them shelter from the rain. The animals for the food. They did not enjoy killing the animals. After they had killed an animal they would pray. They used all the animal parts so nothing went to waste.

  58. 1. Lexi Cox, 1/12/12, TT 4

    2. Do what you would want done to you.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The father gave his son the blanket to give to the grandfather because it represented that even though they are "letting him go" they still wanted him to be safe. That blanket could be used to keep warm or sleep on. It symbolizes that they have enough respect for him to give him something that can help them. Although the blanket can benefit the grandfather, letting him go was wrong and it over powered the "good" that they did.
    The father was being selfish doing that to his own father. In my life my father is one of my biggest role models and disrespecting him wouldn't even be an option in my mind. The grandfathers son in this story must not have had must respect for his father. When the father found out that his son was going to do the same thing to him for doing that his grandfather he became selfish, he realized that if he does that to his father he is going to get that done to him in return. My lesson learned is "Do what you would want done to you". If the father wants to live in a home with his son until he dies he has to treat his very own father like that. You have to treat other how you want to be treated.

  59. 1.Justin wilson jan 9 mw4
    2.Life is like a train just keeps going around and around.
    4.The half of the blanket the grandpa was left with was a reminder for when the kid has kids then he would kick him to the side of the road and I don't think that he would want that. I say this because then you would get all cold and wet when it rains and if you were lucky enough then someone would take you into their home and feed you and care for you. But then if you were not lucky then you could just lay their on the side of the road and just die.

    This fits in to play if you have ever been to Chicago. Because their are a lot of homeless people and the only thing that they really have are the clothes on their body and maybe they get lucky and a passing resident will give them a couple bucks to help them out. Like when I went their in 2010 we saw a lot of homeless people and it was shocking really to see all of the people just sitting on the side of the road with snow on the ground. Just think how cold they might be and then think what you have compared to them.

  60. 1. Maddie Haas 1/12/12 2TT

    2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    3. I shared mine with Caeley.

    4. I believe that the blanket symbolized that the father was wrong and that he should bring the old man back. He realized that the little boy was right and that he shouldn't have done that because now that is what is going to happen to the father. The little boy is not afraid to kick him out and make him be live outside for the rest of his life. Because that is what he deserved, what comes around goes around.

    It could be debated because you could say that the little boy was wrong or the little boy was right. I would think that the little boy was right because the father and mother were being mean to the old man. You could argue with both sides so it could be very debatable. But you could also debate that the little boy was wrong and that the parents were right because the old man should have moved out a long time ago. So that could be a very debatable topic.

  61. 1. Jade Cogar 1-13-12 TT2

    2. That one point in life that you want to wait for something that you really want and you have to wait for it so you can get it.

    3. Done

    4. The one half of the blanket was for his grandpa just so he could remember that when he was growing up and he could remember all of the good times. His grandpa was thinking about if he has kids and that they are going to kick him to the side of the road and I would never ever do that if my grandpa lived with me. If thought that they would kick him out just so his kids could have more room.

    What he is thinking right now is that if he gets kick to the side of the road that he would die on the road. If he has that one piece of blanket he feels save and like nothing could hurt him. To him that blanket is what is keeping him a live and to stay longer but he might through that one little piece of blanket away. If he throughs it away that he might die with out it.

  62. 1. William McNamee 1/12/11 TT2

    2. Family is something you should never get rid of.

    4. The blanket in the story represents the golden rule. This story reminds me of when my sister and I would get into fights. She would hit me and I would hit her back. I did this because of the golden rule "Do to others as you would have them do onto you. She would get so annoyed and we would continue to go back and forth hitting each other. Finally my mother would break us the fight and put us both in time out.

    This story could be used in a debate because of many things. It's length is very nice for it because it is just long enough to grab your attention but not too much that it bores people. It is very entertaining and persuasive with it's lesson that most people would get put of it. It's final great quality is the realistic part of the story because maybe some people could relate to it.

  63. 1. Michael Yedinak/ 1/15/12 TT2 ABSENT WORK
    2. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
    3. Shared
    4. The young boy was a very courageous young soul. His father had told him to take his father south and give him a blanket. This is because the boy's mother had told his dad that she didn't want him to live in his own house which was unkind. The boy gave his grandpa half of the blanket as a sign of respect I am certain. Thankfully at the end the mother straightened up and brought the grandpa back.
    We could all learn something from that boy. The message would be treat others how you would like to be treated. Without him getting the message to his mother non verbally but mentally, the grandpa would be homeless! His grandpa was always so helpful, sharing, and awesome in my eyes and the boys eyes to his loved ones. Ever since he had a kid, this wonderful man has shared with him his lifestyle and even his dedication from raising him alone. This is why the father wanted to come back I imagine because he is so proud that he is his dad ! People can be rude and mean sometimes, but you just need to treat others how they have treated you or how you want to be treated.

  64. 1. Aaron Durham, 1-17-12, MW4

    2. "Respect Your Elders"

    3.Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. This blog was very touching to me because it has a lot of influence on everyone. And I think this is very important to know cause a lot of people in this world think that they are smarter then there grandparents. but when they say been there done that!, they really mean it like in this blog the son received the blanket he was happy then when he got older he thought if he gave it back to his dad it still meant he cared but the dad gave him a piece of it back to him and I think the symbolism of that was that he will always be in the family's hearts. No matter what and he will always be there for them and teach them new things even then he's gone to a place were you can not return that's why I think this blog is a very special thing to have heard by an audience.

