Friday, December 9, 2011

Quote 19 - Self Evident

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness: that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Declaration of Independence

1. Name Date Hour

2. Define "self-evident" in two ways (first your own understanding and second, use the dictionary definition)

3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about who? Why? (3 - 5 sentences)

4. Provide an example for each of the three rights (Life, LIberty, and pursuit of Happiness) listed. Explain why? (5 - 7 sentences)

5. What "truths" are the framers of the Declaration talking about? (bullet list is fine - try to come up with three)


  1. 1. Kirsten Brydon 12-13-11

    2. Self-evident is easily known, unable to hide itself from anyone or anything. Obvious, plain or clear.

    3. This statement could easily mean that the government works for the people, and not the other way around. It seems to me that the president only gets to take office if he is voted in by us, the people. My opinion is that because of that, the president as well as the other government officials, get their power from the people. The people get a say in who is in office and who is not.

    4. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can be described as the rights nobody can take away without really good reasoning. Life is our right to live. The government can't take your life unless they have a really, really good reason for doing so. Liberty is freedom and the very thing we fought for in the Revolutionary War. If this could be taken easily by upper classes, we would have made all the work put in to make this country free worthless altogether!!!! The pursuit of happiness is the right to do whatever you want as long as it is legal and that is also our right. All three are very Important to our country today.

    5. The "truths" that the founding fathers were talking about were....
    -Pursuit of happiness

  2. 1. Kira D'Agostino 12/14/11 MW2
    2. To me Self-Evident is defying or confident. The dictionary term states evident without proof or reasoning.
    3. The people because they have control over the government. I looked up the word deriving it it said the it was to obtain something from a certain source. Is it not true that the people have no power over the government?
    4. Life- the right to live and work in the economic world. Liberty- Freedom to talk and do what you like. Pursuit of Happiness- The freedom to do things that you enjoy and make you happy.
    a. their government.
    b. the right of the people.
    c. The rules in which makes the government fair.
    d. the Happiness of the people.

  3. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 12/14/11 MW2

    2. Self-evident means to be run by your own people/ The real meaning Evident in itself without proof or demonstration.

    3. It talking about all of the people. That the powers they have should not be limited by a ruler. But just someone to lead them not to rule them. to do certain things you need confirmation from the government but not for the basic right/powers of the people.

    4. Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is one of the most meaningful things written on the Constitution. That we have the right to live the way we wont to. The freedom to choose as we wish and live our lives not the kings or rulers. Last but not least to have the independence to make yourself happy without one saying you cant. Do whatever it may be to make you the best person you can be.

    5. -You have to be truthful to be a whole.
    -No nation can survive unless everyone is loyal to one another.
    -That witting and speaking the truth is the only way that the Declaration can stand.

  4. 1. Mckenzie Barth 12/13/11 MW2
    2. Self Evident is something that is obvious. The dictionary definition is, not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious. I was right on with my definition.

    3. "Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" is talking about the people in America. I think this because it says from the consent of the governed. So it's saying that people are getting their powers from us people being governed. Americans have many rights that they are entitled to.

    4. An example for life is pleading to keep a loved one alive if they are to be executed. Everyone should have a chance to live. Liberty is the state of being free so that would be like having the right to dance in the lunch line. You can do what you would like as long as it doesn't endanger others. The Pursuit of Happiness would be following your dream and whatever makes you happy. Like trying out for the soccer team. Together life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness make up 3 rights that cannot be taken from us.

    5.- Everyone being created equal
    -Everyone has rights that cannot be taken away
    -That our rights are secured by the government

  5. 1. Nick Norman MW2 12-14-11
    2.Mine- Doing things on your own. Dictionary-not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious
    3. The quote "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the people in the state our in the country. It means they don't like the powers that are given to them from the government.
    4. Life means what you are living. Everybody lives life at one point. You can make it good, or bad, it's your choice what you want to do.
    Liberty means the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, so doing what is expected. Pursuit of Happiness means to be happy when you want to be and have feeling like you.
    5. They are saying that they want to have the declaration the way they want. But they don't care what other people think. I think they should all agree on what they should do and make those changes.

  6. Timmy Uppleger 12-14-11

    2. Self-evident means you are loyal. DEF. evident without proof or argument; "an axiomatic truth"; "we hold these truths to be self-evident".

    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," Is talking about us, the people of our country. Its talking about us because it is our declaration. We are independent.

    4. Life is how we are here today. If there wasn't life food wouldn't be here and nether would we. Liberty means to be free. America is the land of the free. We have the freedom of what religion we are. Pursuit of happiness is your happiness.

    -being free
    -treated equal
    -own what they want

  7. 1. Matt Strong 12/14/11 MW2

    2. My definition - To keep to yourself a lot.
    Real definition - Not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    3. The government is deriving the people's power. The people are governed by the government. The government obtains the people of the United States of America.

    4. Life is the ability and power to live. No one should have a reason to take someone's life and not pay for it. Liberty is the choice to do what you want. No one can say to you "you can't do that." The Pursuit of Happiness is the freedom and right to be happy. No one can take away your happiness.

    1. Life
    2. Liberty
    3. The Pursuit of Happiness

  8. 1. Zack Fuller Mw2 12-14-11

    2. My understanding self evident means your rights from birth.
    Dictionary not needed to be explain.

    3. Deriving their just powers from consent of the governed is about the The United Sates Government. They are talking about it because it is us who elects the people who send people to government. We are the governed who give them there powers to do good.

