Monday, March 26, 2012

Realistic Ficiton Blog 3

Name Date Hour - Write two more paragraphs carrying the story in any direction you would like. I am still looking at details and sentence variety.

Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . .


  1. 1. Halle Chiarelli MW2 3-26-12

    I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, he eyes filled with tears and she shouted " Yes!" Again, I froze. I couldn't help but make a sudden smile appear across my face. My nerves were taking over my body and I couldn't think for the past few hours. I thought for sure she was going to say no, say that I rushed her into it or she wasn't ready.

    I pictured her walking down the aisle in a white dress with a lace vail over her face. I was so excited to get married, and get on with my life after all. She looked at me in excitement and just rambled about the wedding. She talked about dress shopping, shoe shopping, wedding design, hair styles, nail salons and all the things she needed to do to make her self look like a bride. I wonder if she thought about all of these things while we were dating? She had told me that every girl's dream is to be able to walk down the aisle and make it the best day of their life. At that time, I knew my life would be perfect.

  2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . .

    I was offered a job in NY. It was everything i’ve ever dreamed of and more. My sister tried to talk me out of it. She said I could write columns anywhere else, it doesn’t have to be in the New York Times. The clock on the wall made a ticking noise as time whipped through the air yet all I could think about was my sisters feelings. How could I be so selfish?
    “Lost time is never found again, Benjamin Franklin said that.” My sister stated. That was her favorite quote. Looking back at all the good times with her in old photographs made me think that maybe I shouldn’t leave her. I have my whole life to make money. This was more than a job to me though. On the other hand though, my sister was more than annoying space hogger, she was a big part of my life. Slowly I nodded my head approving her quote and sipped my Starbucks. She smiled and handed me a small object. It was the locket mother gave her when she passed away. Tears swelled up in my eyes.
    Mckenzie Barth MW2 3-26-12

  3. Megan Gunderson 3/26/12 MW2
    Ding Dong Ding Dong.The giant bell rang the eco filling the room.I looked down at her.Her pircing blue eyes gazed back up at me.They had the glossy look, the glossieness where you can tell someone is going to cry. She flickered her eyes and that single tear ran down her check. Her lips quivered as if she was trying to get out her goodbyes. I knelt down next to her and said it will be alright. Her eyes looked straight at me. I know I am leaving you here, but it will be alright.Your going to have a new family who loves you, and will take care of you.
    I am so sorry that the orphanage split us up, but it is for the best of us.We will always be sisters, but we will have new sister and brothers too.Think about it we wont spend our Christmas with just each other we will spend it with tons of people who loves us.I swear to you that living in separate places is for our own good. Now listen can you please just answer my question. Why don"t you want to go live with the nice family who wants to adopt you? She replied my family is not complete without you, I need you.I looked at her.I placed my hand on her heart and said I will alway be with you.Not physically but in your heart. I gave her a hug and then said I have to go.She hugged me goodbye.I walked out the door and got into to my cab.I looked out the window she waved goodbye, tears now streaming down her face.

  4. 1. Malorie Moen 3/26/12 MW2

    2. "I'm sorry to say this, but after I leave for this new job, I'm not coming back."She said to me as she took her luggage and walked out the door. Those words hurt. I couldn't believe that after 14 years of marriage, my wife was leaving me. We had got into an argument about 3 days ago. I don't remember what it was about, but it wasn't worth arguing over.
    Now she's getting on a plane to California, and not coming back. I can't just let her go. Quickly, I came up with a plan. I will drive to the airport, and before she gets on the plane I will make a big apology. I hurried to the car, got in it, and drove off in a hurry. Once I arrived at the airport, there was only 2 minutes before her plane was leaving. I was on the other side of the airport. It was almost impossible to get to her before she gets on that plane. I began sprinting towards the sign that said, "flights to California." There was only a minute left. I saw her. I saw my wife standing in a line to get on the airplane. I raced towards her. Once I reached the sign where everyone was lining up at, it was too late. She had already gotten on the plane.

  5. Nick Norman 3.26.12 MW2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. She whispered to me " Let's not go." I stopped and stared at her. Not shocked but I was a little curious. I put my hands on my hips and say " What do you mean let's not go." She looked at me like I was crazy and said " were already going to be late. Maybe we can go another time." I quickly grabbed the suit cases and said "let's go" as we ran out the door. We got in the car and I quickly left. I said we can talk on the way. It was us against time. I glanced at the clock which read 2:09. I asked her why she didn't want to get this job.

    She paused and then said " because I was stressed, we didn't really think this through and we woke up late sou I think were going to be late." I replied " We will get there in time.... I promise." The car was silence the rest of the way. Once again I looked down and the clock read 2:45. We had 15 minutes and we were about 10 minutes away. A little later we jumped out of the car rushing to the plane. The guards stopped us. We showed them our ticket. They said there was no room on flight 243 to Chicago. "But we bought tickets!" I screamed. The guard went to go check if anyone snuck on the plane. That happened to be the case. Two of them got kicked out, and we were on the plane on our way to Chicago for her job.

  6. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 3-26-12 MW2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. I asked her what was wrong. She moved her body so that she was facing me, I turned so I was facing her. She sighed. I was hoping that she wouldn't tell me to leave because I couldn't leave her. Without her, I was nothing. I got scared. I sat on the twin bed while she sat on her twin bed. I felt the quilt on the bed, feeling nervous. She looked me in the eye.
    "Maybe we should try this again when we are both in a better mood," she whispered. She kind of smirked and chuckled."I just can't stand fighting with you." She looked down for a second. I grabbed her hand. She looked back up at me. We just sat there and stared at each other. I looked into her bright blue eye, becoming lost in time. The clock chimed, one, two. I got up to grab my stuff, and again she put her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe we should stay another week."

  7. Evan Bauer 3-26-12 MW2

    She was started to move her mouth
    "I'm not ready to go to America" Sue said
    I was doing a job in Africa on the blackfoot tribe, they were the last of there kind the last blackfoot tribe. When I got here it was streakily about business and my job but then I fell in-love with a girl named Sue. She was the chiefs doughtier, she was the most beautiful women I have ever saw in my life. I had asked if she would come back with me to America and marry me. She refused my offer because she believed that if she left her people would die and she couldn't let that happen. So I made a bold decision I would stay there to become one of her people and have the wright to marrie her.
    The Chief of the blackfoot tribe let me stay with them while my film crew went back to America to make the love story of a city slicer with a Indian girl. I only had to do one task to be accepted as one of there own but it was a hard task. They said that I must kill an elephant, the animal I loved. I asked if there was another way but they said I must first kill what I love to make room for the thing I love the most. I loved Sue the most so I decided I will do what must be done. The next day I took a spear out into the valley to go hunting for the elephant. It was not going to be a hard thing to find the animal but to kill it would be the real challenge. I found the animal in a cave sleeping, perfect time to strike but when I walked slowly up to the animal I could not strick it with my spear. There must be another way, for I do not have the will to kill a animal. I decided I can show the chief that I need not kill the animal just tame it. Without hesitation I jumped on it back the animal woke and started to run out of the cave but when it felt my touch and my hands brush its grey head it stopped in its tracks. It listened to me, It felt my heart for I have always felt its. I have tamed the animal inside me and inside it I can know marrie the chiefs doughtier Sue.

  8. LeAnn Howe MW2 3-26-12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time what she had to say. "Kevin, I'm not sure if I'm ready to do this. Washington is all the way across the country. I want to be with you but why do we have to leave Maine?" "Honey, we've talked about this many times before. This is a bad neighborhood and it's not a safe place to raise a family. Plus, the job I was offered will have a much higher pay." She looked at me. Her big blue eyes were almost in tears. I knew she didn't want to come with me but why would she wait until today to tell me?
    Moving slowly toward the door, I reached down for my light brown suitcase. There was still hope inside me. Maybe she would have a change of heart and decide to come. I grasped the doorknob. By this time Julia was sobbing. As I turned the knob, the sunlight was blinding. The yellow taxi cab was parked on the side of the road waiting for the two of us. But there would only be one person, me. Taking a step outside Julia managed to say, "Goodbye Kevin." There was no looking back now. This was the beginning of a new life. Also, a new me.

  9. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 3/26/13

    2. She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes. The eyes that made me melt. I loved her and I didn't know why she was doing this to me. I asked her if she wanted to go to the beautiful, tropical islands of Bora Bora with me. Ever since I met her I've wanted to take her to a lovely vacation spot with me. I finally had enough money to make my dream reality. So I popped the question. I asked her if she would join me on my trip to Bora Bora. She froze when I asked her. I just couldn't understand. She told me she would think about it and give me an answer later but later ended up being the day before the big trip.
    After I packed my bags, I decided to pack one for her too, hoping she would join me on my trip. Later that day I heard on knock on the door and sure enough it was her. She came in and sat on the couch and I sat next to her. I told her I packed a bag for her. As I went to stand up to get it she stopped me by putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and our eyes met. She spoke softly and quietly. She finally gave me the answer I had been waiting for for days. I wasn't the answer I wanted to hear but it was an answer. "I can't go with you John." and without another word she got up and left.

  10. Riley Hafner MW2 3/26/12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. My eyes swelled but I couldn't let her see me cry. I have tried to be strong even though I knew it was coming so I just waited for it. The punch. The one hit that would finally cause me to break down and cry uncontrollably. She looked me in the eyes and knew I understood. She realized she didn't have to say a word but she did anyways. Maybe to break the tention. Maybe just so it seemed more real.
    "Shannon, when I went to the doctors the other day they found something and they did some tests. The results came back today. I have breast cancer."
    Those last four words was all it took. I fell on my knees and put my face in her lap. Huge sobs over took my body and all I could do was sit there and take it because the moment had finally come. We had talked about this before but I never really thought that my mother, of all people, would be diagnosed with cancer.
    "Shhhh...... its okay Shan. Its alright. Im going to be fine. Im going to go in and get it taken care of, don't worry."
    She patted my head and just let me cry. Finally after a long time my stomach began to hurt and my eyes began to sting. I looked up at her and saw that she was crying too. I crawled up into her lap and just held on tight and we both cried together. If dad were here he would be the strong one. He would grab us both and tell us everything was going to be fine and that God would take care of us. He always used to say that God would never put us through anything we couldn't handle but I wasn't so sure about that now.
    After we had sat there for a while she picked me up and took me to the car. It was time to go. I sat in the back staring out the window and as we left it began to rain. Today was such a sad day but as my mind wandered into all the tragic possibilities I noticed the clouds break in the sky. Rays of light shown down from the sky as it rained on and in my mind God had just let me know that things would be okay. Maybe everything would work out and my mom would be fine and she would beat this monster. Maybe dad was up there making sure that we are alright and letting the Lord know that we need some help. Maybe this trip was worth it after all.

