Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Anecdote 6: Helpless Love

Once upon a time all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island for a vacation. According to their nature, each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of an impending storm was announced and everyone was advised to evacuate the island.

The announcement caused sudden panic. All rushed to their boats. Even damaged boats were quickly repaired and commissioned for duty.

Yet, Love did not wish to flee quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds darkened, Love realised it was time to leave. Alas, there were no boats to spare. Love looked around with hope.

Just then Prosperity passed by in a luxurious boat. Love shouted, “Prosperity, could you please take me in your boat?”

“No,” replied Prosperity, “my boat is full of precious possessions, gold and silver. There is no place for you.”

A little later Vanity came by in a beautiful boat. Again Love shouted, “Could you help me, Vanity? I am stranded and need a lift. Please take me with you.”

Vanity responded haughtily, “No, I cannot take you with me. My boat will get soiled with your muddy feet.”

Sorrow passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was to no avail. “No, I cannot take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by myself.”

When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that it did not look around, hardly concerned about anyone.

Love was growing restless and dejected. Just then somebody called out, “Come Love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so magnanimous, but jumped on to the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a safe place.

On getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Puzzled, Love inquired, “Knowledge, do you know who so generously gave me a lift just when no one else wished to help?”

Knowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time.”

“And why would Time stop to pick me and take me to safety?” Love wondered.

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and replied, “Because only Time knows your true greatness and what you are capable of. Only Love can bring peace and great happiness in this world.”

Author Unknown

1. Name Date Hour

2. Lesson Learned

3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

4. Develop two paragraphs explaining the lesson learned and then providing an example from your own life of how this would impact you.


  1. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/20/12 TT2

    2. Don't stop trying.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Don't stop trying, is saying if your having troubles with something, don't quit. You got to keep your head up and keep trying. If you keep trying and you go after what you want, you will probably succeed. But if you give up, you may not get anywhere.
    This relates to my life, because I play softball and I'm a pitcher and sometimes I don't get the accuracy that I want. I get frustrated sometimes and think about giving up. But thinking about makes me think that if I give up I may never get my pitches the way I want. So I kept on going and practicing and I got my accuracy down to almost every pitch. See, if I would of gave up I wouldn't be the pitcher I am today.

  2. 1. Cody Musulin 1/20/12 TT2
    2. Never leave love behind
    4. As you go through life, you will always need someone to love when you're down. When you're not feeling great you nee something to cheer you up, but some times, Happiness really doesn't make you happy. You need love, if you love something you don't want to give it away, or leave it. That is why you need to always keep love with you, and never leave it behind.

    In my life, I do feel bad, and not happy at all, but then I am happy as can be. The times I feel down, I can always look toward my family to cheer me up. My family is really funny, and kind hearted to everyone, they will always make me laugh and be happy. My family is pretty much my happy place, and I love them. I couldn't ask for a beter family, they do as much as they can to make everyone as happy as they can. Especially when it is family members. That is why, whenever I'm feeling down, I go to my family, to cheer me up.

  3. 1.) Lexi Gross 1/22/12 T-T-2

    2.) I learned that there is a reason for everything, even though you may not be able to find a reason.

    My lesson learned is very simple, as long as you don't over think it. There is simply a reason for everything and there will always be a reason for everything. We might not know the reason, or we may not be able to figure it out, but that doesn't mean that there is no reason at all. Have you ever had someone you were close to die? Wether it being a pet or a friend or your own parents. There is a reason for them to die and you might not know why, or understand why, but in the end there is always a why.
    My cat died on the 4th of July a couple years ago, while I was on vacation to our summer cabin up north. He had an asthma attack and his heart couldn't handle the attack so he died. I didn't want to believe that he died, because I couldn't figure out why God had took him from me. While crying on the deck looking out into the clear blue water my mom told me some words I will never forget. "We may not know why God does the things he does, but he always has a reason for everything". It's true. Why would something bad like that happen if there wasn't a reason for it? I think that the reason My cat died, was because God wanted to teach me a lesson.
    The lesson was that people will die, friends will die, and pets will die, but its a part of life and it was bound to happen sooner or later. There will be a reason for everything that happens to you, to your community, to your country, and to our planet.

  4. 1. Nick Norman 1-23-12 MW2
    2. Everything is important
    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. You can't just focus on one thing or emotion. If your just happy then that would me you are perfect and you cannot be perfect. The world is not a perfect place and in fact, there are many problems every day. Vanity, you can't have everything but if your vanity, then you have to be happy with what you have. If you have knowledge then you can either be seldom or happy.
    If you are in love then you have vanity,which means you are happy. Prosperity is when you own things, you can fall "in love" with the things you own to make you happy. You need time to get those things. If you lose those things you are sad. Some people are vanity and that can either make them sad or happy.
    When I was about 5 I was at a water park and I couldn't find my parents. I asked a kid who was about 8 if he knew them but he looked at me weird and walked away. Finally a lifeguard came up to me and guided me to my parents. I was sad when I couldn't find them but when I did, I was happy.

  5. 1. Mckenzie Barth 1-23-12 MW2

    2. When you are in your time of need, time is always by your side.

    4. Develop two paragraphs explaining the lesson learned and then providing an example from your own life of how this would impact you.

    When you are in your time of need, time is always by your side. Time is with you wherever you go. Time has knowledge, and wisdom. After all of it's years, time continues tick on with no signs of stopping. You could be hard pressed to make it to a soccer game on time or in your last minute of a test. Panicked you sit wondering if freezing time is possible. There is no need to freeze time, it has wisdom and knows that if you don't finish in time or get there quickly it's ok. No matter where you go time can not be escaped. Choosing to ignore it is one option, or you could embrace it for all that it's worth. Many emotions are just like time. Shadowing over other emotions trying to get that spotlight.
    Prosperity shows us how sometimes humans are blinded by our own riches. Love taught us that no matter how mean people can be, you gotta except them for what they are. Without wisdom we would probably be making peanut butter sandwiches with the peanut butter on the outside, not realizing that it's not a good idea. It takes knowledge for us to figure out that maybe the peanut butter should be on the inside of the bread knowing it's sticky. Vanity, oh where would our world be without famous stuck up people? Sorrow is the side of us where we don't want anything else to do with rest of the world. It eats up all the other emotions. Without time though known of these would be, how would they know where they should be? When we are happy sorrow should not fill us. Last year my Great Grandma died. I was very sad sorrow filled me. The sorrow ate up the happiness I had earlier that day leaving me with nothing except sadness. Time lead to me healing and acceptance that she is gone.

  6. 1. Kira D'Agostino
    2. Only time will tell.
    3. Shared with McKenzie. I picked this because time creates everything love, wisdom, vanity and prosperity
    4. Time was the one who helped love to safety because time knew that everything needs love. Vanity,to love yourself. Wisdom, which needs knowledge which needs a love for school. Prosperity, a love for what you own and what you have earned. Time, because love takes time and love creates happiness. Everything needs to have a will, a love for it. Sorrow, needs love to bring it to happiness. What would we do without love?
    I was in choir and I noticed one of my friends was sad. I asked her what was wrong but she didn't want to tell me. I came over and conferred her and brought happiness to her. My other friend came over and told her wisdom on how if she cheered up she would be better off. In order to be happy you need a combination of emotions that you care about. Time, love, vanity, happiness, wisdom there all need to make you sustain your surroundings. Just think what would we do without happiness? What would we do without time? What would we do without love because we would be unable to love ourselves. Take time to see the vanity inside yourself. Take time to fall in love and be happy. Take time to be wise in what you do and say, you could bring happiness to others.

  7. 1. Sammy Sutton/1-23-12/MW2

    2. We would be helpless without each other and our emotions.


    4. Could you even imagine what life would be like without emotions? Truth is, we need each other, even if you think your good on your own, you wouldn't make it trough life without people by your side keeping you positive, and persuading you. Even the most sad emotions are useful for us. Sadness can help release stress that your holding in, it will help you learn from your mistakes. Happy emotions are very helpful as well, they make you feel good about yourself, and help put others around you in a more positive mood.
    I've probably experienced every emotion there is. From the good ones, to the bad. I came to realize the time I need someone there for me the most is when I'm in my depression stage. It feels absolutely amazing to talk about your feelings with someone, they advice people give me doesn't necessary help me, but having someone just to listen is enough. My brothers and I both have been in depression, though we're not quite over it, we're getting there thanks to all the people around us. Do I regret feeling like this? Not one bit. Feeling like this has helped me learn things I would of never been able to learn before, it's influenced me to try my hardest, no matter how much I struggle. I am most thankful for those people who have helped me, it's nice to know people care.

  8. 1. Evan Bauer 1/23/12

    2. Every emotion has its place on earth.


    4. Every emotion has its place on earth. All the emotions are in every person on are beautiful green planet. Sure the emotions are not all good but yet they are stile in each and every one of us. They can all lead to something good, like sorrow it can make you understand things when your sorrow, like if i'm sad I can think about why i'm sad and maybe work it out in my head. That could lead to happiness which could lead to successes.
    There was a time in my life were we had to put my dog down. He was very old and to weak to stand up on his own so we put him down. I was very sad, and sorrow filled my heart were love was supost to be. I was thinking in my time of sorrow and I looked back on why we had to put him down and if I was him would I want to die. With my knowledge and wisdom I prospered, I decided that if I was my dog and couldn't stand on my own I would want to die, so we did him the favor. Love took its rightful place in my heart and I was happy again. All because my emotions helped me out when I needed them.

