Monday, April 30, 2012

Expository 1 - The Perfect Physique

Instructions:  Read the following two expository paragraphs.  Then research a male perspective of the perfect physique.  Retrieve at least 5 - 7 facts (historical thru current).  Then write a third paragraph with the contrast against the male perspective.  Remember, expository is only just the facts.  Only write the third paragraph in your blog entry.

In Pursuit of the Perfect Physique

Throughout history and through a cross-section of cultures, women have transformed their appearance to conform to a beauty ideal. Ancient Chinese aristocrats bound their feet as a show of femininity; American and European women in the 1800s cinched in their waists so tightly, some suffered internal damage; in some African cultures women continue to wear plates in their lower lips, continually stretching the skin to receive plates of larger size.

The North American ideal of beauty has continually focused on women's bodies: the tiny waist of the Victorian period, the boyish figure in vogue during the flapper era, and the voluptuous curves that were the measure of beauty between the 1930s and 1950s. Current standards emphasize a toned, slender look, one that exudes fitness, youth, and health. According to psychologist Eva Szekely, "Having to be attractive at this time . . . means unequivocally having to be thin. In North America today, thinness is a precondition for being perceived by others and oneself as healthy" (19). However, this relentless pursuit of thinness is not just an example of women trying to look their best, it is also a struggle for control, acceptance and success.


  1. Halle Chiarelli 5-3-12 MW2

    A males physique is important to them because they all want to be attractive. They all want to have big muscles and "hot" bodies. Not only do they all want a "hot" body, but they also want a masculine looking face. They want to come off as being attractive and want to be looked at. Now, not so many of them are worried about attitude and personality because they are all so caught up in what their bodies look like. Once someone notices their face and their body, when it comes to talking to the other person, they do not always have the best personality. They could come off as being cocky because they think they are so perfect. Men think it has to be a competition on who can have the bigger muscles , best body, but when it comes down to their prospective on their own personal physique they all want to be attractive.

    1. Use a transitional phrase or word at the beginning of paragraph to tie to the last paragraph of the blog.

  2. Guys perspective on their physique is that they want to be in shape. Googling about males perspectives on their physique I found that lots of body building sites appeared. Male's feel that their bodies should be in shape to attract women. Not only do they work out to attract people, but they also get a sense of self pride. It has been obvious since the years when women couldn't vote that Males feel like they are in charge. Males don't like being shown up by girls in sports or anything, so they do lots of body building. Body building to them is very important in their lives as they like to stay in shape, and show that male dominance of "I'm better than you."
    Mckenzie Barth MW2 5-3-12

    1. Mckenzie - good expository paragraph, but need more supportive facts developed.

  3. Halle Chiarelli 5-3-12 MW2

    A males physique is important to them because they all want to be attractive. They all want to have big muscles and "hot" bodies. Not only do they all want a "hot" body, but they also want a masculine looking face. They want to come off as being attractive and want to be looked at. Now, not so many of them are worried about attitude and personality because they are all so caught up in what their bodies look like. Once someone notices their face and their body, when it comes to talking to the other person, they do not always have the best personality. They could come off as being cocky because they think they are so perfect. Men think it has to be a competition on who can have the bigger muscles , best body, but when it comes down to their prospective on their own personal physique they all want to be attractive.

  4. Abby Schoonover 5/3/12 MW2

    Back in the day we would look at men and see them for who they really were. Women had their opinions about the male and his appearance but would not judge a male as strongly as us women tend to do today. Back in the 30's and 40's men would never been seen out in public without a hat. Notice how they focused on the hat more than they focused on their actual bodies. You could be fat, skinny, tall, or short but as long as you had a hat on, you fit in. In the 50's, the hats were out and the buzz cut was in. Every man you saw walking down the street would have his hair buzzed to within an inch of its life. They were still only focusing on the hair and not so much the body size. Now a day you see all these masculine looking men wherever you go. Appearance seems to be everything to them. Their toned bodies are their "jobs". They work out every day to keep their bodies toned and masculine looking. What men seem to forget about one of the most important things, personality. Personality is a big part of "appearance" today. Every one is obsessed with Brad Pitt; Yes it is because he has a "hot" body but he also has a great personality. We look at these people and ask, why, why do they care about their physical appearance so much.

  5. 1. Malorie Moen MW2 5-3-12

    2. The male's perfect physique is mostly based on strength and muscle. Studies show that males who gain more muscle, have increased their self-esteem. Most male's attempt to increase their muscularity by lifting weights. Muscular arms are one of the main requirements to the perfect male physique. The "perfect male body" mainly comes from what women think of men. Some women thought that a man with rippled abs was more attractive than a man with a flat stomach. Many people believe that the more strength a man has, the more confidence he has too.

  6. Timmy Uppleger MW2
    Physical attractiveness is a characteristic that suggests fertility, power, and health. These factors contribute to the probability to survival and reproduction for continuing life on earth. Men on average, tend to be attracted to someone shorter then them, have a youthful appearance, and exhibit features such as a symmetrical face. Woman on average, tend to be more attracted to people that are taller then they are. They look for a male with a deep voice and a strong jaw. They also look for brode shoulders and a V shaped torso. In the future all of this can change. It already has changed from the 1800's to now. How do you think it will look like?(

  7. Eddie Roberts, 5/3/12, Mw2
    All men have a different perspective on what a perfect male physique is. But mainly all men have a higher self esteem when they are muscular. ( Says that men that lift weights and become more muscular have a higher self esteem, which means they fell good about themselves. Men think that if they are muscular they are healthy. On the other hand, a woman's perspective on a perfect women physique is being skinny. Most women think that if they are skinny they look good. Or if they are skinny they are healthy. Both men and women's perspectives on their own gender think that they need to look healthy. But Woman think they need to be skinny and men think they need to be muscular. So women and men have similar perspectaves about be ing healthy but way different when talking about muscle and just being skinny.

  8. Chiera Palamar MW2
    "Broad shoulders, tall, muscular but not defined, nice and strong."
    "The perfect male body is one that you feel good about and increases your self-esteem. The perfect male body also has the added advantage of being healthy, has functional strength, attracts women. Impresses other men."
    "Body Builder body is Disgusting."
    "women are most attracted to muscular men." The perfect Male physique would also include a V shaped Torso.

