Thursday, May 10, 2012

Expository 2: Research and Write

Instructions:  Select one of the following expository topics.  Then spend 10 minutes researching that topic.  Complete a double entry log showing your research.  Write one paragraph that contains at least three to five facts that answers the why of your topic.  Remember, opinion is not expository - show the facts (truth) and let that be your influence.

  1. Explain why you admire a particular person.
  2. Explain why someone you know should be regarded a leader.
  3. Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
  4. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
  5. Explain why you especially enjoyed a particular teacher.
  6. Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.
  7. Explain why some students are forced to leave school once they are sixteen.
  8. Explain how moving from place to place affects teens.
  9. Explain why getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.
  10. Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.


  1. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    If I was able to be an animal I would want to be bear. I would be a bear because your basically king of the forrest. I would want to be a bear to experience there life style. No animal wants to mess with them. I love how they hibernate in the winter. That is why I want to be a bear.

  2. Halle Chiarelli MW2 5-14-12

    #4- If you had to be an animal, which one would you be and why?

    If I had to be an animal, I would want to be a cheetah. Cheetahs are very fast and I want to be fast. They are very active animals, and I am active too. They also like to run a lot, and I don't mind running that much. They have very exotic coats, that matches my personality because I am wild and "exotic" sometimes. I would not want to be a big animal. I would not want to be fat either, I picked a cheetah also because they are fair size and only weigh between 65-110 lbs. Cheetahs have also gone endangered, so that means there are not many of them out there. I feel like I can relate to that because I am my own person and have my own personality and not many people are like I am. I like to think of my self as one of a kind and that is how the cheetahs are too.

  3. Chiera Palamar mw2
    Topic: Major Stressors in teen's lives

    Some major stressors in teen's lives are, being bullied/harassed, attending classes way beyond academic level, having personality conflicts with teachers, being truant, difficult time balancing time, lack of parent influence, lack of study skills, comparing self to others, to many activities, and last but never least peer pressure. How are these all major stressors? Well the mind is your worst enemy, if you have trouble focusing then you probably have trouble ignoring some of those stressors. A teenager always has their mind going, wether it be some of those stressors or possibly a future stressor. The worst one during school is personality conflicts with teachers. You and that teacher never see eye to eye, and most of the time your not the problem. The worst in an everyday life is balance of time, sometimes we can't always do the things we want to priorities come first. When we can't do things we want to do we might not be very happy by the end of the day which causes stress

  4. Mckenzie Barth MW2 5-14-12

    Explain how moving from place to place affects teens:
    Moving from place to place has a big impact on teens. Once you finally make friends, you are forced to move away to a change of environment. Teens who move around frequently have twice the risk of committing suicide. They don't know the feeling of stability, and the sense of security. With constantly moving, you are forced to adapt to new people, and making friends isn't always easy. Teens are already fragile you could say so most people don't have the highest self esteem. Moving makes it worst and also make Teens feel grief, sense of loss, and relationship problems. When your moving around a lot how can you attach to one person in particular? When they can't attach to anyone whether it be a teacher, or another student they feel as if they get no attention. That's when they begin causing physical pain to themselves, rebelling and dropping grades. Imagine that your social status is gone, your friends no longer exist and you are forced to be somewhere you don't want to be. What would you do?

  5. Evan Bauer 5/14/12 MW2
    Why are parents strict? Kids and teenagers ask that question all the time. Kids and teenagers think and say that parents are strict because they want you to know that there in charge and that they control you. Not all kids and teenagers fell this way, but some do. Parents say that they are strict because they want the kids to know that they have authority and that they want the best for the kids so they be strict hoping that the kids will have a little fear to respect what they say. There is two sides to every story and the battle for whats right and wrong is ongoing. Data shows that kids with strict parents grow up to be successful human being. It doesn't matter what the data says it matters what your parents want for you and most the time they only want good things for there kids. So kids need to know that even though there parents are strict, they mean well.

  6. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 5/14/12 MW2
    Topic: Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.

    Teenagers all around the world have some sort of stress. We just got to an age where everything is more sensitive and crazier than before. Many teens get stressed over school, homework, teachers and classmates they are around. School is a big stress for teens. Besides that, there are also problems at home that also affect teens. Some of these are sibling problems, parent relationships, finances and much more. There is so much stress out there!


  7. 1. Malorie Moen MW2 5-14-12

    2. Parents are often strict with their children. Being strict doesn't mean they don't love their kids, they are only being like that to show their care. Most parents are strict to establish guidelines, limits, and expectations. They also don't want their kids to make the same mistakes they made at that age. This shows that they care about everything you do. Kids with strict parents said that they are afraid of making mistakes because they don't want to disappoint their parents. Overall, parents are only strict to show their love for their children.

  8. Bryce Heatwole MW2
    8. Teens in school often join clicks. When you are new you aren't in a click so often you get picked on. This leads to sometimes getting in fights. Or you can pick up drugs or grades can plummet. If people don't except you then it keeps getting worse. Thats how it effects teens.

  9. Nick Norman MW2 5/14/12

    Moving is one of the toughest things for teenagers to go through. It means you have to make a lot of sacrifices. The number one step in a new school is meeting at least one friend on the first day. When you are the "new kid" you can often get bullied, or picked on. That can also tolerate to fights. Sometimes you might be in a public school and move into a private school. It's tough to adapt to that kind of school. No person wants to move in their teen life.

  10. Payton Rentsch
    mw2 5-14-12
    If I had to be an animal, I would be an Octopus. I'd be an Octopus because they have skill and the strength to unscrew a lid off of a jar. Also They are one of the smartest creatures in the sea . That would be awesome to be one of the smartest. They have lots of brain power. I'd choose a Octopus because they are pretty smart and they have strength and skills.

  11. 1 Zack Fuller Mw2 5-14-12

    Why parents are sometimes strict? Some kids ask there parents this all the time and there response is because I love you but a lot of kids don't get this but you will when you have your owen kids. Parents are strict to protect you they don't want you to be kid napped or crash your car. They also want you to do right and not to go to jail stupid things like stealing and want to see do right because it makes your parents feel proud. They want to keep you healthy because they don't want to go to see you hospital because you went home by curfew at 10 when there a fewer drunk drivers on the road. So just listen to your parents they know what is the best for you.