  9. 1. Matt Strong 1/23/12 MW2

    2. Everything takes time.

    4. Everything that happens in this world takes a certain amount of time. Nothing can go to fast or too slow. Simple things such as eating an ice cream cone or watching a movie all take time. Without time, nothing would move along in this world. Everything would stop moving and stay still. Love waited for someone to help them, and that took time.
    An example of this in my life is when I have a project or an assignment to do in school. Or something that happened in my every day life. It takes time for me to get it done. Some of them take more time, others take less. I had a project in 7th grade where I had to take a picture and enlarge it. This took me a week to finish. In 2008 my step dad died. It has been more than 3 years since his death, and I still feel like I have made little to no recovery from it. Every day I think of things I could've done to prevent his death. If there are things I could've done to keep him alive, I would've. It will be a while before I recover and move on from his death. He will always be with me.

  10. 1. Zack Fuller Mw2 1-23-12

    2. Time can heal anything.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Time is not 1 second or minute or 2 weeks it's your lifetime broken into different segments. That are longer and shorter and with people and just being alone. With time you start to gain wisdom about little stuff like how to make a cake or having a career and what to do and giving advise. the window of time is endless until you die and that is faith that takes you on the ride time with other emotions like love and knowledge. When my baseball game got over and we came home my dog could not breath and we had to take her to the vet and find out what was wrong with her. Will it turn out her time on earth was coming to end and she had to be put down.
    The vet had a choose we could try to save her for another year or two. What good is that her quality of life would not be anything but lay down and eat all day. We asked are selves is it wroth it to just keep around like a blanket from are toddler years just for memories. No it's not time was over for her and that part of all of my families life but not forgotten. When we played fetch in the front yard and went to cool places. Are memories important to keep in the back of mind so you have knowledge about what to do next time. I still miss my dog but time helps heel that she is not here anymore.

  11. Megan Gunderson 1/23/12 1st Purple

    The circle of life is like you emotions


    You emotions is like a roller coaster, or a circle the goes round and round.You emotions are always changing.You always having a certain feeling.There is never a time where you are not feeling something like happiness or anger.It's kind of like a circle.A circle never stops going.You can go around it forever.Now think of you emotions inside the circle as you go around you fell happy sad wise angry and fear as you go around the circle.You emotions are never ending just like a circle.

    There was a time that I felt sad and had sorrow in my heart.I was extremely sad when I though my horse was going to never be able to walk again.Rose, my horse was like my best friend and it hurt me to see her sick and in pain.I had no one to talk to because the topic seemed silly and no one understood.Then I met a guy named Pj.I met him in the summer,he made me feel happy and smart.Pj helped me through my situation.We were constantly talking.Time eventually cured me and Rose. Even though I thought I would never be happy again Time was on my side.Time cured my horse and brought me Pj.

  12. 1. Kaitlyn Lechtanski 1-23-12 MW2

    2. Time heals everything.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. I heard this phrase in a song that my grandma loved. The lesson learned means that with time, you will feel better. I have witnessed it. I have been sad and hurt, but then time passed. Now I feel better. I heard this phrase in a song that my grandma loved.
    Once, at school, Love had a "crush" on her friend. He was really nice and included her in everything. After a while, Love told him, and he didn't react how she thought he would. He told Love that it wasn't awkward or weird. Time passed and it seemed like their friendship grew, but Love still felt sad that she felt that way and wanted to stop. Love turned in to what seemed like sadness. So she went to tell her grandma, Wisdom. She told Love it was alright, and that there are more than just that one boy out there. Wisdom told Love that it's okay to let go. So...... I guess I did.

  13. 1. Katelyn McCarthy 1-23-12 MW2

    2. LL. Time heals all wounds

    3. Shared with partner.

    4. I said this because over time, the wounds that you had before, are now gone. You feel kind of happy when this happens. All this time it has been healing and you don't know it is. You have been so caught up with things. How do you know when time has healed you? You don't feel so sad anymore.
    This has happened to me before. My dog had ran away not to long ago. I was really upset when I heard this. But time heals wounds and sometimes I forget, but I will never forget completely about her. Sure I get upset sometimes, but every time I look at a picture I took of her. I still miss her, but she's probably happy now. I also had a dog when i was about 2. He had gotten loose and next thing I knew, he was gone. Even though I have a picture of him too, I still miss him.
    This is why I chose this as my Lesson Learned.

  14. 1. Eddie Roberts 1-23-12 MW2
    2. Emotions all connect in some way.
    3. Share
    4. My lesson learned for this anecdote was that all emotions connect in some way. This means that if you have sorrow then you had to be happy to get sad. If you are in love then you are happy. Happiness connects to all emotions just like every other emotion. Emotions are the most important thing you can have.
    One example from my life is when my parents got divorced. I was really happy with my life before. But then when they broke up it destroyed something inside of me. It destroyed my feelings with my parents and i no longer thought of them the same. My mom still says that she loves my dad and it hurts my heart to no that they are apart and still love each other. I was no longer happy anymore. So sorrow connects with happiness in many ways and this is one. This would impact me because it made me sad and took happiness away from me. This was very hard for me and some of my emotions were working very hard at the time. Now I have overcome this and I very happy, but I do feel very sad at times still.

  15. LeAnn Howe 1-23-11 MW2

    2. It takes time to mature.

    4. It takes time for things or people to mature. At young ages, people are inexperienced and do not have very much knowledge. They also do not have any wisdom. As you go through different situations, you gain some knowledge and become wiser. Adults tend to know what to do in sticky situations. This is because they have gone through the same things kids and teenagers have.
    My brother is a Senior in high school. He has always been mean to me. When he was younger, he used to steal my toys and break them. That used to make me very mad. Finally, I got to the point where I didn't care as much. The only reason he was being mean was because I overreacted. Ever since then I've noticed that he has become more mature.
    This Christmas was the first time he actually went out and bought me a present. Even though it was something little, it means a lot to me. It's funny isn't it? He realized that how he was treating me was wrong and changed how he acted. It just takes time for people to mature.

  16. 1. Mikal LaButte 1/23/12 MW2

    2. Their is always Love in the air even if you don't see it.

    4. My lesson learned is " Their is always Love in the air even if you don't see it." This can relate to my life because In 2010 my uncle made a choice that changed a lot of peoples lives in a very big way and that choice was suicide and that was a very bad choice. That changed a lot of peoples lives because now you can just see the loving care in our whole family and friends.

    This was a very big impact for our lives because my brother lost his godfather, my dad lost his brother+ his business partner, my Aunt lost her Husband, and her kids lost their dad, My grandpa and grandma lost their Son, a lot of people in the family lost their Uncle but most importantly people lost a really good friend. This has made a very big change in my family and whoever knew him.

  17. Riley Hafner MW2 1/23/12

    LL- Time can only tell who you are and what your true purpose is.

    In the story, Love was stuck on the island with no way of getting off. Prosperity, vanity, sorrow, and happiness all came by in boats but were to busy or absorbed in themselves that they would not let Love join them on a trip back home. After a long while of worrying that she would not get off the island, a boat came by and a voice told her to come aboard. Once upon the vessel, Love found Knowledge and asked who let her join them. In reply Knowledge told her it was Time, and his reason was that only Time knows your true greatness and that only Love can bring peace and happiness into this world. Time can only tell what your true meaning is, and what you are capable of doing. Nobody can tell you what you are meant for. In time everyone learns who they are and what they are supposed to be. Love is one thing we learn along the way. It may be hard to find but love is something that is true and wholesome. Love gives people happiness that nothing else can show us. Time holds the secrets to many things. There are unopened doors and windows that we cant even see yet because it isn't our time to enter that part of life and love is waiting behind one of them. Once that door or window is opened, a flood of happiness and great joy will over come you. In time everything will make sense and you will be where you are supposed to be.
    In my life, I have been very bad at being patient and waiting. If im being picked up from school and my mom is five minutes late, I pace and get upset and I feel like she has had me waiting for hours. There is only one thing I am ready to wait for. Growing up. Becoming an adult and finding the person I want to marry is something I want to wait on. I dont want to rush into growing up and having kids and getting married. Those things can wait. I want to stay a kid for a while and have fun while it lasts because once I am grown up I will miss these days. Yes, of coarse I want to find the love of my life and figure out who I am and who im going to be, but time will tell me all of those things. My parents are divorced and every so often I talk to my dad about the days when him and my mom were together and he says, "I thought me and your mom were going to be together forever." When I think about my parents being together and in love, I dont see happiness. I see sadness and anger. Yes they did love each other but it fell apart and that is something I know can happen when you love someone. You might think that love will bring you true happiness but not always. And that also is something only time can tell.