  9. Evan Bauer 5/3/12 MW2
    A male physique is not necessarily to be good at fighting. It is to look good and strong. To be a professional body builder is almost impossible without the use of steroids these days. To be a professional body builder dosen't mean you have the perfect body. "The perfect male body will also have a flat stomach, not necessarily a six pack. The six pack will appeal more to other men in terms of admiration rather than to women." When
    a male is strong it gives them a sense of Dominic over others. It makes them fell good about who they are and what they can become. Are ancestors liked to be built because it showed that they were better in hunting and farming because they were stronger and more healthy. The perfect male body is what you decide it to be, you decide who has a good body and who has a great body dont let others decide for you.

  10. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 5/3/12 MW2

    2.Many men have different perspectives on the specific details in how and what a man has to look like to have a perfect physique. In the end they all lead to the same results. The first part is the mental side of it. In order to have a good physique you have to be confident in how you look, or a good self esteem.( Studies have proven that men that weight lift and gain muscle find a dramatic increase in there self esteem and what makes them feel fit. This is very similar to the girls point of view, that in order to have a perfect physique you have to be skinny. The only difference in the two is that females what to be skinny but males want to be skinny and strong. Either way the main focus is on if your skinny or not. Again like the women, to most guys, it's not all about being fit as much as being excepted by other guys as strong or more muscular.

  11. LeAnn Howe MW2 5-3-12

    Men are known for being strong. If you were not strong you were not considered a man. From the beginning of time, strength was very important. Men usually did most of the physical work. The perfect physique is to have a strong upper body but still be proportional to the rest. Stomachs had to have definition. Abs are what most men/boys strive for. Men think that muscles are what makes them attractive. Society is a major factor in the way males and females feel they should look. Why should we be trying to make everyone else happy? It's whats inside the counts. People need to be happy with themselves.


  12. Riley Hafner MW2 5/3/12

    In my research I found that on the men's perspective of the perfect physique a large majority think that a guy should have a body that boosts their self asteem, attracts women, impresses other men, and is very healthy. In both men and women, lifting weights helps to raise their self asteem. Being muscular and attractive is what most guys think is the perfect way to look. Studies have shown that men that work out have higher self asteem then those who don't but the men you are professional body builders have ver low self asteem and use muscle growth as a way to mask their feelings. Having a body like that of a body builder is no longer the idea of a perfect physique. It is almost impossible to achieve without steroids and constantly working your muscles. Another aspect that effects the idea of male physique is how attractive you are to women. Not all women are interested in a muscular body but most men find seem to think they can achieve a "better looking" women when they work at a nicer body. Also, men try and work to get the perfect male figure to impress other men. A more muscular build shows dominance and power. Over time the thoughts have been the same. Men with a stronger upper body it helps with competition against other male figures. A perfect male physique isn't all just for looks and self asteem. Usually men with stronger bodies have better health as well. They are fit and are capable of doing things they might not be able to do without working hard at a strong body. A man who works out regularly might be able to climb a mountain successfully while a man with an unfit body might not be able to at all. In my mind, and probably in the minds of many others, the idea of the perfect body for a man is a lot less harsh as is the idea of a perfect body of a women. Society had pushed the idea of women being thin figures that women tend to work so hard and hurt themselves while men only have the stress of going to the gym and eating healthy.

  13. Payton Rentsch
    mw2 5-3-12
    Men work out to feel self pride and to get self confidence. Men want to have a big hot body. They also want to have a muscular face. They want to be to looked at. Not everyone wants to look at a muscular body. Many are caught up in their bodies. So they can come off rude or cocky. Men take being muscular as a competition between other men. They usually just want to be attractive to others. Men have a feeling that when they are muscular that they are more likely to be notised. When men are muscular they have self-esteem and feel better about them selfs.

  14. 1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 4-3-12

    Most men think that a perfect physique is having a lot of muscle. Ladies don't really care if you have a lot of muscle. Being tough is not what all woman want in a man. They have to have a gentle side for woman. They have to have self-esteem, weight lifting helps with that. The face is important, it helps with short-term relationships. They have broader shoulders, broader than woman's. And do have to be healthy and strong to earn the respect of other men and woman.

  15. Nick Norman MW2 5/3/12

    Males want themselves to be as good as possible. Some of the ways they can do that are being themselves. Because you don't want to act like someone your not or it won't turn out good. They want to be strong but not too built like a "body builder." They want to be successful in life with a good job. One of the most common things for all males in the morning or maybe at night is to smell/look good. They don't want to be messy of lazy. When they go to the gym to work out or something, they don't just do it for attractiveness. They also go to feel good about themselves and have pride.

  16. Jacob Robinson MW2

    Males usually want them to look there best. They try to attract as many women as possible. To make this happen they want to be skinny, but muscular at the same time. They think that women would like them if they had a lot of muscle and are very strong. Men usually make it a completion between other men and try to make there body look the best and that they are stronger and have better muscles than other men. Since they are so fixated on how their body looks like, now they don't really care how there personality and attitude is like because they are worried about how their body looks like.


  17. Zack Fuller Mw2

    Men want to have good bodys so they cant get a girlfriend. Men want to have big muscles and be taller because women are attracted to those being tall and huge muscles. But being to tall can also be as bad as being to short women would not like as much. Men also have to have a perfect waist to chest ratio to be normal . Women also like men to have no hair and the more hair you had the less accretive you were to most women. Skin color is also another step in the perfect male physique men that tan appel more women than men that have little or no tan. But even know I'm sharing this you. You should have your body be the way yo want it to be.

  18. Mikal LaButte 5/3/12 MW2
    A mans perfect physique the man needs to have a good muscle tone a good body and have a six pac. If you want to get the perfect physique it will take a lot of time and effort. If you want to be like those professionals and be ripped and have a lot of muscle it will take you time but im sure that we all can pull it off if we put forth the time and effort. Putting forth the effort means that you need to workout everyday eat the right foods and stay healthy.

  19. Matt Strong 5/3/12 MW2

    The perfect physique is a man who's shoulders are twice the size of their waist. Your waist should be 2/3 the size of your shoulders. What women want is a man who's got more muscles than hercules and a man who's bigger than Yao Ming. One way to achieve that is by making a plan. that's how Bruce Lee did it. One of the most important things though is to get a six pack. Abs, chest, biceps, triceps, back, and shoulders are the most important parts of getting the perfect physique. The only problem with this tough is most people have a hard time getting the perfect physique. This is because most people think what can't be true. And they look at those people in magazines that are perfect. What they don't realize though is most of those men look just like them. Those pictures are all photoshoped and then placed into the magazine.

