Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Expository 3: Research and Write

Instructions:  Select one of the following expository topics (do not pick the same one as before).  Then spend 10 minutes researching that topic.  Complete a double entry log showing your research.  Write one paragraph that contains at least three to five facts that answers the why of your topic.  Remember, opinion is not expository - show the facts (truth) and let that be your influence.

  1. Explain why you admire a particular person.
  2. Explain why someone you know should be regarded a leader.
  3. Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
  4. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
  5. Explain why you especially enjoyed a particular teacher.
  6. Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.
  7. Explain why some students are forced to leave school once they are sixteen.
  8. Explain how moving from place to place affects teens.
  9. Explain why getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.
  10. Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.


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  6. 1. Malorie Moen 5-16-12 MW2

    2. As a teenager, our lives can be full of stress. There are many different reasons that cause stress. Moving to a new house or school can be stressful since you're not familiar with the area or the people there. Dating also causes stress because you have to make time for the person you're dating. If it lead to a breakup, then there would be more stress since most teens have a hard time with that. Many teens also struggle with school work, homework, and tests. When parents have very high expectations, it causes stress because sometimes you can't reach those expectations. There is a lot of pressure on teenagers, so they have very stressful lives.

  7. Halle Chiarell MW2 5-16-12

    When every child is born, there is an unconditional love and bond between a mother and child. When that child grows up, parents of that child only want the best for them. Some parents fulfill that by being strict. Parents that are strict, love their children very much and they give them strict rules because they want you to be safe. Strict parents want their children to have a good positive well behaved attitude. If they have good behavior, they are more likely to listen and follow the rules of their parents. They will obey their parents much more. Children that listen, are also more likely to obey and that is what a parent wants, it shows a sign of respect when a child obeys their parent. Parents also need to show their children good examples that their child can follow after. The parents have to be able to demonstrate a behavior that other will approve and a behavior that is respectful. When a parent shows examples of doing something right, that obligates a child to follow after their parent and make good choices for themselves too. A parent should show the child that being respectful to others is a good deed. A child will follow after that too. Strict parenting in a child shapes them for good examples, attitudes, behavior, choices and decisions.

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  9. Alex Lovings 5-16-12 MW2

    When a teenager moves its going to be hard and easy at the same time. Its going to be harder because their going to have a hard saying goodbye to their friends and where they grew up at. They will be out of their comfort zone they will be forced to go out and make new friends. It will be hard for them to say goodbye to anything. Moving is hard doesn't matter how old you are.

    The upsides to a teenager moving is that they will have a chance to go out in the world and explore new options/ideas. They will be able to meet new people and have new friends. They will learn to adapt to the area that they are in. If teenagers learn to adapt to an environment know they will be better off when the become adults.

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  11. LeAnn Howe MW2 5-16-12

    6. Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.

    Over 500 US cities have curfews for teens. These curfews are designed to increase parental responsibility. Also, they help prevent crime and stop people involved in suspicious activity. The crime rate for teenagers in cities with a curfew has gone down. Another reason for curfews is drunk drivers. They are mainly out at night. Adults do not want their children out messing around in the dark with irresponsible people on the road. Not only is there dunk drivers, but there are other drivers on the road that might not see you and you could get hurt.

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  13. Jacob Robinson MW2 5/16/12
    Q: Explain why getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.

    Teens are usually happy when they get their drivers licenses. Since they have their license, that means they are more independent and have more freedom in what they can do now. They can drive anywhere they want and whenever they want. They don't have to wait when their parents have time to drive them because the teens don't have their license. Also when teens get their drivers licenses then it is a big step towards adulthood.

  14. Megan Gunderson MW2 5-16-12
    Moving place to place when your a teen can be very scary. Imagine leaving behind the house you grew up in, your friends, and your aunts, uncles, and cousins. Moving can be stressful for teens. They have to rebuild there whole life in a new place. Teens can feel vulnerable when trying to establish a new identity. This can cause kids to feel insecurity at new places. One of the biggest places kids feel insecure is at their new school. Teens have to meet new people and make new first impressions. Some kids have panic attacks when they have to meet new people. Other kids have panic attacks when they move because they are are afraid of losing something special to them each time they move. One of the major down sides of moving is kids 11 to 17 are twice as likely to attempt suicide if their family moved three or more times. Moving can break teens down. Moving affect each teen differently, but its important to be there for a person who is moving place to place.

  15. Abby Schoonover MW2 May 16, 2012

    Most teens think their parents are too strict and need to give them more freedom. I agreed with these teens until I researched why parents act so strict. Parents have good reasons for being strict, they may just want their child to obey the rules they make for them but most parents have fear that their child will get into mischief. Teenagers around the ages of 13-17 tend to think that they are their own parents, they can do whatever they want whenever they want, and that they set the rules for themselves. A lot of teens are abusing and misusing alcohol and drugs. That is every parents worst nightmare. Parents also fear their child will give into peer pressure. When a kid is offered some thing or told to do something by a friend or another teen, they tend to have a hard time saying no and end up making a bad mistake. Parents question themselves as well. Its not that they dont trust their teen, its that the dont trust themselves. Parents are not sure wether or not they should let their child learn the consequences of their mistakes from experience or if the parents should tell the child. It is proven that learning form experience works better than hear about some one else's experience. After I read these facts I understood why parents are so strict; it is to protect us.

  16. Evan Bauer MW2 5/16/12
    Having a job Is one of many mane stresses in teens life. Jobs are very stress full because of the hours it takes up and balancing school with job. Not fitting in to a social group is stress full, it can make you fell unwanted and make you fell not important. School expectations are stress full they put the pressure on you because if you fail a grade you have to repeat it. Parent expectations are hard to keep up with, not meeting there expectations would mean getting yelled at or grounded. Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength and stamina. Stress is good in some situations but stress can kill and brake people to peaces we need to help those who can't get over the stress level bar.

  17. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 5-16-12

    Getting a drivers license is important to teens because it shows that you are more mature than before. It is also a step towards adulthood. It makes you feel more independent. You can leave whenever you like (if it's okay with your parents). You also don't have to rely on your parents to take you everywhere. But some teenagers don't want to get their license until they feel like they're ready. So some parents kind of have to force them to get their license.


  18. Mckenzie Barth MW2 5-16-12
    Why are parents sometimes strict?
    "Mom! What's the difference between 10 and 11 pm?!"
    "It's for your own good please just listen!"
    We have all heard a conversation similar to this. The "Mom knows best" really comes out when it comes to safety. Parents being strict is just their way of showing how much they care about you and don't want you to get hurt. The difference between 10 and 11pm is that at 10 their are less drunk drivers on the road. Adults are older and therefor wiser so they know better about what is right and wrong. Cutting computer time is because parents want you to be a responsible adult. When we are older we wil be thanking them for keeping us on track with the important things in life. When people say "Gosh my parents are so strict! Don't they know how to have fun?" You have to think about how adults are older and have already gone through the same situations as us.

