Sunday, November 20, 2011

Quote 16 - Common Sense Plain Truth

1.  Name Date Hour
2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
off computer)
3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
off computer)
4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard
copy - off computer)
5. Lesson Learned - Short and Brief, but to the point
(Recorded in the blog)
6. Blog the Lesson Learned - Create a 5-7 sentence paragraph using your double
entry log's facts and interpretation (Recorded in the blog)

ALTHOUGH I have not the honor to be known to you, I am not
unacquainted with your native candor and unbounded
benevolence. As happy as obfcure, I am indeed a Granger to
the language of adulation: flattery I deleft ; virtue I refpeft.
Be not offended, Sir, if I remark that your character is
contemplated with profound veneration by the friends of the
ConfUtution. Thofe abilities which you fo illuftrioufly
difplayed in defence of the Conftitution, they now fupplicate
you to exert, in faving it from impending ruin, under the Syren
form of delufive Independence. Step then forth; exert thofe
talents with which heavenhas endowed you; and caufe the parent
and her children to embrace, and be foes nomore. Arduous as
this extraordinary tafk may feem, perhaps your virtue and talents may
yet effect it. Your endeavors to flop the effufion of blood, of
torrents of blood, is worthy of your acknowledged humanity even
the honeft attempt, upon recollection, will afford you ineffable
fatisfaction. My prefuming to infcribe to you the following
crude remarks is to remind you, Sir, what your dift relied
country expects, nay loudly demands from your extenfive capa-
city. I beg you will forgive this temerity;and that you may
long enjoy the fruits of your exalted virtue, and remain an
honor to your country, and to mankind, is the ardent wiih of,


Your mofl obedient

and reffieftfulfervant,

Candidus 1776


  1. 1. Malorie Moen MW2 11/21/11

    5. Don't let someone persuade you to do something, go with your heart.

    6. This person was trying to convince his friend, that being a loyalist is better. I think that friends shouldn't try to change their friends. You should always follow your heart and do what you think is best. Don't let others persuade you to do something, you don't want to do. We always have a choice, and people shouldn't make you change. Friends are supposed to except you, not change you.

  2. 1.Kira D'Agostino 11/21/11 MW2
    2. worksheet
    3. worksheet
    4. worksheet
    5.Think before you act
    6. When the people rebel and do not listen to the man in order the bad situations can happen. The patriots are called firebrands because they don't listen and their stubborn. In this letter the man who is writing sounds like a loyalist. He is trying to convince the patriot to stop rebelling and listen to king George. If they listened then they wouldn't have the problems with Britain.

  3. 1. Zack Fuller Mw2 11-21-11
    2. On handout
    3. On handout
    4. On handout
    5. Think before you act .
    6. In the letter the loyalist is trying to convince a patriot to switch sides. The loyalist thinks that Britain will win the war and kill all the patriots. That the patriot does not want to switch because he wants to control his life. The loyalist thinks the king is the best and he should be number 1 among everybody. The loyalist is saying that is side is better than the patriots witch causes a big mess. In the end you pick your life and how you live it.

  4. 1. Zack Fuller Mw2 11-21-11
    2. On handout
    3. On handout
    4. On handout
    5. Think before you act .
    6. In the letter the loyalist is trying to convince a patriot to switch sides. The loyalist thinks that Britain will win the war and kill all the patriots. That the patriot does not want to switch because he wants to control his life. The loyalist thinks the king is the best and he should be number 1 among everybody. The loyalist is saying that is side is better than the patriots witch causes a big mess. In the end you pick your life and how you live it.

  5. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 11/21/11 MW2

    2. Hard copy

    3. Hard copy

    4. Hard copy

    5. There is two sides to a coin.

    6. The lesson learned for this letter has two sides to the story. Whenever you have a loyalist taking it seems right to respect the king and obey him. But as you hear the Patriots talk you want to be apart of there side. As he tries to explain that supporting the Constitution is right you begin to understand something. It is really up to the individual person and what your heart says to what side you choose. IT is the only why you will truly support which side is your cause.

  6. Timmy Uppleger 11-21-11 MW2
    5. everyone has different beliefs.
    6. Everyone has different beliefs. Different people beliefe in different things. People beliefe in different religions. People believe that they have the independence/freedom to do and say what they want and now they do.

