1. Name Date Hour
2. Lesson Learned (develop a brief statement of understanding from this pie chart)
3. Develop two paragraphs. In the first paragraph describe the graph and its main points. In the second paragraph, share how this could be used to support a requirement to wear seat belts. (HINT: Allow your writing to be as if you were sharing it in front of an audience). Still must be grammatically correct.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. tyler pruneau, 1/30/12 mw4
ReplyDelete2. Lesson Learned would have to be dont let violence control you,and when you do let it violence control you,you might do something stupid that you can not replace.
3. i think the main points would have to be don't do thing you would regret in the later life time.
They also would like to get through to you by teaching you what you will be looking at after all of this has happened.
seat belts are important to where because,car accidents, perhaps you and a family member are driving to the mall,movies you don't have you seat bet on because you think its cool that way,but your family member does have a seat belt on.out of no where, a car just happens to come to a dead stop right in front of you,and your family member slams on the break and go flying through the windshield.?
1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 1-30-12
ReplyDelete2. Your going to pass away someday but wouldn't you want to die in old age and see the world than die young and never get to really live your life?
3. This graph makes people think to be more careful in life. This graph makes myself even stop and think that this could be me someday but that is only if I don't take care of myself and do whats right. The graph shows that the leading causes of death for teens, this should be a lesson for not just teens but for adults too. If you look close you will notice that the second biggest cause of death for teens is Motor vehicles and that makes sense because most teens have cars or motorcycles but it makes you think that when you are a teen and you don't get a car you will be safer. You could look at this graph and think if we didn't have these things no one would die as much and that is true but this graph tells you that you could get rid of these things and just keep your child safer and when that could rub off on your child to make better decisions and that will help your child not be on this graph.
There are many ways this graph can go around in your mind especially with the wearing of seat belts in a vehicle. This could keep anyone safe and they should be enforced because if you get in a car accident you have a better chance of living than if you aren't wearing one. Your life is better well spent have a long one than living a short one because if you don't wear a seat belt in a car than you are pretty much asking to live a short life. When you wear a seat belt you are probably not going to even get hurt in a car crash, so why not wear them? Most people don't wear them because they will be cool but honestly you are not because you wont be cool when your family is crying over your pale, still body.
1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/30/12
ReplyDelete2. Teens need to be more careful.
3. This graph has multiple great points. It is showing how teens are living sort of care free; and that isn't always good. When they are going to the movies with a group of friends, the car ride could get a little crazy. They aren't taking into consideration what the consequences are of car crashes. Also, teens aren't talking to people. Suicide is an awful thing that some people may not take seriously. If people were there to talk to, suicide numbers could go down. If you could stop one teen just by giving them advice and letting them talk to you, would you? You need to be there to help. Lastly, teens aren't keeping themselves safe. By putting themselves in risky situations, like going places alone or being out late at night, they don't know who is out there or watching them. If they thought about what they were doing before they did it, the other column may not even be evident. Teenagers are trying to push their limits and trying to get away with things, but sometimes, that doesn't always happen.
Since auto accidents are a huge part of teen death, people need to know the importance of seat belts. Some teenagers may not think it's "cool" to wear a seat belt. But we'll see what is cool and not cool when one person was wearing a seat belt and the others weren't. It's not "cool" to be dead. That's the bottom line. If you knew you were going to get into a car accident, wouldn't you put your seat belt on and brace for impact? That would be the smart thing to do. The bad part is, you never truly know when your going to crash your car. No matter how bug or how little the accident, it could still harm you. If you don't have a seat belt on, you could hit your head on the windows, or even go flying through the car without any restriction. Nobody can make the choice, except you.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Cody Musulin 1/30/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2.The "worst death" isn't the #1 death.
3. In this pie chart, there are 4 ways of people losing their life. On the news, you always hear of suicide and homicide first before anything. What you don't hear is car crashes. There more than 2x as much car crashes as there are suicides. They think that they need to start stopping so many suicides, they need to look around and see the statistics. If we don't start lowering the car crashes, it's going to keep going up and up, until that pie chart, is up to 100% car crashes.
If we are going to stop car crashes, there is one thing that we need to make more clear. People need to wear seat belts ALL the time. People always say, "oh, it's fine, I'm not going to get in a crash, I don't need to wear that, what if we go into a lake and I can't get out?" well, to that I say, if we go into the water, we have a longer chance of getting out, than if you aren't wearing a seat belt and you go flying through the wind shield when another car hits you. Seat belts will save your life, there is no use if you just leave them to the side, it wont protect you if it's not on. If we can egt that in people's minds, then that pie chart, will go down and down till it hits 0%.
1. Molly Aills 1/31/12 TT4
ReplyDelete2. Better safe than sorry.
3.This graph shows the reasons of teen deaths. It shows that, though car accidents are not the highest level of deaths, it is only 2% below the All Other category. They happen a lot, taking up 35% of the pie chart. Though suicide only is 12%, it's the big one that makes the news. It just shows that people are unhappy with their lives for whatever reason, and it shocks people that the teens would do this to themselves. It seems that automobile accidents are an accepted fatality because they're so common. Yet each one who dies was someone's baby, someone's child, and that loss will cause the parents and friends to never be the same.
Deaths, whether by automobile accidents, suicide, homicide, or various other reasons, are tragic and devastating to the victim's family. Automobile accidents do not seem to make the news these days. And that may be because they are so common, an accepted fact. I disagree, though they are common, they should not be treated thus, seeing as they can cause families to fall apart. Seat belts and other safety features are important in today's cars. Seat belts could prevent you from hurtling though the windshield or a window during a crash. It may hurt you, but being hurt is better than being dead. Seat belts can save your life if an accident occurs, and it is crucial to wear them so you are ready if that accident ever occurs.
1. Kirsten Brydon 1-31-12 4th hour
ReplyDelete2. "Better safe then sorry"
3. Imagine a car accident. Whether we like it or not, anyone can be thrown into that situation. A fact that you should know is that if that happens to you, you have a better likelihood of surviving the wreck with a situation. This is because a seatbelt is a restraint that keeps you from flying forward. Otherwise, you would fly forward until you hit whatever is in front of you, and that means that you could hit the windshield. Which do you think you could better endure?
A car accident is a bigger deal without seat belts. Without seat belts, the number of deaths on the chart will increase. If we chose to wear our seat belts, the number might even decrease!!!! One example of this is to think about how you would do in a car crash. Would you wear your seat belt? Or not? Your answer to this question might help determine your survival in that situation. What do you choose?
1. Danielle Stowell 1/31/12 TT4
ReplyDelete2. Why do teens do things they know are not right to do?.
3. This graph shows 4 ways of teens choosing to end their life. When you're watching the news in the morning or in the evening the first thing they talk about is breaking news and there's probably a 50/50 chance thats it's about people killing themselves. Suicide is a bad thing and it seems to happen a lot with teens, you don't hear about adults killing themselves it's just teens. Thats why we have councilors in school to try and help you get through your life if it's not the greatest. You would think with the teens who need counseling the suicide actions would go down. Teens take risks that they think nothing with happen to them when there out late at night because they don't know if somebody's out there to get them or somebody could be watching them. Teens will always try to get away with things they did, but what they don't kno is that they will get caught.
If we want to stop people from getting into car crashes, then they need to open up their ears a WEAR A SEAT BELT AT ALL TIMES! People say "oh I'm not going far I'll be just fine". Well even if your not going far you still need to wear a seat bell cause you don't know what could happen. Somebody driving could lose control of their car and smash into you and you could go flying through the wind shield. Wouldn't you rather be safe wearing a seat belt, than be thrown through the wind shield dead or injured? I would rather be safe! Seat belts are not there just for looks or decoration in your car, they're there for a reason and that reason is to protect you incase something like that were to happen. People don't know how much a seat belt can save your life so wear them. We are going to get that in peoples minds and try to get that pie chart to 0%. In the second paragraph, share how this could be used to support a requirement to wear seat belts. (HINT: Allow your writing to be as if you were sharing it in front of an audience). Still must be grammatically correct.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
Ryan Radzioch/2-1-2012/4th hour
Deletewhy can teens be so stupid?
on the graph i saw it shows plenty of ways teens die. all this gets me wondering. like for example i feel bad for those kids that get bullied or something and then kill themselves. or like homicide or while driving a motor vehicle. but there are plenty of other ways that they die. like th graph says other so thats alot of ways teens die. i feel bad for those teens how they die so young and probably for no reason. thats why im against teen death. also another way teens die is if they dont were a seat belt or drunk driving. so all together i think this is a bad thing. :(
1. Abby Schoonover MW2 2/1/12
ReplyDelete2. Most deaths are caused by motor vehicles.
3. This graph could make you rethink how safe you really are. When I first read this graph I thought to myself this could be me one day, dying for homicide, suicide, or dying from a car accident. You can see clearly in this graph that most teens die from car accidents or other forms of death. Homicide is the third biggest cause of teenage deaths. Finishing with the least amount of teenagers is suicide. If you think about it more teenagers are dying from accidents rather than on purpose. In a way that is good.
This could easily support a seatbelt requirement. The graph shows more teenagers dying from car accidents than any other form of death. I bet over half percent of the teenagers who died in a car accident did so because they were not wearing a seatbelt. Some people say that when you turn sixteen you don't have to wear a seatbelt anymore. I think that is irresponsible and stupid. You should always wear a seatbelt no matter what age you are.
1. Joshua Helm/2-1-12/MW2
ReplyDelete2. Machines don't have brains, use yours!
3. This Graph shows how teens lose their life. It is an unsettling subject, seeing how kids my age lose their life. Life can be saved if teens knew they should ALWAYS have a seatbelt on. When parents warn younger children about getting unbuckled and they'll fly through the wind shield it is not a joke.
This is a warning to all teens who think seatbelts are stupid,annoying,dumb, or anything else this chart shows YOU have the highest chance of dieing without a seatbelt. Don't be stupid people, put on your seatbelt. Save your life, You won't be sorry.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Malorie Moen 2/1/12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. Make good choices.