  19. Bryce Heatwole MW2 5-16-12
    3. Grades can be much better if the parents help the kids and set down rules for doing work. Attitudes can also be better with a good education for the parents too. For their future the parents have to teach them how to stand up for themselves and can respect people and rules. Getting in trouble at school is a big part in parents teaching kids respect and how to act good in school. A good fondation for the kids and good rules is a great way to do good in school and keep them out of trouble. Children are more likely to have a good job and be successful when they are older. Parents need to be strict so the kids will respect the parents and teachers at school.

  20. 1 Zack Fuller Mw2 5-16-12

    2 Why do cities have curfew? Cities have curfews for many reasons and a lot of them are just to keep you safe and out of trouble. Fresno California reduce there curfew from 11 to 10 and seen a drop in teen car accidents. Chicago Curfew has reduce teen crime all through out Chicago and have had teens report more crime to cops. Houston Texas curfew has reduce gang violence by half and have led to gang busts. Curfew help you out by keeping you safe the earlier your in your house you have a lower chance of metting someone that can led you down the wrong road. Curfews are there to keep you safe.


  21. Joshua Helm/5-16-12/MW2

    Q. Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.

    A. It comes from multiple places like School, Friends, and Family. Schools Stressers are being bullied or harassed, Taking Classes past their academic ability, Having Conflicts with Teachers, Being Late/Skipping school, etc. Friends Stressers are Mainly peer pressure or losing friends by not submitting to peer pressure. Family Stressers are Finance, Arguments, College planning, etc. (

  22. Nick Norman MW2 5/16/12

    Parents can be very strict at some times. Why you may ask? Well I can tell you. When kids disobey them, it tends to get them frustrated. Then they start to raise there voice. Strict also means the have high standards of rules. If the kids don't follow them, they will get grounded. One of the most frequent ways to getting in trouble for a kid is school. Two ways. One, if there grades aren't so good they can get in trouble. Parents can have strict rules for grades. When they come home from school and have bad attitude, they parents won't tolerate them. Adult want to be happy in life so they have some strict standards.

  23. 1.Matt Pankow MW2

    There are many stresses in a teens life. Everyone wants to look good and be like the so called "cool" kids. Usually to be a "cool kid you have to be a good sports player. You have to be better than everyone else. That could be stress because of the trouble it will cause yo trying to be the best. Another stress could be puberty. Most of the time with teens there changing, that could cause embarrassment which would cause stress. That could include looking different and talking in a different fashion. One of the last stresses are getting good grades. Grades are the leading fact in stress in teens. Every teen wants to get good grades to impress. Sometimes getting good grades is a lot of trouble to your self that will stress you out. Every teen has stress at one time you just have to take a few minutes and relax.

    work sited

  24. Riley Hafner MW2 5/16/12

    What makes a good leader?

    A good leader is someone who is strong and has a positive attitude. They push to achieve goals and are always participating in different things. They try new things even if they are aren't any good at them and they show confidence in the abilities of other people. A leader is someone who sets and example for everyone else by treating others with respect and taking responsibility. You know someone is a good leader if they give credit where credit is needed. They don't take all the glory for things if it wasn't their doing and also share the power in making choices. Advise and ideas are things they give others for help. They have high self esteem and are very creative. Thinking outside the box is their thing and they always like sharing their ideas. Leaders make plans and keep things organized but also listen to others and what they have to say. A leader isn't afraid to take charge and put themselves out there while also working with others to get things done. All of these things make a good leader. Someone who is all around a good, honest, hard working person. They aren't afraid of being who they are and doing their best.

  25. Sam Love 5/16/12 MW2

    5. Explain why you especially enjoyed a particular teacher.

    My favorite teacher was from 4th grade. Mr. Carr was my 4th grade teacher at Hamburg Elementary. It was always fun to be doing a project because it would be an interactive one. When we did our state project you got to bring in items and/or food that the state was known for. During recess he would always play baseball or football with us. On Friday's we would do football picks for the games that weekend with Mr. Sharon's class next door who was a 3rd grade teacher. To have kids bond with a teacher it is better if they do more interactive stuff, and out of class activities. The teacher can incorporate games and fun activities to make the subject their learning more fun.

  26. 1. Eddie Roberts 5/16/12 mw2

    2. Teens have lots of stress that comes from school and friends. In school teens stress about getting good grades and doing well in school. They also worry about being bullied or compared to other. Teens also have stress that comes from friends. You have to worry about always being there for your friend. Teens also stress about boyfriends/girlfriends. They worry about if there partner is going to break up with them or other people that might get in the way of there partner.

  27. Seth Wilson MW4 May 16 2012

    If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
    If I was to be an animal it would most definitely be a dolphin. Dolphin would be the animal I'd like to be, because they are like the people of the sea and they're always doing cool flips and tricks and stuff. Also everyone loves dolphins and it would be cool to be loved by everyone.

  28. 1.Aaron Durham, 5-16-12, MW4

    2. Parents are never too strict parents. do everything for a reason to keep the one's they love the most safe from any high-risk danger, because now and day's teens are a lot more fragile. Parents give curfews and make rules because they want to give teen's a taste of what life is like and what consequences will be like if they consistently break rules, so it teaches teen's a lesson there is no such thing as a parent being to strict, it just means you still mean a lot to them and they want to keep their teenage as close as possible. also parents know their kid's best when something is wrong, the term been there done that is a real statement.

  29. Nicholas Marlatt - 5/16/12 - MW4
    Some people think that curfews in cities are good, others say different.
    In some cities curfews are good other not so much. In Philadelphia there was some mobs that had broken out in the past year or two. Since the state had set curfew restrictions the mobs have dramatically decreased and in some parts stopped. Cities that are facing problems like that are ok to have curfews. But other states that don't have that big of a problem don't need curfews for teens under 18. i just don't think it is logical to put a cap over teens like that especially for cities that don't have huge problems.

  30. 1.Kalani Gondick 5/16/12 MW4

    2.They don't want to make curfews to be mean they want to make them to keep people safe.They also want to keep teens out of trouble, Some kids take avenge of using that time to go out were no one can see them and do somethings they shouldn't do. Also another thing is drunk drivers they are driving late at night and and could hit you wether you are in a car or not. Parents don't watch there kids at night because some parents are either doing something else or think that they kids are doing the right things. Over 500 US cities have curfews for teen that is a good thing because they want to keep those kids safe. They also want to increase parents responablity they don't want kids to go out side and make the wrong choices because then they will end up some were that they don't want to be.

