Sunday, March 11, 2012

Realistic Fiction Blog 2

Instructions: Read the following Realistic Fiction Prompt. Then write a second paragraph of what will happen next. There are no wrong answers, but you are being graded on the detail and variety of sentences used. A paragraph is 5 - 7 sentences long. Looking for mature writing skills at this point.

The reflection in the windshield was weird. If you looked at it from just the right angle, you could see a globe and a hand holding it. But everytime I looked above the glass, there was nothing there. Every day, it was the same thing. You could only see the reflection in the morning, and only when my brother parked his car in the same spot. If I stared at it too long, the glare would become too bright and I would start to see stars floating around. Then I would blink and the image was gone. Once I ran inside to tell my brother that there was a strange reflection on his windshield and pow! He bopped me on the head, thinking I had done something to his precious car. But my excuses were to no avail. He looked his windshield over and realized nothing was wrong, and then he told me, "Walk to school weasel!"

Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . .


  1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 3-19-12 MW2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a man, but this wasn't a normal man. He was tall, dark, and he carried a bag that hung at his side. He was wearing a button up shirt and a pair of short, but I couldn't tell what the color was. I stood there starring at the reflection. I closed my eyes and looked again, expecting him to be gone. He wasn't. He was still there. He reached into his bag and grabbed what looked like.....A KNIFE!!!! I jumped and ran away. I couldn't think straight. All I could think of was RUN!

    "HEY, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" The man yelled. I stopped and slowly turned to look at the man. The mail man was standing there with a letter in his hand. "I just wanted to give you this letter from you cousin!"

  2. Sam Love 3/19/12 MW2

    It looked like, the same one on my brother's car. I walked past it, stopped and came back. There it was the globe and a hand holding it. I turned around and saw nothing. When I arrived at school I was walking through the parking lot when I noticed the same reflection on Mr. Ray's car, who was my math teacher. I thought it was strange so I carried on into school. Later that day when I was walking home I saw it again. I spun around as fast as I could, but only to trip and fall and scrape open my knee. Some one yelled "Are you ok?!" As they walked up behind me. I turned and said "Yea thought I saw something!" Then I realized where the reflection came from. The person who asked me if I was okay was Mrs. Raser, the fifth grade social studies teacher. She was standing there holding the globe.

  3. Nick Norman MW2 3/19/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like the moon. But then I thought to myself and said, " The moon's not out, it's daylight. Am I being to crazy? Maybe i'm not feeling good." There was a parked car in the driveway about 3 houses down where I was so I was going to look there to see if I noticed anything. As I approached the car I stared into it. But this time I didn't see anything. Maybe this whole "Seeing Object" thing was over. I was relieved that I wasn't seeing things anymore.. Or that's what I thought. As I walking almost at school a car was behind me, it beeped at me, I looked over, and there it was... the moon....

  4. Mckenzie Barth MW2 3-19-12
    It looked like the same thing! Could nobody else see it? I wonder who's car this is, I thought to myself. I walked around the car for a minute then quickly realized it was my mothers.That’s strange. My mom walked out of Starbucks and I told her what I had saw. Confused, she knelt down on the pavement and looked up at her windshield thinking it was just a glare from something. She didn’t see anything and once again, thought I was just being a goofball.
    “I don’t see anything” She said sipping her coffee.
    “I swear mom it’s right there!” I pointed to the spot on the windshield, it was gone. How could this be? All around town I saw my Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, aunt and uncles cars. You know what was peculiar on this spring day? All of my families cars had a globe with hands around it on the windshield.
    School seemed never ending, and I’d only ben there for 2 hours. Suddenly in the middle of geometry something clicked. The world was on the cars of my loved ones, they are my world. The hands were showing how they hold my world, and I love them very dearly. I made a fist pumping motion in the air I was so happy. Everyone stared, but who cares I figured it out. Now if only I could figure out why they can’t see the image, showing how they’re my world.

  5. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like A strange shape that people don't regularly see. I walked closer and stared at the car. I couldn't quite make out what it was, it looked like so many things. Maybe a cloud or a blob of spaghetti? I hadn't noticed that the owner came out and was yelling at me. "Hey you get away from my car!" He started running at me, I quickly ran and hid behind a tree. He was still in his morning clothes and had a scraggly face with food pieces in it. I stood up and creeped back to his car, and looked at the reflection again. I couldn't figure it out.
    It was starting to bother me too. I waited and waited to try to even make out it's shape when suddenly it moved. I watched that windshield like a panther watches it's prey. I looked up and saw leaves above me. There was a big oak tree in his front yard. I watched the sun shine through the leaves and the wind make them dance. When I happened to look down I noticed a similar movement. Then it began to come clear to me. I looked at the windshield and smiled. I knew exactly what was on my brothers car. I ran to school and then on the top of my building I saw a small globe with words around it introducing my school. I then looked down and saw the spot my brother always parked in. "I knew it."

  6. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 3-19-12 MW2 Rewrite

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk to school. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a Dinosaur. A T-Rex to be exact. I blinked a few times, but it wouldn't go away. I couldn't believe my eyes! I ran back home to tell my mom and brother what I saw, but they wouldn't listen. "Mom why won't you believe me?" I said. "Because at age 12 your imagination seems real. Your just imagining it now go to school!"
    As I walked to school I passed by it again. I know I'm not imagining it, I just know it. It looks so real it can't be fake!

  7. Joshua Helm/3-19-12/MW2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car, it looked like an eagle gliding through the Clouds. But, I had no time to stare so I began my sprint to School. Thinking about the globe in the hand and the eagle flying around it. It was quite interesting It reminds me of how beautiful an imagination can be. I Imagined me, holding the world in my hand wondering if I should drop it or hold it. Then I remembered all the evil on the world like Al Qaeda, bullies, anything could be. But then at the same time I remembered the good like my parents and family members. I decided that I would hold the world to save the good people.

  8. 1 Zack Fuller mw2 3-19-12

    2 Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like Bugs Bunny.
    Bugs was in the United States Military and he was in a helicopter. Bugs was in helicopter throwing carrots down to a forest. I quickly ran over to the guy just getting in his car ! I Said " mister mister Bugs Bunny is on your window!" He stared at me oddly and his face puzzled. He look at his window and said " kid what are you talking about?" I Replied " o nothing never mind I was just think about something. I am sorry go on with your day. I knew i seen something but i counted to walk to school.

  9. Mikal LaButte 3/19/12 MW2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like an alien that was coming behind me and getting ready to eat me. When I spun around like a crazy maniac I bopped this granny that was behind me walking with her cane. Then BAAM! I hit the concrete with tremendous force. When I finally woke back up from being knocked out by that old granny my head was just spinning from the amount of pain that I had. When I finally got to school I went straight to the office to get an ice pack and lay in the sick room. When I got home and my mom saw mt eye with the big black and blue egg on top she asked what happened and I just kept on walking straight to my room.

  10. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car. it looked like there was some kind of flying animal in the sky. When I took a look to the light blue sky there was nothing present so I continued on my walk to school. While I was walking down the old cracked cement sidewalk I heard loud music coming up behind me. It was my brother, he slowed down next to me and said "hey sorry about not giving you a ride, do you want one now" and of course knowing me I thought he was serious and went to grab for the handle to get in when he took off. I was kind of dumb found when he left but I new I had to get to school one way or another so I started up again. once I came to a stoplight in town, I looked at a different cars windshield and saw the animal agin in the reflection. I quickly looked up to find a flying leopard fish about to ponce on me. I tried to run but it was to late, he was already nipping at my feat. He had a leopards body with a fish head and wings. I tried to shake him off but nothing worked. I was only 20 feet from the school when he caught one of my feet and tripped me. He was now standing over me and opened his mouth and gave me a brown paper bag. He flew away and I opened the bag to find my lunch I forgot at home.
    Matt Pankow 3-19-12 MW2

  11. LeAnn Howe MW2 3-19-12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a monkey. This wasn't any ordinary monkey either. The small creature was pointing its fingers and laughing at me. As I walked a few more feet, the reflection was gone. Taking several steps back I could see it again. Only this time there was another monkey! With the sun light beaming down into my eyes, I blinked. When I opened my eyes there was even more monkeys! "What in the world is going on with my vision?" I said out loud.
    Suzy, one of the prettiest girls in the school, was looking straight at me from her front door. "Why are you at my mom's car?" "Don't you see them!?! There are monkeys!" Wow. This was the first conversation we've ever hand and now she probably thinks I'm a creep. Shyly turing around, I continued walking to school.

  12. Evan Bauer 3/19/12 MW2 revision

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a man. It looked like a man on the street on the ground and about to be beaten up by these other people. I soon realized that the reflection moved and i looked be hind me to see that there was a man sitting on the ground about to have a fist delivered into his head. I screamed as loud as I could
    The man about to hit the older man who looked to be in his 50's stopped in his tracks. He started to run not toward me but away from me. I was lucky he didn't come after me I was just a skinny 16 year old and he apered to be a 20 year old with a gym member ship.
    I ran toward the man
    "Are you ok"
    "Yes I am all he did was push me on the ground" the old man said.
    The old man told me the man trying to beat him up was just after his car. His car was the one I was looking at on the side of the road.
    "I have no money to repay you young man but I do have a extra car you can have"
    I couldn't believe my own two ears. This man has just offered to give me a car. I didn't need one but I Sheryl wanted one. I got the old mans car and rubbed it in my brothers face.i thought I never get a car because we didn't have any money to buy me a car. After I got the car I got a job and started to reshape my life into something beautiful.

  13. Bryce Heatwole, MW2, 3-19-12
    A huge rhino. With his big beaty eyes staring right at me. Looking like a starved tiger setting its sites on a big overweight zebra. Or like the time with my family when me and my uncle had a dead stare down for the last piece of turkey. The only difference was this time I was that last juicy piece of turkey. I began to sweat making me feel even more juicy and delicious. I wanted to run, I thought I had remembered my dad telling me they might not see you if you don't move. Or was that about dinosaurs?
    Now I was not only scared I was confused. I started to panic. I took one step to my right and it was gone, I stepped back and there he was. Again I stepped to the right and then ran. While running something came to me. I had just realized that I was freaking out over a reflection. WOW! I thought to myself. I now had felt like the biggest looser ever. All I could do then was hope no one saw me.

