Friday, May 18, 2012

Expository 4: The Outsiders

Choose one of the following.  Research the topic.  Write a two paragraph expository response.  Complete a double entry log with facts and interpretations.  Include the url from your research on the blog and in the written response.

1.  Research one of the characters from "The Outsiders" character list on  -  Then write two paragraphs comparing that character of the 1950s to a youth of today.

2.  Research the plot of "The Outsiders" and write two paragraphs showing two events leading up to the climax, and explain what the resolution was to the conflict.

3.  Research the small town where "The Outsiders" took place and compare it to Pinckney - Writing two paragraphs

4.  Research the author of the book "The Outsiders" and write two paragraphs covering his biography and why he wrote the story.


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  2. Jake Belford, 5/18/12, TT2

    Darrel Curtis is the unofficial leader of the greasers in the movie and book "The Outsiders". This means he is looked up to by many of the greasers. The greasers are a group of friends from the poor side of town that slick their hair back. He is Ponyboy's oldest brother and he calls him Darry. Darrel has to raise his brothers on his own because of their parents who died in a car crash.
    Darrel relates and differs from the youth of today. He is alike to the groups today because there are many leader out there and that are looked up to by many people. He is isn't alike to most people today because he has to raise to of his brothers on his own. He also has two jobs and he is only 20 years old, unlike most people at his age that only have one or not one at all.

  3. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 5/18/12


    Dallas Winston is a hardened teen that got into gangs at a young age. This damaged him. He spent time in jail, and caused him to become have a very violent and troubled youth. Kids today however, with exception to some youths, aren't like this. Kids in a big city have a reputation and do these things. However, in small towns such as Pinckney, there are a very select few like this. Part of this reason is that kids now a day are afraid to get in a little trouble.
    Most kids now a day are ashamed or should be ashamed of their criminal record, if any. This was the complete oposite for Character Dallas Winston. "Dally", as he liked to be called, felt he had a reputation to live up to. He wasn't afraid of anything. Kids now aren't like that. This is one of the main factors that sets us apart from kids in the 1950's. Dally also looks out for one of his closest friends, Johnny. Both Johnny's parents and Dally's parents were never there for them so they had to be there for each other. This is often common with teens. We group up with kids alike. We often find struggles and when we feel comfortable we talk about them and look out for each other just as Dally and Johnny.
    Dally was one of the rare "Greasers" that didn't' grease his hair. Dally wanted to be different. To be a part of his community, and neighborhood, but different. This is oposite to kids today. We feel that if we look different, or act different, we may be made fun of or picked on. These are just some of the factors that make us alike, but different from 50's kids and youth.

  4. Heather Linn, TT2, 5/18/12

    The character I chose to research was Dallas "Dally" Winston. Dallas is considered to be a dangerous teen who has had a long life involved in crime. Dallas is also considered to be the toughest kid in the greaser group. Before Dallas knew Ponyboy and them Dallas had been hardend from running with gangs in New York. Even though Dallas is a tough kid he still has a sensitive side by feeling like he has to protect Johnny. In the 1950s, there used to be a lot of teens who got into trouble and there where these 2 main groups. Basically, there was the upperclass and the lower class. We still have those groups today, but they aren't as distinguished. Today, we still have groups of 'bad' kids and groups of the higher class. Teens today are less none for getting criminal records and smoking at such a young age, but there are still some that do. So through the years, nothing has really changed, but theres just different versions of things.

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  6. Caleb Hudson TT2 5-18-12

    Pony boy Curtis, He is strong. He is also reliable and observant of others. He has two loving older brothers that care about him but don't really show it all that much. He is a greaser. This means he greases his hair back to make a hairdo. He lacks common sense. He does not really have a name, but he does have a nick name that all greasers have. He also lives in poverty. He is allowed to go anywhere he wants whenever he wants to. He runs track at school
    Compared to me, I am strong too. I am reliable and observant of others. I care about my little brother but do not show it that much to him. My hair is nothing like that of a greaser. It is short and not greased. I do have common sense however. I have an actual name that I use, Caleb. And I am not a greaser. I do not live in poverty.I am not allowed out of the house after 10:00PM. I don't run track at school.

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  9. Paige Leatherman 5/18/12 TT2

    The author of the "Outsiders" was S.E Hinton, she was born July 22nd in 1950, Tulsa, Oklahoma. In Tulsa there was not much to do, so that led her to read and write at a young age. As a child she was a very avid reader, and being a good reader made her engage with experimenting with writing. She had a dream to become a cattle rancher. With experimenting with writing she soon had a new dream to become a writer. While Susan was a junior in high school her father got diagnosed with cancer. To help deal with her father having cancer she wrote. During this time she finished her first book, the "Outsiders."

    Susan had written the "Outsiders" to fill a perceived gap in young adult fiction. Also she was inspired by people around her, she did not want Soc. vs. Greasers anymore. Writing it helped her deal with her father having cancer. Susan wrote to get out her anger and emotion, it was her way of getting away from things.




  10. Cody Musulin 5-18-12 TT2
    Research one of the characters from "The Outsiders"

    A lot has changed over the years in our youth, the past is way different from the present. In the 1950's people were in gangs, and they fought all of the time, nowadays we don't do that (at this age). I researched PonyBoy, and he isn't like we are today. PonyBoy smoked at least a pack of cigarettes a day! At this day and age, most of us don't smoke at all, and we don't plan on smoking anytime soon. PonyBoy joins the greasers in gang fights against the socs,

    In 2012, our age (13-14) do not have gangs, we aren't in a gang fighting each other. Yes, we might dislike someone, but not enough to get a gang and fight. The 1950's are way different from 2012, If PonyBoy was in 2012, he would not be doing what he did in 1950. And if I was in 1950, I don;t know what I would be doing, but I am glad there aren't gangs that we have to join, and that we have to fight every week.


  11. 1. Jensen Borkowski 5/18/12 TT2
    #4- Research the author of the book "The Outsiders" and write two paragraphs covering his biography and why he wrote the story.
    The author of "The Outsiders" is S.E. Hinton. Some people are shocked to discover that S.E. Hinton is actually a girl. These people are shocked because of Hinton's style of writing. She almost always writes from the point of view of boys. Whenever she is questioned about her style of writing, her answer is always "I have always been a tomboy".
    Growing up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she never felt like she fit in. She felt as though everyone had a place in school but her. She tried reading books but she could never relate to any of them. So, she decided to write her own about what she was going through. In fact, "The Outsiders" isn't the only book that she has written about her life. Many of her other stories lead back to her life just as she wanted them to.


