Sunday, November 27, 2011

Quote 17 - Who Am I?

“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

1. Name Date Hour
2. Define the word "delineate" (First use your own understanding - then provide the dictionary definition)
3. Look up your name - provide some insight into what your first and last name means. You may use google to name search meanings.
4. Who do you hope to be? How do you hope to achieve it? (1 paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences, provide supporting detail)


  1. 1. Halle Chiarelli 11/28/11 MW2
    2. The word delineate in my book is to define something, or a person. The real definition is to indicate the exact position of a border or boundary. Delineate also means to describe or portray something precisely.
    3.The meaning of my first name is "rock". I would think of that as a strong person. My last name means "light" or "famous". I think of this as a useful person who has much information and advice.
    4. In my life I hope to be a very successful person. I hope to go very far and do big things. I could do this by doing things for others and use my talents and what I have to make, it as far as I can. One of my talents is soccer. Maybe, just maybe, I could become a professional soccer player or something along those lines. To be successful you have to work hard. I could work hard by getting a job that keeps me working but I would also be interested in something that has to do with helping others. I would like to be able to have a family and live happy like I do in mine today. I will be a provider and work as hard as I can to have a great future.

  2. 1. Kira D'Agostino 11/28/11 MW2
    2. To me it means to create or to bring up. The dictionary term is to describe or portray.
    3. My name can be used in the United States and Japan. My name means dark or dark lady.but the etymology of 'Kira'is actually of sanskrit roots and means "beam of sun or light. My last name is D'Agostino and it is an Italian surname related to St. Augustine.
    4. I hope to be someone that people respect. When they see me they think of a kind and caring person. I want to be like my mom. She always supports me and helps me when I am lost or confused. There is certain people in your life that you see in a different light. You see them for more that who they are on the outside you begin to see the true love that they bleed whenever someone is in need.
    They are wanted and needed and they are well respected. That's the kinda of person I want to be. I hope to help people in need and do simple tasks that could mean so much in the eyes of someone else. That's the kind of person I am going to become.

  3. 1. Riley Hafner 11/28/11 MW-2
    2. My definition- Delineate means to describe what something or someone is.
    Dictionary definition- To describe or portray
    3. Riley means "valiant" in Gaelic. In Irish it means "small stream" while in English in means "Rye". My last name, Hafner, is German and it is derived form the word "hafen" which is a pot or dish. The name Hafner is referring to a potter.
    4. I am not sure who I hope to be. When I think of myself as an adult, I see a person who makes and impact on the world. Someone who helps others no matter what the cost. I guess I want to be a strong, caring person who has support from their family not matter what I do. Being rich isn't something that I want. It might be nice but if I just had a good life and a good job then I would be happy. Kids my age should start thinking about who they want to be because then maybe they will have goals that they want to reach for. The biggest goal I have is to go to college to become a veterinarian. I would also want to go to culinary school to become a chef. Other than that I have no idea who I want to be. There are a lot of things I still need to learn about myself before I figure that out.

  4. 1. Malorie Moen 11-28-11 MW2

    2. Delineate- I think it means that if you describe or talk about something. It really means, to describe or portray precisely. (

    3. My name means, "Unfortunate" and it was a character in the show, "family ties." My last name, Moen means, "plain" and it's Norwegian.

    4. I want to be someone who helps others. It feels good to help other people with things, and it makes them feel good too. I would also like to be known as the really nice girl. Everyone likes it when people are nice. This should be easy for me to achieve. I am already nice to people, so I'm on my way to success. Helping people a lot, will also get me where I would like to be. Doing a lot of community service, would show everyone, that helping others is something everyone can do.

  5. 1. Sam Love 11/28/11 mw2
    2. Mine- Shows who you are
    Dictionary- describe or portray (something) precisely
    3. The meaning of the name Samuel is: Name of God, asked of God, heard by God. The word love means an intense feeling of deep affection.
    4. When I grow up I hope to be successful. Be able to go to college. Get a job, and hold on my own. To achieve this I need to try hard in school. Nowadays in this world without an education there is a little chance of having many things you would want. To achieve these goals you need to be determined. Try to excel in something you enjoy.

  6. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 11/28/11

    2. to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline; represent pictorially

    3. The name Jacob means "held by the heel." The name Robinson means "son of the Robin."

    4. I hope to be a great athlete while growing up and to be in shape. I also hope to have a family and to live in a good house. I would hope to achieve these hopes by not being lazy and get active and not eat a lot of junk food. Achieving my goal of have a family and live in a good house would be to be nice and kind to others and to get married some day. Having a good paying job would be a goal I would want to get so I can have a good amount of money to pay towards my family and my needs and wants.

  7. 1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 11-28-11

    2. Delineate is what will make you what your are, ,it is the outline. DEFINE: describe or portray (something) precisely

    3. My first name, Mckenzie has a Scottish origin and it means "The fair one."
    My last name Barth is English and means "son of the Earth" or "Farmer of the land."

    4. I hope to be a person that is always there for a friend, someone that gives back to the community. I would like to be able to maybe drop some of my life (soccer) sometimes and help children that don't have any siblings or a family that really cares like mine. Maybe a Big Brother/Sister type thing when I'm older will be good. I would like to be a teacher. These goals can be achieved by not only the help and support of my friends and family, but me myself staying focused on academics, and doing what I love. I love being with little kids and helping them I hope this quality of myself is not lost as time moves on.

  8. 1. Abby Schoonover 11/28/11 MW2

    2.Delineate- To describe
    Dictionary- Describe or portray precisely.

    3. My first name "Abby" comes from the Hebrew origin. It means a father's joy. My last name, "Schoonover" is made of two words, Schoon and Hoven. Schoon meaning beautiful and Hoven meaning Haven.

    4. When I am older I hope to be a successful person. I want to have a family and a house to keep them safe. I want to be able to support my kids and encourage them. I am hopeful. I hope to have a good paying job that I enjoy. I will go to college to pursue this plan. I will take advice from people who have made their future a successful one. Everyday I will grow to be a stronger person and learn from my mistakes.

  9. LeAnn Howe 11-28-11 MW2
    2. Delineate means to support your actions. The dictionary definition means to describe or portray.

    3. LeAnn is a modern name combining the names Lee (dweller by the wood or clearing) and Anne (gracious, full of grace). Howe is a name for one who lived on a hill or a man made mound.

    4. I hope to be a caring person. By this I mean someone who helps people and animals but yet someone who still cares for themselves. Achieving this means to go to college. This will allow me to do a career I'm interested in. My thoughts are focused on being veterinarian. By being a veterinarian, I will be able to help animals. Bringing animals back to health will put their owners at ease so they know everything is all right. Being a veterinarian is a package deal.