  12. 1. Henry Haidler, 5/14/12, MW2

    10. Some major stressors in teen's life are death of a loved one, separation or divorce, school life, friendships and all sorts of peer pressure. All of these things that can happen in a teenage life is amazing. Most don't know how to deal with these activities and can hit them very hard. School friends and peer pressure are grouped together because when you are at school you can see your friends and when you start to be with your friends more they can tell you to do things that you might not want or like but if you don't do it what will you be? Death of loved ones and separation are grouped together because they are family related even if the one who died might not be related to you your parents can feel your pain and sorrow and if your parents leave and separate a lot of the times they will think that it is their fault because what they did and usually when divorce happens it is when they are young or in their teenage years.

  13. LeAnn Howe MW2 5-14-12

    4. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

    If I had to be an animal I would want to be a hippopotamus. The name hippopotamus means "river horse". Most hippos are herbivorous which means they only eat plants. Living in Africa would be a new experience since I've never been there before. Another fact is that hippos do not have sweat glands and their only predators are the humans. Then tend to not be very susceptible to diseases. This means I don't have to worry about getting one. Having webbed toes allows them to be better and faster swimmers.

  14. Alex Lovings 5-14-12 MW2

    The top 6 Stressors for Tenns lives are -
    1: Relationships
    2: Finances
    3: Health
    4: Career
    5: Safety
    6: Home

    Top 8 solutions to Dramatically Reduce Stress In Your Life
    1 - Stop and do nothing (give yourself to calm down)
    2 - Take a deep breath
    3 - Exercise
    4 - Make sure you're eating healthily
    5 - Meditate, do yoga or perform another relaxation ritual like prayer or journaling
    6 - Lie down and rest for a few ( it's refreshing)
    7 - Stretch! (simple stretching can really do wonders)
    8 - Get enough sleep!

    Stress has been called America's number one health problem, and it is estimated by the American Institute for Stress that 75 percent to 90 percent of visits to the doctor are for stress-related problems.

    How could this be?

    The stress responses that once existed primarily to keep our bodies out of harm's way (those "fight or flight" responses), and only occurred at select instances in time, have now become persistent, pervasive and an incessant part of daily life.While a little bit of stress can be good for you, over time stress will weaken your body's ability to heal itself and more. Stress has been linked to everything from heart disease, cancer and depression to autoimmune diseases and reproductive problems--in short, it's been linked to most major diseases.According to Dr. Esther Sternberg, director of the Integrative Neural Immune Program at NIH's National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), "The objective should be not to get rid of stress completely because you can't get rid of stress--stress is life, life is stress. Rather, you need to be able to use your stress response optimally." To do this, it's important to recognize the top six areas in life that cause us stress.

  15. Matt Strong 3/14/12 MW2

    4. If I could be any animal, I would be a monkey. I would be a monkey because I can easily swing through branches. I have long arms and legs, so I can swing through branches easier. I could escape an animal chasing me, or get food for a dying animal. I would be a new world monkey, because they are smaller and can get around easier. Old world monkeys are bigger, about the size of a baboon. I also have 263 other kinds of monkeys I can talk to.

  16. Megan Gunderson MW2 5-14-12
    If I could be any animal it would be a long-finned Pilot whale. I have many reasons.One main reason is because I would want to be half animal half human like. Pilot whale are described as smart and human like.Pilot whales primarily eat squid. They stay in a pod for life. Pilot whales live in the North and South hemispheres in tropical and temperate waters. Those are the three main factors that made my decision. Where I live, what I eat, and who I live with. Another factor that persuaded my decision is that, female pilot whale can live up yo 60 years. Also a pilot whales pod can range from ten what to one-hundered pilot whales. The reason I picked pilot whales are because they are smart creatures who have families. Pilot are free animals who are not endangered and live a happy life in the ocean.

  17. Abby Schoonover MW2 5/14/12

    If I could be an animal I would want to be a dog. I would want to be a labrador retriever. I have grown up with labs and I love them to death. They are great house pets and are easily trained. Labs are working dogs. They are used for hunting and assistance. Labs can either be used for bird hunting or used to retrive fishing nets in the water. They get plenty of exercise and love what they do. Labs are short haired dogs. They come in three colors, brown, black, and yellow. They are the most popular breed of dog in Canada. With all of the exercise labs get you would think it's almost impossible for them to get fat but obesity is very common when it comes to labs. They love to eat and wont stop. They can gain wait easily. That is a big thing owners need to watch out for. Labs live a long happy life, a life I would want to live.

  18. Joshua Helm/5-14-12/MW2

    Q. Explain why getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.

    A. From my perspective whenever I get into a conversation with someone they talk about a driver's license. I don't care honestly about a driver's license, It will be more money I have to pay. Money for the car, Money for Driver's Education, Money for Road test, etc. My research points to freedom and Independence and 1 step closer to adulthood. It also points to being able to leave as you want so you can not worry about pick up or drop off.

  19. Sam Love 5/14/12 MW2

    4. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

    If I could be an animal of my choice, I would be a panda. I'd be a panda because the are an awesome type of animal. Male panda's can way up to 250lbs. And female panda's can way up to 220lbs. Panda's come from China. China is a suitable place for panda's because in the deep forest of China is were bamboo grows and it's a safe habitat for panda's. I want to be a panda because your one of the rarest animals left on the world. Panda's are on the endangered species list, making them protected from poachers but there value is high. Panda's are gentle creatures and live on there own. Off spring's live with the mother for one to 3 years.

  20. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 5/14/12 MW2

    2. Getting a drivers license as a teen is one of the biggest steps in life for so many reasons.( now sometimes teens just don't care about getting a license. Teens sometimes get scared to drive because parents are always telling them about if you make one mistake your done. For most of the new sixteen year old's driving is still a huge step because it gives them a sense of responsibility. They thrive on this because they love being praised about how they are finally making the transition into adulthood. It is also a sign of more freedom, they can go places and do new things that they could not do before because of time constraints with parents driving them around. These are just a couple of reasons why teens want there license so badly but also take advantage of the opportunity and don't care about it.

  21. 1. Mikal LaButte 5/14/12 MW2 (All of the places they have donated to)
    1. The person that I admire is my uncle. The reason why I admire him is because him and his company donated over $1.5 Million dollars back to the community ( nonprofitable organizations) My uncle would do anything to make the people around him happy, thats why they started the give back to the community program. My uncle was a very giving man, he loved his community and the people in it. That is why the person that I admire the most is my uncle who has done so much for this community and the people in it.