  12. Michael Yedinak TT2 5/18/12
    The author of The Outsiders is S.E Hinton or Susan Eloise Hinton. Hinton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1950 where the story takes place by. When she was just in high school she started working on her first book, The Outsiders. She was inspired by writing because that same year she started writing it, Hinton received a "D" in a writing class. Throughout her teens, she was writing this book to get back and show her teacher what she could really do. When published when she was 17, she shortened her name to S.E so the boys wouldn't know she was a female.
    Growing up, Susan enjoyed reading and writing which had a lot to do with inspiring her. She enjoyed reading books about the Wild Wild West and such. Anything from gunfights to cowboys to horses, she loved. The thing was though, when Hinton was a teen, she couldn't find anything she liked to read anymore. This is another reason why she made the book, to create a realistic story of being a teen in the 1950's to 60's. Susan Eloise Hinton became an icon for teens across the country and still is today.

  13. Elle Kennedy TT2
    Ponyboy Curtis is 14 years old and the youngest greaser. Him and the other Greasers are called this because of their long greasy hair. This is different from most kids today because we take showers to clean ourselves but they did not, at least not as much. Ponyboy is interested in reading and writing unlike the greasers and still unlike a lot of kids today. Ponyboy lives with his two brothers- Darry and Sodapop, because both of their parents died in a crash, that was when Darry took responsibility of his younger brothers. Today, when both of a child's parents died, they would likely go live with another family member but they don't and that too makes him different than kids of today. Many things in this book/movie are different than the things today but one of the biggest are the names. His brother's name is Sodapop and his is Ponyboy. It is very unlikely that you would ever find someone with a name like these today.

  14. 1. William McNamee 5/18/12 TT2

    1. In the outsiders many links between the teens of the book and the teens of today can be made. I will focus on Pony boy Curtis. Pony boy like many teens is trying to discover just who he is while living right long with discrimination. ( Like many other teens he has problems with choosing the right thing to do, This could be because he has an orphan status. My last piece of evidence to submit to you is that, like all teens he has a best friend to help him along the road of life. (

    In this movie He is constantly trying to solve problems whether it be his friend Johnny's of murder or even in the end the differences between the socs and greasers. Ponyboy is like teens in this century because in this movie he is many trying to figure himself out meanwhile keep his constantly changing world in balance. So I guess this is for anyone to decide but do you think that Ponyboy Curtis is much like the normal teen of today.

  15. Lexi Gross
    May 18

    The outsiders had a divided town. It wasn't mixed together, and to be honest it wasn't fair. Here in Pinckney we are all mixed together. We are all one and we stand as one. It doesn't matter if you rich or poor, you can live where ever you want.

    The town the greasers and socs' took place in is Tulsa Oklahoma. This town was divided between the rich and the poor. The south was for the rich and classy people to live, and the North was for the poor greasers to live in. Here in Pinckney, we have fields of green along with miles of woods. this is the same as Tulsa.

  16. Gursherveen Dhaliwal, TT2, 5/18/12

    Ponyboy Curtis is a good student, a track star, and a greaser. It is this latter distinction, rather than his orphan status, which brings him trouble. In addition, he is a solitary, sensitive boy who likes movies, watching sunsets, and reading. The Socs are the enemies. He is a very smart boy but he was forced to join the gang to make a living. He also struggles with class division, violence, innocence, and familial love.

    In today's world, children like Ponyboy Curtis are usually sent to boarding schools. They are forced to recover themselves as they get older and wiser. In boarding schools, you don't get much attention as you get at home. The lives of innocent people count because it remains the same concept but the people change.

  17. Brooke Boyd 5/18/12 TT2

    1. Ponyboy Curtis is the youngest of the greasers he is 14 years old and he lives with his brothers Darry and Sodapop because his parents had died in a car accident. Ponyboy is academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of the gang he is reliable and observant and he also gets good grades and he runs in track. His other two brothers don't show him much Darry repeatedly accuses ponyboy of lacking common sense.
    The difference from ponyboy and today is that he is apart of the greasers and we don't have greasers now in the days. Also usually when we don't like someone we don't get a huge group together and start a fight.

  18. Presslee Reisinger, 5-18-12, TT2

    The story took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tulsa, Oklahoma is a big town and is tourist hit for the state of Oklahoma. It has a population of 391,906 and has a central time zone. Tulsa has a lot of it's older buildings from back when the movie was placed (1960's). Pinckney is a smaller town and has a population of 2,141. Pinckney is a eastern time zone and has never had a movie shot down here, and has only one strip of the old buildings that used to be here back when the town first started becoming popular.

  19. Sam Love MW2 5/18/12

    Darrel Curtis play's as Sodapop's and Ponyboy's brother and parent. Darrel and Ponyboy's parents died in a car crash. Darrel is 20 years of age, in the the movie and has to take care of Ponyboy and Sodapop. It's three brothers one family, and they all have to look out for each other. Darrel does the best he can so Sodapop and Ponyboy don't have to go to a "boys home" and loose them. Darrel show's a lot of strength and courage to be able to do this.
    Now-a-days if this same event were to occur, the kids would go to a boy's home. If someone who was 20 had no parents and had to look after there brothers, it would almost be impossible for someone to do it today. You need a car, money, and other things that you could of lived without back then.

  20. Jacob Robinson MW2 5/18/12

    Darrel Curtis is like the leader of the greasers in the movie and the book "The Outsiders." This is meaning that he is looked up by many greasers. Greasers are these group of friends that live in the poor side of town and they slick there hair back with gel and make there hair look there hair look all greasy as well. Darrel is Ponyboy's oldest brother and also he is raising him and all his brothers in the house. They don't have parents because they died in a car crash.
    Darrel differs and is alike to young people today. Darrel differs from young adults because he has to raise his brothers in the house and there aren't much teens out there who do that. He is alike because there are many leaders out that who are looked up by many people. He also is alike by some of the young adults because he also smokes also and there are a lot of young teens who are smoking even though they shouldn't be.

  21. Matt Strong 5/18/12 MW2

    1. Ponyboy Curtis is 14 years old and is the youngest of the greasers. He is the narrator and main protagonist of the movie. His accomplishments are what sets him apart from the rest of the gang. He is always the one who will do the best on a paper, or turn in a project first. Everyone else in the family knocks him for this, because they aren't like him.
    Most kids now are not in any way like Ponyboy. Kids now don't get in as much trouble as Ponyboy does in the movie. Kids now are much more behaved than they were in the 1950s. But something that hasn't improved is how kids treat each other. Most kids now don't even say hello to another kid when they walk by them in the hallway. In the 1950s, kids would say hi to each other in the hallway. Now it seems like kids can't even talk anymore.
    Another thing that has changed since the 1950s is how kids treat adults. Most kids now don't even say hi or bye when they get home or leave to go to school. Another thing kids do now do disrespect adults is talk back to them. They do this because they know they can get away with it. In the 1950s, if you stepped out of line, you would be smacked until you were as red as a strawberry. Kids aren't punished the same way now, so they can get away with it.