    4. The three rights are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness . Life means to choose what to do like where to live and what religion. I could live in NYC and go to church. Liberty is the freedom to join a army or work for the president. I can work for the army and come home and work at Lowes. The pursuit of happiness is your life is in your hands. You can live on street or in a mansion.

    5. 1 Life
    2 Liberty
    3 The pursuit of happiness

  9. 1. Evan Bauer 12/14/11

    2. Self-evident means to be visual in the world and to keep some things to your-self. The dictionary term is Requiring no proof or explanation.

    3. Their talking about the people and the government. They are saying that the people have power. The peoples power is limited by the government to keep things under control. The people hold the power.

    4. Life is to live in the world with no worries. to be successful in life. to live. LIberty to be loyal and trust worthy to the United States of America. The pursuit of happiness means live life the way you want and fulfill your dreams in the pursuit of happiness.

    1. To know right from wrong.
    2. To know what the rules are.
    3. To be a trustworthy person.

  10. 1.Halle Chiarelli 12/14/11

    2. Self evident to me means that you rely on yourself and you keep to your self most of the time, but you are still a confident person. Self evident really means you dont need demonstrations and you don't need to be explained to.

    3. They are talking about the framers and how they are governed. Also about how they distribute their power.

    4. The government shouldn't be able to control what you do. You should be able to live your own life the way you want to and do things that you want to. Along with that you should be free of what you want to do. You cant be told what your going to do. The world is much more interesting while doing this independently. Also do things that make you and others happy. without hurting anyone or anything. You can basically become your own governor just as long as the laws of your country are still abided by.

    5. - to tell the truth
    - to do the right thing
    -to follow the rules

  11. 1. Malorie Moen 12/14/11 MW2

    2. I think self-evident means to be able to know something on your own. The real meaning is, not needing to be demonstrated or explained. (

    3. This means that the people of America want to be independent. They want happiness, life, Liberty, and they want equality. They said this because, the Americans wanted these things for our country.

    4. An example for life, is living and breathing everyday. Liberty, is keeping what is ours, and the rights that we have remain the same. The pursuit of happiness is being happy and thankful for what you have. We should always be happy because, in the United states, we are given a lot of freedom. I know that I am happy for that.

    5. *Rights
    *Honest statements

  12. 1. Matt Pankow, 12-14-11, MW2

    2. Self evident is to be evident to yourself. It is to be self convinced and believe in what you say and not what your friend says. Be evident to yourself and know one else.

    Real Definition - Not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3. In the phrase "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the people of the government who are being governed by a government. To be self governed is to be is to not have a government to be governed by. Without people to be governed the government would not be there.

    4. Life - life, without it what would our beings on Earth be called. Life would have to be one of the most important words/thing in the world.
    Liberty - Bring the criminals to justice is to bring liberty to the world. To bring liberty is to bring justice to keep at controlled world.
    Pursuit of Happiness - The happiness of people of the government. The citizens To pursuit there happiness.

    5. Liberty - To bring justice to the criminals of a government

    Life - Without life where would we be today or tomorrow or the next day.

    Pursuit of happiness - To pursuit what you are happy doing. In careers you shall pursuit what you feel happy about doing.

  13. 1. Megan Gunderson, 12/14/11, MW2

    Mine:In my words self-evident means that is is obvious its explains it self and no questions asked.
    Dictionary: not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    It is talking about the people.The people have the right to control and limit our government. If the people don't like something about the government they have the right to protest take away something that has to do with the government.The people have the right to take away some of the powers of the government.

    Life: The right to believe in my religion (I have the right to live where I want)
    Liberty: I have taken the liberty of submitting an idea to several or their research departments.(I have the freedom of speech and to provide my opinion)
    Pursuit of Happiness: To be able to ride my horse.( I have the right to do what I want as long as I don't endanger the lives of others.)

    ~there government
    ~that all people are created equal
    ~all people have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
    ~that all people have freedom

  14. LeAnn Howe 12/14/11 MW2
    2. Self-evident means to be understanding. The dictionary definition is not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.

    3. The phrase is talking about the people. This is because you cannot take away the rights we have. People are entitled to their opinions and to do what they want.

    4. Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness are very powerful rights we have. People have a right to live. You cannot take that away. Americans are free. If you do something wrong you will get your liberty taken away. Taking advantages of these things won't help you. Being a free citizen, I have the right to do what pleases me. If I want to go to church on Sundays, I will go. The right, pursuit of happiness, is mine.

    5. a way to do something, how to be governed, equal power, laws, to have no secrets

  15. 1. Abby Schoonover 12/14/11 MW2

    2. Self-Evident means something is obvious to someone
    Dictionary- Not needing to be demonstrated or explain / Obvious.

    3. They are talking about the framers and the states. They are saying how the states have powers just like the government. They say this to insure that the states have power and that they can make decisions.

    4. Life means you have the freedom to live like you want to live without harming anyone else. Liberty means you have freedom, I have the freedom to be friends with who I want, talk to who I want, and get an education. Pursuit of happiness means that you can do whatever you want to make yourself happy as long as it doesn't harm yourself or others. These are important rights to have because without them we would have a very harsh, cruel life. We would have a hard life if we didn't have the freedom we have today.


  16. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 12-14-11 MW2

    2. That yourself is evidence. / Not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    3. They are talking about the government because they are using their powers to help the people. They care about their people. And the people are trying to take away their powers. They think that they are abusing their powers.

    Life: You can practice any religion (you have the right to). Because nobody should tell you what religion you can practice.
    Liberty: We have Liberty. I said this because Liberty means freedom.
    Pursuit of Happiness: I wonder how they came up with the Pursuit of Happiness. I said this because I want to know how they came up with it.