3. The graph shows the leading causes for teen deaths. The second cause of teen deaths is from motor vehicles. Many teens get in car accidents caused by drunk driving, or not wearing a seat belt. If the everybody made good choices, then there would be less teen deaths. The main point of the graph, is to tell people to be careful.
Seat belts are very important. Without them, we would not be safe in a car. If you were in a car accident, you would want to be wearing a seat belt, so you don't get seriously injured or die. Many people who don't wear seat belts, end up dying. The seat belt keeps you from flying forward and hitting something hard, or going through the window. You should always wear a seat belt, because then you know that you are going to be safe.
Riley Hafner MW2 2/1/12
ReplyDeleteLL- Motor vehicles and other reasons are the biggest causes fo deaths in teens.
In the picture above, there is a pie chart. This chart shows four leading causes of deaths in teens. Motor vehicles, homicides, suicides, and other are shown on this graph. The two biggest causes of teen deaths are motor vehicles and other. With motor vehicles being at 35% I have reason to believe that one of the reasons that this number is so high is because teens not wearing their seat belts. Along with seat belts, there is underage drinking, substance use, and back set drivers. If all of these things could be avoided, the death rate of teens do to motor vehicles would go down.
As I had said, my reasonings for so many deaths is the teens are not wearing seat belts. Even though seat belts are uncomfortable and annoying, they help save lives. When you get into a car crash, instead of flying through the windshield, wouldn't you like to be safe inside the car? And if your car rolls over wouldn't you rather stay save in your seat instead of tumbling around like your in a washing machine? In serious accidents glass can fly and metal can become bent out of shape and with a seat belt you can stay safe and secure. In some new models of cars the seat belts even have an air bag inside them that will come open in case of an accidents. Do you really want to be the next victim to die because you made a dumb choice and not wear your seat belt? I don't think so.
1. Nick Norman MW2 2/1/12
ReplyDelete2. I'd rather be safe than sorry
3. The graph explains that the number one reason for teens deaths is sickness, drugs or other reasons. Right behind them is motor vehicles. Teens often like texting while there driving and that is against the law. The like to bring friends in the car to go places after school. When that happens they text, and listen to music. The driver doesn't pay any attention to the road and they are dead and so is the person they hit. Death at this age is terrible.
Wearing seat belts is very important. Just by putting your seat belt can save your life buy you might not know that. If you get into a crash it can save you from going through the front windshield. Or hitting your head on the window next to you. Besides that if you get caught not wearing your seat belt you will get a ticket from to police. As you can tell wearing a seat belt can save your life no doubt.
1. Mckenzie Barth MW2 2-1-12
ReplyDelete2. It's better to be safe than sorry
Think of a car accident. You swerve off the road into another car. You make it out alright however, the other person does not. People die everyday and this graph shows the ways teens die. 35% of teens die in motor vehicle accidents. Lot's of teens think that they are "too cool" to wear seat belts. It's better to be safe than sorry. I would pick my life over what everyone thinks is cool. You don't look that cool in the hospital. Teens also commit suicide. We have had many suicides in Pinckney, but none in awhile. Pinckney is coming back. Detroit is coming back. With all the homicides and such, the people still have high spirits there. Suicides aren't just the only ways teens are dieing this graph shows us that.
This could be used to support a requirement to wear seat belts. The graph clearly shows that 35% of teens die in motor vehicle accidents. Do you know who teens are? Teens are the future they will soon be the adults of the world. We need to protect the soon to be adults. Who is going to run businesses and such when our parents get elderly? Seat belts can save a persons life. It's like wearing helmets on a motorcycle or bike. You may not need them all the time, but if you fall your going to wish you had it on. Motor Vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of teen deaths. Seat belts are very important.
1. Evan Bauer 2/1/12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. People are not perfect.
3. This graph explanes that people are not perfect. It tells use that we need to be carful. We need to be thankful of every moment we are alive because are life can disappear in a mer-mater of seconds. Not every one is as lucky to live to see there children grow up to be adults and to see there children grow to be young teens. So be thankful of live, for it is great and it is wonderful.
This chart shows what some teens die by. One of the parts of the graph is car accidents this is 35% of the graph! About 3/5 death from car crashes can be avoided by wearing a seat belt. If you are going 20 MPH and you hit a tree, you have a high chance to live through it but with no seat belt you have a much lower chance of living through the crash. Even at low speed a crash can be fatal. So think of this when you get in a car next time, Your family is expecting to see you return from that car ride so don't let your family down, wear a seat belt.
1. Vincent Pecoraro 2/1/12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. People need to be safer drivers.
3. These graph shows a lot of things. First it shows that almost more deaths is from vehicles then natural causes which is kind of scary. This graph is almost saying that we are dieing from more things made by human then anything. This shows us that we need to really improve on our construction of things to make then more safe and reliable.
Since you no that in my debate I'm doing a con to seat belts so I will talk that way more against it, so bear with me. In my opinion seat belts even though improve lives the are just covering up bigger problems. We need to look in our future for what were we want to be in the future and not what we want now. I think that they need to improve the safely on roads and inside cars to improve peoples chance of surviving a crash. We need to focus on less crash's instead of preventing survival in a crash. There will be a time when seat belt wont always save you, so its better improve the conditions of driving so you don't crash in the first place. Sure seat belts are a good thing but the more we advance into the future the faster cars are getting to the point that when you crash you still have a good chance of not surviving even with a seat belt. This also brings me to something else that to improving teens driving instead of making it eighteen to get your license make it so you start drivers ed earlier in your life so you know more about the roads but still get your license before collage. These are the ways I thing we can improve the survival of teens in automobiles as we progress in years.
1. Eddie Roberts, 2-1-12, mw2
ReplyDelete2. Deaths can be on accident or on purpose
What i've learned from this graph is that the most people die from other causes each year. Also that the least amount of people die from suicides each year. Automobile crashes is a very close second right behind other causes. I could see that this would be so high on the chart because of all the people out there that should not be driving. A lot of them are teenagers being dumb. But its also old people who cant see very good and should not be driving.
Since all of these crashes are happening I think the car companies should rethink their safety precautions. Too many people are dyeing each year from automobiles and it can be stopped. I believe that all car should have the seat belts that nascar drivers have because they are very safe. If a police driver see's someone that is not wearing a seat belt, I think they should go to jail.
1. Halle Chiarelli 2-1-12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. It is not easy to bare a death, but it is very simple to prevent one.
3. This graph is to describe the many ways of teen death. There are obviously many ways that death can occur and this graph shows the frequent percent of how these happen. Deaths can occur from an accident or it could happen purposely. There are not only many ways of death, but there are also many reasons. There are so many causes for death, a death in a car accident could result in not wearing a seatbelt. If you died from suicide then that person could have been bullied. If you die from homicide then there could have been tension between the two people. All of the other reasons of death could have thousands of other reason. It is not only the reason that makes a death tragic but in the end it doesn't matter, death is still tragic and people should stop any cause of it. Be a person to help end bullying, depression, fighting, tension, or any of the other thousand reasons.
This could be shared to inspire people to follow the law of wearing a seatbelt very easily. All someone needs to hear is the percentage of the death rate of motor vehicle accidents, and a few stories. The death of a motor vehicle accident could be prevented so easily if you just simply wore your seatbelt. A story that I will never forget is the story of my cousins friend. He just left the bar and was not wearing his seatbelt, he slid into a ditch and flew out the wind shield. His other friend who was in the car was wearing his seatbelt so he just got some major injuries but luckily for him, he was not killed. When a person dies from a motor vehicle accident, you are loosing a friend, a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, and grandparent, an aunt, an uncle and many other things. All the people who were related to that person would suffer through loosing them. It is not easy to bare a death but it is easy to prevent one. Not only it is the tragedy of loosing someone but what if you were the one who killed them. You could be the one who has to live with the guilt of killing somebody. Think before you do something stupid. Don't be the person who gets in the car after a night at the bar. Don't be the one to kill somebody purposely out of anger. Don't be the one to kill yourself out of depression. All the advice of this entry is encouraging you to just be smart and wear your seatbelt.
1. Katelyn McCarthy MW2 2-1-12
ReplyDelete2. Don't let violence control you, or you might do something that cannot be replaced.
3. The graph shows 4 ways of death. Homicide, Suicide, Motor vehicle, or other. You would mostly hear about homicide and suicide on the news. But what about other or motor vehicle? Sometimes you would hear about motor vehicle deaths on the news. the graph shows that most deaths are because of motor vehicles or other type of death.
Most motor vehicle deaths are because of not wearing seat belts. Seat belts were made for a reason: to keep you safe. Most people die because they didn't wear their seat belts. Car accidents are the biggest cause of death because of not wearing seat belts. Some people think that because that they are a safe driver that there won't be a car accident. There are other people that could run into your car. They don't get that. People need to think when they don't wear seat belts. Seat belts are there to keep you safe.
LeAnn Howe MW2 2-1-2012
ReplyDelete2. Think before you act
3. The graph shows the leading causes of how teenagers have died. Most of them have died from motor vehicle accidents and other causes. The least common cause is suicide. Personally, that is too high of a percentage. Teenagers need to understand that they are not alone in this world and should get help if they need it. The percentage for homicide is high too.
Seat belts save lives. A lot of teenager think that seat beats are not “cool”. In most of the deaths caused by motor vehicles, teenagers were not wearing their seat belt. Everyone of those kids was a son, daughter, best friend, brother, or a sister. What if that was your brother or sister who got killed because they weren’t wearing their seat belt? Would seat belts still be “uncool” to you? If you are in a car and someone is not wearing a seat belt, tell them to put it on. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 2-1-12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. It's better to be safe than sorry.