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  23. Nick Norman MW2 5/18/12

    S.E Hinton wrote the outsiders because he was inspired in high school? Well, what was so inspiring in high school? Where she lived there were gangs. Whenever she saw them fight, it mad him what to write the story even more. So one time she really though about it and decided to write it. Another reason he wanted to really wanted to was because She wrote to help herself deal with her father's condition. S.E's father was sick. She the that it would get her some money, so that was the only way to help out.

    Stress was one of her problems. Whenever she was stressed out, she would always write about things that happened in her life. Sometimes she was involved in the gangs. She didn't want to but she wasn't fast enough. Things in high school can really inspire you to do things. Her passion was writing. So, never give up and follow your dreams. S.E was never in a young adult literature class so she did not have that much experience from someone else.

  24. Halle Chiarelli MW2 5-18-12

    I chose to compare Darrel Curtis from " The Outsiders". Darrel has two brothers, Soda-pop, and Pony-boy. Darrel is the oldest of all of them. Their parents died in a car crash and now Darrel looks out for the family. He quit school and now works two jobs to support himself and his two younger brothers. He makes very good chocolate cake which supplies a breakfast for him and his brothers every morning. Since Darrel is the oldest son, he now plays the role of a dad. He looks out for Pony-boy and Soda-pop. He is a good person and does good things, he is said to be strong, athletic, and intelligent. He is a good figure for Pony-boy. Many of the other greasers call him " Superman ".

    He is a one of a kind person because it is not easy for many people to go through loosing both of their parents at one time. Not only did he lose his parents, but he has to play the role of mom and dad now in the house. He has to look after his younger brothers and not many people would be able to do that. Life has changed a lot in some ways and has stayed the same in many too. Many teens these days would go live with a relative of some sort because of Chile Protective Services. At least for Pony-boy anyway because he is not 18 years old yet. Many teens now wouldn't be able to get away with living in a house with their siblings all alone.

  25. Vincent Pecoraro MW2 5/18/12

    Ponyboy Curtis is the youngest greaser. He is only fourteen years old but has had it hard all of his life since his parents died. Being such a nice guy people always give him a hard time in his gang. His older brother Darry is the leader of all of the greasers and they all look up to him. When his parents died he has know one that loves him anymore and he is saddened and lonely almost all the time. His older brother always calls him stupid and mean names for no apparent reason.
    This is actually similar in today's world as well. Even after all this time there is still separations between people that form groups such as greasers and SOC. A lot of families have it hard just like Ponyboy too. It happens all the time parents die in car crashes, killers, thieves and all different types of misfortunes. Overall even though style has changed most of the time people don't. When your a kid your the same innocent human being that just wants to be loved, and that's how it will always be no matter the type of time period your in, ethnic background, or anything else. So compared to today's time period were all not so different from the SOC or the Greasers in the long run.

  26. Payton Rentsch
    Pony boy Curtis, is strong. He is a reliable person and observant of others. He has two older brothers that love him. They don't always show it, hardly at all. He is a greaser. Meaning he slicks hi hair back. He doesn't have a lot if not any common sense. He doesn't have a name other then his nick name, all the greasers have nick names. Him and his brothers live in property. He goes anywhere and does anything he wants.

    Compared to many people at this school, they both are strong. Some are reliable and observant. Many care for their friends and family. Most boys don't wear their hair like the greasers. Most boys have short hair and natural. Some of the boys don't have common sense but some do. People in my school have real names and maybe nick names. Most people can't do whatever and go where ever they want.

  27. Mckenzie Barth MW2 5-18-12
    Research the small town where "The Outsiders" took place and compare it to Pinckney - Writing two paragraphs:
    When you read "The Outsiders" or watch the movie you think, this town is small and not filled with much. Tulsa, Oklahoma is where "The Outsiders" took place. It is the second largest city in Oklahoma. It is portrayed in the movie as sort of small, crummy and separated by the rich and the poor. Tulsa has very nice buildings and the architecture is amazing. One of the largest shopping malls in Oklahoma is also in Tulsa. Now let's think about where we live.
    You see Pinckney as a small town. Well if you see it that way, you are right. There are not that many people located in Pinckney. Pinckney, MI is a place full of festivals and parades. Pinckney is not happy all the time though which is why most people don't like it. We have to face the fact of drugs and death in such a small area where we all know eachother. Some people just want out of Pinckney so bad that they take their own life. It's a sad thing yet it's something we have to face in life. Pinckney is nothing like Tulsa, Oklahoma. We are small and unknown. There are plenty of small business in Pinckney. In Tulsa, Oklahoma they have gone very modern with their architecture.,_Oklahoma,_Michigan

  28. Evan Bauer 5/18/12 MW2
    The author of the book is named S.E Hinton. She grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was said to be a shy kid and published the book the outsiders when she was just 17. S.E Hinton actually wanted to be a ranch farmer, growing up. She never wanted to be a writer but thats what she became because in Tulsa there was not much job opportunities for people to take advantage of. She became a writer and found that it was quit boring, then again she said "my life is boring there is nothing fun to do in the town of Tulsa writing is my only escape from here."
    Hinton had wrought the book based on her school. The lower mid-class (greasers) vs the higher rich-class (socs) which I found out means social. The book shows how violent gangs can hurt each other and what a gang is about, it even show what most gangs fight for which is to be released and respected. "Most of the book is true" said Hinton she said that there is some twistes in there that she added her self but I never heard of a author that doesn't add to a story. Hinton wrote the book to get out of the place she was in, she knew that there was the world to see and more excitement she could see if she just opened her eyes and mind.

