Thursday, September 29, 2011

Quote 3 - Liberty

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

1. Write your full name, date & hour (before you begin)

2. Develop a Lesson Learned (LL)

3. Explain this quote as if you were teaching a small child (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)

4. Provide one word that comes to mind after you understand this quote

Note: You may use dictionaries to research unfamiliar words to help comprehend the quote


  1. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Sammy Sutton 10/3/11

    2. (LL)People who give up there own life our personal belongings for others already did enough for us, and they don't need to be rewarded again.

    3. Some people chose to give up there chances and abilities to do things to other people. People in the army chose to fight for everyone else, there for, they don't need us to give them something back in re ward, it was there choice to do what they did.

    4. Independence!

  2. 1.Halle Chiarelli 10/3/11 MW2

    2. LL:Do not give up your rights because you might not get them back.

    3. Say you have one hundred dollars. You spend all of that money on candy. When you are done eating your candy, you have spent all your money and eaten all your candy. You no longer have either of them. If you make a decision make it worth doing. Don't waste your money on something that will last a short amount of time.

    4. Independence

  3. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Joshua Helm 3 Oct // MW2

    2. Don't be a sellout

    3. You should be strong so that you can be your protection. Don't give up your rights to be safe. You should have both. Be strong so you don't need to give away anything. Good Luck

    4. Win!

  4. LeAnn Howe MW2 10-3-11

    2.LL- Don't depend on other people.

    3. This quote means that you are free and you have independence. But you don't want to do something stupid that will take away your freedom. If you do something that is against the rules and you always depend on other people, you will not be independent. Going through life, leaning on someone elses shoulder won't help you. You need to be able to depend on yourself. One day you will wake up and it will hit you in the face.


  5. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Sam Love 3 Oct // mw2

    2. If you give up your freedom for safety, you don't deserve freedom or safety

    3. This quote means if your going to give up your freedom for safety you don't deserve either. That's like saying your going to give up your toys to be safe, but you won't get it. If you keep your toys (freedom) then safety will come. Don't worry if something doesn't go your way. With patience reward will come.


  6. Mckenzie Barth 10-3-11 MW2
    LL~People that are able to give up something they need or love, don't deserve it.
    ~ If you can give up your rights or privileges like being able to have a cookie before bed then you don't deserve it. You like cookies don't you? Cookies and other privileges like riding your bike are more important than a little bit of safety for short time. Besides you wear your helmet. If your able to give up eating cookies or riding your bike to be safe then you really don't need to have those little perks. Being safe does not mean that you have to give up what you love.

  7. Edward A. Roberts 10/3/11 MW2
    2.LL: If you wont give up your liberty for safety you don't deserve either of them.
    3.If you don't do something right just for something you want you Won't get either.So if you got the wrong answer on a test and when you are checking it you put the right answer just for a better grade, you won't get a good grade or be happy.So don't do some thing wrong just for something else. Or you won't get either. It has happened to me before.
    4. Independence

  8. Nicholas Michael Norman 10-3-11 MW2
    You can Give up something you love for someone who
    It's not hard to give something away when it comes to safety. Safety come first. I'm pretty sure somebody has had to do something like that in their point in life. Sooner or later, you will feel good about it.
    doesn't have anything. (LL)

  9. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Bryce Heatwole 10-3-11

    2. LL:you can not buy safty
    3. You cant buy safety. it is kinda a gift or something you have fight for. When you grow up you will always be fighting for your life and protecting your kids and or wife. You can not be given safety. This is a privilege that you may get. That is what i think this quote is saying.

    4. Independent

  10. 1. Write your full name, date & hour
    Timmy Uppleger 10-3-11 MW2

    2. Develop a Lesson Learned (LL)
    That you can give up essential liberty to purchase a little safety
    3. Explain this quote as if you were teaching a small child (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)

    In the 1700'S Ben Franklin said "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,deserve neither liberty nor safety". Witch means that they would give up essential liberty for a little safety.So they would give up a little liberty to get some safety. They would give up a little liberty to get temporary safety.

    4. Provide one word that comes to mind after you understand this quote.


  11. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 10-3-11 MW2

    2. Don't give freedom for safety.

    3. The quote "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" in my mind means that if you give up freedom for safety that doesn't last very long, you shouldn't get it. You don't know what freedom is? Freedom is what this country was based on, freedom is a word meaning the ability to do what you want. Of course there are still rules for people to keep them safe without having to get rid of their freedom. But, you can choose whether to follow them or not.

    4. Independence!

  12. 1. Matt Pankow, 10-2-11 MW2 get a little safety you might have to give up some liberty or pride.
    3. I would explain it by saying to get protection you might have to give something up. Liberty is pretty much justice and that is important to us. To give it up , you shud just not do it. Those who do shud face court . I do not think this is right.

  13. Riley Hafner 10/3/11 MW-2

    LL: Never give up something important for something that doesn't matter

    This quote has a true meaning. If you give up something that is important for something that isn't important, then you lose the right to have both of those things. Never give up something that has an impact on you for something that is as small and as unimportant as an insect. Liberty was one of the most important things people had and for someone to give that up for safety was very bad. Liberty meant that you had rights. Safety was nothing compared to that. Many people would fight for liberty before they fought for safety.

    One word: Independence

  14. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Chiera Palamar 3 Oct // MW2

    2.(LL): If one can give up freedom to allow only a little safety then they don't deserve freedom or safety.