  20. Males physique seems to be vary important to them. Most of the sites that I pulled from google were forums that had been about the perfect male body. Most of the post agreed saying that a "good looking man" should be muscular and tall. Some post disagreed saying that they would rather be who they want to be and already feel confident enough about there self. Most men want to be the envy of all the other guys and make thee other guys around them Mad or sad about them self. The guys that always need to be working out are the guys who think there better than everyone else. Being like that will not get you anywhere in life. Being "cocky" is a bad thing to have because you think your the best already and need to stop trying. Cocky can sometimes get mixed up with being confident. Being confident is a good thing to have because once you gain confidence in yourself you can do any thing you set your mind to. With motivation comes confidence with confidence comes success.
    Matt pankow

  21. Guys are opposite of the women's perfect physique.They want a perfect body for there pride. A mans perfect body include muscle mass and strength. Men work out so they can show off their body. This was different for the past. Men wanted bodys so they could fight in combat and hunt. Now days men want to be tall so they showed self pride not be looked down upon. The mens perfect physique is for women and to make other guys jealous. The mens upper body strengh is for the women to like. Women like strong men with popantional muscle mass. Women think the muscle mass show strength and shows no weakness. The women perspective on a male perfect physique also include personality. They want a strong but loving man. A man who will protect them. The men think that personality is only a small part of the perfect physique, where the women think it plays a large role. The common mans view on the perfect physique includes many things. Theses are body mass, muscle mass,strength, hair style,facial features, and if they have a winner smile. As you can see men are more about being have big and strong where women are about being small and lean.

    Megan Gunderson MW2 4-3-12

  22. Henry Haidler, 5/3/12, MW2

    A males physical physique is very important to mostly every male today. Everyones choices on which part of the body they wish to improve is different. Some men want to improve their upper body strength and some want to improve their abs or legs. Body builders work on everything they have and end up looking scary and invincible. The most desirable things to work on is your upper body or abs because thats what people look at the most. Guys like to work for the perfect physique because it can give you physical and mental happiness when you look like a million bucks you feel like a million bucks. Males like to have attention especially when they look better than the others around them and they compete to look better. The difference between back in the day and now is that most people just look at their outer appearance rather than their inner beauty. Another thing why the perfect physique is very important is because now in this day obesity is a big problem and some try to take control and look better while some can't escape it.

    1. Written well, but proof all your sentences. Where is your citation?

  23. Bryce Heatwole MW2 5/3/12
    Men see the perfect body as having a lot of muscle but all natural and not too excessive. Being stronger than other guys can give them more self esteem and it can make them fell like they have more power then them. Men want to be able to attract many women. This perfect body is one that you can feel comfortable when around many people. The "perfect body" is one that you can gain respect from other men, muscle shape will be enough to attract women, and one where you can lift heavy weights in a gym far above average. When lifting you can lift more than a guy who is a foot taller than you. Men want to have a sense that they can dominate at anything they want to and they need the body to prove that, stats from a recent survey for men.

    1. Bryce, it is a bit short, but does contain basic facts.

  24. Kaitlyn Lechtanski MW2 5-3-12

    Men focas on there body too, just in different ways. "Broad shoulders, tall, muscular but not defined, nice and strong" is usually what men find the perfect physique. This trait makes them feel more confident and strong. They also feel that women are more attracted to them. Of course that is a good thing for them! Throughout time, men have tried to make themselves look strong. It helps with their self esteem.

    1. Kaitlyn, too brief. There are many more facts available that will help you compare/contrast the female perspective with the male.

  25. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. I looked up what mean think other men should look like. I got my information off ( a good website all about guys. First a man must be strong. He does not cry or wine and he does not go to the doctor every time he sneezes. You must show you have a strong independent figure and that you are afraid of nothing. Second you must be able to read. I know, your thinking, can't all men read? No in fact a lot of guys don't know how to read. and they don't put the effort into learning. Third, this man must strive to be a role model. He respects himself and they people around him.
    He gives off a powerful yet strong attitude. Forth, he keeps his house clean. If you have ever been in a bosses house or a hard working man's house you will see it's clean. The bills are in order and are not on the table as coasters. Fifth, a real man is focused and alert. He dose not waste his time on silly things he only waits for the important ones. If your guy is tuning you out you may want to change up the subject. Sixth, he knows the importance of his family. They stay inclose contact and he keeps your family close too. He knows that family comes first and he will respect that rule. He will treat your children as if they were god's gift...which they are. Finally seventh, a real man can defend himself. He can take care of what is necessary and he will not wimp out when it comes to protecting his wife or girlfriend.
    You may be asking what do women think of this? What do they like? Well, they want men who give off a lot of confidence. They feel loved and strong with their boyfriend/husband. They want a man to be fun and outgoing. A tight wad is never what women look for, they want a funny easy going man who will make they laugh. Women like man with a tad of bad boy in them. This does not mean all women but most of the population loves that hint of bad boy in their man. Women also like a man with a big wallet. They like a man that can support them and be able to not have to worry about debt and other things. Lastly women just want to be loved. They want men to see through their rough outer shield and see the true beauty that lies underneath. They love guys that don't want them for their looks but rather their traits and what they can do and teach the man.

    1. Written well - the use of rhetoric works well with expository, but watch use of words like "feel" which implies opinion.

    2. Although you refer to your research, the writing should reflect a complete paragraph of information.

  26. Nicholas Marlatt - 5/3/12 - MW4

    The male physique can be different for anyone that thinks about it. The perfect male physique can vary depending on your height or your body size. Normally men that have an average sized body normally wants slim body but with muscles that they can show off. Many men could be body builders but many people think that isn't the best thing. If a man has to much muscles he starts to look huge and isn't very attracting towards people.
    The adonis effect is the effect that you have on others when you build up muscles. The right dumbbell size should be a little wider then the width of your shoulders.

    1. Think about using rhetoric to expound upon the evidence, the facts.

  27. Aaron Durham, 4-4-12, MW4

    A male is really, always concerned with his look's because they want to be noticed by attractive women but they really don't think about others while they are doing so, they get caught up in working out or having big muscles but they seem to not notice the girl they are trying to impress, think's they are really full of themselves which happens to a lot of men in the world. some people.