  10. 1. Sammy Sutton, 11-28-11, MW2
    2. Too describe someone, or yourself.
    Dictionary definition-Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    Indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary).
    3. Sammy(short for Samson) means Sun Child; bright sun. Sutton means "The Town To The South"
    4. I hope to be one of those people who is always offering to help, and who is always there for people when they need it. To achieve this means being able to take care of myself, if I'm not able to handle myself, how will I be able to handle others? Keeping good grades in school will help also because who will hire someone with a poor record? Achieving these things won't be easy, but I'll give it my best.

  11. Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Megan Gunderson 11-28-11 MW2

    2. Define the word "delineate" (First use your own understanding - then provide the dictionary definition)
    My Definition:Delineate means to to describe something with detail
    Dictionary Definition:
    1.Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    2.Indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary)

    3. Look up your name - provide some insight into what your first and last name means. You may use google to name search meanings.
    My first name is used as an independent first name throughout Britain and in America and elsewhere in the English-speaking world.The definition of my name is, a female given name. Originally a Welsh pet form of Margaret, now often used as an independent given name.Megan also means pearl in greek.My last name,Gunderson contains within it an intense emotional power that could drive you to put forth great effort to accomplish your ambitions and to do something noteworthy and worthwhile.

    4. When I grow up I would like to be an architect.It is my life long dream to go to Michigan or Michigan State!I would like to take classes to expand my knowledge in architects and architectural drafting.Since I was 5 I have always known that I wanted to be an architect.I love drawing and designing.When I was around 7 I built a famous house called Falling Water out of lego.I hope to be a Architect that sets good example and makes lots of money.I would really like to continue my education and keep my eye on the goal.

  12. 1.Matt Pankow Mw2 11-28-11

    2. The definition to me is to describe something in your own words like a definition but in your own words and what you think. When you describe something it is coming from your sense and what you say is what you think in your mind.

    Real definition - To define or portray something precisely.

    3. Matthew is a given name that comes from the Hebrew name Matityahu. It was first named to Saint Matthew, who was one of the twelve disciples and credited with the honor of the Gospel of Matthew.

    4. I hope to be the best person I can be. I don't want to be a person i'm not to impress someone else i would just like to be my own personality and not change anything about my self. It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like it really just matters about whats inside. A motto anybody could live by could be who you are not someone who you wish you could be. Don't let your friends change who you are be yourself and if they don't except you for who you are they are not good enough to be your friend.

  13. 1. Matt Strong MW2 11/28/11

    2. My definition - Who you are and how you act.
    Real definition - Describe or portray.

    3. My first name means the gift of god.
    My last name means generally a nickname for a strong man but perhaps sometimes applied ironically to a weakling.

    4. I hope to be a veterinarian. Achieving this goal means going to a good college. I plan on going to MSU for at least 4 years. I'm aiming for 6 years in college though. In my efforts to become a veterinarian I must succeed in college as well as in high school. I can't go to MSU or any other college if I don't have good grades in high school. To become a veterinarian my family as well as myself must go all the way and never stop moving on.

  14. 1.Bryce Heatwole, 11-28-11, MW2
    2. I think delineate means to show, in this case show who you are. The real meaning is indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary).
    3. My first name means dappled or freckled. This comes from the french. My last name is from the indians.
    4. I hope to be a nice person. When I grow up people hopefully will know me by what nice things im doing in that time. It would be cool to be known as a nice person that helps everybody out. If people wanted to be as nice as me that would make me happy. That is what I hope to be.

  15. Evan Bauer 11/28/11 MW2 republish
    4. I hope to be me. Hope that I can achieve every thing and that I can help people who aren't as lucky as me. Can achieve this by working my hardest. Can achieve my goal by living my life to the fullest and not letting opportunities to help people pass by. Help people with food and clothing. Help them with there life and give them a shoulder to cry on and a base to standee on I will become a person to help people, because I'm already that person, just not ready to take on all the responsibilities of it yet.

  16. 1. Zack Fuller MW2 11-28-11

    2. I think delineate means to sketch.
    Dictionary definition for delineate is to trace or outline.

    3. Zachary means God has remembered.
    Jourdan means down flowing.
    Fuller means one who cleaned and thickened raw cloth by beating and trampling it in water.

    4. My hope would to be a professional football player for any team but the dallas cowboys. But first want to go to the University of Michigan to play football. To achieve this by getting really good grades and studying. I could achieve this by practicing a lot witch I'm all ready doing. It would to be working on tackling in open field and passing. But I have 4 years in high school before the rest of my life that is the time to achieve these goals

  17. 1. Eddie Roberts, 11-28-11, mw2
    2. Delineate means to describe something and to say what it means. Dictionary: To describe or portray something exactly.
    3. My first name (Eddie) means a rich guard. The meaning of my last name (Roberts) is "Bright Fame."
    4. I hope to be a very caring person. Always give until there is nothing left. Then have a family and a nice place to live. Once settled in, hopefully become a professional athlete. Achieving this means to work very hard and practice a lot. Practicing right now on being a caring person in school would be good for me. If these things don't happen it will still be okay. But then work harder and harder to achieve these goals.

  18. 1. Jonathan Haddon nov 28th 2011

    2. To chose, to describe or portray something.

    3. Jonathan Haddon is hebrew it means given of god my number is 7 it means analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.

    4. I dont know who I want to be but I do know that it involves the military I hope to get good grades to achieve this and I also have to start turning in my home work so I can get good grades and achieve the military career I want

  19. 1. Joshua Helm 11-28-11 MW2

    2. Inspire (self) describe or portray (dictionary)

    3. I'm a sensitive person, easygoing. 1st name Savior/deliverer? (LAST NAME) English, German, and Dutch: metonymic occupational name for a maker of helmets, from Middle English, Middle High German, Middle Dutch helm.
    German and Dutch: from a medieval personal name, a short form of any of the various compound names formed with helm ‘helmet’.

    4. I hope to be a Game Designer because I will work hard always and push myself with correct motivation. I hope to achieve it by living my life to the fullest. Achieving this means going to college and graduating getting a Job. My life should go until the flame of life in me dies. The 1 Achievement is I make a great Video Game. Achieving this one goal is all I would truly need to die happy.

  20. Timmy Uppleger 11-28-11 MW2

    2. Delineate is to explane an item. DEF Describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. In google I searched my name and my hockey scores came up from a tournament state wars . All my scores, goals, and assists came up on the computer. (Representing the state of Michigan AAA hockey player.) In the 1920's there were 3 families living in michigan with my last name. Also it says My last name is German.
    4. I hope it be a very successful person in the future. I would like to be successful in hockey and be in the NHL. The ways I can achieve it is to work hard, dont give up and go 100% the whole I am on the ice. Another way is to practice and listen to what the coach ses. Sometime in the future I hope I am in the NHL.