3. This chart is a chart that shows the leading causes of teenage death. There are four categories that are shown: motor vehicle, homicide, suicide, and all other. Let's face it, when your watching the news, there is always a story about either a death or an ongoing investigation involving a death. The ones I remember the most are the accidents or deaths that involve teenagers. It's sad to say that there are a lot of deaths that involve kids that haven't really got to live life yet! It's horrible! The worst part to me is that next to all other, it is vehicle accident that is the biggest piece of the pie! That's from not wearing a seat belt.
Wearing a seat belt may not be the best experience. I mean when you drop something on the floor, you bend down to get it and the seat belt is locked. Sometimes they are uncomfortable! They get in the way, but you will be thankful when you hit a tree and you don't fly forward into the dashboard and die of an injury that could have been prevented! Teenagers sometimes don't want to use the seat belt because they are too "cool" or don't think it will matter since they are driving to a friends house that's around the corner. You never know! The future is what you make it...... don't ruin it.
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1. Payton Rentsch, 2/1/12 mw2
ReplyDelete2. Lesson Learned is that no matter how you die someone will miss you and that can cause another death.
3. The graph is to share how teens die and the different ways they die. The main ways they die are All Others and Motor Vehicles. The main point of this is to get people aware of all the teen deaths. But when you watch T.V. or the news you dont usually hear about the car crashes first. On the news they usually hear about suicide or homicide. I think we need to get people aware about every kind of death there are and how to handel a situation like that. There are many different was of deaths for teens but we are not aware of all of them.
You should always ware a seat belt no matter what. The second most often way of teen death is in Motor Vehicles. When you are in a Car you should always ware seat belts no matter what for your safety. Even if the driver is a good and safe one. If you get in a car crash and you are not waring a seat belt then you could be thrown out of the car and killed in an instant. If you want to be dumb and not ware a seat belt and risk your life well go ahead. You should always ware a seat belt.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
Chiera Palamar mw2 Feb 1
ReplyDelete2. Motor vehicles are one of the highest causing deaths of teens.
3. To be honest, this chart means nothing to me, in 2010 I lost many friends due to over dose,suicide and few car accidents not only but my brother. What this chart tells me is, live your life to the fullest, now i know everyone says that but its true. When that time comes, then it just does. No one deserves to die but everyone does. Don't sit there waiting for it.
This graph doesn't give any reason to wear a seat belt, 35 percent? All tho if you looked at a graph from the 50s or 60s I am sure that would tell you different but I know what else can. Back in 1997 my grandmother got in a car crash, a pretty bad one. She had been hit from the side and spun, ended up flipping and sliding down the road. To remind you this was just in a small town. Seconds before she was hit she put her seat belt on. She told me, as she was sliding she could see the pavement going past her threw the window on the drivers side. After it stopped she crawled out of the passenger door and yelled for someone to help her out, she wasn't hurt at all. Now you tell me, if she hadn't of been wearing that seat belt would she of been here today?
1. Matt Strong 2/1/12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. Better to be safe than sorry
3. The main point of this graph is to show the many reasons of death for teenagers. 12% is caused by suicide. The main reason for suicide is bullying. Some kids have gotten so upset that they have killed themselves because of it. 16% is caused by homicide. Why take another person's life? Why does someone deserve to be killed by someone else? 35% is caused by motor vehicles. Teenagers think that just because they have a car they're indestructible. They think that nothing will ever stop them. But then one day they get a text and it can't wait until they stop somewhere and boom! They've hit another car going 50 mph and they've flown through the windshield and can't do anything to save their lives. The other 37% is caused by all other reasons. Whatever the case may be, someone doesn't deserve to die because of it. Especially one that is that young.
1. Matt Pankow 2-1-12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. Some things leave scars on people
3. Without the invention of seat belts what would the world be like. You may think it wont make that big of a difference but it would. Just think, if we didn't have seat belts for car accidents how many more people would not survive the crash. the seatbelt is an important thing to be wearing while in a moving motor vehicle because of the risk of getting into a accident. Car accidents seem to be more common in teens because of there lack of experience of driving. While teens are driving they could always wear a seatbelt and they should be double the time careful on there actions while driving. Teens should always wear there seat belts.
When driving teens should be very responsible by convincing your friends to wear there seat belts in case of a problem. Not only is it against the law to not wear your seat belt but it is also a common sense thing. Teen drivers do not have enough experience to be driving with out being in control. Being in control of your driving and your passengers is a role your responsibility. Just by saying a few words to your friends explain why they should where there seat belt could save there life. Having seat belts are great things to have and we are taking advantage of them by not wearing them. Next time you get in a car do a simple check to be sure everyone is wearing one and just renmber to be safe.
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1. Megan Gunderson MW2 2/1/12
ReplyDelete2. Better safe than sorry
3.The pie chart above show how kids are irresponsible. The pie chart shows that 35% of teens die in motorcycle accidents.I imagine one of the biggest reason they die in a motorcycle accident is because they aren't wearing a helmet or the proper attire. Next 12% of teens die from suicide.Then 16% of teens die from homicide.This is most likely to do with teens getting involved with the wrong people or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Last we have 37% of teens die from all the other possible ways.This includes car accidents,plane accident,boat accident,and everything on the t.v show"1,000 Ways to Die."Now look what we have here. All of the above are ways to die if you are stupid and irresponsible. Most of these deaths have a way to avoided. An example would be a car crash. You could most likely avoid death if you simply wear your seatbelt.There is no reason you should have your seatbelt off when your in a car.You mat be going down the street to your neighbors, you should still have your seatbelt on! Even if it going to take you ten seconds.
Imagine a clear open road.Just you and a nice long drive asking the back roads.The out of no where a deer jumps out.You swerve and your car crashes into a ditch. The next thing you know you here sirens. You eye flicker trying to see what happened.You try to open your eyes, but you cant do it.Your eyes slowly drift shut.the noise drowned out and you feel numb.Now picture this your parent rush to the hospitable where they find out you died in a car crash.They ask for the reason of the crash.The doctor replies"a deer jumped in front of the car and you daughter swerved into a ditch.She had a chance of living, if she would have worn her seatbelt.your parents turn to each other for comfort.they cry and cry and already dread the day of the funeral they are going to have to put together.Now that you have seen all of this imagine this.A clear open road.Just you and a nice long drive asking the back roads.The out of no where a deer jumps out.You swerve and your car crashes into a ditch.The next thing you here is mam are you alright.Were taking you to the hospitable.your eyes flicker shut.You then wake up in the hospital with you parents looking at you.The doctors walk in and says" oh look at that your awake. Your a lucky one.Good thing that you had your seatbelt on."he next day your released from the hospitable and all is well.You only have a few bumps and bruises.All because you learned he moment you get into a car you must put four seatbelt on.
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1. Jacob Robinson MW2 2/1/12
ReplyDelete2. Better to be safe than sorry.
3. This graph is showing the main reason teens are dying. The 3 main reason they are dying are from homicide, suicide, and motor accidents. Motor accidents are referring to car crashes, motorcycle accident, or any other motor like vehicle that runs on gas. From looking at the graph, motor vehicle accidents are the main things from deaths of teens. Probably the main reason of deaths from this is because teens are not wearing seat belts while driving.
This graph helps with support of making teens or people in general to wear seat belts because it is the most happening thing for teens death. Not wearing a seat belt while driving is a life risking thing to do. If you drive to fast and u hit something you can fly through the windshield and hit the concrete and die. Another way is you can his your head hard but no die. If you hit your head hard enough though you could die but no matter what hitting your head hard on the top of the dashboard could give you a concession.
1. Mikal LaButte 2/1/12
ReplyDelete2. Think before you act.
3. This graph is a example of four different way that teens choose to end their life. All you hear on the news now it death after death. For example one night i was watching the news with my dad in the kitchen and then it showed a picture of this 15 or 16 year old and under it the words said Teen Suicide. I looked at my dad and then shook my head. Then they went into more detail about it and they said that he was getting bullied at school because he was gay then to solve all of his problems he jumped off a bridge. After they said that my dad turned to me and asked if I was a bully and I said "no". Then he said good.
Seat belts Seat belts Seat belts. They are live savers. I heard on the news that their was a car accident and their were 5 people in the car and they all had their seat belts on except one and that was the person who died. Seat belts are the best thing invented because they have saved so many lives in the world. Always where your seat belts even if you are just going down the road 300 feet. If you want to keep you life and not give it to the heavens then where your seat belts.
Jonathan Haddon 2/1/12 3rd hour
ReplyDeleteLL: Teens do stooped things but they also do some smart things.
THis graph shows the top four ways that teens choose to end there life, most get put in the all other category but sadly there are still some that choose to do suicide or commit homicides. This could all be avoided if the anti bulling law would be put in affect ASAP as well as getting rid of poverty, and getting rid of racism, I mean seriously have you ever been bullied, if you have than just ad an already miserable life to that and thinking that you cannot do anything about it and that you only have one way out or that you have to shoot the bully to get him to stop, but texting while driving is another story the cell phone companies may have to create a function that comes standard with all cell phones that lets the parents disable the option to reply to a text or call while they are in a car or class and lets them know when they are out of the car or class.
1. Henry Haidler, 2/1/12, MW2
ReplyDelete2. Its better to safe than sorry
3. This graph shows the leading cause for death for teens and something that stood out to me was that suicide was 12% I never really thought that many people committed suicide but I know that many people have depression and thought about it. For 35% it was motor vehicles without wearing a seatbelt and that is really surprising because I don't really experience that much death without wearing a seatbelt I don't know anyone that has died like that. Just because its not normal or its weird and unusual to me doesn't mean that it is to other people, it could actually happen a lot with other people in different places but here its not as much. I feel sorry for the people that have to go through deaths because its heartbreaking if you really know the person.