    Also compete to show people that they are the alpha's and have the best "body" in the world but those people are also may be on a lot of different proteins and drugs that, could possibly kill them. all of this boils down to that yea its fun having muscles and looking nice but, sometimes it can make you go from good to evil, its very easy to have everything and lose it but the best way is to always be self-confident because everyone in their own mind is themselves, and people should respect that. Also A lot of men only look at women and then fall in love with them, but women like to get to know other people they meet. (

    1. Watch the use of the word "think" which implies opinion.

  28. Camryn Ozuch MW4 5/2/12
    While researching the "Perfect Physique" for males, I discovered some very interesting struggles men put up with daily. The first struggle is, that ever since the 1980's, a new look for the male body has been portrayed. The masculine body-builder shape with broad shoulders, V-shaped back, and the right muscle tone everywhere else is greatly stressed. Most of the pressure though, comes from family or friends joking around about having a perfect body. The "perfect body" to the media eye has a different definition of a physique. Men are comparing themselves to media which often makes them unsatisfied with their own bodies. Harold Ward, a survey taker on male physiques said"It is kind of sad, but sometimes I see a guy on TV who's buff." says Ward, "and if I haven't been working out, I think Wow! I better get back to the gym." But like females, males should focus on only on the positives of their body type, but enhancing there physical appearance to their own liking as well.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Michael Atwood | 5-3-12 | MW4

    Most males don't think that thinness is the physique guys should have. Most believe that they should not be fat, but turn that fat into muscle. Thus, most weight programs for men seem to have more exercise in them that diet foods, unlike a woman's weight program might have. They focus less on eating less and eating healthier foods, although they do this also, and focus more on continuously exercising. This is also why men are less prone to anorexia than women. The exercise, dieting, and the end look combined makes men feel more confident and raises the self esteem considerably.

    1. Watch your use of "they" compared to identifying a specific group or person. Leads one to believe this is opinion.

  31. Alex Smith

    Men focus on their bodies just as much as women do. While they do it separate ways, both stride to achieve the perfect physique. For men, they like to portray themselves as, both physically and psychologically, strong. They will lift weights, exercise, what have you, to achieve their "perfect physique". Many men view perfection as strength. Ripped bodies with bulging muscles. Men will respect other men who're more muscular than them. (
    In addition to that, another desire is to have a perfectly proportional body. For example the average bodybuilder of 6'0" should weigh around 200 lbs.

    1. Could of had more, think about using rhetoric to expound upon the facts.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Austin Wicker M-W4th 5-3-12

    People have there opinions about others and men usually think they have to be better than everyone else. They have to go to the gym and get buff and they have to be tan and have whiter teeth than anybody else. Men think they have to be courages and athletic, they have to play a lot of sports and be really good at them. Men think that they have to be body builders for someone to like them or have to be the biggest and strongest person. The male physique has to be very popular and the coolest kid in school. Males think that they have to be young and the best thing around so they can get girls and have everyone want to be their friend. BUt really these are all stereotypes and nobody can be this perfect, so no one should put themselves down if their not as big or cool as another person because your just as cool of a person as any other guy but just in a different way.

    1. "coolest kid" not the best descriptive phrase for a person in your blog essay.

  34. 1. Kyle Gonos 5-3-12 MW4
    2. If you look back a couple decades and look back now it is very different. Today the perfect male physique is a lot different from 10-20 years ago. The perfect male physique is a bodybuilder physique. This means that you are very muscular. Meaning you are athletic and buff or strong. When you have the perfect male physique you have many advantages. One of them is that strength comes naturally. Also you are very healthy and fit which is good today with the all of the obese people. Also you attract women, which is what all guys go for, women. Lastly having the perfect physique gets you respect from other guys ( This is what everyone wants, they don't want to be picked on. This topic is not my favorite topic being you have to look at other guys.

  35. Watch your use of the word "think" which implies opinion.

  36. Ian Grady 5-3-2012 MW4

    Men want to have the perfect male body by being muscular but not too muscular. Having an abnormally large muscle set can be unattractive. Men want to have more self esteem by being stronger than other men. Men want to overpower other men to get women in a sense of being superior. Most of the time people only look at how someone looks and not how they are on the inside. Men have always want to be more attractive then other men and they take it to extremes to do so. Like bodybuilding can get dangerous if you keep going and going and going to get there.

    1. A bit brief - watch that you don't step into opinion.

  37. Seth Wilson MW4

    The perfect male physique is a large muscular person who is also tall. Also to be skinny but not like tiny or anything. Most people also say how somebody acts affects it to. Men now have strong upper bodies to show off but in the past they would get muscle mass in order to fight or hunt. Also it is the complete opposite of a females physique. Females are supposed to be small and skinny not large and musclier, where men are supposed to be tall and muscular. Men normally go to the gym a lot to get this look of being muscular and strong. They also must eat healthy and be very active. It also shows dominance over other males who may be weaker than them. Being muscular boosts self esteem although some use it to mask that they have a low self esteem. Being muscular also may help or at least makes men think they can get more attractive girls to be attracted to them. Being a healthy person has a lot to do with having the perfect physique.

    1. Although you have facts, they need to be organized to make the most influence on the reader.

  38. 1.Kalani Gondick
    2. I got my information from (
    Frist a man should be a strong person he should be able to stay strong and doesn't cry when he has to get a shot or get surgery. You need to get along with other people and don't start a fight with someone just because you want too. Show that you care and that you have Independence. People don't want a guy that is afraid or small little things like spiders or other animals. Second thing is guys should be able to care for other people and tell his friends that he is there for them. Third thing is he should be able to show what is right and what is wrong. You don't want someone that does the wrong things you want someone that does the right things. He should be able to help clean around the house and help take care of the kids. Fourth thing is he helps get the kids to and from where they need to go. Fifth thing is he should focus on doing good things not bad things. Sixth he knows all of his friends and family. He should be able to defend him self and not ask someone else to do it for him. He should be able to protect his girlfriend when needed.
    What do woman think of this? They want men to help out not a lot just a little bit. They want men to be funny and nice and there for his girlfriend/wife if she is having a bad day. They want someone that will make them laugh and be there when they are having a bad day. Woman want the men to be outgoing and funny. They don't want men to just sit there and be lazy they want men to go places with his wife and do fun things with them. Last woman just want to be loved. they want the men to keep them safe so they don't get hurt.