    * That African Americans are people too.
    * Nobody should be treated different.
    * And that everybody is created equally.

  17. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 12-14-11 MW2

    2. My Definition: self-evident - being able to take care of yourself
    Dictionary Definition: self-evident - evident in itself without proof or demonstration; axiomatic.

    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the people. People are allowed to do things as long as the government. The Government can't do curtain things without the people.

    4. An example of life is that we are living right now. For liberty, The fact that I can poke my friend and i won't get arrested. Liberty is freedom. The pursuit of happiness example is that I can play a video game be cause it makes me happy. Each of these rights are important to everyone.

    Reasons to:
    *be clear
    *Have rights
    *Be free

  18. 1. Riley Hafner 12/14/11 MW2

    2. My definition- When something is obvious and you already know what it means
    Dictionary definition- Not needing to be demonstrated or explained

    3. This is talking about the people. It is about how they are gaining their own power from the governing forces. The people and the states were to have more power then the government. When the Constitution was created it made sure that the people had the power to control most of the government and to make their own choices in life. Also the Bill of Rights helped to control the gained power of the people. It was created so that no person went crazy with the power that they now held.

    4. The right to life is when you have the right to live as you please and no one can take your life from you. The right to liberty is when you have the right to freedom and to have the ability to do what you want and speak what you want when you want. The right to the pursuit of happiness is when you can do anything that makes you happy as long as it doesn't affect the happiness of others around you.

    5. Three truths:
    - All men are created equal and all have the same rights as anyone else
    - All men have rights that no one can take from them
    -All men have powers that no one can take from them

  19. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness: that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Declaration of Independence

    1. Mikal LaButte 12/14/11 MW2

    2. "self-evident" means when you do things your self. Not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.

    3. "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," means that under the government.

    4. (Life, LIberty, and pursuit of Happiness) The reason that these three are in the saying is because you need these three thing to have and make a living in the U.S.A. If we didn't have these then we would all have a bad living and have no $$$$$$$.

    5. 1. They are talking about Making a living.
    2. Having a life.
    3. Making a good living.

  20. 1.Bryce Heatwole, MW2, 12-14-11
    2.Self evident is when you can do most things by yourself. The real definition is to not to have to have things explained to you.
    3. this is talking about the citizens. Or who lives there in there city. I think this talking about why because they need out get out a message.
    4.A human being for life. The reason is because they have life. For liberty i would say the united states because they have liberty. For the pursuit of happiness i would say the same thing the united states of america. I believe we have happiness.

    5. - Everybody has the pursuit of happiness
    - Everybody has life
    - Everybody has liberty

  21. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 12/13/11

    2. Self evident means that you can get more things done by working by your self than with other people.
    Definition: evident in itself without proof or demonstration; axiomatic.

    3. "Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" is talking about the citizens of the United States. This also could be talking about the people who lived during the time when this country was first created.

    4. The right of life we all have that is being to able to live how we want. The right liberty that we have is giving us the ability of having freedom. This freedom allows us to do whatever we want if we follow the laws from the government. We all have the right of the pursuit of happiness allowing us to have the right to be happy.

    - Everyone has liberty and pursuit of happiness.
    -All men are created equal.
    - Everyone all has rights.

  22. 1.Seth Packard, 12/14/11, MW4

    2. Self evident is something that is proven by yourself or your being. Not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3.The people of America. Because they have fair rights and equalities. The people of America decide what can happen with the government.

    4. We have the right of liberty, which is the freedom to live your life freely. We have the right to life, which is simply the right to live your life the way we want to. And we have the right to the Pursuit of Happiness, which allows to decide how we want to live our lives to be happy. These are all given to us by the declaration of independence.

    - The British government
    - Freedom
    - Anti-Monarchy

  23. 1. Kyle Gonos 12-14-11 MW4

    2. My definition- that everyone should think of everyone equally Dictionary: evident in itself without proof or demonstration

    3. This phrase I think is talking about the British and the Americans. The phrase is talking about them because the American government has learned from the British to not let one person rule the country. Also they have learned to not use the same government that the British used. They would not use the British's type of government because the Colonists came over here to be free, and the British government is not free.

    4. One example for Life is what the word is, Life. Right now we are all living. An example for liberty is the courts in the country. We all have rights but if you don't use those rights properly then you will get justice. Next is the right to have a pursuit for happiness. This means that you have a right to do what YOU want. This law was made because everyone is different. One example of this is to do what you want to do in life without anyone saying you can't. Without these laws we would basically all be the same, which is kinda boring if you ask me.

    5. -The wrongs of the British government
    -Not just one person should rule the country

  24. Seth Wilson MW4 Dec-14-11

    2.I think self evident means to be like relying on yourself and not on other people.And the dictionary says it means not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    3. I think its like talking about the rulers of a country, and how they may like overpower there country. And set up unfair rules.

    4. Life means you have like the right to live and no one can tell you your not aloud to. Liberty means when people break the law they get punished for doing that. And the pursue of happiness means that you have the right to pursue what makes you happy. OR to do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't infringe on somebody else's.

    5. 1. All people are equal.
    2. every one is born with rights.
    3. everyone has the right to liberty and happiness.

  25. 1. Camryn Ozuch 12/14/11 MW4

    2. Self-evident is how you think of yourself and your neighbors. Your personal views. The real definition is not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.
    3. They are talking about the people of the United States. They being the people who wrote the Declaration of Independence. They are talking about them because the Declaration was meant for them and wrote for them to follow and abide by. The people have to follow these rights that the government has set out because they are under the governments ruling.