  31. Michael Atwood | 5/16/12 | MW4

    In Philadelphia, especially around South Street, teen mobs have been a serious problem, vandalizing and causing violence, always keeping people on the edge. Now there is a curfew law, saying that all unaccompanied minors will be fined or sent to jail if out and about around 10 PM. So far, this has helped to lower crime due to minors, but this law has been very controversial. This law may also keep minors away from drugs alcohol addiction.


  32. Kyle Gonos MW4 5-16-12

    Q: Explain the major stressors in teens' lives.

    In this day in age teenagers face lots and lots of pressure, leading to stress. There are many reasons why teens are stressed and many things that cause stress. One major stressor in teens lives is taking a test. This causes stress because you have lots of pressure on you and if you do bad it affects your grade. Another major stressor is major research projects. These projects make you do a lot of work over a large amount of time. This drags on forever and you get stressed over doing it. Next having trouble with classmates is very stressful. This is because you see them almost everyday and they make fun of you and talk behind your back. There are many more major stressors but there is one more I will talk about, divorce or separation. This is very difficult to adapt to, not seeing both of your parents everyday. Also this comes with lots of fighting involved, which makes you mad and leads to stress.

  33. Bri Rumple MW4 5.16.12

    In everyone's life, there will to someone, or multiple people who you admire. Whether it is your mom, an older sibling, a superhero, whatever. A lot of people would admire someone with good character traits, like kindness, braveness, and good role models. When you admire someone, you are looking up to them as if they are a role model, someone that you would like to become when you are older. Someone who is a good leader would be someone to admire. Someone you would admire would not be the type of person who will just lead you on to a bad path or set bad examples for you and other people. Everyone has their own opinions, but usually, someone someone would admire would be someone of good character traits.

  34. 1.Kalani Gondick 5/16/12 MW4

    2.They don't want to make curfews to be mean they want to make them to keep people safe.They also want to keep teens out of trouble, Some kids take avenge of using that time to go out were no one can see them and do somethings they shouldn't do. Also another thing is drunk drivers they are driving late at night and and could hit you wether you are in a car or not. Parents don't watch there kids at night because some parents are either doing something else or think that they kids are doing the right things. Over 500 US cities have curfews for teen that is a good thing because they want to keep those kids safe. They also want to increase parents responablity they don't want kids to go out side and make the wrong choices because then they will end up some were that they don't want to be.

  35. David Lesnau 5-16-12 MW4

    parents are some times strict because they want you to be safe and nothing to happen to you. also so you dont think you can get away with everything. parents make goals for you and they want you to get to them nomader what so you be really strict so you can make there goal. then if you dont reach there goal they get frustrated and punish you. strict mean high stander for rules and when a kid breaks a rule there parents get mad and yells.


  36. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, 5/16/12, MW4

    2. Explain why parents are sometimes strict?
    Parents are strict because they care about their kids, they don't want them getting into trouble. If you do something bad they loose trust and become more strict about what you do. Parents also get concerned with your safety because you could be doing something that is putting your self in danger or harming yourself. Parents try to be strict so they guide there children into the right direction too, so they don't make bad decisions. If you are not strict on children they may make bad decisions because they don't get into trouble with their parents and their parents don't do anything to them. But if you are strict some children will rebel and make bad decisions or do something you don't want them to.

  37. 1. Camryn Ozuch
    2. Citation-
    3. There are many stressors in a teens life. Some worse than others, but all are equally hard to deal with while going through adolescents. One well expected stressor, is a break-up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. During Middle School and High School years, it may seem like the most important thing in the world to have the cutest boy/girl friend. It also gets you side tracked from school work. The sad feeling of the break-up results in even more pressure to find another person to "go out with" right away. Second, a change in parent(s) financial status. Teens want to be the best. Have the best clothes, the nicest house, everything. They want to be "cool" in society standards. Having a parent get laid off of a job could come off embarrassing and teens won't feel their best if they don't have the best. Third, is the cliche "drama". Trouble with classmates and close friends affects a teen greatly. Having a best friend and other close friends, is a big deal. You need someone to feel close with. While going through a hard time the teen may feel alone and as if they are being ignored. Fights in general are hard enough as it is. Fourth, the loss of a family member or a suicide of a friend. Proven through psychology, it is harder to loose a close persons as an adolescent, because of hormones and other common stresses that add up upon the death. Sometimes for teens, it is too hard to handle the real world stresses. Lastly, physical appearance. Everybody wants to look their best, but for teens there is an even greater pressure of looking "perfect". Society has created a certain look for everybody to abide by. Not looking exactly what is expected, results in bullying and just pure self-consciouness. Making a impression on people could seem like the biggest problem when teens are trying to be beautiful and handsome to other peers on top of all other things. School work, sports, friends, and family life all add up eventually.

  38. [Alex Smith, 5/16/12, MW4

    All facts are taken from this source A fact taken from there is denoted with an asterisk]

    Moving is, psychologically, one of the biggest stresses in life.* Now, for a teenager, it can feel like the end of the world. While some people who were never forced to move as a child, they may be critical of my previous statement. Now, imagine this scenario: You're a boy, only around fifteen, and for your entire life you've lived in your close knit, rural, Massachusetts town. This is your home, the only place you know. Your father comes home with some news; he been relocated, for work, to New York City. You don't want to leave home, but you're too scared to talk to your father about it. You hope that he or your mother notices but, like many other parents, they're too caught up in the hubbub of moving and are too busy planning that they don't even take into consideration how you feel.* Despite your wishes, you end up moving to the Big Apple. In addition to a likely dose of culture shock, you don't know a thing about this place. It's earth shattering, you feel like you have to start your entire life over.* New streets, school, people, ideas.

    This is the reality for many, many teenagers across the country. While some people may view moving as a trivial thing, it can be absolutely devastating.

  39. Austin Wicker M-W4th 5-16-12

    There are many stressors in the life of a teenager, some are not really a problem at all but then there are some that can be influential and dangerous. Teens have stressors all around them and a big one is tests and homework, teens can go crazy when they start studying for a test and then practically all you do is study and do nothing else. Homework is a stressor because kids may get too much of it and stay up all might finishing it. Another stressor is pier pressure because teens may influence others to do something that they don't want to do and then the teen has to live with the guilt. Many teens date and stress can be caused by that too even though it doesn't seem like it would it does, many teens could be worried about a dinner date or a brake up or maybe a couple is in a fight. Many teens move to new homes and schools but stress can form from that because teens have to leave their old friends behind and the social aspect of it too can cause stress. Money problems in the family can cause stress because some kids may not dress or look the came as some people and they might get picked on because of that. There are many stressors in a teens life but they always seem to get through it.