    1. Decent facts, but organize the facts so it would be more persuasive.

  39. Cheyanne Havermahl, MW4, 5/3/12

    Men want to have the perfect body for a lot of reasons. They want to be seen as fit and healthy and attractive. Also for competitive reasons against other people they want to be stronger and tougher. The healthy look is to have a waist to chest ratio. A slim waste, big shoulders and a muscular chest. This is seen more attractive. People that have darker skin or are tan are also seen as healthy and attractive. Men that are taller are seen more stronger and intimidating, which is found attractive also.

    1. Too brief - You do have a reference, use it. Need more facts reflecting comparison / contrast.

  40. Jacob Yannott mw4

    To some people a physical physique is when you big and strong. Like when you have broad shoulders, rock hard abdominal and tattoo's.Some people use just for fighting, and bullying. Just by the looks of a person, u can tell something about them.

    This blog is about the physical features of people, and how they use it. to some people Its everything to them. They just want people to think he is big bad and tough. Some people are is big and bad as they seem. But other are not

    1. Missing citation for research. Opinionated - need facts from a reliable source.

  41. Christina mogg
    Men alike to have big muscles because it says that they are heathy and stronge.( They also like to have a good self-esteem and they like to fight to show their stragth to other men. The more muscles a guy has the heather he is.The heather a man is the better his self-esteem is. When they have a good self esteem they are easier to get along with instead of when they have a bad self esteem because when they have a bad self esteem they don't actvery nice.

    1. A bit brief - More of the facts please and expound upon them too.

  42. Nella Galliher MW4 5/3/12
    Men on the other hand the main focuses are height, stomachs, chests, and their hair ( Just all around looking good. They want six pack abs.

    1. A bit brief - provide the facts that you researched.

  43. Heather Linn, TT2, 5/4/12

    On the other hand, the mens perfect body is quite different. In the earlier years, the women didn't see a guy for his body, they saw him for his personality/job/ or class level. The males didn't really care if they were fit or not, because it didn't really matter as long as they were leading a good life.
    Today, because of the many changes that have been brought to us, society is making the whats attractive and whats not scale a lot smaller. If a male is overweight females usually consider it to be unattractive. So males typically try to stay as far away from that as they can. They want to look more manly and healthy. Today, there is a stage to where you can go to far on working out. Males usually do not want to look like body builders, but they want to at least look fit. For example, most males find it that they must have upper body strength and at least be strong. They think that if they aren't strong, that they would come across as more ladylike and could be assumed as easy to hurt. What males seem to try to be aiming for today is to have big muscles and abs.

  44. 1.Kyle Shehan, 5-4-12, TT2
    2.On the other hand from the mens perspective the perfect male body is one with mussels but not to much. You see Male's want big mussels because it makes them feel like they are attractive and it makes them not have a low self esteem because they are attractive. They want to look in the mirror or even if another person looks at them and be able to say "I am attractive" They want a masculin face and be able to show off that they are so strong and they think that with that they will find a girl that likes them but the irony is, the people dont really like them for them they just like there body. ""

  45. Darren Murray
    TT2 5/4/12

    1) The perfect male body help's increase's self-esteem, engaging his own body. The healthy muscular male body, makes you feel great and want to do more. The male body being in good form helped out with war and in the ages, not a good thing but it helped out.
    Par-core, is an activity that you climb, run and jump on anything or everything and it takes a significant amount of muscle to do it. If your a little bigger it will be harder to maintain but it's possible.
    Having a perfect body can make you more efficient at more thing's and men like to impress the lady's and there friend's. Men also try to get nice looking body's also to get attention from woman.
    ( Show's men doing different activity's like swimming, showing a period of time were men work out and it's showing improvement.
    Men do not want to be huge so that they can't do anything but walk, and they don't want to be small so if they got hit, they would snap there arm. Men want to be big enough were you can do most thing's you want to do. Muscle is a key subject in working the mans body out and what it's advantages are.

  46. Marissa Moore 5/4/12 TT2

    Back in the 17-1800's, men thought they needed to have broad shoulders. Women often looked for a mate with broad shoulders so they would know the male would have the ability to protect them. Once the 1800's came around, many women looked for rounder bellies so that they knew they would always be fed. As time goes on, men think they need to be someone different. They base what they think they should look like on other men, body builders, but mostly what women think they should be. In todays times, women want men to be muscular. Abs, biceps, etc. They don't want them too muscular but don't want them to be too scrawny. Men today think they need their bodies to look like the Hollister Co. models, or Channing Tatem or Taylor Lautner. Studies show that men who body build or work out all the time are working out and building muscle to hide their insecurities. Their confidence increases, but all it is doing is covering up the insecurities they have. (

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Michael Yedinak TT2 5/4/12
    However, on the other hand, men and their perspective on things is different and in a way the same compared to womens' in terms of physique. The mens perspective of a perfect physique is one that we feel good about and increases our self-esteem. ( A lot of men want muscles and the looks to attract women. Also men want to be healthy and to make other men jealous of their looks. To a good percentage of men, if you are not as strong/muscular as a women, you could be shy to talk to her and you might want to become better than her to show men are the dominant gender. That in a way is why some men take steroids and other stuff to make them look stronger. The other thing men want in their lives is to be brave and to never back down a fight, so nobody messes with them. Females and men's idea of a perfect physique is different in some ways and the same in others, that is what makes us unique.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Brooke Boyd TT2 5/4/12

    A lot of men do pay a lot of attention to what there physique looks like. Some men don't care but most of them do, when they do have perfect bodies it builds there self-esteen and when that happens then men have a higher chance to feel better about them selfs and get more motivated to impress girls. Muscles and big shoulders and arms are a lot of what girls like to see on guys so when guys want to impress them they try and get the best body that they can get. Sometimes though when you see the body of someone and think its attractive there personality is not always the best. Guys can get to focused on there body's to much and don't have that good of a personality. Although a lot of men try hard to get the best looking physique a lot of girls like it but its always good to have a good personality too.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. Gursherveen Dhaliwal, TT2, 5/4/12

    The males physique is very important to males as they want to be good looking and not to be just who they are themselves. On the other hand women are not shy about their demands. And we all know how supply and demand go hand-in-hand. The items that the mens want so they can look irresistible is the sharply shaped shoulders, chiseled chest, bulging biceps, awesome abs and their hygienic hands. Now, not so many of them are worried about attitude and personality because they are all so caught up in what their bodies look like. The more the person notices their face and their body, when it comes to talking to the other person, they do not always have the best personality and guts to stand up for what they believe in themselves. They also think that they have to have awesome abs, bulging biceps to be attracted to women when it comes down to their prospective on their own personal physique they all want to be attractive and have self-esteem after they have accomplish something.