When you experience a death it can be really hard on you if you are close to them and when you know that they are doing something wrong but not telling them bad things could happen can be worse for you and the person that isn't doing the right thing. Everyone has done something wrong and made a mistake and you should learn from them but when you really don't realize and nobody tells you it can be really bad. Think about losing one of your favorite friends or someone you really care about and knowing you could have done something about it. Most of the time people know that they aren't wearing a seatbelt but don't say anything about it because they could worry about what they think of them after they say it. Death and losing people are serious and are really sad it ruins some things in your life and can't get over them sometimes you should tell people if they are doing something wrong and make a difference
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Ian Grady 1/30/2012
ReplyDelete2. If you wear your seatbelt, you will cut down the leading annual deaths of teenagers.
3. The graph shows the leading causes of death in teenagers and what they are. The main points that this graph is trying to prove is that 35% of teen deaths are because of auto accidents and or not wearing their seat belts in the car. I have had friends die in car crashes and its not fun. It never is.
This could be used as a kind of scare factor for people who don't wear their seat belts so it can show people that they can die easily if they do not wear them. All in all, you always need to wear your seatbelt no matter what.
1. Seth Wilson, Feb 1st, MW4
ReplyDelete2. where seat belts.
3. The thing is about how you should where seat belts because car crashes are a leading cause of death in teens. Also waring a seatbelt could help you in a crash. So you should ware one. The pie chart clearly shows the odds and the most dangerous thing is automotive accidents.
This could be used to tell an audience the facts of if you don't ware a seatbelt your endangering yourself. That way people would ware seat belts way more and the laws could be enforced easier.
1. Nicholas Marlatt - 2/1/12 - MW4
ReplyDelete2.Better Safe Than Sorry
3. In the second paragraph, share how this could be used to support a requirement to wear seat belts. (HINT: Allow your writing to be as if you were sharing it in front of an audience). Still must be grammatically correct.
In this chart it shows the leading causes of deaths for teens. in this chart there are 4 categories on the main causes of deaths for teens. Purple is motor vehicles as 35% and red is suicide as 12%, homicide is yellow with 16%, and All other with 37%.
If you take a look at the number of motor vehicle accidents for teens you will see that it is a very big amount of people that got killed in one, I bet you that 98% of the motor vehicle accidents are from people not wearing there seat belts and getting killed on impact because they had nothing holding them back form flying around during the accident. I recommend that you wear your seatbelt in the car and you will have a much more chance of surviving if you get into an accident.
1. Kyle Gonos 2-1-12 MW4
ReplyDelete2. LL: Think before you do.
3. This pie chart is a sign about what teenagers are doing. As you can see in the chart there are a lot of teen death. Some of those deaths are because some people had to act cool or do stupid things when peers are around. For example people are picking on kids to look cool and when they make those kids feel bad, suicide thoughts are in there mind. Those kids are to scared to ask for help or tell someone about there problems. Sometimes if they tell someone their problems, they tell them to like get over it or something. Another example is teens driving without seat belts or texting while driving. They also do that to look cool to their peers. All in all some kids need to just stop and think about hat they are doing.
This pie chart show that the leading cause of death for teens is involved in a motor vehicle crash. Most of these kids had died because they were not wearing seat belts. Since these are the facts some people need to face that wearing seat belts is the right thing to do. This could support the requirement of seat belts because like I said earlier, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens. Imagine if you were a parent who's son/daughter died in a car crash. What would you think and feel?
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Alex Smith, 2-1-12, MW4
ReplyDelete2. 'A permanent solution to a temporary problem is no way to solve said problem.
3. This pie graph shows the leading causes of teen deaths. "All other" is the leading cause of death, at 37% of deaths. 35% of the deaths are by motor vehicle. Which makes me assumed that it's when teens are learning to drive. 16% of teen deaths are homicide, which honestly surprised me. However, the 12% of teen deaths being suicides is just alarming to me.
This graph shows the leading causes of teen deaths. 35% of these deaths are motor accidents. When one is a teenager, they feel immortal. No one and nothing can and will bring them down. This 37% could be brought down if teens wore seat belts while they drove. It's a simple, five second, routine. But that simple routine can save lives.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1.Kalani Gondick M-W 4th 2-1-12
ReplyDelete2. Better be safe then sorry.
3. The two main points are it's not ok to not wear a seat belt. Everyone needs to wear a seat belt to keep them self safe. A lot of people thinks it's cool not to wear a seat belt but you never know someone could come flying and lose control and smash into you, and if you weren't wearing a seat belt you would go through the wind smash into you and you could go through the windshield and you could possibly die. About teen suicide people do that because they are not happy with there life or whatever the reason is. Thats why there is people to come talk to if you are having problems with family or other reasons. If everyone talk to someone about what was going on we wouldn't have this big problem. On the news they talk about teens doing that. Adults don't do it just teens do. I think they shouldn't do that if there is something wrong i think they should come talk to someone. I don't want everyone to get into this. If they have a problem with family or something they should talk to someone about it.
1. Cade Marttinen 2/1/12 MW4
ReplyDelete2. Teens die too often. They need to be careful.
3. The pie graph shows the biggest ways teens die. Teens need to look at it and under stand its meaning. The graph is telling teens to be more careful. Car crashes are the number one causes of death. That is mainly because teens just got their license and want to celebrate by bombing around. They then get crazy and go too far. That is the way I see it.
Seat belts are a really big life saver with cars. If you didn't wear seat belts and you got in a car crash, there is a big chance that you will die. People who have relatives who die in a car crash because they didn't wear their seat belts are really strict about wearing them. Teens think they won't get in a car crash so they don't bother wearing seat belts.
1. Michael Atwood/ 2-1-12/ MW4
ReplyDelete2. Don't drink and drive, smoke, drink, and stick with a positive crowd.
3. The graph above shows all the ways teens die and provide awareness of it. Suicide is the smallest percentage of deaths in teens. This is from being in the wrong crowd and bullying in some cases. Homicide is the next largest percentage of deaths in teens. This is from being in abusive family and perhaps vengeance or accidents. Motor accidents is second to the largest percentage of deaths in teens. This is from clumsy crashes, as well as drunk driving. Other deaths are the largest percentage of deaths in teens. These probably have to do with drugs and other addiction problems and food disorders, like anorexia and bulimia.
Teen deaths from motor vehicles has the largest percentage. Teens are known to be very bad at driving as they usually drive recklessly in their first year, and onward for some. If these teens all use seat belts, we may see a drastic drop in deaths from such accidents. The teens will all still be reckless perhaps, but less will die with the clever function of a seat belt. Also, if they drive accidentally while being drunk, they could prevent death in their crash then, also.
1. Aaron Durham, 2-1-12, MW4
ReplyDelete2." Better Safe Then Sorry"
3. Seat-belt's are very important because they keep you from going outside of your car in a very bad collision and they will also save your life in many way's, more than you can count seat belts were.
one of the greatest inventions man could ever create in a motorized vehicle the reason i say this is because they can keep you in your seat,prevent back damage, prevent concussions etc. They are the best invention i think because so many people drive car's and in the earlier days when cars were just invented not many people had seat belts to protect themselves all they had was themselves and hope that no accidents happen but with great power they say comes with great responsibility.
And this is very important to any car owner it take experience to be a great driver and not everyone has mastered drive so the seat-belt is invented and it protects those student drivers, elderly people and so on that's why this is an important invention and saves human lives every day in the United States.
1. Jade Cogar TT2 2-2-12
ReplyDelete2. Why don't Teen's wear their seat belt.
3. What the main point of this graph is that more teens that get other cars get into more car crashes then all of the other one's. More of the cars then other really don't get into car crashes like the "all other" cars. If you payed attention to the road wear your seat belt you wouldn't get hurt as bad if your not wearing you seat belt. More people that wear their seat belt don't get hurt as much as the one's that don't wear their seat belts no matter what they do. over 55% people that don't wear their seat belts get really badly hurt or they die because they didn't wear their seat belts.
When you don't wear your seat belts they can get hurt really badly. If you are riding in your car and this car comes at you and you didn't see him you can get hurt because if your wearing your seat belt it will stop you from going through your window. When you are wearing your seat belt helps you not get hurt as much and you wont die from it.
1. Paige Leatherman 2/2/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. Better safe than sorry.
3. The pie chart is mainly to tell people that these are the top deaths. With these percents, I think that we need to do something to lower these percents. As high as the percents are people are defiantly starting to be more cautious about trying to prevent these. But the main point to it is that motor vehicles have the highest percent of deaths. Even though all other has 37% motor vehicle has 35%, we don't know the other points. So therefore motor vehicles has the highest percent.
This pie graph can make a good point for a requirement for seat belts because if we do wear seat belts we can lower the percent of the motor vehicles deaths. Not wearing seat belts in a vehicle is a main reason why there are so many deaths from car crashes. For example many people that don't wear seat belts and they get in a car wreck they get really badly injured or death. And the people that are wearing a seat belt in a wreck, proved to not get as badly injured and not as many people die.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1.Wiliam McNamee
ReplyDelete2. Media can't tell you everything.
3. This graphs main point is to persuade you that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in young teens. This graph is biased though and is clearly trying to persuade you one way. This graph is on an agenda by not listing what the other section might entail. This graph biased aside is clearly showing us that more than one third of teen deaths is do to auto accidents.
Now here is this graph it clearly states that more than a third of teen deaths happen or are involved in auto accidents. Yes this graph doesn't show if it is attributed to wearing a seat belt or not but it is better to be safe rather than sorry. If you were a parent would you want your kid to die at a young age possibly just because they weren't wearing a seat belt. So I am saying here that why would you want an intelligent young person being killed all because they didn't follow a law. When my opponent tries to discredit what I am saying just think about all those kids, and their parents that may die if my opponent gets what they want.
1. Caleb Hudson TT2 2-2-12
ReplyDelete2. All vehicle accidents are unpredictable and dangerous
3. the pie graph is saying that 37% of all deaths are other but they do not tell us what that other is. or what is inside of that other chunk. and that 35% of all teen deaths are from car accidents. 16% of teen deaths are homicides. and 12% is how many teens have suicide. and its a little misleading because they don't tell us what is in the other 37% because it could have like a 36% in it and we could not know.