  7. 1. Paige Leatherman 11/21/11

    2. Hard copy

    3. Heather and mine minds.

    4. Hard copy

    5. If you need something you need to do something in return. And be respectful.

    6. Someone has not done something and they need help. So they ask someone for help. But they are being kind and respectful while asking. But soon starts to beg which is not good. So he might have to do something in return if he gets help. Also the person is obedient so he is well trained and knows how to deal with these things. By calling something sir is a sign of respect so asking someone for something with using sir might get you a better chance of getting it. Because you are being respectful.

  8. 1. Heather Linn, 11/21/11, TT2

    2. Hard Copy

    3. Paige and I's thoughts.

    4. Hard Copy

    5. When you need something from someone that can do something you can't you need to be polite and respectful when you ask them to do it for you.

    6. There are two people who actually have not met, knowing a lot about each other and asking for favors as if they live right next to each other. It is very surprising that people who havent met are being so nice, and respectful to each other. They're even doing favors for each other. In the letter the one man is saying sir, and being very polite which I think is right, because if you have never met someone then there is no reason to be rude. The one man has a ability that the other does not, so he is asking for help. Also, in the letter he is praising him for his abilities. That, to me, is very respectful.

  9. 1. Abby Schoonover 11/21/11 MW2

    5. There are two sides to every story and two different opinions.

    6. The man who wrote this letter is writing to his dear friend. He is saying how he doesn't agree with what side his friend is taking. His friend is a patriot when he is a loyalists. He is saying to his friend that he is not unaware of what side he has taken. He is telling him that if he is happy thats really all that matters but he still doesn't agree with what side he has chosen. In the end of the letter he says, "I beg you will forgive this temerity;and that you may long enjoy the fruits of your exalted virtue, and remain an honor to your country, and to mankind, is the ardent with of." In this huge sentence all he is really telling his friend is, I hope you forgive me for telling you I don't agree with what side you have chosen. I hope you have a hopeful and prosperous life. I hope you are still loyal to your country no matter what side you take and that is very important to you. This man cares about his friend. He cares about him enough to tell him that he doesn't agree with what side he has chosen. That is a true friend.

  10. 1. Jade Cogar 11-21-11 TT2

    5. That you have to learn from your mistakes and have common sense when it comes to bad things or good things. You have to honor your country after you can honor your-self. How could you honor your country if you can't honor your-self?

    6. If you don't learn from your from your mistakes how would you learn from your country. Also if you don't honor or respect your-self how would you respect your country. Why would you respect your country if you can't respect your-self. You would want to learn how to respect your-self before you would respect your country. You would learn from your mistakes by picking the right decision. If you pick the wrong one that just wrong decision can hurt your life in a way you don't know.

  11. 1.Cody Musulin 11/21/11

    5. In life, there are sacrifices.

    6. In life there are sacrifices that need to be made. Sometimes you need to let someone take something to live or give someone something. Other times you don't have to make a sacrifice, but most people have to do at least one little thing. I don't know one person that hasn't made a sacrifice to keep a friendship, or to get a good grade on something. Some people make sacrifices every year to help out a friend or someone in there family, maybe some people every week or twice a week, or every day, because someone is threatening him. Some sacrifices end out being good and give you something in return, but others nothing happens and you just have to go on with your life.

  12. 1. Payton Rentsch, 11-21-11 mw2
    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)
    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
    off computer)
    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard
    copy - off computer)
    5. Lesson Learned - Short and Brief, but to the point
    (Recorded in the blog)
    6. LL: My lesson leaned is that many people try to change the kings mind but they can't. They try to change him with bribes and telling him what he wants to hear. people wright him letters telling him that its stupid to be a patriot. But he never changes his mind he won't. Once someone has something in there mind they usually believe it.

  13. 1. Jake Landsberger 11/21/11 TT2

    2-3-4. (hard copy)

    5. Everyone thinks differently.

    6. Everyone thinks differently. In the world no two people think exactly alike. Many people wanted freedom but some did not. There were tories who wanted the King to rule but didn't want all of the unfair laws. Then there were rebels who didn't want one tyrant at all. The man in this letter could have been trying to convert a rebel into a loyalist. They are trying to get their point across. For all we know he could be royalty. I would be a patriot only because I do not believe that any person should hold rule over people but God.