  53. Cody Musulin 5-4-12 TT2
    On the other hand, When men try to attract women, they work out, and stay somewhat skinny, but girls don't want some hugely muscular guy. ( Most girls want somewhat of a muscular guy, but not too much. Girls would rather have a good personality than a muscular man that has no common sense. Then again, girls would also like a very attractive man, so that when they had babies, that the babies would look nice, and handsom. All girls have a different perspective on guys, they are never the same, but a lot come close. If a guy is a jerk to girls, most of the time they wont like the person that is meen. Girls want to see a man that is nice, a lot of self esteem, has a good sense of humor, and at sometimes, is romantic. The guys with that personality, will get the girl, instead of a meen bully that tries to act cool infront of everyone.

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. 1. William McNamee 5/4/12 TT2
    2. Although women have changed men have also made large changes in their perfect physique. Through out the ages like women the perfect male physique has often changed. Back in the years before machines and big cities the perfect male physique was bigger is often better. ( One of the examples of this in our lives today is that males with muscles are often more attractive, but some times too much of one thing can be very bad. In our world you often see the most successful people as handsome or attractive, while did you know that most people change their looks to change their self esteem. When you look at pictures of yourself or other people back in middle school or high school usually people think " what was I thinking back then" , but often the answer is "Oh that was just the style back then." So throughout history with both genders we often see changes in their perfect physique and sometimes the changes are for the better and others they are not.

    1. Nice transition into the third paragraph...

      Expand your descriptive vocabulary though.

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. 1. Jensen Borkowski 5/4/12 TT2
    It is important to not only women, but men too, to have a healthy body. Men say that a healthy body would be having lots of strength and low body fat. They like to have the "perfect" body because it can increase their self-esteem. Several studies show that men who work out have a higher self-esteem. Men also like to have a perfect physique to impress women as well as other men. They feel the need to look strong, athletic as well as lean. Another advantage of having a nice physique would be the advantage of health and strength. When you have a great body, you not only look great, but you feel great too.

  59. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 4/4/12

    Although women like to be skinny, that's not what they want in a man, or that's not what men think they want. Most men now think that women are looking for a big, strong muscular man and are only worried about appearance. These men would be right. According to an article on male health, ( women like attractive and muscular men to pass down their genes so that they can have attractive children. Now that more men know these facts, they are changing their looks. Since 1990, 10% of men were newly anorexic or bulimic, right now it's more like 25% of all men. Men now a day are trying to be flawless. In 2009 there was a 44% increase in male plastic surgery such as male breast reductions. Even throughout history men have been ashamed of their looks, or thought they were. So, even though some people don't look for personal appearance and muscle tone and things of that such, these facts show that men are changing their appearance so that they will be accepted and or liked for how they look.

  60. Paige Leatherman 5/4/12 TT2

    The males perspective on a males body is very different then a females. Throughout the years males have changed what they look like, but all wanted to look healthy. In early years males thought their look was about just being skinny, they didn't really think of being ripped, being skinny was enough. Not to tiny though, they wanted to be skinny enough to be called skinny. In later years males wanted to be muscular, not a lot of muscle but wanted abs at least. Now, today males want to be bulk, very ripped, strong and want broad shoulders. Males often want to ripped for competition reasons, they feel the need to be look more stronger then another. Having these characteristics make them feel confident and think they will attract women. ""

    1. Need a transitional word or phrase to lead us into the writing.

  61. 1. Maddie Haas TT2 5/4/12
    2. Although women feel that a "good body" will help them with acceptance, control, and success, men feel that they need to have a "good body" to help them attract women, increase their self-esteem, and impress other men. Men need a good body to do all these things, but how? A goal would help them achieve what they want to achieve. If they don't have one, it's very possible that they will get no where at all. Also when men say they want to good body, what are they really looking for. What will impress other men and attract women. They think that they should be strong and athletic, yet lean. Women want something similar to that. Men would like to have a rippling 6-pack, but they want to make sure they are pretty skinny also. Apparently to men, they want a good body, mostly, to make themselves feel better and if you have a "good body", then you increase your self-esteem. To sum it up, men want to be strong and lean for themselves, to attract women, and to impress other men.
    One website that really helped me out was

  62. Brandon Wiese TT2 5-4-12

    On the other hand men don't try to look skinny like girls do. A guys physique is more like working out and getting huge muscles. Some men are born with the physique which means that they just naturally build up there muscles. Its been proven that women want a man that is strong, a nice head of hair, and a deep but soft voice. Guys also don't want to get to big of muscles because then girls just think its weird. They like them big enough so when they walk into a room you can notice that that guy works out. The perfect physique for a man also includes a tan so it goes with the muscles. Guys also tend to show off their body to show the other guys around that he means business. Men have to be careful because they can get too confident and fantasize that they are the whole world and girls wont want a cocky guy.

    1. Use expanded descriptive vocabulary as you explain the content. Use the words in the research.

  63. Caeley Hendee, 5-4-12, TT2

    The studies have shown that men who gain more muscularity increases their self-esteem. Men are always saying that they're not good enough which boost their self-esteem down. To make the self-esteem go up they also have to impress and look better than other men do. Having more muscles or being stronger than another man. Men care more about their looks instead of their personality.

    Men also work out to attract more women. Women mostly care about the personality, but women do care about looks. Muscles aren't the only thing to impress women, its not just about the looks. Also men have to have bigger muscles to impress other men. They have to look better then other men. To be stronger and bigger to prove that they are the best. If men are stronger, and have more abilities to do other things. Meaning men can do other things that normal men can't. Lifting things up that are 10x the bigger that they are.