This is a good idea because to all car owners because they probably want to be safe. and if 35% of all teen deaths are car accidents they should probably make sure they always wear a seatbelt. and we could decrease the 35% of teen deaths to 20% or even lower. The seat-belt was made so that it would protect the young teen drivers in a car accident. Thats the reason they made the seat-belt, they made it to keep you safe and your family safe while driving a car.
1. Michael Yedinak 2/2/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. Be smart on the road.
3. This graph obviously shows the leading death in teens and the percentages. Motor Vehicles category is at a overwhelming death percent ratio out of 100%. The suicide part is at a depressing 12% which makes me feel uneasy and sorry for the loved ones loosing another loved ones life due to this category. Homicide being 16% puts a chill down my spine, you know that you could die any moment without being aware of it. These three main categories are only 63% and the rest are titled "other". It makes me wonder what are the others, and why didn't they show them in this graph?
Always were seat belts so you don't die! This graph shows 35% of teen death is motor vehicle accidents. In my guess, I would say 85- 95 percent of the death's are from not wearing seat belts. When you are a teen, you are just getting new to the road, because you have only been driving one for 0-4 years. Since you are a beginner, being safe would be the best option. Even if wearing a seatbelt may not sound cool, it is safe, and safe is cool. The other 20-10 percent of the deaths in vehicles would most likely be getting overdosed, drinking and driving, and maybe having too many people in the car. If we (teens) could just be smart on the road and listen to others (parents) then this percent of deaths on the road would go down rapidly. All you have to do to make this happen is wear the thing every vehicle has... A SEAT BELT!
1. Marissa Moore 2/2/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. Live like there's no tomorrow
3. In this graph, it shows leading deaths for teens. It doesn't mention every death, because they can't get every single way. I bet there's thousands. It shows that motor vehicles are the main death for teens, and that suicide is the smallest. What it doesn't show is how much is in the "All Other" category. For all we know, 36% of the "All Other" could be choking on mashed potatoes and then 1% be tripping down the stairs. It doesn't give you all of the information you need, because it is misleading and biased.
If you would look over at this graph, you can see right here that Motor Vehicles are the leading cause of deaths for teens. 35%! How much of that percentage could have been saved if these kids had worn a seat belt? A lot. I believe that enforcing seat belt laws will save lives, MANY lives. I mean, you want to live as long as you can. Wearing a seat belt WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE. This law isn't really a burden, because it's saving your life, and it's something most people do anyways.
1. Heather Linn, 1/2/12, TT2
ReplyDelete2. Things aren't made, if there is no reason for them.
3. Almost everyday someone dies in a car accident, even infants. It can happen to anyone, even you. Majority of teens die because of not wearing seat belts. You, could be part of the 35% of teens who die in a car accident.
I remember, it was late one night and I was driving home from a party. Im not going to lie, I had been drinking. I knew I shouldn't of been driving, but my parents were going to be home in less than an hour and I had no other way home. It was raining and I couldn't really see, but I started driving faster because 1:00 AM drew closer and closer. Suddenly, a car came out of a dirt road that I hadn't seen, there was no way I could've stopped in time. The last thing I remembered was slamming dead on into the side of the car. I woke up the next day in a hospital, all scratched up. My mom, teary eyed was sitting right beside me. The person who had pulled out, wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and got plunged right thru the front windshield, and his friend was killed instantly. I, was wearing my seatbelt, and came out with a broken arm and some scratches. If I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt, I would of been a goner. So, when you get in your car just think, one click can save your life.
Brandon Wiese 1/30/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. If you don't ware your seatbelt it could be the last time you don't.
3. In this graph it shows the most leading causes of death in the U.S. It has four main points of the leading causes. They are Motor Vehicles, Suicide, Homicide, and All other. The percent for Motor Vehicles is 35%, for Suicide it is 12%, then for Homicide it is 16%, and for all other it is 35%. I am surprised that there are more homicide
Everyone has experienced a death or will in their life. In this graph it displays that 35% of deaths is by motor Vehicles. That means that this 35% of people are not wearing their seat belts and thats whats getting people killed. Most of the reason for these crashes is because some teens may have just got their listens and don't wear their seat belt which gets them killed. Some kids don't wear their seat belt to look cool but, if they are caught then they will get a ticket and if they aren't caught then they could put themselves at risk.
1. Lexi Gross 2/2/12 T-T-2
ReplyDelete2. I learned that you can't trust the graph if it has an unknown part.
3. How do you know when the information you are given is biased or not? Well simply if they give you a number or percent that leaves you guessing. This pie graph shows you percentages of teen deaths, but one particular part leaves you to guess what it is. The "All Other" part is the part that we don't know what it is. I want to know. How can u really compare anything if you don't know what percent everything is? Well you can't really.
You could use this for seat belts, but if your going up against someone, I wouldn't use it. The other person could question you about the "All Other" section and when you don't know, well thats a bummer. Study your facts, find out the all other and you will win. If i were me, I would use this and I would just study hard and find out any other information.
1. Eric Wolfe 2/2/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. Better safe than sorry
3. This graph shows the average of teen deaths. 16% of the chart is homicide. Why would anybody on this planet want to take someone else's life? It just doesn't make sense. 12% of deaths are from suicide. Te leading cause of suicide is bullying. People have killed themselves because of how badly they have been bullied. 37% are from other. Other could mean a variety of things. 35% of teen deaths are from motor vehicles. A teen could get hit by a car or be in the car and not be wearing a seatbelt.
When a teen gets a car, its a sign of respect and responsibility. They feel like they could do anything they want. Yet, they can get pulled over for the simplest thing inside a car, the seatbelt. If you aren't wearing a seatbelt and you get into an accident, whats stopping you from going through the windshield? Seat belts are important and are used on a daily basis to protect drivers everywhere.
1. Kyle Shehan, 2-2-12, TT2
ReplyDelete2.Better safe then sorry.
3.This graph is telling you that 12% of teen deaths are suicide. 16% of teen deaths are homicide. 35% of deaths are caused by automobiles. 37% of teen deaths are other, now that does not sit right with me. This chart is trying to say that automobiles are the number one cause of deaths for teens but then we have the other and that is 2% higher. Now even though it is 2% higher, suicide still gets the most press coverage even though it is only 12%
This chart could be used in an argument for seat belts because it makes it look like automobiles are the number 1 killer of teens. And that might be true, but there is still that other part of the chart. My opponent might say that if your car was falling off a cliff and the seat belts where keeping you on the car and you die. But tell me this how low would the teen automobile death count be if all of those people where wearing seat belts?
1. Michael Hamilton tt2 2-2-12
ReplyDelete2.Be save and listen.
3. The Seat belts are every important because if you are in a car accident you could go flying out of the window. Also 35% of teen die and most of them are go not to wearing a seat belt. Most thing that kill teen are drinking and so of them are do that right now.
35% persent of teens are doing things like the dugs and most of the are diring and some of them are not wear seat blets.
Some of the teens are dropping out of hight and most of them are selling dug on the street and are in tuble by the law. some of the teens don't pull over when the cop are on there tail.
My tun it in is not working.
1. Sam Dovin. 1-2-12. TT2.
ReplyDelete2. Everyone has there bad times, but you gotta keep your head up.
3. In this graph it says main points. 35% of teens die in a motor vehicle. 12% suicide. 16% homicide and 37% any other ways. I think that people should do more things about teens death or preventing it. Everyone can to anything to make anyone feel better, like hey you look pretty today helps a lot towards anyone. I think if you see anyone that might be thinking of suicidal thoughts then they need help and should get advice from someone like a therapist.
I think that its sad how many kids are having this issue now...and we should do something about it when we see them hurt, What mother and father wants to lose their daughter or sons to any of these ways. To prevent them we could have them take a little more responsiblity for driving or longer school education about it and how seat belts help with keeping you safe. And with suicide if you see your kid down go talk to them about something if they don't wanna and you know somethings wrong get them help. Homicide is just stupid. Its always for stupid reasons and no one should hurt anyone else no matter what happend. So we could make others feel as they should about wanting to kill someone and all other is hard to prevent because everyone dies in this life time and you never know when your going to but we can do many things to help not make it happen so soon at a teenage age.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Darren Murray 2/2/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. That more teens die in car recks than homicides all over. This shows that teens are in car recks and die because of the little use of seat belts. The seat belt is built in the car for a reason, to keep you safe and to prevent this kind of situation from happening. Even the kids in the back seat are ejected through the dashboard window becasue they do not use a seat belt. That can kill a full grown man instantly.
3. The graph is showing all the main reasons of deaths that have been survayed. Like how many teens or just anybody that doesn't were a seat belt and they get killed when they get in a car reck. Homicide is another najor thing these days because other people have no control and commit homicide on others. Another topic we are woried about is that teens commiting suicide, or assisting suicide which can be charged as homicide.
Not wereing a seat belt is easier than you think. Some teenagers think there cool because they think there bulletproof. But when it comes down to it they get killed like that. The seat belt is by far, one of the best protective safety wear in a car to prevent deaths in a car. Also when you don't were a seat belt it looks bad for the manufaturer because they just had another death with the car they built. Also you probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning on a dry day then surviving a head to head colision going 70 or 80 mph without a seat belt. Just think about what your doing before you do it.
1. Elle Kennedy 1-31-12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. Better safe than sorry
3. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading killer of teens. Motor vehicle accidents are responsible for 35% of all teen's deaths. What can we do to lower this percentage? Get more teenagers to wear their seat belts and be responsible drivers. A lot of teens might think that it's not "cool" to wear your seat belt or that it's uncomfortable to wear one, when really it can save your life. If more teenagers were to wear their seat belts all the time and be responsible when driving, the number of motor vehicle related deaths for teens would go down a lot. Suicide and homicide deaths get a lot more of publicity than motor vehicle accidents do but motor vehicle accidents happen almost every day yet you rarely see them on the news. Why is this, when motor vehicle accidents kill more teens than homicide and suicide combined?