  14. 1. Michael Yedinak 11/21/11

    5. The lesson learned would be everyone has say.

    6. Everyone has say in what they believe and what they want to happen. This all goes by the freedom of speech and religion which was made only 12 years after this letter was made. We shall' all listen to each others thoughts if in a war, argument, or even when someone is feeling down. In this letter it explains without all the f's, he is sorry for what he has done, and he wishes to remain peace, and for him to hear what he is trying to say. When Candidus explained "be not offended," he means he is really sincere about whatever happened maybe about the war or personal. Or when he makes a good statement "be foes no more." All he wants to do is say how he wants a say as long with the other loyalists and people today, they want to say everyone nor big or small has a say.

  15. Mckenzie Barth MW2 11-21-11
    5.)Words can be hurtful, but they are valuable.

    6.)Words can be hurtful, but they are valuable.They are necessary as they tell us what we did wrong or what we did right. People aren't always kind with there words, but without them how could we improve something? Watch how you use your words and follow the golden rule in life, but never be afraid to speak your mind. We all have opinions ,let's share them. In the letter he was saying how his words may hurt, but he wanted him to listen to them as they are the truth. Without words, we could not speak our minds. If something is bugging you we all know how good it feels to get off your chest to, just come right out and say it. He did not want John Dickinson to be hurt by his words, he was just saying and proving his point. Telling him what he should do as opposed to what he was already doing.

  16. 1. Kyle Gonos 11-21-11 MW4
    6. LL: When you have been defeated accept it, don't try to deny it.
    I put this as my lesson learned because in the letter, Candidus is trying to cut the Colonists down because him and his country were defeated by them. Some facts in the letter is a the end where he says "1776 the year of our Lord". My interpretation of this is that how could it be the year of their Lord if they were defeated? My next fact is that they said "form of delusive Independence, which is saying that the Colonists Independence was just a vision and was not real. My interpretation of this is that we beat them so maybe they have not hit reality yet. Another fact is "and remain on honor to your country". My interpretation is that Britain is mad that we beat them and they can't accept it so they want us to become loyal to them again so they can look good again.

  17. 1. William McNamee 11/21/11 TT2
    5. LL= You should show respect to everyone even if you don't like the person.
    6. You should show respect to everyone even if you don't like the person. This letter shows this as a truth. The person who wrote this letter obviously disagrees with what the receiver of the letter believes yet anyway they still say "Sir" . He is trying to show some respect even though he doesn't know this person personally. You should always show respect just because everyone deserves it until proven otherwise. This letter is a great example of my lesson learned because of the example set by the writer.

  18. 1. Molly Aills 11/21/11 TT4

    2. (Hard Copy)

    3. (Hard Copy)

    4. (Hard Copy)

    5. Other's opinions can be influential.

    6. Other's opinions can be influential. Or at least, that's what the person writing this letter seemed to be hoping. They begin their letter with praises, saying that the receiver's character is contemplated with great respect, but yet saying that they detest flattery. When they say that "they now supplicate you to exert, in saving it from impending ruin, under the Syren form of delusive Independence", it is then that the real point of their letter starts to show through. They wish for the receiver to change their points of view, and I must say, they are being quite sly with it. At the end of the letter, they beg that the reader will forgive him this excessive confidence or boldness, and that the reader will continue to be an example for their country. Signing with "Your most obedient and respectful servant," they seem to be lathering on the praise, perhaps in hopes that the person receiving this letter will change their point of view for the writer's, and 'their country's' sake.

  19. 1. Matt Strong MW2 11/21/11

    4. Everyone has different beliefs

    5. Not every person believes in the same things. There is always something that someone else won't believe in that you believe in. I could believe in independence from Britain while someone else believes that America should still belong to Britain. People can have the same beliefs too. There is no law that says two people can't have the same beliefs. Everyone is different in their own unique way.

  20. 1. Blake lapum, 11/21/11, TT2

    6. Different people have different thoughts and opinions. Obviously both people in this have 2 very different opinions. The loyalist thinks that once you are true to Britain, you should always be loyal to Britain. They are the mother land. Everyone in Britain and America are it's children. Although everyone was originally from Britain, we have different ways of thinking and different things we want.

  21. Nick Norman 11-21-11 MW2
    The lesson learned I came up with was always give respect and to honor people. In the message, they say "be not offended" I think that means to take stuff as a joke. Some people mess around with other people but then they take it to seriously. I try to respect every especially adults at school, at homes, and in stores. The old saying is " treat people how you would like to be treated" So, if you treat them with respect and they don't treat you, then it's there loss and you can't do anything about it.