  11. 1. Eddie Roberts, 3/26/12, mw2
    2. But I listened anyway, she told me to sit back down and stop worrying about the past and the future and just live in the moment. I had no expression and said ok. Then we both got up and packed our things in the car and drove off to the airport. All she did was talk and talk and talk the whole way their. Then finally we got their just in time for the departure of the plane. I was relieved.
    All I could think about on the plane ride was work. Yes, it was going to pay the bills but it has put a lot of stress on me the past couple weeks. I kept think about work the whole way there. Finally we arrived in Seattle for hopefully a relaxing business trip. My wife relaxed and went site seeing and I had to stay in a conference room arguing all day. I was getting sick of it and it just about put me over the edge. I went home and asked my wife the question again, "what's wrong with me?" She said "You are high strung, annoying, and stressful to be around but I still love you." The next day i quit my job and told my wife I wanted to start over and that we should move somewhere warm and start a new life. My wife thought I was crazy at first but over a period of time she started to like the idea. Thats exactly what we did, we moved to california and she applied for a job as a waitress and I was still looking for a job that interests me. Finally I found a job that I think I will really like, a surfer.

  12. Timmy Uppleger MW2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time wondering what she was going to say. I was wanting to just get up and do what needed to be done just to get it over with. It is almost two p.m. and the plane was going to leave in about a hour. I stood up again, she put her hand on my shoulder again "Not yet." she said. I sat back down and stared out of the window watching the birds fly around chasing each other.

    It is 3 p.m. and still waiting. I was still thinking of the question she did not answer. I looked to my left, there she was sound asleep, I looked back out the window. She woke up and asked what time it was. I turned my head and I asked about that question. She looked at me and she seemed to be sad. I thought in my head that I was not going to get the job in New Zealand. She turned to me and said in a sad voice " Im sorry you did not get the job." My chest felt weird and painful in a way. My eyes were twitching. My throat felt like I just swallowed a large pill without anything to wash it down. That was my dream job I said to myself.

  13. 1 Zack Fuller Mw2 3-26-12

    2 I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. She Said " We cant go to the air port." " What?" I said Why? Mom said. "We are moving and we have to pack right away to move out by this thursday" I said " Why?" She said will my job is relocating me to Daytona Beach Florida." I sat there for a second thinking to myself all sorts of things about moving like missing my friends and what is popular there and flight. She said "we can't go to Hawaii now we are going to Florida." The old grandfather clock just rang so it was 3 the plane was all ready in air. So I got some boxes and with a sadden look on my face started packing my room for a new life.
    The next day came around and it was Wednesday the day before the big move the only thing lef in the house was the tv for the news and 2 lawn chairs. Almost everything was gone we went out to eat for food. Almost every thing was in the truck in drive way. My friends came over to say Good bye because they have to go to school tomorrow. When we would be on the high way. We went to bed knowing what we had tho do tomorrow it was load the tv and the cat into the truck. We got up packed the tv and the cat and when we were pulling a tear came to my eye.

  14. Jacob Robinson MW2 3/26/12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time.
    "She said that I hope I wasn't mad at her for what had happened about the fight we had last night. Maybe you could come back next week and we could hang out again since it had so much fun.
    "Yes, it was fun these three days. I hope to come back again, but as I asked you earlier, Do you want to come back with me to Atlanta, Georgia and stay with me a month or so and see how you like it down there?"
    "I'll think about it, but for now I want to stay here. But I do want to see you more often so that would be a good idea."
    "Alright cool, I have to go now I don't want to miss my plane, bye."
    She gave me a hug then said bye. I went on my way thinking about what it would be like if she came with me to Atlanta. It would be a fun time for her to live me, but if we are together too much. She might get sick of me or maybe we can become more than friends. I just hope though that we can get closer to each other and spend time with each other more.

  15. 1. Vincent Pecoraro

    I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time it was then when she spoke. "I took the money back." I stood there not knowing what to say at the strange remark, how could he have known? After that I took her hand and pushed it off of me and back into her chest. "Why do you have to make this more difficult then it is?"I said with a small grin. At that moment I dashed for the cabinet in the living room were I keep a gun.
    A week earlier I had robbed a bank in the town near me. I stole more then 50 thousand dollars without them getting a hint who or how it was done. She then ran after me with shear determination as she new I was heading for the gun. I swung a chair back and it hit her in the knee in the hallway, that bought me a few seconds. But as I rounded the sharp corner for the kitchen she somehow was already there waiting, and immediately struck me with a blunt object. I was only awake enough 5 minutes later to see the handcuffs around my wrists and the stars in daylight. The perfect robbery disintegrated from a so called best friend.

  16. Payton Rentsch, mw2 3-26-12
    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . . The next thing i know she was crying, she said "Don't go, please don't." I told her I wish I didn't have to. But at the same time I didn't want to leave either. I know I had too, if I didn't I wouldn't be true to myself and to her. She had much more coming for her then she knows. She is a talented singer, i'm just a dusty old loyer. But somewhere deep down I knew I was more than a Loyer I was Much more than that.
    The next day I got up to go back to the Big Apple, she waited with me through the storming night. My trip got dilated until the morning. She had bags around her eyes from crying and not getting a good night of sleep. Her hair was a mess but I thought she looked beautiful. We went to get a cup of joe at a coffee shop. She asked me one last tim "Will you please stay." It hurt me so bad to tell her I had to go but I couldn't lie to her. I had a feeling I had never felt before it was the feeling of love for her. I got on the plane my stomach dropped. I knew at that point I couldn't go back, not without her. I ran off the plane she was there waiting crying. She was looking at me her face lit up like fire works.

  17. 1. Kira D'Agostino 3/26/12 MW2
    2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. Her eyes looked cold and weary as if something had burdened her. "You were right, something is wrong." I knew she was telling the truth she had to be. I was her boyfriend why wouldn't she. "I was there when Sam died." She bowed her head and I could hear her soft sobs.
    "I didn't want to do it, he...he hurt me." I stood up. "What did he do." Trying to get her to say anything was a challenge. "He hit me with chair. I tried to reason with him but he found out that...." I was loosing my patience. "What, what did he find out!" She stared at me tears slowly falling down her dull cheeks and falling on her dress. I looked down and saw bruises on her leg. They were as black as a widow spider.
    "He found out that I had taken something. I was going to return it, I swear! I needed it for my friend and when we were sitting at the lunch table yesterday he gave me a throat thrashing look." I sat down and took her hands in mine. "What did you take that was his." She leaned in closer. "Some medicine and that was it. It was called meta....I can't remember. I knew what she was trying to say. I knew that it was a special kind and it wasn't for normal usage. "So he attacked you?"
    "Yes, and I didn't know what to do." My hands tightened. "You called the police right." She didn't answer. I asked again in a different tone. She slowly looked up at me. "No, I didn't. He was yelling at I don't like to be yelled at." I slowly backed away from her. "He was not listening he didn't even care." I slowly stood up. "Yes, that's right I killed him. I took a shovel and bashed his head in. I kept backing up. "Know one will ever know either."
    "I will and I'm reporting you into the police. I ran, this is why she was acting so weird! I heard her footsteps and right before I was out the door I felt a sharp pain in my back. I slowly stopped at fell to my knee's. She looked down at me, She pulled out the knife she had stuck in my back. And pointed it at me. Suddenly everything happened it slow motion till I felt cold and my stomach hurt. Then everything faded to black.

  18. Mikal LaButte 3/26/12 MW2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time when I heard her say freeze dont move anything you say or do will or can be used against you in the court of law. I froze up like a a person in a block of ice. When the person that said that to me came in font of me I knew that face in a instant and then I stood up and punched her in the arm. It was my cousin! When our row got called to get on the plane we got up and boarded. When we got to the place we were going which was the Paradise Islands (Bahamas). We got our bags and we went to the pick-up area and their stood a man in a black suit with our names on the sign.

    When we got to the hotel we went inside checked in and went up to our room which was a suite. Since the planes are dirty and gross we showered and put on our bathing suits and headed down to the pool and started to get our tan on! When I dozed off into my nowhere land I fell asleep. About 4 hours later when I woke up to getting thrown in the pool my cousin was right there and siad that it was time gor dinner. When we got ready I headed down to the table that my cousin was sitting at. We got done eating and headed to the casino and hit big! The next day we headed home with money in our pockets about $30,000 worth. When we got back to our house in Michigan we had a great story to tell.

  19. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. The second her hand left my shoulder she began to mumble to herself. I couldn't understand her very well and I knew it would be rude to say that but the few words I under stood were "don't leave me". I felt a cold breeze head down my spine as I stood up. My legs were weak and my hands were shaking, I felt off balance and almost fell. The clock struck 1:45 and I knew it was now or never. As I walked towards my bags I took a glance back to look at her and it almost brought me to tears, she was laying on the couch with the pillow on her face. I could here soft weeps of sadness but I knew I had to go to my new job in florida. I picked up my bags and opened the old screen door. There I went out the door leaving my only friend I ever had. 

The taxi pulled up and I opened the door and sat down. While the driver took care of my bags all I could think about was her and how much I miss her all ready even though Im right outside the house. The taxi driver asked me where to and I said "the airport please," he began to drive off when I saw her in the window waving good bye. I couldn't find the strength to wave back, I just broke down into tears. The driver of the taxi said to me "Friends can live without each other but sisters cant." Thats when it hit me. I tapped on the back glass and said "your right, we are sisters, take me to my real home." He gave me a small smile and turned the old rusty cab around. 