The graph could be used to show how many teens really die in car accidents and how dangerous driving can be. It might not seem like a lot of teens die from car accidents and it might seem like more die from suicide and homicide but that is only because motor vehicle accidents aren't on the news as much as suicide and homicide are. More teens die from motor vehicle accidents than any other reason. If teens were to wear their seat belt all the time when they are in a car then the number of motor vehicle cause deaths would go down a lot. You could have a much longer life if you wear your seat belt all of the time instead of not wearing it once, getting into a crash, and having a short life. If you wear your seat belt when you get into a crash you probably would not even end up getting hurt, but if you don't wear one you could get very hurt or end up dying so why would you not wear your seat belt?
Brooke Boyd 2-2-12 tt2
ReplyDelete2. Better be safe than sorry.
3.The graph is showing how 35% percent of deaths with teens have died because of motor vehicles. and 12% was suicide and homicide is 16% and other is 37%. 12% of teens being suicidal and killing themselves is I think a way bigger percent than 12 percent or it might have just been because more people talk about suicide than any other thing. I do think its a big shock when people are suicidal sometimes no one really knows why but must of the time its because they have depression and don't know how to handle it. If you ever do know someone that has depression and has thoughts of killing themselves as a friend the better thing to do is to tell someone even if the friend wanted it to be a secret. If you kept that secret to yourself and never told anyone then if the friend that was depressed killed him/her self than you would have that quilt on yourself the rest of your life.
Seat belts I think is a very important thing without way more than 35% of teens would die in a car accident. Even if your in a car and your not going far at all its better to wear it than not cause anything can happen and there tons of people that aren't the greatest drivers on the road. When my mom was a teen back then you didn't have to wear your seat belt it wasn't a law yet. She was in a car with no seat belt on and when she turned on a green light she got hit by a drunk driver everything was fine but if she was wearing a seat belt she probably wouldn't have gotten that hurt. Its way better to be safe than sorry.
1. Jensen Borkowski 1/31/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. Sometimes the simplest things, like putting on a seat belt, can be the most crucial.
3. The graph is showing leading causes in deaths for teens. One of the highest is motor vehicle accidents. I think the percentage is so high because these teens weren't wearing their seat belts. If they would have, I think the percentage would have decreased dramatically. Another one is teen suicide. I am glad that it is the smallest percentage but the smallest percentage is still too big.
This graph can help persuade people to wear seat belts. After they see how high the percentage is for death because the teen was in a motor vehicle accident, they should want to wear their seat belt. Most of these teenagers probably weren't wearing their seat belts when they got in the accident. It is sad to think that thirty-five out of one hundred teens lost their lives all because of one small thing: putting on their seat belt.
1. Maddie Haas 2TT 2/2/12
ReplyDelete2. Always do the smart thing.
3. The point of this graph is to show that seat belts should be worn because people (teens) often die for not wearing their seat belt. They mostly die of motor accidents. The headlines all go to homicide and suicide. Mostly because they are not accidents, they were meant to happen and cause a person harm (if its a different person or themselves). But they often don't put motor accidents in the news because they are “old news”. But they are the leading cause of death for teenagers (besides for other).
Seat belts are very important because they help people. There have been more that 2 billion instances where people have been saved by seat belts. Some people believe that if it came time where they were in an accident, that they could stop themselves before they got hurt. But that is physically impossible to do that because of the force. Also some people believe that it is “uncool” to wear a seat belt while in a moving vehicle. Well tell me this, is it cool to die, or get seriously injured? You don't know when you could be in an accident. The GPS does not say “in the next 2 miles you will get in a car crash” in its sweet little voice. It could happen anywhere anytime. You should just be precautionary and wear the seat belt. It could be the thin line between life and death.
1. Stephen Moore, 2/2/12, TT2
ReplyDelete2. Lesson Learned better alive then dead.
3. The graph shows the leading causes of death for teens in car
crashes in percentages. All other is 37% Homicide 16% Suicide 12% and vehicle
crashes37% these are all percentages that are just awful. I think seat beats should be
recommended for safety first and will hold you back more safely rather then being thrown
out of the window or smashed ageist some thing hard this is why I recommended seat belts
for your own safety and your life so be smart think before you act.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Gursherveen Kaur, 1st February 2012, TT2
ReplyDelete2. LL- The biggest cause in death is motor vehicles including teenagers involved.
3. This particular chart shows four leading causes of deaths in teens. Motor vehicles, homicides, suicides, and other are shown on the graph above.In the play of these motor vehicles being at 35%.Some people think that this percentage is not as big as it seems but in reality, this is a big issue to daily life now days. Why don't you people just obey the laws ? and don't take the left turn to an unknown route.All of these are for your benefits and I am not trying to criticizing you along with seat belts.So what do you care if someone called you ugly or start picking on you many times.I had also faced the same situation and I just ask them this one simple question”Did your parents teach you good manners”and “have you learned on what is the moral values,if you didn't you better start”
For drivers you have to take responsibility for your actions . If all of these things could be avoided, the death rate of teens do to motor vehicles would go down.Just take your time and think that all of these horrible situations would have not happened if we be more careful and less careless on the road and not even on the road I mean everywhere you go.
As I said, my reasons for teens that are not wearing seat belts “better start bulking up your equipment cause this is going to be a long journey back and who knows if that you will make it or not ?”. When you get into a car crash, instead of flying through the windshield, wouldn't you like to be safe inside the car? I also know that no one in this world wants to go flying out of the car like a bird. In some cars the seat belts even have an air bag inside them that will come open in case of or hits in an accident. Do you really want to be the next victim to die because you made an unreasonable choice and not wear your seat belt? You better be safe than sorry !!!
1. Caeley Hendee, 1-31-12, TT2
ReplyDelete2. Would you take your life just for not wearing a seat belt?
3. The main points is showing that when we grow up and become older we have to be careful. We all will be driving at one point, but all of us may not wear seat belts. (which the law is to wear one) Maybe its saying that if you don't wear a seat belt that you don't care for your life. Then there is suicide anybody who can commit suicide. What is the point of taking your life? Nothing in your life can be so bad that you would actually take your life. Your life would have to be the most miserable thing in this world to actually commit suicide. I can't image myself living without one of my friends or family members. Every time someone tells me that a Pinckney person or student has taken their life, it really makes me think about why they would ever commit such an awful thing.
Homicide is something that really scares me. It often doesn't happen around wear we live. Usually it happens out in Detroit or somewhere close to that. Every time I watch the news it either “A murder, car crash or something else.” Its really sad that you have to think about why people would ever commit such an awful crime. Sometimes you need to sit down and think about how precious your life is.
Here is a story. It was last year and my family was watching the news. My mom and I were in my bedroom, and my dad and my brother were in my parents room. The news announced that four people were killed in a car crash. My dad knew the people, and was really good friends with them. This is how the were killed. A mom and 3 young girls. One girl was 14, and the other two that were 18 and were twins. One of the 18 year olds had a baby. Driving home from Ohio because it was their family Christmas. The mom had been driving for a long time, and was getting tired. They were stopping to get some food, and the mom fell asleep and the car flew off the ramp. An on coming train hit the car and killed all 4 girls. But the amazing thing is the baby survived.
1. Josh Mick 2/2/12 TT4
ReplyDelete2. What caused half these teens to lose their epic lives?
3. This graph shows numerous ways teens have died because of not wearing their seatbelt. Things such as suicide, homicide, or even a motor vehicle. This is basically saying we need to think before we kill ourselves or not wear a seatbelt. We also need to not text and drive and that caused most of the motor accidents.
Like in the story the wife told the husband to hammer a nail in the fence when he didn't wear his seatbelt. When he did, she told him to take one nail out of the fence. It relates to some of the deaths of these teens if its not using you're seat belt, texting while driving, or killing yourself for something stupid is not a good way to have you're life. Who knows one day you might end up dead.
1. Josephine Parke TT4 2/2/12
ReplyDelete2. Safety First
3. The main reason for doing the graph is to show that one of the main reasons for teen deaths is motor vehicles. it also shows some other reasons for teen deaths that are the main reasons but the motor vehicles one is the largest because the person who mad it wants the audience to think that motor vehicles are the leading cause for teen deaths but that is not always the situation. This circle graph could be used to show and audience because it could persuade people that you should always wear your seatbelt and it doesn't just mean that you should wear your seatbelt, it also shows that the leading cause of teen deaths is car accidents when teens don't wear their seat belts.
1. Julianna Welling
ReplyDelete2. Motor accidents are common.
3. This graph shows the percents of ways teenagers die. Homicide and suicide are the lowest in the graph and you might wondere why that they are what you see and T.V. and the radio most. They are because they happen less so it is more shocking. Also it is the kids hurting themselves and people trying to kill them it was not a accident like the others on the chart. Motor vehicles and other are the most and it should stick out that teens die because they are not thinking.
If the teens were wearing their seat belts then it would of went way down. It is just a simple thing to do and not hard at all. It might not make you as comfortable but would you rather lose your life. Some people say that some people were saved sometimes by not wearing their seat belt, but how many times do you think that will happen. Think what it would do to your family to if you were lost in a accident and they knew that if you were just doing a simple thing as wearing your sealt belt you would still be hear.
1. Lexi Cox, 2/2/12, TT4
ReplyDelete2. Accidents happen.
3. This pie chart shows the leading causes for deaths for teenagers. The second biggest percent of deaths for teenagers is motor vehicle accidents. Every person who gets inside a car is taking a huge risk by not wearing a seat belt. In the Unites States sixteen is the age that anyone who has completed drivers ed can take their drivers license. From sixteen until eighteen these teenagers are not adults yet, and many of the times they do not make good decisions. A lot of the time not wearing a seat belt can be one of these wrong decisions. 35% of teenagers that die is because of motor vehicle accidents. If teenagers, children and adults all made sure they wore their seat belts 100% of the time it could lower that 35% by a tremendous amount.