  22. 1. Jordan Danko 11/21/1 TT2

    2. Lesson Learned: be nice to every one even if they don't like you.

    3. Everybody should be nice to everyone and it will make the world a beter place. Even if someone doesn't like you or has a problem with you it doesn't mean you can't be nice to them. In the story he says, "ALTHOUGH I have not the honor to be known to you, I am not unacquainted with your native candor and unbounded
    benevolence." I assume that he says he has no honor to be known to the other person because the other person is more popular, and has a higher power then he does.

  23. 1.) Lexi Gross 11/21/11 T-T-2

    2.) off computer

    3.) off computer

    4.) off computer

    5.) off computer

    Everyone has their own opinion about things and screaming or being mean about things will not make the other person change their thought. If you want someone to change their decision to yours, than being mean isn't going make them change their decision. You can believe in anything you want no matter what and nobody can yell at you or make you change it, so why should people change their opinion for you?
    Truth is you aren't amazing compared to anybody else in this world. No matter what you believe in you should be treated equally. Never change your beliefs for someone else because i'm sure they won't change for you. If you keep at anything you can accomplish something, but there are some key tips; don't be mean and don't be rude or yell. have you ever tried to convince someone into doing something for you?
    I learned from my brother "if you don't ask nicely, than it ain't going to happen." My older brother Aric can drive and as you can see i'm only in 8th grade so I can't just go and get pizza or something. i have to ask. I don't always ask in a kind way, so i don't always get pizza. Lesson learned is simply don't be mean about anything! Being mean will NOT get you anywhere in life. Be nice and in the end you will be treated kindly.

  24. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 11-21-11

    5. My lesson learned was blood marks war
    6. How to relate to my lesson learned to the letter was the mood of the person writing it. I am sure he was nervous about the war and just wanted it to end. He didn't seem like he wanted any hard feelings. He also mentions in the letter the words "Your endeavors to flop the effufion of blood, is worthy of your acknowledged humanity even the honeft attempt, upon recollection, will afford you ineffable fatisfaction." He knew about the blood being spilled and I believe that like Father in My Brother Sam Is Dead, the writer doesn't feel that it is overall going to work out in the end. The country we live in can and most likely be, marked with the blood of war.
    In my double entry log, it mainly shows how the writer believes that the receiver has the skill and talent to stop the war and hopes he would do just that. He also hopes not to be rude in doing so.

  25. 1. Eric Wolfe 11/21/11
    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)
    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
    off computer)
    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard
    copy - off computer)
    5. Lesson Learned - Short and Brief, but to the point
    (Recorded in the blog)
    6. My lesson learned is that this guy probably was in the war. There was probably a girl who was in love with this guy and wrote him this letter. The letter states how the guy had done his duty to his country and to mankind. The war inspired other countries to revolt just as the americans had.This man had truly done his duty.
    entry log's facts and interpretation (Recorded in the blog)

  26. Marissa Moore 11/21/11 TT2

    Do what you're told. Being part of Britain, you're supposed to stay loyal to Britain no matter what. You are told to do that, and Patriots were not doing what they were told, which could have gotten them in a lot of trouble. In the letter, the author says "The parent and her children to embrace, and be foes no more" which is saying "Britain and america need to stay as one and stop fighting, it is what's right." The author also says "I beg you..." which means the author really doesn't want independence. He is saying that you need to do what you're told, no matter what.

  27. Jensen Borkowski 11/21/11 TT2
    5. The lesson learned is to stay true to your country.
    6. The lesson learned is to stay true to your country. You should always support and be loyal to your country. Stand behind it's decisions if you believe in them. That's what I think the writer meant when they wrote this letter. Especially when it says "remain an honor to your country". Being loyal and staying true to his country was very important to this person. He wasn't going to give up without a fight.

  28. 1. Caeley Hendee, 11-21-11, TT2
    2. On sheet
    3. On Sheet
    4. On sheet
    5. You never lose respect for someone unless they lose respect for you.
    6. This letter to Johnson Dickinson was from anonymous. John Dickinson doesn't like this anonymous person, and that's why he's not putting his name. "I have not the honor to be known to you, I am not." That means someone that doesn't care to write even if John Dickinson doesn't like the anonymous person. "The parent and her children to embrace." This tells that the parent and the children fight for what they can, and need to survive. "Remain and honor to your country." Anonymous is trying to say that John Dickinson will always be important to our nation.