  14. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 3/19/12 MW2

    2. It looked like something from space. The trees appeared to assemble to make a shape just like the stars do in the sky. I laughed seeing the big dipper again just like the night before. The best part is it seemed endless like you could see our galaxy for thousands of miles, endless possibilities. It absorbed my soul as I continued to look at the car windshield that had vast colors and shapes, that drew me in further and further. From the neighbors point of view I was a deer in headlights, not moving the slightest bit. Knowing that the image would be gone if I were to move, I tried to soak it all into my memory. But glimpsing down at my watch there was no choice but to break my stance, school had already started.

  15. Jacob Robinson MW2 3/19/12

    It looked like the same thing I have seen everyday. The reflection of a globe with a hand holding. It was like it was following me in the morning. It was so weird and I didn't understand why I would only see it in the morning. I mean there is nothing above my brother's car. The reflection just comes from out of no where and it is like there is a ghost following me. I stood there for a second and blinked and it was gone, just like what happened earlier. I started looking around at what I could be just imagining, but this time I think I am seeing something real. I looked around then I see a bird. The bird had some stuff on its foot. It was a metal plat the had a punch through thing of a hand with a globe on it. This bird must be always above my brother's car making that reflection. Now that the bird is here I think it has been following me. The bird looked at me then flew away.

  16. 1. Malorie Moen 3/19/12 MW2

    2. It looked like a waterfall. It seemed as if the clear water was flowing down from the windshield. The only weird thing is, that we don't have waterfalls in the middle of the city. I kept looking at the reflection. Am I just imaging this? Is this real? Maybe It was just in my mind. I was very thirsty, so I could have just been picturing the waterfall. Just as I kept gazing at the reflection, it changed. Now the reflection was bright. It was glowing with bright colors! I was amazed by this, until I realized what was really happening. After I stopped staring at the reflection, I noticed that the ground was damp and it had just rained. After the rain, there became a rainbow. I realized that the reflection on the windshield was just rain, not a waterfall, and all of the bright colors, was just a rainbow.

  17. 1. Sammy Sutton, 3-19-12, MW2
    2. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car- it looked like a sunset on the beach. The lighter shades of leaves made the sun glow, and the darker shades made the sand look dark, and cold. As I was getting closer, starring at the reflection felt like I was in paradise, I was zoned out of everything around me, getting closer and closer I could almost feel the cold sand between my toes, the warmth of the sun beating on my face, goose bumps all down my arms. Suddenly there was a light tap on my shoulder, quickly I jumped around, it was my friend Tony. "Need a ride to school..?" He asked looking suspicious. I nodded yes, and got in the passenger seat, the car ride was quite, I couldn't stop thinking about that reflection, and how it grabbed my attention, and sucked me into a whole different place, I was amazed and shocked. Am I the only one that this is happening to; I couldn't help but wonder.

  18. Riley Hafner MW2 3/19/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like two children sitting on a tree branch. I looked up to see what the kids were doing but realized no one was there. I glanced back at the car, and the image was gone.
    "Thats strange," I said to myself, but I couldn't worry about it now. If I kept this up I would be late for school so I picked up the pace and kept my eyes on the sidewalk. My mind swirled with ideas and fantasies that I knew would never be true. But what if.....? What if it wasn't me just seeing things? As I turned the corner and saw the school I bolted across the street, up the steps, through the door, and all the way to my locker, bumping into people along the way.
    "MR. CARTER! PLEASE SLOW DOWN! WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER INCIDENT ON OUR HANDS, DO WE?!" yelled Mrs. Benson as I passed her classroom. She always yelled at me. I'm not sure why because I always try in her class. She just doesn't seem to like me. Plus 6th grage math isn't the best subject in the world so if I doze off a couple times it really isn't my fault.
    When I finally got to my locker my best friend Hunter was sitting there waiting. She had on an old plad shirt and her blond hair was pulled back into a messy pony tail. She has been my best pal for as long as I can remember and I knew I could tell her anything. Hunter knew about me seeing the globe in the windshield and now I needed to tell her about the kids.
    "Hunter........It happened again," I whispered as I spun the dial on my locker.
    "Oh c'mon Shane!" She said rolling her eyes, "You know its just your imagination! Don't let it trick you like that! And hurry up. We are going to be late for gym and you know I love playing floor hockey. I don't want to miss it!"
    As soon as I had dropped my backpack into my locker and closed it she grabbed my sleeve and pulled me off down the hall. Maybe she was right. Maybe It was just my imagination. As we walked I thought about it and decided to just let it go. It wasn't worth worrying about. My mind was jut playing silly games with me. Or so I though.......

  19. Revision

    Payton Rentsch, 3-19-12, MW2
    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car it looked like . . . . a huge Pit bull that stood up on his two back legs. It was muscular, looked like a body builder. It could plow over anything or anyone, if it got in its way. The animal maid me jump, I looked away for a second and it was gone. I was about half way to school, I stopped at a cross walk the light turned green. I walked looking at the cars it seemed like all were full of dogs of all shapes and sizes. I felt like I was going crazy but it must be my imagination, I thought to myself.

  20. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 3/19/12

    2. It looked like a giant scoop of ice cream! I blinked a few times and looked at it again... still a big scoop of ice cream. My mouth started to water looking at that appetizing sight. It was just so hot out and it looked so delicious. I couldn't help my self! I ran to the ice cream as if It was Beyonce. Right as I went to reach out and grab my ice cream, the car started to move. I collided into the car and fell onto the ground with a thud. The women who was driving the car got out to make sure I was ok and as soon as she knew I was, she started yelling at me and chased me off the road. After that I told myself I would never eat ice cream again...

  21. Timmy Uppleger 3-19-12 MW2
    it looked like a squirrel was pointing its finger at me and laughing. Thats odd, there is no trees or anything for a squirrel to be hanging around. I watched the car pass. About 2 minutes later another car was coming my way. I looked at the reflection of the car, it looked like that same squirrel that was pointing at me but this time it was wiggling its tail back and forth. I started to feel dizzy, I started to see those stars then all of a suden, I dropped to the ground and hit my head on a tree stump next to the road and nocked myself out. When I woke up that squirrel was standing on its back legs holding its tail. The squirrel let go of its tail and crawled up to my face and disappeared. I began to wonder why I was seeing that same squirrel on the reflections of the cars that past by me and why that squirrel randomly vanished. I got up and rubbed my head. I felt confused. When I got to school, I opened the front doors and I herd the bell wring, kids running out of classes, Was school over? I looked up at the clock to see the time, it was 3:00 school was over. I must have been out for a while. I looked up at the bell that was ringing, I saw a strange blur on the bell, i got closer and closer. It was the squirrel.

  22. Henry Haidler, 3/19/12, MW2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a very dark bat with its eyes wide open. The odd thing about this was not only it was in the reflection of the window, but, every time I moved it would wink at me, even the slightest movement. I just stood there mesmerized by this strange figure. I found myself staring at the car for quite awhile and was shuffling putting my weight on my right foot then left and so on to see it wink. The owner of the car soon left, probably because I was doing a funny dance staring at him.
    As I continued throughout the school day I had the image of the bat on the car window, it seemed like forever but I soon reached 3rd hour, English. As we sat in our cold chairs doing our daily blogs, our outstanding teacher Mr. Price called out for me to proofread what I had just created. But when I looked up to see him, his glasses had a reflection on them, he was looking at his laptop grading the blogs but all I could see is a small figure that looked very familiar. I stared it down until I figured it out, the answer to what it was scared me and still does today. The figure in his glasses was...

  23. Megan Gunderson MW2 Mar 19 2012
    my grandpa.My grandpa was staring at me with his warm welcoming smile.His smile is the kind that would light up your day.I stood their in shock my grandpa had died 3 months ago. I was creeped out but glad to see him. I didn't move scared that my grandpa would fade away if I made the slightest movement.I thought to myself why would my grandpa be in my brothers car. Was he watching over us?Was he trying to send a message or was he just visiting? I glanced back up at the windshield.He was still sitting there but he was pale.Then all of sudden bam my brother shoulder checked me.I turned around and gave him the evil eye.My brother said "hey man better hurry off to school and might want to drink some water your as pale as a ghost." I looked up at him and I stated to feel light headed. I slowly fluttered my eyes then I collapsed. That last thing I remember is my brother leaning over me saying dude get up wake up man!Then splash freezing cold water hit my face. My eyes shot open and I saw my brother holding an empty water bottle."Your awakeI told you you needed some water."I lied there on the ground looking up a the pure blue sky and I saw a shining light going straight up.I looked back at the car and he was gone.I slowly got up and walked inside.

  24. 1. Cade Marttinen MW4 3/19/12

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like another globe with a hand holding it. "What is going on?" I thought. I stared at it and then realized that the globe was slowly but surely getting smaller. I must be sleeping. I pinched myself and just then woke up with my brother holding a globe in front of my face. He was also pulling it slowly away from my face.

  25. 1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4
    2.Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a really tall man standing there. But i shut my eyes for a few seconds and the really tall man was still there. I was wondering why he was just standing there. I ran up to him to see if he was ok but as soon as i came to him the car moved. I fell over because i was so shocked! OUCHHHH!!! I hit my head on the ground. I thought to my self why would there be a car that looks like a man? As soon as the car started to move the person in the car started to yell at me and the car chased me down the road. After that I thought that i should have just stayed in my yard and if there was something wrong then that person would have told someone.

  26. Seth Wilson MW4 March-19-2012

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . . A giant smiley face winking at me, it made no sense to me at all. Why was it there? What did it mean? How come only I noticed it? All thoughts streaming through my head, and yet I didn't know what they meant. Was I going insane? There was no way for me to know, so in that being I simply pushed the thoughts out of my head and ignored them. I mean after all it was obviously just my imagination getting the best of me.

  27. 1. Cade Marttinen MW4 3/19/12

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like another globe with a big hand holding it. "What is going on?" I thought. I stared at it and then realized that the globe and the hand were slowly but surely becoming smaller. I didn't know if I was sleeping or not. I pinched myself and just then woke up with my older brother holding a globe in front of my face. He was also pulling it slowly away from my face.

  28. Nella Galliher MW4 3/19/12
    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . . the same reflection. Oh my gosh it is the same reflection! I think it is coming from the sky but theres nothing there. What could it be?!? Aliens might be doing this!