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  30. Riley Hafner MW2 5/18/12

    The worlds of the teens in The Outsiders is a lot different then ours. In The Outsiders there were two social groups, the greasers and the Soc. The greasers were the group of kids that lived the rough lives. They walked the streets and marked their turf. They were tough and weren't afraid to fight when the time came. The greasers also looked out for each other and they all felt like a family. The Soc on the other hand were the wealthy kids who were aloud to do as they pleased. They thought they were better that the greasers in every way and that they could treat them very nasty and get away with it. They liked the division that the Soc and greasers had. The parents of both the groups let their kids run around and get beat up and didn't mind. These days things are quite a bit different.
    Today we still do have different social groups but there is many more then just two. Kids that do have a lot more money than others still do think they are better then everyone else and can get away with anything. We definitely don't fight as much as the greasers and the Soc and I doubt that parents would allow so much fighting as they did in The Outsiders. In the movie Johnny killed one of the Soc and they just brushed the murder aside because him and Ponyboy saved the children from the church. These days there still would be consequences for a murder. Johnny probably would have been sent to jail no matter how many kids he saved. A lot of times we still think of our social groups as our family because they are our best friends and we would do almost anything for them. Even if we aren't all that tough we still know how to stand up for what we believe in and aren't afraid to speak our minds. In a way we aren't as different from the kids in The Outsiders but then again, we have so many differences.


  31. Abby Schoonover MW2 5/18/12

    Darrel Curtis is looked up to by many of the Greasers including his younger brothers Pony Boy and Soda Pop. Darrel is the unofficial leader of the greasers and also the head of the household. Darrel's parents died in a car crash leaving him to fend for his brothers and himself. Darrel did not have a great relationship with his youngest brother at first but after Pony Boy returns home, Darrel has a new prospective on things. Darrel dropped out of school so he could work two full time jobs. He need to work so he can provide for his family. Darrel has a close relationship with his brothers and watches over them. For a twenty year old boy to have to raise two younger brothers, I personally do not think is fair to him.
    Kids today would not have taken responsibility like Darrel had done. Kids today are lazy and irresponsible. It took a lot of courage for Darrel to drop out of school just so he could go work two full time jobs. I thought about it and I honestly don;t know what I would have done back in that time to keep my sister and I alive. I can't imagine having to raise my little sister on my own. I did find one thing that Darrel and I have in common. We both have younger sibling that look up to us that we care for and love. Darrel was a brave young man and it would take a lot of courage for any one to do what Darrel did.

    1. Sources:

  32. Malorie Moen 5-18-12 MW2

    The 1950s was very different than today. They had Greasers and Socs, which were similar to gangs. The greasers were poorly dressed, they would also put grease in their hair. They were known as the trouble-makers. The Socs were richer people and they dressed more preppy. They appeared to be "nice kids." Today, at our age we don't have gangs and people treat each other more respectfully.

    Dally Winston was the toughest greaser out of the whole gang. He smoked almost every minute of the day. He would also get in a lot of fights with the Socs. He was a very violent person. Most teenagers in our community don't have gangs, don't smoke, and don't fight very often. The 1950s was very different than today.

    1. Malorie Moen 5-18-12 MW2

  33. Evan Bauer 5/18/12 MW2

  34. LeAnn Howe MW2 5-18-12

    1. Ponyboy Curtis is a fourteen year old boy. He goes through a few struggles in his life. His parents die and he has to live with his brothers. Him and his brothers don't always get along very good. Ponyboy has to be very strong. Also, his friend Jonny Cade gets severely burned in a fire trying to save little kids. Ponyboy also helps save them too but he doesn't get injured as bad. This shows a lot of his character. He is willing to risk his life to save others.
    Some teenagers now have lost there parents due to accidents. They have to be very strong from day to day. Losing your best friend must be hard too. But it happens to teenagers everyday. Basically, kids then and now still go through the same situations. There are some teenagers that care about their grades. But, there are also some who don't. Teenage years are one of the hardest parts of life to go through. They always have been and always will.

  35. Alex Lovings 5-18-12 MW2

    Pony Boy Curtis is reliable and observant of others. He has two older brothers that care about him but don't really show it. He is a greaser, which means he greases his hair back to make a hairdo. He does not really have a name, but he does have a nick name that all greasers have. He also lives in poverty. He is allowed to go anywhere he wants whenever he wants to.

    Pony Boy is nothing like the youth of today. majority of us dont wear are hair back like greasers, we either wear it short or long to the sides. We are not allowed to go anywhere we want when ever we want, now a days we have curfews on how long we can stay out till we get in trouble. Poverty was bad back then and its still bad to this day.

  36. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 5/18/12 MW2

    Ponyboy Curtis is the youngest greaser and the narrator of the story. He is fourteen. Ponyboy was a smart kid, he knew the peoples roles in his group. The only problem in his group is that he learned from them to hate socs. He really doesn't know that socs have problems just like they do. Luckily he learns that they do. He changes throughout this movie.
    Ponyboy is not like the kids of today. We don't have groups of poor and rich people anymore. But, people still do judge people by what they hear or grew up with. When a person is born into a belief, they a somewhat forced to believe it. That happens all the time. The only thing that changes their mind is what they see for themselves. Also Ponyboy and his group were able to do different things that kids can't do now. Like kids can't go to drive-in movies anymore without it costing a lot and there is not a lot of drive-in movies in this area. The greasers and socs are very different then us.

  37. 1. Eddie Roberts 5/18/12 mw2

    2. Dallas Winston is a hardened teen who hangs with the gangs in New York. Dallas has violent ambitions and thats what makes him more dangerous than all of the other greasers. He takes pride in his criminal record and it's like a trophy to him. Dallas is way different then most teens now a day's. Most teens these days are afraid to get in trouble and fell ashamed if they committed a crime.
    Most teens now a day's aren't in gangs and try to stay out of trouble and not cause it. With the exception of the few that live in the cities and hang around bad people and do very bad things. Teen's that live in small villages and towns like Pinckney usually don't have any gangs. All though Pinckney does have a reputation of bad habits there is nothing as bad as dally.

  38. 1Zack Fuller Mw2 5-18-12
    Tulsa Oklahoma and Pinckney are very different for one there not evan in the same state. Tulsa Oklahoma is about 180 times bigger than the village of Pinckney. Pinckney is in Livingston County Michigan and is the smallest village in Livingston. In Tulsa Oklahoma is in Tulsa County Oklahoma. Oklahoma is in the dry Southwest and Michigan is in the Midwest and gets plenty of rain.
    Tulsa's area code is 539 but Pinckney's is 734. The population of Tulsa is good 391,406 people to Pinckney's 2,141 people almost 195 times more people in Tulsa than in Pinckney. Tulsa has 9 Public high schools and Pinckney only has 1. Pinckney's area is almost as big as Tulsa's water area.


  39. Matt Pankow MW2 5-18-12


    Dallas Winston A.K.A Dally, was what seemed to be the leader of his own greasers group. He used to rome with gangs when he was younger. Dally spent some time in jail for part of his life. Dally is more dangerous than the other two boys he rolls with. He gets into fights what seems to be every night. Dally shows no fear, he acts tough. Dally see's no pint in changing because he looks to the positive side of his criminal records. Dally finds violence fun or amusing and pony boy and johnny don't really like getting involved as much as dally.