  29. LeAnn Howe 11-21-11
    5. LL: People don't always see eye to eye.
    6. In this letter, Candidus doesn't want John Dickinson to feel offended by what he is saying. Candidus justs wants John to own up to what he believes in. People don't always see eye to eye. That means that people have different beliefs or do not agree with you. No one should be judged by that but, people are. Trying to convince people to think differently may be bad. The change of thought could change the person completely.

  30. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 11-21-11 MW2
    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)
    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
    off computer)
    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard
    copy - off computer)

    5. Think before you act.

    6. The phrase I chose was think before you act. It is a loyalist writing to a patriot. The person that wrote this in my mind is saying that the patriots need to think wisely. He wants his friend to see things his way, as a person loyal to the king, instead of from a rebel. I wondered if his friends ideas changed his mind or if he stayed with his way.

  31. 1. Elle Kennedy 11/21/11 TT2

    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)
    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
    off computer)
    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard
    copy - off computer)

    5. Lesson Learned: Stay true to your country.

    6. My lesson learned for this letter from a loyalist to a patriot is stay true to your country. Through out the letter the loyalist is trying to persuade the patriot into becoming a loyalist and telling him that being a patriot is not right. My lesson learned is stay true to your country because the loyalist was saying things like "Remain an honor to your country". By this he meant that the patriot should stay honorable to his country which is Britain and to stay honorable to Britain he should fight as a loyalist instead of the patriots. The loyalist was also telling him to use the talents heaven has given him for the right reasons. The patriot had talents in war so the loyalist was telling him to use these talents as a loyalist, not a patriot. The loyalist also said "Arduous as this extraordinary task may seem, perhaps your virtue and talents may yet effect it" This means that this task may seem challenging, your talents will effect it and make it easier for you. This is why my lesson learned is stay true to your country

  32. Evan Bauer 11/21/11 MW2

    5. Two sides to every story

    6. Two sides to every story would be a perfect lesson learned for the letter I read. It discribes a loyalist writhing to a high powered patriot that might possible be a friend. the letter was saying things like don't be disloyal. The kings army is to strong for you to fight. The person writhing the story was trying to change that persons mind about fighting with the patriots. I wonder if a letter from the person being wrought to ever wrought back and if so what that letter might hold. Like the outlook from that persons view on the war thats why I chose there is two sides to every story as a lesson learned.

  33. 1. Mikal LaButte 11-21-11 MW2

    5. I believe that the lessoned learned for this story would be " People don't always see eye to eye."
    6. The lesson learned for this story is people always don't see eye to eye because people have different expressions for different things. For example one day my brother and I were I the basement and we were watching television and he wanted to play a video game and I said no so of corse he had to turn off the television and turn off and he started to play and when I saw what game it was I said hey is it ok if I join so on that particular one we didn't see eye to eye until I saw what it was.

  34. Sam Love 11/22/11 mw2

    5. During these times people who were once friends are no longer and turning against each other. Candidus, wrote a letter to one of his old friends. In the letter he told John Dickinson, that he doesn't have the honor to know him. He tries to tell him that the British Military will destroy them. He tries to persuade him to become a loyalist to Britain.
    6. Candidus told his friend in the letter "I remark hat your character is contemplated with profound veneration..." Candidus told his friend that he doesn't even know who he is anymore because of the ways he has changed. He told him "...Perhaps your virtue and talents may yet affect it." He hopes that his behavior and the capabilities of what he can do will change his mind and come back to the powerful British. Near the end of the letter Candidus said "The following crude remarks is to remind you..." He was saying some mean and nasty things about his friend bu he was trying to remind him to do whats best (in his opinion) and get him to understand.

  35. 1.Megan Gunderson-MW2-11/21/11
    5. Think before you act.
    6. In this letter to John Dickinson Esqjjire. Candidus is a loyalist trying to change a patriots mind. Candidus is trying to be polite and not offended John Dickinson Esqjjire in the beginning of the letter when he says although I have not the honor to be known to you, I am not unacquainted with your native candor and unbounded benevolence. This letter is explaining the loyalists point of view on the war. Candidus is trying to tell John Dickinson Esqjjire to think before he acts.He needs to think about all of his choices and pick the best one. Candidus thinks staying loyal to the king is the best choice and is trying to convey that to John.Then at the end of the letter he signs your mofl obedient
    and reffieftfulfervant, Candidus. This is showing that Candidus is a true loyalist who respect the king.