  22. Getting a drivers license for a teen is a big event because of the freedom they get. Once a teen receives there drivers license they don't always have to be bugging there parents to take them places. Once they get there license there going to need money for gas and a car so if there parents do not give them the money they will have to get a job. Once a teen gets a job it turns them into more of a adult. Being more mature for a 17 year old kid would be a good thing. Once we start acting like adults we are adults.

  23. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 5-14-12

    2. I would be a wolf. I would be a wolf because they have pretty good temperament. They are also my favorite animal, but that is not the point. They live in packs of other wolves, when I walk in groups of friends. They take care of each other like I do with friends and family. They protect their young, even if it's not theirs. They are also stronger in a pack.

  24. Riley Hafner MW2 5/14/12

    If I could choose to be any animal in the world it would be a giraffe. They are the tallest animal on earth and have the face of a camel and spots almost like a leopard. Giraffes are known as being herbivores but sometimes lick the dried meat off of dead animals in the savanas and grasslands. The only dangers that a giraffe faces is lions, leopards, hyenas, and some wild dogs. When they feel that they are threatened by these animals a giraffe can run up to 35 mph. Not only do these animals know how to protect themselves but they they can grow to be 25 years old. To protect their young a mother giraffe will stand over their baby and with one kick can kill a lion. These aren't the only cool facts about giraffes. A giraffes tongue can grow to be 21 inches long and is prehensile which means it can grab onto objects. A giraffe can also go a long time without getting a drink because it gets most of its water from the plants it eats. One last amazing thing about the giraffe is that it sleeps standing up because it will take to long for it to stand back up if it senses danger. These are just some of the reasons why I would be a giraffe if I had the chance to be.

  25. 1.Kira D'Agostino 5/14/12 MW2
    Teen stress, something that every teen goes through. There are many things that can stress a teen out, it's not hard. First, the school environment. Many teens are bullied which can affect they way they learn and act in school. Another is the way people look. There is always the pretty face who everyone wants to look like. Most teens feel different because they are not as attractive as other teens are. A main is grades and exams. Exams are not the easiest things to study for they take a lot of time and effort. Your teen may be stressing out for all the work which is why it's good for the parent to help them with it.
    There are also some main things that can stress a teen out like going to a new school, a death of a relative, being sick, winning an award, the divorce of their parents, and lastly their friends. They can pressure them into doing things they may not want to do. If the friend is not impressed then they become separated which is an even bigger stress magnet. Losing a friend is hard and for a teen in middle school or in high school it could break their heart.
    The biggest of all stress for teens has got to be parent expectancy. They want you to being the perfect student or the perfect athlete. Sometimes the parent wants both and sometimes they don't care about school at all. The father may want you to be strong in your religion or be a straight a student with a 4.0. Parents can put a lot of pressure on a child, they may not see what they want. It is also said that many parents also try to live their childhood through their kid with can also be a lot of stress. All in all the parents need to be their for their children because they are going through a lot and without some help and guidance they can get very lost.

    Websites: Wholistic Stress Control Institute
    Top Teenage Stressors: Parenting 101
    Answers: What Are The Major stresses in a Teens Life.

  26. Alex Smith

    78 out of 92 cities with a population greater than 180,00 have a set youth curfew. In total, there are just over 500 towns/cities in America that have a set curfew. The question here is why these cities have youth curfews, and if they work. Cities keep teen curfews in order to minimize on crime and victimization of teenagers. If a teen can't be out past a certain time then they are less likely to go out and commit a crime. As for whether or not it works, here are some statistics; Three years after San Antonio, Texas, enacted a youth curfew, victimization of teenagers decreased by 84%. In addition to San Antonio reporting these results, Detroit, Cincinnati, and other cities reported similar results.

  27. 1. Kyle Gonos MW4 5-14-12
    6. Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.
    For my topic I sixth one, explain why some cities have curfews for teens. This topic stuck out to me because recently I have been hearing a lot about how teens can't drive or be outside past a certain time without a guardian. One reason why cities have curfews is because it will help lower or possibly even stop juvenile crime. Also having these curfews help parents lay down boundaries for their kid and keep them under control. Help them understand that being out is not the right thing to do. Next curfews will help maintain and restore order in neighborhoods that have a high crime rate. In some places crime happens on a daily basis and these curfews will help stop them. Lastly they will hope to lower the rate of bullying and youth victimization. Some teens are in gangs and not all of these gangs get along.

  28. 1. Cade Marttinen 5/14/12 MW4

    2. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

    3. If I could be any animal, I would be a Bald Eagle. For one, the Bald Eagle is the national bird. That would make me unable to be hunted and I would be honored. Another reason is that Bald Eagles can fly. Being able to fly would be the best thing on earth. I could fly anywhere and I would be able to travel anywhere I want. Bald Eagles also have really good eye site. Being able to see really well means that I won't need my glasses anymore. I don't like wearing glasses that much. All these reasons added together makes the Eald eagle the best animal to be.

  29. Austin Wicker M-W4th 5-14-12

    If I had the chance to be any animal in the world I would probably be a Zebra because they look awesome with the stripes and they have some really cool hair! If I was a Zebra I would probably be a really good runner because Zebras run forty miles per hour so I would probably beat the school record for the mile. I really like how every Zebra is different because each Zebra has different stripes meaning no Zebra is the same and I like that because everyone is different in a way. I would like to be a Zebra because Zebras have excellent eyesight and hearing and that would help me with so many things like learning and being able to play football or baseball a lot better because of my great eyesight if I was a Zebra. Zebras are really cool because they have different types of species, for example the plain Zebra, mountain Zebra and Grevy's Zebra. I would probably be a Zebra because they are so majestic and they all run in a herd so they never are alone and they are all excepted and I like that about them, so I would be a Zebra.

  30. Seth Wilson MW4 May-14-2012

    Explain why someone you know should be regarded a leader. I think barrack obama would be a good leader. The reason is because he is the current president of the united states of America and has been a very good leader in his time here.

  31. Nella Galliher 5/14/12

    Some teen stressors are grades because smart students want perfect grades, average students want the same grades as smart students, and below average students just want to pass. Some teens stress because they don't think teachers like them. A lot of teens worry about being bullied. Many teens participate in too many activities and feel overwhelmed.