  18. Timmy Uppleger MW2 1-23-12
    2. one feeling leads to another.

    3. done

    4. You cant have love without sorrow. Love needs sorrow. Love cant be love without sorrow, happiness, wisdom, vanity, or prosperity. Prosperity means to be successful. Love brings Happiness and sorrow. Wisdom means to be wise and smart. Vanity means you are happy about yourself, you like how you look and act. Vanity cant be vanity without happiness and sorrow.
    This impacts my life because if im sorrow I once had happiness. Being in love, to be happy and will lead to being sorrow. Prosperity successful in life and what you do in life. you cant have vanity without sorrow or happiness. All leads to another. Every feeling can lead to another. Just like happiness leads to sorrow and how love leads to sorrow. An example is, at a hockey game the tean had happiness because they were winning by one goal tho whole game, until the last minute of the game the other team tied it up witch lead to sorrow.

  19. 1. Jacob Robinson MW2 1/23/12

    2. There is a reason for everything, even though you may not be able to find a reason.

    4. My lesson learned is simple. There is always a reason for everything in the world. Sometimes you can not think of a reason, but there will always be at least one reason for everything. Have you ever had someone close to you, but had died? It could be a neighbor, a family member, or a pet. When they die they have a reason to die. Living things can not live forever. There is a reason for their death, even though if you don't know why, there always will be.
    My Grandpa died when I was 7. He met a lot to me. He would always play with me when he came over to my house and we would play catch with a football and we play with new toys he would get me. He died from lung cancer. It was very sad for me. I had to know that there will always be a reason for someone to die like him. He had died because he would smoke to much which gave him lung cancer.

  20. 1. Kyle Gonos 1-23-12 MW4

    2. LL: Everything happens for a reason.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. In this anecdote I came up with a lesson learned. My lesson learned connects with the anecdote because you cannot explain why something happens, it just does. Every single movement that everyone makes is connected. God makes you do things for a reason. One reason why you might do something is to learn a lesson. People may die because they have done there time and helped people on Earth. In the long run everything happens for a reason. No matter if its a death, a mistake, getting in trouble, etc.
    When I was 5 years old my dog had passed away. Her name was Midnight and she was a black lab. We would always play together and she would always protect me. Well Midnight had problems with her legs and she was growing weak. When we let her down it was the saddest day. But I had never really felt sadness until that day and now I know the true meaning. Now we have the same kind of dog and we believe she is the reincarnation of our other dog.

  21. 1. Cade Marttinen MW4 1/23/12
    2. Time can do anything.
    4. Time is the most important emotion. Time can heal wounds from a relative dying or things even bigger. Over time, Osama bin Laden will become forgotten. The wounds he has made will heal and there will be no remains of him or his work. Another example is a broken bone. There is no medication to heal a broken bone other than time and a cast. Time can heal anything.
    Time can also create happiness and love. When two people meet, they may become friends. Time passes by and they get to know each other better. Love for each other blooms and they become happy. Time can also bring wisdom. With wisdom brings calmness. When you are calm, it makes other people calm and they become happy. Time can do anything.

  22. 1. Alex Smith, 1-23-12

    2. I've decided on two lessons learned. The first one is 'only time will tell', and the second would be 'don't neglect love'.

    4. In the anecdote Love puts off leaving the island. When Love realized she had to leave the island, there were no boats left. She asked Sorrow, Prosperity, Vanity, and Happiness. They all refused to pick her up. Someone, unknown to Love, finally picked her up. When Love got off the boat she asked Knowledge who picked her up. Knowledge said it was Time. The reason I picked my first lesson learned was because of the reason as to why Time would pick up Love. Time knows what Love can do in this world. Only Time can tell what sort of impact someone is capable of on this world.

    Sometimes I feel like this is my grandmothers favorite sayings, although she has many. I'm the kind of person who will stress out about the littlest things. A big one, now, is getting into a private high school in Ann Arbor. I worry that they won't accept me. To that my grandmother just says 'time will tell'.

    My second lesson learned is my favorite, 'don't neglect love'. I picked this one because in the story everyone, but Time, refuses to pick up Love. There are so absorbed in themselves, in different ways, that they neglect Love. They could easily invite Love into their boats, but don't because they just don't care.

    Anyone who can watch my behaviors around other people will probably notice that I'm not too social. I have the social skills to make friends, but I really don't care to. It was about a year ago, however, that I met my best friend today, Andoni. One of my problems with the English language is how it has one word for love; love. To borrow a term from Ancient Greek, I'd describe our relationship as philia. Really all it means is a love shared between friends. I would call him my brother. Up until that point in time I really neglected love, or better put would be friendship.

  23. 1. Austin Wicker M-W4th 1-23-12

    2. Every emotion does something for you but only Time can let those emotions do something for you.

    3. Shared Lesson Learned with partner.

    4. The lesson learned explains that every emotion has a purpose but you have to have time to do all those things with the emotions. The lesson learned means that you have to have time do do things with your family maybe or friends and when you have time, you have time for the emotions to flee out of your mind and to show your reaction on your face. Time gives you the chance to have a good time with anyone. Time gives you the chance to be mad once in a while. Time gives you every emotion because when you make time to do something with a friend or family you have time for emotions. Everyone has emotions but its your chance to use them or not. If you don't have time, you don't have time for your emotions.
    When you don't have time for your emotions it's a sad life. If you didn't have time for your emotions than you wouldn't get to have fun or laugh and enjoy yourself as you should be. Your life would be a deep dark trench and you would be in the middle of it. I remember I had a dog named Boomer, he was the only dog I ever had. Each day I would play with him for at least an hour a day. But then I got to busy with my running and school. Then one day I came home from school and he was gone. My dad said he ran away, which he did but I new when he ran away he past away. I haven't seen him since. The moral of the story is, "take some time with friends or family because if you don't you might regret it in the long run."

  24. 1. Daisy York 1.23.12 m/w4

    2. Emotions cause the domino affect.

    3. Shared with partner

    4. The emotional domino's means that each emotion causes a reaction of another emotion. Love causes happiness or can cause sorrow. Sorrow and happiness gives you knowledge and from knowledge you gain wisdom. With happiness you would have to be sad first to know you are happy. The same with sorrow If you've never been happy how would you know what sadness is? Time gives you the chance to experience emotions and gives the gift of being able to take your time with these emotions over and over for the rest of your life. This lesson learned can be seen as,depending on the person,Both a blessing and a curse.
    When a family member of mine died in 2010 my family wasn't exactly the Brady bunch. A lot of them only talked to each other once every few months,they weren't happy with each other. They had lost the importance of staying connected. So when this person passed away they were forced to come together in a time of extreme sorrow. The sorrow was what brought them together as a family they came together to reach the happiness again. Now it is two years later and some of them are still working toward that place. Even though there is never going to be a place of pure happiness,that doesn't mean that there isn't something so close you cant tell.

  25. 1. Ian Grady 1-23-2012 MW4

    2. Love and time are the most important emotions.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Time is the most important emotion because it basically controls all the others in the most powerful way. Love is the second most important because it brings goodness and happiness to your life and that is what makes your life good. Emotions are basically controlled by one another and can be used almost like checks and balances, one trumps the other. An example from my life I could use is when my dad went away to Australia, time was the most important thing to me because I really wanted to see him again.
    Sometimes when you can't think of a reason why something happened, you tend to believe that there is no reason. But there is! There is always a reason for something, even if it doesn't make sense to you it does probably make sense to someone else. Like a death for example. When my grandma died of cancer I kept on thinking of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's how I deal with death in my life. All in all, Time is the most important emotion in this world.

  26. 1. Camryn Ozuch MW4 1/23/12

    2. Only time can heal.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Only time can heal. That is the most important thing to know. No matter what is going on in your life at the moment, even though it may seem like the worst thing in the world, it will be over with sooner or later. Just overcoming the bump in the road is a healing process that will make you stronger at the end of the day. It may take days, weeks, or even years to get over something. Weather it being a relationship, a death of someone, or just things at school that aren't going how you plan. You may say you don't care about something, but deep down you know that it is bothering you and you need to talk to someone and get their help on the situation.

    This quote impacts me a lot. In 6th grade, my grandma died. She had died suddenly of a blood clot after a small surgery she had in her leg. When I found out, I felt like my life was over. I felt as if my world had just crumbled down to the ground and shriveled up into nothing. We had the closest grandma, grand-daughter bond you can ever imagine. My dad every Saturday night goes and plays hockey in Taylor, where my grandma use to live. So, I would go to her house and we would go shopping, out to eat, or just have a night in and bond. I loved her so much. She made the best memories ever. To know she was gone, killed me inside. Even after the funeral I was still extremely upset. The feeling of loosing someone you love is the worst possible feeling you can ever imagine. The days have gone on and I have learned to move on. I still miss her a ton, but I know that she is in a better place and is happier where she is. When she first passed, I couldn't bear to even look at a picture with me and her. Now, I see it as a great memory and consider myself lucky for all time I got to spend with her. Time healed my pain and taught me a great lesson; never loose hope. Only time knows what is going to happen and how it will affect and teach you.