  36. Halle Chiarelli MW2 11/21/11

    5. Everyone means something.

    6. My lesson learned for the story "Common Sense" is that "Everyone means something." I said that because everyone in the world is important, and no matter what you look like, sound like, smell like, act like, or even live the way you do, you are important. Everyone has a place in this world differing from a garbage man or a lawyer you play a part. You can do so many things with your life because you can show off talents, you can appreciate what you have and you can even improve.

  37. 1. Austin Wicker 11-28-11 M-W4th

    5. You have your opinions and so do others.

    6. "You have your opinions and so do others" means that what you say can be respected and not rejected. It means that you should always have your own opinion and never say its wrong. You should think for yourself and what you thought is should never be put down. Your opinion is just as good as anyone else's. People should not put your opinion down because it is fine and appropriate and they should respect that. That is why it is called your opinion because that is what you think and that should be respected. People should be ok with your opinion because their opinion.

  38. Kyle Shehan, 11-21-11, TT2

    5.Fight for whats right no mater what.

    6. If you don't fight for whats right then how will you do anything important. Like how the patriots are fighting for independence, or how our soldiers fight for freedom. You know how like people dont always see the way others do.

  39. 1.Justin Wilson Dec. 8 mw4 12-8-11

    2.He would be concerned because if the world did not turn out the way he wanted it to be. If it didn't it would be his fault so he tried to make it the best he could.

    3.Yes I want to have the government to take care of me because if they don't then I will be on my own. It would be harder to have a good job and to take care of my family and myself. So it is important to have the government toke care of you so you can make a living. 

    4. Everyone has different beliefs

    5. When you need something from someone that can do something you can't you need to be polite and respectful when you ask them to do it for you.

    6. There are two people who actually have not met, knowing a lot about each other and asking for favors as if they live right next to each other. It is very surprising that people who havent met are being so nice, and respectful to each other. They're even doing favors for each other. In the letter the one man is saying sir, and being very polite which I think is right, because if you have never met someone then there is no reason to be rude. The one man has a ability that the other does not, so he is asking for help. Also, in the letter he is praising him for his abilities. That, to me, is very respectful.

  40. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 12/8/11
    5. Everybody has their own opinions.
    6. "Everybody has their own opinions" means that everyone is different. Everybody thinks differently and has different views on the world and everything going on around them. You need to respect everything that people say, even if you disagree. Something you say, may be different than what they think. Don't just openly blurt out your feelings or viewings about something, you could offend someone. You need to think before you speak. Everybody has the same amount of right to think and believe what they do and you shouldn't try to persuade them differently.

  41. 1. Olivia Sdao Nov,13,2011

    5. Ever one have different opinions on things.

    6. Every one is different. They have different thoughts on things. Sometimes we have the the same ideas most of the time we don't. Thats a good thing though not to have the same opinion it helps us be individuals for each other. We always want to respect each others opinion because they may have a better idea and they want to here what they have to say to. That is what i think about opinions.

  42. 1. Sam Dovin. 12-9-11. MW2.

    5. Don't let other people control you.

    6. You don't have to do what other people want you to its your life and this is america. You can always have your own thought. Like in the book the loyalist are trying to get the patriots to switch but you dont have to if you don't want to.They or a lot of people will try to change things and pursway you but you should do whatever you want.

  43. 1. Darren Murray TT2 12/9/11

    5. People may believe something and the other person might believe something else, there should be no judgement in the process.

    6. The phrase I chose was think before you act. It is a loyalist writing to a patriot. The person that wrote this in my mind is saying that the patriots need to think wisely. He wants his friend to see things his way, as a person loyal to the king, instead of from a rebel. I wondered if his friends ideas changed his mind or if he stayed with his way.

  44. 1. Aaron Durham, 12-12-11, MW4

    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)

    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy off computer)

    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard-copy - off computer)

    5. Lesson Learned - Short and Brief, but to the point(Recorded in the blog)

    6)lesson learned is that this guy probably was in the war. There was probably a girl who was in love with this guy and wrote him this letter. The letter states how the guy had done his duty to his country and to mankind. The war inspired other countries to revolt just as the Americans had This man had truly done his duty.