    3. Considering your a child you will always be safe. So would you give up your "toys" for little safety? Meaning would you give up something that means a lot to you for something that you might not have for a long time. If so then you dont deserve safety or the toy.

    4. Independence!

  15. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Jacob Robinson MW2 10/3

    2. The lesson learn is to not give up essential liberty.

    3. The quote is saying to not to give up essential liberty. That is meaning not to give away your belongings for safety. Would you give away your favorite toy because someone is being mean to you and if you give it to them so they don't hurt? No you should not because you are only getting a little safety it doesn't mean its not going to happen again. So think about what you are doing before you are doing it because you are only giving your self temporary safety.

    4. Independent

  16. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Write your full name, date & hour (before you begin)

    2. Develop a Lesson Learned (LL)

    3. Explain this quote as if you were teaching a small child (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)

    4. Provide one word that comes to mind after you understand this quote

    Note: You may use dictionaries to research unfamiliar words to help comprehend the quote

    1. Matt Strong 10/3/11 MW2

    2.You can't give up liberty for safety, and if you do, you lose both.

    3. Ben Franklin says that you can't give up being a free person just so you can be safe. If you do that, you will not be a free person and you will also not be safe. You don't deserve to have both of those if you give up one of those for more of the other. So you can't give up part of your freedom for a little more safety. Or it's the other way, you can't give up some of your safety for a little more freedom.


  17. 1. Megan Marie Gunderson, 10-3-11, MW2

    2. I learned that Ben Franklin didn't think that If you were willing to give up liberty for safety than you shouldn't get liberty or safety.

    3.I would tell them that what he means is when you give up your liberty(freedom or your rights) for something, You shouldn't have the freedom or right's your provided or given.I also would explain that liberty means your freedoms and rights in a community.I would tell him that Ben means he cant just give up his freedom for a little bit of safety or something else you want.If he did, he doesn't deserve liberty or safety in Ben Franklin's opinion.That is how I would explain it to a young child.

    4. Independence

  18. 1. Evan Bauer, mw2, 10/3/11

    2. If you give up liberty for a little of safety then you should get no liberty and no safety.

    3. Liberty is a type of car that you have. It stands for freedom which is what we got when we moved to America. What the words say on the top of the page means if you were to give up your toy car for a little bit of candy then you don't deserve the candy of the car. The lesson trying to be said is telling use if we give up our right to be free our believes (which in your cause would be Santa and the Easter bunny) to be safe from something or some one then we don't deserve to be safe or have liberty. You will soon learn who Benjamin Franklin was but he gave us this light that let us see in the dark and that lets you have a night light.

    4. independence

  19. 1.Vincent Pecoraro 10/3/11 3rd hour

    2.Never give up freedom for safety.

    3.Never give up a free car for the same car that is owned by someone else. Never give up something that's yours that with something that will give you temporary pleasure. Be thankful for what you have and not what you could have. If you trade something for something you think is better that will not last forever.Because if you do this you will have nothing.


  20. 1. Write your full name, date & hour (before you begin)

    Mikayla Rowlette 3 Oct, 11 MW2

    2. Develop a Lesson Learned (LL)

    The people that will give up certain rights forever just for a small time of protection, do not deserve the rights or the protection.

    3. Explain this quote as if you were teaching a small child (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)
    People who give certain things up for a short time of somthing else, do not deserve both of them. So, like kids that give up their cookies for a glass of milk, dont deserve to have the cookies or the milk at the same time. They chose something that will make them happier for a few moments than something that will make them happier longer.

    4. Provide one word that comes to mind after you understand this quote

  21. 1. Zack Fuller mw2 10-3-11

    2. That they stuck to king for safety

    3. This Quote is from a man in history that is famous. that they give up a fight for a freedom to a little tiny bit of safety. witch after the war is over they should not get freedom. Freedom is the choice of religion and many other choices.
    so they try for a short time of safety but should not get it.

    4. Interdependence

  22. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 10/3/11 hr. MW2

    2. Those who give up Liberty to get little safety or Pride.

    3. Those who give up liberty deserve nothing

    big. If you give up your essential liberty for

    little safety, you deserve neither liberty or

    safety. The safety you purchase is very little

    safety. If you give up your essential liberty for

    safety, you get little safety. So, if you give up

    your liberty for little safety, you don't

    deserve liberty or safety.

    4. Freedom (liberty)

  23. 1. Joshua Helm 3 Oct // MW2 2nd Post

    2. Don't be a sellout.

    3. You should be strong so that you can be your protection. Don't give up your rights to be safe. You should have both. Be strong so you don't need to give away anything. Good Luck. If you give up rights for a little bit of protection you lose.

    4. Independence!!!!!

  24. 1. Malorie Moen 10/3/11 mw2

    2. Don't give your freedom to other people or counties, for safety, that won't last forever.

    3. Don't give up something you love, for something that won't last. Don't give up something that you've had for a long time, for something that you can't have very long. For an example, don't give up a childhood toy, for money, that will be taken away. Never give away the things that are special to you, for something that is not. If, you were to give something special away, you would be sad.

  25. 1.Abby Schoonover MW2 10/3/11

    2.(LL) Don't give up something big for something little.