It was December 22nd, the wind was blowing cold winter air and snow was pouring out of the sky. It was late and our family was coming home from a restaurant and everyone was wearing their seat belts except my little brother Tom. He was sitting in the middle seat right in front of the windshield, goofy around and playing with his toys. We were going through our green light when it turned to red faster then he had expected. He slammed on the breaks and started spinning on black ice. If only Tom had been wearing his seat belt he wouldn't have had to be thrown out of the windshield. Our family would not have had to bury precious little Tom.
1. Steven Nichols 2-2-12 TT4
ReplyDelete2.Don't rouin your life, live a full one
3. The charts shows the top 4 deaths for teens. the parts are, other 37% would be drugs and beer and other underage drinking. younger bodys arnt make for that unheathy actions. in seconded place would be automobile 35% crashes. The kids were probebly wern't wearing the seat belts and thats why they died.
Lets spend more time on seat belts and how there important to keep us safe. Do you think that the person that made seat belts just made them for you to not use them and the car makers put them in cars. I think they put them in a car for a perpas to get used adn not to be a deoartion when ever im in the car i always tlick it be for my parents get a ticket i reather know im safe then then think i am and then crash and die. I love my life and i dont plain on dieing at a younge age.
1. Olivia Sdao 2-2-12 TT4
ReplyDelete2. This pie chart is explaining whats type of deaths there are and the persent of these deaths.
3. The point of this pie chart is that it tell's what the deaths are and the persent of the deaths. Motor vehicle is the biggest one but does not end up in the paper like suicide. Another point of this pie chart is to see what risk there is with each one and the most is motter vehicle.
Most adults wonder why there children don't were seat belts. The reason why they don't wear there seat belt is that they think its stupid or they don't like the feel of that and then they get in the habit of not wearing a seat belt, then all of a sudden there parents get in a crash and then he or she ends up dead in the window. That is why you should always wear your seatbelt!
4. I dont have a turn it in account set up yet.
1. Heidi Siemon TT4 2-2-12
ReplyDelete2. Seat belts save lives.
3. The graph shows the leading causes of death in teens. Motor vehicle is bigger than suicide and homicide. In the pie chart it has the second biggest percent, and it is not far behind from the first. On this pie chart the first biggest slice is all other, which is 37%. Motor vehicle's percent is 35%, which is really close behind. There is a lot of other reasons teenagers die, drug use, alcohol, and many others, But motor vehicles is still right behind all of those. That means that death of motor vehicles is very common. Some of the reasons you may die in a vehicle is from not wearing a seatbelt.
There is a lot of other reasons for the death of teens, but motor vehicle is very close to all of those reasons combined. This shows a lot about how seat belts effect you. Automobile accidents may not be the first thing that shows up in the headlines like suicides or homicide, but more teens die from accidents than those. When teens get in car crashes, they don't plan it. Thats why it's called an accident. You have to be prepared for an accident, because it could happen at any time. Remember to always wear your seat belts just in case, you'll never know exactly whats going to happen.
1. Sam Hall TT4 February 2, 2012
ReplyDelete2. LL: Better Safe than Sorry
3. The obvious main points of this graph are that most of teen deaths are caused by accidents having to do with motor vehicles, and that a very small percent of deaths are caused by suicide and/or homicide. This chart should show you that it is very important to wear a seatbelt while you are driving or riding in any kind of vehicle, no matter how old you are.
As you can see from this graph, a great deal of teens have lost their lives due to motor vehicle accidents, accidents that could have been easily prevented by one simple device... a seatbelt. The percentage of deaths caused by motor vehicles is thirty-five percent, more than suicides and homicides combined. If all of the teens involved in these accidents were wearing seat belts during the crash the number of them that perished would be drastically reduced. Seat belts should be required, they can be the line between life... and death.
1. Brendan Schmitter TT4 2/2/12
ReplyDelete2. Is not wearing your worth it.
3. Me and my dad were watching the news when i was home sick when we lived in Florida. The traffic news turned and there was traffic on 1-96 (the road that we toke there.)The was a big car crash a semi truck hit a small red car and i look at my dad and he was putting on his boots.Me "dad whats wrong?" dad "that is Cory's car..." so i throw on my shoes and we got in my dads truck. We got half way down there and the police pull my dad over for speeding and he yelled "my son was just him by a semi truck and i need to get down there." and the police officer followed us in his police car. when we got down there we saw Cory was happy to see him and i walked over to the car and i saw the door and Cory side of the car was all smashed in. My dad ask how did he survive a crash like and the fire fighter said" You have one smart kid he was wearing his seat belt and when the truck driver hit him he did not fly forward and hit his windshield" we went to the hospital with him and he was OK but a broken arm but that's better then his life gone my dads was excited to see him alive.
. Charlotte nowaczyk, 2-2-12 TT4
ReplyDelete2. What does clicking your seat belt really take from you? 5 seconds out of your life.
3. When you see this graph, and you think about all the lives that were taken and all the family's that have been broken up from this, when you don't wear your seat belt your not just hurting your self your hurting others by you having a chance of dying every time you don't wear your seat belt and is it worth it. If you were a dad could you imagine your daughter walking down the isle all by her self because her dad didn't buckle up. so why take a chance? just do it. Everyday when you take the chances of not buckling up you have a chance of dying, and personally that's a chance I wouldn't want to take. What bothers me the most is does it really take that much out of your life just to buckle your seat belts everyone acts like its a burden to have to do it.
1. Paul Anguish 2/2/12 TT$
ReplyDelete2. loss is forever.
3. the aim of this graph is to convince the reader to believe that seat belts help to save lifes. One of it's points are that motor vehicles are 35% of the circle graph for the death of us, teenagers. The first is “all other” which is 37%. the lowest, suicide is 12%. the source for the graph is NIHSTA.GOV.
(Pro seatbelt)This graph is showing that statlsty speaking that is does not help, but it seams that now days that suicide and homicide are the main cause of tee=n death. All we hear is that so and so was so depressed that he ended his life. It is a remanet of ages past that it this is so surprising and it is considered a crime.
1. Milan Mihajlovski 2-2-12 TT4
ReplyDelete2. Use a seat belt? Or die if you get in a accident your choice!
3. This pie chart shows the leading causes for teen deaths. The main cause for teen deaths is All other with a 37%, or like Accidental, drugs, and alcohol. And then you have motor vehicle accidents which has a 35%, This is a big problem because teens usually don't were there seat belts so when they do something wrong or the other drive does something wrong and your not wearing your seat belt you may not live. Then we have suicides with 12%, ok now this is a really big problem because kids are taking their lives away for no reason and its not right. and the last one is homicide and it percent is 16, this one is sad because their are people that are killing teens and are taking their live away to make them feel better (the killer).
Here is a pie chart and how teens deaths are mostly caused. Ok so you have All other, Motor vehicle, homicide, and suicide, As you see all other is the highest in percentage but what we are going to look at is motor vehicle. The main cause of vehicle deaths is not whirring a seat belt. teens never like to where seat belts because its uncomfortable but its the law. and its going to save there lives if there get in an accident. So we have to try to fix this problem!
1. Kira D'Agostino 2/2/12 MW2
ReplyDelete2. Make the right decisions. It shows all of the leading causes of death of teens. If they would have made the right decisions they would not have died and those percentages would not be that high.
3. The graph describes the common causes of teen death. It's main points are Motor Vehicle accidents and All Other. To me the reason why Motor Vehicle accidents are the biggest is because of texting and other things. By other things I mean not ready or unfocused. You have to be on high alert when you are controlling something that if you aren't careful could kill you. Suicide is when a kid feels like they will never fit it or they just want to give up. Some of the greatest rewards in life are the ones you really have to work for. Homicide is were somebody is not quite right. They are not normal they kill people to maybe feel good or because they didn't like that person. Other could refer to overdose, drinking and driving, and people. When I say people I mean that they get mixed in with the wrong crowd and their life was what they risked.
Why is it important to wear seat belts? What happens if you are suddenly hit and thrown through the windshield and you die because you were thrown and the injuries were to great. If you were wearing your seat belt then you wouldn't have been thrown out and hurt. Yes, you would have had injuries but you would still possibly be alive. If you did die then what would your family think? “She died because she wasn't buckled in.” I would not want to be remembered by that, Nobody does. Seat belts may be annoying, tight, and you feel are a restriction. Even if that is true they still save lives. Would you rather be comfortable or alive? Which is more worth it?
4. Turned it in.
1. Aaron Durham, 2-1-12, MW4
ReplyDelete2." Better Safe Then Sorry"
3. Seat-belt's are very important because they keep you from going outside of your car in a very bad collision and they will also save your life in many way's, more than you can count seat belts were one of the greatest inventions man could ever create in a motorized vehicle.
The reason I say this is because they can keep you in your seat,prevent back damage, prevent concussions etc. They are the best invention i think because so many people drive car's and in the earlier days when cars were just invented not many people had seat belts to protect themselves all they had was themselves and hope that no accidents happen but with great power they say comes with great responsibility and this is very important to any car owner it take experience to be a great driver and not everyone has mastered drive so the seat belt is invented and it protects those student drivers, elderly people and so on that's why this is an important invention and saves human lives every day in the United States.
1. Presslee Reisinger, 2-6-12, TT2
ReplyDelete2. Don't let yourself die, because of stupid choices.
3. The pie chart, shows the differences between most common cause of death, and 35% of most teen deaths are from motor vehicles. Motor vehicles can be a death trap, unless you wear a seatbelt. Seat belts, are pretty important, because they can save your life, for example, if you hit another car and you don't have your seat belt on, you could go through the windshield and die. Not a smart idea.