  29. 1. Ian Grady 3-19-2012 MW4
    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a meteor on it's way toward me. Just as soon as I looked up in the sky... BOOM! Before I could even turn to see it, it hit me. I regained consciousness some time after that and looked around. I saw nothing. Everything was just blackness. I moved forward and ran out of the giant black cloud of smoke. There was a colossal crater in the street and everything around it was damaged in some way. I looked down and saw magma floating up, and up and up until it shot out of the crater like the barrel of a shotgun and just as soon as the first patch of burning lava hit my shoulder...I woke up.

  30. Nicholas Marlatt - 03/19/12 - MW4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . .
    It looked like almost the same reflection as the one on my brothers car. It was on the same street as before. I was just 2 houses down when I saw the same reflection. I looked up and this time I could see it. "Wow!" I said with wonder. It was a big oak tree. Standing tall above the street. Showering us with leaves as fall approached.
    I still couldn't figure out why the reflection is on my brothers car as-well. I mean the tree was 2 houses down and I had never seen it before. I quickly ran to school hoping not to be late. *Ring Ring* The bell blared as the school was letting out. On my way back home I was going to see the reflection on my brothers car to see how it was shining on there with the tree so far away. The reflection wasn't there. "How could this be?" The reflection that I have seen so many times in the same spot, wasn't there. My neighbor pulled up. I could see the reflection on the car once again? It was so weird but yet the same reflection was on my neighbors car but backwards. I couldn't believe my eye'. The reflection from my neighbors car was reflecting onto my brothers car.

  31. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 3/19/12
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . .a face. Two faces to be exact. A man with dark brown hair, and sparkling brown eyes. Also, a women about the same age as the man, around 27. Her straight blonde hair flew in the sun and she could make you fall in love with a single blink of her luscious blue eyes! The little scene continued, but I just kept walking. The strange happenings kept occurring as I would turn a corner drawing nearer and nearer to the middle school. It was pretty brisk outside, so I zipped up my sweatshirt and proceeded on. I could see my breath every time I exhaled. Every car seemed to have a reflection, the images would be more and more clear each time. I could make out that the man was an older version of me. I ignored the fact and continued on my way. What did these images mean? Was I suppose to put the pieces together and finish a quest or something? All of a sudden, stopping dead in my tracks. Being mesmerized by the reflection on a silver-gray Honda Civic. I think a 2009. I tilted my head downward and to the right. I couldn't help but notice the girl was Katy from 3rd hour. I had always liked her, but never really thought much of her. She was a shy girl, but extremely beautiful. After putting the images together in my head, I realized that the little movies were of Katy, and I. We were...getting married? I smiled slightly at the thought and knew what I had to do. This was showing my future and giving me guide lines. I had to make Katy notice me if I was going to be happy. The grin on my face in the reflections made me notice how amazing and flawless Katy was. I started walking backward, slowly creeping into the school entrance. The first face I saw was Katy's. Her blue eyes glistened and I knew at that moment, Katy was definitely in my future! What an eventful walk to school!

  32. Jacob Yannott mw4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like the exact same figure on my brothers car. So I started running thinking every piece of glass I looked at broke. As I was running, a car alarm went off right by me. It had frighten me in the blink of an eye. I started running faster and faster until. . . .

    I had ran into what to have seemed to be a mysterious figure hovering above me. It was my principal, he had asked me if I was okay, or of I was heart. I told him I was fine and started walking into the school. All the kids have given me weird look as I walked down the hallways. I ran the bathroom, and Looked into a mirror. My brother took a sharpie and drew a uni-brown on my forehead.

  33. Alex Smith, 3/19/12, MW4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like like.. the moon? The windshield seemed tinted black, but that couldn't be, because that's illegal.. isn't it? The reflection, the moon, looked like a crescent moon, but the part the moon itself look extremely bright. I looked around looking for something that could explain the reflection. After inspecting the car and the surrounding are for a minute, I realized that this would look pretty suspicious if the right person noticed me. I kept on walking, looking for more of these queer reflections. Eventually I gave up looking, focusing on getting to school on time. I was about three quarters of the way to school when a bright, orange light hit me. It was a reflection. It was a bright ball of orange fire. The flames going every which way around the ball. it looked almost like.. a surreal sun? I looked at the sun, there was no way that the sun, which was rising, could be reflecting on this car's windshield. I gave up, scratching my head.

    "Earth, moon, sun.. Earth, moon, sun.." I whispered to myself. It sounded almost like a chant or an incantation. No matter how much I thought about it, I had no idea what it could mean. As I walked into school, I dismissed what I saw as just glare from my glasses.

    "So, class, do any of you know what a solar eclipse is?" My science teacher asked. All the response he got was dead silence. "Well," he said clearing his throat, "it's when the moon and sun align with each other. The moon pass over the sun, or eclipses it." With that he drew a diagram on the board. "This is the Earth, here is the moon, and this is the sun. There will be one today, in about 15 minutes, and we're gonna go outside to view it."

    "Earth, moon, sun! That's it, that's what all those reflections were!" I whispered to myself. A lightbulb went off in my head, and I was too preoccupied being amazed and scared, because of the 'signs', to pay attention to my teacher. After 15 minutes, we went outside to see the eclipse. It was beautiful. This moment stood out in my mind, I remember it even now.

  34. 1. Kyle Gonos 3-19-12 MW4
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like pizza. "What is that?" I asked myself. I looked and looked at it but it was still there. The pizza looked so cheesy and greasy I became to sweat. It seemed so long, then suddenly I became so hungry even though I had pancakes, french toast and a muffin for breakfast. I realized the car with the pizza on windshield was parked so I got out of my car and ran over to it. I slammed my head on the windshield and started to eat. "Hmmm" I thought. But my teeth started to really hurt and I realized, there was no pizza anymore. Now I didn't eat it but I was just at a different angle.

  35. Tyler Pruneau 3/19/12 MW4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk.
    Down the long road with many different cars and vehicles. one of the cars looked kind of like a Giant blueberry with a man about to eat it, when my body leans back i can see the reflection, when I lean forward I cannot see the refection or the man and the blueberry again. I thought this man would try and follow me but I could not see anyone at all, while walking down the street I glanced at another man but he didn't have a blueberry, then I started to wonder and thought to myself am I going crazy? mean while everywhere I went and looked. I saw the man but could not see anyone near me. The man was starting to frighten me, in all reality when I walked by a black window, I was the man.

  36. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl, MW4, 3/19/12

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a dinosaur! I ran around to the other side of the car to see if the dinosaur would still be there, it was. I hopped on top of the car to look at it from a better angle now the dinosaur was smiling at me! I smiled back at my new friend and whispered to him "I'll be right back." I scurried home to grab my camera so I could take a picture and show my older brother. Luckily I lived right down the road so I was there and back in less then three minutes. Running down the road ready to take a picture of him when I find him gone! "Where did he go?" I thought to myself. Staring down the road I see the Cherry red car driving away, and the dinosaur smiling at me good bye.

  37. 1.Aaron Durham, 3-19-12, MW4

    2. There had to of been over one million large dog's in the back of an old house looking so casual and normal, sometimes I swear, now that I am seeing things, or maybe just flat out going crazy, my conscience told me maybe it is just some old dog lady sitting for all of the homeowners around the neighborhood. You never know but now anyone else would think that I am just seeing random things around the neighborhood and need to be checked into a mental ward. Because every time I turn around to confirm what I had just seen, it's never there!. Then it flashed into my head, it is such a great idea I thought maybe it would work when I see reflections on the side of car's I would use my digital camera and snap a quick photo to catch my hallucinations. From the act to maybe prove that maybe I am not the only one seeing things in the neighborhood. Or just prove that I'm not going completely insane, when I was walking down the main street in my little suburb, a car passed by but to my surprise this time I saw the same exact thing so I rushed to find my camera in my pocket, as I retrieved it out of my pocket I watch it toss and roll one million times in my hand before, WHAP!. It was smashed into little pieces all over the ground from me dropping it, there goes my dreams of catching what I was seeing right out the window.

  38. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre MW4

    2. It looked like, No it couldn't be! As I got closer to the parked car on the side of the road a cop walked up and placed a Yellow pece of paper under the window-shield wiper then walked away. "HEY, SUR! WATE!" a young lady runs franticly out of her house to the sidewalk where her car was parked screaming for the Officer to come back, then she looked at me and asked "Shouldn't you be in school?". I told her about my brother making me walk and the thing I seen on her car window and my brothers window shield. We talked for a wile and then she walked me to school. After school it was shocking to see her at the school doors waiting for me. Turns out she wanted to know what was the reflection on her window shield. My simple reply was " I sa..BEEP," I said, the bell interrupting me, " The world will never know.

  39. David Lesnau 3-19-12 MW4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a giant monster it was so scary. I didn't want to look at it but I could not look away for some reason. I never saw any thing like it. It looked like it was moving. it look like the monster was living it had a creepy grin on its face and looked like a half man half goat. It was the scariest thing I ever saw.

  40. 1.Brandon Cooke mw4 3/19/12

    2. It looked like a big dog,kinda like a pit bull just sitting there staring at me. This thing was a giant. It looked like it wanted to kill me so I closed my eyes an looked at the grown to see if it would stop looking at me if I didn't give it eye contact! Soon as i was almost away from the car I took a quick glimpse, it was gone? Then this lady was getting into the car an was starting to drive away. She was coming my way I looked into the front seat,back seat checking for the dog it was gone? I drew the lady's attention to ask her if she had a dog she told me nope why...

  41. Bri Rumple MW4 3.19.12

    A young girl, maybe around seven or eight years old. She looked so familiar, like I have known her my whole life. Her long, lush strawberry-blonde hair and sparkling eyes that looked like a pool of blue. I know i have seen this face before.. I just don't know where. Than it hit me...the little girl staring back at me, when I was a young child, Sure i have changed a lot since then, being nearly 15. I just didn't get it, it's like i traveled back in time or something, what was going on? I moved around a little, waving my hand to see if the reflection would follow, it did. I was starting to freak out, just as I opened my mouth to say something, I woke up.