  45. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 12/13/11 TT4

    5. Listen to what your in stinks tell you.

    6. You should listen to what your in stinks tell you. If you listen to other people and its the wrong thing you can get in trouble. If the person tell you the wrong thing and you follow what he/she says you can get in trouble. Your in stinks is what you should follow and not other peoples you should follow yours. If a person gives you advice and you think its right us it.

  46. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, MW2, 12-13-11

    5. Don't let people control your life.

    6. Other people cant control what you do in your life. They have no decision on what you choose to do with your life. Its your decision, not there's. Everybody has to make their own choices, you can influence someones choice but can't change it completely. There life is there own choice.

  47. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre 6th

    5. people should start seeking up and if you be leave it to, back them up.
    6. i don't know i just need to fix my grades and i am failing and i i want to do is make my parents proud.

  48. 1. Danielle Stowell 12/13/11 TT4

    5. People have their own opinions

    6. "People have their own opinions" means everybody has their own opinions and thinks differently than others. You must respect what people say even if you don't agree with it. People say what they want and it's fine if you don't go with it. You could offend someone with your opinion you scream out and they might be hurt by what you said. Just don't try to get them to agree with what you said, cause there not. I don't agree with what people's opinions and my friends opinions are around me, but I don't say much about it so I won't hurt them or offend them. Everybody thinks differently and has way different opinions so your just going to have to deal with it.

  49. 1. Bryce Heatwole MW2 12-13-11
    5. Not every body has the same opinions as everybody.
    6.I think that this LL makes sense because this is true. Everybody thinks differently. We see this in this selection a lot and we see it in real life. Some people have arguments over their different opinions. This can lead to major fights.

  50. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 12/14/11
    5. Don't let other people control you.

    6. You don't have to do what other people want you to its your life and this is america. You can always have your own thought. Like in the book the loyalist are trying to get the patriots to switch but you dont have to if you don't want to.They or a lot of people will try to change things and pursway you but you should do whatever you want.

  51. 1. Kalani Gondick 12-14-11 M-W 4
    5. People may believe in what something but the other person could believe in the same thing or not believe in that some thing.
    6. The phrase i choose is think before you speak you could say something and then it would go around everywhere. You never know what could happen if you say something it could go around every where.

  52. 1. Nicholas Marlatt
    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)
    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
    off computer)
    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard Copy)

  53. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 12-15-11 MW2

    2. Hard copy
    3. Hard copy
    4. Hard copy

    5. LL: There should be no judgement by what others think.

    6. LL: There should be no judgement by what others think. I said this because nobody should tell you what to do or what to think. If they don't like you, then don't talk to them. You shouldn't have to do what they say just because they're your friends or not. If they do try to tell you what to say, say no and walk away. That way you don't have to listen to them.

  54. 1. Henry Haidler, 12/15/11, MW2
    2. Talk to the Text (T4) aggressive (hard copy -
    off computer)
    3. Share with a partner (T4) findings (hard copy -
    off computer)
    4. Double Entry Log - Facts and Interpretation (hard
    copy - off computer)
    5. Don't let people make your decisions for you do what you think is right.
    6. The phrase that I chose is that you should think before you start to talk or say something you might regret because it could really hurt someone or could be spread all around.

  55. 1. Josh Mick 12/21 TT4
    2. Hard Copy
    3. Hard Copy
    4. Hard Copy
    5. LL: Not every body has the same opinions as everybody.
    6. This phrase means everybody thinks differently. We see this in this a lot and we see it in real life. Some people have arguments over their different opinion and can lead to major fights.

  56. 1. Jacob Yannott, 4th mw4
    2. you should never let people do your work for you, if you want to do something, do it yourself.

    3.Someone has not done something and they need help. So they ask someone for help. But they are being kind and respectful while for instance, there are two people who actually have not met, knowing a lot about each other and asking for favors as if they live right next to each other. It is very surprising that people who haven't met are being so nice, and respectful to each other.

  57. Mckaylin TT4

    hard copy

    4 hard copy

    5. don't allow people to speak for you and make up your mind unless it is your dissension to.

    6. means, every body has there own opioin there should not be a big deal because someone is entieled to there own opioin.

  58. 1. Danny Higgins, 12/21/11
    5. Lesson Learned - I learned that people can accept defeat and work with it.
    6. I learned that some people can accept defeat. Give the British for example. After they lost the war, the just went right back to England without any complaint. And others stayed to become American citizens. The Americans welcomed them into our nation without any anger.