  32. Heather Linn TT2 5/15/12

    How does moving from place to place effect teenagers?

    In some peoples mind, moving from place to place would be ones dream. That theory is not going through a teenagers head though. What goes on through a teens head when their parents move regularly is that they have to let go and say goodbye to some one the things they love most. Being a teenager means that you basically have lived in the same area for a long amount of time. So, moving would mean they have to say leave some of the most important people in their lives behind. A huge part of teenagers lives are their friends, and moving place to place would just keep causing them this constant pain of knowing that they can't really get attached to people because they'd end up having to say goodbye once again. Moving constantly is hard on a teens life because it takes a while to get settled down in a place, and if once they settle you move again theres just going to be a constant cycle of becoming attached and ripped apart. So, moving from place to place effects teens in a overwhelming feeling that they can never settle down.

  33. Caleb Hudson 5/15/12

    Curfew laws in Michigan are A little complex. This is because with being a older age, it changes. For example, if you are under the age of 18, you can only be out on the streets from 5am to 10pm. You are not violating the law if you are the age of 18 and have your operators license. If you are under 18 years of age and want to go out during this time, you have to be with a parent or guardian and you wont be breaking the law. if caught during curfew underage, you can be subject to misdemeanor. You will also be subject to misdemeanor if you are with an adult that is not a parent or guardian.

  34. Paige Leatherman TT2 5/15/12

    Why parents are sometimes strict:

    Parents can be strict sometimes just to look out for their children and others. They don't want anything happening to their children, its only out of love and trying to protect you. They may not want them getting into bad things are following into a bad group of friends. It is also a way of teaching that you can't always have your way, it a way of life. Maybe parents had something happen to them in the past that they are afraid will happen to you if they aren't strict. Being strict can also mean they want you to grow up knowing your rights from wrongs, if parents just let you do whatever you want, there is a good possibility that you won't grow up successfully. And if they weren't strict then the kids might not listen to what their parents say, unless they are saying it strictly. Parents know more then children, they know the consequences. In the end of parents being so strict you will thank them, because if they didn't do what they do by being strict you might fall into a bad path.

  35. Presslee Reisinger, TT2, 5-15-12

    Getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers, because it's seen as a big step towards independence, and adulthood. Meaning that they aren't always having to have their parent's or guardian driving them around, dropping them off, and picking them up from friends houses. In my opinion I think that it is an important event, because you can do more and basically have more freedom, and it's so much closer to you getting to be an adult. For example, when we are 15 we have to have our parents drive us around and take us shopping and to date's and friends houses; when we have our license we can take the car or have our own car and just go get our friends and go shopping, meet our date at the place the date is at; and we can drive to our friends houses with out having to rely on our parent's or guardian to take us to the spot.

  36. Caeley Hendee, 5-15-12, TT2
    #3- Why parents are sometimes strict.

    Parents can choose how to raise their children, but whatever they decide to do its keeping them safe. Some are strict because they don't know what's going on in your school life, and their social life. Its not that the parents don't love their children, but its showing that they love the kids more than anything and won't let anything happen to them. Often parents are trying to protect their kids from the dangerous things in the world. Protecting them especially teenage years. Other thing is that the parents have been in kids shoes. They lived teenage years, learned from all the lessons. Parents don't want their kids making the same mistakes they did. Parents are just showing that they love them, and will do anything in this world for their kids.


  37. William McNamee 5/15/12 TT2

    4. If I could be any animal in the world I would most defiantly be the American Bald Eagle. As symbol of freedom for not only our country but for the entire world the bald eagle inspires as I would wish to do. Another reason why people would like to be a bald eagle is because it can fly, it can soar meters above the earth in the most graceful manor as reaches it's nest. The eagle can also be perceived as a symbol of individuality, this is because it is the only bird in North America that lives on only one continent. The eagle has power in an elegant form with the way that it sweeps down and captures it's prey is a great example of that. One of the things that is most admired about the eagle is that is flies in solitude and depends on no one else but itself.

  38. #8 Sam Dovin. TT2. 5-15-12.
    Its hard for teens to move around a lot through all the clicks and groups they could not be as happy with other people they were with and it alters their life. This could also give them a lot of stress if it is very far from home like if you cant see some of your best friends ever again. Some kids can even be cruel to the new kid which is terrifying. It could also effect their academics, kids are supposed to care about their education and if they keep moving it could mix learning things in their heads. Security and stability is to, you feel like you will not know what is going to happen into the next house.

  39. Caleb Hudson TT2 5/15/12

    Curfew laws in Michigan are A little complex. This is because with being a older age, it changes. For example, if you are under the age of 18, you can only be out on the streets from 5am to 10pm. You are not violating the law if you are the age of 18 and have your operators license. If you are under 18 years of age and want to go out during this time, you have to be with a parent or guardian and you wont be breaking the law. if caught during curfew underage, you can be subject to misdemeanor. You will also be subject to misdemeanor if you are with an adult that is not a parent or guardian.

  40. 1. Blake Lapum, 5/15/12, TT2


    There are a lot of people in my life that I consider to be a leader, but I know for a fact one of them is my father, Mike has all the attribute needed to be a leader according to ( Instead of looking out for himself, Mike is constantly looking out for others. He works a job that specilizes in helping others and he said, "My favorite part of this job is the satisfaction it brings to me when we fix a car right, we make the customer happy, and I know that they will be safe." Mike works in a stressful work environment, a car dealership. Although all the stress is all on him, He takes it well. He never gives up, he's always honest, his skills with people are amazing. Mike has all the traits of being a leader. He even proves his leadership by coaching the local travel baseball team. He shows his skills with working with teens and influencing them. This is the key factor of how I know he is a leader.

  41. Jake Belford 5/15/12 TT2

    Many people think that parents are strict because they are trying to be mean and don't like you but in most cases you are wrong. I found at, that most parents are strict because they want the best for their children. Also parents have their limits because they don't want their children doing bad things and getting in to trouble all the time. I also found at, that children are more likely to grow into a well adjusted adult if their parents are firm disciplinarians. This is true because they will became more mature and be able to understand the importance of discipline in their future jobs and life.

  42. Brooke Boyd TT2 5/14/12

    #8 How does moving from place to place affects teens?