  42. Michael Atwood MW4 3/19/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like the same hand with the globe in it. There was something different about this one, though. I stared at it for a while, but this time it didn't burn my eyes. I saw the clouds moving on it. Just as I realized this, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was an arm, white as snow, then the shoulder. Slowly, the body of a girl appeared, glowing with light. I noticed that there was what looked like an unnaturally bright version of the milky way in her right eye, and another galaxy in her other eye that I could not name, that was much darker. There was also another planet in her other hand, similar to Earth, but not quite the same. It was... barren. It was dried up and polluted. I also noticed that the other galaxy was less bright and colorful than the look alike of ours. She smashed the worlds together, and the ground shook. I fell, shouting out in terror. "We're doomed!" I exclaimed. "Save yourselves!". My brother came running down the road. "That's the last straw!"
    I woke up in an insane asylum. 'They think I'm crazy,' I thought, 'But I saw it. They'll understand'.

  43. 1. Justin Wilson Mar 19 mw4

    2. The reflection in the windshield was weird. If you looked at it from just the right angle, you could see a globe and a hand holding it. But every time I looked above the glass, there was nothing there. Every day, it was the same thing. You could only see the reflection in the morning, and only when my brother parked his car in the same spot. If I stared at it too long, the glare would become too bright and I would start to see stars floating around. Then I would blink and the image was gone. Once I ran inside to tell my brother that there was a strange reflection on his windshield and pow! He bopped me on the head, thinking I had done something to his precious car. But my excuses were to no avail. He looked his windshield over and realized nothing was wrong, and then he told me, "Walk to school weasel!"

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like. . . . dragons so many of them to many to count this way better than the reflection on my brother's car I had to have ben staring at it for hours or it felt like hours then I remembered school oh no! I turned around and ran so fast whoosh across Mr. Bentley lawn he always told me not to run through his lawn I know that he will tell my mom but this was the fastest way to go I was in sight of school and then there he was he was the worst bully in school I went to the back of the school and got inside. Wow that was close I ran to class right before the bell but I for got my back pack next to the reflection I could not get my mind off those dragons it was so cool that when I went to go get it my mom was there. Mom I could out she answer look at this some dragons. What I saw this this morning it is so cool I took a picture of it and it was so cool a professional picture taker came to my house and wanted me to take some more pictures.

  44. Austin Wicker M-W4th 3-19-12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car it looked like a son and a father playing catch with a baseball. I thought my brother was pranking me until I saw it on other cars and that made me stop and think "what is going on" but I couldn't figure it out. One day I looked out my bedroom window and saw the reflection and I ran right to the car and jumped in the front seat. I tried to look for some device in the windshield but sadly my mission did not succeed. Especially when my brother found me in his car and through me out of the seat faster than water falling down a waterfall. What made it worse was that I got grounded and I had to stay in my room and look at that reflection on the car. But I had this feeling in the bottom of my stomach too, it was a sense of wanting but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the search for the truth behind the reflection in the car. When my time of being grounded had ended I stood outside by the car waiting and watching for the reflection to come and finally after a split second I blinked and there it was the reflection of the boy playing catch with his dad. Then it hit me! I had figured out the problem, it was my hunger to play catch with my dad, then the reflection went away. I thought to myself "WOW REALLY! It took me more than a month to figure that out!"

  45. 1. Cody Musulin 3-19-12
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car it looked like something I've never seen before, different shapes and colors, designs everywhere on the windshield. I couldn't hold myself back from walking up to it for a closer look. Beautiful, at first it just looked like a bunch of different shapes and colors, but once I looked at it closely I saw a picture, a place around me, by the beach! What is that in the sand I thought? I have to go to the beach now. Then I wondered how this reflection got on this windshield, I looked up and got blinded by the suns rays. How can this be, is someone telling me something, or is it all in my head. Then I was awoken from my day dream by the bus driving past me, everyone staring at me. After I got back from school, I found the same car sitting there, but the reflection was gone, I have to find out what is under that beach.

  46. Brooke Boyd 3-20-12 TT2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like my neighbor in the car, my neighbor is a old man that lives in a creepy house for some reason no one has ever really seen the man but one night I was walking sparky my dog and passed his house and saw his face in the window, thats how I know what he looks like. Everyone in are neighborhood says he is a vampire because he never comes out of the house and he only comes out when there is no sun and he usually just sits on his porch when its dark outside. While I was walking it started to pour rain I was drenched, all of a sudden I heard a "HEY wanna a ride young fellow?" It was from the old man.
    I jumped in the car only because I didn't want to be rained on anymore. We talked for awhile until he dropped me off at school I asked him why he never comes outside and he told me that he cant go in the sun because he is allergic to get and gets really sick, he has been like that since he was a little kid. The old man told me his name it was George, he was a really nice man and he told me that a lot of his family has passed and he doesn't have anyone to really talk to. Every since that day we have been staying in touch when its dark and gloomy outside I join him on his front porch.

  47. Presslee Reisinger, 3-20-12, TT2

    1. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk, Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like...a kidnapper car, like the one's in the movies. I wasn't to sure if it was just me going insane, or if this was real. I slowly rubbed my eyes and pinched myself to make sure I was awake, and not just day dreaming. I looked back at the car, and it had pulled over right next to me and stopped...scared I started to walk a little bit faster than normal almost like a slow jog, I looked back behind me, to see that it was a person..and he, she or even it was getting out and coming right towards me. I stopped and took out myself to aware the guy that I wasn't afraid and I had a cell phone to call 911 if needed. As I put my phone back into my back, I felt a warm, big hand grasp my shoulder; I leaped into the air and sprinted off. After sprinting for what felt like ever, I could no longer hear the guy behind me huffing and puffing. My feet began to slow and my body began to feel like 1,000 pounds; as I found my self swinging the door open to my school. Gasping for breath, my back slid down the wall and I sighed in relief that I was finally saved from that, man and his kidnapper car.

  48. 1. Marissa Moore 3/20/12 TT2

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . .my mom.
    "What the heck.. this can't be happening!" I muttered in disbelief. As soon as I realized what was reflecting on that windshield, the tears started streaming in. My mother had died the year before in a plane crash, and my family has been very distraught ever since. What doesn't make sense to me, is how in the world she could be on that windshield! By the time I could see through my tears, the car was gone. Slowly, another car pulled into the parking lot across the street. There was her face again. I slumped my backpack over my shoulders, slid my finger across the underneath of my eye, and made a run for it. By the time I'd reached the parking lot, the owners were gone. I was leaned over, hands on my knees and practically weezing. I felt as if I were going to pass out. As I panted, my mother's face was still on the windshield. It didn't blind me, didn't make me feel dizzy, and I just gawked. The face wasn't going away like the reflection in my brother's windshield. This was different. I slowly lifted my shaking palm into the air, and gently laid it on top of her face, the windshield. It was warm, but not from the sun. It even reminded me of the feel of skin. Just as I stood there, I suddenly felt a woosh of air, a gentle caress, and then I suddenly looked down. Her face was gone.

  49. 1. Heather Linn, TT2, 3/20/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like the moon. I looked up in the sky, thinking that maybe the moon was still out. Nothing was there except the bright warm yellow sun that was always up at this time. I blinked my eyes and kept walking, maybe I was just imagining things. About a minute later I saw another car up ahead. I was contemplating on weither or not I should look in the windshield, my gut told me yes. When I looked in the windshield I saw mars, then venus then mercury, and before I knew it I could see the whole universe in this little black cars windshield. I stood in amazement, mouth dropped and eyes wide. The stars in the perfect place, to make you feel like your home again, safe. I kept put for quite a while, watching the planets slowly drift in a quiet and peaceful way. I had sunk so far into this gaze that I felt like I was floating, among with the planets. I blinked, and within a few seconds it was gone. The warm, safe feeling was gone. I shook my head and started walking. My feet were tingling and I kept closing my eyes, trying to recapture that moment, but I couldn't.
    The next few days I couldn't focus. All I could think about is, am I going crazy? When I walked outside that day, I could smell the crisp auburn leaves as they were falling onto the ground, and the casual warm fall air flowing thru my hair. Then I saw it, right infront of my face the universe came back to me. I couldn't move, shocks of excitement rushed up and down my body. I knew, that it was there, and that I wasn't crazy. I closed my eyes and floated into space. I was weightless, all my burdens let go. When I opened my eyes, I was sitting in the leaves, peaceful. Smiling as I got up my brother yelled, "Are you ready to go or are you just going to sit in the leaves all day?" Not replying I walked towards him, and knew that it all was going to get better.

  50. Michael Yedinak 3/20/12 TT2

    It looked like my mom running after me with something in her hand. Turning back to see if she was there or if it was just my imagination. Suddenly I realized i'd forgotten something, and looked at the windshield again to see if I could get a feeling of what it was. "Mom, are you there?" Nobody answered... "AHH!" "Timmy you forgot your lunch here I wanted to make sure you had it." "Thanks mom but you didn't have to scare me like that!" Mom started to smile, "Didn't you see my reflection?"

  51. Eric Wolfe 3/20/12 TT2

    It looked like a tall, dark person. I looked around but saw no one so I started my way to school. After school I had missed the bus so I had to walk home. As I was walking through the parking lot, I saw the same image again on the windshield of another car. I looked around again and saw no one. I was beginning to think I was going insane, but as I was starting to walk again I tripped and scraped my arm on the pavement. Then I saw tiny drips of red falling from the wound. Then someone came around the car and asked "Are you okay?". I turned around to see who it was, and it was my principle standing there. With a model globe in his hands.