We were finally there, my real home. I ran inside forgetting about my bags. There she was sitting on the couch. I ran in the old door and gave her the biggest hug I could. She sad "what are you doing" I replayed "being with my real family."
    Matt Pankow MW2 3-26-12

  20. 1. Sammy Sutton, 3-26-12, MW2

    2. I looked at her waiting for an answer. She looked almost as if she was going to break down and cry. Slowly and softly she began to speak, "I have to stay here, leaving this town is too much of a risk." Was she joking? She had to be. "I'm beyond a different level of sadness, I feel torn inside, if I could come you know I would, I love you." Then she turned away and started to walk. I stood there in shock, knowing I'm about to head off to another country without my very own fiance; knowing I'll never see her again, makes me feel like I'm left with nothing.
    I finally got on the plane. I stared out the tinted plane window, with questions running through my head. Never have I been so in love before, so why am I letting her go over a job? Then it hit me. I grabbed my bags and ran off the plane before it was ready to take off. I ran through the building, down the steps, and out the door. There she was sitting on the sidewalk, with her long black silk hair, and her bright blue dress. I touched her shoulder, and she quickly turned around and jumped right into my arms. "I don't want anyone else to realize how amazing you are, I want to be your one and only, forever and always. Our love isn't worth losing, if you can't go with me to my other job, I'll find one here, for us. I love you." I never imagined that on that day I'd be going back to my very own home with the love my life. This is my permanent decision there is no turning back. I have no regrets, this is what I want, so I'm going for it.

  21. Joshua Helm/3-26-12/MW2

    "I know the last three days have been hard but, I appreciate all you've done." As soon as she finished the sentence, We walked outside to depart for the airport. When she had gone to open her door a truck comes out of nowhere and hits her. I stand there mouth agape as I see her body lay there, motionless. I began to sob seeing her splattered on the street I wanted revenge.

    So I called 911 they came and got her off the road, I couldn't stand to watch so I went in called my mom and she came and comforted me in my darkest hour. I missed my flight that didn't matter anymore I wanted that person to feel as bad as I do now. See the thing is I saw the License plate and I've seen that truck before at it's residence. So I grabbed .44 and headed out the door into my car. I drove 10 blocks then I found it I walked into the home, found him. I pulled the trigger and "BOOM!" The body dropped as a pool of blood and my tears formed I heard the door shut I jumped out the window dropped the .44 and booked it. I got my revenge but Two Wrongs don't make a right.

  22. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 3/26/12
    2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . ."I don't want to go home anymore." Her voice sounded so, so broken. Like she never had to make a choice before. I immediately wrapped her into a hug thanking God that my fiance didn't want to leave me. Even though she was in school in California, she decided to stay here in New Jersey with me. Putting her whole life on hold for us. I gently let go of the hug and looked at her confused, "Why?"
    "You don't want me to stay?" Her eyes filled with worry and hurt real fast.
    "I do! Just, your dream is to become a doctor and your giving that up?" She took a long deep sigh when all of a sudden...Ring ring ring! Her mother was calling...
    She looked at me for some what of an answer. Her mother never did approve of their being an "Us". I nodded telling her to pick it up. Calmly she put the Iphone to her ear.
    "H-hello?" She was shaky. I walked over rubbing her back slightly trying to calm her. She game me a small smile slightly showing her perfect white teeth. I rubbed my chin anxious of what her mother would say. Amanda, my fiance, ran her fingers her dark brown hair while telling her mom EVERYTHING. I heard a screech from the other line. Amanda quickly hung up and plopped herself on the couch turning on the television. As if nothing ever happened...

  23. Seth Wilson MW4 3-26-12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . . She then said ''did you remember your teddy bear?'' Now I know what your thinking why would a grown man have a teddy bear? well thats an entirely different story and all you need to know is that without it I feel lonely.
    I started to freak out and I couldn't remember if I had it or not. Did i pack it? Is it at home? Many thoughts raced through my head and I couldn't pick out of my memory where it had been placed last. I started tearing my luggage apart, it wasn't there. The teddy bear was no where to be found. Then started the frantic calling to the hotels we had recently stayed at, none of them had found it. No one had seen it and thats when.. beep beep beep.... beep beep beep. I woke up in a cold sweat, it had all just been a horrible dream. I then started getting ready to leave for the air port, I looked over grabbed my teddy bear and it was the first thing to be packed.

  24. 1. Aaron Durham, 3-26-12,MW4

    2. As i turned around to meet my fate it wasn't what I it was some man I didn't even know, this was strange to me because it wasn't who I expected. and I remember him from a dream I recently had, the whole dream was about this man dressed in a black polo t-shirt, black cargo pants and his eyes were more red than than a stop sign and his nose was missing. as if that wasn't another distraction to keep me from running but no maybe this is destiny maybe I must face my fears. suddenly he spoke "remember me", I replied with a very utter silencing voice no, "who are you and what do you want from me", a dark sinister voice then said, "your soul". that's when I realized that this is now a good time to run, and that maybe I had a psycho on my hand's trying to hurt me, I made it about halfway down the road before I had saw a Livingston County Police Car, the officer slowly creeped on me and asked me what I was running from and I replied in a panicky voice "officer I'm so glad your here there,was this man." suddenly he interrupted and asked me what this man looked like. I replied and said" its too vague" to remember then he said "hold on please" then pulled out a picture of a kleptomaniac that had just escaped from a local asylum in the Livingston area, but they said he was sentenced to death 2 days ago and was buried on Friday night, but tonight is Saturday then I seen a man creep up in the back seen, my eyes began to grow wider than a horizon and my skin cooped with goosebumps I couldn't even speak it was him the man that I was running from after I screamed. i awoke in my bed to never be harmed again.

  25. Kalani Gondick M-W4
    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time but i couldn't hear her. Where did she go? I heard her voice again. " I am leaving and i can't come back!" WHAT? was she just trying to pull a joke on me? I don't want her to leave me. My eyes filled with tears just thinking about how much I am going to miss her. If she leaves me there is no one like her that i can meet again. She left that night at 9:00pm. I was sleeping in my bed and i didn't think she was going to leave me for another week or two. I woke up at 8:45am and she was gone! I started to cry. I told my self that i am going to miss her so much
    Where was she going to go? I thought to my self. Where is she going to sleep? What is she going to eat? I left my house to see if i could find her. I was five miles and she was no where to be found. Where could she have gone? Finally seven hours later i found her sleeping in a tree. I woke her up and said "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" She told me that she was going to see her mom. I told her that her mom isn't here so how are you going to see your mom? She told me her step mom that lives 5 miles from my house. I took her back to my house and let her sleep for a couple hours and then once she woke up she got ready and we went to her step mom's house. Her step mom was one of the nicest people you could meet.

  26. 1. Cade Marttinen MW4 3/26/12

    2. I started to get ready and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. "Don't go," she begged. "I'll miss you so much." I could hardly bear to see my little sister standing there all sad. But I had to go. Going to college is the only thing I could do to get a good enough job to support a family. "I'll miss you too," I said back. The whole time as I got ready, she just stood there and cried silently. As I started to leave, I called back, "I'll come and visit as much as I can. You won't miss me very much." And then I left.
    On the way to Harvard University, I couldn't get my sister out of my mind. I could only think about her and her loneliness. I felt guilty, mean, selfish for leaving my sister at home. What I did was I spoiled her. Every weekend, I would give her a present and other things to make her feel better. I also went to visit her every break I had. I just couldn't bear to leave her at home by herself.

  27. Nicholas Marlatt - 03/26/12 - MW4

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . .

    She told me that I shouldn't go. But I knew I had too. It was almost 2 and I had no time to waist. I needed to pack up and get to the airport. I told her that I must go, and she agreed. She helped me pack and off we went.

    By the time we reached the main gate, we could see the flight had been canceled. The rain was coming down to hard and they were afraid that the plane wasn't going to make it out in the thick grey sky. The flight attendant said that the storm isn't supposed to clear until morning and that I should go home.

    When we got back home I phoned my boss to tell him that I couldn't make it to the business meeting. He didn't seem to mind since his flight was canceled to...

  28. 1. Kyle Gonos 3-26-12 MW4
    2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. She looked at me, took a deep breathe and said "Stay for another day". I was shocked that she said this and sat there starring at the ground. It felt like an hour then I said "But the last couple of days have been bad and I don't want to waste any more of your time". I got up and started to walk out the door. She just sat in her chair. As I looked back for on last glance at her, the sun shined in her teary felt eyes.
    "Knock Knock" She was asleep but not anymore. She got up rubbed her eyes and headed to the door. As she opened it there stood her friend who had left last night. "I can't believe you came back!" she shouted. He had ended up sleeping on a park bench in a park. "I couldn't leave on a bad note" he said. They sat down ate breakfast and ended up spending the whole day together. First they went to the mall and shopped. Then they went to an amusement park and road all the rollercoasters. By the time they were done with that it was getting late so they went to dinner at a very fancy restaurant. It seemed as if they were a king and queen eating all the lobster they could ever have. As the day came to an end they went to sleep. The next day rolled in and with the guy unable to fly back to his home, he stayed.

  29. David Lesnau 3-26-12 MW4

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time so I pushed her hand away and went to the flight. It was vary crowded in the airport so I walked patiently to my flight. When I got there something wasent right there was no one on the plane. I took a few steps in the plane then the plane door closed all of a suden and I was trapped.

    Then this crazy looking guy comes out from the darkness and said "you shouldn't of came." I think I know why she put her hand on my shoulder she was trying to tell me some thing. I should of listened to her why didn't I listen to the one thing she had to say. Now the plane starts to move faster and faster till we lift of the ground and now were flying I dont know ware were going. The plane heads full speed in to the side of a mountain and blows up and the guy dies because he didn't listen.

  30. 1. Justin Wilson Mar 26 mw4

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time they get on the plane and it crashes and everybody dies.

  31. Austin Wicker M-W4th 3-26-12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, and then she said "I want to end our relationship!" I didn't quite get it the first time but when she said it a second time my ear started pounding and my hands were shaking and I didn't quite know what was really going on. I started to get so mad that I threw a chair across the room. I was so filled with adrenaline that I ran outside and tried to throw more things and bashed windows. But then something hit me, it was like a brain blast in my head. We have been together for more than five years and now she's braking up with me, that was not going to work for me! Then I relized something.

    Then I knew the only thing I was mad at was "HER" the horrible "witch" who did this to me, she was the one who broke up with me. She was the one who broke my heart and I was just about ready to yell her ears off! I ran into the room and saw her just laying there on the ground and I picked her up with force and saw her crying. I asked her whats wrong and she said "I really didn't want to do it, I really didn't want to have to say it!" and that was the last time I ever saw that women again.