    Some teens have a really hard time moving from place to place but others can be excited to get away from there school. A lot of times the teens are mad/sad that there leaving there town its hard when you have good friends then you have to leave them to try and find new ones. When you are constantly moving you are constantly trying to make new friends and sometimes you can get left out and people may start rumors about you that spread around the school. Moving from place to place for teens would be really difficult and you would have to face a lot of challenges along the way.

  43. Marissa Moore 5/15/2012 TT2

    Melanie Moore is someone I admire in my life. She is my idol, the person I look up to. No, I'm not related to her, but I wish I was. She won season 8 of the television show So You Think You Can Dance. She is the most inspirational dancer that I look up to, but I also admire her for who she is as a person. She won the show at the age of 19, and didn't think she was going to win. Every single week when they would announce she was safe, she would break down into tears and be so thankful about everything that was happening in her life. On the night of the finale, she looked to the one other contestant left, Sasha, to congratulate her when they called Melanie's name. Her jaw just dropped and she couldn't believe she won. She was sure it was going to be Sasha. In almost every interview she has been in, she just talks about how she can't believe that happened and how she is still amazed this has happened to her. She even says that she wanted Sasha to win.
    At the age of 12, Melanie lost her father. He had a liver transplant, and suddenly passed away. It was very unexpected. After that point in her life, she turned to dance and let all of her emotions poor into her moves. This is also something I do when I'm having a hard day, so it's something that makes me feel like I'm never alone. In her interview for SYTYCD, she talks about how dancing is what helped her get through her struggles in life. She uses her past to make her a better person in the future. This is the kind of person I strive to be, but I also strive to be the dancer she is today. Melanie Moore is my inspiration.

  44. Maddie Haas TT2 5/15/12

    Major stressors in Teen's lives, most of them fall under these three topics, School, Family, and Friends. In school, gifted teens worry about getting really good grades, average teens worry about being as good as the gifted teens, and below average teens worry about passing the class. These all could cause major stress when they are in school. In school, teens also stress about being bullied, participating in too many activities, and comparing themselves to others. You can see why just being in school can cause lots of stress. Other things that add lots of stress to teens lives are their body image, Finances, Criticism, Popularity, Siblings, Relationships, and Cyber bullying. Most adults think that teen life is easy, or "stress-free" but as you can see, is not so simple.

  45. If I could be any animal in the world, I would be a Great White Shark. They can swim really fast in the water and they are really cool. They are also some of the biggest animals in the sea. They can eat 50 fish at once if they are small enough. They can even smell fish from a mile away. I would be a Great White Shark in a heartbeat if I could.

  46. Maddie Haas TT2 5/15/12

    Major stressors in Teen's lives, most of them fall under these three topics, School, Family, and Friends. In school, gifted teens worry about getting really good grades, average teens worry about being as good as the gifted teens, and below average teens worry about passing the class. These all could cause major stress when they are in school. In school, teens also stress about being bullied, participating in too many activities, and comparing themselves to others. You can see why just being in school can cause lots of stress. Other things that add lots of stress to teens lives are their body image, Finances, Criticism, Popularity, Siblings, Relationships, and Cyber bullying. Most adults think that teen life is easy, or "stress-free" but as you can see, is not so simple.

    Some sites I used to help me were:

  47. Parent's can be strict sometimes, sometimes they could give you a day you can do whatever you want and were ever you want to go. But the day's they are strict, there is a reason. Maybe if you understand the reason why there strict it wont seem to be strict. They want to keep you safe. Maybe they just want to spend time with the child or children.
    I know I love my mom and dad and I will listen to them when they say I can't do something, but they know I'm independent and they let me make my own choices now. That's just because I've learned at a early age from them being strict on telling me to clean my room and do the laundry and clean dishes make dinner, walk the dog's mow the lawn etc...
    It pay's off you just have to listen and understand your parent's from there point of view.

  48. Brandon Wiese TT2 16-5-12

    Tigers is one of the most dominant animals from the feline family. A tiger is one of my favorite animals. TIgers are one of the only cats that likes the water and actually make there homes close to rivers and streams. Tigers are known for there reddish coat and black stripes. They have been known to eat up to 60 pounds. I enjoy swimming and eating and I like to look good so I would go great as a tiger.

  49. Darren Murray TT2 May15
    Parent's can be strict sometimes, sometimes they could give you a day you can do whatever you want and were ever you want to go. But the day's they are strict, there is a reason. Maybe if you understand the reason why there strict it wont seem to be strict. They want to keep you safe. Maybe they just want to spend time with the child or children.
    I know I love my mom and dad and I will listen to them when they say I can't do something, but they know I'm independent and they let me make my own choices now. That's just because I've learned at a early age from them being strict on telling me to clean my room and do the laundry and clean dishes make dinner, walk the dog's mow the lawn etc...
    It pay's off you just have to listen and understand your parent's from there point of view.

  50. Jadie Cogar 5-15-12 TT2

    Why are parents so strict?

    Moms are strict on us because they don't want us to get hurt. Are moms just don't like us girls going out-side because we are less dominance in the male and female. We can easily get hurt by other people and are moms don't want that to happend to us girls. Now Dad's on the other hand the reason they are so strict on us girls because we are daddy's girls and he can't watch his little girls get hurt. Dad's are overly protective because we are everything to them and they dont like it when we come in through the doors crying he can't take it.

  51. Michael Hamilton date 5-15-12 hour tt2

    the animal I would be a german shepherd because there harart beat 70 time in one minute and they have a hight boby heat and it is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees fahrenheit. Also more than 1/3 in American dog are own by family and the adult dog has 42 teeth in their mouth. It is a myth that dog are color blind they can see like a human. Germans shepherd are used in war and the in the k-9 unit. American shepherd back legs and down more than and german shepherd. german shepherd can run 40 miles fast and the german are us to be use for drugs and tracking and now they can sent bom out and when they fined and bom they lay down and when they going to bite some one are come maned to like pocin and alert. That is my favorite dog I would be.

  52. Gursherveen Dhaliwal TT2 5/15/12
    If I could be an animal, I would prefer to be a lion. Because lions are the king of the jungle, my scientific name would be Felidae Panthera Leo and my swahili name would be Simba. The name Simba is similar to the movie, "The Lion King". A male lion’s roar can be heard up to five miles (eight kilometers) away. Their roar is used to scare off intruders or call home members of their group, called a pride. A typical meal for an adult male lion is 15 pounds (7 kilograms) of meat, though lions can consume as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) at a sitting. On the other side, females are usually the ones that hunt for food. They rely on group work to hunt zebras, antelopes, wildebeests, and other animals for the supply. In addition, a good gauge of a male lion’s age is the darkness of his mane. The darker the mane, the older the lion. The lion looks very elegant when it's heels do not touch the ground when it walks. A lion may sleep up to 20 hours a day. These are the reason hidden behind the wall, sometimes you just have to dig inside to find the truth.