  27. 1. Seth Packard, 1/23/12, MW4

    2. Emotions are only temporary

    3. How you feel at one point in life will always be solved and healed by time. Time heals everything. If you wait long enough for something to change, chances are they will. Don't do anything drastic or stupid when sad, or angered, because over time the problem will be solved. People tend to take stupid actions to solve a problem that will go away without trying. Some people sadly, take a permanent solution to a temporary problem by committing suicide. This action is a very sad thing to do, and its also very unnecessary.
    Last year in March my dog died. This was sad for me because I owned him ever since i was 4 years old. My grandparents visited us at the veterinarian's office to see us. They didn't expect to witness what they did. He had a form of stomach disease that was making him very weak. The veterinarian said we could give him medicine that would keep him alive, but he would suffer a lot, or we could give him an overdose of anesthetics which would "put him down". We didn't want him to suffer so we gave him the overdose of anesthetics. At first my brothers and I where very sad, but over time we moved on and got over his death. Time heals any emotion.

  28. 1. Aaron Durham, 1-23-12, MW4

    2. "Don't let anyone get you down"

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. I would say every emotions in the human mind are important all of us can tell times of happiness, sadness, sorrow, and prosperity when I was a little kid me and my dad had this weekend game of catch that I used to love we would always try new things like he would try to teach me new types of pitches and how to throw perfect and accurate. it was fun while it lasted soon after my times of happiness with my family my parents separated from a 5 year marriage.

    I was kind of young to understand but this was the first time I had ever felt gone, like I was out of my own mind and roaming some were else were all that remains is pain and sadness and it seem's like its impossible to shake off your back. The first time I had ever gotten the feeling of prosperity when me and my dad moved to Pinckney. I was very excited I heard alot of bad things and alot of good things, but when I was in my old home town I was uncomfterable but here I feel like i'm one person and not like a person that everyone pulls on at one time.

  29. 1. Brandon Cooke,1/23/12 mw4

    2. There is always going to be a reason for everything but sometimes we will not no why.?

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. My lesson learn is that everybody dies. which sucks to say but our day will come sooner or later. but sometimes we don't know why it happened. like for instance i had a friend that his little brother died when he was like 2 mouths old. Because his lugs didn't develop right. but for some reason he didn't get a chance in the world but we don't no why.. do we?
    Thats why when some people are down,depressed a lot of people like your friends come an cheer you up because time fly's buy an you wont get a chance to relive what you missed out on. so don't be always upset an be happy an if you see others down cheer them up!!

  30. 1. Vincent Pecoraro 1/23/12 MW2

    2. In time, love will make you happy.

    4. Throughout life you go through ups and downs. Times when things are going bad you need to look for help or guidance from another. But you will come to realize in your sorrow days, that love is the only thing that can make you truly happy. In the story it explains how love is looking for help from others to get off the island, but the only thing that can help love is time. It's the only thing that understands in and out What Love is. Because in time you will love, and only time can see that.
    This could impact me in many ways. I'm still very young and really do not no the true happiness of love but I have experienced it in little forms. For example, earlier this year my dad took a trip up north with some friends without us. It took an abrupt turn as my dad got in a terrible for wheeler accident. When I heard the news I was stunned, I slowly was very sorrow. But when I found out that he was okay I was very happy and the sorrow floated away. Since I love my dad it was very tragic what happened, but in TIME everything go better. In the anecdote it shows never to give up because even if know one helps you, in time you will finally seceded in finding love. In the anecdote it explains how love tried to get help from everyone but know one was able to. So in life when you go through vanity, sorrow, happiness, and knowledge. This is leading you up to the time when you finally find love. It influences me to ignore the hard times and the things that will bring me down, and to follow and take my time until I finally succeed in finding what I'm looking for.

  31. 1.Christina Mogg 1-23-12 mw4
    2. This tells us that we should help no matter what.
    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. The lesson learned is saying that you should never turn your back on someone in need of help. If you never helped anyone you would never make any friends and be alone all your life. So if you see someone that is always alone go and try and make them fell happy.Something that impacted my life was when I had to put my cat Lucy down because she had gotten really sick.She was very old so we didn't want her to suffer any more.I am still sad to this day about having to put my favorite cat Lucy down. Before we put her down we had to feed her baby food because she was to sick to eat herself.

  32. 1. Henry Haidler, 1/23/12, MW2

    2. To receive an emotion you must have help from others.

    3. Shared

    4. My lesson learned for this anecdote was to receive an emotion you must have help from others. By that I mean that every emotion and feeling connects to each other in some way or another, like only love can bring peace and great happiness. But if we all only had one emotion or feeling this world wouldn't be interesting and different and that is what you should strive for. Feelings can create you and you may get a lot of different ones but they all lead up to something great. As you get older the feelings and emotions you have can be more powerful and you can impact people and move them.

    A point in time where this impacted me was when my mom went to the hospital unexpectedly and I hadn't really been without her for very long. But the lights and bunch of people that were putting her in the ambulance was weird and since it was my mom it was kind of scary. I wanted to be tough and brave but it was my mom and I didn't know what to do the feelings were weird because I wasn't sure what feelings to have. I didn't see her for awhile it was worrisome and sad because I still didn't know what was going on. When my mom called I was happy and excited but worried because she might not be okay so when I got to talk to her I was relieved she was ok. There are so many different emotions and when you feel a bunch of different ones at the same time it can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming.

  33. 1. Payton Rentsch, 1/23/12

    2. Time always will have your back.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. My lesson learned was time will always have your back. like when time helped love. When love was on an island and a storm was coming in. Love was the last emotion left and he didn't know what or how to get off it. There were no boats left. Many emotions passed by none would help him.
    Knowledge Passed by and offered love a ride. When Love got off he asked him a question and the reply was time.
    TIme is all you need, Like when my grandpa died if I had more time I would of been able to say goodbye. Time is a great thing to have on your side. Another is pretty much the same but if I had time then i could have gotten to say goodbye to my aunt or at least seen her one more time before she died.

  34. 1. Malorie Moen 1/23/12 MW2

    2. Love can heal anything.

    3. Shared lesson learned.

    4. There is a time in everyone's life where you will run into problems. You just have to keep going though. Love will heal anything. A year ago my brother was in a bad snow mobile accident. He was in the hospital for a week. When I heard all of the details of the accident, I wasn't sure he was going to make it. I cried everyday, until he was out of the hospital. He was loved by everyone, and that's what healed him the most. I was so happy when he got out of the hospital. Love will heal anything.

    Whenever you are going through tough times, just remember that love will heal it in time. Everything gets better with love's help. Love gives us happiness, hope, and strength to move on. We all have to go through hard times. In the end it just makes you a stronger person.

  35. 1. Blake Lapum, 12/24/12, TT2

    2. With time and knowledge, you will find love.


    4. Love comes in time. It takes time for the things you love. It's not always going to take a couple days to love something. You need knowledge about that thing. With time, also comes knowledge. You get smarter as you get older and time goes on. WIth knowledge, comes better and bigger choices and decisions. When you're smarter you can make those decisions and make those choices. If you make the right choices with your knowledge, in time, you will find love.
    This reminds me of when I was just a little kid. I hadn't seen my grandma all that much and I wondered why. I would sometimes spend a day or so with her. She was, different. She did things a little different. She loved a little different. Although she loved me right away, as I was born, I didn't know any better and I didn't know I loved her too. She is family, family is love. As I began spending more time with her, she taught me things so I got smarter. She taught things of nature and life and things of that sort. She taught me so much. She taught me about love and happiness too. In time, I found that I loved my grandma very much. It took time and knowledge, but I love her.

  36. 1. Maddie Haas 1-24-12 2TT

    2. When all hope is lost, Love always shines through.

    3. I shared mine with Caeley.

    4. In this story, Love almost got left behind because the other emotions didn't care about it. But right at the end one emotion, one we often forget, shined through and helped love. That was time. Sometimes, time can come through for us and we can thank it and be happy its around, like when your working on homework and you just figured out you still have a week to do that, it's not due tomorrow. But it can also take us down, like when a loved one is being taken by time and has run out for their life. Or when you have an older sibling and their time with you is getting down to the wire. Some think that time makes our lives easier, but it also makes our lives filled with sorrow.
    My sister is going off to college next year. Unfortunately, she and I haven't really bonded too much because of our age difference but I now wish I would have more. I am really going to miss not being able to ask her a question or hang out in her room when I'm not feeling so good. If I am having a bad day, her and I just sit in her car and talk about it, and suddenly were both laughing and having a good time. And fortunate for her but bad for me, she is a 4.0 student and runs fantastically so she will go to a really good college, somewhere far from Michigan. She is thinking about going to Yale so we won't see each other for about a year each time she comes home. I am very sad that she is leaving but I'm also happy for her, she can go out and do good things because she has worked up her life and worked so hard that she can do anything. But the thing is Love is the one thing that connects me and her. I love her and she loves me, but time says she has to go. That is a good example of why time sometimes inflicts sorrow in people. So right now I am feeling sorrow, happiness, and most of all Love.