    3.If you are a dancer and someone gives you a chance to win a huge scholarship at a convention and you decide to go hangout with your friends instead you just made the wrong choice. You chose to do something little instead of something big.It could have helped you in the long run if you had went to the convention to win the scholarship. You should have taken the chance you had. Instead you didn't and nothing will come out of what you chose.


  26. They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Alex Smith Oct. 3rd, 2011 MW4

    2. If someone is going to give up liberty for safety, then they do not deserve said safety nor the liberty they gave up.

    3. This quote means that if you are willing to give up a core value for limited safety you do not deserve the safety you give up. If you're willing to give up this right, you do not deserve this. People who'd do such a thing for un-guaranteed safety are foolish, and are taking advantage of what rights they have. If people are this foolish with this right, then do the really deserve to use it to buy safety? The answer is no.


  27. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1.Seth Wilson, October 3rd 2011, 4th hour

    2. You shouldn't give up something large like freedom for a small purpose, that wont last.

    3. It means that you shouldn't give away your freedoms for safety. That freedom is better than being safe for a small amount of time. And its worth fighting for freedom instead of giving it up. Also that the people that give up liberty for protection don't deserve protection or liberty, Because they took the easier path, and wouldn't fight for what they really wanted to have.

    4. Wise.

  28. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Brianna Rumple 10.03.11 MW4

    2.(LL) You shouldn't give up on something big for something little.

    3. Do not give up on something you love & that will make a difference in your life for something else that wouldn't impact your life or change it for the better.

    4. Independence

  29. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Michael Atwood Oct 3 2011 mw4

    2. LL: It means that if you let others take some of your rights away and they will protect you, then it's not right because you need to have a say in what happens to you.

    3. If you let people push you around, you aren't free. You need to stand up for being free. If you give up your freedom for someone to keep you safe, then you are still not safe from them. Do not let people tell you what you can and cannot do because you don't know what they'll do.

    4. Freedom

  30. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Seth Packard 10/3/2011 mw4

    2.LL- some one who gives up freedom to be safe should not be safe or free.

    3.This quote means that if there is a person who would rather be safe and not free should not be free or safe.He probably said that because they would be wasting freedom that others fought for. It would be stupid to give up freedom for safety, its the wrong choice, you aren't really safe if you are not free. You are taking a small, temporary thing over a large, permanent thing that could help your life greatly. That's what i think this quote means.


  31. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl MW4 10/3/11

    2. LL: Never give up your freedom.

    3. If you would want to become a soccer player, maybe for a college. You would have to work very hard and go to all of your games and practices. If you had a party that all of your friends were going to, or a soccer game that a scholar person was going to see if they wanted you to come to their school, you should go to the game! Or you will probably never get that chance again.

    4. Independence

  32. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Daisy York 10-3-11 m/w4

    2. You cant bail on something just because it doesn't happen right away. you have to be patient and work towards what you want.

    3. If at school you have a project with a partner and the two of you are having trouble agreeing. You shouldn't give up and join another group.then get a good grade and make it easier for yourself. You should talk to the person and make the best out of it,and be proud of what you accomplish when you put hard work into something.Even if it takes a long time.

    4. Believe

  33. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Kyle Gonos MW4 10-3-11

    2. LL: Don't give up something you need for something you want.

    3. If you had a tryout for a professional sports team and instead you go hangout at the movies you just gave up a huge opportunity. You choose to do something means very little instead of choosing to do something big. If you picked the movies instead of the tryout, going to the movies teaches you nothing. If you would have went to the tryout you could have taken something away from that and use it. Instead you chose to do something very little and you won't learn anything from it. The main idea from this to not give up something you need or love in life for something that won't last or for something you just want.

    4. Independence!

  34. 1. Ian Grady MW4 10/3/2011

    2. Don't give up on anything you want to do

    3. If you have a full college scholarship, then you go to that college. even if you are a Michigan fan and your scholarship is to Michigan State. You still have the same opportunities and you will still be happy! If you want to be an auto Engineer then you can take classes to be one. Or anything else you want to be is capable.

    4. Independence!! Boo Yaa!!!

  35. Camryn Ozuch 10-3-11 MW4
    "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    2. (LL) Don't give up something very important, you may not get something very important back.

    3. If you are giving something up that really means a lot to you, you shouldn't have it in the first place. You will probably loose the important thing and won't get anything back in return. You can't expect to gain somethng even better than the best. You never give up something important because the world isn't fair and you may loose instead of gain. Plus, if you give the best away, you are foolish to do so. You just want more and don't realize what you really have. Think before you act.

    4. LOSS

  36. 1. Austin Wicker Oct. 3,2011 M-W4th
    2. (LL)When you give up something important for something that is unimportant, you should not get that important thing back.
    3. Lets say I have a huge cross country meet and I am team captain. Then I choose to blow it off for some party that my friends are going to be throwing. For one thing I should probably not be trusted to be team captain again. Also my team needs me to help them win the race, but I'm out partying all night. This also affects me because when that race could improve my running, I'm really losing all my hard work over the season. Also it is hard to earn that trust back and maybe I don't deserve to get that trust back.

  37. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Nicholas Marlatt October 3, 2011 mw4

    2. LL: Those that give up liberty for safety.

    3. Those that give up liberty deserver nothing of good. If u give up liberty for safety, That you deserve liberty nor safety. When you purchase safety it is only little safety. But when you have liberty you have a lot of liberty.