  40. 1. Cade Marttinen 5/16/12 MW4

    2. Explain why you admire a particular person.

    3. People admire others because of many reasons. One reason is honesty. Honesty is a very important in life. When you are honest, people see that and see you as a good person. They will want to hang around with you. Another reason is a good personality. Good personality will make people want to hang around with you. Everyone will admire you when they see all the friends you have and how nice you are. Having a good personality is priceless. Calmness in a bad situation is an admirable trait. When you're calm, your calmness will spread and people will see you as a good friend and they will admire you for that. Being admired is really helpful in life if you are in a tough situation.

  41. Michael Atwood | 5/16/12 | MW4

    In Philadelphia, especially around South Street, teen mobs have been a serious problem, vandalizing and causing violence, always keeping people on the edge. Now there is a curfew law, saying that all unaccompanied minors will be fined or sent to jail if out and about around 10 PM. So far, this has helped to lower crime due to minors, and it wouldn't cause any protests, but Occupy Philly has been. This law may also keep minors away from drugs and alcohol addiction.


  42. Nella Galliher 5/16/12 MW4
    parents and kids don't always agree. “Parents can and should set rules about how a child does in school, treats other people, and safety issues," parents are just over protective because they don't want you to get hurt or they are scared of what could happen to you.It's our parents' job to teach us how to be kind, empathetic

  43. Darren Murray 5/17/12 TT2

    Getting a driver's license is important to teenagers because of the following. This affect's there school attendance because they can get there on there own, they might be late, they might even be really early. Teenagers are affected by this card because they could be in a accident and they could never get there license back.
    The driver's license is important because they just got some right's in there life. Freedom to go anywhere with permission. They can do anything they would want to do with there own car, they don't need there parent's to go see the movies, they can simply drive there.
    Teenager's driver's license are so important to them for only a couple reasons, 1) Driving friends around, 2) They can get to work before and after school if employed, 3) To just drive around and get fresh air.

    1. ""

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  46. Paige Leatherman 5/17/12 TT2

    Moving place to place affects teens more then you think. It can affect them mentally and physically. It is very hard to start at a new school, you have to make new fridens each time, start on a new subject in class, can't concentrate that well, and you might get treated differently. Starting at a new school can make teens insecure, because they don't know what people will think of them. They might wear different clothes or have a totally different way of thinking because you are from somewhere else and you don't know how to appear to them. Making friends is a big issue also, you gotta try to overcome your old friends and find people that have the same interests in you. School work is hard to do when you move place to place, because at each school they are learning something different and you can't get a hold of on thing and actually learn it. It may be hard to concentrate too, you will probably have your old friends on you mind, thinking about unpacking, what you just learned in a different school, and what people think of you now in your new school. Moving so much, can put teens into depression. They might be sad about not being able to see their friends, to much to do, and not being able to get use to one place. People should not move so many times, it had a big impact on teens.



  47. Michael Yedinak TT2 5/17/12
    Teens have many things to stress about that happens in their daily life. For me the most stressful thing is having too much homework, and many other teens feel the same. When we have homework, we don't get as much time as we would like to ourselves at home. This can cause teens to have anxiety and frustration which can sometimes cause them to have meltdowns. Another thing we stress is getting bullied or teased at school. Bullies make kids feel horrible and it makes us feel like they have nothing to life for. When bullied kids are more likely to commit suicide and possibly take drugs. The last major thing teens stress is when something happens to their relationship with a friend or family member. For example: if someone dies in your family, you would be very depressed and you would feel miserable. Also if your friends and you have a fight, you feel depressed, plus teens feel like something is wrong with them and it is all their fault. Every stress that goes on in a teens life can always be helped or even solved, you just have to know what to do and you have to give them space and love.


  48. Heather Linn, TT2, 5/17/12

    Some people may think that teenagers live an easy stress-free life. Well, if you're one of those people, you're wrong. Many teens between the ages 13-17 get overwhelmed with a lot of things and become stressed out. Some of the most common stressors are;
    1. School life 2. Puberty 3. Separation or divorce of parents 4. Death of a loved one 5. Unsafe house or neighborhood 6. A new community/school and 7. To many activities.
    For most, those seem like small problems, but in a teenagers young mind they could be the biggest problem they've ever encountered. For a teen, going to school isn't the funnest thing to do. They have to worry about missing/unfinished assignments, and low test scores. Most teens want to at least get a B average, but with the many other stressors, it becomes very difficult. In school, there are usually "social levels" such as, if you don't wear this then your not 'cool.' Teens are usually most stressed about this. Along side with the school stressor many other follow. Puberty could cause you to feel uncomfortable and unfocused. After school activities could tighten your schedule and make you feel like you have no time at all for relaxing. Then there comes the problems at home. If a student has divorced parents, then they usually hear a lot of fighting. Hearing conflict between two loved ones is not an easy thing to live with. Also, it could become an unsafe/uncomfortable place to be. This could end up causing students to purposely get in trouble so they wouldn't have to go home. That isn't the most common problem, but it does still exist. Living as a teen can be very hard at times, but most of the time we all manage to get through it.

  49. 1. William McNamee 5/17.12 TT2

    6. Some cities have curfews maybe to protect teens. Well lets look at why a city may have a curfew so you can decide for yourself. Teens under twelve can't be out and about after 10 pm or before 6 am no matter what, but teens twelve and older can be out after midnight with a parent's permission, based on this evidence we could conclude it is a factor of maturity. ( If children are out after curfew they are charged with a misdemeanor, this may mean that michigan would like to enforce the law but not strictly. ( These laws only apply to public places that could mean that the government may just not want the kids bothering citizens. Well I have given you the facts now you decide what the mean. (

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  51. Cody Musulin 5-17-12 TT2
    Explain why parents are sometimes strict.