  32. Brandon Cooke, mw4, 3/26/12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. I turned around looking to see if it was who i though it might be,but it wasn't it was this man. I felt like I have saw this man before but then again I cant remember if I have or not? kept on thinking that day to see if I could remember him an I did, He was from one of my dreams he was wearing all black.? It might have been a rain coat or something like that! In my dream this man would always watch me every were I would go. I would see him at least once threw out the stores or even when i was driving down the road not like a full view of him but a quick glimpse. For instance I was at the store and I saw him walking down one of the ail.s he does his best for me not to see him?

    I called the Livingston county police to see if they could help me find out who this man is an to see if you will stop stocking me! they showed up at my house about 15 minutes after I called them. when they got there they were asking for descriptions of this man, I told them i didn't really no what he looks like I can only get a lil glimpse of him.
    They said how do I no that i been being watched if i don't no what this guy looks like an then i told them little things like he always wears black usually a rain coat. They told me that they will keep there eye out an watch me for a couple days to see if anything suspicious goes on.

  33. Cheyanne Havermahl, MW4, 3/26/12

    We had been together for almost five years. It seemed like time to break up because things had changed and all we did was argue. Maybe it was just because we were moving. She sat me back down and told me we needed to talk. Maybe she wanted to break up to? She ranted on and on about memories we had, didn't change my mind. As time went on she said will you marry me? Never in my life did I think that I wouldn't be the one asking the question. I was speechless.

    knowing me I didn't know what to do. I had the biggest headache and the room seemed to be spinning! she called my name, then asked "are you okay." It felt like a whisper as I fell to the floor. I past out. I woke up around three minutes later. But in those three minutes my life had changed and so did my answer to her question. I was in love with this women and I would want to be with her for the rest of my life. How did I make my decision? Well in my few minutes laying on the floor, a lot went on in my head. Memories, memories of us. I remembered everything! The time we first met, introducing her to my parents, Going to hawaii together, and just the simple things we would do together. It made me relies I love her, and I do want to be with her forever.

  34. 1. Tyler Pruneau 3/26/12 mw4
    2. I started to get up and I felt a hand on my knee. I looked down she stared into my eyes as I gazed into her's, then i said i wish i could stay but i but i'm not sure what happening right now and i'm getting really warm so maybe I should perhaps take a step outside and get ahold of myself and hopefully some fresh air. She agreed and as i walked away said don't leave me, I had to go outside just for a minute so i just kept walking.
    When I have come back into the room I did not see her, after waiting about eight to ten minutes I started to worry. I picked up my phone and started to looking for her number so I could call her and maybe she would answer. Ring Ring Ring" I looked over from where I was and saw her standing right next to where we where and she smiled" at me.
    After telling her what happened and asking her where she was for those ten minutes, She had just went to the bathroom when i was on my way in from outside and said she saw me but she was in a crowed and did not want to yell.
    I believe it's funny how the world works and everything and everyone in it.

  35. Aaricka St.Pierre MW4 3-26-2012
    She looked me, as she took her little hand off my solder, she said wait here, then ran up stairs. I silently sat in my chair wondering what just happened, what dose this mean? There was a lot of movement, banging and shuffling coming from upstairs. Jumping out of my seat I run up the stares, I stop at the entry to her room shocked by what I see.
    There were drawers pulled out of her dresser and clothing everywhere, look at her. She was shoving bags and clothing into her small little suitcases. As she turned around she said "Let me pack. Then we will be on our way." Grabbing some of the bags she had already filled to the point of bursting open, I gladly take them down stares and place them next to mine.

  36. Bri Rumple 3.26.12 MW4

    I didn't want her to leave. Even though she did not have a lot of time left to live because of her cancer, and I knew she wanted to say goodbye to everyone else, I just wanted her all to myself. My mind is racing, I don't know what to think or feel, these butterflies in my knotted stomach wont go away to the thought of what is happening to her. Confused. I felt helpless, I was helpless. There was nothing that I could do to change this situation, nothing I could do to keep her alive longer than her time being. Everything was just a blur. Why? That's all i can think, why must this happen, a young girl, 17 years old, about to graduate, dying of heart cancer. It just isn't fair in my mind.
    Even though dwelling on it is really all I want to do right now, the best thing I can do right now is to enjoy my last few minutes with her, tell her how much she means to me, and what an amazing person she is to everyone. As we say our goodbyes, everything got real. This was goodbye, forever. I have never in my life thought that saying goodbye would mean goodbye forever. My heart started to pound faster and faster and all I wanted to do was scream, but I didn't. I kept it together, I wanted our last minute together to be peaceful. I said my last words before she left to catch her plane to go back home to her family, I closed my eyes, gave her a hug and felt like I never wanted to let go. By the time I opened my eyes and came back to reality, she had already left, Gone but never will be forgotten.

  37. Ryan Radzioch 3-26-12 MW4

    But I chose to hear her because she could have had something important to say. As I was listening to her she tells me she loves me. I was in shock I did not think she would have said that with such grace and powerful meaning. I did not know what to say back all I said was umm I have to go and as I was leaving I heard crying from her so I could not leave I would feel to bad. I stayed with her and she started to talk to me and say she does not know why she said I love you. I asked why did you say it then. She says I don't know I don't even remember saying it she said also it felt like something was in my body telling me to say it.

    It felt like a demon or maybe an angel. So I went with what she said and just ignored it. But should I ignore it I thought it could mean something or she means what she had said and does not want to admit it. But also I have this felling as if like I have butterflies in my stomach. I have never felt this way around a girl before. Maybe we are meant for each other. Then I came back to reality and looked at her she said are you ok? I said yes and I started to express how I feel and she said shhh! And she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Of course I blushed but then I looked back and she was gone.?

  38. Jacob Yannott mw4 Monday

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time I told her " I know we have been dating for a while," The said had a confused look on her face, as I I got down on one knee. I looked her in the eyes, and put my hand in my pocket to grab a box. I said " darling I wish to merry for eternity to come, will you be my wife," while i pull out the 24 carrot gold ring, with 24 carrot diamonds on it. She has took her hands and put them on her chest and said " Of course".

    As i walked into the plane, I looked out the windows. As I saw my wife waving at me, she had been ran over bye a on coming semi-truck. So I shrugged my shoulders and " they come they go". I thought she was
    really stupid for that. I mean who stand in the middle in a run way?

  39. Nella Galliher 3/26/12 MW4
    wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . . “I'm going...forever. You know that right?” she says. I say “yes I know.” It was 2:30 p.m. and I say “well you better get going.” She says “I won't make it now.” I say “oh well you'll have to stay.”

  40. 1.Caeley Hendee, 3-27-12, TT2
    2. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, that she had to leave. Every time she came to visit for a week or two I would have the time of my life. Having the the most fun I could with the chance that she could never come back again. She got up off the bench, "Wait!" Grabbing her arm, "do you have to go?" "Its my job." "That doesn't answer my question, do you have to go?" Knowing that she didn't want to go back.
    "What's bothering you?" I asked. "Every time leaving, I don't have the heart to tell Leah goodbye." (her daughter) "Well she knows its your job." "Yes, and I know that, now I need to get going." "Mommy!!" I turn back to see Leah and her father Chris running towards Kelsey. "You didn't say goodbye, you never do you always seem to forget." "Being in the army, you have to be on time." "Goodbye mommy, I love you this much!" She opened her arms, and gave her a hug. Kelsey started to cry, and then 10 minutes later Leah and Chris had left. I gave her a hug, and told her to be safe. "Where's your train?" I asked. "What time was were you supposed to board? "10:15." "Kelsey you know its 10:31 right now right?" She smiled at me, "I know."

  41. 1. William McNamee 3/27/12 TT2
    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . . The whole reason I wanted to hear was because I was adopted and I thought it might be about my birth father. She had told me that before during our relaxing time together that she had seen my father and that sadly she didn't want me to see him yet. I was hoping and hoping during our break that maybe just maybe she would tell me his name and maybe even introduce me to him.

    When she finally uttered the word that I knew was killing her inside she got the rest of it out as if it were water flowing through a stream. She started off with, "Do you remember the man that I was talking to earlier". I said in response so excitedly, "of course I do." and that seemed way to nervous so i toned it down a little bit. Then she countered with " The man you saw is my fiance and you will now have a father." After she said those words not a single noise could come out of my mouth, I even fainted onto the floor and when I awoke the same sense of too many questions no words to ask them with came over me again. That is when she said " We better be getting to the airport.

  42. 1.Caleb Hudson 3-27-12 tt2
    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. She looked at me and told me that she loved me. Then she walked off into the mist towards the airport. I was alone now, I started walking home when I could no longer see her through the mist. I stepped up onto the sidewalk, Then a bicycler rode past me with the wind. I turned into the subdivision and had to get off the sidewalk. We did not have a sidewalk in our subdivision. We just had a road. I stepped up onto our driveway and walked up to my house.
    I pushed in the door and walked inside. I took off my shoes, Then I shut the door. I did not know what to do. My pet dog Mr.Oodles ran up to me and almost ran me over! I bent over and said "Hello, How are you!" He barked in reply. I stood back up and walked over to the couch. I sat down and looked out the giant picture window in front of me. From here I could see my Mothers plane taking off. I waved, hoping she could see me, but I knew she could not.

  43. Paige Leatherman 3/27/12 TT2

    After I leave I am going to be focused on my job more then anything. Its time for me to have a fresh life somewhere else. You probably won't see me for at least a year or so, but I need to focus on getting my life together. Honestly I'm hoping that everything goes according to planned so I won't have to come back. She looked at me looked at me with sadness, I could see her eyes start to fill with tears. It was hard enough leaving already so I took my luggage and went.

    I look back, and there she is right behind me yelling under her sadness,"Don't go!" Telling her that it was better for both of us and others she grabbed my arm. I gave her a hug took a deep breath and walked away for good. I shouted loud enough to where she could hear me saying, "I'll write you, or call you once I'm settled in."

  44. Lexi Gross 3/27/12 T-T-2

    I wanted to hear what she had to say, but I was afraid of what was to come. Emotions inside of me began to rise to the surface, to my head. It was all overwhelming. Then it happened, she spoke in a hushed tone. He gentle voice said "Will you marry me?" I was wrong. I never thought in a million years I could get a girl like this one to marry me. I turned to her, I could see in her eyes she was hoping for a yes, and she was scared of a no. "I will only marry you if you decide to stay here with me." Her face dropped from glorified to un-satisfied. She looked away as she was thinking of what to say. She bit her lip slightly over and over, and then began to play with a piece of her black hair. "Okay." Okay? Did she really just say that? I was testing her love for me to see if she would sacrifice her job, which she loved, for me. "Lets move instead. I want to be where you are happy and I don;t have a great job here." I told her. I wanted to be where she was happy and I wasn't settled down or anything, there would be no need for me to stay. "You are the best husband a girl cou-" She corrected herself. " a WIFE could have!" She smiled at me, I loved that smile. I thought to myself. Could I really spend the rest of my life with this girl? Could I wake up every morning and see her smile? The answer was...