    4. An example of life is living. You need to be enjoying what is going on in your life or you are "living dead". An example of liberty is being free. We are able to have freedom and rights, but still have laws to protect us and make sure we are safe. It's like being able to choose your religion freely without having the government have to tell you what to do. Lastly, an example of the pursuit of happiness is just all around having a good life. At the end of your life, you should be able to look back and have zero regrets. Like if you were looking back in the future, you shouldn't have to be saying how you wish you would have done something you didn't or make better choices. You need to base the pursuit of happiness off of your own point of view and think to yourself about it; not what others think.

    5. Some truths that they could be talking about are....
    * Freedom of speech
    * Freedom of religion
    * Right to bear arms
    * To be who you want to be and not having to listen to others and have to be the same as the person next to you.

  26. 1. Aaron Durham, 12-14-11, mw4

    2. It means that you are responsible for your own actions against other people, and to be as good with your choices as you are with your everyday life.

    3. It means that the government has limited power to what they do and that they can not force americans to do everything they ask because we have rights and for example they can not tax us big on food products say milk, bread etc.

    4. One example is that it can me that all of our rights mean that we can not do anything we want there still are rules to follow they just wanted to tell us we can be happy have freedom and be peacefully but must follow the rules

    5. What "truths" are the framers of the Declaration talking about? (bullet list is fine - try to come up with three)

  27. 1.Daisy York 12/14/11 m/w4

    2. 1.More of a common sense and belief answer to life.2.axiomatic: evident without proof or argument; "an axiomatic truth

    3.It means that they get their power from the people that they govern they don't get to make their own power.THE POINT WAS TO MAKE A FAIR WAY OF LIVING and,the people wanted to have a say.They thought that if they were going to make it work then they had to make it work for everyone.

    4. Life:Living life the way we see necessary as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.Liberty:Going to any school we want (public) living in any city or state we want.The pursuit of happiness:Living our life in a way that makes us happy.They all fall into the same category they make people happy and,the government doesn't stop you as long as you are a free man.

    5.:All people are equal
    :Everyone deserves to be happy
    :Have the right to be their own person.

  28. 1. Austin Wicker 12-14-11 M-W4th

    2. My own understanding of self-evident is to know what it is. The dictionary definition is not needing to be demonstrated or shown.

    3. The phrase is talking about the people or you could say citizens and the Government. The reason I think this is because it talks about deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. So I think that means the the government being told what to do by the people. It talks about both of them, the Government and the people meaning the government has the power but the people have the power to control them because the people can vote on what person to choose for something and thats the peoples power.
    4. An example of life is growing up and living to your full potential, and example for liberty is freedom, the last one, pursuit of happiness example is a right to pursue a good life of freedom and justice. The reason I used these those examples is because they all connect to what the founding fathers wanted for us. They wanted us to not be like Britain. They wanted to be the exact opposite of Britain actually. They wanted to future generations to have freedom unlike Britain gave them. They wnated us to have life the way they thought it should have been.

    5. * Justice
    * Freedom
    * Pursuit of Happiness
    * Equality
    * Rights

  29. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness: that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Declaration of Independence

    1. Michael Atwood 12-14-11 MW4

    2. Self-evident means to me that you yourself is the evidence of something that happened, or maybe it means that it's obvious to you. "Not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious" - New Oxford American Dictionary

    3. This phrase is talking about the people. The people are the ones being governed, and the government's power comes from the people, and has to do the people's will. In other words, the government's power only works when the people approve of their doings.

    4. the right to life is basically like the saying "to live and let live". Also, in a sort of encrypted way, it says that people can live the way they want and how they want. The right of Liberty means you have the right to be free and have a say in government as long as you obey the law. You can do what you want, say what you want, and go where you want, as long as you don't do anything illegally. The right to the pursuit of happiness basically means to go after you dreams. If you want to become a scientist, an artist, a mechanic, go for it, anything is possible in America.

    5. * We are all equals
    * We all have rights
    * We all have the right to be safe

  30. 1. Nella Galliher 12/14/11 MW4
    2. "Self-evident" is when you know what you are doing.
    Self-evident is an adjective meaning evident in itself without proof or demonstration; axiomatic.
    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the government. The government can’t just do something without permission of the people.
    4 Life: To live a long happy life. Liberty: Freedom to do what you want to do. Happiness: To be happy for the rest of your life.

    5. All men are created equal
    The King has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws.
    The King has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

  31. 1. Marissa Moore 12/15/11

    2. My Definition- No need to be explained, you already know. Dictionary- Not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the citizens of America It's saying that they deserve their rights, and the government can't take them away. Deriving their powers would be the government taking advantage of it's people.

    4. Life- You can go skydiving if you choose to
    Liberty- You don't have to ask the government if you can dye your hair purple.
    Pursuit of Happiness- You have the right to be happy, no matter what.

    5. -What the government is doing with the peoples' money
    -What the government is planning to do with the country
    -How they are setting up their government

  32. 1. Michael Yedinak 12/15/11

    2. I believe self-evident means to know something and not needing any help. It really means not needing to be explained.

    3. When they say that they are referring to the people of the United States of America. The way they wrote that quote they talk about the Declaration of Independence and that every person shall be treated with respect and honor. We the people can give opinions of what the government should do to be fair. This is America and we have the power not just the government!

    4. A great example for life would be living each day to its fullest and being willing to try your best everyday. Waking up everyday doing what you like to do and not having someone tell you how to live it is an example of Liberty. Loving your country and the sacrifices would indeed be one for pursuit of happiness. These are the basic every country shall have and should not be a privilege but a right. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness fits what this country was and is today.