    Why are parents so strict! Every child on the earth says that at least once in their life, and sometimes there are reasons for it. Parents are strict most of the time because they want you to stay safe, and not get hurt. If you ask a parent to go to some crazy music concert with his friend he just met, they are probably going to say no. They don't want you to go to some concert with a kid you barley no with a band that you barley know. Parents dont want you to get hurt or lost, they need to gain the friend's trust before they know that you are safe with them. Other times they are so strict, is that they dont want you to brake anything. If you are throwing a football around the house with fragile, expensive things in the room they are throwing the football. The parent will want you to go outside so you don't brake anything. If there is a 50% or more chance of you braking something, they wont wanna take that chance. The last reason they are strict is for your education, if you ask them if you can skip school for no reason, they are most likely going to say no, because you need your education to get through life. If you have no education, you can't get a job, you can't get money, and if you can't get money, you can't get a house, food, water, or anything like that. That is why education is important, and they stress that you need to go to school, so they are strict about you going to school.

  52. Presslee Reisinger, 5-17-12, TT2

    Parents are strict sometimes, because they care and want to protect us. When parent's are strict and ground us; it's not because they "hate" us, it's because they care about us, they want to protect us, and they care for our well being. If we didn't have parents with a little bit of strictness, no one would have any respect at all. Rules and consequences teach us that life isn't just a fun party. I know that parents that aren't strict would be awesome but later on in life, I bet that you'd be wishing that your parent's would've been stricter. For example: if there is a person that didn't have strict parent's and were allowed to do whatever pleased them, than they'd have no respect for anyone nor would they have respect for themselves, and they probably wouldn't be the safest person to be around.


  53. If I had to be any animal, I would be a Cuttle Fish. The Cuttle Fish can rapidly change their color in the sea. The scientific name of the Cuttle Fish is Sepia Officinalis. Cuttle Fish, can mimic their surrounding area, looking almost like a part of it. It is also important that they can be multiple colors across their skin at once, Witch helps them hide and sneak up on food. The smaller species of Cuttle Fish make good pets and are interesting to observe. Also the Cuttle Fish has green blood, because of the copper in it. It is also one of the most intelligent invertebrates in the world. The most interesting thing about a cuttle fish, is that they have three hearts. This is why I would pick the Cuttle Fish if I had to be an animal.

  54. Lexi Gross
    May 17, 2012

    You may ask "Why are parents so strict?" Well parents don't do it for fun. They do it for a reason, and a good reason that is. Parents are all different thats why some might be more strict than others. Authoritative parents tend to be a little more strict. They want you know what they expect from you, although they are usually warm and kind.

    Permissive parents are different from Authoritative parents. These type of parents tend to not get their expectations through to their child. They tend to reject the child without knowing and their child amy end up with emotional problems.

    The reason for parents discipline is to teach you. Some parents do different methods, because that is what they have been taught. Before you say to yourself "I hate my parent(s) they are so strict!" Think about what your friend is going through. Their parents could reject them and they could have emotional problems. You have parents that care about you and want you to succeed in life. Thank your parents for for being strict.


  55. 1.Sam Dovin, TT2, 5-17-12.
    Why some cities have curfews for teens.
    There could be a lot of reasons that to prevent teens from being in trouble late at night, dont to stupid things and it is a little weird to be walking around late at night just hanging out. If there parents have no control then it is good to have these rules, because we dont want anyone getting hurt.

  56. Jake Belford, 5/17/12, TT2

    I have found that moving from place to place affects teens in almost all bad ways. It affects them both mentally and physically. How it mentally affects tenns, I found that when you move somewhere unknown, people treat you differently, like an outcast. You can also be mentally affected by thinking that you have no friends in that town. It affects teens physically by moving long distances and that wears you down and takes a lot of energy from you and can affect school work, or even work. Also you can get stressed out by the fact that you don't know many people if any at all and the stress can wear your body down.

  57. Michael Hamilton 5-17-12

    the major stressors in teen lives are t.v because what the people say to every one on t.v and another way is school friends because the school can be bad by bully by people. next one was peer pressure being push into drugs and lost a friend or family person. there are poor grades and more like terrorist attack. Mom and dad can some time be stressful and or not getting their driver license. Here are more not passing a test, not passing the grade, body changes and their having 911 come back a lot of people were stressful.


      and my sister is going thought it but some teens are steeling because they want thing but they cant have it and some teens are doing drugs and smoking to get ride off stress some tenns get in fight with author teens.

  58. Eric Wolfe 5/17/12 TT2

    Why do teens think getting their drivers licenses is important?

    Teens want their drivers licenses mostly so they can drive themselves places. They have a whole new realm of responsibility and they shouldn't take advantage of it. It also gives them a sense of independence and adulthood. They are becoming young adults and should take on the responsibility of one. In some ways, they need this. They need to be trusted with the responsibility.

  59. 1. Blake Lapum, 5/17/12, TT2

    The Jaguar is a feline cat. Most cats a cute and cuddly, but this cat is not. The Jaguar is one of the strongest and fastest felines in the world. Being the 3rd largest feline cat in the world, it is a feared killer. The Jaguar is one of the strongest and fastest felines in the world. The Jaguar is also responsible to most of the deaths in South America. Being fast and strong, I resemble the Jaguar in many ways. Jaguars like to live in rain forrest area's, and not to be seen until they intend to. I can be in the back round, but when you see me you know I'm there. Just like the Jaguar's, I'm not the biggest kid in the world. Although I'm not, I put up a mighty fight and won't back down from anyone. Jaguar's are often looked at as Leopard. There is a difference between the two because although a Jaguar has spots like a Leopard, it is more built and muscular. I am often mistaken for my father or older brother although I am more built. Jaguar's are one of the most feared animals in the world, and if I'm not, I should be. I pack a mighty punch. Overall, the Jaguar and myself have a lot in common and if I were an animal that's what I would be.

  60. Brandon Wiese TT2 5-17-12
    Everyone knows that moving is a hard thing. What people don't know is that the hardest person its for is the teenager in the family. When people move teenagers have to leave there friends and the house that they grew up in. Its like watching your childhood being left behind. Studies say that its hard for kids that are in junior high and high school because it take tremendous amounts energy and time to find a social group that fits you. Teenagers confront a host of social and psychological issues that younger children and adults don't.

  61. Elle Kennedy TT2
    If I could be any animal I would be a lion. The word lion means king of beasts, so the lion is very dominate against most other animals. During the day a lion will sleep from about 16-20 hours, which would be awesome to sleep that much during the day. While they are awake, females go out to hunt. They hunt together so that they can catch bigger prey. While males are awake they will protect their pride/territory. Lions run at around 50 miles per hour which allows them to chase after prey and get away from predators like an elephant who could kill them. Many lions have been killed by tribes in rituals as a hunting trophy, as they are said to be a symbol of power, courage and nobility. They are also said to have "magical powers". Lions are one of the most dominant animals in Africa and a few other places and being dominant would show that you are the most powerful and over rule most others.