  37. 1. Heather Linn, 1/24/12, TT2

    2. After one emotion comes another.


    4. Throughout your life, there are going to ups and downs. With those, also come emotions. Some emotions most of us don't like, for example sorrow and anger, but then there are also so many other great emotions. One of the biggest emotion people focus on is love. We all know that one day we went to fall in love and then eventually have a family. Also, we should know that on the road to finding love, its going to be pretty bumpy. Things happen in life that we really don't want to happen, but when they do all we can basically do is push through them. Everything happens for a reason.
    An example from my own life would be the situation with my dad. Ever since I was in 2nd or 3rd grade hes been having to leave to go out of state for work. At one point he was gone for almost a year. I was little, so I didn't really understand why he kept leaving so it didn't bother me. I was sad, but I didn't know what to think. Now that im older, I realized that I basically grew up without a dad. He could only come back for a very short amount of time at most, a month. He hasn't been having to leave as often anymore so I cherish every moment I have with him because I know he won't be here forever.

  38. 1. Sam Dovin. 1-24-12. TT2.

    2. Never give up on love.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. It seems like everyone in life finds that love and gets married it makes me wonder who and if I wont. I fully don't exactly know what love fully is quite yet but I know I have some feelings about it for many people. People who do not give up on love I have seen the strongest.

    When my parents had me I was their first child. They had my at 17 a very young age to have a child but now I have a younger sister and brother and my parents are still together, sometimes it surprises people they still together today. Like my friend katie that dosent go to this school anymore mom's said I know how times are. Putting at they were in a divorce situation but they really weren't. I look up to my parents because they are still together and not because they have to be because they want to. And whenever I ask if or how things would be different, She always says she wouldn't change a thing, I felt bad though I made her miss out on things like senior prom, missing so much school she eventually had to go back and repeat the last year. But I feel like if I was in her situation I would not give up on love and I look up to her for being so strong and not giving up on love.

  39. 1. Elle Kennedy 1-24-12 TT2

    2. Everything takes time.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. It takes time to go from being in sorrow to happiness, it takes time to go from being in prosperity to knowledge, it takes time to find love. Everything takes time. In this story, the only thing that could help love was time because everything in life will take time. It took time for love to find help and in the end, it was time who helped love get off the island. Everything you do in your life will take time for you to achieve it.
    This story impacts me in many different ways. It tells me that everything will take time. It will take time for me to find someone that I will actually love, so I don't need to worry about that right now. It also tells me that even though I could be sorrow one day, I could be happy the next day or a few days later because of time. Time would heal my feeling of sorrow and turn it into another emotion. You can't go through life feeling only one emotion because as time goes on, different things will happen in your life that will give you different emotions. In the story love is trying to find help, during this time love probably felt sorrow, but as time went on and time came to help, love felt happiness. It will take time for me to find what I want to do in life, but as time goes on I will find out what that thing is, and I am willing to wait.

  40. 1. Caeley Hendee, 1-24-12, TT2

    2. Time is like money, you have to use it wisely.

    3. Shared with Maddie

    4. Time is like money, you may not have it all in world but you have enough of it to survive. Everybody lives here for a reason. Some may choose not to do good choices, and others choose to live life to its fullest. Just when you think life is bad, think of others who don't have a home, or can't put food on the table. Use your time wisely, you can succeed at anything if you put effort towards it.
    2011 the week before Thanksgiving, I was up north with my family. My grandpa lives up there, and we usually go down to his house every weekend that we go up. Well we weren't going to be up for Thanksgiving, so he cooked this huge dinner that was basically a Thanksgiving dinner. We ate, and spent our time talking to him. A couple weekends after, my mom, my friend, and I went came up. On that Saturday we went shopping at the Travers City Mall. My mom got a phone call from my Aunt that my Grandpa had a stroke. On our way to the hospital my emotions were all over the place. I all I could think about was, what if I never see or talk to him again. What if I could never say "I love you?" My mom told me everything was okay, but she didn't know that. She was holding back herself. After visiting him, I didn't really know what to think. Maybe that everything was going to be okay, or maybe that it wasn't. My Grandpa is out of the hospital now, and now is in a Nursing Home. My family visits him usually every weekend that we go up. When we go inside and visit he laughs, and smiles, and is so happy that we are there. My grandpa lost feeling on his right hand, and can't talk that well. It makes me feel sad, because he knows what he wants to say he just can't say it. This has to me that even when things are the worst, people have it worse than you think. Everyday I think if I were to loose my Grandpa, and I really hope that, that won't happen for along time.

  41. 1. Cody Musulin 1/20/12 TT2
    2. Never leave love behind
    4. As you go through life, you will always need someone to love when you're down. When you're not feeling great you nee something to cheer you up, but some times, Happiness really doesn't make you happy. You need love, if you love something you don't want to give it away, or leave it. That is why you need to always keep love with you, and never leave it behind.

    In my life, I love my family, if I could have anything in life it would be my family. If you don't love, then there isn't much happiness in your life. You won't live, and if you don't live, you mine as well stay inside and do nothing, it's better than not living. Love will never leave you, if you find someone that makes you like at them twice, then smile. That is when you love someone, whenever I look at my family, I smile and always give them a hug, that is love. If you love something, you wont let it go, you never want it to leave. That is why my family is so important to me.

  42. 1. William McNamee 1/24/12

    2. Emotions always have their place.

    4. The way I came up with this lesson learned is every single emotion in that story had a place wether it was by themselves or with another. When I think about this it gives me so many emotions about, should I feel sad ,happy, thoughtful joyous or even should I feel like now I have acquired wisdom. This feeling makes me think about my lesson learned because sometimes more than one emotions can have the same place.

    In my life there were many times were my emotions just completely took over me. The one that I know is the most important is when I thought my dad was in a car crash.

    I lived in Toledo, Ohio at that time and it was very late almost 9 o'clock. We were waiting for my dad to get home and to have dinner with us. Then we got a phone call from my dad and my mom's smile just dropped and was replaced with a straight face. Since I was about 7 years old I didn't know if she was worried, scared or exited. When my mom finished the phone call she said in a voice that sounded like something horrible had happened but she was trying to hide it voice" kids get your coat we need to go to Milan Michigan", I remember that the only thing going through my mind was is my dad injured or in a car crash.

    After almost an hour of driving when I was shaking like a Chihuahua who had just had 7 cans of monster I saw my dad's car in a burger king parking lot. When we pulled in my mom told us to go to the car and to talk to my dad. So when me and my two sisters got there we saw our brand new dog in the back seat he was a golden retriever puppy and his name was Gizmo. When my dad asked who wanted to drive home with him we all ran toward the back seat and my sister Colleen and I got it.

    When we finally got home I remember my parents telling us to go to bed, but who could go to bed after that huge thrill. Then about half an hour after we got home Gizmo was moving around the house checking everything out and then I whistled first he was scared and then he came in my room. I invited him on my bed by my feet and he laid there curled in a ball. Now to this day he always lays on my feet. He is my personal heater.

  43. 1. Eric Wolfe 1/24/12 TT2

    2. Good things come to those who wait.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Life can be full of good and bad things. Its good because you have a life to live and lives to love such as your friends and family. Some bad things are when one of your family members pass's away, or if one of your friends moves away. Things will come up without a warning, like if a family member gets hurt, it could happen suddenly, or it could happen over time.
    I remember back when I was in fifth grade and my dad had slipped on his way out to his car after work. He couldn't remember how he slipped, but he thought that he was running to his car because he was in a hurry to get home. The next day my mom took him to the doctor to get him checked out, he sprained his back a little and had to stay home from work for a week. At first I was scared that he wasn't going to be okay, but it started healing pretty fast and he was back to work in no time. I love my dad and hope something like that doesn't happen to him or another one of my family members again.

  44. Brandon Wiese 1/24/12 TT2

    2. Time can open doors you may not see

    3. Share with partner

    4. Time can open doors we can't see. Time saved love in this situation. It opened a door for love to be saved from the island. If time saved love then time can save you.In time people become great things. If a kid was really smart then he or she has the potential to do great things, to become something great.
    I haven't experienced sorrow before. It was in september when I was in 5th grade. My brother and I were eating when my mom walked in the room and told us that my grandma had lung cancer. I was blown away on the subject I didn't really know what to do. We went over to her house the next day. We talked and talked about what was going to happen. Then on october 8 the following year she died in a cancer nursing home. When I heard the news it was tragic. She passed away 8 days from my birthday. I will never forget her and the feelings I had. I felt happy knowing she was in a better place but sorrow knowing she wasn't with us.

  45. 1. Presslee Reisinger, 1-24-12, T/T2

    2. Only time can figure out what love really means to you.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner.

    4. Only time can figure out what love really means to you, meaning that only you can figure out what love is, and what it means to you; and it takes time to figure out what it that means. Love is a special thing, and if you think that you know what it means, I am almost 75 percent sure, that you don't because only time can determine what love truly means in your heart and how love takes an impact on your life.
    Love is a special thing, because with out love, there wouldn't be any happiness and with out happiness this world would be a disaster. It takes a major impact on me, because if my parents didn't love me and my friends didn't love...then I would feel so lonely and I would want to shut out everyone, but in this world there is love, and love means a lot because I have recently been going through some really hard times, and with out the love of my father and friends and especially my brother Austin, I would have no clue where i'd be today.