    The youth today is not to similar to dally. Today police protection is higher which is meaning there are more cops patrolling around. Most kids today don't grease there hair back because trends change and people don't want to be the only one doing it. Back then they didn't have video games which could be what led to violence. with video games kids wouldn't be bored enough to amuse themselves by fighting. Stealing is not as much of a problem as it was back then. Now we have evolved with technology and have scanners by doors to tell if you have something stolen or not rung up. Cameras are a big help now to. Youth is a lot different today then it was back then and will keep changing.

  40. Megan Gunderson MW2 5-18-12
    The main character of "The Outsiders" is Ponyboy Curtis. He is a boy who lost his parents in and tragic car accident. He is only 14 and is living with his two older brothers Darry and Sodapop. Ponyboy's home life is harsh. Darry repeatedly tells him that he has no common sense. Darry is verbally and physically abusive. Luckily Sodapop stands up for him. Ponyboy admires his brother and looks up to him. Ponyboy is a greaser like his two brothers. He is the youngest one of the gang. Ponyboy is not like all the other greasers. He has a soft side. he loves literature. Ponyboy read poems and excels in english. Ponyboy is also a track star at school. Ponyboy is a kid that is different from all the other greasers and often says he is misunderstood.

    A young kid from 2012 is nothing like Ponyboy. Kids from 2012 are average.An average student is basically an average student, they receive c's and hang out with their friends. Most people aren't part of gangs. Although there are drug gang that some kids are part of. Drug gangs aren't like greasers though. Normally if you are part of a gang you would get a tattoo to show what gang you are in instead of not washing you hair. Also gangs don't rumble kid from today just punch each other is they get mad, they don't plan out an fight. Kids from 2012 are either nerds average or dropouts.There is no in-between really. You cant be a nerd and in a gang, and you cant be a nerd and be popular. Kids from 2012 are different from kids from 2012 in many ways.

  41. Henry Haidler, 5/18/12, MW2

    Darrel Curtis or known as "Darry" to the other greasers is to leader of the group even though they don't have one definite leader he stepped up and took the fatherly role over everyone. In the beginning pony-boy and him were great but then when their parents died in a car crash they seemed more distant and violant towards each other. After awhile he became more close and more of a father than a brother. When something happens Darry steps into his boss or leadership mode and makes sure everyone knows what to do and how to react to it.
    Darry can be similar to many people because many will step up when something happens and take that leadership role. Even the people that you don't expect would be in that position can do it. I'm sure that some part in everyones life they have felt like a fatherly role in them and are really protective of them there is that love for them that you would do anything to protect them. Darry has that in him especially when the fight happens when pony-boy gets really hurt Darry made sure he was okay. The person that reminds me of Darry the most is my good friend Bubba because they both are tall and he has been there for me and mentoring me for a long time through everything and we spend a lot of time together. We have our good times and bad times just like darry and pony-boy.

  42. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 5-18-12


    The author, S.E. Hinton had written the book. She had written the book when she was in her teens. She was inspired by real life rivals Greasers and Socs. She had written from a Greasers point of view to show sympathy for them. She went to Will Rogers High School. Her real life name is Susan Eloise Hinton.
    While growing up, Susan enjoyed horseback riding, reading, and taking classes at the local University. She had a cameo in The Outsiders (film) as a nurse in Dally's room. She had written another famous book called Rumble Fish. She had also made a cameo in that movie too. She married in 1970 and had a son named Nicolas David Inhofe. Inhofe had recorded the sound effects for Ice-Age 2: The Meltdown.


  43. 1. Kira D'Agostino MW2
    2. Ponyboy is the main character in the film 'The outsiders.' He is a young kid who does not get what every other kid has. He struggles with finding the love in his family. His parents passed away when he was young so his brothers Sodapop and Darry have to be his role models. They do not show that they love him and they constantly are picking fights with him. He struggles with his division, he is a young male in the greasers gang and has to deal with the Socs or the rich kids who live in the nice side of town. They constantly pick fights with the greasers and do not want anyone they know to socialize with them.
    The kids for the 1950's still are seen in many groups today. There are still tough gangs that fight with the popular rich kids. The only difference is that is not the same kind of people. Many other groups exist like gay groups and female groups and even some older women are in groups. They were different things to symbolize their group logo or meaning. Another thing that differs them is the way they talk. Not many groups talk in slang anymore. It just isn't what tough groups do.
    There are a lot of kids like Ponyboy, they struggle with family and with getting into difficult situations. Some kids do very bad things and others feel lost. Some do not know how to show their academics like Ponyboy. He would read to Johnny and he even knew some poetry. Ponyboy struggles with his friends which a lot of kids face now days. They are not cool enough or do not bring a certain quality to the table. They have to change in order to be accepted. This can cause a lot of stress and may make the kid insecure. All in all the movie is still relevant, And if you look around you, you can see there are still a lot of Ponyboy's walking around in your small town.


  44. Chiera Palamar mw2 5/18

    The author of "The Outsiders" is Susan Eloise Hintion, she was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1950 also where The Outsiders takes place. Susan Eloise Hinton wrote many books, out of the nine she wrote she made four movies. In 1998 Hinton was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame. She always writes from the point of view of boys, her explanation is "She's always been a tomboy." Susan Hinton is a very independent person, she isn't very comfortable speaking to others about herself. Hinton has been writing since 1967 to present
    Susan Eloise Hinton writes a lot of young fiction. Hinton's first novel was The Outsiders. She wrote that book to "confront" her high school english teacher. Susan shortened her name to S.E Hinton so boys wouldn't know she was a women. The Outsiders became a Cult Classic to teens all around the world. By the 1990's she began writing books for younger readers rather then novels.

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  47. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 5/18/12

    2. Dallas Winston is a tough teenage boy who used to run with gangs from new york. He is a greaser in pony-boy curtis' group of greasers. he is the toughest of their group and he is also more dangerous because of his violent tendencies, and he is proud of his criminal record. he has an elfin face, icy blue eyes, and white-blonde hair, but unlike his friends he does not grease his hair.
    There are many differences in how teenagers act today than how they acted then. Back then they had greasers and socs, which are similar to gangs, and today teenagers tend to form cliques. they are also different in their physical appearances, as in the way they dressed, and did their hair. but as far as the mental situations there are still things going on like fighting and losing people that are close to you, also having parents that are drunks etc.