  62. Marissa Moore TT2 5/17/12

    When parents bring a baby into the world, the amount of love for that baby is unconditional. There is such a special bond, especially between the mother and that child. They want the best for their baby, and they want them to grow up to have an amazing life. Some parents try to fulfill this dream by being strict and setting harsh rules and discipline. Although they may think they are doing the best for their child, it doesn't always turn out to be good. Studies show that children with strict parents are more likely to turn out to be disrespectful and engage in delinquent behavior. They see their parents as a law official, and not a parent. Parents that are strict really do want the best for their child, but don't know how to act in the correct manor with their kids. All kids need is love and discipline. Strict parents love their children unconditionally, and really just want them to be the best. They believe in their kids to do great things.


  63. Brooke Boyd 2/17/12 TT2

    Why parents can be strict?

    A lot of parents can be strict because they care about you and want to make sure your doing the right thing. Kids sometimes think there parents are extremely strict, but it turns out there not they just try and make sure you see what its going to be like when you leave the house like doing chores and cleaning and making sure that you have responsibilities. They care and don't want you to get hurt and wanna always make sure that your safe, like my parents always have to know were i'm at just in case something happens its the way it has always been. Having there son or daughter doing the wrong things is something no parent wants for there kid so making sure that they don't get hurt and that they aren't doing the wrong thing is just a way showing that your parents love and care about you.

    1. Citations:

  64. 1. Jensen Borkowski 5/17/12 TT2
    #4- If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
    If I could be any animal, I would be a horse that lives in the wild. I would be a wild horse because wild horses are herd animals. They depend on their herd and take care of the horses within their herd. They won't even sleep unless a member of the herd is awake to protect them. Trust is a very important key when you are a wild horse. I can relate to this because I like to be around people. I am also very close to my family and we depend on each other just like the horses do. We trust each other and help each other out.
    I would choose to be a wild horse because of where and how they live. They live in places like Montana, Nevada, Wyoming and Utah. They are also free animals. They live in places where humans typically aren't so they won't be bothered or harmed.
    I would be a wild horse because they are free, strong and dependent animals.


  65. 1. Michael Haase 5/17/12 TT2

    A good leader has to be skilled at what he/she does. They also must have a positive attitude and be a role model for others. A leader is not afraid to stand up for whats right even if they stand alone. He/she must set a good example for others and has to be respectful and responsible. Self-esteem should be high, and a good leader doesn't take all the glory if they do something good or courageous. Thats what kind of things a good leader should have.

  66. Gursherveen Dhaliwal, 17/5/12, TT2

    The reason why there are a major stressors in teens' lives, can be affected in many ways. These may include stresses with school, friends and even family. Since students spend most of their time at a school, the most stress originates from this category. Teenagers identify academic performances as a top stressor in their lives. Gifted students stress about obtaining perfect grades, average students stress out about competing with the gifted students, and below average students stress out about just passing.
    Some of the stresses that teens have today at school are being bullied or harassed,
    taking classes beyond academic ability, having personality conflicts with teachers, having difficulty balance time, lacking study skills and study habits. Teenagers have another stress with friends includes relationships with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Teenagers find themselves developing a first, real relationship outside of their family. Sometimes emotions at this stage are intense, and when a breakup occurs teens may find themselves stressed out trying to understand the breakup or fix the situation.

  67. Maddie Haas 5/17/12 TT2

    If I could be any animal in the world, I would probably be a dog. I would be a dog because they are very good companions when you need help. People who are having trouble because they don't feel they are loved enough, can buy a dog and that dog will give them all the love in the world. It can help people with depression, find the world they used to know and help them find a loving companion to help them get through the pain. People who are worried about getting robbed, should get a dog because most of them serve as fantastic watchers. If you get the right kind of dog, you will never have to worry about intruders again. Dogs can make the intruders go away in just one bark. They can give you the security you need. And lastly, people who have kids should get a dog because it will get them a friend and it will stand beside them through everything. Getting a dog would solve all of life's problems for some people. I would love to be a dog because I want to be as helpful as them.

    1. Some sites that helped me with this were:

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 5/17/12

    2. Explain how moving from place to place affects teens.
    Moving from place to place can affect teens physically and mentally. it can affect them mentally because when you move to a new school it is hard to get along with other kids and you can sometimes feel like an outcast. also when you move from place to place, you do not feel at home where you move to and that can also affect teens mentally and affect how they work in school and how they act out of school. Children tend to think about the negative side when a family moves. There is the loss of friends and, loss of a sense of belonging. In the new community the children will be newcomers or strangers. In changing schools they might have to leave behind a sports team, a school drama program, that were important to them. Upon arriving at their new school, they may find themselves either academically ahead of or behind. there are also many good things about moving, like if they are having problems in school like bullying or lots of drug usage it might be good to move to somewhere that has less drugs and suicide.

    Site that I used:

  70. Devin Bryant
    How does getting a drivers licence affect a teens life:
    After 16 years finally freedom!!! Freedom to go any were you want at anytime. Yes if yo haven't guessed im talking about driving, One of the biggest things ever a teen will be faced with. I have researched this and i have found that why it is such a big deal is because it is providing freedom like you have never had before, Or a step forward to independence and adult hood, I have found these and they apply to what i know because my brother has just started driving and he has been telling me all the same information as i have listed. But another reason why it is so important is because it is a step towered moving out and finding a house of you own, or going to collage. And know you know why getting you driving license is an very important invent in a teens life.

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. Olivia Sdao TT4, 5-17-12

    In life people admire people all of the time, but we never seem to just stop and think. These are just some of the facts why we go in life admiring people!
    We admire famous people, trust worthy you can trust them with personal things, can tell a joke about something, can take a joke, can laugh here and there, good looking, dress well, good communication skills, outgoing, you spend time with them like there your family, you look up to them, they can dance, sing, rap, might know someone that is famous, you think there cool because of what they do. Know that you start to admire that person again or someone new that you admire you'll know why you admire that person!

    These are the sites that were helpful to give me facts about the topic why we admire people:

  73. Molly Aills TT4 5/17/12

    Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.

    Teen stress has a major effect on how we live, how we feel, how we act. Stress can be both good or bad. Many factors can effect a person's stress levels. These can be both inside the home and out. Since teen's lives are focused around mainly school and home, these are the major places that stress takes place. Situations such as moving to a different home or school, dating, tests and homework, too much to do, relationships with friends, family problems and money problems are just a few of the many things that stress can result from. Too much stress, whether good or bad, can have negative effects of a person's health, emotions, and mind. Most teens can respond to stress in their lives by doing something relaxing, but others cannot cope with such situations. These unfortunate teens can become overburdened with stress over time, which can result in serious health issues. Stress is an important part of how we teens live, and it's effects and causes are many things that shape the way we live.