  46. 1. Paige Leatherman 1/24/12 TT2

    2. In time being love will make you happy.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Love will come in time, and eventually will bring you happiness. Without love I truly think that happiness wouldn't be a big thing. If you are sad or depressed and all you want is someone to love you, then don't give up just keep on waiting. If you wait long enough then maybe one day someone will love you. Once you find love you will be happier than usual.
    This relates to my own life because somedays I can feel down. Sometimes people tell me some rumors that they hear about me. Even though they aren't true and my friends and family don't believe them, it still hurts that someone would even make something up about me. With that hurt that I feel it changes my mood totally. But my friends and family come around and see that something is wrong or my mood has changed. So they help me through things and do things to make me happy. When people do this, I feel like I'm loved. With that love I feel, that brings me happiness among myself and others.

  47. 1. Caleb Hudson TT2 1-24-12
    2. There will always be options.
    3. Shared with partner
    4. In life you have many options. you can be a little of all the emotions or just one. It depends on who you are. You can be like love and love everyone and everything. or you can be sorrow and be sad and depressed. You could be happy and oblivious to everyone else with different emotions. There are many other emotions you could be like throughout your life.
    This can impact me in different ways. because of me not being all that old I could change. Now i think of myself as knowledge and then a little bit of all the other emotions. but in the future I could be sorrow or even prosperity. I would not like to be those now but I could end up like that because I am still young and able to change who I am. When I went out on a campout with my dad and my brother who I love for a winter campout with Boyscouts. and there was 12 people including my brother my dad and myself. On the first day we got there is was freezing and snowing so we started putting up the tents as fast as we could. we got them up and unloaded our gear into them. Then we all went inside the tents and went to sleep. in the morning of the second day we all went to the main camp area and had breakfast. then we did some activities. by the time it was dinner time we were all sitting under the dining fly near the tents. we were eating some beef and some chips for dinner. one of the boyscout leaders came up and told us that Nathan. who was sitting alone on a bench might have hypothermia. he asked if anyone could push him on a sled to the main camp building. no one really payed attention but I took one more bite of my food and said I would help. So did my brother and my dad. We pushed him back to the main camp and sat down for a little while. then we went back after we dropped off Nathan. The next day we went home after packing up and before we went we were told that Nathan was ok. we felt nice after he said that and then we went home.

  48. 1. Darren Murray 1/24/12 TT2

    2. Only time can stop everything and let you know what might happen next. You can't change the past but you can help change you future. No one else can do that but yourself. That's why time is so important.


    4. Only the people who don't care and only care about there riches and only care about there selves, the one whom are smart are the ones that will be successful. Knowledge and time are all apart of this scenario. The knowledge is for the greatness and knowing what to do and time is not knowing what will happen next but but if your smart enough you can shape what might happen next.
    A good friend of my mother, Derick, were so good of friends they started dating. A couple months went by and I thought everything had been great with the relationship between my mother and him and the relationship between my brother Derick and I. Soon I was at my grandmothers and she got a call from my mom saying she was 2 weeks pregnant. I was so so so so so..... happy no body could know how happy I was to find out I'm going to have a brother in less than 8 months and 2 weeks. Soon like close to my birthday around May, mother came home looked like a bomb just went off, and looked like she had been crying I didn't think anything of it at the time, I just thought Derick had broken up with my mom. But she started saying something but she was mumbling because she was sobbing and then I heard Gabe wasn't going to make it anyways and he passed away in the hospital and I don't know how I felt we just didn't talk the whole week and I felt really horrible that whole week but if Gabe was born a couple months after he would have been a healthy new born. That's when time came in place and took over everything.

  49. 1.Kyle Shehan, 1-24-11, TT2

    2. Time is the greatest emotion.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Time is the greatest emotion because, if there was no time then you could not do the thing you wanted to do. with out time there would be nothing just an empty void of, darkness and dispare. Time, time is the one thing that can heal a broken heart, it can heal almost anything. The only thing that time cant heal are things you don't let it. Time is the key to doing anything you want to do.

    Even right now I am struggling to get my work done and between school, family and homework its like I don't have time to do what I want to do. I just started school last year and I feel like I am drowning and there is not a single person that can help. With out time there is nothing you can do with your life besides work, I am in the proses of writing a book and I just don't have the time to do anything. I used to read and write all the time but now that I started school there is no time to do any of those things. Time is just taking and taking but it will never give me anything in return.

  50. 1. Jensen Borkowski 1/24/12 TT2

    2. Everything ends in a good way. If it isn't good, it isn't the end.

    3. I shared my lesson learned with a partner.

    4. My lesson learned is that everything will end in a good way and if it isn't good, it isn't the end. In the anecdote, Love waits for someone to rescue her. She keeps asking for others to help her off the island but they refuse. They are too concerned about their own well being. She thinks that she will never get off the island. After what seems like forever, someone finally comes to rescue her. She doesn't realize who it is until after she gets off the boat. It was Time who had saved her. She thought that this would end badly and she would be stuck on the island. In the end, she was saved and everything worked out.
    I could relate to this lesson learned because when I was younger, my dog died. He was my first dog so he meant the world to me. I was devastated when he passed away. I didn't think it would get any better. After about a month, I was still upset but was doing better. Then, my parents surprised my brother and I with two new dogs. They made my brother and I instantly happy. After my first dog died, I thought that was the end. Then, I got my new dogs and it ended up being a happy ending.

  51. 1. Sam Hall 1/24/2012 TT4

    2. It takes time to find what you're capable of.

    3. I shared the lesson learned with a partner.

    4. My lesson learned was "It takes time to find what you're capable of. You're never perfect right out of the gate, whenever you start something new you need to spend time working at it. Some people are born with gifts, but they still need to work hard at something in order to open them up.

    When I first started playing in Orchestra I was terrible, I could only play tiny bits of twinkle twinkle little star while everyone else was advancing towards pieces such as Ode to Joy and the Can-Can. After my first year in Orchestra I attended Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, when I got back home I had hardly improved at all. In seventh grade I switched my viola out for a brand new double bass. This year I am playing at the nearly the same level as my stand partner who has been playing since before he was ten years old. It took time, but now I can enjoy playing flawless symphonies and overtures with ease.

  52. 1. Molly Aills 1/24/12 TT4

    2. Time heals wounds.

    3. I shared my lesson learned with a partner.

    4. Time heals all wounds. Not just physical, but emotional as well. If a person was depressed because their friend had died, then time would eventually dull that pain that they felt whenever they thought about that friend. Only Time can tell what will really happen. It can change what you think will happen to surprise you with a happier outcome than you would've originally thought could have happened. Make sure to take time for a person who is in need of something or just someone to talk to, for that amount of time you give could help them to begin to get over the emotional wounds that have been inflicted upon them.

    When I was younger, I had a guinea pig. He was the best guinea pig in the world, black and white with a pink ear and nose. His name was Piggly Wiggly, but we always called him Piggy for short. He would always squeak really loud if he heard the rustling of produce bags in the fridge. He loved to eat, and we fed him well. I loved that guinea pig more than I realized. Time took it's course, and Piggy got older. One night he died in his sleep. I was really, really sad, and so were my friends when they heard that Piggy had died. Everyone who ever met Piggy loved him. My mom said we couldn't get another guinea pig, saying that none could match Piggy, and that made me a little happy but a lot more sad, because I did miss his little shuffling noises that he made in his cage, or the sound of him squeaking when he heard us unloading groceries. Even now, I miss that guinea pig a lot, and I wish that he had stayed alive for a little longer, but at least he didn't get sick or die from something other than old age. And though I miss him every once in a while, I don't miss him as badly as I did. Time has healed the hole in my heart that was missing the day my little guinea pig died.

  53. 1. Danielle Stowell 1/24/12 TT4

    2. Use your time wisely.

    4. Time is the greatest emotion. This is my lesson learned because you have to use your time wisely because it's kinda like money right when you get the time you don't wanna go waste it on something that isn't important. Time only knows who you really are inside and outside. Time is a great thing and it never stops, like when your have a good time with your friends and hanging out you don't want it to end because your having a great time but it does end but you will always have your memories with your friends.
    I can relate to this anecdote because when my grandpa was sick with cancer, at the time he could still move around and do things with My Dad, My Mom, My Sister, and I, we loved being with him and he loved being with us. But in late July he started to get a lot worse and eventually he couldn't talk and whenever he did talk it wouldn't make any sense and he would mumble. Then he couldn't walk so he was in a walker and then my step grandma had to order him a hospital bed because he couldn't do anything anymore! Then one day in September my dad got a call from my grandma saying that the hospice came to their house and said he didn't have much time to be here anymore. So my dad went to his house right after work to spent as much time with him as possible and my mom came home and took my sister and I over there to spend time with him too. Just seeing him in his hospital bed made me cry. At the end of the night we left and at at 9:45 that night he died and I cried some more. I still miss him very much. But everything is still okay I just still wish he was still here!! My Family and I miss him very much. Use your time very wisely even if your in my situation or not.