  38. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Alex Lovings Oct 3 2011 mw4

    2. LL: Don't give up

    3. What i fell Benjamin Franklin is saying is that would you give up something you cherish for some thing that you might not have for ever such as your safety. Never give up something that you love. Always believe in what you love.

    4. FREEDOM!

  39. 1.Justin Wilson Oct 3 2011 mw4

    2. LL: Don't give something big for something small

    3. You chose to do something little instead of something big.It could have helped you in the long run if you had went to the convention to win the scholarship. You should have taken the chance you had. Instead you didn't and nothing will come out of what you chose.


  40. 1. Cheyanne Havermahl MW4 10/3/11 In Addition to my first post: Whatever Chance you get to make something big in your life you should go for it. Don't give up on your work, if its to hard ask for help because you don't want to do bad in something that your future and life depends on, like school. You don't want to have bad grades or not try because you can do better then that. So always remember to try!

  41. 1. Ian Grady in addition to first post...

    2. If you don't try to prosper then you wont. You have to dedicate time and effort into it. This is the rest of your life!

    4. Independence!! Boo Yaah!!!!

  42. 1. David Lesnau MW4 10-3-11

    2. If you have to pay for safety its not safety. (LL)

    3. do some thing you believe in do it. and no one can tell you that you cant do it. never ever not believe in your self.all awes believe in your self. theirs always sum thing you can do (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)

    4. Independents!!!!

  43. 1. Nella Galliher MW4 10/3/2011

    2. Don't give up your freedom.

    3. If you give up your freedom because you are afraid then you are giving up what you believe.

    4. Independence!

  44. 1.Justin Wilson Oct 3 2011 mw4

    3. If some one gives you a skolership and you chose some thing like playing video games insted

  45. 1. Heather Linn 10/4/11 TT2

    2. (LL) If you're willing to give up something so important for something so small, then you shouldn't receive either.

    3. Would you trade your favorite toy for a piece of candy? Sure you'll have the sweetness of the candy, but it wont last forever. You shouldn't trade something so important to you for something that will only bring you joy for a small time. If you do, then you never deserved either.

    4. Independence!!

  46. 1. Marissa Moore 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL: If you want something, you really have to work for it. You can't give in even a little bit.

    3. If you really want something, you have to do everything you can to get it! You can't give up, and you can't give in to anything. Even if it will take a really long time to get what you want, don't give up. The harder you work to get it, what you get in the end will usually be better.

    4. Independence!

  47. 1. Jake Landsberger 10/4/11 TT2

    2. No one should have to give up their freedom.

    3. Never give up your freedom. Our ancestors fought for it and we have to keep it. Many others do not have freedom so we must cherish it. Without freedom what is America? Just another communist country controlled by the government, the system. The system wants our freedom gone but that won't happen if we don't give up without a fight.

    4. INDEPENDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Write your full name, date & hour (before you begin)

    2. Develop a Lesson Learned (LL)

    3. Explain this quote as if you were teaching a small child (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)

    4. Provide one word that comes to mind after you understand this quote

  48. 1. Caeley Hendee 10-4-11 TT2

    2. LL: Never give up your freedom for anything, all ways believe in your rights.

    3. You should never give up your freedom for anything in this world. You will be able to do things you like and that you enjoy doing. Freedom is something that you will always have (unless you give it up)(never do that). Your rights are things that you are able to do. Never give those up either. You always need to have these things, to be happy.

    4. Independence

  49. 1. Blake Lapum, October 4 2011, TT2

    2. LL: People who try to buy freedom, don't deserve freedom at all.

    3. If you try and pay for your freedom, you don't deserve it. Ben is trying to say that you earned freedom, and you don't need to pay for it. Your already safe. You can't buy freedom, we already have it.

    4. Independence!

  50. 1. Cody Musulin 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL: Don't give up something important unless you know your getting something better back.

    3. Don't give up something important unless you know your getting it back. Because there are people out there that will take something from you and say they will give something better back but they wont give it back. When you lose that something you loved and never get it back you will never forget it and it will be harder and harder to keep going without it.
    so don't give that important thing away.

    4. Independence!

  51. 1.Brandon Wiese 10/4/11 TT2

    2.LL: Don't give your life, freedom, and liberty for nothing.

    3. The quote is trying to say that you can't buy safety. You can buy lots of perfection type equipment but that doesn't mean your safe. That's not freedom. Freedom is like being able to cross the street with out mom or dad next to you or going to the corner and getting your self an ice cream. That's freedom.

    4. Independence!!!

  52. Paige Leatherman 10/04/11 TT2

    2. LL: Don't give up something important

    3. If you get offered to do something that is important you should do it. If you don't do it then you might just be sitting at home being lazy. Like a job is important so if you get offered that take the offer. Without a job you won't have money to pay for things. Then you might not have everything needed to survive and that will inter fear with your safety.

    4. Independence!

  53. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Darren Murray, October 4 TT2

    2. LL: Chose to pick something less greater for something that's so big it can change your life.

    3. Say, if you were a Senior in high school and you chose to drop out instead of going to college. Picking a toy over stock investments. Going to jail and breaking the law or follow the law and be free the rest of your life.

    4. Self-Choice

  54. 1.Caleb Hudson 10-4-11 tt2

    2.Trading liberty for safety is not worth it.