  74. Lexi Cox, 5-17-12, TT4

    In many cities around the world there is a curfew for teenagers under 18. This curfew takes place to help keep the crime rate down, and usage of drugs an alcohol and other things that violate the law. People believe that having kids outside of their homes, unsupervised can lead to many different things. Most major cities became affective with a curfew in the 1990's. Although having a curfew is a good thing in some peoples eyes, it also is not in others. In 1999 three teens were arrested for violating curfew, one of the parents filed a law suit because of this. Having a curfew for teenagers is a very controversial topic.

  75. Paul Anguish TT4 5/17/12

    6. Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.

    Some city's have curfews because us teens have no need to be outside at 1 PM. If we are out side at that time we will be up to no good. This is to protect us and save property damage. in cites there are the shady hoods.

    1. Some city's have curfews because us teens have no need to be outside at 1 PM. If we are out side at that time we will be up to no good. This is to protect us and save property damage. in cites there are the shady hoods. there is nothing to do at the time. there are people on the roads that are drunk or tied and there concentration is less that what it should. there is a possibly of getting hit by thees drivers.

  76. 1. Sam Hall TT4 May 17, 2012

    Explain why getting a drivers license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.

    Getting a driver's license is an important milestone in a teenager's life. A driver's license represents independence, it allows teens to go places without their parents helping them. A drivers license also removes certain worries from teen's lives, they don't have to worry about their parents forgetting to pick them up or dropping them off late. A driver's license will always be a symbol of freedom for teenagers across the country.




  77. Sam Mynarcik tt4 5/17/12

    I would be a Cardinal a Cardinal is a type of bird that is a red color and some people call them the red bird. They have about 2 dozen songs and melodies it would nice to have that many voices. I would be a male because the colors are red and black which is better than being a female because they are tan and gray. They are pretty small they grow about the size of a tea cup which is pretty small. The life span in the wild is 15 years for the size of the bird it is a long time. They fly and who would not want to fly. The reason I would like to be a Cardinal is because I can fly and people admire my color.


  78. Danielle Stowell 5/17/12 TT4

    There are a bunch of reasons of why some cities have curfews for teenagers. The big reasons are to keep teens safe, and there are a lot of strange sick people out there that pray on teenagers, another one is drunk drivers are out and about if the teens are out late enough. Teenagers can get into a lot of trouble in they do not obey the curfew times. Helping keeping crime rates down is a good thing to think of, there would be less bad news on the news and on the radio. Drunk drivers is another good thing to keep teens inside at night and to have a curfew, the bars close around 2a.m. Most likely they are drunk, with teens being out late at night teens may get killed and they're just risking their own lives. Being out late at night may seem "cool" but really it's not.

  79. Josh Mick 5/17/12 TT4

    Parents are sometimes strict because they don't want to risk something their children will regret. Like them getting hurt or even getting in trouble with the law. Its mostly to protect the safety of their children. As they get older they sometimes disagree with their parents on a lot of things. So they end up doing what they want anyway to satisfy themselves.They are strict for a reason because all they want is the best for you. Suzy said its not what are they yelling at me for its why are they yelling at me. This gets to my answer its protection. Its very important that a parent does this. Otherwise, it wouldn't make them a great parent.

  80. 1: Brendan Schmitter TT4 5/17/12

    moving place to place is good and not good for kids. Teenagers are the most effected by the move or many moves. They have to say good bye to all there friends and leave every thing you ever knew and its all gone. Some can handle moving they make friends fast and other makes friends but they make friends that will even talk to them and they aren't always the best kids they.They will probable make bad friends and getting in trouble. They left behind there friends the school there house and maybe there family they have to try to make friends again in the new school the go to.

  81. Kirsten Brydon 5-17-12 4th hr

    Have you ever wondered why parents are sometimes strict with kids? I did some research to find out the many reasons a parent would be strict with their children. Many rules that a parent may give for a child is for their own protection, or to develop responsibility or respect in their child. Kids don't often understand the reasons for some of these rules but that is often because they don't have the life experience that an adult does. Kids are also still developing their minds and so what they grow up with is what they learn and that contributes to who they are in the future. Kids and teens who spend time with family instead of spending that time with friends for example will spend more time with family. Parents who are strict are just trying to teach their kids to the best of their ability as well as protect them, and that's why parents are sometimes strict with their children

    Works Cited

  82. 1. Danny Higgins/5-17-12/ TT4

    2. Q:Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.

    A: Stress happens with everybody. Some more than others. But, during a person's teenager years, that stress can be more extreme. For example, when a parent has a bit too high expectations for the teen, that causes stress, due to the teen thinking that everything he/she does has to meet his/her parent's expectation. Another example, is when a teen moves to a new area, whether it be a school, or house, or both. Either way, the teen is going to be thinking, "What's it going to be like?, "Will I fit in?", "Are the teachers nice?", "Is the neighborhood going to be like my old one?". Any one of these questions could be going through the teen's mind. I have had enough experience with this department to understand this. There are plenty more examples of the leading cause to a teen's stress; homework, jobs, relationships, and other related choices.

    3. The main source(s) for my information is :

  83. Devin Bryant
    How does getting a drivers licence affect a teens life:
    After 16 years finally freedom!!! Freedom to go any were you want at anytime. Yes if you haven't guessed im talking about driving, One of the biggest things ever a teen will be faced with. I have researched this and i have found that why it is such a big deal is because it is providing freedom like you have never had before, Or a step forward to independence and adult hood, I have found these and they apply to what i know because my brother has just started driving and he has been telling me all the same information as i have listed. But another reason why it is so important is because it is a step towered moving out and finding a house of you own, or going to collage. And know you know why getting you driving license is an very important avent in a teens life.

  84. Steven Nichols 5-17-12

    Its an important event to a teen geting there license because it let them have more freedom adn they can do what they want. Its also a maker saying that it one step closer to adulthood. It is also makes the more independent to. Being a teen parent you have mixed feelings about the big event of driving. There are things u can do before and after them geting there license. You could quiz them on what to do and how to do them. If your afaird of your child geing a crash then get them a truck or a big car. Its a good habit if you drive smart then your child will follow in your foot steps Thats why get a drivers lisense is a important event it a teens life.