I was thinking about that, because what happens if your in a car, and your mom and dad are fighting or talking on the phone, or something along those lines, and then the car in front of you, randomly slams on their brakes; and your little brother doesn't have his seat belt on and then you guys hit the car in front of you and there goes your little brother, right through the windshield. I mean, it's a fixable mistake. Don't be the not so smart person, and die because you did not wear you're seat belt, because it's not cool. Think twice, would you rather be alive and live your life, or die?
1. Aaron Durham, 2-1-12, MW4
ReplyDelete2." Better Safe Then Sorry"
3. Seat-belt's are very important because they keep you from going outside of your car in a very bad collision and they will also save your life in many way's, more than you can count seat belts were one of the greatest inventions man could ever create in a motorized vehicle.
The reason I say this is because they can keep you in your seat,prevent back damage, prevent concussions etc. They are the best invention i think because so many people drive car's and in the earlier days when cars were just invented not many people had seat belts to protect themselves all they had was themselves and hope that no accidents happen but with great power they say comes with great responsibility and this is very important to any car owner it take experience to be a great driver and not everyone has mastered drive so the seat belt is invented and it protects those student drivers, elderly people and so on that's why this is an important invention and saves human lives every day in the United States.
1. Blake Lapum, TT2, 2/6/12
ReplyDelete2. Seat Belts save lives
3. This graph shows the leading causes of deaths for teens. The leading cause of death is
other with 37%. This category contains probably anything harmful and that could cause death such as drug overdose and doing something stupid. Many teens think it's cool to do this kind of stuff, but, as you can see on the graph, it's the leading cause of death for teens.
In a close second is motored vehicles, which probably contain accidents and anything you can drive around in or get hit by. Seat belts is a main contributor. Seat belts save lives. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather get hurt by a seat belt and be saved by one than be endangered of flying out of the windshield of being rag dolled around the car. I know that a lot of teens don't wear their seat belts, because I see people do it all the time. That's why the motored vehicle is one of the leading causes of death. Young drivers are not the best drivers and think they are invincible and don't wear their seat belts. Seat belts save lives. If more teens wore seat belts when driving or with someone who is driving, the motored vehicles category on this graph wouldn't be so high.
1. Nella Galliher MW4 2/1/12
ReplyDelete2. Don't let violence rule your life.
3. The graph tells the leading causes of death for teens. 35% of all teens die in car accidents. The other sections are suicide, homicide, and all other.
1. Jake Belford 2/2/12 tt2
ReplyDelete2. It is better safe than sorry
3. There is many different main points about this pie chart about leasing causes of death for teens. A main point that stands out to me is that suicide, what I mostly hear about for a death of a teenager, is the lowest percent of death on the pie chart. This makes me wonder why the news shows a lot more suicide deaths on tv than motor vehicle deaths. Another main point is that they put an all other part of a the pie chart thats a little bigger than the motor vehicle but you do not know what the all other part is so its biased.
This pie chart could be used to support a requirement to wear seat belts because the leading cause for teen deaths is motor vehicle which relates to seat belts. I would say that if you had a child that has grown up to a teen and one day there is ice on the road, you spin out and hit a tree and your child flys through the window and passes away. Your son/daughter wouldn't have flown thought the window if there seat belt was on, and they wouldn't be dead.
1. Ian Grady 1/30/2012
ReplyDelete2. If you wear your seatbelt, you will cut down the leading annual deaths of teenagers.
3. The graph shows the leading causes of death in teenagers and what they are. The main points that this graph is trying to prove is that 35% of teen deaths are because of auto accidents and or not wearing their seat belts in the car. I have had friends die in car crashes and its not fun. It never is.
This could be used as a kind of scare factor for people who don't wear their seat belts so it can show people that they can die easily if they do not wear them. All in all, you always need to wear your seatbelt no matter what.
ReplyDelete1. Zack Fuller Mw2 1-30-12
2. When life gives you lemons you make lemonade.
3 Teen death is not a good thing to talk about but have to gain knowledge to how prevent it. The leading main cause of deaths is all other witch probably illness to over doses on illegal drugs at 37% most teens are dieing to a bucket for of things. Coming in at number 2 right behind all other is motor vehicles cars to motorcycles in a car they could not be wearing a seatbelt or just crash is to bad to live through.
Wearing a seatbelt can save your life even now it could be really annoying. But going through the windshield does not fell that good. Seat-belts restrict your movement forward so you have less movement. Witch saves your life and don't get killed. You can live to see another day.
4.. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Brandon Cooke 2-1-12, MW4
ReplyDelete2." Better Safe Then Sorry"
3. Seat-belt's are very important because they keep you from going outside of your car in a very bad collision and they will also save your life in many way's, more than you can count seat belts were one of the greatest inventions man could ever create in a motorized vehicle. people get saved by them every year an many die because the didn't have one on.
The reason I say this is because they can keep you in your seat,prevent back damage, prevent concussions etc. If you didnt have one on you could die way more easier then you would with out one. I know a lot of teens that don't even think about wearing a seat belt. they are going to be the ones that get really badly hurt. just be save an not sorry..
Bryce Heatwole, MW2, 2-15-12
ReplyDelete2.The older the wiser.
3.At age 16 there are 60 accidents and at age 75 there are only 10 accidents, but this is because older people don't drive as much as teenagers. Older people do not drive as much to sporting events or bars or anything. Also at a certain point they get their license taken away. At that point they would not be able to drive at all so no accidents for that specific person.
This chart would draw teenage audiences and parent audiences. The teenagers would be interested because they want to drive. Maybe they think that they will lower the driving age. Parents would be interested because this involves the safety of their children. If government officials see how many accidents teenagers are involved in, they will want the driving age raised. The parents will say safety first.
Bryce Heatwole, MW2, 2-15-12
ReplyDelete2.You can never be too prepared.
3. Seat belts are a very serious thing. There is an extremely high rate of death from not wearing seat belts. 35%! of deaths for teens are because of not wearing a seat belt. This little non-bugging thing is the cause of many deaths. This is the second leading cause of death among teens following other. People pay a lot of attention to suicide when I think they should focus on a 35% leader of death not a 12% follower.
I believe the cops could enforce this much more. I think people should go to jail for no seatbelt. I do not believe the little ticket is doing much. The more wealthy people especially don't care because it might mean nothing to them paying a little ticket. Once again I think they should go to jail.
1.Reanna Marsden 2/16/12 tt4
3.In the pie chart all other is the hight % of them at 37% teen age death .Then motor vehicles is the next one at 35% teen age death.After motor vehicles then comes homicide at16% teen age death.Final but not less comes suicide which has 12%teen death in the U.S.A.
A lot of teen age death is because they don't' think to put on there seat belts when they first get in to the car .So when they hit a anther car they fly out the windshield they mite learn there lesson. But other wise a lot of teens think they know what they are doing and they can be parlous.
1. Aaricka St.Pierre 2/17/2012 5th
ReplyDelete2. Sometimes people make stupid decisions.
3. This graph shows the kind of accidents teens get into. Most teens are able to drive maturely but accidents happen and most of the car accidents are accidents and if you were wearing a seatbelt the amount of injury is a lot less. Someone that gets in a car accident going 20mph with a seat belt wold probably not be injured but someone with out wold suffer a concussion, whiplash, broken wrist etc. Seat belts are very important thats why I where one.
1. Christina Mogg 2-22-12 mw4
ReplyDelete2. people die every day.
3. The numbers tell you how many people die in car crashes, suicide or homicide. This graph can be used to show how many people die.
4. Submit this both in this blog and also through Turn It In.
1. Jordan Danko 2/27/12 TT2
ReplyDelete2. LL: Better safe than sorry
3. This circle graph shoes 35% of teens die do to motor vehicle accidents. But it also shows that 37% of teens death is caused by other. It also shows that 16% is caused by homicide. Suicide is 12% of the cause of teens death.
Automobile accidents are not commonly talked about on t.v. anymore. Even though they are the second leading cause for teens death. This chart makes it clear that it's important to wear your seatbelt. If you get into an automobile accident and you are wearing your seatbelt you have a greater chance of living compared to those who weren’t wearing seat belts. Making yourself as safe as possible while in a car is very important. You can do this by wearing your seatbelt at ALL times. Why are seat belts so important? If you happen to get in a accident and you are not wearing your seat belt you will go flying through the wind shield. Take a minute and think about it, would you want to risk your life? You can make a huge difference in your life by doing such a simple task that takes no more than a few seconds.
1. Jacob Yannott mw4
ReplyDelete2. the death ratio from seat belt deaths to time a seat belt saved a life.
3.If u wear seat belt, it will more then likely save your life. There is a a low chance the seat belt will kill you. It better to be safe then never. The graph shows that 35% of teens die from car accidents.
If you are caught without a seat belt. The police will fine you a $150 ticket. you will also get points added to you listens. There is a huge difference between life and death..... YOU DECIDE?
1. Danny Higgins/ 3-28-12/TT4
ReplyDelete2."Better safe than sorry."
3.3. Develop two paragraphs. In the first paragraph describe the graph and its main points. In the second paragraph, share how this could be used to support a requirement to wear seat belts. (HINT: Allow your writing to be as if you were sharing it in front of an audience). Still must be grammatically correct.
The graph shows that a larger amount of death by car crashes are lower for people wearing a seatbelt at the time than a person without one. It is shown that there are more listed teen deaths for those who do not protect themselves by wearing a seatbelt than those smart enough to put safety first by wearing one. The graph's main point is that the seatbelt law should not only always be in affect, but also enforced by the federal law.
When the President put this law into effect, most people were not taking it seriously. But it is true. The police keep a careful eye on the road to make sure that this law is being obeyed. Anyone caught not wearing a seatbelt will be fined with a ticket of 150 dollars. If that wasn't enough for people to ably to this, the government sent out advertisements on billboards, roadsigns, and on the television to express the concern of this problem, such as the graph shown. So, the next time you get into a vehicle, ask yourself, "Is it worth taking a risk?"