    3.Trading liberty for safety is not worth it. Because if you give it up for safety then you wont have any left and the safety will wear off. I would not give up my liberty because its not right. safety is important but not as important as your liberty.


  55. 1.Kyle Shehan tt2 10/4/11

    2.LL: Don't be greedy

    3.Have you ever heard the Ben Francklin's famous saying? it goes like this, They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Confused, I'll bet here let me tell you what it means. it mean's if you have something don't try to take more then what you need or you might loose it.


    "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Write your full name, date & hour (before you begin)

    2. Develop a Lesson Learned (LL)

    3. Explain this quote as if you were teaching a small child (one paragraph, 5 - 7 sentences)

    4. Provide one word that comes to mind after you understand this quote

  56. 1.) Lexi Gross Oct. 4 2011 tt2

    2.) LL: If you can give up liberty for safety then you don't deserve neither safety or liberty.

    3.) Liberty is more important then safety and if you can give up your liberty then you shouldn't get either of them.

    4.) Independence

  57. Michael Hamilton 10-4-11 tt2

    "They that can give up essential liberty to

    purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1 Michael Hamilton 10-4-11 tt2
    2 freedom is good (LL)

    3.stand up to keep freedom. also freedom is good so we are free for ever. now stand up for the usa

    4. independents

  58. They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Brooke Boyd October 4-11 2TT

    2. always use your freedom in a right way. (LL)

    3. That you can give up something and get something little or big out of it. That it is always up to you as well and for you to decide what to want to do. Freedom is something use and to never give up on. If you have up something little they are saying that you will not get that much return but when you give up something big then u might get something big in return.

    4. Independence

  59. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Eric Wolfe 10/4/11 TT2

    2. If you have to pay for safety, It's not safety.

    3. If you have to pay fr safety, It's not safety. You cant just pay for safety to feel safe. You can only have safety by doing it yourself. Safety is not meant to be payed for. Its meant to be earned.

    4. Independence!!!

    Note: You may use dictionaries to research unfamiliar words to help comprehend the quote

  60. 1. Michael Yedinak 10/3/11 TT2

    2. LL. Work is not just about money its about who you really are.

    3. Say your parents give you 5 dollars to buy something. So you decide to get a present for your parents anniversary. You do this to give someone the money they earned and to be nice. You give it to them and they tell you thank you. This is what independence is about giving someone what they deserve.

    4. independence.

  61. 1. William McNamee 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL: Freedom isn't freedom if you give it up.

    3. Little Freddy if you give up your independence than it isn't there. You should never give it up because than you just don't deserve it anymore. Independence is what makes us all different and everyone has it. If you are ever in a situation that takes your independence fight for it. So the summary little Freddy is never give up your independence and fight for what is right.

    4: Independence

  62. 1.Sam Dovin. 10-4-11. TT2.

    2. LL- Keep your freedom

    3.If you were born with freedom keep it, if you weren't fight for it. Never give up on your freedom if you do then your not believing. Like going to Paris say its that one in a life time thing and you should take that instead of doing that and having the freedom to go there. Do it if its one in a life time.


  63. 1. Brooke Boyd October 4-11 tt2

    2. always use your freedom in a right way. (LL)

    3. That you can give up something and get something little or big out of it. That it is always up to you as well and for you to decide what to want to do. Freedom is something use and to never give up on. If you gave up something little they are saying that you will not get that much return but when you give up something big then u might get something big in return. And always do something that you believe in and to never give up on what you want to do.

    4. Independence

  64. Caleb Hudson tt2 10-3-11 in addition to number 4.
    We all have liberty. and if you trade your liberty for safety its not really safety is it? We all start out with it but if you give up your liberty for some safety means that you lose it. liberty should be important for everyone.

  65. Blake Lapum, October 4 2011, TT2

    In addition to what I said earlier: 3. You cannot buy your own freedom. We already have all the freedom we need. we can do plenty of things. Ben is trying to say you can't buy your freedom and we already have it, you can buy safety, but if you do that, you are saying that you don't feel safe in the united states and shouldn't be trusted because if you need safety you did something bad. So those who buy freedom, don't deserve it.

  66. 1. Michael Yedinak 10/3/11 TT2

    In addition to what i just said, you should do something you believe in without someone pushing you around. And respect people who respect your independence. Ignore people who don't. 4. Independence

  67. Darren Murray TT2 10/4/11
    In addition to my previous answer-

    3. This shows a hard choice because, you can pick one now or save it for the long run and have a lot more toys later or have one now.

    4. Independence

  68. In Addition to my Previous Answer

    1.) Lexi Gross Oct. 4 2011 tt2

    2.) LL: If you can give up liberty for safety then you don't deserve neither safety or liberty, so enjoy what you have, because nothing is better the your Liberty.

    3.) Liberty is more important then safety and if you can give up your liberty then you shouldn't get either of them. Never sacrifice your liberty for anything! Even safety cannot be better then Liberty. Independence is Liberty so enjoy it. I know that I would never ever in a million years give up my Liberty.

    4.) The word that comes to my mind when I read this qoute is Independence.

  69. 1. William McNamee 10/4/11 TT2

    3. In addition to what I said earlier fight the power no one can control you.

  70. 1. Jake Belford 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL. You shouldn't give something big up for something small.