  45. Marissa Moore 3-26-12 TT2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . .
    "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I can't go with you. I can't just pick up and head off to the airport with you and just leave this town. My family, my friends, my job... I can't leave everything." Tears started streaming down her saddened face. I knew that this would be her answer all along, but it still hurt as if I were being stabbed by thousands of knives right into my heart.
    "Alright then, I guess if that's what you really want." My voice broke at the end, and she really knew how distraught I was feeling. I picked up my luggage, and slowly started wheeling it towards the front door. The clicks and the clacks of the plastic wheels were the only sound to fill the silence, other than quiet sobs.
    Just as I reached for the door, I heard her stand up.
    "You don't understand. I can't leave everything behind and start my life over. That's not something I can easily do. I wish I didn't have to give you a yes or no answer about moving to Paris with you.. It's so hard.." She stared at the ground. I slowly turned my body away from her. That in fact wasn't the question I really wanted her to answer. She didn't even know I had another question for her. She in fact answered another question I had. The most important one of all. As I turned away, I grabbed the small little jewelry box from my back pocket and tucked it away safe and sound. It was a no.

  46. 1. Blake Lapum, 3/27/112, TT2

    2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. "I have loved your since the moment I have laid eyes on you," He said, "I've told you how I've felt every night for the past three and a half years." The women, just looking at him, gave a mysterious look a shed a tear. The man then said, "Jannet Marie Espon, will your make me the happiest man in the world? Will you be my wife?" Jannet, stunned at the question, started shaking, and had tears in her eyes. But were they good tears, or bad tears?
    After building up the courage and catching her breath, Jannet said, "I would love that more then anything!" The man sighed of relief, as he went to say something his sentence got cut off.."But, I'm afraid I've only been giving 2 months to live. I've been sick a long time but I havn't told you. That's why I didn't want to leave with you, I wanted to break it off before I fell of the face of this earth. I really hope you can understand this, there would be no point of us starting our lives together now" Jannet said crying, with mascara all over her face from the tears. "I was never even going to leave," Said the man, "This whole thing was a set up. I have a wonderful job here, and a wonderful life here with all of my friends and family. I only told you I was leaving and traveling out of the country to see if you would go with me, If you really did love me. If you did, I was going to purpose in a big, big way." Jannet didn't even know how to reply, she was just in awe because she was really in love with this man. As she started to say something, this time it was her who got cut off. She just lost her breath, she was on the ground and He knew it. She was gone.

  47. Michael Yedinak 3/27/12 TT2

    "I love you," she smiled a little just enough for me to see it was true. "Why are you leaving then don't you want to be with me!?" Tears ran down my eye knowing she might not come back. "If you must know the truth, cancer has struck me like a snake preying on mice." My mouth dropped, my tears went away, my life has just took a wrong turn. "It is lung cancer... I am so sorry about this I don't know how it happened," her face turned red as a ripe tomato.

    Nobody has ever seen her cry before ever and cancer has just caused Sam to. My best friends whole life, not even as a new infant, did I see her cry. "Bye, my departure is in 5 minutes I better go." There she went of disappearing into the open air going on the plane. "WHY!!!?" As the plane left my field of vision, my heart had lost someone who was near and dear to me.

  48. Brandon Wiese TT2 3/27/12

    Wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time She said
    "Yes, I will marry you".
    "Yes" I said in a relieved voice. I couldn't wait to tell my mother. When we returned from Ireland my mother and father were at the gate waiting for us.
    "I'm so glad to see you, how was the flight ?" she asked.
    "It was great mom".
    "How did you think it was Monica ?" she asked
    "Mom that is not Monica anymore she is my fiance".
    My mom looked at me with a puzzled face and then smiled the biggest I had ever seen her smile before. She started to jump up and down. Me and Monica looked at each other and smiled. I think we both knew that this was a good choice.
    "This deserves to be celebrated. lets go to Olive Garden".
    "Ok lets go then I said back".
    We went off to Olive Garden and that was one of the best days of my life and little did I know I was in for much more.

  49. Presslee Reisinger, 3-27-12, T/T2

    Wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time...I stood there, stuck in the motion if getting up, but frozen with her hand on my shoulder; I look back at her waiting for her to tell me what she is wanting to say, but she just sit's there looking at me. I say, "I'm going wether you like it or not," as I push her hand off of my shoulder I stand up all the way, standing there, right in front of her glaring down at her. She looks deep into my eyes, and says, "If that is your choice, than so be it, and leave before it's to late."
    10 minutes later, I was packing my things into the car, I looked forward to see the time and it was almost 2:00. I rushed and through the rest of my things into the car, and sprinted back into the house praying to god that she would drive me to the airport. I walked back into the living room where she had been sitting, and she was just sitting there not doing anything, she looked as if she had just lost her best friend; that blank expression and that scary stare in her eyes, I was about to ruin it. "Let's go," I said in a stern voice. She slowly got up and walked out to the car. We drove the whole way to the airport in silence. She walked me in and as i walked down the long tunnel, I hugged her and said, "I'll be back."

  50. Eric Wolfe 3/26/12 TT2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. I didn't want her to leave because I loved her. I loved her form the day i had met her. I loved the way she smiled at me when I had said something funny. Or when she was sad and I was there to make her feel better.

    At that moment, I bent down, pulled out the ring I had bought weeks ago and asked the big question. "Will you marry me?". She was overwhelmed with emotions that I had never seen from her before. After about a minute of being stunned, she replied with a big smile "Of course I will". I pictured her walking down that isle way looking beautiful. I couldn't picture it any more perfect. About two weeks later, that exact scenario was laid out in front of me.

  51. 1. Cody Musulin 3-27-12 TT2
    2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . . "Please come home, we can't survive without you, and you aren't going to last out there alone." said my sister. "I'm sorry, but I can't come back, mother said once I go there is no coming back, and I will honor that." "but even mother said we needed you lukas! Please come back, if you leave, I leave." "You aren't coming with me, you are too young. You wont be able to take care of your self like I do. Now go home, take care of mother. She needs you at home." I then walked away, not turning around, knowing she was staring. Once I walked through the security, I wasn't going back, any last dissections? I asked myself, couldn't think fo anything. So I walked through.

    Once I walked through, I felt like a new person! Until I turned around with the sight of my sister crying on the ground, my heart sank, and I felt like falling on the ground, but I knew that it wouldn't make a difference. I turned back around, and walked away, thinking, there was no coming back after that. Even if I had to go home, I wouldn't. I was determined to go on my own. walking through the airport, so humid, fans blowing from all directions, smoke going into my face. Every cloud of smoke was like words telling me to go back, but I wouldn't. Finally, I found my plane, the plane to Oregon, it was the one place that my family hasn't been and I knew it was where I needed to go, but the funny thing is. Once I got on the plane, I knew I shouldn't have...

  52. 1. Maddie Haas
    2. wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time... " you know we can't go to Florida for spring break, right?" That was disappointing. I have been praying and hoping and anything else you could do just so we could go. My mother can't take off work because that would mean we wouldn't be getting paid at all for a whole 2 weeks. But all I wanted to do was get a nice break from being poor. I just wanted to be like other families and take a vacation. Florida was perfect and we had even got it paid for because people saw how stuck in poverty we were, so Disney World was going to pay for the whole trip. But even when it didn't cost any money, we still weren't getting any money for 2 weeks. I shake my head and say, "I know, it was a fantasy. I had just hoped that for a few minutes we could be-"
    "If your going of on that whole 'normal' track then you know I don't want to hear it. We are fine the way we are. We are getting enough food, unlike last year and soon you will go to high school." But the truth is, my mother doesn't know how bad it is for me at school. I get made fun of and mocked all the time because I don't have any money. I also don't have any friends at school. Everyone knows that I am poor and so no one wants to be my friend, or as I'm referred to at school, Ms. Poverty. And high school just brings on new horrors. me being a Freshman, and them being a Senior. They could probably eat me if they wanted to. I just don't want to be that kid anymore and if they knew I could go to Disney World for 2 weeks, they wouldn't think of me as just a poor kid. "Maybe if you explained the situation, we could still go?" I said with just a glint of hope, "There's still time." I suddenly remember a long time ago, when I was just 3 years old. We were really rich because dad was still alive. He was a very successful doctor and we were getting all kinds of money. He gave me 4,000 dollars for my birthday, and I hid it in my room so no one would find it. I put it in this small wallet that we took to the new house, the bad house. I randomly sprung up and ran into my room. I searched everywhere for this. Finally, I grab out the little pink, rhinestoned wallet and sprint to where my mother is. I hand the wallet to her "mom, if this doesn't change your mind, nothing will."
    My mom inspects the wallet and looks at me puzzled, "what are we supposed to do with this?"
    As calm as I can muster, "open it up..."
    She calmly puts her finger on the wallets tiny button and clicked it open. Suddenly, her face changes from confused to ecstatic. She starts to scream and start jumbling her words trying to ask me questions but my only response is, "mom get in the car or we're going to be late." We both sprint to my car and she puts it in ignition. This money is more than my mom makes in 2 months, let alone 2 weeks. There is no way that we could have made this go better.

  53. 1.Kyle Shehan, 3-27-12, TT2
    2.Tears welled up in my eyes, I have been suppressing this feeling ever since she told me she was leaving. Because I knew she was not coming back...
    "You have to get going" I say sadly. Without saying a word she walks out to the car and I follow her. The night air was cold and I could just about hear my heart fall to the floor when I start the engine and started the hour drive to the airport.

    As we arrive at the airport I get out and go around to the other door to let her out but just then a man with a gun walks in my direction. The man with the guns said
    "give me all your money or I will kill you" I reach for my gun that i have on the back of my belt but as I do the man fires his gun. The bullet hits me in the chest and as I fall to the ground bleeding I mange to get my gun free. With my gun free I unload two shots at the mugger on hits him in the knee and the other hits him in the chest. After I drop my gun my wife jumps out of the car and kneels next to me, as she does she pulls out her phone and calls 911.
    "You are going to be ok" she said as if to reassure her self to. I grabbed her hand and I whispered
    "I love you" and then the whole world went dark...