    5. 1. What they say about all men are created equally is true.
    2. The truth that we will be united as one.
    3. The truth we have rights that will stay with us until we die

  33. 1. Paige Leatherman 12/15/11 TT2

    2. To me self-evident means having your own evidence to something. Self-evident actually means evident without proof or argument.

    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, is talking about the people. The people with power (that are in charge.) It is talking about them because it is part of the constitution and the kings have power and they are in charge. And they have power of some parts of government.

    4. An example of life is that we have life. We have the right to live. Liberty is our freedom. We don't have to work for certain people that we don't have to work for. We aren't forced to do things. And pursuit of happiness means that we are happy. We do things to make us happy.

    5. 1. To be treated equally
    2. We respect elders
    3. We are happy, have life, and have freedom

  34. 1. William McNamee 12/15/11 TT2

    2.Mine- it means that they are evident by themselves or they are self apparent
    Computer's- not needing to be demonstrated or explained

    3. This phrase says "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" which is talking about the citizens of the united states. They are talking about the citizens because the framers of the constitution wanted all power of the government to go from the people's approval. They wanted this because the king was the only power in England and he made all of the decisions. They also might have done this to get the people's approval. Just think about it when the people have a say they might be more likely to go with it.

    4. A right of life would be like if a girl was pregnant and didn't want the baby the would get an abortion. Don't you think that everyone should have the right to live? An example of Liberty is everyone having freedom and the right to it. This is important because a world without freedom is a world without creativity and imagination. The pursuit of happiness is a great right that says we have the right to try to make our dreams come true. Wouldn't you want to chase your dreams to the extent which you can live them every day?
    - Freedom
    - LIfe
    - A good life that you can control

  35. 1. Heather Linn, 12-15-11

    2. Self evident means that you are proud of yourself and you aren't doubtful in things you do. Dictionary Meaning: evident without proof or argument; "an axiomatic truth"; "we hold these truths to be self-evident".

    3. They are talking about the government. The reason it is probably in this is because they are trying to say that the government does not have all the power, and the people get a say in what they say/do. It also means that every person is equal and should not be treated different by how poor, rich, or how high up the career ladder they are.

    4. -Right to Life: Where you can do what you want, (as long as it doesn't danger the people), without people saying it's wrong or telling you what to do.
    -Right to Liberty: You can be proud of your country, and your leaders. Also, you have the right to vote for who runs it.
    -Right to the Pursuit of Happiness: Its where you can have the right to try to make yourself happy as long as it doesn't danger the public or hurt anyone.

    5. - All humans have the same rights, and no one person can have all power over others.
    - No one can boss you around
    - We're all the same on the inside

  36. 1. Jensen Borkowski 12/15/11 TT2

    2. Understanding:I think that self evident means to be self aware and aware of what's going on around you.
    Dictionary: Not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3. They are talking about the people when they say "delivering their just powers from the consent of the governed." It means that the people are involved in the choices we make for our country just as much as the government is. It also means that they are sharing their thoughts with the government's approval.

    Life- When I think of life, I think of my grandpa. He lives life to the absolute fullest. He always has a smile on his face and he is a great person.
    Liberty- When I think of liberty, I think of freedom. I also think about the soldiers who are fighting for our freedom.
    Pursuit of Happiness- When I hear the pursuit of happiness, I automatically think of, obviously, something happy. I think about summer vacation when my family and I are on our boat having a great time with our friends.

    1. Pledges
    2. Facts
    3. Vows

  37. 1.) Lexi Gross T-T-2 12/15/11

    2.) self evident is seeing things clearly without being told.
    DICTIONARY DEFINITION: Self-evident means not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.

    3.) They are talking about the citizens of America and the people who run it. Why do they talk about the citizens? Because they run the country. They have rights to vote and they pick who they want their leader to be, so there for they are their own leader. They want to get the point out there, that no one owns you, no one can tell you what to do. You are in charge of your self and your self only.

    4.) "Life" is to do what you want, you can go out of state. You can go on vacation and nobody is going to stop you. You are free to do what you feel like doing. "Liberty" is to do what you want with certain restrictions, or laws. An example is you can drive a car at any time, but if you are drunk than you will be arrested, because you can't drive and be drunk.

    -The truths are the rules, or the laws
    -the amendments
    -the main points in the Declaration of Independence

  38. 1.Caleb Hudson 12-15-11 tt2
    2.Self-evident probably means that you are confident of your self or proud. evident Without proof or argument, or an axiomatic truth.
    3. The phrase,"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," Is talking about the citizens of the united states. this is because the citizens are taking their powers from the government. This is because the people of the united states are the ones controlling the government the government gets its power from the people. unlike most country's the citizens took the power away from the government and decides when to give some of it back.
    4.Life,Liberty, and pursuit of happiness is very important to the united states. Life is probably talking about how you live a full life full of freedom. Liberty is about how you are free to do as you please and how you do it. The part about pursuit of happiness is when you are living you always will seek happiness and want to help others so they may be happy too. That phrase is very important to anyone who lives in the united states. And everyone probably uses it every day.
    . The truth that no one should have supreme power over all people.
    .That everyone should have equal rights.
    .No person should be denied what they need to live a full life.
    .And also that everyone should be able to choose who they want to represent them.

  39. 1.Caeley Hendee, 12-15-11, TT2

    2. Self-evident means that you protect yourself in you own way, you have to be aware of your surroundings. Dictionary definition- Not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    3. "Deriving their just powers" Their means the people, the people don't want the government to have all the power. That isn't fair, even though the government splits it up, between branches. The people are mad, that the government gets all the power, and the people have nothing. Or that the people get all the power and the government gets nothing. That is just an observation. The government takes all the rights and the power away from the people and I can understand that the people are mad.