  48. Molly Aills TT4 5/18/12

    1) Dallas Winston is a tough guy, but when it comes down to it he has a soft side. He tends to be brusque and keep people at a distance when he wants to keep his soft side hidden. "Dally" is a really tough fighter, and can be violent at times. He's a stud as well, very handsome and cocky with white-blond hair and icy blue eyes. He used to run with gangs in New York, and he is proud of his criminal record.
    Some teens today hide their feelings inside, covering them up with brusque or apathetic attitudes. People can't always judge them effectively this way, which can make them mad or even violent. Teens can also be cocky and brag about the things they've done. These teens, who hide their true feelings inside, are everywhere, in every generation. Most of them don't even mean to hide their feelings from everyone, and in truth they wish people would get to know them more, even if they're pushing them away.

  49. Devin Bryant 12-17-12 tt4

    What is the plot of the outsiders or the problem it is greasers being lower class kids who are rivals with the socs and the socs always find the greasers and attack them when they are alone. But the biggest problem I have found That there is two main conflicts one is all of his friends dyeing first johnny then dally and he gets sad the second conflict is him and his brothers fighting they resolve that problem by after his friends die they stop and they resolve the first conflict by his writing a story to his teachers about his life witch gets turned into a book to make him happier.
    pony boy has been through the hole movie rolling with the greasers because his older brothers and they have been in a war with the socs witch is a big problem in this book because they have been killing or hurting each other the hole way but what would be a conclusion for all of this for pony boy would be to leave the greasers he doesnt want to be in them anyways and that is what pony boy should to to solve the conflict

  50. Lexi Cox, 5-18-12, TT4

    Ponyboy Curtis is a young boy who is growing up without any parents. He lives with his two brothers on the poorer side of town. Ponyboy is a rebellious teen who is fourteen and labeled a "greaser". Ponyboy smokes cigarettes and has witnessed deaths of teenagers around the same age as him. Ponyboy has seen what it is like to be beat, and knows what its like growing up with out parents.
    Teenagers who are growing up now, are a lot different then Ponyboy. Most teenagers have not ever witnessed a death or have ever been involved in a fight. Most teenagers do not smoke cigarettes until they are the legal age. Teenagers now have a lot less freedom then Ponyboy and his friend did. We have stricter laws and teenagers are expected to act a lot better then they do in The Outsiders. Growing up now and how Ponyboy grew up are two totally different lives.

  51. Josh Mick 5/18/12 TT4

    4. The author of the "Outsiders" was S.E Hinton. She was born July 22nd in 1950, Tulsa, Oklahoma. In Tulsa there was not much to do, so that led her to read and write at a young age. As a child she was a very avid reader, and being a good reader made her engage with experimenting with writing. She had a dream to become a cattle rancher. With experimenting with writing she soon had a new dream to become a writer. While Susan was a junior in high school her father got diagnosed with cancer. To help deal with her father having cancer she wrote. During this time she finished her first book, the "Outsiders."

    Hinton’s publishers decided that Hinton should publish her novel under the name S. E. Hinton in order to cloak her gender. They worried that readers would not respect The Outsiders, which features male protagonists and violent situations, if they knew a female wrote it. Hinton has said that she does not mind using an authorial name that is gender neutral. After this she stared to write novels from the 1950s to now.


  52. Josh Mick 5/18/12 TT4

    4. The author of the "Outsiders" was S.E Hinton. She was born July 22nd in 1950, Tulsa, Oklahoma. In Tulsa there was not much to do, so that led her to read and write at a young age. As a child she was a very avid reader, and being a good reader made her engage with experimenting with writing. She had a dream to become a cattle rancher. With experimenting with writing she soon had a new dream to become a writer. While Susan was a junior in high school her father got diagnosed with cancer. To help deal with her father having cancer she wrote. During this time she finished her first book, the "Outsiders."

    Hinton’s publishers decided that Hinton should publish her novel under the name S. E. Hinton in order to cloak her gender. They worried that readers would not respect The Outsiders, which features male protagonists and violent situations, if they knew a female wrote it. Hinton has said that she does not mind using an authorial name that is gender neutral. After this she stared to write novels from the 1950s to now.

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  54. Danielle Stowell 5/18/12 TT4

    Ponyboy Curtis is fourteen years old and the youngest of the greasers. Both of his parents have died in a car accident so his two older brothers and Ponyboy live together. He struggles with a few things like violence, innocence, familial love and class division. One of Ponyboy's best friend Jonny dies from trying to save little kids in a house fire or school fire. Ponyboy had went in the fire to help Jonny but didn't get hurt as bad. Ponyboy is being very strong and still has to be with all of this going on in his life.
    Losing the people you love is the hardest thing in the world especially when your a teenager or younger. You just have to move on with your life and be strong. Being a teenager is the hardest part of life and growing up. Some people feel that school is a chore, but really it's not it actually gets you somewhere in life. If you want to go somewhere in life after high school you need to get good grades to be able to do that. Teens go through this everyday and they still survive just never give up even if life is rough.

  55. Sam Mynarcik tt4 5/18/12

    Ponyboy Curtis is a 14 year old that is a greaser and has gone through a lot in his lifetime. Some problems that he has are basic teenage problems that people face everyday. Today a greaser would be in a bad part of town and he would be at the ghetto in a gang and they would have more pistols and guns then they back then. Ponyboy lacks in common sense said by his brother Darry and Sodapop now in todays time you need common sense. After his parents die in a car accident he becomes gentle 14 year old he has issues, but of course you would have issues. Now they would take time off of school.

    Ponyboy lost his best friend during the church fire he was saved, but after the battle against the Sucs he had past away. Mostly all in today we would have consolers or people that help them get over the incident. His problems can be taken care of he probably has psychological problems from what he went through. Back then though you could be sent into a mental institution from that. He hinds it though he hides it very well. He is a strong 14 year old and it will haunt him because what happen.

  56. Olivia Sdao TT4, 5-18-12

    How Sodapop in the 50's and the 18 year old boys have changed is a lot. Sodapop is a greaser from the 50's. He looks after his younger brother Pony boy. The way he acts is like a bad boy and that know one can hurt him in any way, he can be mean but in a way has a loving personality for his brothers. The way he looks, his hair is slicked back with hair jell, he wears a leather jacket with a pair of old jean rolled to his angles with a white or black tee on.

    An 18 year old boy has changed from the 50's. They don't have groups like they use to in the 50's. They act more mature then the greasers, they act a little more grown up then you think! They don't wear leather jackets like Sodapop did they wear vanes or D.C. clothing instead and there hair is usually short or long. That is how an 18 year old boy has changed con paired to Sodapop.