  54. Brooke Boyd 3/28/12 TT2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. "We have been together for a long time but no I don't want to get married i've never have wanted too." tears started to roll down my eyes. I should have told you but whenever I start to talk about it you talk about something different, thats why I gave up i'm moving to Florida when you come back I probably wont be here. I've thought about this for awhile now, and I have made my decision. If you want to talk to me call me.

    looking at her shocked not knowing what to say or do. I stood there, I bent down to grab my bag I walked away with tears coming down my face, I've never felt this sad in my life I loved this girl and she didn't feel the same back. It was hard to understand I boarded the plane and went back to my home town. Its been a couple years now and I still haven't forgotten about her I've never called her and she never called me we went are separate ways.

  55. Sam Dovin. 3-27-12 TT2

    Wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you and live out our dreams forever and ever just with you. "Well that's not exactly going to work now is it Trevor! You are going into the army and I really don't wanna lose you!! Tears started to roll down her face. They have never herd silence quite this loud. He felt the need to go and stand with his country and nothing could change his mind about that.

    A year later she is sitting at home with the baby getting ready for the day of his funeral they were suppost to get married on that day but now I have a 6 month old with all black on walking down the aile. "Abigail I will take the baby for you" Okay thanks mom! She walks down the aile in all white and when she is walking slowly you can just see her gown turn white to black going from top to bottom like syrup falling slowly out of the bottle. She reads her heart out from the vows off the menu from china court she read off. Tears rolled down her eyes and she just repeatedly kissed him over and over and the last thing she said to him was we will see you later, I love you.

  56. Jadie Cogar 3-27-12 TT2
    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time I saw her look at me and I said, "I love you. Don't forget about me and remember me when you go. I don't want you to go out with another man. I can't lose you again. You are everything to me and if I lose you over another man I wouldn't ever see the day again because I won't be here. I will be 6ft under. I love you and don't forget that." When she put her hand on my shoulder she said, "I love you too. I couldn't look at another man unless it was you and I don't want to lose you because you are everything to me. I couldn't live without my big strong man by my side every step of the way. I love you and I will be back in one mouth. Get on Skype and you and I can see each other their okay. I love you no matter what happend's." Then we she got on the plain I saw her sit next to a guy and it looked like she was flirting with him, so I got up and left and she told me that she wasn't and I thought she was lying to me and I told her to never told to me again. But then I was thinking what I just did and I called her back and told her I am sorry and will you come back to me please and she said yes.

    Then one mouth she was coming home and when she got off that plain she was in my arms and never let go of me she wanted me to go buy a new house because she had a baby on the way and she was probably was having 3 of them. They bought a new house and the kids were born on my birthday and my dad's birthday too. I was happy that we have them but I didn't think that her and I could ever have are alone time to spend together. He didn't want them to go apart and not be the same like they were the first time before they had kids. He wanted them to go back to the way it used to be. He told her that if we have 3 babies that nothing is going to be the same and guess what I was right we didn't spend time together at all.....

  57. Gursherveen Dhaliwal, 3/27/12, TT2

    I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time.Why must the time come now ? Can't it be tomorrow or next month ro next year or never !!! I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. This will and might be the last time that I could shed tears but I did not show my skin that was hidden underneath that sleeve.Just for once I had tried to control my self after all the hard work that I have done. She looked me in the eyes it was just like Captain Jack Sparrow and his hook but this time it was a girl in front of me.She realized that she didn't have to say a word but she did anyways. Why ??? "Is it so that she can get that attention ???? and be all Miss Thing ????" "Is it true ?????"
    "Maneshaa, when I went to the doctors the other day they found something and they did some tests. The results came back today. My heart is failing me !!!!."How can this be possible ????" Those last four words was all it took. I fell on my knees and put my face in her lap and I said that "I would rather give my heart to you and what is the use of a broken heart I would rather give it to someone else."Are you kidding me ???" "Is this really happening ???"
    "What am I going to do without you ???" "Slamm my head on the door ???". After sheding all of those bitter tears I felt the light beam taking me away."Now that every one is gone what am I going to do ???" "Sometimes I even feel that God does not exist anymore!!!"

    The sky was dark and I began noticing that it is time for her to go now. Everyone has a time that they would be gone from this world.He told me that everything would be okay. Maybe this trip was worth it after all.

  58. Heather Linn 3/27/12 TT2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time...
    "This would be easier if you didn't have to leave" She said quietly.
    I looked at her for a while, so much was on my mind I couldn't handle it.
    "I know, but if you really love me the distance won't matter, at least not until I can come back." She was silent. She looked up at me with her ice blue eyes and it sent a shiver down my spine; she was tearing up. The last thing I wanted to do was make her cry.
    "I guess I put to much pressure on you, It is a hard decision, but I would at least think it wouldn't take so long." I kissed her forehead, and grabbed my bags.
    "Its 2:36, we need to leave now."
    The car ride was silently painful. My hands were shaking, and I was conscious of every move I made. What made it so painful is how I knew that I could possibly never see this girl again. Then it hit me, this wasn't just any girl. This was the one, the one that I wanted to stay with my whole life, and I was leaving her, for what? My job.
    I drove faster, my mind filled with anger.
    We finally arrived, and tears began running down my face.
    "Just know, I'll always love you." I hugged her and didn't let go for a while.
    "Ill be waiting."
    My eyes burst opened, and I sat up slowly. This was the third night in a row that I had this dream. My brain was full of regret, leaving her. I knew that I had to go back one day. So everyday, I fight harder, and never give up because I know I only have a year left in the war and waiting home for me is my lovely soon to be wife.

  59. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. She looked into my eyes for just a moment and ran off up the stairs. After about ten minutes of waiting for her to come back I went to look for her. I went up the stairs and into her room. She was sitting on the other side of her bed where it was hard to see her but I knew what she was doing without seeing her. I could hear her softly crying. For what reason? I wasn't sure. I sat down next to her.
    "Whats wrong?" I asked her quietly "I didn't mean to!" she yelled out as if she was in trouble. "What do you mean?" What did you do?" I asked her quickly.
    She stood up and ripped open the curtains letting in the sun light from outside.
    "Oh it's so beautiful outside isn't it?" She asked me trying to change the subject
    "Stop trying to change the subject and tell me what you did!" I yelled getting impatient
    She began pacing around the room in front of me
    "Well do you remember my old friend Nick?"
    "Yes" I answered thinking to myself why she had brought him up
    "Uhm well he was over here yesterday because he had money to return to me."
    "So you got the money back then right?" I said in hopes that she had
    "Not exactly...he didn't have the money and it started a big fight." "He was throwing around the things in my room, chairs and shoes."
    "Why didn't you call the police?!" I yelled at her
    "He told me not to or he would shoot me!" "But anyway back to what I was saying since you want to know so bad. I nodded and she continued. "Well he threw his shoe at me and hit me in the face, I covered the bruise with make up so you wouldn't know."
    I gave her a look as if saying I was upset and mad that she kept this from me. She went on with the story.
    "I threw a chair at him and he fell to the floor, there was a lot of blood everywhere and next thing I knew he wasn't breathing."
    "You killed a man?!" I yelled in a roaring voice
    "Yes and I buried him in my back yard." she sated in a proud way
    "I'm reporting you to the police!" I said and ran out of her house

  60. Molly Aills TT4 3/27/12

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time.
    “You want to stay here, don't you?” she asked, her voice almost inaudible but soft with emotion. In response to her question all I could do was nod. “Hon, you know this illness isn't gonna heal by you just relaxing. You need to go and continue your treatment.”
    “But-” I began to say, but she cut me off.
    “No buts. You've got to get treatment or you won't heal.” she crouched down so that she was level with me and wrapped her arms around me, saying in a voice choked with emotion, “You have to get better.”
    I patted her back, tried to comfort her, and at that moment I realized what was the right thing to do. “I'll go.” I told her abruptly.
    She pulled away from me, wiped a hand across her eyes, and sniffled, “You will?”
    “I will, Mom.” I said, nodding and trying to reassure her with my smile.
    “Then let's go.” she said. She stood and pulled me to my feet as well, and she kept a death grip on my hand as we walked out to the car.

    I nervously fiddled with a ragged thumbnail as I waited for the doctor's results to come through. My mom put her arm around my shoulder and squeezed, putting her head on my shoulder as she whispered into my hair, “It's gonna be alright, baby.”
    I honestly didn't believe what that what she'd said was true, but I tried to put on a brave face for her sake. When the doctor walked out, looking somber with his files and white coat, I swallowed hard and shakily stood. She stood up beside me, took my hand in hers and squeezed it hard, looking as nervous as I felt.
    “What's the update, Doctor?” my mother asked, only a little tremble in her otherwise strong voice.
    Strangely, a wide grin creased the doctor's face. “The cancerous cells are gone. It's a miracle.” My eyes widened and I looked at him disbelievingly.
    “What?” I squeaked. “They're gone?”
    Nodding, the doctor opened up his file to show an official file with bold words in red: Cells have departed. My mother let out such a noise of happiness that it cannot be described in words.
    “You're all right!” she said, choking me in a bear hug and starting to cry again.
    “I know!” I said, grinning like a fool and hugging her just as tightly back. I looked over at the Doctor, beamed my brightest his way, and said these simple words: “Thank you.”

  61. Josh Mick 3/27/12 TT4

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time and I wished she would go away. Then I remembered she was a close friend of mine. I didn't really recognize her in the shadows. She had long blonde hair with astonishing blue eyes and wore Aeropostale clothing.Her name was Hannah. She asked me softly "What's wrong Josh?" I took a huge sigh and said "Well I've been thinking why girls only like me as friend." She replied very hastily "Josh to tell you the truth I always liked you as a boyfriend but I was afraid to tell you."

    "Really?!?!" I replied very shocked. "Yes" she continued "I was afraid because you would probably think it would be weird." "I have been waiting for this day" I thought. "Thanks Hannah I would love to get to know you better. Walking away from the scenery on the bridge, we held hands walking off into the sunset. This made me feel a lot better.