  54. 1. Charlotte Nowaczyk 1-24-12

    2. Love is in important deal in this world and time was showing his love by picking love up <3

    3. shared lesson learned.

    4. My lesson learned is that love is to good to be left in a storm, love waits for someone to rescue her but everyone is to greedy and would rather save them selves or there possessions, they didn't care about anyone else and poor love thought that he was gonna be left there because everyone was choosing what they had or who they were over love.
    The lesson learned in this, is that you could have everything in the world in your hands every piece of gold, every pair of high-heels there are, but do you have love? Do you know the feeling of what love possesses? And time realized that all these emotions have a reason for being on this earth, so what makes you think your better then love or sorrow you guys all basically have the same jobs your all different types of feelings some strong feelings, some week, some stubborn, and greedy. But no matter what anyone says we need love on this earth so that they know how it feels to not be left alone to know that you can go cry on a shoulder and know that there always there for you.
    I can relate to this because, three years ago my grandma dar dyed and i never saw her because when we moved i used to live up north in west-branch she stayed and i only saw her like once a year she had cancer and she smoked and we new nothing was coming good her way but she was probably the happiest person on earth if you were in trouble she would help you with anything she was my shoulder to cry on then she passed away in 2009 and i felt like i let her down because i was never there to help her get through her troubles and sicknesses. Well that year when we to her funeral my grandpa gave us each letters from her and it was saying how we kept her young and how we all ways did her good and made her proud that when we were far she always felt close to us no madder what she used to say not even the grand canyons can separate us. and i realized she dyed happy, and that all that madders

  55. 1. Julianna Welling 1/24/12 TT4
    2. Love is always needed in this world
    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner
    4. Love is always needed in this world, it is because you can have love with all different emotions mixed in happy, sad, and more. Without love the world will be filled with hate and it would not be happy here. Love is for more then just people, it could be for a sport of a pet, anything. Love is always needed because you need to have love types of relationships with people. There is different type or levels of love, we need all of them. Everyone one loves someone.
    When I had to give away my dog that I loved, I was heart broken. My dog Hogarth chased cars and we were afraid that he would get hit and die. We took him to my cousins friends house, because they lived in a place where cars did not pass by at all most of the time. Me and my sister went to drop him off with my dad. When we got there I felt really bad but when I had to go and get the cage out of our car I stared balling. We left the house and I was still crying and my dad pulled over and tell me it was for the best, I did not know at the time it bugged my dad that much, but when we got home I was not crying anymore and went and sat down. A few minutes latere my mom said to go tell my dad that I was ok because he felt really bad, she said he felt like he felt like it was his fault that I was so sad. I went up and it was really weird because my dad was crying and I have never seen him cry before. I told him I was ok and it was not his fault and gave him a hug for a long time. Know I know that my dad cares more then he likes to show.

  56. 1. Kirsten Brydon 1-24-12

    2. Love comes with time

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. In the story, it took time for love be get rescued by time. The other feelings though, seemed to be preoccupied or just did not want to help. They seemed to forget that love is a necessary emotion. Love finally rescued by someone, but wasn't sure who. Later, Love found knowledge and asked if he knew who saved him. Knowledge, being knowledge, told love that it was love.
    The way that I could relate this to my life, is how I have been lost before. One day my Mom, Sister and I decided to take a walk outside during our vacation in Ohio. The walk was going perfectly fine until we realized that we were off the map. We tried to retrace our steps. Sadly, I was starting to lose hope. Convinced that we would be stuck in the woods forever, I kept following my Mom with my little sister. What happened?, apparently, my Dad, who had stayed behind at the cabin, with help from one of the employees, found us wandering. I was overjoyed when we got out of the woods. Sometimes I believe we forget that time can create a straight path to love.

  57. 1. Sam Mynarcik tt4 1/24/12

    2. Time is the greatest of all emotions

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Time can come at any moment in life as you see it can come right now. Just the meaning of time makes you think about the time on a clock or watch, but time can have a great impact on some people. Like one day your parents are living life loving each other and the thing is there in court getting a divorce. As time progresses it could be happy or sad it pretty much just matters what you do not any body else, but just you. Only you can be who you want to be, you can decide to be happy or be sad.
    One day on a warm January day a couple years ago I was just sitting on the couch watch in the television and my dog started to have seizures, so my mom and my brother had to pick up my dog and put him into the back of the car with him and my mom drove off with him. With me and my brother drowning in our own sorrow. It was the next morning and I just came home and I ask my dad, "is Tazz still at the hospital? He said no." So I started to cry and said, "Why now and I kept saying it." All the rest I remember was I was in my 4th grade class saying my dog passed away and every body gave me its okay its going to be fine, just fine.

  58. 1. Josh Mick 1/24/12 TT4

    2. When you are in trouble someone will give some of their time away to help you.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. My lesson learned is about when someone is troubled very powerfully someone can come along, and take their time away to help you. I felt hearing someone died before it was very hard to get out of it. One day after my birthday on August 12 2010, I was home watching some T.V when my parents wanted to talk to me and my younger sister Jordan. My parents had looked very red like they were done crying. Then my dad said "Josh Jordan you're uncle is dead." I sat there shocked as well as my sister. I said very curiously "What happened?!?!" My dad answered "He was at his job as a guard watching an apartment complex when these two crooks came out and shot him in the head." I could just see the pain in my dad's eyes. It was his older brother now deceased and I could feel the pain too. So the next day, I was in tears almost the whole day of school.

    He died two days after my 13th birthday on August 14th 2010 and I had never in my entire life experienced death before. So my mother was helping get thought this tough time by me praying for him and hope he is there for me when I need him.

    R.I.P Uncle Andy-You will be missed
    -Josh Mick

  59. Paul anguish 1/24/12 TT4
    2. Time discovers love
    Over time the only thing that you can find is love or sorrow. As human beanings we tend to head towards love so we can have companionship for a long time. Our abitly to find someone else is what held us together. Love has made alliances between countries that have been at war. It is at or is the fabric of our being.
    If people would just follow what their parents taught them than war would end,there would be no need for jails,and there would be is what would finely bring peace. If we could just learn to love our fellow man what would be the point of war? If we could learn to love we could devote our time to a greater purpose. There would need for sciencetst to research H-bombs or nukes or even biological weapons.they could devote there time to figuring out to solve global warming,faster than light travel, or contacting with other species.

  60. 1. Milan Mihajlovski 1/24/12 TT4

    2. Things happen for a reason.

    3. Shared with my partner.

    4. My lesson learned is that sometimes things happen for a reason and it just doesn't happen because its your fault! So if your mom and dad have a fight and things go wrong and they have a divorce it may happen for a reason and not to just ruin your life. And most of the time this would happen because they wanted better for you and they didn't want to keep fighting to make you upset. Sometimes this ends good and not bad, over time you would get over it and it wouldn't be so hard on you. You would eventually get over it and would be ok with it and you would move on in life. Most of the time you would think its your fault but its not this kind of thing happens all the time and its hard to get over it but you will. This impacts me in a big way. My grandma had cancer and was fighting it for like 5 or 7 years. She passed away in 2010 and I was so upset and this hurt me for a long time. This made me mad and I didn't know what to do, I was mad at god of this but than something came to me and I told me self that things happen for a reason.

  61. 1. Heidi Siemon 1-24-12 TT4

    2. Good things come in time.

    3. Shared with Paul.

    4. Love couldn't find a way off the island. She had to keep waiting and waiting for someone to pick her up. Finally time came and picked her up. It took awhile for her to be picked up, but she kept waiting for it. If you wait for things and keep trying, good things will come.
    My friend Katie passed away a little over a year ago, and her boyfriend Brandon had problems too. He needed time to get better. So he took the time after she passed, to straighten up and get better. After the time he took, he stopped using, and got back to being healthier. I think he did this for love of Katie. Actually I know that most of that was love. Part of the love was also for his two children, his friends and family.
    It took time for all the people that loved Katie, to heal after she passed. Now the things we think of Katie are the good things. He personality, her contagious laugh, she was beautiful inside and out. Everyone can remember this now, because of time and love.

    1. 1. Michael Yedinak 1-23-12
      2. People all have different emotions.
      3. Shared with Michael
      4. Sometimes people can be mean, nice, loving, hating or anything in between. There are also some very complicated emotions like prosperity which means to be wealthy and vanity means when people are excessively pride in ones appearance or achievements. Sometimes these emotions are with you your whole life and some are just for that one day you won 40 dollars and you feel rich. The way people express them can be different also; like if you are feeling sorrow you could want to tell people how you are feeling, or the more extreme you could hold it in and not share it.
      People fight and make up all the TIME in LOVE (relationships). My best friend and I have similar days that just gets us all confused. Since he is my friend wouldn't you know he comes to my house. Sometimes I think we see each other too much. For example: We got into a slightly pointless debate about playing basketball at my other friends house. The thing I debated about was if he was playing too rough and needed to calm down. At that moment I was feeling ANGER, when he says he wasn't playing rough and I just jealous and not good at the game at all! I stomped home (the friends house I was at lives close) and sat in my room feeling SORROW. That whole day was just plain crazy with all the emotions. In the end he came back and we apologized, so it was all right with me feeling SORRY.
      P.S I don't know if this will show up because I replied to Heidi's because my dad's laptop just deleted the place where you type in the begging.