  57. 1. Milan Mihajlovski TT4 5-18-12

    Ponyboy Curtis is the main character in the book "The Outsiders." He is a fourteen-year-old kid and isn't like other kids, and doesn't get what other kids have. He struggles with his family, he cant find love in them. His mom and dad passed away when he was just a little boy so his two brothers have to take care of him and be his role model. The brothers pick on him and he thinks they don't love him but its what brothers do. He is also a greaser gang and has to do things that a normal kid wouldn't do. The gang he is in fights with the rich kids and constantly picks fights.

    Now nothing is like what it was, kids still hang out in groups but are not gang members. so the way life was back then is way different to today.

  58. Heidi Siemon 5-18-12 TT4

    The author of “The Outsiders” is Susan Eloise Hinton. She was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Susan decided to write this novel because she was not satisfied with the literature that was being written for young adults. “The Outsiders” was her first novel and it was published in the year of 1967. “The Outsiders” gave her a lot of fame and publicity, which entailed pressure. All of this resulted in a writer's block, which she had for three years. Her boyfriend at the time, who was not happy with her being so depressed, got her out of the block. He made her write two pages a day, which led to her next novel, “That Was Then, This Is Now.”
    Susan got married in the year 1970 to David, right before the novel “That Was Then, This is now,” which was published in 1971. She had a son and named him Nick. Nick is now moved out and in college. Her hobby is horse- back riding. She loves to read, and she does it constantly. She has written five young adult novels, two children's books, and two adult books. Susan is currently living in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband David.

  59. 1. Sam Hall TT4 May 18, 2012

    2. Research the author of the book "The Outsiders" and write two paragraphs covering his biography and why he wrote the story.

    3. S.E. Hinton was born in Tulsa Oklahoma. S.E. Hinton began to write the book "The Outsiders" when she was just fifteen years old, because she was angry when her friend was jumped for being a greaser. When Hinton was eighteen years old the book was published.

    After she wrote the outsiders S.E. Hinton wrote eight more books, three of which were made into movies. S.E. Hinton now lives in Tulsa with her husband and son, and still reads and writes at the local university.




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  62. Kyle Gonos MW4 5-18-12

    Q: Research the author of the book "The Outsiders" and write two paragraphs covering her biography and why she wrote the story.

    "The Outsiders" before it was a movie was a book. The author of this book was S.E. Hinton. S.E. stands for Susan Eloise and she shortened her name so that boys wouldn't know that a girl wrote the outsiders. She grew up in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Growing up she loved to read, she would read constantly and still does to this very day. Also she would experiment with writing. As you can see by her book she loves to write. She started to write at the age of 10 and wrote "The Outsiders" by the age of 17.

    As she was growing up, reading was what she loved to do. But she could never find anything to read being a teen. Adult books were to complicated and child books were to easy to read. So she decided to write a realistic story about being a teen. When she decided to do this she put her mind to it. She was inspired from real events and people in her life. From this inspiration she recorded these events in her life and put them into her story. With the money she made from this book she was able to attend and graduate from the University of Tulsa.

  63. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 5/18/12
    2. Citations- &
    3. "The Outsiders" setting takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tulsa like Pinckney, has many rivers, lakes and hills. The geography is about the same. Along with the climate. Tulsa endures all four seasons. Much like Pinckney. Their winters though, are much milder. The average temperature in winter is around 35.7 degrees. While Pinckney's is around 26.3 degrees. Also, Tulsa is the 2nd largest City in Oklahoma, and the 46th largest in the United States. Saying this, the population is a large 391,906 residents. It is a very big and famous city. Especially compared to Pinckney. Pinckney is very small and unknown to people out side of Putnam Township. Lastly, there are many airports, hotels, malls, and car rentals. In fact, 49% of Tulsa is shopping/tourist related. Pinckney doesn't really have anything except for restaurants. Outside of Pinckney, is Brighton. Which holds most of the recreation for us. But that is about it. Nobody would really want to come to Pinckney on a vacation. It makes sense, because there isn't much here. As you can see, there are some similarities, and some differences between the two cities.

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  65. 1.Tyler Pruneau 5/18/12 mw4


    3. The movie (Outsiders) Curtis (pony-boy) is fourteen years old, he smokes and he's a greaser. He has been left by his parents from a horrid accident they where in. Now he is forced to stay with his 2 older brothers. (pony-boy) heard that the government thinks it would be best to place him in a all boys home, this is hard for him to avoid because in the movie he runs into a lot of trouble and violence.
    With all these things happening around (Pony-boy) he and his friend Johnny run into a house burning down and there where still children in the house, So Johnny and (Pony-boy) run into the burning house and save all the children. After wise Johnny has major burns and has no other choice but to go to the hospital, after about 1 week with Johnny in the hospital he passes away and this just crushes (Pony-boy).

  66. Seth Wilson MW4 MAy 18 2012

    Research the small town where "The Outsiders" took place and compare it to Pinckney - Writing two paragraphs

    In the move 'The Outsiders' They live in a small town which resembles Pinckney in many ways. The most noticeable way is the mixture of different types of people, in the story there are kids that are considered very good kids and there are the poorer kids. These poorer kids are considered bad although they have very good personalities and may not even be bad, where the kids known as the good kids are usually causing fights and other problems.

    The other comparison that is very noticeable is that the town they live in is part rural and then the other part is like a downtown area. Pinckney has the same thing in it. In the movie the more uptown area seems to be the place that people like to hangout with people and go to when they are bored. In Pinckney a lot of people like to go uptown to hangout with people to.

  67. Cheyanne Havermahl, 5/18/12, MW4

    In the 1950's it was different from today's times. They had only two groups you were either a soc, or a greaser. Now there are a lot more groups and not as much hate in high school towards each other. In the 1950's if your were a soc the greasers hated you, and if you were a greaser the soc's hated you. And they hated each other a lot, so much that they would fight and kill each other. In our high school no one attacks each other and tries to kill each other if you hate some one.
    The soc's were the wealthier and more smart kids who got good grades and had good reputations. If you were a greaser you had a terrible reputation, and were poor and didn't get the best grades. Now people don't really know how rich or poor you are or your grades. Also if people that don't have as much money are still friends with people with more money. It doesn't really matter as much anymore and is more on there personality. Like in the movie Soda Pop really did care about people but still was seen as a bad person.

  68. 1. Cade Marttinen 5/18/12 MW4

    2. Research one of the characters from "The Outsiders" character list on - Then write two paragraphs comparing that character of the 1950s to a youth of today.