  21. 1. Mikal LaButte 11/28/11 MW2
    2. "Delineate" means to explain something. Describe or portray.
    3. The meaning of Mikal is "who resembles God?". LaButte means, lament of the mound.

    4. when I grow up I will be a very caring, loving, friend full and kind man. I will achieve this goal by helping others in need when they need it donating to charities, giving back to the community and more. To help me achieve this goal I will also donate my time in soup kitchens also help out at homeless shelters but I cant do this without an education from college. So then after college I will set out to get a job and help people along the way.

  22. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 11-28-11 MW2

    2. My definition- To bring out.
    Dictionary definition- to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline; represent pictorially.

    3. My first name, Kaitlyn, is Old English for Blessed, Pure, and Holy Beauty. It can also mean "a loyal girl, very indecisive, looks beyond looks (see's peoples inner personality) very noisy, and loud"
    My last name, Lechtanski, has three sections. Lech mean one who was a nobleman. Tan means dweller at, or near, a forest. Ski means son or daughter.

    4. I hope to be the same person I am now. I love who I am. Being me, my choice is to be a famous performer. People are finally starting to recognize me. I want to learn to be better and to be known for being the best I can be. The only way to achieve this is to be the best I can be. With help from my family, we have been working hard on theater and my voice, and my Grandmother has been tell people about me. I am getting out there, I only needed a push.

  23. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Alex Smith, MW4, 11-28-11

    2. Well in the context of the quote, "Action will delineate and define you", I assume that it means that it describes what kind of person you are.
    Describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. My name is Alexis. My father had a friend, who was Russian, named Алексе́й. It's usually romanized as Alexey. My Father named me Alexis, which is originally Greek for "to help", however my name is pronounced the Russian way as Alexey. I don't tend to correct people when they say it wrong though. People who get the surname "Smith" tended to be smiths. Like blacksmiths.

    4. I know who I am, which is different from most children my age. My age range is that impressionable time when people are learning who they are. I'm ahead of the game. I know MY morals, MY beliefs, and what kind of person I want to be. I tend to think about what I'll do when I'm older. I want to be an English professor. I want to study the development of the English language. It just fascinates me, and if I could make a profession out of my natural curiosity of the language I speak, then I'll be a happy camper. The only way I can do that is to go to college. I'm worried if I'm going to get a scholarship. I can go to college without a scholarship, but I don't want to put that kind of a financial burden on my grandparents.

  24. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 11/28/11
    2. Delineate means it will show who you really are and it will show your true self. Delineate Dictonary definition: Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. Camryn- Bent nose, Origin: Celtic/Gaelic. Ozuch- Polish origin, Oz-stength, Uch- A new chapter in your life; moving on.
    4. I hope to be somebody who changed the world in some way. Getting the Nobel Peace prize would be a really great accomplishment thoughout my life too. Helping young children in poor country's would be really fun too. Either building a school or just helping them find food and water for there family. I want to be somebody people can depend on for anything. Weather it being helping with a charity project, or just with school work. I would really love to have people that are dependant on me, so I know that my friends, family, and neighbors all know that they have someone to go to in a time of need or even just to talk with and have lunch.

  25. 1. Aaron Durham 11-28-11 MW4

    2. Delineate means to trace the outline of something in a sketch or trace in an outline.

    3. Aaron is from Hebrew origins and means "mountain of strength" or it could be from Egyptian origins. Durham means English breed of short horned cattle.

    4. When I grow up I hope to be someone that can make a change in peoples lives and be a very successful person it take one to make a change I want to make people think differently about things. I also want them to believe that there are other ways to do things and if you work hard in the end you will get what you please. I want to help other people accomplish goals they never thought they could do I want to help people push there skills to the limit and hopefully that's what I hope to be.

  26. 1. Aaron Durham, 11-28-11, MW4

    2. I think it means that something is very fragile or delegate Delineate means to trace the outline of something in a sketch or trace in an outline.

    3. Aaron is from Hebrew origins and means "mountain of strength" or it could be from Egyptian origins. Durham means English breed of short horned cattle.

    4. When I grow up I hope to be someone that can make a change in peoples lives and be a very successful person it take one to make a change I want to make people think differently about things. I also want them to believe that there are other ways to do things and if you work hard in the end you will get what you please. I want to help other people accomplish goals they never thought they could do I want to help people push there skills to the limit and hopefully that's what I hope to be.

  27. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Nov, 28, 2011

    2. Delineate to me means something a smart person wold say because I don't know what it means, Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    Indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary).

    3. Aaricka, I am named after my dad Erick and his best friend Aaron, St.Pierre is french my dads dad is french.

    4. One day I hope to be a Lawyer. Have a strong, happy, smart, loving family. I want to have a nice home and a job but still be able to be close with my kids. Have a strong relationship and be able to have fun and be there for my family. I want to give my kids the best.

  28. Seth Wilson MW4 Nov-28-2011

    2. own understanding - To be nice. dictionary definition-describe or portray

    3. Wilson means son of Will, Seth means Set appointed.

    4. I hope to be someone of importance, like a leader of some sort. To accomplish this I would have to do very changing or good things. I believe this would be very hard to achieve. Or I could run for president, or be in politics in someway, or form.

  29. 1. Justin Wilson Nov 28th mw4

    2. Too describe someone, or yourself.
    Dictionary definition-Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    Indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary).

    3. Justin means justice; Wilson means son of will
    I wonder if one of my ancestors was a part of law and his name was will

    4. I hope to be one of those people who is always offering to help, and who is always there for people when they need it. To achieve this means being able to take care of myself, if I'm not able to handle myself, how will I be able to handle others? Getting good grades in school will help also because who will hire someone with a poor record? Achieving these things won't be easy, but I'll give it my best.

  30. 1. Ian Grady 11/28/2011 MW4
    2. Delineate means in my terms means to make something more simple. Dictionary terms: To describe something precisely.
    3. Grady: Irish descent means of high rank. Ian: Scottish descent means god is gracious.
    4. I want to be a person someone can talk to and relate to and to make people feel better about themselves or their situations. I want to be the one who everyone is friends with and basically be the go-to-guy. If someone doesn't know who I am fully, they usually hate me but I know true to myself that I can be whoever I want to be. The way I become humble and giving like that is to live what I learn and to always try my best in whatever situation.

  31. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, MW4, 11/28/11
    2. Delineate means to know something, or to shape or outline something.
    3. My name Cheyanne is the capital of Wyoming. Another cool fact about my name is it is the name of a Native American tribe! The tribes lived around the Native Plains. There were around 10 different groups of the Cheyenne tribe. It is spelled a little different then my name though.
    4. When I am older I hope to be a nurse! I would go to college and earn my bachelors degree, and masters degree. I am interested in this job because it would involve helping people. Once I get far enough in this career it sounds fun to me to help soldiers, and be a nurse for the army. It seems like a good job to have because you could be saving life's and helping people. It seems like a job I would be interested in because you help soldiers, while they are helping our country and fighting for us!