  52. 1)Darren Murray 3/20/12 TT2
    It looked like a little flying light like a shooting star. The glare was really bright, maybe it is a shooting star glaring through the sky and I'm looking at the reflection from the car. But wait... it's light out, there's no way a shooting star is brighter than the sun.
    Could it be a lighter. A Lamp. Could it be a headlight from another car? Well I can't answer that question but the same reflection twice. I came home from school and I saw it on the same car, don't know why but the car looked like the car that got spotted by the cops after robbing that bank on 21st street. Millions of dollars worth of diamonds stolen by one man in a Cadillac CTS-V.
    I thought I should go in the drive way and see what the reflection looked like up in person. Clink Clink Clink. My fresh new pair of shoes with new rubber were scrapping the hard concrete ground with the metal Nike swish symbol were my lases are. And I looked up in the car seat, Oh my gosh! I tried opening the door, Alarm went of and I snatched the big Under Armor bag were you put close and I ran as fast as I could across the street hoping I wouldn't get shot, but when I realized there was no one following me, and the alarm stopped, I walked back to the house were the diamonds were.
    Sweating because the nice weather outside, the heat was getting to me. The door was unlocked and I found it open. Creepy like those scary movies you see at MJR theaters. BAM! The loudest shot I have ever heard which sounded like a mortar from a shotgun barrel, and laying on the floor blood all around the man looking face down after being shot with a gun, and looked to be wearing the same clothes as me. The man who shot when I walked in the door was walking closer I froze and he kept walking and all this sudden, he walked through me. He flipped the dead body over and It was me.
    Couple months later the ghostly feeling of being alone in the world. The coma I was in swift-ed off and I was in my real body. The clothes I had on were in my basement in boxes because my brother thought I was going to pass away so he packed it up. Sad but he had to pull through it. Got home from the hospital praying that I was still alive, I went and found my old clothes and looked in the box found my pants and my shirt and pulled those out of the box, and then the Under Armor bag with the diamonds was still in there. We weren't poor any longer after the bag I got when I found it in the neighbors car before I was shot close to my brain the put me in a ghostly state for 3 months. That's my crazy story of my life.

  53. 1. Cody Musulin 3-19-12
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car it looked like something I've never seen before, different shapes and colors, designs everywhere on the windshield. I couldn't hold myself back from walking up to it for a closer look. Beautiful, at first it just looked like a bunch of different shapes and colors, but once I looked at it closely I saw a picture, a place around me, by the beach! What is that in the sand I thought? I have to go to the beach now. Then I wondered how this reflection got on this windshield, I looked up and got blinded by the suns rays. How can this be, is someone telling me something, or is it all in my head. Then I was awoken from my day dream by the bus driving past me, everyone staring at me.

    After chasing my bus for 2 blocks, I got to school, we had a test today, Something tells me that I might have failed it. The only thing that came to mind is that windshield, how did it have that picture of the beach, how could it have done that. The sun was the only thing hitting the windshield, but yet it was the beach, and also what was on the beach? Was it a piece of metal? or was it something bigger? Was something, someone telling me that something is under the beach, and it is really important? It was a long day of school, waiting to go back and see if that car was still there. After I got back from school, I found the same car sitting there, but the reflection was gone, I have to find out what is under that beach.

  54. Maddie Haas 3/20/12 2TT

    It looked like... a clown. But not just any clown, it was one of those clowns you see in the scary movies. It had a white as snow face, and a grin that went from ear to ear, as red as blood. His, well at least I think it was a him, hair was just the color of his smile but curled into a little afro thing. I stared at it for a long time, trying not to blink because I thought that if I did, it would go away. I thought my eyes were going to bleed because of how long I had had them open for. I blinked and looked back, and strange enough it was still there. Realizing that I should probably get to school, I turned around and Smack! right into something that put me right into the ground. Then look up and notice, the clown wasn't something of a reflection that will go away, it was standing right there. Just as I try to turn away, he growls in a somewhat like a freddy kruger voice, "Where do you think your goin'".
    Trying to croak out anything, but still I stand very still. The only thing I can get out is "school?" I realize this was the wrong thing to say because this clown is real, really real. If I end up getting away from this monster, then he will know right where I'm going. That is when I see the butchers knife in his left hand, trying to hide it behind him. I don't know what to do, if I should run away or just stand before him. Bonk! That answered my question. The last thing I hear before I black out, is the laughter of the clown above me, deciding my fate.

  55. 1.Caleb Hudson TT2 3-20-12
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like there was something inside.Slowly, I walked up to it and saw that is was a globe! It looked like the same one on my brothers car, yet it did not react the same way. When Changing the angle I was looking at it, but no matter what I did I could still see it.Noticing that it was was parked right outside a house, I walked up and rung the bell. No one answered, I started to walking to school again. I was almost to school but then the globe appeared on another car parked in the parking lot of the school. It was my brothers, on the window the globe was still there, But it was different. It was pitch black. I decided to look up to see if it was a reflection of something. At that moment the ground began to shake. I fell to the ground and bumped my head.When I woke up my mother was next to me so I told her my story of what happened. She sighed and said that it must have been a dream, because you have been in a coma for four years after being slammed in the head by a baseball.

  56. 1.Kyle Shehan, 3-20-12, TT2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . .A face, and I thought that could not possibly happen. I stopped walking and looked at the face in the car windshield, a pang of pure horror welled up in my stomach. I recognized that face, my mind instantly went back five years before back when I was seven. I was walking home from school when I saw my door, the front door had been what looked like burnt. Panicing I ran into the house to see a man standing over my mothers body, I was not sure if she was dead or just hurt. My mind went blank, even now questions are running in my mind, who was the man? why was he in my house? is my mother Ok? Me being the reckless seven year old I was I charged the man. Taken of guard my little body connected with the mans chest and he went down, as he fell a strange thing fell from his hand. My nimble hands caught it and when I got a closer look, it looked like a gun but not an ordinary gun this one was glowing with an strange green light. By the time I stopped looking at the gun the man had gotten up and said
    "You little brat!" then I pulled the trigger on the gun. A burst of green light, the next thing i knew was that the man was lying at my feet with a smoldering hole in his chest. I fell to my knees and cried.

  57. 1. William McNamee 3/20/12 TT2

    2.Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like the strangest combination of a pirate ship and an ufo. When I blinked the strangest thing happened and instead of going away like it usually did it was there. When school started it from that point on was a boring humdrum day with no pirate ships or aliens, but when school ended and the doors opened when I walked outside and looked on my bus's windshield Then when I paused to appreciate the cool breezy day there was a spider life form in the windshield of my bus. This spider was 20 feet taller than any spider in the world, and it had this green mucus like substance that was dripping from it's mouth. This naturally scared me and suddenly I let out the highest pitch scream the world has ever seen. Then no one else could see it and no one would believe me that this disgusting creature was there right before my eyes. When I finally got home and I knew what I saw, I wondered how and why it was only showing up in the reflection of the windshields.

    Later after hours and hours of research I discovered that windshields can be made with special dye, a.k.a the blue stuff at the top, and it had been shown that that blue dye can magnify things to about 1000x their normal size. This meant that these huge aliens were actually smaller then bugs. This would change the rest of my life and I didn't even know it!

  58. 1. Jensen Borkowski TT2 3/20/12
    2. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like an animal. At first, I couldn't figure out what kind of animal it was. Actually, at first, I was scared and I looked away. Was I going crazy? How did I keep seeing all of these reflections? I suppose a better question to ask would be why was I seeing these reflections? I blinked a few times and looked back at the car. The reflection remained there, seeming to stare at me. I figured out what the image was once I saw its wagging tail. It was a dog. Its chocolate brown fur looked glossy and in the dogs mouth, was a red rubber ball. I felt as though I had seen this dog before but I didn't know where.
    Later that day, I couldn't get the reflection out of my head. What did it mean? How did I know the dog?
    The next morning, I woke up and the first thing I thought of was Chip. Then it clicked. Chip was a chocolate lab my family had when I was a toddler. He passed away when I was about four years old. I had been bugging my mom for a new dog a lot lately considering we hadn't gotten a dog prior to Chip. He was the reflection in the windshield. I sighed thinking about how much time I had wasted trying to figure out a mysterious reflection when all along, it was my dog.

  59. Elle Kennedy 3-19-12 TT2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a dark, foul face with glowing red eyes. I stood, staring at the car for what seemed like seconds was apparently hours. The car was parked on the side of the road in front of a small brick house. A small wrinkled up man came out of the house. I heard the door slam shut behind him but still didn't take my eyes off of the car. The man came from behind and tapped me on the shoulder.
    "What are you doing boy?" "You have been standing in front of my house for at least an hour, now get off my lawn and away from my car." He said in a low, crackled voice
    I thought I had heard myself say "Okay" but I didn't move because my eyes were to focused in now on the man instead of the car. He turned around and went back in to his house knowing that the weird mysterious boy standing in his yard was going anywhere, anytime soon. I remembered his face and I remember the face in the car reflection. They were the same except for the glowing red eyes. This man frightened me very much. How could he have changed his eyes from glowing red in a reflection to how most eyes look when he came out of his house? How could it be the same person? I stood thinking for a while and in defeat, thought about where I had even been walking. It soon hit me- School. It had to be about third hour by now and I couldn't just show up without a note but, my mom would be furious if she found out I wasn't in school. I began running and made it just as the fourth bell was ringing. If I ran there would be time to make it to my english class without being late. I ran to my locker, threw my backpack in and ran to english class. I had made it and no one would ever know that I had been gone staring at a man and his car for the past 3 hours.

  60. 1.Caeley Hendee, 3-20-12, TT2
    It looked like the globe and a hand holding it. I didn't have any emotion to even care, to try and figure out what it was. Then it got stranger, every car that was parked on Lane St., and Wamson Dr, there was a globe with a hand holding it. Whispering to myself "Ugh this gets annoying seeing this all the time." Getting a little frighten I just walked it off. Only 10 years old, what was I supposed to do? Not having a phone to call for help? Or ask some stranger to give me a ride to school? Walking a little faster, being frighten and school started in 20 minutes. Usually if when walking to school it will take me about 45 minutes to arrive, at the first bell. I noticed some dark clouds getting closer to me, and that there were a few trickles coming from sky. After walking 10 blocks, noticing that the globe in the hand appeared again! The globe in the hand started moving towards my body that was still, and silent. Then I ran, with the rain hitting my face, bouncing off my rosey cheeks. Then splashing into my eyes. Arriving to school 10 minutes late, Mr.Ken asked me why I was late. Not wanting to tell him what happen (he wouldn't believe me!) Telling him I forgot to set my alarm. "Next time set it at night. Got it?" "Yes sir." Going on with day not telling anybody what I experienced. Asking the teacher to call my mom to come get me from school. Never have I walked to school again by myself, or even walk with my friends. Why is thing getting to me all of a sudden?