    3. If I wanted to get a scholarship for golf I would go to every practice and every single tournament. I wouldn't go to a birthday party of my friends and give up a tournament just to have a little fun. I need to look ahead of my future like these people.

    4. Independence!

  71. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Eric Wolfe 10/4/11 TT2

    2. If you have to pay for safety, It's not safety.

    3. If you have to pay for safety, It's not safety. Safety is not meant to be payed for, it is meant to be earned by yourself. To be safe, just watch out for what you do in your everyday life. You cant pay for safety. You have to get it yourself

    4. Independence!!!

  72. 1. Elle Kennedy 10/4/11 TT2

    2. Don't give up freedom for safety

    3. If you get the chance to do something very big in your life, you should go for it. Like in usasa- united states of america snowboard association. If I were to compete in usasa all winter and do really good in most of the competitions , then i would probably make it to nationals.
    I would not want to blow it off by staying home, I would have worked for the chance to go, so I should go instead of wasting the opportunity. You should take every chance you get to do something and not waste opportunities.

    4. Independence!

  73. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Gursherveen Kaur Dhaliwal 4th Oct 2011 TT2

    2. Be wise my young child,don't give up something big for something small.

    3. Don't give up something big for something small,please my child do not give up something that you love.That will make a major difference in your life.You should have taken the chance you had.Instead you didn't and nothing will come out of what you chase.don't give up my child

    4. Hope for a child to achieve goals.

  74. 1.michael hamilton 10-4-11 tt2

    this is a conclusion my other comment

    2.freedom is good

    3.fight for your freedom and we can freedom.


  75. 1. Presslee Reisinger, October-4-2011, T/T2

    2. (L.L.) Not to give up something important as your freedom.

    3. Ok, so if someone is going to give up their freedom then they shouldn't deserve something like safety. Their freedom basically is their safety. With out your freedom you clearly have no rights. You don't want people coming in and shoving you around and telling you what to do.

    4. Indpendendence

  76. 1. Heidi Siemon Oct. 4 2011 TT4

    2. If you would be willing to give up liberty to get safety you shouldn't have either.

    3. If the people would rather give up liberty for temporary safety, they don't deserve it. you would be losing your freedom. You wouldn't be able to do the things you wanted to. If you didn't have your freedom, you wouldn't be able to go play outside with your friends whenever you wanted. We need our liberty.

    4. Independence!

  77. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Danielle Stowell Oct 4 2011 TT4

    2. Don't give up something really big for something small because you might not get it back.

    3. Never give up Liberty, you need it more than anything. Well if you choose to give it up that's you problem. Freedom and Liberty is something you will always have no matter what.

    4. Independence.

  78. 1.Danny Higgins, 10-3-11, TT4

    2. We shouldn't give up our liberty just for safety from others. We should hold strong to it.

    3. You shouldn't give your liberty to King George, little ones. You should hang on to it. Because if you give it up to the king, you're going to regret it. The king doesn't care about our liberty, he just cares about the taxes he gets. So, just keep it from the red coats, little ones, or you won't have much left.

    4. Independence

  79. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. BRENDAN SCHMITTER 10-4-11 TT4




  80. 1. Lexi Cox Oct 4 2011 TT4

    2. Don't give up the bigger challenge for a smaller reward.

    3. Don't give up the bigger challenge for a smaller reward. Think about trying train your dog how to sit. And no matter how many times you tell it to over and over it just wont listen. It's your favorite dog in the whole world but it will not sit when you tell it to. Don't just give up the challenge in trying to teach it to sit so you can get the reward of a new dog that you don't like as much but it can sit when you tell it to.

    4. Independence!

  81. 1. Molly Aills Oct. 4, 2001 TT4

    2. Don't give up something important for something of less importance.

    3. If you have to pay for your safety, it's not really safety. Liberty should not be given up for anything. Safety is not meant to be paid for. Nobody is allowed to take your liberty. It is yours alone to give or keep. Safety is temporary, liberty is forever. If you give up your liberty to pay for your safety, you do not deserve safety or liberty at all.


  82. 1. Josephine Parke Oct. 4th 2011 TT4

    2. LL: If you can give up liberty for safety then you don't deserve neither safety or liberty, so enjoy what you have, because nothing is better the your Liberty.

    3. Liberty is more important then safety and if you can give up your liberty then you shouldn't get either of them. Never sacrifice your liberty for anything! Even safety cannot be better then Liberty. liberty is a gift than you can give back but in the end if you give it up it wont be worth it! Independence is Liberty so enjoy it. I know that I would never ever in a million years give up my Liberty for something as small as my safety and risk ruining liberty for my friends and family.


  83. 1. Milan Mihajlovski Oct 4 2011 TT4

    2. If you see some thing fun but it looks dangerous don't do it.

    3. As you were taught little one if you see some thing that looks fun and looks dangerous at the same time don't go on it with out your mom an or dad's approval or a older sibling that's about 19 or 20.


  84. 1. Julianna Welling Oct 4 2011 TT4

    2. Liberty that cost nothing is better then to pay for your own safety.

    3. This is saying that why our you paying money when they are so far away. It is like you talk to someone and they can't hear you. It is important to you. Their life does not change. It only gets better for them because they save time on not listening to you.


  85. 1. Paul Anguish TT4 10/4/11

    2. You should not sell your liberty to gain safety.

    3. You should respect your liberty because if you sell it what is the point of you having it? If you sell it for safety your not really safe are you? To be safe is not something you can buy, its a feeling. To be safe you must have trust in others.