  32. Additional comment
    1. Daisy York m/w4 11-28-11
    2. 1.It means to let what you do in life mold you
    2.Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. Daisy comes from the old English name that means day's eye.York comes from a surname that was derived from York, the name of the city in Yorkshire a old country in northern England.
    4. I hope to be someone who achieves the goals set by themselves.To be someone proud of themselves.To achieve these goals I want to continue to follow my mind and heart.Also hopefully to get into Carleton.

  33. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Nicholas Marlatt

    2. What I think that the word delineate means is to search or to find out who you are. What you like what you mean to people and what you think that you can accomplish as you.

    3. Nicholas is a male given name, it comes from the greek name Νικόλαος. It describes the words "Victory" and "People". It became the most popular name do to Saint Nicholas, Otherwise known as santa claus. It was the most popular in 1997 27,248 males were named Nicholas.

    4. I hope to be successful, have a good family, a good friend. I hope to achieve it by getting good grades doing something that i feel is the right thing to do. and doing what i believe in.

  34. 1. Jacob Yannott

    2. The word delineate in my word mean's to dis-obey your own words. Dictionary: To disown your words or actions.

    3. My 1st name is like a " He who supplants" or something like that. And my last name keeps showing up on

    4. I hope to be like Aaron Ross. He is a really good bmx bike rider. I want to be a good BMX bike rider. He can do alot of awesome tricks on a BMX bike! I can only do a couple. He owns his own BMX bike company. I soon want to own and desine my BMX bikes, and bikes parts. so basily I want to a as good as a BMX bike roder as Aaron Ross.

  35. Michael Atwood

    Number 4 do-over

    4. My career will either ba an electrician or a Cellist, I haven't yet decided. I will achieve this by going to college, and sticking with my instrument even if I decide to become an electrician, and work my way up so high that know one can try to push me off. These two professions will support me if one of them backfires on me. Staying with my job, I will try to work hard (I have a procrastination problem to take care of). Eventually I want to make donations and volunteer for charities, then retire among the mountains when enough money is saved or I'm just to old. My plan is not quite finished, but that is basically it.

  36. 1. Austin Wicker 11-28-11 M-W4th

    2. My opinion on delineate is that it will show your true colors or what kind of person you really are.
    Dictionary Definition: To indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines.

    3. Austin comes from the name Augustine and it was popuLAR because of a man named St. Augustine it also means venerated, straightforward, and intelligent. Wicker means someone who lives in an outlying settlement.

    4. I hope to be an intelligent man who has a happy and joyful life. I want to be a kind man who helps people. I want to help by having my own charity. Also I would like to help people by becoming a chiropractor, so I can help people with needs to make them more physically healthy. Helping people is what I want to do and that is what I am going to do. I will help people with my intelligence and mind to make peoples lives better.

  37. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 11/28/11 MW2

    2.To make sense of something Have a better understanding/to portray in words; describe or outline with precision.

    3.My first name Vincent means to Conquer something. My last name Pecoraro means a crazy American Italian Family.

    4.When I'm older I hope to be an Intelligent person who friends and family can really on. I hope to achieve this goal by being respectful to everyone. I will listen to friends or family when they need my help most, or are stuck in a situation. I will study hard and go to collage to get good education. It will help so when people are talking about the hardships in the world I will understand and be engage in the conversation. I hope to understand and help people through my life.

  38. 1. Nick Norman 11-28-11 MW2
    2. I think it means to be yourself and not who other people want you to be.
    Real definition -escribe or portray (something) precisely : the law should delineate and behavior that is socially abhorrent.
    3. Nick means victory of the people Norman means Thor mind, Thor courage
    4. All I want to do is to succeed in life. I want to get good grades throughout school. Score good on the ACT's and the SAT's. Then later, get into a good college and get a job. Then when I get a family to support that family, love them, and care for them. You can't just have any job you need a job your good at, gets paid a lot. So, I would love to succeed in life. It would me a lot

  39. 1. Jake Landsberger 11/29/11 TT2

    2. Who you really are or what you feel. Describe or portray exactly or precisely.

    3. My name means one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another. My last name means that one of my ancestors was from Landsberg.

    4. When I am older and become a young adult I hope to become a hero. Not a hero in super form but in the eyes of my family. I hope to be in the criminal justice system as well as serve in the military as a U.S. Marine and I know that just by doing that and helping my country I can be a hero in my families eyes.

  40. 1. William McNamee 11/29/11 TT2
    2. Mine- to describe
    Computer's- to describe something
    3. My first name means protector and my last means "Hound of Meath"
    4. I would like to be a person who sees good in every person that I meet. Trusting more people would be a great way for me to accomplish this. My sister makes me want to do it because she is always so trusting and people never let her down. When ever I meet her friends they are always really nice so I guess she is a good judge of character. She inspires me to try harder at my goal of only seeing good in people.

  41. 1. Cody Musulin 11/29/11 TT2

    2. To have a better understanding of something/someone Def: To describe or portray.

    3. Cody means Helpful.

    4. I hope to be a very helpful and achieving man. To own a great home and family, to live with for the rest of my life. Also I hope to have a job that I don't mind doing, or even owning a building. People have a lot of hopes and dreams, but there are only a couple that are true dreams. True dreams are dreams that you live for, for me, I want a family and a house, those are true dreams.

  42. 1. Caeley Hendee, 11-29-11, TT2

    2. Delineate means you care about them, but you don't just care about them, you respect them.

    3. Caeley means "Descendant of Caollaidhe" Hen- is a female chicken. Dee- A river flowing in the Cairngorm Mountains of eastern Scotland.

    4. I hope to be someone that succeeds in their career. Intelligent and work hard in my career, has time passes on. I know things might be bad at times, and you will stuck and you can't do anything. Things will happen, my family is in that situation like that right now. Someday get rid of cancer, and have a cure for cancer any type. Helping people or taking care of kids on my free time. Being married and having kids. Achieving my goal of going to Michigan or Michigan State college. Has I go through life I will make mistakes, and that's how we learn.

  43. 1. Paige Leatherman 11/29/11 TT2

    2. To me "delineate" means to help. It really means to sketch or trace.

    3. My first name Paige means young child. My last name Leatherman means a Leather worker, or one who tanned leather.

    4. I would like to be someone who gives to others. Someone who grows up with lots of achievements. Helping and giving to others is another thing I would like to do.

  44. Brandon Wiese 11/28/11 TT2

    2. To me delineate means to be in some kind of mood or way. The dictionary definition is to describe or portray precisely.

    3. My first name in Ireland means "little raven" and in England it means "derived from a surname and place name based on the Old English for hill covered with broom". My last name means dweller in, or near a meadow.