  61. Sam Dovin. 3-20-12. TT2.

    I saw right there my mother that passed away a year ago! Her long beach blonde hair flowing in the wind and I had her blue sparking eyes. Why is she here? What does she need to say to me? Is she even here for me? My brother wouldn't believe me if I told him, I would just get a punch in the face. So I ran as fast as I could towards the school! I can see it just at least a mile away! The pavement was moving under my feet, I felt like I was going no where...I just hear her whisper in my ear and see her barley at the side view of my eye. BOOM! I drop right on the ground hoping I wouldn't get hit by a car. My brother was driving by to leave and jumps out yelling what are you doing!? I had nothing to say he drove me to school but after first hour I just saw the same pavement again where I feel. I walked home I couldn't take all these racing thoughts in my head saying why? what should i do?! I opened up the door and thought to myself I will wait until I see her again one more time.

  62. 1. Paige Leatherman 3/20/12 TT2

    2. It looked like another person. It was weird though because my brother and I were the only people that were home, and no one else was around. It frightened me seeing what looked to be another person, the way the person was staring at me gave me the chills. I started to run, a few minutes after I started to slow down my pace I looked into another car and luckily didn't see anything. While I was running I was thinking to myself, “am I going crazy?” The rest of the way to school I was cautious about my surroundings. Once, I got to school things seemed more right, like I wasn't being watched anymore. Looking to my right into Mrs. Luterns mini van window... there it was. That creepy mid-aged man with bushy eyebrows and the beginning of a beard staring at me with his widen deep brow eyes! After seeing that again, I took off into the school. I said to myself, “I am never looking into any reflections ever again!”

  63. 1. Jadie Cogar 3-20-12 TT2
    2. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a dog sitting on a tree. When I started to look up in the trees to see if there is really a dog in the tree just stuck. I was looking I noticed another car window that had a cat and dog in it, then I thought to myself that I am just seeing things because my brother didn't see anything in his window. Then I looked straight a head and saw something in a car window, I can't explain what it was because, I have never seen it before in my life. To me I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, I see something strange in a window an it was happening right this second. This to me was getting a little out of hands but when I try not look at the cars it makes me look and I don't know how it is doing this.

  64. 1. Jordan Danko TT2 3/20/12

    2. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked as if it was covered from head to toe in undesirable brown clumpy goo. This creature reminded me of my dog after he rolls in the mud. It started moving, I didn't know what was happening I quickly took a step back and hid behind a bush. I poped up an took another glance. It looked as if there were rotten teeth covered in slimy green saliva which connected the bottom teeth to the top. The car door opened, I started running towards my house. I heard a voice "Hey get back here!" It was then I recognized the voice, it was my brother. As I turned around... I heard another voic but this time it wasn't my brother... "Get up, get up your going to be late!" Only then I realized it was all a dream.

  65. 1. Michael Hamilton 3-20-12 hr. tt2

    Usually it has the same but it didn't have it so I looked agin and nothing there and looked at a nether car some one was brake into a car i ran as fast as a rabbit and I was so scared. there was my brother came and said "I need your help"! I said "I help you ok" "My car was stolen and I need you to tell the cops." "OK" I ran to the cops and they didn't believe me at all. so I went to school and I went to my favorite teacher MR.Pice and we told hem and he ran a to the car but it was gone!? A year later we fond the car at the super market. We ran up to it and fond who took the car. but his dad was on a bussin trip. then I looked at the widow and saw a hunter on the widow and my dad came out a said "oh you guys didn't to me when I went to work."

  66. Lexi Cox, 3/20/12, TT4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a spiral mix of greens and blues, it caught my eye, the mix of colors was so vibrant I couldn't look away. I was in a busy part of town, many cars were whizzing past me, blowing my hair in the wind but seeing this reflection reminded me of the one I had seen on my brothers car, I needed to get a closer look. I now was leaning over a bench that sat just outside of the local coffee shop, many people were walking by me, watching me as I looked at the reflection, but I payed them no attention. Still, fascinated with this reflection I was seeing I heard a man yell out to me, “Stay away from my car boy! Get on going to school!”. I tried to get the right words out to tell him how strange, how unusual this reflection in his car was but I just could not spit out the right words. People were now looking at me, after hearing the man yell, everyone suspected I was up to no good, but I looked at the busy street, waited a few seconds for a break in the traffic and then I ran off in the direction of my school.

  67. Molly Aills 3/20/12 TT4

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a man and a woman, standing together, linked at the hands. The woman was smiling up at the man, and the man's free hand was cupping her cheek. It was clear that these two people loved each other very much. As I stand there, looking intently at the windshield, two people come out of the house that the car is parked next to. When I glance up at them, I'm surprised to see that they're the same people as those pictured in the reflection. I'm about to say something when it hits me. These people look like the ones in the reflection, but they sure aren't the same. The man has a permanent scowl etched deeply into his face, and he wears an ill-fitting tux as he heads out to the car. The woman walks with slouched shoulders, like she's carrying too much weight on them, and the sadness in her eyes and face are evident.
    The man turns his angry eyes on me, yelling, “Hey, kid! Get away from my car!” I walk off quickly, trying to ignore the nasty language he'd thrown at my retreating back.
    “Oh, James, you shouldn't have been so mean to the child. She was only looking at the car.” the woman says, trying unsuccessfully to placate with the man's seething anger. He ignores her, and, still muttering darkly, gets into the car.
    I walk on, thinking hard on what I'd just seen. My mind is replaying the scene when my eyes are riveted onto another windshield of another parked car. I glance at it, hoping to see something, and I do. This reflection looks to be a teen, about my age, standing with his parents next to him. He's smiling and showing them something on a piece of paper. Almost as if on cue, the door to the car owner's house opens with a slight screech of un-oiled metal on metal. The same teen as pictured in the reflection walks out, but there's no happy smile on his face. He carries a notebook as though afraid someone will rip it out of his hands. His mother walks out as well, looking like someone who ruled with an iron fist. Drunken shouting comes from inside the house before the door closes, and I assume that would be the father.
    “Hey, you there, what are you staring at my car for?” the mother says. I mutter an apology, starting to move away, when I catch the eye of the teen. He looks at me sadly, mouths help me, and climbs into the car.
    Thoughts swirling through my head, I continue my walk down the sidewalk. I catch glimpses of people's windshields as the pass by in the street, and most of the time I catch a glimpse of the person inside. The two never seem to match up. By the time I get to school, I realize what it was I'd been seeing: I'd been seeing what people wanted the most in this world. These were their hopeful daydreams, somehow manifested into the reflection on the glass. I didn't know how, but I'm sure there was some sort of logical explanation to it. Not that I wanted to get a headache thinking about it. Later on I asked my parents about it, but they didn't pay too much heed, thinking that my imagination was running wild again. Believing what they told me, I stopped looking too deeply into reflections, and eventually just stopped noticing. Though, I still hoped with all my heart that these people would get what they wanted most in the world.

  68. 1. Sam Mynarcik 4tt 3/20/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a person standing there no emotions just a blank face. I kept thinking to myself about is it trying to tell me a message or just a person just looking at me. My brother made me walk home so when I seen the car going by and it was the same guy except it felt like he was behind me. Clunk I tripped over the sidewalk and a person was standing over me. I was backing away when the shape kept coming and coming, as soon I closed my eyes it went away just in a blink of an eye. As soon I came home I locked my door then after I turned there in my closet door was the shape it came and took me into the crawlspace. All I saw was our home, but smaller and dirtier. When he came towards me he said, "I'm your oldest brother." As I was about to speak and all i could remember was a ka-boom. After I woke up I said it was a dream and I seen the figure and I screamed. The class jumped," Oh snap it was a dream. I guess I fell asleep in Math class.

  69. 1. Josh Mick 3/20/12 TT4

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car it looked like it was blinding me as I walked by. Suddenly something amazing happened. This beautiful girl was walking in my direction. I was suddenly shaking all over, and I didn't know what to say. "Hi!" she said very happily. I was shocked she was talking to me. "Hi" I said. She asked if she would walk with me so I let her. We started talking "So what's your name?" she said. "My name is Josh what's yours?" "My name is Hannah and I like that Kool Aid shirt you're wearing." Thanks" I said feeling uncertain on what to say next. Suddenly she grabbed my hand as we slowly walked to school. When I realized we were meant to be.

  70. Danielle Stowell 3/20/12 TT4

    It looked like a reflection of some kind of animal. I was thinking to my self, what kind of animal is it? I couldn't really see what it was but it looked like a dog. I took my hand up to my forehead and rubbed my eyes to make sure what I was seeing was real. Then, when I looked back at the car I knew it was a dog because the dogs mouth opened and it barked really loud. The dog was barking the loudest he could and he was shaking his butt super fast. The dog was a jet black poodle, not the old fashioned kind it had the shiniest fur I had ever seen. It's like the dog knew me some how? But how would a dog I don't remember seeing remember me?
    A while into the evening, I had that image in my head that same day and I couldn't forget it. Then it popped into my head it was my old dog Buddy. Our family had to give Buddy away to another family when I was 5 years old, I was so sad and down that whole month I kept thinking to myself I hope his new family treats him well. I was always bothering my mom and dad to get us another dog since we hadn't had another one since Buddy. I would ask my parents the same thing everyday.... "Can we get a new dog, please". I said in the sweetest voice ever! My mom would say "Maybe, in a while from now". when my mom would say that I would get even more sad and start crying. It was my old dog in the windshield I can't believe it took me the whole day to figure out what that image or reflection was in the windshield I was just my old dog.

  71. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 3-20-12 TT4

    2. So here I am laying in pain in a hospital bed how I got here well heres what happen.
    It was a tuesday and I was up and ready for school Usually my brother gave me a ride to school, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed a reflection on car and it was quite bright - it looked like some one was shinning or reflecting the light from the sun off a pice of glass and on the windshield of a car driving on the road but it was just the windshield "just guessing." The car started to swerve back and forth among the road, I was having trouble seeing what was happening because there was a glare in my eyes. Getting closer to the car the swerving got louder and more annoying all of the sudden I quickly turned my head and there the car was right in front of me I had a flash back of my life and thought why me why so young. I just felt an impact and my stomach just dropped to the ground, another impact hit my back and just after that i didn't remember any thing. After that I woke up in the hospital and there was people all around me they looked like surgeon's, one of the surgeon's looked at me and I moved my hand on to his hand and he gave me a shot. Waking up again I asked my nurse "how long was I out" and she replayed "four days." Also asking her what happen she said u were hit by a car and slammed in to the wall and thats how I ended up in the hospital for 10 days.