  65. 1. Nicholas Marlatt - 1/19/12 - MW4

    2. Treat others the way that you would like to be treated

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. The son respected the grandfather because he taught him everything that he knows and much more. Since the boy was born the grandfather had taught the boy everything that he knows and taught the boy trust, respect, and love.
    Just like the boy, the father had also been taught by the grandfather. Since the grandfather had done the same to the father then the father loved the grandfather aswell. and didn't agree with letting him go.

  66. 1.) Jordan Danko 1/20/12 TT2

    2.) Lesson Learned: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.


    4.) This could influence an audience to treat others the way they want to be treated. After the dad kicked the grandfather out of the house he realized it was the wrong thing to do. He figured that he wouldn't like it if he was left out side all alone with nothing but a blanket. The little boy was able to teach his dad a lesson, you don't have to be older or the same age as someone to teach them.

    In this anecdote the wife doesn't like the grandfather living in the home with her and her family. The dad tries explaining to her that it's his fathers house not theirs. The wife doesn't think anything of it and threatens the dad so he will make the grandfather move out. Father instructs his son to give his grandfather a blanket so he can stay warm. Later that day when father came home he realized the blanket was sitting on the son's bed. He yells at him for not giving him the blanket. The son responds I gave him half, i'm saving the other half for you. Thats when the father realizes thats not how he wouldn't want to be treated. They all decided to go find grandfather and let him live with them.

  67. 1. Ian Grady 1-19-2012

    2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner

    4. I think that this story is very powerful in its own way. For example, the grandfather taught the son all that he knew and gave his his undivided love and later on, the son has a family and another son. He proceeds to do the same thing that his father did for him. But his wife doesn't like the grandfather so she says the grandfather has to leave or the wife and son can leave. At that moment if I were the son I would say "how about you can leave and us three would stay here. Have a nice life!" But the son listened to his (wrong) wife and he gave his grandfather a blanket of respect that I believe it means "i don't want you to leave but I will send my love with you." The son told the kid to take grandpa far faraway and to give him the blanket and come back home. Without him. The kid got home and the dad asked "why do you have half of the blanket with you?" The kid replied "Well one day when I have a family, I will give you this part of the blanket. The father realized he had taught his son a terrible thing and decided to go find grandpa and bring him home. I think that parents can learn things from their kids as much as kids learn from their parents. Sometimes you only need one other person to point something out or do something to make you realize your faults. Nobody is perfect, but we get closer every day.

  68. 1. Nella Galliher / 1/9/12 / MW4
    2. Do right by family
    4. The first symbol of the blanket is “Do unto others as you’d like done to you”. The little boy realizes that if he gives his Father half of the blanket, maybe his dad will think about what he’s doing to his own father, and realize that he’s teaching his own son to do that to him when he’s old. The second symbol of the blanket is “Respect your Elders”. The Grandpa taught both the son and the grandson, but the son only got part of the Grandfathers years of wisdom, the grandson got all of his years of wisdom. The grandson used some of that wisdom to teach his own dad a lesson.

  69. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 1-24-11, T/T2

    2. Follow what your heart says.

    3. Share your Lesson Learned with your partner.

    4. I believe that, the boy was so upset that his mother is making his grandfather leave, because his grandfather has practically raised him. He claims that his grandfather is teaching him so much, and when the boy's father says that they he has to take his grandfather out into the woods and leave him there, I think it made the little boy heart broken.
    Then once the father see's that the boy kept half of the blanket one day and says, "one day i'll give it to you" the father relies' the hurt that the son is feeling, and he does not want the son to have to do that to him one day when he is old, so the father goes and get's the grandfather, so father does not get treated that way when he is old.

  70. 1. Eddie Roberts, mw2
    2. Treat others the same way you would want them to treat you.
    3. shared
    4. How would you feel if your grandson just left you in the woods with half a blanket? You would probably feel pretty sad and hurt inside ur heart. The blanket wouldn't do it for someone, they would need to be reunited with their family to be happy again. The blanket clearly has meaning to it, since the father wanted grandpa to have it,t he blanket means something to the Grandpa, perhaps his mother made it, or maybe it's run in the family for generations.
    Me as the audience find what the father as un-except able. It makes me feel sad inside, because if my grandson left me alone, I would be devastated. Anyone should be happy if they had a blanket, especially one with meaning, but still very sad inside.This an example of what not todo for the debates. If someone decided to say that it isn't a bad thing todo, well then I'm going to set them straight.

  71. 1. Charlotte nowaczyk 1-25-12 tt4

    2. you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family

    3. Shared Lesson Learned with a partner.

    4. I think that the reason the boy was so upset was because he loved his grandpa and he new it was not right, also i think that he thought that when he got older and he found a wife that she would want to kick her father out and that hurt the boy, its not right at all to throw someone out for someone else especially if it's family no one is worth throwing away your family.