  53. Cody Musulin TT2 5-15-12
    If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

    If I could be any animal in the world, I would be a Penguin. Penguins aren't the most agressive animals in the world, but they know how to survive. I have come to find out that Penguins are actually pretty intelligent creatures, and they know what, and what not to do. They have a very unique talent also, although they are land creatures Penguins can go under water for 15 to 20 minutes and dive as far as 250 feet. To be able to go under water for that long, and not be a sea creature, that is amazing. Penguins stay in a group of 500,000 to 1,000,000! This helps them stay warm when they have to keep their eggs warm. These are many amazing things about a Penguin and that is why I would want to be one.

  54. 1. Jensen Borkowski 5/15/12 TT2

    #10- Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.

    There are many reasons that can lead teens to be stressed. Most of these reasons are academic related. Teens want to succeed in school. They understand how important grades are when it comes to their future college life and career. They know that if they don't do well on a test, it will be that much harder to bring their grade up later on.
    Sports and other activities takes a large roll in leading to stress in teens. Many teens play sports and it is a very large portion of their life. Sports can be especially stressful if the parents are pressuring their teens. Parents want their kids to be the best they can be at sports and if they don't play well and the parent gets upset, it can add stress to the teen.
    When teens don't succeed in whatever it is that they want to succeed in, it can be stressful. They imagine themselves doing well and then they completely mess it up. It can be stressful if the teen knows they can do something well or better than what they did, but they don't.
    All of these things added together can just add more stress on a teen. They can end up over working themselves, not sleeping well, and be unprepared all because they are taking on too much. Teens should only take on as much as they can handle so their lives can be as stress-free as possible.

  55. Elle Kennedy TT2
    #3-Strict Parents
    Why are parents so strict? A lot of kids want to know this. First off, it helps the child know right from wrong. If the child does something wrong and a parent never steps in to say it was not right, how will they ever know right from wrong? Children are more likely to become well rounded adults if their parents set firm disciplinary guidelines. When guidelines are set, the child will know what they can and can't do. If doing something is in the guidelines of being bad, the child will know and will not do the bad thing. This also helps them know right from wrong. Strict parents rarely have to yell because the child will already know when they should not being doing something because the parents have told them in a disciplinary way, to not do it.
    There are a few different parenting styles such as overly permissive. They set few guidelines and don't have one way of parenting. The child will likely be insecure and dramatic when they are adults. Authoritarian parents set strict guidelines to have their children behave. They don't always focus on what the child needs but instead on if they are behaving or not. They make sure the child knows what they did was bad or good. Lastly there is a clear parent. They set clear and fair guidelines making sure the child is well behaved, but also cared for. Most children with a clear parent grow up to be successful and positive. Being strict isn't necessarily bad, as long as the parent uses the right tactic and cares for the child.

    1. Good expository response for the why of things. Include url references.

  56. 1. Seth Packard, TT4 5/15/12

    2. If I could be any animal in the world I would be a Tiger. I would be a tiger because they are striped and I like stripes. They are labeled "The King Of The Jungle", and I think that reputation would be cool. They live in Africa so that would be interesting, to live and hunt Elk and other animals. That is all why I would be a Tiger.

    1. This is opinion and requires factual research. Redo this response and include your url references for research.

  57. Reanna Marsden TT4 5/15/12

    If I was to be an animal I would like to be a anaconda,because they are fast,they can be as long as 20ft and they can eat thing that are twice as bigger then them.They can hid in and under thing's.They are cold bladed so they can go in cold water and stand cold weather.

    1. Fix your typos. Provide more evidence. And include your url references for your research.

  58. Danielle Stowell 5/15/12 TT4

    The biggest Teen stressors are School, Friends, and Family. There are 3 basic types of students in school one of them is the gifted students they want to get really good grades and do their homework. Average students mostly stress out with competing with the gifted students. Lastly, Below Average students just stress out about just passing the class. Friends is another big stressor because when your not having the life you have wished for, your friends try to get you to do horrible things that you shouldn't be doing like smoking, drinking, breaking laws, having sex underage. When the Teens get to stressed out they do these things and then it gets around school and people find out caught for it and get more stressed. Third is Family mostly because of their parents finances, they don't have a lot of money to buy their teens clothes and food and other things. However, you can get made fun of at school because you don't have the nicest clothes and people judge you for that. Adults thing teens are never stressed out because they probably weren't when they were teens, but it's a whole new world where we are at!

    1. Your latter response implies opinion and thus leaves expository - please correct this and remember to include your url references.

  59. Devin Bryant
    If i was any animal on the world i would be the grey wolf. I would be the gray wolf because it is the most like me. I have taken a test online and it said i was most like a dog. But i have researched the facts more and they have pointed to me being a wolf because I like to be in a family or a herd. I prefer to hunt with family, friends. Also wolfs are located in canada and above there and live in asia and in california. Witch i love places like that i love canada and above because good hunting and fishing. And i have looked and wolf is most like me above any other competitor. tigers and large cats dont fit me. Small rodents personalities dont fit me, and other large animals dont fit me I have narrowed it down to a grey wolf! also the grey wolf is territorial so am I I do not allow people to come to my house with out my or my families permission. And if anyone ever hurt one of my family i would go ballistic on them just like a wolf would protect its pups or its family. And wolfs may have a bad reputation but they are not as bad as they seem. they seem mean because they protect them selfs or there family. just like a human would. People have pet dogs because they are so much like people so we can get along with them but people dont own wolfs because they think they are wild animal witch they are but if we did what we do to dogs as we do to them we take them as pups and take care of them and feed them when they grew up they would be just like a dog! Many people might forget but dogs came from wolfs! But what I think peoples big fear of wolfs are that they are not afraid of anything. But if people do what i know they should do many people would agree with me that wolfs would be an ideal animal to be

    1. Fix all your typos and include your url references.

  60. Sam Mynarcik tt4 5/15/12

    Teens have a lot of stress in there life time like with relationships or being bullied by other people. With having a relationship a lot can happen you can break up with them have a broken heart it can turn into a suicide or being depressed. Bullying can be a result of being harmed by a bully and other people that put you down and it can cause immediate stress on a teenager. A lost of a love one they can be ongoing stress which is a problem because it can cause many problems like not doing school work and having depression. Having a disability like a.d.d or a.d.h.d and dyslexia can have affect because they would like to be a person without any problems with them.