  72. Steven Nichols TT4 3/20/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like the Same refection on my brothers car. I begain to think "maybe im going insane." I saw cars that look like my brother. after a moment glanced into the air as the sun blared me in the face and noticed the trees look like the one in front of my house and the didnt think untill I walk and saw the car again and noticed that whole time I was just doing laps around the block. I didnt know how to get to school because my brother always drove me.

  73. Brendan Schmitter 3/20/12 TT4
    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like I saw myself in the reflection in the window and I jumped for joy because I looked weird, like a alien I look nothing like my brother nor my friends or my mom or dad!!!
    I had white skin I was freaked out, my parents were green, so were my friends it was weird. They didn't notice, or was I just imagining it I had so many questions like why was I the only one with white skin, am I the same or is it just a joke I looked down at my hands and there white it was not a joke what should I do I asked myself over and over again but I decided not do anything but what if its the wrong thing to do?, but I will do this I am going to. wait what time is it 7:30 SCHOOL CRAP! I am going to be late I got to run. Right at that time Joey my brother drove up and yelled "get in buddy" he is my cool brother he is the nice one but is never home because he was at college he told me how when I got home Cory was still there and didn't take you to school so I came out to find you little munchkin" so he dropped me off, I got to my locker, and on a usual day the bullies would come up to me and pick on me, i was pushed in a locker and then a teacher came bye and then i asked her and she told me i was fine and then i woke up weird dream.

  74. 1.) Lexi Gross T-T-2 March 20th 2012
    2.) Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a regular windshield. The difference was you could not see the inside of the car. You could only see darkness. This scared me, but I was tough, and I had to be strong. Besides, no one would believe me anyway. I just kept walking on the cracked side walk; grass and weeds poking through the cracks. Arriving at school made me freak out more. there are a series of doors to go through to get to my class. As a was taking my normal routine I started seeing different animals in all of the windows. Passing by each window made me freak out more and more every time. Finally I reached the class room. Nobody was there. I turned around and woke up screaming. My brother was in my face making noises and messing with me. Brothers, you got to love them!

  75. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 3-20-12

    The same globe design flashed onto someone's car, but the second I ran to get a closer look, it vanished just as quickly as it came. I soon found myself striding toward the school, realizing that I was to be late otherwise, but my thoughts were elsewhere. I just couldn't get the thought out of my mind, suddenly I found that I could find no logic to my situation. So what exactly was this reflection incident? As I pondered over what could the globe image be, I felt myself fly backward. Startled, I opened my eyes to find that I was no longer on the sidewalk! White walls and bright lights were everywhere, then it hit me that I was in the, hospital?! I suppose that my movements were noticeable since in what seemed like a second, a nurse was hovering over me, she nearly showered me in questions that I didn't really catch since she was talking so fast, and the fact I still was thinking about the globe, the hand, and the stars. It was about an hour later that I found out I wandered off the road and was hit by a car that was coming by while I wasn't paying attention. Luckily, I only had minor enough injuries that I would survive, but that almost made me wander if the whole reflection incident was just a dream. It was weeks later that they let me go, I never saw the hand, globe or stars in reflections much after that, until just now.

  76. Olivia Sdao,TT4, 3-20-12

    It looked like there was blood bag in the car. I said to my self that it was just the way I was looking at it. Then all of a student a big, mean man got out of the car carrying an ax in one hand and a big black bag in the other hand dragging it out of the car. Then he saw me I herd a heavy bang on to the whit paved side walk and he came up to me and said, " what are YOU staring at boy, you have no reason to star at what I do on my side walk." I thought should I ask him why he has a gooey bloody ax and a big black bad in his car? Then I blurted out the question,I covered my mouth up as he turned around. He came down and said, " do you really need to know!?" Then my head started to shack up and down, he grabbed my arm witha strongest grip I had every felt in my life. He started guiding me to his back yard, then my eyes had closed and then started screaming at the top of my lunds," don't kill me Im to young to die don't kill me!" The man told me to shut up and open my eyes he should me the huge buck he had shot. He told me that he had to hit it with an ax so it wouldn't move in his smaller car because of his truck being in the garage. Then bucked it to school know that I learned my lesson not to look into other peoples car's to this day I've never looked in another persons car.

  77. 1. Michael Haase 3-20-12 TT2

    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a space ship. Im not sure so I walked towards the car to get a better look at whatever was in the reflection. I went back inside because I left my lunch on the counter. When I got inside my lunch was still there but my house looked different. Then I noticed something down the hall, but it wasn't my brother it was an alien. it looked so weird with it's multiple eyes and legs and it had arms on his back. I quickly ran out the front door and stopped, the whole neighborhood was full of alien and I didn't know what to do.

  78. Devin Bryant

    The reflection in the windshield was weird. If you looked at it from just the right angle, you could see a globe and a hand holding it. But every time I looked above the glass, there was nothing there. Every day, it was the same thing. You could only see the reflection in the morning, and only when my brother parked his car in the same spot. If I stared at it too long, the glare would become too bright and I would start to see stars floating around. Then I would blink and the image was gone. Once I ran inside to tell my brother that there was a strange reflection on his windshield and pow! He bopped me on the head, thinking I had done something to his precious car. But my excuses were to no avail. He looked his windshield over and realized nothing was wrong, and then he told me, "Walk to school weasel!"

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . .
    A man holding a globe but that cant be write is the reflection following me i thought to myself i stopped looked at it for a long time about 10 or 15 minutes but then it was gone it had seemed to vanish and it got all dark I looked up in the sky clouds I thought to myself is the reflection the sun a god or something but then i thought impossible that could never happen he heard something move in a bush next to him he ran not looking back and he remembered I was sopost to get to school I ran as fast as I could but right as I got to school errrr the third bell went of o no how am i already have been late 5 times thanks to my brother two detentions and no i get an in school I was scared thinking that I have never got in this much trouble in a while but then i thought what if i dont go to school then they will think i was absent but then the would call my parents I know I could call them and pretend to be them so he pulled out his sell phone and then he called the school can i help you a lady said on the other side of the line then I said hello I am carters father I am calling to tell you that he is sick today ok I will right it down the lady said he hung up started coughing trying to make his voice deeper like his dads then he thought what to do what to do he thought for a while walking away from the school as fast as he could then smack pow pow pow pow he tripped on the side walk that one side was always higher than the other and then he rolled down a stairs in pain on the ground he looked down his leg was broken in half blood poring out and then everything started to go black he was passing out then he seen the man that was holding up the globe pick him up then every thing went black he woke up in the hospital his mom was there his dad was looking disappointed from him trying to skip school then he seen the man with the globe you he said yes I am the man who brought you here you were bleeding out but but I know you I have been seeing you on reflections every were then he looked in the meer he seen a different man then the next week he got out of the hospital then he seen a man pull a gun out the man who he had seen in his reflection he was there the man who he had seen he was in aw then as the robber went to shoot carter aya the man kicked the gun out of his hand then he kicked the man in the face and he was out cold was I psychic seeing men in meers that save my life I do not know but I am 18 now and i have just seen the next man in the reflection!!!!!

  79. Gursherveen Dhaliwal, 3/20/12, TT2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a bully starting to approach me with his sharp shining sword glancing through the windshield of the car. I was worried and scared to death,as soon as I looked up to see whether he was going to slam me like Kapow !!!!! suddenly he was all gone and lost. I glanced back at the car, and the image was gone just in a swift of an eye.

    "Thats strange," I said to myself, but I couldn't worry about it now. If I kept this up I would be late for school ,in addition I had to walk to school since my cruel brother won't give mercy to me. I had to suffer the consequences after that incident that washed me away. My mind squiggled like "squiggles" with ideas and fantasies that I knew would never be true but I have faith in it but I hade no words when this happened to me. But what if.....? What if it wasn't me just seeing things? Must it always be me ? the odd kid that looked very stupid but I was the smartest kid at school.My brother kept teasing me for my intelligents.As I turned the corner and saw the school I bolted across the street, up the steps, through the door, and all the way to my locker, bumping into people along the way, middle school is the last place that you would want to be on earth the crowd is as wild as a heard of elephants rushing as if it was the end of the world !!! The"rush hour" is the worse part of middle school.

    My best friend Sam was the best friend that anyone could have,she was just perfect !!!! "Pixel Perfect" this was what I would call her.The imagination was stuck in my head like words from all sort of the world and even some that would not exist.The words kept bugging me as I said "keep your head in the game"

    It wasn't worth worrying about. My mind was jut playing silly games with me.So what's the point even thinking about it ???

  80. stephen Moore, 3,20,12, TT2

    A scratch on the car WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!! did you mess up my
    car my dad said, i replied no. That day i walked to school because my dad sometimes gets to sensitive to things like messing up his new car. We walked to my dads new car and we both looked closer and we fond out it was just a reflection. In the reflection at first it was just me and my dad then we both saw that it was just the reflection of water we both thought this was cool and my dad apologized and we both said it was ok and every day ether my dad or me looked at the reflethion.

  81. Jake Belford 3/26/12 tt2

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like . . . . a massive truck was flying down the street right towards me. I jumped just in time. SMASH! The truck slammed into the car that I saw the reflection in. Just when I caught my breath my brother ran outside as he was yelling, "What did you do now doorknob?". I didn't know what to say because of this horrible accident. My brother went to the cab of the truck to see if the person driving was okay, and he called me over. I ran quickly because of the worry I heard in his voice. All we saw was some blood on the seat.

  82. Brandon Wiese TT2 3/27/12
    It looked like it was some type of new sports car with prototype windshield. It was something I had never seen before, thats when it happened. The man that owned the car bursted out his front door with a 12 gage shot gun BANG! BANG! BANG! Get off my lawn and get away from the car fool". I looked at the man and in a quick instant I left his yard. I did't look back although I wanted to. All day at school that was all I could think about. I saw the car again but I was 16 and it was at a dump that I had been working at. Some how it still had the same shine it did 4 years ago.