    1. Should of kept it as one complete paragraph - need a transitional word or phrase to lead the reader.

  64. 1. Caleb Hudson 4-4-12 tt2
    2. On the other side males think that the their perfect physique is fitness. Fitness is the most important feature of a man according to the site( Another feature that is important is that you have to have muscle and know what to do with it. Men also think that you have to know how to get a women to also be successful. Another important one to us is self esteem. We need to be fit to have self esteem, and feel confident. You also have to have a good fighting capability so we can protect others. Most men just want a lot of muscle so they can get some girls. Some men however over do the muscle part, and then they don't look attractive. Men think about them self's as a protector of some sort. So we try to get as strong as we can. Also to men a symmetrical, masculine face with a strong jaw and a deep voice are appealing, so would a head full of hair. Also it is not attractive to have a feminine voice.

    1. Maybe you meant to say, "On the other hand, males . . "

  65. Jake Belford 5/4/12 TT2

    In spite of that the mens perfect physique is not much like the women's perfect physique. Men thought that the perfect male body has to be very strong and healthy to impress others. Back a long time ago people thought that men had to be good at hunting and have a strong upper body much like today. Throughout the years having a strong upper body, and strength have been important for respect or admiration. The face is also an important factor for having a masculine face, strong jaw, deep voice, and a good head of hear. This information was found at, "". Many cultures have also thought that the person who could get the most beaten have the best physical physique.

    1. A bit brief - but nice transition "In spite of . . " This works well to bring your reader into your work.

  66. Elle Kennedy TT2
    In my research I found that men want a body that helps with their self-esteem. They want broad shoulders, muscles, a body that attracts women, impresses other men and looks healthy. They want to be muscular and attractive because they believe that is what women want. Some men think that they should have big muscles like a body-bulider but in reality, most women do not find it attractive. Men have said that going to the gym and getting big muscles raises their self-esteem in thinking it will attract better looking women. Men also try to have a good looking body to impress other men. Having a muscular, broad body shows power and dominance over other men.

    1. A bit brief, but still filled with supportive facts. Strong sentence structure.

  67. 1.Sam Dovin. TT2. 5-4-12.
    Most males see it as they need to have to have abs, borad shoulders, muscular face, and even a deep voice can make them feel like more of a man. Most men only do those things because of the women they are trying to impress. But knowing how to impress woman its not all about that, a lot is about personality like funniness how nice they are and things like that. I saw that most men take body fitness competitively. If they know they have muscles then it is easier for them to have a higher self of steam and feel better about them selfs. But it is also very easy to get off on the wrong foot with women. Knowing us we can be judgment at first when it comes to men which is sad but its the truth. But really the main part in all of our heads is personality.

    1. Insightful, but you need to monitor your sentence mechanics (proof your work).

    2. 1. Julianna Welling 5/4/12 TT4
      For men it is the opposite to have the perfect physique from women, they want to be big. The male perfect physique is to be strong. Men have had to be big and strong sense the beginning of man. Men would need to be strong for hunting in ancient times. Know it is more for self-esteem, and to get woman. Men know want people to take a double-take when they look at them. Men want there upper body to be the strongest, they want a muscular face too. Men also want to have a low voice to seem strong. They want to look strong, tuff. For black men it also has to do with there hair. Black men keep there head bald, or have very short hair. Men go to the jim to become more attractive to women. Men try to get muscular to boost there self-esteem. If you don't look good your feel like you are nothing. It is also proven weight lifting boosts self-esteem. When you are strong it also show that you are a good fighter, that you are agressive. In the end it is just so that the men feel good about them selfs.

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. 1. Sam Hall TT4 May 4, 2012

    2. On the other hand men want to look their best in order to attract women, as well as impress and intimidate other males. A muscular build and a V-Shaped torso are features most men feel they should have, but bodybuilder sized muscles are considered unattractive due to their strange and unnatural look. Upper body strength is another important feature, muscular arms and broad shoulders show superiority and strength. A masculine face can suggest fighting prowess and high levels of testosterone. In this age of extreme competitiveness your physique can help you succeed.


  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Josh Mick 5/3/12 TT4

    For a male's perspective on the perfect body is having a lot of muscle mass, broad shoulders, an even jaw, an a low self esteem. Being healthy and physically fit also is a factor some men wish to improve on. Building the perfect male body will enhance your self esteem. Many studies have shown that males who gain more muscles increase their self-esteem dramatically. Some men have astounding personalities that attract women. Such as being funny, caring, and helping those in need. I believe for any men out there who strives to achieve the perfect body I'm here to tell you its possible. Just don't give up you will eventually get there.

  72. 1. Devin Bryant 5/4/12 tt4

    Men are concerned about there look as much as women i think. they just do it in a different way they want to be tiny and skinny guys want to be gib and ripped and some will do anything to get to that stage. And i found out that not all women look for ripped men out of 191 voters there is a test that they did over line that says the perfect male physique is 18.85 likes supper muscle, 41.36 like pretty muscle, 23.56 is model physique, 1.57 is skinny, 8.38 burly man muscle, 5.24 like fat and 1.05 likes regular guys. but there was another site that i found that told me women like mens physique to be tall not to tall muscly and broad shoulders defined. But on different sites most i have found talks about a perfect physique as a mediam size guy with formed not bulging arms and defined. And that is what i found that people like men to look like the most.

  73. Lexi Cox, 5/4/12, TT4

    In today's culture, a mans perfect physique is thin, built and attractive. They need to have muscles and have masculine voices and masculine features. In 1990 10% of all the people who were suffering form anorexia or bulimia were known to be men. Now, over 25% of the people who are suffering from these disorders are men. Men are caring more about their appearance and how thin and built they are now, then they ever have in the past. Men want to look attractive to the women's eye and feel like a true, strong man. Many men fight a battle of confidence due to the lack of looking masculine, built and strong. (

  74. 1) Molly Aills 5/4/12 TT4

    The 'perfect male physique' today is centered in power and health, along with the drive to attract and impress. In ancestral times, the male's upper body strength was important, especially in using weapons, hunting, and besting an opponent. In Roman times, attraction came from youth; for example, in the arenas, the toned, strong, and handsome fighters were always favored to live. ( Nowadays, men are focused on a slim figure with little body fat. Certain factors are fueling this, such as impressing other males, impressing and attracting females, strength, and the added bonus of being healthy. Toned abs, broad shoulders, slim waistline, v-shaped torso, proportionate and symmetrical 'attractive' facial features are all certain aspects of the perfect male physique. Today, men work hard to achieve the perfect body, keeping many rewards (attracting and impressing, health and strength) as their goal.