    1. Good why answers, but include your url references.

  61. Molly Aills TT4 5/15/12

    1) Explain why you admire a particular person.

    Admiration is a sense of pleasure or approval when looking upon an object or person. Certain things that inspire such an emotion can be when a person has something that you lack, success that you could not/do not have, such as fame or money. When a person has a higher level of achievement or excellence than you, one can admire them for what they have. These feelings can be described as approval, wonder, or delight. Awe or love are similar terms, but not the same feeling. A person's admiration can be directed at objects or people, either famous or non-famous. Teen idols, musical idols, people such as actors, rock stars, presidents, etc, are all admired in the human eye. Admiration differs from person to person. It is a very important aspect in the world's pyramid of fame, and in a sense admiration holds the world the way it is today.

    1. Good answer to the why of things, but include the url references.

  62. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 5-15-12 TT4

    #9 Explain why getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.

    2. Why is it important for teens to obtain there drivers licenses? It allows freedom on a whole new level, you can go out drive to your job if you have one and u will need one to pay for gas , go to your friends stay there as long as you want and you don't have to get picked up when your mom or dad comes to get you. Its a step towards independence and adulthood, you have more responsibilities like drive safe be a smart person and get a job. you can also go and do what you want, leave when you want and you wont get yelled at because your parents will look at you as an adult, its just the word "freedom" that most teen agers think about. It makes you feel like you can do what you want but you have to obey the law.

    1. Many typos and misspellings. Re do and ensure you do not put opinion in your writing. Include url references.

  63. Julianna Welling TT4 5/15/12
    Major stressors in teen's live's is one body reactions to change. The changes can be feelings,situations, and people. All stress in teen's live's is not bad stress. So major stressors are:
    *going to school
    *divorce or separation of parents
    *winning an award
    *taking a test
    *death of a relative
    *being sick
    You have stress because you feel overwhelmed or pressure on yourself. KIds can control some things that are stressing them out to make it better. To deal with stress the is multipul things to do like don't commit yourself to things you can't do or don't want to do, make a list of the things that are causing your stress, or find someone to talk to.

    1. Thanks for answering the why of things, but include url references.

  64. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 5/15/12

    2. Explain why you admire a particular person.

    In life we meet people, some we like and admire and some we don't like and most of the time when we admire someone it is because we have a reason too. Like I admire my mother, not because she is my mom, but because of the good choices she makes and because she is just a good person and she always tries to see good in things in her everyday life and she also tries to make the best of the worst. I respect and admire my mother because of what she does and what she gives and she never takes. she has taught me so much in life, and really is an inspiration. She shows me that I will make it to the other side of life. A life that is worth living, and loving. She is a role model for so many reasons she is such a tough, strong, compassionate, loving person with so much to give to people. She sees where I will be, when I can not see past one day. She is an angel and I think God for her every day.

    1. The latter part of your response leaves expository and enters opinion. Please redo this writing and leave opinion alone. Include your url references as well. Thanks

  65. Sam Hall TT4 May 15, 2012

    If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

    If I had to be an animal I would be the Bengal Tiger. The Bengal tiger is the largest species in the cat family, and is known around the world for it's power and strength. While the tiger is a strong animal, it is also very solitary and shy, it usually lives alone and only interacts with other tigers during mating and territorial disputes. The Bengal tiger is also a very beautiful animal, and due to over-hunting it has become very rare. The Bengal Tiger's personality very much matches my own, and that is why I would be a Bengal Tiger.

    1. Thanks for answering the why, but include url references.

  66. Josh Mick 5/15/12 TT4

    #4 Which animal would you be and why?

    I would be the honey badger because they really don't care about anything. They are about 1.3 meters in length and they are existential diggers. If I could dig that fast it would be awesome. Its so fierce because it eats all kind of junk. Like snakes, rats, anything it wants cause it doesn't care. I want to be the honey badger so I can never care again.

    1. Implying that a Honey Badger doesn't care, causes the reader to think that the Badger has feelings - which it does not - which makes this not expository, but opinion. Please re do this expository writing and include your references as well.

  67. Paul Anguish TT4 5/15/15

    4. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

    If I was to be an animal I would be a Cheetah or a Honey Badger. a cheetah would be because there is almost nothing that can catch them. The honey badger because Nothing messes with the honey badger.

    The cheetah is fast and hard to avoid. the heard of gazelles would be perfect prey for them. there is almost a 90% chance of the surviving out there. there is no predator for the cheetah besides humans, alligators, and lions.

    For the honey badger, is there a point of messing with it? it is a bad tempered, strong, visuches, little bugger. messing with it only results in harm to your self. It takes what it wants and the forgets about it.

    1. Good insight and answered the "why." Include url references.

  68. Olivia Sdao TT4

    Most elephants are from south central africa. They have rough grey skin that helps them keep them from geting hurt during a fight. Elephants have white curved tusks to help them to kill there predator. Ever one knows that they have very big flappy ears but they have very poor hearing. There trunk is huge its ment for bathing and feeding them selfs.
    they only eat bark fruit and plants. people hunt for them all the time for there skin and tusks and they leave them out there to die.

    1. Why would you want to be an elephant? Include url references.

  69. Jordan Danko TT2 5/15/12

    Strict parents, are caring parents. When a parent is strict, it means they are just looking out for you trying to keep you safe. There are different types of strict parents such as authoritative, authoritarian, and laissez faire or permissive. Particular parents are so strict on their children that they end up being mad all the time and very stressed. Being strict is a parents job, however sometimes they go above and beyond and are too strict. No matter what, strict parents are just trying to do their job and protect you.