    4. Independence.

  86. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Sam Mynarcik 10-4-11 t-t4

    2.LL. You are not safe if you buy safety

    3. If you buy safety then you are not safe at all. Even though you can buy it you get it temporary, but you have no liberty at all. You are rich and you can't be better than anybody you have nothing only money and gold. We can find freedom the only way we can is to fight our way to the top.Don't give up on your liberty or freedom you can beat the king and don't let him beat you.

    4. Freedom

  87. 1. Devin Bryant 10/4/11 tt4

    2. keep your freedom

    3. What the quote is trying to say is that you can't buy freedom. You have to earn it buy standing up to people that try to take your freedom. you don't give him things like if i took one of your toys every day and i let you think you have freedom.


  88. 1. Mckaylin stone oct,4,2011 TT4

    2. that when something is unfair and you know it and you want to prove thats its wrong you have to prove that it is wrong so you can win whatever argument that it might be.

    3. they are saying that they can get essential liberty but it also come with a cost because you have to earn that liberty before you can get the liberty, also it saying that you will be safe just not as much as before this event had happened


  89. 1. Olivia Sdao Oct 4 2011 TT4

    2. Treat somebody as you would want to be treated.

    3. Treat somebody as you would want to be treated. This means don't hurt somebody else feelings. And if you do they may be treat you in a mean way. And it would not be fun to have your feelings hurt.

    4. Respectful

  90. 1. Paul anguish 10/4/11 TT4

    Additional Comment.

    2. You must believe that your safe to feel safe. You must have faith in others.

  91. 1. Sam Hall October 4, 2011

    2.Temporary comfort doesn't last a long as a permanent solution

    3. When Ben Franklin said this he was trying to win people over from the British. What he means is, while being loyal to England is keeping you safe, when liberty wins, you won't be safe anymore, but you won't deserve the freedom you could have earned. In other words, if I wanted to win the olympics, I would train every chance I got, I wouldn't lounge on the couch playing video games, because if I did I wouldn't deserve that gold medal.


  92. Milan Mihajlovski Oct 4 2011 TT4

    additional comment

    As you live your life don't go on any thing or do some thing that looks fun but as you see it and think about "why would i want to get in trouble or hurt?" so remember this theory.

  93. 1. Danielle Stowell Oct 4 2011 TT4 Additional comment

    3. Liberty and Freedom is something that you will always need. So never give it up no matter what happens. It's your choice on what you give up. And it's you life so you do what you want to to. Freedom and Liberty are great things so don't give them up.

  94. 1. Jensen Borkowski 10/4/11 TT2

    2. (LL) Keep the things that mean most to you because you may not get them back if you give them away.

    3. You shouldn't give something up that is special or important to you. In result, you may not get it back. For example, you give up your favorite toy for something that doesn't mean as much to you. You're going to wish you hadn't given your toy up. You should have kept the toy in the first place so you would have had what you wanted instead of taking a chance and possibly not getting it back or not getting what you wanted in return.

    4. Independence!

  95. 1. Maddie Haas 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL: You should not give up important things for little things that are not going to be important in the future.

    3. This means that you should not give up homework or school for your friends. If you decide to not do your homework because you would like to go to your friend's house instead, you might regret that decision. Decisions you make now could impact you in the long run and you will know and feel the impact it made. If it is a bad decision, you will know at one time or another. Just because you don't have an immediate result, doesn't mean it won't sometime in the future. So always do and choose the decisions that are going to help yourself in the future.

    4. Independence!

  96. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Mikal LaButte 10/3/11

    2. (LL) You don't give money for freedom

    3. What this quote said is that you can't buy freedom you have to earn it. You need to stand up to people who are trying to take it from you and say "NO YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY FREEDOM".

    4. Independence.

  97. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Payton Rentsh, 10-3-11, mw2

    2. You should not give up on anything, important not important little things big thing there all the same. don't give up.

    3. If you believe in something don't give up. If its small or big, its still important to you. It might not be important to someone else but it only matters what you think. Even if it stupid don't give up. Never give up.

    4. Freedom

  98. 1. Aaron Durham:10/3/11. 4th hour

    2. That as American's we should always stick up for each other through the best and worst of time and respect the enemy even if we know its wrong and respect the people of your country and to never give up just keep moving forward.

    3. Never give up hope on anyone or anything as American's we have been through a lot of stuff from the past and in the future and you need to understand that we need to stick up for one another as if we are brother's and sister's

    4. "You Get Knocked Down But You Get Up Again"

  99. 1.Christina mogg 10/5/11 mw4
    2. don't give up on anything.
    3. If you believe in something don't give it up.If it's small or big,it's still important to you.So you should never give up on thing important to you.

  100. 1. Jordan Danko 10/4/11 TT2

    2. LL If you give up liberty for safety then you don't deserve safety or liberty.

    3. Don't try to make something you already have more than you need because you might loose it. For example if you already have some toys don't try to make your mom by you more toys because you already have some so you don't need more.

    4. Independence!

    "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

  101. 1. Jade Cogar 10-6-11 TT2

    2. LL: If you give up your safety then you don't get liberty.

    3. If you give up your liberty you will give up your hope. You should always be safe and you should always have respect to other people even if you don't know them. Just never give up.