  75. 1: Brendan Schmitter TT4 5/4/12

    In the research that has been done. The ideal body of a man is a v shaped chest and body.Not to hairy with a muscular body and women do not like men shorter then them they like taller men. Male like there bodies to look muscular but not to much. Not to skinny and look nice have a broad face and strong. Back in the day men needed to be muscular and we well built to be able to hunt and do combat the need it to kill animals to get food and fight other humans to defend what is theirs. What happened to the old days when people did care about how you look but how you act and feel.

  76. 1. Josephine Parke TT4 5/4/12

    Men like to have a perfect physique because The perfect male body is one that you feel good about and increases your self-esteem. The perfect male body also has the added advantage of being healthy, has functional strength, attracts women and impresses other men.
    A males idea of a perfect physique is broad shoulders, abs/small stomach, broad legs, strong arms. But it is not always about how nice their body is, it also has to do a lot with personality and attitude, also a deep vice is another thing that can earn other male's respect. A woman's idea of a perfect man is not mostly about their physical structure, but more about a guys personality and their attitude, but knowing most woman they would not take enough time to get to know them but rather we take one look and think that we know them.

  77. Sam Mynarcik 4TT 5/4/12

    The males have to feel like they are the dominate person. Some think it is the hair or the abs that makes them who they are, but really it is just what they do that makes feel like stronger person. Women usually take the strong guy instead of the husky guy or the obese guy. To earn respect from other guys is the muscle that they have men will respect you for who you are. In different times they can attract women and they have enough physical strength to go into the army or be a professional athlete.

  78. Olivia Sdao TT4

    Men feel like they have to be tall, strong, and rich to get a hot girl to look at them but they don't! 75% of women took a survie on males appearances, and only 20% persent said "that they would like to see a strong tall men." In history of the male physic that they would have to go to war or they had to provide in the family because they felt like they were the master of there family. Know a days women provide money,food, or a house for there family. Men say that there the only ones that are aloud to be tall and strong or have to be the best football player to get the girl they want! Most African american shave there heads or there really short. This is what I had researched on males physique.

  79. 1. Danielle Stowell 5/4/12 TT4

    Now a days, males feel the need to have Large calf muscles, arm muscles, thin stomach not necessarily 6 pack just thin, and last broad shoulders not to masculine were it becomes unattractive. Currently men do all these things to attract and impress women their interested in. Men also feel they need is a deep voice to make them feel more manly and having a broad face shows your tough. Having a good head of hair is a good thing to have, also broad developed chest to show off. Just being muscular is not the only way to attract women, having a great personality, women like funny, caring, and intelligent and more of that kind of stuff too. Men having big muscles and good bodies gives them a higher self-esteem with having all of this. Most men take being muscular way to competitive like it's a competition, it's not. Being muscular doesn't mean the most to women, I am sure they like it but having a good personality means the most to them.

  80. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 5-4-12 TT4

    2. The perfect male physique is a component of male fitness and the perfect male body is the way to attract most females. But women are looking for a male with attributes and other than the looks of the perfect male physique to successfully attract a women. Building the perfect male body is a way for you to enhance your self esteem. Many studies have shown the males with the the perfect body will increase their self-esteem dramatically. In a success in hunting and combat male muscularity was an important contributor in our ancestral populations. success in physical confrontations, is dictated by two factors, muscle mass and strength. " The perfect male body will have the following attributes:

    *Muscle size will be enough to earn the respect of other men
    *Muscle shape will be enough to attract women
    *Muscles will be strong enough to lift heavy weights in the gym up to far above average
    *Muscles will be strong enough to move and suspend your bodyweight to achieve *excellent results in the 'real world', whether it be in a sport, the military or an emergency situation.
    *In the process of developing your musculature you will have become healthy through proper diet and exercise that also extends your lifespan into old age without loss of function"

  81. Kirsten Brydon 4th hr 5-4-12

    The media has taken it's toll on affecting everyone on how they think of themselves. As displayed above, woman were known to have thinness as a part of "the perfect physique". On the other hand, men have similar things that effect them. The media would portray men with low body fat, perfect hair, and more muscle, which as a result, became more boys controlling their eating more then they should, working out excessively, and for some, taking supplements. I also found out that the action figures that you see today are starting to take this image as well. Action figures such as G.I. Joe, for example, have more muscles then 20 years ago, which also has also pushed the image of "the perfect physique" hard.

    Works Cited

  82. Stephen Moore 5/17/12 TT2

    How do people think men should look? That both men and women want to look good and look popular. In todays world it popular for men to strong and women helthy. When people look in a magazine, they see that men look strong and brave. You can tell that men are strong by their muscles and how tall they are. It is popular sometimes that when men look at the magazines they want to be the same, so they work out. People want this because they want to admire men that are strong.

  83. Tyler Pruneau 5/23/12 MW4

    Males who work out more and gain a more muscular look, have much more self-esteem and females find that males with more muscle are more attractive. I believe its the thinness of the body. I do not know if there is a perfect physique but if there where it would be like this, thin, muscular, smart and brave. Females like a man that is strong and brave but this shows what the perfect physique should look like.

    Works cited-

  84. Sam Love 5/24/12 MW2

    A males "Perfect Physique" revolves around their body. Men want to be stronger then everyone else. Studies show that a man who works out has a higher self-esteem thinking their better then everyone else. Female's tend to be attracted to male's who have more muscle and are stronger. If people see the "perfect body" then they lower there self-esteem. It's not about if you cane beat him up or the other guy, it's how you look at yourself. You do what ever makes you happy, and is "perfect" for you.

  85. Presslee Reisinger, 5-29-12, T/T2

    Now a days, males feel the need to have big lower leg muscles, bicep muscles, thin stomach not always 6 pack but thinner and muscular, and broad shoulders not to masculine were it looks bad. Men do all these things to attract and impress women their interested in. Men also feel they need is a deep voice to make them feel more manly and having a broad face shows your tough. Having a good head of hair is a good thing to have, also broad developed chest to show off. Just being muscular is not the only way to attract women, having a great personality, women like funny, caring, and intelligent and more of that kind of stuff too. Men having big muscles and good bodies gives them a higher self-esteem with having all of this. Most men take being muscular way to competitive like it's a competition, it's not. Being muscular doesn't mean the most to women, I am sure they like it but having a good personality means the most to them.