  85. Julianna Welling 5/17/12 TT4
    Why are parents sometimes strict? Parents are strict for one main reason to project and raise a good kids. There is a difference between strict and abusive, if you scream at your kid or beat them that is different than strict. Parents want to protect the children they could have had and experience in something and don't want that same thing to happen to their kid, try to shield them. They could see danger in somethings kids don't. It is proven that children are unable to predict consequences and inability to generalize and others also. If kids do not get taught that and let their brain mature they would grow up and act like a child still. Parents see in history that it worked with other kids, it raises goods kids. Adults can sometimes make better decisions than children. Sense the they brain is not fully developed be strict to get the point across. Parents making you do things certain ways get you into habits of managing your time, to self-sufficient, and responsible.

  86. 1. Milan Mihajlovski TT4 5-17-12

    #1. Explain why you admire a particular person.

    In life we meet different types of people. Some of them are very effective so we admire them for what they achieve.
    As for me the person I admire in my life is my mother. Not because she is my biological mother, but because of what she gives me in my life time.
    Since the moment I realized what is surrounding me in this life, I saw my mother as the one with endless giving of love and care. She never expected any thing in return.
    She never made me feel that she over gives, on the contrary when I show her gratitude she used to say, "This is my duty and I love it ". I never forget times of sickness when she stays with me all night long.
    My mother made the family a real unity, and the house a warm home. I will never forget the sense of love and belonging ness. When I stayed close to her.
    All my life I loved and respected my mother. She is always going to be my most admired. I love her for who she is, what she has, does and gives.
    I feel very sorry for people who are not living with their mothers; they're missing a big gift in this life.

  87. reanna marsden tt4 5/17/12

    When you say that your painters would not let you talk to your boy freined on the phone they are just trying to keep you safe from all of the bad people in the world. When you say that your paints think that what you are waring to another house is inappropriate they don't won't you to wear it there they don't won't you to get heat by that person.

    Work cite.

    my parents have always been strict and very uptight about me. growing up i always felt 10 years younger then i actually was. right now i live with them because my living arrangements got screwed up. I'm 20 years old and they are telling me that i have a midnight curfew because its a school night?????

    i have lived in other places before. i just moved back because there is nowhere else to go. i remember they never wanted me to go to a boy's house because "it looked inappropriate" that was when i was 18. when i was 16 i had a boyfriend since 14. they had a problem with just us talking on the phone

  88. Jordan Danko TT2 1/17/12

    Bottle-nose dolphins are very charismatic and intelligent. If I could be any animal I would want to be a bottle nose dolphin. Their curved mouths make them appear as if they have a permanent smile. Humans typically adore dolphins due to their curved mouth giving them a friendly appearance. They have a group of friends they travel and communicate with, that way they are not lonely. Bottle-nose dolphins can reach up to speeds of 18 miles an hour.

  89. Caeley Hendee, TT2, 5-17-12

    #10-Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.

    Their are lots of different reasons that teens have stress. Going to a new school is one of them, they walk into a brand new school, and no absolutely nobody. Which could lead to even more worries, where the teen could think about people not liking them, making fun of them, or even causing bullying. Another reason for stress is divorce or separation of parents. Having two different houses, different locations, and different community. Family problems like abuse or alcoholics in the family could cause stress. A parent or a sibling causing abuse could cause lots of stress. Getting hit by somebody consistently all the time would get stressful.
    There are many ways that a teen could be stressed.


  90. Tyler Pruneau 5/23/12 MW4

    I believe that moving from one place to another can effect a teenager, by changing there attitude for the worse.
    This can be a big change or even something very little but this can change the way they look at people or it can effect them by not wanting to make friends because their afraid that if they make more friends then they might move away once again. Moving does not seem like a very big thing but to a teenager it can effect them in the worst ways.

    Work cited-

  91. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 5/24/12 MW2

    When you are a teenager, the parents are always watching. It also seems like they won't let their kids do anything. Parents care about there kids and don't want them to get hurt or do something stupid. That could cause the child to think that they're over protective. The parents could have also had a bad day and are stressed out. Parenting is also a hard job and can seem crazy. Some parents are strict, but other time the kids are the one to blame.

  92. Henry Haidler, 5/16/12, MW2

    Curfews are put into action because children and teens from the time they are born they are dependent on their parents and with that there must be supervision. When they stay out they aren't being supervised and anything can happen especially when they are alone and dark. Until you are 18 and become an adult your rights are very strict. As soon as you are 18 you are more grown up and experienced and may choose when to go to bed when to be inside and everything else in your life.

  93. Mikal LaButte MW2

    1. If I could be any animal I would pick a dog. The reason why I picked a dog is because kids they love dogs and they play with them non stop. If I was a dog and I was getting played with for hours on end I think that I would be pretty happy. Humans bond with dogs the best so if I was a dog I would be a bonding buddy. It has to feel go when you walk in the door and you see you dog come up to you and starts being really happy because your home and I think that it would be good if that was me.

  94. 1. Ian Grady, 5-27-2012, MW4
    2. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
    3. If I had to chose what animal to be I would be a Cheetah. They can run really fast and eat whatever they can catch and they are feared among most animals because of that. I would probably be a nice cheetah though so the other animals don't think i'm a jerk and make me an outcast because then, I would kill them and go to jail and not be happy. I rest my case.

  95. 1.Kira D'Agostino
    2. Teen stress, one of the most hardest things teens have to deal with. Research shows there is a lot of things that can stress a teen out for example moving to a new house. This may be hard for the teen because they have to leave an environment which includes their current friends. Another is their parents going through divorce. A teen can't think of his or her parents every being apart so when things take a slight turn for the worse the teen is over come with lots of emotions. Friend problems can cause a teen a lot of stress, having to do things without their best friend can be tough and not having her around to ask for help can also cause stress. Finally a big stressing point for a teen can be school, bullying, grades, homework, social well being. This can stress a teen out a lot with all of the homework and all of the drama it can be a lot for a teen. A lot can stress out a teen and sometimes the best cure is for them just to let them speak what's ever on their mind and for you just to listen.


  96. Matt Strong 6/1/12

    6. Some cities have curfews for many reasons. The main reason cities have curfews is because they want to keep their kids safe. If the kids are out at 10 or 11 pm, there's a good chance that in a city such as Los Angeles, Detroit, New York, Chicago, and other cities they could be stolen by an adult. Then when that happens the kid has no way to defend themselves against the adult.
    Another reason kids have curfews is to put less stress on the parents. The parents won't have to worry about going out and finding their kids at 10:30 at night. They won't have the feeling of something bad happening to their kid, because they know they will be home by a certain time.
    Curfews will also teach kids that it isn't good to be out and about late at night. They will know the dangers of what lays in the streets of the city. They won't like to be out that late because they know that someone might come along and take them.