    4.You know that person that talks to there friends to make them happy when there sad? Thats what I want to be like. That person that everybody loves to talk to when there sad. So then it will make them feel good and it will make me feel good. To achieve this I will have to stay active with the people around me. Staying limber with my friends is the key. So when they need to talk to me about something wrong I can be there for them. Hopefully my friends will do the same for me because when my friends are sad it makes my day sad too.

  45. 1.) Lexi Gross 11/29/11 T-T-2

    -I don't really know what delineate exactly means but I have an idea. define is what delineate means. It is defining an object with very detailed description.
    -To describe or to portray (something) precisely

    3.)You probably already know my last name, but if you don't, it's Gross. So my name was relatively easy to find. It means unattractively large or bloated. Also you could use my name with income, profit, or interest, without deduction of tax or other contributions; total. My first name (Alexis) is a German name and it means pretty, confident, intelligent and nice girl.

    4.) I hope to be the best mother I can be to two children, boy and girl. I want to become a successful business owner to an interior design company. My husband will be smart kind and generous. The hungry and the elderly are important to me so the money made by me and my family will be donated to them for food, clothing, etc. A dream of mine isn't to be this rich girl with all the fame and fortune. My dream in life is to be surrounded with the friends and family that I love so dearly. Be kind, and live the life you want, because you don't get to live it twice.

  46. 1. Marissa Moore 11/29/11 TT2

    2. Delineate is to know who or what you are. Dictionary Definition-Describe or portray something.

    3. My first name is Marissa, which means "of the sea". My last name which is Moore (But was originally O' Moore before my ancestors changed it) means stately, great, and noble.

    4. When I'm older, I want to be a very helpful, kind, caring, honest, and loving person that friends and family can count on no matter what. On top of that, I would like to become a professional dancer, and eventually run my own dance studio and teach classes. I hope to achieve this by keeping up with my competitive dance, pushing myself as hard as I can, and always do my best. I want to major in dance in college, but I need to research which school has the best dance program. After I graduate from college, I would like to go to France for a few years to study where ballet originated from. I want to study dance there, and learn as much as I can so I can come back and try to start a career.

  47. 1. Jade Cogar 11-29-11 TT2

    2. The word delineate means to me is like to describe. The definition is to describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. My first name Jade means a hard typically green stone used for ornaments and implements and consisting of the minerals Jadeite or nephrite. My name in French is le jade, in Spanish it is piedra de ijada. My last name Cogar means a small town in Oklahoma.

    4. When I am older I want to be a designer. I want to be a designer for one good reason and that reason is that some designers only design for skinny women and they don't make nice and pretty clothes for they bigger people. For me I would have to go through high school and go through 2 years of designing school.

  48. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 11/29/11

    2. Delineate means to me punish or hurt. The actual meaning of delineate means that it's an act, a precise act.

    3. Blake means to be very dark, or very light skinned and haired. A while back, my last Lapum, was originally Lapham. Lap meaning to be tag, and ham meaning a low flat countryside or river.

    4. In life, I hope to be very successful. There are many ways of achieving this. The first thing is to do well in school, and get good grades in hopes of being successful. I have to be a good kid. In order to get into a good college and get good grades, wasting my time doing things that aren't aloud and can't be doing or don't need to be doing, isn't going to help me. Having bad things on my record will not help me get into a good college. Overall, I really want to have a good job and be successful and I have to be good to achieve this goal.

  49. 1.Caleb hudson 11-29-11 tt2
    2.It may mean that it shapes who we are.It means to define or portray.
    3.My first name means dog in Hebrew. and another person I might have been named after was Caleb one of the only people to see the promised land.My last name means Son of HUDDE. a famous bearer of the surname was the english explorer Henry Hudson.
    4.I hope to be an architect when I grow up.Being a helpful person would be a start. Achieving this by will be easier with others.I'm already nice to everyone I meet and I will go to college to learn more about being an architect.I am already in construction tech and am learning more about being an architect. Thats who I hope to be and how much this means to me.

  50. 1. Maddie Haas 11/29/11 2TT
    2. My definition- to separate yourself from other people. To make yourself stand out in a good way. Dictionary definition- to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline; represent pictorially
    3. My first name, Madison, means Son/Daughter of Matthew or Maude. It's funny because my dad's name is Matthew and he didn't know that when he named me that. My last name means dweller at the sign of the hare; one thought to possess some of the characteristics of a hare.
    4. I hope to be someone that my parents can be proud of. I want to be someone that everyone wants to friend because I am a nice and helpful person. Everyone strives to be the best person they can be, but they don't take chances and try to be the best you can be. I don't want to be better than everyone, I just want to be better than me. I want to be the best "me" there is. I will be someone helpful that will to make a difference. But most of all, I don't want to make people ashamed of being my friend or family member, I want them to be thankful that they are my friend or family member because I love everybody. I really want to make a difference in someone's eyes. That will make me feel good and them feel good.

  51. 1. Elle Kennedy 11/29/11 TT2

    2. My understanding of the word delineate is to have a better understanding of something. Dictionary- Describe or portray something precisely.

    3. My first name Elle is from France and is French for she. It also means honorable. My last name Kennedy's origin is Gaelic and means armored head.

    4. When I am older I hope to be an outgoing, kind and intelligent person and someone that my friends and family can rely on. It is important to listen to family and friends when they need your help if you want to be a reliable person. To become the person I hope to be I will need to go to college, study hard, do all of the work that needs to be done and be responsible about it instead of waiting until the last minute to get it done, it is never a good idea and you will get a better grade on it if you start ahead of time and have solid project or essay. Overall I want to be successful and a helpful person.

  52. 1.Brooke Boyd tt2 11-29

    2.delineate-my meaning is what your true self is.
    delineate-portray exactly (something).

    3. Brooke-water,stream,short.
    Boyd-blonde and yellow.

    4. When im older I would like to be respectful to one another. Always be nice and treat others the way that I would like to be treated. When im older I would like to be a nurse as a nurse I'd like to help other's and change lives. Helping people when im older is what i'd love to do. I'll will try hard to always try my best and never give up.

  53. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Gursherveen Kaur, 11/29/11, TT2

    2. The word "delineate" is a very powerful word in your life .It is maybe the position of an object place or someone in this world .The definition of this particular word is it describe the portray of something precisely.

    3.The meaning of my first name Gursherveen is the lord's eye.The meaning of my middle name Kaur is (Punjabi: ਕੌਰ Sikhism (meaning: "Princess or Lioness") is a mandatory middle name or last name for female Sikhs, in the same way as Singh is for male Sikhs.The meaning of my last name dhaliwal is (Punjabi: ਧਾਲੀਵਾਲ) is a large Jatt clan found mainly in the Malwa portion of Punjab, Haryana also it's gotra in Yaduvanshi Ahirs[2] It is considered to be an old Jatt clan with history dating back over 1000 years. The dhaliwal is most likely by the sikh religonTwo Ancestors of Dhaliwals are still worshipped by some Dhaliwals even todayDhaliwals defeated Cheemas and captured Kangar. They built a fort at Kangar and moved toward Moga, Punjab. At Dina which is 2 km north of Kangar was visited by the tenth Guru Gobind Singh ji and was were the Guruji wrote the famous zafarnama to the mughal emperor Aurengzeb.