    3. Johnny Cade is a 16 year old teenager. His parents are horrible people are they do not want him at home. Johnny is part of a gang called the Greasers along with Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Dally, Two-bit and others. All the greasers look out for each other to make sure they don't get in trouble. Johnny does not do well in school. He is the child of alcoholic and abusive parents which makes him nervous and sensitive. Since his parents do not care for him, Johnny sees the greasers as his true family. In turn, the older boys, particularly Dally, are protective of him.
    A youth of today would probably commit suicide if he had parents like that. Someone in todays world would also be a bully and be angry all the time. It would not be fun to hang around someone who has experienced stuff like Johnny. If someone also killed another person, They would run away and live somewhere just like Johnny did. People in Todays time would do things different than Johnny because Johnny is quiet and thoughtful.


  69. 1. Ian Grady, 5-18-2012, MW4

    S.E. Hinton was born on july 22 1950 in Tulsa Oklahoma. Later in her life she wrote the book The Outsiders. She didn't have much to do so she ended up reading and writing a lot. S.E. Hinton wanted to be gender neutral in her story and to not have it seem to feminine. It worked. The story reflected on what the time period was back then.

    Basically with gangs the Greasers and Sochs. All they did was walk around and fight each other. But people are people and some of them get along, and some of them die in the process. The Greasers are the mainly focused group in the story and The Sochs are looked upon as ''The bad guys.''

  70. Kalani Gondick 5/18/12 MW4

    PonyBoy Curtis is a fourteen old boy who goes through a lot of hard times. Both of his parents have died from a car accident so him and his other brothers live together. He has to put up with a lot of stuff that happens Ponyboy had a best friend but he died in a school fire. He tried to go in there and save him but ponyboy got really hurt and all messed up. Jimmy was a really strong boy and they helped each other out but jimmy didn't make it. Ponyboy was really messed up he was burnt from head to toe. PonyBoy went in the fire to save jimmy from dying, Jimmy didn't get hurt that much it was all ponyboy that got hurt.
    Losing someone that was so close to you is a very hard thing even when you are younger or older. You have to keep a smile on your face. It will come back to you later but you just got to stay strong. You can't just sit there and be sad all the time, People know its hard to lose someone that was so close to you but you just have to move on and keep a smile on your face.

  71. Nicholas Marlatt - 05/18/12 - MW4

    In the book/movie "The Outsiders" the story took place in a town called "Tulsa Oklahoma" The author in the book has never said the town or place. But did mention it during interviews about the book/movie.Present day Tulsa is more like a city then a town. It's busy roads filled with cars, skyscrapers towering over people like they are the wonders of the world. Butback in 1965 the city looked a lot like the current day Pinckney. A small quite town that has a park, little shops for you're every day needs. wonders of houses filled with the greatest of occupants.

  72. Austin Wicker 5-18-12 M-W4th

    Tulsa, Oklahoma, that is where "The Outsiders" takes place. Tulsa, Oklahoma has a rustic feeling to the town and it is a small town not too big and a town that has a good community. There are parts of the town that have poor people that live there and there are parts where the wealthy live and Pinckney is like that too because sadly there are places where there are people who don't have that much money live. There are also wealthy places where people that have more money than others may live. The Outsiders had Soc's and greasers and Pinckney doesn't give titles like that anymore but there are some people that are Soc's that are maybe wealthier and there are greasers that are maybe not so fortunate. But there is a line in the community where there are wealthy people and middle class and poor people in Pinckney.
    Tulsa Oklahoma had only a few schools in the district and Pinckney has many, there are four elementary schools and a fifth and sixth building, a middle school and a high school, Pinckney may have more students in the schools that Tulsa. Tulsa and Pinckney are definitely both small towns, they don't have many big name brand stores or buildings. But they are both growing too, they get many new stores coming in and many new building and businesses each year. Pinckney and Tulsa are both very small and tiny but both are growing. Pinckney and Tulsa are both the same in a way and different too.


  73. Kirsten Brydon 4th hr 5-18-12

    Cherry Valance is a character from "The Outsiders" that actually relates in many ways to people in real life now. She can be considered a bystander for her role in the book as well. Though a "soc." , Cherry actually is comfortable around "greasers" Johnny and Ponyboy when the "greasers" and "soc.'s" are bitter rivals. One of the "greasers" Dally, does not amuse her with his antics even when she admires him as well. In some ways she takes both sides of the greaser/soc. argument. Her boyfriend was Bob (a soc.) and yet later she spies on the soc. side for the greasers and shares a few moments with Ponyboy.

    Many teens today choose to be bystanders to what goes on around them in the same way Cherry did in "The Outsiders". In an argument, many teens choose not to get into it, which won't exactly stop the problem. But they still have emotions, and like Cherry, a teen might sympathize for one or both sides in an argument. Being a girl and teen, I know that most would want to be treated respectfully as well as Cherry wanted too. In many ways, Cherry Valance was like how must of us behave ourselves.

    Works Cited

  74. Aaron Durham, 5-23-12, MW4

    1. The outsiders took place in the mid 1960's in Tulsa, Oklahoma i think that this story and this town can relate to pinckney i think this because they have probables with gangs and drugs murders, while we have a current problem with drug abuse in pinckney and i think the movie was a good example of what happens when you take certain things too far. it relates to this town because there are the greasers and the Soca's just like there are the citizen's of Pinckney then the people who supply drugs to our small town community.


  75. Jordan Danko 5/31/12 TT2

    S.E. Hinton was the author for the novel "The Outsiders". The letters S.E. stand for Susan Eloise. She was born on july 22 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She began reading and writing at a young age. Her father became very ill and was diagnosed with cancer. Writing helped her get through these tough times. While her father was ill she wrote the book, "The outsiders".

    Susan wrote to get out her frustration and anger, it was her way of dealing with things. She didn't want soc. vs. Greasers anymore, which lead her to writing the book "The Outsiders."

  76. Mikal LaButte 5-23-12 MW2

    1. PonyBoy Curtis is the youngest of all the greasers. PonyBoy has gone through very tough time after both of his parents died in a car crash. He lives with his brothers and they don't get along very well. PonyBoys friend dies in a school fire and ponyBoy went back in to save him and he got badly hurt. PonyBoys friend didn't make it out of the fire and he died. When you lose someone that is close to you, you cant just stop and cry cry and cry. You need to drop it and move on it will come back to you and you will have memories.
    When you lose someone close to you, you need to keep looking up and keep looking forward. You also need to stand tall and stay strong. Just sitting their and be sad all the time you need to go out and do other activities. When you do lose someone that is really close to you it is really hard, I have a personal experience it is a really hard process to keep moving and going.