  62. Danielle Stowell 3/27/12 TT4

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. "I want to end our relationship, we've been together for the longest time I could remember." I didn't really understand. At that moment tears started to roll down my eyes with my makeup coming with it. I meant to tell you earlier but I guess there was a lot going on this is why this is happening because I have to go visit my grandma for a year in West Virginia because she isn't doing well. It would be very hard to have a long distance relationship.
    "But why can't I come with you to help you out?"
    "Because I only have enough money for one plane ticket and I already bought them."
    But if you would like to talk to me call me or please e-mail me. I got up with tears streaming down my face like Niagara Falls. I was so upset it was the most saddest day of my life. I was sorry it has to be this way but I need to help out my grandma. I went on the plane back to my home town and we e-mailed about our live's and we still were friends. It was better that we have both moved on to see other people. I could kind of tell she didn't want nothing to do with me just because we broke up. We both went our separate ways and found new people. I thought about her and remembered our good times together. But she didn't feel the same as I did with her and adding that I had to go help my grandma for a year. This was all my decision and I'm okay with it.

  63. 1. Sam Hall TT4 March 27, 2012

    2. I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. "I'm sorry," She said, almost in a whisper. She cleared her throat as a torrent of tears began to flow down her face. "I-I can't come with you this time..." She dropped her head and began to sob. I turned away from her and began to walk towards the door. I didn't look back, I just flipped my hood and walked out into the rain. That was the last time I ever saw her, a month later the tsunami hit, thousands of people on the island were swept away by the wave. I remember tearing through the wreckage of her little house. The stuffed bear I had given her the day
    I arrived was sitting a ways away. Some plates and silverware were scattered everywhere, and there, in the center of the rubble was a single photograph, untouched by the storm, it's wooden frame still dry and smooth, a picture of us on the beach.

  64. Name:Reanna Marsden Date:3/29/12 hr:4TT
    are you even lining to what I have to say.Yes,no what did you say.I sad don't move, why? Because you see tholes guys over there they got off scoch free. thows are the ones we arasted.

    You mite won't to run because they are coming right at use.Did you ever notes that they cary guns on thems on tham. What are you doing?Yes but they sown very nice.Just stop talking and get out of here.

  65. Larry Sizemore 3/27/12 tt4

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, waiting to hear and not to hear at the same time.Then she said that you need to get your stuff and go im sorry but we have some more people coming here to stay with us.Then when she said that u felt even worse then I did because whats been going on for the past three day.I had plans to go to my dads and visit him and I could not do that because she wanted to take me some were then we got back and I said mom that was really boring id rather go and do stuff with my dad.Then she got all mad and and said go to your room now and she said that I could not go and see my dad for a month.Then I got really mad and and when it got dark then my mom went to bed then like a hour after that I went out side and got the keys from the wall to the car and took the car and my mom did not here the car start.So I started to drive to my dads and its like 1 hour away then I seen a cop behind me then I got really scared then I pulled over and let the cop past me.Then the cop got past me and I got to my dads safe then my mom woke up to go and went down stares to get a cup of coffee then she seen the keys gone on the wall and went outside to see if the car was still there and it was not then she called the cops and told the cops the her little doter took my car and they said what kind of car is it the the mom said “It is a doge ram”then the cops said we seen that car like 10 min ago and had a girl in the car so the cop found the girl and took her home to here mom.

  66. Olivia Sdao 3-27-12 TT4

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, she then said," wait I guess I'll answer your question about how dad and mom died." I turned around faster then speed to see her head looking at the ground in silence. I asked her, "how did they die Sophie I'm old enough to know!" Sophie looked at me with tears on her face saying, " I never wanted to tell you." She had told me that Dad and Mom had died from being kidnapt in Africa when they were walking back to there cabin in the woods.

    I looked at Sophie and said that she was lying to me because she didn't want to tell me. Sophie shook her head in sadness and was saying and weeping saying, " Im not lying to its the truth. Your my little sister why would I lie to you? "

    I then turned around and left for my flight back home. I regret leaving because its five years later and Sophie was killed in a car accident last year, and if that story was not true then I might not ever know how my parents were killed!

  67. Sam Mynarck tt4 3/.27/12

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, but she told me to not to go, but I want to be with you. She took the car and started to drive off. He ran onto a walk bridge then steals somebody's bike and kept going and going he made it to the airport, but just to late. He just stared at the window trying to spot out his wife, but couldn't find her. He asked the ticket lady when the next flight to Kanas City she said about 5 hours so he waited for 5 hours just to go. After those long endless hours he got onto the flight.

    After 2 hours the plane started to breakdown and as soon as you know it started to catch on fire it crash landed on a field filled with corn and there he was on the ground gushing out blood from his legs both of his bones out of place. The ambulance came after 2 hours with him bleeding out. When the doctors came he started to look around. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his wife laying on the ground, but lifeless. The doctors seen him crawling towards her saying, "No no please come back". Then he collapsed right on her.

  68. Lexi Cox, 3/27/12, TT4

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. She looked at me with the same expression I had. She was devastated and you could tell her heart was broken just as badly as mine. I knew in that moment that my interpretation of falling in love was completely different then hers. Every phone call, every dinner and every moment we spent together meant the complete opposite to her then it did to me! Now I am forced to move 200,000 miles away from the woman I am in love with and I am left to face the fact that she does not feel the same way. I looked at her right in the eye and for a split second it was like she felt bad for me, she knew the pain I was going through and she wanted to fix it. She didn't want me to feel this way. But just as the the aching seconds of how badly it hurt to look into her eyes dragged on, I looked away and she spoke the words, "I'm sorry". I now was starring at the ground, knowing I should probably leave already but I was holding onto the little hope I had that a miracle would happen. Just as I got up to go out of the door she looked at me, with a black face as if she had no idea what to say to me.

    I got inside my car and all I could think about was the way that she didn't seem to care at all! She sat there, watching tears stream down my face with nothing to say to me! I was broken, and she couldn't care less. I boarded my flight and landed in New York, I slept a little on the way so by the time I reached my new apartment I had no desire to sleep at all. Just as I opened my apartment door, I caught eye with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. It was like she light a spark inside me that had never been light before and then, I thought to myself. "Man, maybe I will like living in New York".

  69. Steven Nichols 3/27/13

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. "dont go, I love you," said ashley. I said that I love you to. Still begain to walk when she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around adn gave me a kiss. "That was out first kiss." She nodded and I just look at her and she look at me. we both Begain to smile so i to stay. We live a long 45 years togethers till she died last year in a tragic car crash when a car cut her off and she rolled 12 times adn stoped after hiting a concert piller under a brigde.

  70. Name Date Hour - Write two more paragraphs carrying the story in any direction you would like. I am still looking at details and sentence variety.

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . .
    i am going to kill you she said what you go nothing on me, we will see about that smack she smacked him a crossed the face it was pure red, i know you just didn't hit he he said o yeah i did better go catch your plane, but are you coming with me, no i will never go any ware with you agin, why i must ask, because i hate you, why do you hate me i have been nice to you, not when your behind my back i have heard the things you have called me, i swear i have said nothing, my best friend told me i have noun her longer than i have noun you, i am sorry maybe i have said one or two things about you but like you have not about me, i have not and never would have, please what about you gossip group you tell everything to them, but nothing bad, stop turning this all around on me, as he got up and walked out the door and slamed it and he went in his car started it as he turned it on he heard the country song gone he smacked the radio hard to turn it off and he drove and drove all night till he ran out of gas then he just sat there thinking then he had a phone call he looked at it it was his best friend J,T he answered dude you have to hide what he said you know how i work for the president, yes i do, well i have just heard that your wife is a spy and she hired people to come kill you, what are you serious, yes go in your trunk i have left something in ur trunk he oped it were he said, it has a false bottom,ok he said as he lifted it up he seen a m16, rocket launcher and a desert eagle how long have these been in here i said, abou when you bout it, thank you for everything, yes now go hide and wait for them out your phone on the car and find a tree high up take the guns up there and wait ok he set the phone on the car and found a good tree with a branch in a perfect spot for cover and then he waited in the next 20 minets a black car pulled up went to the car grabbed the phone and looked around he cant be far the man i guessed to be the leader said he sent people in every direction check everywhere the man said then one of his guards looked up the tree and i saw him i grabbed the knife i always kept in my boot took it out threw it at him it stuck in his head the man fell down then men all ren his way cabooshe he shot the ro ket launcher into a crowd they went flying every were then the men all hid behind the car and tried to call in a chopper but i luckily shot the radio then i was unloading on them with my m16 when click click click the gun was out of amo i pulled out the dessert eagle and i climbed down the tree one man tried to charge me but right as he got to the tree boom i shot him with the dessert eagle then i took his gun witch was a oozy and another tried as i shot ten shots at him he fell down then poshe a shot right next to my head the leader shot at me with a sniper how am i sopost to kill him i looked at my m16 and smiled i seen a rocket launcher and i shot the car boom it blew up the leader was dead i have won.

  71. 1. Seth Packard, 3/27/12, TTH4

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time.
    "Im sorry for the trouble I have caused these last couple days." My grandmother said, as if apologizing could fix what she did. She had struck me, she had forced me to clean a shattered glass that she drunkenly tipped over, she "had no room for me" so she made me sleep in the attic. It has been a trouble some weekend.
    "I don't care for your apologies, I just want to go home." I replied to her.
    "Fine, i understand, go get your stuff, its time to go to the airport."
    "Thank you." I said in a smug way. I walked up to her attic and grabbed my suitcase, then hurried down stairs, and exited the house to get into the car. The hole car ride was silent, no music, no words exchanged between me and my grandmother, just the faint sound of wind outside hitting our car as we drove. Finally after about an hour we arrived at the airport. I opened my door, and got out, slammed the door so my grandmother could not speak, and walked away without saying anything. I got in line at the airport and patiently waited for my turn to buy a ticket. After a long wait i boarded my airplane, and journeyed home.

  72. Michael Atwood/ 3-26-12/ MW4

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time.

    "I should have known this would happen again."

    I was confused. "What do you mean?"

    "I'm always alone, Jack." She slipped away to look outside at the rain pouring down, the autumn leaves being pounded into the mud. "Why do you always leave me?"

    I knew what she was talking about. "Anne, We've been through this. I need to work if we're going to have a good start on life. Once I get some time-"

    "Some time?! We had time right now! We had time years ago! I've- no. WE'VE been engaged for four years, Jack! FOUR!" She had a furious look on her face when she turned to me. I kept my distance. "You know, sometimes I think you're avoiding commitment. Well, it's to late now! You're either in it or not."