    4. My future occupation is to be a plastic surgeon or study law at oversees so that I would have a better carrier in my life .The purpose that I would like to be a plastic surgeon is because I would like to help many people in my entire life and I would like to be free from all those diseases.In the study of law I would like to defend people and restore as much evidence as I could to the innocence.

  54. 1. Jordan Danko 11/29/11 TT2

    2. Delineate is to define something. The dictionary definition is to describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. The name jordan is hebrew meaning descend. Danko means god is my judge.

    4. I hope to be an intelligent, successful person in life. Raising a healthy family and having a successful job are two very important goals in my life. I hope to achieve these goals by going to college. Going to college will allow me to get into a job easier. Being a person that many people trust and care for would be the best thing I could ask for.

  55. 1. Darren Murray 11/29/11 TT2

    2. Someone or something important. _ Describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. First name meaning- "great" first used in the 20th century in the TV series, Bewitched.
    Last name meaning- Its both Irish and Scottish and it means, "By the sea".

    4. Hoping and to achieve, to be a good person help out when not needed but if needed still help, to treat and be treated with respect. Hoping to be famous and wealthy for helping out no matter what it is. Hoping to become a person that is a normal person but in an unusual way. And if this goal is not achieved I have failed.

  56. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Heather Linn, 11/29/11, TT2

    2. The word Delineate, to me means, it will help you or guide you. The real meaning is Describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. My name, Heather, means a purple flower, or shrub. My last name, Linn, In german, where it was originally from, it means the water under the waterfall. It could also mean a swamp.

    4. When I'm older I'm going to be some one who is always there for others, and gives help to people who need it. When I'm older I'm probably going to help people with issues, for example like loosing a family member or someone close to them. In whatever career that I get I hope to be successful. It would be nice to have a big, loving family. Also, I hope to achieve putting others before me. It would be a good goal making sure everyone in my family is happy and healthy. Basically my main goal is to help others.

  57. 1. Michael Hamilton 11-29-11 TT2
    2. I thank it mean to care and the definition describe something precisely.
    3. my name mean American guitarist, singer and songwriter.
    4. What want to do is be a engineer Because I like to put stuff together. Some of my family are engineer and it look like a lot of fun. Since I want to be part of the U.S military to fight for freedom. Also I want to have a good Quality of life

  58. 1. Eric Wolfe 11/29/11 TT2
    2. It means to define yourself. Clearly stated or decided.
    3. Eric is derived from the Old Norse name Eerier. The Wolfe is an old-time enemy of Superman
    4. When I am older Im going to be a very smart person. I want to get into a good college where I can get my degree. After college I hope to go into a stable job and get a house. I will gett there by studying hard on quiz's and test's. I want to be the best I can be.

  59. 1. Jensen Borkowkski TT2 11/29/11
2. Understanding: delineate means to understand something 
Dictionary: Describe or portray something precisely. 

    3. The name Borkowski is said to originate from "borek" meaning small forest. The end of my name- owski- is a common indication of a Polish name. The beginning of my name- bork- means to fight.
4. When thinking of what my future would look like, I would hope to be a successful, giving, and smart person. Being someone my family would be proud of, and someone I can be proud of is very important to me. Being successful as in making money, having a good job, taking good care of my family, and doing the things I like to do as well is also important. Respecting the people around me and the people working with me is a big goal of mine. I'll be there for friends when they need me. I would like to think of myself as someone my friends and family know they can rely on.

  60. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 11/29/11

    2. Delineate is to define something. The dictionary definition is to describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. My first name has a French origin, and it means "God will increase". My last name has an English origin and means "of the forest"

    4. I hope to be an intelligent, successful person in life. Raising a healthy and loving family and having a successful job being a mechanic, those are my two very important goals in my life. I hope to achieve these goals by going to college. Going to college will allow me to get into a job being a mechanic much easier. Being a person that many people trust and care for would be the best thing I could ask for in my life.

  61. 1. Molly Aills 11/29/11 TT4

    2. To delineate is to define, to spell out what something is. The dictionary definition is to describe or betray something precisely.

    3. My name, Molly, in Hebrew, means bitter or rebel, in Irish it means bitter. When I got a name analysis it told me that my nature was versatile, musical, artistic but independent, and I needed freedom to express my ideas, abilities and to be happy. My last name, Aills, means Brave, Big, Sublime, Good, Easy, Loud, Beautiful, Smooth, Bright, Roundish and Mighty.

    4. I want to be a happy, intelligent person in my life. To be happy, for me, is to not have a lot of money, but to have a family that I care about. My parents think so, too, and I've been raised in that belief. Intelligence is a major plus for me , and I want to go to a good college. My goal is to meet a nice person and to have a family. A lot of money is not a necessity, a family and a lot of love is all we need. All you really need in life is a strong family to support you. My hope is that I will find a perfect partner as my parents did for each other.

  62. 1. Steven Nichols 11-29-11

    2. Delineate- to show your shelf in a different way. Escribe or portray.

    3. Steven- can be a bit of a jerk but has a soft sensitive side when u get to know him. he is also quite the comedian.
    Nichols- English and Dutch: patronymic from Nichol. Jewish (American): Americanized form of any of various like-sounding Jewish names.

    4. The Person that I would Like to be would be a nascar driver and donate haft of all my winning to a cancer care center. I hope to be a hero and meet the person who fought cancer and and lived because of me. That would make me so happy to know that someone didn't die because of me. Thats million should do.

  63. 1. Lexi Cox, 11/29/11 TT4

    2. The word "delineate" to me means describe. The dictionary definition means, describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. My first name Lexi comes from the Greek and it means "man's defender". My last name Cox is from the English, and originated from the Welsh word coch, meaning "red."

    4. One day I hopes to be able to help kids in different countries that don't get the right amount of nutrition and food that they need. Myself would love help kids that do not get the opportunity to get an education to build schools and teach teachers how to educate the kids. Someday my heart wants to help give the children hygiene supplies to stay healthy, and bring doctors down to give them their shots. I plan on achieving this goal by going on several mission trips with my church and one day starting an organization and being able to be the leader of it.