    4. Life, when I think of life, my Grandma comes to mine. She lived everyday as it was her last. When she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in June 2008, she never showed how scared she was. I was always around her, and I tried always to hide that I was scared and didn't know what to think. Every night I wondered if she was gonna be here tomorrow. In November after Thanksgiving we all went to Frankenmuth, and my Grandma was in a lot of pain. My dad and my Grandpa thought that she shouldn't go. To prove them wrong, and to show that she was okay she went. Life is precious, treat everyday as if it were your last. Everyday each of my family members get liberty. I don't think about that much, but I'm grateful for what I have. Some people don't get as much as I do, and I don't think about this way. People that have done bad things are in prison, jail and don't get the things that we get, and do the things that I can do. It's not fair to them, but they should be serving their time. My mom is always happy she tries to hide the worries, but I can see through her. Work, bills and everything else. Happiness, you don't have to receive to make you happy, being around your family is the key to the happiness.

    5. -Freedom
    - Liberty
    - Happiness

  40. Brandon Wiese 12/15/11 TT2

    2. Self-evident is evidence that your here. So in other words it lets people know you are here. The dictionary definition is evident without proof or argument.

    3. When its says the "consent of the governed" it means the people who have governed the land. It would be the colonists. The people that found the land. Thats why they are talking to the founders the people that made our state.

    4. An example life would be being alive or being present on the earth so its a good thing. An example for liberty would be the right to be free. To live in a free country. An example for pursuit of happiness would be a doing a job you love to do. You should never have to work a day in your life because you should enjoy your job.

    - the truth of the government
    - truth of the people
    -truth for the country

  41. 1. Maddie Haas 12/15/11 2TT

    2. My definition- Self-evident means that the rights are supposed to be just made by the people. Also that they are really important laws/rights.
    Dictionary definition- evident in itself without proof or demonstration; axiomatic.

    3. That they are talking about the people of America. That they are the ones who control the government. But the government does make the final decision. The people do change the government if they need to, but the government still has the final say. The consent of the government is final.

    4. An example to the first right, Life, would be that life comes first, that it isn't ok to kill someone. I think that is a good example because Life is the most important thing in the whole world, it is the world for everyone. It is not ok if someone just takes away someone's life. They could get the death penalty if they did that. One example for the right, Liberty, is that everyone has freedom from a form of anarchy or tyranny. That everyone has the right to be free from someone that is way too powerful. You don't have to
    deal with someone that will never let you have a nice life. One example of the pursuit of happiness is that you can't make someone else upset or angry just to make yourself happy. Like if your in recess when your a little kid and you take someone else's toy just so you can be happy. You must make everyone happy.

    5. They are talking about:
    * that everyone should be treated fairly
    * treated with respect
    * that everyone is nice to each other

  42. 1. Cody Musulin 12/15/11 TT2

    2. To be able to do things by yourself, to do things right the first time. Def: Not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    3. It is talking about the people and or the government. Because the government might be taking some of the power away from the citizens and giving it to the government. That could be a problem because the citizens want the power they have, and if the get some taken way, then the citizens will get mad and not want to live there.

    4. Life first of all isn't just to breath, it is to do what you want. If you're doing something you don't want to do and just staying at home until you have to go to a job that you absolutely hate, then you are not living. Liberty is pretty much the right to have freedom. All of the rights of freedom like speech, religion, and other freedoms like that. Pursuit of Happiness is almost like living, if you don't like what you are doing, and miserable you're not happy.

    - Men are created equal
    - Endowed by their creator
    - Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

  43. 1. Jake Belford 12/15/11 tt2

    2. Self evident means to be there without a doubt. Dictionary: Self evident means evident without proof or argument.

    3. The phrase "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the people of America. This phrase talks about how the people have the power over the government.

    4. The rights of our country are very important. One right is the right to life, this means that you have a right to live unless you do something terrible. Another right is liberty, the right to liberty means the freedom of speaking, press, and others. The right of pursuit of happiness means to be happy but you can not make others unhappy. These are some key rights of our government.

    5. "Truths"
    -Be kind
    -All men are created equal
    -The future of this country will be successful

  44. 1. Kirsten Brydon 12-13-11

    2. Self-evident is easily known, unable to hide itself from anyone or anything. Obvious, plain or clear.

    3. This statement could easily mean that the government works for the people, and not the other way around. It seems to me that the president only gets to take office if he is voted in by us, the people. My opinion is that because of that, the president as well as the other government officials, get their power from the people. The people get a say in who is in office and who is not.

    4. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can be described as the rights nobody can take away without really good reasoning. Life is our right to live. The government can't take your life unless they have a really, really good reason for doing so. Liberty is freedom and the very thing we fought for in the Revolutionary War. If this could be taken easily by upper classes, we would have made all the work put in to make this country free worthless altogether!!!! The pursuit of happiness is the right to do whatever you want as long as it is legal and that is also our right. All three are very Important to our country today.

    5. The "truths" that the founding fathers were talking about were....
    -Pursuit of happiness

  45. 1. Molly Aills 12/15/11 TT4

    2. My own understanding- "self-evident" means that you can see it for yourself.
    Dictionary Definition- Not needing to be demonstrated or explained, obvious.

    3. The phrase is talking about the people. They get their fair powers from the consent of the government. The people vote on what the government gets to do. The people make the decisions, not the government.