  62. 1. Jordan Danko 1/24/12 TT2

    2. Lesson Learned: Emotions depend on each other


    4. Everyone has experienced an emotional time in their life no matter how young or old they are. An emotional time could be as little as getting a paper cut or as big as loosing a loved one. My lesson learned is emotions depend on each other. Emotions are always changing you can be happy one minute and sad the other. Love takes time, you have to have time in life to find love. In order to emotionally feel love for someone you have to spend time with that person and get to know them. After happiness comes sorrow, you can be happy one minute then sad the next. Theres always a end to happiness and a start to sorrow, but if you have time there will be another beginning to happiness.
    This could impact not only me but many people. After I experience the true feeling of happiness I tend to find sorrow. After spending time having fun with family on a vacation, I feel sorrow when we have to go home. I feel that way because I don't want to leave after having so much fun. I eventually feel happiness again when I get home and see all of my friends. This anecdote taught me that emotions depend on each other.

  63. 1. Michael Atwood - 1-23-12 - MW4

    2. You need time for everything, but make sure some of it is used for love.

    4. Time is needed for everything in your life, for you need time to do things. You need to make time to be alone (sorrowful) and you need time to have a reason to be happy. You need time to make a reason to like yourself, and you need time to become knowledgeable and wise. But perhaps most important of all, you need to make time for love. Love gives us all a purpose, gives us something to live for, something that makes us do our best.
    For me, I've always wanted to control time. I've wanted to make it stop so I could sleep more, or do something useful, like catch up on all the work I've missed these last weeks. Not having enough time is why I'm always tired when I get up, and my hatred of mornings. I suppose it's really my fault that I don't rationalize the time I have. If I had more time, I know I would be more happy.

  64. 1. Lexi Cox 1/24/12 TT4

    2. Time is everything.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. Time is everything. Time can show you what you are capable of doing, and time can control everything. If there was no time in our world we wouldn't be able to see what we can and cannot do. We wouldn't be able to live and learn it would all be one big time. Tim can be the most precious gift in the world.
    Time is everything impacts me because last year in October my grandads disease got really bad. He was diagnosed with it two years earlier but it randomly hit him one day and he was told he didn't have more then a week or two to live. Time was given to my grandad, time to say goodbye and time to say everything he needed to say for after he is gone. If there was no time, if he was not given that extra week to prepare our family for when he would leave none of us would be the same. Time controls everything. Time is the best gift ever.

  65. 1. Danny Higgins/ 1/24/12/ TT4

    2. "No matter who it is, you should always help someone in need, for they could be of great importance."

    3. Shared.

    4. When Love was stranded on the island, and no one would help her,Time stopped and picked her up, because he realized her importance in the world, and how much everyone needed her in times of crisis.This is something that people need to listen to.Everyone should stop acting so stuck up at times, and realize that every person has an important role in the world and should have help from someone if they don't have it at the time.

  66. 1. Marissa Moore 1/24/12 TT2

    2. Through darkness and sorrow, always look for love to help you out.

    4. In life, obviously things aren't always perfect. Things happen, people change, and things go wrong. Some days you can easily brush it off, but others you can't. You just feel unhappy, alone, depressed, and just not in a good place. When people are like this, they need love in their life. If you are feeling alone, you might completely change just knowing that one person cares about you, or loves you. One day you might be experiencing some of these negative feelings, and someone helps you up. Even if you feel like you have nothing, knowing that someone loves you is the greatest feeling in the world. Someone always always loves you, no matter what other people say.
    This lesson learned can really relate to my life. In previous blogs, I have mentioned the amount of cancer in my family. In the fifth grade, my grandpa was hospitalized in the middle of March. My grandpa was my favorite person in the world, the greatest man I knew. Everyone told me he would be okay, and that he was just getting tests done, but we soon found out that that wasn't the case. From that hospital, he was moved between others. He went to the Cleveland Clinic and was even a guinea pig for cancer treatments, because he didn't want others to go through what he and his family are dealing with. I cry often, and going through that experience was the hardest thing I have dealt with in my life.
    We would drive to Ohio the second I got out of school, and would get up at 3 in the morning so that I could make the drive from Ohio to Navigator. I did my homework on my lap in the lobbies of multiple hospitals and ambulances, and our entire family would sleep by putting wooden chairs together. Even though this was a hard life experience, I would go back to that time in a heartbeat. There was so much love going on, and that's what got me through. While I was dealing with all of this, I was dealing with an issue with a girl at school. She would always tell me about how my grandpa doesn't love me, and how she can't wait for him to die. She would physically hurt me, and all our teachers would do is tell her to stop.
    As all of this was going on, my grandpa was moved into Hospice. He was nearing his end, and things were getting really rough. The nurses would come in and tell us, "Today is the day, he will be gone by the evening." So I was constantly missing school, worrying about if it actually was "the day". My family grew very close, and the love that was in our presence was and still is astonishing. My grandpa would mumble things, as I sat there and would hold his hand. The only thing he could do was squeeze my hand, and try to cover up how bad he hurt. I would always lean over him and kiss him on the cheek and say, "Papa, I love you so much. You know we will be okay. It is okay to let go. I know you love me so much, and we won't ever forget that. Papa, it is okay." and I would feel him squeeze my hand with every ounce of strength in his body.
    Knowing my Papa loved me is what really helped me. I could go into major detail about everything we encountered in our experience, it is truly amazing. Everything happened with in 5 weeks, from the day he entered the first hospital to the time he died. Also, last year when my cousin died, I was in another dark place. What helped me get through was how I always remember the last thing she ever said to me, "I love you SO much, Marissa." I could always find that happy place thinking of those words. Through darkness and sorrow, always look for love to help you out.

  67. 1. Gursherveen Kaur, 24/1/12, TT2

    2. Love is as pain as wine,prosperity is as easy as wealth, sorrow is as easy as a missing piece in your life, happiness is as easy as 123, knowledge is as easy as books and time is as shining as gold.

    3. Share Lesson Learned with a partner

    4. I used to have love, prosperity, sorrow, happiness, knowledge, and lots and lots of time but not anymore !!!......"Please allow me to reach my voice from down beneath" says sorrow.In this version ,it is set to describe to the audience on the deep and shallow means of this anecdote. The same with sorrow If you've never been happy how would you know what sadness is ? Time gives you the chance to experience emotions and gives the gift of being able to take your time with these emotions over and over for the rest of your life.Please make an afford to see the change and ability that each and everyone of you have in your life.

    "Where do all these words come from my lord ?".This is it !!!! The time has come.
    Now shall I begun my tragedy.I was eight years old ,it was a beautiful sunday morning,the sun was shining as bright as a star,the flowers were blooming ,every thing was just the way we planned it would be .When I was getting ready to go to my tuition center,suddenly my father called me upstairs .I ran as fast as lightning ,as soon as reach upstairs he was lying on the bed and asking me a cup of glucose after he finished drinking that cup he requested me another cup of glucose so my maid made one more cup and I rushed upstairs to give him the cup.It was exactly 10:01 a.m. ,I needed to go to my tuition center to take a test on geography it was about an hour.As soon as my mom sent me ,she called my father from upstairs and there was no response.She rushed upstairs and she saw my father lying down on the bed, and it was time for his soul to live in peace. I got an A+ on my exam and I was so happy to tell my mom and dad.As soon as I was taking my test my mom called my tuition center and told them to give me a ride to my home as soon as I had finish my test.As soon as I reached home, there were many cars and shoes and people crowded in my house.I was wondering on what had happen ? Suddenly I heard a group of people crying upstairs .I rushed upstairs and that was nothing much to tell more then just sorrow and pain.It felt like a my someone just stabbed me !!!!!

  68. Nella Galliher 1/23/12 MW4
    2. Time knows your greatness but only love can bring you peace and happiness.
    4. Time is the ruler of all emotions and Love can only bring you peace and happiness. I have a dog named Bella and we thought we were going to lose her because she supposedly bit my grandmas neighbors dog and I didn’t want to lose her love.

  69. 1. Abby Schoonover MW2 1/30/12

    2. Don't give up on something you want because you will never get it if you give up.

    3. This lesson learned is saying don't give up on something you want. Love wanted a ride but no one would give him one. He kept getting turned down but eventually after asking many people for help, time came and gave him a ride. If love would have given up hope and hadn't continued to ask for a ride he would have been stranded on the island. Time and love are two very important feelings and emotions that would be very hard to live without.
    I am a dancer. I am at the dance studio all the time. I have worked very hard to get where I am today. Dancers learn new tricks every day. I work so hard when working on a new trick. It takes time and effort. If I did not love dance than I would not be willing to put all of the time and effort into it. When you love something you don't want to give up, you want to succeed. I only want to get better at dancing and I will work hard to get where I want to be.