  64. 1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 11-29-11
    2. Delineate is what I consider as to show your true colors or who you are. Like how actions can be stronger then words. The dictionary states that it means to describe or define.
    3. To the Greek, Kirsten means "The Annointed" but the name itself is Danish, Norwegian and English. In latin it also means "Follower in Christ". Brydon means dweller at or near the broad hill.
    4. I hope to help people in my life everyday. Since bad things do happen in the world, it would be better in my opinion to help them in any way possible. The meaning always known to me about my name was "follower in Christ", my hopes is that I can live up to that meaning and just be there for people. To be successful in this, maybe it would be a good idea for me to do things such as volunteer or maybe just do the same for the people around me everyday, which may lead up to achieving this dream. The only way to truly achieve this goal is step up and start now. My hopes is that somehow I will help others in any way possible.

  65. 1. Sam Mynarcik tt4 11/29/11
    2. To destroy something to get it out. Dictionary to sketch an outline.
    3. Samuel means name of God or God has heard. My last name Mynarcik has over 25 meanings, but the man ones are feminine, safe, good, tender, short.
    4. I hope to be a Sales Person one day because it could benefit my shyness. Even though went through speech in elementary school to say words correctly and such and there is still some words that giving me a trouble time. One of the reasons is to help my communication skills and to benefit in life as well. Some people think I would be good as a teacher and it would be good for me to be a sales person. To me it is interesting even though there is other good opportunities for me.

  66. 1. Julianna Welling 11/28/11
    2. delineate- shows how you are dictionary meaning-describe or portray (something) precisely
    3. Last name is a district in London and first came from Julianus and made Julius and Juliana
    4.Hope to serve my country. I always felt we have so many good things in are life. Have done nothing to deserve it. We wanted to go into the army, me and my sister. Older I could never shoot a gun knowing it would hurt some one. Fight is not the answer most of the time. Help my country is what my hope is. Any one could help just by pick up garbage off the ground. Some people want to do more you could just do things that are right and help make something better for other people not you. A lot feel people feel like this and it is a good thing. People should help are country, we owe it to the country.

  67. 1. Devin Bryant 11/29/11 ††4
    2. Understanding something for my definition but the real one is to describe or portray something
    3. My first name devin means decedent of the dark haired man and my last name was originally obryant and that means it started out as brian a popular name in france and england and the names from irish
    4. my self hopes hopes to be a savior to some people by joining the army. And going into the war, when im needed so then myself will protect my country. From terrorist or from them destroying there country but if me and others that i know go into the war it will bring sadness to our holmes if any of us gets hurt or injured.

  68. 1. Sam Hall 11-29-2011 TT4

    2. Delineate means to describe or portray something.

    3. Samuel comes from the Hebrew language and means "His name is God", Phillip from the greek words phillos and hippos and means "Lover of horses", and Hall comes from the word "halle" which referred to a large house or manor, as a name it relates to the servants working in the manor house of a local lord, in Norse Hall means "hero".

    4. I hope to be important, to do something that everyone will remember, my first name means "his name is god" and my last name means "hero" so I'm guessing that means something. Since my middle name means "lover of horses" my future probably has to do with animals. If I work hard in high school and college and get into Michigan State's veterinary school I will start my own clinic here in Pinckney.

  69. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Milan Mihajlovski 11-29-11

    2. What I think this means is that you help your self by acting out what your like, like your personality. And the dictionary's definition is describe or portray (something) precisely

    3. My first name Milan means "beloved" My last name means "son of".

    4. I am a champion!, This is what my football coach told me and my team when we where playing to make us believe in are selfs. And when My Coach told me this I believed what he said. Being a champion is a life time thing for me. He gave me pride to do better in school and in football when there. What he said made me a better learner plus wanting to help people in the future by telling them they are a champion.

  70. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Name Date Hour
    2.describe or portray (something) precisely
    3. it means angels

    4. What I would like to do when I get older is to be detective to stop drugs with kids and things that have to do with drugs. One of the ways I'm going to achieve this goal is to talk with the student go to small towns and talk with some of the kids that might know who are doing the drugs and in other bad situation's. Other ways to achieve my goal is to have someone young to go under cover as a student to figure it out who might be involved with drugs. The reason why this is my goal is that people die form drugs and also suicides. Also it scares me know that so many people have died form this in the high school that it makes me not want to go to our high school. That is want im going to do when I'm older.

  71. 1. Joseph Swaney 11/30/11
    2. As it is used: Actions will show your true being. Casually: Show the truth, or just showing something. Dictionary: Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. Joseph - Well, as any name there is tons of meanings. The reason I think my name was thought of, is because Joseph was Jesus' step father. (Father pretty much) Swaney - I'm not sure really, something originating from Scottland I believe though, because this is what I got from some research. "Scottish: probably an occupational name for a servant or retainer"
    4. I hope to be who I want to be. Not who someone else wants me to be, and what I want to be is a programmer. I can achieve my goal by doing what I'm doing, programming small projects on my computer, going to school, and getting help from anyone I can. I enjoy doing it a ton and program a little bit everyday. I really hope I follow through with it.

  72. 1. Kyle Gonos 11-30-11 MW4 (Absent on 11-28-11)
    2. My understanding- Delineate is something that shows who you are, so it defines you. Dictionary: to trace the outline of.
    3. Kyle- Narrow land; handsome Gonos- unable to find
    4. I want to be a professional sports player. My number one sport that I want to go far in is soccer. I plan on achieving this goal by practicing everyday and never stopping. Also by also ways taking my coaches advice and having him help me. I have wanted to go far in this since I was about 4 or 5. This is very important in my life and it will be very hard to achieve.

  73. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 11/28/11
    I think the word delineate means take you somewhere. Delineate does mean to trace the shape or outline of. Also, to represent pictorially in a chart or diagram, portray in words with detail.
    3. Genelle is a variant of "Gina" - an Italian name which means "Garden." The origin is Old English. Galliher is a variant of the common spelling 'Gallagher’. ORIGIN of the Gallagher surname (and all of its many variant spellings) is from County Donegal in Ireland. Galliher is a derivative of OGallchobhair,meaning "of the foriegner(s) {come to our} aid (assist, help, succor)."
    4. I hope to be an animal trainer. I will go to college to learn the skills necessary to do the job.

  74. 1. Payton Rentsch, 11-30-11, mw2

    2. "Delineate" to destroy something
    Dictionary to sketch an outline

    3. Payton-"fighting man's estate."
    Rentsch- could not find
    I want to be a nice helpful person, A job that could help me achieve that is being a teacher. There usually nice and they help kids do there best. Teachers usually help kids with there work and help them get there grades up. They want to see them get good grades and see they feel good about there grades.

  75. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Josh Mick 11/30 TT4
    2. Delineate to me means letting people know who you really are. The dictionary definition of delineate means to describe or portray something.
    3. My name Josh means "Jehovah is salvation" and Mick means a term for an Irish person.
    4. Someday I hope to be a crime investigator. I could achieve this by studying the things they do to be successful. I would be looking forward to working with different people to put someone to justice.