    4.Life is what we have now. The life that we live is not the life the colonists had when they were a colony of Britain, they had to earn the life that we have today. Liberty, like the freedom of religion, was also earned when the colonies gained their freedom. Pursuit of happiness, like marrying someone, was established by the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence guarantees these truths, giving us certain undeniable rights. People cannot take these rights away from us as long as we are a citizen of America.

    5. -Equality
    - Liberty
    - Peace

  46. 1. Heidi Siemon 12-15-11 TT4

    2. Self evident means self explained. Its easy to see. Definition: not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.

    3. The phrase is about the people. They have equal powers to the government. They have the right to tell the governed what they think, and their opinions. The government may get ideas from the people.

    4. You have the right to live your life the way you want to. You have a right to a happy life, and a good life with your family. Liberty to be free, wear what you want, and have your own religion. You can look for your happiness, whatever makes you happy. All of those can go together. Your life and your liberty can bring you your happiness. Also living your life and being free go together.

    5. -Equality

  47. 1.Sam Hall December 15, 2011 TT4

    2. Self evident means it doesn't need to be explained
    Dictionary-> not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3. This phrase is referring to the government, it only has power if the people allow it.

    4.Life is the right to, well, live. Everybody in the world should have the right to live a full, enjoyable life. Liberty is the right to be free. Liberty encompasses many things, such as speaking freely, worshiping freely, expressing yourself freely, and hopefully having a say in your government. The pursuit of happiness is the right to follow your dreams, nobody should stand in the way of your happiness, everyone has the right to be happy.

    5. -> All men are created equal
    -> Everybody has the same given rights
    -> Governments are here to protect our rights

  48. 1. Josh Mick 12/15 TT4

    2. Self-evident to me means doing something you're able to do and be proud. The definition means to be obvious.

    3. Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed is talking about men having the right to vote and are all created equal. Its to secure the right of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

    4. Life means to be free of anything. Liberty is a symbol of appreciation for our country. Pursuit of happiness is to find happiness to its greatest.

    5. They hold the truth and is self-evident. They have equality among men. They provide peace to all Americans.

  49. 1. Lexi Cox, 12/15/11, TT4

    2. Self-evident to me means, self explanatory. The dictionary definition is, not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the people, the people cant do something with the persons permission.

    4. To have the rights to a life would be being able to do what you want, you are able to follow the religion you want and you get to do the things that make you happy. If you want to practice your religion you are allowed to do that. You are allowed to say the things you feel becuase it is your life. You can do the things you want when you have Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

    - All people have rights
    - No one person can control another
    - Everyone has rights

  50. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 12/15/11

    2. Self-evident to me means doing something you're able to do and be proud. The definition means to be obvious.

    3. Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed is talking about men having the right to vote and are all created equal. Its to secure the right of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

    4. Life is the right to, well, live. Everybody in the world should have the right to live a full, enjoyable life. Liberty is the right to be free. Liberty encompasses many things, such as speaking freely, worshiping freely, expressing yourself freely, and hopefully having a say in your government. The pursuit of happiness is the right to follow your dreams, nobody should stand in the way of your happiness, everyone has the right to be happy.

    5. The truths that the framers are talking about are equality, rights, and powers and they are created by mankind and can not be alienated or taken away

  51. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 12/15/11

    2. Working together in a group of people. The real definition is requiring no prof or explanation.

    3. There talking about the governor about how that he should not over rule anybody. They still do have powers and they could work by them selfs trying to not to though. They have to permission by the governor to do buy land and moving. It is about there permission.
    4. All of them together is the success of America, but they all have a meaning to it. Life is you can live a life freely in America. There is many more reasons about life and how you can be successful and live life. Liberty means our freedom how live life and thats what liberty meant back then. It was liberty that made people free to do what they want to do. Pursuit of Happiness means live it life happy live it to the fullest be nice to the people around you. Sometimes it is up to us to make it happen not anybody else, but you. Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness always have something in common with each other how they can be together as one.
    5. The framers made the Declaration of Independents as truths to what we have done now instead of back then. Back then we were living life with freedom and living life trying to figure out what we have really done with each other sense that there is a lot of things that we care about in life. Today there is a lot more truths now instead of anything. Now every thing is in one story in a book. Living life is now people do that more no instead of back then.

  52. 1. Danielle Stowell 12/15/11 TT4

    2. "Self-evident" means you can kind of figure stuff out by yourself. (Dictionary meaning) not needing to be demonstrated ot explained.

    3. "Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about giving us permission to do things like when your 18 you are giving the permission to vote also when your 16 your able to get your drivers liscen. The people who run the government maked a law that when you turn 18 you can vote, and when you turn 16 you can get a drivers liscen.

    4. An example of Life is being alive in the world, existing, breathing. An example of Liberty is having Independence like July 4th thats the day we became Independent from the British. An last but not least an example of the pursuit of happiness means to always be happy never look down apon yourself. It's not always good to be sad all the time it changes you. Being happy it's who I am, I'm not sad or mad I'm just happy.

    5. The "truths" the framers of the Declaration talking about is like what you can do now that we are independent. Because when women were 18 years old back in there time, the women weren't aloud to vote only men were and now women and me are both aloud to vote. We can go anywhere we want when we want. We celebrate July 4th because it's the day we got Independence from the Britian. Women were not aloud to do manythings back then it was always the men and the upper classes. It's a good thing now that women can vote now and do as much of the things that men can do and have that same amount of authority.

  53. 1.Julianna Welling 12/15/11 TT4

    2.self-evident means that you can figure it out yourself.dictionary- not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3.They governed is the people who are not in the government. The government can not have power from themselves. We have to give them power. They have to have are approval to have power. We are a democracy not a tyrant government.