  83. 1. Danny Higgins/3-27-12/TT4

    2. (part 1) The reflection in the windshield was weird. If you looked at it from just the right angle, you could see a globe and a hand holding it. But everytime I looked above the glass, there was nothing there. Every day, it was the same thing. You could only see the reflection in the morning, and only when my brother parked his car in the same spot. If I stared at it too long, the glare would become too bright and I would start to see stars floating around. Then I would blink and the image was gone. Once I ran inside to tell my brother that there was a strange reflection on his windshield and pow! He bopped me on the head, thinking I had done something to his precious car. But my excuses were to no avail. He looked his windshield over and realized nothing was wrong, and then he told me, "Walk to school weasel!"

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like my dad, who had been murdered by a psychopath 5 years ago. His murder wasn't the only one, though. In fact, he was only one of the 21 deaths during the murder spree. The police worked night and day to find the culprit of the murders, but to no avail. But it turned out that after the last person was killed, he mysteriously disappeared from town. A memorial was built in honor of the victims, and security in town had risen to a climatic rate to make sure that it never happend again. The town was still scarred by the events. My mother and relatives to the victims were hurt the most. I was 9 at the time the incidents had occurred, but strangely can't remember that much of it. The same can't be said of my mother, though. Everytime the subject comes up in a conversation or something, she gets teary eyed, and runs from the room. After 10 minutes, she comes back, fully collected again, and acts as if it was never brought up. I stare at the reflection, taking in the appearance of him. He was wearing his red polo shirt, his wristwatch I had bought him for his birthday, and his Detroit Tigers hat from when he took my to my first baseball game. As I look at my dead father, I hear a hoarse and low whisper say, "Killer." Startled, I look around, trying to find the source of the voice, but to no avail. After a fruitless search, I shake my head, thinking that the bop to my head had made me delusional, and continued to walk to school.

    Another reflection came to me during Pre-Algebra. I was staring into space thinking about my dad's reflection on that car. when I noticed that I was actually looking at a different reflection on the clock , but this time it wasn't of my dad. It was of Ms. Fowlton, the town's librarian. She was a strict, elderly woman that wore thick spectacles, and always wore a gray dress, which seemed to be the color of every dress she had in her wardrobe. She was another victim of the spree, found dead in between a row of shelves with a pile of books sprawled across the floor. I hear the voice again. “Killer.” I look round trying to see if anyone else heard it, but apparently am the only one that can. I closed my eyes tight, wondering what the heck was going on, and reopened my eyes. I looked at the clock, and saw only the hands tick away, as if it had displayed nothing out of the ordinary. I sighed, slumped in my seat, and muttered under my breath to myself, "This is gonna be a long day."

  84. 1. Sam Hall 3-20-2012 TT4

    2. looked like a face, staring towards the sky, I glanced up at the leafy tree branches above me, nothing was there. A single leaf broke off from it's stem, spinning in circles as I watched it drift towards the windshield. The face was still there on the glass, drifting back and forth as if carried on the wind. Slowly the face began to dissolve, hundreds of little squares and triangles drifting apart. WHOOSH! Suddenly a large amount of leaves dropped onto my head, a twirling cloud of green flew off my head as I shook my hair back and forth. I looked up into the foliage and saw the neighbor's cat Diesel licking his paw on the lowest branch. I have to remember not to let my imagination get the best of me.

  85. 1. Danny Higgins/3-27-12/TT4

    2. (part 2) After school, I had to walk again, because my brother was still mad at me for supposedly ruining his window in some way. That was the good news. The bad news was that I had to go past the bus garage to get home. I tried my best not to look at the mirrors or the windows, but eventually, I reluctantly looked up, and gasped at what I saw. Rows and rows of faces had appeared in the windows, not just my father’s and Ms. Fowlton, but also Mr. Chipters, our neighbor from across the street, found dead in his garage with his body sitting on his drivable lawn mower. Chelsey Vitoni, the former head cheerleader at the high school, found in a ditch, still in her cheerleading outfit and hair still all fancy and curly from after the big homecoming game, and everyone else killed by the mysterious psycho that had disappeared. As I looked at the faces looking blankly at me in return, the same voice from this morning began to chant. And it was the same word over and over again. “Killer. Killer. Killer.” I put my hands over my ears, hoping to block out the eerie chant, but was still able to hear it in my head. Killer. KIller. I ran, hoping to escape the faces and the voice that was haunting me everywhere I went.

    I finally managed to make it home, but accidentally ran into my mother as I bursted through the door. "Whoa, hon, where's the fire?" ,she said with a surprised look on her face. I was breathless, but I somehow managed to tell her about the faces in the reflections, and the mysterious voice I kept hearing everywhere I went. Her face went from surprised to concerned to worried. She turned away, but I heard her say, " He said that they should have gone away." "Who said it should have gone away, Mom? What are talking about?" She spun around, putting on her 'everything-is-fine' face, and said, "Nothing, dear. Excuse me for a moment. I just remembered that I was supposed to call Uncle Donny today." I knew that was a lie, because Uncle Donny was in Brazil, and he wrote a letter saying that he had no signal where he's at, which was why he always wrote to us. She walked into the kitchen, and dialed a number. I leaned in the doorway, hoping to hear the conversation, and heard her say, "Yes, doctor, they're back...No, I haven't been giving him anything caffeinated...Are you sure?...Yes, We'll be right over. Good-bye." She hung up the phone, came back, and said that she wanted me to come with her to run a few errands. Not believing anything she was saying, I asked,"Mom,whats really going on?" She didn't reply, told me to put my backpack up in my room and to get in the car after I took care of it, and walked out into the garage to start the car. I reluctantly obeyed, came out into the garage, wondering who she called, and why she wouldn't give my a simple answer to my questions, and got in the car.

  86. 1 Danny Higgins/3-27-12/TT4

    2.(part 3) After what felt like an hour, we arrive at a stone building with a set of iron gates that were flanked by what seemed to be gargoyles. The sight of this building seemed to be familiar, but the name escaped me at the time. We parked the car in front of he building, got out, and walked inside. The air was cold and smelled of medicine, almost like a doctor's office. We stopped a receptionist desk, where the lady behind the desk, a blonde woman in her 30s, asked my mother to sign a piece of paper attached to a clipboard, and handed her a pen. My mother signed, handed back the clipboard, and began to walk down the hallway with me in pursuit. I asked her,"Mom, where are we?" She replied with out looking at me,"Somewhere that can help you with your problem." Problem? I mean, the thing with the reflections and the voice was a problem, but the way she said it, it sounded like it had something else to it. We went down a labyrinth-like hallway, a series of left and right turns, passing different rooms with blocked-off windows , which was personally fine by me, before we finally stopped at an office. Inside was what appeared to be a cross between a doctor’s office and a psychiatry room. Sitting inside one of the two comfy looking chairs was a man with a white labcoat, like a scientist’s, short dirty blonde hair, a five o’ clock shadow, and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, behind of which were a pair of brown eyes. He looks up from a clipboard that was clutched in his hand, and smiles with a set of coffee-stained teeth. “Hello, Michael.”, he says, “its good to see you. Please, have a seat.” He motions to the chair opposite of him. I sit down, wondering how he knew my name. He tells me that his name is Dr. Samson, and that he was going to ask me a few questions. He then asked me how I’m feeling, whats been happening lately, in which I tell him about the faces and the voice. His smile wavers for a moment, but then returns. After I finish my tale, he asked me to leave the room. I obey, and step out into the hallway. Curious, I put my ear to the door, and hear a coversation between my mother and Dr. Samson. “Why didn’t you call sooner. It was obvious that the pill was wearing off.”, Dr. Samson said. Mom replied, “I didn’t know. No one knew. It was only today that he told me about it.” “Hmm, I see...” “What do you think I should do? I never told him about what really happend that time.” What did she mean? What did I have to do with the spree? Suddenly, a sharp pain rang through my skull. I clutched my head, and see a flash of light. When I open my eyes again, I see my mother standing over me. “Michael? Honey, are you all right?” Another flash of light, and I see horrific scenes; The murders of all the victims, except I’M the one causing them. I’m kicking Chelsey down into the ditch, I’m stabbing Ms. Fowlton behind a bookshelf, I’m placing Mr. Chipters’ lifeless body on his lawnmower. Each scene has me as the murderer, and I can’t understa- Wait. No, it can’t be possible. But, there’s no other solution. Could it be possible? Could it be... could have it been ME that somehow went insane, was treated to this asylum, but somehow escaped and murdered all those people in town out of rage from imprisonment? Could it be that after the spree that I was finally caught and somehow cured by that pill they mentioned? Killer. It all makes sense. That raspy voice, the one I heard all those times, was my mind’s voice. I remember how I was bullied at school all the time, how my father and my mother were always busy, how, my brother treated me like a servant everytime he was in charge. I remember meeting Dr. Samson in that very same room, how I was locked away and eventually escaped to seek revenge against everyone I hated, along with a few innocent people that got in the way, how I was captured an cured by a blue pill that caused me to forget the whole ordeal.

  87. 1.Danny Higgins/3-27-12/TT4
    2. (conclusion) Another flash. I look around. I’m sitting in a white padded room. I try to touch the wall, but am unable to move my arms out of this straightjacket. I glance at the room’s window that allows me to get a single glimpse at the outside world, and see another reflection: yours.

  88. 1. Eddie Roberts, Mw2
    2. Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car, it looked like nothing, just like a plain windshield. Except
    I couldn't see inside the car and all I saw was darkness. This was very strange for me because I had never seen anything like it before. It freaked me out, but I just kept on walking to school. When I got to school I told my friend about what I saw. He didn't know what I was talking about at first, but after awhile he figured out what I was talking about. He told me the windows were just tinted and there was nothing to worry about. I still thought about it all day. I also thought about the other reflection and tried to figure out what it was. I thought about it for awhile until finally it hit me! The reflection was me and the sun looked like the globe I was holding.

  89. 1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 4/4/12

    Usually he gave me a ride, but that day I had to walk. Along the way, I noticed another reflection on another car - it looked like a magical unicorn poney. It had wings and a horn. It was glaring at me as if it wanted me to ride it. All of the sudden, I heard a noise, like a horse running towards me. I looked back at the windshield and the unicorn was still there. I turned around, and a horse pulled up upon me. There was a sheriff on it and had his gun pointed ahead to look like a horn. Turns out the "magical unicorn poney", was him the whole time.