    1. Good eye for detail. Would of liked more insight though to explain the why. Include url references.

  70. Kirsten Brydon 4th hr 5-15-12

    Have you ever wondered how moving affects teens? After some research, I found out that it can affect their emotions in more than one way. First of all, why you are moving does make a difference, military teens are more likely to do better with their new environment then someone moving for the reason of a divorce for example. Mixed feelings are natural during such a change in life. Teenagers also are vulnerable to feelings of insecurity, which may effect how they feel to moving. Kids at ages 11-17 are twice as likely to commit suicide if they move twice, this number might increase the more times they move. Moving can be a great thing for many reasons, just be wary at the affects it may have on the teenagers or kids if you have any moving with you.

    Works Cited

  71. Getting a drivers license for a teen is a big event because of the freedom they get. Once a teen receives there drivers license they don't always have to be bugging there parents to take them places. Once they get there license there going to need money for gas and a car so if there parents do not give them the money they will have to get a job. Once a teen gets a job it turns them into more of a adult. Being more mature for a 17 year old kid would be a good thing. Once we start acting like adults we are adults.
    Matt Pankow MW2

  72. Jacob Robinson MW2 5/16/12
    Q:Explain why parents are sometimes strict.

    Parents are sometimes so strict because they want to teach their children discipline. Children that grow up and don't have much discipline will be all wild and won't succeed in life. Parents also are strict sometimes because they are mad about something that happened earlier in the day and they are just talking it all out on the children. One of the main reasons though, that parents are strict are because they are just trying to keep you safe. There are things in life that are not safe and parents try to have their kids avoid it as well.

  73. Halle Chiarell MW2 5-16-12

    When every child is born, there is an unconditional love and bond between a mother and child. When that child grows up, parents of that child only want the best for them. Some parents fulfill that by being strict. Parents that are strict, love their children very much and they give them strict rules because they want you to be safe. Strict parents want their children to have a good positive well behaved attitude. If they have good behavior, they are more likely to listen and follow the rules of their parents. They will obey their parents much more. Children that listen, are also more likely to obey and that is what a parent wants, it shows a sign of respect when a child obeys their parent. Parents also need to show their children good examples that their child can follow after. The parents have to be able to demonstrate a behavior that other will approve and a behavior that is respectful. When a parent shows examples of doing something right, that obligates a child to follow after their parent and make good choices for themselves too. A parent should show the child that being respectful to others is a good deed. A child will follow after that too. Strict parenting in a child shapes them for good examples, attitudes, behavior, choices and decisions.


  74. 1.Tyler pruneau 5/16/12 mw4

    2.Why are parents sometimes strict? I believe parents are sometimes strict because you are their child, and they love you and have watched you grow up from the time when you where in your mothers stomach to us being in the eighth grade. Parents have a good reason to be so strict, they have showed love to us, gave us clothes to wear, all the years showed us respect, they also showed us how to become a adult too.

  75. Bri Rumple MW4 5.16.12

    Becoming a teen can be very stressful, for everybody. Everyone will come across big problems while they are a teenager. A lot of people get stressed by what the media says and puts out there. Mainly in girls, they all think that they have to be so perfect like what they see on TV or in magazines. A lot of teenage girls spend so much time trying to be "perfect". This can cause a lot of stress on girls. It can cause girls to think very lowly of themselves and make them feel like they are not good enough. All because of what the media says.
    Another major stressor in teens may be peer pressure. When you are a teenager trying new things is natural. But some people try things that are not the best. A lot of teens think that they have to do something dumb just to be cool or fit in with other people that do it. Other people do stupid things just to get attention. Peer pressure from other people can cause others to get in big trouble or lead them on a path that they should not be going down.
    One other stressor could be dealing with death. Everyone's reaction to events are different. Especially to death. Whether it is someone close to you, like a family member or good friend, or just someone you know but don't really talk to. You will still be affected by it. Some people, when they find out that someone they know have passed away, won't really do anything because they just don't know what to think or do. Others will get extremely upset, of course. When an event like death occurs, it is very hard to think, you don't know how to react, its natural. How someone feels or reacts to something like death is never wrong. Everyone reacts and thinks differently.
    There are a lot of stressors in your life when you are a teenager but you are never alone.

    1. Michael Yedinak TT2 5/16/12
      If I was an animal, I would be a cheetah. Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world, they can run 71 miles per hour. Being so fast, easily I could catch my prey in under 1 minute. Other then their quick speed, cheetahs also have very good smell. This would mean, my family would be able to find prey easy with good smell, and we could find any other supplies we needed to help us out. Finally, cheetahs have very great agility with their muscular bodies. They can climb, jump, and kill predators easy. You would not want to mess with a cheetah.

  76. Stephen Moore 5/17/12 TT2

    If I were an animal it would be a bald eagle.
    because I would have large powerful eyes. Eagles have very good eyes to catch their prey. Eagles catch their prey with their powerful claws. Some eagles claws are as big as your hand. I would be able to fly, because eagles can fly (200) miles in a day.

    Eagles, by Lucy Baker

    Bald Eagles, by James E. Gerholdt

  77. Aaron Durham, 5-23-12, MW4

    1. If I Were an Animal I would be a tiger because they are at the top of the food chain and are more predator than prey they also never get killed by another animal except another tiger, also you are known as the king of the jungle I would love being a tiger chasing Gizela having so much energy to do whatever I wanted, I'm not saying I would enjoy killing but I would enjoy just the feeling of being free, and to relax and not have to deal with human drama and life, a lot of animals have a nice life.


  78. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 5/23/12
    2. Citations-
    3. Giraffes stick out for many reasons. First their long neck. Being different makes them be recognized greatly everywhere. Giraffes are the tallest animal in the world. I am very short. So if I was a giraffe, I would be taller. I could set world records just from my height. Much like me, giraffes draw attention. Weather it them being different looking, or just having a different personality to them. They eat up to 140 of food each day! I love eating. Being able to eat that much food would just be amazing. Especially being able to get their food any time from the ability of their necks. Lastly, their tongues. Giraffes have a very long tongue. Another reason they stick out. Again like me, I don't stick out just for one reason, but for many. In the world, it is better to be known for many things than just one. If I could be known like a giraffe, that would be awesome! They are so different from any other animal and really make their mark on their world.

  79. 1. Ian Grady, 5-27-2012, MW4
    2. What is the reason of stress in teens lives?
    3. Stress in teenage lives can be caused by several and many things. First a loss in the family of someone you are close to can upset anyone, but kids often don't handle situations like that as well as they should. Parents and teenagers fighting at home can also cause stress for everyone and it never ends up good. All in all those are two of the many reasons for teenagers to have stress in their lives.