    4.Life is you have the right to live. No madder who you are and what you do. Liberty is your rights. You can live the way you want to.Like are amendments. Pursuit of happiness is that you can be happy you can carry out with that no one can stop you. We can strive for it. You can feel the way you want to. They are all together saying that you are free to be the person you want to.
    -pursuit of happiness
    -all the amendments

  54. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 12/15/11 TT4

    2. self-evident in my words means to tell the truth or hold the truth and keep it to your self. The dictionary definition is to not needing to be demonstrated or explained.

    3. In this phrase the government needs your consent. And the word consent means to give permission. The government is asking for the governed permission to deriving power. Because the governed can vote when there 18, and the government gets power. The government needs votes on many things to deriving power from the governed.

    4. life is a phrase that describes the belief that a human being has the right to live. And that a human being has the right not to be killed by another human being. And liberty is where you have the rights to bear arms if in need of protection. You can't shoot someone if the didn't hurt you or do something to you. And the pursuit of happiness is any basic right or freedom. Which all human beings are entitled and in those in a government may not interfere.

    5. The truths that they are talking about is Life, Liberty, And the Pursuit of happiness.

  55. 1. Charlotte Nowaczyk 12-15-11 tt4
    2. self-evident to me means to be able to contrll your self. DEFINITION- not needed to be demonstrated or explained.
    3. The government has our permission to be our government because we voted them we gave gave permission,we voted for them ,with our own choice to be government.
    4. Life an example of life would be, we get to choose where we live who we marry, what job we have, what to name our cats an d what road in life we should fallow it's all are choice.
    liberty- an example of liberty would be to be able to bear arms but to use the weapon the right way, like if your drinking and you go behind the wheel of a started car that's drunk driving, your allowed to drink but driving well drunk is against the law you can do what you want as long as it's with the law.
    Pursuit of happiness means you can be happy and live your life the way you want to and nobody not to smile or be happy .
    5. the truths that are in the declaration are life liberty and pursuit of happiness

  56. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness: that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Declaration of Independence

    1. Henry Haidler, 12/14/11, MW2

    2. Self Evident means that your are aware of what is happening without doubting and everyone agreeing with you.
    Dictionary Definition-evident without proof or argument we hold these truths to be self-evident

    3. The phrase "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the people of the United States are getting their powers or their rights from the government and the people that are in it. They are talking about the people in the United States because it is their powers and rights. They are talking about the people in the government because they are giving the people of the United States their rights through different methods.
    4. An example of Life is that we have the rights to do what we want with our life and we get to choose the paths we take in life.
    An example of Liberty is that we are able to bear arms or have guns.
    An example of Pursuit of Happiness is that you can be happy about your life and live your life to the fullest and nobody can tell you not to be happy.

    5. Some truths that are in the declaration of independence are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

  57. 1. Elle Kennedy

    2.Self evident means that you know what it is without having to think hard about it. Dictionary- not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious

    3. The phrase "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" is talking about the people and the government. It means that if the people do not like how the government is being run or how the government is treating people, then they are allowed to try and change it. They are allowed to do this because the people are the ones being effected by what the government does so if the majority of people do not like it, then they are allowed to impeach the president or governor of who ever else.

    4. Life means that you have the right to live and no one can take that away from you. Liberty is how you live your life, no one can say you have to believe in a certain religion, have a certain job or tell you how you have to go about doing something. Pursuit of happiness is how you act. If you are sad, happy, angry etc, no one can say that you are not allowed to feel that way because you have the right to act how you want to.
    5. The truths that the framers are talking about are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

  58. 1.Brooke Boyd tt2 12/15/11

    2. Self-evident meaning from me is everyone is created equally.
    Self-evident meaning is axiomatic: evident without proof or argument; "an axiomatic truth."

    3. The phrase "deriving their just powers from the consent of the government." means the consent is us because we are giving them the power because we vote and decide who we want to be are government. Consent means giving permission and giving us the people the permission means we consent on who we want as a government and we have the power.

    4. Life is an example of living life and having the right to do things that we enjoy and dont enjoy you just can't hurt anyone. Liberty is an example of doing what you and how you want it. for example when you dye your hair you allowed to dye it pink. pursuit of Happiness is when your happy and even if something hard is going on then still try your best and keep your head up.

    5. * Pursuit of Happiness
    * Liberty

  59. 1. Jordan Danko 12/15/11 TT2

    2. To me self-Evident means evidence that you know but have no proof of.
    Dictionary meaning: axiomatic: evident without proof or argument; "an axiomatic truth"; "we hold these truths to be self-evident".

    3. The phrase, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," is talking about the government and how it's power is controlled by us, the people.

    4. Life: We are able to live life they way we want. We have the freedom to make decisions about how we live our lives.
    Liberty: Liberty is to br independent. We became independent on july 4th.
    Pursuit of happiness: It's important to find happiness, because everyone should be happy.

    5.The truths are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  60. 1. Kyle Shehan, 1/8/12, TT2

    2.My meaning of self-evident is you don't need to have it told to you, you just know. DICTIONARY:not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious
    3."Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, Is talking about how the people that are protected by the government. So the people in the government are not doing things that only benefit them selfs. Which is the a big point of the declaration.
    4.Life is how we live our lives. If we did nothing with our lives then we would not really be living. Liberty is making sure that Liberty is equal to every one. So that none gets special treatment. Pursuit of happiness is a thing that you should not give up.

    .pursuit of happiness