  76. 1. Kyle Shehan, 12-8-11, TT2

    2.To show people you true colors, Definition describe or portray something.

    3 Kyle means Handsome, and I can not find what Shehan means

    4.Someday I hope to be an author. Because when I am writhing it does not feel like a chore or a punishment It feels right. Now that might sound crazy but it is the truth.

  77. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 11/28/11
    2. Delineate means it will show who you really are and it will show your true self. Delineate Dictonary definition: Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. Camryn- Bent nose, Origin: Celtic/Gaelic. Ozuch- Polish origin, Oz-stength, Uch- A new chapter in your life; moving on.
    4. I hope to be somebody who changed the world in some way. Getting the Nobel Peace prize would be a really great accomplishment throughout my life too. Helping young children in poor country's would be really fun too. Either building a school or just helping them find food and water for there family. I want to be somebody people can depend on for anything. Weather it being helping with a charity project, or just with school work. I would really love to have people that are dependent on me, so I know that my friends, family, and neighbors all know that they have someone to go to in a time of need or even just to talk with and have lunch.

  78. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Olivia Sdao Dec. 8,2011
    2. delineate is about your self, dictionary: to describe or portray something
    3. my last name means the heart of the angeles and my name means It is Latinate, coined by Shakespeare for the rich heiress wooed by the duke in Twelfth Night (1599)....

    4. When I get older I hope to be a famous photographer for a famous magazine. Also be a famous artiest. The reason why I would like to do thoughts things is I enjoy taking photos and painting and drawing in my art room. That is what I will do when Im older.

  79. 1. Sam Dovin.12-9-11.MW2

    2. What I thought:Make or create Dictionary:Describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. Samantha means great listener to god. Chantal means Stones Dovin example Dov in pool.

    4. I hope to be a amazing mom, wife and person in anyway. I would always be there for everyone and be everything everyone needs me to be. I think I will achieve it because when I am older I will learn those things.

  80. 1. Jake Belford 12/8/11 tt2

    2. Delineate means to make or define something. Delineate really means to describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. Belford means one who came from Belford, in Northumberland. Jacob means Supplanter; held by the heel, a Hebrew meaning.

    4. I hope to be a kind person that brings a smile to my friends faces. Being kind will make a more happy life for me and my family. This will help myself become an oncologist because the people who will work with me will like me and be happy. I will achieve by staying kind and happy for the rest of my life. This will be achived because I want a happier life and if I set an example maybe others will follow, so I can achive who I want to be.

  81. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 12-12-11 MW2

    2. To describe yourself / To describe or portray (something) precisely

    3. My first name Katelyn means "Pure" and my last name means "Loving"

    4. I would love to be a vet. I love animals and what better job than becoming a vet. I am very good with animals, especially dogs. I want to become a vet because I want to see different kinds of animals. I want to go to a good college to get a goos vet job somewhere. That is what I want to be when I grow up.

  82. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Henry Haidler, 12/12/11, MW2
    2. Delneate means describing something or someone in a certain way Dictionary Definition- Descrive or portray something precisely.
    3. The name Henry means home owner and its origin is gernanic and my last name Haidler is germanic
    4. Unlike many people, I don;t want ot be famous. I beleive that even though many famous and well known people can change the minds and encourage other people but its' just words that they are saying nobody really knows if the mean it or not. Even though I haven't met many famous people I still think that the people that are not well known that may not ever see stardom or be famous can do so much more. So I hope that I don't become famous I don't wamt tp ne well known I want to help other people not by being on television and reading off a script but by words that flow from the heart, my heart. I hope I go to college and get good grades meet new people and have an impact on their life so they see things differently from a new perspective.

  83. 1. Mikayla Rowlette, MW3, 12-8-11.

    2. Delineate is about your self, dictionary: to describe or portray something.
    3. I could not find a meaning for my last name.
    4.When I get older I wish to be in the army. My cousin was a Marine Sargent. I would like to serve my country. I'm not sure what part of the army I would like to join yet. There are many options that I could choose from.

  84. “1.Christina Mogg 12-13-11 mw4

    2. Delineate means to portray. The dictionary meaning is describe.

    3. My first means follower of christ and my last name Mogg means
    the son of Magg, a pet form of Margaret.

    4. I hope to be a zoologist. If I want to be a zoologist I have to keep my grades up. I also have to go to college.

  85. 1. Danielle Stowell 12/13/11 TT4
    2. "Delineate" means to define something. (Dictionary part) means to describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. Danielle means "God is my Judge" Stowell means Somerset, Wiltshire, so named from Old English stan 'stone' + wella 'spring', 'stream'.
    4. Someday my plans are to be a very successful person in life. Hoping to be a very great mom and wife. Either helping with volenteering or helping poor children in unwealthy countries. When I'm an adult I hope to support my family. And hope to still be in my favorite sports like soccer and track. It will be hard to accomplish these goals for sports and just in general because I will have to practice my soccer and running skills so I'll get way better.

  86. 1. Alex Lovings December 14,2011 4MW

    2. Indicate the exact position of (a border or boundary).

    3. Alexander is a boy's name is pronounced al-ek-ZAN-der. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alexander is "man's defender, warrior"

    Lovings - Swedish : apparently an ornamental name formed from the placename element "lov-", meaning unknown, + the suffix, "-ing" commonly used in forming ornamental names from many different vocabulary words and from place names, as well as from personal names; the underlying etymon could be "arn" meaning ‘eagle’.

    4. I honestly don't know what i want to be.

  87. 1. Chiera Palamar MW2// 11/28

    2. (Mine.)Describe something.
    (Dic.) Describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. My first name (Chiera)which is Italian means clear, bright. My last name (Palamar) which is Ukrainian means Gods helper.

    4. I hope to be a Marine after I graduate. I hope to become a Recon Marine. I plan to achieve this by going threw training and a Military Academy. This has been my dream since I was in 4th grade. Why I wanted to become a Marine is because my grandfather whom I've never met was a Marine and when my grandmother told me story's I automatically planned on joining then. This is, who i am.

  88. “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Mckaylin TT4 12-21-11

    2. Define the word "“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” Thomas Jefferson 1781

    1. Name Date Hour

    2.tell something, Describe or portray (something) precisely.

    3. first name, Mckaylin, makes you self-reliant, creative in practical ways, and an independent diligent worker. stone come from Britain if you worked with stone they would assign you the last name

    4. i hope to be a astronomer and an writer so people can enjoy books as much as me i also want to be a big part of a small community.

  89. 1. Danny Higgins, 12/21/11, TT4
    2. delineate: describe or portray (something) precisely.
    3. Daniel: Hebrew, "God is my judge", Higgins: Irish, ''knowledge, skill, ingenuity''
    4.An artist. By improving on my art skills and add better detail to my work. I hope to achieve by selling at least one piece of my work. I just want to express myself through some form.