    4. Independence!!!!!!!!

  102. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Kirsten Brydon 4th hour 10-6-11

    2. Liberty is something to cherish, you should not give it up.

    3. When you hear this phrase, you should think about the things you can do today, this can be considered as freedom or liberty. A long time ago, we could not do all the things you can do today. We did not have liberty, but we were controlled by Britain, a country that is far away. Safety is a good thing to have but it is not more valuable than freedom in the respect of back then.

    4. Liberty

  103. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Kalani Gondick M-W 4

    2.Everyone should stay safe

    3. Everyone should all ways be safe. Someone could get lost out there in the middle of no where. No one should NOT be safe. Every one needs so be safe. Don't let any one walk off some where you don't know of. Everyone should stay safe


  104. 1. Brianna Rumple 10/10/11 MW4

    2. To keep careful watch out for danger or difficulties.

    3. Once when I was camping with my church group we were hiking at night and one of the campers got lost or left behind and we had to retrace our steps to find her.

    4. Soldiers fighting in war have to always be vigilant so that they don't get injured or shot.

  105. 1. Jacob Yannott, October 10, 2011 5th hour

    2. never give up your rights, because you probably wont get them back

    3. i had my rights to go uptown, and ride my bike and stuff. but every time i get a missing assignment, i get those rights taken away. then i cant hang out with my friends. also i cant go to footballs games with my friends, and have fun. all i can do is sit in my room with my lab top and my phone. And i cant go uptown, and go to the jumps. that's a example of losing rights, and not getting them back.

    4. UN-fair

  106. 1. Brianna Rumple 10/13/11 MW4

    2. It is important to know the character if the public men is so you know who they are. It's important to know who someone is so that you know what they're like and what kind of person they are. Whether they're a kind, caring person or a mean, cruel person it is important for others to know your character.

    3. My character is very outgoing. I love to have fun and make people laugh. I'm a very caring person that loves one another.

    4. Loving.

  107. 1. Brianna Rumple 10/13/11 MW4

    2. It is important to know the character of the public men so that you know who they are and what they are like. You should know what they're like so you know what kind of person they are and how they act. Whether your a nice, caring person who looks out for others or a mean, cruel person it is still important for the public to really know who you are at heart.

    3. I see myself as a very outgoing person. I love to laugh and have fun. I'm a very caring person who loves one another.

    4. loving.

  108. "The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men."
    Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

    1. Justin Wilson Oct 13 mw4

    2. It is important to know the character of public men because they are the ones that run ower susity.

    3. I like to be around people and family.

    4. find the answer

  109. 1. Aaricka St.Pierre Oct. 13, 2011

    2. Everyone should stay safe.

    3. Everyone should stay safe someone can get lost and keep watch out for everyone and be kind to others. help others and and stay safe.

    4. Independence

  110. "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Mikal LaButte 10/3/11

    2. (LL) You don't give money for freedom

    3. What this quote said is that you can't buy freedom you have to earn it. You need to stand up to people who are trying to take it from you and say "NO YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY FREEDOM".

    4. Independence.

  111. 1. Mikal LaButte 10/3/11 MW2 Additional Comment

    2. (LL) You don't give money for freedom you just earn it.

    3. What this quote said is that you can't buy freedom you have to earn it. You need to stand up to people who are trying to take it from you and say "NO YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY FREEDOM". And if they say well we can then you go to the lines and say well if you want to take my freedom then you will just have to take it from my family friends and my self

    4. Independence.

  112. 1. Brianna Rumple 10/17/11 MW4

    2. Feeling sad or disappointed about something

    3. I like this quote. I think it means a lot to us Americans who fight and strive for our freedom and Independence. There are a lot of innocent people in our country who sacrifice their lives for other people's freedom. I take it that he is saying that he wishes he could have more lives to sacrifice for our country.

    4. No because he is saying that he only regrets not having more lives to lose and sacrifice to our country, and other Americans to be free and independent. I might say the same thing but just state it a little bit differently. I would say God bless America.

  113. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. People give up their lives for some freedom but not a lot of freedom is given in the end.
    3. Some people fight to be free. These people give their lives up for this freedom. A lot of people do also give up things but they do not mean as much. Even when all those hard working people work hard they still do not get a lot of freedom. So fight for what you love.
    4.Choice because you can choose to want safety or freedom.

  114. Jonathan Haddon Oct 19 3rd hr


    If you give up your'e freedom for safety you didn't deserve it in the first place

    The word that comes to mind when I read this sentence is Brits

  115. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2011

    Quote 3 - Liberty
    "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin, 1759

    1. Stephen Moore,Oct.26 ,TT2

    2. If you give up your freedom,its like giving up your life.

    3. People fight for freedom so you could have a chance to be free.
    if i were to give up my freedom,i would be vary sad.

    4. the word that comes to my mind when i read this is you can choose to have safety or freedom.

    Note: You may use dictionaries to research unfamiliar words to help comprehend the quote

  116. 1. Joseph Swaney 11/5/2011

    2. He means if you give up your freedom for safetey, you don't deserve either.

    3. This quote means if you're going to give up your freedom for safety you don't deserve either of them. So if you give up an ice cream cone to be safe you won't be. However if you keep your ice cream cone, safety will come. If something doesn't go your way it's OK. With patience and dedication reward will come.

    4. Independence.