    I couldn't say anything. My lips quivered. "We... need more money for the preparations."

    "Jack," she came over to me. "I don't care if it's big or small. Let's go to Vegas. Let's go to the Niagara Falls. I don't care what we have. I'm just tired of waiting. Lets go now. Please?"

    "I… just can't." I turned to leave.

    "Jack… I'll leave you."

    My mind was racing. I knew she would. She wouldn't lie about things like this. I stood in silence.

    "Goodbye, Jack."

    I heard the ring hit the floor as she left. I didn't know where she was going. A tear rolled down my face as I noticed that she was gone forever.

  73. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 3-27-12

    "I'm sorry, please don't leave yet," she asked with the hint of a tear in her eye. Somehow from the time she joined the CIA I knew we would grow apart, but this much?!?! This is the first time I've seen my childhood friend since soon after we graduated, but after she went off to join the CIA as I went on in my attempt to find who I am in this world, and after getting engaged, we just finally found each other. "I suppose we knew this would be hard to work out" I said under my breath, "But do you know when we will se each other again?" As I said this, she shifted in her seat. "There is no again, is there." I found myself in tears as I flash backed to our past experiences, meeting after a dreadful incident at recess, the incident where I broke my leg in an attempt to handle the monkey bars once and for all. "Clarita, there is a chance we will see each other again, try to email me", she tried to comfort me as she handed me a small piece of paper. Choking back tears, I read my watch to find I had to go. Picking up my suitcase, I turned to give her one more hug before I turned to the door.
    But that was ten years ago. I now have a family to care for, a job to handle, and a life to live. I decided to check my email, sadly I didn't hear from my friend since that tearful goodbye. Just then, I noticed an email I did not recognize for a second. Right before I was about to delete it, I recognized the email address. "But it couldn't be" I exclaimed. But as I looked again, the email was indeed from my old friend.

  74. Jake Belford 3/27/12 tt2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . . and she said, "Don't go, I need you hear." I said, "Why? Whats wrong?" She said, "I have cancer." I was so scared I stopped and had no idea what to say. She started to cry so I sat down and tried to comfort her. I asked how long this has been going on and how sever it is. She said, "I've known for about a week but I didn't want to believe it so I didn't tell anyone. And it is not that bad of a case but I still need to get surgery."
    I had decided stay home instead of going on my business trip because I know she was terrified and I needed to be there for her. The next day she had a doctors appointment and I went with her and when we got the test results back we were so happy to here that it has not gotten any worse and that she had a great chance of living through this. All she had to do was go through chemotherapy for 5 months and it should go away if it does not spread throughout her body.

  75. Jensen Borkowski 3/27/12 TT2

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time. . .
    "You know you have to go." She assured me. "This is a huge opportunity and you can't miss it."
    I looked up at the ceiling as though that would give me a response. "What if going to Stanford isn't the right decision?"
    "How is going to Stanford not the right decision?" She almost laughed.
    "It's all the way across the country. I'm leaving you, my friends, my family. If I go, all of that just disappears."
    "Not necessarily. We'll still talk to you and you can come visit us."
    "But if I were to stay here, I could see you guys everyday and just go to community college."
    "Your plane leaves in an hour. I think it's a little too late to change your mind."
    "I don't know." I said. "I just can't help but think about the stuff I'll be missing if I leave."
    "But when you have an offer that is this huge you can't just pass it up!" Now she was almost angry with me. She took a deep breath then sat down next to me and looked me in the eyes. "Dylan, you're going to Stanford."
    I sighed. I couldn't say no and the way Brielle put it, it was the right thing to do."
    "Okay." Was all I could manage to say. "I'll go."
    She smiled, glad that she had won this argument. "Good."
    An hour later, the plane that was taking me to California took off. Too bad I refused to get on that plane...

  76. Stephen Moore, 3/28/12, TT2.
    She looks at the clock again and was worried about the plane leaving because one of their parents got divorced and the girl was gong to tell him some thing and she said we haven't seen each other in a while we should go do some thing together the problem was hes got to catch a flight.

    The boy said the flight was vary important and promised to see the girl some time else. She felt kinda upset that she couldn’t talk with him a while but she knew that her friend promised that they would met again some day.

  77. 1. Michael Haase TT2 4-3-12
    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time as I turned around to look at her she wasn't there. I looked around for her but she was no where to be seen. I quickly called 911 and told them my wife disappeared. As I hung up the phone A black van pulled out of the parking lot really fast with guys that had masks on. So I jumped in my car and drove after them slowly so they didn't notice me. When the van came to a stop some guys in masks got out and grabbed someone that had a hood over their head. So went around the building were they stopped and went in from the back. Once I was Inside all the guys took their masks off and started talking about what they were going to do with their prisoner. When I got closer I noticed the dress on the person with the mask on siting in the chair. It was My wife! I waited for guys to not and ran and grabbed my wife and we snuck out back . When we got in my car I drove to the Police Station and told them were their hideout was and what they did to my wife.

  78. 1.Julianna Welling TT4 4/4/12
    2.I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, I looked at her an her mouth was moving but I heard he said nothing, she keep talking but I still heard nothing. After what seemed like an hour I said, "Weight what did you say," she said, "I can't stay hear... I need to take this job. It will be good for both of us, you can try to get a better job and finish school." I said "This is stupid I don't need to finish school I am fine all ready." "You really wan't to drive a garbage truck around your entire life!" I said "If it means that I can stay with you my whole life, yes I would." she go angry "Well you are a distraction in my life know I need to move on, we both do!" I just looked at her and said nothing she knew that she had heart my feelings so she said "I got to go..." I said nothing and just turned around and walked away. I walked inside and cry until I could not anymore.
    When I looked at my clock it was 2:30 and I don't know why but I knew that I could get in my car and stop her from going. I got in there and drove as fast as I could I was going 90 miles per hour. On the way there I thought about all the good memories we had. I was almost there and I could see the light outside say the plane was getting people on. I ran inside and it was crazy I ran to where the plane was. I saw her she was getting on. I grabbed her and told her everything. How she had to stay and I loved her. She must of wanted to stay because we talked until the plane left and she came back to my house and we worked things out.

  79. 1.Danny Higgins/4-10-12/TT4

    2.Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, but I just had to have an answer. "Well?", I asked, "Which one is it?" After staring at the floor for five minutes, she finally looks up at me. As I gaze into her eyes, I can almost see the answer. "Amy," I said firmly, "answer the question? Are you coming with me or not?" She gazes back at me, and says, "No, Zeke. I'm sorry." "But why?", I ask her, "We've been moving from place to place for years after the heist. We don't have much time before we get caught by the police." "Thats just it.", she said, "I'm done running and hiding. I just want to face my sins with my chin held high, do my time, and then just go home." Angrily, I yell at her, "You want to go to prison? Fine! Unlike you, I'm gonna make the safest move and leave. I've been to prison, an it's not pretty. But, you want to be locked up for 15 years? FINE! Have it your way! I'm out of here.If you still want to join me, you know where to find me." I turned away from her, just barely glimpsing the tears rolling down her cheek. I slam the door shut behind me, walk down the driveway, and look back. I see her watching me in the window, a phone in her hand. I turn back, run to the car, open the door, and drive off.

    I finally reach the airport, but have a guilty feeling in my gut. I keep remembering the look in her eyes, the sadness and guilt that she had been having all these years, and this is the first time I had noticed it. Focus, I thought, she's just another girl. You can find another one just like her. I shrug off my thought, and walk into the building. As i walk t the gate for the plane, I notice how quiet and empty it is. Usually, this place is bustling with people, business men and families trying to make it to their flight. I look ahead, and see a group of uniformed men march toward me. Quickly, I drop my bags and start to run. I dash for the exit, but more policemen walk inside and block it. I turn to find another exit, but its too late. I get tackled to the ground, dragged outside, and shove in a police cruiser. I look at the witnesses gathering outside, and spot Amy talking to a officer. She shakes his hand, sees me watching, turns around, and walks away into the distance.

  80. Name Date Hour - Write two more paragraphs carrying the story in any direction you would like. I am still looking at details and sentence variety.

    Perhaps it was only the clock - but the anxiousness that filled the house was almost tangible. You could almost feel the weight of the time ticking away. Still she had not answered my question, and it is almost by her silence that I knew what she thought. But sometimes, I assume too much. I have been wrong before. But she had to say something. There wasn't much time left. The plane departs at 3 p.m. and it takes an hour to get to the airport. It is almost two. Thinking back over the last three days, things had not gone entirely as planned. It was supposed to be a wonderful time, spending time with her and just relaxing for a change. The job had proven to be much more of a burden than a blessing. I was just glad to spend some time here, but why this, why now?

    I started to get up and she placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I froze, wanting to hear and not to hear at the same time, but I was running out of time. I really needed that answer. "Well, Ashley?", I said, exasperated, "Which one is it?" After five minutes, she finally looked me in the eyes, and I could see the answer illuminate in her eyes. "Your kidding." I said, " You have got to be kidding me." "I'm sorry, Drake. But I just can't be doing this anymore." Irritated, I turn back around to face her, and say, "Well, why not?! We've been on the run for the last 2 years! And all of a sudden, you decide to give up?!" "I'm just so tired of running. I really want to go home. Maybe we could-" "Could what?!", I yelled,"Turn ourselves in?! We would get stuck in prison for quite a while! Ever consider that?!" Before she could say another word, I get up storm over to the door with my suitcase in hand, and slam the door shut. I stomp over to my car, open the door, and look over at the window. Ashley's just standing there, watching me leave. I break eye contact, get into the car, started the engine, pulled out of the driveway, and drove to the airport.

    After 20 minutes, I finally arrive at the airport. I walked inside, and thought to myself while I was walking over to the gate, " Where is everybody? This place is usually crawling with people." As I turned a corner, I say at the end of the hallway a group of men in uniform standing there. I abruptly stopped. They began to walk toward me, so I turned around and ran. I ran, not looking back one, until I reached the exit. I bursted outside, and was immediately tackled to the ground by another group of officers. I struggled to get a way, but to no avail. They cuffed me, and tossed me in the backseat. I looked out the window, and saw Ashley standing there talking to an officer. She saw me looking at her, turned away, and walked into the distance as the police cruiser started up, and drove away.
